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[email protected] • 605-432-4516 Volume 141, Number 17 • Milbank, South Dakota • Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Special Section Marks 100 Years Apples for Appeal Local Healthcare Hartman’s Family Foods will host the annual apples for ap- In this week’s Grant County Re- peal fundraiser to benefit the view, readers will find a 40-page Grant County Combined Appeal. special section reflecting on the his- The event, which features gour- tory and honoring the Daughters of met caramel apples, will be St. Mary of Providence. Members of Wednesday, September 30. the order first began providing See the ad inside for details. healthcare in Grant County in the summer of 1920, and they opened the newly constructed hospital in November of the same year. The Review staff has researched the 100-year history of the sisters’ presence in this community and DATE HI LO PREC compiled the in-depth special publi- Sept. 15 82 44 cation. It was to be published in 16 79 52 conjunction with a community cele- 17 62 41 bration that was planned by the 18 60 36 leadership of the Daughters of St. 19 67 38 Mary of Providence, but concerns 20 76 44 surrounding COVID-19 led to the 21 76 58 cancellation of that event. Courtesy Wastewater Treatment Plant Logan Karels | Grant County Review Patience is the THE MILBANK HIGH SCHOOL band performs the half-time Lady Gaga, as well as forming an “M” seen above, while they played companion of wisdom. show during Milbank’s Homecoming against Groton Area last Fri- Milbank’s school song.