Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Commencement Ceremony

Yale University Sunday, May 23, 2021 Order of Exercises commencement ceremony Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Sunday, May 23, 2021

Academic Procession

Peter Salovey Michelle Nearon University President Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Student Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology Development and Diversity Lynn Cooley Allegra di Bonaventura Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean for Graduate Student Academic Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs Support C.N.H Long Professor of Genetics, Professor of Cell Ann Gaylin Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Associate Dean for Graduate Education Biology Lisa Brandes Akiko Iwasaki Assistant Dean for Student Life Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Danica Tisdale Fisher and Professor of Epidemiology Assistant Dean of Diversity Gary Brudvig Lucylle Armentano ’21 PhD in Psychology Benjamin Silliman Professor of Chemistry Student Marshal Kelly Shue Stephen Gaughran ’21 PhD in Ecology and Professor of Finance Evolutionary Biology Student Marshal Sharon Kugler University Chaplain Pamela Schirmeister Deputy Dean and Dean of Strategic Initiatives commencement ceremony Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Sunday, May 23, 2021

Greetings Lynn Cooley Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs C.N.H Long Professor of Genetics, Professor of and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology President’s Remarks Peter Salovey University President Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology Introduction of the Keynote Speaker Lynn Cooley Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs C.N.H Long Professor of Genetics, Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Keynote Address Akiko Iwasaki Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and Professor of Epidemiology Presentation of Candidates for Degrees Lynn Cooley Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs C.N.H Long Professor of Genetics, Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Peter Salovey University President Closing Remarks Lynn Cooley Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs C.N.H Long Professor of Genetics, Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Benediction Sharon Kugler University Chaplain graduate mentor awards This year, for the twenty-second time, the Graduate School honors faculty members for their exemplary qualities as mentors. Many dissertation advisers were nominated, and the honorees were chosen by a committee of students and faculty. All letters of nomination were anonymous.

The text below represents comments (edited for brevity) from student nominations.

In the Humanities JennIFer raaB Associate Professor in the History of Art Professor Raab is the best educator I have had at Yale. She is a phenomenal advisor whose care, attention, and rigor in mentorship has been crucial to my academic success, and to my development as a writer. She is also a fantastic human being whose humility, fairness, and honesty has modeled the way for me in my own life. Despite being an incredibly busy academic whose path on the tenure track is no doubt freighted with tremendous responsibilities, Professor Raab is generous with her time. She takes the efort to diagnose the root causes of any shortcomings in a student’s work, and her willingness to not shy away from even-handed criticism makes her stand out in our department. Jenny will not commend a student at the expense of the quality of their work, but she also always gives praise and encouragement when it is due. Professor Raab’s academic advice, which carries lessons of the importance of humility and vulnerability, has served me well in both work and life. Her outspoken support for both the professional and personal wellbeing of her students – and the balance between the two – is admirable in a program that is highly demanding. In an era of both performative busyness and burnout, she sets an exemplary standard for future generations of young academics, who will, as she does, work to ensure that their departments and their students have healthy priorities and sustainable communities. I have taken her words to heart and am much better of as a scholar and a human being for it.

In the Natural Sciences garY BrudVIg Benjamin Silliman Professor of Chemistry Gary’s strongest impact on me was afer my advisor Charlie Schmuttenmaer’s sudden passing in 2020. Despite his loss of a close collaborator and friend, Gary immediately reassured our group of four graduate students and one postdoc and assumed the role of advisor for all of us, allowing us to stay together and keep our research facilities operating, until the fnal graduate student graduates in a few years. As we all know, being an advisor is not easy work. Taking on a postdoc and four graduate students without a thought exemplifes Gary’s character and we are deeply grateful to him. Charlie and Gary worked together for many years and were close friends, so Gary wanted to ensure Charlie’s legacy would continue. As an advisor, Gary manages to be inspiring and scientifcally challenging without being intimidating or demanding. He allows his mentees to use their time in graduate school to develop as scientists and people in the ways we fnd most valuable. Of course, the chemistry is always the main goal, but Gary also encourages students to spend time taking extra classes, gaining teaching skills, and leading outreach eforts. I think the best way to sum up what makes Gary such a great advisor and mentor is that he allows for each of his students to have the fexibility to follow their own passions. In the Social Sciences KeLLY sHue Professor of Finance I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the Graduate Mentor Award than my dissertation advisor Professor Kelly Shue. Despite her own very active research, she goes above and beyond to support her PhD advisees. She cares deeply about their personal and professional success and does everything she can to help them reach their full potential as scholars. This year has been especially challenging for graduate students. Professor Shue recognized students’ isolation and set aside time with her advisees on to talk through the individual challenges they were facing and how she could help them make the most of the situation. Kelly was actually pregnant when the COVID-19 lockdown began and was scheduled to be on leave during the Fall 2020 semester. For her advisees, though, it was impossible to tell. She was always available on Zoom to talk through research struggles and ofer advice on how to overcome them. In a year when many academic conferences have been canceled or gone virtual, Professor Shue tried to make up for the lost networking opportunities by connecting students with other faculty members who do work in the same felds. She will go the extra mile for her advisees. When one of us, a young mother, had no quiet space for Zoom meetings, Professor Shue actually ofered her own ofce for the student to use—it was a heartwarming gesture that epitomizes the very best of Yale graduate mentorship. graduate scHooL student The Henry Prentiss Becton Prize for exceptional prIzes achievement in research is awarded to a graduate student within the Council of Engineering. Departmental Awards Dylan Shah (Adviser: Rebecca Kramer- The Marston Anderson Prize is awarded Bottiglio) on an occasional basis to truly outstanding Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science dissertations in the feld of East Asian Dylan is nominated for his contributions to the feld Languages and Literatures, in memory of of embodied intelligence and for his development Professor Anderson for his contribution to the of several robot platforms to study the role of intellectual and pedagogical mission of the morphology in adaptive behavior. His advisor states, department. “Dylan is developing functional material systems Po-hSi Chen (Adviser: Jing Tsu) that will allow next-generation sof robots to adapt East Asian Languages and Literatures to changing tasks and environments. His research is enabling new knowledge and design paradigms Socialism on One Island: A Genealogy of the to help solve broad challenges related to adaptive Pro-Unifcation Lefist Literary Discourse in physical systems, with applications to human- Taiwan robot interaction, collaborative robots, and assistive This dissertation on Taiwanese literature is the frst wearables.” in-depth investigation of the ambiguous relation between mainland China and Taiwan. It intersects several global and local themes that are seldom seen The Frances Blanshard Fellowship Prize is within the space of one study: Chinese diaspora awarded annually for the outstanding doctoral and Sinophone studies, Cold War, the plurality dissertations submitted to the History of Art of diferent Lefisms, and Taiwan’s independence Department. movement. It ofers an important perspective on the ariel Fein (Adviser: Robert Nelson) suppressed afnity between the PRC and Taiwan History of Art afer 1949. Emiral Patronage: George of Antioch, the Martorana, and the Arab-Christians of Norman Dewei Shen (Adviser: Mick Hunter) Sicily East Asian Languages and Literatures This dissertation gives us a new understanding The First Imperial Transition in China: A of a major monument of medieval art, the church Microhistory of Jiangling (369 – 119 BCE) of the Martorana in Palermo, Sicily. In earlier publications, the Martorana was regarded as a This study ofers a radically new perspective on the major monument of Byzantine art and ofen cited as emergence of Chinese empire. It synthesizes data evidence of trends in the capital of Constantinople. from nearly a thousand tombs, settlement patterns While the dedication mosaic of George of Antioch, for multiple city sites, and numerous transmitted the church’s patron, was always discussed in all and excavated texts to reveal how peoples at studies of the church, the patron, his biography, and the margins—including widows, workmen especially his identity as an Arab Christian was communities, and colonial administrators— not considered. Ariel Fein’s dissertation reveals a negotiated the rise and fall (and rise and fall and monument deeply embedded in medieval Sicily and rise) of empire. its indigenous communities of Greek- and Arab- speaking Christians. To do so, the author examines all aspects of the decoration of the church, especially its Islamic woodcarving and stucco, connecting the former to Fatimid Egypt and the latter to the art of The Harding Bliss Prize for Excellence in North Africa immediately south of Sicily, present Engineering and Applied Science is awarded day Tunisia. Especially important to the analysis annually to the outstanding student who are the detailed investigations of the Arab and Greek has completed his or her Ph.D. thesis during inscriptions in terms of epigraphy, content, and the current academic year and who has done placement. She explains how they were addressed the most to further the intellectual life of the to diferent audiences and thus situates the church department. within a larger setting. Not content with an original rita Matta (Adviser: Anjelica Gonzalez) and pioneering study of the monument, she then Biomedical Engineering charts the urban history of the quarter of Palermo in which the church is located and makes intriguing The Role of Microvascular Signaling in the comparisons with Islamic Cordoba. Neurogenic Niche The dissertation describes novel methods and analysis of stem cell encapsulation for translational niCholaS robbinS (Advisers: Carol Armstrong therapeutics of injured brain tissue. and Jennifer Raab) History of Art

Oceans of Air: Landscape and Climate in the The Sylvia Ardyn Boone Prize is awarded Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World annually in memory of Sylvia Boone, a noted scholar of African art, who was the frst tenured Nick Robbins’s dissertation, Oceans of Air: African–American woman on the Yale faculty. In Landscape and Climate, is particularly timely in her memory, Vera Wells, Yale ’71, has established that, though it focuses on Britain, the frst industrial a prize to honor Sylvia Boone’s life and work. nation, it traces the origins of our present study of questions of climate back to the late eighteenth DaviD MarCello De león (Advisers: century in transregional context. Looking at British, Langdon Hammer, Daphne Brooks, and Marta French and American landscape painting and Figlerowicz) photography in relation to scientifc discourses, English Language and Literature seeing aesthetics and the empirical observation of Epic Black: Poetics in Protest in the Time of clouds, rain and wind as intimately bound together, Nick Robbins has produced a radical new history of landscape imagery. He demonstrates how the Mr. de Len is a beautiful writer in possession of a work of major artists such as John Constable, as gripping and compelling voice, and it’s that voice well as pioneering French photographers such as that delivers a project that is ultimately, at its core, Gustave Le Grey and late-nineteenth-century a lengthy dissection of “intellectual domination” as trans-Atlantic fgures such as James MacNeill Toni Morrison might say (pace her Playing in the Whistler, are imbricated within larger debates about Dark) and the means by which this cluster of genius climate and industrialization. Robbins’ pioneering Black poets (and two behemoth contemporary pop research examines synergies and connections across, icons who serve as the bookends of the project) have rather than cultural or ethnic diferences between, gone about the business of disrupting the conditions the geographic spaces of modernity, fnding in the of that domination through formalistic subversion, notion of climate — the change of temperature and invagination, troublesome re-occupation. Each of the humidity across a long period — a paradigm that dissertation’s chapters ofers an extensive and ofen was signifcant for artists as well as scientists. surprising meditation on the ways that contemporary Black poets reimagine form (the epic genre) as a means to rejecting the protocols of genre study altogether. The Dirk Brouwer Memorial Prize was The English Department Dissertation Prize is established in 1966 by friends of Professor awarded for the best dissertation submitted to Dirk Brouwer, Chairman of the Department of the Department of English in the current year. Astronomy and Director of the Yale Observatory wing Chun Julia Chan (Advisers: Katie from 1941 to 1966. It is awarded to a student in Trumpener, Jill Richards, Katerina Clark) the department for a contribution of unusual English Language and Literature merit to any branch of astronomy. Veritable Utopia: Revolutionary Russia and Sarah MillhollanD (Adviser: Greg the Modernism of the British Lef Laughlin) Astronomy In “Veritable Utopia: British Modernism and the Revolutionary Lef,” Wing Chun Julia Chan Data-Driven Dynamics of Planetary Systems assembles a modernist counter-canon, activated by In her Ph.D. Dissertation, Dr. Sarah Millholland the electrifying possibilities of the Soviet experiment describes a number of advances dedicated to the and challenged by its vexing actualities. Her detection and characterization of extrasolar planets. unfailingly acute, bracingly defamiliarized readings Specifc highlights include a new technique for provide an expansive, ofen dazzling perspective identifying short-period “hot Jupiters” through their on a period when revolutionary dreams became optical phase variations, as well as a conclusive lived realities, at once gratifyingly accessible and demonstration that the period structure statistically disappointingly mundane. observed in multiple-planet multiple-transiting systems is likely due to tidal dissipation brought on by the phenomenon of secular spin-orbit resonance. The Estwing Hammer Prize is awarded by the Estwing Manufacturing company to outstanding geology or geophysics graduate students. The George Washington Egleston Historical Meng guo (Adviser: Jun Korenaga) Prize, established in 1901, is awarded annually Earth and Planetary Sciences to a research student who discovers new facts of importance for American history or gathers information or reaches conclusions which are The Excellence in Teaching Prize is given useful from a historical, literary, and critical in recognition of a student’s outstanding point of view. contribution to the teaching process at the eMily SnyDer (Adviser: Gilbert Joseph) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. History anne hawS (Adviser: Jay Ague) Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, Earth and Planetary Sciences and the United States in the Cold War JaCk Shaw (Adviser: Pincelli Hull) Caribbean, 1979-1990 Earth and Planetary Sciences This is a very signifcant and well-crafed piece of work. A careful transnational study, it innovatively synthesizes social and diplomatic history. Imaginative research, well-written exposition, and thoughtful organization make this an outstanding thesis. The Miguel Ferreyros Memorial Award The Hans Gatzke Prize is awarded upon the for Academic Excellence in an International recommendation of the History Department for Relations Joint Degree Program is awarded the outstanding dissertation or dissertations in a to the joint degree student in International feld of European history. Relations with the highest academic kathleen MCCruDDen (Advisers: Samuel achievement. Moyn, Sophia Rosenfeld) DouglaS gleDhill (Adviser: Lily Sutton) History Global Afairs and School of Management Fraternité, Liberté, Egalité: Sophie De Grouchy, Moral Republicanism, and the History of Liberalism, 1785-1815 The Harry Burr Ferris Prize was established by Harry Burr Ferris (B.A. 1887, M.D. 1890), who The dissertation ofers a fresh way of considering was the E. K. Hunt Professor of Anatomy in the an epochal transition that continues to serve as Department of Anatomy, the predecessor to the a key reference point for a great deal of historical current Department of Cell Biology. The Prize is and political thinking. This work demonstrates awarded to a Cell Biology student for a doctoral a great mastery of the methodological and dissertation demonstrating exceptional research historiographical issues at stake in the intellectual and scholarship. history of the Revolution. Beautifully written and elegantly constructed, this dissertation is a brilliant PeiQi li (Adviser: Karin Reinisch) achievement. Cell Biology ievgeniia Sakal (Adviser: Paul Bushkovitch) Elucidation of VPS13 and PIKfyve Proteins History Functioning in the Regulation of Eukaryotic Lipid Homeostasis The Imported Church: European Ideas and Russian Religion in the Second Half of VPS13 and related proteins function in membrane the Seventeenth Century. The Case of the expansion and organelle biogenesis. In her Eucharistic Controversy (1685-1690) dissertation work, PeiQi demonstrated that they are channels that can support bulk lipid transfer This is a major intervention in the history of Russia, between organelles, establishing a broadly relevant, Ukraine, and of early modern Europe as a whole. new mechanism for lipid transport in eukaryotic The implications of her discovery are considerable. cells. An extraordinarily well-researched and crafed dissertation. Shenliang yu (Adviser: Thomas Melia) Cell Biology

Lipid Conjugation and Lipid Transport in The Award for Academic Excellence in Global Mammalian Afairs is given to the master’s student in Global Afairs with the highest academic achievement. Cells make autophagosomes on demand to clear large toxic accumulations from the cytoplasm, but as liz grieSMer (Adviser: Lily Sutton) these organelles are separated from classic membrane Global Afairs trafcking pathways, it has been a mystery how an autophagosome forms and grows. In his thesis work, Shenliang Yu described an entirely novel The James B. Grossman Dissertation Prize was organelle biogenesis mechanism in which lipid fows established in memory of a doctoral student from the endoplasmic reticulum into the growing in Psychology. It is given to the author of an autophagosome via lipid transport protein bridges. outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in Psychology, with preference for research embodying some of the characteristics of James Grossman’s induced readthrough transcripts called DoGs scholarship, such as creativity, use of other (downstream-of-gene containing transcripts). disciplines, and clinical work with children. Her work revealed that hyperosmotic stress leads to widespread transcriptional repression and suggests CaMeron elliS (Adviser: Nicholas Turk- that the Integrator complex regulates the production Browne) of DoGs Psychology Infant fMRI: A Model System for Cognitive Neuroscience The Annie Le Fellowship is awarded each year to one or more Ph.D. students in the biological The development of the human brain in infancy and biomedical sciences whose demonstrated is of great interest, but direct observation of the commitment to bettering the world around them brain in this critical age period has been limited. and outstanding record in research exemplify the In an unprecedented series of studies, Dr. Ellis used life and career of Annie Marie Le, a Yale graduate functional neuroimaging in human infants to study student between 2007 and 2009. the development of visual processing, the orienting of attention, and the learning of statistical regularities. Catharine ShiPPS (Adviser: Nikhil Malavankar) Molecular Biophysics and The Mary Ellen Jones (Ph.D. ’51, Biochemistry) kathy zhang (Adviser: Michael Crair) Prize is awarded to the most distinguished Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program dissertation in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry submitted during the academic year. Dr. Jones was a leading scientist and The Elias Loomis Prize is awarded for excellence a pioneer in the advancement of women in in studies of physics of the earth. Elias Loomis academia. was a professor of natural philosophy and Martha braun (Adviser: Erdem Karatekin ) astronomy in Yale College. Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry ulla heeDe (Adviser: Alexey Fedorov) FisB Mediated Membrane Fission during Earth and Planetary Sciences Sporulation in Bacillus Subtilis yu liang (Adviser: Alexey Fedorov) Martha Braun discovered that the protein FisB Earth and Planetary Sciences exploits the unique geometry of the sporulating bacterium and self-oligomerization for localizing to the membrane fssion site. She proposed that The James G. March award was established in membrane fssion is achieved by between the 2018 by Professor Jim March (Ph.D. ’53) and is FisB network and the underlying membrane. awarded annually to an outstanding dissertation from any feld of Political Science. niColle roSa MerCaDo (Adviser: Joan Steitz) Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry MayeSha alaM (Adviser: Elisabeth Wood) Political Science Insights into the Biogenesis of Stress-Induced Readthrough Transcripts Between State Fragmentation and National Freedom: Local and International Dynamics of Nicolle Rosa Mercado’s thesis focused on Secession in Comparative Perspective understanding how human cells modify their transcriptional programs in response to hyperosmotic This dissertation tackles a big question in Political stress. Specifcally, Nicolle studied the molecular Science - why do some secessionist civil wars mechanisms leading to the production of stress- succeed and others do not? – using a variety of methodologies, including feldwork, archival leon teJwani (Adviser: Janghoo Lim) work, and interviews in Bahasa and Bengali, and Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program qualitative comparative analysis. The result is a very Uncovering Novel Roles of Glia in rich dissertation, a major contribution to the feld. Neurodegenerative Diseases Matthew grahaM (Adviser: Gregory Huber) Dr. Tejwani’s dissertation work spanned the Political Science breadth of cellular and molecular neuroscience. In Mismeasuring Misperceptions: How Surveys completing his Ph.D. thesis, he led projects related Distort the Nature of Partisan Belief Diferences to the molecular substrates of multiple neurological disorders including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, This dissertation questions the inferences to be frontotemporal dementia and spinocerebellar ataxia drawn about individual beliefs from survey data. type 1, among others. He developed a seminal It concludes that the apparent partisan gap in longitudinal single-cell atlas of the cerebellum beliefs about facts, a salient concern in U.S. politics, in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 and in doing so may be exaggerated, given the uncertainty that uncovered transformative information for our respondents assign to their beliefs. The result is a understanding of disease pathogenesis. careful and thought-provoking dissertation, which has already made important contributions to the feld. The John Spangler Nicholas (Ph.D. 1921) Prize was established in 1972 by bequest of Helen Brown Nicholas in memory of her husband. The Neuroscience Doctoral Thesis Prize was The prize is awarded annually to outstanding established in 2020 by Sandra and Charles Greer doctoral candidates in experimental zoology. and is awarded annually to a graduate student in neuroscience whose Ph.D. thesis refects the MaDelon CaSe (Adviser: Carla Staver) highest standards of scientifc achievement. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Maxwell Shinn (Adviser: John Murray) Rainfall Variability and Savanna Vegetation Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program Dynamics Time as a Bridge from Brain to Behavior Case explored the importance of rainfall variation in establishing the distribution of savanna ecosystems, Dr. Shinn’s thesis focused on analysis and modeling the mechanisms through which it could mediate of behavioral choice data and neuronal recordings competition between trees and grasses, and how from the frontal eye feld of monkeys. The task it interacts with other important factors such as involved perceptual decision making, with a major soil type, fre, and herbivory. Her work predicts twist by having the stimulus start with zero- that future shifs to increasingly variable, intense, coherence noise and the onset of useful information and sporadic rainfall will likely cause lasting occurring probabilistically at several times, which vegetation change. This dissertation was noted for gives the monkey a prior expectation of evidence its novelty and thoughtfulness and the great breadth timing. Dr. Shinn’s research has led to major of perspectives that Case employed to tackle her neuroscientifc advances in understanding how questions. timing expectation is used to inform the decision- making. holly Merta (Adviser: Shirin Bahmanyar) Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Analyzing the Role of ER Membrane Biogenesis in Mitotic Fidelity ChriStiane olivero (Adviser: Nadya The Carolyn Slayman Prize in Genetics Dimitrova) recognizes the remarkable achievements of our Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology best students in the Department of Genetics, based on their body of work, the impact of Identifcation and Characterization of the their fndings in the feld of Genetics and their P53-Induced Long Noncoding RNA Isoform commitment to the Genetics Graduate Program Pvt1b and Its Role in Stress-Specifc Growth and graduate education at Yale. Inhibition via Myc Repression Daniel burkharDt (Adviser: Smita zaChary Sebo (Adviser: Matthew Rodehefer) Krishnaswamy) Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Genetics Sexually Dimorphic Features of Adipose Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms Development and Obesogenesis to Characterize Single-Cell Heterogeneity and Perturbation Response

The Philip M. Orville Prize was established in Daniel Burkhardt is recognized for his contributions 1981 in memory of Philip M. Orville. The prize to novel computational approaches that allow for is awarded to graduate students in geology diferential gene expression analysis at the single and geophysics in recognition of outstanding cell resolution. The MELD and VFC method for research and scholarship in the earth sciences. which he is a lead developer can be applied in broad biomedical research areas to extract fne-grained zheng gong (Adviser: David Evans) information about difuse efects of treatment or Earth and Planetary Sciences condition in a multitude of biomedical settings. JaSMina wienMann (Adviser: Derek Briggs) Dan put forth a herculean efort in teaching and Earth and Planetary Sciences disseminating new computational methods and resources. He organized and taught the Machine Learning for Single Cell Analysis workshop for The George Gaylord Simpson Prize was multiple years and worked with other students to established in 1984 in honor of Professor start a community-driven Open Problems in Single Simpson and is awarded to graduate students Cell Biology efort. He also participates actively in and recent Ph.D. recipients for an exceptional the genetics graduate program, including serving on paper concerning evolution and the fossil Yale Genetics Graduate Committee. record. xiao liu (Adviser: Marc Hammarlund) JaCk oliver Shaw (Advisers: Pincelli Hull and Genetics Derek Briggs) A Functional Non-Coding RNA Is Produced Geology and Geophysics from xbp-1 mRNA Fossilization Potential of Marine Assemblages Xiao Liu is recognized for her scientifc independence and Environments and leadership. With a continuous feed-back Only a small percentage of all life that ever existed between hypothesis generating biochemical studies is preserved in the rock record. Some animals and and validation of such hypotheses with functional environments are particularly unlikely to fossilize— studies in living worms, Xiao found that in addition e.g. sof-bodied organisms—biasing inferences about to being processed and translated into a protein macroevolution and macroecology. We compared mediating the unfolded protein response, the well- 20,000 modern marine assemblages with fossil studied XBP1 mRNA can be partially processed occurrence data to yield a global assessment of and the resultant 3’ fragment functions as a potent “fossilization potential”, the percentage of organisms regulatory ncRNA. Xiao is also a wonderful citizen likely to leave fossil evidence. of the genetics graduate program. She worked with other graduate students to improve recruitment The Karl K. Turekian Prize is awarded for for the BBS program, mentored rotation and excellence in geochemical or cosmochemical undergraduate students and served on panels to studies. advise frst year graduate students, in addition to SoPhie weStaCott (Adviser: Pincelli Hull) participating in numerous other activities. Earth and Planetary Sciences

The Edwin W. Small Prize was established The 21st Century Prize is given to a graduate in memory of Edwin W. Small (B.A. 1930, whose distinguished dissertation in Sociology M.A. 1934) and is awarded in recognition and contributes to public policy or the public furtherance of outstanding work in the feld of interest. American history. tony Cheng (Advisers: Philip Smith, Issa eMily SnyDer (Adviser: Gilbert Joseph) Kohler-Hausmann, Tracey Meares, Andrew History Papachristos) Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, Sociology and the United States in the Cold War Policing and the Illusion of Public Input Caribbean, 1979-1990 With an ethnographic exploration of / This is a very signifcant and well-crafed piece of community meetings in New York City, Cheng work. A careful transnational study, it innovatively explores why community policing initiatives fall synthesizes social and diplomatic history. short. The thesis documents the implications of Imaginative research, well-written exposition, and police organizational capacity, legal authority and thoughtful organization make this an outstanding interactional strategy. These enable them to curate a thesis. conservative audience, ignore many complaints and convert others into endorsements for police services, and sideline calls for more radical change. The Marvin B. Sussman Prize is awarded annually by the Sociology department to the graduate student whose distinguished The Colin White Prize is awarded annually dissertation, completed within the previous two to an outstanding graduate student in Public academic years, is judged the most outstanding. Health. thoMaS lyttelton (Adviser: Olav Sorenson) williaM Duke (Adviser: Laura Forastiere) Sociology Public Health Work, Sociability, And Inequality Using quantitative methods Lyttelton explores The Richard Wolfgang Prize was established in the intersection of mundane sociability and the 1971 in memory of Richard Leopold Wolfgang, workplace. The thesis maps out why these routine M.A. Hon. 1962, and member of the faculty friendly encounters are consequential. It goes on from 1956 to 1971. It is awarded each year for to unpack how patterns of association within and the best doctoral theses of graduating chemistry outside the organization vary over occupational students. sectors, how they shape promotion decisions and career tracks, and how they have implications for gender inequality. yang (Vicky) luo (Adviser: Sarah Slavof ) eMManuel laChauD (Adviser: Stuart Chemistry Schwartz) History The Development and Application of Chemical Biology Tools to Study RNA The Emancipated Empire: Faustin I Decapping Souloque and the Origins of the Second Haitian Empire, 1847-1859 Decades of studies to understand the fundamental process of gene expression have largely focused on Lachaud has written an original and revisionist how gene expression is turned on; much less is history that makes an important contribution to known about how genes are turned of. Vicky Luo Haiti’s history and to the history of the Atlantic developed the frst chemical tools for cellular study world in the mid-19th century. The dissertation flls of a human enzyme that turns of, or degrades, a massive gap in the History of Haiti’s nineteenth messenger RNAs linked to important biological century. processes like innate immunity. JoShua Mentanko (Adviser: Gilbert Joseph) yueShen wu (Adviser: Hailiang Wang) History Chemistry Developing Tradition: A History of Heterogenized Molecular Catalysts for Intercultural Health Governance in Mexico, Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction 1940-2000 Reaction This is a highly ambitious work that makes Yueshen Wu developed novel chemical reactions that contributions across several felds and disciplines. convert environmentally concerning chemical species He is rewriting the history of global health in the such as carbon dioxide and nitrate to fuels and twentieth century with remarkable attention to useful chemical products using renewable electricity. questions of culture and power. This dissertation These reactions are enabled by novel catalytic is a fundamental contribution to the political and processes on the surface of nanostructured materials. scientifc history of Mexico, as well as a rigorous contribution situated in the history of development. nan yang (Adviser: Mark Johnson) Chemistry

Disentangling the Vibrational Spectra of Water With Cryogenic Water Clusters: From Isolated Static OH Oscillator to Temperature Dependent Spectral Dynamics Nan Yang envisioned, designed and built a new type of instrument for ultrasensitive chemical analysis that combines laser photochemistry with mass spectrometry. He then exploited this capability to make the frst direct observations of how solvents control chemical reactions at the molecular level.

The Arthur and Mary Wright Prize is awarded upon the recommendation of the History Department for the outstanding dissertation or dissertations in the feld of history outside the United States or Europe. University Awards SteFano giovanni Daniele (Adviser: Nenad Sestan) Neuroscience, MD/PhD The Theron Rockwell Field Prize was established in 1957 by Emilia R. Field in Ex Vivo Normothermic Restoration of memory of her husband, Theron Rockwell Circulation and Cellular Functions in the Large Field, Ph.B. 1889. It is awarded for poetic, Mammalian Brain Hours Postmortem literary, or religious works by any students Brains need blood. Cells die otherwise, and quickly. enrolled in the University for a degree. This Or so we thought. Can we restore circulation and prize is awarded by the Ofce of the Secretary cellular activity in mammal’s brains multiple hours of . afer death? With Daniele’s BrainEx we can. And benCh anSFielD (Advisers: Joanne by using this technology, we would observe various Meyerowitz and Michael Denning) cellular functions’ resurgence in a mammal’s brain American Studies four hours afer brain “death”(?). Minds will boggle at possible experimental and therapeutic benefts, Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, even as Daniele is alive to bioethical imbroglios. and the Reinsuring of in the Late Twentieth Century zuri ayana Sullivan (Adviser: ) Why were 1970s U.S. cities in fames? Follow Immunobiology the money. FIRE industries—fnance, insurance, real estate—reshaped poor neighborhoods of color Food Quality Control: Nutrition and post-civil rights. In a richly descriptive, timely, Immunity in Intestinal Homeostasis and politically generative work, Ansfeld overturns A gutsy work. Connecting disparate highly technical popular assumptions. The answer is race, risk, -ologies, yet clearly and conversationally, Sullivan and real estate: fames arose from the fnancial asks fundamental questions on digestion—how rationality of absentee landlords and state-sponsored animals survive through harvesting energy from fre insurance, not vandalism or welfare fraud; their environment—and in answering establishes from capitalist markets, not tenant families; in an an entirely new area of research on the regulation of era of infernos—towering, disco, or otherwise—the nutrition by the immune system. business was racially stratifed indemnifcation not insurrection. From the embers arose new forms of urban political organizing.

The John Addison Porter Prize, named in honor of Professor John Addison Porter, B.A. 1842, is awarded for a work of scholarship in any feld where it is possible, through original efort, to gather and relate facts or principles, or both, and to present the results in such a literary form as to make the project of general human interest. This prize is awarded by the Ofce of the Secretary of Yale University. Public Service Awards The Public Scholar Award recognizes research and activism pursued by a Yale graduate student The Community Service Award honors a that engages and betters the world at large. graduate student’s volunteer work in the local kriStin hankinS (Adviser: Laura Wexler and community while enrolled at Yale. Laura Barraclough) Shannon leSlie (Adviser: Angus Nairn) American Studies Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program Kristin’s interdisciplinary doctoral research Shannon is a member and former director of Yale focuses on anti-litter initiatives in Philadelphia Open Labs. As a part of this group, she started a to investigate how litter and eforts to remove it branch to bring hands-on demonstrations to of- have impacted urban public space from the early campus events. This group partnered with Rick twentieth century to the present. She has shared Crouse and the Science Haven initiative to present relevant fndings from her research with local interactive science lessons at a variety of community organizations and is currently brainstorming events. During the pandemic these events were put collaborative, research-based public humanities on hold so the Open Labs team created Exploring projects with activists and artists. In addition, she Science, a weekly virtual science program that has continues volunteering with grassroots groups at the participation by almost 100 New Haven public heart of her ethnographic feldwork, assisting with school students. Each week diferent speakers join to projects such as food distribution and fundraising. share their passion and path in science.

The Disciplinary Outreach Service Award recognizes a student who has applied specifc knowledge of his or her own feld in performing voluntary service within the local community. branDi waterS (Adviser: Stuart Schwartz) History and African American Studies

Brandi draws from her disciplinary training in her volunteer eforts with Afro-Latin American communities in the U.S. and abroad. She has facilitated programs on race and health in Latin America with students at the Universidad de Manizales (Colombia), Howard University, and in Yale’s Summer Enrichment Medical Academy. For almost a decade, she has also served as a liaison for the Diaspora team of the Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean, and Diaspora Women, based in Bolivia. Graduating Winners of Prize Teaching Fellowship

Daniel Martin Chemistry 2016-17, 2017-18 niCholaS robbinS History of Art 2017-18

MaDelon CaSe Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 2020-21 degrees granted, december 2020 and may 2021 aFrIcan amerIcan studIes Hector Peralta Jr. Master of Arts Master of Philosophy Micah Camille Jones Daniella Posy History Master of Arts Aanchal Saraf Master of Arts Jeong Yeon Lee English Language and Literature Master of Arts Alison Hall Kibbe Demar Francis Lewis IV African American Studies Sociology antHropoLogY Jocelyn Proietti American Studies Doctor of Philosophy Chandana Anusha aFrIcan studIes The Living Coast: Port Development and Ecological Transformations in the Gulf of Kutch, Western India Master of Arts Akua Twumwaa Agyei-Boateng Chloe Li Chen-Kraus Assessing Anthropogenic Impacts on Endangered Gerardo Manrique de Lara Ruiz Verreaux’s Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) and Prospects for Human-Lemur Coexistence Leslie Rose Rong Fan amerIcan studIes Physiological Stress, Workload and Social Relations in Early Village Life Before 5000 BP: Two Case Doctor of Philosophy Studies of Jiahu and Beiqian Bench Wynn Ansfeld Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and Amy Leigh Johnson the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth State Re-Making: Federalism, Environment, and Century the Aesthetics of Belonging in Nepal Environment Najwa Mayer Making Muslim Americana: Formations and Heidi K. Lam Contestations in Popular Culture Animating Heritage: Afective Experiences, Institutional Networks, and Themed Consumption Mary Rebecca Reynolds in the Japanese Cultural Industries Red Lives: Grassroots Radicalism and Visionary Organizing in the American Century Meredith Anne McLaughlin Moral Claims: Ethics and the Pursuit of Welfare in Master of Philosophy Rural Rajasthan, India Patricia Ekpo Master of Arts Emily Minh Nguyen Urban Dreams and Agrarian Renovations: Kelsey Elizabeth Henry Examining the Politics and Practices of Peri-Urban Master of Arts Land Conversion in Hanoi, Vietnam

Ever Esther Osorio Ruiz Master of Arts Aalyia Feroz Ali Sadruddin Yiqi Wang Afer-Afer-Lives: Aging, Care, and Dignity in Postgenocide Rwanda Jiaxin Yu Master of Science Qingzhu Wang Copper Mining and Bronze Production in Hanwen Zhang Shandong Province: A New Perspective on the Master of Science Political Economy of the Shang State Yishu Zhou Master of Philosophy Master of Science Elena Adasheva-Klein Master of Science Asa Sion Cameron Hugo Afaticati

Katherine Elaine Daiy Timo Kevin Christen

Victoria Jane Harries Nikita Ermolaev

Lav Kanoi Yizhi Luo Environment Joseph Anthony Vidal Katherine Meier Environment arcHaeoLogIcaL studIes appLIed matHematIcs Master of Arts William Charles Charamut Doctor of Philosophy James Michael Garritano Brian David Fiallo On the Efcient Evaluation of the Azimuthal Fourier Components of the Green’s Function for the arcHItecture Helmholtz’s Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates MD/PhD Program Master of Philosophy Master of Philosophy Ishraq Zahra Khan appLIed pHYsIcs Aaron Benjamin Tobey

Doctor of Philosophy astronomY Shai Gertler Photonic Signal Processing Using Nonlocal Doctor of Philosophy Brillouin Interactions Ryan Tanner Blackman Instrumentation Development for Extremely Precise Nils Thomas Otterstrom Doppler Spectroscopy: Applications to Exoplanetary Shaping Brillouin Dynamics for Silicon Photonic Science Device Physics William Joseph Cramer Master of Philosophy Analysis of the Efects of Ram Stripping on Spencer Geller Diamond Evolution and through the Master of Science Study of the Multiphase Interstellar Medium

Alec William Eickbusch Master of Science Allen Bradford Davis Nathan Nhat Nguyen Wobbling Towards the Future: Applications of the The Fate of the Autophagosome from Start to Finish: Radial Velocity Technique to Detect Ever-Smaller How do Mammalian ATG8-family and ATG4- Exoplanets family Proteins contribute to Macroautophagy

Lamiya Bintee Mowla John Taylor Powell The Structural Evolution of Massive Development of Mechanically Complex DNA Nanodevices and a Diverse DNA Origami Toolkit Darryl Zachary Seligman for CryoEM Imaging From the Stars: An Assessment of the Scientifc Opportunities Provided by Interstellar Asteroids Titas Sengupta Neurite Placement and Synapse Formation in Lucas Stanley Viani Layered Neuropils Improving Asteroseismic Estimates of Stellar Parameters Amanda Jane Vines Live Cell Dynamics of Homology-Directed DNA Master of Philosophy Double-Strand Break Repair Samuel Harris Cabot Master of Science Nathan David Williams DNA-Origami-Based Fluorescence Brightness Juan J Guerra Standards for Convenient and Fast Protein Counting Master of Science in Live Cells

Cheng-Han Hsieh Shenliang Yu Master of Science Lipid Conjugation and Lipid Transport in Mammalian Autophagy Kaustav Mitra Master of Science Master of Philosophy Emma Carley Imad Pasha Master of Science Walker Robert Otis Fuchs ceLL BIoLogY Ian Joseph Gonzalez

Doctor of Philosophy Nayoung Kwon Kevin James Hughes Regulation of an RNA Repair Operon in Philip Mannino Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium Kevin Murphy Reyes Parducho PeiQi Li Elucidation of VPS13 and PIKfyve Proteins Milind Singh Functioning in the Regulation of Eukaryotic Lipid Homeostasis Patreece Suen

William John Lu-Culligan ceLLuLar and moLecuLar Investigations of Novel Mechanisms of Epigenetic pHYsIoLogY Regulation on Chromatin MD/PhD Program Doctor of Philosophy Allison Leigh Brill Polycystin 2 as a Regulator of Cellular and Mitochondrial Health Rachel Rhoades Kaspari Amira Hanaf Dardir Novel Insights into Hypothyroidism-Induced Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling and Related Metabolic and Thermogenic Adaptations Reactions of Non-Classical Electrophiles Focusing on Esters Xiruo Li Mechanisms by which Metafammation and Sun Dongbang Adiponectin Regulate Glucose and Lipid Asymmetric Synthesis of (-)-Naltrexone and Cobalt- Metabolism Catalyzed Synthesis of Homoallylic Alcohols and Nitriles Incorporating Quaternary Carbons Kun Lyu Diacylglycerol - PKC Epsilon - Insulin Receptor Aaron Lamar Featherston as a Key Regulatory Axis of Hepatic and White Development of Peptide-Based Organocatalysts for Adipose Tissue Insulin Signaling Asymmetric Transformations

Taylor Joseph Malone Katherine Jennie Fisher Gain-of-Function Mutations in Slack Potassium Water-Oxidation Electrocatalysis and Concerted Channels Alter Structure, Cooperativity, and Proton-Electron Transfer by High-Valent Complexes Activity-Dependent Translation of Copper and Nickel

Bichen Zhang Ryan Holmes The Role of O-GlcNAc Transferase in Liver Studies Toward the Enantioselective Synthesis of the Fibrosis Gukulenin Tetraterpenoids

Master of Philosophy David Huang Qi Wang Oxidative Functionalization of Enolates and Heteroarenes Enabled by Palladium and Nickel cHemIstrY Catalysis

Doctor of Philosophy Daniel Kim David Caianiello Alkene Transformations Catalyzed by Beta- Bifunctional Small Molecules that Mediate the Dialdiminate Cobalt Complexes Degradation of Extracellular Proteins Dongyoung Kim Ya-Na Chen Mechanistic Study of Iron Catalyzed Radical Alkene Single-Molecule Force Microscopy Studies of Cross-Coupling Reaction Dronpa and Rhodopsin Yin-wei Kuo Woo Young Cho Molecular Mechanism of Severase-mediated Structural and Functional Characterization Microtubule Regulation of Lipid-Derived Molecules From the Human Microbiome Hannah Marie Charlson Lant Pyridine Alkoxide Complexes of First-Row Gavin Maurice Coombs Transition Metals for Oxidative Small-Molecule Development of Organocatalytic Methods for the Activation Synthesis of Axially Chiral Biaryl Compounds Jhe-Hao Li Kara Joy Cutrona Characterization of Structures and Biosyntheses of Analysis of Computational Drug Design Methods Ecologically Important Secondary Metabolites in with Applications to the JAK2 Pseudokinase Escherichia Coli and Xenorhabdus Species Domain Yang Luo Nan Yang The Development and Application of Chemical Disentangling the Vibrational Spectra of Water Biology Tools to Study RNA Decapping With Cryogenic Water Clusters: From Isolated Static OH Oscillator to Temperature-Dependent Daniel James Martin Spectral Dynamics Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Using Molecular Iron Porphyrins: Detailing the Role of Electrostatics Helen Jiawa Zeng in Small Molecule Activation Studies of Hydroxy- and Ether-Functionalized Ionic Liquids by Cryogenic Ion Vibrational Predissociation Zhe Mei Spectroscopy Computational Studies of proteins: Void Analyses, NMR and X-Ray Structures, and Yizhou Zhao Fluctuations in Protein Structure Measured Using Allyl-Palladium Catalyzed Dehydrogenation Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbonyl Compounds and Total Synthesis of (+)-Granatumine a and Clovan-2,9-Dione Phu Khat Nwe Decoding Gut Microbial Metabolites Through Yiren Zhong G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Activation Surface Chemistry and Interface Design of Lithium- Sulfur Batteries Aaron Dovid Tzvi Rosenbloom Mechanism of Actin Filament Nucleation Master of Science Jessica Elizabeth Armstrong Nicholas Ellis Smith Mechanistic Investigations of Iron Pincer Catalysts Samuel Bhutto for the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation of Polar Substrates Daniel Solomon Brandes

Morgan MacKenzie Walker William Edward Butcher Development, Application, and Mechanistic Investigation of Amine Transformations Matthew David Capobianco

Yueshen Wu Claire Cody Heterogenized Molecular Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction Leah Julie Connor

Zishan Wu Laura Fei Cotter Materials Chemistry of Transition Metal Sulfdes, Phosphides, and Phosphosulfdes: Synthesis, Edward Andrew deRamon Solid State Chemistry, Surface Structures, and Electrocatalysis Diondra Adia JoRuth Dilworth

Mengzhao Xue Natavan Dudkina Investigating the Interactions between Genotoxic Small Molecules and DNA Target: Nucleophilic Julian Christopher Grundler Activation Mechanism Determination of (-) Lomaiviticin A, Structural and Mechanistic Rong Guo Elucidation of Colibactin, and Discovery of Possible Genotoxic Metabolites among Gut Microbiome. Randy Hamchand

Reagan Hooper Rebecca Anne Howell comparatIVe LIterature

Josephine Anne Jacob-Dolan Doctor of Philosophy Catherine Culvahouse Fox Thien Khuu Christophe’s Ghost: The Making and Unmaking of Tragedy in Post-Revolutionary Haiti Hanyu Liu African American Studies

Ningyi Lyu Vaclav Gabriel Pinos Novels of Animal Origins: Feral and Prehistoric Jason David Ray Fiction in England, France and Bohemia Since 1667

Benjamin John Guy Rousseau Iraj Sheidaee In Between Dār Al-Islām and the ‘Lands of Maxim Alton Secor the Christians’: Three Christian Arabic Travel Narratives From the Early Modern/Ottoman Period Santino James Stropoli (Mid-17th-Early 18th Centuries)

Tayah Dale-Marie Turocy Andrey Ivanovich Tolstoy Where Do We Go When We Go Of-the-Grid? Adam Jacob Zoll Film Studies cLassIcs Master of Philosophy Katherine Louise Kirkland Doctor of Philosophy Film and Media Studies Liam Thomas Ahern Master of Arts Receiving Theognis: Textual Criticism and Reception Maria Eugenia Pabon Master of Arts Niek Janssen Appropriate Transgressions: Parody and Decorum Lindsay O’Connor Stern in Ancient Greece and Rome Master of Arts

Lester Stephens computatIonaL BIoLogY and Res Novae and Radial Governmentality (112-72 BIoInFormatIcs BCE) History Doctor of Philosophy David Chang Master of Philosophy Natural Language Processing and Graph Erynn Jean-Hee Kim Representation Learning for Clinical Data

Ariel Sylva Kroeber Scott Anthony Gigante Difusion-Based Approaches to Visualization and Raymond Austen Lahiri Exploration of High-Dimensional Data Comparative Literature Master of Arts Xiaotong Li Clinical and Translational Cancer Research by Danielle Meghan Poplacean Genomics and Transcriptomics Data Analysis History Kevin Lee Lopez Machine Learning with Multimodal Data Quan Zhou Mingfei Zhao B Cell Clonal Lineage and Somatic Hypermutation Simple vs. Optimal Mechanism Design Profling Analysis Master of Philosophy

Master of Science Master of Philosophy Edel Bela Aron Matthew Benjamin Amodio

Egbert Castro Ning Luo Master of Science Alexander Thomas Grigas Caleb Malchik Kyra Thrush Master of Science computer scIence Shiyu Qiu Master of Science Doctor of Philosophy Omid Alipourfard Yuyang Sang Change Management Systems for Seamless Master of Science Evolution in Data Centers Alexander Yi-Ren Tong Luciano Dyballa Master of Science The Manifold of Neural Responses Informs Physiological Circuits in the Visual System Jialu Zhang

Alexander Richard Fabbri Master of Science Text Summarization Across High- and Low- Timothy Dean Adamson Resource Settings Lizhou Cai Peizhen Guo Service Abstractions for Scalable Deep Learning Yixuan Chen Inference at the Edge Kinnari Vijay Dave Jeremie Koenig Refnement-Based Game Semantics for Certifed Ferhat Erata Components Yiwei Hu Sarah Meredith Sebo Developing Robot Teammates that Enhance Social Ketaki Rajiv Joshi Dynamics and Performance in Human-Robot Teams Samuel Ethan Judson

Weiqi Shi John Miao Lazarsfeld Intuitive and Accurate Material Appearance Design and Editing Kai Li

Tao Yu Junrui Liu Learning to Map Natural Language to Executable Programs Over Databases Rebecca Ramnauth

Qingyu Shen

Sihan Sun Juncheng Tang east asIan Languages and LIteratures Sydney Anne Thompson Doctor of Philosophy Nathan Tsoi Po-hsi Chen Socialism on One Island: A Genealogy of the Pro- Yiyan Wei Unifcation Lefist Literary Discourse in Taiwan

Xiang Wu Simone Theresia Glasl In the Place of Others: Sympathy in Modern Yiheng Wu Chinese Literature and Literary Criticism from the 1910s to the 1950s Jiaqi Yang Noriko Morisue Yu Zhang Amateurism in the Rise of Small-Gauge Film Technology: Modernity, Popular Culture, and the Yihan Zhou Everyday, 1923-1945 Film Studies eartH and pLanetarY scIences Jefrey Scott Niedermaier Jr. Doctor of Philosophy The Poetics of Elsewhere: The Wakan Rōeishū Sarah Marie Arveson Beyond Japan and China Experimentally Determined Material Properties at Extreme and Temperatures: Applications Dewei Shen to Earth’s Core The First Imperial Transition in China: A Microhistory of Jiangling (369 – 119 BCE) Yoshinori Miyazaki Developing a Unifed Theory for the Formation and Master of Arts Evolution of Terrestrial Planets Adam Dante Haliburton

Emily Mavis Stewart east asIan studIes Rock Metamorphism and the Global Carbon Cycle Master of Arts Christopher Daniel Whalen Kwun Chung Law Macroevolutionary, Phylogenetic, and Paleoecological Patterns in the Paleozoic Water Tsun Yin Leung Column, with an Emphasis on Fossil Vertebrates and Cephalopods Jingwen Li

Bowen Zhao Duan Ying Denise Looi Tropical Climate Dynamics and Oceanic Topography Efect Dylan Zane Siegel

Master of Philosophy Xiumin Su Meng Guo Xinru Wang Master of Science Erica Sarah Janecke Evans Yuhan Wang

Ved Mittal

Wayne Strojie ecoLogY and eVoLutIonarY Marianne Bernatzky Koehli BIoLogY Essays on Labor Economics

Doctor of Philosophy Shuosong Chen Madelon Florence Case Essays in Behavioral Finance and Asset Pricing Rainfall Variability and Savanna Vegetation Dynamics Chuan Du Essays on Financial Intermediation and Collateral Stephen John Gaughran Requirements Patterns of Adaptive and Purifying Selection in the Genomes of Phocid Seals Jian Xin Heng Essays in Network Economics Erica Marie Holdridge Mechanisms of Resource Competition With Soonwoo Kwon Intraspecifc Variation Essays on Robust Methods in Econometrics

Daniel MacGuigan Ming Li Hybridization and Speciation Across Multiple Essays on Panel and Network Modeling Temporal Scales in Darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) Xiangliang Li Essays on Game and Economic Theory Evlyn Sadie Pless Gene Flow and Landscape Genetics of the Dengue Nils Martin Mattsson Vector, Aedes Aegypti, in North America Essays on the Efects of Institutional Changes

Samuel Spencer Snow Kritika Narula Mechanisms and Implications for Evolution via Essays on the Economics of Education and Health in Sexual Confict Over Mate Choice Developing Countries

Anna Christina Vinton Eduardo Pinheiro Fraga How Eco-Evolutionary Interactions Mitigate Essays in International Trade Climate Risk: A Theoretical Perspective Marcos Ribeiro Frazao Siyang Xia Essays on Geography and Firm Dynamics Evolution of Oviposition in Aedes aegypti in Forest and Domestic Habitats in Africa Soumitra Shukla Rookie Market: Unpacking the Black Box of Firm- Master of Science Worker Matching Anri Chomentowska Suk Joon Son Jasmine Lianne Mah Essays in Industrial Organization and the Economics of Education Liam Ulysses Taylor Thi Hai Yen Tran economIcs Essays on the Economics of Health Care Payment Reforms Doctor of Philosophy Daisuke Adachi Io Kuan Vong Essays in Automation and Globalization Essays on Dynamic Games Yuzhou Wang Trevor Colton Williams Essays in Industrial Organization Fan Wu Lucas Zavala Master of Arts Competition in Global Value Chains Tianhao Wu Ge Zhang Essays on a Consumer Subsidy With Firms’ Master of Arts Bidding Francesco Beraldi

Zhengren Zhu Pedro Miguel Casavilca Silva Essays on the US Higher Education System Venkatasai Ganesh Karapakula Master of Philosophy Haoge Chang Matthew Ian Schwartzman Master of Arts engIneerIng and appLIed scIence Hanxiao Cui Master of Arts Biomedical Engineering

William Steadson Damron Doctor of Philosophy Amanda Frances Alexander Mirco Dinelli Investigating the Regulation and Consequences of Master of Arts Cell-to-Cell Heterogeneity in the TLR4-Induced Macrophage Secretion Response Tan Gan Master of Arts Siyuan Gao Latent Factor Analysis of High-Dimensional Brain Anisha Grover Imaging Data

Nghiem Quang Huynh Allison Marie Greaney Improvements in Pulmonary Tissue Engineering: Sang Rae Kim Toward Functional Tracheal and Lung Replacements Changhyun Kwak Edward Xu Han Masaki Miyashita Development of a Bioartifcial Vascular Pancreas for Master of Arts Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

Antonia Beatriz Paredes Haz Heather Liu Kinetic Modeling, Parameter Estimation and Hiroki Saruya Model Comparison in PET: Functional Images of Neurotransmitter Dynamics and Drug Afnity Jintaek Song Rita Matta Anthony Elias Tokman The Role of Microvascular Signaling in the Master of Arts Neurogenic Niche

Joao Paulo Valente Micha Sam Brickman Raredon Single-Cell Systems Engineering of Alveolar Lung Stephan Wolfgang Waizmann MD/PhD Program Lorenzo Rakesh Sewanan Graham Su Investigating the Multiscale Mechanobiology of Master of Science Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy MD/PhD Program Alexandra Ahova Suberi MD/PhD Program Luyao Shi Master of Science Advanced Quantitative Cardiac Nuclear Imaging Haoyu Tang Jason Michael Szafron Master of Science Mathematical Models for Improved Design of Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafs Master of Science Xueqi Guo John James Walsh Surveilling the Distinctive Vascular and Metabolic Saiti Srabonti Halder Features of Tumor Progression and Response to Therapy Hyun-Je Kim MD/PhD Program Wenjing Luo Master of Philosophy Shawn Ahn Xiaoyu Qin MD/PhD Program Master of Science Wanyun Tao

Adil Irtiza Akif Nikhil Trehan

Kathryn Helen Bridges cHemIcaL and enVIronmentaL engIneerIng David Dellal Doctor of Philosophy Laura C. Morales Douglas Mitchell Davenport Master of Science High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis for Energy-Efcient Desalination of Hypersaline Brines Ryan Nguyen Master of Science Jenna Caroline Ditto High Chemical Resolution Investigations into the Daniel Hyungseok Pak Composition, Evolution, and Properties of Complex Master of Science Multiphase Organic Compound Mixtures in the Atmosphere Chunxiao Ren Mark Falinski Kartiga Selvaganesan Advancing Safe, Sustainable, and Functional Master of Science Nanomaterial Selection and Design: Optimizing Carbon Nanotube Properties for Limited Toxicity Xingbo Shang and Enhanced Energy Storage Master of Science Camrynn Leigh Fausey Shi Shen Nanotechnology Design and Environmental Master of Science Modeling in Tackling Contaminants of Global Concern Wendy C. W. Sheu Yulian He Tayler Tonya Hedtke Transition Metal Oxide Nanostructures in Heterogeneous Catalysis Jennifer Kali Rigby

Peeyush Khare Brian Andrew Shoemaker Understanding the Increasing Infuence of Non- Combustion Sources on Urban Air Quality Yazhen Xue

Travis Reed Miller Xiaowei Zhang Environmental Assessments of Capital-Intensive Product Systems eLectrIcaL engIneerIng

Matthew Jacob Montgomery Doctor of Philosophy Analyzing the Efect of Fuel Nitrogen on Soot Lin Chen Formation Online Optimization: Convex and Submodular Functions Ratanachat Racharaks The Development and Demonstration of Bingchen Deng Synechococcus elongatus UTEX 2973 as a Potential Widely Tunable Infrared Devices Based on Chassis for Metabolic Engineering Graphene and Black Phosphorus

Eric Christian Ryberg Daniel Roger Fullmer Edible Dye-Sensitizers for Water Disinfection and Distributed Computation of Common Fixed Points Safety Indication over Time-Varying Graphs

Evyatar Shaulsky Sr. Yichen Jia Thermal-Based Membrane Processes for Energy Spin-Dependent Quantum Transport in Epitaxial and Water Production BaTiO3-Germanium Tunnel Junctions

Roger Sheu Lili Wang Indoor Gas- and Particle-Phase Organic Problems in Distributed Computation and Compounds: High-Resolution Instrumentation to Estimation Study Emissions, Concentrations, and Dynamics Wen Wang Min Jeong Suh Hardware Architectures for Post-Quantum Adsorption-Photocatalysis Composite Nanomaterial: Cryptography Harnessing Sunlight for Sustainable Regeneration of Spent Adsorbent Na Zhu Integrated Cavity Magnonics Kristof Toth Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer Thin Master of Science Films by Electrospray Deposition for Heterolattice Siyuan Dong Formation and Compositionally Gradient Libraries Guangyu Peng Master of Science Darryl Marissa Angel Isuri Bimsara Ratnayake

Andreas Jan Thomas Backhaus Xiayuan Wen

Yan Du Chenyu You mecHanIcaL engIneerIng and Serrae Nicole Reed materIaLs scIence Master of Science

Doctor of Philosophy Master of Science Zheng Chen Bilige Yang Bulk Metallic Glasses Structure and Properties Investigated by Scanning Probe Microscopy engLIsH Language and LIterature Kevin Gleason Soot Formation in High-Pressure Counterfow Doctor of Philosophy Flames Wing Chun Julia Chan Veritable Utopia: Revolutionary Russia and Yuri Gloumakov Modernism of the British Lef Prototypical Arm Motions From Human Demonstration for Upper-Limb Prosthetic Device David Marcello de Len Control Epic Black: Poetics in Protest in the Time of Black Lives Matter Sebastian Alexander Kube High-Throughput Experimental Strategies: James Eric Ensley The Highway to New Complex Alloys and Troubled Signs: Thomas Hoccleve’s Objects of Understanding Complex Phenomena Absence

Rodrigo Miguel Ojeda Mota Paul Franz Stretching the Limits in Thermoplastic Forming of “Because So It Is Made New”: D. H. Lawrence’s Bulk Metallic Glasses Charismatic Modernism

Philip Wang Chelsie Ann Malyszek Computational Studies of the Protocol-Dependent Just Words: Diction and Misdirection in Modern Mechanical Properties of Granular Materials Poetry

Yingjie Xiang Justin Germain Park Random Walks in Bacteria: Difusion and The Children of Revenge: Managing Emotion in Chromosome Folding Early English Literature

Chao Zhou Peter Joseph Raccuglia Study of Surface Physical and Chemical Processes Lives of Grass: Prairie Literature and US Settler Through Scanning Probe Microscopy and Other Capitalism Surface Science Methods Master of Philosophy Master of Philosophy Andie Smith Berry Sorosh Amiri African American Studies Master of Science Benjamin Jefrey Card Qinghao Liang Master of Science Daniel Benjamin Diaz de la Rocha Jr. Master of Arts Guannan Liu Master of Science Tess Hailey Grogan Master of Arts Arindam Raj Sarah Elizabeth Guayante Chen Chen Master of Arts Temporal Trends of Health Impacts from Air Pollution Today and under a Changing Climate Anthony Haslett Master of Arts Wade Ivan Davis Essays in Environmental and Energy Economics Eve Elizabeth Houghton Master of Arts Hao Deng Three Essays on Environmental Economics Margaret Lacey Jones Religious Studies Michaela Olivia Foster Laepple Master of Arts Forest Conservation Within Bounds: An Analysis of the Development and Impact of Protected Area Erica Miao Policies in Uganda Master of Arts Henry Glick Elizabeth Ruth Mundell Perkins The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Tropical Master of Arts Monodominant Tree Species, Gilbertiodendron dewevrei Celine Vezina Master of Arts Chelsea Elizabeth Judy Identifying the Failed Parachute Efect: Land Master of Arts Rights, Food Security, and Economic Development Jessikah Michelle Díaz in Ethiopia

James Ian Doty Bhartendu Pandey Urban Inequalities: Measuring, Forecasting, and Lisa Liu Understanding Human Health Implications

Daniel Stephen Swain Clara Christina Pregitzer Forests in Cities: Characterizing Patterns in Lucille Wanjiru Wainaina Vegetation Composition, Structure and Management enVIronment Paul Wolfram Driving Emissions Down: Whole-Supply-Chain Doctor of Philosophy Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases From Passenger Kelly Sue Aho Vehicles Biogeochemical Controls on Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Streams and Rivers Zhemin Xuan Spatial and Temporal Variability of Trace Metal Erica Bergen Barth-Nafilan Concentrations and Speciation in Connecticut Dissolved Methane and Groundwater Flow in Surface Waters Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Impact of Shale Gas Development Jonghyun Yoo Climate Decision Making under Uncertainty and Peter Berrill Future Learning A Comparison of Strategies for Mitigation of Lifecycle Greenhouse Gases From Residential Zihan Zhuo Buildings in the United States Three Essays on Environmental Economics Master of Philosophy FILm and medIa studIes Matthew David Gordon Master of Philosophy Aishwarya Vishwanathan Iyer Pierre Michael Folliet Comparative Literature Laura Ann Logozzo Master of Arts

Katherine Downey Orrick Pooja Priti Sen History of Art Nathalie Sommer Master of Arts

Elisabeth Ballard Ward Xueli Wang History of Art Master of Arts european and russIan studIes FrencH Master of Arts Kai Chun Chang Master of Philosophy Madison Brent Mainwaring Nicholas Budd Fenton Master of Arts

Sisi Liu genetIcs

Alicia Maria Strong Doctor of Philosophy Daniel Bernard Burkhardt experImentaL patHoLogY Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Characterize Single-Cell Heterogeneity and Doctor of Philosophy Perturbation Response Sally Jean Adua Adaptive Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Brain Adan De La Rosa Codina Metastasis Identifcation of Tumor Immune Regulatory Factors Using High Throughput CRISPR Screening Bomiao Hu Identifying Mechanisms of Drug Tolerance in Weilai Dong EGFR Mutant Lung Cancer Genomic Analysis of Rare Human Diseases

Xiuqi Li Julianne Alodie Gerdes Genetic Dissection of Local and Systemic Responses HtsRC-mediated Accumulation of F-actin Regulates in States of Perturbed Iron Balance Ring Canal Size During Drosophila Melanogaster Oogenesis Master of Philosophy Luke Daniel Batty Cassandra Nicole Kontur RNA Methylation and Ythdf Readers in Diana Alexandra Yanez Posttranscriptional Regulation and Development MD/PhD Program Kaixuan Lin Epigenetic Regulation in Early Mammalian Development through Rare DNA Base Modifcations Alexander Tianma Lin-Moore Danielle Felipa Miyagishima A Secreted Signal From the Gut Inhibits Axon MD/PhD Program Regeneration in C. Elegans Mark Edward Pownall Xiao Liu A Functional Non-Coding RNA Is Produced from Yanixa Quinones Aviles xbp-1 mRNA Jonathan Stewart Radda Benjamin Daniel Patterson Unraveling Heterogeneity in X Chromosome Nancy Sanchez Regulation and Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Naïve Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Rebecca Morgan Starble

Michael Christopher Sierant Ethan Strayer Genomic Analysis of 11,555 CHD Probands Provides a Framework for CHD Genetics Annali Min Yurkevicz

Master of Philosophy germanIc Languages and Arita Acharya LIteratures

Joseph James Balowski Doctor of Philosophy Maximilian Elihu Chaoulideer Kathryn Soule Berg Figuring Collectivity in the Age of Climate Crisis

Kelly Estelle Carufe Irina Kogan Taking Sides With the World: Between Politics and Jiaying Chen Poetics from 1794 to 1960

Ryan Dz-Wei Chow Tobias Kuehne MD/PhD Program Living and Judging: Studies in Pragmatic Reasoning in Philosophy, Literature, and Law Carrie Ann Davison Thiti Owlarn Jonathan Nahum Dow Re-Thinking Aesthetic Humanism: Schiller Afer Agamben and Ranciere Shuangshuang Du Master of Philosophy Chloe Elizabeth Emerson Benjamin Heller Master of Arts Cathy Carolina Garcia Evelyn Preuss Cecelia Marie Harold Master of Arts Mengwei Hu Sean Bray

Katherine Elizabeth Koczwara Lorenz Raimar Hegel

Deborah Elena Lincow

Kaiyue Ma gLoBaL aFFaIrs Daniel Jason Lapadula

Master of Advanced Study Nicholas Garriel Lewis-Walls Nicole Elise Broida Krista Ann Mangiardi Jack Fitzgerald Brown Nathanael McLaughlin Joseph Stephen Gagnard Kendra Nealon Zachary Scott McLain Colin Rand Peterson Shaun Kekoa Tateishi Stephanie Lauren Posner Matthew Ames Trevithick Cristina Isabel Quijano Carrasco Master of Arts Caroline Alexander Faraz Salahuddin

Amanda Chantal Blair Juan Carlos Salamanca Vázquez

Claire Charlotte Boardman Cristobal Samardzich Rizo-Patron

Tifany Wing Sze Chan Emily Anne Schiller

Eunsun Cho Robin Christine Schmid

Jae Won Chung Emily Claire Sigman

Liam Comer-Weaver Zachary Bruce White

Cole Andrew DeVoy Patrick Albert Wiedorn

Benjamin David Ditchfeld Michael Ray Wisner

Douglas Taylor Gledhill Rachel Xu

Elizabeth Claire Griesmer HIstorY

Marc Ibáez Díaz Doctor of Philosophy Carlos Ricardo Hernandez III Deanna Imani Johnson Paradise Lost: Beach Tourism, the Mexican State, and the Making of Cancun Sophie Anna Kaldor Winston Sinclair Hill Kathleen Mary Keefe A Constitution Contested: Governors, Assemblies, and Imperial Politics in Jamaica and New York, Anirudh Krishnan 1675-1730

Shiori Kusuda Earl Joshua Hodil Three Royal Marriage Projects: Russo-Danish Relations in the Seventeenth Century Amelia Jennie Kennedy Caitlin Kossmann Growing Old in a Cistercian Monastery, c. 1100- Master of Arts 1300 Marius Ami Kothor Emmanuel Lachaud Master of Arts The Emancipated Empire: Faustin I Soulouque and the Origins of the Second Haitian Empire, Jacqueline Ly 1847-1859 Master of Arts

Kathleen Theodora McCrudden Christopher David Melvin Fraternité, Liberté, Égalité: Sophie De Grouchy, Master of Arts Moral Republicanism, and the History of Liberalism, 1785-1815 Thomas Neill Monaghan Master of Arts Joshua Mentanko Developing Tradition: A History of Intercultural Bennett Haley Parten Health Governance in Mexico, 1940-2000 Master of Arts

Ievgeniia Sakal Lidia Isabel Plaza The Imported Church: European Ideas and Russian Master of Arts Religion in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century. The Case of the Eucharistic Controversy Teanu Reid (1685-1690). African American Studies

Emily Snyder Taylor Elliott Rose Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Master of Arts United States in the Cold War Caribbean, 1979- 1990 Paul Andrew Seltzer Master of Arts Brandi Marie Waters Debating ‘Defects’: Slavery, Disability, and Legal Marshall Allan Watson Medicine in Late Colonial Colombia Master of Arts African American Studies Teona Williams Master of Philosophy African American Studies Or El Beilinson Master of Arts Master of Arts Emily Anne Yankowitz Kathryn Ann Blair Master of Arts Master of Arts Zekun Zhang Andrés A. Bustamante Master of Arts Master of Arts Master of Arts Elliott William Cramer Zoe Miranda Adams Master of Arts Zachary Samuel Brown John Clark D’Amico Master of Arts Craig Edward Collins

Matthew Christopher Dudley Brigitte Caroline Dale Master of Arts Lily Catherine Elkins ImmunoBIoLogY

Phirum Laurence Gaillard Doctor of Philosophy Helen Alexander Beilinson Richard Zhang The Role of the N-Terminal Domain of RAG1 in V(D)J Recombination and Lymphocyte HIstorY oF art Development

Doctor of Philosophy Jesse Ian Collinski Ariel Fein Improving Cell-Targeted Therapeutics Emiral Patronage: George of Antioch, the Martorana, and the Arab-Christians of Norman Brittany Lane Fitzgerald Sicily Building Mouse Models for Tumor : NINJA in Kras-Driven Lung Adenocarcinoma Samuel Luterbacher Layovers: Japanese Export Lacquer’s Transit and Abigail Putri Jarret Re-Use Across Early Modern Iberian Empires Enteric Neurons Orchestrate Mucosal Barrier Immunity Nicholas Beyer Robbins Oceans of Air: Landscape and Climate in the Ruoyi Jiang Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World Mechanisms of Resistance Against B Cell Targeting Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis Master of Philosophy MD/PhD Program Justin Michael Brown Master of Arts Daniel Jong-Woong Kim Host Transcription Factors as Direct Mediators of Yagnaseni Datta Physiology and Defense Master of Arts MD/PhD Program Master of Philosophy Mia Adri Kang Aileen Heeyeon Lee Gavriella Chava Levy Haskell Immune-Metabolic Regulation by the Transsulfuration Pathway Gregor Quack Yisi Lu Stephen Tyler Urchick CD4+ Follicular Regulatory T cells Increase the Master of Arts Protective -Specifc Germinal Center B Cell Responses and Promote Memory Pierre Jacques Henri VON OW Master of Arts Matthew Lowell Meizlish Macrophage Mechanosensing of the Tissue Master of Arts Environment and Signal Integration Through the Manon Denise Gaudet Cytoskeleton MD/PhD Program

Runfeng Miao Regulation of Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niches Jenna Lynne Pappalardo Zheng Wei Single-Cell Defnition of T Cell Surveillance in Master of Science Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Orr-El Weizman Connor Edwin Rosen Master of Science Discovery of Host-Microbiota Interactions Yi Yang Hoyeon Eric Song Rules of Neuroimmunology Redefned: Identifying Master of Science and Overcoming Barriers in the Central Nervous Omar Angel Gonzalez System to Achieve Efective Adaptive Immunity. MD/PhD Program InterdepartmentaL Master of Philosophy, Master of Science neuroscIence program

Zuri Ayana Sullivan Doctor of Philosophy Food Quality Control: Nutrition and Immunity in Melanie Victoria Brady Intestinal Homeostasis Early SHH-Dependent Telencephalic Patterning Disruptions in Tourette Syndrome Patrick Wai-Lon Wong Characterizing the Immune Response against Novel Nashid Hasan Chaudhury Viral Insults from Within and Without Inhibitory Receptors Play a Role in Recruiting Postsynaptic Scafold to Synapses Master of Philosophy MD/PhD Program Julie Cheung Master of Science Richard Blake Crouse Acetylcholine Signaling in the Basolateral Amygdala Emily Condif During Reward Learning

Can Cui Stefano Giovanni Daniele Master of Science Ex Vivo Normothermic Restoration of Circulation and Cellular Functions in the Large Mammalian Matthew Bo Dong Brain Hours Postmortem MD/PhD Program MD/PhD Program Master of Science Joseph Pottackal Kavita Israni-Winger Subcellular Mechanisms for Parallel Processing in Retinal Circuitry Stephen Lanahan Master of Science Maxwell Wayne Shinn Time as a Bridge From Brain to Behavior Tianyang Mao Master of Science Michael James Siniscalchi Representation of Choices, Outcomes, and Context Mathias Herman Skadow in the Medial Frontal Cortex of the Mouse

Wenzhi Song Leon Lall Tejwani Master of Science Uncovering Novel Roles of Glia in Neurodegenerative Diseases Devon Victoria Wasche Master of Philosophy Master of Science Master of Philosophy Tsutomu Tatsuno Matthew Alsaloum MD/PhD Program Tam Minh Trinh

Alex Harrison Brody Jiewen Xiao

Adriana Cherskov Kevin Chujia Yin

Sachira Denagamage InVestIgatIVe medIcIne

Tyrone DeSpenza Jr. Doctor of Philosophy MD/PhD Program Susanna Curtis Cannabinoids for the Reduction of Pain and Noa Golan Infammation in Sickle Cell Disease

Hyong Seok Kim Benjamin Fredrick Gruenbaum Neuronal Mechanisms of Impaired Consciousness in Wanyu Lei an Awake Rodent Absence Seizure Model

Sarah Mohr ItaLIan

Mitchell Morton Doctor of Philosophy Sandro-Angelo De Thomasis Ryosuke Tanaka Sursum Ductio. Reasoning Upward: An Investigation Into the Vertical Structure of Dante’s Alex Wang Commedia.

Hongli Wang Law

Xiang Wang Doctor of Philosophy Thomas Elias Kadri Feng Xing Free Speech and Privacy in the Digital Age

Kathy Zhang Grant Alexander Nunn Essays on Decision-Making Authority in the Master of Science Courtroom Zhicheng Sun LInguIstIcs InternatIonaL and deVeLopment economIcs Doctor of Philosophy Parker Lorber Brody Master of Arts Computational Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Yi Chen Pama-Nyungan Verb Conjugation Classes

Nusrat Chowdhury Christopher Alden Geissler Temporal Articulatory Stability, Phonological Erdem Dorjkhand Variation, and Lexical Contrast Preservation in Diaspora Tibetan Rachel Nora Dweikat Matthew David Tyler Beatriz Garcia Nunes Argument Structure and Argument-Marking in Choctaw Master of Philosophy Sharon Yin Ross Samuel Johan Andersson Three Essays in Asset Pricing and Financial Intermediation Master of Arts Randi Martinez Chen Wang Essays on Behavioral Finance and Asset Pricing management Kevin Liang Zhao Doctor of Philosophy Essays in Financial Economics Natee Amornsiripanitch Essays on Financial Economics Master of Philosophy Michael Ryan Blair Robert Bishop Master of Arts Investor Communication and Say-on-Pay Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy Alexander Goldklank Fulmer Master of Arts Thomas Paul Bonczek Essays in Financial Economics Rahul Kiran Goravara

Ishita Sunity Kumar Chakraborty Do Kyung Kwon Three Essays on the Role of Unstructured Data in Master of Arts Marketing Research Jinjie Lin Michelle Yuna Cho Master of Arts Relational Architecture at Work: How Social Characteristics of Work Afect Attitudes, Behaviors, Ankit Sisodia and Careers Master of Arts

Steven Michael Fortney Kaushik Vasudevan Three Essays on the Financial Contracting of Master of Arts Corporate Debt Ian Nicholas Weaver Junchao Ma Master of Arts Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Medical Decision Support Systems Based matHematIcs on Mortality Prediction Algorithms From an Operations Research Perspective Doctor of Philosophy Gabriel Bergeron-Legros Jun Won Park Three Families of Lie Algebras of Exponential Contending With Social Positions and Social Growth From Vertex Operator Algebras Inequality Louis Max Brown Scott Rodilitz Well-Distributed Sequences: Sharing the Sharing Economy: Policy Design for Number Theory, Optimal Transport, and Potential Social Good Theory

Chase Prescott Ross Oleksii Kislinskyi Essays in Macrofnance and Asset Pricing Construction of the Universal Second Motivic Chern Class using Cluster Varieties Min Ju Lee Casey Nathaniel Grun Dynamics of Unipotent Subgroups on Infnite MD/PhD Program Volume Space Celena Marie Gwin Nikolay Malkin On the Galois Action on Motivic Fundamental Wei Lynn Ng Groups of Punctured Elliptic and Rational Curves Amy Teresa Ontai Master of Philosophy Fernando Al Assal Donghyun Park Master of Science moLecuLar BIopHYsIcs and Yakir Moshe Forman BIocHemIstrY Master of Science Doctor of Philosophy Elijah Fromm Rajshekhar Basak Master of Science Biophysical Characterization of Somatosensory Responses in Drosophila Class IV Dendritic Elad Daniel Zelingher Arborization Neurons Master of Science Martha Braun medIeVaL studIes FisB Mediated Membrane Fission During Sporulation in Bacillus Subtilis Master of Philosophy Carson Joseph Koepke Kenneth Ivan Brewer Master of Arts Computational Discovery of Structured Noncoding RNA Motifs in Bacteria Larissa Larissa Tsukamoto Master of Arts Chin Leng Cheng Insights Into the Regulation and Mechanism of mIcroBIoLogY 26S Proteasome Base Assembly in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Doctor of Philosophy Yiqiao Bao Jennifer Mary Garbarino Intersection of Host-Targeting and Bacterial- Loss of ATRX Confers DNA Repair Defects and Targeting Antagonistic Pathways in Bacteroides PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity in Glioma

Kaitlyn Emily Kortright Lea Kiefer Phage Selection Against Antibiotic Resistance or Investigating RNA Population Dynamics Through Virulence in Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens Nucleotide Recoding: Extending the TimeLapse-seq Toolkit to 6-Thioguanosi Master of Philosophy Maia Joi Baskerville Lisa Ogawa McLean Discovering Novel Regulators of Nucleolar Form Jack Anthony Collora and Function

Amelia Nicole Dickens John Patrick O’Brien III A Tale of Two Nanowires: The Biochemical and Carrie Anne Flynn Spectroscopic Characterization of the Conductive MD/PhD Program Cytochrome OmcS and OmcZ Filaments of Geobacter Sulfurreducens Curran Oi Aldo Ivan Salazar Morales Reversible Peptide-Protein Interactions Inside Cells: Enabling a New Approach for Achieving Super- Halie Adesin Sonnenschein Resolution Imaging in Live Cells Jacob Garrett Thrasher Kirsten Audrey Reimer Co-Transcriptional Splicing in Murine moLecuLar, ceLLuLar, and Erythroblasts deVeLopmentaL BIoLogY

Nicolle Alexandra Rosa Mercado Doctor of Philosophy Insights Into the Biogenesis of Stress-Induced Victor Bass Readthrough Transcripts Analysis of the Regulation of Transcriptional Noise in NF-kappaB-Induced Transcription Meaghan Sullivan A Comparative Approach to Studying RNA Gadareth Anthony Higgs Biochemistry Using TimeLapse Chemistry and Discovery and Validation of Riboswitches and Other Labeling in Cell Culture (TILAC) ncRNAs in Over 50 Bacterial Genomes

Kuanlin Wu Holly Elizabeth Merta Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta Analyzing the Role of ER Membrane Biogenesis in Activates Abl2 Through Direct Binding and Mitotic Fidelity Phosphorylation Christiane Elizabeth Olivero Master of Philosophy Identifcation and Characterization of the P53- Avnika Bali Induced Long Noncoding RNA Isoform Pvt1b and Its Role in Stress-Specifc Growth Inhibition via Kathryn Marie Barth Myc Repression

Gabriela Casanova Zachary Lee Sebo Sexually Dimorphic Features of Adipose Kevin Chun Ban Chung Development and Obesogenesis

Matthew David Cook Ephrath Fisseha Tesfaye Investigation of Long Noncoding RNAs in the P53 Ellen Elizabeth Corcoran Response to Oncogenic Stress

Januka Khanal Guste Urbonaite Tracking Single Cell Lineages in Saccharomyces Christopher Galvin King Cerevisiae

Daniel Konstantinovsky Koen Lodewijk Arthur Vanderschuren Genetically Encoded Biomaterials: Design, Cole John Thurman Lewis Characterization, and Applications for Functionalizing Biological Therapeutics Seth Eugene Lyon Allison Marie Wing Marisa Michalchik Efects of Dietary Fats on Mechanisms of Adipose Expansion and Function Katelyn Noronha

Mason Nesmith Rouches Diane Yu Philippa Ovenden Bioinformatic Discovery of Riboswitch Candidates Representations of Time in Late-Medieval Music and Validation of a Riboswitch that Senses Xanthine and Uric Acid Master of Philosophy Henry Burnam Master of Science Master of Arts Shane Elliott Jade Conlee Yiqun Jiang Master of Arts

Arcadia June Kratkiewicz Virginia Louise Dellenbaugh Master of Arts William Steven Wannamak Krause Tatiana Rose Daub Koike Chan-Yi Lin Master of Arts

Jeremy Philippe Moore Matthew Laurence Mendez Master of Arts Malavika Puri Ming Wai Tai Emerson Santiago Master of Arts

Morgan Michelle Vanderwall near eastern Languages and cIVILIzatIons Andrew Durner Verdesca Master of Philosophy Shenqi Wang Kevin Austin Butts

Lauren Wilson Evelyne Koubkova

Yiting Xu nursIng

Wenxin Yuan Doctor of Philosophy Jose Isabel Gutierrez Jr. Julius Yunus Measuring PrEP Preferences Within Vulnerable Military Populations Guoyu Zhu Abbe Muller musIc HCV Infection and Reinfection in People Who Inject Drugs in Resource Limited Settings Doctor of Philosophy Michael V. Bruschi pHarmacoLogY Hearing the Tonality in Microtonality Doctor of Philosophy Holly Chung Shanique Borteley Alabi Hearing in Time: Bergsonian Concepts of Time in BRAF Targeting PROTACs Induce Mutant Maurice Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnole Selective Degradation

Daniel Nathan Cox Eunice Y. Cho Motive-Directed Meter Regulation of MEK Signaling and Inhibitor Sensitivity in Melanoma Vincent Nghi Duong pHYsIcs Mechanistic Insights into the Roles and Activities of Polymerases in Host and Viral Replication Doctor of Philosophy Soner Albayrak Ban H. Edani Analytic Studies of Fermions in the Conformal Structural Insights into Heterodimerization and Bootstrap Catalysis of the Human Cis-Prenyltransferase “NgBR/DHDDS” Complex Stephen Donald Albright Ultra-Thin Film Growth of Chalcogenides to Victor Ruiz Realize Novel Electronic Phenomena Computer-Aided Discovery of New Inhibitors of C. hominis Thymidylate Synthase-Dihydrofolate Supraja Balasubramanian Reductase A Diferential Cross-Section Measurement of Muon Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Valerie Liao Su Production in MicroBooNE Serine Phosphorylation of the Small Phosphoprotein ICAP1 Inhibits Its Nuclear Accumulation Estella Barbosa de Souza A Model Independent Search for Dark Matter Keith Aaron Weise Annual Modulation with COSINE-100 Intermolecular and Intramolecular Interactions Controlling the Localization and Activity of the Joshua Brian Burt Yeast Kinases Kin1 and Kin2 Large-Scale Organization of Microcircuit Specialization in Human Cortex Master of Philosophy Iris Katherine Van Alderwerelt Van Rosenburgh Shany Danieli Clues to the Nature of Dark Matter from Low-Mass Zechen Wang Galaxies Beyond the Local Group

pHILosopHY Thomas Maxwell Hays Realization of an Andreev Spin Qubit: Exploring Doctor of Philosophy Sub-gap Structure in Josephson Nanowires Using Michael Alexander Deigan Circuit QED On the Epistemology of Concepts Judith Hoeller Paul Schilling Topological Quantization of Berry Phases in An Essay on Truth Quantum and Classical Systems

Esther Lenore Shubert Scott Stephen Jensen Relational Equality as Equal Relatability Lattice Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of the Unitary Fermi Gas Yuan Yuan Public War: Restoring the Political Nature of Tyler Harrison Lutz Warfare Frictional, Large-Deformation Poroelastic Flow: Theory and Experiments Master of Philosophy Michael Alan Burton Ryan Richard Petersburg Exoplanet Measurement to the Extreme: Novel Bridger Ehli Methods of Instrumentation and Data Extraction for Radial-Velocity Spectrographs Mariel Nelson Pettee Sean Frazier Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Methods Master of Science for Particle Physics: The Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Leptonically Suhas Sham Ganjam Decaying Vector Boson and Decaying to a Tau Pair, Hadronic Tau Identifcation in the ATLAS Sheridan Beckwith Green High-Level Trigger, and Predictions of Many-Body System Dynamics Ako Jamil Master of Science Daniel Saul Seara Energetics of Biological Mechanics and Dynamics Yunpeng Ji Master of Science William Ricardo Sweeney Electromagnetic Eigenvalue Problems and Varun Rajeev Jorapur Nonhermitian Efects in Linear and Saturable Master of Science Scattering Jakob Kastelic Olivier Trottier Master of Science Morphogenesis of Class IV Neurons in Drosophila Melanogaster Tong Liu Master of Science Christian Thomas Martin Weber New Search for Higgs Boson Decay to a Beyond Lauren Joy Saunders the Standard Model Vector Boson with the ATLAS Master of Science Detector Grant Lee Schumacher Hao Yan Master of Science Positional Fluctuations in Synthetic and Living Polymer Systems Kidae Shin Master of Science Mengzhen Zhang Properties and Applications of Gaussian Quantum James David Teoh Processes Master of Science

Sisi Zhou Master of Science Error-Corrected Quantum Metrology Abhinava Chatterjee

Yuqi Zhu Yuxuan Cheng Experiments With Rb: Towards Co-Trapping SrF and Rb Zhen Han

Master of Philosophy Ryan Neil Mescall Xinyi Chen Master of Science poLItIcaL scIence

Rachel Ann Cooper Doctor of Philosophy Jacob Curtis Mayesha Alam Pathway to Independence: Local, National, and Kimberly Kelly Cushman International Dynamics of Civil War and Secession Master of Science Nicholas Duncan Anderson Christina Seyfried Inadvertent Expansion in World Politics African Bargaining Power: On the Origins of Strong Investment Deals With China Tyler John Bowen The Logic of Escalation and the Benefts of Jiahua Yue Conventional Power Preponderance in the Nuclear Harnessing the Masses: The State-Led Nationalism Age in China

Anna Stagg Feuer Master of Philosophy The Frictionless Battlefeld: Nature and Technology Ameetosri Basu in Counterinsurgency Wars Master of Arts

Matthew Henry Graham Da’Von Anthony Boyd Misperceiving Misperceptions: How Surveys Distort African American Studies the Nature of Partisan Belief Diferences Angele Justine Irma Delevoye Nathan Grubman Party Systems and Social Cleavages in New Jillian Joanne Foster Democracies: Skipping Class in Postuprising Master of Arts Tunisia Michael Adam Goldfen Stephen Michael Herzog Master of Arts Afer the Negotiations: Understanding Multilateral Nuclear Arms Control Anne Gardner Mishkind Master of Arts Charlotte Jude Hulme Non-State Superpowers, Transnational Challenges, Abolfazl Nuri and 21st Century Global Order: Master of Arts Private Sector Climate Action in an Age of State Inaction Cleo M O’Brien-Udry Master of Arts Melis Gulboy Laebens Incumbents Against Democracy: Leaders, Ruling Eva-Marie C Quinones Parties and Gradual Executive Takeover Radha Sarkar Hilary Matfess Master of Arts Front Lines and the Home Front: Three Papers on Women’s Contributions to Non-State Armed Collin Thomas Schumock Groups and the Gender Dynamics of Confict Master of Arts Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy Joy Wang Elizabeth Kay McGuire Master of Arts Mechanisms for the Role Model Efect: Experimental Evidence for the Mechanism of the Yajie Wang Efect of Women in Power on Female Aspirations Master of Arts Lilla Victoria Orr Moritz Emanuel Bondeli Three Essays on Political Responses to Opioid Use in the United States Ana Sofa Elverdin

Stephan Paul Lendway psYcHoLogY Alexander Noyes Institutional Categories and Their Implications for Doctor of Philosophy Human Concepts Dana Marie Allswede Maternal Cytokines During Pregnancy and Julian Michael Rucker Risk for Psychosis among Ofspring: Assessing Thinking Structurally: The Antecedents and Neurodevelopmental Pathways to Thought Consequences of a Structural Understanding of Disorders Discrimination

Lucylle Alexandra Armentano Ema Tanovic How Do Words and Body Language Diverge? Individual Diferences in Cognitive, Afective and Perceptions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Behavioral Responses to Uncertainty Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Expressions in Close Relationships Scott Morgen Tillem Selective Attention Abnormalities in Psychopathy: Alyssa McSherry Arre Neurocognitive Mechanisms and Downstream Sociocognitive Development Through a Consequences Comparative Developmental Lens Master of Philosophy Hannah Weinberg-Wolf Serotonin and Social Competency Brian David Bink Interpersonal Voice: Antecedents and Consequences Natalie Melinda Wittlin of Speaking Up Within Close Relationships Femininity under Threat: How Women Respond to Feedback about Their Physical Appearance Bennett Callaghan The Roles of Racial Threat and Racialized Master of Philosophy Narratives in White Americans’ Opposition to Chance Adkins Economic Equality Master of Science

Natalie Daumeyer Alexandra Faith Skilken Brown Attributing Discrimination to Implicit Bias: Master of Science Consequences for Perceived Accountability and Punishment Ryan Carlson Master of Science Katie Marie Duchscherer Make a Name for Yourself: Recognizability, Shou An Ariel Chang Prosociality, and Identity Expression in Online Pseudonymous Contexts Rowena Chin Hui Zhi Master of Science Cameron Thomas Ellis Infant fMRI: A Model System for Cognitive Vladimir Paul Chituc Neuroscience Master of Science

Anton Gollwitzer Meghan Alexandra Collins A Domain-General Perspective on Deviancy: People’s Sensitivity to Deviancy and Its Social Ajua Duker Consequences Master of Science

Elizabeth Janet Lewis Suzanne Charlotte Estrada Examining the Afective Consequences of Repetitive Negative Thought Siqi Fan Huang Huang Master of Science Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Thyroid Hormones, and Risk of Papillary Thyroid Cancer Emily Rachel Gonsier Gerdin Master of Philosophy

Michael Anthony Lopez-Brau Hao Mei Clinical Treatment Human Disease Networks and Joan Danielle Khonghun Ongchoco Comparative Efectiveness Research: Analyses of the Medicare Administrative Data Madeline Grace Reinecke Kayoko Mori Emory Duncan Richardson Obtaining Robust Estimates of the Population-Level Master of Science Impact of

Brynn Elizabeth Sherman Weimiao Wu Improving Risk Factor Identifcation of Human Lena Jane Skalaban Complex Traits in Omics Data

Xin Yang Yaqing Xu Statistical Methods For Gene-Environment Master of Science Interactions May Isabella Conley Huangdi Yi Kathryn Nicole Graves Assisted Network Analysis in Cancer Genomics

Viola Mocz Cheryl Kay Zogg The ED.TRAUMA Study: Evaluating the Ashleigh Rutherford Discordance of Trauma Readmission and Unanticipated Mortality in the Assessment of Zachary Silver Hospital Quality MD/PhD Program Michelle Worthington Master of Philosophy Tristan Skye Yates Jillian Nicole Armstrong puBLIc HeaLtH Emily Boudreau

Doctor of Philosophy Lingzhi Chu Xiaoxuan Cai Causal Inference for Intervention Efects under Emily Ann Davidson Contagiion Cellular and Molecular Physiology

E-Shien Chang Noel Evan Dickens Making the Invisible Visible: Ageism as a Social Determinant of Elder Abuse Sappho Zoe Gilbert

En Cheng Kenneth Suranga Gunasekera Delving into Survival of Colorectal Cancer: MD/PhD Program Long-Term Survival, Younger Populations, and Prediction Models Jiajun Luo Mary Elisa Petrone Bo Qin

Tyler James Shelby Alexandra Reynoso MD/PhD Program Jessica Rothman Alexandria Catherine Smith Xue Rui Jinghao Sun Chang Shen Adam Christopher Viera Yu Shi Yewei Wang Jiafang Song Yiliang Zhang Siqiang Su Haoran Zhuo Zhen Tan Master of Science Jiachen Cai Zibo Tian

Lian Chen Zizhong Tian

Ronald Chi Hin Chow Yingcong Wang

Can Cui Yumin Wang

Zihan Dong Zhichao Xu

William Livingston Duke Yadush Yadav

John Fournier Jingya Yin

Anna Guo Shiyao Ying

Yosbani Joseph Hernandez Hongwei Yu

Dongyang Hu Leyi Zhang

Rong Huang Zichen Zhao

Yannuo Jiang Jingtao Zhou

Lia Lee reLIgIous studIes

Huan Li Doctor of Philosophy Mansi Sunil Agrawal

Chen Liu Patience and Forgiveness: The Meaning of Ks. ānti (Pali: Khanti) in the Mahābhārata and the Pali Mengni Liu Canon

Yilin Liu Justin Ernest Crisp Clio Rosaleen Doyle Joy and Jouissance: An Essay on Sexuality and the Rough Beginnings: Imagining the Origins of Spiritual Life Agriculture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain Joseph Lofus Cumming English Language and Literature God, Word and Spirit: The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Qur’ān and Islamic Interpretation Clay Paul Greene The Preexistence of the Soul in the Early English Mark Andrew Lester Enlightenment: 1640-1740 The Material Transmission of Tradition in English Language and Literature Deuteronomy Master of Philosophy Charles Augustine Rivera Colin Glen Hoch The Mirror of Merit: Divine Grace in Origen of History Alexandria and Ephrem of Nisibis Jennifer Strtak Lewis Harrison West History Religion and Espionage, 1896-1976: Five Theories Master of Arts of Intelligence sLaVIc Languages and Master of Philosophy LIteratures Ambre Lynae Dromgoole African American Studies Doctor of Philosophy Master of Arts Carlotta Gayle Chenoweth The Illiterate Text: Literacy and Soviet Print Media, Timothy Tod Gannett 1917-1928 Master of Arts Svetlana Tcareva Evan Goldstein Between Starvation and Gluttony: Resituating Master of Arts Food and Corporeality in Soviet Literature and Film, 1920s–1940s John Edward Hanson Master of Arts Master of Philosophy John Max Mikitish Nathaniel Remington Lovdahl Master of Arts Spencer Philip Small

Sara A. Misgen John Anthony Stachelski II Master of Arts socIoLogY Ahmed Tahir Nur Master of Arts Doctor of Philosophy Sarah Brothers renaIssance studIes Expertise, Gender, and Marginality Among People Who Inject Drugs Doctor of Philosophy Kelsey Elizabeth Champagne Tony Cheng Migration, Exile and Absence: Catholicism on the Policing and the Illusion of Public Input British Atlantic Frontier, 1634-1699 History Denise Leana Lu Lim Ponte City Thomas Ivan Lyttelton Master of Philosophy Work, Sociability, and Inequality Karina Alexandra Lopez Master of Arts Philip McHarris High Rise: Poverty, Policing, and Crisis in Gustavo Reis da Silva Louro American Public Housing African American Studies Akiko Uemura Master of Arts Huseyin Arkin Rasit Contending Futures in the 21st-Century Middle Master of Arts East: Ideology and the Emergent Political Craig Andrew Osterbrock Formations of ISIS, Kurdistan-Iraq and Kurdistan- Syria statIstIcs

Margaret Louise Traeger Master of Arts Impact of Geography and Social Ties on Health and Brian Deng Well-Being Eric Reynolds Dicky Yangzom Curating the Self: Second-Hand Fashion and New Yajie Wang York City statIstIcs and data scIence Mustafa Yavas White-Collar Blues?: The Making of the Doctor of Philosophy Transnational Middle Class in Turkey Xinyuan Chen Essays in Applied Bayesian Analysis Master of Arts Kalisha Dessources Figures Natalie Doss Detecting Latent Signal in High Dimensions: Benjamin Kaplow Estimation in Gaussian Mixtures and Nonparametric Models Nicholas Payne Kearns Elena Khusainova Chloe Dorothea Sariego Essays in Respondent-Driven Sampling and Interpretable Machine Learning Yuqing Wu Dylan Potter O’Connell spanIsH and portuguese Sampling From the Greedy Mixture Posterior

Doctor of Philosophy Mingrui Zhang Sarah E. Glenski Scalable Projection-Free Optimization Blurred Boundaries: Iberian Representations of the Spanish Civil War

Jose Dario Martinez Milantchi Valga la redundancia: repeticion y creacion en los ciclos narrativos de Gabriel García Márquez, Roberto Bolao y Juan Carlos Onetti

Maria Esperanza Miranda Medina Parabolas de la sed: conocimiento y escritura en Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz BIograpHIes

peter saLoVeY is the twenty-third president of Yale University and the Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology. Since becoming president in July 2013, he has led the development of new programs and facilities, strengthened partnerships worldwide, increased access to a Yale College education, and enhanced multidisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial opportunity for faculty and students. Other roles at Yale included serving as chair of the Department of Psychology (2000 to 2003); dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (2003 to 2004); dean of Yale College (2004 to 2008); and provost (2008 to 2013). President Salovey earned a Ph.D. in Psychology at Yale in 1986. He has authored or edited over a dozen books translated into eleven languages and published hundreds of journal articles and essays in social psychology. With John D. Mayer, he developed a broad framework called “emotional intelligence.” In addition to teaching and mentoring scores of graduate students, President Salovey has won both the William Clyde DeVane Medal for Distinguished Scholarship and Teaching in Yale College and the Lex Hixon ’63 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Social Sciences. In 2013, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine.

LYnn cooLeY is the C.N.H. Long Professor of Genetics and Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and has served as the Dean of the Graduate School since 2014. In addition to serving as Dean, she was appointed Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Afairs in February 2021. Dean Cooley received a Ph.D. in Chemistry from UT Austin in 1984 for dissertation research on tRNA transcription and processing conducted in the laboratory of Dieter Sll at Yale University. Afer postdoctoral training at the Carnegie Institution for Science, she joined the faculty of the Genetics Department at Yale School of Medicine in 1989. Dean Cooley’s current research is focused on understanding the function of intercellular bridges that connect germline cells during their development into eggs or sperm and on the regulated production of unexpectedly long proteins in specifc tissues. Before becoming Dean of the Graduate School, she directed Yale’s Combined Program in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) from 2001–2014.

aKIKo IwasaKI received her Ph.D. from the University of , and her postdoctoral training from National Institutes of Health, before joining Yale’s faculty in 2000. She is a Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology; Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology; Dermatology; and an Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She has received awards and honors, including the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in Biomedical Sciences, the Wyeth Lederle Young Investigator Award, the BD Biosciences Investigator Award, and the Seymour & Vivian Milstein Award for Excellence in Interferon and Cytokine Research. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2018, and to the National Academy of Medicine in 2019. Dr. Iwasaki is also well known for her Twitter advocacy on women and underrepresented minorities in the science and medicine felds. Professor Iwasaki’s research focuses on the mechanisms of immune defense against viruses at mucosal surfaces, which are a major site of entry for infectious agents. Professor Iwasaki’s research group developed a new strategy, termed “Prime and Pull,” that can be used to treat those infected with virus, unlike many vaccines that are given preventatively. Currently, Professor Iwasaki is directing translational immunology team to investigate the role of immune response in COVID-19 disease outcome. She also co-directs the IMPACT (Implementing medical and public health actions against coronavirus in Connecticut) team to generate an extensive biorepository for specimens to support the studies of COVID infection and immunity. sHaron KugLer became the seventh University Chaplain to Yale in July of 2007. She came to New Haven from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, where she had served as the University Chaplain since 1993. Chaplain Kugler has three decades of experience in ministry in higher education, interfaith collaboration, pastoral and social ministry. Her main focus at Yale is to further cultivate a chaplaincy for students, faculty and staf which defnes itself by serving the needs of the richly diverse religious and spiritual traditions on campus allowing for deeper dialogue, increased accessibility, personal growth, creative educational opportunities and pastoral leadership. Chaplain Kugler is the past president of both the National Association of College and University Chaplains (NACUC) and the Association of College and University Religious Afairs (ACURA). She received her Master’s degree from Georgetown University and is a member of the Theta Alpha Kappa National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology. She has received honorary doctorates from Fairfeld University, Santa Clara University and St. Joseph College in Connecticut. Chaplain Kugler is a lecturer at the Yale Divinity School, where she teaches a course on college and university chaplaincy. the shield of the graduate school of arts and sciences The design for the Graduate School shield was drawn by Yale art professor Theodore Sizer and approved by the University. Four themes are symbolized in the arms of the School. The background of the “chief ” (the place of honor) is Yale blue, with Roman numerals in white representing 1847, the year of the founding of the Department of Philosophy and the Arts, the earliest formal organization for graduate study at Yale and, in fact, in the entire United States. Below, on a white background, is a black Y-shaped device representing the “pallium,” a garment worn by philosophers in ancient Rome, and frequently used as a symbol for Yale. The three red crosses are derived from the arms of Bishop George Berkeley, who established in 1732 an endowment for Yale College graduates “reading for the second degree.” These were the frst scholarships exclusively for graduate study at Yale. the mace of the graduate school of arts and sciences The mace is carried at the head of ceremonial processions by the School’s marshal and displayed at such events as the annual Matriculation ceremony, awards Convocation, and Commencement. The shaft of the mace is turned red mahogany. Inset near the top of the shaft on two sides is the shield of the Graduate School, rendered in cloisonné-enameled metal. For description of the shield, see above. The shaft is topped by a disk of grained red and black macasser ebony, on which sits a large, faceted crystal orb, the chief design element of the mace. The orb symbolizes several characteristics of advanced study in the arts and sciences. The global shape suggests the ambition of advanced study to be comprehensive in its inquiry. The transparent clarity of the fne Austrian lead crystal of which the orb is made alludes to the motto of Yale University, Lux et Veritas, and to the enlightenment that scholars seek in their research and teaching. Finally, the many facets of the orb symbolize the complexity of advanced learning in the arts and sciences and the importance of approaching its subjects from many intellectual directions. In addition to the large ceremonial school mace described above, there are four smaller maces that are carried by faculty and staff marshals. These marshals’ batons each have a similarly turned shaft of mahogany. At their tops is a single enameled shield.