Հկտ 30 Report-On-Training-In-Azatan 22
Report on training Training days: 22.06.2013 Training theme: “Legal regulations of economic activity: RA law for sole entrepreneurs” Training place: Azatan FVSC/BDIC, Shirak Marz 1. Aims and objectives of the training This training was organized based on the BDIC services need assessment done in Shirak Marz. The report showed that people in Shirak Marz would like to have training on “RA law for private entrepreneurs”. Therefore, BDIC organized training on the mentioned theme for the community members. The aim of the training was to present and inform the training participants about the regulations in the sphere of Private Entrepreneurship, to tell about the rights and obligations of the PE, about the contract and agreement types, etc. 2. Training participants Farmers, small entrepreneurs, vets and other people from Azatan, Yerazgavors, Bayandur, Getq, Gharibjanyan, Arevik, Beniamin villages of Akhuryan community took participation in the training. The total number of the training participants was 16, from which 7 were women. For more details, please, see the list of the participants in the Annex 1. 3. Training Theme and Methodology As already mentioned above, the training theme was selected according to the BDIC services Need Assessment results. For the provision of the training we have invited a specialized consultant lawyer Artak Garoyan for presenting the topic (you may see the Terms of Reference in the Annex 6). The trainer conducted training through the presentation and discussion methods. All the training materials and PPTs were distributed to the training participants (see the handouts in the Annex 2). 4. Challenges and Solutions Nothing challenging happened during the training.
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