BULL. BOT. SURV. Vol. 35. NOS. 1-4 : pp.40-59. 1993



Botfiniccrl Survey of Indiu , Howruh

ABSTRACT Ethnobotanical studies made among the tribals of Ranchi, Gumla, Lohardaga, Palamau districts of Bihar are presented. The paper provides uses of 146 plants for medicines, veterinary medicines. food, fodder. household, house building materials, various social and religious ceremonies. A comparison with the literature reveals that 42 uses of various plants reported in the present paper are new. Besides nine plant species reported to be used by the tribals of Chotanagpur for various purposes have not been mentioned in the earlier literature.

INTRODUCTION 50% of the area. The general pattern of flora varies The districts of Ranchi , Gumla, Lohardaga and at different altitudes. The agricultural lands lies Palamau of south Chotanagpur division of Bihar is between the forest enclosure. situated between 22'-24' N latitude and 84'-86' E The forest of this region is tropical & moist longitude, guarded by West Bengal on east, deciduous type. Common trees in the forest are. Madhya Pradesh on west and Orissa on the south. Shorea robusta, Madhuca longifolia, Dalbergia The district of Hazaribagh Giridih and Dhanbad sisoo, Butea ntonosperrna, Sclzleicheru triguja, of north Chotanagpur division is distinct from Terminalia chehula, Senzecaryus anacardiunl, south Chotanagpur by its soil, climate and Svz~giunzcumini, Bllchat~anialatifoliu, 'Diospyros vegetation. The districts of south Chotanagpur exsculyra, Aditta cordifolia, Boswellia Serruta ; division have more forest area along with denser Cleistanthus collinus, Lagerstrdehtih ~p'&n,$ora'~, tribal population. The scope of ethnobotanical Acucia catechu etc. Common sdal?he's, creepers studies is, therefore, high in these districts of south and herbs available are E~~tblicb.oflcirtalis, Chotanagpur division of Bihar. Bauhinia vahlii, Holarhenna antid~senterica, The hilly tracts of south Chotanagpur division Heniidesmus indicus, Eziphorhia hirta, Flentingiu lies in an altitude up to 1200 m. Geologically the chuppar, Grewia hirsuta, Elepharttopus scaber, districts of this division consists of metamorphic Sntilax nzacrophylla, Asparagus rucentosus, and submetamorphic gneiss rock. Pegmatite rock Andrographis paniculata, Agave vera-cruz, of crystalline granite are available with felspar and Calotropis gigantea, Thespesia iantpas. Alylosia quartz. The weathering of gneiss derives scarabaeoides, Curculigo orchioides, Xerornphis sandstones, loamy and red soil. The soil is laterite , spinosa, Ichnocarpus frutescens, Lantana camara, usually deficient in lime, nitrogen and organic Woodfordiafruticosa, Carissa carandas etc. matter (Meher-Homji- 197 1). The climate is dry According to the Bihar Tribal Welfare Research from February to June , a hot wet season from July Institute, Ranchi the total Scheduled Caste and to September and cold from October to January. Scheduled Tribe population in 199 1 was 66.1 6, The temperature varies with altitude and rainfall. 914. However, approximately 30 lacs of tribals High altitude temperature in cold season lowers (Census 197 1) inhabit the. Chotanagpur region. upto 2'~. On hot seasons the temperature reaches The major tribes of south Chotanagpur division are 40'-42' C. The rainfall is heavy from July to Oraons, Mundas, Kharias, Bhumijs, Loharas, December. The forest is monsoon type of tropical Kisans, Asurs, Birjias and Mahlis. Othcr minor zone, deciduous in dry seasons covering about tribes are Birhor, Banjara and Gonds. The Mundas in , Oraons in and Date of receipt : 16.09.93. Date of acceptance : 06.09.94. 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 41

Asurs in Netarhat region of Palamau district are young girls and middle aged women decorate their highly populated. hair with various flowers , particularly on occasion Ethnically the tribals of Chotanagpur are of wedding and cultural festivals. The marriage Protoaustroloid (Prasad- 1961). They are either of within the subcaste (clan) is not allowed. In the Dravidian or Kolarian origin and therefore society the marriage with the wife of the deceased language and dialect differ much. "Sadni" elder brother and wife's younger sister is possible. language is spoken by most of the tribals. Oraons The marriage takes place in the months of speak "Sadni" mixed with "Kurukh" language. December to March. The marriage proposal Mundas Bhumijs and Birhors speak "Mundari" always comes from boy's side who offers "bride and Asurs speak "Asuri". "Sadni" language is price" (some money and materials) to the bride's mixed with either Hindi or Bengali and usually father before the marriage. The marriage takes spoken by Birjias and Banjaras. place in the girl's village. The boy and girl sit 0n.a common mat prepared of Cyperus contpressus. The tribals and other rural people of south The twig of Lagerstroentia puw$oru is used by Chotanagpur are very much close to forest and elders to wish the happy married life. Some men natural vegetation both in their habitat and may marry twice or thrice. Divorce to the lady is livelihood. The plant and plant materials available granted on the grounds of impotency or neglect of from the nearby forest are used as food, fodder, household duties and if she is declared as a witch. fibre, medicine, veterinary medicine, timbers, The new birth of a child in the family is enjoyed households, drinks, beverages, oilseeds and also with dance and song. The dead. bodies are either for socio-religious and magical purposes. burnt or buried. On the tenth day the bereaved family offer the alchoholic' drink of Madhucu lortg!folia to the neighbours and then are accepted SOCIAL ORGANISATION by the society. Before this. the house is cleaned by The tribals of Chotanagpur have their own cow dung and all members have to take bath. The principle and choice for a village site, house, neighbours and the family celebrate with dance family, dress and ornaments, weddings, childbirth , and music. death ceremonies, cultural functions, festivals, The dance and music programmes are held on socio-religious belief as well' as village some ceremonies (wedding, new birth & death administrations. A village comprises of two or ceremonies) or religious occasipns. The common more "Tolas" and each "Tola" contains two to ten musical instruments are "Bansi", "Bami", "Bamli", houses. A house consists of two rooms and a small "Murli" (the bamboo tlutes) ; "Dhol", "Dholka", door, without window. The inside of the room "Khailu", "Madal", "Mander", "Nagera" (the remains dark even during the day dme. In the drums made of shorea robusfa wood and Corner of the bed room they worship some wooden "Banam" or "Kendra" (the violin, made of idol as the family god. The other room is used for Gn~elinaarborea wood). The traditional festivals storing the fodder, fuel or grain. The "varandah" is such as "Karam Parab", "Sarhul Parab", "Aouba fenced with wood and leaves of Shorea robusta. Parab", "Sheo-Chaturdasi", "Dashera", "Dipawali", The tribal ladies are more dynamic and "Nawakhani", "Phagu Parab", "Sohrai Parab" etc., laborious in comparison to the gents. Regarding are observed. Some of these festivals are dress, the womien prefer the coloured sarees. Snlall connected with Adina cordifoliu tree, Shoreu boys and girls are either naked or wear loin-cloth. robusra flowers, Vitex negundo flowers On special occasions, they are however well Lagerstroemia pawflora twigs and many other dressed, The tribal women of all ages are much plants. The participants of the festivals get together fond of the ornaments like hairpins, ear & nose at "Akhra" (a specified \area of the village) and sings, necklace, armlets, finger &, toe rings. The 42 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35 drink the alcohol of Madhucu lortgifolia. Gumla district; Morwai and Nctarhat under Sometimes they take country liquor ("Handia") Mahuadad block of Palamau district. prepared from fermented rice. The tribals have Plants used by the local tribals were collected good religious faith on deities, gods and under 268 field numbers. During field studies, goddesses. They do not destroy the plants from the reliable informants were approached and taken to areas where their goddesses are believed to live. the field. Enquiries were made on the plants used for food, households, medicinal and other economical purposes. Voucher specimens as well PREVIOUS WORK as the sample of the particular part of the plant Dalton (1872), Risley (1891), Roy (1912, were collected and vernacular names of the plants 1913 1925) , Russel and Hiralal (19 16) , Gates were recorded. All the specimens arc housed in the ( 1962) and Prasad ( 196 I ) have studied the social herbarium of Pharmacognosy Unit (CAL). The political economical cultural and religious specimens were collected by the first author aspects of tribals of Chotanagpur. Haines (19 10, (AKS). 192 1-25) . Mooney ( 1950) and Bressers ( 195 1 ) Information on mode of collection, processing , mentioned the uses of some of the plants in their formulations, after effect of drugs, period of respective floras. Bodding's (I925 1927) work on administrations etc., were enquired in detail while Santal medicine and connected folklores is the collecting the information on plants used for significant contribution of this region. Jain and medicinal purposes. The processing of wild edible Tarafder (1970) published a brief account of plants was personally observed as far as possible. Bodding's work. Gupta (1 962 , 1963 1964 , 1974, The extraction methods of fibres from the stem 1981) reported the nutrition habit of major tribals bark and further processing for cordage of Chotanagpur specifically of Asur, Korwa, preparation were studied. Processing for the Sauria, Pahariya and medicinal plants used by extraction of oil from seeds was also observed. Asurs of Netarhat. Lal ( 1950, 1952) contributed to Methods of alcohol-extraction, beverage dietary habits of Chero, Dusadh and Hos. Tarafder preparation were noted. Use of timbers and wood (1984, 1984a, 1986, 1987) contributed on the for house building, households, agricultural ethnobotanical studies in Chotanagpur specifically implements, musical instruments, fish traps, bird in Ranchi and Hazaribagh districts. Tribedi et al. trap ctc., were recorded. (1985) reported some uses of plants by the tribals. Some useful discussions were held with a group Hembrom (1991) has also studied and reported on of medicine-men ("Jangurus", "Ojhas" & the tribal medicine of this region. In spite of above "Baidas"), headman ("Mukhia") of the panchayat reports many areas of this region as well as tribals and other reliable informants to ' confirm the viz. Oraons, Mundas, Asurs, Bhumijs, Birjias, information recorded in the field from various Gonds, 'Birhors, Banjaras were required to be informants and also to have some data on social further studied ethnobotanically. life of the tribal people of that area. These discussions as well as enquiries with informants wel;e taped and preserved in the possession of the PRESENT WORK & METHODOLOGY Pharmacognosy Unit. The intensive field studies were undertaken at Madhatu, Kurpu, Chalkad, Barudi, Londuruli and ENUMERATION Muchia villages under Arki block of Ranchi district ; Adar, Jillingsira and Biropani villages The plant names are arranged alphabetically under Ghaghra block and Jamti, Nirashi, Kumari along with family followed by vernacular names and Harup villages under Bishnupur block of in either "Mundari" (M) or "Sadni" (S) ,place of 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 43 collection with field numbers and the name of the A bread of rice flour and the powder of whole informant with his age. The causes of plants are plant is given to the children suffering from common among different tribals inhabiting the dysentery. same locality. *A. sanguinolenta (L.) B1. syn. A. scandens The amounts of plant material mentioned in the (Roxb.) Moq. (Amaranthaceae) text are approximate assumptions based on the Chordhuman-S; Nirashi-556; Bulung Oraon expressions of the informants. (70). The plants and their uses marked with asterisk The Juice collected on grinding of the fresh have not been mentioned in Wealth of India plant along with 10 black pepper is used as (Anonymous 1948-72) ; Bodding ( 1925, 1927) diuretic. The drug is given once a day in the Chopra et a!. (1956, 1969) ; Kirtikar & Basu morning for a week... (1935) and Jain (1991). For easy scanning an Agave vera-cruz Miller. (Agavaceae) usewise index is provided in the Appcndix. Konga-M; Mereba-S ; Madhatu-411 ; Mandru Abrus precatorius L. (Fabaceae) Munda (30). Gunj-S ; Nirashi-561 ; Bulung Oraon (70). The fibre is extracted after softening the whole plant in water. It is a good raw'material for making The paste of the leaf is massaged twice a day ropes. for reducing the swelling of shoulder of bullocks. Ageratum conyzoides L. ( Asteraceac ) Acacia catechu (L.f.)Willd. (Mimosaceae) Garidhri-S, Puru-M ; Morwai-627, Madhatu- Khair-S ;Jamti-524 ; Bulung Oraon (70). 43 1 ;Jatia Nagasia (60) ,G. Lohar (50). The wood is a very good timber. It is used for The juice obtained by squeezing the young making the window, door, tools etc. leaves and inflorescences are mixed with "Karanj" (Pnngantia pinnata) or coconut oil and applied on Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae) the wounds, twice a day. It is said to cure even Chirchiti-S, Sitirked-M ; Duria-559, Madhatu- deep wounds within a week. 444 ; Mandru Munda (30), Bulung Oraon (70). *The paste of the leaf along with the leaf of * The paste of the root mixed with 10 black "Chakunda" (Cassia sophera) is applied on the peppers is massaged on the chest to reduce pain. cuts caused by the snake bite. It is believed that the mcdicine is effective only during day time and not The aqueous extract of roots acts as emetic. in the evening. About 20 ml of the extract is advised on each Occasion. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees (Acanthaceac) religious The whole plant is worshipped with a Kalnregh-M, Chireita-S ; Arki-407, Chalkad- faith for the self protection. It is said that by doing 452 ; C. Balmuchu (45), Mandru Munda (30). so the rivals of the' worshipper fails to defend themselves even in the court. The decoction of the wholc plant is used in the treatment of fever and malaria. Thc dccoction of It is believed that the root by keeping on the 50 ml is taken twice a day in thc morning and head reduces the labour pbin. The root is rcrnoved evening. It is said that patients get cured within from the head after the delivery. two days. The use of the decoction is also Aerva lanata (L.) ~uss. ex. Schult. advisable for headache and skin irritations. (Amargnthaceae) Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze (Lamiaccac) Lupuora-M ; Kurpu-447 ; G. Lohar (50). Bansara-M ; Dahudara-6 12 ;Etwa Oraon (60). 44 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35

The leaf is eateq by goats and cattles. Ban kurthi-S ; Kumbhikhad-634 Nirashi-529 ; Antidesma acidum Retz, syn. A. diandrum Kahro Nagasia (60), Bulung Oraon (70). (Roxb.) Roth (Euphorbiaceae) The juice collected after grinding the whole plant is massaged externally on the whole body. Matada-M; Chalkad-451 ; Mandru Munda The massage provide comfort to a person feeling (30). pain and weakness after the attack of evil spirit. The leaf is used in curry preparation. The ripe fruit is edible. Barleria cristata L. (Acanthaceae) * The juice of the fresh leaves (50 ml) is given Bantishi-S ; Salami mahua-649 ; Kahro Nagasia to goats, twice a day for checking dysentery. (60). Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae) *The root (20 g) is crushed and mixed with lOOml of "Phulmahua" (alcohol from Mudhuca Bakula-M, Rungetli kafu-S ; Jillingsira-497 ; longifolia) and taken, once a day for one week Prem Oran (40). orally for abortion. The young leaves are boiled and eaten. Bauhinia purpurea L. (Caesalpiniaceae) Equal quantities of dry seeds and dry seeds of Sitlgda-M. Koinar-S ; Chalkad-454, Malgo- "Dhatura" (Datura ntetel) are fried in mustard oil. 495; Mandru Munda (30), Prem Oraon (40). It is smoked as "bidi" (a kind of cigarette) to cure caries tooth. The bidi is smoked 10-12 times for The young leaves & inflorescenccs arc used in about a week or more if required. curry prepara~ions. Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Boj. syn. A. B. vahlii Wight & Arn. (Caesalpiniaceae) speciosa (L.f.) Sweet (Convolvulaceael Gur~guSakaat-M, Mahulan-S ; Barudigada-464, Janrruchulani-M, Chherisinl-S; Manaburu- 485, Biropani-5 10, Suarchatain-657 : Mandru Munda (30), Sukra Asur (75). Ghotlu Nagasia (80). Kumbhikhad-64 1 ; G.Lohar (50) , Kahro Nagasia (60). The roasted seeds are eaten. The seeds are also used in making curry. * A solution prepared from the powdcr of the dry seeds along with "Karanj" oil is uscd as ear Ropes are prepared from the bark. The leaves drops for reducing ear-ache. are used to prepare the "Gungu" (rain coat for ladies) and "Chupi" (the rain cap). * A paste of the root along with the fruits of "Ghanto" (Schrebera swietenoides) is applied and *The aqueous cxlract of the fresh roots and the massaged on the swelling of "Andokos" (scrotum). roots of "Guma" (Leucus ntollissit~iu)is given for treatment of snake bite. Arundinella bengalensis (Spreng.) Druce syn. A. wallichii Nees ex Steud. (Poaceae) Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. (Oxalidaceae) ; ; Burujono-M ; Manaburu-488 ; G. Lohar (50). Jupidsing-M Barudigada-461 Gopal Munda (40). The whole plant is uscd for making of Grooms. The root is given with the food to cool the mad Asparagus racernosus Willd. (Asparagaceae) dog. Atkir-M, Satniul-S ; Marara-427 ; Gopal Munda "lumeopsis flava (DC.) Cagnep. syn. Laggera (40). flava (DC.) Bcnth. ex Clarke (Astcraceae) The aqueous extract of the roots (100 ml) is Mageba-M, Bansorso-S ; Manaburu-497, taken orally, twice a day for 2-3 days to recover Kumari-593, Jamti-582, Biropani-503 ; Lukin from weakness due to prolonged illncss. Munda (35), Lala Mahto (70), Birsa Bhngat (70) A tylosia scarabaeoides (L. ) Be 11 th. (Fabaceae) Sukra Asur (75). 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 45

The aqueous extract of the roots is given for The aqueous extract (20 ml) of the plant is checking constipation and wind formation. Even a given in malaria, twice a day for 2 days. single dose (about 20 ml) is said to be sufficient Careya arborea Roxb. (Lecythidaceae) for cure. Kumbhi-S ;Peruapat-609 ;Etwa Oraon (60). The plant is chewed to get relief from toothaches due to caries tooth, The paste of the bark is massaged to reduce muscle strains and pains. The juice of the young leaves is used as nasal drops in headache. The girls decorate their hairs Carissa carandas L. (Apocy naceae) with the flowers during cultural ceremonies. Kanwad-S ; Malgo-496, Jam ti-52 1 ; Prem Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. 0rao; (40),Bulung Oraon (70). (Burseraceae) The berries are edible. These are swect in taste Salga-M, Salia-S ; Nirashi-549, Judi Buru-470; when ripe. Mandru Munda (30). Bulung Oraon (70). The root paste is massaged to reduce muscle The powder of the dry bark is sprinkled strains, twice a day, for 2 days. externally on the wounds, 2-3 times a day. The The powder of the dry root is used in preparing application of the drug speedily cures the wounds. "Biro" (a tablet). The "Biro" is used as catalyst for A mixtrure prepared with the aqueous extract of fermentation of boiled rice in making a local drink stem bark and the root of "Maunapitri" (Cyperus called "Handia". compressus) in equal quantity along with 10 black pepper is given thrice a day for 3 days in snake Cassia fistula L. (Caesalpiniaceae) bite. Hurri-M ;Madhatu-4 12 ; G. Lohar (50). The wood is used for making the door, The decoction of the young leaves is taken for window, cots and tools. treatment of stomach-aches. Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntze, syn. B. The paste of fruit along with the oil of "Mahua" frondosa Koenig. ex Roxb. (Fabaceae) (Madhuca longifolia) is given to buffalows for Bendo-S , Parsa-S ; Arki-403 Jamti-585 checking dysentery. Dungipani-577 ; C. Balmuchu (45) Birsa Bhagat *C. hirsuta L. (Caesalpiniaceae) (70) ,Lala Mahto (70). Chakunda-M ; Madhatu-443 ; Mandru Munda The dry seeds are crushed in "Kulhu" (oil (30). crusher) for extracting the edible oils. The juice obtained from young leaves and seeds The "Laha" (lac) collected from the twigs of cause vomiting. It is usually used in snake bite. the tree is sold in the market. C. occidentalis L. (Caesalpiniaceae) Calotropis gigantea (L.1 Dry and (Asclepiadaceae) Barkachakur-S ; Nirashi-560 ; Bulung Oraon (70). Palati-M, Akanta-S ; Manaburu-477 ; Gopal Munda (40). The young leaves are fried and taken with meals. The paste of the root is applied for reducing swelling caused by scorpion sting in cattles. The root is tied with a thread and used as necklace for checking fever among children. It is Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex R. & S. also given to children for checking fever. (Gentianaceae) Chiunraphul-s ; Kumbhikhad-643 ; Kahro Celastrus paniculatus Willd. (Celastraceae) Nagasia (60). Munjni-S ;Nirashi-534 ;Bulung Oraon (70). 46 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35

The oil extracted from the dry seeds is The dry bark and dry rhizome of "Nilkanth" massaged on the body for the treatment of'the skin (Polygala crotalarioides) is powdered along with diseases like eczema , scabies ahd skin irritations. 10 black pepper. It is consumed in the manner of The application of the drug is continued till raw tobacco in cough and cold. About 2 g powder complete cure. is taken 4 times a day for two days. Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. syn. Hydrocotyle * The decoction (50 ml) of the bark is taken asiatica L. (Apiaceae). once a day in the evening for the treatment of hydrocele. The drug may be continued for longer Chokiada-M, Bengsak-S ; Golap j haria-664 period. Madhatu-4 17 ;Ghotlu Nagasia (go), Gopal Munda .(40). The latex is used as adhesive. The leaf is fried and taken with meals. Its taste The wood is used for household and agricultural is good. materials such as "Dhenki" (the rice husker) "Har" (the plough) "Juat" (the yoke) & digging The paste of .the leaves is advised to be taken stick. with food for women 'after the delivery. The medicinal use of this plant is not known in this Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze. syn. C. area. siphonanthus R. Br. (Verbenaceae) Chotkabhanwartnuli-S ; Podajharia-602, Centratherum anthelminticum (L.) Kuntze syn. Karathpani-63 1 ;Bulung 0raon (70), Jatia Nagasia Vernonia anthelmentica (L.) Willd. (Asteraceae) (60). The powder (5 g) of the dry root along with 20 black pepper is taken in the morning once a day for * The aqueous extract of roots is given to 21- days for treatment of veneral diseases both in reduce the bmg9ature in caw qf high fever. It is males & fema1es:'The drug is continud even also sdvired Unig a day for 4 day; to cure fever longer for complete cure. The paste of the root is and headache. massaged twice a day , for three days on she whale body for reducing swelling. C. serratum (L.) Moon (Verbenaceae) Parhi-S ; Maliapat-@, FS/w-546, Biropani- 509 ; Somra Bwt(U),. .~&un~ Oraon (70) , Bhanwarmuili-S ; Kumari-571 ;Bulung &anon Sukra Asur (75). (70). The roots (log) are crurhd Jn 30 ml 'of water The aqueous extract (20 mi) of the root dong and filtered. The extract (30 lr$) is taken in fever , with 10 black pepper is taken in fever , once a day once a day in the morning for twO days. for 3 days. The aqueous extract of root (SO ml) is taken as C. viscosum Vent.. syn. C. infortunatarn auct. drink for belly-aches, twice a day. non L. (Verbenaceae) The aqueous extract of root (100 ml) 'is given in ~hm~ar-~;Madhatu-430 ;Birsa Munda (50). snake bite, thrice a day. This use was reported by The paste of the root is massaged externally for "Asur" tribe. Further inquiry revealed .that other reducing the body-aches and swellings. tribes are also aware of this us. Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott., syn. C. Cleistanthus eollinus Benth. (Euphorbiaceae) antiquorum Schott. (Araceae) Dauntha-S, Heshel-M ; Nirashi-545, Kumari- Badasak-S ; Golapjharia-663 Ghotlu Nagasia 599, Marara-423 ;Bulung Oraon (70), Lala Mahto (80). (70). Gopal Munda (40). The young leaves are fried and eaten. 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 47

Crinum asiaticum L. (Amaryllidaceae) Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Poaceae) Tainchara-M ;Londuruli-473 ;Gopal Munda (40). Dubilata-M ; Barudigada-456 ; Mandru Munda The leaf juice is used as nasal drops to check (30). the bleeding in summer. The paste of the whole plant along with the root .Crotalaria bialata Schr., syn. C. alata Buch. paste o'f "Sunam Sanga" (Cyperus rotundus) is ~arn.kxD.Don (Fabaceae) applied externally on eyelids for reducing ,the swelling and redness of eyes and to relieve the Jhunjhunka-S ; Chalkadsiman-646 ; Kahro pain. The application of the drug is made 4 times a Nagasia (60). day for 3 days. *The aqueous cxtract of the root (50 ml) is Cy'perus compressus L. (Cyperaceae) mixed with an equal amount of "Phulidaru" (alcohol from Madhuca longifolia) and given once MaunapifriS ; ~irashi-553; Bulung Oraon a day for 2 days for checking weakness. (70). C. spectabilis Roth syn. C. sericea Retz. The bride and bridegroom sit during their (Fabaceae) marriage ceremony on the mats prepared from this Jhunka-S ;,Kumbhikhad-635 ; Kahro Nagasia plant. (60). C. pangorei Rottb. syn. C. tegetum Roxb. *The paste of the whole plant along with that of (Cyperaceae) "Mandurchundi" (Elephantopus scaber) is Pitri- S ; Kumari-598 ; Lala Mahto (70). massaged for 3 days during morning and evening to reduce muscular strains. The tuber of the plant collected from the running water habitat is used as necklace to cure 'roton roxburghii Balalv.* syn. C* the fever of children of about on= month old. oblongifolius Roxb. (Euphorbiaceae) C. rotundus L. (Cyperaceae) Miridi-M, Putri-S ; Madhatu-4 15, Mudumati- 65 1, BiropaniJ 16 ; Munda (30). Ghotlu M~thn-S; Kum~i-596.KGmbhWmd-644 ; Lala Nagasia (80), Sukra Asur (75). Mahato (70), Kahro Nagasia (60). The aqueous extract of the bark (20ml) is given The plant is used to cure chronic sores on scalp as drink in the morning to keep stomach clear and of children. The tuber is dipped in the warm cow to check wind formation and uneasy feeling. It is ghee and touched on sores of the children on head. also used to clear the urine. It is also believed that the necklace made out of the tubers cures scalp sores of children. curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Amaryllidaceae) Datura fastuosa L. syn. D. metel L. Kitamuli-M, Masvaru-S; Judiburu-469, Jamti- (Solanaceae) 576'; Mandru Manda (30), Birsa Bhagat (70). Tuntura-M ; Kurputola-446 ; G. Lohar (50). *The paste of the root is applied externally on the abscess to bring out the pus and blood. The *Some fruits are crushed in water and the paste is also applied on the burns, boils and blisters extract is applied on the cheek to reduce swelling. to relieve the pain immediately. Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet syn. Pongamia The root is used as a drug for energetic body. pinnata (L.) Pierre (Fabaceae) Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Watson Karanja-M, 'Karanj-S ; Baruigada-462 ; Gopal (Paaceae) Munda (40). Khami-S ;Nirashi-565 ;Bulung Oraon (70). The oil extracted from the dry seeds is The plant is used for thatching the roof. massaged on the body for treatment of skin 48 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35 irritations. The oil is also applied on wounds. quantity is applied externally on the "Kurha" Small twigs are used as tooth-brush. disease (wounds on the hoof) of the cattles. Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. (Fabaceae) Dioscorea alata L. (Dioscoreaceae) Sinur-S ; Pakhalkudua-6 18 ; Jatia Nagasia (60). Pahadkanda-M ; Bachumburu-439 ; Mandru The paste of the root is massaged on the chest Munda (30). for reducing pain. The drug cures chest pains The rhizome is boiled and used in cuny within 2-4 days. preparation. Desmodium oojeinense (Roxb:) Ohashi syn. D. bulbifera L. (Dioscoreaceae) Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth. (Fabaceae) Dar~kanda-S; Biropani-507 ;Sukra qsur (75). Sanan-S ; Biropani-5 15, Pakhalkudua-623, The rhizome is used in curry. Nirashi-552 ; Matlub Asur (40), Jatia Nagasia (60) D. glabra Roxb. (Dioscoreaceae) Bulung Oraon (70). Dorukanda-S ; Maliapat-606 ; Somra Bhagat Stem bark is crushed and mixed with cow milk (55). (1 : 2 ratio) and filtered. About 10 ml of this milk is given in diarrhoea and dysentery, twice a day for The fresh.rhizome is eaten. It is also used in two days. curry preparation. The aqueous extract of 20 g fresh bark mixed Diospyros exsculpta Buch.-Ham., syn. D. with equal amount of curd is also taken in early melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae) morning in empty stomach. It is claimed that loose Tiril-M, Kend-S ; Kumbhikhad-633, Manaburu- motions are immediately checked by this drug. 486 ; Kahro Nagasia (60), Lukin Munda (35). *The paste of the root is massaged for reducing The ripe fruits are sweet in taste. They are pain and muscle strain. The massage is applied in edible. the morning and evening for a couple of days. The dry bark is used for the black colouration Desmodium trinorum (L.) DC. (Fabaceae) on the forehead, while worshipping "Bandevta" Arntua-M ;Madhatu-416 ;Mandru Munda (30). (The God of forest). *The aqueous extract of the fresh roots act as The root is used as "Dhoop" (incense). It is diuretic and is taken for treatment of red believed that evil spirits keep away if the roots are colouration of the urine. A dose of 50 ml of the kept at the four corners of the house. drug is advised once a day for 2-3 days. Diplocyclos palmatus ,(L.) Jeffrey syn. Bryonopsis laciniosa (L.) Naud *Dichanthiiun glabrum (Roxb.) Jain et (Cucurbitaceae) Deshpande syn. Amphilophis glabra (Roxb.) Stapf (Poaceae) Kaoputki-M ; Madhatu-429 ; Pandu Munda Sudugan-M ; Manaburu-484 ; Mandru Munda (55). (30). The roots are crushed ,mixed with little amount of water and filtered. The extract is massaged on A blue dye is prepared from the flowers. the whole body to recover from weakness. DWenia indica L. (Dilleniweae) Elephantopus scaber L. (Asteraceae) Korkot-S ; Chorkakhd-645 ; Kahro Nagasia Marachuta-M ; Kumbhikhad-636, Barudigada- (60). 458, Pakholkudua-622, Biropani- 505 ; Kahro *ne paste of the root along with the paste of Nagaiia '(60), Gopal Munda (40), Jatia 'Nagasia "Kharhar" (Randia dumetorarm) root in equal (60),Sukra Asur (75). 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR)

The aqueous extract of the root is taken as drink E. nivulia Buc h.-Ham . (Euphorbiaceae) for diarrhoea. Etke-M; Londuruli-474; Mandru Munda (30). The root of this plant and the rhizome of *The latex is applied on the angle of jaws in "Sabaighas" (Eulaliopsis binata) tied in the neck watering from the eyes of the cattle. of the cattle and believed to keep them safe Ficus bengalensis L. (Moraceae) from the attack of worms on the wounds of their body. Badejoroi-M; Manaburu-483; Mandru Munda (30). Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Euphorbiaceae) *The aqueous extract of the prop root is given Meral-M ; ~arara-419 ; G. Lohar (50). to the mother for promoting secretion of milk. Both green and ripe fruits are eaten. They are About 100 ml of the drug is given twice aday for a also used in pickle preparations. week. Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight *F. concinna Miq. var. subsessilis Corner, syn. (Asteraceae) F. glabella Blume (Moraceae) Teli-S ; Karathpani-628 ; Jatia Nagasia (60). Putkal-M; Tubil-4 10; Mandru Munda (30). *The leaf paste is kept on 'caries teeth. The The young leaves are fried and eaten with application of the drug cures teeth after a few days meals. and the cheek pain gets reduced. The wood is a fuel. Equisetum ramosisimum Desf. ssp. debile F. rademosa L., syn. F. glomerata Roxb. (Roxb. ex Vauch.) Hauke syn. E. debile (Moraceae) Roxb. ex Vauch (Equisetaceae) Duntbri-S ; Sahanidera-572, Amtikona-499 ; Hajorua-S ; Jamti-580 ; Birsa Bhagar (70). Bandu Oraon (30), Bilash Topno (25). *The decoction of the whole plant along with The ripe fruit is edible. They are sweet in taste. "Kimado" (Ludwigia pawiflora) is given for The leaf is a good fodder for the goats and treatment of the "Chhai" disease (blood discharge cattles. through anus). The 50 ml of decoction is advised F. semicordata. J.E. Sm. syn. F. cunia Buch.- twice a day for 7 days for complete cure. It is also Ham. ex Roxb. (Moraceae) used in the pain of abdomen rectum and also for checking high blood pressure. Ami-M, Podho-S ; Madhatu-413, Biropani- 502; Mandru Munda (30). Matlub Asur (40). Eulaliopsis binata (Retz.) Hubb., syn. Pollinidum angustifolium- (Trin.) Haines The ripe fruits are edible. They are sweet in (Poaceae) taste. The paste of the bark is kept on the wounds Bachum-M ; Manaburu-478, Gopal Munda caused by snake bite along with chanting on some (40). hymn. It is used for preparing ropes. Flemingia chappar Ham. ex Benth. (Fabaceae) Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae) Galphuli-S ; Jamti-526, Pakhalkudua-616 ; hi dudhia-S ;Jamti-528 ;Bulung Oraon (70). Bulung Oraon (70), Jatia Nagasia (60). A solution prepared with the burnt ash of the * A mixture of paste is prepared by crushing the whole plant and coconut oil is applied for curing root of this plant, "Banskaphul" (inflorescence of skin irritations. Deridrocalanius strictus), "Chitavarkajad" (root of The plant is just touched on the sores of the Pluntbugo zeylanica) and "Mungakachal" (bark of cattle to remove worms therein. Moringa oleifera).' '"Phulidaru", 100 ml (alcohol 50 BULLETlN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35 from Madhuca longijolia) is mixed with the above G. hirsuta Vahl. (Tiliaceae) paste and given to the woman in the empty Setalendern-M, Gursikri-S ; Judiburu-465, stomach to avoid conception. The drug is repeated Nirashi-541 ; Gopal Munda (40), Bulung Oraon for five days. The first dose is given soon after the (70). completion of menstruation. *The paste of the root is externally applied on * Flemingia semialata Roxb. (Fabaceae) the check for reducing swelling due to cold. Birbutu-M ;Bachampuru-434 i G. Lohar (50). Some pieces of the root thrown in all the four The aqueous extract of the fresh root cause direction (a medicinal belief) and the aqueous vomiting. It is used for bringing out the poison extract of the root along with the root of from the stomach. "Kharhar" (Randia dumetorunl) is taken once in the morning, for 3 days for treatment of symptoms F. strobilifera (L.) Ait. syn. F. bracteata Wight similar to that of tuberculosis. (Fabaceae) Guizotia abyssinica (L.f,) Cass. (Asteraceae) Chotkigalphuli-M; Madhatu-432 ; Mandru Munda (30). Maga-M ; ~rki-408;Lukin Munda (35). *The roots are crushed and mixed with 50 ml Dry seeds are crushed by "Cheped" (the oil of water. This extract. is taken as drink to bring crusher) to extract the edible oil. out the poison from the stomach by way of Haldinia cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale, syn. vomiting. Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. f. ex Glossogyne bidens (Retz.) Alston, syn. G. Brandis (Rubiaceae) pinnatifida DC. (Asteraceae) Karam-S ; Tulbul-530 ; Bulung Oraon (70). Otebarangu-M ; Muchia-492 ; Gopal Munda The wood is used for making the household (401, materials and musical instruments like "Banam" (violin), "Dhol" (drum), "Har" (plough), "Juat" The paste of the whole plant is applied (yoke), "Pai" (wooden measuring instruments), externally on the cheek to get relief from the ache "Sikabahinga" (load carrier) etc. The twigs are caused due to caries tooth. It is a belief that the planted in the ground during "Dushera" festival plant is collected by the right hand if pain is there and boy's and girls dance around them. on the left cheek and vice versa. The drug is applied twice a day and said to cure within 2-3 Helicteres isora L. (Sterculiaceae) days. Aintha-S ; Kumari-589 ;Lala Mahto (70). Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Verbenaceae) The roots are crushed in water and the fresh Kasmar-M; Arki-405 ;C. Balmdchu (45). extract (20 mi) is given once a day for checking stomach pain. It is said that higher doses of this The wood i* used for the various household drug is harmful. materials like doors, windows, almirahs and "Tharki" (the wooden bell). Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. (Asclepia- daceae) Grewia asiatica L. (Tiliaceae) Analsing-M, Dudhma-S ; Pakhalkudua-625, Bhursa-S ; Biropani-5 14, Kumari-59 1 ; Sukra Biropani-506, Madhatu-428 ; Jatia Nagasia (60), Asur (73,Lala Mahto (70). Sukra Asur (75), G. Lohar (50). The aqueous extract of root (50 ml) is advised The aqueous extract of the root (SO ml) is given for dysentery, twice a day. twice a day for curing fever. The wood is used for making "Bahinga" (the The application of paste of fresh root is useful load carrier), a household material. in case of scorpion stings. 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 5 1

The root extract, obtained by crushing them in The powder of the dry bark is used in making 50 ml of water, is given twice a day for 3 days, for the "Biro" (a catalytic agent' for making a local, promoting secretion of milk. It is said to be drink called "Handia' '). effective even in the cases where secretion of milk In the social marriage the vermiltion box is very less. prepared from the wood- is used by the newly The plant sometimes tied in the nearest tree or married bride. stumps of the house for hastening the secretion of Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R. Br. (Apocyna- mother's or cow's milk. ceae) Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.-Beauv ex R. & Gailakhan-S ; Pathelkudua-652 ; Ghotlu S. (Poaceae) Nagasia (80). Saurighas-M, Chorant-S; Badeburu-47 1, The paste of the root mixed with the "mud" Suarchatain-653 ; G. Lohar (50), Ghotlu Nagasia * (gruel of rice) is given twice a day for 3 days to the (80). mother as food for promoting the secretion of The plant is used for thatching the house roofs. milk. It is believed that no poisonous snake can do Imperata cylindrica (C.) P.-Beauv syn. I. harm if the rhizome is kept in the pocket. It is also arundinacea Cyr. (Poaceae) said that, if the rhizome is kept in the mouth and juice sucked immediately after the snake bite, the Chiro-S ; Suarchatain-656 ; Ghotlu Nagasia poison from the place of bite can not spread (80). further. The juice of rhizome is considered most The paste of the root is applied on bite. effective. Simultaneously the fruit of , "Bankundri" The other social belief is that the use of (Melothria heterophylla) is also smelt. .by fhe necklace prepared from the rhizome protect patient. beautiful woman from evil spirits. Indigofera mqioides Rottl. ex DC:, pya, I. The plant is also used as fodder. pulcMa Roxb. (Fabaceae) Hibiscus annabinus L. (Malvaceae) Huterba-M, Jirhulpbl-S ; .Ba~Ltad~u43S, Nirashi-551 ; Lukin Munda (35)' Bulking &&on Thepa-S ;Peruapat-604 ; Somra Bhagat (55). (70). The young leaves are fried and eaten with rice. The flowers are used in cuny preparations. The fibres collected after softening the bhrk are Indoneesiella ecbioides (L.) Seem.,. syn. used for making ropes.. Andrographis ecbioides (L.) Nees H. sabdariffa L. (Malvaceae) (Acanthaceae) Jajoara-M ; Kurupu-450 ;Mandru Munda (30). Jharghas-S ; Kumari-594, Jamti-573 ; hla The young leaves and epicarp of fruit are fried Mahto (70), Birsa Bhagat (70). and eaten with rice as "Chatni" (a sauce). * The juice collected after grinding the whole The fibres collected after sofiening the bark in plant along with 10 black peppers is used as an the water are used in making rope. antidote for the snake bite. The drug is taken orally and repeated for a couple of days. Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. ex DC. (Apocy naceae) Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Convolvulaceae) Korea-S ; Nirashi-548, Kumari-586 ; Bulung Sanga-Mi Shakarkanda-S ; Jillingsira-501 ; Oraon (70)' Lala Mahto (70). Bilash Topno (25). 52 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA [Vol. 35

* The paste of the leaf is applied externally and Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) Aiton (Lamiaceae) bandaged, for treatment of the bone fractures Tonlpepuru-M ; Kurputola-449 ; Gopal Munda among the cattles. (40). Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) A solution prepared with the burnt ash of the Kufejada-M; Manabuw-481 ; Lukin Munda inflorescences and "Karanj" oil is applied externally (35). on the skin diseases like eczema and scabies. * The latex is massaged on the body for Ifieucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng. (Lamiaceae) treatment of muscle strain and pain. Domepuru-M ; Madhatu-44 1 ; Mandru Munda Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. (Lythraceae) (80). Sidha-S ; Jamti-523, Chhatapathal-661 ; Bulung The leaf is used in curry preparations. Oraon (70), Ghotlu Nagasia (80). L. niollissima Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) The twig of the plant called "Kaliani" is used Cuntu-S ; Kumbhikhad-638, Nirashi-564 ; during the marriage ceremony in worshipping for Kahro Nagasia (60), Bulung Oraon (70). the welfare of the newly married couple. The young leaves are fried and eatcn with rice. Lantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) L. Moldenke, syn. L. camara auct. nor1 L. Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) Robinson, syn. (Verbenaceae) sebifera (Willd.) Pers. (Lauraceae) Medu-S ; Nirashi-535 ; Bulung Oraon (70). Putus-M ; Arki-402 ; C. Balmuchu (45). The ripe berries are edible. * The powder of the dry bark mixed with salt is given to the buffalows for making them energetic. The stem is used as tooth brush. Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. (Lygodiaceae) The plant is grown for fencing. Nagenacha-M, Mahadebjut-S ; Jsmti-575, The plant is used as a fuel. Barudigada-460 ; Birsa Bhagat (70),Gopal Munda Lasia spinosa (L.) Thaw. (Araceae) (40). Katasaru-S ; Golapjharia-665 ; Ghotlu Nagasia The powder of the dry plant is sprinkled on the (80). wounds for quick healing. * A paste of the root is massaged for reducing Roots are crushed and mixed with 50 ml of muscle strain. Root may also be eaten for the same water. The extract is taken for reducing bodyaches purpose. and swelling. Lea asiatica (L.) Ridsdale, syn. L. crispa van Manihot esculenta Crantz., syn. M- utilbima Royen ex L. (Leeaceae) Pohl (Euphorbiaceae) Hansuafal-S ;Nirashi-562 ;Bulung Oraon (70). Edelsanga-M ; Manaburu-480 ; Lukin Munda * Fresh roots are eaten for reducing pains, (35). swelling and bodyaches. It usually cures within * The aqueous extract of the root is advised as three days. digestive juice.

L. guineensis G. Don syn. L. acuminata Wall. Martynia annua L., syn. M. ' diandra Glox. ex Clarke (Leeaceae) (Martyniaceae) Hutid-M ;Barudigada-463 ;Gopal Munda (40). Budisursar-M ; Arki-404 ;C. Balmuchu (45). The paste of the root is given to the hens along The decoction of the fruits is externally applied with some food. It makes them energetic and angry on the cuts, wounds and burns to get immediate for a friendly fighting with the partner. relief from the pain. 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 53

Mentha arvensis L. (Lamiaceae) Nyctsnthes arbortristis L. (Oleaceae) Pudina-S ;Jillingsira-498 ; Bilash Topno (25). Saparunz-M, Khirsari-S ; . Nirashi-554, The leaves are used in curry preparation. They Lohardera-658, Badeburu-472 ; Bulung Oraon are also used in preparation of "Chatni" (sauce). (70). Ghotlu Nagasia (80), G. Lohar (50). Meyna laxiflora Robyns syn. Vangueria * The dry leaf along with tobacco is smoked as spinosa Roxb. (Rubiaceae) cigarette by the tribals suffering from cough and cold. Katoh-M, Mituna-S ; Maunakona-558, Suarchatain-655, Biropani-5 1 3 ; Bulung Oraon Sometimes the aqueous extract of the fresh (70). Ghotlu Nagasia (80). Sukra Asur (75). leaves and twigs is also taken once a day in the morning for 3-4 days, to cure cough and cold. Fresh roots (10 g) are crushed in water (50 ml). The extract so made is given in bellyache. The Ochna obtusata DC., syn. 0. squarrosa auct. drug is administered in dose of 30 ml twice a day rion L. (Ochnaceile) for two days. Bhuikunlbi-S ; Nirashi-60 1, Telhapani-595 ; The unripe fruits crushed and spread in the Bulung Oraon (70), Lala Mahto (70). water to stupify fishes and this helps in fishing. * The paste of the roots is applied externally on * The powder of the dry fruit (20 g) mixed with the swelling of the cheek due to toothache, twice a 50 ml of water. The foams obtained from the day for 4-5 days. mixture is massaged on the body of the children The aqueous extract of the root is given orally suffering from fever. (1-2 drop) to children to check mouth sores. There * M. pubescens (Kurz) Robyns syn. Vangueria is a belief that if the extract is massaged on the pubescens Kurz (Rubiaceae) whole body, it hasten the healing process. Poto-M, Mauna-S ; Judiburu-466 ; Mandru Ocimum basilicum L. (Lamiaceae) Munda (30). Jatni-M; Kurputola-445; Mandru Munda (30). The paste of the fruit is applied externally on The juice of the fresh leaves (10 ml) is taken the abscess to bring out the pus. thrice a day in headache. The paste of the fruit is also useful for fishing. 0. gratissimum L. (Lamiaceae) The fishes are easily caught after spreading the Bhusudi-S ; Periapat-603, Somra Bhagat (55). paste in water. Dry seeds are powdered. The powder is boiled Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) and used as substitute of "dal" (pulses). Munga-M ; Manaburu-482 ;Mandru Munda (30). Olax scandens Roxb. (Olacaceae) The flowers and leaves are fried and eaten. The Rintbilada-M ; Bachumburu-438 ;G. Lohar (50). fruits are used as vegetable. The young leaves are used in curry preparations. The powder of the dry bark is sprinkled around Pentanema indicum (L.) Ling syn. Vicoa the house to keep away the snakes. indica (L.) DC. (Asteraceae) Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., syn. M. pmrita Bun~atangi-S; Suarchatain-654, Pakhalkudua- Hook. (Fabaceae) 6 17 ; Ghotlu Nagasia (80), Jatia Nagasia (60). Alkusi-S ;Kumari-583 ;Bulung Oraon (70). * The extract of root prepared with "Kharhar" About 10 g of roots are crushed in 50 ml of (Xerontphis spinosa) root and "Phul idaru" (alcohol water alongwith 10 black pepper and the extract is from Madhuca longifolia) is kept in a container for given in malaria. The drug is administered in dose a week. This is taken on the following two days of 30 ml once a day, for 2 days. after menstruation, for.avoiding conception. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF: INDIA [Vol. 35

The paste of the root is applied on the feet for The young leaves are used in curry reducing swelling and pain. preparations. PBoerrix acsulis Roxb. ex Buch:-Ham. Pterocsrpus mamupiurn Rox b. (Fabaceae) (Arecaceae) Bija-S ;Biropani-511 ;Matlub Asur (40). Khijur-S ;Karatjhwia-632 ; Jatia Nagasia (60). The leaf is a good choice of food for buffalows. The root is chewed by the labourers. By taking Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd,) DC. rhizome juice in this manner the labourers become (Fabaceae) more energetic for doing manual labour in the Bandundi-M ;Manaburu-490, G. Lohar (50). fmst . The paste of the bark and leaves is massaged on * Pimpinella heyneana (DC.) Kun (Apiaceae) the whole body of cattles to keep them unaffected Tirio-S ; Lohardera-659, Nirashi-536 ; Ghotlu from the attach of worms on their body. Nagasia (80), Bulung Oraon (70). Ruellia suffruticosa Rox b. (Acanthaceae) Powder of dry roots mixed with the powder of Charpandcc-M ; Judiburu-468, Tabiltola-500 ; raots of "Talmuli" (Thespesia lanapas) and roots of ~andkMunda (30), Prem Oraon (40). 'Tejrqj" (Curculigo orchioides), in equal quantities (20 g) are crushed and mixed with 100 ml is qven to persons suffering from weakness. The MPhulidaiuw from Madhuca longilolia) mug is taken Once in the for days Or and taken as drink for abortion, once a day for two more after brushing the teeth with the stick of weeks candnuously. The root is a ''Randpawan" (Smilax ~crophylla).The drug is constituent of [he oBirou (a midure which acuas believed to cure weakness and make the person catalvtic,agentfor ,,Handiafl). more energetic. " Semecarpus anacardium L. f. (Anacardiaceae) Plumbago zeylanica L. (Pl urn baginaceae) Soso-M ;Madhatu-4 14 ; Mandru Munda (30). Chitawar-S ;Nirashi-532 ;Bulung Oraon (70). The ripe fruits are eaten. The lower part of the The root is tied in a thread and used as the fruit (red colour) is eaten while the bpper part necklace for treatment of fever among children. (black colour) is discarded. The powder of the dry root is used in making Sida acuta Burm, f. (Malvaceae) "Biro" (a catalytic agent used for "Handia"). Bariatu-S, Ipidipilmr-M; Kumari-592, Polygala crotalarioides Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Barudiguda-457 ; Lala Mahto (70), Gopal Munda (~~i~~alaceae) (40). Chanbida-M, Nilkanth-S ; Jamti-574, Nirashi- * The aqueous extract of the root is given in 544. Marara-422 ; Birsa Bhagat (70), Bulung case of dog bite. About 100 ml of the drug is taken Oraon (70),Lukin Munda (35). twice a day for two days. * Roots (5 g) are crushed and mixed with 20 ml The plant is used for making broom (the water. The extract so made is given to cure fever. household material). The drug is advised four times on the first day and The fibre extracted from the bark is used for twd times, daily, on the follbwing two-days. Each making ropes. time the fresh dose istprepared. Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. ex D. Don syn. S. Rmts ate chewed and juice is taken in during macrophylla Roxb. (Smilacaceae) cough and cold, thrice a day for two days. Atkir-M ; Madhatu-433 ; Gopal Munda (40). Polygonurn barbaturn L. (Poly gnnaceae) About 50 g of root is crushed in 200 ml of water Sens~-9;Jamti-578 ;Bulung Oraon (70). and the extract is given to check discharge of 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 55 semen with urine and the subsequent weakness, The wood is a reputed timber. It is used for twice a day in the morning and evening for two making "Kulhu" (the crushing machine of oil weeks. seeds), "Dhanki" (rice husker), "Dholka" (churn), Solena amplexicaulis (Lamk.) Gandhi syn. "Gando" (wooden seat), "Okheri" (Mortar) etc. Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. The bark is said to be rubbed to soften the stiff (Cucurbitaceae) leather. Kundri-M, Bankundri-S ; Biropani-504, Taxillus tomentosus (Roth) van Tieghim syn. Kumbhikhad-640; Sukra Asur (75), Kahro Loranthus tomentosus Roth (Loranthaceae) Nagasia (60). Suanl-M ;Marara-425; Gopal Munda (40). The rhizome is boiled and used in cuny The paste of the inflorescence is spread on the preparation. ground. It is sticky and used to catch the birds. The green fruits are edible. It is believed that * Tectaria cicutaris. (L.) Copel. ( Aspidiaceae) eating of the ripe fruits cause deafness. Kukdi-S ;Jamunkhai-569 ; Bulung Oraon (70). Strobilanthes scaber Nees (Acanlhaceae) The young plant (particularly fronds) is fried Vainsha-S ; Nirashi-538 ; Bulung Oraon (70). and taken with rice. It tastes like the fish curry. * The paste of the root is massaged and applied Telosma pallida (Roxb.) Craib syn. Pergularia for treatment of bone fracture of the cattles. The pallida Wight. & Am. (Asclepiadaceae) drug is said to be very effective in bone fractures qhhit-S ; Thunkudera-6 14; Etwa Oraon (60). and within two weeks the animal resumes normal The powder of the dry root is one of the functioning. constituents of "Biro" (a catalytic agent for Symplocos racemosa Roxb. (Symplocaceae) "Handia"). Ratangauda-S ; Jamd-525, Dushimania-615 ; ~erminalia data Heyne ex Roth syn. T. Bulung Oraon (70), Jatia Nagasia (60). tomentosa (Roxb.) Wight. & Am. The paste of the bark mixed with the bark of (Com bretaceae) "Salia" (Boswellia serrara) is applied externally on Hatnu-M; Manaburu-49 1 ;Lukin Munda (35). eyelids for reducing the redness of the eyes, thrice The red dye obtained. on boiling the bark, is a day and for 3 days or until cure. For the used to decorate walls. treatment of ophthalmic infections the paste of the T. chebula (Gaertn.) Retz. (Combretaceae). bark alone is also effective. Rolla-M ; Bachumbum-436 ; Manh Munda Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels syn. Eugenia (30). jambolana Lam. (Myrtaceae) * The aqueous extract of the bark is advised as Kudda-M, Jarnun-S ; Tubil-409, Golapjhatia- a drink for cooling the brain. 667 ;G. Lohar (50), Ghotlu Nagasia (80). Thalictrum follolosum DC. (Ranunculaceae) . Thr ripe fruit is edible. Jurbula-S ; Peruapat tola-6 13 ; Ettwa Omon The juice of the ripe fruit is kept in a container (60). for some days. It is then used for all types of * A mixture of powdcrcd dry root along with stomachaches and disorders. powder of a an wad" (Corissa camndas) root. * The juice of the young leaves (about 20 ml) is "Korea" (Holarrhena an tidysenterica) bark, given as a drink for the initiation of menstruation, "Chitwar" (Plumbago zeylanica) root, once a day in the morning in empty stomach for a "Charpandu" (Ruellia suffruticosa) root, and month conlinuously. "Chhit" (Telosma pallida) root is prepared. This is 56 BULLETIN OFTHE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA further mixed with powder of rice and "Biro" Vitex negundo L. (Verbenaceae) prepared for "Handia" (the most common drink). Hudri-M ; Chalkad-453, Arki-40 1 ; C. "Biro" along with mixture of above plants acts as Balrnuchu (45), Mandru Munda (30). catalytic agent and produce particular taste to this The juice of fresh leaves is applied in headache. drink. It is believed that the drinks keep away many diseases. Tribal ladies keep the young twigs on the head. It is believed that the twigs keep the head cool in Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz. & Gibs. hot sun. (Malvaceae) V. peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer Bankapas-S; Kumari-600 ;Lala Mahto (70). (Verbenaceae) Powder of equal Rumber of seeds of this plant Sinljanga-M ; Manaburu-489 ; G. Lohar (50). and black peppers mixed with little cow ghee is given to cure cough and cold, twice a day for 2 The bark is kept on the cuts caused by snake days. bite. The wounds caused by snake-bite are bandaged with the paste of the bark. Trema polito6a (Planch.) Blume (Ulmaceae) Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz (Lythraceae) Nahamunja-S ; Nirashi-53 1 ; Bulung Oraon Ichha-M, Dhaunai-S; Marara-421, Nirashi-543; (70). Mandru Munda (30), Bulung Oraon (70). The seeds are believed to be quite nutritious and About 20 g root is crushed in water (100 ml) given as food for hen. and the extract is taken in ,headache. The drug is Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae) advised thrice a day. Massaging the paste of root Rochopuru-M, Vengraj-S ; Kumaril590, dn the whole body is said to reduce the Bachumburu-440; Lala Mahto (70). Mandru temperature due to high fever. Munda (30). Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay syn. Raodia The juice of the fresh leaves is directly dumetorum (Retz.) Lam. (Rubiaceae) squeezed on the wounds, twice a day. It normally Kharhar-S ; Nirashi-542. Pakhalkuda-621 ; heals the wound within 2-3 days. Bulung Oraon (70)' Jatia Nagasia (60). The juice of young leaves is used as eye drops The aqueous extract of the root is taken, twice a for treatment of conjunctivitis. day for two days to cure fever. Vernonia conyzoides DC., syn. V. cinerea auct Ziziphus rugosa Lam. (Rhamnaceae) non Less (Asteraceae). Pithoer-S ; Biropani-512, Sukra Asur (75). Jonkirin-S ; Pakhalkudua-619 ; Jatia Nagasia The ripe fruits are eaten. The taste of fruit is (60). sweet. * A solution prepared from the powder of the dry root and "Munjni" (Cela~truspaniculatus) oil is used as eardrops for treatment of the ear-aches. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V. squah(D.Don) Less, syn. V. teres Wall. The present work has been undertaken under . ex DC. (Asteraceae) "All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology'; (A project financed by the Ministry ~onjbtn~i-s;~"mbhikhad-639; Kahro Nagasia of Environment & Forests). The authors are (60). thankful to Dr. S. K. Jain, Ex-Director, Botanical The powder of the root.is mixed with some food Survey of India for guidance. Thanks are due to qnd given to ladies by males. It is believed that the Bihar State Government officials, school they get attracted by doing $0. teachers, and villagers who helped during the field 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) work. The authors are grateful to the Director, Brain tonic : Terniinalia chebula (SB). Botanical Survey of India-for facilities. Thanks are Chest pain : Achyranthes aspem (RT) and due to Dr. D. C. Pal and Dr. G.G. Maiti for helping Desntodiuni gangeticuni (RT). in identification of some plant specimens. Cough and Cold : Cleistanthus collirtus (SB), Grewia hirsuta (RT), Nyctanthes arhortristis (LF), Polygala crotalarioides (RT) and Thespesia APPENDIX lantpa.~(SD). I. Edible Plants Cut, Sorc, Wound and Burn : Ageraturrr Young leaves and twigs : Antidesnlu aciditnt, conszoides (LF & FL), Boswellici sermtu (SB), Arger~tortemexicana, Bauhinia purpurea, Cassia Crrrciiligo orchioides (RT), Cyperirs rotruidus occiderttalis, Cerltella usiaticcc, Colocasia (PL), Derris irtdicu (SD), Ljgodiunl ~fZexuosunz esculetita, Ficus cottcinrta var. sithsessilis, (PL), Martyriu ar~tluu (FR) and Tridax Hibiscus carinahinus, H. sahdari'u, Leucas proninthens (LF). cephalotes, L. nlollissimu, Merttha ~rtverlsis, Dcntal problems : Argentone r~lexicarzu(SD), Moringa oleifera, Olax scunclen.~, Pol!'gortitnl R1r~rrleopsi.vflava (PL), Enlilia sor~chfiliu(LF), barbatunt and Tectariu cicutariu. Clo.ssogyite hidells (PL) and Ochau obtusatcr (RT). Inflorescence and Flowers : Ba~illiiliupurpurea, Diarrhoea and Dysentery : Aervcr lurrtrta (PL), Indigofera cassioides and Moriilga oleifera. Airtidesnlu aciduni (LF), Desnrodiunt oojeinetlse Fruits and Seeds : Antidesnru acidiim, Bac~hitiicc (SB ), Elepltantopus scaber (RT) and Crewiu vahlii, Carissa ca randas, Diospy ros exsculptu, asiuticn (RT). Entblica officinalis, Ficus racertlosu, F. Diuretic and Urinary complaints ; Aerua seniicordata, Lantana cantaru var. aculeata, .sarlguirtolerlta (PL), Crotorz roxhur~hii(SB) and

Moringa oleifera, Ocir~~urt~gratissinlunt, Desnrodiun~triflorum (RT). ' ' Seniecarpiis anacardiunt, Solerltr un~plexicuulis, Dogbite : Sida hcuta (RT).' S~zygiunicumini arid Ziziphlis rrigosa. Ear complaints : Argyreicc tiewosu (SD) and Rhizomes & Tubers : Dioscorea ulutu, D. Verrtonia conyzoides (RT). bulbifera, D. glabra and Solena antplexicaulis. Emetic : Achyrantlzes aspera (RT). Cassia Oil seeds : Butea rnonosperitla and Cuizotia hirsuta (LF & SD), Flemingia sentialata (RT) and abyssinica. F. strobiliferu ( RT). 11. Medicinal Plants arid parts used Eye diseases : Cjlnodon dactylon (PL). Syntplocos raceniosa (SB) and Tridm procuntbens (Abbrv. EX : Flower, FR : Fruit, LF : Leaf, PL : Plant, RT : Root, SB : Stem Bark, SD : Seed) (LF). Fever and Malaria : Andrographis paniculata Abortifacient : Barleria cristata (RT) and Rue1 lia suflruticosa (RT). (PL), Caftscora difSusa (PL), Ce!ltratherunr anthelniinticunt (RT), Cissampelos pareira (RT), . Analgesic for muscle strain : Carey arborea Cleroderldrur~i serratunt (RT), Henlidesrnlts (SB), Carissa carandas (RT), Crotalaria indicirs (RT), Meyna laxiflora (FR), Mucuna spectabilis (PL), Desmodiunl oojeitlerlse (RT), pnirierls (RT), Polygala crotalarioides (RT), Jatrophu curcas (Latex) and Lasia spirlosa (RT). Woodfordiafruticosa (RT) and Xerontphis spinosu Antifertility : Flentirrgia chappar (RT) and (RT). Pentanenla indicunt (RT). Galactogogue : Ficus bcngalensis (RT), Boil and Abscess : Curculigo orchioides (RT) Hentidesnlus indicus (RT) and lchr~ocarpus and Meytta pubescens (FR). frutescerls (RT). 58 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF lNDlA [Vol. 35

Headache : Andrographis paniculata (PL), IV. Plants of rjiedicinal belief Blumeopsis flava (PL), Centratherum A chyrantlzes aspera, Cassia occidentalis, anthelntinticum (RT), Ocimum basilicum (LF), Cyperus parigorei, C. rotundus, Eleplzarltopus Vitex negundo (LF) and Woodfordia fruticosa scaber, Euphorbia hirta, Ficus seniicordata, (RT). Grewia hirsuta, Heteropogon contortus, Ochnu Hydrocele and Hernia : Argyreia nervosa (RT) obtusata, Plunibago zeylanica arid Solem and Cleistanthus collinus (SB). amplexicaulis. Menestrual disorder : Syzvgium cuntini (LF). V. Fibre Plants Mouth sores : Datura alba (FR). Agave vera-cruz, Bauhinia vahlii, Eirlaliopsis bittata, Ficus glabella, Hibiscus curtriabinus, H. Nasal bleeding : Crinum asicrticum (LF). sabdarifla and Sida acuta. Pain, Muscular pain and Bodyache : VI. Fodder Plants Clerodendrum indicurn (RT), C. viscosuni (RT), teea asiatica (RT),Lygodium flexuosw~t(RT) and Atiisor~ieles indica, Ficus racemosa, Pentanenza indicunl (RT). Heteropogon contortus, Pterocarpus nrcirsupiuni and Trertia politoria. Piles : Equisetum debile (PL). VII. Plants used in drinks Snake bite and Scorpion stings : Ageratum conyzoides (LF), Bauhinia vahlii (RT),Boswellia Carissa carandas, Holarrhena .antidysenterica, serrata (SB), Cissanipelos pareira (RT), Pluntbago zeylanica, Ruellia suffruticosa, Telosn~a Hentidesmus indicus (RT), lmperata cjjlindrica pallida and Thalictrumfoliolosuni. (RT), lndoneesiella echioides (PL) and Vitex VIII. Plants used as tinlbers and household penduncularis (SB). nzaterials Skin diseases : Andrographis paniculata (PL), Acaciu catechu, Arundinella hengalensis, Celastrus paniculatus (SD), Derris. indica (SD), Bauhinia vahlii, ~oswelliaserrata, Cleistanthus Euphorbia hirta (PL) and Leonotis nepetaefolia collinus, Cyr~ibopogo~smartinii, Ficus concinna (=I. var. subsessilis, Cnieliria arborea, Crewia asiatica, Stomach ache and Digestive disorders : Haldinia cordifolia, Heteropogon contortus, Sida Blumeopsis flava (RT), Cassia fistula (LF), acuta and Syzygiunt cun~ini. Cissanipelos pareim (RT), chon roxburghii IX. Plants used for socio-religious and niagical (SB), Helicteres isora (RT), Manihot esculenta purposes (RT), Meyna lax$ora (RT) and Syzygiuni curttini Achyranthes aspera, Atylosia scarabaeoides, (FR). Biophytuni sensitivuni, Blumeopsis jlava. Centella Tonics : Asparagus raceniosus (RT),Crotalaria asiatica, Cyperus compressus, Cuscuta refexa, bialata (RT), Curculigo orchioides (RT), Dios~~,iros exsculpta, Haldinia cordifolia, Diplocyclos palmatus (RT), Phoenix acaulis (RT) Heniidesnius indicus, Heteropogorl coritortus, and Pimpirrella heyneana (RT). Holarrhena antidysertterica. Lagerstroernia parvijlora, Leea guitieensis, Morirlga oleifera, Veneral diseases : Clerodenrlrunr irtdicun~(RT) Verrionia squarrosa and Vitex negundo. and Smilax ovalifolia (RT). X. Plants used in fishing and bird catchir~g 111. Plants used as veteririary niedicirre Meyna laxijlora, M. pubescens arid Taxillus A brus precatorius, Calotropis gigarttea, Cassia tomerttosus. fistula, Dillenia indica, Euphorbia hi rra, E. 'nivulia, lponwea batatas, Litsea glutir~osa, Pueraria tuberosa and Strobilanthes scaber. 19931 SAHOO AND MUDGAL : ETHNOBOTANY OF SOUTH CHOTANAGPUR (BIHAR) 59

XI. Miscellaneous uses HAINES,H.H. The Botany of Bihar & Orissa. Vols. 1-3. London. 1921-25. Butea nzonosperma (in lac production), HEMBROM.P.P. Tribal medicine in Chotanagpur and Santal Cleistanthus collinus (latex as adhesive), Derris Parganas of Bihar, India. Erhnoborcrt~y.3 : 97-99. 1991. indica (as tooth brush), Dichanthiunl glabruni (as JAIN, S. K. Dictionary of lndian Folk rnedicine and blue dye), Lantana camara var. aculeata (as Ethnobotany. New Delhi : 1991. fencing, fuel and tooth brush), Syzygiunz cuntini & C. R. TARAFDER.Medicinal plantlore of the (for softening of leather) and Terntinalia alata (as Santals (A revival of P.O. Bodding's work). Ecorr. Boi. red dye). 24 : 241-278. 1970. KIRTIKAR,K. R. & B. D. BASU.lndian Medicinal Plants. VOI. 1-4. Allnhrrbrut. 1935. REFERENCES LAL, S. B. Dietary habits of depressed classes (Chero & ANONYMOUS.The Wealth of India A dictionary of Indian Dusadh) in Palamau. Indicrtl J. Med. Res. 38 (4) : Raw Material and Natural Products. New Delhi : Vol. 369-375. 1950. 1-9. 1948-72. Changes in dietary habits and physique of Hos. /bid. BRESSERS,J. The Botany of Ranchi district. Bihar. India. 40 (2) : 193-201. 1952. Ranchi : 1951. MEHER-HOMJI.V.M. A sketch of the vegetation of the BODDING,P.O. Studies in Santal medicine and connected Chotanagpur plateau and its environs. J. It~rlit~ra.But. Folklore - I. Santals and disease. Men?. Asicrr. Soc. Sot.. SO : 162- 174. 197 1. Berrg(11 10 (1 ) : 1- 132. 1925. MOONEY.H. F. Supplement to Botany of Bihar & Orissa. -Studies in Santal medicine and connected Folklore-11. Ranchi. 1950. Santal medicine. Ibid. 10(2) : 133-426. 1927. PRASAD.N. Land and People of Tribal Bihar. Ranchi. 1961. CHOPRA.R.N., S. L. Nayar & I. C. Chopra. Glossary of Indian Medicinal plants. New Delhi. 1956. RISLEY,H. H. The Tribes & Castes of Bengal. Vol. 1-2. -. I. C. Chopra & B. S. Verma. Supplernent to Calcutta. 189 1. glossary of lndian Medicinal plants, New Delhi : 1969. ROY.S.C. The Munda and their country. Calcutta. 1912. DALTON,E. T. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. Calcutta : The Omons of Chhotanagpur. Ranchi. 1913. 1872. The Birhors. Ranchi. 1925. GATES,R. R. The Asurs and Birhors of Chotanagpur. In lndian Anthropology. New Delhi : 163-184. 1962. RUSSEL.R.V. & R. B. HIRALAL.The tribes and castes of t@ Central Province of India. Vol. 1-4. London. 1916. GUPTA.S. P. Physique and nutrition of tribal people with special. reference to tribal Bihar. Bull. Biltf~r;Trib. Res. TARAFDER.C. R. Less known nine medicinal plants used by Ins?. 4 (1) : 36-39. 1962. the tribals for curing gonorrhoea in Ranchi md -An appraisal of Chotanagpur tribal Pharmacopoeia. Hazaribagh districts, Bihar. Folklore 35 : 47-49. 1984. Ibid. 5 (2) : 1-18. 1963. Less known twenty three medicinal plants used by -An appraisal of the food habits and nutritional state the tribals for curing boils in Ranchi and Hazaribagh districts. Bihar. Vc~rryf~j(~fi.32 : 14- 19. 1984. among the Asur, the Korwa and the Sauria Pahariya of Chotanagpur plateau. Ihid. 6 (1 ) : 127-179. 1964. TRIBEDI, G. N.. H. A. MOLLA& D. C. PAL. Some uses of -Tribes of Chotanagpur plateau : An ethno-nutritional plants from the tribal areas of Chotanagpur, Bihar, and Phlv~nacologicalcross-section. Ranchi. 1974. Nftg(~rjurttr.29 : 15-18. 1985. - Native medicinal uses of plants by the Asurs of Ethnobotany of Chotanagpur (Bihar). Folklove 27 Netarhat plateau (Bihar) in S. K. Jain (ed.) Glimpses of 119 124. 1986. lndian Ethnobotany. New Delhi. 2 18-229. 198 1. ~onletraditional knowledge about tribal health HAINES.H. H. A forest Flora of Chotanagpur including (Plants used by the tribals of Hazaribagh and Ranch1 Gangpur and the Santal Parganas. Calcutta. 1910. districts). Ibid. 28 (2) : 37-42. 1987.