... • f r ' Average DaUy Net Press Run PAGE tWENTY-TWO The Weather lEti^httig H^ralb For ’Hie Week Ended Janua^ 9, 1971 Cloudy tcmight, chance of rain possibly mixed with snow and _irhapm an Court, ~..Order of . The executive board of the adults so it will take up less sleet. Lows in the 80s. Sat­ About Town Am^uranth, will meet tomorrow Women’s Fellowship of Center Youngsters Collect Bottles space and loaded into trucks 16,095 urday cloudy, mild; rain likely. at 7:46 p.-mr—at- the Masonic Congregational Church will meet to be brought to the Glass Con­ Manchester— .4 City of Village Charm An otsnntetlonal me«tlngr tor Temple. The Initiatory degree tomorrow at 9:80 a.m. In the tainer Corp. in Dayville which a reunion of the 1M6 graduat- will be conferred. Officers will Federation Room of the church. For Next Townwide Pickup purchases glass for recycling ing cUun of Kancheater High wear white gowns, and refresh-- from Individuals and organiza­ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 119 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1971 (Classified Advertising on Page 15) PRICE TEN C^NTS Sohool vlU be held tomorrow at ments will be served after the' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Raffa Enthusiasm for the town’s glass from neighborhood house­ tions. Profits will be used for 7:M pjn. at the home of Strs. degree work. of Wethersfield will be guests of newest anti-pollution project, holds last Saturday and are con­ conservatlan projects in town. Ihigenla Brodeur Mbrlarty, 15- honor Sunday at a family din­ glass collections ' for recycling, tinuing through school vacation. Lancaater Rd. The meeting Is The glass is stored in the Oomol- Center Ciongregatlonal Church ner party at Raffa’s Restaurant has spread to pre-teen-agers open to all members of the council will meet tonight at In Glastonbury celebrating their lo cellar. ’The boys will help class. 7:30 In the Federation Room of 26th wedding anniversary. The In a way similar to children’s Mrs. Comollo load the glass into RAPP^S Executive the church. party will be given by Mr. Interest last summer in pulling Jier car and unload It at the S ttlif CaBfoniia Living Cost Hike The Oirls ^Friendly Society Raffa’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. debris from rivers, ponds and Municipal Building parking lot 4 Btrtfwrm Sponson of Sf.' Ifiary's Episc<^ The Adult Bible Study Class Louis Raffa of 15 Huntington streams. In next month’s collection, Testifies In Fire Qaims al Church will meet tomorrow of Zion Evangelical liutheran St.; and his brother-in-law and Many grade school youngsters which will run Friday, March at 7:45 p.m. In Neill Hall of the Church will meet tonight at 7:80 sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Joined adults, scouts and teen­ 5, from 3 to 8 p.m. and Satur­ Last Month Seen church. After a business session, at the church. Heinz Jr. of Columbia. age groups cleaning bodies of day, March 6, from 8 to 11 a.m. Graft Probe Seven Lives V Charles 1C. Dunlop of 14 Oourt- water. Then several youngsters The coUectlona are sponsored land St. will show slides of Ire­ Full Gk>spel Christian Fellow­ ’Ihe Past Chiefs d u b of Me­ working In small groups, with by the Conservation Commission By ^W BENCE X, KNCTOON TAFT, Calif. (AP) — Fire morial ’Temple, Pythian Sisters, &ettss m , Asaootated Pres* Writer roared through a pri-vate home land and play his bagpipes. ship, Interdenominational, will and -without the supervision of In cooperation with civic organi­ ri NW KaMm As Fonr-Year Low Hostesses are lOss Oertnide have a Bible study and open dis­ will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at less agile adults, pulled tremen­ zations which take turns provid­ _14 C«l»i WASHINGTOIf ( AP) - -nm for mentally, retarded today, liddon. Miss Florence Madden cussion tonight a t 7:80 at the home Mrs. Ethel Und- dous quantities of waste mate­ ing labor. The response to the PAAM.7MaAJ«. overseas ewcutlve of the na- killing seven persons, fire (rffi- WASHINGTON (AP)—-The cost of living, as meas­ say. 111 Main St. and 1 ^ . Karl Nielsen. Orange Hall. rial from the town’s polluted first coUectlon on Jan. 9 was “on* largest whleky exporter clals said. A 16-year-old boy was ured by the government, edged upwwd one-tenth of one waters. much greater than those In told senators today he mice sent per cent in January. It was the smallest monthly in­ Reynolds Circle of South Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meier charge had anticipated. Some of - 429-«429 hospitalized with burns. The Mothers d u b cf John Bruce Comollo, 8, of 181 Edg- lag Oh Mt • ItoaeWtl a sauna bath to the man In crease in nearly four years and the White House wel­ United Methodist Church will Mather Chapter, Order of De- of 160 Croft Rd. and Mr. and erton St., knew his hiother, Mrs. the glass wouldn’t fit in the UmsrKt».mMw>T*Aap Oliver Watson, assistant coun­ Mrs. Albert Rodonls of 2 of buying Uquor for the comed the showing as indicating “that our policiesi re­ attend the annual Brotherhood Molay, will sponsor a q>aghettl Robert J. Comollo, sdyed glass. truck and has been stored In Navy and Air Force on Guam. ty fire marshal, said 12 guests Night service Sunday at S p.m. dinner Saturday from noon to French Rd. have recently re­ He and two of his friends, Mi­ scout headquarters In Center and two attendants were in the lated to the economy are working.” | at Temple Beth Sholom Instead 6:30 p.m. at the ^Masonic Tem­ turned from a two-week trip to Feterson, vice prealdent 'Press secretary Ronald L . -------------------- ------ —— chael Coulombe, 9, and ^ n n ls Congregational Church. o* the James Beam Distillery wood-frame Desert Air Rest of having Its regrilar Bhbruary ple, 28 .B. Center St. The e-vent Jamaica 'and St. Croix in' the Savoie, 10, started collecting Glass will be smashed by Home building when the fire Ziegler added In the White gonal adjustments. Prices of meeting. Is < ^ n to the iMbHc. Virgin Islands. Read Herald Ads Co. of CSUcago, said he also Hcmm statement: meats and fresh fruits and gave Leo Slotnlk, the miUtary broke. ’Ihe home, one of two sep­ iUso t^ fact that fo^ prices vegetables which usually rise purchaalng official, a $160 sup­ at the grocery sto^ have not between December and January ply of chlorine purifying tablets arate buildings linked by a hall­ way, was 75 per cent In flames A risen over the past 12 months Is Instead declined this time. But for use in the Slotnlk swimming very encouraging.” prices ot eggs and dairy prod- pool on Guam. when the first fire units arrived, he said.. Costs 'of consumer services ucts 'Which usually go down, Peterson, testifying before the It took about 90 minutes to were up six-tenths of one per went up—eggs by 3.8 per cent. loth ANNUAL FEBRUARY Senate permanent Investiga­ control the blaze, although fire­ cent, but this was mostly offset ’The cost of restaurant meals tions subcommittee, said his- men worked nearly seven hours by declines In prices of used and cereal and bakery products firm reimbursed him lor the dousing ’’hot spots” and search­ cars, clothes, and some grocery went up more In January than chlorine tablets but that the sau­ ing the debris, he added. store Items. in recent months. na bath was lost and never de­ Identities of the dead and in­ Hie Bureau of Labor Statis- The biggest single decline in livered. jured were not available. Ucs Consumer Price Index had prices from December was for Committee invelstlgators said Firemen said they had no gone up five-tenths of a per cent women's and gflri's clothing, • J Slofnik’s relation with the immediate idea what caused the the preceding month. The Index down 2.6 per cent. The largest James Beam Co. was so close blaze. U.S. rescue crewmen prepare rigging at fire base U.S. Command said Americans doing this type of stood 5.2 per cent higher than increase, apparently reflecting that Harry Blum, retired board 'The rest home Is located In a in Laos as they removed downed gunship, left. The work are permitted on Laos territory. (AP Photo) one year ago, the smallest 12' the -winter power shortage In chairman, once sent him a per­ populated area about one mile month rise since March 1969. cold weather areas, was 1.6 per sonal letter thanking him for an from Taft, a small farming On a doUars and cents basis cent for fuel oil and coal. community about 100 miles the new figures released Friday order of 800 cases of wine and In Chicago and the Los An­ later reluctantly declined to north of Los Angeles. meant It cost $119.20 lit January Initially officials believed nine to buy the same goods and serv­ geles-Long Beach area the cost make him a loan of the firm’s South Viet Base Under Heavy Fire of living actually declined one- persons were either dead or un­ ices that cost $100 In 1967. These money. tenth of one per cent from De­ ’Ihe investigators said the accounted for in the holocaust. goods and services cost $186.60 ’IWe believe everybody is ac­ when compared to 'udiat $100 cember, the figures showed. s^una' was discovered, five Philadelphia was unchanged . -s > ■ years after It was sent.
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