Charter Charter
Charter COMMUNICATIONS February 3,3, 2020 TThehe Honorable Michelle L. Phillips,Phillips, Secretary NYS PublicPublic ServiceService CommissionCommission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NYNY 12223-135012223-1350 RE: Franchise Franchise Renewal Renewal — – Spectrum Northeast, LLCLLC,, and thethe Village of AkronAkron,, NYNY Dear SecretarySecretary Phillips:Phillips: We areare herewithherewith filingfiling viavia email,email, thethe following:following: 1. R-2R-2 ApplicationApplication for Franchise Renewal,Renewal, channel lineup and rates 2. Municipal Resolution grantinggranting renewal renewal dateddated OctoOctoberber 2121,, 20192019 3. Fully executed copycopy ofof FranchiseFranchise Renewal Renewal AgreementAgreement dateddated NovemberNovember 2222,, 20201919 4. Copy of latest annual test data compiledcompiled for this part of the Division'sDivision’s CATV system (on file with Commission) 5. Published legal notices We herebyhereby requestrequest approvalapproval byby thethe CommissionCommission ofof thisthis applicationapplication pursuantpursuant to Section 222 ofof thethe PublicPublic Service Law. Sincerely, Mark Meyerhofer Director, Government AffairsAffairs Charter Communications cc: JaneJane DeTine,DeTine, VillageVillage ClerkClerk 888.GET.CHARTER 355 Chicago Street 355 Chicago Street Buffalo, NY NY 14204 STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the matter of application of SPECTRUM NORTHEASTNORTHEAST,, LLCLLC,, an indirect subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc, locally known as Charter Communications for renewal of its Certificate of Confirmation and Cable Television Franchise in ththee VILLAGE OF AKRON,AKRON, CountyCounty of ErieErie,, New York 1. The exact legal name of the applicant is Spectrum Northeast,Northeast, LLC 2. The applicant does business under the name Charter Communications,Communications, Inc. 3. Applicant'sApplicant’s addressaddress andand telephone number: Charter Communications 355 Chicago Street Buffalo, NYNY 14204 (716) 686-4446686-4446 4.&5.
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