

VOL. XXIII NO. 42 WEDNESDAY I OCTOBER 31,1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Saddam expects attack from U.S. in near future (AP) - Saddam Hussein said before embarking on hostilities. there is no timetable for ac­ Tuesday that Iraq was making He refused to comment publicly tion." final preparations for war and on a report the United States Fitzwater sought to dampen expected an attack within days plans to discuss a timetable fears that fighting was immi­ by the United States and its al­ with U.S. allies for a military nent. "The attitude at the lies. A U.S. senator said offensive. meeting was play it down - be President Bush's "patience is Secretary of State James calm." he said. wearing thin." Baker on Saturday will begin a The United States has more In the Persian Gulf, 10 weeklong visit to Arab and than 200,000 troops in the gulf American sailors died when a European countries to consult region and has announced steam pipe ruptured in the on future steps in the gulf, offi­ plans to send at least 100,000 boiler room of the USS Iwo cials said. The visit will include more. It is the largest U.S. mili­ Jima. And in Saudi Arabia, a a meeting with Soviet Foreign tary deployment since the Marine was killed in an acci­ Minister Eduard Shevardnadze. Vietnam War. dent while driving in the desert. Asked about the potential for Saddam summoned his mili­ · Bush discussed possible mili­ a U.S. military strike, White tary commanders to a meeting tary action against Iraq in a House spokesman Marlin in Baghdad to complete meeting with congressional Fitzwater said: "As these things "preparations for urban war­ leaders on the gulf crisis. but he unfold. of course, there are fare and necessary measures to told them he could not guar­ always scenarios for action that antee he would consult them have to be considered ... but see GULF I page 6 McCormick: Church should offer support to individuals deciding to be homosexual By KATE MANUEL supreme" and He gives us the sexuality often lead to stereo­ News Writer capacity to love after his exam­ typing because there is a reduc­ ple. tion of the whole person to the While the moral statement of "private parts," according to the Church maintains that ho­ •Christ's followers are a con­ McCormick. mosexuality is non-normative, tinuation of his presence and "When we say that gay is the pastoral policy of the must change the social struc­ good, we are implying that it is Church should be one that both tures to expand the capacity for good precisely because it is respects an individual's judg­ individuals to love. gay," said McCormick, who also ment before God to be homo­ •The power of sin often re­ applied the same objection to sexual and supports an individ­ veals itself in sex. saying that heterosexuality is ual who has made that judg­ •It has been, and remains, good precisely because it is ment. according to Richard the Church's conviction that the heterosexuality. McCormick, S.J. sexual expression of love offers Other problematic ambigui­ Tough to focus AP PI10ID McCormick, the John A. the best opportunity for growth ties in the term homosexuality, O'Brien Professor of Christian in male/female relationships. according to McCormick, in­ Navy Commander Dennis Rowley of Chesapeake, Va., finds pho­ Ethics, began Tuesday's lecture. •However, if an individual is clude the homosexual individ­ tography to be a tough trade, especially when making the attempt "Perspectives on Homosexuality irreversably homosexual and is ual's "ranking" on the Kinsey while wearing a gas mask. and the Church," by saying, not called to "celibacy for the scale, whether the individual is "We're really grasping for a kingdom," sexual expression engaged in overt acts or has pastoral position in answer to can take another, homosexual psychic inclinations, whether this question - how should the form. The decision to be homo­ the person accepts the homo­ ND will host 3-day church respond to the sexual is one made by an indi­ sexual condition or is trying to homosexual individual and the vidual before God; the church change or control it, and homosexual community." should respect and support the whether the individual is en­ symposium McCormick's own recommen­ judgment, rather than condemn gaged in casual contacts or has dation for pastoral policy in­ it. enduring relationships. cludes the following six state­ The very term The term "morality" presents By PATRICK HEALY coming "diametrically op­ ments from his book "The Crit­ "homosexuality" poses the ·first a second obstacle to presenting News Writer posed" to it in economic theory. ical Calling: Reflections on obstacle to developing such a a pastoral position, according Citizens in Cuba are aware of Moral Dilemmas Since Vatican pastoral position, according to to McCormick. In light of the recent potential CAUSA. and the symposium will II": McCormick. He said, "There is McCormick distinguished two for political, economic, and le­ be broadcast live over Radio •The power of sin in the no such thing as homosexuality. different aspects of morality - gal reform in Cuba, the Cuban Marti, he said. world affects the behavior of There are only homosexual American Union of Student The symposium will begin individuals. individuals, more or less." Advocates (CAUSA) has orga­ with a reception Thursday •Christ is the "liberator Abstractions such as homo- see CHURCH/ page 6 nized a symposium to be held at evening at the Morris Inn. The the Notre Dame Law School addresses, which begin on Nov. t-:{ to discuss that coun­ Friday, will be highlighted by try's present and future status. Suarez and Luis Aguilar, a pro­ The symposium, fessor of government at "Constitutionalism in Cuba: Its Georgetown, who will discuss Prncedent, llistory, and his book, "Reflections on the Hecommendations for the Future of Cuba." Future." will feature addresses by many prominent figures in Saturday's addresses will in­ the Cuban-American commu­ clude "The Restoration of nity, including Xavier Suarez, Justice in Cuba" by Luis mayor of Miami, and Rolando Figueroa, a former professor of Bonachea, the director of Radio Homan law at the Havana Law Marti. School. The symposium will lleribnrto Lopez Alberola, the conclude with a celebration presid1mt of CAUSA, said that liturgy by Bishop Augustine the symposium is an attempt to Roman from the Archdiocese of start anticipating the challenges Miami. Cuba will face as it emerges Roman is famous for negoti­ from its present political ating the release of hostages syst11m. during the riots Lop11z Alberola said he be­ in 1987, and according to Lopez ~ lieves ehanges are inevitable in Alberola, is considered "the J Cuba because of the dire condi­ religious leader of Cuban AP P1101D tion of the economy and the people in exile." Happy to be home strong likelihood that the Soviet All lectures will be held in the An unidentified French citizen flashes the "V" sign upon his arrival at Roissy Airport in France Tuesday. Union will discontinue all courtroom on the second floor He was among hundreds of hostages released after three months under Saddam Hussein's control. subsidies to a nation that is be- of the Notre Dame Law School. page 2 The Observer Wednesday, October 31, 1990

INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER Forecast for noon, Wednesday, Oct. 31. Make the most Lines show high temperatures. of your time at Notre Dame

Yesterday's High: 72 Sitting on a flimsy Yesterday's low: 47 folding chair on the Nation's High: 97 lawn of an alumnus (Borrego Springs, Calif.) of Notre Dame, I Nation's low: 1 7 looked around at all (Big Piney, Wyo.) the contrived faces of soon-to-be Notre Forecast: Dame students, as Mostly sunny and very they looked around in Scott Brutocao mild today with a high of apparent wonder 70 to 75. Clear and mild about why they came Asst. Sports Editor tonight with a low of 40 to to a cookout for high 45. Sunny and mild school students that had been accepted to Thursday with a high in our university. the mid 70's. It was four years ago, and I was among the wonderers. My fellow high school se­ niors made artificial conversation, said how excited they were to be there, and how the Pr9SSure food was so pleasant. ®© I got out of my flimsy chair and walked HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY over to where a couple of Notre Dame se­ niors were standing idly with their hands in their pockets. "Excuse me, but how much sleep do you get at Notre Dame?" I asked, thinking it OF INTEREST would be a scandalously insufficient The Graduate Student Union in cooperation Junior/Senior Pre-Law and Pre-Med Students are amount. "Five or six hours?" with the Student Union Board will host a Halloween Party invited to visit the law and medical schools at the Univ. of "Oh, usually seven," said one senior. for the children of Notre Dame faculty, staff and gradu- Michigan on Nov. 2. The number of spots is limited so Great, I thought. That was worrying me. ate students today from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at sign-ups will be on a first come, first serve basis. "How about workload?" I asked, not Theodore's, second floor of LaFortune Student Center. Registration will be at 201 Main Building today. The trip bothering to consider that it might differ Refreshments, activities and Halloween Surprises will be is sponsored by SARG at no cost to those attending. from major to major. "Six hours a day, provided. about?" "Oh, no," he said. "Usually two or three, Attention: Clubs, Organizations and Beta Alpha Psi will hold a mandatory meeting Departments - Information for the Spring Calendar of but sometimes you have to do more." today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 23 Hayes-Healy. All current Full of smug contentment to have my Events (Daily Shillelagh) is due in the Student Activities members and Fall initiates are required to attend if they Office, on Friday, Nov. 2. Please include the name of the hopelessly general questions answered, I wish to maintain their active status in BAP. turned away to get more pleasant food. event, date, time, place and sponsoring organization or "Hey, one more thing," the senior said. department. The Notre Dame German Club will meet outside "Don't go home for breaks. Go out and do the North Door of North Dining Hall for a dinner and something during your free weeks." Don't go home for breaks? What was this discussion auf deutsch in the Blue Room. Because midsemester grade reports were he was saying? Notre Dame was 2,000 mailed on Oct. 25 to students' home addresses. a day miles from home, and I was going to be The last day for course discontinuance has been later than originally scheduled, reports were also sent to ready to be home for a week during moved to Monday, Nov. 5. student's local addresses. midsemester breaks. What an unapprecia­ tive, family-hating, brutish pagan I was talking to. "Excuse me," I said. "I've got to get a WORLD hamburger." I stormed off, at least in mind, not realiz­ Prime Minister Margaret Drug traffickers in Bogata. Columbia threatened ing that four years later I would find him to Thatcher, isolated in the European to execute seven journalists they are holding if the gov­ be completely right. Community and sliding in opinion polls ernment launches a new offensive against them, accord­ Of course, he used the wrong tactic to tell at home, on Tuesday defended her re­ ing to a statement sent to news organizations Tuesday. a freshman to spend free time wisely. jection of the European Community's The statement, bearing the letterhead "The "Don't go home for breaks," masks a posi­ leap toward monetary union. In a Extraditables," as the Medellin cocaine cartel calls itself, tive sentiment by negative wording. rowdy Parliament session, opposition marked the first time the traffickers admitted holding the He meant that there are many opportuni­ parties accused her of "tantrum tac­ journalists, kidnapped over the past two months. Among ties for making the most out of time at tics," being rude to the other the abducted reporters were Francisco Santos, news edi­ Notre Dame during breaks, ranging from leaders and undermining British influence at an EC tor of the country's leading newspaper, El Tiempo, and service in Appalachia to debauchery in summit in Rome over the weekend. "In my view, we have Diana Turbay, daughter of former president Julio Cesar South Padre. Time spent away from the surrendered enough," Thatcher told lawmakers. Turbay. usual grind at Notre Dame is a great way to realize the complete college experience. INDIANA If you have no particular place to go, stay at Notre Dame once and see the real city, Work may begin soon on a new SouthShore An attorney who represents Bedford North without 7,600 undergraduates flooding the Railroad passenger station at Michiana Regional Airport Lawrence Community Schools was arrested Tuesday and streets. to replace the downtown South Bend depot. An increase in charged with fondling a 15-year-old Lawrence County There are always some students who stay ridership is straining the downtown station, which is also boy. Jan Buker, 40, was charged with two felony counts in the dorms, so it won't be a terribly exis­ used by Amtrak passenger trains, and seating is limited of child molesting and with disseminating matter harmful tential experience. And you just might gain on rush-hour trains, said Gerald Hanas, manager of the to a minor, a misdemeanor. If convicted of the charges, a perspective about Notre Dame, a place Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District. Buker could face up to 12 years in prison and a $25,000 where it is all too easy to get caught up in which owns the railroad. NICTD will use a portion of an fine. the immediate routine. $18.5 million federal grant to pay for station improve­ ments.


P.O. Box Q, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 On Oct. 31: (219)-239-7471 Herbert and Vera DeMike's penchant Market Update for Oct. 30, 1990 Tuesday's Staff for punctuality saved their lives - twice. The eln 1909: A West Point cadet Ad Design Scoreboard is injured in a football game against News Kelly McHugh Rene Ferran DeMikes were saved from carbon monoxide poi­ Carolyn Amann Cara Eckman soning, caused by a malfunctioning furnace, Oct. Harvard, then dies, prompting the Paul Pearson Kerry Clair Systems 22 by co-workers who were alarmed by their un­ Volume in shares cancellation of the annual Army-Navy Mike Owens Maria Blohm Marl< Sloan characteristic tardiness. The DeMikes have been 133.98 Million game. Mario Siguenza Mike Murphy eln 1932: President Franklin Accent Jean-Philipe Thole saved from the deadly fumes twice because co­ workers at the University of Notre Dame, where Roosevelt urges five-day week and Paige A. Smoron Graphics federal aid for the unemployed. John Fischer Sports Michael Muldoon Herbert is a janitor and Vera is a maid, were Melissa Cusack Rich Kurz worried about them. "He is always on time," said NYSE Index Circulation John Zack, who came to the DeMikes' house and 165.24 {7 1.47 eln 1946: Chilean President Viewpoint Production BiiiO'Rourl

AYODHYA, India (AP) - Government forces fired on thousands of Hindu fundamen­ talists who broke through po­ lice barricades Tuesday and forced their way into a heavily guarded mosque. Five Hindus were killed and 20 wounded. At least 26 people were killed in other parts of India as the decades-old dispute between Hindus and Moslems over own­ ership of the site came to a head. The controversy has left at least 138 people dead in the past week, brought Prime Minister V.P. Singh's govern­ ment close to collapse and fur­ ther strained already tense re­ lations between India's Hindu majority and Moslem minority. Singh, who opposes the Hindu campaign to replace the 16th-· century Moslem mosque, on Tuesday repeated his offer to resign if his party thought it would help contain the sectar­ ian violence. He made a similar offer Monday.

Hindu fundamentalists had. said they would start construc­ tion Thesday on a temple to the god Rama on the site occupied by the mosque. The government said it would block any attempt to destroy the small, one-story shrine and arrested 90,000 supporters of the fundamentalist World Hindu Council in the past week. On Tuesday, 10,000 Hindus stormed police barricades out­ side the disputed shrine. Police first used tear gas and bamboo canes to beat back the crowd. Clarification The Student Senate story in Tuesday's Observer did not clearly explain the events following a difference of opinion between former Business Board general manager Molly Griffin and the manager of Irish Gardens. While Griffin had the option to fire the manager, she chose not to. - - - --~------

page 4 The Observer Wednesday, October 31, 1990 DACOR asks NO to submit candidates for fellowship Special to the Observer payment of tuition and will be granted for a year of full-time The University of Notre Dame graduate study in 1991-92. It has been selected by Diplomatic may, however, be extended at a and Consular Officers, Retired lower rate for a second year of (DACOR), an association of re­ study leading to a master's de­ tired U.S. Foreign Service offi­ gree. cers, to nominate candidates for a $10,000 fellowship in in­ Seniors who are U.S. citizens ternational affairs. and are majoring in the fields The Willard L. Beaulac including international rela­ Memorial DACOR Bacon House tions, economics, history and Foundation Fellowship will be political science will be eligible awarded to one of three seniors for the award and need not be nominated by the University at planning careers in the the conclusion of the fall 1990 Foreign Service. semester and selected by the Detailed information on the education committee of the award will be available from Jennifer Warlick, associate f Washington, D.C.-based foun­ API'tDto dation. dean of the College of Arts and Helms campaign Awarded primarily on the ba­ Letters and director of the North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms' campaign stop in Durham was interrupted several times by sup­ sis of academic excellence, the University's Institute for porters of his opponent Harvey Gantt. At one point Helms allowed a Gantt supporter to take the micro­ fellowship is exclusively for the Scholarship in the Liberal Arts. phone and speak. The campaign pits the conservative Helms against a more liberal opponent. I' Hoffmann wins Cavanaugh Award Special to the Observer elected sergeant-at-arms of the of Ossowo, Mich. who was U.S. Senate, in which he admin­ graduated in 1923 and received F. Nordhoff ("Nordy") istered 2000 employees with an a master's degree in English Hoffmann received the Rev. annual budget of $56 million. from Notre Dame four years John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Since 1981, he has been presi­ later. Award from the University of dent of F. Nordy Hoffmann & Notre Dame Alumni Association Associates, a consulting firm in in private ceremonies at the Washington, D.C. A former Following a brief career in Morris Inn Oct. 19. member of the National Alumni the Studebaker Corporation's While a student at Notre Board, he served as president advertising department, Dame, Hoffmann was an All­ of the Alumni Association in Cavanaugh entered the American player on Knute 1983. Congregation of Holy Cross in Rockne's last football team. Hoffmann and his wife, 1926 and was ordained a priest Following his graduation in Joanne, have one daughter, in 1931. He studied philosophy 1933, he worked for Shell Oil Eileen, who was graduated and theology for two years in and the Curtiss-Wright from Notre Dame in 1988. Rome before returning to Notre Corporation, where he became Hoffmann is the seventh Dame to serve as prefect of re­ interested in organized labor in Notre Dame alumnus to receive ligion. the steel industry. He served the the Cavanaugh Award, which is United Steelworkers as legisla­ annually given to a graduate In 1938 Cavanaugh became tive director and the who has performed remarkable assistant provincial of the Democratic Party as executive public service. Congregation, and in 1948, he director of the Democratic Rev. John Cavanaugh, C.S.C., became president of Notre Senatorial Campaign died at Notre Dame in 1979. Dame. During his six-year Committee. The University's 14th president, tenure, the number of graduate In 1976, Hoffmann was Father Cavanaugh was a native students quadrupled. President George Bush takes an opportunity to ham it up with photographers Saturday afternoon in Honolulu.He was about to set sail on a catamaran owned by friend Fred Zeder...... Take A Good Food Study Break.


Because of M & M - Midterms/Miami Archway Oatmeal Cookies make a great study break. Registration/Information Available Ounce for ounce, Archway Cookies are lower in fat NOTRE DAME: sodium, and calories than most other cookies. ' They're made with naturally nutritious oatmeal - Center for Social Concerns and good food extras like dates, nuts, raisins, - Campus Ministry: apples, and oat bran. Enjoy your next study break with America's ·Badin Hall/ Hesburgh Library favorite oatmeal cookies. - Dorm Representatives Archway. The Good Food Cookie. SAINT MARY'S: FREE COOKIES ~Office of Justice Education Complimentary Archway Cookies at the movie. 128/159 Madaleva Hall THE HUNT FOR -Campus Ministry RED OCTOBER 161 Regina Hall Cushing Auditorium November 2 &3 ...... 8:00p.m. & 10:30 p.m . W__ed_n_e_s_d_ay~,_O_c_t~ob~e~r~3~1~·-1~9~90~------·------~T~he~O~b~se~N~-~er~~---·~~------~~~------Lp~ag~e~5- ----~ Continual growth needed to reduce poverty, Gaag says

By JAY STONE •a pattern of growth which Gaag said that even if a coun­ growth", said Gaag, which, in report is not calling for an News Writer effectively uses the poor's most try pursues policies which en­ turn, fosters poverty reduction. increase in foreign aid across important asset, labor, which courage poverty reduction, the board, said Gaag. Rather, Gaag said is "the core of suc­ there will still be those who re­ Debt, however, contributes to he said, aid needs to be Sustained economic growth cessful anti-poverty policies," main exceptionally vulnerable, the poverty levels in many de­ targeted toward investments and an "investment in human and namely the elderly and the dis­ veloping countries. Gaag said that are truly necessary, such development" are essential to •an active policy to provide abled, to factors promoting that the debts of extremely poor as developing rural successfully reduce poverty ac­ basic social services, such as poverty. According to Gaag, the nations, particularly countries infrastructure and human capi­ cording to Jacques van der education, family planning, and report suggests that nations in Sub-Saharan Africa, need to tal. Gaag, member of the World health care. institute income transfers and be forgiven in order for them to Bank and co-author of The Gaag said that the report is safety nets, such as food embark on a path towards From 1965-1985, the poverty World Development Report "not pleading for" economic subsidies and public employ­ reducing their poverty levels. outlook in developing countries 1990 on poverty. growth or social services alone, ment schemes, for the elderly Less poor developing countries, has improved according to the Gaag gave a lecture Tuesday but for a balance between the and the disabled. however, could conceivably. World Bank's 1990 report. in the Law School about the two. The report's co-authors repay their debts, said Gaag. Over that period of twenty findings in the 1990 report on found that countries which em­ According to Gaag, in deter­ years, consumption per capita global poverty. phasized only one of the two mining the type of safety net The report found little corre­ has increased about 70 per The World Bank's report ex­ factors did not successfully re­ policies which would be most lation between foreign aid, bi­ cent, from $590 to $985, life amined the condition of poverty duce poverty. effective, an emphasis on tar­ lateral and unilateral, received expectancy has increased about over a 20-year period from geting those most in need by developing nations and 20 per cent, from 51 years to 1965 to 1985. According to For example, according to the should be observed. Policies poverty reduction. Gaag said 62 years, and primary net en­ Gaag, the report takes a long­ report, Brazil and Pakistan, which encourage self-selection that if foreign aid were to help rollment rate has increased term view towards poverty, who increased growth while by giving the poor various eco­ reduce poverty, the existing from 73 to 84 per cent. emphasizing a pragmatic ap­ neglecting social services, have nomic opportunities will be the amounts of such aid should be proach to poverty reduction quite high infant mortality rates most effective targeting tech­ redirected to focus on poverty Regionally, however, these and an interest in human devel­ and very low primary en­ nique, he said. reduction, or redistributed to economic indicators vary. For opment. The authors of the re­ rollment. Sri Lanka has good those nations which are example, South Asia's con­ port were interested in "what primary enrollment rates and In addition to national poli­ severely poverty-stricken. sumption per capita has in­ worked and what didn't", said low mortality rates for children cies which encourage sustained creased 30 per cent while Sub­ Gaag. under the age of five, but has economic growth and social In 1988, Israel received Saharan Africa's consumption '1\vo factors are necessary to few economic opportunities for services, Gaag said interna­ $282.07 per capita in aid and per capita has stagnated. successfully reduce poverty: the poor. tional efforts on issues like had an $8,650 per capita GNP, trade liberalization, debt, and but China received $1.84 per Although the global progress Litigation • Real Estate foreign aid are essential to re­ capita in aid and had a $330 of poverty reduction is good, CorporatioiUI • General Practice Estates, Trusts .k Wills duce poverty. per capita GNP. Gaag pointed out that there are "Roosevelt's Employee Benefits Plan still about one billion people The world bank report sug­ According to Gaag, aid should living in poverty. Gaag said the paralegal • Largest A.B.A.-approved program in gests that trade liberalization also be given to countries which report defines the global Dlinois indirectly reduces poverty. implement programs that poverty line as about "one dol­ program • Effective employment assistance Trade liberalization is an encourage sustained economic lar of consumption per day per • Four-month day and eight-month "engine for sustained economic growth and social services. The person." was my evening classes • Loop, Arlington Heights, Oak Brook and stepping- Olympia Fielda locatioiUI • Student loa lUI for qualified applicants stone • Spring and Summer terms begin in ~ February and June to a A representative will be on your campus rewarding November 2, 1990. 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page 6 The Observer Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Students will 'Take Back the Night' with march By CARRIE DWYER The basic purpose behind the serve as a "public witness to participants will walk around escort service, Safe Walk, when­ News Writer march is to "raise community the fact that a problem of secu­ campus including a march ever possible. awareness concerning the fact rity does exist at Notre Dame down Saint Mary's Road and a Students from Notre Dame that women do not feel safe and recognize that there have stop at the Grotto. University organizations and Saint Mary's will partici­ walking alone on campus at been attacks," Keckler said. sponsoring the march include pate in a campus-wide "Take night," said senior Lisa Several speakers will be ad­ Organizers of the march hope Women United for Justice and Back the Night" march Keckler, one of the organizers dressing security issues and that the event will encourage Peace, the Women's Concerns Thursday, beginning at 8 p.m. of the event. safety precautions at several women to he more cautious Commission of Student in front of O'Shaugnessy Hall. In addition, the march will points during the march. The when walking alone and sug­ Government, the Center for gest that students should take Social Concerns and Campus advantage of the University's Alliance for Rape Elimination.

It's been a celebration since the day he was born.

22 Years Today Glenn Hettenbach and his new bride, Stephanie Plemmons, feed each other wedding cake following their Halloween wedding Saturday in Newburgh, Ind. Both the bride and groom are big horror movie fans and both wanted something a little different for their wedding. The result: Frankenstein and his bride. WHO HE - BRETT HUNT - OF COURSE Gulf continued from page 1 OFFICIAL COMMEMORATIVE PLACEMENT EXAMS be taken in the event of combat NOTRE DAME VS MIAMI in (Kuwait)," the Iraqi News • FRENCH SPANISH Agency reported. "We must be prepared with all that God has given us of po­ tential to thwart perfidious in~ Mandatory Placement Exams in French tentions by the United States T! and Spanish will be given on Tuesday and its allies to launch an at­ The official commemorative shirt is decorated on the November 6 and Wednesday, November 7 tack in the next few days," the front with Notre Dame and Miami Football helmets, the date of the game, and the Final Score! The back is a respectively. Students who have studied report quoted Saddam as say­ multi-colored collage of N Olre Dame seenes including the ing. Goltkn Dome, Hesburgh Library, Leprechaun, and two French or Spanish in high school but have The agency did not explain game tickets with a picture of Coach Lou Hotlz. not yet taken a course in these languages why Saddam believed an attack 0 n the evening ofOctober 20 last year Zheng -de Wang, at Notre Dame must take a placement was imminent. Notre Dame graduate stutknl from Tianjin, China, was struck down by a car while walking on Notre Dame Exam prior to registration. Avenue. Uninsured at the time oftheaccitknt, Zheng-de Church was severely injured and comatose for several months. Now confined to a wheelchair and untkrgoing therapy, continued from page 1 Zheng-de is able to recognize oldfriends and to move his Sign up sheets and further information fingers for rudimenJary communication, but his recovery specific and individual is far from complete and far from certain. are available in the Profits thrived from the sales of this T-shirt will be rectitude. He defined specific donated to Zheng-de' s farnJy for the enormous expenses ;• Language Lab Office rectitude as independent of this tragedy has inflected on them. personal dispositions and Room 251 O'Shaughnessy. circumstance, while individual The navy t-shirts are available in both short and long sleeve versions for rectitude involves the conduct $10.00 and $12.00 respectively. AU shirts are size extra-large. Sign up closes Friday, November 2 at of an individual. The married Get your shirts at the Notre Dame Bookstore, Hockey Pro-Shop, Alumni state, according to McCormick, Association Office, and LaFortune Student Center Information Desk. 5:00 Or call our toll free number, 1 800/345-5027 is an example of specific (Add $5.00 per telephone order for shipping and handling.) rectitude; the conduct of a married individual is an example of individual rectitude. "By giving emphasis to - specific rectitude, we abstract from tile real. Lumping all *************************************************************************** actions together more or less * SUB Music presents•• * obscures differences (such as ! .. ! that between sexual relations * a progressive band from New Jersey. * between engaged individuals and sexual relations between * Performing at Ste]paLll'll Cell'llter on Tlbru.usdlay, November 1 at 7:30lPM. * casual acquaintances)," he * * said. * * "We tend to focus our ! The Critically Acclaimed ! attention on the morality of acts. But in doing this we run * * the risk of oversimplification. * * Sexuality is our capacity for relationship. One can avoid all i ITINY LIGHTS! ~ sexual violations and still not be sexually mature." * * !* "Tiny Lights recall an era when Talking "Tiny Lights musicality refreshing" !* After pointing out the problematic nature of the the * Heads played a small club with the same -The Daily Iowan • terms "homosexuality" and ! arty punch as this Hoboken outfit." ! "morality," McCormick turned ! -The Gayjn Report ! to the question of whether there is a normative position on homosexuality and what such a !* "Modern rockers shouldn't let this slide by." !* position would be. ! -Billboard ! "The evidence that we have is * * that the heterosexual is the ! "... you've got alternative music with a "Tiny Lights just glow-- Band's eclectic ! norm. I accept that. Now what * touch of class." sounds stem from innovation." * does that mean?" he said. He !* -Illinois Entertainer -The Houston Press !* also pointed out that not all heterosexual marriages are happy and fulfilling, while not !* lPROMOTING "flHIJEJm NJBW A!LJBUM lHIO"f CIHIOCOIL.A 1'lB MASSAGE !* all homosexual relationships are unhappy and unfulfllling. **************************************************************************** * Viewpoint Wednesday, October 31 , 1990 page 7 The ObserYer

P.O. Box Q, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 (219) 239-5303 1990-91 General Board Editor-In-Chief Alison Cocks Managing Editor Business Manager John O'Brien Kathleen O'Connor

News Edltor ...... Kelley Tuthill Advertising Manager ...... Beth Bolger VIewpoint Editor ...... Michelle Dall Ad Design Manager ...... Amy Eckert Sports Editor ...... Greg Guffey Production Manager ...... Lisa Eaton Accent Edltor...... Colleen Cronin Systems Mgr .... Bernard Brenninkmeyer Photo Editor ...... Eric Bailey OTS Director ...... Dan Shinnick Saint Mary's Editor ...... Corinne Pavlis Controller ...... Chris Anderson Art Director ...... Michael Muldoon

The Observer is the independent newspaper published by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary's College. It does not necessarily reflect the policies of the administration of either institution. The news is reported as accurately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, News Editor, Viewpoint Editor, Accent Editor. Photo Editor. and Saint Mary's Editor. Commentaries, letters and Inside Column present the views of the authors. Column space is available to all members of the community and the free expression of varying opinions on campus through letters, is encouraged.

LETTERS Gender images confine idea of God Dear Editor: images of God are wrong; The mistake we make when I am writing in response to instead, it attempts to make us we consistently call God "He" Charles Weiher's letter entitled aware that there is more to God is, on some level of our "Fatherly relationship with God than masculinity. "Father" ·is a consciousness, that we limit the justifies masculine references." wonderful image of God, ways which God can manifest (The Observer, Oct 15). offering the concept of God as a Godself in our lives. It would be Masculine images of God are loving provider and protector, just as wrong, just as indeed very justified, for God but God is so much more than a incomplete to consistently call surely has many qualities which father to us. Likewise, God "She." The images we we consider "masculine." "mother" works beautifully require to express the reality of However, God also possesses an because of the tender, this infinite being we call God, abundance of qualities which compassionate, nurturing love let us call God mother, father, we consider "feminine." Think, we so often connect with our sister, brother, master, servant, for instance, of Isaiah 49:15, mothers. So many of our neighbor, friend, should be any which compares the love of God fathers and mothers have given image that works. Let us speak to that of a mother: "Could a us such a beautiful taste of of God as male, as female, as mother forget her baby, or a God's unconditional love, but both, or as neither. Let us Wanton student avarice fails to woman be without compassion neither parental image - nor refuse to confine our God for the child within her womb? even the two combined - can according to the limitations of reflect proper Notre Dame ideals Even if these forget, I (God) will fully express the reality of God. our own language and under­ never forget you." No single image can offer our standing. The point of inclusive human minds a complete Dana L. Dillon Dear Editor: prices-prices which are a language is not that masculine understanding of God. Knott Hall In the Oct. 18 Observer, a result of the greed and Oct. 15, 1990 young lady from farley named selfishness of ticket sellers. "Amy" expressed her worry Football, however is not the about Miami ticket sales by only reason to go to Notre Remarks embarrass church hierarchy saying, "I'm hoping that other Dame. In fact, I do not think Dear Editor: thoughtful nor perceptive; and, benighted bigot out to "get" ticket sellers won't back down Lou Holtz coaches football. He In reading an Oct. 16 Wall rather than arising out of a someone, and quite unworthy on their prices, because if they coaches life, and football is just Street Journal article about the loving concern for those mem­ of his attention? Sflll out, they'll ruin it for the sort of a hobby. In almost every conflict between the Catholic bers of the Church who are in rest of us who want to make a speech and interview he has bishops and Catholic politicians the hierarchy, they seem to James J. Rakowski lot of money." This is one of the given, Mr. Holtz talks about on the abortion issue, I find that spring out of a deep antago­ Associate Professor most pathetic things I have ever striving to do your best, to have the Reverend Richard McBrien, nism. Oct. 17, 1990 heard in my four years at this respect for yourself and for Chairman of the theology Judging solely from McBrien's University. others, and to reflect the class department at Notre Dame quoted comments which from Racism requires and ideals that Notre Dame University, was, as is so often time to time affront me in the First of all, Notre Dame has a stands for. Wanton avarice is the case, quite forthcoming in press, it is hard to believe that senous response long-standing football tradition. not one of these ideals. providing some choice McBrien wishes the Church's It is special to be part of the quotations. hierarchy well. The impression Dear Editor: history by attending football I hope that "Amy" and others he gives, rather, is that he takes As tempted as we are to games as a student. To miss like her will realize that such "To hell with them that's what glee in seeing it put down and respond to Monica Yant's Inside out on football is to miss out on rapacious statements are self­ the politicians should be embarrassed. Column, "Brown's rule on part of the Notre Dame degrading and a sign of super­ saying," is among the things parties is a liberal farce," with experience. ficial belief in the false god of which McBrien is quoted as For example, suppose that I an equally sarcastic and Secondly, the kind of merce­ money. Perhaps if she were saying. was quoted in the Wall Street ineffective tone, we do not take nary attitude presented by less concerned with "making Journal as saying, "To hell with the issue of racism so lightly. "Amy" and others like her can lots of money," she could un­ I wonder if McBrien has any the theology department, that's prHvent genuine fans from at­ derstand what it means to be a appreciation of how offensive what Notre Dame students David Brach tflnding home games. Friends Notre Dame student-she obvi­ and embarrassing such com­ should be saying." Would Carroll Hall and siblings (many of them ously has a lot to learn. ments are to a great many peo­ McBrien be inclined to think Alicia Sierra students) are often unable to ple, although they might be that I was a thoughtful person Pasquerilla East S!Hl a Notre Dame game be­ Fred Trayers quite fashionable in certain with tbe best interests of the Democratic Socialists of causfl student tickets have been Dillon Hall cliques. theology department at heart, America NDISMC boos ted to outrageous Oct. 19, 1990 They strike me as neither or would he think that I was a Oct. 17, 1990 DOONESBURY GARRY TRUDEAU QUOTE OF THE DAY EXCUSE Me, MAN, 00 YOU, liKE, YCS, I'MAfi?AI{) OH, fAX){)) .. , YW I'M /JRCA{)­ HEY, YW'R& I'M FROM TH~ KNOW ANY- THCR£/AJASA HA{)20,000 FUUY NOT, Ul<£, NO, {}EAR., 5ANITATION THING A!30UT VIGIL- LA5TN/6HT. P&Oft& WAIT­ SORRY. YOKOCNO ARE YOU~ 'And the warlocks and witches UPARTMtNT.., TH&fONZfJ Ml£6 I'M 7()t{) TH£Rt ING OIJ751{}&­ AR&YW, ~ \ rode again, on what the Christians I OUT FRONF WERe 2400:? YOUR. HOU5t; MAN?\ PEOPtE. I ironically call the 'Feast of All Saints."

Stephen King page 8 Viewpoint Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Christianity requires rejection of homosexuality Homosexuality is clearly a important because it separates Christian settings like Notre family member or roommate burning issue on college the act from the actor. Thus, a Dame and, according to the confessed to us that he or she campuses today. Rallies and homophobe has a phobia of Bv Rick Acker reports I have heard, positively suffered from a drug problem debates are held, "educational" homosexuality, but may not In "My Opinion thrives on other campuses. or a compulsion to steal, we materials are distributed by all have any negative feelings Christ taught us to "love your would probably not react by sides, and events like National toward homosexuals. Second, neighbor as yourself." He did rejecting and condemning him Coming Out Day get nation-wide this article rests on the Christian one is. We are even not add "unless your neighbor or her. Rather, we would publicity. However, like many assumption that homosexuality taught to fear and be repelled happens to be homosexual." probably react by giving him or burning issues, the is a sin. This assumption is by sinful desires because these We should remember that her support and help in homosexuality debate often shared by the Bible (e.g. Lev. can lead to sin. Unarguably, homosexuality is not the only overcoming the sin or sinful generates more heat that light. 20:13 and Rom. 1:26-27), the Christianity asks for, even sin and homosexuals are not desire. We should react In particular, the word Catholic Church and all major commands, "sin phobia." the only sinners. Saint Paul, in precisely the same way to "homophobia" is regularly used Protestant Churches. I have, addition to condemning homosexuals. The old adage as an epithet and is, however, heard honest and Homosexuality is a sin. that Christians should "hate the understandably, rarely intelligent Christians argue that Christians are supposed to be 'The word "homophobia" sin and love the sinner" is discussed in a rational and homosexuality really isn't a sin. sinphobic. It follows necessarily is regularly used as an particularly apt in this unemotional way. As an insult, I disagree with them, but for that Christians are supposed to situation. "homophobia" is generally the sake of brevity, I won't be homophobic. We should fear epithet and is, under­ understood to mean evil, debate the issue here. and be repelled by standably, rarely dis­ In short, Christians should be intolerance and discrimination Phobia (feelings of fear and homosexuality like any other sin homophobic in the same way towards homosexuals, which repulsion towards a thing) is or sinful desire. Far from being cussed in a rational and they should phobic of any sin or places it on the same level as not always bad for a Christian. evil, like racism or sexism, unemotional way.' sinful desire. However, racism and sexism. However, Indeed, Christians are homophobia is a proper and Christian homophobia requires one form of homophobia, at supposed to have a phobia of healthy attitude for Christians homosexuality, teaches that "all love and acceptance of our least in a Christian context, is sin. We are supposed to fear to have. have sinned and fall short of homosexual brothers and actually desirable. sin because we fear God and What does homophobia imply the glory of God." sisters at the same time we Before going further, two God hates sin. We are for Christians? It most Homosexuals aren't the only hate and reject their caveats are necessary. First, I supposed to be repelled by sin definately does not imply the ones who need acceptance and homosexuality. will be using the word because sin is an act in violence and hatred too often forgiveness; we all do. "homophobia" to refer to a opposition to the God we love aimed at homosexuals and their We should love and accept Rick Acker is a second year phobia of homosexuality, not and serve. The more one fears defender. This VICIOUS homosexuals the same way we law student and a regular homosexuals. This distinction is and is repelled by sin, the more intolerance exists even in love and accept all sinners. If a viewpoint columnist. LETTERS Column purposefully subverts SUB efforts toward better music Dear Editor: Unfortunately for ND/SMC, the Like any group of hardwork­ group postponed their tour un­ ing people, the students of til next spring as a result of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's family illness. Mr. Owen was deserve an accurate news me­ told about this situation by a dia. It is a journalist's duty to S.U.B. commissioner before he provide objective, verifiable wrote the article. facts which do not mislead stu­ 3) S.U.B. is attempting to dents. This duty was willfully bring Jane's Addiction to cam­ neglected by Mike Owen in his pus next spring. Hopefully, this Inside Column, "ND Needs concert will work out. Not Better Concerts Than New surprisingly, Mr. Owen was in­ Kids" (The Observer, Oct. 18). formed of our efforts before he In short, Mr. Owen disre­ wrote the article. LETTERS garded the facts about the 4) S.U.B. will give a free con­ S.U.B. Music Entertainment cert by a critically acclaimed Hussein's atrocities easily overlooked Commission. In this letter, we national band, Tiny Lights, on will provide the ND student Nov. 1 in Stepan Center at 7:30 Dear Editor: given accounts to the troop in Saudi Arabia until that body with hard, verifiable facts. p.m. In Paul Peralez's Viewpoint Congressional Human Rights country and the UAE requested 1) S.U.B. is not sponsoring Based on the facts, anybody article entitled, "U.S. policy in Caucus of indefensible Iraqi assistance. The Kuwaiti people, New Kids on the Block. JACC who read Mr. Owen's article Middle East neglects humanity's brutality. To begin the list, themselves, have voted with interests" (The Observer, Oct. Productions is. Mr. Owen was should realize that he did not Iraqi soldiers entered the their feet by leaving the explicitly informed about New write to provide S.U.B. with 9), the author begins his maternity wards of Kuwaiti country. Not only is Kuwait Kids on the Block's sponsor by constructive criticism. He "argument" by legitimizing the hospitals, removed newborn almost completely depopulated, a S.U.B. commissioner before wrote to undermine S.U.B. 's Iraqi invasion and annexation infants from incubators, and but almost all of the people he wrote the article. credibility with the student of Kuwait. He states, "Saddam left the infants to die on the have fled to Saudi Arabia, 2) S.U.B. is committed to body. Hussein seeks nothing but to floor. Similarly, elderly where the U.S. is stationed. programming first-rate college Erin Lavelle unite the Arab people and to re­ members of the Kuwaiti Perhaps Mr. Peralez should ask music. For example, S.U.B. ne­ S. U.B. Board Manager store to the Arab mastery of his population were removed from the fleeing Kuwaitis their gotiated to bring in the Pixies Diana Dow house." It seems this statement life-support systems and left to opinion of the U.S. response in implies that Hussein wants one on November 15. The Pixies MusicCo-Commissioner die by Iraqi soldiers. Even less the defense. recently occupied the #1 posi­ Jeff Kranig Arab nation with himself as the excusably, Iraqi soldiers bayo­ From this point in his argu­ tion on the College Music MusicCo-Commissioner undisputed leader. The unifica­ neted pregnant women and al­ ment, Mr. Peralez begins a tion of sovereign nations into an Journal album chart. Oct. 19, 1990 lowed them to bleed to death completely unfounded string of Arab state seems ideal. on the ground. It thus seems accusations against U.S. foreign However, the only means to this that the West is correct to say policy and American political Song offends, angers student end is military conquest, subju­ that Hussein "flouts officials. The writer chooses gation and destruction of alter­ international law and defies Dear Editor: not to elaborate about "the took part in the "sing-along," nate ways of life. Offered such a human decency." wholesale murder of their Last weekend something the managemenVowners of the wonderful alternative, the The next logical step in Mr. (Arab) populations," and his f profoundly disturbing took bar, or the performer. I con­ League of Arab Nations Peralez's argument, although , place at a local bar. Many criticisms of the United States demn the prejudice which lurks condemned Iraq and its he doesn't include it, would be government only continue a r Notre Dame students were just below the surface of these invasion and annexation of to ask, "Is the U.S. justified in string of unfounded, factless there listening to a actions. This letter seeks to Kuwait. Obviously, other Arab its presence in Saudi Arabia?" political editorials. singer/guitar player. The num­ give a voice to even the one nations are anxiously lining up Other Arab states and the ber of Notre Dame students in Jewish person who might have ~ for their turn to fall to the world seem to answer a Hal Schmitt attendance was evidenced by been among you, to bear wit­ sword of unification under resounding "Yes," judging by Chris Hewitt the crowd's enthusiastic ness to the embarrassment, Sad dam. the steady stream of James Flood response when the performer fear, and anger that he/she Those who are lining up, in condemnations of Iraqi f specifically thanked them for Chris Ray r would undoubtedly have reality, are human rights emanating from the United Dillon Hall showing up. The performer experienced. r groups, such as Amnesty Nations. The U.S. didn't land a Oct. 15, 1990 r sang a song which repeated the I hope that we will all find International, waiting to testify verse "You piss me om You f-­ strength and courage to look against the Iraqi army. Mr. ing Jew!" His chant was beyond distinctions of creed, Peralez believes that, "Saddam How many Rockets is enough? repeated, with much race and sex, beyond Hussein has been portrayed in Dear Editor: over 100 players and since it is enthusiasm, by a large part of stereotypes with no basis in the West as a madman-a We wish to thank and con­ the audience, some of whom technically permissible to field fact, and beyond our own religious zealot, who flouts gratulate Lou Holtz, the entire the same number more than raised their their fists to selfish need to build ourselves international law and defies football team, and the student accentuate the lyrics. once at the same time, we sug­ up at the expense of denigrat­ human decency." The impli­ body for the win against Miami. gest that the kick-off return Certainly not every person at ing others. If you believe that cations of this statement are It certainly made our trip to the the bar joined in, much less team field three or four number these actions were performed that Saddam is not a religious campus for the game worth­ 25s. This way, the opposing approved of, singing this song. "in jest" and that thoughts can fanatic (the only ones to while. Furthermore, not every team cannot decide to whom somehow be separated from recently claim this were himself We are concerned, however, they should kick the ball. member of the audience was a actions, I urge you to remember and his public relations that "Rocket" Ismail (#25) will Notre Dame student, but the the Holocaust. We hope this suggestion is consultants) and that he doesn't not be given the opportunity to useful. fact remains that they consti­ violate international law or display his kick-off return tal­ tuted a majority of those in at­ Vienna Colucci morals. ents in future games if opposing Michael Molinelli , '82 tendance. This letter is not Off-campus Within the last few weeks teams avoid kicking to him. Robert Ritger. '82 meant to condemn anyone who Oct. 19, 1990 alone, Kuwaiti nationals have Since the varsity roster has Oct. 23, 1990 Accent Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Page9 All Hallow's Eve The return of the Great Pumpkin I low grand is the night when strangers. How my hand­ every malevolent spirit is given crafted Darth Vader costume free reign upon unsuspecting BILL ROSEMANN instilled awe into my friends mortals? who, all dressed as ghosts, Atop the plateau of holiday Tales of angst... dropped their sheet-covered eminence, Halloween stands heads in shame. undaunted, shaking a bloody This visage of evil, complete creep through the neighbor­ with a chest life support sys­ list at Thanksgiving and Easter. hood, but I actually joined Christmas always produced a tem, secured a victory at a pageantry of Star Wars ligures, them. With a little fake blood school costume contest. Some but all too often December 25th and scar putty I was their kid with a similar last name resembled a saccharine-sweet equal. What freedom ... what thought he had been chosen, power. believing his cheesy Raggedy Hallmark card. With a costume I could be­ Throughout my years of Andy costume could defeat the childhood, All Hallow's Eve come anyone I dreamed of be­ nefarious villainy of a warrior ing, or was scared of becoming. lwld memories of gore-dripping of the Dar kside ... the gall of Donning my disguise as soon as t1~rror that even Arbor Day just some people! the school bus dropped me off, couldn'tmatch. The coming of high school I would proceed to get Halloween had all the advan­ brought with it the notion that tages of a major holiday, but physically ill due to unrestrain­ it was socially unacceptable to none of the drawbacks: no able fervor. My mother would embark upon these quests of stuffy family dinners where then threaten to keep me inside greed. It's a good thing I care aunts from Ogden asked who unless I drank some juice and nothing for the whims of put on something warm. your girlfritmd was; you society. weren't jammed in a suit and Under protest I would give in, My senior-year Halloween lwrded off to Mass (except for complaining that vampires became a quest for an ever elu­ as Klondike, the "silver and because they knew I would tlw following day, but I got out drank human blood and would sive Zagnut candy bar. My gold" prospector, or Dennis, soon be alone in a dark of dass for that); and most im­ be the laughing stock of the friend Robert Dickinson and I , the misunderstood elf who re­ bedroom. portantly, people gave you undead community if spotted in dressed as Secret Service men, ally wanted to be an oral sur­ In those fear-filled hours be­ earmuffs. Authenticity was inte­ candy for wearing some keen accompanied another chum geon (both encountered by fore sleep, I was convinced the gral to the proper costume, but who had become his idol, Rudolph). Hamburgler lurked in the costume! my mom placed more impor­ It also arrived at a key time, Ronald Reagan. Equipped with But who could forget the shadows, ready to consume me tance on a normal body tem­ repulsing the deep-blue funk of trench coats, dark sunglasses, "Great Pumpkin," championed as he did McDonald hamburg­ perature. a new school year, carrying me and those little hearing-aid by Linus, or Charlie Brown's ers. I loved scaring myself, as My early years of masquerade towards the next major vaca­ things in our ears, we protected motto of losers, "I got rocks"? all kids do, and Halloween cele­ tion. In addition to all this it specialized in store bought the president from vindictive And I still envision myself as brates this fact. super-hero costumes. My nwant something more, much treat-givers ... and a Zagnut was Ichabod Crane, pursued by the coveted Shazam mask truly more. acquired. Headless Horseman, whenever As I advance in years I find filled my limbs with the powers After each night of hunting I jog around St. Mary's Lake. myself without a neighborhood of the Greek gods. I ••• vampires ... would be and gathering a traditional The specials that other holi­ to raid, but my love for Weeks before one night of round of bartering, inventory, days can't defeat were those Halloween endures. You can bet the laughing stock of the trick-or-treating, I returned and concealment followed. brilliant creations that could I'll be one of those fathers who undead community if home from acquiring a glorious Candy was divided into four only exist in the wondrous goes around with his kids eaeh Spider Man costume to confront spotted in earmuffs.' major categories: fruit (which Seventies. year in a goofy costume. For a snake in the driveway. I was immediately discarded), one night we can throw away calmly explained to my mother gum and milk duds, sweet tarts our oat bran, frighten each Hallow1~en released the flood­ that I could now dispatch of this and lollipops, and those rare I ••• we protected the other with tales of Gothic evil, gates of my imagination and beast and prepared to leap out chocolate treasures. and return to our youth. sent every shambling horror of the car. My mom wouldn't Loot would be tabulated and president from vindictive My mother, like many adults, shrieking into the night. Alive believe me, so we waited for fif­ secreted away into a dark vault. treat-givers ... and a just doesn't understand. were the creations of my teen minutes until the fearsome Of course, returning to my Zagnut was acquired.' Whenever the leaves begin to cousins and I : the Connecticut gardener slithered away. Adults stash I would find all of my turn orange, and jack-o­ Pancake, a lumbering 16-foot­ just didn't possess the faith in candy bars devoured by my lanterns appear on doorsteps tall nap jack which shredded costumes that I did. brother, who would leave empty ' The special Halloween she offers her theory that Satan helpless children with razor The grade school years en­ wrappers in silent mockery. episode of "In Search Of. .. " is behind this magnanimous sharp teeth, and the dreaded tailed lavish productions The annual night of terror chilled my soul with its investi­ holiday. Hopping Noodle, a wailing painstakingly created by my competed valiantly against the gation of the Screaming Crystal Every year when she asks, strand of pasta with a glowing mother. This display of love plethora of television classics Skull of Death. I was positive "Well, what do you think about eye, which chased us on one balanced out the guilt of letting offered by Christmas. that the producers of "That's Halloween?", I can only grin untiring leg. her young child wander into the Halloween cartoons tried in Incredible" placed their ghost knowingly at the sky, which Not only did my nightmares night to collect candy from vain to match characters such stories at the end of each show grays with an impending doom. Costume counseling: how to choose the ultimate toga

By PAIGE SMORON spirit. At Halloween every year, So what do you do? Like every and the Irish Guard, of course, Remember the Coneheads? Assistant Accent Editor you get dressed up in orange other Red-Blooded American is set. All they have to do is de­ Some conscientious citizens The last time you wore a cos­ and black, and wear that cute College Student, you put on a cide whether to spray-paint came up with the educational tume, it came out of a box and pin with the spider that crawls toga and, between swigs of their hats Mysterious Mulberry idea one year of dressing up as had "Speed Racer" emblazoned back up when you pull on it. beer, refer to yourself incor­ or Simply Sapphire. five forms of birth control. across the chest. Somehow, you Unfortunately, you've just had rectly as a mythological god, as Why not go as your favorite Going as a six-pack of beer or a could just never endure those a "Color Me Beautiful" in, "Peasant! Bring me a mut­ tabloid celebrity? I don't think herd of cattle would not only be plastic masks that make your consultation (all you fashion ton-chop! Charybdis is weary Elvis will ever go out of style. original, but would foster a face sweat. Even those realistic slugs, and you know who you with hunger!" Roseanne might be an option, if sense of cameraderie. Years rubber "Planet of the Apes" are, ask the chic girl at the next you like to spit. Cher could be from now, when you're wearing ones could get pretty moist. table what that means), and as Why not try something a little relatively simple to imperson­ plaid pants and tailgating at the It's not that you don't have a Spring, orange is a big no-no. more imaginative this year? ate, particularly in her "If I Michigan game, you can ~ll!!!l!l!!!]lll!l!lll•••~!i••IIIIII!!!IIIIII!PI'·IIIII!I••~~~~ Instead of going with the Greek Could Turn Back Time" video. drunkenly slur, "How about the theme, wear the same sheet All you'd need would be a big year we dressed up as a box of and go as Saddam Hussein; you wig and two black ribbons. Oh, Q-tips? Weren't we nutty! Ha ha might want to carry a stuffed and a few tattoos. (HINT: ha!" camel and call it your wife. It's Investing in a carton of the The bottom line is that • timely, it's making a political Bookstore's little leprechaun Halloween can be what you statement, it's you. face tattoos will not be very ef­ make of it. One sophomore, Obviously, the Simpsons are fective.) who prefers to remain name­ happening. This year's creative less so as not to be tormented challenge will be how to por­ Don't forget: here at Notre with obscene phone calls and tray Marge's majestic hairstyle. Dame, we have a gold mine of the censure of his roommates, You might decide that the best campus personalities to confided that he had always way to do justice to those ridicule. Enough said. had a fantasy to go as a giant gravity-defying azure tresses is Teaming up with some friends Pez™ dispenser. Bill, be a Pez to go with cotton candy (and a can increase the fun the­ dispenser. Maybe a Donald lot of it). Art major~ could ex­ number-of-people-you're-going­ Duck one with cherry candy. periment with paper mache', with -fold. (Seven-fold, etc.) Or just wear a toga. page 10 The Observer Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Men's soccer loses 3 games By RICH KURZ good," said senior co-captain ciously, only to be the victims of Sports Writer Paul LaVigne. "They're one of poor officiating. the fastest teams I've ever Notre Dame had a total of four Fall break is supposed to be a played against." goals taken away by the time of rest and relaxation, but Although Notre Dame was referees, two of them on off­ for the men's soccer team it outplayed in the first half, sides calls. was a time of troubles. LaVigne felt that the Irish hung "The refereeing was hideous," It went winless in three games tough in the second half. said LaVigne. "It really had an over the break, losing 2-0 to "They crammed it down our effect on the game." top-ranked Evansville in an throats in the first half," he Even so, the Irish played well away game, before traveling to said, "but we played with them enough to have a 2-1 lead at Miami, Fla., to play in the in the second half." one point, and then to force the Southern Bell Classic. The Irish The Irish hoped that the trip to game into overtime. Kenyon I lost to North the warm sun of Miami would Meyer scored one goal for the ~ ~- Carolina-Charlotte 3-0 and 3- get them back on track, but, as Irish on an assist from Mario l 2 in overtime against the has happened all season, the Tricoci, and Kevin Pendergast l Golden Panthers of Irish got short-changed when it accounted for the other Irish l International University. came to the luck department. goal. l The Irish, now 3-10-3 on the The 49ers of UNC-Charlotte ~ season, weren't expecting a could manage only five shots "We played really well against l I walk in the park when they on goal, but three of them went a good team," said LaVigne. l went into Evansville. The in for scores. LaVigne summed "Mike Palmer came in and I Purple Aces were ranked sec­ the game up briefly. played really well in his first ond in the country at the time, "We got some unlucky breaks," real chance to play, after • and Black Beauty Field is a no­ he said. Kenyon Meyer got hurt." toriously difficult place to play. The Irish didn't let their last The Irish will next play in the The Irish players had only good couple of failures affect them first round of the MCC things to say about their going into the game against Tournament Thursday against The CbieMir I AndlvM ~ Kevin Pendergast and the men's soccer team hope to end their three opponents. Florida InternationaL as they the Billikens of Saint Louis in I "They were really, really, really came out and fought tena- that first round game. game losing skid in the MCC Championships.

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I NEED PENN ST & Tenn BUY YOUR HALLOWEEN 219-291-7153 TONE DIAL 268-2678. tixs.272-6306 MAKE-UP MASKS AND REAL TOUCHTONE PHONES ONLY. NEED PENN ST GA'S. CALL PUMPKINS AT THE COUNTY LOST: 14k-gold rope chain TOM HARVESTER, M-F, 12-5 Professional Word Processing bracelet on Stepan Football 273-0302 HELP NEED TKTS ALL GAME Services. When SPEED, Field. GREAT Sentimental Needed: 4 PSU GA's BOTH STUDENTS AND GA'S Are you and your roomate an odd FORMAT, STYLE, and Value. If found, please call Jared X4246 $ CALL 273-1364 couple that have little in common ACCURACY are vital ... let THE Cara x3847 $ but have found a way, or system, HOME OFFICE help. Call 234- $ NEED 2 PENN STATE GA'S of living together? If this is you and 3891, ask for Kristi. $ you want your situation published Found at Miami game: Needed: 4 PSU GA's ONE PENN STATE STUD CALL X3797 in the South Bend Tribune, call -one shoe JARED X4246 FOR SALE- Seen at x1818. TUTOR WITH PHD &10 YEARS -one pair of sunglasses BEST OFFER UNIVERSITY TEACHING Call Man @3472 to identify. Call JOE 271-1211 Needed: 4 USC GA's. Call Seen at Top 5 quotes from the AMUN trip EXPERIENCE WILL ASSIST FOR SALE $ 283-1818 and leave a message. to Chicago: STUDENTS IN ECON $ 5) If you're going to commit a ,STAT,MATH COURSES 2723153 LOST RING I! I LOST RING!II $ Have Penn St GA's? Call Tom crime, make sure you're wear- ing Gold Clataugh (sp?) ring ... an attractive studio in lovely old $ x1581. Will beat any offer. your name tag. two hands holding a heart­ mansion near ND 255/mo call 4) I'm thinking two words: TYPING term shaped purple stone, with a 2888595 Will trade 2 TN TIX PLUS $$$ "limousine" and '1elony". papers/reports/letters/resumes. crown on top ... PLEASE contact HELP ME! For 3 TN TIX together. Call 3) They pull10 white guys out of Pick up & delivery available. 277- me if you've found it!!! It was HOUSE FOR RENT - 527 S. Eddy I NEED 6 PENN STATE GA'S. Mike 202-955-6616. here a week. Go ahead and cross 5134 Cathy. a pre-Christmas gift-the St. 6 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, eat-in JOE X2358 the street. only one I'll seel! Erin at 4634, Kitchen, Livingroom and finished Please help me I need Penn State 2) What pretty girls? I'm sit­ 114 Lewis ...... room in basement. $500 security GA's. And lots of them. They're for ting next to Jabba the Hut! and $500/month plus utilities. NEED 6 PENN STATE GA'S these relatives I don't know very 1) Peace can wait!! Notre Dame Contact John at 232-1242. AND 2 STUD TIX CALL well, and if I don't get any, it could football is on. BIG BROTHERS,BIG SISTERS ARNOLD 3333 be downright awkward. Call WANTED TIRED OF O'HARA-GRACE? x2980. THUG- Chicago Trip MOVE INTO MY APT'S 2ND Happy 20th birthday! This Saturday, Nov. 3 OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 BEDROOM AT TURTLE CREEK HAVE 1 ST. NEED 2 GA'S FOR ••• NEED PENN ST. GA'S ••• We were going to write a Call237-1983 to R.S.V.P. mo. Summer, Yr., round, All CALL JANE 271-1920 PENN ST. TONY x1590 call John at 234- 5840 Top 10 list about you, but Countries, Corona Del Mar CA besides GWEN, your Tuesday­ CHICAGO 92625. FEMALE NEEDED TO SHARE 2 Wednesday-Thursday night BEDROOM APT AT TURTLE WANTED: 2 TICKETS I NEED A LOT OF PENN ST. solo beer binges and your BIG BROTHERS,BIG SISTERS CREEK AVAL. UNTIL MAY TENNESSEE vs NOTRE DAME, GA'S occasional resulting bed waning, SPRING BREAK/CHRISTMAS 273-9406 OR 283-2805 NOV. 10TH. CALL COLLECT $$$CALL DEREK 234-3356$$$ your excessive BREAK TOURS (704) 322-3709 ASK FOR MARK. movie watching, GWEN once Single 2-Room Apt. Cheap again, your hairy back, and your 3 INDIVIDUALS OR STUDENT 15 min. Walking from Campus DO YOU HAVE PENN ST. TIX? hour long distance phone calls, we ORGANIZATIONS NEEDED TO Avail. Dec. 1 -May 31 I NEED PENN STATE GA'S FOR I NEED 8!!!! CALL TIM#2704 the other members of the LOST/FOUND PROMOTE OUR SKI/SUN Bob x3234 UTILE SIS AND MOM PLEASE Pangborn Sophomore Six have TOURS. EARN MONEY & FREE CALL DIEGO #4075 Sell me 4 PENN ST. GAs and I'll nothing to rip on you about. Happy RED•••RED•••RED•••RED••• TRIPS TO CANCUN, be happy! Cristin x3857 Birthday, we love you!!!!! jacket lost at stanford barn MONTREAL, DAYTONA, For Sale Happy 20th B-Day dance ... also VERMONT. CALL HI-LIFE 1-800- Need up to 4 Penn GAs & 2 stu. HAVE SIX (6) NAVY GA's Scon Kamenick, we love you. RED ground grafic piece from 263-5604. 10 SPEED BIKE 272-0306 x2567 BUY SOME OR ALL Curtis, John, Joe, Dave RED car in D-2 lot... PRETTY CALL x3652 and Vince. PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP, RETURN THEM II! X- 4096 WANTED: 6 Pin, 6 Penn St., A gorgeous brown 1980 Dodge I need 2 Navy G.A.'s and Need 2 studs for Penn St. Call WE SING BAD ask for PAULA. 4 Tennesee GA's 273-1364 custom van. 2 Penn. St. G.A.'s or Billx1583 listen for us soon Wall to Wall carpeting. student tickets. (coming to your room) Sunroof and rear ceiling vent. Please call Kathy x1296 PLEASE SELL ME YOUR PENN LOST: Black Vuarnet sunglasses Tinted windows. ST. GA'S!! I NEED A LOT. $$$$ THE HUNT IS ON !Ill! Nov. 2 & 3 in North Dining Hall Fri. 6:30 p.m. Make Money Watching T.V.! New clutch and muffler. X 3028 OR 2546 $$$ If found, please call Rene 277- EXCITING new method. Amazing Body and engine in excelllent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ JET HOT-TUBS!?!?! Tell me ... do 9468. Reward offered. 24 hour recorded message shape. Wealthy Physician to Pay I need all the tickets that you the candles always go out reveals details. Call512-585-4808 Call x2506. Big Bucks for PENN STATE can sell me for the Tennessee­ BEFORE you both get there??? Ext. 101. G.A.'s or STUDS N.D. game. Call Phil at 1436 (You know I love you!) I lost my wallet October 17. CD Player, Stereo cabinet, mise x 1935 ask for Alex or leave a message. If you find it, please call Joe at electronic equip. 272-41 08, Steve $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WEEGE, WEEGE, WEEGE, 2480 or 2456. Reward offered. ATIENTION: Excellent income for I I need two tickets for Penn State. WEEGE, WEEGE!!!!! You got Thank you home assembly work. 504-646- HAVE STUDENTS AND GA'S GA's or STUD. Call Dan at 1409. your wish times 5! (Is 5 your lucky 1700 DEPT. P5868 FOR MOST GAMES CALL GIVE 2 NAVY GA'S FOR SALE number?? Tee hee.) NAME GAME AND PRICE 273· CALL JOY X4856 I need two tickets for Penn State. FOUND: "precious" stone outside 1364 GA's or STUD. Call Dan at 1409. SCH Call Ken 239-5611 to HELP - I need PSU GA's HAPPY "15th" BIRTHDAY ROB! You are such a "Mad Dog"!! identify. TRAVEL FREE! CAMPUS REPS PLEEEAASE call Beth at NEED 1 PENN ST STUD OR GA Love, WANTED. QUALITY VACATIONS 288-0597 TIX FOR UTILE SIS PLEASE!! TICKETS Sara TO EXOTIC DESTINATIONS. CALL SARAH 2815 FOUND: LADY'S BROWN AFFORDABLE SPRING BREAK Need 2 Penn St. GA's LISA GORSKI:Congratulations on TORTOISE SHELL GLASSES PACKAGES TO Need $$$?Sell Jay x2290 I NEEEEED Penn St. GA's leading the Irish at the MCC's and LEFT ON TUESDAY IN JAMAICAICANCUN! FREE your ga's to all Please Help for taking 4th place! Way to go! COUNTRY HARVESTER IN TRAVEL AND$$. 1-800-426- home games. Need 2 Penn St. GA's Jill x4852 LAFORTUNE. 7710. Call tom x1597. Jay x2290 sdgf Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Scoreboard page 11

NHL STANDINGS NFL INDIVIDUAL LEADERS WALES CONFERENCE NFL SlATS Patrick Division NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE w L T Pts CE GA Quarterbacks NY Rangers 10 3 0 20 55 30 An Com Vds TO lnt AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE New Jersey 8 3 17 50 38 Simms. Giants 145 90 1165 10 OFFENSE Pittsburgh 6 6 13 61 53 Testaverde. T.B. 162 100 1464 9 4 Yarde Ruah Paaa Philadelphia 6 6 0 12 44 46 Miller. Atl. 219 130 1709 13 4 Houston 3020 625 2395 Washington 6 7 0 12 41 44 Montana, S.F. 266 168 2134 16 9 Cincinnati 2835 901 1734 NY Islanders 3 9 0 6 31 54 Harbaugh, Chi. 124 78 1043 6 4 Jets 2513 1036 1477 Adame Division Denver 2431 895 1536 Boston 6 4 1 13 36 41 Rushers Kansas City 2344 879 1465 Montreal 6 6 1 13 42 44 All Yds Avg LG TO Buffalo 2274 888 1386 Hartford 4 6 2 10 30 40 Johnson. Phoe. 139 605 4.4 35 3 Miami 2188 794 1394 Buffalo 3 5 3 9 36 36 Anderson, Chi. 125 567 4.5 52 8 Seattle 2137 839 1298 Quebec 3 7 3 9 38 53 B.Sanders, Det. 110 462 4.2 24 6 CAMPBELL CONFERENCE G.Anderson, T.B. 109 440 4.0 22 3 Norris Division Anderson, Giants 108 415 3.8 28 5 w L T PIS CE GA E.Smith, Dall. 102 373 3.7 16 4 St. Louis 8 3 17 45 35 Broussard, All. 83 368 4.4 !50 3 Chicago 8 5 0 16 43 32 Detroit 6 4 3 15 51 48 Receivers DEFENSE Minnesota 2 8 3 7 35 52 Yarde Ruah Pall NO Vds Avg LG TO Toronto 2 10 1 5 34 61 Miami 1611 492 1119 Rison, Atl. 45 724 16.1 175 8 Smythe Division Raiders 1888 666 1222 Rice, S.F. 44 672 15.3 42 9 Los Angeles 9 2 1 •1 9 57 33 Plnsburgh 2017 730 1287 Byars, Phii.(RB) 42 411 9.8 25 0 Calgary 8 Kansas City 2099 828 1271 4 0 16 52 36 Ellard, Rams 40 668 16.7 !50 3 Buffalo 2144 896 1248 Vancouver 6 5 0 12 36 38 Novacek, Dall. 35 402 11.5 t29 3 Houston 2157 698 1459 Winnipeg 4 7 1 9 41 42 A.Carter. Minn. 32 382 11.9 t49 4 1487 Edmonton 2 6 2 6 29 31 San Diego 2202 735 E.Martin, N.O. 31 504 16.3 58 3 Sharpe, G.B 30 522 17.4 176 1 Tuuday'a Games Late Games Not Included Scoring St. Louis 5, DetrOit 2 NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Touchdowns Los Angeles 4, N.Y. Islanders 1 OFFENSE TO Rush Rec Ret Pittsburgh 6, Philadelphia 2 Pta Yard a Ruah Paaa Anderson. Chi. 10 8 2 0 60 Toronto 5, Minnesota 4 49ers 2842 618 2026 Rice, S.F. 9 0 9 0 54 Calgary 8, New Jersey 3 Rams 2470 832 1838 Rison, All. 8 0 8 0 48 Washington at Vancouver, (n) Atlanta 2430 840 1790 B.Sanders, Det. 8 6 2 0 48 Wednesday's Gemaa Philadelphia 2357 865 1492 Boston at Buffalo. 7:35 p.m. Minnesota 2292 824 1468 Montreal al Hartford, 7:35 p.m. Kicking Chicago 2290 1212 1078 Los Angeles at N.Y. Rangers. 7:35 p.m. PAT FG LG Pis Green Bay 2182 834 1548 Winnipeg at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. Christie, T.B. 16·16 15·1 7 54 61 Cofer, S.F. 19·19 13·19 56 58 SPORTS CALENDAR Lohmiller, Wash. 15·15 13·20 55 54 Butler, Chi. 20·20 11 ·14 52 53 DEFENSE lgwebuike, Minn. 16·16 12·14 48 52 Evansville 2 Notre Dame 0 Yarde Ruah Pall Davis, Atl. 25·25 8-11 51 49 UNC-Charlone 3 Notre Dame 0 Thuraday, November 1 Giants 1855 542 1 113 Ruzek, Phil. 16-17 11 ·15 44 49 Florida International 3 Notre Dame 2 OT Men·s soccer at St. Louis (1st round MCC Chicago 1848 856 1 1 112 Jacka, G.B. 13·14 10·12 53 43 Tourney) Philadelphia 2038 596 1 442 Women's Volleyball v. Illinois Soccer Washington 2072 661 1 411 Notre Dame 2 Calvin College 0 AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE 49818 2089 474 1815 Notre Dame 3 Florida International 2 OT Quarterbacks MCC Tournament New Orleans 2106 606 1500 Fr1<18y, November 2 All Com Vds TO Notre Dame 1 Dayton 0 (Mmlflr111la) lnt Men's and women's swimming host Notre Dame Schroeder, Raiders 1 44 83 1335 8 3 Notre Dame 4 Xavier 0 (championship) Relays Kelly, Bull. 193 122 1451 11 6 NBA PRESEASON Men's Croea Country Moon, Hou. 331 203 2487 18 9 Notre Dame placed first at MCC Championships DeBerg, K.C. 21 1 1 1 7 1588 9 3 Brister, Pitt. 1 89 1 12 1272 11 8 Moo1day'a Games Wonwo'a Croa Country Saturday, November 3 Notre Dame placed first at MCC Championships Boston 120, Utah 102 Football v. Navy at Giants Stadium Milwaukee 90, Cleveland 83 Volleyball v. Western Michigan Rushers Golden State 122, L.A. Clippers 114 Men'o Swtmmtng Men's and women's swimming host MCC Dual All Vds Avg LG TO Notre Dame 58 Western Ontario 37 Meet Butts, S.D. 145 654 4.5 42 6 Seattle 117, Sacramento 1 16 Humphrey, Den. 112 573 5.1 137 4 Tuesday's Game Women's Swimming 98 565 5.8 60 2 Detroit 1 13, Houston 104 Notre Dame 58 Western Ontarto 37 Thomas, Buff. Okoye, K.C. 145 515 3.6 32 4 End Preseason Fenner. Sea. 97 432 4.5 28 7

Stacy Bogataj, a freshman in which may get the crowd spite the fact that it makes you "The cups has to be the best," cheering. Take the popcorn-like reel like a fool when you partic­ says Tran. "Nothing beats the Le Mans, would have a set of Ipate. codes instituted governing the procedure in which students cups. It even beats the wave. It Fans wave. jump up and down, so that the should be mandatory. The continued from page 16 "If you're going to be there, student section ends up looking The real controversy of alumni should get into that." Vu Tran, another senior from the least you can do is do the like an irritated sea anenome. bleacher participation is the "Now there's a cool tradi­ Dillon, likes the wave for com­ wave," she says. "Tickets are so "I think Michigan was doing curious practice of throwing tion," says Ned. Others, however, do not share munltarlan reasons. expensive anyway. Doing the that cheer before we were," cups into the air. The first time "I think the wave brings ev­ wave should be a prerequisite says Brian Lane, a senior In it happened in the last four in this enthusiasm. erybody together in the stadium to getting your ticket." Morrissey. "I don't know, but I years was in 1988, when, dur­ "I don't like the cup throwing like a family," says Tran. "It's "There arc many other ways have trouble copying Michigan. ing the Miami game, people because it gets out of control," cool. It's mostly for when the of getting a crowd to cheer," It's like worshipping the devil started throwing their plastic says Linda Klein, a senior In game gets so boring and you says Ned. "That's the cheer­ or something." cups in the air until the stands Lewis. "I don't really like it try to wake everybody up and leader's job." Most studeQts seemed to ap­ looked like a popcorn popping when people get bashed in the start them cheering." This introduces other rituals prove of the bench jumping, de- machine. head with it." Said Lane: "Cups are a defi­ nite thumbs-down. It can be a NOTRE DAMEIS ANNUAL real bummer if you get bashed on the head. It also distracts from the game. I prefer old­ CAMPUS-WIDE DEBATE SERIES time cheers like 'We are N.D."'

Says Ned: "There iB a definite risk factor, especially when the cups are still full. I say, just INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP ON look up." We have a professed creator THE ICEBERG DEBATES of the tradition at Notre Dame. Mike Byrne, who lives ofT-cam­ STANDING COMMITTEE? pus, says he started it uninten­ tionally. "I think. I started It," says ICEBERG DEBATES" Byrne. "I just tossed up my cup and everybody else did, and it WE NEED PEOPLE IN THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: kind of looked like popcorn." or all the non-sanctioned cheers, however, the wave is the most established. It may never PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVERTISING leave Notre Dame, although it certainly wasn't born here. DORM LIASON ARTWORK Credit the student body for a~ding spice with bench-jump­ ing and a variant of the wave, SCHEDULING POLICY ANALYST the inverse wave. But with things that may be dangerous, APLLICATIONS AVAILABE IN SECRETARY'S OFFICE .,j let's be careful. 2nd FLOOR LAFORTUNE. DUE NOV. 5th BY 5 PM And please, no more mob ~ lynchings of Gum by. page 12 The Observer Wednesday, October 31. 1990 powerhouses. Had Notre Dame .. 1 know that we'll probably get pulled out wins over these more and more competitive as ND women's tennis team Soccer teams, you can bet that they time goes on with our new continued from page 16 would be suiting up for a coach," said Kelly. "Coach is tournament game. going to recruit hard and bring sweeps all titles at MCC's "The thing that we hav·e After watching the women's in lots of players. I had a great By BARBARA MORAN win the third flight. Irish Head developed is a winning attitude. soccer team mature and experience this year, and I hope Sports Writer Coach Jay Louderback said We refuse to lose right now and improve over the course of the and plan to be around for the his team performed admirably that may be more important season - especially after next four years." For the third consecutive despite harsh weather than everything else we've done learning of their dismantling of Her coach shares her optimism. year, the Notre Dame conditions. because it will carry over - a nationally ranked Xavier - I "We have to do a couple of women's tennis team swept "All the singles matches were winning attitude gets passed cannot help but think that the things to take the next step," all singles and doubles titles outdoors," said Louderback, on. I think that that will have a Irish would have fared better said Petrucelli. to capture the Midwestern "and Saturday it was really big impact on the future of the against Duke and Greensboro What is the next step, I Collegiate Conference crown windy and Sunday it got program." had they played them at the wondered. at Notre Dame last weekend. pretty cold, but our girls went The records broken by the 1990 end of the season. "Our goal is to win the national The Irish easily beat second out and didn't let it affect squad read like a coach's wish Of course, it could be argued championship," stated place Marquette by a wide them. Everybody did really list: Most Wins in a Season (16), that the Irish might not be Petrucelli, his eyes and ex­ 72-50 margin. well." Best Winning Percentage (.825), playing so well now if they had pressions conveying that, Notre Dame junior Tracy The Irish will face their next Most Goals Scored (66), Least not been spanked earlier. In without a doubt, he is a man Barton defeated Marquette's competition on November 9- Goals Allowed (18), Most Assists any case, I'm not going too far with a mission. "I don't really Kim Limpert 6-1, 6-1, for the 12 when they travel to (40), Most Points (172), Most out on a limb by saying that feel that we are one, three or top flight singles title. Other Madison, Wisconsin to Shots (372), and Fewest Games Notre Dame would give Duke five years away. I feel like we Irish winners in the singles participate in the Rolex Held Scoreless (two). and Greensboro a tighter game are four or five players away. It competition were freshman National Indoor Qualifyer. The Where individual records are right now. could be a year or four before Christy Faustmann, who cap­ Rolex Tournnament will concerned, marks were set for "The weekend at Duke made us we win it. I don't see it as a tured the crown at second­ involve all the teams in the Most Shutouts in a Season (11; realize that we still had a lot to matter of time, but as a matter seed, freshman Terri Vitale region, and the top doubles Michelle Lodyga), Most Goals learn," said freshman Mary of players. Potentially, we have (third flight), freshman Lisa team, along with the singles (15; Alison Lester), Most Assists Kate Kelly, whose sentiments the players that we need right Tholen (fourth flight), champion and runner-up, (9; Marianne Giolitto tied seem to speak for the entire here and they just have to get sophomore Melissa Harris qualify for the National Indoor record), Most Points in a Season team. "Duke was good, though, better. I have to get better and (fifth flight), and senior Kim Tournament. Notre Dame had (35; Alison Lester), Most Game­ because if we had gone on play­ the kids have to get better. We Pacella (sixth flight). no qualifiers last year, but Winning Goals (6; Susie Zilvitis), ing relatively weak teams, we need to be better at every Barton followed up her sin­ Louderback hopes for a and Most Shots in a Game (10; probably wouldn't have im­ position. gles victory by teaming up different outcome this year. Denise Chabot). proved as much as we have." "We are actively pursuing the with Faustman to capture the "We're trying to get six singles So why, if Notre Dame is such a "After the weekend in North top players in the country. I doubles crown. Vitale and players and three doubles great team, aren't they busying Carolina, I was upset that we don't know if any Notre Dame Tholen took the number-two teams into the [Rolex] themselves for post-season had lost," said Petrucelli. "The team will ever win as many doubles title, and Katie Clark competition," said competition? Good question, kids thought that I was crazy. I games as this, but we are trying and Krist Doran combined to Louderback. "It's rett bi . " but rest assured, the Irish have said that we had a chance to to upgrade our talent. Also, we suffered no gross injustice. beat lots of great teams and play Wisconsin, Duke, Xavier, In Division I, the number of make the playoffs. But at the Dayton and William & Mary teams who participate in the end, we all think that we had a next year. We are trying to get championship tournament is great season. It's funny what away from the club teams - I proportional to the number of you can accomplish when you think we have proved that it is teams who participate in the really believe in yourself- these not worth it for us to play sport. Hence, twelve teams are kids really believe that they can clubs." picked for post-season play. play now." Clip and save, dear readers - Even though the Irish went 16- When asked about the future of the Irish are putting the puzzle 3-1, their three losses came the growing Irish program, pieces in place and a national against Duke, UNC-Greensboro meanwhile, Kelly was op­ championship is within their and Creighton - recognized timistic. grasp.

The Gradu te Student Union




L Wednesday, October 31, 1990 The Observer page 13

SPORTS BRIEFS All Novice and Varsity crew members should come to 104 Male swimmers beat WOU O'Shag at 7:30 p.m. today. Novice ergathon dues will be collected and this weekend's regatta will be discussed. Also, rent-a-rower By BECKY WOOD events, they took the lead and example and leadership of the details will be discussed. Varsity should bring $6 extra for Sports Writer didn't look back. Welsh felt the senior class," he said. "Team Stevenson's. men and did "an especially spirit continues to be a trade­ The Notre Dame men's swim strong job of controlling the mark of our Notre Dame Novice boxers are rnminded that training begins this week in the team returned from a middle portion of the meet." Swimming Teams. We are proud of that." boxing room at the ACC. All beginners should attend; veterans are successful road trip to Canada The transition points came in the middle of the meets in the Freshmen David Nathe won welcome. Practice starts at 4 p.m. daily. Questions, call Norm at this past weekend, recording 200 fly,lOO free, 200 back and both sprint freestyle events; 50 233-8133. their first dual meet season win against Western Ontario, 58-37. 400 free. The Irish men in­ free and 100 free. Senior co­ creased their lead from eight captains Paul Godfrey and Jim The Tae Kwon Do Club will be testing its ranks Sat, Nov. 3rd at Notre Dame has defeated their friendly opponents in all but points after the 200 fly to a 21 Byrne took firsts in the 800 free 10 a.m. in the Fencing Gym of the ACC. All spectators are one of their 30 meetings. The points three events later in the and 200 back respectively. welcome. tradition swimmers' associate 400 free. Junior Joe Rentz won the 200 with the annual meeting is "It is important in dual meets to fly and and junior Hoger Rand Irish Insanity will not meet this Wednesday. All members are inherent in the ceremonial ex­ grab the opportunity to win the placed first in the 200 breast. encouraged to attend the Nov. 9 hockey game. Details will follow. change of gifts among the team meet when it comes. " said Welsh is riding on the ex­ captains and the singing of Coach Welsh. citement of the Western victory Off-campus soccer team - the first playoff game will be Sunday both the American and Senior co-captain Brian Rini as he prepares the men's team at 1 p.m. vs. St. Ed's at Stepan North. Questions, please call Dave Canadian National Anthems be­ won both the 400 free and the for the 26th Annual Notre at 233-9226 or Brian at 288-4724. fore the start of each·meet. 200 free by coming from Dame Relay Meet on Friday Although the Irish dominated behind in the second half of and the MCC Dual Meet Men's lnterhall football equipment return is Thursday, Nov. 1 the waves, winning eight of both races. Rini broke the Saturday. The MCC Dual Meet at Gate 9 of the Stadium. The time are: Carroll, 6 p.m.; Pangborn, nine individual events, the meet Western pool record in the 200 on Saturday will feature the 6:15 p.m.; St. Ed's, 6:30 p.m.; Dillon, 6:45 p.m.; Morrissey, 7 p.m.; required more than the Irish free with a time of 1:45.82. MCC conference teams in a Flanner, 7:15 p.m.; Keenan. 7:30p.m.; Cavanaugh. 7:45 p.m. and men just showing up on the "Brian's races are an excellent meet format which will allow Zahm. 8 p.m. The teams who turn in everything on the first day pool deck in their suits. example of 'racing the man' Notre Dame to swim every will be placed in a hat determining issue for next year. Jerseys and "Canadian men have always and also of our level of condi­ event that will be in their pants must be returned no matter what condition. If not, a charge done an excellent job of racing tioning," said Welsh. conference championships in will result, and the team will be among the last to receive the 'opponent,"' said Coach Tim Coach Welsh felt both the hard February. The day will also equipment next year. Welsh. "Swim meets often training work and practice time score dual meets between all choose between racing the spent on starts, turns, and conference teams, so that The NVA Turkey Shoot will be Nov. 13-14. Sign up at NVA. 'clock' and racing the 'man' stroke mechanics showed very nearly 60 dual meet scores will (person in the next lane). It is well in the teams' performance. be recorded on Saturday. very good preparation for us to Welsh emphasized the im­ race with a team that races the portance of team spirit among The meet this weekend "will ~man.'" the team. Spirit, unity, enthu­ give us a chance for everyone The Western men won the siasm, and commitment to do­ to do a lot of swimming, and for opening relay, putting the Irish ing a good job are all a part of us to examine both our team seven points behind. After the game. strength and team depth in de­ Some employers promise Notre Dame won the next three "Both teams led in spirit by tail," said Welsh.

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In addition to the conununity's pleasant neighbor­ hoods, inviting parks, and ot11er recreational facilities, you'll find two Wliversities t11at offer a host or cultural and social activities to take advantage of If you're a senior with a mat11. accounting, data processing, sAuTEFAIM State Farm or computer science background, come talk to us at your In college placement office. We're looking tor people who are SllraDCe motivated and outgoing. People who enjoy challenges on tlw INsuuNc~ Companies job - and away from it. After all, you're not just looking for a Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois. great job. You're looking for a great way of life. An equal opportunity employer. page 14 The Observer Wednesday, October 31, 1990 performance as far as tech­ nique is concerned, and Women's swim team winners productivity. But sometimes a contmued~otes from page 16 pitcher learns to win when he By BECKY WOOD combined places also proved Williams continued her win- doesn't have a fastball. Sports Writer the increase in team depth ning ways by setting a Western for as long as he has been. He "That's the thing about Rick since last year when the Irish Ontario pool record in the 200 is really progressing very well." Mirer. Number one, on the pass The Notre Dame's women's only beat the Stangs by six fly, 2:05.61, and winning the Young also figures to see more that was intercepted, Rick swim team recorded its first points. Coach Welsh attributed 200 freestyle. Freshmen action this weekend especially Mirer was the guy that made win of the season in a cross the the teams' impressive Kristin Heath, Shannah Mather with Zorich out. the tackle on it. When it was border dual meet this past performance to the strength of and Colette LaForce all had ••• first-and-15, we ran one of the weekend. The Irish handily overall conditioning and to excellent meets for their first Although Irish quarterback few options we ran and he defeated the Western Ontario practice time spent working on Irish road trip. Heath Rick Mirer had his worst outing picked up 14 yards. He ran Stangs in London, Ontario, starts, turns, and stroke recorded wins in the 200 of the year against Pittsburgh physically, he competed well, winning six of nine individual mechanics. Individual Medley and the 400 (five for 16 passing, 85 yards, never got downhearted, never events. "Our hard training work freestyle. Junior Shana one interception), he erased got discouraged, never worried Coach Tim Welsh was pleased showed, and showed up very Stephens and sophomore Kay any doubts Holtz might have about anything except winning with his swimmers' well. This is a good sign for Broderick took first and second had about his determination on and remained positive through performance. upcoming meets," said Welsh. places in the 200 back, while the field. the entire course of the football "It was a very good win for "The team's spirit, unity, en- Susan Bohdan and Jean Kelly "On offense the thing that game. That's the first time I've us," said Welsh. "The Canadian thusiasm, and commitment to sealed two events by taking surprised me the most was Rick seen him when he had a reason women have always been very doing a good job," said Coach second places in the 200 free Mirer," Holtz said. "That was to be down, and he remained competitive with us, they won Welsh, was an important key to and 200 fly. probably Rick Mirer's worst positive." two of the last three meets. the Irish win. "It is especially This week the women pre­ "When they won the first re­ exciting to see the team so pare for the seventh annual lay in a time two seconds spirited this early in the Notre Dame Relays on Friday faster than they had swum last season." afternoon and the MCC Dual year in February, we knew Welsh was happy to see the Meet on Saturday. Robert L. Franklin, M.D. announces the opening of a they were prepared for the continuation of Notre Dame "Both meets will give every­ South Bend office for the practice of meet. On the next event, Swimming Teams' one the chance to do a lot of PSYCHIATRY and PSYCHOANALYSIS however, (800 freestyle), Katie "trademark" team spirit. swimming, and for us to ex- Pamenter, and Karen Keeley "Both the men and women amine both our team strength ~eric~n Psychoanalytic Association accredited training; Umvemty of Chicago medical faculty; treating people finished first and second to tie teams led in spirit by example and team depth in detail," said with personal, relationship, or career problems. Increased the meet. We were in charge and leadership of the senior Welsh. self-knowledge reveals new opportunities. Medication used of the meet from that point class. This will help in our only when indicated. For appointment call 243-5656. on." preparations for the meets Notre Dame won both relay In addition to winning six leading up to the National meets last year, and Welsh is events, four combined first and Catholic meet right after aiming his team towards second places helped lead the Thanksgiving," he said. winning the relay meets again Irish to a 58-37 win. The Sophomore standout Tanya this year. •••••••••••••••••

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·-~ CAMPUS CROSSWORD Wednesday, October 31, 1990 ACROSS 33 "-siamo," 59 Sports org. Verdi aria 60 "The -that 1 Judge's bench 35 Position G.R.F. men do ... ": 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Third Annual Benefits and Lifestyle 5 Piglet Fair, "Good Health Is No Trick." Joyce Athletic & played at Shak. 10 Anagram for Michigan 61 Former town Convocation Center. Admission Free to Notre Dame oats Faculty and Staff. Sponsored by Human Resources. 36 Salinger work, employee 14 Mormon milieu with "The" &2 Do a gym 15 Country lass 40Self exercise 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. IDENTI CHILD-Children will be pho­ 16 See 10 Across 41 Decorate anew &3 Rosalind tographed and fingerprinted. Joyce Athletic and 17 Middling Russell role Convocation Center. Admission Free to Notre Dame 42 Measure of "a 1&Compound miss" 64 Dispatches Faculty and Staff, children and grandchildren. Sponsored derived from &5 These may be by I Iuman Resources. ammonia 43 Of touch, sight, etc. smoked 19Dies- 4:30 p.m. Fiction Readings by Richard Elman. Abrams 20 These have 4&JuneV.I.P.'s Chair in Jewish Studies. Room 223, Hayes-Healy. wide ears, 47 Musical syllable DOWN according to 48 Defense org. Sponsored by ND English Department and Abrams Chair 1 Kiss in Jewish Studies. Heywood 49"-, 23 Kind of cup three-person'd 28it God": Donne 3 Houston org. 6:30 p.m Film, "Rebnl Without A Cause," Annenberg 24 Exist 25 Grieves 4lrascible Auditorium. Snite Museum. Admission $2. Sponsored by 56 Arctic seal 28 Side by side 5 Pinches Notre Dame Communication and Theatre. 58 "With this ring 32 Savory jelly -wed" 6 Kind of sphere 7 "With the blue 7:30 p.m. Hecital, "This England," performed by David ribbons-" Howey of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Auditorium, ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE a Letters on some Hesburgh Library. Sponsored by Provost's Office. switch boxes 9Whatsome 8:45 p.m. Film, "The Godfather II," Annenberg smokers would like to kick 28 Pisa's river 44 Fastener 51 Nose: Comb. Auditorium, Snite Museum. Admission $2. Sponsored by form 29 Bitter 45 Scrap for Spot Notre Dame Communication and Theatre. 10 Evening party 52 Reward, in 30 Fashion 11 Salts 46 Some depart- poesy 12 Explorer 31 Sassafras and ment-store 53 Pine tupelo LECTURE CIRCUIT Johnson employees 54 Wading bird 33 Victim 55 Whips 13 Dined 49Edge October 31, 1990 -.r.:±-+7-B-::- iiiii-r.-t~::-+.:-1 21 Co-creator of 34 First-- kit 56 Haw's pal "Twin Peaks" 37 Capricious 50 To be, in 57 Fred Astaire's 7:45 p.m. Seminar Discussion, "Truth and Authority in 22 Go wrong people Boulogne daughter Hational Inquiry," Prof. Alasdair Macintyre. Part of the 7+±:-ioii.R87-i 25 Symbols of 38 Stern Faith, Intellectual Life, and the University Lecture Series. authority 39-grise Answers to any three clues in this .Jacques Maritain Center, 7th Floor Hesburgh Library. =+::~+:-; 26 Early (person having puzzle are available by touch-tone Sponsored by G.S.U. Intellectual Life Committee. Missourian unofficial phone: 1-900-420-5656 (75¢ each ~::...J..:...:~ 27 Writer Sinclair power) minute).

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~ft®~~[(l} C®[(l}ft®~ OO~f!JB Show begins at 7:~©PM~ Thursday, Nov. FREEl Dirty Harry Montgomery Theatre-LaFortune Showtimes are 8PM and 1OPM. Tickets are $1 . ION BOARD -~------~-·------~-~-- Sports Wednesday, October 31, 1990 ~e 16 Chris Zorich out indefinitely with sore knee By KEN TYSIAC to play. I know he would do upcoming weeks. Holtz said he Associate Sports Editor anything to come back to play, has been particularly impressed but we aren't going to let him with the recent play of fullback Notre Dame nose guard Chris come back and play until he is Jerome Bettis and defensive Zorich's knee injury will keep perfectly healthy," Holtz said. tackle Bryant Young lately. him out of the lineup indefi­ Although the injury to Zorich, Bettis and Young should both nitely, according to Irish Head one of the top defensive see more playing time as the Coach Lou Holtz. linemen in the country, season rolls on. Zorich hurt his knee on the obviously concerns Holtz, the It has been difficult to justify astroturf at Pittsburgh Stadium Irish coach is also worried playing Bettis this season be­ midway through the third about the condition of several cause junior fullback Rodney quarter in Notre Dame's 31-22 players. Outside linebackers Culver has been outstanding victory. Although there was no Andre Jones (thigh bruise) and thus far. Culver is Notre Dame's serious damage, the knee is Erik Simien (injured knee) will leading rusher, with 539 yards very swollen and Zorich is miss Saturday's game, as will in 108 attempts. He also has experiencing some pain. He will split end William Pollard, who caught 10 passes for 59 yards. definitely miss Saturday's game hurt his shoulder in practice Still, Holtz says that Bettis has against Navy in Giants Stadium Monday. Tight guard Mirko progressed so much that it will in East Rutherford, N.J. Jurkovic (knee) is listed as be impossible to keep him out "My understanding on it is that doubtful for Navy, and Holtz of the lineup much longer. when the swelling goes down said tailback Tony Brooks (sore "I think Jerome Bettis is really and the pain subsides, there ribs) is considered "possible." coming along as a freshman isn't any other damage that he "Injury-wise, every time we go and he will definitely play can do to it," Holtz said. on astroturf we have a problem much, much more," Holtz said. Holtz added that Zorich's injury with this," Holtz said. "Our "He is starting to compete for a is identical to one he suffered in football team has been in six starting position at the fullback the spring of his freshman year. very, very tough, physical foot­ position. Culver is playing well, Zorich missed all five weeks of ball games out of the seven, and but Jerome Bettis is such an spring practice that year I t~ink it's showing up now on excellent blocker that it's been because the swelling did not go the injury list." hard to keep him on the bench down and the pain did not ••• The Cllserver I Andrew Meaoskey see NOTES page Chris Zorich, here icing his injured knee at the Pitt game will be subside. Two Irish freshmen figure to 1 14 "I know this. I know he wants carry an increased load in the sidelined until the knee can heal. ' A survey of behavior Women's X-C wins the MCC title By HUGH MUNDY Gorski said. "We ran together at ND football games Sports Writer and actually had a lot of fun." Connelly, who received MCC "O.K., so, like, I'm standing in the As the Notre Dame Women's Coach of the Year honors for football stadium, and, well, like, Cross Country team his efforts, echoed Gorski's they get the wave goin'," says Ned approached the last hill on the sentiments. in an excited voice. "I hate that University of Detroit's challeng­ "It was an outstanding group thing. It becomes more important ing 3.1 mile layout Saturday at performance," he said. than the game. Why can't the the MCC Championships, the However, the Irish coach did people just yell 'We are N.D.' or Irish realized that the final have special praise for the indi­ something?" climb symbolized much more vidual performance of junior Ned may be right. The wave is than just the end of another Diana Bradley, who was the hardly original, it takes away race. sixth Irish runner to cross the from the attention of the game, An MCC victory would be the finish line. and it has a large faction against Tim Connelly Scott Brutocao culmination of a long season it. Besides Ned. which began with a humbling championship has been our "Diana went out and made the Take Chris Hanley, a senior in Irish Items loss to Georgetown but saw the goal all year." race," Connelly said. "Even Dillon: "We should ban the wave Irish improve with every per­ The Irish utilized remarkable though she did not finish because it's boring and it doesn't formance. depth in gaining the victory, strongly, her leadership really make any sense. What's the A win would also provide the placing five runners in the top helped the team." point? There is no point. Who are fledgling program with some ten. Connelly hopes the momentum we waving to? Ourselves? We know we're there." much deserved respect "They went out conservatively will carry the Irish through the Or Frank Brosnan, a freshman in Planner: "Waves are kind of throughout the Midwestern - to establish a good position," District IV meet at Purdue on boring in a good game. The purpose is just to kill time, and to Collegiate Conference. Connelly said. November 10. keep the crowd into it." In need of no more motivation, Leading the way for Notre "We've got to beat teams like But talk to other people at Notre Dame and Saint Mary's, and the Irish roared to the finish Dame was sophomore Lisa Purdue, Illinois, and some Mid­ you've got a mutiny if you insult the wave. line, scoring a mere 30 points Gorski, who finished with an American Conference squads," "Who said the wave is no fun?" asks Amy Carlisle, a Saint to capture their first MCC title. impressive time of 18:47. said Connelly. "If we do that, Mary's junior in Le Mans. "You must have been talking to the An enthusiastic Coach Tim Gorski was pleased with her we'll crack the top ten." · nerds. I like it, all my roommates like it, and all my friends like Connelly had nothing but praise performance but felt the team Regardless of the district it. We look forward to it during a game." for his hard working squad. title was much more outcome, Connelly views the "The girls ran just the way we rewarding. MCC victory as the pinnacle of see FANS I page 11 planned," said Connelly. ''The "It was a total team effort," a remarkable season. Women's soccer closes record books on good yea Given the fact that I team is well on its way to establishing itself am a sports writer as one of the premier programs in the nation. covering the Notre Those who denigrate women's soccer should Dame women's soccer also be reminded of the fact that in the first team, it should come season under new head coach Chris as no surprise that Petrucelli, the Irish set a whopping 20 team the obsequious and individual records in addition to winning question "That must the MCC Tournament in convincing fashion. be pretty boring - Dave Petrucelli, who makes covering his team not why don't you cover a Dieteman only professional but enjoyable, was visibly real sport?" (such pleased with his team's accomplishment. He questions are not al­ Sports Writer did not, however, appear to be shocked or ways worded politely) surprised. does not amuse me. "Before the season started, we set a few goals Anyone who can walk for ourselves," said Petrucelli. "We wanted to to the home games at Alumni Field or read the gain regional recognition. We did. We wanted game stories about the team should be very much to reduce our number of goals allowed. We aware of the fact that women's soccer is a "real" did. We wanted to rewrite the record book. sport, and Notre Dame has a very competitive team. We did. We also wanted to win the MCC Tournament. We did. Obviously, we The CllaeM!r I Kennelh Osgood Keep in mind that 1990 was only the third season of varsity play for the Irish. Despite having such a accomplished what we set out to do. Irish goalkeeper Michelle Lodyga, making a save against St. Joseph's youthful program, the Notre Dame women's soccer College, set the ND record for shutouts in a season this year. see SOCCER/ page 12