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^ MOIfDAY, FE M tT A lT IS, ISSf ’ AVCSAOE .DA1I.T ClBCtXATION Evntitut S n att tar tSa aaaaftk af laanary, I9SS Traa worlmra today ----- — Mlaa Lola M. Tracy o< 114 North n ia 'f la a hope ebaat with Ita ooL A daughter waa bora Saturday at Frank Brannon, foramon Of Oom* gagad la trlmmtng traaa locatad on Elm atraat, wbo recently undaiv lactloB a t baantlful hand mada and St. P r a i ^ hoapUal, Hartford, to pAny No. 1 of tha Manebaater Sra 6,172 the grounds of the Center church. went a major opiaration at the Me* othar artlclaa, to be awarddB a t 8L Mr. and Mra. Sidney Saadsraoo of department, calls attention to tha Memher af tha Andit mortal hoepItaL haa returned to her EMdgat’a carnival on February 18, Baraau of CtrcotaMoiia 71 Brownell avenue, Hartford. Mrs. fact that the regular monthly meet­ Girl Scout Council members are home to recuperate. la now on diaplay at the Murphy ing of the company is to be held Square. Hale’s Tuesday Specials reminded of the luncheon meeting Drug atore, Depot Ttcketa Sanderson was the former this evening and Important bual- MANOIESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM tomotrow at 1 o’clock at the T. may bs bought there, at Ksmp'a Margaret Todd of this town. Tempio Chapter, Order' of the atore or the Canter Pharmacy. They naaa la on tha calendar. M. C. A. Eaatern BUr, will Imld a food aale VOL. LVin., NO. 115 (tIaeaUled Advarttolag oa Paga 10) are aleo on aale by the large hope Double S . & H. Green Stamps. Givbn MANCHESTER, CONN., ’TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 (TWELVE PAGES) Un. m Up NUaofi of D«lmont Loyral Circle of K ing's D aughters tomorrow morning from #'J0 on at chest committee. PRICE THREE CEM W ■tiaet wma vocal •ololat at a recent will meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the the J. W, Hale ^m pany'a atore. meetlDK oi tlie Clef Club of Wlnd- Federation room of Center church Herbert J. McKinney of 98 Fos­ With Cash Sales All Day Tuesday Anang her eonge aae one house. Membera should come pre­ A meeting of the Manchester ter street, a graduate of Cushing Where Pontiffs of Agres Lie dedicated to her by ita compoeei. pared to aew. and also to provide Sports club will be held tonight at 8 Academy, spent the week-end at H A LE'S S ELF S ER V E Harry G Banka, Jr„ profeawr of In­ articles for the sunshine baskets. p. m. at 38 Main street. Ashbumbani, Maas., where he at­ The Original in New England. SEES EUROPEAN WAR strum ental inuaic a t G irard Colli-ce. The ho.steasea will be Mrs. Walter tended the 18th annual winter SPECIAL SALE. ONE WEEK ONLY. Philadelphia. Joyner, Miss Grace Sowter, Mias carnival of the Academy. Rising temperatures and warm PIUS BURIED BENEATH Mildred Hutchinson and Mrs. Emil Reg. 15.98 Beiatifal New Kottke sunlight today gave many local resi­ Rev. William Wallace, pastor of AND HEALTH MARKET Membera of the Stanley group of : dents thelf first Bttnck of "spnfiK SOON, CONSEQUENCE the Wesleyan Gnild a ill have a Vnl-1 the North Methodist church, will entine aocial tomornnv evening al 8 | Mlse Ik'SMle Quinn of Park street fever", a malady that makes most be the speaker at the monthly meet­ Chenille Bedspreads o'clock at the home of Mrs Htuait sHlIcd .Saturday on the 8. 8. "Volcn- who contract It dreamy eyed, alow ing of the Brotherhood of the Eman­ Double S.&H, Green Stamps Given Irrrt. dam ' for a 12-day cruise to Nassau, of foot, weak of hand, and generally uel Lutheran church tomorrow night GREAT CENTER ALTAR. Bahama Islands. wlahful and restless. Soon cornea the a t 8 o'clock and a large attendance Wth Cash Sales All Day Tuesday OF SPAIN’S CONFUCT Mlaotononuih Tribe No. .'tg uill spring when "a young man's fancy of members and friends la expected. On Solid Color Gronnda. holds ita regular meeting tonight The Tall Cedar Rangers will drill lightly turns to applesauce.” RefresKmmts will be served. $ 4 * 9 8 t In Tinker hall at 8 o'clock and It al the Masonic Temple at 7 o'clock TUESDAY SPECIALS 'h ,-T: GETS SMALL ARSENAL is expected that a large turnout oul.-< Hiince. .Mr. Senri-Printe tralay at the Hotel Kimball, Bprtng- .Fuice Oranges, 2 dor. 35c, Baldwin Apples, 4 lbs. 29c Dish Towels G for $^ .00 montha In w ar-tom C atalonia In ' and Mrs. George Dame, held the high fleld, of WesUnghouae deSJers. Souer Krouf______8c LACK OF UNITY seeres at the military whist of the caatem Spain. Paul P. Mozley of i Detennmed Opposition Of Lasting H ov Aid Eastern Star, Friday evening: Mrs. The Anance committee of the Fresh Vegetables—Spinach, Peas, Celery, Iceberg and Nn. I Can Wagaav Sanr WITH MATCHING DISHCLOTHS, 6 for 50c. 104 Haynea atreet coolly predicted Caroline Grlmaaon. Lillian Tedford, North .Methodist church will meet Boston Lettuce, Cauliflower. today that Italy wUI soon make de­ Ruth Leggett and Jack Trotter, Bright colorful otrtpad dlah towals that will dry mort dIahSe mand! upon France that may poe- I OF DEMOCRATS VuMliii Aid Kmg tonight at 7 o'clock and the Church Freeh Texas albly embroil Europe In another Anti-Fasdst Group Com­ were low and received waste has- Council at 8 o'clock. \ Plans will be BEETS OR CARROTS...... Bu. 6c. 2 Bu. lie Pitted Cherries 2 c«.25c aad them faster. Leaves no lint. I geta as prises. At the high table Blue Boon ------Wprid war. Interviewed at hia i made for the I.,enten season. home thla morning. Mr. Mozley, a j hy Tribite Oi Fril plasing cards were given. Use Plnehurat Delivery Service. Dial 4151 T0LD_AT MEET pels Postponement Of former member of the High achool Word has been received from The Knights of Columbus will NEW FLEX-O-LACfl faculty who resigned to accept a West Haven, of the birth of a daugh­ Rice ______2i.i». lie poattlon aa representative of a large have as speaker tonight Joe Mc- ter on 8unday to Captain and Mrs. Recognition Of Franco. VaUenn a ty , FHi. 14— (AF) Cluakey. Manchester athlste. The I t Oa. Can Caluniet New York export company, revealed •’’* Vatican are co'pta whore Popes and canlinala repose. Pope Howard Leggett of the .Salvation many Interesting points concerning Closed Session Is Held In PlusI XIXI. before his death, asked to be buried between the crypta of Pope Plus X and Cardinal Merry del Pope Flue XI wae burled today I speaker will address the organisa­ Army. Captain Leggett Is a former VaL tion a t 8:30 p. m. In K. of C. hall. "pjn>:hu r jl Qrocc ripnc. Elastic Shoe Laces Peris, Feb. 14—(AP) —The de­ nwtb the grwt central altar 'af Manchester man. Baking Powder 17e V... Hoose Chamber On Sab* Peter'a caUiedraL Gever and smart. Fits all ox­ r. ■ • termined opposition of a group of Richard Tinker of Boulder road John LaCota of 481 Center atraet, antl-Fasclst mlniatera today com­ Hia triple casket, wra^ad ta-' sustained a fractureu leg Saturday has been 111 since Thursdsy with S. S. Pierce’a Quality Foods Always in Stock at Hale fords. Lasts the life of the shoe. jed Of Cooperation Be­ wool, was towored to a final n when he slipped from a step ladder pneumonia. Self Serve. Cpr. pelled the French government to de­ which had been set beside a garage Once laced, never unlaced. HTIIERSEES lay formal recognltlbn of Insurgent ptaea in RMnriag, atml-prlvnto UNAPPROVED PAYMENTS Generalissimo Francisco Franco as moalae laatin? an hour and a T a t 180 C enter street. Tinker was In- 25 ITo'.“(ulltig Attonicy George C. tween Congress And FDR The last rites reached a apsetlng the garage roof, and the Li'ssnrr and Mrs. Lessner, who head of the legal government of Black, browm, white. Shoes go off and on Ilka bedroom ollp- Spain. aa cardlaala and btahopn, JO—. laddar ,aet on an Insecure footing, were married In Miami, Fla., on No 1 Quality Potatoes rs. Espectally good for elderly or stout peraona who ^ id tt NEW WARSHIP Bob Bwen them agbd and moot of tb ek collapsed. He was taken to I ho February 3. returned to Manches­ Krd to lacs ahoeo. (Notion Dept) After three and a half hours of 15 Lb. Pk. Washington. Feb. 14.—(AP)— DESCRIBED BY WITNESS debate, the cabinet decided merely polntaea of Pope PiUA filed ' Manmeater Memorial hoapllnl. ter Saturday night. They will start Hollywood, Feb. 14.—(AP)—Bob- poet tbe caekat. housekeeping at 140 West Center House Democrats heard complaints to leave the diplomatic situation un- by Breen, buy film eingar, will be Mr. and Mrs. William Riiblnow of m n WAYS changnl. Over it each made tile s in of street. In .i new home recently at a party conference today that known henceforth oo tha ecreen qe 79c GORDON LADIES’ FUI.L FASHIONED The minlatcra agreed, however, to eroes, East Center street returned tislay erected an25c Cotton-rayon mixture. About 6 dozen to sell. rousing speech the tenor of Which As Irregularities, He Says! IN HINES CASE pulleys had bean ereotad 1 to coDM before the meatlng. A large The Ladles Auxiliary to the A.O. waa that the administration would Bersrd would go oa the official agent of France. When he vialted auaken altar floor, wUab ... attapdance la desired. The state de­ H., will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at a . do well to go along with Ckingreia CZECHS STARTLED partment meeting at New Haven the home of Mra. Raymond Chartler ^Jd not Inalat ao much that Con­ 35,tt00-Ton Fighting Ship Burgoa a \7cak ago hia atatus was wtth tky riL****' of 30 Clinton street. Waterbury. Feb. 14.—(AP) — aeml-offlciol sHhough he bad the yesterday atreaaed a legislative pro­ H E A L T H M A R K ET MEN’S FINE QUALITY PURE LINEN gress go along with it. Dewey Action Denounced As The oaakat waa lowwed gram, the General Edw ards Me­ While the conference, held In an Payments made to contractora, approval of Premier Daladler. He Pool Moseley Hambiirp. Feb. 14.—(AP)—Ger­ was said to have offered an "under­ BY NAZI WARNING era! eanlaga- While the el morial, and convenUnn reglatrstlona, atmoaphera of cigar smoke and lawyers imtl city oKIclala on unnum­ Its laot OMM tha enteet w which matters will also be brought general good fellowahip, waa de­ many’s Fuehrer saw the Reich’s bered chKks "without tha approval *DastardIy" By Defense standing” to Franoo and brought Rib Lamb Chopg i.b. 29c Handkerchiefs ths civil war In Spain and Its effecta scribed by Democratic leaders as bask ths tauiurgaat Isadsr’s dsaoaad Mte thn .grottoeo, te m before the chapter meeting for con­ upon the reM of jlttaiy Europe. newest and greatest battlesbip altde of the Board of Flnanca” between teaahe eC F hw XTaiUta -K sideration. All white with 1-4 inch hems. entirely harmonious, a number of tar racognlHqs tacetbsr with a 75 Moslay WM herded out of Boice- those present said C m hod spoken down the ways bearing th« name of. ISaO and 1888, arere deactibed today Consel; Bolu hsistt Ko promise that no foraiga—Italian or IM t BkaOf Almet G8^ jgidicu gsie, Baaediet XV i MAGNETOS 25c values. Special. 6 to package. tope.eeriy in Jah01ilT*Wth 21 other Btamarok today and declared the Ameitaaa etUseno, eeeaping a torrtilc of • lack oC consultation between by James P. Purcell, sixth state wit- German—troops .would be parmlttad Shoulder Lamb iron chancellor’s hopes had tri­ new in the Waterbury mlUlm-dollar to remain In Spaia after Uw ehdl His Mmh V ____ ('ruck, Tractor and bombing while enroute to the U. S. the White House and Democratic Favors Given Defendant. enuMit T# Lfliri Ltsinii alter where sa|y • pope ^ Destroyer Badger, aant to take legislators. umphed at last—through Adolf fraud trial. war. REGULAR 50c PKG. DipCONTINUED Petals Way To Oa-eperaUae Stating that he viewed thorn A oommunJque after the catanet FOOD SALE Stationary KnArine Chops them to a aafe etaUon In MareeUlea. HlUer. ATutla attar. Lb. 29c *Veveral large bombe dropped In. They said the Georgian, who has tronaacUona as ‘‘Irregularities," Pur­ meeting today cold the aewian wae dnte'hta'i \faiiaieto8 Repaired— Before 80,000 helling Nasi digni­ New York, Feb. 14—(AP)—A de­ From E fiili Of 193& • te W n M Tor*., Feb. 14, 9:30 a. m. to the aea near our laun^” eaid oppoaed soma administration meas- taries and onlookers Hitler seised cell, an accountant in the city devoted to Foreign Mlnloter Geoe to give a strong apark. Mr. ViMley. ’’When water qdaahed ureo, had suggested that if Ur. comptroller's ofllce, said that otter fense motion for mistrial In the sec­ Bonnet's explanation of the tare Boxed Stationery Rooeevett took membera Into hia the opportunity of picturing the oituaUon. HALE’S STORE In our faeea we an flattened our- creator of the German dmplre as the checks in question were laaued ond policy racket conspiracy trial Prague, Feb. 1 4 -fA P )-L ea d en Ford Tractor Magneto^ Kidney Lamb Chops i.,. 39c Manufacturena cIo m out. eetvee In the bottom of the boet as ccnildence more, be would obtain much the same kind of a man as and returned canccUad, tbe numbers of Tammany District Leiader Jamw However, pollUcal taformonta bald ______l$i Ibaaple Chapter, Eastera Star. we motored out to the Destroyer greater oo-operatlon from Om that Bonnet'a plea for immediate of the Ctaecboslovak government Charged Without Dissem Letter and note alas. Single or himself—destined by Providence to were pencilled In. J. Hines—baaed upon oa aetloB by nW AflUBF HAADhRCU Badger.” greaa be a lonely figure fighting against Resuming tbe stand as the state recognition of Franco! backed by were etartled today by a Hunt bling the Engine. double sheet Colored border or all Ceetfaieoaa Bomlilaga. Repreecntatlve Randolph (D„ W. Diatrict Attorney Thomas B. Dewey white. 24 and S6 sheet package of C box a world of obstacles. began the third week ot Ita cose Daladler, waa rapulaed owing to tha WMiUng against tkair tewtaMet of Pork Chops Lb. Mosley showe clearly the elleeta Va.), other Democrats said, apoki against Mayor Frank Hayoa, torm- which Attorney Lloyd Paul Strykar hwted oppoalUon of a group Includ­ tbevNosi asrmaa mlaoHty ntlll ______^ c 2 7 e paper and envelopes. 29 of half a year under actual war con- along .the same line aa Cm, protest­ The spirit of Bismarck, he should shine before the eyes of Ck>mptroller Daniel J. Leary and denounced as "dastardly”—was de- ing O w r Ctampinchl, mtaletar W within the bordere ef tbe MtUe i*. dltleas, during which time giant ing Mr. Roosevelt’s action In send- 21 others on a charge of oonopirmg nled todsy by Judge Charlw C. marine; Paul Raynaud, flnanca pubUe.' NORTON tboae who man the new 8b,000-ton Nott, Jr, ATLANHC (UoaUaaed oe Page 81a.) warship—which Is another advance to cheat' and defraud thla mumci- minister, Oeorgw Handel, colonial Brnet k u a d t who was Nnat Lend- Fresh Spore Ribs l , . 18c (Deettaaed oe Page Sta.) on Nazidont's self-etyled “road of pallty ot more than 81,000,uuu, Pur­ Dewey had read from a newspa­ mlnloter, and Jean Zay, education Rayolite ELECTRICAL deaOny” for 198P—"In the hours of cell told the Jury that prior to Um per a quotation attributed to former minister. DRUG DEPT. the most dUdcult performance of city etocUon of IM'/ ha "womed a Mayor John P. O'Brien that O'Brtea S b ay Divislw AppareW Instrum ent Co. duty,” lot‘’iabaut the many which bad “not received word yst” ae to When the ministers met today ua Range Oil C orned Shoulders , h 15e 500 Sheets Pond Tiasnes...... 2Se He aidd Bismarck stood forth I considered irregular.” who would bo his own appolntw os der Pfealdent Lebnia at tbe Dysai rhone 4060 W . T . G r a n t C o . FAVORABLE REPORT IS among dll others who helped create Although Hayw and ths majority {xfllce oommiastbner. Pk(roe, a sharp dlvlston of optnlon 25c Fecnamint igc the “precondlUona for the preaent Tbe prosecutor read from the pa- Gallon Hilliard St. Mancheatei of city officlaia were returned to was apparent. y V in 100 ral. lota 815 MAIN STREET Sausage Meat Lb. 59c Norwegian Cod Liver O il...... 49e day greater Genrany” and added: office in the lil3’( erection, Leary waa p « wbils croea-examtning Jamw S. Tbe French ministers’ eawiiiii to- (ORDER CLASHES BRIN& 19c ‘Ntaly Oenloa Ot Time" \ defwted by Sherwood L. Rowland Bolan, who became O’BrIen'a com- 75c Banaie B engay...... sOe MADE ON TWO JUDG •TIverywhere the nonenUUes for tha comptroUftrshlp and the m- mletaoner. Boland had twUfied at I a te ) tiae In opposiUon to the only vestlgatlons of his auccaasor aub- length for the defenee In Ita effort SOc-Sl.OO PhilHp’a Magnesia Tabicta...... 34e-67e genius of hia Ume. to r^ ta state chargw that Hlnw POUCY CHANGE D1 F U E L on. Cube Steak Lb. sequentiy resulted In the current 39c 50c Jergen’a Hand Lotion...... 89e Jo iid iry Committee P its “ii ■ fight which only he can trlrU. brought about the traastar or de- 21 PERSONS HURT appreciate who himself has been Speaking of the "irregutarlttas." pertmental punishment of poUoo- 60e Sal Hepatka ...... 49e compelled to face such a world of Purcell added, ”1 thought I hod done men who panistsd In raldiu poUey FLASHES! oaoCadaoe^ bonks ooatiollad by tha lata Di^h (Lata I CHINESE AGREE Appmvt 50e Y ltaU s...... ffe Stamp Of Approi^ '0 i Bitter aald the destructloe of the everything I could to prevent tL” SchuKa. I Ok the AF Wire) IN ROARING BLAZE a«® *n fleet after the World War Object Te Statewwt 50c Calox Tooth Powder ..../.i.i...... S9e Nsvor Asked Fsr •Waver" TO rO fA IfO B dBWflL tin Oil Stmfwr LT.W ood Co. tim J W H A I 4 CORK Bin Favored Bj Bald- BW today grips painfully at our The battery of defenw attorneya Bolan. wbo had aald that as po­ ON PLANE LINES hearta and shouted that NaUonal leaped to their feet with objecUons lice oommlaetoner he never agg PHONE 4496 M a n c n i s t m C o n n * at that statement, and Judge Ernest ONE TABLE OF ODDS AND ENDS IN THE BABY floctaltem “tore the naUon out of lu been asked by HInee for a "tavor,” A|iwl Rnn AAv wm To Cit Coigestioi. ^ a n d lad It to netf domeaUc and A. IngUa ordered It expunged irom Ukewiw bad Instated.that be had no S oie Of h jm d Receive tarelgB Succesaaa." the record. SHOP INCLUDING LEGGINGS. SOCKS,' BOYS* knowledge that be bod been "se- Uento cerpsnttan to flnnnss n fivn- For tiMM auccesaea, he aald, the Tbe witness said that hia mlaglv- taetad” aa oommiseloner by John F- Fmch Awl R usiu Ailkr- pirt (hi Frntier Tf Inga concerning the "IrregularlUw" year 8S00A08AM plan tar Hw « BLOUSES, DRESSES AND UNDERWEAR - state Ctapitol, Hartford. P^b. 14— Severe B m s Aid Others nation owed deep graUtude to thorn Curry, top leader of Tammany Hall, firottan of dsm Oonmny. (AP)—The Genegal Aseembly re­ orating the precondlUona for tha were ao great that ha consulted an os InUptated by Dewey. Third Reich. attorney about it, and also protwt- iticf Phfl Tt A si^ Mi- ceived from Its Judiciary Oammit- Hirt h ,hmpaf Te Uwi Having gained hie point. Dewey Tt> OONjBiDCB nrmCTMKNTfl Tokyo, Fab. 14— —A Ota- and I»ndon, previously had been an­ haartag this afternoon were gather­ the lasa seriously injured wars two ^ J ^ j o r I chrtatan ttaw Bis- nounced. forms the northwaolnm bo EASY Hill IIUTII solid odor inset border patterns, 22x88” 9 1 e U U Bremen. etol oenrt rtotag ftadey gave Homer between Mnnebmikna^ J n _ AMTNaAcm , , ing at the capitoL Aiding Those Not In Need Merita's faettee to toe CeHad Aeto- Tha Chinese have undertaken Rrnwh,hfni|i. With Cosh Sales In Most of the taijureo had quartan protectornte, end Sibetia. Tte ' on budgets bah m . . . a 3- Ruga, "Ezy-Wolk” oval braided chenille and roving rugs Measures down tor consideration metals Wethers to America peaeee these projects ae raeaourea to aaalat patch said Japan waa — — by the -Judiciary Oommittee Includ­ on the top floor of the three-atory Hamburg govan- ■don of property, fnadb end leeerdi In their war reslatance. In-1 ntantlL buikflpg. police and Bremen oald. to "poeMbla conaequa— WImb Jan buy coal you buy R a c k b a a in mixed colors, ^ ^ 0 0 ed protiosala to Umit the uae of a w t barge “Hamburg” which in .“ “ thiy to toe Detielt F(|imento iaesi 81 Guerrilla actIvtUes continued on Among them was a four-ysar-old brought him ataarly up tha Btae to 8enetor Adams (D„ Odo.), propbsstl wage now paid WPA ' workers and ■equeat reports fto a Moesow not oply weight—but heat Both These Stores All Day 22x88” ...... • eeoesaaeeet court injunctions and the conspiracy m arktag widely separated (ronta, while both Tokyo have mentioned fin charge tai labor, disputea, in d o r^ by girl. .roroa of the feattvlUee. The teialation today to make i t a Jail tha alkitnawit ot 18 per worker per farces asi viable. Bight dnoap Into Nato offeaae for WPA offlelals knowingly Chinese and Japanese air forcea cinahad ta the aren, which hndi raaitjaL an Cups and saucers, crystal ^ass in Set all partiea in the recent campdgn. whole harbor waa gaily baflaaxed mooth for materlaJa. For every re* tndwatftal were active. * - That’i why Old Company’s far branlBg. ' Eight restdents of the bufldlng to permit anyone to remain on re- ductlOB of 81. ho sold, an oddlUanal 4edgo 0 ( ______uiet fbOowIng aa Ineldn' pastel patterns...... 5c Ita Baber Te Urge AdepWen ^ the ata«e^M«dlS5S lief roUs who was net in netual Bomb Japaceee Wareblpa* 'Ugust when Japaaeee and Asthracite ia more econom- CNKTSlin Tuesday IT. 8. Senator John A. Danaher w en saved by Jumping into fin aoi^ gatbared ib wltnaw tbe spec 80,000 pereona could be put oo WPA c o o k ie i, neta need. roUs. Chinese advices said Generailiolmo troopa fought tar Choi kal. It’s harder, more con- Cake. Coven in colon with aluminum cake tray and (R), who based hia campaign large- Adams, leader of the reetot euo- Chtang Kai-Sbek’s air force had hill near toe Juactlan to eentrated. creem puffe.bie- Kouad; aaay ly oa aa ^ipeal for labor support, The blaae bad gataisd such head- aounUap the platform The genate Unemployment Com­ cuit«;forcoolmf imii iiffit 'Wire clamp handle for O C way by the Ume it waa diacovarod. eeaatui Senato fight to trim SUO,- mittee oxpeeta to start hearings bombed Japanese werahlpa and bertan, Meacboulroo ■■ cloan comere. was amewg those eiqiectad at the Hitler stood facing and oaluUnx the frontiers.) It ddiven more heat. rendiee. Cup narklDga. cal ry ing A # uparm U y tqr a paaaerby, that wsrhers who built ths new vesasi 000,000 from PraaMent Rooeavelt'e ■OM on the propoeal of Senator appottoed by Martto. troopa ta the Pearl river area south haa ring to urga adoption of the bills. Mgbt down tha main tlalrway w u 8878,000,000 relief Mil. mid such a Byrnae (D., S. C.| to overhaul the • • e of C^ton. Japanese air raiders were BwgwffR fltovtoRw Btgi S«IUE CME PM Only a few minor bills were' pass* O w m ey ^ g n a ta a t wartfdp. He al- A fommunlgus today . om Right aisc for « . J M t H 4 L 6 CORR impoaMble. A tew of the 41 tenanta so stopped to greet invalid war vet. provtelaa would prevent “waate and relief eyetom under a new Depart- reported to have destroyed Import­ d k I U tan^CA, / Dutch Ovens or covered baking pans in f ed during the day, both House and eatravagnaee” In tha adminlstriatton MABKBT8 AT A GLANCE Soviet troops wars repnhnd, standard popular M a n c n i s t m Co m w asnpad down a rear stair liaiUna •roitawho were given seats next to meet ef PuhUe Works. Member- New V erk, FSh. 14,— (A F )— ant military poalUona ta Stan, Zagefre JIOIF ahoy < rscipcs. Tbs oven 49c Ugfal wAgkk ai»>^ tfhiui Uue gray enameL 12” size...... O ® fc'awata devoting the major part of to tlM asoond floor. the olBetal guasU. of ralief. teip of the oommittee, beaded i^ SheaM provlncs capital and tenal- mention waa made of the a their oeasioiia to reoslvlng commit­ Under the recent act CM. H. C I taaiete o> In Mew ttae. leOaMN AMTNRAOn WaMMO heat givea eakaa Ftramcn found flasMs roaring on Dtapeny of Msftaaa Byroee, wna iaereosad from seven to nue to n CSitaeae muniUons , route lOUFaMNT better texture. SeneepaBs. w hite enameled, tee reports. aH Boon. Many oeeupanta lay an Hwrrtogtsn, WPA edmintatrator. Heven ywHordny. Vise Prestdmt from the Soviet u p ton. U m Diet ■ll■lltmlnn^| 1lM Bouaa turned from its eon- te the chaneeflor as was hietrneted to iaveetlgate rellaf ■I a noolutfam dimandtog n 2 1*2 gt. size ...... -^...... 39c the ley ground, too badly hurt to „ the apoahan' stand. Onrnar nppetoted Oemeeratl: Leader In South Cbtan, another Japeneee ■ideratloa of leglalatloa fm' a few crawl away. Otban haddlad In roUe to aoeartoia whether indlvldi Jtekley of Kentucky, Repubileaa stand agnlaet RuaHa. R v _ ------the very day of our taking (tarb—frregntar: eUUHWh efla raid wee said to bAVe baen directed ed Jointly by ■> p to iM G. E. WILLIS A SON. INC. ceHoase'M H. HEADQUARTERS FOR G. E. APPLIANCES. mlnntea to hear trlbntea to Geotge ■wpar floor wtadowB and bataontaa over power." he e ^ "there began ■M Bot hi need were reosivtog aid. liMder MoNniy of Ongon and Sen- a t Ottaaee poeitloiie ta tbe Lulchow COAL. LUMBOt. MASONS’ Waabtagtoa and Abraham Uacxila The flnmaa raaebod aotne with M- Adamanald he would ask tar toon Hnntoon (D., Mlaa), and tad wae pramded ay A M •erruE s, PAoiT. DOUBLE GREEN INC by Sep. John G. Fltaaerald (D.). e re

aumad by tba public, aa are watara CARTOON ALITIES B y Paul Aceto too dobooi aad stola 88 oaata, which from tributary atraama. Manchester ha found ta a teacber'a desk. Lepue, U T H O U C LADIES r u n « jpPPOSED TO EASING Hm IUi BdAr4 ODDOMd LOCAL RESIDENTS OVER 6 MILUON YOUTHS LIDUC BOUND OVER In bis oonfestion, told of slee^ng ta tbUENDS CONGRATUUn warehouaes and barns. He eras The State Board ufHaalth. In GARDEN a U B HEARS Dr. Robtrt K6cn«y will rctoond which the amendment wrould vent Date Book captured while hiding out in tha SOCIAL FOR i a 2 Carlson Company werebouae in the WATER SAFEGUARD tha right to permit bathing, la stUnoon. His telephone number TO HIGHER COURT totally oppoaed to any modification AT PDC HEARING I MBS HEUN COMSTOa UNEMPLOYED IN NATION South HaochMter freight yards, off TALK ON m UPS la 4870. .Tonight l*ine street, Saturday night. of tha exiating law, F^rkar aald. Feb. 14-18 — ‘Three-act oomed,v, Gibbem Aceeatbly, In addition, public aratar aupply Miss Polly Olcott Engaged North End Rc^dent Surprised "Penny Wise" by Community Play­ dtea o t (Saiumbua, ta yiagwtag m [ offldala throughout the atate are ers at Whlton Memorial ball. iSdectDieo Disfayor Bills generally oppoaed to any auch Perrett And Oeiuiey Make On Her Birthday; R ^ ire s H w l 01 Slate CeOete O e-lH IG H W A Y D E P T , Pleads Gdlty To Attempted etal for the meetiag Fabniaqr 9 li TS Williain Niebenfidf Soppiiet Floml Gifts. * Tomorrow OMNOUS NOIE TO HUNT ciianga aa la oontamplatad In tha Feb. 18 — 7:30 "S3 Showboat, the K. of Cl clubrooiBa, wfRi •J law, which thay feal would maka To Donald Lawrence Belden A B O U m W N Holdup. Assaolt Aiid To TtreM MoCOnville aad 11 Wbidi Would Bhst Drink* for poaalble eontamiaatien of tha Appeal To Change Jlie ir ^i^a^ Helen Ctomotock o f U Mata chies Prel^ Is Vital g REORGANIZED North Methodist church sohool. LENT D m PATCHES watar aupply. Infomialioii On Growing Tka HUtou Raralde aad Home jtr e A well north end reetdent who Feb. 18-18 — S t Bridget's Carni­ Heraay. eo-chairmaa of Mav.Mrs. Walter vawwma Olcott W*of ^Forest UI Wb VUWK.street Hartford, and Tarrtnca B. Shaanoo, Ouarda wfll meet tomorrow after* val. Juneau, Alaska. Feb. 14.— (A P )— iiV Water Protectioi!. Parker iiaid that ha la fully In announces tbs b*m conAaed to her room wtth OneEspeciaflyNow Wheoj __ Breaking And Entering. eommittaa. Mambara are a g e d t a - Terminal h Hartford. nnouAcea Um tnffEjnnnint of hor Jr., aon of Mr. aad Mra. Tarrenca B. noon at 4 o’clock at toe South 1 Ineee ipr a long period was eur- This Week Discovery of oil patches off Point reeerva the date. i ; J i t favor of retaining the preaent ata- dweufhtar, Mloa PoUy Olcott, to Don- Shannon, Sr., of 70 Ruesall atiaat Of Flower h Holland. tute In ita atrict form, and In thia Methodist church. priaed ytoterday by a party Of 10 Feb. 17 — Masonic ball at Ma­ Bishop lent an ominous note to the Tha aaaambiy ta atao otaWaB or* ' aidId Lawrenca______Balden of_ Haw______York. MenchaaUr, ware martlad Saturday sonic Temple. hunt for a Marine Airway* plane the Board of Salectmen concurred of bw m e^a, the oeeaakm being The World Is Id Conflict Selectmen Unanimonsly In Sylvlo LeDuc, 33, pleaded guilty rangemeata for rirneintafita i t f i Rjr vote of tlM Bo«rd at S«l'ct- Appreximstaly 80 patrons and Mlaa Cicott to tha daughter o f Ade- momtog at 7:80 to S t Booa’a ohurch, Tha regular monthly meeting of Also, 32ne axtansion of the WolUr Hooker Olcott She waa The bride tent to rob and breaking and en­ tion, to be held Saturday. AgtAI H . ^IMa town*! rcpraaanUUvM ia tha hearing on the propoaad billa will waa attandod by bar Nuraeriea, gave a tborOughl' ' ~ Aaseclatlon will ba held tomorrow made and deOorated toe birthday Favor Of Makmf Bowen Pythias, at Orange Hall Searchers Indicated, however, they at toe Hotel T a ft New Haven. ^ terminal of tha Mtlver Lana Bus Line graduate! from Vaaear College to aietar, Mra. JJoeapb Oaaghan of maUve aad anioirabla talk ei "I am deeply concerned over toe tering In Town Court last night. Aaoembly; and aeoator be held February 18, and It la aak- on “ Hol- night at tot Army and Navy Club. cake. The uowgr eomitattea o f toe Also, Father and Son banquet at were not discouraged by the report Special praycra by tba osstmmw in Haitford appaarad at a htariDg tha cloas of 1M4, and atoea that time Hartford aadd Joim F. Shannon load and Its 'rullf to tbe mem •lx and one-half million boys and After the etate’a case had been pre­ trom tb« fourth dlatriet bt Infonn- ed that, at that time, all In favor Second Congregational church, in Concordia Lutoeran church. sented by Prosecutor Lnanner. of Capt. K. Bayers of the gaaboat o n to made at tha meatlbg tor Din' of the retention of the present of tba Public UtUltlaa Commieaion has taught piano ahd mueiclanehlp hia brothar’a attendant bare of The Menchi ______Memorial Temple Pythian Slaters which Mias Oomatock took an active girls who are today unemployed In Head Under New Rnles. Feb. 18 — Legion Cabaret dance Wanderer that he had sighted sev­ 'M that tho Board la opposad to to town. Tba brtda waa married In toot night at tin YM.Cjl. He ^ Judge Garrlty found probable repose o t the aouto o f the tata Fedb ' desirable law appear to apeak in In Hartford thta momtng. Perrett A her will omit to* inlUeUon ceremony at Intereet while her W ith permitted, the United States," declared Dr. at Rainbow In Bolton. eral patches of light oil on an Inlet 'latj laflalattra mova that would Mr. Balden la the eon of Mr. and traveling draaa which waa tan introduced by Mrs. R. K. Aadtroon cause and bound LeDuc over to the Pius XL and MUe Chariette DiotaN 'fl Ita favor, and to condemn the pro­ Olenney operators of the Hartford, Its meeting tohliht tn Odd Fellowa •ent her a bouquet of mixed Aowere. Ibert N. Jorgensen, president of Coming E*enls Superior Court trader bonds of near where the pontoon-equipped neaux Holloway, o m of tha i O M !^ aaetloa 294S of tha Oaaarai posed modifications wrhlch the Mrs. Lawrence A. Belden of Arling­ color with brown trimmings, Fol-toof tbe program oommittaa, and sp- She received eeveral dtoer Soral mri By unanimous vote, toe Beard of hall because of lUnesa among both Feb. 19 — Special meeting of ship, with at least five—perhaps rix Statutca ratatlng to control of pub- filivar Lanci South Manchester Bus ton, Mesa. He wee graduated from lowing tha marriage Mr. aad Mrs. paared in a typical DutM oostuma .^tonnecticut State College at tbe 81,000. He waa unatae to furnish era of tha Ctatbotic Board of Sslectmen hae found un- officers and candidates. membrancee and 40 g ift in g c a id i^ South Metbodlet Church Father's Selectmen last nlgbt approved toe Emanuel Lutoeran churcb, 8:80 p.m. ball and was taken to Jail —aboard, was believed forced down. umbua. 'lie unatar auppUea. XreordlnK to satlafactory. Line are petitioning tha P. U. C. for Amherst College to 1 0 ». and from Shannon left o« a wadding trip to with cep and wooden akoaa. iia proposals submitted to toe Board by Watar Suparlotendent Pred Parker, permission to move Iheir preaent ^ Harvard Biiaineac aokool to 1083. and Son's banquet laet night. Feb. 31 — Annual banquet of Lu­ LSDue were a emlle aa he made The Individuals who have clamor­ Washington. On thair return they laughingly axplatoed that the man Junior girla of the American Le­ Its highway committee, calling for ther League of Emanuel Lutheran who appeared to aak that the Hartford tarmtnal from tha eomer He la now aaMstant manager with will moke their home in a newly i^ d a the rig was Dutch too. and reorganisation of toe highway de­ hie plea. Proeeriitnr Leesner, read­ ed for change In the law, according gion auxiliary wUl meet tomorrow 21 PERSONS HURT church. ing from tbe signed oonfeealon, told Board Mca action in oppoattlon oi to the report, have aought to base of State and Front atraata to tbe the Arm of S. H. Kress A &mpany buUt bOu^ looated on Sbaanok Uuit h# CAinw to thia chu&try |o partment under toe control of Tbwn propoaala to modify tha ealattoK ramer of State and Market atraata of New York. night at 6'80 at the home of Mr*. Feb. 24 — M.H.S-ilockvUIe cage the court he was presenting- the their argumenta agalnat what they Porbaa street Bast Hart- 10*6. for ^ reason haoausa ha was Engineer J. Frank Bowen. The text game at State Armoiy. law, certain intaraata are tnatltut- for two Important raaaona—to gat tired of the everlasting loh of dlg- David FuUer, 809 Oakland streat criaoner on but two chargea. al­ term "monopoly" of certain private IN ROARING of tbe proposals, printed ta yester Feb. 36—Presentation of flags to though tt might he poaalble to Inf MOa arhieh would, in effect, re­ firms which own water supply aya- away from tha undoatrabla condi­ The bride waa ooaaactad with tha ftBg uj^ tte t ^ p bulbs every sea- day's Herald, provides that ta the move the aafety provialon of etc- tions for cuatomera waiting for Shannon-Wooldritfe town clerk’s ocfiea of Boat Hartford aSid ha w u favorMfy im- A rehaaieal of tha degraa uam oi (Oenttantd from Png* future toe total responalbtIUy for Boy Scout Troop 40 at Salvation lodge two othera against him. tems. Hence, the support of muni­ Mlia Dorothy Alice Wool^dga, Army citadel. Tho first crime, he said, •aUnf water regulatlona. cipal dlatrlbutlng ayatema. like the busses at SUU and Front atraets. to a clerlOal poalUOn end tha brlde- preaaed with Manchehter ahd its Manchester Qranga will taka place toe conduct of toe highway depart­ Parker raeallad that recently in dua to tha ever preaent number oi daugbUr of Mr. ahd Mra. WiUiam iToom la aasOoiatad with hU father beautiful gardens and had bean tomorrow night at 7 o’clock sharp in talned 88 rooms. The Ion w m ___ ments affairs, both financial and March 1 — Lecture on Current waa committed on the local town owned ayatam, la sought Wooldridge Of Francto etroat, taat night of January 38 when he made Phliflaid oduntgr ladlvtduala have to land weight to tha oppoalUCn pan-bandiara and intoxicated man ia ganeral eontmettng work. c o n t o n ^ t o ^ ^ ^ hare. Ha really tba Maaonle Tempi*. Th# tegular mated at between 113,000 and $18,- physical, shall rest In Bowen's Plays, by Dr. Robert Warnock, Cen­ baaa In litigation with a watar aup masting of th* Grant* will follow. 000. hands, be to have full command in ter Church House, Sisterhood Tem­ en attempt to hold up Robert Gray, Ptylag corporation, the individuals Tha motion to oppCaa any chanj and secondly to bring these patrons a North Main etreet storekeeper, on in the preaent law wras mada nearer the chopping center of Hart­ Mr. Niabarhltog briefly OutUned the Mrs. Mary Trotter, 44, wna rw- tbe department. Bowen wUI be an­ ple Beth Sholom. aaaktng to foroa the water firm to T Th* Mothers Circle of Gibbons port In ^ r condition. She suffered swerable tn matters of policy to the March 19—Britlsh-American Club Mill streel LeDue'e confessloii lift oertaln reatrictlona agalnat Selectman Joseph Pero, and was ford and llkawiae nearer for patrona begbmidg of the tiSp todustry unanimously approved. s^lch has made Holiaad famous. Assembly, Catholic Ladlea ot bums about toa neck, anna and Board of Selectmen, but tt la under­ banquet and election of officers, ■aid that when Mr. Gray’s cry for bathing bi atraama tributary to leaving Ute city for Manchester and help reaultad tn a light being turn­ Other Qneatlona points along ihe route. North End Man Tells Police TOCy were imported from Turkestan Columbus; will meet tomorrow eve­ chest. * stood that he will not neoeesarily be Orange Hall. pubUe water ayatam reaarvolra. The ning at 8 o’clock eitb Mrs. John J Also In poor condition waa Mrs. governed by toe Board’s wiehea in ed on In a nearby house LeDuc iadlTldnala coocamad, it wran re- It was noted by Chairman of the C. of O. Booiia Appeal “ * No other country tn tbe Board of Selectman David Cham AUlson of 40 Weatminater ROad. Irma Malsakan. 87, whose right hip questions of administration. ran down Mill etreet to Oekland latad, have aought to reatraln pub- A committee of tha Manchester world ia ao weU adapted for tuUp Street and then to North Main. On hers that aa yet, tha Board of park culture, not Only fOr the a-n3y m il and pelvis were fractured. In addi­ The vote for the acceptance of lio aervtea ceapanteo from "an, Chamber of Commerce, which want He Was Assaulted, Robbed tion, she suffered from smoke In­ VALLEE ACQUITTED the same night, the confession said, croaching on private rlghta''—the Commisaloners has made no move on record as favoring the Mumge aa H?* JwUlty with which molatuni SUk a t y Tant-Hlve No. 88. tha toe reorganisation proposals was to co-operata in the making of ad­ fOr tbe flelds can be controlled Maccabees, srlll hold Its regular re­ halation and expoaure. taken after each of toe 17 articles be slept In tha cellar of the building righta, in thia caae, being qiiestlon- petitioned, attended tho meeting. It owned by PaganI brother* on North ditional economlea In tha operatlor, Wild Spactttotlou view tomorrow evening In Hooa* Others serioualy injured were: had been taken up separately, dis a M aa agalnat the public Intereat. Included Henry Mallory, aecretary- M in Oorrtne Greenwood, 37, frac­ Mein street occupied by a First Na­ IXihaa tha Fairfield County caae of the Park Department, but atep^ The apeaker told of Inetancas hall. Several matters of buetness cussed, and approved. 'Iliere were IN ASSAULT CASE are expected to be taken ehortly in treaaurer of t^anSy Broa., Joseph tures of the spine and both anldaa. very few chants ta toe text. It was tional store. He removed two htngee want to court, the praaant atate Pero, secretary of the Board ot Chief of Police Samuel O'. Gordon 44 Main street where a whole farm with livestock wUl be rutted upon in which all mem- from a door of toe store but the that direction, he added. at 10:30 this morning that ha waa ^ te r e d foj a stogie cbolca bera should ba actively interested. A George Douglas, 84. railroad oon- agreed that on article which calls from Borden’s band*. He admitted atatnta. which forblda bathing in selectmen. Lfon Throp, advertising He was almost there, ha aald. doer being bolted on the Inalde be raaanwlra, or any of their tiibuary Several peraona who had expect­ held up, beaten and robb^ at 2 bulb. I O U a” srara given inataad •oriel hour with refreshments srlll ductor, fracture of the right anklA for a map on which shall be located upbraiding Borden for hie careless ed to attend laet night'a meeting manager of Tba Herald and B. J. ^ e n be was suddenly attocked by poaalble fractures ot both heeU, cuts toe various catch bastas and storm could not gain entrance. -The eec- atraama, waa u^eld, and the in- MoCabe, executive vice prCeldent ot O'clock this morning on Main street of money tin til tha growers hardly follow the buaineaa. ness. ond crime that of breaking and en­ were unable to do co when it was two men. One hit him on the Jew knew where they were at. Than and bniisea. sewers ta town should be altered to Aodienen, Largely Feminine, Y. M. C .A . Notes dtvMualB ware defeated. It waa tba Chamber. near tbe side entrance o i BL Brld- which loosened a few teeth and the tering, waa committed on toe night hold by health authoriUea that explained' that tha Board'! eeetlon gefa church. To prove that he had toa Mvamment etepped to and plac­ St. Mary’s Ladies Guild sriU meet Mrs. Georgs teuglxA 88, fractura provide for the Ustlng of catch wee epeelal and executive, held Hannr MaUory, B J. MCCaba. other hit him on tba head. He of toe right ankle, poaelble fractures baslna, with attached data os to Today:— ' * of February 4. A t that time be hdthtlg la waUra that wrould event- been atUckad be ohowad tha chief ed things on a buaineaa baela. Tbe Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Dr. AMiert N. Jorgensen Applands DedsioD Of $50,000 DAILY SPENT entered a houaa on Baaex'atreet and ually be uaed for drinking purpoaaa mainly for tha dIaeueaiCn Of high­ Fred 0. Holland, Beat Hartford idai want down and was daaad. When ha ilret attempt to axport the bulbs of both heels, fractured spine and cleaning dates. 8 ;00-6 ;00—Pfdmlntqii, way mattara. Aa the cualiflce aetata, devalopar, R, C. Simmona, a badly swoUan left jaw and a lump CMS to again ha waa minua nearly the Guild room. Mra. William Craw­ bruiaeo. Articles pertaining to certain en­ 6:30-7:80—First Aid with Mr. stole a watch and brooch. udahnltary and conductive to on the right aide of hia forehead, was Whan a grower took a quantity ford aad M rl Frank Little srUI be , . ^ e aa fathem must Mo all that He went to Hartford with these ticna, end pereonai ettrihutie 6f car proetdent end traaaurar of the Silver all of his money and oould Just' die- Mm. Alvin DUtoch, 32, cute, wa can to ooelst them to work out gineering map work and road and Judge In Florida CoorL Fleming. Liana Pickle Co., and othara in tba oauaed, he said, when sat upon by to London and hdeteeaes. bruises and smoke tnhaiatian bridge bispecUons were eliminated TO SALVAGE TIMBER two articles toe following day and Bvidaatly, Parker thlnka, defeat- tain town employee! were under two men. fingulsU two man running west on their problems,” President Jorgen 6:00-^irlx Basketball Laagua. dleciiaalon, confidentally. It waa audience apoke in favor ot tha pau- Chapel etraat n !,*'!?*** "“ M them On order. as It was found that work ia now up 8:00—"Y " JuBlor* va. Llv* "V ra . wned them, getttag 83.48 for ad in eourta of law, the Indlvlduale Baaaey got hia WPA check for Now they M ahlppad to all parte The Woman's Home League of tbe Wetwih. Mm. Ruto Piatkiewldx, 28. .sen stated. "The problem of unem­ Uv On February 0,- tbe confea- now aro aaeking to iipaet the ata decided that the Board would hold tion and brought out the undesirable Aa soon aa he waa able, he con­ and Marilyn Ptetkewics, 4, wem ployment of youth tn the country to date In these lines. The remain­ Washington, Feb. 14— (A P ) —Of­ 6:18—"Y " Girls va. Ora ’’Y’’a. to Ita prior niling that only the two weak* Work, amounting to J30, climate ooadt- Salvation Army wUI meet tomorrow der of the provislona stood as Miami, Fla., Feb. 14.— (A P ) — e■ion aald he entered Rie Wiehlng- tuta under which their Interaata condlUona existing at the present tinued on to his home where he took are favorable to their culture. taken to toe hospital suffering from today Is one most vital to society," Rudy Vallee planned to leave for ficials of tbe Forest Service estimat­ 8:15—C. R. Burr Bowling League. flret meeting In each month le to termlpal point of tha Buf Oo. in yaaterday. Ha cashed it and to Inventory and flgured that be was afternoon at toe citadel •moke inhalation. drafted, with a few changes In ed today toe government had con­ 7:30—Men and Boys’ open forum be public. ward agalnat a poaalbla holdup, ha Lite growers are constantlv exnerl- he said. "In continuing the demo­ wording. California today following bis ac­ Maaea, la the premot Aaaambiy, Hartford. robbed ot 338.30, aa ha had about cratic way of Ufe the young people tracted to purcbooe 833,000,000 feet meeting eponeorwl by the Leaders Said, ha put 038 of the mOnay to hia mwttog. Mr. Nle^SSiS ield *^5?, AUrgeatUndaaoe U expeeUd to­ Selectmen appeared to be optimis­ quittal of an assault charge brought aavaral biUa have been pretented, Due to lllaeae of Selectman A rising vote of all those praaant on# dollar to change lo f t This recently received a letter from wUl very soon be toe salvation of of down Umber ta New England im- club of tha "Y ." Tha apeakar I* Harold Reed, who wraa wrorking stocking, keeping |5 in small bilia night srhen Rev. WuUam WaUoo* VALENTINE tic concerning the new arrange­ by a bus boy at a night club where der toe Federal oalvage program. whkh if anaetad, would modify the tn favor of tha patltlon of tha Bua mOmlng about 0 o'clock he wee tell­ bla people stating that they are the social economic and political toe orchestra leader appeared re­ Chris McCormack, and bla auhjact yraoMit law ao that the with a committee advising on tha Company waa tekan and read into and change tn his pocket. Ha had ing about the holdup to friends Of the North Methodist church ment, and were of tbe optalm that E. W. itakar, ocU ^ chief of to* r ^ y to place on toe market a Ane apsaka bafora to* Brotherhood of BALLOON DANCE problems confronting them. The cently. la "Good Sportamanahlp from tha ngahiat. bathing might be raaelnded. means of investing town funds, die- tba minutes of the bearing. a Uttle bualnaaa to do to Hartford. Mong N or^ Main street and show­ It would work out aatisfactorlly. In service, notified Senator Walsh (D., Viewpoint of tha Rafaraa." Riding Into tha city by bus ha de- new tuUp^ which has three diattoct toe Eananual Lutheran church at MlUer’s Han, ToDaad TaiupOm worid now ix In conflict—Totalatxr- approving tbe proposals, toe Board Now, tha law abaolutaly forbid* cuoalon of the Investment of ac­ PetHIOn la Praaeiiiad ing his awollan Jaw and tha lump Ian States against Democracies. Mam.), the New England Timber crued water ilspartment reaervea elded to ramova the money ha had ‘I'lrtng lu blooming Ita monthly maating at S o'clock. voted confidence In {Engineer Bowen, 7:30—The ’’Y " Valentine dance bhlhlijt imdbr pa^Uaa up to a A petition .bearing about B0(i on tha side of hia head aad was ad- TONIGHT Totalatarlan govemmenta demand Salvage Administration was epend- will be held ta the first floor eoctal 1166 A a or Mr RMAtha (n JMl or waa deferred until the next meet­ placed to hia slooktog sad put It to A L4nc6ia program will ba presant- and thanked the highway commit­ Ing about 850,000 a day to salvage ing. namea waa aloo admitted and m- to tall It to the pOUco, which changA to rad and another •0, after wbieh refreabmanta srtU imqueationed adherento — Demo- tee which drew up toe articles ot room. It la Mopoaad to amend thia Ciudad to tha prooaadinga of tha nto pocket Ih Hartford ha called he dtolded to do.' week to o r ^ e , but be added PriMS AdarisNoBSSe c r^ c s provide freedom for inde timber felled by last year’s hurri­ on a few frienda and also paid for a be aervad. reorganisation. 7:30—Womens' gym period with » that tha State Bomd of hearing oa waa a wrltton expraaoion 'The deacripuon that ha fumtahed humotouaiy, it won’t be poMibl* to p e^ e a t thinking-^ cane. Mlaa ‘nnker. ahave. ThI* left him about 339.30 It was clearly Indicated by Se­ liitglit la certain caaaa, per- of approval of the peUUOn from tbe of tho two mon ho cUUmod aaaoultod buy them In the "Five anVun" Dr. Jorgensen cited the records He aald 4,084 Invoices on timber 8 ;(W — Second Oongregattonal aMt hhlhhig In raaarrotr tribuUrlea, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS tn his pocket when he started to re­ lectman Lawrence Converse that In •ales had been received by salvage Beat Hartford Chamber of Com him varied aa told to tbe police aad o f Oonaecticut's unemployed youth, his opinion It should be toe policy of church benefit bridge ta toe banquet or raearretra need mainly for ator- merea. turn home, ha said. a-, told to others CZECHS STARHED Htattag that there o fo in this state officials and that 8,707 had been hall ^ aga and not Immadlata^ for dia- Ha left Hartford on ths last trol­ toe department. In toe future, to certiflod for paymenta. There la one sure thing about it. '610,000 boys and giria from tha 8:00—South Methodist Bowling tilhatlaa. Phihar, herwaver, aald PLAN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Judge ftaymoRd A. Johnaoa la at- ley ear and arrived at the OenUr keep only such men working a* Up to Jan. 38, linker reported to torkay for Ue Bua Company. N. J. Ha urea punched ia the Jaw and waa tsi* * * 2r “ • ‘ “ Up bearing “* from four to ages of 14 to 34 at present unem- League. that BtetRga raaarvolr watar arent- about I;S0 thia morning. There U BY NAZI WARNING could be immediately employed on Walsh, the followtag volume o t Um­ Scott and aavaral lasvjmra of tha hit on the head by aoraethtog ba- nine bloeaoma on the mala atom SVAfI pleyed. Thirty-eight per cent of useful Jobs, and that all surplus 8:80—Bolton gymnasium period uaUy baeOmaa dlatrlbutlng raeer- no connection twith any bua to tba ber by statea hod been measured by Campbell Council Group To aidas a feather. ‘ TODAY AHD WED. the a|»pUcatiane for Jobs sritota the wtth Rev. Alfred KUne. ^ watar. and aa aueh, la eon- Connecticut Oo. appeared to oppose ?* k“ * '* ^ hla hearer* th* buibo am (Oeawanoa from rage One.) help, even If considered extra only government scalers: Meet Tonight To Dleeuss tha paiiUoo and tntroduuad a coupia post few yearn were made by boya for a day or a week, should be laid LET UP- to*to. proiiAc«««? Mbloaeoma o t and giria from the age of '16 to 24 Maine, 13J)84,000 feet; New Hamp­ Detaila Of Campaign. of mambara ot the Hartford Police f i a i w i v j off until such time as their services shire, 87,888,000 feet; Vermont. 6,- Tails Of Forttiiaera er Konrad Renleln’a right-hsAd-man "Thia large number of itaemploy- were required. In this way ,a sav­ D ip t to attamst to show that the BO D ER CLASHES BRING balora tha eaaaien of BudaUnlahd to ■ ed jm ith reprenwria to me\a real 833,000 feet; Maasochuaetta, llA ll,. In connection with like work obaaga raquaetid by tha Bua Com . ,T^R* demand sow manute, but ing could be made on labor ooeta to 000 feet; Rhode loland, 817,000 feet; Girl Survivom Are falling that bona meal la a good Germany last OOtobar, advised the danger." deekured' tha apaoker tbe taxpayer, he aald. DECK OFFICERS’ SnUKE among all of the eounclli of the pany n-ould cause traffic congaatlon CaechoelOvak gnveminent tn a I'Dlaeearsgement breeds dtaegntent and ConneeUeut, 194,000 feet lig h t s of Columbus, Campbell on Market otreet fertiliser. The aoll «u *t i ^ Aa an example of tbe Iqefflcieaey PO U C r CHANGE D E M ^D In Good Condition ■peach last night to learn a lesson t and-ta this atate they may accept of toe former highway management, Council of Manchester la sponaoring ^ t « d to a depth of nearly a foot ■omethlng that on tba surfacevwlll AT SEATIU BENDED bafwe planting, toe more it ia work- from toe eventa of 1988. or lack of it, queetiioalng brought UGHT U?A an active campaign for additional aaem to them of profitable \na- (ftontlxnad from Page QIM.) Kundt aa a member o f . the out that altoou^ last July over 100 members. A meeting of those who fertlUaer Csecboelovak Chamber of Deputies tupe." Youth will Indeed become a new street name slgoe bad been D EPO SnW S TO GET FAVORABLE REPORT IS over that a layer of sand. Tha bulbs domtaaat Rgure in toe comtag Saattla. Fab. 14.— (A P )—A 10- wui direct the activities will be held baa been leader of tha German purchased at a coot of over 8800. day strike of deck officara that bait tmight in the K. of C, home with German diplomacy. Today le an era “ »*■ to th* depth of jraora." \ whan might I* right." • w • iAohft fteoordlnf to t|i# vo- minority in Csechoolovakla atnoe they have not yet been pieced at ta- PAID AS BANK CLOSES •d all AIa|ka riiipplng hare anc Orend Knight Charles M. O'Dowd. MADE ON TWO JUDGES Henlein became Adolf Hitler’e com- The speaker described the new tersectloDS. Another member declared the use “ *• 90U ta Ailed In Europe with tbe youth of the die- caused avfreab foeda abortage tn Uw Circulars on the plan for tha oaro- mlaaloner In charge of toe SudeUn In the-..^onslderation of tho reor- territory was ended today, but of force agalnat the Soviet Union •>« planted tiitor atataa in uniform and parading peign. Ita object and suggested rejriona ceded to Germany. '"'~*ion draft, there was some Jeieey City, N. J., Feb. 14.— (A P i grievanoae which caused the walk­ C A M n / quotes will be dlacuaaed and cap­ (Oantlanad fiooi Page One.) would serve es e warning to tha froin toe middle of October on, un­ with other militaiy units. Ha apoke rest of toe world. Oermana* Poritiona "Unbearable" on as to toe making of —The Neta Jaracy TUla -Guarantae out remained unadjusted. tains and team mambara named. til toe. frost comes, or even then if cHiecIxlly of Italy where many :es for work which the Ughway Caused By Fishing DUput* to* aril can be worked thorouxbly Kundt declared toe pooltlon of An audience, largely feminine, ep^ and Trust Co. failed to open today Member* of the local Maatara, There la considerable preliminary Germans In toa republle waa "un- ‘ youth movements are aligned with <^>artment does for other depart' pleuded the deeixion of Judge Wayn* and the Federal Pqxiait Insurance ouraalva* to tha conaaeratad Idaaia Th* resolution e direct out­ Tho speaker atreased the lu p o ru i^ the military. Matos and PUota unton, coneuntag work that will have to be done by of American cltlsanahlp" for which bearabto" aad said Ufa had bean mepta. It waa suggested that ta Allen in the court of crimes. Dillard Corporation announced; It would growth of to* Ashing dispute with of removing toa seed pod the Pawn Of DIetnIors the' future, all such charges i ^ I d ta a recommandation mada by tfeatr thia committee, before tbe active the two great prealdanta stood. Ruesia In which tha Japanese charge made deUberately harder for them. Itodney Borden, 17, tha ximplatnant pay claims of approxlmiataly |38,- campaign gats underway. It la pro- b lo w la gone, and of aiiowlag the ."Youth la the pawn of dictators," ba b|Ued directly to the appropria­ 000,000 the largest pay-off o t In- execuUv# eommittaa, voted U Simken find Gmeh Gtllwr thay are being blbched out Of Ashl/g HI* atatameat surpriaad govern­ shook hands with Vallee, who amu- posed to get It etartad the latUr •Many BUUa Bejaotad bulb to remain unUI to* laeim are M l declared. "The crusades of toe tion Of toe contracting dep^ment. •uted d m itta it has ever done. night to return to work today. Almost two scor* bill* were re­ sratera openad/to them under toe ment officials who thought rela­ ed at him but aald nothing. part of this month. A plan for weak­ yellow and the bulb baa a brown ■world have always been conducted and that they ahould not be pMd A ataUment issued by FDIC Operators of tha three s^aamabip jected to tbe House and Atonata on Portaroouto tritoty, which eras sign­ coyer. Daffodils may be left In the tions with Germany were atralght Borden’s testimony was that Vxl- companla*. contending the walkout ly roaaung* during tha month ot ened out and that the policy of mu­ by youth leghms. Old heads exploit out of highway funds, and then, Chairman Lao T. Crowley, aa a tha baale of unfavorable eommittae ed at toa and of ta* Hueao-Japaneaa gmundlndeAnJUly imleq* attacked later this fund be replenished by a lee, backstage, stopped suddenly vlotatod aa agrOament sfith tba March of council mambara and maat- tual friendly cooperation sreuld not youth first having developed the and was brushed by x load of trays. notice of cloetag waa paxted on tba re ^ te , among them a pr^tosai pro­ war. Recant border cluhaa between V a peet, and hyarintha wUl do levy on the contracting depwtments bank’s doors here, said more than union, had said thay would not nago- Inge In between of eommittaa mam- meet any further obetaclae. .Oimmuniatie trends." Ha aald Vallea struck him and viding far e Jell term of one year Japanaoa and lovtet forces appar­ Wall for aavaral years, but the bloa- appropriation. 89,000 depositors erould b* reim- tUto grievaaoaa until tha oSloan bere for reporu wiu be arranged. ently were .partly raoponslble for toa THUBS., FBI., BAT. , Hitler, ba stated, has Intimated knocked the trSys from his bands. for any person attempting to com­ ‘Jl' s o w « th* tuUps wiu be amall aad that ha cares not ao much for tba turaad. letumad to thair joba. ArrangemenU will be mada for open mit suicide action. rrtll duappear la that length of The German preea latoly has been Tbe Singer denied etriklng the meetlnge to which prospoctlve mero- earryt^ aeattared reporto of al­ ID lO rg DELIGHT* older Garmana but matatataa great Nearly all ora fully covered by Tha unten a o u ^ taeraaaad pay A bill- pasted by tbe House would "Unlaaa a solution Is ipeediiy rsaOh- bwJbmi lUto, . , J.W Uma. Ha explained bow to ear* for boy. He atatod h* waa startled by bere will be Invited and natlonel and leged OMchoelorak discrimtaattoas tatarest in tha youth of tba Raich. tho 88,000 maximum Individual In­ for part of Ito mambarritip. a guar- permit expenaee of grievance com- *A," on* speaker *ald, "so answer tbe little bulbleU an 4e in Hoi TUGS BUCK KE th* sudden blow from behind and ta surance coverage, tha statement •atoa o f n montiia work a yaar, and atate offlcera will be assigned to ad- sMken by Japanese mlgh'. should be Mra. Bolph FennettI agalnat Garmaas in the mpubue. MuaaoUnl’a Black Shlrto ar* : mitteea to be paid aa other court land to produce new bulbe each turning quickly knocked tha traya ■aid. ■aparato atatoroofiM f^r oiReefa. dreM tha meetings. costa. given the AovleU. W * will display year. Kundt'* speech waa earned to and women'biasing wtth the ardor The House also passed a maaaura our Arm determination not only to ritteburgh. Fab. 1 4 -.(A P )—Two Barlta nawapapem thia moning un- LAST TIMES TODAY of youth. Tha Mikado’s Empire plans A TIME TO BUIUD the govtet union, but to to* entire tiny girl survivor* of quadniplets der th* bemltag "A Warning by xJor China are'being carried out by IN CONNECTICUT dalintog "auxUlarj- drlvtng lemp” , m KAY KYSER’S COLLEGE OP CHINESE AGRET -and "parked vohlels". aa cUrifying world." born to 30-year-oId Mr*. Ralph formal, friendly way, caiHwr fo r Kundt" and with the subhead "Na­ the youth o f Nippon, h* said. Pennetu ware reported In "really tionality Righto Only on Paper 7" '-‘Wa fatbera must develop hahtta elauaea to tho motor veblelo laws, Another member declared the 4uasUona aa be want aloag, aad at Mu s ic a l k n o w l e d g e ^ Olbar bills passed would author cabinet aa a whols abould handle th* good condition" by boaplta] attand- but BO oommaot was offarad. of independence and straight think­ Powerfal Towboats Attempt ants today. tha close eg hie talk ha waa given ON PLANE LINES toa a numtlUy paneton of $70 to Asherles dispute instead of leavUm n naing vote of than).* ing ta^our sons," the spaakar charg- IIM It In to* hands of Foreign Minieter Th* babla* wars bom at fiva- Rd* Baiph U Paraoha .of ChaehIrO who t t a aacood part eg tha "deuMa To Reopei Cbanel From (OMtlnoad from Paga Una.) waa a s ^ lta d by ana of tha toroataa Haehiro Arita. mlnuu mtervau Saturday. Tbs W « must nske roon for new Another said: flret. a boy. dtad at Wrth. Tba last fsatura" program waa an Uluatmtad TODAT-WBDi HARTFOKO of the OMahlro reformatory whera iMtur* oa to* Arnold Arboretum at Youth of today faallsaa tha keen VBfrigeraton— so triple the offlcera on the remcnunsf 12 Amcrt- ha was a guard and would dlacon- "W * must show grim determia*- of th* four to arrive, aaothar boy, oonpetltioa aidating today for am- Somd To Hartford. tloa. Ftahlng by force is inevitable." lived 18 hours tn on oxygan Unt. Jamaica Plain. Maat. Tho alldas THB NBW CMS and 53 other .forsl^siler* from tinua tha action of Veronica Fagan were beauttfuUy colored and were pioyinant, ha aald. They era fully rsesk valae of your oW radio against tha city of Bridgaport. H’lU Bald Wwifw Th* two girls Oaraldla* and Xullng, summer resort IS miles for tha moat part of shrubs, fnwa ccfttant that ta the future there wUl present stock. aouth of there. Tha Houaa sent to tha scrap heap F o r ^ Itolstor today told Bamadlna — ar* Idantloal twtna. be even more tatana* atruggla for They cry lustily la thatr isaubatom tba magnlAcaat msgnqiire which Hartford, Feb. 14.—(AP)—Two American arid the following bUls by adoptl^ «r EUr Robert Leau* Cnlgia, BritUh CIRCLE exlatano*. Biieweae, they know, wlU powerful towboats, with tba h o ^ unfavorable reporU; ambassador, that Japan probably Physlrione gave them a good surround the administration build- BrlHah officer* would make an early chance to live. lug. on through to th* berry-benr- •u m oiAiit awNw H S l i coma to thoaa beat prepared. . that oprtag Is around tho ooraar, attempt to ascend Lushsn /noun- Allowing probation Inetead of _ Vould hold Hainan Island untU toa “W o muat prepare ouraelvea aa war* buttw thair way through tbe R. S. Potterton Jell sentence for e second conviction end of the Chin#** war and possibly Mri. Pennetu,. who has four •n® evergreens. Mm. A t ths Center. Phone 3733 tain. where the town Is located, and other children, wa* In "very g o ^ ' R. K. Andaraon read tha daacrtptlv* taxpayers tor the ependtag of mot* toe ta tho Oonaaetieut river today to try to get the foreigner* to leave for drunken driring. indeAnltely on grotmds of militant money for education—not leae," ha lecvan toa ehannal between Long Making the terms of probation necessity. • condition. Her huaband ia an un­ matarial and C. w . Blankanriim // Hothinq fin er Deiore Ihe threatened Japanese at* employed truck driver who saya he showed tha aitdan Thie part eg tlm kemto stated. Island Sound and Hartford. tack. officer! three Inetead of six years. T ^ waa virtually toa aCma reply tkmn a Strom terq-^r/soH has been "trying to bold out aad ptogrom waa well worth wblia aad Youth of today waa likened by Last month for the first time rince So far they have not beep able „ Requiring . the . bank • commiaslon- Arita gave toa French ambaaaador, IJoctor Jorgenaen to a “Loot Oanern- loss tba cold weather eloaad th* Charlee Araana Henry, yaaterday keep away from relief and to* ayetyoas fait tha urge to a*a the to communicate with the xronp too. J municipal audit*, WPA." Uon, without work experience and channel to river commerce mhi/>ti lateil at Kullng. !, Providing for biennial alectlons when ^ r y asked for Information beauties of to* "Oardeu eg "I don't know what I’ll de now," abandoned by the achoola." brtagx oil end coal to central Con­ Cljlneae reported that Japanese' ° J'eatorook. a bill which It waa on JapAi’a plans with regard to the Q a t^ ” In tha blooming necticut and takes a v ^ acrap Iran. island, which ia near Fraach Indo as.serted pcnnettl, "but one thing Many boys and giria are forced ~ A Time to Plan had achieved a landing at Chlnhal witodratvn by tha sure I’m not worrying about it mto the ranks of toe idle bedauce Sparton. owned by Jameo SALVE Chekiang province port - I soonaor.aponaor. china and th* Britiah colony at McWiniAini Blue IJne captmlDed relieves ! Tha Hout* Hongkong. right away.” of lack of finances to conttaua It takdd y e m ot striTing to accumulate on estate. I southern shore at Hangchow bay received a favorable HeCONAUGHY E M ^ further educational pureultK he by Rudolph Brewer, began th* work approximately 90 miles due south of report on a rasastue which would Source# cloa* to to* French *m- said. The agonctas best aUa to aa- Sunday by broaktag an open trail fair MiWitos ot yomr time to arrange for its consenratioo? prohibit any banking * corporation bway predicted Franoe would he sraoii COLDS Shanghai. Hangchow itself, 90 milea beat although currently nadevaioped stat th* boya and girls who iodsy from Saybrook to Deep River, aad 666Ueaia>Takl«ta unlew. organlled under ConnecUcut dlsoatlsAad with Arita'a. reply, but it followtag thto up yesterday with aa W$i|toY«''>4Nir ootate probknw, taka the littla tioM it aal**.MM« price w-est of Chlnhal, waa occupied by deep water harbors. ON SIDE OF McLETY srt unemployed are the church and Japanese on Dec. 24. 1937. Since Jewa to establish a branch or of- waa doubted that ah* would attempt exteaston to Bast THIS WEEK ONLY! Otaaa 10« & 25c flc^. any actlca to oust to* Japan***. „ Th* comblaed military and naval tha aohoola, be aald. Youth aMwt COMtik p i v Mwyor and have a will prepared that proptrljr then Chinese have attempted sev­ action reauIUag In tka occupation be gtven greater and batter aupport Thua the 80-mU# channel from wktiwu A t tba aome time we suggest that yon eonaidtr tha eral time* to reUke the city. BUI* KUM By Sanata i 8o provide all tha freedom poeribl* ■alt watar to Hartford ha KUlsd by th* Benata were a num- JAP llNITB I a h A V Friday Strain- aenater. In the nbaeaea of Chariea n*B» and symrathr tliown to ua OOVtring Ue unUw* radio addmm daUmted loot night aa Th9 Communiiy Play^s W. KimtinB erbo le UL Charlaa Cbailea B. Hart toeal n ix n e o e i -to *^”.'to ^t.***® of eur mother ^eroovel of ffovernmenta] n c * ' guinea about Japanes* Intentions, ad relations between tha French conceasion and Japanes* authoritlaa .. ‘ •PoosotoS by th* Re- FTima o f tho High oehool faculty W Ita a , hoped to reach 10d2 r 1-..Mnd wif®.w.i*. .nra.Mra. jonnJohn Heborern.»Bb«rern. Also o™ . WdBHQ tolo revAitiDrevAiTiD the Stats • *^®***® State# destroyer pebUean admiatatration. today. John D. Bdwnrda, with Oept J ^ n which three tan ed to reach aerlous •pakn fbr tho Fathers and Eakal C O O L W A V E ln*d Autoorltto. net- Tha Republican official ■wiuwy 9 u e k ^ fog the Bona. Otto Nal- Among other proposal* scrapped T. a. Stapler, eommandar of tbs proporUons last month hav* 4a- Mr. Joha HSbersrn. Uhitad State* Navy’s South valopad again. pwariit Bridgaport m attodM m wak chairman o t the eommittae Mr*. Bamaei Ksbsr.rn. by the Senate was oa* which would eheoatag a adiool baaid "the sMedt M the Mea’a Ctaao aporwan o f the SEES NEED FOR l O f f i Mr*. Jscob ICotseh. i exempt brothers end s i e ^ from PMroiraboord, arrived from Hong- For unoxpiainad ' raaaoni the ^en n y IVisei Mrs. Jscob Hsbsr.m, today at Holhow, north H o i ^ p o n a io r aaaartad that tfv ta T tta t a w . ^Aarloa Baaka,^preeid*nt B A N G S and jUblllty for th. cuppo,^’ m 7 .I.SS2 Frwieh prohibited Janaaena ir o n ■taroe tha power to ttapotaT Ota S Act Craiddy Mr. Mlchssl nab.rsrn, port, to InvagtfgaU and, if necaa- B F J d d a : If th* Onb thanked the member* Mr*. Psrey Jams*. . In state Institutions In certain entering tha ooncasaon and tha board would ’VMtadtaly IsBraea tha If tlM mtoap aad tha worker* for HIGH NAVY OfFKERS $5.00 cases. Senator Candee (R ), chaiiv ■ary, to protect Amarloan Uva* and Japansae retaUatad with aa FUELOILS intaraata an Hainan.) •chool aituaUon" In «*iqt eity. 3iair riforta la ^onaortag tha ao- ■ IN MEMORIAM ' U** Committee on Humana baigo On foodstuffs antariag tba ■nid. however, that ba menld nn Th* landing placed toe Japansae Wtririagtea, Fah. 14— (AP)— JAAAES' 24-BOUB8BBVICE ! **,****'^Uona and Publio WsUara, F ^ e h area, threatening a Sted - Whifon M m i o Ho I Tha <^*rrta K Cushman, who navy la n potential base 7 8 0 ^ d l* Kortag*. n nathod whwriqr BridM arTaKi* I AabiBT Oroup o t the diurch A top-flight naval odnear oonteadad The Thing pssstd away on* y.ar age. w d it and a proposal to ehift car- qonld OBoooo thebwd id; n Nwnrad11*4 and aenred a turimy din* PHONE eaao - tato tosututlonnl costa from the Luaoo. to* prin­ today that tha agpandliig Navy cipal ialaad of tha PbUlppin**. n * JapaiMM alao retuaed fttitbar ■tMTSta •toettoa dlvoraed ^ forr over 900 fathen aad i among other thtagx. ahoot towns to the State were oonalderad to la m panaita to raUeg worken eg pSttc*. taM* darnratloneSamratlone ware ehmtem T o Do! rasmory, you ar* dear uawls* to v ie w ^ the need of hak An oSletai statement said that bv the laum atlaM l Rad C M « to dia- „ tomporary *tadmbala o f BEAUTY SALON BOLAND La’JSd.^jrsmsmhsrsd, longsd far al- soring tha budget tribvto rteq to SO.OOO war - Cm flocCf t aCHOOL YROrcirAL BtBB t i c k e t s i ¥ l L L b e * * * ” itoftog wa* Rear Adaetaal J. K. Tstwrig, oom. At tbs elste el aaothar yaar. House Damoerata, it was am harcL Tkejy damMidad th a t. .rijoyad ay the group aad amrie **Whdro It’d CoNiYMtaHt to Ptok.** O I L C O . houncai will caueu* at 10:48 a. wi Bander of tba Fifth Naval dtotrict p r a i ^ ralieg toodMvflb be RttadMd. M n e e T iw I « - ( A r > — ?? jy ^ Ttata SclMol Bnaemble aaaartad the teeraaam w «r* HZ PolkJaa. tavadara’ eemipnaoB og th* S a m to t ^ Jbpaaaaa laatitutad TFMaa * L Oatr Dqatecth. 41 •der tbe dhectkta of WUhem to moot actual aaada and 74 KCtoterSto Ndst to Um .TMipIm m Co. Both branebas adlMmiM unUli Matetp a wei OmanlgAen" far dla- SOLD AT DOOR lidMbar fM tm l DapooH Inaoronee Corp. Mr. John jIT m n lL-*a a. m.. tomemnw. Bap Agnw•aaoMlty eoMtdeiS Mbntlen. T Ia reBaf w b ma a*. M MMlMIvtis and bar eotton plaatatlona oonatl severe test and tha tnvsntor prodtet- log tha last oampalgB h| atootiag .reUrement of JuaUce Loula D. Bran- Sunday afternoon. He tikes to talk and against l.fting the Spanish em­ dreadfully embsrrsseed. Jeff went kt at* tf rttakHtattot If ws owned a top bat and tolls Now TMk. BOhi 14.- t(AB)— la welted for the Chicago bus scarcely ms. Anyone would wMt.to > tttta a toot olaaa air baaa laaa than righto ef laber expand. It to to (whtob ws don’t) aro Mmuld hnvo Od today tba proceaa ha battevoa inay BdpubllcM govarodra was "s foto- delo from the Supreme Court with young people, and often starte bargo which bore fictitious signa­ on being friendly, appearing not to poor fOoL” Bto sate it .qiilta ] SItMitfeM MtdltaA to tt revoluUonlae tha tadustiy arould bs a Ms4eh raealltag hto owa affOrto to without knowing she was there. I ttbarwito •raSitoS to tbia >00 mllaa frrai tba Panaina canal. avi table.” In New York w on botb to tbo oponlng Of ”Om eaot of whotJBjgtog to happen hi brought a chorus of senatorial de­ conversations with stnagers on the tures. notice her confusion. naturedly. 8usla*a rnlem o t ' M S alto tba total Mart tab* producing tha paper commercially moot ”toa atorm of iSflT’, Horbort 1*40 whoa n ainAhr platfonh'to Of- mands today that a westerner be street to aa effort to flnd out what The flood to mall eo the subject, They looked through aad around The raadata oroo Maaleo, from It to completely Impoaalhla to ■y OBOffB Roan for tbo Monoy” boeauao Ibota’o 0 Hoover last algbt summoned tbe Re- and over her, not onee directly st He said, ”I Isaned my ear ogalnat WM conttng out to tto dorii bj ____ barala 1 show that should hava “Strictly In a matter of months. forod to the country at large.” ^jtePrinted to the seat he held (or the ]people sre thinking about now grsdually ebbing, reached pro­ curb Kmewhers sround horo. and bounds. ^Alt rtcbta t nsabIleaUaaa aC whoaa aoll tbay may aoma day raoondto the Hoover apaaeh la New pubUcM party to s tone-fold mis­ Many BxpfOM Mgret Since the National Wildlife Federation’s annual stomp series Is to In- her. And abKlutsly aavsr nsd she Staattebai b«Tata art atoa la* Bormai-R. S. V. P.” otaaipad oa NswspHat to tbe paper on whiob Bseola Aaesnl Lsedms^M 1y 23 years. portions to from 4.000 to 8,000 let­ Let’s see l(:'We con flnd It” "Bay." Jeff gtowted, lo ft oufj orant to oparata a war upon Tork aad the White apaaeh In Loa New York. Beb. 14.—A Firal ovary tlekot t your dally newspaper to printsd aad sion. inoind^ prsasrvatlOB ol Governor Baldwin M OenMettoJ There were nunwrous expres­ ters and tclegrama a day In the to- cluds s complete gallery of familiar mammals, birds, trees snd flowers, been granted that second, flattering It sow eomes l a ^ y from ftewsAtow "paaoe tor Atoirlea,” In whleh ha sions to regret at Brandeto' reUre- one of America's beat known beasts to prey hM a place In the 1939 eheeta. glance. Never having bad atten­ His easy manner released her kind to talk. You’ro hickto^ white wa puab a quarral on bar in Angatoa ss rapfaaantotive of opla- Night that WM aatlcii)ato WhMt ”Phto and N04dM4” to to oommontWg thht ho w m "proud hi fleea of Senators Walsh (D., Mass.), ne.-vous tension and she exhaled • plain lucky to^ba rieet(Sd.” VUl aarafto allaat af N. ■. iL Sara* w m ood pulp. <- yald lay Its giMtoat opportunity bo A port of tho united B ^h llcan roent similar to thto paragraph In and Lodge (R., Mass.). 'The cougar, also known ss pums, psnUisr, mountain lion and catamount, tion she did not mUs It, had not the tba Intaraat of aotoa oil companlaa. ton within tba aaato party- If tbo more than ahaor ourtoafty thst tha prototartot thto tor tba deep sighing brsath. He amUed of "I Must Lova lomabody.” Bor Monoy” to to Park Aaaaua. Cafo Lost night toe Pittsburgh Boot- tineo Akvabaai Unoola. front,” added thht wharotar tho the President’a letter to the JiwUce: But acknowledgment to mMy hM a terrifying reputation, largely becauM of Its bloud-chilUng voice. confidence to say to herself, "You'll Republican party aoeks rebirth it Ooaetta tasted tho sow popor. Dr. "One must perforce ocoopt tbe But the cougar does not prey on human toinge. although a deadly enemy down at her. "Thst'a rigbt—untie A abuddsr to foor ran tto 1 Nt' Oamoeraey la at a tramandoua taro roasonA Ona, haMuaa this Sodoty, tha Jualor Loaguo, n ot "torwarfl-lookiBg fto- hundreds of ths petitiona by New look at me the next time 1 poaa this the knots. You’re among friends.” to Bute’s a p ^ * T a i ------A» 0#tEtlGB may flbd It In the read pointad oy show to relnoafnatlnf tha florodon Morocco snd tho Btctk Club. W. B. Hdebstettor. PlUolmrgb la- pohUoan toadenhlsr bad baas ~ inevttabto. Ehror rinoo thOM da3Ts England congressmen have been of deer. Morgan Stlnemeta painted this cougar portrait that appeara way." In fact sbs did not bellava tt. dlaadvantaga to any rivalry with long ago, when you first took your among the 80 Wildlife Week stamp subjsota. flhs gisnoed st him steswlM Bowman, ‘nus‘nds Uthtag tat PablltbaN ■asstoiatotlaaai Tba White. Ifr. Hoover offani the al< Sextette of palmMr doya In nostallr And tbsra’o nothing wvtoig <■ vaator, omllod m ho watched the ad td too public "toe poOplo’h I returned marked “no such addree Susie’s dresih wss not oos to glory, Itoaclam. It to ilka a mob dUputIng hlgh-opoed prieoso run ot g,000 •eat on Uie Supremo court bench, I from her long eyes. The day WM tie to briiava. You and i I Uw Matbaira fatatol y w e e r —New tornetlvo. aetunga. Two, baeauaa tba oe- tlint — If you bdtavp to thto eoun- aacA of H bM boon ttotont n and oeveral penoM wbooe nanwa merely that the ban to bomeUneos to come when tbe sidelong glance of Tm Impeesibis. Mr. ChltoN*. OtUaH witb a trntoad anny- wthor of this play happans to b« 119*0 dsmocney -• booouot if tba copies, each containing tour pogaa have oome to think of you as s appeared oa ouch protesta hava might be lifted a lltUe. tilpSlL nccsotoiy and vary pormaaent part Susie’s WM to bs quits dsvastaUng. It la tto moniiag an m n RniBAO o r Whtob win not aava aava Faaciam Jack JCIrhiaad, tha ”T6bao4e Road’ laUrnatloonl Lodtoo CarmoBt ■em hto preeesOed newapmt Jd. to A f4i_. written their eenatora and repra- She wore a dark Mur suit, the rm aot aftaid or m dM Pnpasto BostotaaM to the court—and, rinoo 10>S aentatlvM they never signed the Collection of Autographs At that nwawnt it did nothing but whan It eOmaa to tba goal taat of man who deals dirsctly with dams- Workaro ean hflva fun to tbalr to n nhraoo oaeo uttorM to BtpM- skirt of which cams almoat to her see Uw young naan bsstee bar. gotoff to do, Ifa wtat to ' BRANDEI8 PUZZLE He erltlea. ‘ Ptao and Noadtea”, thora'o no fltesn skeptical prsaaasaa pratoaa dent RoOOeroit, said "too pOOpIo q| one who would cooUnut hto fine petitions. ankles. Ths lU-fltUng Jacket bunch­ ' tba aeeaM Prtottaa Oaaipaaa lasw atrsngtb bacauaa raaelam baa a the new paper’s reatotaaea as It roll­ Mrvlee there uatU long after I had 'Now I know who you are,*’ shs to do.” TMa wax a aa Qaaaalal lataanelMIHy Laat Tiros Kirkland wrote n diow roaaon why ths wanrsro ef those tho laiddlo west look with dtotowr" 'The deluga of correspondence ed at her shoulders and broke at the apaaeb tor BustA rotten heart and democracy One of the most difficult things and It got panned, bs atapperi lotornstloasi gamento aan’t an ed through the praooas at tha rata Isft Woablngtan.” from home states aad home dis­ sold, quits spontaneously (or Buala. : « r SraagrasbUrasbtoal am n aaaearlasi >■ tho *aow iaatrumenta of Senator Nerila called Brandeto O f Swing Leaders, Hobby waistline. Her hst w m Just a hat, ' You cams In Uw waffle shop look­ 'Yoa don’t baovr ■araefttoiaitot.■aatt to ib« Menebaatav sound one. to undaratand to tba almost univer­ around to a neighboring saloon and Joy themselves arith ”Om for the Of 40,000 an hour, editors thought " ” Whleh hhd boob "toroMd by tricts on ths embargo nearly reach­ dark felt, up in ths back, down la ^ l a l a s NtraM. NtraU "one of the ablest Jurtota tbat ever ing for a Lambert family.” Ha woat send you hoi But It will make the triumph of sal sstesm lo which Asaectots ■arung at a daprsatoUng ravtowar Money.” tho pages printed on too WBote la nutltority.” ‘ ed the peak of correspondence re­ Hugo Patent of Eldridge alrest.^contents of one autograph album, the fronC too round, too flat, too And tha boya In Tbnaa Squmra wore All are wonder to' bdw tha aver popor nowoprint oeemed oostor to sat on the -Supreme bench.” Chief corded during consideration to the Ha laughed pIsasMtly. "Footed MytblBff to UhM Ifa a I damoofocy tanrtblyalow and costly Justice Louis D. Braadato, who yaa- "WO dd not ouhodrttB," bo obid, JusUoe Hughes sate Brandeto’ re­ hM a hobby that'Is strictly "up to Mr. Patelll has among his souvsnlrs, everything. She wore black fabric bhialwd. ”1 dteat TraSDAT, raBXVART 14 putting tbalr beta doam on n likely age Broadway aad tfanalent rood boeanoa, thoy said, tha papW "to too piMriiasont toht our frontier Supreme Court and government i ths minute." siich famous leaders ss Gene Brod- ea and-heavy, mannish sbosa. In you, didn’t IT’,’ and bring to us great burdena oi terday retired from aotlva duty on bout between bet Kirkland and a critic playgoer will take to Ito amiable WM writer. to in Franco." tirement brought ”• most serious organisation UUa. "BooM msT” tto way It souwfo " ' ' loss to the oouit." Autograph collecting began ages msn, Bsnaye Goodmsa, Artis Shaw, a aids pocket of her worn punie, Burie tauglwd agate, a asIK loss and grief—unleaa very soon we the United Btataa Supreme Court, a week before ”I must Love Son snobbery. Demonstrating tost toe new H o o ^ referring to too NBvbm- For years oongrcMmen have rw^ ago; but obtaining the "John Han- He told her sertoualy. “1 w m Brandels w m the Kentudri-born Larry Clinton, Ben Heller, Zlfgy V rapped In ttosua lay bsr moat sleuthing—being a eover-un man— Hs'U Bad • war 4 FIRST DEFENSE STEP oome out of our todIvIdualUUc to bald by almoat aU tba paapla of one” opened. newsprint could not bo torn easily. to^eethm e, aoM AtoartooM bod celved letters, petitions snd pro­ cocka” to swing band leaders and Elman. Jom Haly, Jerry Jerome, trsaaured pooseaslon. A llttto rilvai However, tba play-jurlsto hi MaehMtcal Bupsiintsadent F. H. son to Csedtoelovakiah Jewish par­ tests they believed bore fletttiotu acouUng for you. If evorythlag dro to taekisa ma," al muddle and devolop our own spirit the United States,, bewavar diver­ IT STVDCNTfl LACK MONBV ^togaln opekon tooir a a S S that ents. After graduating from the thair Hl-De-Ho boys is compaia- Harry Goodman, Lionel Hampton, compact arith a fraternity emblem JsflT waatod ta •fa la this world thrsa died It, ”1 Must Loro Somaoha” to Winch of ths Foot Odastto oxetolni- too aatogubrds of Uberty to blaia- names, but the consensus to New Uvely new. Many riving fans and Teddy WIlKn, CharUe Blake. Ver­ (alio I CM 1w • detoeUvs.” of nattenallam, toaltotog that a gent ai|d ooaflictliig tbalr aoetal i v l THEY BABTEB fvrni HAMB ed: Harvard Law School, he practiced on oee side. It hod never been waatod ta toU itoMetial aotiUaa which ata colorful ramliMter of gMlight taiaed." Englanders to that thia rsoent batch Jittarbuga have taken to this hobby non Brown and many others. u^ed, tt WM a Symbol to tragedy, bouas eonllmiany dividad againit it- aeonomlo baUefa Not that Juatloa Md glamor days In Ifanhnttan *Tt’a In the bog. Thto paper to bat­ ..Ullvtr' first la Louisville sad then la Boo- had a higher percentage to "phony” Menfoty solaljr by Intellact—Oaiv PuIlmM,'Waab.—(AP)—A onto paopla," ha addad,."hava-sw ton. Ho fought In the latter city for In town and young Patelll was in- When Mked If bs ever became fed but 8'urie loved It. Tbe trifle proved Bust# thought thia over. When 47 Bto WM tarrilnKv* aelf cannot stand unlaaa It aban­ Brandeto baant dasarvad the bigb when tba Florodora Olrls arero ter than anything we’ve over bad. It names than any in recent yean. tsrvlewsd or the subject to find out, "hleey, Italy, Japan. The latellaet floweriiu'. of pumpkins or bams from tha old ■torad mtuai ■ Indepandonca to Oon- Only one member of the court reduced premiums on Industrial life up with the Idea of waiting for L-at she bad gone to a party with •ho spoke tt WM to awko ooo to Uw dde Mm, ifiriagy would have stood up Just m well at ■*•■■* They have Mtnrned to dfflea ' western legtolatora pointed out. li possible, Uw technique Involved hours before even seeing one to the first elovor romarko of bar Ufa, ”1 ^ any of tha testanesa asay bs do­ dons Its divtoton and puts Its brains opinion of all rlaaaaa ef Ametieans That beautaoua aaxtetta w m tha farm emokebouas can ba the down toe rate of.60,000 m hour..” insurance and for public ownership Dick Tremaine. frou hsiow hap tot, o y nim fought ataunohly for too . come from beyond the Mississippi ReprsMOtative McCormack (D., In such on avocaUon. •wingsters, looting Potelll replied Tlw bus, easing Into Uw dspot, guoos you wora bey oeouUng,” or not. but such aa it U It U to work to lU own defanse. —but public man do not nlwnjra rw toast of tba town in 1900 and paynwnt on m aducattqn nt Wash Dr. Hechstetter, wbo claims hto to the subway aystem. In fact, he .), hM asked the National tag out _ lagton Btato OMtoga. IhdipOndinoo ot tto eanrts." river. Ha to JusUce Pierce Butler gave up a h i^ U v e private busi­ The awthod used by the msjority that he believed that tt WM worth lumbsred no nxira Ui m did Burit *T WM your good deed That to tba flrst stop we need to balvo what tboy daOarva. owed Ita fame Md fortune to proceaa wtU raduea tha prt<# of KayhOttB>tMM(d^_ . Doanoo T ln o ------Park Service to consider estabUab- to a wwA JsK NO queeboB o< merabty Yale. If the truth be known. Poastbflltlaa of tba baitoy %•* of MtonoKta. ness to battle the utilities snd to to erileetora to quite simple If one waiting for, as the longer tt took to ss she climbed aboard. During the that day.” tlw (M s f Bod MttM taka In national defense—to quit Braadato to net only n vary pro­ nOwopriat from toe present sonie o l day dinher of too NatlooAl ■f The 83-yeaiM>ld Brandeia, wtioje Ing a national riirine at Dorchester hM the patience. After attending secure s signature, Uw mora valu­ ^ haaaanlty, no aonaa of Justlea, on Bor thto to bow It happened- m ars offersd nasdy atudents ISO to ISO a ton for wood pulp to H doflbitlon of “two work for bettor lal>or laws. long ride to Chicago she w m unable Jeff’s brows stiot up. Not M bod. Mart an over. . . .. acting like silly ctalldran In the face nounced liberal—ba to raeogntoad as CM dub—at whtob other Repubtl- ■biwU^-to dylarod that it aAoik to unruly iron-gray hair made Heights, . Boston, where General a ahow In which one of tbe leadlog able It seemed to be. There are Maybe ato dte havo aonaotatag hid- o t fair play latrudaa. thcie elx, comely chorines arere In wbo live In tba new oooperaUva ISO ot IM oold It would bo "soverol Ototod UaflF Ber Orisrt Washington placsd the artillery to relax, tor tent nerves Ughtoaad Oa oae peiot JsK dormitory. Farm youths can—and eoa loaders from m tor west h •ought "froodom tram both buroaa- Um a pictnrosque flguio on the Hto nomination to tho Supreme archetoTM to feotured, numbera to thoM who frown at tha enthuslaom with every mile, she hod pantahy doa uador tto pouada. of thaaa aattooa p im Its acts of the Pbactot menace. such by thouaanda of paraona wbooa a show called ’’Florodora" arhtch mooths, ot leMt” before commercial craw and privnto prirltoga la Um aelaed at Ticonderoga to foiee the iiMo Laafosti . wai WM about to dote up — for lack do—turn In vagatoblea, fruits or Colorado apoka-tba only Uvtaff ax- bweb, made known hto dectoloa to Court brought opposition from (I- enthusiastic fans gather In front to displayed by swing fens over col­ momenta whoa Uw safety to tot ”1 taka tt you waatod to ooaw,” tta poMclaa, aceordliiy to Its views are Anything but liberal, who production could be started. Mofldont beltof that without oueb - retire In a one-sentence note to British to evsicuate Boston. the stage exit and wait hopeftiUy lecting suti^Tspba; but to the fan aowlaf Httta of < q f receipts — whan a party of rau- meats .from home ss payments on "Pittsburgh will have the flrst preoident mada hto moot rigorouL nsnctol IntereoUi and a number to room aad the Waffle Shoppe Seamed Id# ftnMU'lrads tsso, to w M Ia a lM would ba frlghtanad at many of attack riaco Iflgfl updn tbo Roooo- froodom tbo purauit of ottor Man- Preeident Rooaevelt late yesterday. A representative to Uw Park for the bond to oome out, each with blnweTf, tt means a great deal of ifa intaUIgsnea. on tba ebua Yato Boya In from New Ha­ board ind room btlla. They gat ctaanee to eieafe this new Industry.” Inn to la vain.” •ttorneys. SeVen former presidenta Servloe recently visited the city more to be desired thaa dubious ad* ”1 had to eoma,” ato oate tonply. beauty and HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT hto opinions If tlK.y ware axpraasad lo paint the town red. aaroop- credit at tba market price. velt admlnlstraUon. ^No PnbHo Indies tteo Given of tbe AmerICM Bar Aaaociatioa. hto or her autograph album la sattofo^on when he to able to re­ vsatUN. ”Tm M tlrad to bsteg myaitt; ao •ala of naHonal aggrandlaa- he added. and n report to expected from the readiness, soma with tbeir syea turn home trlumphaat. na fra a wllkiB. by anyone atoa, but who, oddly loarn upon tha tlteatar, olam- Tba co-op students aat tbalr own Tho "gTMt lAodhroff* of too Ra- /La hour before, the venerable Including William Hovrard Thft, And Uwra wars moBwaU to fight- rick to mo.” Wlth% Bttlo b a ^ ' hava Tbaso la no oonfllct. no to- The raorgantoatloo of tba High­ Dirty Pulp Tbsm Writs ■Jurtot had atappsd down from hto Park Service before the end to tbto glued on the exit, others con versing Take Benny Goodawn. king to enough, accept them as wise snd onaUga. saiaad tba ^rto for ruloa aad do aU tho arflfk but tho Hto newsprint w m made from Old pubUcaa party otoar tkah psaoo, ha sate he WM "not a flt person” to alt month. asoB, wbaa bar spirit surged for alvo rush she asked, "Do you think daUfloa M ta pionoBac. teeaaaa no con- way Departmant tacbnicalty put qd^i^ch fin t "IniUatod nniitolluii -high-booked chair la a erowdod on the court. Among hto aupporters excitedly witb one another. On rare swing, for Inataaee. Any follower dancing partners and Jolnsd them cooking. Thoy don’t thko a ekaa-te magaalneO, newspapers, pos oald. must b4 ‘teeonoarie roslorottosT jW n a t monopoly and McCormack alM bM asked the ward to awat what w m to ooaw, Mr. Horker o h make aw K waeaa « k t or P fofoooer Kay Aad rigbt ttwa JsK Mtod ’ « l Bat by totaOact alOna but by to- thing Uka a real system for the stand It now. And particularty wa Hlthar, Dr. HoohoUttar ogfllafaMd British from Boaton and S t Pat­ wMr doWB Uw palMaoe to Uw ma­ KyMr, Tommy Dora^, to tto tram- ef huawr aad, t a i ^ had NtUa op- ware pletiirad In avary -paper on efforts to reclaim paper by enemies) HOovor Mipaflnd on tha ptetforib bad first Jot Chief Juatlee Huidwa. In our financial aystem.” rick’s day. portualty to OMrelaa It, riw glow a topa bis friiadllBiai w m tto flnt quaWtefl by aa aaerotooa dl- operation of one of tbo town'a prin- don’t undaratand It when wa recall the stands while 'Tell u4.v Pretty Brisbane, A ^ r a lla — (A P )—Bre. “doclarod tto right - Tto pnridsat. rseiqtentlag nt the On the bench be fraqueatiy jority and thogr dwtadto away by pot and Sammy Kaye, to oay noth­ rsmoval of ink- failed becanae toe with a long list of party di^tortaa ooltective Seek Prieritf Ber Air Boee ones and twoa and whewttae masters ing to Geiw Krupa, famoua drum- Mt hystarical «««»»«ip »e*)»g bat pqtot to tto wadgo whtob w m to that Whan bs w m alavaUd to the Malden” spread like w ll d ^ ev- gtvOta the world n new chOmIcato destroyed tho wood flbre and tto awwbd seat of lu o o r w m erntloo of tto ------WUte House from the grippe, found. voting with the late Justice poriUon. guppooa Mawaae 1 b ^ tt of kteaiA of optaton aa to elpal tuncUoan It to tbo kind of a eryadiera. The Ftorodora Cirto Oliver WenMI Holnles. "the great New BhigUind congressmen have to swing finally prsoent ttonwelvos, nwr. Boa Wain, songbird with Larry BuproflM ODBrt thOf* wars any totoad. Thto to part of Btaodhroho uaad to tho BwhufOeturo of tho erig qc c ^ Igr Dtotriet Attoraoy promptly penned a letter to regret. Joined forces in an effort to place tor wtoraalw WM gotag r gq. baps, tto fatas tod put a ^ ^ o i U M I v o o aad aNtkoda, m oyatam tkat aUght vaiy will bnvs arere famous thereafter. Itfhnd off tho oeaot ef -In whleh ha sold: dies enter.” After tho appointment there sre only a handful to admir­ dtnton, Lionel Hampton, anotlwr biUBbor of ItopofUat paraona of The marital success of the erig hud paper. Ho etointo oB^ obbut W w m ^B jie^ql N ^ TOriL (So Uw propoeod QuonMtt Point, R. L, ers to greet them, wktok makes tt famous drum beater, Teddy Wltooa, that ato w m oa'Iwt Jeff r BO free baaa put Into affect twiaty or thir­ qbout half a mtto of whtob bkh ten par oMt of too flhro to toot In f . T t o cqnatey hM needed you to Juaticea Stone and Cardoso, tiwy Naval air boM on the priority list . . . j,_ - Maaorvatlva toaalnga who waro Inal aextetta w m phenomwtal, as »S«.'SSSS-'»TS often steed with him la ouppoit to an tto-eoator for UWM wbo brava to Uw piano, snd—but real wpy to hoeenw baautttalf A bwigb tbonaand iatsraata, ty yaaro ago, and aapt In oparattaa Mvarad by eoaoUat settoa of the each eoavOrolOa under hto prOeeos. Im I yMTs through An ttooo yonn, aad l .hopo *T must Lova Someone” merrily “a n a e b S r ______•octal leglalatkm which tbe court to nir, submarine and Mval base Uw trenwadoua orflaal to walttag. Impoaalbto to of Uw rose la bar threat, a obotod, rathar •altok, oontomptlbla, aver alaoa. It gtvaa promtoa of be­ profoundly abOokad at what they sc that too origtonl paper could bo you wUI renUso, m your old frtoads projeeto recommended recently by pltUul laugh. Alttough not gtanoliig In Dowoyk do, bow unanimona Uw natfcm hM majority diaappn Without awnttonlag-tto entire and do them JusUee. pun and haul at tba govaranMotal ing a oonaldarabto Improvooftont daacHbed as ths deaecratloa of the faire Conunittee. M wpUwi of rule by a vnry W a do not prapoao to undortaka , B O t BIJOITr MDVBMIENT otters who riiarad tto piatfbrm with BaMrloted Bights to Mm guide by Uw llA t to n while to WM aa uadorgrad at North U w valenUne: ‘T woute like to be But at that moBwat a yomw •RB^IhfBfMI OrBBBP I J prirato eatorpriw to auatalaad aad muot let our nuado to lx BesOen Baonrde Oat Carolina Unitwrrity. brsesed out to the erowd. He group of indtrldualj who any task of propiMoy. but It to tor reply- him that tto RopuhHeans woiuld wfo ragutotod to'^ptormA e b a w T ^ . In Ua kmg aarvtco, Braadato ooa- to brid.” a lifer la your Jail.” ^ Bditor, Manchostor HoroM: the prsoMoncy In IMO; and atrsteh- Note to safety for Boston pedeo- Ponoually, Hal Kamp to a tall, tBrnnatovaa beat qtwIUtod, BOturally to bo aapoetod that tblnga Mbarty to aofoganrMd: atoatly onundotod tha righto of Uw trials and motortota. Wotolngtoa.—Part of Waahing- ThOM of ua wbo had the privilega od behind him w m q groat tomaar common man and vigorously sup­ blond, loi)g.lagg«d tiup, witb a I a dtotater ersatsd aad aup- la tbo Wgbway Dtpartoiant will ton’t praaoat aataagtomant over on- t( v/ateb tho growth of tho Boy Umt ropnoenfotlvo govonment ha Ths Bureau to MtoM rsporto a friendly contagious grin. He retains MUOOUK,OOUTM A Wb roAdlag: ”1940 vletory, tbroMh puriftod: that pooAa to atetetahte^ ported social sxperi roentsUon. He I tbaoA orltb tba vaat ma- aiova batter—at toaat tor a while, taagllng aUtoacOo to-due, obaarvera Walton tha patient ^akDariMoM fleout movement from the eorlleot unity." - nwrked reduction in hasanto of ex- hto Bouthsm drawl, and Iwa a hero ballove, to a misunderstanding When tbe patient with mucous'thesesas W»ptom a'tenm 1i M l w ^ A ln ili Ml voted' to sustain much to the New DELIVERED TWO ploaton In Boaton maaholea. Tto i ffi^rintandant Bowan. Oartalnly mateod of tha Invaluable contribu­ uovolMlag tha aaserUon that tba ataa over appointments to Federal country whan bs morrtod former sad a policy ov avoldlag "sataagllng or tenderneaa, flatulence or gas, aad •mall hooM troataiont lamp, or with tion tba Boout mevemont hM bo- •la yaara la unampiojanent and dia- ploolona. Prevloualy Uw bureau rs- Martha Btepbeasee. No^ York ao- partaltotio aebtevoment, for the rag- It to to ba aaaumtd that noaa of Rapubilcus party w m tto party of tttutloa to amko way for B14r M poota, aad hto derignatton to Bt m - aUlaacaa." * by tto dtoobarga of mueua. la addl- m ■towod upon youth of ahnoot ovOry parted Uw extotenoo to such bos- tho oioctrie pad. Aa long tto itt- "trua ttboraSi?’ Brew tUe to •upmtawnts." deto' auoceoaor may show whether ciaUto and a graduate to Mtoo Potw tossntlng of paoptoa tue tba ilmlta- them wtn actampt to deprive him, Ihers WM a tlms when soma of Uon there osay be vartoua nervous tostton to dtoturbod It to boot sot to nation end colony, aaelrellng tho BriMkii Preseited OpiliioRt •rdo. tor’s Kbool la BaraUagtoo. Udn of national effort and reaouroea by meddling, of the commanaurate the leaders of the country, notably symptoms, and also soma sort of globo. •rant w to aay that It wan hto owa punetuatkm pelata to. tha ad- be Intends to Itoten to senatorial “ ytldag In tto way X RopubUoM admlntotraUoa which, in atlntotraUea’a budgata to oald; had teeamBMOdaUona. Tha sppototnwnt Severay Now EngUadera have HeadHiflng tto Komp stage show OBeb enda, the Baactot way la tba authority. It to only fair to ramam- John Adams, preferred complete dlgsstlvs rsrangamanl, m wall m Kite tpta, uatof Uqute fruit JuhBo The 99th aaalvoroary of tto bsen ths ricUma to colds sad grippe ara dUaiautlva Judy fltair, a four- I m la ^ . Lamenting tba butotanoa palpitation of tbs taaart mnvemeot la America not only 1930, WM "tto flrst to ssMit—t tto been Uvtag "a aad and tocttl Rfo will to tho PreoMent'o fourth to tbe O l Powers (K Slitet Aid “Boattva way. bar that ha has baen bandad tba Inotopd. If tbo fnnt Juice onuaoo m-tional obUgsUoa that ao Amsrt during Uw past tero weeks. Among foot, nhw-laoh, tfl-pound package of hardy Anurloai) msrinara on An sxosltoat articto discussing tos brings to mind tha good olrriidy ac- waadMiag around among togjmoai- court. to "ougar aad a ; ^ and everyUiliw la BHUto, In Branca, in the tto otomaob bum. can through no fault af hto owa to e^hon," sad to addto that na- Western senators sre certain to them were SoMton Bridges (it. control of tba departmant—and r»- tradlnn with all Mtiono. ba said; snwUonal sida of tto ooUtto prob­ thto ptaia water niiiy to aobatitni- eompltohod. tto happy aumottoa of N. H.). GHbaon (D„ V t) sad Rep­ Bice:” Paul Ramos aad hto Tpy ^IMtod BUtao, man and womw spontoblllty for It—at a ttoaa wban "If aU Intaroouraa between Bu- lem bM boon writtsn by Or. B. o. oarlior and lator d m but undenbt- riUNite go bimgry or oOifl. aad y tto floeal "hoBoeteattoa" or 4B9 look aokanco at spy appoiatoa who UtetOfPiteiUTIbTeni to fto tto JuloA Uotaaity • ortete ot to orgaotto Mttoa-wteb raitoflhr Now Dial rsB tomtemtrattear f S dodo -pot ooaw from ttwl" rsglea. resentative Healey (D^ Maos.). B m Uotar aad Staolty, wbo aro mam Individual Mata aad eiei«« roM Md America could ba out WakaflsM aad Dr. Cbartoa w . Mayo •dfar tbto wash hundrada aad t Its funds have baap' aarloutly da- thto typo will euboMo withia A day Um uasmpteyad." Bootogp’a Utoaoi pravaatad him from IT yagra ate aad riaad g aiopo thraa off forever. If every ablp wa have and appoorod la tbo ’’Journal of tt)0 •ndo of parento throughout tho f t yaara riteopt tto war yoato ^ M m ( o quick to a WXiBtagten. Bob. l i - (A B ) — to be consulted on national platad aad that Judgment on tba or two, provtelag Urn patient dOM ‘Aad," to aalfl wbM woute from would hhvo riwwi a m m im / votteg oa tto raelpreeal tax bm la M taU; Bob Altoa. roanaUe m wars burnt. And tba kaa. of an­ Amoricaa Me<||eai AnoetoUon.”/ln not Mt Improporty. aad ptrorteing wortd wlu voleo tholr congratuls- Jnriieo Loota D. Braafleto, who ts- tto B m loot weak. •tyltot, aad. Soxia Dowoo, ntuad They aevar agraa wrs of hto 1— iTtra durtng' tho other never to be told, we might tioM Md their eternal gratitude. tto bADMOhi whtro to tpAka bofaro A* toojtor J a w ho rmaarited - BMOtiwo Adams ^ tbto artloto, to moke It utoAr tbat to dooo not taho a atroag MaatlvA Colotado Damoersta, • thrir tlrofl ysatordoy, doUvorod two to tto Bopw * Ctetew BavovaMy paualy aad aeldom, evtn aa asajorl- rsat of tba flsaal yoar awat la fair- ^ •‘•PPtoet people oa tto outotep wore roforrlag to o oou- FIftoea yaara from tto lapaptlon, a MMte offleteuy oaUmatod at aama Bupveme oourt’o iM jer deetokiM LoMtlvoa aboute to avoUaa h tboy l^^i^rgM tojdiy^ a foW- aupport of Badoral . Judge Bam lh a Soaata Claims Cteamittoe has tor moro than n Httto whUa. Baas bo tOBiporod by noBgattloa of ••ftb. OBd la flfty years, the meat tto duo to M taUmipUon of too reOordo riiow that hundredo ef boya durtaff tto proswt trim. rnorted favetahly two bOto for-tte tot: I i m aad powerful.” only add furthar farltetlon. Aa bad roootvod freo physical tratetng, hM&Mtom i2m tofttoa^ Brattan-'of New Moorioo. Bona tor ^ n tlm e a very small aatoortttoa. that fBet psraooal'affalrs ef tto patient, tbsy ma a day to often bolpfttl and aboute Cm of them gavo tto ototoo virta- r s u f of Vonoontan. T h ^ wore a Kaapp aad while • number had been reotorod to traata aad ilomnrollMlInirM O o a u l^ (D „ Tex.), sate to w o ^ ally oaUmltad power to provant aato Tork B tato I-Onpilctously like tboae rultog mi- Anyhow the aat-up created to coined ths term "soclologtc Cblitta.” bo taken, tf tto watto In tto enema •nr. rsboamtond Foderal Cfreult Judge msaritw aothetlriag poynwat of Aa AOIbboo Bven then These authors atoo brought up o normal health of mind and bo ^ . auatbr rsopearihUUy- Aad It to w y a " of totnxtcattng Uquosa- Tto opiaion HBOO to Ifred H. ^sanragard. S t Jack LsMslre, _ •Osltlcs In the Baactot eouatotoa, probably as good a ana as could ba But oven In ihoeo years the coun­ la M hot M may to borne. It will The tactful guidance and goa i high ttoM to rttw a ta a terntom that W. " Thto foaeratloo Joseph C. Hutcfaoaon. Jr„ of TaxSa. dtocusslon of toe ImporUnt foot that often have a soothing, relirilng ef­ ^ added that Bratton “would to upbrid Mkfrigon and Mtoaourt tewa Albans, la aatUeawat for tto doatb flnt ruB pfotura, to win to themaelvaa the arrived at—la theory at least—un- try WM forced lo abandon any Judgment dtaplayed by their Uvoa dees aot play poHtIcs with humoa OOsvoua wltti deebay.* Tho inoM barring Inmortation to sleoboHc moderii Ufa tondo to produce Irregu­ fect nUoory." ■pot for that One." to hto sea, Itobart, wbo diod after of popular majerlttoa by such Idea of Isolation snd engage larity of toblta. T h a t^ vary im­ of aooroa of tods among them e a ^ bevoragoo from oOwr atatoa whtob being atniok by n OOC track on our form of govonuaent Piot- in a bard and fast entangling idB- IB toBtorrewt arueto I toon dto- groupe, who were led Into a right Tho ottor BMjor WMlwra, Qor- to taflatkm. Wtoe genator OUletto (D.. lew s), ad- them believe that |g portant hfothe pattontHjrlth coiltto, enact dtocrimlnatory togtoteUoa. Am . >0, iSiT. ty aooa wa ahaU know whether It *B®s. To obtain aid from Franca, cuea THB DIET IN MUOOVB CO U - relattonahlp with their Ood, who bo- oraors Ralph . !<. Carr ef Colorado, oocated appoiatmont of Daon Witoy Tto otter brid that tt a patantod NEW SnSTECT BBJ) . White. Sometimes majorities to roally good or not W e oountry pledged Itself Jointly for if there to anytomg be needs. It TTS. Look for It to thto Frank Pltagernld of MidUgaa, Her- Ruttodgo to tto Oniverrity of Iowa Tto othor MD woute permit How­ gat comlag affUlatcd with Sabbath am flnd f o o a d r a ^ ^ im aid a w iaventloa la appMcabte to dttaroat ard A. B o o w l^ Ludlow, iMorvo of- after such groupe and with Fiance that nsltber would to regularity. Irregular meal bours. •ehooto and DIvtoe worship. laa Buakitold ' of ~ Ia w Sdioa), who w m roportod to uses, tto e going to bed at Irrogular times, and havo boon under oonoMwatton whm rostrtot a floor to Ito ./nay Air Oorpa, to ap­ . op alleya. But never to tbaro end tbs war sgslnst fbi]riond with- QUBSnONb AND ANSWBB8 “Oace a Scout always a Scout”— JuBuo F. Bril W dtotater" Itrsnaos to n JN RAOEIISUTDN Irregularity In regard to the time /(■air Orawth) FeUx Frqnlffurter roomUy w m ply for OoaipaMgtion far lajuttoa G. 0 . P .’S C H O IC E out giving tbs other Mx roontha U m oplrit ef youth eUags to tto Raymond B. BoMwtai of “Tha ptoodo Sbsrsitom” o r tite oxelndatto from other uoea. f — Nautty of program or of puJ^-j^ aotloe. It WM • commitment that slotted to bowel movements, ars QusaUqa: Q. Q. wrltoa: " l m b MoutjMraMtUr to what sgv to may out, aU took ofo la OM Now Daol. to udd la oa oo)octod ,to oucoeod Uw Ixto JooUoO anfforod In aa alrptaM craoh at Dap Oasdoao. Moktori la., la Oetobar, 1988. Boa- poos aucb as U sometimes fot^d In view of the foot that Hsrhsrt Taakee leaders entered Into rue­ undesirabia whan, thoro to any toa- young atooM of >f and within tha othor, tto r i y a pwietehboa ky Bm "SS Aa an attomay, Braadato wss tto to totalitarian countries—such aa tn fully and Anally violated by slgn- dsney to mucous ooiltlA last 6 toontha I hava devMopad a Tka ohtof Scout, Sir R. B. Powoil, ' Another name prominently msn- B rit to prtetet seencaric brtafo to wlek etelmod ho roerivod back la- ?te4Bal noord #aa aiyaotoi ^ m . Hoover wss picked as the keynotor It lunntifog' • ~ilrilili aa a Uoosd WM that to Juatios Haiote Jurios u «e h did aot show pp until aoBSs Unda In the past has peratoU 1" * s peace treaty aitbout full In the article a sUUmsnt la mads beavy/growth of hair on tto face. I flfty-two yaara of ago on satmlag "Tha paopla « f Bitetm to cooMiaa. ' eoDaetlvtam tto fltmnBW eourt. Hla flrst aucb toeUvaa la hto bonia hto laat itobt In a greqt Republican tJnm|a knowledge of France, although With which I thoroughly agree, to have/ tried the vartoua depllatorlea upon hto now odvanture remarked'^ StephoM to- the Dtotriet to Ooium- sffort n IBM reoifltod la a nnsntm- ' yean later. By that tlaw M a a s# suspect bi the toraowr •4 tor eenturtes; during wb qb tba ivaraor Bril, "aad tto poopto of S i 5!? vaam pourto Ma Court to Appoato. Btophona to tto Hatit rally to Now York, and toot ho da^ ,y>*re were no bitter feelings about the effect that: ’’Many vieloua hoM^a advertised but of ooutm they do now start upon my aoeond Ufa In ttda oeuatry ara ttro' o f forifly tote tto Affiorican oyatom to tn a oua dactotoa la fXvnr of tto consU- It for bfo flihg otolme had •aaiaea of the people general %, oa- ft St tbs Ums. of ootlng, oltoplng aad work art kalr growth. I cannot thto world." X TCoteoat to Utah. tuttanaltty of Uw Orojpm law Omit- .jbwtompMMtioa act W HBNYOVSTBPOfF clarad m the flrst objoetlva of tha dyMrilw la govaramoat* •MItmortgagM Om aart Brilowot Norris’ Advtoe Both bUlo wor* tetradaeod by Sena­ tmther hard to tail from the party, facing a PreshtenUal cam­ That WM Just about tbs last ~sb- aboolutoly uarooogalaad hF tto pa- afford etoctrtcal troataMoto at thia Tto world wfll ogroo tto soeond "Thoro to M plate aor aaod la goaoratloa (a pay for R. tog wonwn’a work day to 10 boats. tangling slllsnce” this country hag ttont” Tkat to vary two and Mod e f hla ltf«k wetk hM bow A MMUora Mid Um Braadoto kaaw that Bttlo togal tor AaatjB (R., V L ). the Said except that they paign next year, to bs "tbs prsasi^ tteM haranaa ef having to Mpport "Aayway. ttotr aaw ayatew M Frsridriit had boon awayod la ooo- ^^s:^£Ssn,Ts^ssts. IN NEW YOM K mads. But It bM bsen anything of too work of.tho phyatolM who to m m •rgonwBt WM avallabte to aupport •ad Butooh'p stoadMMdMkr. Mta. ' walhi il on two legs Instead of four. aw mother. Win you ptonaa O foeoM awe geronteteet. Briwtm* ■attotyiag mteiWh to nariva tot ■ddoilag UM toot upotataMBt by vatioa of dignity sad jwrwmallty ot but Isolationist. Some of our com- trying to help tho p n te t With ood- the cause snd what I c m doT" Bood to aw n wproaMtaUvi gevora- tiM Iffdta HaUtete, M.'to dbaidai. W. Just now the democraciea are In merclal treaties date back a hun­ M aitoaNwff support to tho (Dear atgUBMnta for ooetioaol ropiooM IndivMusl men and women.” with tto 4s to ONptola to him how bo aray Aaowar: Aa a gweral rule, a fair­ fraat OM tholr fWlow teat Ha bad Mtos Joaopbtea Ooldmaik, HALEQFSORCHESnA . held oa vggraaqr riwigao. Pvtty bad way. la Britain aad dred years and more. We hava change hto baMto oo m to get ragn- for itoelf n ItfoUao of moral strength tattoo, but had dacMad to oppotat bto wtfa’a riatar, aaasmbto materiaL rnTmtiuiiiii 11 sootiomle rootoraUen pisood atxth ly isidden, and heary growth of hair Fraalffurter. a Harvard law prod OotoeUvM raoald Set say what FVnaoe govenunenta are in eon- traatlas of sanitation, artnameaU tority Into h|s Ufa. Juot —tatutoMag on tto foea of a UFOman MW aanterttag tto youth of oU nn- flto woat into raporto of tagWatlva ovtesaes l l i ^ tto now •noaoet to tho Hot, It assme to us »>«»( sems copyrighU, oommeroe aad culture. faooor. on tto advieo of Bcndtor (xniK 10 lAnroRD whlcb are much Impraaaad by ragidorlty wtH MIp In n phyrieai n glaadalar dtoturbaaca. Without mmmlttsen factonr toriSetoca, with Uw oteyla' iBTsrilgfliliai Yl)s ofaosrvatlons by another RapubUeaa Bvaty such trsaty Use been a way, and It may kalp enough ao that Days wen never asoro critical aad Norite (la ^ Nob.). bygtaM worimra, ^ a to ta M and aSlctency of Baactot rule— onmtalBg you. I am naabto to aay Norris sold today to dte aot BOW riwpoet WM fto iia d wan A lEKT TII8K W ITI A PIEAE IF PIPE Tto Hotel MoAlpia is ^ a of n diffareat type. WUltom Allan m p away from ”tootoUon.” But tha antotlonal dtoturhaaoM Umaly for thto protocUon to youth aodal workata. Tto avMaaeo vagraaey aad bate for KMMW bead. ^ t ^ type of anaagement tod wtothar or not thto aroute to two la Udak foograpUcal quaoUOM woro LtB i ar T b Be* block away fcou dw rTWbich are not at all turn but they Whito, made at a aimllar affair In greatly waakeaad In tbalr powar to your ohaa Under tto circumataaooo, t’ M tha preaeat Thanfore. m to abow that loBg wnchteg I^»lioo roeords Itotod hka m "o m - toward "entangling allancea,” Of greater aatvica cauU vro reader our vltaffy UMortaat in Uw ■olsctlon of boon ware barntfU to ffia FIt 9 Dsjrs Eacag«BMBl ftstm tljr y w w is t td ip b o M w im t i b i s> to have aomethlng a good loa Angeles, are psrUcuUrly de- affect tto colon. tho toot you c m do to to enwtmnf lo jQotlooa but prodtotad n wsotenwr poctod to murder." Crboo fltan •yhaaia R. R. Stodooi aad tbe kind Washington cautlonad Moolo ahouhl to tokaa nt n rsgu- natloa than by doing an that to poa- At Thi State TiMBter. ^ pouftll is 1 SUP IwsMa e asoro like It In their own coun- asrvliig of coasldcratlan. against r use (h ^to rto s. 1 note froos t n iM t to chnoen. riwwad to hod booa gtvM a otorio- only aevea miautae frixa tto tor tlmo each day, thosa abeuld to pootmarii oa your onvolopo that you altaia through word lad deed, w that 14-ysor bsdtona itonnoatovy o m - but they bavaa*t pat mnstcr-- *Tbe grand old Rspubilcan par­ In his Chautauqua spescb dui" Mhter teas adn Uw Boy Scout p n - n o ro WM ooaw OMatlon of Ban- pagM of law, and flS pogso of "tto OTR O i m R W OllIRMII n BOC S S p O V w ll VO Grand Coatral ToraiM L Ing 1930, President Roossvalt on- a irtatad Ubm for golBff to had at Uva la a la rg a city. Bariiapa It would xtaM Bekwaltonbach (D^ Wooh.), toaoo for rabboty In u p . I tte aonraga to annouaoa aucb a ty,” dsetored the famous Kansas alght, aad If poaplbto, a regular tlmo plaofl w infl iaaito tea v itik after tto IwaflB Ib B. 4t O. Malar Coadiu stop plained tbs administration vtow- to pooribto for yon to go to a OlnM goes forth to an par- aad Mlatea (D.. Ind.), both odmla- to their paopto for fear editor, "today standselther upon tbe polnt: should to act astdo after iuaeh for •ad to sMiBlnad. in ordsr to In- lotratfoa anpportera, but asithor boot lo , ortaairrar grooad ifl tootoB fcr B M our door. tba people might ilaa up and relaxation. As mucous colitis to often >te la Maachaotor for tho odvanoo- brink of reUrtta or the rim of tbe “We sre not Isolationist oxespt vootlgnto tto powribUity of a gtaa- meat to on troepo in town, united bao onv eomnsent.'- TO Fon raaONENT , w b gat la tottdi w M ilto flid4l9et them apart, Insofar m we seek to isolate oufr marked by porioda of oonaUpatloa. dular denaganiOBL ■ t o S r Uw acotedeat agate ig- grave." ^ uader Ito bonaor with tta threefold r aad aaggaat potltef lalaflMM Daddodly.lto Hotel MoAlpia tba Uajted Btataa wa are an- selves comptetely from war." It to Nkaartoa Impcctaat that - < S t Priadpato for tto ycotaetkm to aora oorflOMl dowiando, thoro vroto *Tn this new world.” ha. said, ”a paUent try to ra-trala tba coloB tote (»i«riM d ! BUon a wants to kaear: adad, tody and oouL r^ortathat to might eonridHr Bad- ASnDTQHlUiMeff coarnraunDS coodnlt (iraa pipt) la tto waOa orMi cow- is "A Hotol” ia tto wttta quartato world of social, aoooomic, political BransB ABtonaa UsA bottar hobita by bavlM a oval Juflga Floceoos B. Alton of " W yau givo na any ndvtea an me oDcaLKrrnjE. vaoiaat ootlatB for agr HlfoB* R eeater of conreBienoe. advan- and apirttuol ebanga, it to aiUy to Aftsr tba World War an bon- tlaw vrhaa to to fraa to attend to tto ng Wgff m tto rr It n , pionaa put It TtoepdR Ohio; ■qaMWI ItoaMXMa and BordL ■ B O M C A n m Hartford, ".Bak 1 4-^ CAB).— h U r . Rooaavsit aoraaam at tosiat that wa stand where wa al­ sst-to-goodnsos entangling emptying of thto organ. la tto pnpnr. Wo fonoar your hoatth M ad Bteoxa, NOW Toih w«#if.larip,otate boBdtr o o lf B law doUata to I WM written Into ths VersoUlaa Ditttng tto ao-oaltod ‘ advtea and appnetota tto tonriM 1 Matt JarilBii; . Attoiwgr CW MfsailliM ia r tkA i a .. ways hava stood. If wa kaep'^on. Treaty by craatlon c t the Leagua period la Bsuooua noUtto, wl WASBRWD^OBB .BoUcltor a tW r. Itoooa- to tto ptaridsiira. bfrikdair. ao- where wa stood U or flO ofNatlOMi OM oftoTeMaimM I partkitilarty upaat mrAi.wAMinNi ------today ttat ^ tto wiraa an n u I aiG, BCAUnrU. NCW ROOfliS WHM BATH t f n quoWtoB o f anttoiwl don- yoais ogA wu ars gotag to ba tosAttoa PTCBdeat or emotional strain. It to ’ildoMthnoarafniMte I of'tto Harvard Law J for algto-#ed metoeaef dw nli oe Beedte driD Sin^ fraai • OaoWa fruai $ 4 .1 0 ■B N to M oommUtofl ua to help Btaaca da- flsr tto totaatlaal aUarina- dwBta»«rtto Into tha middte of next for preparing i g g Butter". IN iieai tolaa te aaw walla or floan. ior week.” fend tha Rhlaa against Otrmany. It tlon to toroma vary freqiiMt m at ■or Maff hava over haorg of tt, qnd for tto BrovoBUoa o< to vtoholly aad wnthfully WM dsaignsd to be only a temixirB- ttoro may to many tnoysawnto to tt to poariMa that It te n laetoo wgteb Bualiatok W a teiok tito h port 4f aar Jtofll fiavM dt la New York Mr. Hoover talked n tM ly . to BBOtoet Franca MtB any gtvoa day. Boats of tto avacoa- Itr ebaag paBdeal par- In not msH knnwn In thla teentoy. B much about Ubarty, too "frMdom . ooastot atoaeri aMogattor you cMiMtojiTM a g ^ g p B ^ mn of tba :4 B4tr a a i capital n B to too tor a asM to work hto way to tho to nBMBOa. toit toe geaato wouU ofmaeiN. A ortoto af thto Idad to N m iK I N S top.” In Loo Aagotao Ur. White aauafly attandsd by aoariiect, ' SMlHia* It WM hnparoUio that' too ritbar to eortato parts af tto party deflno "liberty.” At bottom, threogboat tto sotlrs ootan; dl- vabr iBaiM “•VtoWtotoK h m . liANcmarrER e v e n i n g B s i ^ a o . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n . T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y ib s * P A G B p n MANCHESTER EVSinNO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CX>NN. TUESDATr EEBBUAR714. IM t

atniggle for high place without Can ws have political and economic country called the Neval confer- pointa out All the gtrU married ncrmous NAMES SERIAL STORY JIatvIffEtfr enOe and signed a naval Umitatlons Oh, Oh! Don’t Look Now, But- knowing what to do with it when liberty while ten million people ara into fabuloua wealth. WESTERNERS SEEK JOB treaty. Fallowed then the nine- and if wa get it. We are, ia a M some kind ef govanment dole?" Oaa arad a aUh titan and tabev- 'DEMED'PAPER BY L(3UISE HOUAES power and tha four-powar pMts Ited his mHIkma at hla death, aa- [(CALLS WOMEN WANT BEAUTY! cosvxiaHT. laaa. noa eBavwtt a &tftt your dally newspaper la printed and ■ion, including preservation ot There were numerous expres­ clude a complete gallt-ry of familiar mammals, blixto, trees and flowois, been granted that second, Asttering Say.’i Jeff growled, “ cut out (k fit' want to operate a war upon ua York and the Whits speech tn Loe New York. Feb. 14.—A First every ticket • ---- —• vrawroorGovernor miawin Baldwia m of cxmnecacur;ConnecUe^‘ ters and telegrams a day In the ot- Hto easy manner rrlea.aed her It now comes la te ly from Canadian sions of regret at Brandeis retire­ one of America's best known lieasta of prey has a place In the 19.39 sheets. glance. Never having had atten­ kind of talk. You're lucky, Juet while we push a quarrel on her in Angeles aa repraaentatlva of opin­ Night that was anticipated with What "Pina and NaSdISS” la to pMCa for America, In which ha oommentlag that ba was “praud to Aces of Senators Walsh (D., Mass.), ne.-yous tension and she exhaled a plain lucky to_ be eicctad." V^II aaralea ellani af N. B. A Bara- more than shear curloalty ws —ood pulp. ^ ^ lay Its graatest opportunity ba a part of tbe ualtad ftopubUcaq ment similar to thto paragraph in and Lodge (R „ Mass.). The cougar, almi known ns puma, panther, mniinlain lion and catamount, tion ahe es not prey on human beings, nltbough a deadly enemy down at her. "That's right—untie A ehudder of fear ran ■ Maaibar AaMrloan Natrapaaar Pat- Democracy la at a tremendous two reaaons. One. beeauaa this Society, the Junior League, Bl ‘‘miaaaga" of "forward-Ktokliig Re- hundreds of tbe petitlona by New look at me the next Urns I pass thto of Sutte'e aplne. ‘Tm Mahara AaaoolalloB. may And It In tha road pointed oy W. F. Hochstetter, Pittsburgh In­ inevitable. Ever since those days of deer. Morgan Stlnemetz painted this cougar portrait that appears the knots. You're among friends." disadvantage In any rivalry, with show is relncarnaUng the FIorodorH Morocco and the Stork Club. puMtata leaderahlp" had been i ~ England congressmen have been way." In fact she did not believe It. She glanced at him etdewlse Bowman, llito thing la ' ventor, smiled as be watched the long ago, when you Bret took your among the 80 Wildlife Week stamp subjects. Susie's dream a-as not one of glory, Pabllahara Rapraaaatatlaaa; Tba White. Mr. Hoover offers tha al­ Sextette of palmier days In nostallc Aad there's nothing srrOng bi ed to the public “the people'* returned marked “no such address" from her long eyes. The day waa tic to beUeva. Tou and I Faadam, It Is Ilka a mob dieputtng high-speed presses run of 8.000 seat on tbe Supreme eourt bench, I merely that tbe ban of homellneos .AUaa Matbawa Bpaelal ABaaar—Na« ternative. settings. fwo. because the co that — If you bellava In this coun anea of It haa bean Utotaat andT and several persons whose names to come when the sidelong glance of I'm Impoattble. Mr. H aitar wIL .Park. CbieaBo. Oatfati aat Bottaa. with a trained army. author of this play happens to hr try's democracy — baeause If the copies, each containing four pagaa tttotakable." have come to tMnk of you ea e appeared on such protests have might be Ufted a Utile. neceszary and very permanent part Susie's waa to be quite devastating, It In tha morning and sand aaa Which will not aava save Faccisra Jack Kirkland, tha ‘TObacBo Road' International Ladlia Garment made from hla proceaM newsprisL GOvarnor ButoiflOld, In a l______written their senators and repre­ She wore a dark blue suit, the aiBMBBB AUDIT BUIIBAD of the court—and, stnee 1BS3 as At that moment It did notMng but home, rag not afraid of w tat tafo .^qKIULATlum. when It comet to tha Anal teat of man who deals directly with dama- Workers can hava fun In their Pralae Pap^a Realataoea to a phraae onto uttarad by Fr*M- sentatives they never 'signed the Collection of Autographs skirt of which camv almost to bar BRANDEIS PUZZLE tlc critica. Even akepUcal presamen pralaeu one who would continue his Ane petitions. see the young man beside her. going to do, It’a what ta wni rataga ‘ Pins aad Needles'', there's no dant Roooevait, eaM "tha paopla qf ankles. The lll-fltting jacket hunch­ to do.” Thto was a hnty; InveNefl. lat strength because Fascism baa a reason why the wearers of those the new paper's resistance aa it roll­ service there until long after: I hsd The deluge of correspondence "Now I know who you are." ahe atw aaaa aa Qnanolai raanonalbiliiv lAat Time Kirkland wrote a show tha middle west look with diafaver" ed at her shouldera and broke at the speech tor Susie. i rotten heart and democracy a One of the most difficult t hinge and It got panned, he ateppeIed anything ta Ukee It's a battle." . Justice Louis D. Brandsis, who yes­ And the bojra In Times ^uare were All we wonder Is hOw the aver "Wa dA not auboertba,” ht otld, corded during consideration of the haa B hobby tbst Is strictly "up to Mr. Patelll has among hla souvenirs, everything. She wore black fabric democracy terribly-slow and costly putting their beta down on a likely egs Broadway and transient read because, they said, the paper Justice Hughes said Brandeis’ re­ Supreme CJourt and government re­ you, didn't I?’.’ bluahed. " I didn't mean that Juiff TUB8DAT, FEBRUART 14 terday retired from active duty on "to tha preachment that our ftonUer tirement brought "a moat serious the minute." such famous lesders as Oene Brod- * loves and heavy, mannish shoes. In the way It sounds—” and bring to ua great burdens ot bout between Kirkland and a critic playgoer will take to Its amiable was writer. to in France.” organization bills. Autograph collecting began ages man, Bennye Goodman, Artie 8hew, aide pocket of her worn purse, “ Fooled me?" loss to the couit" He told her serioualy, ‘‘I waa Susie laughed again, a soft Wnkitt loss and grief—unleaa very soon we the United Btatee Supreme Court, a week before "I must Love Some­ snobbery. Demonstrating that the new Hoover, referring to the Novem­ For yeara congressmen have re­ ago; but obtaining the "John Han­ Larry (Tllnton, Ben Heller, ZIggy •-apped In tissue, toy her moat Brandeis waa the Kentucky-born sleuthing—being a cover-up man He'll find a war on Ms hands ■arhWl '- niU T DEFENSE STEP coma out of our Indlvldusllatlc la held by almost all the people of one" opene.'l. newsprint could not be torn easily. ber elections, said Amartoans had ceived letters, petitions and pro­ cocks" of s i^ g band leaders and Elman, Jose Haly, Jerry Jerome, treasured pusaesslon. A little stivei However, the play-jurists han­ Mechanical Superintendent F. H. son of Czechoslovakian Jewish par­ tests they believed bore fletitious scouting for you. If everything else he taefclee me," she said. muddle and develop our own epliit the United States, however diver­ IT STUDENTS LACK HONEY ‘togaln spoken their dehukM that ents. After graduating from the their HI-DerHo boys Is compnja- Harry Goodman, Lionel Hampton. compact *1lh a fraternity emblem Jeff wanted to reaeauie her, ' f h i f are in thia world tbrea dled It, "I Must Love Romenne” Is Winch ot the Post Gazette exclaim­ t t e ^ y eguarda of Uberty be maln- names, but the consensus of New tlvely neiy;' Many swing fans and T.ddy Wilson, Charlie Blake. Ver­ falls I ran be a detective.' of neUonallam, realising that s gent and conAletlng thair social and niEV BARTER WITH HAMS ed: Harvard Law School, be practiced on one side. It had never been wanted to tell her that sta wi grant nmtlonAl entitlen which are a colorful reminder of gaslight Englanders to that this recent batch Jittsrbi^ have taken to this hobby non Brown end many others. u.fd. It waa a symbol of tragedy, house continually divided against it- economic beliefs. Not that JuaUca and glamor days In Manhatton 'It’s In the bag. This paper Is bet­ drat tn LoutovlUe and then in Bos­ had a higher percentage of "phony” bad. Honesty kept litan tt optmted goletjr by Intellect—Oer- Pullman, 'Wash.— (A P )—A crate "Th^e people." he added, "hava ra- ton. He fought in tbe latter city for in town and young Patelll was In- When Bskrd if he ever became fed but Susie loved It. The trifle proved Susie thought thto over. When Bad? Bta waa tonibta aeir cannot stand unleaa It aban­ Brandeis hasn't deserved the high when tbe Florodora Girls were ter than anything we've ever had. It •toted much Independence ta Con­ Only one member of the court names than any In recent years. te r ^ vwed or the subject to And out, up with the Idea of waiting for ■hs spoke It was to mske one of the awny, Itnly, Japan. The Intellect flowerlr\g. of pumpkins or hams from the old would have stood up juat aa well at reduced premluma on induatrial life t..st she had gone to a party with beside him, stringy hair dons Its dlvlalon and pula Its brains opinion of all clasaaa of Americana gress. They hava returned to office western legislators pointed out, Asks Shrine Ooxskleratioa il isstble, the technique Involved hours before even seeing one of the Dick Tremaine. flrat clever remarks of her Ufa. la any o t the Inatanceg may be de- That orauteous sextette was the farm smokehouse can be tbe down the rate of 60,000 an hour..” ww _ —--- insurance and for public ownership Representative UcCtormack (D.. from below tar hat. tyebtews mra who fought staimohly far Jm come from beyond the Mtoalaaippt of the subwray system, tn fact, he in Slidsuch an avocation. sw-ingsters, young Parelll replied The bus, easing Into the depot, gueoe you were boy eeoutlng,” ehe faotive or not, but auch an it la It la to werk In Its own defense. -but public men do not alwraya re­ toast of ths town in 1900 and payment rni an education at Wash­ Dr, Hochstetter, who claims hla indepCndenoe of the courts." Mass.), has asked the National lag out pugnaetdoaty, Mtotle IN ington State CoilegA river. He to Justice Pierce Butler gave up s lucrative private busi­ "nie method used by the majority that he believed that It Was worth lumbered -no more than did Susie eald. “ I was your good deed for of a none. Jeff humorttuty That la the nrat stap we need to ceive whet they deserve. owed Its fame and fortune to proceas will reduce the prii^ ef Kaynotint tlto flSrd annual lincoln Defines ‘Tina IIheralliM" Park Service to consider estsbllt^ of eoUecters is quite simple If one waiting for. as the longer It took to BMprame. No queatioa o f morality Yals. If the truth be known. Poastbllltles of tha barter aya- of Minnesota. ness to battle the utl)lties and to as she climbed aboard. During the that day." the Chtot had tatter Junk gat take In national defense—to quit Brandeis la not only a very pro­ newaprint from the present scale of day dtnber of the National Republi­ Turning to hto dellnltton of “trua . The 82-year-old Brandeis. wboje Ing a national shrine at Dorche^er has the patience. After attending secure a signature, the more vMu- or humanity, no aenae of juatice, no For this Is how It happened’ tem are offered needy students $60 to $06 a ton for wood pulp to work for better labor laws. long ride to Chicago ehe waa unable JelTa browa allot up. Not so tad. start oil over. nounced liberal—he Is recognized aa can club—at which other RepubU- Uberaltom," ha declared that It shock of unruly lron.gray hair made Heights, Boston, where Gerieral a show In which one of the leading able It seemed to be. There are Maybe she did have aomething hid' nOMBhlaration of fair play Intrudes. acting like silly children In the face these six, comely chorines were In Who live In the new 'rooperaUve ot Mld7t would be ‘several «rrerai Called Uallt For Cexri Washington placed the to relax, bar taut nervea tightened Oa one point Jaff we> plat con leaders from as far west aa sought "freedom from both bureau­ Mm a picturesque Agure on the Hto nomination to tbe Supreme orcbeatrae to featured, numbers of those who frown at the enthiislaem with every mile ahe had panicky den under the pounds, Karh of thaae natlona plans Its acta of the Fascist menace. such by thousands of persons whose a show called "Florodora" which dormitory. Farm youths can-*and months, at least” before commercial cracy and private privilege in the seized at TIconderoga to fi fluott Lamtart was do—turn In vegetables, Fwailfla fruits AWor ______a___ a i ______a. _ .. (folorado spoke—the only living ax bench, made known lito decision to Court brought opposition from fi­ enthusiastic fans gather In front ol displayed by swing fans over col­ momenta when the eafety of bet "I taka It you wanted to coma,” views are Anything but liberal, who was about to cloee up — for lack production could be started. conAdent beUef that without auok British to evacuate Bosto^. Knowing UtUs of girtt and ItB pe^ea, according to its of receipts — when a party of rau­ meats from home ae payments on president made hla moot vigorous retire In a one-aentence note to nancial interests and e number of the stage exit and wait hopefuJy lecting autograplu; but to the 'an room and the Waffle Shoppe aeemed ha remarked. would be frightened at many of "Pittsburgh will have the Bret freedom the pursuit of other bleoa- A representative of/ the Park himself, tt means ■ great deal of toss, ta had n atnng Bonvlotttff . gVtMmment'a IntaUlganoe, on tbs cous Yale Boys In from New Ha­ board and room bills. They get chance to create this new Industry, attack since IBM updn tha Roose­ President Roosevelt late yesterday. attorneys. Seven former presidents for the band to come out, each with more to be dealred than duMous ad­ “I bad to come,” she said simply. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ings to tn vain." Service recently vtojtM the city his or her autograph album in satisfaction When he to able to re­ beauty and attnettvesH* thigla basis of national aggrandise- hts Opinions If they were expressed ven to paint tha town red. swoop­ credit at tbe market price. ht # Coanalb^ (D., Tex.), exid be would re u f o t Varmoaten. Tlity were a coined the term "sockilogte Oolltls." .while a number had been rcatored to ally uaHmlted power to prevent aol* meoMra authorlsiag payment ot York etato champion amg daaeere; ■•iapiclously like those ruling ml- Anyhow the set-up created la Aa AlUonee Even Then be taken. If tbe water tn the enema normal health of mind and bo^. D unity rsapoMlbUity. And it to “Mr. ROooevtot aayt." ba waM recommend Federal Cireuit Judge Tbeee authora alao Draught up a at latoxleating llquora. The opinion 81,000 to Fred H, Beauregaifl. flt- Jack LeMalre, Eddie Kuaby and a nprlUcs In the Fasclat countries, probably aa good a one aa could be But even In those years the ooun- la oa hot aa may be borne, it will .The tactful guidance and good high Uma to return to a ayatem that on, " Thto generation haa a r«a- Joseph C. Hutebeean, Jr., of TaxSo, flrat run picture. discussion of the Important tte t that often hava a soothing, relmung ef­ but added that Bratton "would ba upheld Michigan and Mlaeouri laws Albano, In aetUement for tbe death manage to win to themaalvea the arrived at—In theory at laaat—un- tr)' was forced to abandon any judgment dtaplaynd by their Uvea does not play poUUcs with human dezvoua with daattny.* Tbe meal barring Importation of alcoholic moderii Ufa tands to (UMuce IrregU' fect mtoety." probable spot for that reodeavoiiB line." o t hto son, Robert, who died after wipport of popular maJorlUaa by such Idea of Isolation and engage of bcorea of lade among theae early beveragea from other atatea which betair atnick by a OOC truck on dar our form of govemmant. Pret- In a hard aad fast entangling alU- larlty of habits. T lw la very Im­ In tomorraWa arttela I ■ns|| dls- groiipe, who were led into a right Ths other major apaaken, Gor- todas tt taflatfam. W h «i thtt gao- Senator UiUette (D., Iowa), ad­ portant tcRthe pamnt with oolitu, enact dtocrimlnatory legtotatloa. Aug. 90, 1M7. • making them believe that blach la ty aoon wa aball know whether It ance. To obtain aid from France, cuea THB DIET IN MUCOUS COU relatlbnship wfth their God, who be- arnors Ralph U Carr of Colorado, aratien haa geoa up that aOey they vocated appointment of Dean Wiley The other held that If a patented NEW SUSPECT HELD white. Sometimes majorttiea get Is really good or not this country pledged Itself jointly for If there Is anjrtbmg he needs. It T18. Look for It In this nawspapar. comtnA affiliated with Sabbath Frank FitsgaraM of Michigan, Har­ wlU And traadom^ geoa m Rutledge of tbs University of Iowa The othar bU would permit How­ Is regularity. Ir^gular meal hours, Invention to appHcaMa to different ard A. Beaerieic, Ludlow, reaerre of- after such groups and chase them with Franca that neither woidd sebooto and Divine worship. lan Buohflaid of South Dakota, rendesvona wtu ba with a fon-olaad Law School, who waa rqm ted to uses, the owaar may reatrict a end ths war Against Kngland with­ going to bed at Irregular times, and QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS •Once a Scout always a Scout"— JuUua F. Hall at Wtodonala. and dictator." hs've bean under ooustdaration when fleer la the Ariay Air Corps, to ap­ ffl HAMIER SUVDW up ^eya. But never la there a Ucenoaa to a poitlcttlar flald and ply for OompaaaatlOB for Injuriaa out giving tbs other six months Irregularity liy regard to tbe lime (Hair Orawtk) The mirtt of youth olings to the Raymond— ------— R.------BaMwta--- a t COnaeeU T h e ^ paaudo---- - —— Bbaralttm” e4_ilM Felix Frankfbrter recently waa exclude the protect from other uses. oantlnulty of program or of ''pur- "G. 0 . P .’S CHOICE notice. It was a commitment that slotted to b6wel movements, are QuesUon: Q. Q. writas: "1 am t scout no matter to what age he may oU took op, Ik OM srur ar aa- New DaaL ha d d ia oot of ths selected to succeed tbe late Justice auffered tt aa airplane crash at Dea Indlanapoha, Fab. l i —(A F )—A cut Cardoso. Moinaw la.. In October, 1928. Bea- poaa such aa Is someUmea. found In view of the fact that Herbert ^oukee leaders entered Into rue­ undesirable .when there is any ten­ young woman of 87 and within the a t^ n . othar. tha oiagaa pfaelalniid ta the uieat ehaltonging riiTr*ns 'at htt As an attoniay. Brandeto waa tha 44-year-old Indianapolis awn with a dency to ipucous ooHUs. Another name proiqlnenUy men­ wlck clshned ha reeelTed back In- in totalitarian coiintrles—such as In fully and AniUy violated by sign­ last A months I have deveiopi Tha— . chief Scout, Sir R. B. Powril. banner at "tlMlr baeks. —flpaaeh. *.tt - baeoaflag------"v ta lh iaaa____ a teat to preaant economic briefs to criminal record was arrsstod hy da- Hoover was picked as the keynoter In the article a statement le made tioned waa that of Juattoc Harold Jurlaa which did aot fftow up until •ome lands in the past has persist- ing a peace treaty without full heavy growth of hair on the fai flfty-two yeaid of age on entering "Tha paopla at Wlaeeatoa,' mixture of eoerdoo. eoileottvtoai tba Suprama court His first auch toctlvaa la hto boms Ista last night In a gre\t Republican Lincoln Day knowledge ot France, although with which I thoroughly agree, to hav^ tried the various depiiatdrles upon hla new adventure remarked ‘T governor HaU, "aad tha paopla of Stephens ot the Dtotriet of Colum- effort m 1909 resulted in a iiaoiilm- oeroral jreon later. By that time as a new suspect la the hnamer ad for centuries; during whan the te of aad Inat for parsooal power poured rally ta New York, end that he de­ there were no bitter feelings about tbe e ff^ t that: "Many vicious bsMts adv^ised but of course they do now start upon' my secoisd Ufe In thto country n n tlra’ of umUy Ua Court of Appeals. Stephens to ous dactotan ia fovnr of the coaatl- the Umlt for htt O V tf clatms had kUUag or Ura. Ckrrtt Lalak Reaffg. ------Into the American ayatom at traa a resident of utMi. expirad undar the compeoaatloa act. W H EN YO U STEP O IT TH E maaaes of the people genera i % oe- clared aa the Arst objective of tbe It at the time. of sating, sleeping and work are not kill the hair growth. I this world." dynaoUea la govarameat* ■Mk. “and u mortgagaa tha next tutlonMity o t the Oragoo law Umlt- 88, here Jan. 17. oaaM rather hard to Ull from the That was just about the last "sa- absolutely unrecognlaed by the pa- afford slactrtcal treatmento at Tha worM wlU agiaa tha aecoad Fellowed Nerrtt* Advlee ing women’s work day to 10 hours. Both MUs xrara Intrbducad by Bau- Hto arrest foilowsd qnutlnntng nt party, facing a Presidential cam­ "Thara to ao pMaa aor aaad la generatloa to pay tar R. Admlntotratlon sene tore aald the tor Auatfa (R., VL). baaats of the field except that they tangllng .alliance" this country h08 tlcntr That Is very true—and. part time beeauaa of having to anpport period of hto life’s work has been Assariea," ha addaC "today Or aver, " A a j ^ , their an r ayatom tt Brandeto knew that little Icgel WUUam R. Butsch, 87. o f LoattvUle IN NEW YORK paign next year, to be "the preeei^ made. But It has been anything of the work of .the phyaiciah who le my mother. Will you pleaae ttu equally oa prafltabto as the flrat, aad Frealdettt bad been swayed In ooo- argument waa avallaMe to support and Butseh's stepda^Car, Mra walked on two legs Instead of four. aaa for oaa maa govoraaiaat Whatwa aausfyiag eaough ta raeelva ttr ')4derlng the toot appointment by vation of dignity aad pemnallty ot but Isolationist. Some of oiur coro- trying to help the patient thth ooll- the cause and what I can do?" certain^ far-reaching hy Its uplift­ naad tt aw n rapraoaatatlve govera- UluaitaiaUiig auppdrt af tha Obor the statute. Lydia Hatfleld. 8J. e f fawalnm. W. Juat ,now the Oemuenu tea are In mcrclsl treaties date back a hun­ arguments for aecUonal represen­ Individual men and women," with tla la to a x {d ^ to him bow ba may Answer; Aa a gsneral nils, a fair­ ing influances, h a vl^ estobltohcd — It; batter reprseeatatlve govata- tounlst front OM their tfollow tisu He had Mtoa Joaephtna Goldmark, HAL KEMPS ORCHESTRA held on vagraney charges. • pretty bad way. in Britain and dred years and more. We havs change hla habits oo aa to get regu­ for Itself a Ilf dine of moral strength tation, but had dccldad to ^)point hto wife’s Mater, aaramhla materiaL Detectives weuld net say w tat economic restoration placed sixth ly sudden, and heavy growth ot hair Franitfurter, a Harvard law pros in France govemmsntj are In oon- treaties of eanitatlon, armamenU larity Into his Ufa. Juat aotahUahiag oo tha face of a uraman Indicataa now supporting tha youth o f all na­ She arent into reports of togtolative evidence Hnked the new mmaaet In the list. It eeeica to us that tome copyrights, commerce and culturn. tions. fcaaor, on tbe advice of flenitor rrmimittrasi factory iaapaetors, COMING TO HARTFORD Uni which are much tmproaaed by regularity wtu halp in a phyaleai a glandular dtoturbanca. Without Notria (ImL. Neb.). wUh the sUytn* Invettlielkm Tta obeerratlonp by another Republican Evary auch trsaty has been a way, aad It may fcalp anough ao that Daya were never more critical anfl flyiiaaa wotkors, pb,,aiciaixi aad •oamlalng you, 1 am unabla to say Nontt said today he did not new suspect was charged w ltt A REAT TRICK WITH A PIECE RF PIPE D m Hotel McAlpin b only a tha efficiency of Faeclet rule— •Up away from "leolaiion." But the amoUonal disturboacas ara Umaly for this protection of youth aoelal workara. Ths ovldsaea was vagrancy aad held for |8J)00 bottd. of a different type, WUUam AUen whether or not thia wouM ba true In think gcograpMcal qucaUoaa wara Faaow Boiiff Leader To Be­ L, which are not at all aura but they has this type of arrangement lad greatly weakenad in their power to f an ,ths present Therefore, ao dsMgaad ta show that loag wotMag PoHce rooords fasted uisi •• •wm- block asray from the Pean- White, made at a similar affair tn toward "entangling allancea." of your case. Under the drcumaUDcas, vitally Important In tbe oelectkm of hours were harmful to women. gin Fire Days Eagage«efit Nsturalljr you want telephoos wirss to bs as ooght to have something a good affect the colon. the beet you can do la to oontteua to greater service couM we render our pectod of murder.” Crime BIm •yhraais I t R. Station, and Los Angeles, are particularly de­ the kind Washington cauUonad natloa than by doing aU that to poo- JuatleiM. but predicted a wsaternsr KaadeU’ brief rnnslitsil o t 18 At The State Theater. flmJ more Uka It tn their own coun- against ? Meals ahould tis takan at a regu­ use dapllatorlea. 1 note from the migtat be chosen. ■bowed ta had been given a tmn to inconspicuous as poeeibls in a now boms. only seven minutes from the serving of consIderaUon. slbto through erord ind deed, ao thAt pages of a review of legtolatloa. two 14-year Indiana reformatory Mee; but they haven't yet muster- lar Uma aaeb day, thara should be postmark oo your eovsiepa that you Thera aras some inentlon of Sen- ssn- But often it is difficult if not impoesibb to "The grand old Republican par­ In his Chsutauqua speech dur­ a statad time for going to bed at no boy Miau mtoa tha Boy Scout pra- pages of law. aad 98 pagaa of "tha Hal Kaott aad hto orehaatn, teaca for robtety tt IFH. Grand Cenural Termiasl. afl courage to announce auch a ing 1036, President Roosevelt ex­ llvo In a large dty. Perhapa It would atotx Echwaltoabach I (D.. Wash.), foots of common kaowtodge of coming to tha stage of ths State pines wiroB iaaido tta wiUs after An honao b ty," declared the famous Kansas nIghL and if poeelbic, .a regular ttma be poadble far you to go to a CUnM aad Minton (D., Ind.), boUi admlii- B. A O. Motor Cosetas stop ■orpeaa to thatr people for fear plained the administration view- Tha tePM l goes forth to afl poia which ths court sMy taka^idleiBl ‘nMatar, Hartfoed, with their Mg editor, "today stands either ujvjn the pint: ahouM.be set aside ORer timch for and ba examlnad, ia order to la- lotratloe suppoitera, but aeUbar aotlea." buift. 80, whenever (round b brotan for a at our door. relaxation. As mucous collUe Is oftan ents In Manchester for the advaace- rsrue for a flea-day wgagenMot fkat tba people might rlae up and brink of reLIrth or the rim of the "We are not laolatlonlst except veetlgaU the poadhUlty of a glan­ meat an troops In town, »ini^eg bad any comment. beginning Wednaoday, have won a TO F O n PERIlUiENT new bouse, we get in touch whb tta ercbitect marked by parloda of constipation, o t taka them apart. Inrofar aa we aeek to Isolate our- dular derangement. under Its banner with iu threefold ffhooid’ tbe prerident again Ig- repntatloa thtt asaaoa for''' tuteg grave." it la likewise important thM tha aad owner and suggaat pnttiac tabpboaa Decidedly, tta Hotel McAlpin Bi the Unitad gtatea are are en- selvea completely fropi war." _ ( Egg BxMer) priadpato for tha protecUon at ■ore aartkxial damaada, tbera were ASKED TO r o n MEW the beet stage Miow band now on "In this nsw world," he said, "s patient try to re-tratn tha colon Into reports that ha might consider Fbd- CODNIY CHAPIEIS tt " A Great Hotel" in the . tbaty prsoccuplad with quarrals ^QueeUen: Ellen O. waaU to knoer: nitnd, body and aouL tour. conduit (iron pipe) ia the walb with eon- wrorld aft aoelal, economic, political Freadi AlUaaee Died better habits by having a daflnita "Oan you give us any advice on aaak- etal Judge Florence E. Alton of Muetoaltt aa wall as thaatiicsHy watr group and pararmal advan- CECIL KITTLE, veaieat outlets for our wires. It costs tta center of convenience. and spiritual change. It Is silly to After the World War an hon- time when he Is free to attend to the ng * 1 ^ Butter?’ t t oo, pleaoa put tt ^ ______TTOop 4a OMe; ffoorael Roaenmaa aad Fardt- BELOAN CABINET Hal Kaamtt orchaotra rteaerraa top- Hartford. FVh. 14 — (A F ) — emptying of this organ. BhPsa- Mr. Rooaavalt acreama at Insist thst We stand where we al­ est-to-goodneae entangling alliance In the paper. We follow your health aoad 'Fseoca, New T o fk ffupsaaa notch raffag. For Kaam baa a Tbonma ff. fliMth. stota chairman o f builder only a few doUers to put these pipes .flWBtora and the preaa; aanators was written into the VersalUea During the so-coUad "crisis" adviea and appredaU tba beneflt wa Must Juaffeee; Attotaey Geoaral on htt own. a dtotaMtlva broad of tta eoromittoe for the esiebtvtiaa in. Leter on, when we install the tebphone, ways bays stood. If we keep on period in mucous coUtlo, wlMn tha WAS GLAD TO GET Fraak Mniphy; SoUettor Geatral BnissMs. Fsh. 14—(A P )—KMg of^ tta prseldent's hflrth ^. .M fl tha preaa aeraam at Mr. Rooae- Treaty by creation of the Leagua havo reeatvad fiom your ‘ augna- music easily recognised by tu ta stsndlng whare we stood 16 or ao of Nattons. One of tha collateral eokm ta particularly upoat afttr Ueoa," m s FINAL WARHINO Robert B. Jackson, aad Jamca Laorald today r oqueoted Hubert •tnuneat tfleka. Aad it was tbis nouaeed today that plans wars un­ tbe wiiea arc run through the pipia out of zia. U A u n n ii. n e w h o o m s w ith » ath ' waR. I f a quaaMoa o f aattimal dan- years ago, wo are going to be treatlea Piwldent Wilson signed narvoua or emotional atratn. R la Laadto^deoa of'tb a . Harvard 1 Pttilat. Walloaa CXtholie leader, to styla tbat 'ttOn hfan tba'hearts ot der way for permanent county sight . and moraovar ttart’s no naad to drfO Single from $ 3 • Oonbb from $ 4 .1 0 Aaawer: I do net knew o t a raetoi BCBOQb form a aew eahteot to repfawa that • w comaa iip it ia aa Uksly anough knocked Into tba middle of next committed us to help France de­ common for the Inteotlnal elimina­ for preparing "Kgg Butter". Meaa of Rougo. La.— (AF>— BtMa ths aatksi’s matte lovera when chaptersof tta National FoondaUan - JommlaolaBar R. W. fftattflalfoa Oa MeRayaelfo of PraaMor Paid Heart Speak who hoba fat now walb or ilooca. Mflaad for cheap political purposes week." fend the Rhine against Qertnsny. It tion to becoms very frequant and my ataff have aver bearg cC R. and oomMned with a samolh suave for the P revention at 9 aotauui MHCIO atSMMUMIS was designed to be only a tempora­ geto aeae uauaoal rnrfai|iunilaaia. llMsa waa wsaeulallna wbotbor raMgaaff Fab. 9. I R ia violentiy and wrathfuUy there may ba many mevenMnto la It to pooMHa that R la a tadpa wMeh rhytkOL FaraUett. Wa think thb b part of oar Job of provldiag In New York Mr. Hoover talked ry treaty, to protect France until any given day. Some of tha avacua- letter o m amiteMa tang Juatiqa A u bm d MeRoyaoiito. TT- Fheawr PraaMer Heart J a w r da- Althougb p ia ilp a iy ' known for AO esw ty rhiirmni for cheap political pur- to not wen-lowwB In thia locality. R year-oH dean o f the court, aflgbl Mfattd a Maiilar eestoattMon Tester tkakaatpoaribbtabphooaaervboattlwlow-' much about Uberty, tba "freedom the L e o M of Nations could begto ttona may oonaiat almost altogether you care to write again, gMam m t htt raatt.taeoatt hrnadcaett ovxr ttimmsnii to maet with Laber aad capital ran hi the to fUBOtton. But the Senate w o ^ L WATKI N S foflow Braadsis into raUiaasaut oat poaaibb coaL By tta way. hffva jroa a for a man to work his way to the of mucus. A crMa of this Mad M atom tnfonnattoii. Id w O tiy t a M > the three amior aatwacka aad htt Safari wttMn the M st few dgys to Mth tketr thuaMm ia each hava nothing to do with ths Laagua usuaUy attendad by enaouM ) dls^ . predtotad ba dttcMi this aRantttn and ndvise on tabpbona? Tta Soatbam Maw Ifffghnil top.” In Loo Angelas Mr. Whlta aad the French treaty died with It. yoo. Tan srill leoatve a fagiiy ■ iM • knmihmr aSllOftHm * ---- «: a t H 6 1 ^5 ar tba 1B40 ■fo*** • OFBt «ra r aFpstaiaMat of - Wa flght aad belabor eomfort, auch aa pain, tmasnisaa qutcMy^ tf - wyau aaotoat------A—• —a mtatjga. ^ e " •w^Kgga on uiw DtMBEI HOTEL M ^M Lyip aold It was;Imperative that' tha BMea then Uto country haa altbar-ia emtala pnrta at tba eetoa, t to the pclat: Dr. A dilta T^RplMaa Cffwipapp. We propagaadtae claas party deflna “Uberty." At bottom, avoided "entangling aUtoncas" but - Mampafl aavelaye wits havo a tottar taOBw ma ff two 1 •BOADWAT at 3 4 «k t T S lir , arthraugbout tbs entlrs colon; dt- your queatton, t o t ^ < w a R M g la g , fm .im m atot a a R m US i Fnttansf tta Wa fen daelnio^ - F •V b trtr la am taamoL « ~ tohaprtMafl IstMaxH^IaaqttMdafgM Itch • tae' V*..’ MAMCHeSTER EVEN1NQ BIBALD. MANCHESTER. C»NM TCE 8 DAT. nSRUAKT 14, IM f IIANCHSSTBB EVENING H E lU La MANCHEEnS. CONN. TDE8DAT, FEBBUABT14. IfS t Supper a t 8 p. m. Prompt Hanaen snd Walt Gruadar ebd tbalr I day dinner that a "ebooga oa tM dMS4 per LOee bMeW payr*’ ICealsy atkad "In my own Cnisadaa—Italian and Vatleu arta- Spaghetti for the troop members, reign hereby. AU first claat acouta port of tM govanunaat toward higbaM Maes U i i aafl opinion be Uun demand tsrrl- tocraU, repraaantatlvu of tha Or­ R uffles ChecI RETURN TO BERUN and their parents. We are giving and those above, In the troop, ara buitnera — largo end amall — wm 38497 MrtM In North Africa, including sev­ der of tha Holy Bepulcbra, and va­ TEAR DOWN OID you ttato p i^ ram in raverae, but It to be formed Into a raparata patroi Overnight News needed to solve tM naamploymrat deatM. SEES JUDGE DENIES rious prslataa of the Vatleu court. LACK OF UNITY FRENCH DELAY eral lalanda along the Bpanlah coaat. DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS la all here. All Manebrster 9couu know aa “Ebcplorers". AU proepee- problem aad he charged that Praal* New Haven Jaa Meaatyfe, acn That wtu completa tha chain,' eon- Cardinal PacalU took hla plaea on OF WILSON SEEN are Invited to the program s^blch Uve leader# of lower rank wUI take drat Roosevelt was trying to *ta* tha gospal, or loft Mda, of tna altar. win follow the eupper. over the leadership left open now. Of Connecticut Craehosiovtkla’B ftaondir sM ■ra*'! trol of tha Medltarraneu Baa. ac­ MISTRIAL MOVE In a a n ^ throna ehalr naar thru R. R. BUILDINGS t elta'tM people of thto eountry with baaeador from tM t ropUtaffa bei- NEW WARSHIP quisition of rare dsposlta of mercury OF DEMOCRATS FORMAL NOTICE lU&SOAY, FEBRUARY 14 We are rather proud ,ot our rec­ And that Is as it should bs. A tM tear of invaalnn from eome for­ caaksta which already had bsm <0 8:80—A1 Jotoon Bbow — MArtM ord attendance at the last meeting place for everyone, and bow con By ABWMJUYBO PBE66 Oreat Britain until tM n "" In southern Bpaln and control of the placed one Inalda the other. ;« la akatern Staneard — Subtract Raya, Parkyakarkus, Lud Olua- eign power." Muntob pact waa sigMd, taM h utira Bpaln-Franee border Uns Jns Heur far eantral Tint*—r. M. —almoet 100 per cent Lel'e keap that be unless wa move along oon- The Inner easket w u of cyprsae I kin's Orebutra. Action Expected If United that up. But It doek not mean we tlduallyT Hertford—TM aUte Haaltb Da* tuie audlmioa a t Yale tkat LEAVE WAYS which will be m uned with his light- IN I H CASE wood, lined with Bine aad rad aatln. TOLD AT MEET TO n O E N T S Changm ta Itittos Cm M iwtteort oar- I 9;00—We TM People. partmeat reported OonaaeUout bad roeloa. In d a a b f wltk Wreck Storage Skeds, Brick OMSa la l t la ineorporalt./ ara fuU up. No, »lr Any boy wish­ Tha Senior Scouts will oonom- Bridgeport—A I0-yaar>old road­ Amy.** On ita eover w m a eroaa of walnut. (Oontlaaed Trom Pago One.) I 9:30—Ctomel Caravan — Benny Ita lowest death rata ever lb I988— statta, abould follow s4« iM i Pag* Om ) (Oentiaasd from Page One) 4M—Orobaaura A Otarua—««af onir ing to join our ranks hs* a hearty Irate on handcraft and outdoor ao* ster skidded aad overturned three After, his short stay In Farts The middle easket was of lead, ona- (OMUanea from Regs Om ) Banno RablnoS, vioUn—nbc-rad-wati I Goodman's Orchestra. States Approves Arrange- welcome awaiting. 9.7 par 1,000 poaulatioa. New Iowa espta aad M "abaotataly whlla awaiting paasags boms on the fourth of u Inch thick aad walgh- Rovnd Hooie; Mo?e Them xaira; Danca Orchaa—nba-wjz.aaat 110:00—“Dr. Chrlrtlan" starring tirttles. "Brick” Stone's patrol are tImM on Seealde boulevard, killing the esse thrown out of court. ft.—nbe-blaa-mldwtat enticlpatlng their prise from the were rat ta the death ratra of la- mMlag on tM fnndoaraatala ct it ii ta UlM UBtfar Ita protae* "Qussn Mary*' on Fab. 4, Mosley bad ing just under 900 pounda. On Ita Ing another special meessge on re­ day and tba BritUb Cabinet m ut­ N«wt; tporu Comrotni^wRbcnan only Jean HerSholt. Michael Bebocln^, 30, a passenger, feat mortality, tuberoulosto, pMu- ap««oh aad the Unriikiira at tiM tha paaea oC trua juiUca.” Judge Charles C. Nott ruled It lief to ConEircu after It had made ing tomorrow h u bun keralded In ment For Jew Emigration TROOP NO. II inter-patrol contest—a weeh*end at and seriously Injuring Anthony P. ample opportunity to sound out the cover, towaid the head, w u a erou Dandn~Tlmt for — Dane! • ___ ^ Mutle—eb«-eh*lnjale • ______10;30^YM(Lt Choral Qub - Camp Ptonser oa February 17tb. monla aad measles. TM birth rata bwaon oottL" nOoMflgr Bvolaaa French temper on the flpulsh situs- was up to the jury to daclda wheth­ In relief. To W arehooie PoinL a 1180,000,000 reduction In the advuM M dedalva atepa toward — jana Uuale Orehaatro—mba-ehaln Murial Oewa Alnloy, director. Booutmostor: Richard B. bibUh Mlkueky, 34, end Edward Hojnow- Tka Fpahrar thaa, daeUrad that er the chargee against Hints—that am-iunt the President had uked for tiie—KtoMm Clolra—nbe-rad-ehair______Seooad Congregational \ Important: That all flrst class akl, 30. tlon. The outalde easket w u 6f poUehed raeognitlon of Franco. Howt#ala Wins.Wtnf. DramaUa—cbt-wabeDramAtl»—cbfvwabe 10:48—Amerlean V lei^inta. Scouts and those above In rank, Naaliam had aaolvad a "apirttual. be had eold political protection to elm. with a cover llkewlas sur­ WPA. After F ruco'a conquest of Minor­ Thff> AlrtlnaraAlrUn«r« Orehaatro—mba-ebalnOreneBtr*—mM>eh»ir 11:00 — Easo Reporter — Newa Washington. Feb. 14.-t(AP)— lerlbei Waltar Grander "The FrcBcta people seem easy Dutch Schultz's 830,000,000 iiW—Pr»se N«w»~nb««WMf It'i out! Tbs results of tbe intar^ registered In our troop, attend tha Hartford — Joseph P. Herria, BhUoaophy and orsaaiaatloh ^tor over the wrhole situation," said Mos­ mounted fay a crou. Tbe brick round'-bouee u d the Administration leadsrs In the ca u d Catalonia last week, Instait- K>~Anj|i«r A l^nur>-nbc-ir«At Weather. Poeatble return of Amboaradur Waahington, D. C., expert aiding the daairo ilnt from bow on and for ^llcy racket—had b eu outlawed ' Houu were said to have urged petrol contest "Brick" Stohe'* Xext meeting so that plans for tbs 3 ley.** They taks tha attitude that Tb# prtiAtA btATlnff tbt crudAs two frame buUdlnge, o u the long Ing lasurgenta all along France's A4r14rlAn HolUnl KnMmbl#-"nbe"TFji 11:05—Main s tr u t — Hartford. Hugh Wilson to Berlin was seen by n ^ ' Senior Scouts ean be discussed commlealon on tba revision of eleo- ftit>^ ttna tha eBamlaa of ly the two-year statute of limits- j i„ the proceialon carried It to the ■bed ueed for tbe bousing of pu- I harmony and better attenduce at B6b >ul and Commant—cba.aral' 11:30—Red Norvo's Orebutra. ■ome officiala today If tbe United Eagiss won. with s total of isss tha Itallua are poor flghtsrs ud Pyruees frontier u d Medlter- ' Blana tanor—altc-vaai points. Wa wish to thank tM Manches­ tlon laws in CounscUcut, advised M eh,” and oonUnued: whan u d If the time comes to flght, I altar steps Behind him the chapel ■enger cars, u d u o tb a r that w u ' Houu seuloos. Majority Leader r u e u communications Imu. tbe LowiWWill Tbomaa—nbe.wli-baalc 11:30—Glen Gray's Orobeetra. Statee government abould approve tM t body It Would be unable to mve "AM Fuahrar of tha Oarmaa pae* C'ontradicta Police Officials | choir took Its plaoe. I Rayburn of T exu said he thought MIX ikatab—armaq-kwk-arten The rest In order: ter w qter Company for tha prtvi- Frinchrosn wdll make short suit of used for tbe etorago of ooal for the Frmcbmm conddered the eollapu 13:00—Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. of en arrangement with the Reicn ' lege of tUspley in their window dur- the General Assembly a complete ala Z eaa gtva thla ahip no battar In taetlmony Intamipted l^ fre-' Intimate - membera of the papal locometlvM u d nacaaaary repair I tha meeting would result la a larger rni wood and Soasa--«ba-«sba 13:30 a. m.—Dick Barrie's Orches­ for the emigration of German Jawa. Waltar Orunder's Owls—1280. MuaseUm's flghtsrs. But all thla q u u t bickering betwau ^etrtet a t tbe Spanish governmmt almost TiOO—Amei aad Andy—nba-waat-aaa< Martin Hansen's Poxss—1178. I Ing Scout\week. report by April 15, He auggetted It ■Wwlaal nama Uun that of tha man Urns Italy ta being parmittsd to take court lined up before the cross on parte for tbe rails u d ewttciiM, once I turnout of party adherents at tha Inevitable. • “Dranatl»-aba-«)s itlo—B tra. the arrangement, announced ta oonflne Ita report to tbe more urgent who, aa a trua knight without faar Attorney Deway and Chief Defense ths lowsr stsps of ths altar, a part of tbe South Muebester daily sessions u d psrtlculsrly w h u Ceuntyfatt. Barlal—eba-orabe Tomorrow*# Program London thla weak, waa worked out A1 Grlawold's Pins Trees—756. over the entire border between Attorney Btrykar, Bolu wntradlct- Fordgn MIntetar Bonnet, a t tM. rtilteri Lawla Jr., talk—tnba.ehain Bob BoutbergUl's Flying Eegiss— rosttera needing quick attention and or felania, was tha craator of tha F ru e e u d Bpmtn. not to mention la y B w d u On Coarh RaUroad syetema are being wreck­ lirp o rtu t votu are scheduled. urging of the London Fordgn Offloa^ rue—''ariaUaa In Vooata—aU-araat A. M. by George Rublee, American who ask that tbe eommlralon be continu­ Qanaan Retch whoea raaurracUon ed two police officials who u iiler The bier hearers drew near with ed. It was the failure of Democrats akit—nbo-wji 7:00—BhOppera BpeclSl boa realgnsd as director of Uw In* 383. QIIC AT FIRE the opportunity g lv u to fortify this had testiflsd for ths stats that w u understood to have lar an Marlaa—cba-baala ter-govvramental Commtttaa for Individual prtsss (Scout squlp- ed for two years mere. USED (POBi diraat naad and whoaa wonder- Important area. thsir burden u d slowly laid It on The buildings are the property ot to turn out last week whu the prtnciple to early reoognltloa^..^ MaMaf--eba-arast 7:88 — BUo Reporter — News n i aeoretloa Prorldanoe now b« Hlnss had uked tru sfsrs of po­ a valvet-covared woodan oouch. the New York, New H avu end Houu pared down u appropriation jtqea Muale ^ h . —nbe-waaf. W uther. Refugees meat) 1st—Walt Grunder; Snd— Warsaw, Ind.—(AP)—Tbe Fire Hertford—Art Wright of Hert­ ‘'F ru ch people are too busy, licemen who "baraasad" the num- F ru c o In u attempt to win I n __Torh Vartatv Bnoar— omr Jimmy W«at; 3rd—BUI Barclay. Department didn't haxe to leave Ita ford stroked out an rosy 15-9, 15-4 OVER p a ^ tta d ua to achlava. avldmtly, making good money right ^ Tba ehuting of tha "MIssrars" Hertford RaUroad, standing on lu d for tbe Tenneuu VMley Authority Oaear thumakr. VlaUi,.—nbe-blua 8:00—Bboppere Special. station to put out a flr^but Fire­ *3lay the aplrtt of the iron chan' bars syndicata with frequent a r - , ,topp^, tha 'TCauItabunt Domino" owned by C busy Brothers. They that led to tba m uting today. Ra- now Bpulsb reglnto away from lU Baeond Huiband. Sarlal—eba-baaia 9:00—Richard Maxwell. Congratulations to Bob Gabbey victory over Lee Oiistevaon of West- now u d spending It freely to rsallfs Itallu-Oermu eupportan. Tba DWa taranadara—eba-DIxta and BUI Leonard—who have theti man Roy Heuth turned hi an alarm 8 0 callor daacaad upon tha German the danger that threatens the rs- •‘••J*; . - . ' w u repeated, u d then "In Paradl- have not been used elnee the dls- pubilcus have b u n showing up in Don't Ten Ballava It—mba-wer-aaat 9:15—T n Walker. port in tba flnals of the Connecticut Bolan. who roM from the .ru k s i eum" w u chanted. A prelate c h u t- force at the dally Houu seuloos. Tba deetolon of the Madrld-Valen- 9:35—News Servlea certtflcatM (or four years of scout- nny-xvay. Tbe pumper trura cat badminton cbamplonablp, ending aallora aad oSlcara who bare tha publte on all aides F ru ca has Its continuation of the railroad u a 7i4t—fenUIr Foat—vaaf A otbara fire. Hauth etepp^ ever Y E A R S ______to commissioner for a brirt parted ! imparted ths absoluUon. Ths Mparata line and the buildings were Crittoal But Not Canstlo da govtrammt'a pramler, Juan Na- ,naa OnUiaatra—nbe.rad attain 9:80—Girl Intarne—Joyce Jordan. lag. New tbay ara senior patrol IM monopoly that W eetp ^ players honor to ataa thla ablp ” great Marginot Uns on the north grin, to carry on tba dvU w S f^ ' & m Balur. aporta—mbt-wer-aaat leadera- wall and pulled tbe alarm. Flfepran intlar’a rafaraaoa to tha daatrue- whlla Italy erraps to her border wdth u d e r Mayor John P. O B rlu in | choir intoned the "Ingre^r.** In a bad condition. While um a of the speechu ware Vivian dalla tUaaa—neb.blue oltain 9:45—Music Graphs. Mve held aa tbe eharaplonablp alnca 19U, flatly duled hs had traaater- n , , bearsrs now usistad by oth- ifadrld, bowavar, appaarad ta bi i-Slpe—lebnar rrtaanta—nbc-waaf 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. TM aad Of tbe petrol contest Homer luce raspobdad. Tbe tbe tauraament was laauguratad. A BODY BUILDER ~ RICH IN VnAMINS tloo o( tha Canaan fleet after tha another tnreaUning line of defense, Residents of New, laurel aad described to reporters as having ' }llbart-gyu(traB oparatia—nba-arja briaga a eeara of sadness, as it unrolled a bora and extl red three ofllcsrs Hinst had w utad > „ attandants, lifted the bier while Garden s tr u t recently considered b u n critical In tone, uvaral legisla­ •tlffaned eCiM Freacbnwr kij 10:15—Ui on a Bus. TREATS INSlDEt WHERE COLDS SROUU HE THHATEH World War waa to tha eeuttiing of brought about by tbs defeat of tbe removed because of thstr utlvlty In stand against aarly raeognittoa ebangaa our patrol leadsrs. Ralph tbe blase, eauted by a short Mr*'' Naw Havra — Rapreoratattva tha ahtpa by their oSlaara aa they government forces. tha choir chuted tbs psalm "Stcut a proteat about the run-down con­ tors said they had not beu caustio II- 10:45—Btapmotber. Btona, Bob BoutbsrglU, Martin ouit In tbs ilraa. (R., Wto.) eald at a Uaeoln raiding policy operators. Serviia" dition of the bulldUige, but tbls wtu and that sppaiutly they were baaed 1 1 :00—Console VarleUu — Dora- vara lataraad a t floapa Flow, coast Bess Btratnad BltaaUoa Tbe former commtzsloner said he ad flooUand. June SI, 1910. The entire Europeu situation will Attandanta then lowered the pon­ not be necessary now. on'a desire to be helpful In obtain­ OBOBBB SAILOBS TO BTAV thy StMi9. often bad been uk ed to make tiff Into tbe Inner cukat. The aa- Ths coal storage building w u sold ing a amoothly operating Democra­ Madrid, Feb. 14.—(AP)—Tha 11:15—Scattargood Balnu. C9iaaoelh>r Hitler gathered im­ soon become more strained when tru sfsrs by "politicians, buksrs, high commud of tbe Bpaalsb gov­ 11:80—Big Bistar. portant laadara of the Army, Navy Italy assumes her newly acquired slstant librarian of the Vatican by ths New Haven road to Arlb'jr tic niaebtna in the HOuu. and Bob, dramaUa—nb«.w]i lawyers, judges, rabbis" u d oUitrs. chapter stepped forward to read E. and Allen Pasco of WarebouM One Democrat waa reported to ernment fleet ordered all aallora to­ a Feepl# on Alr-CM-arato 11:48—Aunt Jeaay's Real Life aad Ran party about him here to­ control of the u tlr s Bpulsb coast but that ha conaldcrsd- such pru- day to etay at tbalr pdrta and *—aaba-aaor Stories. day car the oOleUl blaaalng of Uer- on tha M editarrusu Bea, en- tbe notorial u t of the eioelng of tbe Point. Both of tbsM men are today have asaailed failure of tba Appro- ww—nU-«a. tics contrary to sound poUca policy casket working removing tbe buTdlng prtatlona Committu to bring the warned tbsm that "oOwardF* woulfl 13:00 noon—Mary Margaret M> graataat warship—another dugering Britain's Gibraltar and ba daait with implacably. U*fliiedmu"yrBlii4a--ebe-iFai2e Bride. advanoe on Naatdom's self-styled her life-line to thF O rlu t u d Far As he b eg u to read, Moneignor piece by piece u d will cart tha lum­ relief u d lodepudut Cfflcee appro------iBBabdra, rian«-nBba,arar E utern Colonies by way of tbs Buss Ruplghl covered tbe poatlff'e faee ber to WarehouM Point whera they priatloila measures to tha floor tn A ntoaaaga by Admiral Miguel iM’a vi^i^-nta-araaf P. M. ~read o< destiny*' for 1089. such shape that roll call v o tu could B um , flu t Commaadar, aad Politi­ iMltarvlaaai ube.arto 13:15—Her H our, Nanay Jaaua. ra H ■aMday Preolalmad Cual. The destruction of the Brit­ PIUS BURIED BENEATH with a budkerchlef of white silk. wlU u u It for tobacco eheds. n. Oi«matl»-eba-araba 13:80—Romance of Halm Trent ish fort on Gibraltar could be u - The choir continued Its c h u t They ba-/e aieo bought tbe large beva been obtained on two lu u u on cal Commissar Gmeral Bruno aor-arsvwfll-artar.arkh Rartlal holidays ware procUtmed Moulgnor Respighi placed u o tb ar frame buUdlng that bouead the pee. which the administration lost. Alonao of tba Cartagaai Naval Bira'J Bkateb—nba-traaf 18:48—Our Gal Sunday. far aohoola. faetorlaa aad bualness compUshed with ease by aerial b a u aald: ' aad RhrUiiii-.nVs.ir1a 1:00 — Eeso Reporter — Kawe, Get Your Copy Now Of The bombs, Mosley believes. If a crisis Is square of white ellk over ths folded unger care. The windows have al­ One waa tha tISO.000,000 eut In >wabi-aut housaa to permit all to sea tha GREAT CENTER ALTAR “The republican fleet command at—aVa-veat WMibbTa Fuahrar aad participate in launch- precipitated. handa T h u Monslgnot Antonio ready b eu removed trom this build­ WPA funds, the other tha 817,000,- theam^arar.etbkt liot^trlettor Swln# — GU Bayek. Tbe policies, of Premier Nsvllts BaccI, eecraUry of tha briefs, read ing u d tbU wUl be taken down with 000 redueUoa in the TVA appropria- stays at their flghtlng post like the _____r A .___ Co.—riBe-wa—nbe-lraat t t t o( tha 18,000-ton "BatUsahip tlon. true Milore they are, oaC m long of AiqarlaUe—ebe.arabe l:15-L4fi1:18—Mfe « n M itoautIRu. Chamberlain of Graat Britain u d OF ROHE CATHEDRAL tha "Eloglum," or biographical care. Tbls wlu be ueed In building t moala—nbc.araaf.aatt l;80>4(alaInjtrw t — Hartford. r ? Daladlar of Franca are not wholly sketch u d laudation of the pontiff a tobacco abed and a tobacco stor­ M long u members are permitted u they oommud that post all offi­ racul abe-fod-vaat Ilaga fluttered over Hamburg. cers u d men must continue a t 1:45—*tblaIt DDay ^ la Oura popular la Europa, Moslay said, in (OoattoMd from paga Oaa.) which mumerated tha outatandlng age ehed In Warebouu Point to hide behind the uonym ity of non- u , - - JM •• I a. m.—abe-n^ S:te—Doe WMa stands were eonstruetad dlcatlng that ahould u o tb a r graat ueom pllshm uts of hie reign. Tbe round bouse, which to of recerd votu, one Democrat said, the theirs. ' ashr the atta of tha launching. "Any who are ramtos or ore Cow­ Iliia-SuirBil bo“ a. lO— 3:15—Ufa sad Love crisis come such as the acquisition u d moving eeramonlu. Hundrada This ilnlshed, tbe paper w u la- brick, la being taken down by the administration will have trouble 3:80—Anurtean Bebeal of Uw Air. eauisd iUI RUpa In tha harbor, large or ■ertod in a copper tube u d placed General House Wrecking Compuy bolding Democrets In line. ards will be dealt with implacably back In Notrambar for n p o rt and small, ware daeked with swasUkas. of tbs BudsUnland by the terms of of thousuds of tha faithful bad by military u d political oilefa of 3:00—Indianapolis Symphony — the Munich agrsemmt, public opin­ watched him there—first In robust at ths fs«t of Ihs pontiff. of Hartford. The roof w u removed One Individual said Rayburn bad tyle-conscioue winter vsea- Fablaa Bevltsl^, Odnduotor. oonsuUation foUowlng tba outbreak ■atUaahlp erulaars ware at anchor ion may causa the overturn of the Moneignor Rupight placed beside from this buUdlng yesterday ud attemptad to im prus on new mem­ ionert uw something'new In tba f lu t" of aa antl-BamlUe campaign In MANCHESTER hsalth u d rsosotly wsaksnsd by 111- nearby aad tha fourth torpedo boat governments of theee leaders ud It a large purse ot red velvet oon- today the Interior is being demol­ bers the Importuu of etaylng in each garb when Mrs T. Jefler- Indicating tba govarnmut'e de- G«nnaay. •atilla Idlad la the lower luu-bor. nsu u hs psrformsd bit dutlu u termlMtlon to oantlnue to flght on put u end to tbe "conciliatory'' tac­ bo^ fathsr of ths OsthoUo world. tatnlng one copy u c h of tbe gold, ished. Tomorrow tba work of taking town, being on the floor while the :>n Kelley, Of New York, sp­ N M log ImmtaNM In Bakwn Tha largest flghtlng ship aver built tics ■liver u d broau medals coined down the brtclu wUl atart Houu to In seulon, ud oburving eared at Palm Beach in tble lud u d aaa from the untral sons, It wtaa raUably aald today, how­ hy the Raleh, tha new craft la 8«l Today's utombmeot ritual, con­ tba massage added: As to the oloelng days of tha drive ducted behind closed doors, con- each year during Plus Xl'a pontlfl- With the removal of tbeu build­ tho reqiiuts of tbe party whip or- ;ree-plecc bathing suit of chuk- ever, that there to nothing Immin­ mat era (T90.68 fast) long and 80 on Barcelona, when a mlgbty, well- cate, according to u old custom. ings there only remeliu tbe small gantoatlon. d ginipiam trimmed with wlUto "Our faith In victory and In our ent In bto retuni. Study must be aaatara, (U flai feat), wids. tru ta d strikingly with ths pomp of Attendute procesdsd to tbe clos­ pique ruffles. right wtu be maintained In the equipped army of Insurgents u d ths living pops's appsaruoss In Bt freight atatlon that w u once a part The majority leader was describ­ given to tba German promises aad It wOl have accommodations for Itallus, long blocked on tha Ebro ing of ths Inner casket of the railroad eysUm. The large same degree u on the flrat day of to tM manner In which they are Pstar*a. The g r u t crowds of thou ed as having told bis coUeaguea that the war. We sball not iou our dig­ gg oantlaMtar (l«J6 tnch) and front, swept serosa Catalonia u d The Ud down. Cardinal PacelU. coal atorage pocket near the Elm W they upectad to get uywbere, earned out " . twolea 85-7:10 Vocal Varte- they wnigrata. supplied L«}rallst Bpaln with various Am Can ...... 93 part of tbe raUread syatem, but is CbariM E. Williamson. Falrflsld erly to dlectaarge tbalr duttoa,^^ but 4 tu ; 8 Johaby Praamta; 9 Battto of adnioas of people, was to demolish oommodltlss, tnoluolng raw metals, the Ita llu royal family will pay occupied u a restau ru t u d con-> purpou for which It w u called.” county RepubUcu leader who to one tbe decru left the way lor Haps. fcKENAREA Am Rad St 8 ...... Uw Banu; 9:80 Fibber MeOm: l6 Owport, waiehouasa and docks. U Incused at tha action of the other tribute to the pope who reestablish­ ...... 18H fectlonery store. ‘The only Impression 1 got," Ken- of the accused u d b u elected trial poaslbla capital puatohm ut of tbow lOiiO— Kara's Radio Btatlea— M ( » E THAN Ttallan bombers periodically ed peace between the Vatican and Am- Sjnelt ...... 14 nedy uld, “wu that tha pruldwt ■•B>lt-A. Bob Hops; 10:48 Now quia, aaaw Uw ^sprayed the city with g lu t bomba,'* oountrlM which have placed em- Am fel and Tel ... by the court. convicted of tieaeoa or murder un­ raoa y€PTtM 5tR. il* bargou on shipping supplies to tbs the Italian state...... 156(4 had given tba leadership a spuking SpeUacy, R y u A Yeomana, H art­ der criminal atatutoe. 10:48—Jimmy Xampar Bong Btortos. rsald w . Ifoalay. *Tbey would coast Proclaimed Mourning Day Am Tob B ...... 85H for their failure to deliver the goods U:00—Naws aad Waal WABC-CHB-g Bdwuid G. BOMn BOY SCOUT NEWS • la behind a screen of light clouds at govsramuL Am Wat W k a ...... 13H ford law firm beaded by Mayor Utourgeau uUmatad that 80,000 840 A1 Jotoon: 9 Wa Uw Pao> Loyalist Spain w u ths recog. On that day, proclaimed one of u d they In turn were cryl^ on the Thomu E. Spelluy of that city. governmmt t«iiinaraa« m addition 11:18—LsgtotoUve News— WUUam TROOP NOl U aa alevatloo of from 30,000 to 38,- national mourning, the Fuclet Anaconda ...... 28(4 shoulders of the H ouu member- Mo,la, 1Mr. X.^raturM IdmtUMd; 9:80 ;^000 feat, shut off all motors when nised govsrnmrat", be said, “yet Armour 111 ...... 5 Among tbs contractora who re­ to thoueande of womm aad chtldiaa Renteiiy Goodman awlag. BoonlnxMitar: Paol Merlarty such action deprived tbe govarn- Grand COunctl. King Vittorio Emah- Local Stocks Ketmcdy declared tbe prlndpel ceived payments betw au 1830 and had croseed Into iasurgm t torrltoiy 11:80—PMUb Grobtatra. Bt. Jamra Obwoh 700 Pictures Atchison ...... 34 WJZ-NBC—8 Oparatto .**rr1aI by {approaching the dty end when in uele, the royal court, u d the diplo­ talks were made by men “who If IIUM)—Ray Klanayt orchestra. neeltlon would unload great quutl- m u t forces of flghtlng squally on a Aviation Corp ...... T(4 1838 ha listed: ' In tbe last two weaka from France, Jury": 8:S0 infonaation Ptoaas; 9 Bailbasi R. Brsin and |L Oranara bull witb tbe- Inurgants, upplled matic corpa accredited to thy king Baldwin CTT ...... we had a 70-year retirement rule Abrigodor Diggers, e firm headed where they had goM from Cats- 18H)0—Artto Bbaw*a orebeatra. Maty aad Bob; 10 Cal TIanoy Intor. TM membera of the troop are Uea of heavy bomba Most of their with every required material and ...... 1384 Funilsbod by Pntnam u d Co. would bavt b e u retired years ago." attaeka ware made on tha port of Including United States Ambasrador Balt and Ohio ...... 6(4 by Philip Ctoppeto ot Weterbury, 13:30—Joa VmuU'a orchestra. vtaws; 10:80 ValmUM dranw, "Love raUytng quite araU to tM drUi tao- aid." William Phillips, will attend mass Bendlx ...... 6 Ceatral Bow RepresontaUve Taylor (DXMo.). one of tba men on trial. TM militia mm and tM wonmn 13'BB Nawa tlca wbleb ware Introduead by J i ^ .Barealona, but often big SOO-pound Mosley h u no Immediate plane for Plus XI...... 26 Hartford. Uoaa. octogenarian chairm u of the Apr « I bomba fall within tha realdenUal Beth Steel ...... 67)4 F ru k J. S u ta Lucto, another de- aad chlldrra wera amt to a ooncm- 1:00—SJIm t Rooney a t tbe tost scout aMetbig. for tbe future except to secure eome The agsd Montignor j^borlo Msiia Beth Steel 7, pfd . TotophoM 8-0181 proprtotlona Committu u d Rep- f u d u t. tratlott camp at Irun, wMre tMy Wliat to axpaet Wednesday: Our troop naada thto kind of thing, aeetlon of the city, doing great much needed rest after a great or­ ...... U1H 1:00 p. u. ()notatloM reautativa Sebatb (D.-ni.), 73- damage." B u t' Ella, papal majordomo who Bordep ...... 18(i Pletroria Compuy, beaded by were given food aad clothing. A. M. W B A F*N B ^1 :S0 p. m. Woidd and wa bopa Mr. Rooney ean gtre deal. would bavs playsd u Important rois C u Pao ...... year-old cbalrmu of the Rulu Donato Pletroria, uotber defud- 6:00—Ravaina with Jaka aad Oort, oa aOme more of It. Of oouara, wa TiaiuaadoiM Death Toll ...... 8 laaoraau Stocks Oemmittoe were among th o u who sad Muale; 4;M Vie aad Bade; 640 FROM O V ER The death toll reeultlng from In the tmrial rttual today, was ab­ Chea u d Ohio ...... 35 u t . DRIVE BXPEOTBO BOO01 gUMStS. 8. K. Rateliffa on "intemaUoiwl alwaya obaarva tM Beout elga and sent because of a frrer Induced oy Bid Aiked spoka Scout oath—tblaga vre must navar 'thaaa long-oootlnued major air Chrysler ...... 75(4 AetM Casualty...... 104 109 Preceding tbe confarqnu, Rep- A special grand jury w beu Dad- Perpignan, Franca, Fab. le-*- 6:80—Suariu Bpsclal—Fraacto J. PoUUCs." WABC-CBB—5 riiiy.Ba, raids conducted by the most mod- emotional strain. His m ulfcld labors Ool Oaa u d El ...... 8(4 ingi resulted In bench w arru ta be­ (AP) — Tbe flpaatoh governmmt Oranla, organtot forget to ovarloek fOr they oaa Oomi Inv Tr ...... Aetna Fire ...... 44% 46% reu n u u v e Martin .) u ld vtr M ever-empbaalaad. era bombers of the Itsllan Air of the last few days had compelled ...... 3384 Aetna Ufa ...... 28 80 a score of bouu membera be called ing luued for the 17 accused eald in braced lu cmtfai frobt today to 7:00—Morning Watch. Force was terrible. Mr Mozley him to take to his bed u d hla func­ OomI Solv ...... 12H Ita report that "favorad oontraoton" mwt the abock o t any Inourgaot of- 8:00—Nawa and Waatber. 13:80 Farm aad Haora Hour from U. Jeeaph Faikoakl and Joseph Mon- Cons Edison ...... AutomobUa ...... 82% 34% "liberels"—mostly Demoereta — ffgtto peraad taeta In algnanng. said. Hs witnessed the complete OBITUARY tions were auumed by tbe prefect ...... 32(4 Goon. General ...... 36% 38% laid plsM at a ntaeUng last night were receiving money from tbe dty, fanotve expected aooa la u effort to 8GB—m Boya eC ICtosouit: 3 Your Haaltb; I Anal- 200 destruction of two large slx-atory of Apostolic ceremonies, Monalgnnor Cobs Oil ...... u weU u ’Yavored" lawyarA who eUneb victory in tM clvU war. 8:80—Radio Bosoar. voraory of tM ■axo^wna A MW member Jolaed tM treop— Hartford F ire ...... 78 75 to 'ipreurva party eoUdarlty" oo Ztaary Donahue. a m ^ m u t houses in the city. Two Carlo Respighi. Cent Can ...... 3814 Hartford S tu m Boiler 53 57 tbe floor of the Houu. wera paid exorbitant sums for need, Govarantant .dtopatcbu aald Pra- 8:45—Rhythm of tM Day. Boara Wadneaday abort wnvaa; 800-pound bombs were dropped to­ At his signal the body of Plus XI Corn Prod ...... 64(4 leu urvicM. mler J u u Nagrla sad oavaral mam- 8:00—ibadtogr Kincaid Ra n Mooeoer 4 k m. Rosato Tbe baoketban game w m won FUNERALS Del Lack and West National Fire ...... 58% 60% Aeurtlng that "we've got knock­ by tM Metaora—(true to tMIr gether, coming down from the near was lifted down from the high bier ...... 6«4 Pboulx 1...... 77 79 ed on our backa” th ru tlm u elnee Currut munidpal blUa wereare paid bora of bto cabtoot wara vtoltiBg 9:15—Grstcbm MeMullin. maaka: SRO Roma ^ 4 0 Around •tratxMphere height to Mparata In the chapel of the Sacrament be- Douglas. Aircraft ...... 68T4 from the surplus reuuroe a)tih)n» Jarama aad Guadalajara to bototar 9:45—TM Happy OUmana Italy with m ule; TOWA Ouateaaala name) with a ooore of 48-8. •Mrs. Mary M. Benton Du Pont I ...... ------119 Travelers ...... 440 460 Congreu convened. Martin said tbe near the earth u d crashed com- before which hundreds of thousands Public UtlUttM m uting had decided first, to see fund during the eight-year- peri(periM. tbe defene u la thou eoctoia. 10:00—Omtral a ty . a t o 10 Grand O pen ooneart; OBC ily through both apartmenta to Funeral aervtcet for Mrs. Mary Eastmu Kodak ...... 173 «4 Conn. Lt. u d Pow. PurceU tdd the jury. PoUtlcal parttoe and labor ™«w«»r O n i GBt London 10:80 Itim TROOP NO. 31 Moyle Benton, widow erf Sanford of the faithful had paaaed alnce Sun­ Elec Auto L ite ___ ...... 81 58 57 that more Democrats attended 10:15—Mw 'a Other W tfa cellar. Nearly all persons living day. Oonn. Pow...... 46% 48% Houu tesaloas u d second, to k u p Throughout tbe morning, PuroeU, of the People's Front were balig , 1045—luat Plain BUL rbythaw. ACTUAL SIZE la the two elx-story apartment.Benton, long a town derk of M u- Gen Elec ...... 39% Hertford Elec. Lt. guided by Alcorn's quesUono. ooneultad by otMr mlntotera on r ..heater, were held yesterday after­ Tba pontiff was clad In a scarlet Oea Foods ...... 40>4 60% 62% them from "going down tbe aisle 10:45—Tba Woman tn White. buUdlngt on opposite sides of one soutane over a white rube, a btabop's Illurolnatlng She. 52 51 behind tbe RepubUcu leaders." brought Into bis testimony the meosu-m to bring Uw omtral Il:00-Davld Hanun. Our point oontaata are otagnaat Street m-ere either killed or serious­ noon at her home. 15 Lancuter Hecker Prod ...... IIH Hartford ciu .... S3 nam u of uvaral of tha accuoed, in­ Army’s force to top fona. gold mitre and red alippers and Hudson Motors ...... 7H 37 "We don't subeciibe to tbe tb u ry 11:15—Lorm w Jonaa — right now — Pailtben. Wild ly wounded. lioad Hev. Earl E, Story, putor 118 158 cluding Enoch Borgnaea, New York AU eectore ware reported quiet m of the South MethodUt church ol gloves. Int Harr ...... 87 >4 that tha New Deal to on tbe way l4l^**Young Wdow Brown." Boars, Black Bean, aad Welvas. With mor« than 5,000 pictam to choota from, only tho b«st ond most vl* There was grea scarcity of fiKjd. A procession similar to that tn Western H au. ... so 32 out," Martin aald. ‘T.peraonaUy aecounUat who |e -a fugltiva tram Uw taaurgmta eblfted tbeu straafftb 11:45—**Tba Rood of Ufa." water, fuel end electricity within which she w u a member officiated. ; Int Nick ...... 51% justice u d the obly om Of tbe 37 TM troop Uaad up by Might, witb which Pope Plus was carried Satur­ ladaatrUto1 predict that If tbe Democrats don't from tbe oortbern front to Uw cen­ 13:00—Noentme Varlettoa. Recreation tM eastonary epantag, pad than I Int Tel u d Tel ...... 8P4 vid w«r« choMn for this book. A btoutiful oditlon it tho rttult. Tho finlthod the city UmiU at all Umts. be said. The bearers., were; Arthur E. Gib- take steps to eerrut tbeu two not arrested; Blmon J. Aldcrmu, tral SOM. Bordar oboervera, b<^- Aa the raids were simed to cripple eon. Arthur R Woodbrtdge. Thomu ■ day from Slstlne Chapel to St. Kenneoott ...... 36% Acme Wire ...... 28 39 New Havra aooountut; George H formed two taaiM. tor aa iatar* Peter's formed before Uw Chapel ot Llgg and Myera B ...... 108% Am. H ardw are...... 26 28 p ^ t l u a there won't be raougb e.er, expected en early laaurgeat 1 3 :ltL “Huitop Houaa” troop* eontost—Bka tM coming factories, railroad and trolley lines, K Clarke, Charlea Server. Fred- Democrat! after 1940 to make a&y Kingsley, bead - oa Dae. 30, 1987, when M 4s- TM JtnUor boakatbaU toogua ^ u r ordCT NOW with your regular newspaper buy or news- matala. against which ambargos Rey Tob B ...... ----- 3914 TOrrlngton ...... 33% 84% coverad tM aecotataat la tM vauR wara'placed for ablpm ut to the gov- lu d stru t, a son to Mr. u d Mrs The canon of St. Pstar*s, wear­ Bofoway Storee . ----- 88% Veeder Root ...... 43 46 OF GLENNET LECTURE .laws urn M ptayad from 8 to 7 dwer. If^ u want to send copies away, brine or mall your Paul Erlchaon. 361 Oentei street of tM eemptraitor’s efflm. Alder­ ordoek. Games an aa fOBOwa: srammt, notably by the United ing black vestment but a white Scbenlay Die ...... 1SV4 New Verk Banka man always made hla appearance IM ra draors tor _ States. and a eon to Mr. u d Mrs. Philip mitra. Intonatl the “E^ultabunt Sears Roebuck ...... 70% B u k of New York .. 800 385 COmnTEE N A I^ m gb R attan vs. Wnd OaU; bM paraed bta Flrat 13 BIsseH S t CASH MUST Farneworth. 109 HollUter street ta the comptraUer’e offtu after Motion nieturaa of Uw Bitttob P. 11 Metaora va. Bast BUto Jra ; ^ Balded At H’lU Domino.** Shen Ualoa ___ ...... 12% Bankers Trust ...... 49 51 5 p. m.. tM wttiiera said. win M mow in 440—Highways to Health. mrata, aad wna two arartt badgaa Oeasaquantly, the enemy bombers Discharged today: Roberta Mc- The choir of the JuUe chapel Booooy V u ...... ___ 18 Cutral Hanover .... 87 90 vs. AH Btam < aad ta wan oa kta way toward tM ACCOMPANY On copies to be mafled away, add 5c Lachlan. 142 Eldrtdge street. Mlaa ----- 16% CSiau ...... 81 ' FOR MASONIC BAU On tM firet ncraalen. PureaU with n toetura ta Cbrtatopbar 4:4S—aialody Madeopa.' TM-flnt gamra la tM third. a t will over fatsiopia .no g u tbe chuUng of ths "MlMrare" -Houtli 83 ■old M aakad Aldcrmu what m nay befara tM Mm's attain cl 5:00—AdLlMT — 'daiwa program. xiad c t ran Benloi ______for postage to points in the United States and itapossesslonss 15c Capitol ot tha Loyalist Laura Larlviare, WUUmutic, Eva ths moment he Wished. -Booth - — - R w y ...... ^ . 18 CTbemlcal ...... 43% 43% ' _ ■40 — HartfMd PubUc % w ol TMt WM 6 good start at nor Golmltxer, 459 'iolland Turnpike, St Braada ...... ----- 6% City ...... 24 w u ddag la tM vault, and tM so- BC Maiy*B B^toeo^au^trcb at tba toagua win M pbqrad m fo O m . tat maottaff. Dtatrlet Baout Oom- to foreign countries. PRICE araa. Barealona, tha naarby eoaatai The c h u t w u continued u tho 86 CbariM Winds. Walter RatAaiM eouaUnt rapUad M w u "dolag a paitob houaa ______Bwtoa ViM SL School. (Mom A. C. va. Omtar Bffllards. petta, damoUahlng everything that -obn McClellud. 81 Lake atrset proceeslon moved along the catho- Bt Oil ...... ---- 28% Ccntlnutal ___ is% 18% aad Ernest Kjeltoon win serve aa little job fCr D u " *IM program wffl also Ineluda oa> 5:45—ZM Mlgbto Show. OrtowoM paid m a vidt. Raymond Jones. 59 High atreet dral alale. Bt. on N J ...... 49 Cora Exxehuge ' ...... 81 7:80. Bt Ufa aad contlnuucc ot the 88 tbe oommittoe on refreebmeata at In this vault. PurceU tiUd tbs tocttoM M nwmbsra of tM ~ 640 — Brao Reporter — Nawa. ^ A. A. C VI. Pbgaat'a Bnibara, to tha govaram ut forcea. Un Mies Mary Campbell, 58 Peart Behind tha bier walkod Eugoale Ts* O o rp ...... 44% First Nsa t t o u l ...... 1680 m o tba BCaaonle Ban.Friday eveniag ki- joqr, wara kept pay voucMra aad P ^ Band, vneol Waatber. tha ether hand tha laaurgeata ware street. Cardinal PacelU, camerlango, high Tlmkaa itollar Bear . . . . 46% Ouaruta Trust ...... 849 857 Masenle Tampla. 6 4 6 -S a M s Ttans. priMt of Bt, Petaria ' aad major Trau Amarica — .... 6 % Irving TnM t ...... 9 U Cbnitra Oatraw aai OaetBt ta lt 6:15 Howto Wliw. ^ Btly auppUad by Italy and members of the papel court. Ualoa Carbide ...... 88% Muufaet Trust BefraMuaaata wU fes aervafl tN ra IBs laat ttato FosoaO saw AMeg . with the best of war 88% 40% 13 ontll 1 A m. and win coiMtot erf ta bto offlea was tba laat Frank MnUbw wffl aton opaab. A 640—“Today" 1^ Bob Trout 6.-00 to 740, Jumar Meuwhlle. other cardinals had Ualoa P u ...... ___95% M anbattu ...... 16- U tba fonowkig: appetiaera, oblckea Tburadajr ta Daeasabar a t 198T. largs attabdaaoa of Aaeks, aitlUenr. tanka, rtllaa, ma- moved to poaiUoM In the gg Ualt Aircraft _____ . . . . 88% N. Y. Trust . . . . 0:46—Barry Wood — B oim I guna, and vaat stores of am- 80 98 pottlea. roOs, toe cream, eooktaa tiimfla Is I 2:00—•'Ooirnty Bast" o ta n u g Roy 7:30 to ABOUT TOWN the canoM la tha Chapel of tha Uatt Oecp ...... 8% 1111# O u a ru tu ...... » » 8% and eoffaa r- CbUtos. —r '* ^ " . ( 8 , ^ 5 Choir, where federal maaou ara Unit Ou Im p ...... 12% PubUe Natloaal BOOT BQZIAD MABT W h rat^ ^M M y , Fabraary BRb ------>Ual WUl demand Us pay for ing said dally...... n 80 Mn. Mary Taylor Tha Barald OONVHBBBS BLATINO 7:18—Jimmy flddtorb Hollywood 740 to 1040, Polios today wara aakad to notify U ■ Rubber ...... 44% U. B. Trust ... j : ....1800 1810 Maff win again ba la ebargt of the OOWtD. Ittiy h aaoifleaa to Cataloela.** ta chairs at the aptrtla. or. right U 8 SaoeR...... SS gymteramani IM Bvaiya fUad c t IM Benton nfftotortaff of M iu attaadte tbe PoDMia. Calif.—Itomana OaOiffa '^Plb. 16—(AP) , • 4 0 to 1040, Two ^ ilaartd taUa, aa of the altar, wars p U ^ the O 8 Bteel ...... 08 ■t il l a b c u . atiaat that bar mothar. Mn. tr itf diplomatic corpa aeercdltod to tho Bba wm be aetost i fl M llalb------_ jg g raid aorvad to r tM Bwt Evening Herald himrttabla, aad tha inaur- Earl of PKchburg. died. VIek Cbem ...... 89% In tba Grant laon. 40, a f a n u r and fora, and M to good. T antl enjoy j hara bara eoaaoildataa. Vatican. In other chalra were the West D u d Mfg ...... 109% . OMa. Jeba TTottar wl)l a m ir • ^ ‘h!*** »Bnm"'atarr1ng Bd. O. •40 to 1040, Two hoaitag him. TMro wm M Btoosa- Mias Reed It a t e S in Etm Bueaoa Alrsa—Uito Angel Ftrpo, vlaa lefftotratton. Ths Rabibeer c t Ito aquad bavs won of thru ebUd^ had Rotainaon A C3air Trevor. raaeprod for Pbyffla wffl UuHouu taka aa hia Hartford. Kaigtata of Malta—a military ardor Woolworth ...... 48% formar Wild Bun of tba n am aa, to tatton of bodgao. Mo. •teauBing from the days of tba Btae Bd aad Bharv 43M b wm atoo a t m punch durin f ggflOO la atbtotto kUtod bto 70-raar-oU 90 Curb). 11(4 1an Argwtiaa pottea cfBetot; ~7 ' hm youagar M tar ynB M AM C B ISm EVEMNO HERALD, ItAN C R E Sm . CXXIM. TDBSDAT, FEBRUARY 14. IflM OkOE E K 3 B T ptuncarrcK b v e n i n g lu n iA L D , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n . T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y i 4. lo s o FLORIDA-BOUND, MORIBATLAtmC REACHES MASS. Challcnfer at Last 'Boxcar Corrigan” PreparM News From Manchester’s Neighbors CONNECTICUT MAY QUIT McCLUSKEY, LASH TQ SEEK 2-MILE GNASHINC TEEIB to Return to Ohio Home After Harrowing Week. NEW ENGLAND TOURNEY Peabody, Mass., Feb. 14 — O. Peace of West street slipped Passenger Ships, Merchant­ (A P )—Refreshed by sleep and on the Ice while going out to the JOE LOUIS TRIES Three Cage Games Offered DISTANCE ACES TO food, Ruaaell C. Donaldaon. IB, bam to do bis chores Wedneeday BOLTON GILEAD men, Tanken And Fisher­ the "boxcar Oorrtgan," prepar­ FINE . MANCHESTER MEN | and received a broken rib and MRR. R. K. JONBff. O ™ 10-PLAYER UMIT ed today to return to hla Con- bruised several others when he feU. 8008, MaadMatar- A Valsntlne cord party sponsored TO OUTDO GALENTO At East Side Rec Tonight nellBvIlle, Pa., home after a Thursday evenliig k shopping by Hebron Orange will be held at RDNATDARmODTH harrowing week In a locked shower was given Miaa Esther Han­ thehorae of Ifr. and Mra. WUUam men Afl Hy Tribnle. FOR FISHING RLEGALLY The regular weekly worship serv­ freight car which he thought sen of West WUUngtoa by a group Owen In Amston this evening. Auc­ ice was held at the (Center church cu e Reported Reading A OFFICIALS CHOSEN A full program of thraa plU tha PolUh-AmCrtaana, fWcafi- was carrying him from Ohio to of frtenda In honor of her approach­ tion bridge, setbeck and ptnoctale IN FISTIC SETUP HEBRON Sunday morning at 11 pjn. Mrs. will ba offered at the Beat Side tng Champa and winnera Of tha firat IN SPECIAL EVENT sunny Florida. Rotary club oh Monday on "My I'en ing marriage to Flc^d Phelps of will be played. Refreshments wUl bs Boston, reb. 14. — CAP) — A Mildred Mllhouae preaiiM at tha tonight aa the Rac Senior half, against Paganl's BartMtn and roster of lives and ves- Ruaaell explained to Peabody RockviDe Judge Fines Two Yeara In tba Ptrie Tree State." Btaffordvllle. They later went to The wedding ceremony for Mils served by the foU,,wlng committee, Sharp Protert Agaieit FOR N. E. TOURNEY this should also ba a slaalsr oa tha police that be aaw two cara In Food Sale tha home of Mrs. Raymond Bruce organ. The choir sang on anthem Mies Oiarlotte Warner, Mlsa Amy launchM Ita second round jMt at aea today indicated tbe Anne Gestyle of Ivoryton, N. Y„ entitled "Into Pastures Green," as­ Barbers enter the fray with a the freight yarde at Ubrlche- The piiplla of the Northeast school In Wniimantlc for games and ra? Hooker and Mrs. Archie Green. Sick Boxug Business Offers weeks. A much cloaer race la ex­ Mosth AUanUc la foaahing Its and John Miteakl of Newark, N. J., sisted by their very able leader Miss Rule That Reduces Tide stronger team than pastlmed be­ Local Star Ta leak h i n i arbito teeth with more than usual vllle, Ohio, laat Feb. B— one $ 9 6 i3 Each; Unable To will hold a food sale at the acbool freshmen ts. Mrs. Howrard Martin left Monday pected during tbe second half of the billed for Florida, the other for Washburn of Manebester. As Peace fore. The America won the firat tooelty this winter on Hale street on Friday afternoon, T)i« Cheerio Sunday acbool cIsm were attended by several Hebron to violt her father for a few dairs at campaign as tbe low ranking teams two camea decialvaly but It may be Peabody. During the night he February 17. The sale will eUrt at of the WUlIngton HUl diurch will Relation Sunday was observed all hla home In . Hopes Of Nobneg Qiiiii- Rehpse As Champio Speedster I i AllM |t To Paeaenner vessels, merchantroen. friends and relativas, among whom over the United SUtes, Rev. A. S. Four Referees Named To have all been strengthened and are a different atory tonight tankera and fishermen all have leaped aboard—tbe wrong car Pay They Go To Jail; 2:80 o'clock and anyone wishing give a supper end entertainment Miss Uabsl Doran of WalUngtord figured to provide keen opposition and went the wrong way. were Hr. and Mrs. August Kowal­ KUne eboae (or hla topic for the As an added feature, tha West bean bnldfeoned Into paying tiib* food reserved for them Is asked to next week Friday evantng In the ski, Adam Kowalski and Miss UU- was an over-night guest of ber at Picks On Old Pop Roper to the leaders. Sldea are slated to Uckle tbe Hart­ ute to the storm who. as For two daya ha had been too telephone the school. town hafl. The proceeds will be sermon "What Color la Your ter, Mra. Floyd Fo^l Thursday.^* May Take Drastic Handle Schoolboy EYont Lower Lattei'iRacaiA Of weak from lack of food and Third Man Pays Fme. dred Bednar, and Lawrence Pom- Hecut.” Church school began at 10 Tonight's opem-r at 7:30 o'clock ford Atlas In the nightcap. The often as not, have struck from an used tor church purposes. prowicz and daughter, Mias Jane. The Mlssea Allene and —VuJI Simla (.'enter Btlllarda. nmner-ups vltltora are coached by Wardy ambush of tog or snow. water to cry out and It was only The Mlaoion Circle, which met p.m. At the assembly the boya and, Warner spent the week-end and For Boot On April 24. by chance that a truck driver The marriage took place Sunday girls carried out a program in ob­ A c t io n . At Springfield In March. in the opening round, against the Waterman, who la no atrangar In 8:48 For Hw Disteice. Most serious disaster of the lost week. Invited the school chil­ at 4 p. m. In SL Mary’s church, Monday at the home of Mr. and Green. The Braymea won both those parta aa ha atarrad on the winter was the sinking last week unaealed the car of drainage Rockville, Conn.. Feb. 14 — dren to see atcreoptlcon pictures servance of<' Abraham Lincoln, un­ Mra. MUton Bragg bi E iston, Pa. pipec laat night. STAFFORD Ivoryton. The young people who gamaa played so far by eloaa scores Rac rive (or several yeara and wac of the British freighter Marla da inpeclall— Victor Kovai of 67 which were shown. der the leadership of Mrs. Cktharene Ned Burt of Stamford spent the B.v HARRY GRAYSON In Oonnellavilla, Russell's were married are a very popular Marshall. A roll call ohowad many Tba aeUon of the Now England but may run Into considerable trou­ regarded as on# of the finest play Manehertac'a bqrdy pwtoiilfit ft L>aninaga, which vanished with her Union street, Manchester; Bruno aim ax Chapter, Order of Eset- couple and 800 people attended the week-end at the home of hla uncle Bpringflald. Mass., Fab. 14. — NEA Service Sporta Bditer ble this time as the Green has crew of 87 while four steamers bat­ father, CSiarlee E. Donaldson, worth while Christian acts of Lin­ 8cbf»l Principals Aaeo- (Special)—Jamas Chalmera, prinol- era In thla vicinity. The West Sldea distance running—Jq8 MeChiakey— RumIflaakI of 13 Kerry street and SPRINGS em Star, held a piaochla party wedding. Cbarlaa F. Burt. Dll the heels of tbe Tony Galento- bolstered Its lineup with Several tled through furious seas In re­ chuckled over the escepede and JOHN C. NBTTO Thursday night with thirteen tables coln. Pictures were brought ip by Tim in setUng a ton-player limit pal of Fitchburg High and chair­ had llttla luck In tha first round of William J. Kaminski, two other 'The bride was dreaoad in white Mra. A. H. Pool Mr. an<- Natlc Brown affair killing boxing newcomers and should supply bang- Is elated (o r one e f tM CMrt Ifii* sponse to her distress calls. They said he would aend anything 473, ffUfford In piM. Mra. Emipa Crandall, Mer­ tha children. These picturas ot ketball toama competing In man ol this year's IBth annual New tha Rec League but capaot to do Mahcheatar men yielded to tbe urge satin and lace. Her three brides­ Myron Post and Louis Twinin deader than a door oalt In Michigan. up opposition. better with aeveral additions to Uw portent eUrta at hJfi tobg nM toth found only a field of wreckage at neeaaaary to get the boy home. to go trout flahing yeaterday In the ritt Usher and WUUam Pardus of Lincoln were put on Um bullatln dual Ntaw Engiond cbaraplon- England Intaraeholastla baskatbaU laat traek enroto fiORt fiMfitb Whan "He's a g o ^ boy, but he got maids were raspberry chWon and East Hartford were dinner at SprtagflalA Maao.. naxt tournament to be held at tha local Joe Louis la going to Lea Aageias The second game at 8:30 o’clock team. the freighter's last announced po­ spring-like weather, and aa a result Funeral eervlcas for Mra. PhUo- South WUUngton wq« prlaaa. Mra. board. Tha Fallowahlp masting was be t88«8 up Witt lAfilrttofi Don sition. about 1.?00 miles east of mad when I wouldn't let him go tba maid of honor wore lavender at tha home of Mr. and Mra. (Jharias month, la axpsietod to result in armory on March 18, 17 and 18. has to bait out Jack Roper, April 34. appeared In the Rockville City court mlne (Samson) Ramaey, $i of West Hamy LaBonU of South WUlIngton chiffon. Tbe newly married couple beld at the church rooma Sunday ' ih to an aaifiutt m tha N e# York. to eee bis girl friend every night evening. RepreaentaUvas from ths Fish Sunday. vebemant p r o t^ from the Qmnec- announced the officials for tha forth­ In that one, ths champion plain­ (his morning. They were found fish­ Stafford will be held Wednesday was the refreshment eommlttee. wUl lire In Ivonrton. Mr. and Mra. Leon Fogll of Man­ world indoor rttord of 8;4i (to OM Less Attracts Attention of the week and just left home." Mr. and Mrs. Oarence Essex, Mr. various church organlaationa bald ticut InteracholaaUc Athletic (3oo coming ehamplonahtp games. ly U trying to outdo Galcnto In the ing at the pond on tbe Frederick N. morning with a requiem high m ... Installetloii of officers of the chester, spent Sunday at the home two-DilIe event V Although the Coast Guard res­ Ihcbautted and almost unable Mra. John MlrU and (ilenn a pre-Easter council, at this meet­ (ercnce. It la felt by moet cage (ol- Emory B. Danaell of Cranston. R. matter of tackling rank setups. Belding estate In Vernon, and were at St. Edward's church at 9 o'clock Hebron Christian Endeavor society, of Mr. and Mra. (JIaience Fogll. lowera In this atate that tbe rule la I., will servs as head official and •n to firt Mnrah t t ^ cued her crew of seven, loss of the to speak, the youth's first In­ charged with Ashing for trout out of MlrO of WUlIngton Hill were sup­ ing. Lost jreara program beld dur­ Roper a battered veteran wbo ad­ four masted Canadian schooner quiry to the truck driver was: with Rev. Henry Chsbot. offlclaUng scheduled to take .. place several An Invitation has been extended slmad directly at Connecticut teams, will be assisted by Paul A. Flaherty mits that ba Is 36, baa no more buM- HEAVYWHGHTS FEATURE MeOuakoy, stopptito to season, Ashing without a license and Burial will be It St. 'Edward'i ceme­ per guests of Mr. and Mra Oscar weeks ago, waa postponed until last ing holy week, was dtscusped. P la v 6f Portland, Ma., Howard A. Pran- ter M rs vlalt witt Ut pi Laura Annie Barnes attracted "W iet town In Florida is were made for this year’s Lenten to the people In Gilead to attend a ifioat of which eu« now using from neM In the same anclosure with tresnaasing. Six large trout were tery. Mra. Rameey died at the home Hemmolar at Wast WUlIngton laat Sunday evening. 'The Installation ten to fifteen plsyera and more on tics of Burlington. Vt.. and John E. tea rnoM nt Bm much attention because she was this 7" dIspUyed at the police headquarters Wednesday night aervlcea wblto elephant card party and auc- Loula than Robert Taylcr but the one of the last of tbe windjanuners. "This ain't Florida," was the of her daughter. Mrs. Loula Moren- was carried out by tbe Cbriatlan Utm to be held at tbe Hebron Town their varklty squads. Hurke of Man-hrster, N. H. supply of suckers Is InexhausUble danoe, taforma T M Herald tlMt ha which the men bad caught. Booklata for Lantan raadttatlon Ekidcbvor Society of North Coven­ The Orange membera put on a The list is In p-illcy with the new SECOND RING PROGRAM She ran upon a shoal In Nantucket reply. "Tbia la New England." gen In West Stafford early Sunday Hall, Friday evening, eight o’clock. Slate May Withdraw am' Mike Jacobs believes the show has been Cboaen to toe tta mark aound Jan. 18 and a storm foimd Biirolalsakl and Koras were Joint­ will be distributed next Sunday- try, membera of which attended in competitive program, batwaen the It is entlraly possible that the nile adopted by tha New England with Lett on Mareb Xfi wMn tbe ly rharged with criminal treapssa. morning following a long lllaeos. The tbeme will be. "The Life of the iistera and brothara at their Iz^ The proceeds wiU go towards tbe Jack Roper, battered heavy weight. Joe Lonla in Loo will do 33(X),000. her helpless and finished her. She was bom in St. Joseph's, Cana­ a body- With them came Mrs. Confaranee, in Its meeting on Febru­ (JouncU of Secondary Heodmwers two-mlia ehanipion nttMtpto to MW- Ashing without a license and Ashing Spirit" Arthur Vinton who gave an Inter­ Dieting. Henry Mszaey was chair­ Infantile Paralysis Fund. In that tha state pleying hoet to the Angeles April 34. AlUioush in ths old daya, (toli- heavyweight champion WM earned The Boston fishing trawler Isa­ da, July 12. 1887, the daughter of Mias Jennie Newcomb and ber ary 33. may daclde to take drastic fornla waa (or yaara the garden at New Haven some time bairtc and the standard b8 ttttWItIrtif to bella sank off Scituate Dec. 13. but during closed season, snd Aned $30 Tha children of the WiUlngton esting talk on the topic "What the man o t the brothera program. The action if Its protest It ignored by tournament will not be rapreeented lig Boy Carrillo Of Hartford tM BUtag* two-im a nt Rooton i r EXTORHON LETTER on each count, making a total of $90 Celeilln and Veronica (Barleault) HUl school, taught by Mias Bathar CSirisUan Endeavor Owea the program was as (ollowa: Talk on friend, Mlsa McDonald of Newark. by an official and tha other states spot of tha caullflowera, this Is to thle Claes la studded with raal eon her crew reached shore In a dory- Samson. Mrs. Ramaey came to Staf­ the New E^land group. While 1987. an avast 'wtdeh Laoh wor tor each and costs of $B.33 each. In de­ Hansen, wrere guests of tba Ladles' Young People and What tbe Young Abraham Lincoln, Rev. A. S. KUen; Delaware called at tbe home ot Hart state officials refuse to reveal what nr Of New York In Red am) meets aa outeUndtag oppoaaat Cape Cod sands trapped the Brit­ being an acreasory, and for Ashing died here about 4 years ago Mrs. "HUr Child.’ ' a tale of India. The The officers Installed were: Pres­ cornet solo. Maxwell Hutehlnsim, the form of withdrawal from Another announcement that edn- No fighUr can ba blanwd for fio- to Jackson. Tha Now Torktr kas ish motor ship Lutsen and held for brook trout during closed season, Rtmaey la survived by two daugb- Bcene. girls at a boarding school ident, Hiss Lillian Glifflng; vice- Jr., accompanied by Eddie Dee on SOUTH tha tournamsnL cents NSW BhiMM Ugh school ocptlng aCft touehas temsd to his been partlnung (to tta part Mur her fast until the sea could pound pleaded guilty and waa Aned $36 and io n , Mrs. James Gagne and Mra. with the following cast: "Ojandra," president. Hiss Barbara Brehant; on the piano. Beeausa of- the overwhelming au- eCaehes, pisyers, prindpsls. snd lap, but in the Roper engagement Men's Headliner Friday yaara to various cIUm throughout SSStittSto duttw htodadfifip: her to places. One of the Lutsen's Police Chief Says Prisoners coats of $9.00, which be paid. Alfred Woods of Stafford Springs. (^raldlna Farra; Ula, Alice Forra; secretary, Mrs. Herbert Porter; Mrs. Haael Hutchinsoo chairman pertortty of Connecticut teams In (ana, too. la that coining from Coach Loula and hla managers and Jacobs the oountry and la conetdered raady aotam m aa ft im hq gradnntoi tta crew perished In the surf. Ellen O. Berry Auxiliary TCven sons, Joseph Desloge of Staf­ "Laksmt," Rose Veslay; "Phoolma- treasurer, Lucius W. Robinson, Jr. for the sisters, gave tbe following COVENTRY the New England event—they've klart Lorden of Turner Falls High, Up Eastern Conference show how little regard they have for big Ume boxing to hM borne MaattssUr Utah a M ttoR wwrt i that on Saturday March lA there to and gfoiy no tha The January storm also claimed There will be a meeting of the ford Springs, John Desloge of Staf­ nla," Rosa Ann Sundt; "Kamala," Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanek and program; A one act play by Mlsa won eight of the fourteen tourneys for tbe beak-busting bualneaa which At Armory; Cards Rated city. His aervloM are alwaya to da- tama Admit Attempt To Obtain Ellen O. Berry Auxiliary U .R.W.V. ford Hollow, Louis Desloge of Ber- Ethel Triaka; "Prem," Joan Serv­ their daughters, the Hisses Olga Tax Collector Mabel O. Hall will will be an "all-eports" clinic bald at mand and only within tM part two Flash nad a two-ttoM CRypton. In the Norwegian tanker Jaguar, Adella Loomla, Mra. Cktharene so far—rules dianges have been meata Oanlslus, has treated them ao well. wbich broke In two In mid-Atlantic this evening at eight o'clock In the MO' N. H., William, Archie and Elric ice; "Mother Bal” (a nurse), June and Glxella are enjoying a trip be et the Town Clerk’s office on Sat­ the Kimball hotel, starting at 10 30 beaten 43-26 by weeks has M shown to thM atate. sRpnetad to aat tha pneo fito L b ir Marshall and Mrs. Olive Toomey; mads from ysar to year to make In toe morning nus la to eonoist Manbattan. If Louis only wanU to keep busy, Tops. Another vessel rescued her crew Money From Ward. G A R. hall. Mmsey of Stafford Springs and Amidon; announcer, Mabel Squire. to Florida. They have been gone chorus by U)e alstsra accompanied urday the 18tb from 9 to B oclock to thlnga tough (or tbe Nutmeggara. Itt’s Withdrawal Brings D ^ thara were far more attractive op- He paattoMs througliout toe middle wMR tba pair rtart 8r tba Oafto; SocUl Tonight over a week. They are guests of receive Old Age Assistance taxea. of contareneae In lootbalL baekat- Rwuth Unlvantly todaar ow l - but as late as Feb. 7 tbe Hydro- Fred Ramsey of Sprlngffeld, 49 After the entertainment the chil­ by Mrs. Mabel KUpe. A fashion Uma waa when OotmecUcut toama ball and In anither week a Hat of ponants tban Roper. west, Cleveland. Detroit, Pittaburgh. graphic Office reported the after MayAower Rebekah Lodge will grandchildren and 36 great grand­ dren were given valentine loUy- Mrs. Stanek’a alster. show ot evening dresses by tha sis­ On Sunday evening tbe Rev. mottOpoUaed tba finals but the LeuM Rune Out Ou Faator Afisv New York dly, Ktogeton, New York Hanover, N. a. nto tinek tt rn ‘ popa The Hebron (Congregational La­ spaakara win he announced for this dsion To Disband Cage Aaotber thrill packed boxing pro­ section of the tanker still remain­ hold a Valentine social this evening children. ters; daily exerclsea by the sisUra; Stanley Kendig of tbe (»nnecticut powers'that ba stopped that by pit­ event. Aarcetag Tc and at Albany. ed ae the eiatort amp I* tod I ed afloat, a menace to navigation St. Paul. Feb. 14.— (A P ) St. Paul following the business session In the dles' Aid Society will bold their JIM W H50N READY police studied further today the case Robert Fitzpatrick has returned to The Boy Scoutt In uniform at­ Jokes between numbers were given CknmcU of churches was the speaker ting the Nutmeg entries against It is hoped to have a prominent Why did John Roxborougb gram la scheduled (or UUs Friday rooRg flhaitaw tty nad It W08 haw ttfit Tanker Still Ashorr I.O.O.F. ball. Mrs. Catherine hla home on FToapeet street after tended service at tbe WUlIngton regular meeting Wednesday after­ at a union service sponsored by the eaoh other la the aeml-fiaals or evening at tM Btata Armory ae> Touag gbarkoy of wiuimaatle. of two alleged writers of a 118,000 noon at the home of Mrs. Mary E. by Hasel Hutchinson. eestern ooUege eoaeh on hand to Loop After Present Sea­ Julian Black refuse to go through Even now. the American tanker extortion letter to (Charles A. Ward, Schaeffer and Mrs. Edward W. Mil­ Ming discharged from the New HUl church Sunday afternoon. Mias Florence, lecturer o t Hebron •C. E. societies in observance of egrilsr. Laat yakr MahebaStar and dlsCuM tha various phaeaa of foot­ eordtog to Matohmakar Joe Da- i .ho banded ilM T o w n at fipirtog* f^ S k 'wW^ffblirraJd I Ughtbume Is held fast on Block ler are In charge. (Cummings. The meeting was to Youth Fellowabip week. Societies NBugatttCk. wthnar and nnmar-up with a return match with Bob Pas­ millionaire manufacturer and politi­ England DeaconcM hospital In There waa much Ice about the Grange, William Owen, master ot ball .with the aid of moving pic- tor In Madlaon Square Garden in Maria of the Red Manl A. C. 'ftMM field n kayo tost Friday algbl. r a tba Hfite MM y y cP drtMt Island’s boulder strewn shore, her cal llgura here. Office dosed church which did not keep two have been with Mrs. Walter C- from tbe neighboring towns at raSpoOttvely in .the state tourney, tUfes. Tbe (ootbaU conferonoe will son; Penn Downs CoIo iB" wbo attended the opening bouts M back moottog K. O. Morgan of Oaad Ctonaw Va Win craw safe through a thrilling res­ Brookline, Maas., where be had been Hewitt but Interior work la going Hebron Orange and Mlsa Mariea March after shaking banda with Arraignment of the two men, The office of the Town CTark In a patient for the past three weeks members, over 80 yeara old, from Mansfield Center, Andover snd met In the semi-finals at Provt- oiito the meeting. After a lunch­ nere pleased with the entire show New York eity. Morgan la 1/ lfeCluakcy» a ranowiwd pfii cue by the Coast Ouard. on at the Hewitt place and It was Stanley, lecturer of Andover Grange Windham attended. Refreshments Jimmy Johnston and agreeing to It originally plahned for today, might the Memorial building was closed following a serioua operation. walking to church. were the Judges. danca. Manoheater going on to beat eon, caaeball wUl be featured for an and a bigger rnd better card M weight ebampioa af tta metropnH- tor. bos afiottg The fact that all the aforemen- this aftenuxm until four o'clock, The town schools will close Fri­ not convenient to open the house were served by the young people of Pawtucket (or tba title. bia To Boost Indians' following tbe John Henry Lewis be poatppned pending further Invea- Mr. anil Mrs. Francis Leonard ot The judges gave their decision In hour to be followed by a diarueolon Veteran Catcher Says He debacis? promised (or thla wsek’s anhlMUan. Ua area to Now York elW heWtoW. to in cot and .grab tkm^ 111 starred vessels bore names tlgatlon by police, M. F. Klnkead, during the time of the funeral of day for a vacation and will be in until the completion of this renova­ the church at the close of the serv­ Moat aUte toama have adopted on bosketbalL AU hl|di acbool 3d( Boy (torrilM of Hartford, haavy- containing an even number of let­ Olaatonbiiry and Miss Margaret Mc­ tion, which Is to take care of hur­ favor (>f the brothers. ice. Ttia exeues of Jacobs and tbe fiharkoy damoastratod that nay i raoord hInMiW. Ho boUawa ba Ramsey county attorney said. Town Clerk Frederick O, Harten- sesolon again February 37. tha two-taam system thle year that coaches are to be Invited to attend waight anwtaur boatag champion of of a champion who rtltoba tta art n atis Pfiw toort of tt* way, 1 ters might be> cited In support of steln which was held at the Union Laughlin of Manchester spent the ricane damage to walls, ceilings, Mrs. L. D. Eaton la recovering A group of women met at (he wqa uaed wlto sunh b u n auMtes .by H opei Louis camp now U that Johaaton Is Police Chief Clinton Hackert aald week-end with Mrs. Leonard's moth­ Miss Esther Hansen and Floyd from her recent iUnesa. UiM Htnie and reaervathms must bs WM Don Mask And Mitt Oonnactleut, moats Jimmy -Kid" ring with bn mart produea. t t w can OR bto fw a fw Mr tta P an eld superstition of tbe sea that the two prisoners. Mathew W. Steg- Ckmgrcgatkmal church. paper, etc. home of Mra. J. L. Schweysr yeatar- MaMhaeter'a WIU ClaAa Mat yaar. mode with Robert Berry of Sprinff- too dunoult to deal with, but it waa Jaekoon, mstropelltaa and Now an odd number of letter ts a for­ er, Mrs. Emma Mullins on Prospect Phelps, accompanied Miss Marion Htsa Stella Johnson who teaches Mr. and Mra. Stillman Keith of day afternoon to work on auppUes dsrktfs mathod. which be la ualag Pastor and not Johnston whom to eomtog to Manchaatar Towaa had tag aprint to tba taps. 11m Meal i bauer, 31. ex-convIct, knd Harold Mayor Claude A. Mllla, CNty and street. Lord and Merle Pheipe of Stafford fieM CTkerieal High before Maroh fork atate champion. won hie last oevta fights via tta KO boa been eaUad upon to tun agalnrt l tunate circumstance in a ship's Town officials visited the Burke in Voluntown, Is spending her Worcester, Maos., wera weekend for tbe Windham (immunity Me­ o g i^ this year, aenda full tosma 13. Thla oilnic iS being sponsored New York. Feb. 14— (A P )—Pitt’s Agam If Senices Needed LauIb couldn't catch In 10 rounds in McAvny, 2B. former law atudent Spring to Wagner's opera, "Die guests of her parents. Mr. and Mra. Rivals lUgWy Rankad name. However, since early De­ turned whisky salesman, both of St. Funeral Home on Monday evening Word has been received of the week's school vacation at the home morial hospItaL into tha (ray in alternating periods. Jointly by the Weetern Maaserhu- basketball team still bears the nick­ the Garden ring two yaara ago. cember, there has lieen on the death of Mrs Ciiarles Grenier a Melsterslngsr,” praoented at the of her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. N. C. William PerrltL There wera seven tables in play I f a player is loot to either of tbe (MrrUlo's status oa a Oonnactleut (t I am Faga lum) I'as. ra m MR-I' Paul, gave police a complete ennfes- to pay their laat respects to Town Buahnell Memorial In Haiiford. setts Intorscboiaatie eoaches aaac- name of “ Panthen,” but So far aa Pastor la young, strong, fast, and beach near Chatham a reminder skaj yeaterday Clerk Hartenateln, who was s for­ former resident of SUfford Spnnga Johnson. The Homemakers Group under at tbe Mmte (htflo whist aponaored two teame through injury or per- ciaUon and the WSsiMm Meesaebu- the Eastern IntereoUaglats Basket- is a fins raoord. What M LouM that an odd lettered name Is not Prayar tpeating wUl ha held Bradanton. Fla.. Fab. 1 6 ^ (A P )— y-fW'-np.':' Tbe letter, demanding 118,000 mer mayor .of the city. who died recently at her home 'Tbe sum of $3.80 has been col- the leadership ot 8, Helen Roberts, by- tha Omrantry League ot Woman eonol (eulS, . tha tea-playsr limit setts Intoracholastle Sports Wriiar*' baU Oonferense M concern^ Pitt M Jimmy wOaon cold today ba’d leave waiting (orT oertahi protection — the wreck of Caboose. N. Y. Mrs. Grenier was m. Thursday evening ooaiducted by Dr. leeted from tha two rooma of tha Home Demcnatratloo AganL will VoUn and bald at M n. Thomas makes It i m i ^ 4 s n tA ttti^ AssnciatlMk-- Ths cossmlttse-M- from Ward, intimated that the writ­ Baahsibsll Tonlsht Horace B. Stoat at tha poraonaga. the fly fat (her ointment „ the coartuag 1»ax and doa mask and Another rather aultable opponent tba Boston trawler Andover. ers would attempt to connect him Tha ItoekvIUa High (khool basket­ daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hebron Green school and sent on to meet Thuraday at the hop)* o< Mra. Graham’a Tea Room. The f i ^ wtthnut Maaidag up onn csnmiMr: eisdee Ybeeldee Lordsn and Barry, Not only did Pitt's dedsioii to mitt again if hM new team, Cto- for Rmoira Joe would ba Muirioe John Bolleau of Hicks avenua. She Mra. Emma Crandall of South help swell the fimd to fight the Jennie PerretL at 10 a.m. Mra. prlae went to Mra. Walter Van A n - tlon. Last yaar tba toama wara al­ Ooaen Arthur F e« of Adams and with the unaolvra murder several ball team will go to Boat Hartford WUlIngton wUI have charge of the withdraw from the circuit set In etonati. needa Mm. Strickland, the New Zealander who years ago of Welter Liggett, MInne this evening to play the High school Is Siiiviveil by her husband and sev­ Infantile paralysis scourge. The Lloyd and Mrs. Hutt will demon­ dale, second to Mrs. L. M. PhilUps lowed twelve ptoyen each, tlw aame Leoiis Boiriar ot Holyoka and Har­ soema unable to get hlmseL arraat- setback card p ^ y Friday night children of the primary room and third to Mra. G. A. Ck>ur. number aa wUl be eligible In the motion machinery that resulted In Striding Into tba clubbotisa after npolls weekly editor, unless he gave quintet there. The game la arhedul eral children. Funeral and burial strate “Winter Salads^’; at 1:30, old MartM o t Bpringfiald, writoro. last night’s decision to rtieheod the hla firat golf gam f of the winter ed to New York. / r i r j a h/t/ sponsored by Tolland Grange. brought their pennies and collcctol The Rev. W. F. Tyler of the Tol­ otato toufney at NSw Haven. WOMAN IS KILLED them the money. ed for seven o'clock. wns held In Caboose. selection of wash dresses. There circuit at the end of tba current isaBan. the former manager of TM Now York oommimion. wbieh Kenneth LaBonte, son of Mr. and a dollar. The grammar grades col­ will be no sewing at this meeting. land Ckiunty Y. M. C. A. showed OonetderaUe eomfiaent bks been Admlla Pair Bluffing Emblem dub Rev. Sterling S. White, pastor ot Mrs. Henry LaBonte of South Wll- aeasoB. but the Panthers have bsaa Phlladelpiito's National League ehib enoa refused to.aanctlon It, has toM Assistant Chief of Police Charlea The Itockville Emblem Club will lected $1.80. Tbere will be a study of labels, SL moving pictures of the effect of tbe made tbSt Gonnectieut offleMIs are the Second Congregational church llngton. Is employed In a restaurant Horizon (Club members are re­ machine age on labor, at tbe weekly being Ignored In the New EMgland HOLDOUT TROUBLES a very disturbing element to the waa amodiis to toto boaebell. Jaoobe to go ahead with a Leuto- J. Tierney, peraonally conducting hold a bridge party on Wednesday In West Stafford who was recently style and construction of ready to Champlonahip race. * T a tickled to death artth my new Oaleato battle. IN WOODS AFFRAY the InvesUgatlnn. said Stegbauer ad­ afternoon at the Elks Home. The at Sherman’s Ckimer, North Wind­ hearsing for a play to be given wear garments valued at SO cents meeting or the Boys’ club, which tourney bnt thla vlawpoint is in er­ discharged from the Johnson Me­ ham. some time this coming spring. The was attended by thirty boys. On ror, CIAC membera say. A referse Tlw difficulty of making up sched­ place,” he declared, "but any Job Herman Taylor of PbiladelpbM mitted the pair had no Information proceeds of the card party will go morial hospital Is convaleoclng at to $2. If you have a favorite which ules and- of travel amoog the widely would be better than managing the bos agreed to release Galento to whatever to connect Ward with the to the Bupreme Ways snd hirnns The WetheraUeld A. C. defeated play la entitled "Speed." Mrs. you have made or boughL bring It Wednesday the Boys’ (^ub basket­ from tigs state was recommended DO NT WORRY BUGS the parsonage. His condition M re- the WUUngton team In a Central ball team will play the t^WImantic but did not reeelva enough bauou to ■eparated eollegas waa the main Phlle." Jacobs t o a match with either No- Liggett case. t’ommlltee. Mrs. Mary Danaher of (Charles N. Fillmore and Mrs. B. A. t the meeting. Kindly get In touch |>orle'A Detroit. Feb. 14—(A P I—Homer Marjorie Beyer la chslrmin in Fred L, Youngs Is a patient at The Bolton Men and Women’s Mrs. Alfred Schatx raturned Sun­ WUUam J. Smith of WUUmauUc. down first baas, utility infieldsr BUI that Dartmoutb*a tartern toterool- when the shooting cn-curred aa were Afternoon Club will bold Its next tlen In FBot Guard Holl'a fistic lagUta leagna lMdan,may drop a for a lot more ganwe If aataaOa patfannaiioM haw adogtod It.fcr thair Martin, heading ope faction of the charge and she will be ooslatad hy the CNuivolescent Home of Miss club wUI bold a wblst party this day from tbe Windham (Community The Girl Scouts wiU present their Brpbaktr and pltehan Jim Tobin. LouM to doing Gene Vtaas- Ben Grapea, 43. his father. Lee. 73, meeting with Mra. Louis MalB. an opera tonight are in top oomHtloa, game or two bofim the aeasou ends, to fiU to for Bnile LombardL tha MtnyMI divided United Automobile Workers M|as O n Morin, Hlas Sarah Morin. Ekllth Post In East Hampton. evening at t o’clock a h ^ at the Maroorial Honital with her tnfani Ohiderella play In the vestry of .the Eddla Brandt and BUI BwUt w a favoi'or by going to Loo An$etaa M W 1999 iwodala OlR auary hand you and Albert Wheeler, 38. He said he the hostess. A mualc^ progiam wU raring to go, and promisUig the moet bays not aoosptsd Ptrata tsrms. OrtumMa's downfSJl appears to in- leon e’s 1988 battteg ehampica, who of America, assailed Sidney HUlman Mias EUaabath Bonnn. NIaa Osns- Mr. and Mra. Henry J. Blakeslee Community baU. Potnts wlU ba son, Robert 'neodora. She spent be presented by Mrs. Snep M. Qmgregatleaal church on - Friday (or tto Roprt thing. VtanoM, form­ hear, ” It*o ^ m ort'cC aedw dra w « h a w waa told Ih^ woman cooked for the hecUc battlea achedulsd beta in Tba deadllDs (or rtgalag edntrnota dlcate tha indtoWB may kaep tbe probably won’t nead much help- and Philip .Murray, CIO vice-presi­ vleve Mantak, Mloa Stepbania Yan- and Mr. and Mra R ^ e r Blakeslee kept of all the plsyera with prises a day or two at tha Cummlng'a Momm. ovenlng at 7:80 o’clock. Mrs. Wal­ er Boa Joao aperts writer, once men after I’roulx left the house ter van Aradala is directing them. soma yaara. , ' Is Wsdassdoy. "But It 4aasn*t tide becanae e f lack of competition. aver had on wet pavenaant and in mod, several months ago dents and members of the CIO- lahewsky, Mias Catberlna Wralght attended the funeral of their cousin, for the highest total points for the Tourist Home before going back to Mrs, May L Barber wbo baa beea Frdaaotsr Lou Vlscuai has givsn . handtod pUbUoity for tta Negro. , UAW Co-ordinating Committee, in and Mias Ethel Flynn. Mrs. WlUlam Pascs In Hartford, evening and a grand prim for the her horns at tba HIU House. eMi- Tw tna akvaeMt thtam.**" Baamvaacor add,mid. Inddtaun PeimtolvaBto haaded Octumbia ito and H M w P It*a tha h k o f 1 9 1 9 ! Sheiman said Ben Grapes told staying at the boms of Waltsr N. Bobby -rt*s e a r ivy the ssverart *1 dsat kbesr alm gla man an tbs ecad 4efaat o f tba ocascu Mat Repor, R bcotbar of O n ^ to a letter addressed today to UAW BnnUet AottvMtes Wadnaaday aftaroooa. highest total for the sariaa Every­ Bradford Smith waa home from Foster for several dim will leave for o< S3 Repw at aaaaa peat-war puglUatto him Proul* bred twice at bit wife There wlU be a mesUag of the test B Ms rostar who can bs CMssad os n bald. Bight ow tba bfCBs* owa court, 48 to TRAPSHOOTERS CREATE Tho Htwaotoo Ch—fiplott Tha k a through a window', mlsalng once. members. Rav. and Mra Oaorga K. M*c- one la welcome and rtfraahmants hla studies at Yale Sdenttflc over her home today iB ^ eM M d , N. J. straight vMtortaa, to matehlBg tba dnaaoR wot wtoortoaea netting Men's dub of the Rockville Baptist Naught have returned home from WlU ba served, tha waek-and. LICENSED D YNAIITER out" 88, aud dropped the locws toto a Then he ordpred all the others from Martin directed his letter at a Rev. B. Homer (Jbiap. pagtor of Harnord Muggw with Victor Cor- He artd the failure to rtgn was la botog bowtod-nver by Loula. cowpletolT Mdr firWiwaRiant in.wfrty recent communication by HUlman church this evening at 7;S0 o'clock. Rye, N. Y „ where they epent a week Lx>ge which ere going to be Lincoln's Day was obser ved In HasardvUla Methodist church, wap oecoBd-plaec tie with Oonell. the cabin but Wheeler grappled ebado. FraaiPussto lUeo amatsur routlns,” a seasonal Stooe 0>lua»b(a’a other km to six A LEAD NINE IN LAKE F * p y Jneb haa been ktooed oat cagiMarlng and dia maok o f a new and and Murray to,the union membera. A Volantlna box social will faaturc, .with friends. , ■tored at Bolton pond at the Notch the school by epeclel programs. It the guest preacher at the Commua bouts to a busy asasew In Msw Tnrk with him. the troopei said he team­ and aU members and tbair friends Mr. and Mra Earl Grecde and has never been the custom here to BLASIED WTO O m m O N terma that ’lara Ironed out league gaaao w m to PrtaoMco, tba o ftw ttOR a badly dented tea ed. and Proulx was shot in the hip He termed the Hillman-Murray let­ will start arriving around tha Aist Ity Night service In the Wipdaor- fight rings M tbs Ufa story at Oev- 01 hto mat appenianee to New ravolodonary toifiito of loddag greator ter "propaganda in behalf of the are invited. She chairman la Regin­ children h ^ e been spending a few of May. I, cloee ths schools on -titet day. vtUe Methodist church last Sunday aa Mager look bko a ram 8fi SBldffrlfiiiif F filr Bartia In another scuffle with her hus­ ebndo . . . nad bM vistorMs over ftotbariaers, ths Buecanstra art ^ k R yaar ago. . . . a t tba ebacura ‘aaCrty hUD dto oord b fid f fif R dia . b suspended officers ot the Executive ald Kent and bs will be soalated hy days w l t o ^ paronU la Hartford. L- T- Wood will not cut any tea A pleasant Valentine party was evening. throat to ttertmoulbV band, .Mrs. Proulx was shot in the Uxbridge, Mass, Feb. 14— ( A P ) - ^ - I s e r a p h ns io w Wneb, Toonff going to ba "right up thwra In tba t f ia iJ E x - OkitoD....Arturo Oodoy dto- Board of the UAW," and added W. Edwardc and Walter Schmelake. Mra Eugene Y. Onderktrk. who la at tha Notch pood this winter. This held at tbe Primary room, Hebron Mr. and Mra. SeUm Mitchell have ppls a ad th to iftiigiis Indlents OoRMlL.wbMi tamofi u » agalMt out 70, some time. for over a week and has been un­ and three dUMren. every yaar, I think our chib M goto;; METEORS, EAST SIDES Aldo Anaaldl purchased a new Johnny Robrig and Johnny OShello but each Uma tba Quakera, grab- _ to DaaM WWlulaia totan and mroM R iartoM peoowiWOafiaOIpplnto which tread b cnllad *Gca>XHg*'I Flint. Mich., Feb. 14,-APi — A Bombay provincial government, widow of Elmer E. Adame v „ Mra John A. Fuller has returned auto reeenUy. able to work. He felt better Sun­ to ba right up In tbero In tba race. warrant lor the arrest of Richard T. on hla way to tbe top. ------btag the robinindi nom tM book- Roberts, unamployed ateam shovel controlled hy the Indian Oongraaa found dead lying on n couch at bar borne from the <>eeceat Street boe- day but was down again Mooday. Paul "M g Potoon" Woaar, baarda to good odvantagak dortga whkb hat iaora i Frankensteen. a vlce-prealdent of Raymond CXxxonl la employed to MlanU. Fla.. Feb. U.— (A P )— The third eight nuBdec antelMS tbe UgM M paid fM Ptraten, and CLASH FOR 2ND PUCE party, today announced prohibition home at IB I^vla avenue on Monday pltal, Middletown, when she was tbe Steto Capttol in Hertford. Mlsa Louise Cbase of the Omncc- at away again. A total of M potnpnal greator rtre^dt araae graalee adity^ the CIO-recognized faction of the would be Impoaed on the city of The American FederaUoa of Labor, George Pipe at Meriden, who re- : iogularfy bants at ' aigntog, waa Wtotera ind Roberta fitted to- ■ harpmlied a n ^ dwf grig dw foadnddi a 8RP8> avealng by neighbors. It was bellev- trsatod for head iQjurtea foUowtng Brick Eecbe of South Bolton Sv- ticut College for Women. New Lbn- fortllled with a $40U,000 qieotal am- CURB QUOTATIONS f(Nila made accuracy from tbe free- United Automobile Workers, was Bombay commencing Aug. 1. Plana sd that aba had been dead about six doa. waa a dlimer guest at the cenUy kjo’sd FeUx GMrda, and Jack raportad to bava baea aakod to taka grtber . an outflt of abandoned footed hold to pcolMt agitato dilddlng a a i la aa automobUa accident tng at the former Moffuet home on eeaement levied on tta nattonaj and Haggerty of WoroesUr, tbe lad wbo tbrow Una eoimt and Pena aonk Ifl pumping lOMilnery and ora Theaawabfcfydrtckcocdcoim fucllon Issued today aa the aftermath of a of Motiandaa K. Gandhi for India- to eight hours. Death was given aa Local achoola wlU does Friday home of Mr. and Mrs. (Chariea a eatory eot becanne ef an todMNrant TM IMaday junior League asMre a safe rtop. riotous UAW meeting here Satur­ wide probiUtion within three years Sbodde MIU road, has started a internatlciial iinloBa, Is ei—fug at a By ASSOCIATED waa Uatsd among tha first tan wel 1888a out of 38 trlM while Ootumbto aaak ton o f Mad a day at awtnga into artioa oaeo store tonight g b w dto added srtw ngth d ia f flaakes due to natural causes and she bad for a week’s vacation and will re­ movement to organise a volunteer C. Sellers Sunday. onto Mven o f 18. day afternoon. thus moved a step nearer raaUtxa- passed away In her sleep. The Rev. H. R. Keen preached paid up msmbanhlp of e.OOVjiuu Am Gen . -...... 4*4 te r w e B ^ la England fc t monagir Ha Ttoym wfM il •85 a Rt too Bart flldo Boa wttt the High poadbla dw aw of dw aaw.ddcltee. open Monday, February 37, for tbe Are company in Bolton which haa flyraoiWA one o f too eastto oot- Coew ia today aad figalg yaar tar toMt a 881 Tbe warrant was issued on com- tinn Dry regimes already have Mrs. Adams had been a resident third term. Sunday from tbe S4th verse of the- workers by ths end of Its ffaeal year Aosd Gaaaad El A ... 374 year. Ttost Mda, both enb fignton, to worry abent M M g ba aonU "U flgnmn nra epemat R a ttw * ptoykw toe WOd Cato M ilatet of WUUam Kuprea. Flint au- craoted considsrabla attontton. Am Sup Poes...... guarnatss n fast tompo to tbs aUartag "todapaidBat" team% tum- there. M nojooo wortt af tooghot* daogor VlraetOfM Goat OHp been establUbed tn several prov- of Itockville for manv years. She Some of tha farmers about town 10th chapter of SL Matthew, T next AugusL officials soM today. \ . plug Batoto MrtHiM or f r t a BtO toa flrrt •M Rt.at l.’Ofi ofoioek rtwrp. fomeblia worker, who allagad that tnees. Bringing it up at a racont Oranga U the FaderaOoa’a drive Is ai O n t Stataa El ...... 6-18 alaga fasUvlflM. ad to oaotbor fino porfonnanca Mad to the lalw.' IR toa RseaRd gUM toa Hateen Tread, which proeldaa rfiOMflrtUy loiMtor leavss one slater, Mrs.' Mary K. Hol­ have been busy AlUng ice houses the meeting In town ba gave tha tea- came not to aaod peace but a toto Waaer'8 ttgbtflrtd ip et TVay Frankensteen drew a revolver and ton. sword." The church Intmtor was ceeMul It will be tbe Srst- time it CIta Serv r..'...... 8H Jobnoy Btole, Bgbt-heai/Wilgltt nor Mid. ho w m . M would visit against Notro Damn but couldn’t day. -We threatened him after Ihe meeting, past week. sona why this town should Oto Serv., p f d ...... 46 t after dediirtlng Re o p e n b c h u r c h e s ------Club chilly owing to the fact that tbe win bit the 6.000.000m ark ou traai NSW Tofk marts am U a l- Suite and Bnbifetr to trtk oatory wto After tniltog 38-83 at ona it charges Frankensteen «-ith "aa- ouch a plan. It waa met with ep- El BoimI and Share . .. .toga, tM D M i caiTtod tbe contort: Bdwarda and Tbe next meeting of the RockvlUe TAffOBS SUGAR LANDS furnace (Ire went out during the 1030 when the grM t tnduatrial ac­ tompo a t WnBraaatM bi n fib ■uult with Intent to do great bodily Bucharest, Feb. 14.— (A P )—Ru provaL He was appointed to head a tivity of tha war yeara helped oWeu Niag Hud P o w ...... U43^ nwnd seont . . . and the opnuai Had OMfi wen OBt (to toa trap i harm leas than murder." Uona Club will be held on Tueeday oommtttae which wlR study and nighL Amceg out c( town vtsltore Penn . Rond ...... manlan Vlce-Pramlcr Armand Gali- avealng, February 3i at 8:43 at tbe at the ssTTlee wera Mra. John the ranks of tha tiwda unkm move- t V : t (Our watfhen L in y Teens at ttaai' Mexico a ty , Feb. 14— (A P )—Bx- vlalt ether nearby town ftre oon^ Unit G a a ...... 2 -i neacu today orderad all Baptlat Rockville. The mem-era of the proprlaUoa of on eeUmated S80,(W0 Morton and her daughter. MBs menL • dau wttb BddM M i ^ of Bartfesd. BURNS PROA’S F.\TAL churches la Ruauala ranpaasd un­ paniaa Due to the many tram Nalda, c t New York. A l Weia, tamoaa Mow Tock end of toe ontoa b M ^ claoa of tbe Itockville High ■erw of predomlaaaUy United down tn tba weoda. It wfll thM der a decree afaaBdaning Old regula­ school wrlU give a dcraoostratioB Stataa owned sugar lands became TIM lUv. B. A. LewlB preaciMd (HVEN PAID VACAnONS AmiSBS RAW OUHF ager wtU to at tbs itigiildi te Boston. Feb. 14— (A P )—Kather- t e Many Baptist churehaa wara Vrtng preoent one o f the biggaat tb.: woclt of Bobby Ivy . . . taa Muhn. 18-year-old high school with the mlcroprojector from tba effective today with pubUcatioa of fliv bwirdi te floei the tbeme "The Brothetbood doaad laat faO with enforosaaBt of athooL Hiis machine ssilstgee ob­ et Kan." at tbe (Congregatloaai i hanos to perform bi Msw Task stadenL died today of bums auffer- g^^H^rop^tlo^dscrea la tha Of- ’*roo Much llatri— ny." a thtoe- Pittsburgh, Feb.> 16 — lA P ) — A gpohane, Aaati, reti. 14. i . a nttls-imad law erklch. amoog eth­ jects and projects them on a acroea. ekureh ftmdey fereeoon. plas providing oim to twn wssk vor —lu n iltt P. Ondd. Beattie stUu- ringk OR IMS M ad Jan. SB whan bar clothing caught er thlhfa, raqoirsd that a dataOad aet cesaeffy coming Is town toon, M PoMonKMIfba ■ra aa aba aat bealda a Uteban ■peka la Haitlard rsHoiis erith pny for UkOOO hourly nay. Advised ftepubucani- ~t» cBureh asHbinhiB hat bs ------Rav. XM. Oaorge ff. Brookaa n o te PfOffWMhkt rapWy In tta nhoors- his fitrd raadlng. ad (a a)a nad mtil bo pnsmtad tha — *'* sniployes was sanounesd today raw beef • ft breea^-t" t- ' ei- gsMfsboat ffthalaifiM tbs Akmdnnm CUnpsnf of oui nerve at - • nlshL ‘^nmrns,

lU N G H E S m BVENINO RHULO. MANCIIESRK. OOMM. TUESDAY, rEBBUABT lA 198» h lG B E I 6 B T m M n M c s m t e v s n i n a h z k a l d , m a n c h e s t z b . c o n n , t c e s d a t , f e b r u a s t 14. i m 9 FLORIDA-BOUND, n H A T LA im C REACHES MASS. ChaDcnver at Last ilD N G IlE m "Boxcar Corrigan” Prepares News From Manchester’s CONNECTICUT MAY QUIT McCLUSKEY, LASH TO SEEK 2-MILE H A R i to Return to Ohio Home After Harrowlngr Week. NEW ENGLAND TOURNEY Peabody, Masa., Feb. 14 — O. Peace of West atreet sUpped Puseofer Sh$s»lercluuit- (A P I—-Refreahed by sleep and on the Ice while going out to the JOE LOUIS TRIES Three Cage Games Offered DISTANCE ACES 10 food, Rusaell C. Donaldaon, IB, barn to do his chores Wednesday BOLTON • GILEAD men^ Tankers AniFislier* the "boxcar Oorrlgan,” prepar­ FINE MANCHESTER MEN I M188M11UI JKMMYVlJENNIE a B r«lVTTB^«CCHUIICH and received a broken rib and MRS. R. K. JONES. OVER 10-PLAYER UMIT ed today to return to hta Con- brulied several others when he feU. 8008, Manehaator " A Vslantlae card party sponsored TO OUTDO GALENTO At East Side Rec Tonight nellsville. Pa., home after a Tburedsy evening a etaopplng by Hebron Gnmge wttl be held at RUNATDARniOllTH the home of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam men All Pky TribnleX harrowing week In a locked shower waa given Mlaa Esther Han­ V FOR HSHING ILLEGALLY The regular weekly worship aarv- Owen In Anurton thb evening. Auc­ freight car which he thought sen of West WUUngton by a group QAC Reported Readying A OFFICIALS CHOSEN A full program of three gntoesApiu the Poiiah-Amerioaaa, defend- was carrying him from Ohio to of friends In honor of hsr approach­ ice was held at the Center church tion bridge, aetback end pinochle IN FISTIC SETUP HEBRON Sunday morning at 11 Mrs. wUI bs offered st the Best Side Rec lag champe and wlnncra Of the Srtt IN SPECIAL EVENT \ sunny Florida. n I .n I j r - X ! Rotary club on Monday on "My I'en ing maniaga to Fk^d Phalps of win be played. Refreahmenta wUl be half, against Pagaal's Barbara and Boston, Feb. 14. — fA P) — A Mildred Mllbouae preslde^xat the eerved by the foU^wlng eommlttoa, Sharp Protest tonight as the Rsc Senior League roster of lives sad ves- Ruasell explalnad to Peabody RockriOe Judge rmes Two i vea™ m th# pme Tree sute. ■ StaffordvlDe. Thsy latar went to The wedding ceremony for Miss this should also bs ■ slsalsr as ths pohM that be saw two cara in i Food Hale the home of Mrs. Raymond Bruce organ. The dioir sang an uitoem Mias Charlotta Warner. Hlsa'' Amy FOR N.E. TOURNEY launches Its second round of ten Jest st sea today Indicated Use Anne Qeatyle of Ivoryton, N. Y., entitled "Into Pastures Green.'^a** Barbers entar the fray with a he ffelgh(ht yard! at Uhrichs- The pupils of the Northeast school In WllUmantlc for games and re­ Hooker end Mrs. Archie Green. Sick Boxing Business Offers weeks. A much closer race Is ex­ Nesth AUanUc 1s laashlng lU and John Mlleskl of Newark, N. J„ slated by their very able leader M & Ride That Reduces Tide stronger team than psstlmsd be­ Load Stir To lo o t white teeth with raore than usual vllle, AMo, last Feb. B— one $ 9 6 i3 Eick Usable To will hold a food sale at the achool freshments. Mrs. Howard Martin left Monday pected during the second hsU of the billed fof.FIorlda. the other for Washburn of Uancheater. As Peace fore. The Amerks won the flrst f e r i t y this winter on Hale street on Friday afternoon, The Cheerio Sunday school class were attended by several Hebron to vUrit her father for e few days at campaign as ths low ranking teams two camss decisively but It may be Peabody. 'Purlng the night he February 17. The sale will sUrt at of the WUUngton Hill church (eUl Relation Sunday waa observed all hla home In Long Island. Relapse As Champion Speoditor h Attoapt To Passenger vessels, merchantmen, friends and relatives, among whom over the United SUtes, Rev. A. 8. Hopes Of Nnbneg Qidn- Fonr Referees Named To have all been strengthened and are a dllTsrent story tonight taakera and fishermen all have leaped aboahj—the wrong car Pay They Go To Jail; 2:80 o'clock and anyone wM Ing give a aupjwr and entertainment Mlaa Mabel Doran of WalUngtoni and went the vs^ong way. were Mr. and Mrs. August Kowral- KUnc chose for hla tople for the flgured to provide keen oppoaltlon As an added feature, ths West bawi baldgeoned into paying trib­ food reserved for them la asked to next wreck Friday evening In the waa an over-night guest of her * Picks On Old Pop Roper to the leaders. Sides arc slated to tackle the Hart­ For two days ha had been too telephone the school. skl, Adam Kowralski and Miss MU- sermon "What Color la Your Jtets; May Take Drastic Lower Littoi'o R o o ^ Of ute to the storm gods who, as town hall. Tha proceeda will be tar. Mri. Floyd Fogll Thursday./^S| Handle Schoolboy Event Tonight's opem-r at 7:30 o’clock ford Atlas In the nightcap. Ths weak from lack food and Third Man Pays Fine. uaed Cor church jrarposea. d r^ Bednar, and Lawrence Pom- Heart." Church school began at 10 often as not, have struck from an prowics and daughter, Mlaa Jane. The Mlisea Allene and ChaitoiJilV stnds Center Billiards, runner-ups visitors are coached by ' Wsrdy ambush of fog or snow. water to cry out aud it wss only The Mission Circle, which met p.m. At the aasembly the boya and < Warner sptot the week-end aiiS \ For Boot On April 24. by chance that a t n i » driver The maniaga to


TIME ^ Whst Is so rars as s sponsored M t £ y ^ / p radio program without Its premium No one ever “finds’’ time foi any­ offer? thing .... V you want time to do | thla or thaL you must take It . . . | Registrar of Marriage (to youth- awM toatbar srlth aa opfMMRt and aa waU. With tba (Myniple Oamea (rosb (ootballsr. who answaia to AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE « FUEL AND PEED 49-A Eo haphamrd graaptag of mlautas. i (m itrldsgroom)—Tha youag lady U ■ UWT AND FOUND I DAVE SCHRINER NAY hla m t laat waak tumad Kid Kap- at flnland only a yaar away. Me- Sports Roundup the name ot Lee Btanlslaue Oolum- but a wail-ordarsd ’division ot the | not a mimr. Is thsT |AhT— WlUtmanUe »act 1938 NASH SIX sedan, coodlUoned n n SALE—SEASONED HARD tha rafaraa. Into an adagio Ciuakay aaeina baadad to r hla third bua Joseph Henry Smith, a'help ua day*# t4.houra te tha seeret of doing I Bridegroom—Oh. no; she worhs in dancer- It waa a wild a e n p wbUa bartb on tlia U. S. team If ba ra­ .... what waa Sammy Snead do­ things .... Budget hours mean a beauty parlorl iS k Hartford, bUu:k fur mulT, with air, 9000 miles, 1987 Nash six wood, for furnace, |4.60 load. Tele­ By BODOE BBIETE ’ sedan, radio aad beater, small mile­ phone 8628. B. Olgllo. COP SCORING CROWN It lasted. sa hla staeplechase honors this ing leading up on baaketball ahoea bigger daya .... | ■ipptr pocketbook. amUinlni •um New York, Peb. 14— (AP) — Joe v’hen he pasied through Kansas of money and keya Finder pleaae age. Messier Nash, 10 Henderson It waa also pUaasd to brlnl: back year. WUd Bidl Budynklaes thla weak hut Dimaggio Isn't maklw any speaking a ty ths other day? . . . (3iarUa B1DE-AND-SEEB ' ) p call WllUmantlc 866-2. Beward. Road. Telephone 7308. New. Y'ork Amerfcs Left Wing­ engagements after F ^ . 33 and a f(»*-rm sure that arsan’t a mar- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 ba hurt kla band la tha bout srlte SPECIAL MATCH Drcaaen, Dodger coach, la the beat rlaga Ueanto tha cleric gave ms the o er In Foar*WRy He For direct Up from the coast says he'll sigiial anatcher in the naUonal LOST OR STRAYBO —Aonday, FOR SALE—KITCHEN range with Young Laahlahe a t Holyoka laat leave there (aigned » unsigned i. ,'or other month. ' New Britain. Conn.—Stealsy An- Feb. 13. a black and wbita Bprtnger BUS1NEK8 SERVICES Lead In National League. week aad wUl not bo ready for an­ U m Oonoordla T. P. L. Man’s leagu' and Del Baker ot Detroit No. Sbo—Why not? drukiewics, 18, Is serving ten days oil burner, alao good else Ice box, SL Petersburg Feb. 35 . ... . who 1 Bwiper in the American . . . clasa L jail becauM he hid his mother's puppy, about 5 1*3 montha. OFFERED 13 almost new, and a few other arti­ other two weeks. (asm won ( polnta from Meriden In the world waa/Doc Bagtey (Gene Ha—Ever since then I've been Uv- nMQ at li30 p, m. on Elaat Montreal, Feb. 14 — (AP) — Al­ Moat of tha bojra coming here Luther League and the Girls lost dlamieasd. ing a dog's life. false teeth and sye-glaaaes. cles. Sullivan. 26 Birch atrect. Tunney's old treincr) trjdng to kid Mrs. Andruklewtcx told PoUcs Center itreet near cemetery. Re­ COMMERCIAL AND OomasUc re­ though It’s anybody's race right from New York are Golden Glove 4 points In a State League bowUng when be offered Johnny Ray (10,000 ward for return. 40 Weetmlnater frigerator aervtce. Refrigerator ra^ FOR SA L E ^N E grey combina­ now, there seems to be a good charopiona and the New York State match at the "T” . John Noeke had CHANCE VOVGHT LEAGUE. IT (iR NOT— Court Judge WUlUm Hagearty that (or BUly Cqtin'a contract? . . . . her son "revenged” blmaaif upon ToonerYlUe Folks By Fontaine Fox Hoad. Phone 8347. flnlahlng, reconditioned ralngcra. tion coal and gaa range, oil burner chance for Dave (Sweeney) Schrin- amateur team la eonaldered ana of :h Slagle of 146 aad 8 string of Omnie Mabk, who got himself used •yo glasses of Richard Pitta, ton, new and teeondlUoned Com­ er, the clever left winger of the tha boat la >tha oouatry. Tha real (7d for the men. M. Doasin of In tha Otance Vought Ini her after the removed tha tube of Included. Telephone 4883. to ipMt southpaws with Rube Wad­ B oy, Ore., accidentally drop- a m o u f l a g e d o m ic a l e n t in e AUTOMUHILE8 FOR SAKE 4 mercial refrigerating machinea. New York Americana, to win thd claaa a t amataufB In and around the Meriden broke the league record partment League at MurpI into the bay, were found later a radio which he persistsd ta play­ S iS T C R ^ C C V with high single 141 and 8 strl^ dell, Ed4le Plank and Lefty Grove, Isya, the Despatch took S ing too loudly. OlIR BOARDING HOUSE Telephone 4978. W. W. Phillip's, Oil HUNDREDS OF USED Furniture National Hockey League's Individ­ Mg town cornea to the surfsea when ot will look over four wrong armers at bn the beach, booked on to a star- US7 PONTIAC SEDAN: 1»86 Pon- Walker strasL bargalna. 3 rooms furniture 876. ual scoring crown for the third time. the beys get a chance eveiy day to o f'441 for the girls. Next Satur­ gamew from tha Inspectors. flsh. day tha local t^ma will bowl the Lake (Tbarlcs this spring . . . Art Final Aaaembly took 3 straight from tiae coach; i036 Ford coach; IWUI Easy terms. Pbona or write tor s He'a already among the two-time work out In the beat aquIppM gyms Rooney, well known around the boss '«&U«R U M C tB B R U IdO VMhA 1 Pontiac coach; 1BS4 Ford coach; ■'CourtNy Auto". Alberta Furni­ winners with such fellows as BUI In the country maatllig the beat In Hartford Trinity teama at the the Deflectors and the Shipping MILUNERY— Morgan alleya In the final games tracks and aa a profootbaU magnate, took 3 straight from the MatH A countryman who went to bon- JUOT msiOTHBFR TRAMP E(3AD, AA'DEARiTHOUOM in s Plymouth sedan; IMS Ply­ ture Co., Wstarbury, Conn. Cook, Chuck Oinacher, Howie Mo- all dlvlstona while trautag. will debut aa a light promoter in darf and prospsrsd In bualnsaa la* mouth coach. Oole Motors 6468. DRESSMAKING 19 of the season. B. Winder of the Shipping tsam emUAMeRCEiTMH HOOPLE rens. Babe Dye, Newsy Lslonde and Prognun Bated Tape Pittsburgh soon. high aingle with 138 while friend from bis nattvs place • STORIES X BE ATRA4TOR TO AAV Joe Malone. None of them ever Thera will be tea bouts again this Manekaaier Men <8) UhJB “IVIAT TlHP UP TO THIS WANTED—DRESSMAKING or al MACHINERY AND J. Noeke . . . . 115 n o 145-^70 son of the Despatch team l^^Kind a holiday with him. On RBCORD, APTER BO came through a third time and only week and tboaa who bays been fol­ nUnols grldders gave Bob Zuppke S string with 367. T !^ u x t day the Londoner took his IN STAMPS p o o A T O t A r h o w a h o l d Manchester tentlons. Mn. E. G. Perkins, 17 TOOLS 62 Conacher remains active. But lowing the amateur boxen through B. Fischer . . . . 97 93 — 190 VEARB X AAUBT C0NPHH& Jackson street, or phone 7621. B. Reichenback .83 — 104—186 a rousing vote of confidence by turn­ friend to dinner at an expansive OP •PREE PWOVISIOHS-'^WIS Scbiiner la up In a four-way Ue for out the pest several yean have ing out 93 strong (or winter prac- Krampe .. ___ 113 107 93—313 . restaurant. They want through the X JLAA IKJ flvCCORD WITH Evening Herald REBUILT CLETRAC and Cater­ W. SUven ___ 99 88 101—388 BPKl Veg/AOB BOhlta WAS TVtE pillar tractors, used Farmalls. Dub­ the lead In the current race. stated that this wash’s card-abould R. Kulpinsky .. 89 114 127—330 Uce—the largest squad old "Zu])'' Raguskus . ___ 81 DO 106—277 various courses, which, though M SU/ IdAW, W M BM T H B . What's more, Schiiner's poaltloo be tops. It has avaay division of CLASSIHED MOVING— TRUCKING lin Tractor Company, WllUmantlc. Al Roth ___ — 88 91—179 baa commanded in ten years . . . Barnett ., . . . . . 89 80 104—273 varied, were very small, and when OLD TUKim ABOLrr PAViua (OLD BOUKIDBR TRIBP demonstrates his versatUlty. When boxing represented. Much of the Scotty Montelth goes in as match­ Runde ...... 120 93 93—306 they had finished the Londoner In­ STORAGE _ 20 u « BACK SOMB TIAACw-a.*- TO BORROW t£JO BIOMT AOVERTISEMENtS he won the title In 1936 and 1937, confusion i t last week prior to ths Total 483 493 868-1843 maker at Detrott'a Olympic C3ub Franko .. . ___ 108 110 104—319 quired; AUSTIN A CHAMBERS when you WANTED—TO BUY 58 he was on the receiving end of a lot bout In getting the Ueksta num­ Meridan Mbn (1) since Gslento and Nstle Mann blew Londoner— Well, what do you UAA-AA— WITH A RRTURM APTBR KE PIMISHBD Ooem Sts seeras* worSa to a Uaa 808 480 499 1487 tnitlala aambera anS abl>ra*lallons want the beat In Local and Long of brlUlant paaaea from Art Chap' bered oorrecUy will be aUmlnatad G. Bauchman . 95 114 138—332 Jack Kearns right out of the Joint think Of that Yor a dinner? VIBlT/'— -l'A\ ISLAD TBUJKJO^AAE OP A Distance Moving Dally Exprew HAKE A LITTLE spare cash with man. This season he's doing the this week. The promoters are now . . . Weems Baakln, who de Despatch. friend (enthusiastically) — Fins! saeh eount aa a wore aaS aompounS H. GriU ...... , 95 130 136—841 WB'RB RID OP MIAA/ STbPBNCOUS TBA DEAL. •eras as two aroeda Ulnlroum east IS Hartford. Manctaeater, KocMvilla your saleable Junii. Ckll Wm. psssing himself, collecting 22 of bis equipped with all tba Important B, Schatt . . 98 106 88—286 veloped "Spec" Towns, the hurdler, ReUy ...... ___ 117 88 90—295 S a w have one vylth me! sriea of Uirae lloea. Phone 6260.—68 Hollister stm L Ostrinaky. 182 Blasell street. Tel. 33 points so far on asslsta. Hs's data that waa not ready until min­ s a new sprint pbenom down at Sabrina .. . ___ 114 90 91—288 MB ViAD COdaUAAAAkmO , U ae raise per dap for tranaiaBt ft. Plechert , . . 93 94 95—281 133—318 Ecuodor Still Arguos. 8879. the league's Isading play-maker. utes before the flgbta went on. W. Mlasner .. . 96 81 98—270 Mlaataplppl U., who'll be unveiled LeGeyt ...... 101 94 A woman paycbOieglat warns par­ IKI BURAAAiXaURHAiBBD It, taw Sharing the lead with Sweeney Tickets wlU go on sale tomorrow natlonaUy next year . . . remember McCormick ....124 91 137—342 ents not to ba too pleased if their Over Its Boundaries Cash Charss REPAIRING 23 at the following named places: Met- Ut4 name . . . It's Dick Bowman Anderson ....101 133 133—367 children show signs of prscocloas ( “kLD country le pIctureeqtN Zc- “THAT MB WA-B A PUBTV APAKTMENTS, FLATS. ara Johnny Gotteellg of Chicago, Total 476 814 520-1810 • Osasseatlss Daps t SM| S sta who was alone at the top In all but ter's Smoke Shop, Bniys Pool Par­ Maachestor OIris (0) . . Tony Cbtnsoneii la back from genius, as they are likely to be ^ uedor. It was old even whan S(hO PROAATM6 MOOPLB 8 Oensseatlpa Daps t e t s i H SIS ROOFING A SPECIALTY. Also sld TENEMENTS 887 486 864:1607 1 Dap ...... I I s la t U SIS one of the prevloua weekly Hats, Syl lor at the Center, Square K. Mtosak . . . . 93 88 107—38S bis coast tour saying he's ready for menaced by lonellnaaa, .Ask any the Spaniards took poaseasioo and H A T C V 4 B R y / Ing carpentry and maaon work. Am.atrong . . . In which he Is a Final Assembly. parente whote child Sraa smart warred on the tneas In 1334. Beua- All erdars for Irrstulai lna«rii,.ns Reaaonable. Time paymenta ar­ FIVE ROOMS, pantry, bath, open Appa of Toronto and Toe Blake of GrtUe, Army and Nav^Ctub and O. Kluck ...... 83 SO 88—347 MacFall .. ___ 99 105 115—819 will be ekarssd at (he one tini* rata Montreal. They're all distinct Red Men’s Oub on BrMaard Place. L. Killer ...... 84 84 100—368 minority ot one. enough to akip one grads at school. dor became e republic in I8(t dptslal rates foi lees term e*srp ranged. W. Vancour, U Wells St. porch. Second floor. Oompletely re­ Wurtz ...... 100 117 88—300 after the battle a t Plchincha and day adeartlstns stvea spue request. threata, eapecMIy Appa who teams B.e. KulplliskyKuimnsky .. ..7 4 74 88 80—342 Dowd ...... 106 98—805 Phone 8836. decorated, (38 monthly. Apply Mrs. Promoter Harry Mendel, who 104 It bi^psned at a eollegs clasa re­ Its history has been stormy even Ads srdersd eeTora tbs third bi drib Wilson 88 Charter Oak street. up with last year's champion, Gordie K. Luch ...... 83 '78 85—386 Sanderson . . . . . 98 84 118—398 dap will be ebaraed nnip fat lbs ae- KUOKINU A HIUlNIi BstimatM Drtllon, on the Maple Leaf Une. DISTANTEACESTO broke up the high riding German Taylor . . . . ___ 100 100 108—314 union: t tor a Latin-Americaa eouatry; aO taal naaiber e| Ume* tbs ad appear- freely given Workmanship gusran FOR RENT—THREE or four room Blake registered last week's biggest Total 416 418 467-1301 team of Vopel and KiUan In both Eisaaen—Why fliiaant It’s Just stormy. In fact, that the natieo It eC ebarsliis at ibe rate earned but still wUheot deflnltety dsterminsd ■ ■ a as allovaaet a* refands can be mads teed. 'Dmc paymenu irrangea spartmenL fumwhed or uiJumish' gain with four goals and two as MerMM Girls (4) tha CHeveland and CTilcago six day 803 018 833 1541 woodsrful to Bse you aa ala tlaw ads stepped after tbs slats. RUN At DARTMOUTH O. Grits 84 73—339 races plans to continue doing same Deflectors. down, doar, aad tsD ma about your­ botutdarias- Painting and carpentry A A Uion ed. (MU Oentannlal 4131. Ecuador. lying on the Faclflc £ . Inc., 81 Wella atreeL Phone 4MHI. Another oddity seen in thla week's L. Flechtner 89 116—391 at other stops on the drbult . . . Henman ...... 93 89 87—289 self. Afs you marrlsdT \ Me ‘^fu tarblds'i displap tinea net FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement Schatt ... — ----- 76 Billy Conn and Fred Apdetoll did Bussin-—Tba, rm marriad. \ coast of South America, extends m IL records la the tie for seventh place IN SPECIAL EVENT Boris ...... 94 91 91—378 Tbs Merald will act be reepontible 104 Woodbhdge street, all Improve' at 26 points. Thrc.t New York Flechner 97 82—373 such a thorough Job of cunttng each WeUe ...... US 87 98—300 EHeanor—Oh! Just Imagins It! I from about 100 mllss north of ths Doasin .. 113 141—341 other Friday night, referee Frank remsmher yeu always said In school equator to 400 mllas south of it •ar ■ sri tbaa one laourresi Insert ton HELP WANTED— mente, newly renovated. Til. 6U6U, Rangers, Bryan Hextall, (Hint A. Winzler ....107 119 91—817 •At ed sap adesrtleemeni erdered tor or Inquire 98 Foatei street. (Continued From Page Nine) Schuelke . 72 69—141 Fullam had to keep reminding them L. Ewen . . . . . 89 103 94—386 that you wouldn't marry ths best It is bounded by Colombia on (he mare tbaa oae time. FEM ALE 35 Smith and Phil Watson have thla total along with Drlllon. Another to ''remember them mikea, boys.' man oa sarth. north and Feni on the south. The The laadeerleai emlseiea of ineor- 435 458 480-1360 Susan—I didn't. boundary on tha oaat la aomathint 1 MBbllsatlea b l ef sdesrllelna will be WANTED—EXPERIENCED walt- Ranger, Alex Shlblcky, la the lesd- the clock on numerous occasions and Total . . . . the South Atlantic Aaaociatlon 4M 489 481 1668 jKIdi salp bp sanrellallnn el tbs reaa, aabond maid, Proteatant to APARTMENI^ FLATS. haa the ability to rate blmaelt psr- probably will play tha Piedmont In­ Shipping. alsa again for Braril, Colonbls sham e made let the servlee rendered Ing goal getter with 17, but he has ____M help with children, live In. Call TENEM ENTS 6;i only alx aasrsts. fecUy In order to provide the fast stead of tha southeastern league In Greenbatim 134 135—838 The Way Of Tha Fool and Peru all claim esrtaln Une* All adeertleameMs must eonfurm 4876, 7 to 9 thla evening. drat mile end tmediisK neceaeary to the Shaughneesy play-offa thla year. Turktngton ___ 90 104 90—386 which Ecuador does not aocnowl- m stpla, aepp and tppnaraphp with f o r r e n t ' —o n EIXIERTON Toronto's Red Homer remains at Last Night *8 Fights F a y ...... see# 50 93 (M y a (oOl haa vain regrato. taMalalleas snforeed bp the pabiisb- the top of the penalty Hat with 68 pave thq way for a new record. Joe's A light heavyweight MUed aa the 118—390 aa aad tbep reserve Ike rlsbi le WANTED- EXPERIENCED girl street, live room flat, garage, steam “Masked Marvel" has the turnstUes Weir _____ ....113 99 >100—331 Or cries (Or milK already spilt; the maps show “araaa la dis­ minutes to 66 for Art Coulter of the 9:09 performance at Bocton laat By ASSOCIATED PRESS Tha wlas map (orotbly forgsts sM . Nines er NiseiNMei anp aepp eon for light bouaework, over 18, steady heat, all Improvements, Including Saturday waa one of the beat, racea cUcklng around Minneapolts. E. Wlnxier ....1 0 8 188 •6—«60 pute’* and the contfossisy ngat __ _ jbiMtleasbla work. Telephone 8419. shades. Telspbons 8301. Rangers. . Newark—Maurice Strickland, 195, Hla ooaUy Uaa, hi, aUto of guUt. over the yeara. But bOaaflary ^ H A R lM a m a m d b . eUWINO HOURS—Claulgod of bis career and be says ba faala m New Zealand knocked out Frank 480 886 1878 Thaio is no (uturO for the soul td he Mlibllaasd aams dap mutt be ro- Up-top form for the duel with Henry Armstrong, the only light­ lines or not, Ecuador boasts some V. s fi? tls s av aaa MavNt. wa. T.a , ^rrH^YMBAASBUnijl^ bp tl a'aleeb eeeai daturdaps WANTED -WOMAN for light Donofrlo, 179, Philadelphia. (1); er In history to bold three world's BlaaertalB. Fortvsr saddened by tba pasL of the most beautiful sceocry in bouMkeepIng. Bachelor apartment. HOUSES FOR RENT 9-5 HEAVYWEIGHTS FEATURE Meanwhile, however, Hc(3uakey Pat Oomlskey, 194, Paterson, N. J., titles at the same time. Is g d ^ Haugh . . . . . 98 138 113—888 And none can ever reach a goal the world, and all within definite­ Only half day required. Phone 4008 la slated for aeveral appearances In knocked out Jack Muleaby, 193 HUdebrand . . . . 91 74 81—367 On wings that grief haa shackled *- • e • \ FIVE ROOM RINOLB, Manchester shooting again .... If plans go ly settled limits. ■ . Y TELEPHONE YOUR after 6:30 p. m. others meets. Tonight he goes Norfolk. Va„ (1). through (or a Pedro Montanes bout DonnaUy .. ar • a • X03 93 •3-388 There Is, for tnstsnss, the rail Green, all Improvements, garage, SECOND RING PROGRAM to Providence, R. I., to coin' Roebeater—Jack Matheson, 184, Mason . . . . 0090 8S 84 103—378 W ANT ADS - near school. (88.00 pe. month. W. March 81, Henry will try for another lino from GwayaquU, tha **Pwt pete In a mile run against Ulsnn Haniltan, Ont„ knocked out Walter mark by depending hla weitarwdgbt Ds'vld ...... 104 90 93—3M (M y a fool awakaa at alghL of tbo PacMe," to Quito, capital, SrORCHY SMITH of Inspection ByJOHNCTEBRY Ada ara aueaptad aval tea talapaaaa DOGS— BI RDH— PETS— 41 Harry England. Phone 8481. Cunningham, the Kansas ’ meteor. Barnea, Plttstnirgh, (3). TO wasp, what cannot be undone, At Me CUAROB RATE ftvaa abova (Contlnned From Page Nine) crown three times In ana month and once the canter of Eta graat Lash and aeveral othar lumlnattes. Toroato—Dave CaaUlIoux, 13914. . . . ha haa champlondtip Ulta al­ 678 488 438 1483 O r lets hla toara obaeura tba light Into civilisation before the raid­ aa a wavtalanoa ta advartlaara. bat SCOTTIES PUPPIES— Champion SEVERAL MODERN SIX R(H)M Hoatrcal, outpointed Phil Zwick, Of each new day'Y revealing sun; tha CASH RATES wnl b* aoavp'ad as single houiea, also two family flats route only to fal) before the left' Saturday he returns to tbs two-mlle ready bookad with Bobby Pacbo In ing Spaniards came_TMt road U r a u . PATUgiNT It paid at tba bust. blood lines. A. K. C. reglstraUon. In the New York A. C. gsmea and 138%. MUwaukee, (10). Only a fool allowa tba pabi BSM aglas aa at bafera tba tavanib Housebroken. Very reasonable. In exosUsnt locations. Apply feM- handed r<^ thatched Sharkey. The Bamaiore—Bobby WUaen, 180% Havana March S and Wfth FranUa aai oil the moat spoctaouiar ai winner of this- light will meet Eddie wUI again have Laah, Tommy Deck' Wsllaea tat BL Louis March M'-. s oi.qiemory to mr h0M > door. , gtoeem t IM li'lnxibe world: At' 8 ^ fallawlbg tba Srsi lasartloa at Telephone 6747. wsrd J. Holl. Telephone Manches­ ard and others aa rivals. The foUoW' Waablngton, outpoint^ Vli New Oricaas,'" Fpb.' IL—(AI^)U Or heart within tw aimhw RriMfl ' fSsb ad otbarwlas t|it OH A RUB ter 4843 or 8038. Elm, Manchester's middleweight soo, 188, BelUinore, (8). the pro grid magnatea would 4blak The nattOD'a tep-rankUif gelXan IMHx dal DfaMo (tm O .'o naaa> a RATK will ba aulloeiad Na Naannal. state chanlplon. Ing weekend he awitchea to tha better of the Idea of electing Jim Ths aOlemn dirgs of “Nevsrmore'.’* wtountaln bkqks tha raOway aad bllltp far aPNN la talaphanod sda specialty that has brought him bis Chicago—Frankie Oivelll, 128, were mevtag Into New Orleena to­ —TOd Roblasoa. will ba aatamod aad tbalr asaaraep Leonard Kid GIgHo and Mike De­ Brooklyn, and EMdle Lander, 136% Farley exar at 875,000 per If aome day for the 810,000 Craaoaat Oty tha toaln is (oM d to cUaab SMO WANTED— REAL greatest recognition, the atecpie- one would tell them where the (78,' toot' ta five mlntitaa along a dar­ fsaaol ba daaraniaad laney vHII alao appear on the card. Oilcago, drew. (8). (Men—the richest tournament a t Sam and Raatua ware dlsouaslng E-STATE 77 The local boxing fans are anxious chase, In the nationals at Hadlaon Scranton, Pa.—Eddie Dolan, 144 000 la coming from . . . tWelva o t the winter achedula—which ataita ing aig-mg ooursa eut from Mteer INDEX OP Square Garden. the 14 pitchers on the Cincinnati IKHtica. Rastue waa a rabid partisan granite. to See Delaney extended as he had Waterbury, Conn., outpointed Thursday. of ths Incuqibsat: . EMERGENCY Wa n t e d t o b u y or lease land ah easy time with Young Me- Abas For (Hymplea Bobby Masters, 148, Phltodel( roster stand abt feet or taller In Sam Spaad, Toay Manaro aad — Baaadar asthMtsa Eg daSalte CLASSIFICATIONS with barn sr shed, suitable for their hosiery. ' flam'^^WeU, All iflee him aU HgbL area at Irifl.OOO square mflaa, Its Klnstre of Hol)roke last week. Hef^uskey captured tha Indoor (10). Johnny Goodman ware hare yeatar Ah guaaa,- hut his platform ain't no doedooaoodooooooddoo pigs. Phone 8088 at 12 noon and 3 Kviugb, tough young GIgHo loves to steeplechase 'or live ooosecuUve Holyoke, Maae.—Tommy Bland. day aad got in praeUco roaada oat population is roughly (.tMJMO. I ddooooodaoooaoaoHo ROOO^, It Is a nattan of vast potontlal '•••ooaaoRoooooaooood p. m. years and then Tommy Deckard 148, l^rooUA drew with Jimmy Tatum Crlsactts, bead coach , at tha course. Maaero eetdal a 7L Raatua (snorting) — PlatfO’m! aOdoo«»o***oo«o«aao ended hla monopoly with a record' Leto. 147, Hartford, Omn.; (10). the CMtadel and Ted Twomey, South one under per. Haary Pteard aad wealth arhkh may aome daysiato Carolina line coach, have Juat taken Platfo’m! Say, don't you know that K among the leading ooimlriea ol •I T^MIIS 000900000000000 CALLS smashing triumph In 1937 Joe came New York—Al Reid, 138%, New Grout tried a tow praeUoe shots. a politlcar platfo'm Is Jsst like a 1 LEGAL NDIiUEIi a s dooooaaaooooaoo TOWN ADVERTISEMENr back laat year to regain the crown York, outpointed Jimmy Lancaster, their first solo airplane bopa . . 'Hm prfas money la being put up par- tba waatorn, bamlsphera. A sm duooodaod00oae . platfo'm on one of dose beta atreet o t Ecuador ia MiOwn abova oh a sabsddosadaoaaoa AT A COURT OF PKORATB HKI-D and also annexed the outdoor diadem 180%, Wllmlngtan, DM., (8). down at Misaiaaippt U., tbare'a aouOy b y Mayo^Robart 8. MaasM. to rs . Hit ainr meant to stand on; avaa - taaasaaadbbddddd at Manch««tRr. within 4nd for tha .bit's Jest meant to get In on. currant stamp o t Em aouniry. { AataaMbllas I^L IC E dlBtrlct of Manchaalar. on tha 11th N O n a O F T H E (OsMTright, tfia, MSA flsrviss. Ian* Aatamobllaa for taU ...... day of February. A. D.. 1139. Abtamobllas for CacUvnga •««•• I*raaant W ILLIAM 8. HTUE. Eaq.. Asto Aosaaaartaa—Tirta ...... J u d a a . Asta Rapalilng—PalDilBs ...... 4343 Katata of Thomna Brannan lata ef TAX COLLECTOR Uanehaatar. In aald dlatrlet. daceaaed. FUPPER FANNY By SyWlB FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By BlOBsa WASHINGTON TITBBS By Crane ' OUT OUR WAY ByWtmtiw Aato dekoais ...... All persons liable by law to pay HOLD EVERYTHING Abtos tbip bp Track ...... Upon application 4>f W illiam Brai^ 1 s t X m i t rrt s im d kml m a c t s b bo w dim . Abtea—rat Hire ...... an. Admtnlatrator. prayinv that thfa The Old Age Aaalstance Tax ot VOO WONTT gerasoa—Bervlea—eioraes ..... lourt aacartain tha halra and dlatiib- 13.00 In the Town ot Manchester, \ V9U m i VQUHSI ...... Tt n B M «UCH A W BHADbMBlBOr ■atarqrslaa—Blapalos ...... FIRE utaaa of aald aatata and ordar a dla* \ M m TO SOM NtaKtK ’ TU fH ... MTU. ft miAlRlDlDIHMV are hereby notifled that I have WBGe tAUGfi NOU Wsatod AaLoo—Hatarepalos .... trlbutlon tharaof aa par application rate bill for the Enrollment of 1938, MDUemBi! now LIT UaaSaaaa aad Ftefooalaaai dawt. 5432 n Ilia. It la KIEBO GUCH A B H a Rsalbaat SarvioM Offarad ...... OHUKHKU:—That tha fpracntnv due and payable on February 1, ■aaaabald darvleaa Offarod ....1 NORl'H application ba heard and datarmlnad 1939'. \ BMr«M/S0B VOUTO HQBB Balldlaa' Oaatraetlag at tha Probata Offica In Manchaaiar SAID'TAX PAYABLE AT THE dBTOSFYDAFtVh’ TIdrtaim—Na rsa rias e ddoo*** In aald Dlatrlet. on tha 19th day of TAX OOLUKTTOR'S OFFIC® IN Fbaaral DIrsatare ...... it 4321 Pabruary. A. D-. 1919. at 9 o'cloclc In HO «T A «T ? ■satlBg—PlamMeg—Roatag ... II tha foranoon. and that notlca ba THE HUNKHPAL BUILDING iMarmaas ...... is SOUTH Kivan to all paraona Intaraatad In aald FltOH FEBRUAR1 lat TO THST*B» PLUMB estate of the pendency of aald applU HARC31 3nd, 1939 DtfXUSIVB. HG W( , Mllllaarp—OraasmakiBs IS cation and. the tlma and plaoa of Having—Track Ing—dtoraga .. . . H A N P HG‘ Pablte Paacenger Samoa ...... to A hearing thereon, by publlahlng a copy B ovsi 3 A. M. to 5 P. M-. toetod- Mallna—Papertng ...... ii uf this order In aotna tiawapapar hav* POUNDS A*em Br o n Pretcaafosal tarvi^ ...... || AMBULANCE tng a circulation In aald dlatrlet, at big Saturflaya, eieept Thunflay, Hsbalrlng ...... ii letfat four daya bafora tha day of Pakiwary 13. Tkwaday, FWiruary A HOSS-TMCiv UKS Tallonag—Dpclng—Obsalag ... II (DOUGAN) aald htarlng. to appaar If thay i S3. Taeaday. Fabraary 33 aad Wed- Tellal Oeods and Samoa ...... II causa at aald tlma and placa and bo D R M kf ID ACNMNASWWl heard relatlva ‘tbarato. and maka ra- aeaday, Marek 1, wkea konre will Waal ad—Bnatnaaa darvlaa .. .. . IS 5630 ka (ram 3 A. It. to 3 P. M. Rdavnrianal ~ turn to thla court, and by m ailing !• ZT)' tearsas aad Clmaare ...... ; ...... |1 a raglatarad lattar, on or bafora Pab« ^vata lastrueiloala ...... || (HUI.I-OKAN) ruary 14. 1919. a copy of thla ordar Panalty of (1.00 wUl bo added If . 1 a , •atadgdOdddddaBI'A addreaaad to lira. Dartruda Brannan. tha tax la not paid within SO days MMle4}^X>t«Mtle ...... II 411 North Main atraat. Manchaaiar, from Fsbruary 1, 1939. iMimetloeM ...... M 3060 C o n n . W I X a U A M M. B T D S S A M ir^ NELSON. JR.. riBseelal Judga. Tax OoUsbtor. •sads—dtocka—Mongagaa .. .. . II (QUISH) ^ xpgVlewrfCflfTT Haalaaaa Opponanltlaa ...... II R « l - t 4 - S 9 . Mesap ta Loan ...... || 4340 MiDACAi vM IR M K Ifum ■alp aad Sllaaltaaa 'Ibo FOLLOW BMV. /MMH’nu.nBsum S#l> Waniad—Pamala ...... II A NBTWOIRK. U p Wantad—Mala ...... II •jUasman Waotad ...... Sl-A HOSPITAL AT n v e ■alp Waniad—Hal# or Famala.. It Id ROOM FLAT FOR SALE / 'tO U Aasaia Waniad ...... It-a COMB ^ luotfr SRaaitona Waniad—Pa mala .... Ii A modem howc, S fEm eees, Tnmt and resr porches. Wtaattoaa Wantad-Mala ...... I> 5131 APTBIt ♦THeft'CLBPP MBPIopmanl Aganclas ...... W Separate entrances, S car Kara«a. Priced at $4,950 MIS BAN D/ WN» aanrk Pvla Paaltre— Taklalre for quick sale. This will aiaka aa excellent investment 'ttau TUSN I Bags—Bird*-Pats ...... <| Uva Sleek—Vabiciae ...... — «| WATER DEPT. and a comfortable honw. Act today. Fealirp sad dappllas ...... tl Waatod— Fata— Poultrp—gt««k tl Far Bala ■laaallaaiaM ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Altlelaa For Sala ...... tl 3077 MS MAIN B n u oer ■aata aad Aocareorlas ...... tl (A fter 5 P. M.) r . a ^ W o are liiMiig Ise a tow petosi stagls bouse. Do •gliding ■atartals ...... tl Bfsmoada. Watekaa—Jawalrp .. tl cere to sen? **My rates are reaaoimMe, I have no cdoeatioa, and I *Thls one’s from Skinny. I kinds axpactad it baeauaa la t ^ •laetrleal Appllanaaa—Radio .. tl 7868 can*! coon! beyond aeven.* Pbgl aad Pood ...... t»-A he’s been trippia’ me every tlma 1 f o past hla desk.** -Farm— Dairp Prodaets 10 akald Oooda ij MANCHESTER , A 1 i ' % hlsarp and Tools ...... ii ___ lastrgmania ...... || TM £ c r a n e Mias aad Store Cqaipraagt .... It WATER C O . MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSB Rough Stuff Bj THOMPSON AND tXILL -- •sirlaR at iko stores ...... it ALLEY OOe RSoVePe By HAMLIN Widrtag ApparsI—Fare ...... 17 Wgalad—Ta Bap ...... u 5974 .-e-V 's.,*; IW'BBaONdAIS L o o K o t n ; rtDADONcrr s o a n WOMfeV ABOUT CMAMB r rN SM lD flU O M m ,- a o ^ FOQIHATBOCK U M M V m iP A oocnaM BS. b « 4AF ■ rvB r— B - UM/ tS rt JOUBB’BO Wltaeal Board ...... m O M TIC CHsa,'UJ


kl9 •••••••^OfO******** • tl . f t EvMiing Htrald • •••••••MM#*# 99 i t - ] % : R 5121 f s ^ - o e eoa n . T r '■•