Artificial Channels, 162 Artillcry and Artillerymen, 191, 199. 202

Artificial Channels, 162 Artillcry and Artillerymen, 191, 199. 202

Index Acupuncture , 262 Armillary spheres , 12 , 16 - 17 , 19 , 21 , Africa , in Korean maps , 282 . 283 , 284 33 , 35 , 38 , 41 , 61 - 62 , 73 Agriculture , 4, II , 157 of the Sejong era , 65 - 68 and meteorology , 107, 109, III , 120, in Song I - y ~ ng ' s clock , 70 122 - 123 All11orcd car , 188 , 198 Alchemical preparations , 264, 265. Arms and armor , 239 , 241 , 243 See also Elixirs of immortality Arro \ \ ' s , 187 Alchemy , 256, 258, 260, 261- 262, 263. naming , 186 264 - 265 tube - launched , 185 Alcohol , 261 , 278 Arsenic , 253 , 256 - 257 Aleni , Giulio , 301 , 305 Arsenic oxide , 256 Alexandria , 282 Arsenic powder , 254 Alloys , 182, 245, 247- 252 , 253 Arsenic stone , 254 , 256 American continent , 305 Artificial channels, 162 Amethyst , 138 Artillcry and artillerymen, 191, 199. An Ch 'o-in (armillary clockmaker , 202 1760). 72 Artisans, 179, 253. 254. Seealso An Chung -t 'ae (am1illary clockmaker , Craftslllcn maker , 1704), 71 Kory~. 3. 252 An Hyon (governor of Kyongsang of Silia. 2 Province . 1550). 215 Ash, and gunpowdermaking , 271, An Kuk -pin (astronomer , 1742), 29, 272 85 , 88 Ash-blowing refining methods, An M )'ong -Soi (translator , 1745), 85 216n.36 /In t 'ien (coslnographical theory ), 12 ,\ strolabe, 73 An t ' ien [ un , 12 Astrology, 11, 78, 96, 98, 100, 105, 108 Ancestor worship , 261 Astronomicalbooks , printing of, 181 Anemoscope (p 'unggijuk ). 123 Astronolllical calculations, 74-75, 95, Angle measurement instrllment . See !)G Ya11gdolii Astronomicalclocks . SeeClocks Antimony , 256 ,\ stronolnicalinstruments , 15, 37, 38, Antimony oxide , 256- 39-40, 46- 47, G6-67, 68, 72- 77 Aoyama Sadao . 282. 284 Astronomicalobservatiolls , 2, 11, 21 Arabia , 305 Illcthodsof , 95 Arabic astronomy . 18 , 49 , 82 . 91 officialsin chargeof , 37, 101- 105 Arabic calendars , 80 rotation systemof , lOG Arabic cartography , 277 , 282, 286 Astronolllicalobservatories , 33-42 Arabic clepsydras and aslronomical in japan, 24, 3G clocks , 58 , 62 , 71 and mapmaking, 293 Arabic drugs , 259 opcn-dometype , 33, 35 Arabic mechanical to ) 'S, 162 private, 41-42 - Arabic medicine , 261 Astronomicalrecords , 93-98 Arabic merchants . 255 , 278 reliability of, 97 Arabic numerals , 51 Astronomyand astronomers, 1, 7, Archimedes , 148 11- 106, 273, 298, 307 Archimedes scre \ v , 156 decline of, 83 Architecture , 4 , 9 governmentorganization of , lOG Arima Seiho . 192 , 202 ' Vestern. SeeWestern astronomy Aristotelian -Ptolemaic cosmology , 18 Atmosphericmeasurelllents , 12G Annaments , government control of , Atmosphericmoisture , 122 184 , 190 Augury. SeeDivination Annillary clocks . .\'ee Clocks Aurorae, 127- 128 360 Index Automa ( a, I fi I- I (j2 printil1g type, 252 Automatic time signal <levices , ,r:>:8. Bronze age, 233 60, 62, (;3, 70 I~ronzc casting, li1 Azimuth, 50n.R3, 73 Brol1 ZC COiliS , 174 I~ronze daggers , 233, 24!), 250 I ~ronzc Illirrors , 25 , 233 , 23R , 23 !) ,' 250 Ballll>oo, aod papertoakillf{, 2(i~) Chill C SC , 24 !) Baml>oo measures, 132 I ~ronzc standar (Lill Ca Slircs , 13 -1, 13G Barges. SeeCargo uarg ('s llrollzc trays , uscd in castillg tcch - Barometer, 126- 127 Iliqlle , 173, 176, IRI I~arolo(~tric measure Oleots, 126 l ~rOIl / C \ \'a res , 2 :>0 , 252 I~attleilleots, 228 I ~uckcts , 157 , 158 Battlesflips. .\'('e \\'arsllips I ~l Iddhism , 168 , 169 , 170 , 257 - 258 , I~ear gall, 200 25 !), 27 !), 281 , 285 I~eeswax, 170, 17~), 181- 182 1~l Iddhist art , 221 , 223 - 221 , 226 , I~ells 237 - 238 io automaticclepsydra , 50, 58, 59, 1~11(ldhist cave tcillple , 2 (i 1- 02 I~l Iddhist images , 237, 244- 2-15 urooze, 171, 238, 251 .!?;"ilt orollzc , 254 Bu(fdhist, 2, 18~) gold -platcd , 237- 238 castingof , 21R, 251 1~11(ldhist scriptures , 3, IG!), 173, 266 paktoof{, 253 I~II(I(lhist tcillplcs , 64- 65, 18!} ill the Posingak, 63-64 I~llildillg , alld P'1111g,~11theory , 27!}, to tell the flours at oif{Lit, ~)2-!)3 280 I~elts with pco(la11 ts , 138 I\ uil <linp; materials , 227 I~ellzoi0 , 2(iO I~uil <ling repair projects , 227- 228 I~ig I)ipper, 141 I\ llilding technology , 22(>-228 1~lacksllli tilS, 211 I \ ullcts , 188 , 191 1~last furnace, 171 I \ lloyancy , 148 I~oar(1of Ri tes, 28~) I \ llrcau of Astronolll Y , 4 , 26 , 28 , 32 , I~oard of Taxatioo, lO R, IO!), 110, 37 , 38 , 41 , 56 , 67 , 82 , 85 , !J5 , 98 , III , 13(i, 244 105 , 107 , 145 , 147 , 163 , 21)8 , 2 !J!J, Boardof \\'orks (Koogjo), 132, 131 303 Boats, of aoimal skio, 148 officials , 105 - 106 I~ook of Challgl's, 145 alld rainfall mcasur Clncnt , 110 , III , I~ooks, alld prioting techoology, 1i (i, 112 , 115 , 117 , 118 IR2 I \ urcau of Divination , 105 I~Ortleocalli pilor , 2(i O I\urcau of the Grand Astrolop ;cr , 105 I~o,\., rocket-laUOcll Log , 1! )2 I\ llrcau of Military l 'raining , I !J5 I~ralle, l '}'cllO, I i - 18, 2!) I \ urcau of Stale Rccords , 281 ) I~rass, 218-24!), 251, 252, 253, 254 I~urcall of ' Vcapollry , 187, I !J3 l~rass'\'are, 153, 252 l ~urning -Icns , 77, 137 1~raziers , 141 l~ri(lges arched( lIo1/gg)'o), 228, 22!), 230 Calel1 <la rs girder (1I)'ongg)'o), 228, 230 Arabic , HO pootooo ('11ug )'O) , 22R, 230 Cll 'i ryo , 78 l~rolize, I, 1! )3, 230, 218-24!), 251 Ch '()nse (Thousand -year ), 85, 86 addition of zioc to, 250, 251 Ilsllall -llli I1g, 78 , 7!), HO cllemicalaoal }'sis of, 2.1!) Kyonhaeng , 78 classilicatiooof , 248-249 Lin - te , 78 copper-tin, 251-252 ;\[ anse ( fen -tllousand -year ) , 86 demandfor , 240 in native Korean alphabet , 82, 83 361 Index Calcnda rs (con tin tied) Chag )'ungnu . See Clepsydras , with Packchung, 85 automatic time -sig-11al apparatus Shih-hsicn, 18, 60, 63, 68, 83, 84, 85, Challigollp 'i/talll, 163 86, 95- 96, 114 ~hamlln arsenal. 188 Sinch'an, 78 Chang- Chung -ching (medical writer ), Sipch()ng, 78 260 Susi (Sholl-shih Ii), 37, 78- 79, 80, Chal1g Ileng (Chinese astronomer 81, 87 and mathematician , c. A.D. 100), 12, -[ a-t'ung, 79, 81, 82, 83 1-1, 15 , 61 , 67 T 'acil , 78 Chang Ssu-hslln (Sung astronolner ), 'I'un 'gap, 78 62 \ Vcstcm, 86 ChangY (,ng -sil (designer of the Yuan-chia, 78 chagyungnu , Sejong era ), 46, 57 , Calcndricalscicncc , 2, ll , I5 , l7 , 45, 59 . 60 . 62 . 66 , 71 , 180 56, 77- 86, !)1, 105 Chal1gch ' ung Park , Seoul , ll ~), 120 Calomel, 255 C I1angdok Palace Camphor , 260 arlnillary clock , 71 Cannon, 189, 191- 192, 193, 195, 198- astronomical observator ) ' in , 40 I!)!) clepsydras , 59 , 60 cast \\'ith pig iron , 193 K U I11ch 'on bridge in , 230 ch'onjn type, 191, 193 rain gallge , l15 , l18 , 11 ~) " grcat commandcr," 187, 191, 201 wind gauge stand , 123 mobile, 202 Ch ' angg ) 'ollg Palace OIl warships, 218 astronomical observator ) ' , 40 " 'estern, 205, 206 bronze amlillary sphere , 72 Callnonballs, 201 Okch 'on bridge at , 230 Canocs, 148, 207 Ch ' angg ) 'ong \\"on zoo logical garden , Canton, 56 40 Cardinal points, 35 Ch 'ang .~on . Sc: e " Spear v ('ssel " Cargobarge , 210-211, 214, 215 Cll ' allg \ \'on , 253 Cartography. S(?e ~faps Ch 'ao - h .~ien Fil , 241 , 248 Carts, 150 Chao - h .\' ien t ' ll ( Map of Korea ) , 274 - Cassini, J. D., 84 275 Castiron , 242 Charts Castingtechniqlles , 237, 24!), 251. astral . Sc' e Star maps See(Ils () ~r )'pecasting navigational . Sf ' e I"-: avigational cllarts Castles, 22(')-228, 230 Chega yoll .\"angjip , 13 Catalanmap , 284 Chcjong Pavilion , amlillary clock , 71 Cavetelllples , 1, 2 Chejll Island , 104 , 287 , 2 !)3 , 2 ! )-1, 30R Ccladonceramics . SeeCeramics Cll 'en Cho ( Chinesc astron Ollier , ,\ .D . Cclestialglobes , 28, 38, 41-42, 50, 310 ) , 22n .30 , 2 -1, 31 66-67 Cheng ho ching .\"hih cheng lei pei Celestialplanispheres . .\"eeStar maps ) ' llng pent .\"'ao , 261 Cclestialspheres , theory of, 18 Ch ' ; ch ' ; t ' 1/ shuo , 15 !) Ceramics, 4, 9, 152- 153 Chi - ho ) ' uan -pen , 310n .R8 bronzeage , 233 Chi Sin -won ( astronomer ) , 26 celadon, 3, 7 Chivong ) ' 11.\"01 , 263 , 264 comb, 14!1 " Chioo Yllsol ," 310 - 311 "gra) '," I Ch ' ien chin fang , 258 , 2G2 .Japancs(', 152 Ch ' ien llan shu , 2 !)7 Sung. 3 Chi (~n p ' ing ; shuo , 50 ti It's, I G~) Chigu chondo , 305 "Chacigo," I 0I Chigll chonhudo , 301 362 Index Chigu chonyo , 86, 315 Ch 'oe S~ng .ji (astronomer , c. 1280), Chill fang wai chi , 304, 305 79 Ch 'ih Lao nan pei tsung hsing t 'u, 28 Ch 'oc Yu -ji (amlillary clockmaker , Chikashige Masumi , 249 1657), 68 Ch 'ilbo bridge , 229 Ch 'oe Yung (astronomer ), 26 Ch 'ilchis \ ,'ord , 1 nil Choji (the official gazette ), 117 Ch 'ilchong paekchung , 85 Chojiso . See Paper Manufactory Ch 'ilchong sech 'o, 85- 86 Ch ()Ila province , 190, 191, 230, 241, Ch 'ilchongsan , 80, 82 290 , 295 Chin China , 150 , 202 Ch ()Ila Yang-gwang Province , 124 Chin Li ( 1393), 132 Ch 'ol11a.~on (utility vessel), 210 Chin shu , 15 , 31 , 61 , Ch '()ms()ng-dae observatory . 1- 2, 15, Chin Tartars , 174 33 . 35 - 36 , ~) 7 China . See al .\'o under names of Chi - Ch ()n Ik -ky ()ng ( 1502), 157 ncse dynasties Chon Un -sang- (ship designer , 1740), Korea's relationship with , 185 220 maps of , 277 Chon Yun -gwon (astronomcr ), 26 visits of Korean astronomers to , Ch '6nby6n tlll1gnok , 9S 83 - 84 , 85 Chonch 'on Rivcr , 191 Chindo Island battle , 186 Chonch 'on - g ) 'o , 22S , 22 ~) Chinduk , Queen (r . 647 AiD), 148 Chong Chi -gom (courticr of King Chinese gcog-raphical works , 277 Chongjo ), 119 Chinese medicine , influence on Korean Chong Ch '0 (astronomcr , 1437), 46, medicine , 259 - 260 , 261 66 , 67 , SO Chinese merchants , 255 Chong Ch 'ok (scicntist , 1434), ISO, Chinese papernlaking , 267, 268 2 ~) 1 , 295 , 306 , 307 , 309 Chinese saltpeter manufacture , 272 Chong Ch 'ol -cho (ca rtogra pher ), 310 Ch 'ing China , 5, 6, 68, 77, 83, 84, Chong Hum -ji (scholar , 1442), SO 114 , 206 Chong In -ji (astronomer , 1433), 66, Ch 'ing- Chiin (monk and cartogra - 67 .

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