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Master Page.Ai ‘Caritas’ in Action Programs as of 2012 Contents Social care and protection (Children and Youth) ....................................................................................1 1.‘Aregak’ Day Care Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities in Gyumri....................................................1 2. Building a New Day Care Center for Multi-disabled Children and Youth in Gyumri ...................................2 3. Summer Camp for Children with Disabilities and their Families.......................................................................2 4. ‘Little Prince’ Social Centers for Children in Tashir and Gyumri ......................................................................3 5. ‘Little Prince’ Social Center for Children in Gavar ............................................................................................3 6. ‘Little Prince’ Social Center in Vanadzor............................................................................................................4 7. German Friendship with multi-children families.................................................................................................5 8. Food for Kindergarten in Sepasar village...........................................................................................................5 9. Improvement of Educational Conditions of Schoolchildren ..........................................................................6 10. Equal Opportunities for Outstanding Students ................................................................................................7 11. Secure behavior through Art .............................................................................................................................7 Social Care and Protection (Elderly)..........................................................................................................8 1. National Home Care ............................................................................................................................................8 2. Day Care Center for the Elderly in Gyumri.........................................................................................................8 3. Dry Food Provision to the Elderly in Gyumri........................................................................................................9 4. Day Care Center for the Elderly in Tashir............................................................................................................9 5. Warm Winter ........................................................................................................................................................10 Community Development.........................................................................................................................11 Rural Development...................................................................................................................................11 1. Social and Economic Self Determination in Rural Areas ...............................................................................11 2. Parish Social Ministries ........................................................................................................................................12 3. Aramazd..............................................................................................................................................................12 4. Water and Sanitation .........................................................................................................................................13 5. Micro Projects of Water and Sanitation............................................................................................................14 Schools in Development ...............................................................................................................................................14 6. Job Skills for Socially Vulnerable and Disabled Children ...............................................................................14 7. Micro Project of School Renovation ................................................................................................................15 Women in Development...............................................................................................................................................15 8. Handicraft Workshop for Women .....................................................................................................................15 Public Health ..............................................................................................................................................16 1. Primary Health Care Center .............................................................................................................................16 2. Healthy Mentality Healthy Family within Primary Health Care project in Gyumri........................................16 3. Improvement of the Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support...............................................................17 Migration and Integration..........................................................................................................................18 1. Migration and Development ............................................................................................................................18 2. Returnees from Europe.......................................................................................................................................18 3. Sustainable Reintegration after Volunteer Return ..........................................................................................19 4. Human trafficking a Common Challenge for the New Century ..................................................................19 5. Migration and Trafficking Resource Center ....................................................................................................20 Contacts/ Caritas in Gyumri, Yerevan, Vanadzor, Tashir, Gavar..........................................................21 Social care and protection (Children and Youth) 1. ‘Aregak’ Day Care Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities in Gyumri Regional Coverage: Shirak Donor Agency: Caritas Austria Vorarlberg Diocese Project Duration: September 2011- December 2012 Project Goal: Enable children with multiple disabilities and their families living in Gyumri to integrate into the society and be equally treated by providing a range of so- cial, information and developmental services and promote public sensitization for disabled people. Project Activities: The services provided at the Centre are directed at enhancing the physical and mental abilities of the 30 children with multiple disabili- ties: physiotherapy, ergo-therapy, art, music, speech and psychological therapies. TThe Centre also takes care about the transportation of the children to the Centre and back home, their hygiene, nourishment, basic medications, organizes various social events and excursions for their social inclusion. At the Centre social and psy- chological consultations are offered to the parents/care takers of the children. The established information point with hotline serves to parents who just got a disabled child. The medical teams in the maternal house and in five polyclinics are trained. Project Total Budget: EUR 82, 577 Contact Person: Armen Martirosyan E-mail: [email protected] 1 2. Building a New Day Care Center for Multi-disabled Children and Youth in Gyumri Regional Coverage: Shirak Donor Agency: Caritas Austria Vorarlberg Diocese Project Duration: 2011 – 2013 Project Goal: Build a new model day care center in Gyumri for dis- abled youth and children with a capacity of serving 100 persons at a time. Project Activities: A plot with territory of 25.500m2was acquired for the construction of a new Day Care Center for children and young people with dis- abilities in Gyumri. The design is prepared by an Austrian architect Richard Nikolussi. Fundraising process is still going on. Project Total Budget: Provisionally EUR 2,000,000 Contact Person: Anahit Mkhoyan E-mail: [email protected] 3. Summer Camp for Children with Disabilities and their Families Regional Coverage: Shirak Donor Agency: Caritas Austria - Tirol Project Duration: 2012 – 2013 Project Goal: Create an atmosphere for disabled individuals and their families where they will feel not segregated and will feel the real love and friendship. Project Activities: Developmental and recreational activities are organized for 70 children with dis- abilities and their family members of Faith and Light Community. The project creates relevant atmosphere for parents to have more spare time and spend more time together. Sightseeing trips are organized to the places near the camp site. One day trip is organized to Lake Sevan on the last day of the camp. Project Total Budget: EUR 7,000 Contact Person: Armen Martirosyan E-mail: [email protected] 2 4. ‘Little Prince’ Social Centers for Children in Tashir and Gyumri Contract name: Family Oriented Support for children and adolescents in critical circumstances Regional Coverage: Shirak and Lori Donor Agency: Caritas Germany and German Government (BMZ) Project Duration: 2010-2012 Project Goal: Enhance the social protection of disadvantaged children and their families. Project Activities: Social and psychological services are provided to 100 children and youths in Gyumri and Tashir “Little Prince” centers. Sport and healthy lifestyle trainings
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