EUROPE. of a Protruetcd Utruirirli'
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4 N m YOKK HERALD. WEDNESDAlr, MAY" 25, 1870.-TIUPLE; SHEET. in mterw in the we«» of l had o<> moon wan Hlilnlng brightly Che street wan tons b*tng amidships and tapering off to nothing atnatenr yacht bntlder, of Heir Tor*. fires her suofe Pcotlm appearance In dark forward and aft. Tina lior a bearing surface the water thai an American w.u shadow. Occasionally we tumbled over alteration has given upon Ofblng compromised, antitluro evary paving stouoa it ml cru hod with our met THE INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE greater buoyancy and power, and is also be.loved Or will tuHlat that In smooth seas, long or short. the EUROPE. of a protruetcd utruirirli'. probabiln\the broken Kiajt with which the pavement Her owner and by Captuu Kish, under whso advice more c an van tha' may be paked upon her the faster to A Lon Ion journal of the l-tii of M ly a iva:. wan Hire wo. Aito.icU mile sired was pan-rd a the alteration lias been made, to have materially she must slide ahead. There are vet two ruoea witH posted under eouunuini o( an olUgflr. wisecttouU improved he Hues but it certainly has not improved couto oif between ber ami ths Cambi ta, but the race H may be Qaefol fo th » nt -n<'» w o re siw.ivm In to nor of if It that the almi to note 'hiu tlvc orders to uliow no one to pit Kronrwueto apjieuraiice, uccordlug Englisn ideas, Tuesday proves, proves anything, projectiitir now theatre* for l«o tune wo mot a stray and K.uriUiM lutiaoiiaur nl uiu Full of the First Contest Between suction. isatipho ih quite capable of gtviug tluie to a smaller hous « cloaoti hiflt week, v z.:.A lley'* the Itoyul Reports ooNtirriONS OF tuldsuipa or In the The Revolutionary Rising in Paris anil t.i district, tu u he ildured .lute, endeavoring to hud TIIK R»CK. homier, American Kuglish, coining All red. the New Varieties Now Olie.a-a ne The conditions entered into Mr. Ashburv. the test for the ta be Ills Hovai these liua bustuesa been hie way home, Every outlet was burred. "On the and oy cup given by Highnesscon, N v.-ltovaity. Atuoneof iHittl" win fthouxiii iu litut ii he turned to the Sappho Cambria. owner ui the Cumbria, and Mr. Douglas, the "owner lite Prince of wales. Specially l^porled. very flourishing lately. right; "on ne pa«->e />ax!n wan yelled at him ii ho of the Sappho, were that there should be three races attempted 11 torn o the loll, in hope ui extricating between the two vessels, the flrst and second races I English Coinuirats. FRANCE. h.m-y.t trout t Una WK»t unU bayonet; If lie tried to beluga course of bO lulled each to wlndwurd, au 1 a [From the London Nows, May 12.] "go ahead" he li urTmratil "Cb» nt passe pas/" ir HERALD SPECIAL AND ENGLISH ACCOUNTS run In home to leeward over the same distance, or a The .vacating season begins u little earlier than A Herald Writer in the Street*, at the ho tan ked astern ho was brought to a siandstlll by run off lo leeward und a working coursj to usual tins ye <r. May, Indeed, Is always a favori e The Hay ol Undicul Hevubilioa in Pari*.A the hack, according to the position of the wind. month is then the bunks toe lueitaile *'On ue ptia$: pas /" Thus by to be the windward lor titling out. It that Barricades and in the Hands llernid Special Correopondent Hunting Up time wo g| near y readied the iioul vaiil a silver cup, value tlliy guineas, prize for of the Medina river and the patent slips v were each race. The Vectis. a tine steamer belonging to at winter The the KevolutiaiiiniH.Kurd to Pind the bvo or mix iieacaub disposed ciu/.eas exteriour]bluster of the Yachts at Cowes Roods Packet c Cowes awake from t.iMlr sleep. of the Police. vaiizinx about in boivli ienm iu. the Southampton and C'owea Steam unpanv, sure navy is hauled oiT the mud, decks are scrubbedplea: "ltri»"-Jlilliar)r and Police Action. Thin attracted the notice 01 a >uie ener ietic olllcer and the Start was chart,-red to convey two gentlemen appointed and Hpars ute scraped, and tne standing rigging Is 1'iUN M«V II 1QTH to tutu Off the Nab. to uct ns und tbe friends of the owners of A who to uiyseli. mi J I w:w miced with the others umpires was also setup. whole amphibious population. down a Hire t to the right, across wuioti troops were the two yachts, and a second sicutuer pend for ttieir tee on one of the uobiest aud, Sunday last, tlio clay to which all had for weeks to one 01 the from Oowes Coals, de;are Plot tor the Agassination of thrown to bar tne en rauoe. Taking, However, u tow yachts which charteredperhaps, the most nat onul of Itrltlsh scoria, looked forward anxiously as probably destined to be to the 1 onwar l the Ve ;tw taking the other to the point might looking out for me owners, who about tins tluie Huddea iurn len, passed mpldlv Trim and of lor liic vessels to start _ be cowo 41.^ II.. one of violence, pnssod in tranquillity. The ilii riiiin.1 ivaeit III Uu> nil. n rill the bollIC- Rig, Management fixed upon by the umpires down rroni town and are apt to be se^cd wlita IIIV du e. On it from and return to ui the lliusb. sudden for the ut her nipr. electors of France voted without let or, at no top of Mie Faubourg Temp {-be pussion length' uing jaclil 11,200,000 1 found tuat an 1 tiaiilry rgiui'iu, u double cordon the Vessels. At ANCIIOH FOB THE START. bows or some other Ireak of r"stless eniulutlon. hindrance. A decisive battle betwoen 1 On evening sunset the Cambria and But In most there are few, K democracy oi pod c ami so.dirs kept he boulevard clear. Monday by from each o'lier years uny, y.icliling and imperialism was and III. was in their midst aud Travertin# the open the bappho were anchored not far events to sneak of before Whitsuiiiidoat ol fought, Napoleon the line (if "Can in Oowes Koads. Daylight on Tuesday broke raw the Thames. To the and adventurous Great Powers' on the added another laurel to Ills crown. the space, l went slraigni to poiioe. K. hv N-. eager spirit Negotiations At night pus..?" "Where no you want to go tor" "Along The Dauntless and Frenoh and and c'ourty, with a light w.nd from about of our English yachtinan, repeated victories Boulevards wore crowdftcl. Tho venders of t:ie boulevard." "If'we let will he and about five o'clock the .sappbo was t .wing astern 111 English and French waters have made litoi sigh you pass you of the astern ul tue to Greek Question. In their kiosks drove a our line and the outer line of troops, and you Ituby steamer and the Cambria for fresh worlds conquer, and to the responsive flourishing trade,newspapersas between English Visitors. Vectis, out for tne Nub off the east end of alacrity of our American sold at increased the can go no lur-her." I»esirous of pressing onward I Lightship, cousins, who, luring r they prices evening papers, at ill urged the necessity of pa-ming, but i lie the Isle of Wight. t> atcuusonce in English wateis, were not easily extra editions of were I'NDKK HAIt..THK START. to sit down under u detent or to wait tor which published at liolice tod ine 1 uiuko u circuit by off the persuaded POLITICAL RADHAI.ISH IN ENGLAND. short Intervals the uu Temple aud taking the On nesting the Nab the sieauicra cast a revanche on the o'lier aide of the Atlantic, the until a late hour. Everybody dosoeiiuing Faubourg Tlie Ntrugfflo and Vlc-tory yachts and the latter set their canvas for the race, of Coives and Kyde are indebted for tins had turned Unit street to the right, l did so and tried to cuter good people out for the occasion, as ^ the lira! street. "On ne jxisiit pa* i" gre. ted me; of the the Snpptio setting whole mainsail and foresail, early release from the long and weury torpor of their was a fine and the moon shone 1 went on with the same r. sun. Tina £4appho. Jib, flying jib and fore aud uiuiu jib-headedstaysail.gaff dead season, when the only yachts ailoai are those 'I lie Inrann st< tmshtp City of run-. Captain night brightly. to the lie\t, t Tiie also wet all Iter whole nan with the swallows to the south. would have a all to was nearly facing the barracks in the faubourg. >p*ails. Cumbria that huve migrated from Li «erpool the 12th ami (jucenstown the Everybody newspaper, himself; plain suit, comprising mainsail, fores ul, staysail Alter a great deal of letter writing and friendly Urtug Mltcliouse, would read the lust of the Coining down tuc opposite street iroiu the line By the steamship City of Purls, at this port, we and nih of May, air.veil at tine port yeaterdaj morning. everybody published state Morel was a strong party of bergens de Vllie, with jib, and square-headed fore and main topsails.