Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-4-1992 Arbiter, December 4 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. ....... _ ._ •• 6 _.. _._ .••• __ , •• •. _._ •.• _. __ ". __ "._._~ •••.••.. _.. ,_ --'.- •.•. _.p.,.~- ." _.,~.".~.. -.• - , .• -' Shurtliff,: outlook • p. 10 ,Math~eo.,4Ibrarygetfa.gehfts,p'.;·2,.'8atterycases get their day in court, p.3 'Tis the season for fun! Holiday activities, DOIMState UDlnnltJ • Tuesda,.,~Decealbel' ".1992'· Vol1llDe Juue 18 • ll'ree '.' a . '" .... .. page'4' COughtin c mputer lim Hardware problem ,grounds network' during registration; Rick Overton .and their' schedules usUally require · Editor-in-ehief ~e ~ost work because rnanYlower- diVision classes are full by the time Acomputerwiringproblemdelayed freshmen register. .., the registration of about 1,000 fresh- . Monday's rt1S~.inay have been . men last mon~Clrid'slowed down the . compoundedby !itud,entswhomisSed. ciunpus mainframe for days. ..' theirregistration timesonearUerdaYs, , . The 'malfunCtion kJ\ocked out the as well as those who were displaced student registration system all day during a short .50ftwaremalfunction Monday,Nov~ 23, affecting more than 0I\Frlday, Nov.fO. .' -::.,::;1:;'",,1 .. l20st;ud~~,a.n hour and .causing de- '. ~;.r(fice'd ' , .,..~:;~ut'~~~lWd.e.~~:0t#l~.0~Billi~~~~l;J'·qf!;:~~ "ci~:efu~M~~~:~df=····.'~~~~~~~elt.i~,~"·;t~ Centeremp1pyeesdiscoveredthepl'ob-' the floor, liriiI\gboth sides of the 6aU '•...' lem at7aolJ\.