Einblatt! August 2008 Calendar Street store. Join Elizabeth, Lance, Locals and ex-locals in 2008 Locus Poll: and Richard for their final day at Neil Gaiman won Best Novelette for "The g Sat, Aug 2, 2PM. Minn-StF Meeting. DreamHaven. FFI: 612-823-6161 Witch's Headstone" and Kij Johnson was Irene & Scott Raun's, 3928 11th Ave #27 in that category with "The Evolution of S, Mpls. Smoking outside, dogs. FFI: Advance Warning Trickster Stories..."; Emma Bull was #4
[email protected], Fantasy Novel for Territory and Barth Minn-StF Meetings: Sept 6, TBA; Sept
[email protected], 612-822-0451 Anderson was #39 short story for 20, Linda Lounsbury’s. "Clockmaker's Requiem." à Sat, Aug 9. MISFITS Ice Cream Social. FFI: http://www.misift.org Dead Over Heels by MaryJanice Davidson Announcements was "runner-up" (e.g. #6) tp bestseller on à Tues, Aug 12, 6:45PM. Twin Cities Author Tom Disch, grew up in Minnesota the June LOCUS list; Lois McMcaster Speculative Fiction Writers Network. before moving to New York city around Bujold's The Sharing Knife: Passage was Defending your protagonist’s actions 1960, & who published some sf/f stories #6 hc on the Barnes and Noble/B. Dalton and personality. Davannis, 310 with MN settings, died on July 4th. list in same issue. White Bear Ave, St Paul. FFI: http://scifiwriting.meetup.com/2 Davidson's The Seraph of Sorrow (with Birthdays: Anthony Alongi) now a March Ace pb. à Sat, Aug 16, 10AM. Dreamhaven Bujold's omnibus Miles, Mutants and Moving Party, Part 2.