Other 24 hours VIS Contact If you need a Emergency Hotlines: General Practitioner VIS Medical Department Emergency
[email protected] beyond the offi ce hours Expert Assistance +43 1 203 55 95/338 (during night or on the weekend): in cases of poisoning: Monday to Friday +43 1 406 43 43 08:30 to 18:00 (Vergiftungsnotruf) Find a doctor in Austria: Emergency Medical Services Psychiatric Counselling https://www.praxisplan.at/ (in different languages) General Contacts Call 141 ‘Ärztenotdienst”: in emergencies: Medical service available +43 1313 30 The fi rst contact and Ambulance: 144 principal point of care in from (Psychosozialer Notdienst) Police: 133 Austria is your 7pm to 7am Fire: 122 Women’s General Practitioner (GP) or All day Saturday and Sunday Paediatrician European Emergency Helpline: and on public holidays. (or the respective substitute). emergency call: 112 +43 1 717 19 Mountain Rescue: 140 The aim of this guide is to help Dental problems you fi nd medical care in the Free Health hotline: 1450 on weekends case of an emergency. Call +43 1 512 20 78. Available 24/7 Children clinics open 24/7 Klinik Favoriten Klinik Hietzing Unfallkrankenhaus Lorenz Böhler Department for Pediatrics Notfallambulanz/ ER Pavillon 5a 1200 Wien, Donaueschingenstraße 13 Klinik Floridsdorf Ebene 1B 1100 Wien, Kundratstraße 3 1130 Wien, Wolkersbergenstraße 1 Tel: +43 59393 41000 1210 Wien, Brünner Str. 68 Tel: +43 1 601 91 2850 Tel: +43 1 801 10 2229 Tel. +43 1 277 00 2660 Emergency/after hour care 24/7 open Allgemeines Krankenhaus AKH Hanusch - Krankenhaus Unfallambulanz, Ebene (fl oor) 6C St.