Workers Vanguard (ISSN 0276·0746) Published Biweekly

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Workers Vanguard (ISSN 0276·0746) Published Biweekly WfJRIlERS 'ANfJIJARIJ 50¢ No. 843 "€9]!Jg)C-7ijl ~ 4 March 2005 Defend China, North Korea! U.S. Hands Off the World! Chln~L :\urth Korea. Syria. Iran ... this haye been flying mer Iran for a : ear. limited nUL'lear capacit). ha..; not been Illll~i"lh of the Beijing Stalini'h. that is the ,hl)rt li,t of countries ll\erth and. thumbing his nose at anxiet) attacked. We defend the I~ight uf the there loan bl' "pe~teel"lIl c(1e\l,;tcnl"C" threatened ill the laq fe\\' \\ eeb b\ thc in "old Eurupe'-' Bu,h \ll\\~ that all '\ orth Korean de(urmed \\ orh-r~ ~tak tll \\ ith impuiali'1l1. can nnl) L1nderminl' lludcar-armcd l11aniac~ in W'hhington. options. including 11lilitar). are pns,iblc. ha\e nuclear \\ eapons. Chilla i~ fool­ defense of Chin". \\hile the) continue their de\ astating Thi-, saher rattling against Syria and ishly trying to gel f'\\lrth K()re~l bad. to Pursuit ol"capitalist c'ollnterre\olutioll ()cCupatil'n uf Iraq. Although the LS. Iran-neocolonial capitalist states-i, the ,ix-nation wlk, \\hich cum to di~ann in China. \\hether through militar) pre,-­ call't come up \\ith any proofthar Syria part of redrawin~ the map of the '\ear :\orth Korea ... thereh: llf'ening a flank .,ure (as was used to economically bleed is re,;pon-,iblc for the bomb that killed East in braeli and U.S. interest'. for L.S. impL'riali';lll agailht the Chi­ the Soyiet Union in the anm race) or fl'rIllL'r Lebancse prime mini,;ter Rafik' LS. ill1periali~,rn picb its target, ne,e dcfurmed workers ,tate itself. through economic penetratiun ('r huth. Hariri. it \' 0\\' Syria !llU~t be made tll carefully. and thr(l\\, its men\ helming China\ heroic sacrifices stopped Gen­ i, a prime goal of the C.S. hOllrge,)i,ie. pa). Then there', Iran. rumored to be militar: might agailbt ,t"k., that l"an't cral .\-lacArthur [rum grabbing the :\eucon ('I,ld \\arril'r In in~' K!'i,!nj deY elopin~ the capacit) to produce defend them..;ehe,--,uc:h a, Iraq. :-';orth t:IHlre Korean peninSUla and turning it spi.:.~dk .... ft)J< hj~ protege,,- ir! ihl' \\"hltc nUL' lear \\ Cap(llh. l' nmclnned -,p) d1"llne-, Korea. \\ hich c·iJims tll hay L' de\ eloped into a 'leucolon: uf l:.S. imperiaii.,ll1. cO/itinucd Oil ('Llr..!,C AIDS in America: RaCism, Poverty, Bigotry !VP ri'{Jri!/1 helml' {/ silghrh edilcd ({lid (7/)('·l:,'..;tLi j!i'( 'Iel!IU!!()}! 1:\ ('OlJlfOde Karell ,'>" (-, )Ir" IIr i! SjJurrllcisr League fin'lilll il1 \'C\' E¥ FOR Yor/\ ('ifl' (iIi i 7 .r-t !l:"!lory. "1'" ~ MO"'IDSaUSH: Yuu ';~ln't begin to talk about any .r A R~WED!AfAND (iI,llIc>Srnlthl ,,'peel. 1,1" :'>..IDS in ~:li: coulltry or area of ct!\BfO~ $I!U"«Ut§$ Glob, the \\ prld \\ithuUI placing it in an interna­ D 1;, .~ for tb@ Serial tional C(lI1te\t. hll" over two decade~. this GL08.4L di~ea,e has h!,)ui=ht ma"ile mi,ery and 1'~~t Killen death to t'lfl'ad section, of the \\ odd. par­ ticularly in-;ub-S;lI1aran il..frica. but also ~Jr;V:A'DS in .\,ia and Latln America. Over the last . " rreUND ::;2 years. U\ er 65 mill ion people haw '" ~" becn infeell'd worldwide. The desperate fight to obtain anti-rctrmiral drugs has ", " become a \ehicle for ~oeial qruggle and " .. '~ has Illobi I ized thou,ands of youth in ._, ~Y AP South Africa. Nevertheless. at the end of Reininger'Co, n t act~, ., ------ :2i 2003. only about 1 percent of the four < Above: AIDS patient. Proportion of U.S. AIDS Cases by Race/Ethnicity to million people \\ho need anti-retroviral OJ 70 "0 Protesters at Global and Year of Diagnosis :::;- drugs in Southern Africa get them. No Day of Action AIDS o 60 OJ country on any continent has been un­ White, not Hispanic 0. rally in New York, White OJ touched. and \\)th the continuing spread June 2001. AIDS is 31% 50 I "S- CD of AIDS in RLis,ia. China. South A~ia ravaging black -;Ro 0. and many other countries_ much is still America as shown III 40 o Ql 3 (J) unknown. and there is no end in sight. by chart showing co 30 () HispaniC o The possibilit: of bringing this source racial breakdown of I __~.. ~,~ () O 2[. ,.,~W'" ~ of so much mi~ery and death under con­ new HIV infections ~ troL to extend the treatments that are cur­ in 2002 and accompanying graph. 10 rently available to all those who need it-this essential task i~ undermined 19851198611987119881'9891'990 1'99,11992 11993l;"9-:-Tl-;-;J1996! 19971199811999t20~~~ eyery step of the way by the reactionary capitalist system. In its epoch of imperi­ class fighting in it~ own interests and scientific problelll~ of eliminating HIV known about AIDS for reasons that have aiist decay. capitalism is a hideow,. profit­ the interests of the oppressed. It is our are quite wlggering. The HIV virus nothing to do with the complex biological dri\ en system. propped up by brutal task to build an internationalist. vanguard mutates and develops ,trains that are facts of the virLls. The advancement of racial and se\ual oppression. This is an working-class party that will seize the re~istant to every anti-retroviral drug de­ medical science in general is thwarted by economic s) stem where tho,e few who means of production and make a revolu­ veloped. NC\\ strategic.; lllu,;t be continu­ the chaos of capitalism and its drive for (l\\ n the mean, of production exploit the tion that will lay the basis for building a ally coordinated and systematically re­ immediate profit s. Compounding these Jlla.,.,es that produce all the wealth. The society based on human needs and not on ~earchecl and developed. The mo~t rational obstacles are the prejudices and bigotry only counten\ eight to the unre,trained pri\ate profit-a party like the Bolshe\ik and thoroughg(ling weapon would be a fomented by an irrational. rotting capi­ greed of the ruling L'!as,; is the Party that led the 1917 Russian Revolution. vaccine. as has heen L1sed effecti\Cly talist economic system. For example. It's not that elcmenh of the capitalist again.,t smallpox. polio. hepatitis Band the oppression of women that underpins clas, arc incapable of decisiom other de\astating \iruses. BLlt as late as every class soeit't)' mean~ that women are 09 "I that prm ide benefits for more than them­ 199-1-. the C.S. goyern11lent was spending increasingly bearing the brunt of the pan­ sehes. but their actions must always less than S100 million per year on devel­ demic. For instance: an anti-HIV micro­ be ultimately consistent with their self­ opment of a vaccine. and the funding is bicide. an ointment that a woman could preservation as an exploiting class. So. tightening this year. apply to herself. with or without the every step forward is paid for with persis­ Vaccines are long-term, high-risk, low­ knowledge of her sexual partner. has not profit projects. So, much remains un- continued on page 8 2 5 2 7 4 11 8 1 0 3 01III 7 tent world poyerty and bloody wars. The Sinister Conviction of Boston Priest slavery of women and stultifying "absti­ nence only" for young people. "Recovered Memory" Witchhunt Gerald Amirault. a married man with children of his own. was released from "Recoyered memory" prosecutions­ cated sex between men and little boys, or prison in 2004 after being unjustly which put hundreds behind bars in the had a 30-year record of child abuse com­ imprisoned for 18 years. framed up with daycare and "satanic abuse" witchhunts plaints made against him or a history of incredible tales of evil robots. knives and of the 1980s and early 1990s-are back. being moved from parish to parish. Yet all dead pets at the Fells Acres Day School he In Boston on February 15, 74-year-old these allegations have become the com­ ran with his sister and mother (who were defrocked priest. Paul Shanley, was sen­ mon currency of Shanley's biography, also imprisoned). This was based solely tenced to 12 to 15 years in prison based and if guards usher a murderer into his on the coerced testimony of children solely on uncorroborated "recovered cell. the killer will probably have the whose only real abuse came at the hands memories" of a man who claimed Shan­ N AMBLA charge at the top of his mind." of the prosecutors who, in their zeal for ley abu!ied him 20 years earlier. Alexan­ In fact. Paul Shanley did openly advo­ convictions and pUblicity. fed so much der Cockburn wrote in COlillterPunch cate recognizing homosexuality as a nor­ crap into them that they still reel from (19/20 February): "In the state that gave mal sexual variation (based partly on the the trauma. Just as Amirault was up for us Salem in the seventeenth century and pioneering work of Alfred Kinsey). and a commutation. the church sex stor) the Amiraults (all wrongly sent to prison did have homosexual liaisons. He was a exploded and he lost another two years to on charges brought by Middlesex county long-haired "street priest" in the 1960s. prison. as the cowardly politicians of District Attorney Martha Coakley) in the mentioned in the book COllllllon Grollnd, Massachusetts refused.
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