Pat 0.Vp:Corelventura
Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio patentø biuro oficialiame biuletenyje skelbiami iðradimai, dizainas, prekiø þenklai, registruoti Lietuvos Respublikos registruose pagal 2000 m. spalio 10 d. Lietuvos Respublikos prekiø þenklø ástatymà Nr. VIII-1981, 1994 m. sausio 18 d. Lietuvos Respublikos patentø ástatymà Nr. I-372, 2002 m. lapkrièio 7 d. Lietuvos Respublikos dizaino ástatymà Nr. IX–1181, Europos patentinës paraiðkos bei patentai, iðplësti Lietuvos Respublikoje 1994 m. sausio 25 d. Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës ir Europos Patentø organizacijos (EPO) susitarimu dël Europos patentø galiojimo iðplëtimo, bei Europos patentinës paraiðkos, paduotos pagal Europos patentø konvencijà (EPK), kurioms suteikta laikina apsauga Lietuvos Respublikoje ir Europos patentai, ásigaliojæ Lietuvos Respublikoje pagal EPK. Iðradimø, dizaino, prekiø þenklø bei Europos patentiniø paraiðkø bei patentø paskelbimo ðiame oficialaus biuletenio numeryje data - 2006 m. birþelio 26 d. The Official Gazette of the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania contains recordings in the Registers of Patents, Designs, Trademarks of the Respublic of Lithuania under the Law on Trademarks of the Republic of Lithuania No. VIII-1981 of October 10, 2000, the Patent Law of the Republic of Lithuania No. I-372 of January 18, 1994, the Design Law of the Republic of Lithuania No. IX–1181 of November 7, 2002, data on European Patent Applications and Patents extended to Republic of Lithuania under the Agreement on the extension of European Patents between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Patent Organization (EPO) of January 25, 1994, and European Patent Applications filed under European Patent Convention (EPC), that have provisional protection in Republic of Lithuania, and Europian Patents granted in Republic of Lithuania according to EPC.
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