ARTHUR DEVLIN RELEASED. PRINCETON SCORES 23 RUNS, PENNANT BATTLING GIANTS END PRACTICE Vrtrrnn Third llanrnmn of Olnntu HERE ARE PRICES ON T.ehlch llrvnnrrA try Tlgfer Hrot-rni- nr fififi la thr llnnlon flub, Bfj nf III IN bass-tna- ti tttttttftfttttttt BASEBALL NOW Arthur Devlin, the veteran I til rd of the (limits, was released yester- BEATING YALE TWICE PniscnTov, N, .1,, April 10. In the day by Manager Mcdruw to the Hoston most fuiclcal exhibition of baseball ever Men and Religion Cliiimpiniisliip Nationals. lie will Join the Wardrinri seen on University l'leld, l'llnceton de- Hares in American at once and will lake cate of the tllllil feated Ihlnh heie this itftctnrxm by the and National Iipukui's Make cornel for the Hub team. There was llfcfinlars and Colts Each Take a coio of 23 to c Twenty-tw- o hits; and Kettint; Inside All Parks tn Be no lonuer room for on the (Hants. Fall Out of Them Without nineteen errors combined to make up a Plan of City Campaign Their Starts To-da- y. Mcdlaw havlnit developed ounter and viclid exposition of the iiutlonul Kame. Cui'lied .educe Pennant faster men, and .umtli must be served. Much Trouble. Kur the fjrut three InnlnKs the Kami; The llustun club has been after lev proceeded soinewhut uccordlllK to lloyle,' Chances to 1'ijrnres. First." How every man can be of social THOmAXI)KI.K VS. HKD SOX lln for a Ioiik time, mid us he hasn't but lu the foul th the Ldilirh nine blew aervice ia his community will be told outlived his usefulness by any means, and up and never came buck to also on ISCOHKS 7 TO 2 AND II TO 5 earth. With ALL OLD FAVORITES PKKVAIL at the Hippodrome Mass Meeting,4P.M. account of his expeilence, he Is the exception of the battery, every man likely to make a nood man KIIiik I - - While Over in BrooKlyn the (iiants for the - on trie teum made at least one error, and next Sunday. brlxade. Thousands nf rooters In New ine oattery made up foi Its failure to Will Clash With Snperltus York will wish him Well. As a leKUlar j Collegians Weak With Stick, hut bleak Into the mistake- - column by Its Athletics anil (.hints Picked to Second :Every evening. April 15-1- 8 inc., I HlldlieBS. J'ussettl pusses, tlilid baseman for the (Hauls he was one Issued llKlit pro-gra-m - of the liest III the Kallle. In lilUa he Scott Shows l'p Well in t; man and made a wild pitch In his Win While Detroit and Phil- there will be held institutes, the Umpires for Openings. helped (Hants six Imilniii In the box, Dyer, the win the pennant and llll- -l . Tl ... and who of which can be had by anyone, the world championship. He came to I IICUtJT M I1U., succeeded him, passed two and whs hit lies Have. Their Friends. New York from the Newark team and . . 0.1'.T lD" l0, Princeton's Kame whs at Room 56t, 2tt 5th Avenue. The skirmishing In over, anil the ie.il whs a success from the outset. oui nine welter, uut tnc Kood box woik j twitting In baseball l about In begin. Hlg "reeuoauni. trie tikms' heavy hlttlrn,', Two exhibition teamen with Yule wound & dOllhln Mteul an,l n B.IAAn. -- ).. !:- Third: These institutes will be all over league pennant base- a.f... ti a.m. Hill W baseball fur litis, up the preliminary work of the (Hnntx cesgfully woiked for two iuiis served In Idle the governors ol the national name be your - the city one will near home. ball, gets under way Tin- as- PHILADELPHIA'S HOPES foi the pennant race nt thn l'olu Grounds ',rMie leueeni ine poor Held lie. are doing their beet to suppress betting signment if oiH'iiInK plum fin Jm (Heater .verterdiiy. .McOraw pitted Ills) regulurs The score: Inside the bill parka it will be Impossible Any man welcome at any institute. New York partaking doubly of the good HKiilnst New In PltlNVKipN. I.KIIKIH. to check speculation on games else- the Haven vatslty nine - the " P- r- . ib. h a . . things, for according to schedule rotie the Hist affair, which tegulted In faver P'dteton.si 4 1 4 where. In this city with no horseraelng WEAKENED BY Vt a,nriecoll.ef...x 0 u i nro open at INJURIES 1' ih'lon.Jh 4 Boys The Christian tlon the lllghl.indfis due to of the ptofesslonals, T to The New u ie ixnox.cf... 0 11 to command attention baseball has become Wanted men of homo ami tin1 (Hunts In Hrooll 11. York Whltr.Ib.. .1 u U II'IIV.21. J i, .. .. a wagers substitutes tackled thr Yale under- npaw.iti.. 1 0 I It ... . - J medium for large nnd small. New York are going to be trained in - U'ffrm Ik tin- lust-bul- l ctille-illa- It no etriiln on Interest studies In the Second battle, the .Sterrett.c ! i I 'Keefc,3,.4 T 7 Sporting men, who never cared for the na- open- - Wall.c i laboratory work for Boy Conservation. of New Yolk to Like tail' of two Baker. Lord and Oldring of yleldlnu- easily to the tune ot 11 040 riVrhrou.! I r i! . tional game when the racetracks were open, - Out Itrcd.rf... v .l on tin- Hti 11 fnlf dis- .1. v. i .iMaiu o II now make ings tn. il.i, to Probably :,u0o spectators, Includ- Ileger.cf... 2 I o O Alb their bets before going to the hall Do you want to save your boy ? Is If chl.lf .4 n parks. pensation of vvc.ithcl nil that needed the Lineup Phillies Minus ing many Yale men, looked on and I'grker.lf.. 2 HHI.C... 4 ,Y, 2 Ilhodea.ib. 111 3 Si to provide capacity iiiteiidiim:ce for holli the fun. President John T. Bruih, 10 11 1'gfetll.p. l Presidents llrush and Karrell have'engaged u'nbauni, l --' I Djer.p i! S Don't you want to help save somebody's American league f 'hi Is on Uhe Hudson Majiee and Lobert. In an automobile, looked the (Hants over in?, private detectives who will patrol the - boy? Palisades and Washington I'ark In Hiuok- ultlrally for the Hrnt time thlrt year, Total,.. 3 is 11 7 Total... sj . . ' ., grand stands and bleachers In search of pri- Jyn Wcutherwlee the vvhllti 4 (i II 4 4 .1 - , vate bettors, and If persons caught expel. ussuie - Charles Victory the Jlng Princeton aiirh are y Is I'm.M.hl pun, April 10. Hoth Ath- Then come to the Institute and learn how, legions of fan Hint to be thr kilter, aftei a lone tramp from soiiui-wlrer- e. I.ehtKh in the act they will be ejected and also Idles and the Phillies will the blK 'fair and warmer." and If Hint predletlon stutt loomed up on the bench In fetreet Huns Princeton Pendleton, C WorUitngton. turned over to the pollie This polit y will unless you know it all, already. comes true the eager cranks will leamie seuson with some of nttlre. Hetween Kauat wag I; UhHe..1;.SIerrell. Wall, Heed, 2: Heger, Parker, prevail In all of the major ieairue around. .ule their men the canies 3; Ithoiles, ,x: (ireenbaiim Lchlgb foi.-c.iti- blessed. best on the cripple list The by Hnd Marllardv, with unusual vigilante In Pitts- en mnsse and cull Hie Introduced 1'mplre Latham, ho McforTrey. iapklng. lhrerht, Hell. ba-.- e exercised Athletics probably will nave three stand-by- s - Three burg While the Highlanders and tiled Sox con.n rited to make 11 speech. hits- Pendleton, siierrelt, In eti Two h)i and Hoston, where the baseball bettor out of lineup Washing- Hell. Hrooklyns and li.int .iry setting the and with "I 11111 hue, Kcntn!" he shim at .Sacrifice hll Pendlcion. U'orttilngiunie has become a veritable nest The National and the ton reported be lo ltd the llhiiilcs, (Irrrnbauiu Sullen Pendleton, p.-- su.i-do- will he to snleodld t'limtlllon. top ls-e- bae baseball oHief club of mujor of bis voice. "I've tlalnln' huid Uorlhluglon, White, 3: Menelt. Ilenl. Parker, Commission has requested the p 'the diampious may out on the champion-hi- nice twelve besln the season with and both my wlnKs Is lit! I'm koIhk to Macllardt'. .Struck nut lly itrrenbaurn, lo: bv postal authorities to look after the nroles- - ttttttttttttttttt and a defeat. .Mink Is dependliit; upon his win another pennant for I'arettl, 7; by Over. I Tlrst bae on balls (Ifl slonal pool sellers and bookmakers, whjo AMERICA! ASSOCIATION OPENS. slatting the penniinl l'll these here (ireenbaum, 2: oft s; tCt 2. liy y l fol- old pitchers to aloriK Petll, Djer. Hit are Hie complete schidtllc for .i entry him until Joints U bust i.'mii.i. Incidentally, Iiuiik p irhrit ball- - lly Pazeltl iWoi thlngtoni. in the habit of conducting business CRANE AND PENNELL his old lineup Is Crorrala lows! intact. around Mt Hni.-h'- s itutn. asking for a t'i ami nieirrii. i.ert tin naaev tliroui'h the mails. All hough he does not Fine Weather Attract Alt In New intK, linker, the hero of the last woild ser- - Pr Inretnn, ro: Lehigh. S. First base on errors intend to muke u book on the pennant race American League - Hoston ronltaet, until the chauffeur shooed hint I'rlnceloii. lo. l.ehlgh, 5. Coniu-- (laaaea Cloar. I Is Incapacitated storn- - t'mulrrs and .latk Doyk Washington In Philadelphia. IVtrolt In le. with str allied away. .McUtaw i:as cannot put (onaghy Time -- 2 hours and (0 minute. the well known billiard room ucli 111 Iiiim I LocmviLLt, Ky.', April 10. Befora Cleveland. St. Louis In Chicago. muscles. Lord Is bad condition with 011 a uniform, hut Hit lliix killer mys keeper, ratned a set of prlies Irntn the WILL FIGHT IT OUT t llmok-ln- . A swollen wrist, a consensus crowd of 10,000 the champion Minne League --New York In and Oldtlrm has thumb he'll waiin up wltli th- - (Hauls irr Urook-ly- n CORNELL TIES "GEORGETOWN. cf smuit opinion. Mere National ure- apolis team defeated the In Hoston. Chicago In that will not permit him to pl.t) .Mack this afternoon. they local American Philadelphia Association 6 to 4 In oprnlng St. txiul- -. has ot tiered Derrick to be ready to take The Hist Katne was piH.ved In one Two Itnna In HIrIiIIi (ilve "ieilcan league National eague club the Cincinnati, Pittsburg in hour llhncana of the thla A fm me opening (laker's place at third, Strunk ptub.ibly and It Athletics 7 to S(Ne York 2 to I rame ieaaon afternoon Umpire assignments Hfleen tnlriutes. was clean cut and llraxx Detroit. & If. ? llhlls.lelnhl- - 1 I.. t HoMoiiian and English Crack in by Itoasman In the aecond j xx ill till Held position Miik- - erdlel. are: the centre and snappy all the way. Hook- - Wlltse, ap- osiuii IO 2 ( hll'ugt), 7 to 2 wus a feature. Mayor Head pltthe4 i.onnolly Washington, April in. Cornell's bare, New York. I 4 I American League New Noik. Ken prooauiy win take i.oru place. parently was In .splendid lilm. for the to to Plltsburr . to Five .Set Matches Winner ine nisi imn. tscore: hall team pluyed .1 nine llilittlKi,gie I evrlalltl. .. 1.1 to St, .,m,. , t Philadelphia, O'Luughlln and Hut the Athletics have tiothtUK on the ale men made only one calnu j r. h. . and Hart. i hit off his , ( ilrairn , 2o I I . with (leoi'Ketovvti I'nlvetslty to Cincinnati 23 lo Meets Jny Gould. Minneapolis. o .1 o n o .1 o 0 it Chicago, llvuns and Kgah Phillies so far as bad luck noes. The southpaw slants In (he five InuIiiKs. V.ashlnitton.. 3o to I n, so I 0n l Wetrrvelt: him (leoiKetown had the heller of the battle liruoklv . to laiiiisvuie, o o 0 u I n I i to j and hlneen. Phllllc Jinx continued Its Ioiik rampuice Not a was si cued, St. tamK mi pi i Hospin. too to i (Jlmatead Clnan. Cleveland, Perrlne inn but Otis ('randall, until tin elKhth ItmliiK, when a brace uf Halterles, UlnneaDolla anil Klem - uiuisv-uie- HtuoUtyn. and when .estfiday It put Ixibert out of the who succeeded Wlltse In the sixth, was errois aflei- two weie out allowed ('oindl tin the result or 's (tamos here ixiunrrnuig ana acniei. t'mplrti. . Cin- BV Chill and n0eraon. Hoston. Hlgler and Flntieiun Kiime with badly sprained back muscles foiiiul for two double biiKKers und u to S'oie two men arid tie the same, the odds (limits, ; to lo, llroolt-lyri- s, STIFF OPPOSITION SANDS Bush. pitched a aie and cinnati, .lohnstone and . St. l.oul. Although Loln'ti accompanied the team sliiKle, uettliiK two tuns, before Kood Kame. hohlliiK his ; lo ;. Hlghlandi-i- u nil Ited Sox, , no sou nc that opponents to four hits ami faiiuln? clRht. eavli Coi.t.iMSL-s- Ohio, April 10. Kansas City Hrennau. to riosrou tuts moiniui; not was) closed, !i to Id. Doyle mav t'leve-land- s Owens and s lilt underrate the opened the American Association teuton new-race- able lo play in the opener. Manee, who Nlsbet Was opening ilnd fev. anil y Not only will the has a biokeu wrist, did not ko to Hoston. Scott pitched the full nine InnlriKs for Tile "core : St LouD Hrovvns In the Auierii an Lorillurd Also Makes Determined with the Columbus club and wi among the I 10 S among the playets. but He went to In Huffalo. Yii'e rind Hurprls-- C trie r .cattle and the UiouUlvns in the ilrfeutcd to In u well contested emt. his home where ciowu with his (iiH)itCiirro nit.vr.Li.. National day cool, clear, umpires as well. In the Improved ethics he will leinaln for three weeks. .ManuKer skllfulness. Uartlnc the rourtb Inning, ah. h. ii, a e ab, h. p. a. league, as these teams hale been Improved, Bid Before Visitor Finds The whs but and there Ooolli will place lit Kill-de- n when the (Hants rolled up four runs on llollander.ssl I .1 :. n i of Hi" national mini- - gie.iter Importance Cruvath the left luie.lb it would seem, over last year. j umpires every In .Maitee's place, and Hunt Walsh thiee bases on balls, a slriKle by .Snisl-Kra- Cogan.cf.. .1 I :i I t tlllpoti .4.10.000 2 1 h Himself on Courts. presented the lineup that It expects tu dlnnlty come to the - o o ii o and will endeuvoi- to nil th shoes of l.olwrt and two hysteilcal errors, .icolt SltterlriK.lf llntlrr.tr. .. 4 0 2 0 o - use tnrouRn ine season, pcore: lit con- 4 .1 iteasiiier Solomon of the Nevvain- Inter- vear, and It may be mentioned in third, kept the big leaKiiers well In hand until I'ury.c u ii ii o I n i r h. two new arbitra- the elirlltll, when I'evore's lalev.3h, 4 o 2 2 U Keler,3b. n national lnvft.e Chili is on the aiirpnth Kansas City nection therewith that tliree basRel, llavls,.xb 4 .1 2 o n 10 11 ..: hu an error by Huidette, Kobucli,'f I lie says he hus a In Columbus. i1201o 0 l slordI -i- it hlg league Held. They ale Sriodurassts bliiKle .1 evident e that,' .a result of the play yesterday ..0 ; n l tors enter the and .Merkles Mnleirv.Hi.4 2 it n o Shlrlck.c ttoonin t 0 hhoadra, Madrtox. Fritz and O'Con REDS LOSE GRANTfS SERVICES. double a brace of H .1 1 1 .x .mother dub's manager In the circuit championship latteries In the American League, who will tallies. uu.rf. 2 ii tsrtt.at... . i 2 n has the national court tennis nor: ( ook. Mtyuuian ann Mtnitn. Halt .1 II (l ( .1 I) been tntuperlriK his debut on the hill., anil Owens Merkle scored all way I'elllle.p.. 2 Nlsbet, p. o 0 with two of the Newark tnuiiiHnient In the court nf the Racquet make l In Kamlly nnsetuao the from the bow-Il- Ilrnlh Tskri on pincers TennlH In the National, who will make his Plate a run out In the sixth limine, Totals. M a 27 lu 2 Totali. .31 4 27 it n nnd Club Joshua CrHnc of Hoston Toledo. Ohio. April 10. Topsy - I llrt. tin- I I'rtini CliirliiiiHll. feat alio performed In olden davs hy , n n n "If can nei Hie absolute proof that this und Vniic I'ennell Knglnnd, St Louis. Halt was with .indent Vn Keeler- (Irorgcrovt u i u i u t o 3 of worked zel'a .Mud Hens won the opening gain and .Maloney. ( 1 man - y e.it- Owens with the Ohio, Hecker almost ornrll II II 0 II II o 2 0 3 has been tampering with my players their- way Into the flnnl contest for the season hero with the Mllwauk.. Lcngue last and Cincinnati, April 10. Owing to illove I the hull into the iljrht Held - l will Iwdy he Plilla-delpha- l. Huns (ienrnrtown- Hollander, Havls, ?, take the mutter to President llariow," tlecido cluli In a close and exciting contmi liv American Association. In which the death of his mother-in-la- at bleacbeiH for a three b.iKK'-- r und Merkle ( to which will ncet Jny Oould for hit ttite. uVonncll Selilrlck. 1'lrai base on said Solomon esterday. "It fair play a score of 6 to 5. Both clubs uted two was the premier oftlil.il of his kind. Kddle Grant, the lteds' third then to the Yule ahottstop. While the error Cornell, I. I.efi on beaes- - Crurgeiovvii. ln't the title on Saturday. pltchera: Toledo, Falkenberg colleKlaus were up .1 in the first plare, null fuithermoie, and Jamef, Hush and Wester elt aie comparative baseman will not participate in the open-Iri- ehaslnK Hecker and J. Cornell. liret bae on balls (lit l elnie. 2, the ltoth Cixine nnd I'ennell found It neces- and .Milwaukee, Hovllk and Nicholson. down between third and home .Merkle Struck mil ll 1'elnle. 5: by Mebei. 7, Tlireebasc olTense warrnnts expulsion from the They Joined the imiplie stuff ba-se- Kame. sary to win KittellinK live aet matchea Toledo won game In ninth, Milliliters. Kame of the home team tiKulust the was raclin! s 11 ter-rll- lilt Hollander Two the the when sea- - around the ut base tilts O'Conuell. Con. I have been keeping in touch with singled, on Jonei'j of thell lespeotlve leagues late last ChlcaKo Cubs afternoon. Urunt rate, lie was a yard Itehlnd Hecker itan. Ilj an. .Nacrlnre lly Cnngan. .stolen bases-Havl- s. thn yi'Hterrlny. The former dlapored of hi advanced to third Hills. situation for days and 1 am and scored on Griggs' to iriothcr-lli-luw- 's when the latter wus tuUKed 2: M.hlrtck. Pontile playa Daly, eetelal sure old rival lea K. Sands, one erior slncle received word of his death and dashed Miik-ahe- Chat the from the itcross the plate liefure the Yale Hollander and Coogan and Daly HihI vve are not mistaken. The players I representative lert. Fourteen thousand witnessed thn The lilghlundeis ai lived home In the afternoon and Immediately left for baseman saw htm. mini PanrJball tdhltlik. fmplre Mr lletis, 1 me of the New York operilnu. Scoie: a trying In Philadelphia. t hour and .'.) minutes tiieaii have beeu sectetly npptoached by u organization, meas-tu- n West last fioni Iter home Shafer. Urulr und Meikle did practically rival while rennell took the r. h. f. to various With (iraiit out of the tame. Phelaii, mntiager und told to tie down on the I o ft o n 2 i i t t trip, and at once huMltd their "11. the fleldlnx for the (Hants and thev Nitvv.Ttk of Plene I.oilllard, Jr., of Tuxedo. Toledo. a is to net a good night's rest who was with the team lust cai. will. of- did It tu haiiK Up style. F0RDHAM PLAY8 WRETOHEDLY. Club so that when we have released Handy won national title In Boston In Milwaukee 0 I c habitations ut third, .Smith has The Yale tentii the .000Falkrnberg,202 .tatnen asit ton-fron- ts ficiate l'rank beir .Mer-i1.,- them they can secure new - latteries Tolrrio to hard task which put up a steady fleldlni; tame, too, .t positions for l'JOD, defeating- In preparatory the by to I Crane the final. The (arlsrh. VII au am selected ManuKer o'Day do the "n.J carrying off the honois. (I .score more monev. don't cine to ve the name .Mtholson them The training tilp. hurtlriK for the local aggregation with ull Xavr Tram Hull l'p lit to latter had won several eais prior to Marshall. Cole, on Like colleKe players, however, the New ol the manager I have in mind, hut it will due largely to variable and unseasonable Mc'Uall at the recelWliL line. Haven men showe.1 a throw-th- In l.upaldeil Came. that. tendenc.v to nil i otite out In due time. weather, did not bring the men back in the mound and Archer behind the but ball all over the lot. In the fourth Sands wan lirealrtible In the first tet. Indianapolis. Ind.. April 10. St. Picil repieseut ManuKer Chance's diolce Annapolis, Mil., April 10. I'ordham In- condition, and the lliuhlundets wll IrmliiK they made four dlstiirce 011 Me 0 In n Harrison finish, nosed out the the liest of of a battery to b- - sent lu uKalnst the heaves showed iu In any department Piesident doe MrCltiiiity th Newark ntilfltly tan the count up to love In playing the ball or which one play without KctllriK 11 runner stiiiiKtli of dians In the opening of the A. A. secern have not been Hed. Club is good to his relutlveit. His (he opeutiiK Knme with well directed shots winning 7 G. capable. When mote team work .Mcdruw brought all of bis colts Into baseball this ufteinuou mid lost to the brother' this afternoon, tn The tcaiil they aie the llrnellKht for the second Kame. The Midshipmen by 13 to 0. Vinson, who hua been appoiuted watcliinaii. whllliis to the Krille comer. After Crane made went ten Innings, the Saints scoring lielr Iw developed, w lien .Muliugci n hrother-iu-Uiv- has eli fans therefoio Inspected Hues, I'lillen-wide- r, has done the hull: of the slab work for sisii. and .Mm. K Sunds won the name. The next went winning mark In the first part nf th has time to smooth out the kinks NOTES OF THE DIAMOND. .Munsell, sto.-- and Johnston for .Mctiiunilv nlsti an. tlruvving valaiies fur to deuce when Sands gained vantage overtime session. Ileal baseball weather the fltst time. Hues the Navy this season, pitched, and al- vaiioits tluties, la tuuu.icer greeted Players turneO and unify the team, when the pitcher hit the ball heuvllv lowed help-les- s off tarn- - j the and the fans nrd Klrtihei muy be uitdliU tn alld .Munsell plli bed Willi bettei lesult's the visitors but one hit So Pitcher in addition to holiliut,' the with :i Kteat backhand atioke the out 10,000 strong. Walsh, the St. Paul best form, the Hlghluiidei a snoilcra were player clula , round to their line up the (Hunts tu-J- than rullenwider The the iiKulnst luesldenoy born- to the dedans. Deuce was culled Initial Kiickt-r- slammed the ball nut near manager con- nlth latter the .Midshipmen, I Uu- ,V will be a team, the new Tesreau. Whose ureut speed und pll.r.tllig that only four runners he tlrariiut: price Clar nlnvers feveiul times tiefore the New Yoikei- fin- the flat? pole the flrst home run or base-m- leaclud the Initial baa, only of will be ,.vxi for fidently asset is. which will be the best Tom Tucker, once trie kin of rlrat bitter had the Yale subs In chancer v for wie them to iifii vmi. This ally won the Throughout this set trie season, ."score: representative New Is fnreiusn In a llolyokn factory the flrst three trinlnxs, KettlriK uu additional base. new rulel.sulmetlHt major lertKiieclulinvvneis Kume. Anieilcan I.eaKue In the second Inn In k. with two n ho pun-ha- S.inds had iilmo-- t erfect control of his r h. f The Gtantlets hud a safe neither draft nor minor league 7 t had In the nine eura It has. brother, Jimmy. I picnic itinnlriK hits, both shiKles, Navy St. Paul. 0 0 t ts York has ,sherood 1U"'' try the scored four Plater during the stipulated period service, nnd In this way smothered his t 5 O- -s (i hue to lu outnebl (he around the circuit. They stole fourteen runs, by Sharkey lor 04000300 0 0 0 0 0 0 II been in that organization. mi Lrrth ulth si. did v. lhrors and Hrady, and such trnUHactloiis, but who send their scout In games, Uatterles-Krat- er and on edge et, I.uiiIh Hreunf bases and not half ti llinun. win. or trie null were opponent the fifth and sixth and Uurrav: Dauas Hut .ilthointh not the plti bed for three lounds, was wild, ecocrai misr.aniiiinK to Southern in the apriug to apot a llloclt: Men anil reurr, I nt Ires lllcrbalre r Highlanders prepared to make a hard but for the iiuartot. Klernnii, ut uungaterH upon whose servit-- s waivers wlunlnK love set. ennruy. are The Club wl llturri Der, who succeeded him, was a curiosity 111 ami i -- llrookln orr short, was the wolst offender tlurliiK the iniiBt be aked A biir club, for Irulance, The home Pla.vei Katheicd the fltst from the outset However riatle i.'uul.on ami aeveral other plasern In this n sped D)ei, wearliiK no imji, - buttle oainnce ot tue Kume, niitl his errors, wltli btlVH a Promising rilaver fur ri nri ni- il rut I - two gamcH of the second set, but Crane may have been their work this spilng, In the pitched balls that went liehlnd the bats- hard hlttlriK bv the Navy batsmen, Knottier Mm men 01 ovei the Ho deliv- mused for Jl.. ierr vvnlvers ure aslred went his man and took the Bronn Wins Season Opener. thry Invariably have put up a sptiltetl, catcher's head. tuns lu nil but two of the Innings in the Hprirrir, a small club claims the. after third The Si Louts llroAlis have releaBeil ered eight bases on wus hum-meie- tl ' It.ooO I" Mlll-- balls and The score man for halt mm. tu love. 1'or u time thu contest waxed Pi.oviPE.vcB. R. I., April 10. llronn fighting Runic the splilt of the chips litchrr WotfcaaK and Klret iLieeinaii r frequently when he Rot that mil. With the ll'.jnu tu trie Club. the batter l OltllH U! NAVY limit in voirue, the penurlom inagnate will lively. Crane finally winning the set 6 to 3. opened her college reason wltli n 5 to ( excellent l.iie within a iepei table distance of the plate, ab. h. p. a ab, h p. a huvc to pas pretty nearly s t a. what a purchased i'laylng the corners well, besides fre victory over Howdoln on Andrews DeM nttnehes to the open-In- liehlnd him the vounK Kll Heldeis llraily.xi) 2 o o 1 - o o u o plan-- r l'nuual Interest The Newark club Is pontile up an eictrlr Valderijb, is worth, so that lilt owner will Iw uc- - ef- .x I 1 quently reachltiR the tutnltour with on tie1 bill because of the new mana- senre l.ourtl. snniethhiic th.it all the blc scrambled around despeiutely In their MCarihy.e..4 u u Hveta.tf.. ft l o o Hiitileiehtly leiuiliursetl loi the original this afternoon. Cram, the freshman forts to bent off hot hits, (toodell Ivelme.lf.p. o 2 3 o 3 1 . 4 u ger, hasn't the best lot of miteilul Mill have ill time maklni; I Ibbotuti. online, ciinite fine hand strokes, Crune foreed pitcher, served for the Ilrunonlans for sis lie four KlarliiK blunders ull bv hlmef it Miatke.:b,2 o l i 2 Heher.rf :t 2 u 0 o In 3 I 2 o .1 n aheutl the thlrtl act until the guniea innings and was hit freely In the second In the win Id. but a pretty likely lot of TeMeau, the l.lants Me plt her Is lite was a rather wearisome ulfalr and when l.ee.rf u Cuchran.c. 3 a 3 .Mike 4 O u II CiliUoim, the St Paul wizard, is stood to 2. Sands braced then nnd got 11 11 tin-I- s inHteilul. Including n pitching stuff, which onlv exfiotient of the flplt lull llll llie lealll It was over there wus much rejoieliiK llei kcti.tl, 2 0 Hall. lb. 3 II II I I nnd ft Innings. Reddlngton, who Klernau, 3 0 2 S 4 2 t o u slroliit favorlto over Jeff Smith Huyimne, his service working ugiiln, running out good ,i Is to be lie's a nur.l man to t..itrh. The scutes ltiover.lf of e dthc game, pitched fine ball. Menna, miles., overrnteil Is as l'lantau,rf,3 0 o o'VtnMin.p 0 ror their il bont at the National with four straight sets. loiilid In M'leet dlainoud elides. What Can her Thomas Is unlne new fanele.l I'lltST (1UII.. Ullllarua.p o oooo M'liulrr.xs 11124 0 0 2 n ispottiiiu Club ClbhoiiH has com- lu the fourth set the Ilostonlan forced the Howdoln hurler, desetved to win his ohtii KUarde he Hiij.inteU M'AV YOKK (X VA1.K Walsh.lf u 1 (i - - . . pelled Smith to do pmiiuL Ht the play fioni the lieKlunlng and got game, tmt was given wretched uppoif. will he do with the material' It Ik a that cult ulihout I.I - - lis u'ulool: i lie e of strape, nil. n. p. a. e. so, n. p a e. - Total (il 10 27 12 1 this arternoon, insteatl ol letting everlhliiK In sight. Sntuls was lucky I jiaased balla being responilhle for two of he he must answer leather 10 him in at . question which knows Uevore.lf. z z o u u liroi.rr. 4 Totals lit P23 10 cutt h weights til guint- That mviiiIm tin. u.l. ' nrovvn's runs. lie allowed Hrown but hlg inanu-ce- r 3 4 I 1 out In vr Inning nn Infield on the ball field. As a A reader of TDK HL'N rl" Dial l),K .siifcr.:ti.. 0 s I'Merrlil-x- ti Mrdulir tenth plaj all In the set. Sunda uuicklv four hits mill had the game well in he spurs to win and knows Curry, who caiiehi fur a New Jersey team S'dsrr,xs.cf o It Hellly.lf t : a 1 o 1'ordl.am. o o o n 0 0 n u o- - 0 vvon two games with neenrate stroki-- to had the fielding of the team bctn up tn has his X 1 1 i) .x - l'rank Klaus of lHltaburg, who In laio, note the tlret mill. lleel.er.rf llerinett.:ii.4 u 0 Navv ., n 4 2 I o I 2 IS tails the dedans, allied with shots glanced It. II" W a Intllv iduul, Isn't II 2 17 4 0 I himself "inludleH eight champion of that the standritd. Merkle.lti. on Hlddel.lb.. It ; Huns Navv Yaliltn, 2: 2. the lv X lltra. liaber. is tiff the tumboil. Clane liillled, howevei, I! II a who can be hurtled or L HerngAb. il : : 0 fitrhardt.rft o o o o world," in town, prepared to accept - mm Manaeer Uavls of the Cleveland let Kliher Cocbran, 4: Hall, (Hover, Vlnann, Mcdnlre. Three Ills opponent '.' n n 11 1 ; 4 ;- (rob, 8. o II ft iiiiiio,oin..ib.x : 1 :i o the best offer available for a match with mid weakened toward the Hi own, 0 I t 0 departing plans ideas which EU III ine urvaune ma JtiuiiK tiase bit Abbou Tun base hits Coch 11 .1 11 11 11 it Into fiom and .iieiliauuere 2 O l iHHurdetre.c 3 o ; 3 S liatrr. anybody. he rightfullv end, the former tunning out the set. Howdoln. . 0 0 I 4 i archer n'Nelll looks llk u wonder Meiers.e.... ran, Mrat base on ballt on Vinson. 2: oft Will Mnue fays won I . 1 U II In Halterles Itrovvr.. Cram, lledtllngt, n itnJSr.t he thinks will make the club an eventual Uilson.c. 0 IliScOtl.p 0 u o 3: off Krhoc, Hy v: the title when he beat Jack Dillon ill Sun his mutch with Uirlllard. I'ennell player by p. o n lama. 2. Strurk oul Vinton, . In llovrdoln Mr.ins and winner, and his all swear If Oscar Mannee piiMeaaed the converea-tlona- l Wlltse, : ii i by Williams, 2: by Kehoe, 2. Wild plp -- Kranclat-o- He (leclntea he did waited until tlefcnt stated him tho Uovj. ) I il 2 .11 34 hea that not thing it ii i. That last Is no Mil. ill Item. powers of dabby Slreel, Detroit Craudtll.il... 0 ill Tnlal. is i 2. Mi take on l.dtilo Mclloorty Oshkohh flue before to the occasion. Tne illllra Kehoe. Paused ball fanny. Hit by pitched uf be t No toughct opponent could have hern a- be would be i III Hy hy iMci'mlrci, .s Tuxedo player hud excellent Jiidttnn-n- the bet atelier 37 7 37 IS l' halt Vinson. iHradu: Ketioe, cause me inner reitiseu t rriai:e l poumis, COLLEGIANS TRIM ATHLETICS. Provided for the Highlanders In their Tot! -- Abbott and Hall empire Iv'renan, riiigeide, the le.ognlzett Amorrcan mldtile-welg- of length anil did not seem tn miss an fit came than tile Ited Sox One Ic.lsuil New York,,.. -- 7 Philadelphia, i line-- 2 hours. limit. Ilegardiutt u battle with opening. The upshot of It whs tliut l.ortl-hi- if.V.. U liar-i,- Vale 00040103o o 0 o o ; o u o ; Nt loaeph ( bain- - is it .hi" Wood, the siii'idleM pitcher Srxluu, who loachlue the ME .Mll.r (libbona Klaus etatee he run out the set with six straight Nino Vletura Over Ir -- -- that will In same next to Walter Johnson. Is t'hlversltv plus ere, eaya hit wilt lluna New- Vork Kevore, 2: Snod IV.! gumes. The tall Tuxedo player begun - the hae Stater. CAPTURE FIRST-H0- nut come down to poumis rlugaiile, plona l- Rally. likely to oppose them, and uiiother Is that J winner when the Crltneuit rackle Vale ami grass, lleeker, Merkle Yale (irnss. Scolt. iwo GAME. which lilhbons wants, but he intlumtei. the second set well winning the opening Flnnl a uood deal of I'rhueluh hit Merkle, limits, Merrill, .truly. Threo 1M). linpiovcd, Jo- the team, with uatuiul bar - that he might agree to gnuie. IVnuell but found It Pltll.AliKLPltlA, Apill 10. The St. i by bjie. hit. Devore, Pecker rrlfli-- hit- Hevore. NeT York Impossible stop nblllt). has sti"iiKthened the 1 tlnltrralty l.anda Hard ua If Moiui will make ringside," Klaus to his opponent who won In St.tlil to President McAleer of the Ited Ho haa .Molcu tiasei. .shafer. isutalgrata, 2. Int bane lis I. sephs College pluyeis put a feather nf .lake lirst base and a paas on -- .New ork, 2: Yale, 1. uu remarket! yesterday, "l will take him the set by a leoitanlza-tlo- n preaeitled aolld fttlA to Caldlnal errors I'lrnl base Mlddleltiiry PKehrra. won gume-afte- their cups this afternoon, when they beat treiiKthened in moialti adlllle-eloi- i I, oft 1: X. on and, what Is more, I will beat The Hilton r euiiia In the - tt'Connell. It I. good for perpetual balls OR Ullise, Crandall, oil Si oil, - him." eXeilltlM- y Met. The tit- - - In the maiiaKeiliil and to Park. .struck util-U- Willie. I. bv Crandall. I; by The New- York I'nlveralty baseball Klaus, It ia understood, has received tnnn manner in which uatti- of veterans und voun?ster Siolt. 2. Hit by plti her liy ( randall (hioMom.i team defeated the nine from Mlddlebury an offer from the (iarden A C red In the illtllcult gets made It seem as If f n, Athletlc-- by S to 7. The votirr American Leacue race on the whole .MariQK'-- .1 1.1 Off UltHe, 1 m rive lunlnga; ort The MiOraw- not ucrnitipauv the Hits Crandall.. College, ierl.m,.y.JU i"!,,,' 11," played with more con.ldenv open with al least six teams better liianla to Newark on Tueaday berauae nf a 4 In four lunlngs. on bates- ..New orl;. 1; .veslerduy ufteinooii In the first lie' gant, Tto lov" W"H fur Yale, The ringer' who. Under tne name of matched Hum lor some time and with u he.iv tlial ban berll bottierlUK hlla 6. Double plava Merrill and lllddel: (iruli. home Kume of the season at Ohio Told Itlack Hill. WslM kflltlkilt llltf tlV .IriM - befoie his opponent got etiirted. I.oiillurd , uinl less nervousness than an ordinal and Merkle, 2, empire Latham .ldti- ' ur profe.-Hilto- n i orrespondliiK Incicasii of uncertainty. The for more than h week Shafer Tlrre by the scote of 11 to :t. Iluid hlttlnir livtte at lwistoii, Me., last week. Is a negro then won tour straight games, hut team of umiitr s going up against Athletlis In popular opinion, hate a better I hour anil la uilutites. took the :tet 6 -- 1. sluuuls. l and combined to ulve N. Y. U. nameu .raca urgo, iio rias appeared to win tin pennant this car than Cy of the Nawaika on the hrX'ONU (UMK eirors their At this point the sets stood 2 to 1 Kelly, the centre fielder of St. Joseph' chance hI Ills H runs, ull, In suveral preliminary bouts lu this city any blj; beach with a ua e)e. ha taken NKW YOKK (X. 1..I YAI.E. lu tlve two bnKgeis, one tilple against the Hilton. Ah the . distinguished himself by making thin other of the sixteen leauue dubs, twenty-nv- o 1'be real Illack lllll is touring the latge match oft! pounds this spring and It til-- a but few teams have won thiee Mhks In an, h. p. a. e. au, h. p, a, e. and ten slnKles were made by the New cities as the sparring partner or Albert progressed he became mure composed, 1 slngh-- und stealing three bases. He uls" driving the water d succession, and It l u sure thlliK tiiut If (ooh.sa 3 o u 3 o, liar in.;u . n u o Yorkers, while the Vermont pluyeis were I'aler, who la ret elving lino a vvee'.. mosr to the point of indifference,' whelcas pluvt-- ull excellent grime In the lM there Is any break In Mack lanks, some Sioek,:ti (i t4eortek1.il, 1 1 I o l.oillliird wus soon beglnntiiK to lug, In Si oil und Stewart lilt the ball hard aiA Plret llaaeman (lather of the Datrolla 1112I u 1 u 3 3 t u only able to meet the lull safelv twice. ' will i p.ist the champions. t'lio'noii.2bl Mrtlhle.rf foi- - the fourth set I'ennell got his bonated colleKlaus put up un excellent gatre club rimd showa no III effeLts from the broken gnu 4 i o a It wits Impossible thu KHine to be- the battlriK on Hi hill- pur He niiroa.lf. l tiii ornisuiD i ko rorce worKing excellently, and won 2. In Held, battery, and The pioiijhle order that htm on rim abelr laal year I o o tlO IH U.IT4 1 yond seven Innings liecause of LASKER GIVES ULTIMATUM. the while their Buh I M'Corick.rf lll daikiieas. I.01IIU111I wus top this afternoon will be as follows; la hitting lie ball for keepa. 2 I I 4 evidently tired, but the Tlghe, did good woik. llle,3b 4 O'lSan'blV.Ib 0 ft u .In the fourth. Stlllaoii. the Mlddlehurv i NP.WXOItK IIUSTOX .Nbhnvvel.Sb I you u.Ouodell.st .3 0 12 twlrler, was touched for three double Champion ('Hpabliiuca m nun ftiuwrti rt-iit-ii- eritittrunce. ,i-lo- Scot e : Hooper, rf. Krank Cbnce has notified the Chicago 2 12 U II .2 U 2 !i H Chess llona lug hl ni.in to win the first two Wollrr. rf Haruey.c i illnev.e arid slriKle. Vail wus sent In tu take SI. Joseph's. 0 11 0 S 11 I 0 0 I llMlleK, rrWes, Cuba that cigarette Hiitoklng during the I 4 o games, thtt foreigner run out rf. rb Paulet.lh.. 0 Hro.ni.vi his place, but In the next InnliiK New Until April Ull, the set. 0 0 0 2--7 ! 111 will be a of the Hi! the .tlhlrtlrs. ... Ctlfthe, speaker, cf ieaaoh breath rule. llev lln, lb Dver.p :tootii v i Yorkers hit him hi lively fashion, The surnmaiy follow: -- Sal" on and112Thomas,10 Hush ml If su)fl clgure and pipes will allowed ..2O70Ui u u . Hutrerles I'rre. Maid. lb. bt Joiaiaiou,cr..x o e The score : ('tiamtilonarilp, l rlnal Itountl- XeittjBuer Cmplre (taker. . i. (iantner. .lb u o il 2 A .', Kinauuel Ijisker, thn chess champion, Joshua Hartrrll. Traieau.P. ui Tmalit Jn 24 s lr Crane, Huston, K, . si) It, Having beaten the Athletlia In re- I u o u SCW YOKK beat Charles 'auii. York, rioiin. ruls. the I'ulleii'der.pS I'MV. MIDDI.KBI HY has given Jose It. OtpAhlaniu until April '.'0 o a.A it. t ,6 I, A !t; Vaur Peniieil, Knglautl, 1'. (iaritricr. W acner, ss cent spring aerlea. Preelilent Kegel the Mun.ell.p 1 u u 2 ii, ab. h, p. a, a ,, p. aa h a e. to decide whether he will protest nghliist Ileal Pierre l.orlllarfl, Jr . Tmettti, : n, 4 A, ft 4, Tboiiey's Claims lllaallitned. e i arrlnail, c I'hllaitelpblaa are the real world'a 4 3 o n 1 , l'laer Srrenl, iham Mviin.rf l o 3 l champion o ft :. raliluell. ii Wood, p. pious I'ogel N bound lo claim aoineihlng, Tulalb 30 to 27 II 01 i.)iicntit - i . t i.xilllsoll.p. I o l) 3 y the uitloii of the lu hre.iklug off Te National Commission ha dlsuN lie ulii at 3 :3o New York , 4 u n o i I 2 r.iuiir.i ,, ..) i u o iriggs.aa. a negotiation with the I'lib.in master a The Kame lll o'clock aev-- l it for lowed two claims of Player John Thonev, hay and Itoy are the fhat naruee of t Yale 0 u o o a 0 u 2 3 llrennan.lbx I o u Venfer.3b. .1 tlinyI o l VITA JUNIOR BEATS THE BUG. The ancient, nut honorable custom of 3 (i uorld's t haiiiploushlp match litis ral well known plaera, luLhnlliig Hay -- Ayres.if I il u,la:oriaid,ir 3 u o ii tame foimer outfteldei- of tho Huston Ameri ball, be .Sew VorU (iroh. .srock, - tbrowinc out the first will at Cablwill, lta Klahrr and Ho Huns iliompton, Mc.Naliv.ss . o .1 :- i l.wier.lb, 3 u right on of the to, ll.trtrell of llurus, 3: MK'nrmli k, 2, Htiea, 2: .lubn.bin. Yale o o I toft announcement that Mpeed cans. Thonev contended that tne nosmn tended with all due ceiemnulousness, Hie lllglilauders and Ituy of the , 3 n o u,Wuli-he-.tr..- nini'lttou'a Motor Boat Tear t I'olllni Ited Scotlrld, MiiihU-- Ciirnlth. llainlli'n.rft i o t A. K lluhiiistelii, ihaiupion of KiKsln, hid 191U con- hv Supreme Colli Justice IMwnid II. .Me. .v,t Tun ba.e hits Atinean.2ba 1 0 o texv liitam v x o clllb owed him $3,000 under his Hu'a. 2: Harlle, Si one Id, Mcllnle. i'honiptou o o lat- II) TUriuigli ('all, who himself was a ball of 3 o 1 3 1 (j issued a challenge lo Pr Ijisket. The Florliln Haiti, ownl losser (Yale). Sacrifice nil .slock. Molcu bae- - (iroh, llrotvn.p 0 Am.vin.lt, 2 il tract, and that the Jersey City club yearn atop apeoulatlon In - 1 local renown thirty iiko. Flowers, "The wa) lo raarved Stork, ilurun, I. MiCunuIck, 2; 2. Hartley; Vall.n. 0 0 0 0 ter states that he will encourage Ituhlmtcln ' line, 2D 7 7 -- .!..( M1.XVU.1.V. I'M . April 10.-- On , llass, music and it presentation will heata at ball game la to open mora ttul Jnhnsloii, 1'ulleuwlder, (Yale) Totals. 2 - J to liegotiute for terms lu case CHpablanca "u for ,"' lil 2, i'linuipoii 8 ' Nr,I""!i1 in the cusety, and the hus oftlco windows und sell no tukets In on .New York, Tatah.. .37 '4 Is 13 (I tines not come to time mid reinstate himself count of a heavy rainfall which nbacured rU"nt "" r "" - llrsl liase riium, rlrat base I n prion d to be and look Its best. sjya President Kbbeta of the Hiouk- m Ua Teaix-aii- I. olt llrown, off a. Mlddlrbiir), , . .0 0 0 (I u 2 bv lodging his protest with I'eitn I Clllb on Oil I; liver, 0 2 Waller the bonis and drove spectator Indoors "'I1'0" ,"' MnnuKcr Wolverton will be the victim Ull Mttu-- uut-h- v Trsreau, i. b rulknvvliirr, 3, New "inrl... ,, ,3 1 0 11 11 Shipley, piesident of the I'iniiklni Cht- -s t only two or the scl.eduletl motor boat races j "f of the presentation lie is to Ret a Io!iik bv Miuihell, 2. M l))ei, I llll.. (ill Tesreau. Htiiib New York Nixon, 3: Lynch, 2: l.'lllfte, 3; Club of I'hlladelphla Ucl. Vlcrorlea liv I'lillHea over the I - y .1 cup In California, he the xthletn none In three lulling; ui ulleiivvlder, 2 In three Ito'e-haul- t, were run off here strrart llliick- - P'liPAilH11 ad mini friends whero 2: Hainllioii,, Mmeinnn, Hrown, 2, It transplieil vestm.dav- tlkit II. und the Canllnala over the Itrotvna In rhe Inning , Munsell. :t In Innings: mt SuSl'Vn.1 MKnirti won fame as n manager. The sates of oil three brown, Ml.ltll.li.il ilia-:.- Leonard. Three peieoii.il iepre.entutlve of Catin-blu- it ' ,)".,ertt!!'l'.",i" I "tVi.iiffi."S'n spring irlea have rg.ilm-- Mime of tin ort A base hit the .Iih-- 1. om', n" he Held will be opened at 2:3o o'clock, 4 In thin Innlngt: ll)rr, lu live Innings, Hrcniian, Two lias, hits Hamilton. Klilfte, 2; a hi this city, hus In possession for l!.' com- - been p.ih'' the preatlge bmt bv the National League laet uik, ,s. le. s. Ilonhie plav his an pctltor wus the Hug, had player us fortunate in huvlng In Hioolilyn. the Inn ruh will be Ixttonbaaie , llieniiau. Ami's. Snulllce Ml l.vuch, Ahne. ucl.umv leiUmtMit of Ills protest uiHilii which sou seuson oier full 'I line), Thiinux.011 nnd Corutsli. Wild pit.-!- - in .ale '11 'last Kiddy HbbetH man. Mlolrn base- Ahnenian, irlggs, .tones Ciipuliluui'-- i I trouble ..ml tl.iallv broke .low... Illackton'I. R 1 . as as liesldent can make I behalf of rum .Mr, Shlplev ol uvli g been te tulere a con tr - Sup-'tb- liter ruiptre l.uttwtin ilu.e hour ami til our Hv ): vmi the-- It, and tin- boss s an artist at Cobb, H.iker and Struck llrown. by Miniaou, 2. rtrai Philadelphia, lu v.hlih the 1 three miles in lead when1 1.11" 111 ciigngem.-n- t i. .latkaon Crawford went mlnulrv ,iirudami 2.uii. base on bit IN Hrown. 5. Wild pilch latter staled Hnir I11 Unit of thlliK. .moor (laynoi. a i League irt llrown, lie tho tvlthdtevv. speed trials, .VmVniler "the "ol suit , the onb Aluei, an players who inutile play Hrotiri and Hrrunun, thtt wus uppiislug Or l.isker ol Its ho. of JcWv Cllv lub new thrown-- who estab- .Milan Waah-liietii- l.r ft on l'r"V'"1 UtMt- - V" II" -- xeteiaii ball has made mora hla than ur the Is lluill) bases New Yoik, 4; 1 reteipt. at the same time uilvisiug the Uuri;.; ToW In ,kt-i- l TrlnlO Worsted. Mhltllebur, 1'lrst base second tw lished a lepiitatlou for control tosslm; last enr. Tint N wh Milan on Nett 4. I (I'NI.'H latter that In the Philadelphia o.vpert's , iirors link, rnplre Time I sphele lit pav and got It l.KXlN-iiToN- A II Col-li-n- e the VllKln out IlllltIV uwnlIKs, fur lilnle Vn in 10. Trlnlt.v I hour and 10 thlmiies, opinion nothing had transuded In the ev;!e,;,,,lre''t;e"ft,1i?,.i:.,h ""Vlrln. Tlrle,.. will Krace the iiicaslon aK.illi in that ca- of Conn., was negot ill ions between Dr. l.asker und Cnp.i-lilnnc- u pacity o'clock Is the I'lrMferi I p. llurltinil, beaten the Vllu nnd June S. lietl fcr first k, Vj April lo. Vir- - !'iiii hour set for Are ltatll Ituiiaeil ls-- l to warrant their cossitlon. prle. Ciiaiilottxsvu.i Kuuie, h , liv th" WashlnKton and nine hv adeta Trounced lu Inautrninl. - ' "n beKlnulllK the which leasou of PlTTSiii-iti.il- j this irom Mr, isliiplev- hatl riot " r"" iiilgliilu went down In defeut ut the hindi IkuoukIik A in il in The Pirates In the scoie of 17 to 2. The suinti teams ' letter i'i"t the rivalry between the and Wi.st Point, N. V., April in. readied Ur l.nsker at the time the chain-ttio- ii nine m (if th(j s.lhllillol'V encounter, all probability will open at Si Louis will meet i. cic uk ii i in the j!,,,,,,,.,,, cIui, of Uw intcnatloiisl the llollhtless 111 gave out Ills ultimatum with reganl : Hist Kame of Hie season West Point to :i to 2, f!o.sl will llll WashlnKton Paik to the IhiIkIiik with at least one The scoie C i pa blunt a. Tnfl Will Appoint Commlaaloiirr. league, this ufteinoori. i 1', point Also Hie KHIIle will hne the Wilson, t II II' i: Lafactte mined 11 vlctoiy by nuin. 11 fieshmun twirler, was pouiul"! Chief and iii.i Dunlin, out of i o o o A r. W 10, ' Ititeiest of helm; the last operi-;ii- Trinity " : 3 to L The tlcfeat of Amiy AsiiiNiuuN, Apill President Tuft f,,r nfieen hits In seven Innings, but il'v (I I A the tvns mostly WnsliliiHlou Ioiik the lineup. Wilson has been out of sev-- Vwistiliutitinl.cr.1 'J 2 S I 17 III 2 Will Shu Hlinolnt Alni'rli-iit- i ,.r ilitu-- scop at Park Hefoie Wol k Xhe At llaalnJUlR, K. V, til itll o.im. tli.lillotr k.ttl Montreal's Hriiuklviis ill i Hatter!'-- Cnnk and l.ilein cm; Mnrau and due lo the excellent of I'UKel, I the piofrressUe are to move to exhibition Kutnes of faulty . Olympic games Virginia's only lu the scvti.'li i twlrli-i- sup-p- to the this yiur. iuiih iiime new domicile, Hlevt.irl l,afnette He wue. well It II i: . a plnnliiK. I.' ioii, v. ho 11 s it ml on l; undci has Mum llnltiroiik-Mtiliegari- n 4 n i -- a Infill Whin, I'oukIhk Idle always Inlnus his home e. hy iluilriK con- 0 i n in : matloli wits iccclvrd at the Ivivln.i II ill ltt tl Mc'lraw teams I led his team the sanl l...tl. deuce of "coiiilni! back," piritilcallv entite 1 o o i) ti - a y - In tip top shape, and as the HrooklMis has W hlle Nik Work llil( on Home l.ul. ii ii u n 4 3 lliiiiso saying that the Olympli .1,1 uuimIIL Montrcarh W M"t been III pla.V III test The Aliny took the lead till the : i .....1 in tiliisell Ills nd place lit -- ilriines Com.nlsshui at Stockhtilm. vh have been iUltt!ni! themselves very ("m-'viso- April IH. stveiith Inning, when Lnfuyttto iii.nlc ch s .X'r liiyed slur liir' In 1 1' x hiip-i- - Several bundled a fi.rm.-ll- declu ugulnst appoint- - tfini "An well indeed their lilhti lint contests, (culm lionlln, whipped .Mci-llll- the ,.ut idea nUs every lie les fans visited Comlskey Paik tnolay and ally nnd lu three runs, Prnspt-c- t I'ark naarball lleaulia. 11.. - the seilcs between the bolllllKll rlMils seem to have weakened, wan - "i1.':.1.'' ! ginger In tie taken out in new- of the Army, pitched Kood bull, i',JZl!;!.Wxl"'m:i .l!"" "nil displayed much out with a prospect of being dc-plt- saw the White Sox phivcm In t iiniiK"! iimui u u iih utrnipu iarts ruiim lavor of ('apiou estciila, and, ndlou Iho fact that this is his tlrst year St. Francis .Navler.a: Decatur I' C . S tr mill u, n Iho buneM. closely contest! d than lust car, when to-d- HHIHIII-PK'I- H IHIIIK II. 11 Pi his shotviiiK when he made lime foi the Hist lime. Mummer Callahan of colli ei1 bfTtl. Lafayette onlv Kot seven Menu P, (' . 7; I'ark r C a, I" touui If Th nK'tilfa ' all Hi" itlauts had to do to win was to one ,1 .Iom gurtlcd us likely hete that Junies Sulllvun r h hits, hiiiuei, uualiiKt Si. ph, had nil the out for pracllco with off him. - be on hand In- hits will the Amei lean commissioner, j 1' may be onleletl to rest th" exception of Malty Mcliriyre and Le.t by InnliiKs , At Montreal 1 o 1 1 11 t n 1 r probable pitchers l Scote llantbnrn fleltl. i'h" for the tianspou. III addition, Malty i tlin-- c wltli divi- V lie.-- o'Toole's civile Taiinehlll ami the II II. ! AverVtV. Ko.'' tine dlLSh lire the t left h,IUies - II. 11, beelalrr'ari'l tHl Hipper has failed lo round to vood sion. nlavciH illdii't have a tlav- .1 ILK.. V.n.lerhllC. F.ventla Plr.t. tt'ri,.. I.eaKiie--Maiiiia- nl fium Tile of Lufavctte 0 5 n n u ft 7 I iy..n. li't-- tl In the National and helped 11 4 11 I ? 4 ' in,l ilriit..., Iliviulntmti jtnd Cstltmtlll Atot and has discount the nt theli tralnliiK In Wat o i) (i 4 11 11 o- - 1 7 .1 Ilrisiuiis Hall 0 0 It 12 0 I lirules' Piadlce ciiinps Arm) 0 0 0 Sptctal I'aMf fl)iifcA In Tn Six. flUCSei. rie nroil.lOle line ll roseate proni.-i- HvIiik He Witt Clinton 0 11 4 0 11 0 1 0 I ft lu 5 ami .. Carter, Cmplre- - Mich, N of a slait and San Antonio that lieu! the severe naileries Ami) and llavennnrr, 10,-l- n IUIOIIMA SI U VnltK. - , llrlrrly. .Syl.es ami Crist, Pabis, April the races at I on the bun. bit l.afavriti- and Wright. I'niplre-J- llattrrlra O'Dnnnell. Mrtran. rf. Pevoie, If mollis facer If, p.id, and Sandallno. , Kavetitln, by name. Ih. :p llaaehall iii-da- i, :t P M i.rsiirl (ipenlnr the favorable weather and the i,pei. I'D Ibi in owned Pbllllea Illtch Pen Danberi. llolr :i fn-tnu- .seawin, I t did tb hi V. K. Vanderbllt, won (he Prix de il 1.1 Smlih. :ti sr.nitirra.a. ef. Chnmiiluihlp iner aeue Park, H'vvav j PHItsapBMMIIA, April 10. The l"i Soririen, ef A inili ,St , V in vs,iiiinn Miile vim lit- - A I Jersey C'llji, 4,000 runes, 1,000 MuriA if it. Johns Field. it of f illstaitco meters. delphla National !,ea.tin teBm called n Whent. If. MerMe, b .til' t Al Xilelpltl I'lelil. Jockey (I'Nclll hoi yes ran. Hummel ,1b h h e rode and llftren itH game against 1'iilverslty of lleriic, (1 11 11 ., ills-lan- the C I I e. ( liv ; t p: 17 1 In the Pilx lrf lllols, 80,oo(i francs, Mark, letrher. II St Jolmsiouegr il il it 4 n s ;n II 2 .Irrsrv y (I a 11 A La- tiiylvanla nine here und depa 'el tnrln, v e lla.ehall, na.hliiglnn I'ark, I p. , I I 4. 3 Long c. I o o o t u n u ; r. 4 Vvnrlhlligtniit 0 0 0 II 0 4 I I'.fiiio meters, Mr, Vuntlerbllt's Meier Island ft. - open Hp hi p. Marquard. HrnoLhii vs. (.l.mu. t l 1,1 3 laitrrltbMr('ier. Case), Mt Malum and Wa Itatit-iir- While, .li'aila, Mains, Xltllalt- al.it. bile run third, with Jockey n'Nelll ncaln for Hoston, whero the 9. 1 M team. ((. SbaoaoD'i 23d Hcjliuroi Uactl. ,Ul. l , llrhaa, Srtan It an t CevW, feajl MliTrl, lulcj ami avlne. up. I101 sen with John Want ill oii'i b'lU w . 1 Ten rait.