in mterw in the we«» of l had o<> moon wan Hlilnlng brightly Che street wan tons b*tng amidships and tapering off to nothing atnatenr yacht bntlder, of Heir Tor*. fires her suofe Pcotlm appearance In dark forward and aft. Tina lior a bearing surface the water thai an American w.u shadow. Occasionally we tumbled over alteration has given upon Ofblng compromised, antitluro evary paving stouoa it ml cru hod with our met THE INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE greater buoyancy and power, and is also be.loved Or will tuHlat that In smooth seas, long or short. the EUROPE. of a protruetcd utruirirli'. probabiln\the broken Kiajt with which the pavement Her owner and by Captuu Kish, under whso advice more c an van tha' may be paked upon her the faster to A Lon Ion journal of the l-tii of M ly a iva:. wan Hire wo. Aito.icU mile sired was pan-rd a the alteration lias been made, to have materially she must slide ahead. There are vet two ruoea witH posted under eouunuini o( an olUgflr. wisecttouU improved he Hues but it certainly has not improved couto oif between ber ami ths Cambi ta, but the race H may be Qaefol fo th » nt -n<'» w o re siw.ivm In to nor of if It that the almi to note 'hiu tlvc iti.net orders to uliow no one to pit Kronrwueto apjieuraiice, uccordlug Englisn ideas, Tuesday proves, proves anything, projectiitir now theatre* for l«o tune wo mot a stray and K.uriUiM lutiaoiiaur nl uiu Full of the First Contest Between suction. isatipho ih quite capable of gtviug tluie to a smaller hous « cloaoti hiflt week, v z.:.A lley'* the Itoyul Reports ooNtirriONS OF tuldsuipa or In the The Revolutionary Rising in Paris anil t.i district, tu u he ildured .lute, endeavoring to hud TIIK R»CK. homier, American Kuglish, coining All red. the New Varieties Now Olie.a-a ne The conditions entered into Mr. Ashburv. the test for the ta be Ills Hovai these liua bustuesa been hie way home, Every outlet was burred. "On the and oy cup given by Highnesscon, N v.-ltovaity. Atuoneof jxis.se iHittl" win fthouxiii iu litut ii he turned to the Sappho . owner ui the Cumbria, and Mr. Douglas, the "owner lite Prince of wales. Specially l^porled. very flourishing lately. right; "on ne pa«->e />ax!n wan yelled at him ii ho of the Sappho, were that there should be three races attempted 11 torn o the loll, in hope ui extricating between the two vessels, the flrst and second races I English Coinuirats. FRANCE. h.m-y.t trout t Una WK»t unU bayonet; If lie tried to beluga course of bO lulled each to wlndwurd, au 1 a [From the London Nows, May 12.] "go ahead" he li urTmratil "Cb» nt passe pas/" ir HERALD SPECIAL AND ENGLISH ACCOUNTS run In home to leeward over the same distance, or a The .vacating season begins u little earlier than A Herald Writer in the Street*, at the ho tan ked astern ho was brought to a siandstlll by run off lo leeward und a working coursj to usual tins ye uie ener ietic olllcer and the Start was chart,-red to convey two gentlemen appointed and Hpars ute scraped, and tne standing rigging Is 1'iUN M«V II 1QTH to tutu Off the Nab. to uct ns und tbe friends of the owners of A who to uiyseli. mi J I w:w miced with the others umpires was also setup. whole amphibious population. down a Hire t to the right, across wuioti troops were the two yachts, and a second sicutuer pend for ttieir subeh.ee tee on one of the uobiest aud, Sunday last, tlio clay to which all had for weeks to one 01 the from Oowes Coals, de;are Plot tor the Agassination of thrown to bar tne en rauoe. Taking, However, u tow yachts which charteredperhaps, the most nat onul of Itrltlsh scoria, looked forward anxiously as probably destined to be to the 1 onwar l the Ve ;tw taking the other to the point might looking out for me owners, who about tins tluie Huddea iurn len, passed mpldlv Trim and of lor liic vessels to start _ be cowo 41.^ II.. one of violence, pnssod in tranquillity. The ilii riiiin.1 ivaeit III Uu> nil. n KIlH.ee rill the bollIC- Rig, Management fixed upon by the umpires down rroni town and are apt to be se^cd wlita IIIV du e. On it from and return to ui the lliusb. sudden for the ut her nipr. electors of France voted without let or v.ml, at no top of Mie Faubourg Temp {-be pussion length' uing jaclil 11,200,000 1 found tuat an 1 tiaiilry rgiui'iu, u double cordon the Vessels. At ANCIIOH FOB THE START. bows or some other Ireak of r"stless eniulutlon. hindrance. A decisive battle betwoen 1 On evening sunset the Cambria and But In most there are few, K democracy oi pod c ami so.dirs kept he boulevard clear. Monday by from each o'lier years uny, y.icliling and imperialism was and III. was in their midst aud a.one. Travertin# the open the bappho were anchored not far events to sneak of before Whitsuiiiidoat ol fought, Napoleon the line (if "Can in Oowes Koads. Daylight on Tuesday broke raw the Thames. To the and adventurous Great Powers' on the added another laurel to Ills crown. the space, l went slraigni to poiioe. K. hv N-. eager spirit Negotiations At night pus..?" "Where no you want to go tor" "Along The and Frenoh and and c'ourty, with a light w.nd from about of our English yachtinan, who.se repeated victories Boulevards wore crowdftcl. Tho venders of t:ie boulevard." "If'we let will he and about five o'clock the .sappbo was t .wing astern 111 English and French waters have made litoi sigh you pass you of the astern ul tue to Greek Question. In their kiosks drove a our line and the outer line of troops, and you Ituby steamer and the Cambria for fresh worlds conquer, and to the responsive flourishing trade,newspapersas between English Visitors. Vectis, out for tne Nub off the east end of alacrity of our American sold at increased the can go no lur-her." I»esirous of pressing onward I Lightship, cousins, who, luring r they prices evening papers, at ill urged the necessity of pa-ming, but i lie the Isle of Wight. t> atcuusonce in English wateis, were not easily extra editions of were I'NDKK HAIt..THK START. to sit down under u detent or to wait tor which published at liolice tod ine 1 mi.at uiuko u circuit by off the persuaded POLITICAL RADHAI.ISH IN ENGLAND. short Intervals the uu Temple aud taking the On nesting the Nab the sieauicra cast a revanche on the o'lier aide of the Atlantic, the until a late hour. Everybody dosoeiiuing Faubourg Tlie Ntrugfflo and Vlc-tory yachts and the latter set their canvas for the race, of Coives and Kyde are indebted for tins had turned Unit street to the right, l did so and tried to cuter good people out for the occasion, as ^ the lira! street. "On ne jxisiit pa* i" gre. ted me; of the the Snpptio setting whole mainsail and foresail, early release from the long and weury torpor of their was a fine and the moon shone 1 went on with the same r. sun. Tina £4appho. Jib, flying jib and fore aud uiuiu jib-headedstaysail.gaff dead season, when the only yachts ailoai are those 'I lie Inrann st< tmshtp City of run-. Captain night brightly. to the lie\t, t Tiie also wet all Iter whole nan with the swallows to the south. would have a all to was nearly facing the barracks in the faubourg. >p*ails. Cumbria that huve migrated from Li «erpool the 12th ami (jucenstown the Everybody newspaper, himself; plain suit, comprising mainsail, fores ul, staysail Alter a great deal of letter writing and friendly Urtug Mltcliouse, would read the lust of the Coining down tuc opposite street iroiu the line By the steamship City of Purls, at this port, we and nih of May, air.veil at tine port yeaterdaj morning. everybody published state Morel was a strong party of bergens de Vllie, with jib, and square-headed fore and main topsails. In the ulr aoout a match across the Atlantic between under (he knew n nave the following IIkkai.d special and English The Cambria was placed with the umpire* In the tire Dauntless and the Cambria, the lormer obiectiug Tlie <>f Paris landed our speciul European voting (aloud) gaslights; everybody goodly number of prisoners. The bairuek gaies ana City we e and hud entered, wneu, or the first race of the ocean series between weather position, with the H.ippho close aboard, to sail In inland waters ami the latter very natural y In detail of our better than everybody else, and everybody was opened thepany purlly reportsat A. M. the the the ami newspaper mails, corre-pundcneen the wasslmpiy overpowuied, Cli mcellor of the Order of Maria Theresa. Lille, other towns of importance anil the "Looking at you," 1 replied meekly. jontestant admits her superiority. Tills is all the Alter the yachts started umpires' and the sagacity of Mr. ben netVs otnecion to match districts came tumhltncr up In favor of the "Why don't you leave the "I tried to steamer also started, out her mission was to steam sailing against a much smaller ana lighter craft In It is reported from Vienna tliat an exchange of rural faubourg?" more singularly complimentary, because, us will l>e direct to this indefinitely described rendezvous, and. inland instead nf a and empire, and at one o'clock the of the so before; but 1 nave been met on more Hun one there her and walr the waters, straight open course, notes bus taken place between London, Paris and hospitality with On ne jxouw pax /" "That is auspicious seen by the special report or the race, the when found, drop auehor was amply Justified. Under similar conditions the Minister of the Interior was and we occasion arrival. matches can st Petersburg on the Greek murders utralr. The acceptable, thought No. l; his opinion was backed by No. 2, who the match were carried out iu so arrangewentsjoryocfHH' result of the two remaining hardly be "smiled" around a supper table caul, ominously, "Whore are you going?" doubtful, and lit a trial across the Atlantic the odds British government, says the report, "Is disposed to plentifully supplied plundering a manner that In any closelyoutrageously The Race. the Cambria will be at least In to with all the season. At one "To the Northern Railway station." This was too against proportion delicacies of the would have been to uiv enter on a very energetic policy in the matter; but much lor the police. "All! an !" shouted both the struggle It Impossible contestedAs soon as the Sappho felt the full pressure of her HIO UIUCICIIUC VI ivuin^/ WVHvcwu wu«vuuui|| Itn-sia, supported by Fiance, warmly opposes Lord there was a slight scare. A report hadmoment dear follows, "you will come along with us; the winner. But Mr. Ashbury franklydetermineciinvns, or us much or it as her leeward position and vessels. in short, Mil- good qualities of Mr. that one hundred white blouses had march d the Commlssalie «le Police will show you the light breeze would allow, she perceptibly began schooner in Inland waters, aud ugaiu-t Iter ".utendon's views, and urges that diplomatic arrived Acknowledges, ami over Ills own signature, to draw on from under the Cumbria's and In heroin-' almost deiectsA-hbury'sIn a from and u disturbance was the way to the Northern Railway station. Ha lee, very equals meusurtineut, would be sufficient." representationsBelleville, expected. liu I" and cocked ham anil swords executed that he has been beaten. Indeed, there shortly afterwards was clear, carrying her cloud of course of 8,000 miles against a vessel of more t han \ mail 10th The white blouses, Indeed, reached the Chateau u short war dance. had made an was a rumor tilts canvas upright as a church steeple, all her satis double tier power. In a muich round the Isle of telegram from Vienna, dated on the of They Important general morning that, well and Inch of canvas are I. are ail in d'Flau, came into contact with cooked hats and blue capture; prospective advancement, l.egion ol llon ir, at the aud standing every their Wight the conditions reverse and May, reports thus:. dazzled their brains. "Ha! ha! Monsieur le lisgustcd palpable apparent to bo doing its fulr share of work. The wind of the smaller, the shorter and the niniblercrafi. coats and evaporated. Ac., or the appearingM favor The negotiations of Count I'otockl with the Polish Oommissaire vous indlquera le Cbeiniu de fer du lty Cambria to cope successfully with iuatdher Slightly veered east aud lulled at nine o'clock A. , The Cumbria has no reason to be disheartened h.» holders have not yet begun, but tue latter have Thus ended the revolution for Sunday. It was Nord. ' "I shall be very much obliged to htin U he rival, he had resolved tp yield up the cup, and thus ami iiie cam una went aunui on me maroourti wick her defeat on Tuesday or to be surprised at it. Mown a very conciliatory disposition In the postponed until the day. Monday was will do so.)' "Dome along with us; open the gates." spare himself ihe mortification of vainly contesting und stood In lor tUe land to shun the ebb tide. ws idch have had with tlie Premier.lntervn following the heats. If he ever entertained such an The which was about four or five The they already bright and clear. 1 had reached home about seven I aud my captors entered itie barracks in triumph. remaining Sappho, leading Ashhury Banquet. !»r. Snioiku cspcctailv, who was formerly the most U'r. ni-nguml thn dnnrlviiP/1 lliiiwl u ihi mililinrj an/1 idea, however, lie has either abandoned or lengths at the time, at once did ihe name, lor now I Prom the lush Times, Mai 18.) deieriiiuied oppt'ueul of tne participation of ilie o'clock and slept for a couple of hours, to be fresh reached u large shel or aalle fwiuch I cannot say tor rroni It, and tbe start for the second heatbeendtssuudedwill tiiat the American round that he was already getting Mr. Aslibury has Issued lnvnati us to slxry or Poles in the Kctcusrath, has not only yielded that for the promised light. 1 was aroused .ftth/ares, certain, an it tvax unltghted). A lantern wax brought, take place on Friday, If the wind be sufficiently the belter of the Englishman it was uot llkety that of the leading men to in-ei Mr. iioini. but has to to the by There is little doaht, that the the latter would be left to hie own devices so as seventy yacht goue Prague persuade Czech drums and shrill fires of the Zouaves on and l found that it was crowded with prisoners, in strung. though, long and Mr. Douglas at dinner at the Star and Bennett leaders to make a like concession. liloii ex, each bed by a policeman. As the lantern Sappho will again be the victor. She is. at any rate, the other could keep hirn under his stern or to Hotel, Klchmond on June '1, pr.or to his startingCarter The Munich of the Gazette their way to relieve the guard at the moved about 1 was able to observe the faces of ray very decidedly first favorite, and Kugllshmeu assert Hoth craft on this reach lien led about leeward.on the oceau race between ttie Cambria aud the, correspondent People's their belief iu her success as and with east east. The wind inclined still mora oi Pol My turbaned and red-knickerhockeredTulleries.fellow prisoners, ^uich, lor the most port equalled coming loudly by quarter northeastDauntless. ;gne says:. I on as much earnestness as Americans. to the eastward as the yachts continued their board friends looked as as sand boys. lu expression the depravity of those described The ex-Father H.yacinthe (Abus Loyson), coming happy the occasion of my visit to the prison of It Is as yet only a few hours after the raoe, and, of m for the land, and the course steered became about from Paris, has arrived here. 1 have not been able They had been, poor fellows, confined to barracks the condemned. I fell proud of myxeif, for I ronrse, until the remaining races are sailed It is northeast half east. The Cambria sailing rather THE CIIY OF MER1DA. to team the object of his Journey, but I am a-sured during Sniiday and the servant girls in the that the oilier prisoners were only attendedobserved premature to say mucn about what this altogetherctose to the wind the Sappho fororenchod and tliat on tne very day of ni.s arrival he a visit to 1 was honored with a victory has taught us. One thing, weathered upon her rapidly, and very soon was a paid wished the plebiscite In the next us by one policemen. couple, glorious of a. New Vemscl of the New York M. Zollinger. neighborhoodworld, who stuck to mo like leaches. "What is the name is proved beyond all doubt.that however.the t hird of a mile on her weather beam. From this the Trial Trip Fli»l'ate of the Continent. "France has chosen her your coat." 1 did so, and my two or as they say here, "bustled," no considerably as to again, and it soon became evident that the latter plying . du Temple, which leads direct from BellevilleFaubourgOpeu top tiilii an much as three teet. to Her breadth or beam, was seriously ont of form and of the Mexican and owned part. felr slands on the aide of order." and La Vlllene, where Rocheforf'a dwell. tickled mc agreeably from head to foot,brigadiersin incapable moving city, ports Cuba, by subjects Hearch of concealed weapons. No. i evidently sumen tn a triumphant woiuer, Every one who saw with her nsoal speed, the Sappho last drawing Messrs. Alexander A Is one queen Victoria opened the new University, Parts had been during the day In possession of the her linked, was astonished at the marked ahead of her. This view of the Cambria's state Sons, deserving military and it was known thai any at under the impression that I bad arms concealedlabored yesterday, of inasmuch as it was in presence of a numerous and distinguishedLoneen in over a influence, dispute. - Wind is thl.xr (lid this comparison. idle, measurement spent heating on "The Kind their occupants unshackled ah Why you bring The New York and Mexican Mail Steamship line has Moral Condition of Women." Mr. Mill bus*-, dismount, here'r" Addressing the brigadiers and turning to argue the Injustice or thut system to men who distance of twelve miles to windward, out of the since lis done service and the horses and overturned the vehicles, which they gentlemanfind it a convenient from the humiliation of a to he covered, ai least oy the Cambria, as to Inauguration signal proved praises the book us revealing "revolting Injustices of tilled with stones lorn lroni the to me iliey apologised for my having iieen detained. refuge sixty an effectual estoppel to Engll-h capitalists who paving up roadway. the of one of clear defeat. Hut at least all impartial spectators these flgure* taken from Iter deck must be masculine society in regard to women." and says This was the commencement of a barricade which I replied that, being correspondent between two burned for an opportunity to cut us out of the the most influential journals in tue world, l wax and all who believe in ordinary fair play will added the distance, and throe miles, trade. Further efforts ou the of this mat France, as with "has no mlglu have la-en the cause of difllcitity; hut be on their to resent the raising of such the Sappho was now ahead of her. After noon the part Mexican compared Kngland, by defenders were wanting. It and another at the to them for giving me un insight Into Indebted guard carelully in the same direction, therefore, deserve in"ans the pre-eminence lit this which Is which I should not have been oilier wise able to a cry as simply an outrage ou the common decencies yachts had the flood tale wtih them, and a steadier and the of citizens.compauy respect of the Kue d'Angoulemc were at once clearedcornerny mysteriesof sporting rivalry. wind, and their progress to windward became plaudits patriotic acknowledgment ascribed to It." the police. There wvre -200 or 300 rioters in have obtained. In About hall Finding that their business was increasing on KitKB. quickened consequence. Messrs. A Sons a blouses who valiant y assisted In "Vive la noon tx>th went proportionatelytheir hands Alexander ordered Oneen Victoria held a Drawing Rooui ut shotulug One of wax ordered to see me out of British Announcements of the Iteauir. an hour after yachts about ugulu, new to bo built for their and ljgiie!" "V lve les Chasseurs!" and who, frightened at my brigadiers and stood on tor the land on the starboard tack, the ship line, yesterday Palace on the 10th of May. The followingBuckinghamthe sound of then- own skedaddled" down the barracks. This lie dul with a bad grace, tor his Cokk BINUU OPTIC*, May 1MM A. M. saw her trial in her proper element. The voices, and advanced had Between live and six o'clock last evening the Cain- Sappitouow playing her hand by sticking to the and accommodations presentations were made to Her Majesty:. the canal steps, Into some sand (targes wnere they iiupoitunt capture consequent Cambria like a Imrr, but at the same time making dimensions, pecudarlties appearunco, r-inanied hid until and had slipped iroill Ills grasp. nneu travel shir me bria was sighted, with tlie Amerieau yuclit ot the new mad steamer City *>; Merula have Ity Mrs. Lothrfcp Motley.Mrs. James Lawrence, troops police passed, some ou her but at H:55 she bore her position as good as possible deud to windward. hi when they returned to their and I asked him particulars about the quarter; gradually Dauntlessup an to been described in the Hk.iai.d; hut beforeheretolore Boston, ulled 8tales, and her sister, Miss shouting told me thin there were severalcourtyardfor wbeu several miles more of the course bad The wind was showing inclination veer more to record her a Eleanor Motley, nieces ot the also Airs, of lamps. One ot the omnibuses extinguishingwhen He disturbance.bom*:, to the south, and at halt-past two P. M. the yachts needing performance yesterday pro| Minister, oiertunied fell on a who was killed on ihe The police had been more thau oncebarricades.lo be completed. ot them will doubtless be acceptable. chapman mid iter i-laier. Miss Jay, daughter of the rioter, went over the whole were laying along the land with their heads loosing recaolrul.ition lieu. John United Kates apoi. A gentleman, who spok English, said. at the barricade in the Hue Morel. SeveralrepuiscdThe Sappho coarse, having The City of Mertda was built by John hugllsh A Jay, Envoy at. Vienna, and ' wore wounded the soldiers when been fifteen intles ahead or the Cambria, The former about east. L. for Mewra. Alexander. Mrs. Henry G. lUissell, of Unlied Kales. Salrve un ry." Uncharitable as It may appear, I rioters by the At twenty minutes past three P. M. the yachts eon Son, of ureenpoint, 1. Providence, beueve that mne-teutiis of the on tiie l'laee was at last, carried, one man, the bearerhtirrlcadeof a arrived at Cowes at six o'clock on yesterday She is Jflft feet in length ou deck, :i7 feet beam. By tlie United Scales Envoy.Mr. llcnry O. ltussell, people red is said to have been but from what 1 and the latter two hours tinuing on the same tack, Brighton lay under t he lee feet in of hold lower hold 11 feel in ol Providence, United ami Mr. James woiud have endorsed the verdict.serve him rtgnt. Hag, killed; previously. morning.beam, and near enough for the Deople on the beach depth (in depth), States, « hear this t am not sure of this latter The umpire's decision has uot yet been formally between decks 8 in cabin feet, she grandson "f the late lion. Abbot The true working mass. and the shopkeepers took morning to he seeu plainly by the eye from the deck ol the height feet; 7>i Lawrence,Lawivuce.no with the riotous in no being true. Many of Die prisoners werestatementar given, but it Is understood that no objection will is 2,000 tons old or 1,600 tons Custom House mrmerly United States' Envoy in London. part and, consequence, sign All !) taken to the declared the Cambtlu, which had now completed the twenty 01 st-iiotts outbreak. rested with arms in their nation. suspected Sappho being winner. seventh mile to windward front the start. The lull brig rigged'; lias surface condensermeasurement; The nianagiT and directors of the Monarch I visited ah the disturbed districts, but saw houses are being searched ahd If arms are lound engines (built at the Helamater works) or 5>i inch nothing iherein the inhabitants arc arrested. If there are English Report of the First Race. Sappho's distance to wind ward was just so inucu f>4 inch stroke of with Company app ared at the Mansion House,Insuranceofimportance. It was mere child's play.a mere greater than ttie Cambria's by her windward position cylinder, piston, game of hide and seek. 1 returned to my quarters troubles benight the government will act wlih vigor. | from the London Times, May la.J two return tubular boilers. She has two smoke l.nuil in. in answer to summonses charging them and one blow crush out the embers ahead of the la Her. aud u brass scr w about ouc o'clock in lite morning, leaving a small by smouldering A NAUTICAL KKTMINPKCT. Bet ween Selsea and the chalk cliffs east of stacks weighing .',000 pounds. with conspiracy to defraud. The company whh party of policemen alone in their gmry guarding the of revolutionary spirit. would be now but an old story to recapitulate lessened the distance Her staterooms, oi wlticii there are coriy tlrst claw the Cambria certainly Hrighton.> >#1 rurultro ^../lAitrl oloua nro flfrn niaimifloai.tlv in May, 18«9, for the purpose chieflyestablishedof nrokcii omnibuses, the body of the dead rioter, lie marvellous triumphs achieved hv the New York herself and Iter but in the ilnai stand whose blood the and Napoleon to the Army. Yacht club schooner in rival; betweenand their arratigemeut and adornment ure simply ejecting marine insurances, and It suspended bespattered pavement, shouting English waters, off from the land uli this mi of recovered ground was A of the interior to any benighted straggior on his way home who A letter of the Emperor Napoleon addressed to now some years ago, and winch culminated in her lost over and over again, owiug to not ouiy the superb. peculiarity arrangement in March last, with liabilities to the amountpayment.of ought be tempted to gaze Willi astonishment at the carrying off from Cowes to New York the of the w that the deck apartment# are lltted with steam Marshal Canroberf, wan communicated to the troops Cup Sappho's comparatively greater power, aud, and communication, wire and .CUD,000 and no assets. The capital was £1.000,000, reniuuui. of the barricade, "Ctrculta, rtmilez." which year; but the tale is not without a special lurerest at but also to an easting of the wind on the radiator#, by licit, in the vernacular may be more ny id the armv of Paris. Tne Emperor writes as the preseut time, when the yachting flags of speed, therefore. the steward'# department and every between in joo.ooo shares of five pounds each. Tlie case on lore,tbly expressed vessels gaining an offing wed open off lk-achy Ilea J. is for. The "Move on." Yesterday during the day there were tollows:. and America are again engaged in a struggleEnglandLater lit the day they kept 1 heir reach along t tie land ingeniously provided appearancesiateroorn Hie part of the prosecution was that the unpleasant rumors of an intended outbreak after for supremacy in the English Channel in three of tiie ship is such that even the most ignorant Humors so ridiculously exaggerated have been until a nttartcr ot four tit the afternoon, when they landsman must have conilfleuce in her. bhe is high defendants had deceived the shareholders by nlgntfall. On the Place du Chateau d'Eau until spreud in reference to the vote of the army that I matches, thetlrsi of which was sailed on Tuesday, went uliout again together, and stood off to the nearly nine o'clock there was nothing remarkable. and the first deal lu the gaute won by ibe American in the bows and has a clear run aft, lie publication of false balance sheets, and leel myself prompted to request, you to assure the southward, the Cambria at. the time being under tne and be described as a The rioters hud changed the scene of their nightly generals, officers and under your command schooner beating a crack English schooner chalk cliffs east of Brighton, or Kottingdean. altogether may that tlie company never was a bona Mr concern. performance. At seven o'clock in the Kue de Parts privates over a sixty mile course to windward. safe and swift vessel, In which It t hat my confidence In (hem has never hceu shaken. handsomelyAs they opened out from the land the wind would tie comfort to travel. so Fori Poulett, whose name appeared in the a crowd of 2,000 persons had assembled. Shout.ug 1 ask yon to lntorm General Leorun especially that I When Steers sent his renowned schooner across freshened until the lee rail of (he Oauibria (the Cap.aln Deaken, sail slug-rig was up with unabated vigor lor the Atlantic he sent her to 11s as a new "idea" I11 graduallylong and favorably known as a navigator, commands as president of tlie company, but who prospectusheld no kept congratulate htm and the troops under his Sappho was now getting so Tar again from the the of and the next ottice in lance half un hour. Shops wero closed, and "jarvles" on their admirable firmness and cool the construction of the hulls of racing schooner that It was somewhat difficult to lie ou the City Meridu, mipoi snares in it, was examined. His lordship said he who passed their horses to command ami also in the cut and fashion of their Cambriato passengers is Mr. Warner Benson, the purser, late tloggi-d escape having of which theyi have given proof duringseircoraniaml.yachts, deck and nole the American yachts (tunbrla'sof the of whose and ,»tt tided at the boar.I room twice a year, signed their vehicles converted into barricades. the last few days. In tne of those riots Ralls.on Idea fully confirmed in tlie soundness both was laid well on the water. City Mexico, courtesy THK " YOPNO KHPt/BI.lC" OUT IN FORCE.ITS suppression of its and her inclination) bearing towards ail having business relations -iiine policies, and did not take a active in which are troubling the capital. theory practice by magnificent The accompanynig sailing yachts, except the him deserved gentlemanlyThe very part PARTE.HOW TUEY APPEARED. COMPONENT high on an*! oil the wind, over the American were witli titm has brought popn'.arity. iin ufiairs. Tlie was Ktigllshsnccosses, Guinevere and Dauntless, KngItsh onicer# have lieeu well selected. It is intended company's inquiry adjourned. Shortly b.-lorc eight "Youug Republic" came out schooner yachts of the lime. It Is remarkable that seen more of from this of the race, or other m farce. A Dantl of lads the MaraeiUauu' no exact of tills celebrated craft ha- since been nothing point that the City of Merida will have a crew or tlfty Fending tlie Duke of Newcastle's appeal to the singing THE MEtYKST UOUVY 11 MM YOKE. copy ar any rate, they did not put themselves in asutti a pom t rated the du one on either side of the Atlantic, although to hands, all told, which Is large and liberal House of Lords, on the question whether a peor can Faubourg Teuqile. young produced cieutly prominent position obtalu any notice froir for a vessel of her size. scapegrace flourished a piece ol' red stuff attached many efforts have been made in that direction, and the racers. The Guinevere, however, was aheud oi allowance adjudicate 1 a bankrupt, the time for his tlrace's to a silck and made himself hoarse with A IlenrtlesM Nymph ICoba a ''.Newspaper especially by English yacht builders. I11 this tin According to previous arrangement, the ship lelt shouting the Cambria and on tne track of the Sappho, and her hi pier .No. 17, yesterduy, at hali-past surrender under the proceedings which have already "Vise 1j Drnpeau Rouge!" Anotherdemocratic army Alan" on Broadway. there has been a natural reluctance to abandoncountryDauntless was doing similar duty on tne Cambria's berth, arrised the lioiilevanl de U "Vice the keel of as it ten o'clock, wllh 400 invited guests on board, on a been taken is extended to the tilth of by VUietic, yelling On as Daniel editor of the deep system construction, affording, track, and In very close company. The Freucf trial down the It was found August. la He. ubl;que!'' "Vive Kocliefort!" i reached the Monday night Norcross, does, capabilities for giving accommodation schooner 1st Fauvette was also In close com trip bay that, although The London Triejraph hastens "to disillusionize d'Kau uhoui nine and Ntic official of the Order of the much to what could steam capable of working up to sixty-uve evolutions, she Chhtcau o'clock, llnulng Aqe, organ Independent yacht superior inboardpuny, and continued so to the end. In the now full made ten knots with evolutions, and tin French iuina" of any exaggerated importance of interes. entered ihe Can' I'aruslcn, where, you Odd Fellows, San be obtained from the shallow keel or Hie American sail breeze and the srnooilt water, which was such u nIty mlly Is said to Havenothing Francisco, CaL, lemporarlly as introduced 10 this steers in the every one that the twelve and a hair knots whichsuitshud w lileh it may attach to the demonstration to be may remember tliatTraupnianu type, country by remarkable feature In a day's channel racing it held himself ader the Paiitin crime. 1 felt at French's Hotel, was passing up BroadwaystoppingAmerica, but trie progress id improving the forms bowled she is expected to at,rain will be less tliau her regaled early May. both yachts along gloriously those were the Mexican on Sunday. May 15, In Hyde Park. In favor of the that, later, some excitement would beconvincedgot he was accosted by two females, who sandwiching of the hulls in English yacht*, and the cat of their and the farther the Sappho sailed trie Taster sht speed. Among present ordinary and so i to half an hour on the sails the American liar been Consul. General W. M. Tweed, Jr., Assistant French republicans. Such a proceeding can be np, managed pass him in between them joined him in his upon plan, continuous, seemed to go, dropping even the noble Guinevere District Assi-taiit District Attorneys site ol Traupmann's refreshers, watching a young had but a short distance nnd the results may now be seen In such after Beacuj, almost as qulcklv as she was Attorney; easily valued In England at its true worth," but They proceeded promenade. as opening fellows and Blount; Alexander Kggieson, Mr. "white blouse" at the opposite table "billing and when one of them named Emma Warner, schooners the Guinevere, the Cambria, the Aline, dropping t no Cumbria. the IfUyraph fears thut it may uoi hi: so corre tly with the "gal or HI-> 'eart." They both the Selene and a host of other not Tit K of the Deiamater Iron Works, Deiamater,and coo.ug" twenty-nine years or age, residing at No. vessels, VtOTOBY. a number of merchants and other on tiie Continent. far happier du re man on a barricade, ami I not on the recently launched Gwendoline, which At about tlfteen minutes six the wind quite prominent appreciated appeared211 Thompson street, standing the order beexcepting past citizens of distinction, 'the ship was run out beyond ot Li, the fell convinced that lor one night ut least the great of going, suddenly started on a run for the promises, when fli for sailing, to the veered in mote to the east, and from that In the British House Commons, May Home of ihe would not be increased my opposite handsomest and swiftest schooner was the light ship, turned and headed again for the city, army republic by side of the street. Norcross, surmising all was not English yacht moment the race the Sappho's, barring which she reached at Ave o'clock, on the return secretary stated that his attention had been called amatory neighbor in the white blonsj. Leaving the felt, for his dollars in afloat. In all these vessels superb such an aectdent as the loss of one ui hot Parisii-ii i traversed the Iri the direction of right, wallet., containing sixty have been while, at the is trip an elegant collation was spread in the capacious id a statement that u demonstration of sympathy Cute place bills and, discovering It missing, started in pursuit provided below, accommodationslower sticks. There not much more t< and lltted ot which the enure the Prince Eugene barracks when the report of a and succeeded in tne fleet-footed Emma same time, the fineness of their lines, fore and aft, be said. At seven P. M. the Cambria was very neat beautifully saloon, with the French republicans would be held m Hyde attracted attention, and the crowd round capturing and the true plane of their sails is believed hero to company freely partook. Spec he# were made by Mr. pistol my on the opposite pavement. While holding her for the spot fixed for the rendezvous, aud the fciapphc o( the Arm of Alexander A Sons. l ark. He -rtiil ihal tt was a nil-take lo suppose that the gates bolted tu ail directions, followed by tnc the arrival of an the have insured tliern the greatest possible maximum was seven miles further to s but no steamei Alexander, ."sr., officer, prisoner's of In America has not Uidward, Mr. District Attorney Fellows and others, aua i demand for the extradition of M. Flourans had police. came to her assistance and placing speed. Improvement with ihe umpires on board as a mark vessel v is in Mr. An officer of the Twenty.ninth .'standing accomplice at the same pace as it has in England. What was to be doner ir the two the evening was spent most eujo.vably. irxi He trusted regltnent Norcross' linger in her mouth nearly hit progressedsight,. yacht? and made Iiy the French Ambassador. near the barracks, had been accosted by an it off In order to him to release Hteers'idea lias been "prolonged" in bom null and continued their course the.v would only lie --Hiliut Fellow# proposed Mr. Alexander's Captain the thus:."if received the order would compel canvas, but tt would be fair to the Decker's health In a characteristic speech, in which, that under these circumstances contemplated you individualyou his hold before lie could pound her loose. Officer scarcely Into the darkness of the ulgnt and on 10 ilie Frciiet the and of the tlrc on the people?"' The officer replied, "I do not or the the of the great American yacht builder to sureputationv that coast, and tinder 110 < trcnmsranco* could li be ex while eulogizing spirit enterprise meeting would not be held. do In autl have Muldoon, Eighth precinct, heating affray, u has been to from the owner# of tt»o ship and paying a merited ask you what you would my place, succeeded In arresting Emma, her Improved upon, judge peeled the nils-dug steamer would be found there the A special mooting of the Southampton (England) the kindness to allow me to do as 1 like." In answer companion Vesta, Ficctwing and other racing schooners owner to Captain Decker, lie spoke of popularcompliment making good ner escape. She was arraigned before Dauntless,Mr. Ashbury. as the or the Cambria, ituuie our Interests aud town Council was hold to make for to this his interlocutor ilred ut lilui with a revolver, we have seen. The Sappho's qualities as an altered decided on board thai desire for the revival of shipping arrangements Justice Cox at Jefferson Market, yesterday morniug. ihre" diatelv vessel tor himself bj the Intervention of the national between and the bad passing through his left hand, and denied the but was committed Tor yacht must lie tested by the results of her saving:. legislature receiving the bodies of Messrs. Herbert Vyner, man charge, races when considered with due business decay aud manifest commercial will it the officer himself arrested the and with the Cambria, h»s and rnn lbs li impending lately murdered In Greece, which were expected to disarmed htm. (irders were then givennotwithstandingto clear the examination.relation to their respective length, tonnage and Ttiektpplin 1'nirly bonnlly rare; 11 des my. Altogether the trial trip of the City of Emma evidently knew where "her game'' was, neither of our fault* ibal tlir Meaiui-r ia not here, aud tin Merldit wa# most satisfactory and arrive the day the City of Paris sailed. A letter place, autl the people afterwards kept at a respect* for she could not rob a New York scribe of t.hat and power. prize and alt thn b-morv of the rare are very justly bur* plea-lug, of canvas ore, tn fact, we was read lrorn Lord Carnarvon the lui distance from the barracks. 1 saw several amount. Length, tonnage nnd spread although have no mark venae! here to go round and fltilth enjoyable. accepting club their rifles witn the intention of' the only true standard by which the relative merits our race flora, by running in bwi'm-a the wind homo alter oui demonstration. soldiers of each other can be hard beat to windward. Put the Cambria abort, and earn proposed the refractory. Oue respectable looking man A TIME. any yachts salting against her 1HI. SIEAIISIIIP CUT OF PAWS. The Cork ll-rald of L; makes the and his wlie received two heavy blows frout Hiebraining"bull T'MEKtEPERJEHiNO and by this standard, whatever may he the oil glutei* for Cowva Roads. Mu> following results the of the two vesselsmeasured, tills time the steamer was In sight announcement:. ol a t itle, which alighted, luckily, not on the heads final average of nailing At missing of their recipients. From the rubbing which i'eriiliuritics of n Young Maii "by r the iloyal Thames Yacht Club, as is the homeward tTic Duuntless accompanied the Cumbria Yoik steamer afloat, she was the fastest vessel idea of Pegging Tor pardon from the Queen. the planking. In the Ktie Moret a barricade ol a with his salary of $10 per week. lie inconsistentwas a established custom now with all EuiilMi yacht hut the. tiuiuovere. was left on tue name tuck us tine of her line until the City or Brussels was add d At a held in in favor of the inorj serious nature was erected. frequent attendant at the various billiard saloons and ci litis. Sappho and standing towards the French land. to the fleet; so, in order to place her in a lair meellng Birmingham THE ASP HI'K HOME. with the other and The cavalry summoned from Ihe Qual d'Orsay, theatres, aud in every rcsnect filled the r.»/e of a last SAPPHO CAMBKM. THE condition to compete vessels ot hues, release of the Fenian prisoners, against the - together with the mounted Gardo de Paris, took up young nuiu. It was accidentally discovered that Sappho.Length for tonnage, 12" feet; breadth, The run Home of the Cambria calls for no parlleu it was found necessary to add iorty feet to tier Dill, the tiladstone government was strongly Todd hud m 27 f. et; depth in hold, 11 feet; tonnage, :t04 tons. Area lac remark. The Nab ves-el was passed at tw<> length. By this addition, which was made in the Coercionposition on the Place du Chateau d'liatt. engaged passage Hamburg Light of Paris is condemned. Nearly all the sinkers were ntof Infantry was ordered to advance, and all steamer, and waa to nail yesterday, although of canvas.In mainsail, foresail, staysail, topsails, o'clock jre«terdu\ (Wednesday) morning, and an nndshlp section the steamer, the (itty of Aregim He bad mentioned I he fact" 10 Tula Jib and Jib topsail, 12,287 ire feet. cnored in t'owe* Howls aOnui four A. M. The .-Supplea now 4lti feet long over all. being ten feci longer thm and a resolution demanding repeal of the union approach to the luubotirg forbidden. J. nobody. jib, flying squ Englishmen, passed unheeded between t ao ol fact, together with the condition in which were Cambria.Length for tonnage, 97 ieet; breadth, 21 am bored in Uowes nouns aoout six A. M., and abon t the City of Brussels. The alteration will give her however, of otto was carried unanimously. toe sections, ami marched with the regiment lound Iiih accounts, were considered Hiifllctent can feet 1 inch; depth of hold, 11 fei t a Inch; tonnage. 19a an hour afterwards her crew bonded her nags aw 1 addldonal cargo spare to the extent hla and he was tons. Areaot 2.9B7 three rouuds oi cheers and one oxer w ith tre tons, and berths wilt lie fitted up lor A Cork (Ireland) Journal, of May V:, reports the up the Faulxiurg du Temple. At the hcud for arreat, accordingly yesterday canvas.Mainsail, square feet; gave At ttio of the was a commissary ol lakeu into custom and conuiilttctl to Jail in default 1 695 square feet; sinysml. 800square loet: foresail,inendons eiiorgv. »h. was manned for the rate 1>;y 220 additional steerage passengers. weather thus:. Column police, » Is Increased state or the wtio fiom time to time, as crowds were of $3,0oo bail. 81# square feet; foretopsail, #47 squaremaintopsall,feet; an Fngllsh crew from Cowes, with an English ear same time the buoyancy ol the steamer Broke in with a fieri" pae this to first 962 square 815 tola ana mates over ihem. to the ex'eut of ilfteen incites, ller burden Is now Yesterday morning alter the roil of the drum a* providedencountered.for by Toe method adopted by yonng sport obtain jib, feet; Jib topsail, square feet; for this Hum the west sooth west, aoeoinpanied i.y swerving the law, called on the to The the "wherewithal' wits to make out his pay roll Tor tot til. 8,602 square leet. INFERENCES. n,loo tons. On the eih lust., before starting It in people disperse. lights Thfl Knoniin Ifs now n vprr JifTormif vnau.i t/v who! uncommonl stic mane a trial to sea, and made an showeis of rain. Towards midday grew tu i.t- ittnbuitrg had been extinguished, in many more men than were employed; tlc n, drawing the The Sappho Is beyond auy doubt an y port, trip until n had reached ulino-r a hurricane, wh.cliintensityplaces the pavement torn up and the shop* close d, money torn the cashier, paving off the men actually gltc wtm in the utiftinm »f lsfls, when hik- whh ho fast vessel, ulthougn it is believed that much of t:i e average speed, for the thirteen hours the trip lasted, lashed tno waters in cork harbor into nri2ry Pillows. l'eisotis Itoni lime to time from the at work and retaining the balance. It whs round beaten in tiie innlch r tind the 1-le of Wightsunnilyby distance by wtih h she 'heat the Cumbria over ih« ot Utf knot* p r hour, and at one time attained peeped timidly < was b nit in and Ttmdai wasilxod lor the opening yachting sca-oa upper w indows and withdrew Iheir he ids hastily that lie hn'l purloined In this maimer some f'2,6oO, the Cambria, Aline and oilier English yachts. Oh si*ty miles beat to windward is due to the fault teen knots. Tne city f Paris istw, fify a the Co, k Yacht Club, anil tliongn a good wneu th roll *o/n tho hacx over a Todd her subsequent rcinru to Amorlcn and t.lm or Hie luiter. 'ih; flat undermldahip secti m if Is justly considered a marvel ot shipbuilding skill, ho>al drum rolled. Alter the third and operations extending year. purrhaae t.y we»cie many vessels were at their moorings th"y were oi«, the order is tu should L i«e unitwill be tried at 110 next court, anil Is undoubtedly her pre-tcni owner she was "Inppcd," to nse nil the Happho, which has heo.i ma.nly given 10 her b y Sue experienced heavy during eight days given lire, > i- nt la l f -lavs to leuve, ne> diur was the hand. unafile without further notice, (m, on, we wontnecesRev.m good lor the Watc Prison, lie seems 10 have no phra-e.that is, lalae aides w re built uponAmericanher the '-hipping process to which Rtie mis hs-n ui oi her lute voyage, bin the two ami a Ua the wen know a the dis,< i between tliu uuddlcts ami ir r siieu e and m dark oca-, for although the I.lends iNt aln c his villainy was discovered. at the water Hue, the greatest cxleut of t'uesc- prOjhc\ jcct;d by Ills ud»Ut Of CuvtalH Fish, ruu84uiuilc.