The Gazette Series
28 o b lige d to satisfy the Indians for the land they u o n shall settle p , and they may extend or enlarge the limits of their C olonies if they settle a pro p o rtio nate number of C olonists thereon . XXVII . The Patroons and Colonists shall in r particula , and in the speediest manner , endea vor to find out ways and means whereby they M may support a inister and Schoolmaster , that thus the service of God and zeal for religion may not grow cool , and b e neglected among them and that they shall , for the first, procure th e . a Comforter of sick , there XXVIII . The C olonies that shall happen to lie on the respective rivers or islands ( that is to say, each river or island for itself ) shall be at i n liberty to appoint a Deputy , who shall give formation to the Commander and C ouncil of that W estern quarter , of all things relating to u his Colonie , and f rther matters relating thereto , of which Deputies there shall be one altered , or changed , in every two years and all l Colonies shal be obliged , at least once in every twelve months , to make exact report of their con dition and of the lands thereabout , to the Com n mander and Council there , in order to be tra s mitte d hither . XXIX . The Colonists shall not be permitted c to make any woolen , linen , or cotton loth , nor ff weave any other stu s there , on pain of being banished , and as perjurers , to be arbitrarily punished .
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