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SOCI ETY Or T HE DAUGHTER S of HOLLAND DAMES on E Hundred SOCI ETY or T HE DAUGHT ER S OF HO LLAN D DAMES O n e Hundred Copies of this First Record B ook ha i d b The G aft P of New Y k ve been pr nte y r on ress or , i an d the ty pe distr bu ted . This copy is Numb er M E M O R I A L \V i N D O W I N ’ S T M A R R S C H UR C H N E W YO R l T . , K C Y . T H E T A B L E T B E N EA T H R E A D S A s F O L L o w s : T m s Ve no w 1 8 P LA C ED H E RE B Y T H E SO C I ETY OF T H E D A EG H TE R S O R T H E H OLLA N D D A N ES D E s c E N DA N Ts OF T H E A N C l E N T A N D HO N O R A B LE F A M I LI E S OF T H E S T ATE OF N E W YOR K O N T H E Q5 6T H A N N I V ER SA R Y 01“ H I S L A N DI N G T H E I SLA N D OF T H E M A N H ATTA N S T H E Q5O1’ ‘ H OF H I S GR A N T OF A C H A R TE R TO T H E Q TY OF N I E UW A M STE R DA M MA R K T H E F I N A L R RSI’ ‘I N G P LA C E Q F T H E L AST D I R E CTOR G E N E RAL P ET R L‘ S ST UY V F SA N T 1 64 7—1 903 First Rec ord Book of Soc iety of the D au ghters Hollan d Dames D esc en d an ts of the An c ien t an d Hon orab le F amilies of the State O f New Y ork Or an i d Ma g ze y 8 , 1 895 I n r r t d D mb c o p o a e ec e er 9 , 1 895 PUB LI SHED B Y THE O RDER O F THE SOCIETY JUNE, MCMV I I HEN RYof CONGRESS 1 we Coulee ReoeJVed SEF 28 190? C PY B O . CO Y I T 1 907 B Y P R G H , , S OF D S SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTER HOLLAN DAME b O EDI TED B Y MARI ANA V ELAZQ UEZ V IO LA V OWERS HO LB RO O K INCORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF INC ORPORATION O F T HE SOCIE TY OF T HE DAUGHTERS OF HOLLAND DAM S E , De s cendants of the Ancient and Honorable Fami lies Of the State of New York . S TATE OF NEW YORK C ND C Y O F N E W Y K ITY A OUNT OR . V an Sa n tvoord WE , Catharine R . Chenoweth ( ) , Margaret e Budd (Hardenberg) , Caroline Remsen Gihon (R msen) , Mary an - l V V V . V an der oe Beuren anderpoel , Sarah Benson ( p ) , do w e sire m s . d e hereby certify that to for a Society , pur uant to s Of a n An Ac t the provision act entitled , Relating to Mem ” 4 hership Corporations . Constituting Chapter 3 O f General s Law , passed by the Legislature of the State Of New York , h 1 8 5 5 8t 5 . May , 9 , Chapter 9 The in corporated name of the Society of the Daughters of s of An Holland Dames , De cendants the cient and Honorable f Families o the State of New York . The Obj ects Of the Society are to perpetuate the memory and to promote the p rinciples and virtues of the Dutch an c es s Of m m l s tor its e bers , to col ect document genealogical and h A istorical , relating to the Dutch in merica , and to erect some commemorative and durable memorial to be a lasting tribute to the early Dutch settlers . That the number of the Board of Managers who shall direct m of the concerns of s aid Society shall be five . That the na es fo f . each manager r the irst year are Catharine R Chenoweth , 431 E s 5 th 1 A a t 9 Street , Margaret Budd , 64 Fifth venue , Caro 9 V a n e line Remsen Gihon , Tarrytown , Mary Beur n Vanderpoel , k n m V . 1 39th Street and 7 th Avenue, Sarah Benson , Buc i gha T he A f T Hotel . regular nnual meeting the irst uesday in De i f Of is c emb er . T hat the pr ncipal o fice said Society to be in the City Of New York . to the a W e witnes s we have hereunto , and duplic te hereof, i 4 of set our hands an d affixed our seals th s the th day November , — in the year on e thou sand eight hundred and ninety five. n Sig ed , C C W ATHARINE HENO ETH , E B DD MARGAR T U , C R M G AROLINE E SEN IHON , A V AN B V D P M RY EUREN AN ER OEL, V . SARAH BENSON , STAT O NEW YOR E F K , CITY AND COUNTY OF NE W YORK . On 4 of the th day November , in the year one thousand - fiv e me eight hundred and ninety , before personally came , me k w to Margaret Budd , to no n and known to me be the a e an d e w i s r individu l describ d in who ex cuted the ith n in t ument , and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the es purpos therein mentioned . V . B W Signed , IGELO , L N o a r Pu b lic $SEA $ t y , New York County . ST AT O NEW YOR E F K , C Y ND C O F NE Y K IT A OUNTY W OR . On 8th of the day November, in the year on e thous and eight - five me m hundred and ninety , before personally ca e , Caroline Remsen Gihon , to me known and known to me to be the indi vidual described in and who executed the within instrument , and k ac nowledged to me that she executed the same for the purpose s therein described . n M . H MP Y Sig ed, W D U HRE , . N o a r $SEAL $ t y Pu b lic . 1 0 S TAT O NEW YOR E F K , F E W Y CITY AND COUNTY O N ORK . On 1 3 th Of the day November , in the year one thousand eight - V a n hundred and ninety five , before me personally came , Mary me k Beuren Vanderpoel , to nown and known to me to be the l s an d wi s individua de cribed in who executed the thin in trument , and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for pur poses therein mentioned . T . B Signed, B . REEN , . ot r u i $SEAL $ N a y P b l c . S TAT O NEW YOR E F K , CITY AND COUNTY OF N E W YORK . O 2 u d n the day of December , in the year one thou s and eight d - five hundre and ninety , before me personally came , Catharine R . Chenoweth , to me known and known to me to be the individ an d s ual described in who executed the within in trument , and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes therein mentioned . E . H . C K Signed , OO , . o a r $SEAL $ N t y Pu b lic . STAT O “ NEW YOR E F K , C Y ND C O F N E W Y K IT A OUNTY OR , O h 4 Of s n t is th day November, in the year one thou and eight - five m V . hundred and ninety , before me personally ca e , Sarah s me k n n me to Ben on , to nown and k ow to be the individual W i s described in and who executed the ith n in trument , and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes therein mentioned . S M . C MP Signed , A UEL S A BELL, o a N t ry . I hereby approve of the incorporation of the Society Of the ” of of Daughters Holland Dames the State of New York , and a consent th t the within certificate be filed , New York , Decem th 1 8 5 . ber 6 , 9 n G . A D W Sig ed , EORGE P N RE S , J . S . C 1 1 OF NE W STATE YORK , 9th 1 895 . O . A Y ffice Of Secretary of State LBAN , December , C WF D C W MRS . RA OR HENO ETH , D ear M adam $ th s of Your letter of the 7 , enclo ing certificate incorpora ” tion of Society of the Daughters of Holland Dames , etc .
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