Speculation on the Genealogy of the Early Torii Masters
SPECULATION ON THE GENEALOGY OF THE EARLY TORII MASTERS HOWARD A. LINK Auochne Curator of Orienml Art. Keeper of 1he Ukiyo-e Print Ccn1rr. Honolulu Academy of An ~ EDITORIAL NOTE : TJ.i, i1 tlu ,u.. i i• • 1tri,s •f •rtidu iuli•t •Wt 1/11url,y Ttrii ,• .,,.,, ._, Mr. Lid:. Tit, jut ••tic/1, "T•, 1'trii E•i1•1•· 11;;1,r,tl i• Ultiyo·t Art, Jtf•. JJ, !Jill . ii tl,irti •rlic/1 iu/i111 •itl, 11,. ,,,{, T 1rii-slJI• Eiri•kJ·iiJ• h• ir ,t,••ti 11b1. O-, II 1/i, li•it1i spuu, ••U' th, h ,111 HliiuJ •f ''" r.,;; ;,,u,. ,... , ,.. ,;,,,,, /,,,, FORE iOST AMONG T l-IE UKIYO-E ART IST~ of th• "Prirni1ivc'' period art ,i.~ £int muteu to ~■ r th• 11 ■ n1• ■ of Torii Kiyomuu ind Torii Kiyonobu. To111hcr, thc.e ■ nin, Ht11bli1b,d • 11 ■ ndard in tbt: r,,, .. ,ntat'on of K,bd:' ubj,cct m• tt"r 1hu1 •s to "nfl ■ c ■c• ul(yo-• ar1 to the u1d of the n"nctctnth oer:11ur7. Tradition ,tat" th•t Torii l(iyonob1;1 wu tb• fo1mdtr or th• Terii 11:Jbool, :ind ori1i11a.1,d 1hi1 11yl or art,,--' that Tor· K"yo,•ua, h"• 1011, QI.DI.I .-:c:ond. Tbt foundat'oa of 1h·, tra(l"t"ou, ho Lu, i1 1h,ky and contradietor}', ••d mo11 1aholu1 1Mar 1.. ,., open tht' 11roltlt1• of bloo,:\ ni1illion1hi1111■ nd the 100chy 1ro111tion of "founder."" Tht •t•dy •f thue ar1i111 i1 furth ■ r complicated h}· the faot tl:,.i uti111 of th• 1ucc- ■ din• Torii •enenuion• 11.cd the 11i111awr11T orii Kiyonobu and Torii KiyomHu ,,,i1bo1;11 di1dn1ui1hi•• the prc-c:ttltact nf d1t1e mHtrr1, :ind :idop1t•1l thl' ••me uyl,· of 1lrnwin111■ nd ;ob~cL matter .
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