t -y.. '• i *w’.‘ ^ MOIfDAY, FE M tT A lT IS, ISSf ’ AVCSAOE .DA1I.T ClBCtXATION Evntitut S n att tar tSa aaaaftk af laanary, I9SS Traa worlmra today ----- — Mlaa Lola M. Tracy o< 114 North n ia 'f la a hope ebaat with Ita ooL A daughter waa bora Saturday at Frank Brannon, foramon Of Oom* gagad la trlmmtng traaa locatad on Elm atraat, wbo recently undaiv lactloB a t baantlful hand mada and St. P r a i ^ hoapUal, Hartford, to pAny No. 1 of tha Manebaater Sra 6,172 the grounds of the Center church. went a major opiaration at the Me* othar artlclaa, to be awarddB a t 8L Mr. and Mra. Sidney Saadsraoo of department, calls attention to tha Memher af tha Andit mortal hoepItaL haa returned to her EMdgat’a carnival on February 18, Baraau of CtrcotaMoiia 71 Brownell avenue, Hartford. Mrs. fact that the regular monthly meet­ Girl Scout Council members are home to recuperate. la now on diaplay at the Murphy ing of the company is to be held Square. Hale’s Tuesday Specials reminded of the luncheon meeting Drug atore, Depot Ttcketa Sanderson was the former this evening and Important bual- MANOIESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM tomotrow at 1 o’clock at the T. may bs bought there, at Ksmp'a Margaret Todd of this town. Tempio Chapter, Order' of the atore or the Canter Pharmacy. They naaa la on tha calendar. M. C. A. Eaatern BUr, will Imld a food aale VOL. LVin., NO. 115 (tIaeaUled Advarttolag oa Paga 10) are aleo on aale by the large hope Double S . & H. Green Stamps. Givbn MANCHESTER, CONN., ’TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 (TWELVE PAGES) Un. m Up NUaofi of D«lmont Loyral Circle of K ing's D aughters tomorrow morning from #'J0 on at chest committee. PRICE THREE CEM W ■tiaet wma vocal •ololat at a recent will meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the the J. W, Hale ^m pany'a atore. meetlDK oi tlie Clef Club of Wlnd- Federation room of Center church Herbert J. McKinney of 98 Fos­ With Cash Sales All Day Tuesday Anang her eonge aae one house. Membera should come pre­ A meeting of the Manchester ter street, a graduate of Cushing Where Pontiffs of Agres Lie dedicated to her by ita compoeei. pared to aew. and also to provide Sports club will be held tonight at 8 Academy, spent the week-end at H A LE'S S ELF S ER V E Harry G Banka, Jr„ profeawr of In­ articles for the sunshine baskets. p. m. at 38 Main street. Ashbumbani, Maas., where he at­ The Original in New England. SEES EUROPEAN WAR strum ental inuaic a t G irard Colli-ce. The ho.steasea will be Mrs. Walter tended the 18th annual winter SPECIAL SALE. ONE WEEK ONLY. Philadelphia. Joyner, Miss Grace Sowter, Mias carnival of the Academy. Rising temperatures and warm PIUS BURIED BENEATH Mildred Hutchinson and Mrs. Emil Reg. 15.98 Beiatifal New Kottke sunlight today gave many local resi­ Rev. William Wallace, pastor of AND HEALTH MARKET Membera of the Stanley group of : dents thelf first Bttnck of "spnfiK SOON, CONSEQUENCE the Wesleyan Gnild a ill have a Vnl-1 the North Methodist church, will entine aocial tomornnv evening al 8 | Mlse Ik'SMle Quinn of Park street fever", a malady that makes most be the speaker at the monthly meet­ Chenille Bedspreads o'clock at the home of Mrs Htuait sHlIcd .Saturday on the 8. 8. "Volcn- who contract It dreamy eyed, alow ing of the Brotherhood of the Eman­ Double S.&H, Green Stamps Given Irrrt. dam ' for a 12-day cruise to Nassau, of foot, weak of hand, and generally uel Lutheran church tomorrow night GREAT CENTER ALTAR. Bahama Islands. wlahful and restless. Soon cornea the a t 8 o'clock and a large attendance Wth Cash Sales All Day Tuesday OF SPAIN’S CONFUCT Mlaotononuih Tribe No. .'tg uill spring when "a young man's fancy of members and friends la expected. On Solid Color Gronnda. holds ita regular meeting tonight The Tall Cedar Rangers will drill lightly turns to applesauce.” RefresKmmts will be served. $ 4 * 9 8 t In Tinker hall at 8 o'clock and It al the Masonic Temple at 7 o'clock TUESDAY SPECIALS 'h ,-T: GETS SMALL ARSENAL is expected that a large turnout <t tonight A stunning new pattern with tufting in colors and Paul P. Mozley Of Haynes INSIDE Oft- FAT HEN OF ROME membera will be preaent white. An exceptional value in chenilles in view of the Willard DIckInaon who recently Kannapolis, N. C.. Feb. 14 — fell on the Ice and fractured his leg. Pure Lord advance in prices. Solid colored grounds in laeise, or­ William NIeberdIng of the Burr ___ Lb. 8c St, Jost Back From Civil (AP) - Ralph Oates bought a has returned home from the Memo­ S P A R E R IB S sKRAUT chid, blue, peach, green, rose, dusty rose, wine apd ton. fat hen and got a small arsenal. Nurseries, will speak on 'llolland rial hospital.' I Gets Manlier N a m e Triple Cukety Wrippei and Its Tulips", tonight at 7 al Have .Spare Ribs and Kraut, or Eckhardt’a Frankfurta War Zone Says Italy To' too. FRENCH DEUy the V. M. C. A. under auspices of and 'Kraut Tuenday. Jello Any Flavor, 3 p k g a . 14c He said the gizzard yielded ten Biinday school teachers of the .22 caliber cartridge sheila. the M anchester Garden club. An Il­ Concordia Lutheran church will FRESH SPARE R IB S ...... ................................... Ib. 18e JUST RECEIVED! ANOTHER SHIPMENT Red WooL U im A lustrated lecture no the Arnold Ar- ! Make Demands On France Otherwise, the hen wasn't par­ meet tomorrow evening al 8 o’clock Sauer Kraut, lb. 6c._______ Eckhardi’a Franks. Ib. 31e ticularly touga. j FORHAL NOnCE boratum at Jamaica Plain. Maas.. { for their monthly meeting. Spry 1 Lb. Can 18c CANNON KITCHEN QUEEN will follow. The meeting will be' Fresh Shoulders ..................................... Ib. I9e Fml Reitiif R m I open to all Intereated ; Mr and Mrs. J. F, Rarslow of Fresh Native HROILKILS....................... ___Ib. 35c NO. 8 1-S Can Burt Olaey*a By ARCHIE KILPATIIICK ' T O im G E in S Main street attended the meeting Returned from acven terrifying Mr. and Mrs. L>oul.-< Hiince. .Mr. Senri-Printe tralay at the Hotel Kimball, Bprtng- .Fuice Oranges, 2 dor. 35c, Baldwin Apples, 4 lbs. 29c Dish Towels G for $^ .00 montha In w ar-tom C atalonia In ' and Mrs. George Dame, held the high fleld, of WesUnghouae deSJers. Souer Krouf_______ 8c LACK OF UNITY seeres at the military whist of the caatem Spain. Paul P. Mozley of i Detennmed Opposition Of Lasting H ov Aid Eastern Star, Friday evening: Mrs. The Anance committee of the Fresh Vegetables—Spinach, Peas, Celery, Iceberg and Nn. I Can Wagaav Sanr WITH MATCHING DISHCLOTHS, 6 for 50c. 104 Haynea atreet coolly predicted Caroline Grlmaaon. Lillian Tedford, North .Methodist church will meet Boston Lettuce, Cauliflower. today that Italy wUI soon make de­ Ruth Leggett and Jack Trotter, Bright colorful otrtpad dlah towals that will dry mort dIahSe mand! upon France that may poe- I OF DEMOCRATS VuMliii Aid Kmg tonight at 7 o'clock and the Church Freeh Texas albly embroil Europe In another Anti-Fasdst Group Com­ were low and received waste has- Council at 8 o'clock. \ Plans will be BEETS OR CARROTS.....................Bu. 6c. 2 Bu. lie Pitted Cherries 2 c«.25c aad them faster. Leaves no lint. I geta as prises. At the high table Blue Boon ---------------------------------------------- Wprid war. Interviewed at hia i made for the I.,enten season. home thla morning. Mr. Mozley, a j hy Tribite Oi Fril plasing cards were given. Use Plnehurat Delivery Service. Dial 4151 T0LD_AT MEET pels Postponement Of former member of the High achool Word has been received from The Knights of Columbus will NEW FLEX-O-LACfl faculty who resigned to accept a West Haven, of the birth of a daugh­ Rice _______________2i.i». lie poattlon aa representative of a large have as speaker tonight Joe Mc- ter on 8unday to Captain and Mrs. Recognition Of Franco. VaUenn a ty , FHi. 14— (AF) Cluakey. Manchester athlste. The I t Oa. Can Caluniet New York export company, revealed •’’* Vatican are co'pta whore Popes and canlinala repose. Pope Howard Leggett of the .Salvation many Interesting points concerning Closed Session Is Held In PlusI XI.XI before his death, asked to be buried between the crypta of Pope Plus X and Cardinal Merry del Pope Flue XI wae burled today I speaker will address the organisa­ Army. Captain Leggett Is a former VaL tion a t 8:30 p. m. In K. of C. hall. "pjn>:hu r jl Qrocc ripnc. Elastic Shoe Laces Peris, Feb. 14—(AP) —The de­ nwtb the grwt central altar 'af Manchester man. Baking Powder 17e V... Hoose Chamber On Sab* Peter'a caUiedraL Gever and smart. Fits all ox­ r. ■ • termined opposition of a group of Richard Tinker of Boulder road John LaCota of 481 Center atraet, antl-Fasclst mlniatera today com­ Hia triple casket, wra^ad ta-' sustained a fractureu leg Saturday has been 111 since Thursdsy with S. S. Pierce’a Quality Foods Always in Stock at Hale fords. Lasts the life of the shoe. jed Of Cooperation Be­ wool, was towored to a final n when he slipped from a step ladder pneumonia. Self Serve. Cpr. pelled the French government to de­ which had been set beside a garage Once laced, never unlaced.
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