Academica, 152, 157 Aporia, 139 Caelo, 81-89; De Caelo and De Anima, Nichomachean Ethics, 100- 101 ; on Generation and Corrupti
Index Academic skepticism. See skepticism Arab civilization, 170 Academica, 152, 157 Arcesilaus, 141-144; leader of Academic Academy, 106, 118, 161 , 165; Old, 119, skeptics, 137, 140, 141; Montaigne and 139; Plato, xix, 51 , 61 , 63 , 105, 107, epoche, 171 ; Plato's Academy, I 06; 111 , 119, 159; Third, 144----145 Strata, friendship with, 112 Aenesidemus, 141 , 144 Archelaus, 53 Aetius, xviii Aristotle, 63-102; acroamata, xix, 65; afterlife, l 0, I 32 anima, 93 , 96; atoms, 88, 91 , 116; Age of Pericles, 49, 172 belief, 98; binary combinations, doubts, agnosticism. See Cicero 109; body and thought, 96, 97; Bruno, Agrippa, 139 use of Aristotle's materialism, 171; air. See elements Christian interpolations, 70---71; Alcmaeon, 13 compared with Plato, 66-69; cycles, Alexander the Great, 63 , 65 94----95, 95, 96; De Anima, 93-100; De Alexandria, I 05 , 169; scientists, 117 Caelo, 81-89; De Caelo and De Anima, Anaxagoras, 29-34; atomism, 58; links between, 109; Democritus, Democritus, 45; homoemeria, 129; influence, 46; first mover, 76; gravity or mentioned by Aristotle, 99; mind, 33, weight, 113, 160; imagination, 97-98; 54; spiritual transcendence, 56, 84, 158; left Academy, 61 ; life, 96; logic, trial, 50, 52 Aristotlean, 147; mass in motion, 85 ; Anaximander, 4----5 ; basic matter of materialism of pre-Socratics, 55; universe, 4; cycles, 4; globe, 5; heat and Melissus, criticism of, 25, 84----85, 86; cold, 5, I 09; universe, eternal history, Metaphysics, 77- 80; motion and force, 155 31; motion of living bodies, 160; Anaximenes, 6; air, 35; change and stasis, Nichomachean Ethics, 100- 101 ; On 31 ; cycles of elements, 20; death, 132 Generation and Corruption, 89-93; Andronicus of Rhodes, 77 oral doctrine.
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