Ttttttttttttttttt and a Defeat
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10 THE SUN, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912. ARTHUR DEVLIN RELEASED. PRINCETON SCORES 23 RUNS, PENNANT BATTLING GIANTS END PRACTICE Vrtrrnn Third llanrnmn of Olnntu HERE ARE PRICES ON T.ehlch llrvnnrrA try Tlgfer Hrot-rni- nr fififi la thr llnnlon flub, Bfj nf III IN bass-tna- ti tttttttftfttttttt BASEBALL NOW Arthur Devlin, the veteran I til rd of the (limits, was released yester- BEATING YALE TWICE PniscnTov, N, .1,, April 10. In the day by Manager Mcdruw to the Hoston most fuiclcal exhibition of baseball ever Men and Religion Cliiimpiniisliip Nationals. lie will Join the Wardrinri seen on University l'leld, l'llnceton de- Hares in American at once and will lake cate of the tllllil feated Ihlnh heie this itftctnrxm by the and National Iipukui's Make cornel for the Hub team. There was llfcfinlars and Colts Each Take a coio of 23 to c Twenty-tw- o hits; and Kettint; Inside All Parks tn Be no lonuer room for on the (Hants. Fall Out of Them Without nineteen errors combined to make up a Plan of City Campaign Their Starts To-da- y. Mcdlaw havlnit developed ounter and viclid exposition of the iiutlonul Kame. Cui'lied .educe Pennant faster men, and .umtli must be served. Much Trouble. Kur the fjrut three InnlnKs the Kami; The llustun club has been after lev proceeded soinewhut uccordlllK to lloyle,' Chances to 1'ijrnres. First." How every man can be of social THOmAXI)KI.K VS. HKD SOX lln for a Ioiik time, mid us he hasn't but lu the foul th the Ldilirh nine blew aervice ia his community will be told outlived his usefulness by any means, and up and never came buck to also on ISCOHKS 7 TO 2 AND II TO 5 earth. With ALL OLD FAVORITES PKKVAIL at the Hippodrome Mass Meeting,4P.M. account of his expeilence, he Is the exception of the battery, every man likely to make a nood man KIIiik I - - While Over in BrooKlyn the (iiants for the - on trie teum made at least one error, and next Sunday. brlxade. Thousands nf rooters In New ine oattery made up foi Its failure to Will Clash With Snperltus York will wish him Well. As a leKUlar j Collegians Weak With Stick, hut bleak Into the mistake- - column by Its Athletics anil (.hints Picked to Second :Every evening. April 15-1- 8 inc., I HlldlieBS. J'ussettl pusses, tlilid baseman for the (Hauls he was one Issued llKlit pro-gra-m - of the liest III the Kallle. In lilUa he Scott Shows l'p Well in hit t; man and made a wild pitch In his Win While Detroit and Phil- there will be held institutes, the Umpires for Openings. helped (Hants six Imilniii In the box, Dyer, the win the pennant and llll- -l . Tl ... and who of which can be had by anyone, the world championship. He came to I IICUtJT M I1U., succeeded him, passed two and whs hit lies Have. Their Friends. New York from the Newark team and . 0.1'.T lD" l0, Princeton's Kame whs at Room 56t, 2tt 5th Avenue. The skirmishing In over, anil the whs a success from the outset. oui nine welter, uut tnc Kood box woik j twitting In baseball l about In begin. Hlg "reeuoauni. trie tikms' heavy hlttlrn,', Two exhibition teamen with Yule wound & dOllhln Mteul an,l n B.IAAn. -- ).. !:- Third: These institutes will be all over league pennant base- a.f... ti a.m. Hill W baseball fur litis, up the preliminary work of the (Hnntx cesgfully woiked for two iuiis served In Idle the governors ol the national name be your - the city one will near home. ball, gets under way Tin- as- PHILADELPHIA'S HOPES foi the pennant race nt thn l'olu Grounds ',rMie leueeni ine poor Held lie. are doing their beet to suppress betting signment if oiH'iiInK plum fin Jm (Heater .verterdiiy. .McOraw pitted Ills) regulurs The score: Inside the bill parka it will be Impossible Any man welcome at any institute. New York partaking doubly of the good HKiilnst New In PltlNVKipN. I.KIIKIH. to check speculation on games else- the Haven vatslty nine - the " P- r- . ib. h a . things, for according to schedule rotie the Hist affair, which tegulted In faver P' 4 1 4 where. In this city with no horseraelng WEAKENED BY Vt a,nriecoll.ef...x 0 u i nro open at INJURIES 1' ih'lon.Jh 4 Boys The Christian tlon the lllghl.indfis due to of the ptofesslonals, T to The New u ie 0 11 to command attention baseball has become Wanted men of homo ami tin1 (Hunts In Hrooll 11. York Whltr.Ib.. .1 u U II'IIV.21. J i, .. .. a wagers substitutes tackled thr Yale under- npaw.iti.. 1 0 I It ... - J medium for large nnd small. New York are going to be trained in - U'ffrm Ik tin- lust-bul- l ctille-illa- It no etriiln on Interest studies In the Second battle, the .Sterrett.c ! i I 'Keefc,3,.4 T 7 Sporting men, who never cared for the na- open- - Wall.c i laboratory work for Boy Conservation. of New Yolk to Like tail' of two Baker. Lord and Oldring of yleldlnu- easily to the tune ot 11 040 riVrhrou.! I r i! . tional game when the racetracks were open, - Out Itrcd.rf... v .l on tin- Hti 11 fnlf dis- .1. v. i .iMaiu o II now make ings tn. il.i, to Probably :,u0o spectators, Includ- 2 I o O Alb their bets before going to the hall Do you want to save your boy ? Is If chl.lf .4 n parks. pensation of vvc.ithcl nil that needed the Lineup Phillies Minus ing many Yale men, looked on and I'grker.lf.. 2 HHI.C... 4 ,Y, 2 Ilhodea.ib. 111 3 Si to provide capacity iiiteiidiim:ce for holli the fun. President John T. Bruih, 10 11 1'gfetll.p. l Presidents llrush and Karrell have'engaged u'nbauni, l --' I Djer.p i! S Don't you want to help save somebody's American league f 'hi Is on Uhe Hudson Majiee and Lobert. In an automobile, looked the (Hants over in?, private detectives who will patrol the - boy? Palisades and Washington I'ark In Hiuok- ultlrally for the Hrnt time thlrt year, Total,.. 3 is 11 7 Total... sj . ' ., grand stands and bleachers In search of pri- Jyn Wcutherwlee the vvhllti 4 (i II 4 4 .1 - , vate bettors, and If persons caught expel. ussuie - Charles Victory the Jlng Princeton aiirh are y Is I'm.M.hl pun, April 10. Hoth Ath- Then come to the Institute and learn how, legions of fan Hint to be thr kilter, aftei a lone tramp from soiiui-wlrer- e. I.ehtKh in the act they will be ejected and also Idles and the Phillies will the blK 'fair and warmer." and If Hint predletlon stutt loomed up on the bench In fetreet Huns Princeton Pendleton, C WorUitngton. turned over to the pollie This polit y will unless you know it all, already. comes true the eager cranks will leamie seuson with some of nttlre. Hetween Kauat wag I; UhHe..1;.SIerrell. Wall, Heed, 2: Heger, Parker, prevail In all of the major ieairue around. .ule their men the canies 3; Ithoiles, ,x: (ireenbaiim Lchlgb foi.-c.iti- blessed. best on the cripple list The by Hnd Marllardv, with unusual vigilante In Pitts- en mnsse and cull Hie Introduced 1'mplre Latham, ho McforTrey. iapklng. lhrerht, Hell. ba-.- e exercised Athletics probably will nave three stand-by- s - Three burg While the Highlanders and tiled Sox con.n rited to make 11 speech. hits- Pendleton, siierrelt, In eti Two h)i and Hoston, where the baseball bettor out of lineup Washing- Hell. Hrooklyns and .iry setting the and with "I 11111 hue, Kcntn!" he shim at .Sacrifice hll Pendlcion. U'orttilngiunie has become a veritable nest The National and the ton reported be lo ltd the llhiiilcs, (Irrrnbauiu Sullen Pendleton, p.-- su.i-do- will he to snleodld t'limtlllon. top ls-e- bae baseball oHief club of mujor of bis voice. "I've tlalnln' huid Uorlhluglon, White, 3: Menelt. Ilenl. Parker, Commission has requested the p 'the diampious may out on the champion-hi- nice twelve besln the season with and both my wlnKs Is lit! I'm koIhk to Macllardt'. .Struck nut lly itrrenbaurn, lo: bv postal authorities to look after the nroles- - ttttttttttttttttt and a defeat. .Mink Is dependliit; upon his win another pennant for I'arettl, 7; by Over. I Tlrst bae on balls (Ifl slonal pool sellers and bookmakers, whjo AMERICA! ASSOCIATION OPENS. slatting the penniinl l'll these here (ireenbaum, 2: oft s; tCt 2. liy y l fol- old pitchers to aloriK Petll, Djer. Hit are Hie complete schidtllc for .i entry him until Joints U bust i.'mii.i. Incidentally, Iiuiik p irhrit ball- - lly Pazeltl iWoi thlngtoni. in the habit of conducting business CRANE AND PENNELL his old lineup Is Double Crorrala lows! intact. around Mt Hni.-h'- s itutn. asking for a t'i ami nieirrii. i.ert tin naaev tliroui'h the mails. All hough he does not Fine Weather Attract Alt In New intK, linker, the hero of the last woild ser- - Pr Inretnn, ro: Lehigh. S. First base on errors intend to muke u book on the pennant race American League - Hoston ronltaet, until the chauffeur shooed hint I'rlnceloii.