first With The News! For Value • Shop The Ados Keep Astride AH The Activities Of The Town With Tour The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Serrtow In The Area Are Our Adrerttaers! Patronize Them! hV0L. XXXIV-NO. 15 C.'AHTKHET, N. J., FftlDAY, JULY 29, 1955 PMQE EIGHT CENTS 14 Awards Increase Shown This Year Air Woes WINGS In Building Construction OF Are Made; CARTERET—Building construction In the borough durum thp On first six months of this yenr Increased by $383,936, as compared with the same period last year, according to figures made public LIFE By USMR today by Building Inspector Paul Mucha. In River At the end of June this vear. permits wrre Issued for work to Uy Julian Pollak cost 1786,790, as compnred - with $502,854 during the first six Carteret Plant Staff months of 1954. Rahway Files [Main! with lapancs beetles have in- The permits by month; Honored for Extended 1955 1954 State; Borough Swks Lloli carteret and house- Service with Company January H57.T90 )9S.4S0 Correction Li(1r,s rrport that they afe February 48.000 33,510 bine )iravy dama£e to rose CARTERET — Fourteen em March 102,000 104,915 CARTERET — Mayor Jam's ployees of the U. S. Metals Re- April , 214.000 47,314 O. Egolf, of Rahway, reported L11(,s on which they ds- L- iravps, buds and flow- flnlnj,' Company won service but- May .. 179.000 153,055 Wednesday night that the condi- ton awards this month. Three June 86.000 48,550 tion of the Rahway River, caused Gardeners sav that we were awarded buttons for twenty- by the backing up of raw srw- s]atrd for about four flvr years service; eight, for age from Carteret. has been laid rr ws of Japanese bee- twenty years; two for ten years before representatives of the Stale ' prrtrnuble. They maintain iind one, for five years. Carteret First Aid Squad Board of Health. poa test degree of activ- Twenty-five year awards were The action was taken, he s;»iti. during the warm, sunny presented to. Albert Tpmorl, 83 Wins Race in Turnpike because no answers have been ro- Washington Ave., Carteret, 'Silver ceived from Carteret officials m ivs CARTERET — This borough's « * • * Refinery; Diamantlno Perelra, 71 at 6:45 o'clock, where » baby boy response to Rahway complaints. Larch Street, Carteret, Casting First Aid Squad Ambulance made s delivered seven minutes late Mayor Egolf said that he and I Summer has always been Department; and John Podsobln- a speedy trip to Elizabeth via the at 6:52. other representatives of Rahwnv.i Ijlpri as the idea! time to =;ki, 93 Sharot Street, Carteret, New jDrsejfcjTurnplke to Elizabeth The boy, Mrs. Farrante's fourth governing body had conferred Sax and enjoy a good book Foundry. the other n^t with an expectant child, weighed nine pounds, three with state officials, "who ap- lf] the Carteret library re- Twenty-year pins were given mother. ounces peared reluctant to do anything." Jrts that it has one of the to Manuel Perez, 55 Holly Street, Andrew Hila, the driver and his Mr. Hila said he, drove at 70 They promised to write a letter, Carteret, S tViye s Department; aide, Albert Nudge, "sweated It to 80 miles-per-hour on the Turn- he said. collections of volumes on NEW K. OF C. I.KADKRS—Carey Council. 1280, Knights of I'olumlms, h:is set Aucust 8 as the date Iv subject one may desire. Louis Stratton, T7 Edwin Street, out" during the nine-mile run pike in an effort to arrive at the Carteret borough officials sa.d when the newly elected officers will be installed. Shown from left tii rljrlil, front row, are Walter Carteret, Yard Department; Mi- but they arrived at Elizabeth hospital on time. Dr. Mnurine they received letters of complaints fnrteret woman is fond Ginda. Nicholas DelVacchlo, Rev, Victor GrahrUn, OSM, Chief (icurRe SherUlaii, grand knight; chael Lompey, 569 Garden Ave- General Hospital with seven Chodosh, the Farrante family 'rom Rahway and on one occasion nading cook books, we Peter Panek, Anthony Halaski, Paul Colton; back row, Stephen Torok, Frank (io.vrna, Frank Doli- nue, Woodbridge, Tank House, minutes tp spare. physician, already was at the held a conference on the raw Sin. because they hold nieh, Frank Nadolski, Joseph Tuchols!:!, John C.oyena and Joseph Telcposky and to Prank Chlsmadia, 73 Pu^ Mrs. William Farrante wa! hospital. sewage complaint. It was pointed Usury of information for laskl Avenue, Carteret; Stephen picked up by the ambulance The father did not learn of his out to the Rahway delegation Inirmakcrs. Mezey, 6 Maple Avenue, Carteret; shortly after 6:30 o'clock at her new son until later In the eve- that the borough Is not ln^ po- « * * « Jose G. Gago, 68 Atlantic Street, home, 272 Randolph Street with ning He took his children to the sition to proceed with any chXji^vs Daniels, Wife, Back From Israel Visit, Carteret; Stephen Nagy, 569 Gor- her sister, Mrs. Stefanle Mitchell. shore for a day's outing. The until the peadlng suit over the |ln the summer, youngsters den Avenue, Woodbridge, and Jo- Mrs. Fnrrante was taken into the mother is the former Miss Mary sewage plant structure Is conclud- em to f;et into all kinds o praise Pioneer Spirit of the Populace seph Ondrejcak, 208 Grove Street, emergency room at the hospital Sitarz, this borough. ed. Woodbridge, all of the Mechani- Borough Clerk George Brechkii inplications. For Instance CARTERET—The pioneer spirit along the cofcstal plain, went | New York, also was on a visit to arm pets stuck In tin cal Department. said that Rahway complained th U Is at work In full swing in Israel, through the Negeb, a triangular- Israel. Gustav Mllak, 73 Essex St., Willow Tree Camp was empty- i»ing opening of a shaped semi-desert region, which The trip was made by plane. The Keen Contests Teachers Inspect according to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carteret, Yard Department and ing raw sewarge into the Rahway extends from the south of Beer- Daniels left New York on a KLM Ittai pipe An adventurous Daniels, 18 Locust Street, who have Oscar Nesbit, , River. Afterward* the property which has tentatively sheba to an apex at the head of plane with stops at Gander, Glas- owners were warned to mak the Just returned from a month's the Gulf of Elath. Casting Department were award- At Playgrounds Westvaco Plant gow, Holland and Germany. necessary corrections. •ij^led through a grating visit tbere. "Marvels have been aecomplish- ed ten-year buttons. They were highly impressed by 1 ira'culniisly grows too large "It has been our ambition in ed In such a short time," said Mr. the modern buildings, modern Charles A. Gering. 1127 Jeffer- CARTERET — Recreation Di- CARTERET — The local plant I be withdrawn. A decettfu: life to makei a viit to the Jewish Daniels. "But a great deal more is stores and modern machinery be- son Avenue, Rahway, Personnel rector Daniel Semenza, announces of Wrstvaco Mineral Products Di- tk generally attached to homeland," said Mr .Daniels, "and to be done. There is a shortage of ing used to develop the country. Department, was presented with the following contest held during vision^ Food Machinery - and Firm is Retiring . Itluooin door, obstinatel we are happy that we have housing for the constantly arriv- The shops in the large cities are a five-year button. the week at the various play- Chemical Corporation, played host grounds, sponsored by the Recrea- fuses to open from the In achieved that ambition." ing new colonists. It is a great in- somewhat comparable to the fine All presentations were made to a group of school teachers. The spiration to watch the pioneer to the recipients by their depart- A bubble gum contest was held teachers were part of a group at- for the youngsters wh< Mr. Daniels said that the people shops of New York. 3 Employees Today in Israel are very proud people. spirit of the people. America has Mr. Daniels, building contractor, ment heads. at the Grant Avenue Playground tending the New Jersey Workshop ea.-ily locked it. And fin They have built a healthy, pros- been a great help and the Israelis retired from active work several with the following girls entering on Economic Education offered CARTBRET — Three employers the 8-10 age group. Jean Yap- |v crawling into a catc perous land out of a desert and appreciate it." years ago because of illness. He by the school pt education of of the U. S. Metals Refining they have outstripped the world In Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were sur- csinsky, Aiiine Szymborski, Chris- Rutgers University. There were 10 sir, ami not being able t( has held various offices in the Company will retire today. Mr. basing their democratic Institu- prised shortly after their arrival in Two Carteret Men tine Smollen, Patricia Kerchef- visitors in the group. They were Freeman H. Dyke, vice-president illt Congregation of Brotherhood of tions on social Justice. Tel Aviv. In the same hotel they sky, Georgene Slotwinski, Patricia [reeted by Mr. Thomas Jackson, arid general of the com- They have visited not only the met Rabbi Sltkln, who for 25 years Loving • Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Lose Driving Right Pukash, Eleanor Teleposky, Nancy plant manager and Ed Guldldas, pany will preside at a special

October Defense Thst APPEARS IN RECITAL Al 'HitT _ Lou], Brown. cipal director to alert, assem- CARTERET ~ Cathenn Tere- J::"i »i the Carteret Civil ble and dispatch personnel and beUky, 43 Harris Street, appeared, i.Miunccd today that equipment to mobilization In a recital presented by the Ar- statewide mobiltza- points selected by the aJunty tist Guild of America at Oaruraie 1 civil Dereue force* coordinators. • Hall in New York City on HuiuUy, r- '! -'•y I* being planned Every active volunteer will July 24. '"><- in the week be- participate in tlw> statewide ex- Miobfr 23. ercise, according to Mr. Brawn. KKTUKNS FROM VACATION "i the propoted mo- He said: CARTIRBT — Pastor Kail O Mie received by the "(Joints well beyond thf! scope Klette has returned from Ins va- '"•" ye»terday from of previous exercises, the test cation and will have charge of ' Dalian, Kttng (tale in October will provide partici- t., bbuws Urn* ««.«,. of ehlldm. why .tended the Bummer Bibl, uhuul «f the Frrr Magjar tafoniiwl Church. The the services again, Sunday, July ."••* Jersey ttvtalon pation for every registered Civil SUMMKR SCHOOL: di. ct,d by lUv Alc^nder Uaruoiy, pwtor «.f (lit. church, uihted by M.s. William Tliomai. and Mft. WiHiaiu O Lear. 'Ihe 31. The services Will bo at 8 :i() and IHtutcr Defense volunteer and other which have just been concluded, t at"» ..Mock will, » Mnnun In Uuiuaitan ai.d at IU oVUek with a *riu.,n In Kiullah. TUrre wfll br Huly C.muiuuliiu »t both service*. A M. Cterraan, 0:30 A. M. Ena- persons in industry who have church will hold servlceb liah. destined to Mstgned duties in a Civil De- The eonnruwtlou cl»s» will participate at tlie service. muni- fense emergency FPTDAY, .TH.Y M, 1%!> V.\C,Y. TWO Ronimnu-irz-Aiutrolln Westward Ho for Summer Parties LOUISA'S LETTER Troth is Announced OBITUARIES Dear Louisa: THS* I have read where you CAHTERET-AnnoncfniPiit h ORKGORY •«> many people and I thought you l)wn made by Mr, and Mrs. Karl | CARTERET ,,„„ , Andrella, 80 Mercer Street, of the J ould Rivr me some advice. 17. 45 Essex Btrpet d,,,,: nKemetit of tholr dnughUT. I huve been married twice and in the Perth Amboy (;,,', .uivr a child by each marriage. Mary to Felix Rafiimowlrz, son of "Hal. The husband My first liusbnnd drank all of the BY I.VN (ONNF.U.Y John RasimowiM, 29 Hermann I'liiii Gregory, h,. \ , .line nnd ran around with other "TNVITATION to Learning," CBS .itreet and the late Mr. i: vnimri. ' Kndin'x Sunday morning series tiowkiz. 1 tliumhter, Mrs. 1 „.' of discussions of «reat books under Prilled nn; two sist.- " I would save every dollar I could The prospective bride Is u uradu- the chnlnnanship of Dr. Lymati hrl. Pi-innetnn and M iml it wns no use. He would get Biyson. celebrated its 15th birth- ite of Cartsret High School arid Hunt. New York city hunk and throw away what I had day Sunday May 2!) . . For 15 a employed in the office of Vol- I hers, Jumt-s. Thi'd,, lived for n year, So we not a upte, Inc., Linden. Her fiance ;ilso years, without summer hiatus (un- Monrlnir, and A,,,.',',' livorce and I kept the child. attended local schools, servnl In usual in a radio program), this City. He w Nutbrcad mean a delightful pause on a hot day. Its a proprietor or Swim's h,,,, mini but he doesn't malte much and so does Dr. Bryson himself. William Sltar Recently completed combination of note to serve the morning neighbor drop-ins, afternoon dio Is spending « we: i money. We huve a small child and family get-toother or after a bridge game in the evening. "We try to make it sound like i 10-month course of stildy fnr in Wlldwood. He will ,,,,', I cun't work away from home. a conversation, not a debate," he medical office assistants at the Keep several cans and bottles of fruit juice in the refrigerator — pineapple, grapefruit, orange, cranberry, apple, nectars or any of your gust 3. What Is best for the child? To says . . ."It's as though the listener Mandl School in New York City. do without things and keep our favorites. Serve one or a combination iced, with ginger ale, or topped had sneaked up on these men and The course included office names out of court or keep on overheard them talking". . . At the with fruit sherbet, practice and procedure, clinical MlLITAHIf POWKH (| Ts making his father support him. beginning, "Invitation to Learning" Apple Sauce Nutbreud In one of his firsts,),,,.;, "Hi'wily. Partner. Step right up to the chow wagon and lasso yourself laboratory, X-ray, clectro-cardi- Mrs. N. Y. H— Kentucky. confined itself to classics of world 2 eeirs % CUP sugar* assuming the post »f ,v,', i'l:di-" Answer: literature known to have been tead xr&m, basal metabolism, and typ- 1 •|II;I|'M tlio way to welcome piesta for nn easygoing summer party. ing. u cup milk '-is teaspoon baking soda of Staff, General Miix^'i'i'i ii w-st lujspltallty ov«rflows with good food and a happy relaxed You certainly do have a prob- by the men who wrote the U. S. 1 can (8 oi.) apple 3 cups biscuit mix lor declared thnt nnin'^ Constitution . . . The first program, She Is presently employed by CU i'H Take a tip, fair hostess, wherever you are. Follow suit. lem, Mrs. H. It Is a pity that your sauce % P chopped nut* power cuts will ivqun,. ,|'t presided over by Strlnjfellow Barr, Dr. H. P. Pine in Perth Amboy. l.i rid your efforts to round up town or your State does not have Combine beaten eggs, milk, apple sauce, sugar and soda Add biscuit tlon of United Stubs n,l|ll( milder olive flavor, add them last.) H Domestic Relations court as a on May 26, 1940, was an Intellectual .. cniiissal main dish — like The Secretary of the Navy has mix and beat 1 minute. Stir in nuts. Put into a greased loaf pan; let In the Far East. Tin i , , K::TKIlN BURGERS (let beef be Scoop portions onto buttered, great many places now have. probing of the Constitution, with » stand 20 minutes before baking. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degree*) urged a new emphasis on ability ry Division will be mi, ,.'. •• J.• • of the table). For trimmings, toasted biinn. Knough filling for 8 In courts of this kind, there is permanent panel . . . This panel about 45 minutes, until done. Wrap or put in covered container and store over seniority in promotion of cap- due to return MIOH |:il,! ii simple, beloved moraeli as WESTERN BURGERS. no publicity and children's and was abandoned, says Dr. Bryson, overnight before using. Makes one loaf. tains to the rank of rear admiral. without (ur n on the cob, sour pickles and their parent's cases are not In the because "everyone had explored i .•'] In.1 little radishes. If anyone has SOVP SCOOPS general court. Everything is everyone else's mind. It was as in lift, he can help himself to a Franks and Macaroni Win Salad handled In a private manner and though they had been closeted In < urns peach and a chunk of an igloo." ircikite cake (with white frost- Award: An award-winning salad at the probation officer sees that you aiul chocolate chips). summer outings Is the team of get your money. Nowadayi there Is little of (he Shop in AIR CONDITIONED Comfort at Sears i/iih, Houth, east, or west. All macaroni- with franks and crispy Your ex-husband should certain- Igloo atmosphere . . . Guests over rnwlicllcs and cowboys will chopped greens. Use 2 cans of ly be made support his child but, the yean have come from govern- ui ahout your chow wagon. macarottl with cheese sauce as the ment, literature, education, the base . . . that's 3% cups macaroni. whether it Is worlh going through Western Burger* 4( , the embarassment that you de- stage and other arts , . .• Amont Stir in 4 franks (thinly sliced); 1 the •istingulshed figures who have ground ^ 1 can (1H cup!) cop chopped celery; Vi cup chopped scribe, I do not know. green pepper. Season with 2 table- Will your child have to go with- sat around the table of a Sunday tomato to up I 1 morning, have been Aneurln Bev- •ii cup sliced \ spoons minced onion and 2 tea- out necessities or Is It the extra muffed olivet I spoons prepared mustard. Chill things? Why don't you go to see an, Sen. Paul Douglas, Justice Wil- \\ i 1 bay loaf J through and through. Picnickers liam Doug-las, the late Dr. Irwln Da«h cayenne • your minister and get him to talk HERE'S PROOF! Edman, Lillian Glsh, Herbert Hoov- pepper gnd/or will welcome this macaroni and to the Judge about your case? thyme ' frank salad to eat with cold sliced Perhaps he could arrange some er, Sen. Hubert Humphrey. Miss Frances Perkins, Bertrand Russell, lirown betf In butter, stirring to tomatoes maybe corn-on the way so that you would not have l>n;il< up particles. Add remaining coh . . . and iced tea. A happy Harold Stassen, the late Sen. Rob- to go through this ordeal time af- iiirivdiciits. Simmer 5 minutes or change frum the old-timer, potato ert Taft and many other luminaries You Can Enjoy Completely ter time in order to get your until vegetables are tender. (For salad. from ever; field. money. If your ex-husband has a job Automatic Workfree Wash- MILITARY BASES TRAVEL BOOM his employer could hold back the CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT I'ii.siiti'nt Eisenhower has signed So many Americans are travel- amount due yott by order of the For the first time In the history :i b,U authorizing a $2,360,530,300 ing abroad this year that the pass- court. of this country, civilian employ- days for a Few Dollars Mori i i,ii:,i!-u;-r,ioii program at United port office of the State Depart- LOUISA. ment reached 64,000,000 during the Mill's military bases around the ment is being overworked. The De- month of June, according to a uoiid. Many of the projects are partment had issued or had re- Nationalist China's army is Department of Commence esti- : -TH i.. of tin; total, the Air Force newed 480,000 passports in the fis- slowly being made Into a modern mate. This figure represents an Than an Ordinary Washer..; will ivixivi' $1,300,000,00 and the cal year that ended June 30—al- fighting force under United States Increase of about 1,300,000 since Army and Navy, $500,000,000 each. most 50,000 more than the previous direction. May. year's figures. noivn: CONSTRUCTION APPLIANCE PRICES JERSEY SCRAPBOOK consl ruction of one-family Recent price Increases In steel NEW KENMORE AUTOMATIC riurlbi'js was up 28 per cent dur- and other raw materials probably JM" ihe first three months of 1955, will result in Jiighei retail prices THK T-PAIL ««l .uvnrdm i?to the Labor Depart- for appliances especially refrig- MOOKrHf ADED 5PIKB "With my Kenmore, mi'iil. Apartment building unit erators and air-conditioners, in f |ust load it, i (ihsinirtion, on the other hund, the opinion of James H. Carmine, set it, forget It! \>;i:-. down 20 per cent from last president of Phllco Corporation. yi;u. A loliil of 679,000 dwelling He beliews that as soon as the ma- My washing's don* un.ts wt-rt' put under construc- terials rind components bought at automatically." tluii iii the first half of this year. today's prices are fabricated, their higher costs inevitably will be re- PRICED .stiys recent strike cost 2,- flected In higher prices to the con- wurking days. sumer. wees y POBEPT L. STEVEN?, AT A LOW... Senator Byrd of Virginia has charged the Administration with or me "lessening its efforts for economy," INSTITUTE OF Final 3 Days AT H03OtC£M LEGAL NOTICE fS ORDINANCE "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CODE DEFINING AND PROHIBITING COMPARE CERT/TIN MATTERS. THINGS. CON- DITIONS, OR ACTS AND EACH OP BRIEGS THEM AS A NUISANCE, PROHIBIT- AT 279.95 ING CERTAIN NOISES OR SOUNDS, W M/uto//e$G$. REQUIRINO THE PROPER HEATING OP APARTMENTS, PROHIBITING LEASE OR RENTAL OP CERTAIN CLEARANCE BtTftTVNOS, PROHIBITING SPITTING IN ' OR '"UPON PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CONVEYANCES OR SIDEWALKS, AU- THORIZING THE INSPECTION OF PREMISES BY AN ENFORCING OF- FICIAL, PROVIDING FOR THE RE- HISTOBV QUiZ SALE MOVAL OR ABATEMENT OF CEfWAIN ONLY $5 DOWN NUISANCES AND RECOVERY OF EX- rWYOOtS Special BARGAINS to PENSES INCURRED BY THE BOARD A TOBACCO $9 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan OK HEALTH IN REMOVING OR LtAf APPEAR Close Out All Our ABATING SUCH NUISANCES AND ON rue BACK (Usual low larryliif charge) PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIO- Summer Merchandise LATIONS." Publli notice Is herebv xlven thin the ubovc entitled ordinance was Kenmore Suds-O-Matlc adopted by the Bburd of Health of the Donnish of C»rteret In the County of Uses Less Water, Detergent Middlesex. suite of New Jersey on SUMMER SUITS July 13th, 1955. Introduced, read and approved In BETTER BUY . S26 • 532 - $36 • $44 flnul form June 8th. 1955. 5198 Published with notice of Public Hcnrlnu July Ut. 1955. AT SEARS FOR Public HenrlitK held .fnly 13th, 1955. Adopted July 13th, 1955.. A BETTER BUY Published by title as adopted July BOSTONIAN SHOES 29th, 1955. A Buy Nationally Effective July 31st, 1955. ALL THE EASE OF COMttWtf SI4.44-S15.55-SI7.77 BOARD OF HEALTH Advertised Ken- BOROUGH OF CARTERET more Products AUTOMATIC WASHDAYf.•• Sale Ends July 30 STATE (j>F NEW JERSEY Vacation Time Special! . _!___ HAROLD 0R088, from Sear), President. AT LOW PRICES...COJr#|»P MANHATTAN NICHOLAS SULLIVAN, FAMOUS MAKE Trusted Nome lor Secretary. Over 68 Year*! Use Less Water, Detergent C. P. 7-29 Where but at Seart M^0> short sleeve SHIRTS PORTABLE * Highest Quality with Automatic Suds-Saver 9et ° Kenmore automatic^ I (lit HKTTKIi IMIMIKSSIONK Appliances with oil these features.. o! •I''1 S1.95-S2.95-S3.95 the Most Wanted low price. Shop and x^lpf' RADIOS features at the Nationally Known Printing Complete Line of Lowest Possible Only Kenmore flivei ¥««'*•" Prices-Compare! fust quality feature!, thp*f ° Portable Batteries Hauvy toil [ft tudk Pumpi Kut, iud»y wufer inlu lub For Business Jottlei to bottom wutet Lotk fo I value, the quality,

JERSEY SCRAPBOOK Mm (,utntlon that Edward Qrau, Bobby Ten Eyck, Kathy 'eddlng of local Interest at the Miss Josephine Carr and Miss llanohe Frances, to John J. store The note said the wihcon- !,lWncr of the Carteret Bus Eileen and Matthew Walsh, Joseph kralnlan Catholic Church of the Sophie Mashluk. Carteret. >rowne of Washinjfton. D. C. ,vm lalend 117.33 and promised that •; lans to discontinue the Suller and Gary Muirhead. ssumptlon. John Kuzhlo, Linden served as if Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. the remainder would be returned ' ^is'snrvice in our area. It Mr. and Mm J. Dapsls and their At the ceremony, Miss Ann j best man. The ushers were John rowne of OsslnlnR. New York later "We are sorry," said the ,i,.d that volunteers offer family. 98 Wortylkp Street, have itrllka, 167 Hall Avenue, Perth Strllka, brother of ,the bride; Ray rflss Outowskl wns graduated note, which was sinned by "A, L. ,'", house-to-house canvass returned from a two-week trip *mboy, became the bride of Wal- Illyk, Victor Mfttyniuk and and L. C." i- of pupils who will rom Carteret High School and through the Southern States in- ter Starek, 123 Heald Street, this Charles MatlRga, Carteret. II' 11 bus transportation ,he Katherine Clibbs School, New cluding a week's stay In Florida borough. The bride Is the daughter The newlyweds are on a wed- fork. She attended Catholic Uni- pirticularly on Hagaman United States Navy and Is pres- )f Peter Strllka of the Hall Ave- ding trip to Canada and Niagara versity. Mr Browne WR« ftraduat- L j,,| sirrets and the streets nue address and Mrs. Strllka, pre- •nlly ns^oclated with the Air Falls and upon return, August 6 d from Osslnint; HinrhSchool and Coach Transport Association, ', perpendicular thereto. sently In Poland. The brtdeijroom will reside at the Hall Avenue ad- ttpnded Catholic University. WnshinRton. D. C. The wedding „, affcrted by this change Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John dress. For going away the bride "' l ,„ contact Mrs. SamUel CARTERET Starek this borough. where he was a member of the is planned for early September. wore a pink dress with white HC- Abbey Club. Hr served with the nb.,mn. CA-M341 for further The bride, given in marriage by cessories and a corsage of white CHURCHES er father, wore a Rown with oses. ri Mrs. William Linde- hantllly lace bodice over satin 'in r..mrH Street, entertaln- with lorw pointed sleeves and BURGLARS COCKY sheer yoke with lace mandarin , liui-dnors barbecue last ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL SALT LAKE CITY-The burR jollar. The bouffant skirt of nylon ,: (;i|,.sts present were: Mr. Rtv. Onrllla N. Davidson lars who rummaged the home 0: tulle had lace panniers. Her fin- fc/ | Htearlta and children, Sunday—services, 8 A. M. and Garret Dlmama recently not onl; gertip veil of illusion was attached ,hy mid Mlchele; Mr. and 9:30 A. M., Sunday School, 11 A. M. stole two sets 0 fsllverware. a port- to a coronet studded with seed nirlemann and children, able sewing machine, a shotgun K ZION LUTHERAN pearls and rhlnestones. She car- ,',!,, luirl .John: and Mrs. Jac- revcr op/rev, three books of merchandise cou Rev. Karl 0. Klette ried a colonial bouquet of white 1(. Minion and son, Qirard. MAA/ rO pons, costume jewelry and a ne Sunday—German service, 8:30 roses and stephanotls with stream- Mis. Henry Wazeka, 82 pair of shoes, but they stoppei .i, entertained Mr. and A. M., English service at 9:30 A. M ers. 1 si irl Sunday School at 10:30 A. M. long enough to raid the refrlger Wiiwlca, of Arlington, Miss Violet Badlak attended th ator and drank a bottle of sodi FIRST BAPTIST bride as maid of honor, The four pop. ,,,,1 Mrs. Al Wechter, 32 Rev. John D. Renfro ,'^,,,1 entertained at a Sunday—11 A. M. and 7 P. M imncr'tliis past Sunday. NOW!! prove it! 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ,n,| MIS. Jerry Brooks, 81 You can get an Air-Condition Haircut si nit,, held an outdoor Rtv. Malcolm G. Brown Sal unlay with Mr. and Sunday — Sunday School, 9:45 Get a haircut in comfort in hot weather with excitingly A. M., morning worship, 11 A. M, i mi Jameson and son, We Specialize in CREW ilMl Mrs. Richard Wltte REFORMED Hii'hiird and Billy, and Rev. Alexander Darociy CUTS & FLAT TOPS at [unirr us guests, Sunday—Sunday School, 9 A. M. , home to Mr. David English worship, 10 A. M. Hungar- Senator Walter F. George,, chair- rule. He declared that these pow Air-Conditioned "71; n.nii-l Street, who spent ian service, 11 A. M, mah of the Senate Foreign Re- ers must grant Independence (I ,,111-hrtlf weeks on an in- lations Committee, has urged their dependencies /'as soon HOLY FAMILY „ mill for the U. S. Naval European colonial powers to "a '$ BARBER SHOP Rev. M. A. Konopka peoples are able to protect thei t, ;im:; France, Italy and great and continuous effort" to Rev. Raymond Szuleckl own freedom and govern them 1176 Roosevelt Avenue West Carteret prepare dependent lands for self- Sunday—Masses, 7, 8, 9:30 and selves." ifdll home to Nancy Llnde- 10:30 A. M. : .,,.-> 1 (-turned from va- Keystone bin 1 shark River Hills SACRED HEART Due to . numerous requests we are ,,, nii'irnal grandparents,' Rev. L. J, Petrlck Mi , (ioodman. Sunday—Masses, 7, 8, and CONTINUING OUR MID-SUMMER Movie Camera $4995 ,.,; Ai.slu.s lo Mrs. Frieda 10:30 A. M. 1 ]>,!•,)',,iv street, mother of n.'i: Frank, who Is con- ST. DEMETRIUS Happy home Deluxe features found only in higher-priced cameras. Rev. John A. Hundiak CLEARANCE ,: ,!i himic after a serious Sunday—Liturgy. 9 A. M. sol- And so easy - aim... press... you've got it! emn high liturgy, 10:30 A. M. on New iris leaf diaphragm for more accurate exposures, i .!:•, Liiut-k, daughter of Holy Days, mass at 9:30 A. M. Sun ownership 1:-, David Lauck, Daniel day School 10 A. M. with speedy fz.5 coated lens... interchangeable lens M , t, lid wit ha party In ST. ELIAS mount allows use of wide angle and telephoto lenses... i :,. IM\III birthday. Guests Rev. C. S. Roskovics starts here big ground lens optical viewfinder... hand-fitting precision [iriiiia Mansion, Raelyn Sunday — Mass In Hungarian compactness... foldaway winder... in handsome, •; ,11,il Ronnie, Mike, Pete 8:45 A. M., mass in Rutherlan, lightweight aluminum, with scuff-proof vinyl and 10 A. M. Hundreds of Items Tremendously Reduced! chrome trim. ,i.ii \\\- Earl Greely and Follow the Crowd to Frank's and Save! : .l.iv.-c and Janet, 72 ST. ELIZABETH Famous Lifetime Ounrimtee sis 1.1 nave returned from Rev. Anthony J. Huber "Happy as a kid with a new toy" is the way you i'.:i, in Baltimore, Md., Sunday—Masses, 7, 8, 9, 10:3 : .,:.,; Mis. Marion Nelg- A, M. should feel when you buy or build a home. And FRANK'S DEPT. STORE TOTH PHOTO SHOP Sunday—Masses, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 because sound, thrifty financing can keep you 64 COOKE AVENUE, CARTERET r..:. iu -Aclcome into our and 11 A. M. 77 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret feeling that way, we invite you to come to us for i;;:-. unv m w neighbors, Mr, ST. JOSEPH'S :• Kd-Aard O'Beirne, and Rev. Loub M. (Jortney, OSM -yqur mortgage loan. i!, Krt-.v.ird, Jr, 10 months Rev. Victor Gabriel, OSM iin MultHTvy 8treet, who Rev. Gregory O'Brien, OSM i hiio from Massa- x Y. Mr. OTJeirne is CALVARY BAPTIST ',-.'• P.R.R. in Jersey Rev. Joseph Matiu - TYPICAL MORTGAGE LOANS Sunday School, 10 A. M.; Ser AMOUNT PAY MONTHLY* lai.ii M:v Samuel Rosen- /ices, 11 A. M. OF LOAN 15-Yr. Plan 20-Yr, Plan 1 I),,i.;.-i sim't, have re- $5,000 $39.54 $33.00 a motor tour cover- ST. MARY'S 6,000 47.45 39.60 Rev. Paul Harchlson .uid I.slands, Canada, 7,000 55.36 46.20 ' Aiilmlidacks. - Sunday Masses 8 and 10 A. M * REPAYS BOTH INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL— iUilaiiuiis to Mr. Prank Holy Days. Mass at 9 A. M. Con- REAL ESTATE TAX EXTRA ;;!• Marion Street, who fessions. Saturday 4 o'clock am •d a biiilulay on July 27. 7 to 8 P. M. . •iv m-irtinus to Christine Banking Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. :>:i M.uion Street, wbo :>!^ 'M nil July 24. Vie Carry A Friday 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. K<\:n Taylor. 3-year-Old Complete Selection Of Safety for Savings Since 1869 l!. mil Mrs. R. Taylor, 88 •i'(>•<' till from a bicycle IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PPnl :.::• .irmpit. He was WINES & LIQUORS The PERTH AMBOY Amboy Hospital for Free Delivery Savings Institution Win- DIAL 5975 Mr und Mr. Bert PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY ' lasaman Street, here from Man- ROCKMAN'S ivi' two children, "Id. and Bert, 8 TAVERN & LIQUOR Store Randolph St., and Pershln* Ave. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation II. Keating, 96 CARTERET, N. J. 1'iitertained her 1, of the Bronx,

I'll Muirhead,, 101 Dam Ihoje OK Used Catsl" '" 'celebrated his •l"h a party. Guests Ronnie Isaacs, •'I 'I Hamilton,

:1> Vnur Tiip 15V SHIP i because her marketing begins *<»w Available **••> '" All fans or lhe in the pages of this newspaper! World

*""'«: All Transatlftiitlo '''insliij) Lines This smart shopper checks the ads in this newspaper before tjhe seU forth to buy for her family or herself. Whether it's food or furs . . . lingerie or luggage ... this is how she usually makes up her.mind what [URONKA to buy .. * and where! Nine out of ten women do the same. Which 1'iavw Hureau makes it very simple for you. If you want their trade, put your adver- AVE, CA-1-5059 tising where they look for buying information: IN THE PAGES OF 1 ;l "• durlji, thrift THIS NEWSPAPER! '"'"IS Amu»t ( Wpodbridge Publishing Co. Real good-lookers command attention on any INSURANCE highway-and that's why you'll be proud. of . your OK U«d €«; Th* finest of ttadtwaj,... • Publishers of they rat? salutes for appearance, performance A. MuBer and safety. Thoroughly inspected and recondi- • Into - Liability tioned, OK Used Cars carry the Chevrolet Independent - Leader is Green st., dealer written warranty. | Interruption and Sold only by on Aythorlxed Chevrolet Dealer Edison Township-Fords Beacon is Green st., c»ated coverages 1-6048 PreSS 651 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret IJ Ul STREET ECONOMY CHEVROLET, Inc. Telephone WO 8 1710 or CA 1-5600 rlr'Wter, N. j. 30 ROOSEVELT AVE. CA 1-5123 CARTERET, N. J Jim

' . fl PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1055 July, 1955, and applications AGED II S. INCOME should be filed now. Paper is used in Take a Vaeafinn from the Kitchen For the first time In the history Your Hew Social of the country, estimated annual effects to Imitate «:,, STORK income figures not only had Can an individual who is dis- and waves. A cirak,, reached but also had topped |3QO,- Security abled, collect monthly bene- heard in broad™-;: 000,000,000, according to the Of- fU before he reaches age 85? from the script an,i . What advantages are derived CLUB fice of Business Economics of the No. Regardless of any disabil- age of the plot. y1;. U. 9. Department of Commerce, as a result of the disability ity, no monthly benefits can the May figures, recently released freeze provisions under the be paid to a retired worker The General yiir Son born- to Mr. and Mrs. were $2,090,900,900 ahead of the social security law? before he reaches age 66. tlon announced nn i OLKS who used to lnuzh at the Stephen Fodor, 11 Veterans Place, annual rate reported for April, the . During a period of disability, 000 expansion ami , expression, "1 don't carp what former record month, and $14.- the wage record of the dis- program deslgnrd '•,', F u the Elizabeth Goneral Hospi- Can the disability be of any you say about me, but sp^ll my 000.000.000 higher than those for abled Individual is considered Q produce more pn,,r. nnme right!" just couldn't foriee May. 1964. frozen. The P«Tlod of low nature, or must it be of some trucks. the (act that It's almost like money Daiwhtcr born to Mr. and Mrs. earnings or no earnings need particular type? In the bank when you get your not be counted when figuring The disability enn consist of The Foreign Dp,,, , Michael Kelemen. 51 Linden COPPER hime in print. Street, at the Elizabeth Oeneral the average monthly wage. anything that cian be medi- istratlon' recently These days we huve more than « Dwindling stocks of copper, as Hospital. The elimination'of these low cally determined: It may be extra $30,000,00(1 in few ex-communist! paying taxes a result of itrlke* and Increasing earnings periods r«sult» In a bodily sickness, /mental Illness, to Turkey to help , on Income they received from such Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. civilian consumption, may foree higher average monthly wage blindness, or the result of bod- Inflation ami « [,„, levelling articles as "Why I Joined Joseph Ftanlcowjkl, 42 St. Ann the Office of Defense Mobilization which. In turn rtsults in a ily Injury, shortage. ., ." and "Why I quit." to revive emergency pow»rs to .Street, at the Perth Amboy Gen- establish priorities. larger monthly benefit at age It'i now fashion for the ^con- eral Hospital. 65 or to the survivors should demned prisoner to spend ^ong the disabled person die before hours In the death cell preparing a Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Jo- WORLD POPULATION , reaching age 65. Remember, WE'RE AS CLOSE To potential best-seller outlining tha seph Fago. 291 Randolph Street, The. world population passed the an application must be filed sordid and fateful events which i»t the Perth Amboy General Hos- 2.528,000,000-miu-k in 1954, ac- by the disabled person, YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE! brought him there. Vacation »reas pital, July 21. cording to statisticians of the •re filled with ex-racketeers who By the .sea. by the sen, by the bciiulilnl sc:i And if that's where United Nations. By mid-1954, the p«ld th*ir debt to society and now you're spending your vuratinn Ihi.s sumnirr you'll want to spend Just Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex world had crossed the 2,500,000,000 Q. Is it necessary to oe disabled have retired on bank accounts ac- as much of it as you enn out in 1 he oprn enjoying yourself. Sand- Munkacsy, 22 Vermont Avenue, mark and showed a 36,000,000 in- for any definite period of time quired through publications of such at the Perth Amboy General Hos- crease from the mid-1953 total. before the disability freeze articles as "A Million Crooked Dol- wiches and salnd mnk« n hearty lunch with bilker's cupcakes and a pital, July 22. provisions of the law can be Dial lars—Mad* and Lost." tall Icy fruit drink. This type gives you a vacation from the kitchen considered? PERSONAL INCOME Notoriety makes good background during tlie height of the day when it's fun to be outdoors. It takes NOT TOO CAREFUL HI 2-01! for successful "true" stories, but The Department of Commerce A. Yes. You must be disabled for JURt minutes to fix. few dishes to wnsh i If you use the wide selection CRESCENT CTTY, Cal.—Think- reports that, for the first five at least six months. favorablt publicity has its rewards, ing himself to be doubly careful, or too. The guy who swam the Eng- of pnpnr products available) and can be eaten indoors or right out months of 1965, total personal in- Tom Mounto put his ,22-callber come In the United States was at Q. Wbfln are the new disability lish Channel picked up plenty of on the beach. revolver in the glove compartment HI 2-018 •heckle* for hi* magazine article, Take advantage of the large assortment of enriched yeast-raised an annual rate of $296,000,000,000, freeze provisions of the social of his car and the syllnder In his a gain 'of $10,000,000,000 over the security program effective? "Why I Made It" The fellow who breads and the many ingredients which can toe purchased with the shirt pocket. However, driving failed the swim did all right, too, corresponding period of 1954. modern Idea of "Instant" in view. No bowls for mixing, no seasoning. home with his family, Mounto Free Estimates Cheerfully Given—No with hU "Why I Didn't Make It." stopped to pick a wild flower. As Chancellor Adenauer's Chris- An Incident in a small town not Meats'—a variety of cold cuts and meats come already slised. he stooped, the cylinder fell onto THOUGHT! tian Democratic 'party In West lon» »go illustrated the fact that Cheeses—there are cheese spreads and sliced ch«ese for easy use. a rock, a bullet fired and hit him Now that the seamen aren't at Germany has offered a bill for Fords Coal & Lumber you get to be a public figure when Meat spreads—hum. tongue and pate can be used just as it comes in the chest. He was taken to a sea, the country is. — St. LoUls electoral reform that woultj set up 2£ KfNG GEORGE ROAD your name is "written up" In the hospital in a critical condition. F() paper. A citizen had tried long and from the can as can many other spreads of the same Post-Dispatch, a tworparty system. hard to get someone to listen to type. his views on farm planting quotas, Peanut butter. but no one would lend an ear. Prob- Jams and Jellies—these are one of the earliest "Instant" foods. ably mad at himself and the whole world, this fellow stood on the Tomatoes, cucumbers, vie—Just wash and slice—that's all. Court House steps and plastered Lettuce, watercress and etc.—greens brighten up any sandwich and the building with slightly ancient just need careful washing. eggs. He ended up with some heavy fines, but he got his name Into print, along with some direct quotes giving his views on proposed farm Cereal 'n Soup Casserole SPECIAL SAVINGS at SUMM1 measures. His unorthodox but successful Lightens Summer- Cooking method is as amusing as the wide- 3 Days Only - THURS., FRIDAY & SATURDA spread belief that a no-hit pitcher or a .400 slugger Is automatically an expert on cigarettes, cereals and candy bars.

AKE your tuna salad crisp and FIRST QUALITY M crunchy with chopped celery and toasted almonds. Add enough mayonnaise to moisten, then serve 4 with lettuce and halvai of cling peaches to a really dressy garnish. YOU GET'YEAR:AROUND'PROTECTION! Plump, cooked prunes, pitted and VENETIAN stuffed with bacon-cheese are won- derful go-togcthers with any fruit or meat Salad main dish. While you watch hungrily over what is cooking over charcoal, you Summer is often one big headache for Mrs. Homemaker and the rea- and your grists will enjoy nib- son boils down to the simple fact that no matter the weather, she's still BLINDS responsible for the preparation of daily meals for her family. bling on potato chips which hav« While there Is actually no 100% solution for this, it's helpful to use VENTILATED ALUMINUM been dipped in tangy mashed ava- familiar pantry shelf products in quickly prepared dishes. Combining; cado blended together with minced the right foods is also important, and what could be more inspired than AWNINGS a cereal 'n soup combination. RECIPE OF THE WEEK Although there are many ways to go about this, here'8 one that beat* Spiced Green Beans all—and beats the heat, too. Called "Meal In A Casserole" it means (Serves 4) exactly what it says; it has everything ... soup, fish, vegetables and 3 slices bacon topped with crunchy toasted corn flakes. i tablespoons bacon drippings Meal In A Casserole t tablespoon chopped onion J box (12 ounces) quick- 1 cup (7%-ounce can) tuna 3 tablespoons vinegar frozen green peas.'thawed fish, flaked Vi to & teaspoon salt 1 can condensed cream of 2 cups Post Toasties Corn Flatlet Dash of pepper mushroom soup 2 tablespoons butter, melted V,'i cups cooked or canned green Combine peas and mushroom soup in saucepan, Brin? to aboil, stir- 188 beans, drained ring once or twice. Then add tuna fish and mix lightly. Turn into greaaed DOOR Saute bacon in skillet; remove 1-quart baking dish. Crush cereal slightly, toss with melted butter, and and break into small pieces. use to cover tuna fish mixture. Bake in hot oven (400°F.) 20 to SO min- W While They Last! CANOPIES Saute onion in drippings until utes. Makes 4 servings. % DOORS tender. Add vinegar and 'season- ings; .blend. Add bacon and beans; mix together lightly and WHITE STEEL Sizes to 36 x 64 heat. HURRY ... DON'T MISS THIS! FREE ESTIMATES • CALL TODAY! ripe olives and a bit of lemon Juice. Try a hot lima bean salad with 240 MADISON AVE| franks on one of the warm days for an appetizing supper. To make EXCLUSIVE at SUMMIT CO. PERTH AMBOY it, toss the large, cooked limas with Folders a hot bacon-vinegar dressing, top with chunks of frankfurters and bake in»a moderate oven to heat BMht the frankfurters a bit. MANUFACTURED IN OUR SHOP! HIGHEST QUALITY - LOWEST Heavy Duty, AH Aluminum A delicious dressing for chunks Letterheads Our Own Heary Duty of lettuce uses soured cream mixed Extruded, Self-Storing with some anchovy paste. Th,in this SAVE en SUMMIT'S a bit with vinegar and add salt Prpgrams JALOUSIE DOOR HEAVY DCTI BXTBUDED and freshly ground pepper fci taste With Full Cottage cheese mounded in the • SELF-STORING ALUMINUM center of a plate, surrounded with Booklet! small slices or chunks of water- SCREEN melon and clusters of dark cherries COMBINATION DOOR COMBINATION WINDOW I] W makes a lovely salad platter. Keep a well assorted relish tray on hand when you serve meat or .95 fish salads to add interest to jour Fine Printing for Every Need IttUKtJ menu. 9J Complete $79 No matter whether you're contemplating a big CARTERET PUPIL COST with hardware COMPLETE YYTMI HARDWARE INSTAI.I V CARTERET - The cost per advertising campaign or ordering a new supply Sizes to SIZES TO 37 18ft school pupil in this borough is Come . . . See . ., Save! on ii IN Ai $310,15, acording to the annual re- of letterheads, you can depend on us to deliver 37x85 port of State Education Commis- a top-notch, carefully planned and executed Time Pajwents Arranged sioner Frederick M. Raubinger lor YOU ALWAYS SAVK AT SUMMIT! MANUFACriUHKIt TO YOU S \VlN55 PAOE FIVE \batemarco Hurls Si. Joe's '(Sandy and Brown MONEY TEAM By Alan Mover joe Zimmerman Results Listed in PAL News To U-3 Win Over City Line Hurl 10lo6 Win NASHUA AM> Gives 2 Hits as Recreation League , ,|(TERET — John AbatAbater - St. Joe's 1 • . n rii* „ president of the City Line AB R and ARE WELL OH CARTBRET - In the Cub ,1 club, showed the younger Holowatch, 3b 3 1 Knights Win, 3-1 League, the Panthers d«fe«trd the of thr City Line Tavern hnw E. Ryan, If 1 0 WAY TO fiBCOM/HG THE CARTFRET — The combined Blackhawks. 9 to 5, to lake thlnl Sports 'Round tally should be played r. Pi t/.piitrlck, If 2 0 GREATEST MOtiEY TEAM pitching of Sandy and Brown I CARTERET Behind the two- place In the team utandfnR Pal- M He hurled the St. Joseph's Myprs. ss 3 I upsit the first place St. Elks /V me H&tbny OF RACISG — ] hit twirling of Joe Zimmerman. inkas hit t to lead the ,' \j,,nic team to an Impressive Varga. lb 3' 1 Town lasers, as Brown's Tavern won an h Knlrht of Columbus dcfivittd attack for the wtnneTs. Also In th* .,, i triumph over Blaekle Sos- I. Ryan, 2b 1 0 0 easy 10 to 6 victory in the Amerl- Mlskn's Tnvrrn. 3 to 1, in the Cub League thr Walt A Otm'i Bj BENXT •rU\ city Line combine this Brrchka. 2b 2 2 0 ' JBII Softball League race. He.'realion Softball Lrnitur thl» won two games, dcffatinn the ;ll U'lbis's ILelgmnn, if 1 0 k at Ll!'blR'» Field " Sandy and Bruwn collaborated Blackhawks. 10 to 1. to remtln The hot wpiiihci dne of points, with the for the Good Time Stable owned by Woodhull, lb 3 Econ. Chevy. above-mentioned. : •!•: liiiK the pace. Walter Cox. At present the family Gormley, 3b 3 3 Wed. City Line vs. Sabo's Steve Lesky hurled a neat one-hitter against the residence is Freehold. CN,-!s beat Bob Seaman Upset by Cobras D. Sarzlllo, p 3 Pop Elliott is wondering why Sport Shop. Holy Family team as the Clovers,upset the favorites, Barn No. 5 on the Freehold 'I'liiid time. They accom- A. Sarzillo, c 0 Carteret High does not field a MIDGET LEAGUE grounds today houses Ferris Nor- ,i•.!• mission by waiting 5 to 1, this week. However, in another game, the Holy E. Hendricks. ss 0 Soccer team. There many In Slugfest, 19-14 Park Field 5:30 P. M. rls, 2-year-old pacer; Dandy Jack, • li'tli ruund when they Tampa, cf 0 In Carteret who play the game ']'•'• lun.s across the plate. AUK. 2 Tues. W. Carteret vs. Holy Family nine beat the Ramblers as Marty Orr hurled a 2-year-old trotter; and Helen Godfrey, cf 0 CARTERET — The Hill A C •family, Hayes, 4-year-old pacer, all under and Pop Elliott is willing to lend • •••• jiriu'd by walking. nifty one-hitter. E. Hendricks, If 1 suffered an upset, 19 to 14, at 4 Thurs. Cardinals .vs ihe watchful eye of Walter. With a hand and help out. M,any don't •: i' k out. Modrak walked Wyatt, rf 0 the hands of the last place Cobras Hawks. hese horses he hopes to start a remember, but Pop was one of •.:!::.; hit a line single down Clnege, rf 0 in a free-hittint! tilt at the Park CUB LEAGUE iuccessful driving career. the best players In State some ' ij.tsc line to score both Since it has been announced that Nashua will be field on Wednesday night. Park Field 9:45 A. M. Those who hang around ihe years back and knows the game liifurc the inning was T6tals 41 12 12 Kinch di'ove in six runs in the Aug. 2 Tues. Walt & Gene's vs shipped to Saratofa for a "rest," following his victory rack rooms never could under- frum A to Z. •• cKivfih had a biu 5-to-l last three, innings,by rapping out Holy Family. in the Arlington Classic, it appears that the two name itand why Walter didn't start rac- Important change in next a homer and two singles to clinch 3 Wed. Panthe"»* vs Apaches. horses in the Choice Stakes to be held next Wednesday ng at a much earlier age. His • A in t.i.s second game. He the game for the Cobras. 1 M6n... 'BlaBMgftHawlis ss mothers were in competition be- Walt and Geine'i s week's schedule: Junior league "I'.v one hit. The only Howard , Rozzelle's brilliant Hawks. ^^ will be Montpelier's Saratoga and Everglades Farm's fore their seventeenth birthdays. will play on Tuesday instead of • '••• was m trouble was in fielding saved the game for the GIRL'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE Nance's Lad. Both have given excellent accounts of Quizzed on the subject, Walt Monday; Club Markay vs. Econ- ; (Mine when the Holy nswered, politely, "It's the only omy Chevrolet, Senior league will Cobras more than once by field- 6:'l5 Pi M. " nselves in staites competition this season. Beat Hawks, 11-8, • IAJJ.S scored their .single ing Impossible hits and convert- Aug. 1 Mon. Farmerettes vs. art of the business I haven't play Monday. " ' * • • ••* ing them into outs. Bara-R,et|tes. ,ried." To Gain 1st Place "!'• by innings: Klnch, winning hurler. allowed Father of three, boys, • Junior, Coaches for the 1955-1956 High -ii-iy 10 0 0 0 0-1 ten hits but he was most ef- 'hillip and Charles, Walter says, School season have been appoint- Just. CARTERET - Walt & Gene 0 0 0 0 5 x—5 fective with men on base. If any of them want to get into ed. In football, head coach Doug Flower Shop defeated the Hawks. King will be assisted by Moe pal-. Score by innings: MartyOrr Bests he game, it is okay with me. The 1 11 to 8, to gain undisputed pos- sor and Rich Miglecz, Wes ^ Hill A. C. 4 7 0 3 0 0 0—14 Paragraphs lusiness has treated ihe family fine session of first place in the Cub wak will head th* freshman team." Cobra's 0 '2 3 4 7 3 x—19 through the years," "Mama? Oh 2,uoo United States Kiraly in Duel; How to score yourself: Recreation League Tuesday af- Basketball, Wes Spewak and as- Two base hlts-^Kashu, Sloan. The United States Navy is plan- yes, she likes to, hang around the investments your choices 1-2-3-4. You get ten ternoon at the Park field. sisted by Dous King. Bob O'Don- Hadyniak, Arva, E. Rozzelle (2i. ning to fly six to eight planes non- house and do the cooking," con- $16,000,000,000, points for a,correct .first pick, five The fine fielding of Mitroka nell will coach the-Frosh team. l Three-base hits—Stewart. stop from New Zealand to Mc- cluded Walter. "li"K American know-how Holy Family Wins for a second, three for a, third, and the hitting of Dengelegi and Walter (Moe) Gaisor will coach Murtiando Sound in Antarctica. •''•'I ideas in what amounts Home Runs—Kiraly, Hadynink, and one point for a correct fourth Kuhn, plus the twirling of Den- the grade teams. :: CARTERBT — In a tight pit- The December flight will be the " t-nuirprise Point Four Klnch. choloe. Twenty is average; thirty, selegi contributed to the victory Baseball, Doug King as head cher's duel,, with only three hits; first linking that continent di- All Stars Beat Umpires—Mlkics and Basilic!. good; forty, very good, and fifty is for Walt & Gene's. Denlegi was coach will be assisted by Rich- beins allowjed by both hurl^rs, rectly with other lands. perfect. nicked for nine hits, but he kept ard Mlglecg. the Holy Family nine beat the out of trouble by scattering them Track coach will again be Wes Ramblers, 2 to 1, last Friday 1. Which player would you safy EXPLAINED Clovers with 4 over seven Innings. Sptwak. night at the high school field. holds the major league record fir Tme boy in the long pants got Stewart and Leleszl each had most stolen bases in a lifetime? on the streetcar for a dime. The The pitching duel found Marty Runs in First, 8-2 three hits for the losers. Walt & IT WILL < > Ty Cobb, ( ) Billy, Hamilton, boy in the short pants got on for Orr besting Kirally by a close Gene's led by one rlin, 8 to 7. going Somebody has suggested an < ) Max Cares. < > Harry Stovey. five cents. The pretty girl got on AllL margin of 2 to 1 hits. (JARJTERET — The All Stars into the sixth Inning when they American Football Week, to be 1 2. Good baje stealers will tell for nothing—she had a transfer,- beat the Clovers, 8 to 2, by getting This an That Both sides scored in the first explode^ with a three-rui> win- observed In the middle of the sea- frame. Tho ^core remained dead1- you that the rjiost difficult theft Is BatatJridge Mainsheet. four runs in the first Inning. If Brannlck, to b* honored nlng rally. son. The Pan-American Coaches loeked until the sith inning wheii home. Can you pame the player The big blow in the opening 'wt with • (oldea labile* Score by Innings: Week, we suppose, will come, as Gurul jjot his second hit of the who holds the major league record •Elizabeth Taylor is certainly be- frame was delivered by Jackie '•' dinner, hu been MI#- ing kept busy. After she completes Walt & Gene's 2 0 2 4 0 3-11 usual, Just after itq ctyse.—Boston aame, a double. He advanced to in this department? ( > George Metquita who banged out a home *"ti the New Ttrh GUnti "Giant," Metro has three other Hawks 3 110 3 1—8 Herald. third on a passed ball. Makwin- Case, ( ) Tris Speaker. ( ) Pete run to left field with one man > years. Except tor Connie pictures ready for her and she'll ski walked. Trying to piclf Mak- Reiser, ( ) . on base. "• ladlvWiul DM been afflU- be top star in all three: The first winski off first base, Gural scored Hayko allowed the Clovers only *IHi a major tafte team u 3. Miller Huggtns, former man- Is Du Maurler's "Maryanne," then three hits to gain his fourth vic- " Bnumick. Ha Joined the before Makwlnskl was retired via ager'of the New York Yankees, set "Raquel," and last. "The Wilder wnen you order printed hW the run-down route. • the record when tory ' against, only two losses. organization in IMS and Shores of Love." matter, chances are you under four olub prMldento Marty Orr hurled brilliantly all he was caught stealing 36 times Slomko was the losing hurler. «lui •{• Bruih, Harrj Hemp- the way. as a member ol the Cfcrdtaals in NEW HELICOPTER He has yet to win his first mound want it In a hurry. Our A. Btoneham. and The box score: [9\\, However, he also madp 32 A new' helicopter, capable of victory. " ">«b«m. 8uu» 1938. (Jrmu- Holy Family 10 0 0 0 1 0-4 Successful steals. Can you name carrying nineteen pasengers, is Stragapede was the only one craftsmen know this, and* fK ban beei iecretarj of the Kiimbkrs 1 0 q 0 0 0 0—1 the player who holds the major being bu|lt for airline use. It is a to get two hits for the All Stars. rurk b»U dab ... Not mil league record for jmost limes commercial version of the large, The box score: are geared to render high- bav° the lane rule on lull- caught stealing? ( > fTrls Speaker, rotary-winged plane used by the Clovers 0 0 0 !l 0 1 0—2 NAME LENGTHENS »»»wer the boll for »n u|>- t ) Ty Cobb. ( > tteorge Case, Air Forte and the Army. All Stars 4 0 1,0 1 2 0-fi speed service, with no sac- FORRES, Scotland — Elizabeth l round In » boitnj ni.toh. Tlpuson. started We with her^ J Bob Dllllnger. Last Word • ONE Tnp n/tiffr rifle? & QU&1!& gajl us easily pronounced ti|nie! tasVyear' t. Oh June ^5, 1W1. Oeorge There are "ohf niihdred and the bell fur a ilv RICHMONQ, fa. — Taken into eD she changed her name to Thom- Oore of Chicago stole seven bases thirty-two daily itewspapers in the today! Woodbrid^e 8-1710. Is 'ounted out In bis oornor court on a charge of public drunk- bs ror son-Inge to meet the terms of the in on« game. But can you name United States published by wpmen, "' K ° credited to the ruund enness, a woman was salmd by BA8KBAI I H ACE . . Detroit will of a w«althy cousin, Ml»» the player In modern baseball which leads us to believe they also the judge, several hours later. If have the last word—editorially- ""'« "P- U » DKhter to ..til to Tlgnri' *lu(klii« outOelder Al Hilda Inge, Md thus Inherited a (alter 1R00) who stole six bases site was still drunk. She replied, lo J Ctiristitin Science Monitor. " wtT» by tba rlnf pbyiloUu Eallu* le»iU both leafuei with life Interest to almost $6,000,000. in a. game? i > Eddie Collins, Hie—certainly not." The judge "For Favorable Impressions!" "i KHwtb, the bout, lu IOIUO Recently, she married aeorga#i- t ) Max Carey. ( ) Dan McOaim, concluded that the "hie" was the l .lit b»ttt«f »»er»|e. He'i oloulr Every Time "• » "curded ai a T. ». O. nes-Llllingiiton and took his name, ( ) . ed 14 bom« runs, scored B6 »nd Every" time we see the sign most damaging testimony he had 6 lM of course. But, to keep her inheri- ""Hi the natiun have ob- butted In 5S. Al'i M. "e'* * 5, On July 9, 1W9, Ray Dowd "Ladies - Ready - to - Wen ever heard and sentenced her to l tance the bride and groom '' 'atWuiiUon the our- and halla from BslUmor*. of the Philadelphia Athletes was Clothes" we think ,it is about time ten dollars and costs. changed both their names. They >uionf the lutlon't ool- Inserted iri the game as a plnch- U. 8. S. Spoka. 1 than gamble on more MIDDLESEX PRESS Rather will become Mr. and Mrs. George A MODERN VERSION out more icholmrahlp* action, runner and stole two bases. Only itvoiuWe CK Inge-lnnea-Ltlllngston. one other player has ever accom- name him? ( ) Ray Blades, ( If you can make better dap- N. J. .10.. b vhent fai-uwrs voUsd a surprising plished a similar feat as a pinch- Prank Cro&etti, ( ) Al Vincent, trap, the world will beat a path II GBEEN STRUT to your door.—Lawson (Missouri)- for 7.5 per cent for continuutlon of Post-tfur Japan }s becoming runner, and at present is a coach ( ) Jake Pitler. Review. utbaU and bai^el- ueseiit rigid controls on their more Westernized. witu a major league club. Can you TURN PAGE FOB ANSWERS rops next year. CARTERET TRK;;;: PAW; .SIX KRIDAY, JIII.V 2',), l!l!ili Keen Contests Meredith White, C'hrlstene Bcn.i, Id' with Rnslyn virf", • Today's Pattern Linda Mmtsca, Bernlcr Knapik, nlng the prize. -[•],,, ', i Continued from Pane 1> Blanche Cimochowskl. Roselyn boys entered the 8-iii ., Gerald Wnutowski. Joseph Call- Napurano, Thomas and James Efrln Friday, James \w Riiarl, Sam Sica, Al Sohayda, Mi- Worth. Susan Szakocs, Karen •hael Toknl, oilee o,|,.,' charl Kondrk and Richard Krl- Hamf, Maureen Hamf, Carol Lu- Williams, Jerry Jnl,tl,|' znk with Gerald Wnutowski win- kach, Dale '-Trinity, Elaine Bal- Switigler, Frank Kwu , a prize. srls, Nancy Zamorski, Lynn Gale, SCUlly, Ottls Ouljy |{ ', A bubble gum contest was held Diane Splsak, Janet Beshak. Ter- Mickle, Michael Reit,n-,i"'.' I,imjsn I but a matter of give and take Also at Washington 8chool Playground •y Salinskl, Elaine Trinity, Mary Kulin with John .sw,,, My daughter Is planning to be that love has to be nourished and with the following girls entering \nn Hrablk, Terry Wlneskl, Mary ning the prize. in u,,'.' next month and I am tended If It Is to remain nllve. the 8-10 age group: Mary Dre- 31lnski, Teddy Balarls, Margaret age* 11-13 the follow!,,. i about the success of her Also, that no one Is perfect and boty, Mary " Gudz, Irene Bruss. .vtcMahon, Sherald Fenskc, Pegjy tered: James Chuiilla \> If your mate Is willing to make Luba Lytwlnenko and Donna Lyt- Sllverstrlnl, Lorraine B u s c h, Hams, Walter Man!', Tin' hoy is a very nice fellow allowance for some of your faults; winenko with Mary Dreboty win- 51alne Busch and Kathleen Man- Stephen Szloko with ,1,,,'J but mv il'tuiKliter doesn't seem to It should work both ways. ning The boys entered In the 8-10 :lni. Prizes for the largest doll Ilia Being the winner, be very much In love with him. Never marry In haste, but no age group were Robert Kalupa, vent to Karen Hamf, Barbara Mr. Semenza annmm,,, oner when I asked her If she was with p person long enough to know Donald Davidson, Michael Basllcl, Craus. Francla Fisher and Maur- lowing contests for o,.. quite SUIT he was the man she said I his bad qualities as well as his Roman Hantowskl, Charles Gran- en Hamf In that order. Winners wedk! Pie eating ra,Ur,.', she liked him better than anyone good points. or the smallest doyy was Elaine Playground Monday m | LOUISA dell and Raymond Plotlcla with else iind that If they didn't get 3alorla, Betty Misdom and Diane Pie eating contest ;,, , Address your letters to: Michael Basilic! winning. In the aloiiK she could always get a di- Voodhull. Prizes for the best look- Playground MonrlHy ai •> | Louisa, 1090 Natl. rress Bide, group for ages 11-13 the following vorce entered: Robert Kuhn, Roman ng doll went to Kathleen Man- Watermelon eatlni! <•,',. 1 p I This seems nn awful attitude to Washington. D. C. Krawick, Donald Smith, John Inl, Diane Splsak and Linda Grant Avenue Pifiy<.n,M, tak* towards ft sacred contract, Dreboty, John Krawtck, Eliza- tfortsea. Eloise Skerphek won first day at 1:30 P. M w, don't you think? St. Mary's Church beth Edley and Eugene Ference irite for the best foreign doll and eating contest at \\, WORRIED MOTHER—Vt. with Donald Smith being declared Answer: (Continued from Pnge 1 > the winner. ^rizes for the best home made doll Bubble gum comes ai v, I reriatnly do auree with you'Mrs. Anastasla Suher, Mrs. Ann vas won by Mary Harbik and teret Playground Wr;,. Joseph Derewsky, John Kielman, New Jersey Sister Kenny Headquarters, Medical Center, Jersey Pearson, Len Mills, Andrew Mick- with Fred MacMurray and only four slugs. Lionel Hampton ,(i». \m The boy or girl who has al- City. inicz, Peter Zebrowski, Edward ways had his own wny and tries Harold Kalsen, Charles Bubnick, Donna Reed Dinah Washim Thomas, Bill Lindemann and to make his partner over to suit Michael Schwaillk, Stephen Le- Plus Many Mnn WIFE CANT SPELL NAME Ralph Antenelli with James Di- "SPY CHASERS" his taste is a very poor matrimo- hosky, Joseph Kllyk, John Hiriak, THIEVES RETURN LOOT Wings of Life Angelo winning the prize. In the with Leo Oorcey and nial bet. They will be demanding Stanley Ogarek, Stanley Pukash, DETROIT. Mich.—In petition- "ROCK 'n ROLL RCVUE1 SPRINGFIELD, 111.—The thieves 11-13 age group the following en- " The Bowery Boys and thoughtless and make life a Michael Skerchek, John and Peter ing the court to have his name (Continued from Page 1) who took all four hubcaps off Wil- tered: Michael Ross, Anthony — coin r nightmare-for their partner. If Spolowltz, Walter Ivanitski and changed, Eleftherios Kavounidis, (Saturday Matinee — Extra National Safety Council, as- liam Romack, Jr.'s 1955 automo- Nagy, William Such. Charles Ka- Frankle l.niif they chance to marry another self- Stephen Matlaga Sr. 34, told the judge his wife can't pirin and the salicylates are Cartoons and Comedy) The committee In charge of ad- bile, returned them, placing them burn, Chester Berghout, Walter centered person, it won't take long spell his name. He wanted it the most common drug kill- 'Bring Your Smile Alcaj for them to reach the parting of missions and special events are: changed to Larry Andrews. on the front seat of the car, with Durett, Thomas Abker, Roger Wil- SUN, THRU TUES. the ways. Hiriak, Mary Romanick, Kather- ers of young children. They this note: "They don't fit. Vou liams, Robert Taylor and Donald STARTING SIAHAY Durett with Roger Williams be They will have to learn that ine Kielman, 01 g a Kielman, THE A. E. C. are frequently kept in the can have them back. Thanks." The Stephen McNally. i'mn (u ing the winner. marriage is not one long tea party Catherine Sawchak, Mary Boben- President Eisenhower signed with family medicine chest with- note was unsigned. 'THE WIZARD of 07 Theima Rillir in chik, Mary Bubnick, Elizabeth "great, reluctance" a bill giving in reach of children. Dacko, Judith Kaskiw, Irene Kll- the Atomic Energy Commission West Carteret Playground feat- with Judy Garland "City Across l\a Rivsri SLEEPING PILLS TO DOG, TOO ured a doll contest with the fol- yk, Sophie Lazor, Victoria Pukush, $1,380,847,000. He warned that the "A BULLET FOR JOEY" — CO-MII lowing entered: Linda Silver- After The Movie Eva Kokolus, Sophie Kilyk, cut of $140,404,000 from the meas- ST. PETERSBURG, Pla—Frank with Edward G. Robinson and shine, Eloise Skerchek, Beverly Harvry Lcnheck. Jmif Until Stop At Stephanie Lazor, Rose Kokolus, ure would jeopardize work on Sports Quiz Answers Tufaro arrived home about 5 P. M. George Raft Kelemsn, Mary Ann Valiant, Judy in Marie SpoganeU, Ann Capp, Mary atomic weapons and peaceful uses to find his wife in a dazed condi- (Sat. and Sun. Continuous from THE COVE Valiant, Kathleen Thatcher. Ei- Kielarl. of atomic energy. tion and their pet dog almost.dead. 2 P. M.) DRIVE 4 Mrs. Tufaro told her husband she leen Lane, Karen Markowitz, fiej- "GIRLS IN THE HIGH The church trustees will be in 1. Bill Hamilton stole 937 bases Charge of refreshment ticket sales. Reciprocal during his 14-year stay in the had taken 28 sleeping pills and had nadette Dolosyczki, Mary /Ann given the dog 12. Given treatment, Tickets are being distributed A poll discloses that what chil- major leagues. Ward, Barbara Kraus, Katnleen they are both recovering. through the church groups. The dren value most in their mothers 2. Harold (Pete) Reiser, when Ward, Betty Ann Misdom, Diane RITZ THEATRE affair is open to the public. It te understanding. Just for a flyer,, he played with the Brooklyn Woodhull, Janet Markowitz,-Gail TASTY SNACKS" was also announced that invita- we will guess that what mothers Dodgers in 1946. Seven of his 34 Maxlmit, Donna Ciubati, Lor- WASHINGTON AVENUE. CARTEK1 T N \ Outer Green Street tion!) were sent to various parish value most in their children is league-leading thefts were at K. of C. Breakfast raine Umanski, Janet Kelemen, .11 I LAST TWO DAYS—FRIDAY AND SATURDAY societies and organizations in New"understandableness. — St. Louis home plate. • Continued from Page It Rosana Rachunas, Karen Hall, Barbara Ardueni, Francla. Fisher, York, Bayonne, Newark. Jersey Dispatch. 3. Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers Paul Dwyer, former pastor of St, THIS ISLAND EARTH" City. Passaic, Trenton and Eliza- in 1915 when he was caught steal- Joseph's Church, who will 'soon Sett MORROW • Faith DOMERGUK • ••" beth. We Wonder! ng 38 times. The Georgia Peach celebrate his 25th year of ordina- -Ah.- "THE LOOTF-HG' stole 96 bases that season. tion to the priesthood. He Is now I OF I IM ISELIN, N. J. Day after day as we turn around RoryJcALHOUN — Jul'.e ADAMS WEATHER Ilona Massey, who last appeared and survey the vast audience at the 4. Eddie Collins, when a mem- stationed in Wisconsin. ISELIN u-8-1879 in a film in 1949, in plannins an afternoon baseball games, we sort ber of the Philadelphia Athletics Installations of officers will be FORECAST SATURDAY SPECIAL KIDDIE MftTIHCE AT 1:15] appearance at Last Vegas and is of wonder what, type of soft jobs held August 8 with District Dep- NOW THRU SATURDAY in 1912, accomplished the feat SUNDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY SI, AK.l I discussing several picture offers. these fans have that permit their twice in one season, uty Robert Holzheimer, Wood- Her book, "I Live to Love," will regular attendance, — Christian bridge in charge. Rev. Victor Gra- Stewart Granger 5. Jake Pitler, the Brooklyn P "CATTU be published this fall. Science Monitor. Dodger coach, on May 24, 1918. brian spoke on the benefits of "WIZARD OF OZ" George Sanders HOT! being a good and active mem- L OF In Technicolor ; U. S, technical aid is called boon ber. Chief Sheridan presided at "MOON FLEET" I! Barbara S'.m" ' i Kunuld l!i i.:iii ENJOY. YOURSELF to Latin America. the session. SUNDAY Thru WEDNESDAY CinemaScope S And be comfortable in cool ALSO CARTOON Suits, Shirts anij Sportswear. MOiDAYjJEASPRAJLDINliERWARE id the \M Stop in. All summer goods SALE Friday & Saturday "THE SEA CHASE" WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY, AUGl'ST .;. I ON SALE NOW. ' John Wayne and Lana Turner HOME REMODELING "THE SEA CHASE" >N«XI)1V1IIP (In CinemaScope) John Wayne - Lana Turner Children's Fall Clothing! CN ANY JOB FROM CELUlt TO ROOF-AS LOW AS $S PER MO Also Warner Bros, Trcsent It In Warner Cnlur, SUrc M I ' SEE OUR DISPLAYS— Bonded — ALSO — The Bowery Boys, Leo Goreey ami Hun'/ "' , Reg. SALE • KITCHENS . • DORMERS 103 MAIN STREET Cerfifjed "The Purple Mask" "SPY CHASERS" • BATHS • RUMPUS ROOMS Neil to Woolworth's CORDUROY CRAWLERS us to ^ 1.08 to 1.38 Insured Tony Curtis and Colleen Miller 15 Friday Till 9 P. M, ' AIL TYPli OF REPAtRS SATURDAY SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEE AT 1 Corduroy Slacks <*»»'««> i•»« to 2.981.38 to 1.88 UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY »-^OR PHONE FLANNEL SHIRTS 1.00 to w» .18 to 1.88 THE 0AFf.1T COMPANY WITH 3500 SQ. FT. OF DISPUY AREA POLO SHIRTS 1.00 to 2.98 .78 to 1.88 LAST 3 NIGHTS Girl's Flannel Lined Slacks \M to zosOS to 1.88 Thursday - Friday - Saturday Boy's Flannel! PAJAMAS i»« to m],n to 1.88 (July 2& 29, 30th) NYLON SLACKS , •> .50 llnincll Oltirr: fall CMarier 7-7HH Corduroy & Gabardine Sets 7.9s t» io.985.00 to 7.00 St. Cecelia's I Limited Quantity) Best Brand Training Pants wi .50 (Si/en 1 and 2) | ISELIN, N. J. ISELIN FAIR ISELIN THEATRE Ll-8-1279 Treat The Family ALL SUMMER GOODS Iselin, New Jersey To Hey Boys and Girls! SUNDAY - NOW ON SALE - SATURDAY, JULY 3Dth — Free Admission DINNER Gipntk Matinee Sh«w Starting at 1:30 P. M. FREE Parking in Churph Parking L Tfie Createst Technlcfi]or Chnaren'S Ttciure nrun Times At riMHOlT

|{l Come Early!! Don't Miss It!! Mis» It for ALL ' i /;/i> Khrushchev May Moon \t HIGIIttR'N A KITE! CARTERET PRESS We Americans have been disappointed by

published Every Friday by Csrteret Press the Russians so many times we have now reached the stage where we believe nothing fiSl Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, N, J. Republicans 51%-- Democrats Telephone Carteret 1-5600 they say, In being skeptical about the words of Russian leaders, however, we Charlei E, Gregory 49% in Statewide Vote for ' Editor and Publisher should keep in mind—and we don't—that it is possible that some new leader in Mos- Subscription rate* by mall, Including post- cow want to avoid war. ^e one year, «3.00; six months, $1.50; three Congressmen months, B5 cents; slngrle copies by mall, 10 The danger in mentioning such a possi- rents. All payable In advance. bility—and it is a definite possibility—is By carrier delivery, 8 cents per copy. By KENNETH FINK. Director, *' 1948 Election 51 A 48 4 that super patriots here in the United Prlnrrton KtMarch Service 1950 Election 55 2 44 8 Entered as second class matter June 6,1824, States immediately accuse anyone who ad- PRINCETON-How would the "1*52 Election 57 4 42« at carteret, N. J.. Post Office, under the Act. mits such a possibility of being pink, or two major political parties stand 1954 Election 51.2 48 8 nf March 1, 1879. in the state It New Jersey citi- TODAV8 NEW pro-Communists, or appeaser, or even a zens were voting [or Congrcu JERSEY POLL 51.0 4!>0 dreamer. today Instead of In November. ••Presidential Election Year Expendable? \ 1!>56? ' , Two Important facts should be Trying to be realistic, however, which is Results of the latest statewide kept In mind In Interpreting to- in the Interests of this country and its fu- "trlnl heal" of voter preference day's findings: As most of us know, ours is the railroad- ture, one must admit that the new power by Die New Jersey Poll show Re- 1. The figures corrern nn!y jnjrrst state in the Union. It has more publlnin candidates for Congress in Russia, Nlkita Khrushchev, has not yet candidates for the House of [tracks per mile than any other. The eleven nmniiiR ahead of Democratic Representatives. Every one personally promised this country's govern- candidates by a margin of two of the 14 New Jersey Con- ,,ajor railroads serving the Garden State ment actions and behavior which he has per sent. gressional Districts will Today's findings represent lit- hold elections next year for ,,,,-iod 54 million tons of.freight last year, fajled to produce. tle chance In sentiment since the House. novidecl upwards of 40 million commuter Possibly he will fail us, with broken lust November, when OOP can- 2. The findings reflect senti- promises and deception, just as have other didntcs for Congress i House of ment for New Jersey RS a and split a payroll of 122 millions Representatives > polled 51.2 per whole. They cannot be ap- 34,000 Jersey!tes. Russian rulers. Yet Khrushchev, so far, has cent of the statewide vote for plied to any single Con- acted differently. He told U. S. newsmen Concessional candidates, and gressional District. the Democrats, 48.8 per cent. In 1948. the OOP made n clean Yrt, as C. A. Major, president of the Le- when he was in Belgrade that they could Here's how the vote went In sweep of the state with the ex- Valley Railroad, recently told the New come to Russia. They came. He has opened the state when New Jersey Poll ception of Hudson County, win- 3runswick Kiwanis Club, this Is the indus- up the doors to visits, Inside Russia, to a staff reporters put the following ning 12 of 14 Congressional Uio State has selected, apparently for a. good percentage of those seeking to go question to a representative seats. sample of the state's voters: In 1948, 1050 and 1952 the demonstration of the oft-forgotten truism there. i 4 "If the elections for Con- OOP took 9 Congressional scats; that: "The power to tax is the power to He has talked more frankly to U. S. dip- (tress were being held today, the Democrats, 5. which pnrty would you like to And In 1954, the GOP won 8 Bestroy." lomatic personnel in Moscow than any top see win In your own ConKres- Congressional seats; the Demo- In an address bristling with shocking Russian leader since 1917, when the Reds slonni District —the Republi- crats, ' 0 —the present state came to power. His government apologized can or the Democratic?" lineup. ids and figures, Mr. Major drove home Statewide Vote for Congressmen It must be understood that to- Ihe archaic and discriminatory taxation of for a shooting incident off Russia recently I House of Representatives) day's Poll findings reflect only Lilrnads by the men in Trenton. "Much j-the first suoh reaction from Russia in Republlnin 51% current sentiment and that, bilroad property is, assessed at, near or many years. Russia has turned Over ships Democratic 49 much can happen between now and small craft given her under Lend- When today's results are and November, 1956. Ivor 100 per .cent," he said, "while the stRcked up alongside the vote In This newspaper presents the iveragc assessment of non-railroad prop- Lease since he came to power. Payment on the Now Jersey 1946, 1948, 1960, reports of the New Jersey Poll Russia's Lend-Lease account was recently 1952 and 1954 Congressional exclushwly In this area Watch. erty runs around 34 per cent of value." for them in this newspaper. made. Elections, the trend looks like this means, "that while railroad property this: We write this, not thinking Russia has Opinions of Others HE WORKS IT LESS pays at the same local rate as non-railroad A statistician says the property, the higher assessment often suddenly turned into a lamb but because husband, has a larger vocabulary ex railroad property bear far more than we Americans should always hold out the RETURN OF THE ONE-ROOM $100 valuation in the last two House compromise set the ap- than the average wife. His stock SCHOOL years. propriation at $18,000,000, a may be larger, but his turnover is :ts share of the tax burden." hope of peace and understanding, if there • , Ka Do is even a chance that an agreement is at- Most modem schools are con- One cannot tell a book by its setback of $600,000 from the considerably smaller.—Minneapo- Speaking of the State's thoroughness in structed of steel, brick and mor- cover, nor a school by its shell, previous year. 1946 Election .... 69.6% 40.4% lis Star, axing pvery last item of railroad property, tainable. It seems Khruschchev will bef eas- tar. Many of them are single- but the prospect of -one-room Perhaps other Americans, ier to deal with than any Russian leader storied buildings that spread out primary schools seems in the sensing a relation between this Jr. Major surprised many of his hearers over large acreages. All of them best classic tradition of educa- work and the efforts of Geneva, hy tolling them that "those flashing lights sinse 1917. art expensive and all of them tion—not just for living but for will feel better disposed than crowded. There are still one- life, Farmers on the outskirts of their Congressmen. It is always jind automatic gates" for the protection of room country schools in the cities With increasing popula- hard to pay out hard cash for he public at railroad crossings are paid for Time - Most Valuable Possession small towns and 'villages, but tions would do well to make sure intangibles. But at this moment large centiialized schools have their school boards have con- in world history the future of per cent by the railroads, "and on top Did you ever stop and try to think of for the most part supplanted sidered these house schools for peace may be decided by intan- \{ that are taxed by the State." the most valuable thing on earth? Is it, a them. For many years, factories the grammar grades before vot- gibles. Is there a moral for Con- In the category of waterfront facilities, of the mind have been running ing on huge appropriations for gress here?—The Christian Sci- etence Creates Confidence diamond? Is it gold? Some say it would wild with full-blown sails. modern educational factories of ence Monitor. \t cited a $400,000 "float-bridge," on which be power, riches, or friends. Now, pendulum-like, school the mind. — The Rural New ho State had allowed only $115,000 depre- architecture seems to be swing- Yorker. VACATION CHECK-UP You rniftnt.thinltJl..iiouli^ lojte. Or- ...tri? back toward- snuril buiMintr- • Wkrm .Tvtuttwr and ?afRdlnna cation in 23 years of rugged service. The tainly, faith and love, which are tied closely in the form of, not school houses, A MORAL FOR CONGRESS? are now with us in earnest, For Summits depend on what lies those who have begun their an- ailroad may confidently look forward to together, are the greatest virtues, of which but house schools. . Both new aying taxes on this already beaten-up and old schools on Long Island, under them. nual summer holidays, as well as there are many—like unselfishness, sin- where th*e have been grealt The desire for understanding for those still to go, the auto- quipment until the year 2012f serity, kindness, etc. population Increases, are too of one another's points of view mobile will, as ever, be a.popular if the policy of the State were designed crowded for proper instruction gives reason for hope even when mode of transportation. But hot But what is the one most valuable thing? of boys and girls. So houses in the going gets rough for the weather also is hard on the fam- bankrupt the railroads and to force Dismissing faith, which transcends all else, residential developments are be- technicians. One example of it ily automobile, so It Is only an Ibandonment of the passenger operations ing purchased by school districts is reported from New York. That application of common sense of course, what is there left more valuable and used as primary classrooms, city played host to 150 students that cars should be puMn tip- }huh serve so,many thousands of its citi- than anything else? What is worth more to be sold later as homes when from other countries this week top mechanical condition and en.s, the tax policies could not be better the towns can afford standard who debarked under sponsorship kept that way for week-end and than anything—other than faith? school construction or when the of three groups promoting visits longer vacations. :l," says Mr, Major. Time. Time's the most valuable thing you need for enlarged classroom to the United States. The prudent and safety-mind- .space Is relieved. In this way Not many bottom-level dip- It is therefore up to the enlightened citi- ; ed car-owner will follow the ad- Lnme corporations set aside substantial reserves which own. The amount of it you have left may " there is a hedge both on time and lomats? No; but the students' vice of the Automobile Club of nmy be drown on In tlie event of Atlvena market condl- lens nf New Jersey, he says, to tell their depe,nd on you. A strange thing about time money, a#d suitable classrooms arrival highlights some encour- New York to give special atten- tlons In their purtlculftr llelds ot op«ratlon. They ALSO gislators that they do not want the rail- are meanwhile provided in good aging facts. tion to the brakes, cooling sys- further PROTECT their pool tlons—and their stockholders— is that rich people cannot buy it. They can surroundings. In El Paso, Texas, with adequate Insurance. At it relatively minor cost, you The United States has become tem, battery, jgnition, tires, en- (bads driven out of the State. The issue is a plan of bungalo* schools has mny follow their good Judgment by applying their tech- j sometimes extend it with medical care, but the center of world student ex- gine, chassis and steering, all of worked well. First and second nlque by the proper Insurance cov(r»|« on your home, j simple as that. And since the power to change. which do heavy-duty service in your automobile and other valuable poweulons. We cun just as often their riches actually reduce grade children there attend Some 40,000 students from summer. Similarly, it is a good be tot help—Insurancewlse. ; unequally speeds up the power to de- •the supply of it they have, by inducing school in buildings like tHeir own abroad used American educa- homes and in their neighbor- idea* to check all car lights for Friendly Service As Near As Your Phone ny, there is rift time to lose. wrong living, or by causing violence, or tional facilities in the last aca- burned-out bulbs, dirty or fogged hoods; two-bedroom houses; demic year. with Inner partitions left out, are' lenses and • bad connections.. attracting danger./ They settle for a year of more used for primary classrooms. Headlights should be examined in every one of the United States. When you waste a day, or a week, you Young children cross no ma jar for proper focusing. Windshield Pays Father's Debts While here they "represent" traffic artery to reach their wipers, horn and parking brake will never recover" those hours and days. in an Informal^ but useful way -|1 schools; they are practically in should be inspected. ' ran across a news item in a metro- nearly 130 countries, colonial They have been spent, never to return, and their backyards. The cost of Once the motorist is on the areas, etc. Then they go home to tan daily the other day that impressed these El Paso bungalow schools road he should have his radiator, if you learned nothing in that time, failed "represent" in their homelands was about $430 per pupil. Con- oil and battery water-level very greatly. We are passing the infor- to improve yourself in some, way, or failed all of the 48 states. struction of equal space in a checked every time he stops for Ktion onto our readers in the event that ,to better your position in life, ytfu lived standard school would have cost Tmong the visitors are many gasoline. Tire pressures should teachers and scholars capable of [n did not see the item. wastefully in that time. about $800. Residents in the area (Continued on Page 10) have found what they think to providing useful interpretation may Mercer, who is one of the coun- In spite of all man's inventions and be a most satisfying and jeco- of American motivations which fv's must successful song writers, is au- knowledge, he can still do little-with time. nomical way of housing their are often misunderstood abroad. primary school children and Nevertheless. Congress as a V as many song lovers know, of that hit Time was the subject which probably fasci- they believe that their own home whole seems only mildly im- of some years back, "Sentimental nated the late Albert Einslein most of all. properties have been Increased pressed. The Senate recently ,in value by the development of voted all the $22,000,000 Presi- |'V" Johnny recently made a trip, for It brings about life, causes death, makes well-kept nearby schools, JThe dent Eisenhower had asked for 1 that tune, would,have provided per- plants and animals grow, takes care of El Paso school tax rate has been this project, but the House of ( reduced from $1.35 to $1.32 per Representatives offered to ap- 't mood music. \ everything. Time will heal any wound, will prove orily $12,000,000. A Senate- Hf returned to his home town of Savaji- Spive any problem, if applied in great ah - Ga., and there he deposited a check enOugh measure. •: GLAMOR GIRLS SMu.OOO in a Savannah bank to pay off if man could ever capture the secret 'of persons who had Invested in a real the ravages of time, he piuld prolong life, llf' and insurance firm owned by his late perhaps stop the process of ageing. 1(1' The company failed •• twenty-eight P»'s ago. TV Scene-Shifter his death the elder Mercer cher- flcd the hope of some day paying off the In her syndicated TV column, the lovely, 1 ••* of certificates of deposit With the talented, witty and exuberant Fayo'Emer- I""net company,' and this hope was shared son has proposed that the television injlus- "Step by step ws 1r«v#f a long way," >. son. try abandoh the cavernous congestion of says an old prevtrb. And deposit by '"High Johnny Mercer has been a sue- New York City for the sunny, amipng deposit, th» tljfifty penon travail 11 'son8 writer for some 'year now,, reaches ^f sandy Florida. I nassia & a fortune of $300,000 to pay off "Thfey would have the advantage of an a long woy-jto any goal desired, Cdrtf I 28-yea -oid debt takes considerable doing, almost perfect climate, WWterful riving r in soon for your savings passbook. [en l» a man Whose income is registered conditions for all technical and admtnistra- Jtho upper brackets. tive personnel, and room to spread out," 2% Paid on Savings Accounts [However, evert though his father has says Miss Emerson. "Add to this sqme of P dead for some years now, Johnny felt .the greatest natural scenery for backdrops, Open Friday 4 to « P, M. *l obligation to the certificate holders and you have the perfect set-up," |ai is seldom seen in these days. In our This, we think is an excellent idea, and f nation, and we know in the eyes of we're all for it. In fact, in the case of some Woodbridge National Bank "'"« who recei^ money they thought TV shows we could mention, we would go MEMBER - h < Johnny Mercer stands out as a even farther-farther south, that is ... federal Reserve iSyolem in Kcdrrul Dfi'Osil IIIHUI iiiice Curi>»t»tUm "f uniuutf integrity just BELOW Key West, say. "la it really five years »ince you^caught my bridal PRESS, PAGE SEVEN bouquet?!". CARTERET V]>T: ;. JUT 7 2H, 1355 r\OF, EIGHT

Spread on cake. Sprinkle chopped nuts over cake. Nature's Finest and Freshest Heavenly Hash Cake 1 stick butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup flour, sifted 'a :'up cocoa r ', ill) milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract FRUITS i ,' iiiiu, niiUion of the cook i.s . I.IM-II ihcsc hot days to de- 1 well CKB 1 cup nuts M : r-,rinn food that appeals '•i -up simar 1 teaspoon baking powder an< ti< i.idwl appetites. These 'j mil butler or mnri'arlnc Mar*hmallows cut into small . i • .• ,,i olve Hie (it'sst'rt proD- 1 cup sunnr pieces 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar. Add ( iiriimi'l Kpice Cake 2 (!|!g.S one eg* and half the flour, which , ••iiji hutlcr (if margarine 2 cups sifted cake flour has been sifted with the baking . rn;c, siitc:| take flour 1 teaspoon sodu powder, Beat well Add second egg % teaspoon salt 1 nil Miyur and remaining flour. Beat well. a-i cup milk ] ii ,is;iooii baking pawdw Dissolve cocoa in a small amount You're always sure of really fresh, top quality produce m 1. i ••.isijiiiin soda Melt chocolate In a saucepan, of water and add with the vanilla SOME KICKER! . . . Jack I.a- Acme! Rushed to your local market fresh daily in the v,vt I ii"i.N])iii)ii salt add milk, well beaten egg, and Unne, Oakland itwif man, hours every morning! Only the finest meets Acme'* t\vi{[ L % cup sugar. Cook over low heat to cake batter. Add nuta. Spread' , ti-:i.s))o'ii|i brown sUKur 3 suares unsweetened chocolate, 3 stiffly beaten egB whites 1846 STAMP BRINGS f4,200 11 ; 1,> milk melted LONDON—An Australian stamp Bunting with juice and flavoi. '1 I'IIII'. .sifted confectioners' Cream _ butter, add vanilla and 1 .slightly beaten egg sugar. Beat well. Add egg yolks collector recently paid $4,200 for a Ml" 1111 4 tablespoons softened butter and beat thoroughly. Add sifted United States 5-cent stamp, made Mi II butter, add brown sugar. !<4 teaspoon rum extract by hand in 1846. The stamp, be- ciil uiie minute, stirring con- dry ingredients alternately with Chopped nuts the graham cracker crumbs and lieved one of twelve still in exist- .iii)iiy. Cool sliKhtly. Add milk; Blend sugar and hoi water into ence, w'Er^uied by th postmaster i'ji smooth. Beat in confection- milk. Add nuts. Fold in egg white. chocolate. Beat half of egg Into of Millburf! Mass. Postmasters r.' .•.(iniir, btatlng until spreading Bake In two waxed paper-lined • Ik ICC Tangy! Sen* With SrMdood. «* #\c chocolate mixture; then beat in were permitted to Issue their own nii ,::ifiicy. Spread on cake. eight-Inch cake pans. Bake in an remaining egg. Beat in the butter, oven (350 degrees 1 30 to 35 min- local stamps up to 1847. LIME J Salads oi Malenil Dura IV Fudge Cake a tablespoon at a time. Add ex- utes. Cool, Spread layers with !' 1 - (.nncij squares unsweetened tract. Place pan in ice water and whipped* cream. Serve with fresh U. S. factories set a production beat until spreading consistency. fruits. record in May. Volume No. 12 Now On Sale! ~~| Do - It - Yourself i Encyclopedia ! DURALCO 3 DAY I $3.49 Value 99* Each VolurnC ' Sensational offer! Right from the pages of Popular Mechanics' I

Corvette Pattern SUInlwi Tableware It's a SALE never heard of before! IT'S DURALCO'S GREATEST VALUE OFFER EVER! C With J.i THREE BARGAIN DAYS — THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Purcliitite SATURDAY! SHOP Won't tarnish, won't rust, won't corrode! Start with Unit #1 con- sisting of 4-piece setting, 7!)e' A EARLY PRODUCT OF INTERN ATlu.V BIG SAVINGS FOR ALL! No need to wait V^ AL SXVKH HI. until the week- It end to save at \ ktmtl Prices ef- •' STORM and SCREEN feetlve on Wed- ALUMINUM nesday. DOORS Lancaster Brand "U. S. Choice" COMPLETE First Quality WITH HARDWARE VENETIAN Rib Roast Completely Installed! CALL TODAY! Oven Ready! ,. CA Any Size up to 37 x 85 Opening BLINDS ID> SIZES 23" x 36" WIDE 7-kA Cut J T BY 64" LONG ONE PRICE - NONE HIGHERI Famous top-quality lancaster Brand NOW government graded "U. S. Choice" MOW- California Redwood Combination steer beef! 2for 4.44 Ready-for'the-Pot Storm Windows IIAKIHV FowMake tasty fricasseel , chicken salad, thicken pie! 49 Virginia Lee LEMON -IIUED ('.herb Time Features ,

ili^JLUyNE REDWOOD INSERTS Lancaster Brand Fireside SUced, 8-oi. pkg. 35 U>. pkK. 49' ALL ALUMINUM CHANNELS TRIPLE GUIDE ACTION Lancaster RING Briind '/4 Ib. C COMPLETELY RUST PROOF Smoked Beef Z5' INSTALLATION li FROZEN 10'/r<*. SPECIAL! SKLF STORING- OPTIONAL pkg. 45 NO CHANGING 1 Lobster Tails NX VLAIK OB Genuine 3-Cppnnel I Pound Cake • SIZES UP TO 40 x 80 THUlfs., FRI., and SAT. ONLY! SCREJEN & STORM STEAKS Swordfish FROZEN Ib. pkg, 49 ' aurtiHi OLD FASHIUNK TASTE O* SKA I Bread • BONNIK DAY WINDOWS Sole Found Package 49f 29' ALL ALUMINUM JALOUSIES All Extruded Alumlinm Lady Fingers Heavy extruded aluminum frames (63x75) for maximum strength. 411 precision hard- ware, Secur-Lock louvre clip 1J.88 i IDEAL CHOPPED 75 needs no adjusting or Iwnding, .if.. locks the glass in ite own Installation Optional IDEAL AND UP tension grip. - 18 • NO TRACKS TO REMOVE CATSUP TOMATO 35 l BROCCOLI EASY CREDIT! • NO GADGETS Cull nuw and a courteous salesman will call on you with t ANY SIZE UP TO GIANT CAMPBELL li-oi. .... no BEANS PORK AND Cans 25 The Miracle Meat SPAM 12-0^. Can 35 Fancy Rindless DURALCO Manufacturing Products Con BALA CLUB 29-01. Domeitic Sliced Assorted i Bottles SODA 25 I Grade A 224 SOUTH SECOND ST. SUNSHINE Hydrox, Vienna Fingers, Macaroon, Kreemlined I'HONKS: i SWISS PERTH AMBOY IU-2-0800 COOKIES 2 45 ll < CHEESE DIKKCTIONS' " Mjrhtt Street, upixisU* Jersey Pluiublii) or Supply (V . . (Near Clio new White Diamond) ^PIC f I ICf Swanee Colored fa ^a^^C DRIVK KMillT INTO OUJt SHOWROOM LOT HI2-7078 l Tlbbucd TOILET 9 M.-99 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL J - SATURDAY !i TILL 6 'SO Wf_ Mop Early! All Advertised Prices Effective Wednesday Thru Saturday, July 27 to PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1 !)<>!) PAOE NINE Home c7 Four Mutual Funds Port Reading Personals 1 REMEMBER" IYTHI OLD TIMERS •y MRS. JOHN T. MoDONNEIX nette, Andrea, and Audrey of 15 Siith Street Perth Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank From Lonl*a Colcmaa, HWIby, rnrt Rftadlm Nudge and children Frank and Montana: I rrmeniber when I med WO-8-J11Z-W Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. John Med- In scrub my mother'! kitchen vetz and daughter Lorraine, Mr. Snmmcr School Closes Uhle It wu home-made. 00 00- and Mrs. Frank Medvetz, Jr., of rlnth or tn>di'>.i| on It Qn Sunday, Children of St. Anthony's R. C. Carteret, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'lniiT.l h .summer school participa- mnihrr uied white tibleclotht. Kozlowskl and children, Judy and 1 cm remember lh« Iron kttO* %%'% ed hi closing exercises Friday. Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur They sung the <(t my mother! home icron th« Davey and son, Arthur. Jr.. Mrs. ocean I cooked In one many times. 8:00 o' clock Joseph Davey, and Mrs, Andrew Mass after It wu white enamel tnildt tnd I Christensen of South Amboj Miss used It until the emmel cnlpptd which a pro- Jay Mayjar of Woodbrldge, and gram In the on, then had to discard It 1 tlto Mrs. John Lazar, Sr., Mrs. John cleaned iteel knlvei tnd forka with form of a va- Homlch and daughter Diane, Mr. riety show was a brick. and Mrs. Steve Lam and daugh- We used Arbucklf and Uoa presented In the ter, Linda Ann, all of town. school hall. enffof ground In a coffee grinder. Children taking Home On Visit I also remember driving our chtt- part In the pro- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reynolds of' drrn to school in • rubber covered Des Molnes, Iowa, are spending a whirl buggy I would drlvt to •\liKTH, N. J.—Hugh W. Long, president of Hugh W. Long K r n m were n.i two week vacation visiting Mr. Swrctgrais. Montana for groceries .any, Inc., has announced details of the new office building Matthew Reynolds parents, Mr. and Mrs. When can first became numerous, ,.i'. muted here for a group ot mutual funds whose aggrc- Pi-Btteroll, Ralph Pratteroll, Peter C. Reynolds of Blair Roaa. Queen, the beautiful mart w« ,.|.; of well over one-third of a billion dollars entitle them Anna Grace Lombardl, Emma drove, would always want to turn , . as one of New Jersey's largest financial institutions. D'Alessio, Joseph Nardl, Lillian New Arrival 1( around and chase them. Wt anally mutual funds are Fundamental Investors, Diversified In- Cluffreda, Joseph Banner, Patricia A daughter was born to Mr. and Flshermfn ln the NfW TAD XI IM A TDADUIV— Jersey State Tuna Tournament sold her to the cannera. She ••! ,,i Fund, Manhattan Bond Fund, and Diversified Growth Capik, Patricia Barbate, Joanne Mis. Joseph Travagllone of 20 \\Jr 1 UINA I l\Urn I Ail*. I, 2 and 3 will be angling for this top Individual 10 awfully old *4 could Dot kt«p .,inr| whose 95,992 shareholders are located in all 48 states. Perioll, Patricia Wood, Ermollena Grant Avenue Saturday at the award—a 32-inch gold-plated trophy donated by William €. Krueger, prominent Newark brewer her any longer; ^ Company is sponsor of the funds. Coppolo, Janet Dossena, Barbara Perth Amboy General Hospital. and ardent deep-sea fisherman. Above, tournament officials Bob Ramstj (left) and Captain Jot ! ,(>ng today recalled that "When we came to Elizabeth from Miller, Francis Lombardl, Melody Alter Boys Take Trip VanBuren accept trophy from Mr. Krueger (right). It will be awarded for heaviest tuna ciwbt la I can remember crossing • ftflt ., , t in 1952, our assets totalled $235,000,000. Operation in Ann Kollar, Phyllis Kollar, Chris- Rev. Stanislaus Milos, pastor of the BHmar'bastd tournament, annual high soot of the Jersey derpwa fislilnc calendar. Instead of opening the large fatal A Jrrscy community is conducive to the progress of mutual Una Kollar, Linda Gusazly, Jo- St., Anthony's R. C. Church, which they used to have. There u h as those we administer. Our assets are now approxi- anne and Susan Perioll, Frances Brother Bill Capano, his summer Among the new courses avnil- Todny's Politics. Executive were also toil roadi tnd you had j 1110.000,090," Lakatos, and Pamela Zullo. school assistant, and the follow- Evening Courses ible this fall in New Brunswick and Supervisory Leadership, Form to pay before they would let you ing altar boys: Paul Marglotto, ,0 degree-seeking students will be through. new building is being constructed on a spacious tree-lined Prizes were awarded for at- DeslRn and Control, Salesman- Victor D'Alessio, Francis Lom- Monfiction Writing, Victorian Lit- • * • Mi,- southwest corner of Westminster Avenue and Parker talnment and attendance by Rev. hip, Photography, Applied Psy: bardi, and Alfred Russo took a trip erature, Social Ethics, History of Prom Mn Uttle Breyfeftlt t ,„ ;n-ca one block removed from the former site of the his- Stanislaus Mllos, pastor. Begin on Monday cnology, and Tool and Die Design, to the Seminary at Darlington, 'hllosophy, Eflemintfiry Fienc!) remember when I waa awakened • ,iy School. Plans were drawn by the architectural firm Art and handicraft of the chil- mathematics political science and : N. J. The other altar boys will go Russia and the Soviet, and Pro- In the morning to the tweet rnuite i:, M. Dennis, Elizabeth. The 2-story red brick structure, of dren was displayed In the church NEW BRUNSWICK—Registra- psychology. at some future date because car ramming for Digital Computers. o( mother grinding coffee. Although ,i drsign, is similar to the Wren building on the campus hall Friday morning. tions for fall evening courses at space was limited. NATIONAL OUTPUT 1 have enjoyed many cupa tlnce ,:im and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia. Completion Playground News Rutgers University here begin In addition to the new courses, The altar boys will go on their National output climbed to that time, none has ever listed ,hlr<1 for early 1956. In the sand modeling contest next Monday, August 1. i new degree program in sociology annual trip to Asbury Park Mon- new peak in June, when It regain- quite 10 good as that which mother !,.,ut exception, all the principal operating officers of Hugh Patricia Wood, Patricia Capik, and Advisers will be available every is being introduced. This program day. They will leave by train Mon- ed the record rate of $37,000,000 used to {rind in the old coffee mill n; and Company and the four mutual funds and their in- Joanne Ferroli served as judges. afternoon, Monday through Fri- with majors ln community organi- day morning from Perth Amboy. reached in mid 1953. according to • • • : i advisory organization are residents of New Jersey. In The following winners were cho- day, from 2:00 to 4:00, and on zation and group relation brings to The boys of St. Anthony's play- Commerce Secretary Sinclair (Rtnl Mslrlkitl.ti U (Mi !•!••• t* i in Mr. Long, who makes his home in Englewood, the sen: Prettiest: Cynthia Covino, Monday and Wednesday evenings twelve the degree programs now Thi 014 Tlmtr. Comminllr Pim iaiv. ed the summer school boys of St. Weeks, who declared, "We have - iidicers and their places of residence include W. Emlen Cynthia Wosam, Carol DeRosa, from 7:00 to 9:00 throughout available evenings in New Bruns- In, riaaklirl, Kailieky.) Andrew's of Avenel in a return caught up after the post-Korean ., ;. Far Hills; Charles J. Vollhardt, Ridgewood; Thomas F. Emma D'Alessio, Beverly Ahlertng, August to counsel on either eve wick. The others Include account- baseball game Wednesday. let-down." PHILADELPHIA. Pa. — While ; ;,nd Eugene J. Habas, both of Maplewood; Thomas J. Carolyn Covino, and Charlotte nlng degree or noncredit adult ing, chemistry, economics, English, • Annandale; Vernon S. Vivian, Elizabeth; and Glenn O. Sterphone; Workmanship—John Mrs. John McDonnell and chil- programs for fall study. history, management, marketing GENEVA CONVENTIONS watching children playing on me- Haley, Steve Parkas, Howard Kut- dren Maureen, Brian, Kathleen, ! The regulation offices for In the noncredit division, wrier The United States became the chanical amusement devices in yak, Roy Covino; smallest Castle and John T. Jr., James J. McDon- :•:•.!. ;iir for the now building is the Lehigh Construction both programs are conducted in adults seeking specialized instruc- forty-eighth country to approve front of a supermarket here, Don- —Celeste Covino, Theresa and nell, Lorraine and Billy Conran, ..;i, uf Union, New Jersey. the same building at 77 Hamilton tion are not required to file high the revised Geneva Convention, ald Nagel, 3. feli dead. An autopsy Louis Nardiallo, Annlyn and Dar- Pamela and Carole Zullo of town which set up new standards for Ellen Maye Ahlering of Carleret, Street (New Brunswick). school or other academic records showrri the boy died of an electric lene Barsi, Billy Saffron, and Sal- nineteen new subjects are being the treatment of prisoners of war ihock, probably by touching One vntore Ciardiello; Most original- and Nancy and William Lima of New students wishing to en- and civilians captured as the Sen- Sewaren spent Wednesday at Va- roll for credit courses In the State offered ln accounting, art, fi- of the devices which had not been Anna G. Lombardl, Bermy Cop- nance, English, history, real estate ate voted 77-0 for it. properly grounded. polo, Carmen Simeone, and Joseph nada Woods. University's evening division are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sagso, advised by Dean Ernest E. Mc- management, marketing and psy- JAPANESE TRADE Szoke. chology. ' Sr. and daughter Geraldlne of A Mahon to begin their enrollmen Japan bought $468,300,000 more GUIDED MISSILES A bubble gum contest will be Street and Miss Maureen Simeone as early as possible in August. Among these ninetten new from the United States than her held Friday at 2:00 o'clock Mrs. The Army recently disclosed the of West Avenue are vacationing at Early enrollment, according tc special Interest subjects are Fed exports to this country were Carmen D'Alessio, supervisor, an- fact that more than 100 former Point Pleasant. the dean, makes it possible for eral Income Tax Law, Industrial worth. Exports to the United nounces. German scientists and specialists Mr. and Mrs. Sabby Martino high school records to be filed with Accounting, Introduction to States accounted for 168 per cent are now developing guided missiles Notes and daughter Joan of Woodbrldge the evening Admissions Commit Painting and Composition, Cera- of Japan's total for the year and for the United States at the Guid- Miss Betty Wisnlewskl of Wood- Avenue spent Sunday at Point tee before the deadline of Septem mics and Ceramic Sculpture, The United States goods amounted to ed Missiles project located in Ala- bridge Avenue and Brother Bill of Pleasant. ber 1. Small Investor, Principles of Fl- 37 per cent of her lmpo/ts. bama. St. Anthony's were guests of Mrs. Anthony Orloskl and daughter Ellen, along with Ellen's fiance on a trip to South Hampton, Long Is- land today. Miss Adele D'Orsi of B Street is spending two weeks at Point YOU CAN PAY A LOT Pleasant. MORE MONEY Miss Dorothy D'Orsi of B Street is, spending JJtf-summer .vacation* AND STILL KOI.GET Ing • with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corcione, of Long ALL THESE CHEVROLET Branch. N, J. ADVANTAGES! Birthday Celebrated Little Miss Christine Lazar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve "Lazar of 35 Blair Road, was hon- Body by Fisher ored on her fourth birthday by an outdoor celebration at her home. Found in Sunday. Guests in attendance many of were 'Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dudash America's and son, Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. in the large economy size S DVAI t ARM HAND .. . Klnf rial of Gr«ee« Itupectt whett ihwf d nther roy»i fimlljr member* tt*k part li h»iTMl fettlTtl Anton Stec and daughters An- costliest cars-you get it sj, ihcssaly. only in Chevrolet in the low-price field. lllltl i: DEGREES SOVIET TRADE 'i is MIL—Not satisfied Free world exports to the Soviet 12-Volt Electrical System 1.1 ti'^iee from Wash- Union reached a postwar peak last HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Delivers twice V •••:.-"ty. William R. yei.r while exports to the entire •••-' <>i Clayton, worked Co amunlst bloc of nations rose the punch for 1 : .iiul. on graduation IVOR 710 KC. 1:15 P.M. Sunday twenty-four per cent over 1953. quicker starting •»JI LI warded three in all weather; ' ';l im of iins, bache- :i. inWwior of science better ignition "•m.'iLstralion, for finer per- formance! IMN >KiRE(iATION." M "Colored — For •i1 "» n Washington Ball-Race Steering "•'••I-, employes of the Special ball bearings in the •• in Washington be- steering gear reduce fric- •"i Of the total of •"I fLuiiiljes living In tion . . . ma)i.c steering a I'li'ven moved 'out lot easier. 1 1 and twa others •''"•' of intentlor} to High-Level Ventilation Takes in air above road •':.!'U' will try for a heal, fumes and dust. A I ''•• sandwiching the special chamber prevents ' > remodel a farm- rain from entering the car, ;-l|1i between a couple II and supplies a more even articles.—Mllwau- TRAVEL flow of air.

Outrigger Rear Springs ". M. Zalewski TODAY Spaced wide apart to give, you sure-footed stability EXAMINED Within a savings depart- on curves. ment pass book can be the key to the attainment of Anti-Dive Braking 1 '''ISSUING AVENUE many fond hopes, Systematic deposits out of income in a (A Surprising, how little it takes to put this big.dreamboat in your driveway for 1-7608 First Bank and Trust Com- pany account, fashion the keys to security knd enjoy- ment. and we cordiallyinvite keeps. And your dollarsfculdirt begin to buy more pure pleasure anywhere else. Chevrolet's the only .car Vb to loin our ever-grw-" in the industry that stops l%^T-^vtrrgr'tte- with its head_up!_Au ex-^ elusive CEevrolel dlevelop-*' positors who thus are plan- ment greatly reduces "nose njlng their futures. down" under sudden stops. have you driving the long way home just for "the fun of it You owe yourself Bank in Air-Conditioned Comfort at ... this new Chevrolet. Come in and see how easily you can swing it! "The Bank with All the Service?' IIVI SUPPLIES BULBS QllRST BANK AND TRUST COMKNT J RKTHAMBOY.KJ. ECONOMY CHEVROLET, Inc. CARTERET, N. .1. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 30 ROOSEVELT AVf. CA. 1-5123 CARTERET PAGE TEN FRIDAY, JITLT 29, jobs but over-sanding can do'paint lacks gloss or wears awtpr effort md time as possible. The ter. Don't use „ Just because n fri, strange-things to the appearance.! rapidly when exposed to weather, result is 8 weary wrist and a spat- ,(•11 ! of wood All wood Is grained. The | The second group can't under- tered hou«» a garden you ABOUT YOUR It. Your soil may 1> In Fathion New darker veins are hard and the stand why the paint alligators and A good carpenter will tell you <|U: -: CLASSIFIED t and need entirely lighter wood is «j)tt. Over-sanding | cracks under the first hot sun. that the final blow of the hammer rllif RATES - INFORMATION erals. Have a sum Want to BUY . . . 8EIX . . . Sweaters will be much in the HOME resultsu s In a wavy and rippled sur-, Both could do pperfect Jobs if thqy which SUIKS the nail-head Hush 111 , 75r for 15 wordi—3c each ad- with the surface Is Just right and tested to find out or RKNT? For fast retult* use news this fall and winter. There ! ffac e whichih onlly bcomebecomess moremore'' woulwould follofollow the manufacturer's ditional word. Payable In ad- usually a light .blow at thatht . ToT o is short of. This w;,. j, will be sweaters lor all ages and pronounced with repeated efforts instructions, 1 the WANT ADS. vance. Tel. WO-8-1710 By FRANCES DULL e only save time niul'ii,,,,,' ' all occasions. The usual sty leu, to smooth It. Another often made mistake in ; j^ ^. Jj"^'""£«,^the'nafl a more beautiful \>; \,., ' If you are a "do it yourself" fan, n m with slight variations, will be very Probably the most overdone of the painting department Is In popular for small fry. beware of the tendency to overdo, into the wood but leaves the im- all homeowners' efforts I s paintit- overdoingg the st??e of the brush. NEW! • MiKT AND FOUND • • APARTMENT FOR RENT • Designs for the .more mature; thmgs in the belief that It will pression of the hammer there as ing. Many people who are lacking Women who want to do a dainty well. Something new- woman have been pepped up con-; result In better workmanship. One in experience Insist on over-thln- Job will almost always use a brush in LOST—Brown female do(>; lonK. THREE room unfurnished apart- a well-meaning gardner ball will be ' f llllslii siderably. Box-style sweaters, knit- example of overzealous work Is nlng the paint they buy. This is' too small for the work Involved. Many shiwv hair; lost Monday vicin- ment at 122 Randolph Street. a scorecurd. With ted of bulky wool and heavy cot- often found In over-sanding wood usually done to make the paint i This results in an uneven surface. has killed his prize plants by over- ity of Chain O'HIlls Road, Iselln. Carteret Call CA-1-6292. numbers and WliH-|i ton, trimmed for aport or evening, surfaces. spread better. Others think that Tne men can't seem to get brushes fertilizing them Again this could •Heward. Call Liberty 8-1486 7-28* are becoming to the fuller figure. the thicker the better. big enough to suit them. Their Idea be avoided If the directions on theplayers. - R Light sanding Is neoessary in al- 7-28 Some of the more «xpenaLv« The first group wonders why the'is to finish the Job with as little container were followed to the let-patch. MISCELLANEOUS dresses are featuring matching most all .manner of reflnlshinu HELP WANTED RELIABLE baby sitters available; cashmene sweater^, trimmed in jewels. Sweaters are being teamed' experienced girls and women to BPARE TIME JOB ~ Men and with matching slacks and the very care for infants and children, all women can make easy money popular Bermuda short* by many ages. Pull time (or working moth, - - BUSINESS DIRECTORY - - telling Scotch-lite signs for mail manufacturers. boxes that shine at night. Doing ers, part time for evenings out. These will be popular lor cam- like hot cakes. Also house num- Call WO-B-W06-M. 7-28 pus life. Another college favorite bers and door plates. Ideal for re- BONGART SCHOOL OP will be the classic pull-over and • Jewelry Service • Pet Shops • Plumbing & Heating t Sporting Goods tired persons. Free sales outfit. DRIVING matching cardigan with a wool Illuminated Sign Co.. 29« First skirt the same color. LICENSED by State of New Jer- BUSINESSMEN Ave., fi., Minneapolis, Minn. sey, 81 Homes Park Ave., Iselln. Knitted accessories, such at: SMITH socks, gloves, scarfs, and even bats,, FASHION CREDIT JEWELERS 7/21 -8/4 Liberty 8-0070. TOE BUSINESS DTREC- 589 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Plumber 7/28-8/18 are being manufactured with I IXFJ BABY SITTERS WANTED. Call matching sweaters. offers you consistent, CARTERET All types of WO-8-0605-M between 9:00 A. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE The new long line or lorw atftle, effective advertising at a low CA-1-6308 M. and 5:00 P. M, for interview. Is reflected in a completely new Plumbing • Heating ASSOCIATION lillniJ 7-28 Established 1902 style of sweater. It is ceoomniend- •oast. An ad this size costs • DIAMONDS • Parakeets and Repairs I'l Over 4,500,000 Members cd for the girl with a* figure not only $6.00 a month and is Canaries •\irn- • FEMALE HELP WANTED • less than perfect, however. Nationwide Service • WATCHES 86 REMSEN AVE., AVENEL 1 worth far mere in returns. • Cages And Stands I'lilii Ferd Kertes, Local Agent The modified lone Une sweater WO 8-3098 OPERATORS wanted—Day shift 217 State Street, Perth Amboy can be worn by almost everyone. For information call WO-8- • JEWELRY Full Line of Accessories 8:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M.; nlKlit Phone Hlllcrest 2-1248 Several new textures, in knit, are .shflt 5:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M : 1710. • Gold and Tropical Fish REEL HEPAIKS A si'i 1 7/7 - 7/28 coming into the forefront. One • GIFTS Tank, Live Food and Other • Radi« ft TV Service • on men's and boys Jackets; also will be the new tweed knit. Reel Checked, Clr.uioii sections opened piece work; union Expert Watch and Equipment PAINTER AND DECORATOR Tweed knit has a solid back- Coal Dogs, Mice, Hamsters Greased and Ailjuslni . benefits. Apply Hilleo Mfg. Co., ill Free Estimates ground with fllckerlngs of red and Jewelry Repair for Only Washington Avenue, Curterul. CA- Cuu CA-1-4825 Pet Foods, Monkeys yellow, or whatever colors one AL'S RADIO (plus parts, If tirpdrjil 1-7200. V. J. TEDE8CO may choose. One manufacturer Lawn Mowers "Home uf \Ur\ Vuw 7-28; 8-11 6 Fillraore Avenue will offer a pullover matching car- COAL - FUEL OIL & TELEVISION Sarteret Wt Have -- in Mwl FOR SALE digan and an Imported wool tweed 7/7-7/28 skirt, The printed cardigan or OIL BURNERS HAND AND POWER 6UTH PET SHOP Prompt Expert Repairs CUSTOM-MAD1-. I'm m blazer will be a must for the young LAWN MOWERS MAINE-MADi; Mi CBOSLEY Shelvadore freezer- IP YOUR DRINKING has become "CARTERET'S LITTLE ZOO" RCA Tubes and Parto set. LOAFERS and si ll-i'lrid chest type, hardly used: original a problem, Alcoholics Anony- FOR SALE 80 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Batterlea New necklines will be used. The Sharpened • Repaired WILDUFE Pin MILS' price $399.00; sacrifice at $275.00. mous can help you. Call Market Carteret 1-4010 (framed) Kitchenette, form rubber section- V-neckllne, the square neckline, NO MONEY DOWN J4 PERSHING AVENUE 3-7528 or write P, O. Box 253, HUNTING AM) risiti als and blpnd furniture, 73 Ar- the turtle and the boat -neckline BICYCLES FOR SALE CARTERET, N. J. Woodbridge, are being adapted to sweaters. All Kinds of Birds on Hand LICENSES ISSil.D thur Avenue, Carteret. 7-28' 7/7-7/28 Parts and Accessories A. Klsh, Jr., Prop. Matching knitted skirts will not 3 YEARS TO PAY At All Times TROUT WOKWS be as popular this year. Telephone CA 1-508S THREE-YEAR OLD COLLIE — DARAOO'B Free Estimates Hardware • De Voe Palnto Parrakeets Auk How Vim t j|, HI AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL House broken, well trained; BONE FOUND. REPLACED Mercury Outboard Moton On* uf Our Tr,i|ihir, | child's pet. Ray Smith, Willow Largest and Oldest In County No Obligation to Buy CHICAGO — Harold Walat, 18, Bales and Serrioe Canaries • Radio & TV Service • IIS1I1M; Tree Trailer Park, Lot E9, Car- Hydramatic, Fluid and Standard was seriously injured in a' motor- 280 McClellan St., Perth Amboy CALL AM) t:i I'Altl teret. 7-28' cycle-truck collision, Taken to a RUDY'S Call Hlllcrest 2-7365 hospital, it was found that a ALBRECHT'S Finches SPORTIN(i (,oii|)s| POUR BURNER apartment gas 7/7 - 7/28 WDGE. 8-1400 DUFFY'S three-inch bone in WaWt'a leg was ; r f White Zebra 256 Monroe Stic • i;,hJ stove, large ovehr excellent con- KEY SHOP missing. A policeman found the Fawn Zebra (Scarce) - Gold Telephone :;.-\ ; ;»>|T dition. Call CA-1-5251. 7-28 RE-WEAVING and invisible 124 WASHINGTON AVENUE TELEVISION & mending done. Mrs. Kling, 15 bone, took it to the hospital »nd CARTERET • CA 1-7163 Green Singing • Society doctors identiflod it us a fragment RAMO REPAIRS 1953 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, hard- State Street, Carteret. CA. 1-7953. AVENEL of the youth's left tibia. They Taxi top, brown and tan, fully 7/21-8/4 Baldwin's Better Birds Telephone ME. 6-0189 cleaned it and replaced it in hie equipped. May be seen any day COAL & OIL CO. AVIARY leg. Five days later the doctors Liquor Stores Sendee Calls Made From at Costa's Parking Lot. Wood- NATURALLY 800 GREEN STREET, ISEUN reported the leg was mending 826 RAHWAY AVE. AVENEL 9 A. M. - » P. M. bi'ldge. Ask'for Mr. Sweeney. A statistical fact says that a NIGHT well. Had the bone not teen found Telephone Woodbridge 8-1889 Maytag Washers and Dryers 7-28* Walat would probably have had a # Plumbing and Heating • for considerable distances. We short leg, or would have faced an 1M2 OAK TREE ROAD 1948 KAISER SEDAN — $75.00. Drug Stores Woodbridge suppose that in November they expensive bone graft. Must be seen to be appreciated. can show an even faster burst of Liquor Store ISEUN, N. J. Charles Farr Call Liberty 8-8322. 7-28 speed. — Christian Science Moni- IT DOES JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. Next to Bell's Drug Store tor. i, • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • w Politeness is like air cushion- Avenel Pharmacy Complete Stock of Domestic Plumbing • Heating there may be nothing In it, but it WXISERVK eases the. Jolts.—The Anagram. 894 BAHWAY AVENUE and Imported Wines, Beers Ralllugs SEWAREN CAR HITS FOUR BOATS and Liquors Electric Sewer Service "Best Buy In Town" HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — John WOOOBR10GE 8-1914 Telephone: JUST PHONE| will be your opinion after inspect- Flato, 57, lost control of his car 574 AMBOY AVENUE Opinions of Others Woodbridge 8-0594 ORNAMENTAL ing our new, just completed bun- and it went through a plate-glass PRESCRIPTIONS WOODBRIDGE, N. J. WO 8-02( galow with expansion 'attic, at- window at Van's Marine Service, (Continued from Editorial Paee) 631 LINDEN AVENUE IRON tached garage, plaster walls, win- bowled over four 'boats in the show be checked frequently, especially WHITMAN'S CANDIES RAILINGS Fast and terized, air-conditioned, oil heat, window and continued on to the Moving and Trucking • Woodbridge, N. J. when the tires are cool. Lower Cosmetics - Film - Greetini Cards' Custom Made charming, well-planned kitchen, rear of the store, Flato. suffered a gears should be used for de- Serviu and Installed birch cabinets, tile bath, iron rail- possible back injury. scending steep grades to lighten Complete Moving Job WOODBRIDGE Quality Work ings, mechanic drive, 75 x 125 the burden on the brakes. Mo- RAYMOND JACKSON Rooms $25 5 Rooms $35 plot, located at 139 Sewaren Ave- The sixty members of the torists caught in a lpng line of Rooms $30 6 Rooms -40 Plumbing '& Heating $3.00 VB 443 PEARL ST. WIMIMSKD nue, across from Sewaren public United Nations, ending the tenth slow-moving cars should -shift AND SON Reasonable Storage 30 Days Free school. Price $13,990.00. Inspect anniversary celebration in San into neutral and race the engine All 'Loads Insured—10 years exp. • Remodeling Free Estimate 2 - 6 P. M. Saturdays and Sundays Francisco, reaffirmed their inten- moderately for thirty seconds at Druggists ECONOMY MOVERS or call Elizabeth 2-3402 for ap- tion to "live together in peace • New Installations Uniforms two-minute intervals.—The New 88 Main Street NATION-WIDE MOVERS pointment. 7-28 and amity." York Times. • Gas and Oil Burners Woodbridge, N. J. Rahway 7-3914 DENNIS M. MURPHY Summer ' 24-Hour Service WO 8-3146 Telephone 8-0554 48 State Call WO-8-S046, HI-2-731S BEDEVILED BY AN Moving UNIFORMS L. PUGLIESE - A. LIPO • Roofing and Siding • DACRON Fnrnltnre Service Seersucker AGENT Beiubr and Photography Half 81i» OCTOPUS National Van Lines Henry Jansen & Son PORCH AND PATIO Tinning and Sheet Metal Work PETTY'S FURNITURE SALE Musical Instruments BRACE AVK NOW IN PROGRESS 3 STAR Roofing, Metal Ceilings and ENROLL TODAY VA, 6-3289 Whiter Brothers In our July Specials Furnace Work Perth Amboy WajUle Furniture Shop BEGINNERS 588 Alden Street Btiter Furniture - Lover Price* ACCORDION 12 Candid or Studio Telephone 8-1E46 Pictures $ A P-00 Blf hw»7 25 f Avenel, N. J. PROGRAM Woodbridge, N. J. Remember, there in an Album .... 40 Daily lj| A. M. to 8 P. JL Is no accordion to Road Stand Wuuie Woodbrldf e 8-1577 buy. We Sell and Install Complete Line of Musical ROOFING • SIDING JUMBO JOE'S • Fneral Wrectors • Instruments at Low Prices GUTTERS . LEADERS Rahway Ave. EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER v J AND SCHOOL ©F MUSIC Aluminum Combination SYNOWIECKI DOORS AND WINDOWS CHARCOAL f Ed. Bonkoski, Prop. ToTuKe Funeral Home 357 STATE ST. VA 6-1290 PERTH AMBOY KBCHIE ROOFING CO. Open Friday, ^.f"1"1-11 46 Atlantic Street CA-1-6404 Sunday llllh M CarUpet, N. J. • Musical Instruction • 44-46 Lincoln Avenue, Cartewt 11 A.M.- H >' . Telephone Ttytphon* Carteret 1-5715 t Private Top Workmanship at • Service Stations • Lessons Low Prices on Arrange for your Vic Vet m • TRUMPET Wedding Picture NOW VETS MOST F%Y THt • GUITAR Stop in pr Phone TOWNE GARAGE COSBOMAGIHOM. VA HAS APPBAIbtU FLYNN & SON • ACCORDION 1. F, Gardner & Son sue Complete Line AFTER 2B« FUNERAL HOMES of • SAXOPHONE 493 RAHWAY AVENUE CL0SIN6 COSTS BfUbllihed 31 Ycui GIRLS - WOMEN MUSICAL • PIAN6 WOODBRIDGE ABSORBED BV 420 fcttit jVveuue THE R Vertli Anilmy INSTRUMENTS • TROMBONE Before it's too Ule, have a set Tel. WO. 8-935* : and glamour photos taken at our t3 Ford Ave. l'urdu • DRUMS We're Specialists In VA li-0358 ACCESSORIES studio. Bathing Suit, Chrysler Product* Call HI-2,&fl48 Shorts, Evening down, Bear Wheel Alignment SAMMY RAY'S EU. 0.95 Precision Tune-upn 6 Pictures tw ....*...: :..**• Brake Service MUSIC and REPAIR SHOP THIS OFFER MAY NEV£R BE Transmission Service 467 New Hruiuiriek Ave., Fords REPEATED ACT NOW. -with more electric circuits We are also looking fur p«rt-titue • Moving and Tracking # i NAT SMITH & SON Pet Shops models for our camera clubs. (No U» imhoy Avenue WO «-10»6 experience needed.) Adequate wiring is essential for good elec- OPEN DAILY 8 to 8, SUN. I to 2 H | Tropical Fish, A. W. HALL & Son We Furnbh and InatfU Auuarluius, 20% TO 50% OFF l-utal *|id LUIIJ DliUiuc tric service ... and you need plenty of Movlnc and tttu»|e All TriMt ut FINS Ornaments on Cameras and Supplies. Buy a RESIDENTIAL GLASS the peak of the CAMERA SEA NATION-WIDE BIIH-fKIW uf outlets in every room. Make sure iKat you Leather Gyi>d«,,/ RON and SAVE. UullMhuld uid once furniture LOCKSMITH WORK Toys, AiuhorUed A,tnt FUR Foods Look Over Our Windows at Howard Van Mutt, inc. have good electric wiring. * KEYS MADE Bwvilte IUHIJUI lot atun^ mobile Birds, TOOLS UKATJNG • PACK1NU off the OABUEN SIWLIE8 GAlLARirS PHOTO SHIPPING In FEATHERS '»=.. DncUtuied furniture oj Ever, ptiuU of tlie HKIRKUY DOfS SO MICH • rwy, at ih» OrMrrt , ift-lnch hole In the mesh ed to KO prospecting for uranium, j COMMUNITY AWAKENING YOUR NEW Hl|h School, on Wttliipxlar cTfritnt. atop the elevator shaft In so Bhe bought a Oelger counter AMliut 10. IPIS, Hi * 00 i, ciix-n. (or thf following1 Reasonably sure no one and set out for Canada. Recently^ By Frances Pachter CAHTEHKI MKIH BCHOOL .fci.n into Jail. th«y believe' Mrs. Madifian annonced she had' SOCIAL SECURITY A Furntih mid IIULIII an« ffilO-8 (lir;t.y used the escape hatch struck it rich—a uranium find Kttrlco Vacuum Punlp n mtdt XJEWCOMEHS to Carlile urousH men hid talked to Don ind liked by Sterling tnr or equal In iptel- |ir iin(j RO as he pleased. It j m«n, she says, the AEC spokes- Clergymen may now for the ^ grpat ^Interest and speculation Im, so it remained for the wives flrntumn KB npprm-H rn llscd rather often, too. I man told her WHS the "second best first time !iHv» t.lie prot*.-tion of B ^irnlnh md Inr-il! niii- ran high over this unusual new n,,. mesh screen had been , i uranium i assay they have found to accept the newcomer*. Today the old-line and survivors Insur- By Rolf Hnrdetter Sttflco Vncuuin Pumi; couple. Carlile, population three by StfrlliiK Inr or rqunl In iptcl- m tne world so far." would tall the tala. ance progi'itm, according to a flcfttlonii. A» Hpprovfd 111V hundred was a friendly community Kenkire Editor TV CUIUK Magazine Many had fathered and foitlvl- statement made today by Allan 8*p4rtK blcln irr ankrd on the ibotf and did not like the feeling of tlei wer* under way befort I tt«- t«m> ,,11, INSTEAD OF WATER BOY, 4, SHOOTS UP TOWN A. Bass, district malinger a' the Information (or tilddrr may be tfen unpase thej had aroused. tlon wagon pulled up end the Bells JIA. Ky—Farmer Mnl- Perth Anibny social security oiflce •I ine onVt ul thr BwrrUry during GLASGOW. Mont. -A 4-year- Don Bell and his wife resembled arrived Out stepped Merry Bell. Lucy and Desi, 'tin Raid, will do a gurat appearance iintM hour* is sorry that the town's "Under the 1954 Amendmentt to old boy, left alone in a parked car the average couple and would have black hair and sparkling eyes, the onpne ol the Pall Jnek Benny program • Rrtty Huttvn, Hlrii wui W opthrd and rt»d nt thin l wiil«iworks drilling for the Social Security Act. Bass de- MllriK lr( picked up a .22-callber rifle in the created no unusual Interest had It eyes telling of motstrj. Sht rt- < bouncing buck from her "retirement" of laxt aeanon, ],is land was unsuccess- clared "It Is now possible, on an Hsoh bid rmitl br accompanied bv A M car and proceeded to "shoot up not been for their child. She was aemblcd I doll In ruffled blu« plm- ia huddling with both CBS and NBC nnent a mrim (•Wit of in of thf amoilnl of the hid. individual elective basin, for dull The Bourd of Education rnarm the In a way. too. the town." The shots went un- definitely Chinese. Therein lie the fort. Her Mother came ne/t, tiny of hour-long color shown • Franketwteia will be A II,,s struck oil on Boones j noticed until a passerby saw a ordained, commissioned or licen- rlyht tq re)rct taw Dirt, or all blda source of discomfort — the town's and dainty as the child. Her loft sed clergymen, Christian Science ("Umax! entry, come Autumn • September 19 brinpi J O'BfillN StiTrtary ..tend »f water, and Boone! bullet hole in the plate glass door first meeting was a mixed mar Csnrrr' Hourd lit Bduratlon voice could b« heard directing her practitioners and certain members us Our Town, starring Frank Sinatra. And, in support- July ](. IMS . ,,,l ;«)6 acres to an oil com- j of a store across the street from rlige. ll drill for oil, not the car. Several other stores were husband. of religious orders to acquire old- ing rota, Eva Marie Saint and Jnmu Dtan • The C P T-29: 8-3 ,,.|, other towns where social The crowd noted the fun station 'hit. age and survivors Insurance pro- Boy Scout Jamboree will I* televiied, live, from INVITATION FOR mm acci«p ance was Judged by the rich, wagon. Slim, who knew Don better tection on the same terms as self- Ottawa, Canada on August 2 tut • 3 TV Seta In (Eltnlor Palntlni (nntrart) Car!!i> s acceptance group occupied than the rest, came forward to mployed persons even though Every Home Dept.: Autumn's Sunday nights will hava Sealed bid* In irMlcale «UI b* rt- chiirs In the General Store. Here .-fl»*d ID tht office of BOROUOH help. Helen Jacobs stepped forth: they may not actually be self-em- not only Ed Sullivan and Colgate Variety Hour, but CL«K, MUNICIPAL BUILDING. CAR- ICTURE mo.-.t of the towns business was saying, "I'm Helen Jscobs. We've! ployed." big budgeted moviw over ABC. That network has TB1«IT. H J , until 8 P M. on AUGUST deeM"d. The old timers and those kept a bqpth for you but doubt 18. 19VS. and then publicly optned. for bought 35 top British productions, including moat of the furnlthlnj of Inbor and materials, SPECIAL/ a?i ef:Pd ol the new gathered daily its large enough for ill those There are two necessary step* ,the Alex Guinneu starrer* • Marion Marlowe does a and p»rform«nc« of work. In connec- to iron out any problems. packages," , that a clergyman must take if he tion with the extrrlor piilnthw of II wishes to participate In this Ped- four-week run at Las Vegas in August. At—hold your fltate Veterans' Kmrryenry Hollaing Don Bell had been In for sup Please call me Sue." The young h^ts!—$17,500 per week • Rven though he said, after unlti In BOROTOH OF CARTIRtT. plies and had committed his first woman spoke hesitantly. "1 hope erad Insurance program. First, he MIDnt.BSM COUNTY. N J . In accord- social blunder by ignoring the as must get ft social security account la** June's Petrified Forest performance, that he'd ance with aneclrkmiDns on flit dated It will please. There are Chinese number card from his social se- probably do no mor* tesvee, Humphrey Bogart may JUtY M. IMS. sembled group. He had purchased pastries, silk scarves and figu- Performance Ronrls will be required his supplies and left, he and his rines," She opened a box for all, curity office If he does not al- kick'flff the new Pontiac Theatre series this Fall. Seems for all contract* in the amount of five hundred dollar* 11500 001 or more. little girl. ready have one. He must then file he wias BO impressed with Fred Coe'g production of to see. I a waiver certificate, Form 2031, Bidden aha!) Include In their bldi Phones rang throughout town as Helen 'stared In imizement. Fbres(\that he d like to work with Coe again • Teevee th» pott ol Perforni»iH-e Honda. It re- with the District Director of In- far-flung places .. . Robin Hood in England, quired. the news spread quickly. Fortu- ''Goodness, we didn't expect you Vhe Mint la reserved UJ rtjod any ternal Revenue Indicating his de- Long John Silver down under in Australia and March or nil btda, and to wnlvc any Informal- nately Carlile was in the midst ol to stock a booth all by yourself, sire to be covered as a self-em- Its annual Centennial and did not These are priceless and beautiful." Or Die, ViCh Spanish locale. Srrol Flynn in the Utter ity In blda received. ployed person without Involving and Robai Newton in Long John • It wu Jonathan A Bid Bond or certified check ID an have too much time to devote at- A murmur of agreement was in any way the church or religious amount not leaa thnn ten par cent tention to the couple. heard. They surged forwurded to Winters' cyn decision not to appear regularly on Here's 110':) of the bid price shnll 1ccoiuf>any group by whom he ia actually em- The Show, Feels he needs more experience before the blda mibmltted Thin check anal! Helen Jacobs of the planning help. Sue's booth took on the at- ployed. Copies of this form may be b» ptyablf to STATE GMIROINCY committee suggested they f sk Mrs. mosphere of China. Her popularity taking on £, weekly program. HOUSING PROJECT NO. Ul obtained from the office of the Number of worklutc days for comple- Bell for a donation, A step In the was soon evident. Carlile took her tion of work ahull be Included wllb the. District Director of Internal Rev- MAGIC NEEDED '' months of 1955. Police have made right direction. If he refused, they to their hearts. Her soft tones enue or from the social security bid) mbmlued . would know she preferred solitude. stood out amidst the harsh western arrests In all but three of the cases. GEORGE J BRECHKA. ALUMINUM AWNINGS office, both a 313 State Street. All that Is asked> of the War , Borough Clerk Her reaction would decide her voices, Her tales of Chin* and the Assets Administration is that It Thirty-three of the slaying victims C. P. 7-»: »-5 future status, significance of the Scarves and Form 2031 must be filed no later dispose of the stuff Quickly, hon- were Negroes. Sue Bell's reaction on receipt of Idols held her audience spellbound than April 15, 1956 In order to ob- estly, at good prices iiid to those NOTICE TO ninngits Dress up your Pktore Window tain social security credits for 1955 LEQAL NOTICES Sealed blda will be received br the the Invitation would have delighted for'hours on end. entitled thereto, For tails. It may Board of Education of the School Dis- vith an Aluminum Awning that the senders. Turning to Don, she earnings. Net annual earnings trict of the Borontth of Ctrttnt, Ntw Full realization of their accept- must amount to $400 or more to need a wand, —Richmond Times- CONSTABLE'S RALE Jeney, at a ragulur mfetliiK to be held asked. ance dawned on the Bells when Dispatch. WIU.IAM B1TAR. on Auguit 10, 1(55, lit 8 00 o'clock. In •'What shall I donate?" be taxable and creditable for Plaintiff, the Ctrteret High School for the fol- ROLLS UP and ROLLS DOWN Merry came running to them, hold- — •• — lowing "I don't know, Hone/ These are social security purposes. If ing a large doll—first prize for clergyman has such net earnings SPORTS HEADQUARTERS JERRY oraoNia, TRAW8PORTATION ROUTE ffl oroll ii the perfect owning part- See How It Rolls big affairs. How about some Chi- prettiest child. Don standing near- TTfiniporutlon of puplli, four hun- In 1955 and 1956 he must. If he It takes a mighty good' football Defendant. dred and fifty I45OI, more or leaa, ner tui your Picture Window—odds to nese pastries. They'd be novel." by felt a warm glow within him- OARAOE LUN Choice of 9 colors f wishes to be covered under social team these days to satisfy the NOTICE OP 8ALH from tin Weat Cartertt wctton of L>!".njty-roll» up out of lh« way for No word leaked ou as to what self. Carlile made up for all pre- drug store coaches-Indianapolis TAKE NOTICE, that on Tu«aday. the the Borough of Carteret to all local her offering would be and appre- security file his certificate on or schools within the BoroiiKli [fuit visibility — give$ year round NO MONEY DOWN vious suffered alights. He had 9th day of August. 19U. at 1 P. M. In A Beuuritte bids are requested on hension ran high, for several day! before April 15, 1957, otherwise he Star. I the aftirnoon (prevailing tlnml of that n cjr.d weather protection — looki )i MONTHS TO PAY come home. Su« smiled through day, At Sltar'K Oarage, 150 Washington the basis of oue-yeur contract. Came the big day, significant in would forfeit his right to elect B Three-yenr contruct ,e'y from inside, too. If you have happy tears and her neighbors were coverage and his earnings from NONE? Avenue, In tht Borough o! Oarteret. Specifications and bid forms may bo two respects, the Centennial and never to know she had parted with the County of Mlddltux, New Jersey, picture window, you should have lls services in the ministry can Thousands upon thousands of I will sell tt public vtndut to the secured from the secretary during busl- meeting ol me new neighbors. The he; treasured keepsakes. hlghtat bidder all'the right, ttitle and nen hourt. never be credited for social secur- girls have said: "I wouldn't iriwrry Interest of JIRRY QI[RDNER In and The successful bidder must comply ity coverage. the best man on earth." And rione to chit certain automobile truck, one with the rules and rcKUlutlons relating r for fltlt Homt Demonstration ton truck and bod;. Serial #JK»B MM, (O pupil transportation as required by A CONCRETE RECORD VVRONG LOOK "Once he has elected to be cov- of them did.—Grit. En|in« #AJCCQ41«M. Makt. CherrolM, the State Department of Public In- Year, 1M1, Uk*D u a rwult «( a garage struotlon. SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich — MADERA, Cal.—Mrs. Joan Bad- ered" continued Bass "the clergy- lien for itonne as the property or the The Board of Education reserves the ALUMINUM what Is thought to be a world rec- desley, while out driving, took her man must continue to report his 83 MURDERS IN $ MONTHS abtwt named and to bt Mill by me for right to refect any, part, or all bids. STORM ord for pouring concrete was eyes off the highway to look at a earnings and pay the social se- BALTIMORE, Md. — Thirty- canh. J. O'BRIEN, ttocrtUry WINDOWS LOUIS DAITZ, C0N6TABLI Carteret Board o! Education established here recently when wrecking yard full of smashed-up curity tax for every year in which eight persons were murdered In t Dated: July 5th. 1995. July 28, 1955 JALOUSIES 6,250 cubic yards were poured In a automobiles. In the Interval hea he has net earnings of $400 or city of Baltimore in the first six C. P. 7-M; 8-5 C. P. 7-J»; 8-5 nil n Georres, Prop. 24-hour period in the construction car tyt the rear end of another more from services performed In MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE of a $1,000,000 bridge being built car, pushed that one Into car No. the exercise of his ministry whether performed as an employee (KIN I'HIIIAV TILL J between Michigan's two penin- 2 and a pile-up, fortunately, no one was injured. or as a self-employed persons. The sulas. church or Institution which the clergyman serves or represents does not in any way become in- volved or obligated in these ar- AIR rangements." Why rush? Bass explained that further In- Exclusive Decorators CONDITIONED formation "on this wbject.may be obtained by contacting him at the jiv Extension phones local security office when infor- mational booklets on all phases save you time of the social security law are BUY NOW OPEN available free of cost. and steps...make answering easy. PAY LATER! THURSDAY A STRANGE URGE DETROIT, Mich. — deOrge Waits, 35, of Pulaski, Tenn., visit- EASY CREDif FRIDAY ing Detroit, saw a large plate-glass window in the new modernistic Terms Arranged •Til 9 P. M. city-county building and eot the THURSDAY - FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 28 - 29 • 30 urge to "hop through it." He did. Taken to court, charged with, mali- cious destruction of property, :OME SEE US Waits will have to replace the $250 wjjidow. He suffered only a three- SEE. . ABOUT Inch gash on his hand as a result Why blush? of his "hop." 5AVE! CUSTOM A COSTLY CRASH LEXINGTON, Ky.—Involved in Extension phones MADE a collision, Charles Padgett, of give you privacy Mount Clemens, Mich, suffered cuts and bruises. Hswever, he was for your hurt worse in his wallet. Sometime DRAPES diing the accident, he lost his wal- personal calls. and let, containing $2,611. Toiay's Pattern, SAVE $100 Cornices MCJDKKN DECORATOR, 3-I*C. Don't Miss This Great Why worry? Sales'Event ! ! An extension SECTIONALS $295 phone, especially Amazinglrfntrlyy Priced as Low as ... ••• ^B^ ^t(r fy the bedside, offers extra We Also Carry UN DECORATOR A Vast Selection of Regular $339.95 .95 I 10AM RUBBER SOFAS ^CHAIRS CUSTOM-MADE ^BEDROOM SUITES *LAMPS Why wonder? SLIP COVERS *LIVIN(| ROOMS 8-l'iece Set Complete , ^DINING ROOMS Who was calling? J You'll fyiow with an ^< ^TABLES INCI.IIDEK extension phone, when you get SOIA, I ^Drapery Materials the calls you now miss. CHAIRS and $£Q50 If- 5 ri'SHIONS ITEMS

Cut and VMti in Your 69 ' TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Home. THESE 3 DAYS AND SAVE! Extension phones SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Call HI 2-5084 are so low in cost...and so easy to order.., Our K<-|»i?ftMit«.livr Will Call-No (H.ligalion WllatHoever ! ! just call your Telephone Business O$ce.. Ptittai-n 3257 (fur shorter, fuller flgure): Half Si«s l*Vi, Wi. A hosns «xt*n«lon phan* oo«t» only about UKou <% yards 46IULII fabric. Ktnd Thirtyliva ctnti lu colas EXCLUSIVE DECORATORS[or this p«.LIeru-tadd 8 ctntl (or Hcb pulUru if you «Ut> lit-tlmn •U here Smart Home Makers Shou" mailing. Send to 170 N«w»pw|i«r r«tt«ru Dept., aaa w«m nth at,, Nuw "York 11, N. Y. Print plaint? TKLtPHONK COMPAWV 5 MADISON AVENUE Phone w 2 5084 PERTH AMBOY NAME, ADDHtS» with ZONE, »MJ 8TYLB JfOMBER. FRIDAY, .IUI-Y 2!), FAQE TWELVE


Although Anita Ekbrrl, is n AUTHOR OF "HOW TO STOP"MRftlNG AND START LIVINB" breathtaking beauty and has rare personal charm, she JIBS gone ab- AMES M McAlnar. 72 Wnorllawn Avenue. Nocrlhnm, M;i solutely nowhere In Hollywood— snys Ihat two years ,i«o worry hurt him well on thr ,„, because of her Swedish accent. De- J nervous breakdown He was without doubt, he dMm... termined to do something about it, apprehensive person and the biRgest "worry wan" i ,)„. she attended six movies a Tiny to n What was he worrying about? The usual things that in improve her English. She thinks the finest voices on the screen about! today are those of Charles Laugh- First hl» work wan getting the best of him He ton and Tyrone Power. She did all would go to the ofl[\ce prepared to do a good day'i right for herself In a featured role work and get things done efficiently. Then Interrup- with Martin and Lewis in "Artists tions would start. Interruptions from the telephone, and Models." So well, In fact, that the unscheduled conference with the boss, the out- Producer Hal Wallls bought up of-town customer, and so on and so on. The result half her contract from Wayne Fel- would be nothing accomplished. At night ho couldn't lows. gleep. Then he began to doubt himself. Decisions that he had made In good faith, he ,would wonder When Debbie Reynolds finishes If he shouldn't recall. The Tender Trap," she is sched- Financially he wan «ecure. He .hadn't over-ex- uled to no rluht into "All Our tended himself but no sooner had he paid one bill (Air Tomorrows" with Jimmy Cngney. when he would begin to worry whether he would be ahlo \,, Metro hopes that Irene Dunne will ] Finally he realized that the worst thing that could happu, also accept a part in this film— to lose his health. So he began to worry about thatl Mr S51 she's reading the script. Then he suddenly made the luckiest decision In his i AtROHS I The film, "Miracle in the Rain" 0 All|5| |S|||A|M| f AlR sought the advice of three people: hit wife, his pastor ui 1 Gush P M Allows 0 M used St. Patrick's Cathedral In As It ilandl M Queerer - « R B[O|«I IA|N|I|*| |R|> M k In each case the recommendation was the same, "Live [,,, Imus.) SI Drink ulnwlj New York City for Its church set- 63 Buddhist N|OFA| |I|N|T|I|U|A|T E 5 let tomorrow take caTe of Itself. He decided to do jusi n,,, 9 Cut In certain r r ting. The film producers sent the manner pillar! t L AU|T|I|CUI|O|AU I S doesn't worry about his work. If he can't get It done tnrl,, Tl Anclfnt vrhlcle •!> Ratlnti/%1 T I script for the diocese for approval M Th< alder tr« 98 To mend |E|S|SHM.R|CUR1O orKN Mil GRANARY . , . Farmers unload whe»t In street »t Albany, Mo,, when all elevator! were is always tomorrow. When he makes a decision it is „ U French (or M Perils 9 and use of the cathedral was • T Is ••UIAIQIEI NlTl At full and freight car shortage developed. knows he will make bnth good and bad ones, but he rind, n lummer 71 Play on words fi I Y granted, Some 200 actors were in- 19 Atmosphere 72 Period o( time o decisions outnumber the bad ones. IT Speech 73 To tell 5 t A [ftle ••»! O|TBB N[ A! R E S volved In the cathedral sequence U P«U1 dljlt 79 Cornish pre- i T E becomes a state of running war be- Ions drawn-out deathbed scene of M Those In power fix: town s LIE INITW ulaiu YU A which required eight days to shoot |S|T|K|A|N|Q|EUO|D 0 ft 11 Exact moment 78 Blackbird tween "Pop" and his tribe of stri- the sort so dear to the heart of all and will last only ten minutes on Japanr.s yards get $25,000,000 in American Airline In day 77 First woman E S|TUA|O|OUT|T|N| dent sibling),, v(h "fop" get- n Sample) 78 Fire wor- ON the SCREEN established actresses. the screen. ship orders. Jets. M OWi nick- shlpperi • I EHOILIDHBICIRMT E S ting the little end of the deal. The film is dqne on wide screen name N|T|R|A|L|T|O| |A|Q|O R A 10 Through t 0 Millie Vitale has the role of the 8 Coin 81 Observe AD L E R 0 ITIEIR N S In color and the scenes filmed in Brln( IFKM W Fillet worn "The Seven Little Foys" wife and mother. James Cagney action atfalntt •round hair T|AJ A|O|I|T| |E|R|I E S Spain are magnificent. If Extent oi (pl.) Bob Hope has the role of the appears briefly as George M. Co- land (pi.) Answer te Putlt N«. 3D* Midday DOWN lute Eddie Foy. who was known han. The children, while not the "Abbott and Costello Meet The 6 South Sea* 1 Small flsh 13 A circle of 44 Spool to have been a better comedian most lovable tots, do excellently canoe 3 Aromatic Mummy." hell In Oantei « Flnlshe* than he was a family man. even in their roles. • River of garden herb Inferno 49 Give up hope As you might suppose, Bud and Europe S City of Chaldea 18 Singing voice 51 Rising step though lie was the father of seven II Unruly out- t Unruly 13 To eat 53 Mode suitable "That Lady" Lou carry on their slapstick tradi- break outbrenlc M Endure 55 Narrow Inlet children., Hope broadly clowns 4ft Fortunatt B Kind of leni 17 Labor S7 Belts In this film, Olivia de Haviland tion as a pair of deadbeats on the (India) 9 Part of flowef 30 Percolate 59 Hardens through an old-fashioned vaude- Is presented as a Sixteenth Cen- loose In Egypt. They stumble into 41 Symbol (or 7 Capuchin 31 Name of per- 00 Extract of ville routine with a beautiful Ital- •odium monkey son, place, sheep's kidneys tury Spanish lady of distinction, a situation where an archeologlst 43 Rip t Oo at certain thins 62 Trees ian ballet dancer, marrying her to 41 Entice •alt 34 Anglo-Saxon 64 The devil who prefers the Prime Minister is attempting to take a mummy 41 Bj 9 Coin of coin 68 Harvest s-'ct IHT into his act and then hav- « Finish India (pl.) 39 River Inland 67 Sen ehcle (Gilbert Roland>. She has already he has discovered to the United M Pastry (pi.) 10 Improves 37 Shore bird 68 To rant ing so many children by her that been married to one Prime Min- States. A native trible, however, U One or 11 American 39 Group of three 70 Roman he has to spend most of his time Columbut' Indian 41 Bird's beak emperor ister, so this second palace ro- worship this particular mummy, hl U Stlnglnc 43 Collection of 74 Female rufl on the road alone. When his wife mance is a little too much for the and kill the professor to prevent M Buss Insect* (acts 79 Therefore dies and he is loft to look out for King, who causes a great deal of Its removal. A lady, after the his children in whatever way he trouble. Sir Gilbert save the life treasure that the mummy guard- rect wrinkles. However, they can can, lie becomes rather sour, dur- of a rlvil politician in the bullring ed, also got into the act with her do a wonderful job in combatting ing which the children are permit- but is accused of the fellow's mur- two henchmen. This gives the HEALTH dry skin. The application of a ted to make a shambles of their der. He fights off a platoon of two comedians an excuse for deal- good emollient once or twice a day honi". Then, dfien he is persuaded would-be assassins with his sword ing with sliding doors, slippery will control most dry skin. to take the family into a vaudeville and escapes from prison disguised floors and the mummy. and Controlling an oily skin is not team, he does so with a vengeance. as a monk. After many complica- Fans of Bud Abbott and Lou so easy. The complicated construc- From there on out, the picture tions, Miss de Haviland plays a Costello will enjoy this film. tion of the sebaceous glands ac- BEAUT* counts for this. It makes no dif- ference whether the cleansing We read und hear a great deal agent is soap and water, creitm or about the problems of a dry skin. a skin lotion, in about three hours 1895 Christensen's 1955- Tlie problems of an oily skin have the normal skin is as oily as it been almost overlooked. ever was. "THE-FRIENDLY STORE" Both of these conditions stem Try to keep calm if you are from the activity of the sebaceous troubled with an oily skin. Emo- or oil f>lands of the skin. In one, tional outbursts and anser in- dryness, there is undersecretion. crease the flow of skin oils. Use In the other, oily, there is over- a dry. powdered rouge and make- secretion. We read in the sales in- up bases only occasionally. There formation of creams, lotions and are several cosmetic lines made es- oils that skin dryness leads to pecially for oily skin. Shampoo wrinkles. If this Were true, the I your hair as often as needed to person with an oily skin would be keep it attractive - looking. very lucky. Unfortunately, wrin- Accept the fact that you have kles occur whether the skin is dry an oily skin and laarn to cope with or oily. it without doing harm to the skin Cosmetics crnnot prevent or cor- in the process. LINEN DISH TOWELS -JS, 3 for 1.00 CANNON BATH TOWELS 2 for 1.00 COSTUME JEWELRY 2 for 1.00 LADIES' NYLON BRIEFS 2 for L50 From the Shamokln Citizen, jected to brainwashing, the De- Shamokln, Pennsylvania: What fense Department is still concerned LADIES' COTTON PLISSE SLIPS 2 for 3.00 FoCtt Gummy carburetor dapotiti standards of conduct are to apply with countering this diabolic meth- wcuit (KJwIine, Mfid valuabl* mil* to American servicemen who be- od ol psychological warfare. Esprit agt up in exhaust fumei, causa / come prisoners of the Communists'! de corps is better maintained with PLAYTEX GIRDLES ami PANTY GIRDLES now .2.00 •tolling In traffic and lumpy idling. As more Information becomes a tradition of heroism than it is (Discontinued Lines) public about brainwashing tactics with a record of submission. of Communist captors, public sym- So that no unfair onus can ba, Values to $5.00 FaCtrDetergflnl-Ac!ion*''CALSO pathy naturally goes out to the placed on released prisoners, the GIRDLES now 2.00 Gatolinti clean out lh«se depotiU Victims of this psychological' tor- pefense Department sanctions pu6- ture. For the policy makers In the lication of the experiences of those , . . giv* you mile after mite of i Department of Defense, the knotty who yielded to Communist pressure powtr-packed performance. problem of prescribing correct con- only after bodies and minds were LADIES'DRESSES •*»* now 4-00 duct for American prisoners Is weakened by continuous mistreat- being complicated by the public ment. But there is danger In re- disposition to condone phony con- peated publications of thesej ac- LADIES' DRESSES «*»« now 6-00 fessions. . counts that the standards of con- Fliers recently released by .the duct for Americans prisoners of (Twin and Double — Chinese have admitted to making war will tie lowered. "confessions'" under duress, The Bor the security of America still BATES BEDSPREADS Very Special)' $.00 much publicized account of one de- degends on the will of the soldier tails the treatment that gradually to die for his country. CANNON SHEETS .1. 172x99 and Six Hi)) now 2-00 GASOLIN wore down his resistance and made From the Chlckasha Star, Chick- Stop at the big red lign him finally feel further refusal was asha, Oklahoma: With the vacation from Main* te Virginia futile. More revealing information season upon us, here fire sugges- VISIT OUR •bout brainwashing is promised. tions on places to go for folks These personal accounts help the having trouble deciding on a par- jeiwral public to appreciate the ticular spot. 7.00 and 2.00 BARGAIN TABLES ordeal of American members of A trip back to the old home town: the Armed Forces who have fallen The only drawback tc this type of PIODUCTS OF THE CALIFORNIA OIL COMPANY Into the hands of, Red captors. But vacation is that the fellow who went the frank commercialization of to the big city to make good is these experiences, makVus wonder sure to bump into t tot of old tt a premium is not being placed Mends who stayed home and made Distribute, by RARITAN OIL COMPANY, Inc., r.o. BDXSO, mm, on submission to the Communist out better- , j! j Summer DRESS SHIRTS brainwashers. ; ^ A camping trip: This U recom- In establishing a policy of treat- mended to people who enjoy life in Cii (Mesh — 3.95 Values) now DEALERS: ing with understanding those sub- the raw—especially food, sli LIVINGSTON AVENUE ROCKY'S CALBO STATION FOULSLN ( M " 00 0J CAtSO STA. New Brunswick Avenue Lake A*"""' I SLACKS 2 f« 11 " BETTER SLACKS 2 «»r 15 } Livlnjiton Avenue Near Amboy Avenue Metuchfii. v •'• New Bnimwlck, N. j. Perth Amboy, N. J. Buddy Pmil"''1'- l>rupVj SUMMER SPECIAL! Ewln BUchoff, Prop. __Ro*k..y MojwjireUjI, Prop. COLONIA CALSO STA. ANDY'S CALSO 8TA. " ~ CONVKRV CAiM*,, (Selected Interwoven Irregulars) b SOCKS 3 Pair 1.25 St, Georie Avenue Route #1 Smith Streets "-"' We'll Repair Your Sota an<* Chairs Bight CalonU, N. J. Perth Aini>»*. >;• Avenel, N. J, l Mickey BftrkuHn, Prop. Andy Kovalinsky, Prop. John U't^"' "" In Your Ow» Home.You See What We Do! l (Soft Cotton — Light Patterns) $1 Values TONY OLIVI:HH - SOCKS 3 Pair 2-50 HiLLsibiTcAtso sf~\ DALTON MOTORS "~ Rfthway Avenue 37 Coolie Avenue Carteret, N. J, CHAIR REWEBBED m $8.ooi $5.00 STRAW HATS 25 OFF Woodbrldfe, N. J. North Bruin"'. BATHING TRUNKS 25% OFF :_ ^^ V»n Paten, Prop. Walter, Charles Daltonn,, I'rjoI'ljopsp . SOFA REWEBBED REG J 15.00 SI2.00 OLENICK'S CALSO RENDER'S CAL.SO' STA_. . Route #1 South Pine Avei\uiue l Amboy AK'MUr^""'^ South Amboy, N. J. Perth 25% OFF an All Bahway, N, J. Al CUSHIONS REFILLED LfiJM£M£SPi__ __.L1,S. BARITAN OIL CALSO STA. FRANK'S CALSO Keg. HOI) IC.OO Foam Rubber IUri»an-8tl. A>"'* Route #1 127-W—Pond Road Each U Slightly Higher Other Summer Sports Wear Highland I'.ui- Hupelawn, N. J. Highland Call Us Now and Save! GAG'S CALSO SERVICET P.ABKWAYCALSb STOKE HOURS: New Brunswick Avenue Commercial-Burnet Street ALL WORK GUARANTEEI>—EASY CREDIT TKKMS DAILY !) A. M. TO 8 I'. M. New Brunswick, N. J. KATOLKA CALSO 8TA. rAMB<»Y <•«."" OLD' BRIDGE CALSO Boutc S" ' , 11UDAY TIL 9 P. M. Christensen Buute #1 Highway No. 18 Nixon, N. J, 1 PHONE HI 2-0576 Depurtment Store Old Bridie, N. J. South Am'"' CLOSED ALL DAY CALSO 8TA. LINK'SCALSO "GRAY / Route 27 Rlva Avenue Woodbrlde- *;" WEDNESDAY STHM:T Bet. M«tucb«n and Stellun DUBLIN UPHOLSTERY MlllWwn, N. J. WOODBRIDGE t ALSO BIGELOWH CAL8O LINCOLN <'*'••;" ;,|11U! Smith Street Perth Aniboy AIR-CONDITIONED KOK YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT 330 Aniboy Avenue EtiglUhtown Road Cor. Prospfl •"" Woodbridfe. N. J. bpotswood, N. J. Soutl>"h" first With The News! For Value - Shop The Ada Keep Astride All The Actlvitiei Of The Town With Your The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Services In The Arm Are Our Advertisers! Pitronlte Them!

VOL. XXXIV-NO. 16 CARTERET, N. J. FRIDAY, AUOUST 5, 1955 EIGHT CENTS Playfield Record of $5,171 Fines Boat Basin WINGS Paid in July, Brown Says OF Contests CARTERET - Collection of the Violation Clerk, Mrs. Lydln Planned in nines in Municipal Court here Baldwin. during July has broken all rec- Most of the traffic violators LIFE Lure Many ords, Magistrate Robert Louis were brought In by 8ta,t* Police Boulevard Ity Julian Pollak Brown revealed today. frnm the Turnpike. A radar sys- The fines.-collected mostly tem Is «t up about three times Kcrrration Director Lists from erring motorists, amount- a month at th« CnrterH Inter- UrhaiiKki Also Says Silr change and on such days mo- inm some quarters 1 Winners of This ed to $5,171.50 for the month torist. ; shell out between $600 To be Oeilicali'd for LnirR the suggestion that Week's Games Of this amount, the borough and $700. School, Playground Lsrholders take better treasury was enriched by W,- "Speeding." said the Magis- of the trees in front CARTERET—Recreation Direc- 121.50; the State received *2,- trate, "is the chief complaint, CARTERET—A boat twain. ;il tor Daniel Semenza announces the 740 and the county $290. although many of the motorists the foot of Post Boulevard in Ihr (-jr homes, thus beau- following contests held at the lo Rahway River, Is under ronsitlcr:*- r the community, The magistrate said that the arf charged with reckless driv- 1L nil playgrounds, sponsored by the summonses were processed by ing." tlon by the administration. Coun- who desire to plant Recreation Department. cilman Edmund Urbnaskl n>vpalrd West Carteret Playground held at last night's meeting nf tlir j.rrs in their yards prob- (biv ran obtain proper bubble gum contest with the Borough Council. following girls entering the 8-10 Ydrcheski Finds Glasses There la a boat ba.sln at pi-r- rros from borough-owned a Re group: Lorraine Bonczek, Judy ent In the Staten Island Sound, linprrtv for transplant- Valiant, Gale Makslnik, Marilyn between the Poster Wheeler plnnt, „ purposes. Venter, Christina Watis, Barbara Not Clean in 40 Taverns and the Cnrteret ferry, but this Is Kraus, Claire Cimochski, Patricia CARTERET—Some of Carteret's tavern owners have been advised found not to be suitable for smalt Majsztrik. Dale Trinity, Caroline taverns are not serving their cus- of, the findings and have been re- craft. As if you didn't know, Markowltz, Shirley Kljula', Diane tomers liquids In clean glasses. quested to take the necessary mea- Councilman Urbnnsk! also said ilv was the hottest, Woodhall and Helen Oldakowsk This was revealed today by sures. that the borough is planning to with Christina Watis and Helen Health Inspector Michael Yar- Another test will be made within dedicate a strip of land In tlir ickipst. most uncomfort- Oldakowskl winning a prize. Thi cheskl as he concluded a survey the next few weeks, Mr. Yarcheskl Post Boulevard area for a new ilr month Carteret has following entered the group to of the establishments. said, to determine If proper steps school and playground. The silo 11-13 age: Betty Ann Mlsdom "In forty taverns," Mr. Yar- have been taken to provide clean would be filled In with dirt from lSprd through in many Janet Markowitz, Vallee Barth and cheski said, "we found a high per- glassware. the Post Boulevard excavation and Joan Brucato with Janet Marko* iavs. The month's heat centage of bacteria in glassware He indicated possible prosecu- road project. wits winning. In the boys grou] nd humidity produced because of Improper cleaning." tion measures if no improvement In a report by Councilman Rich- 'or agecs 6-10 Charles Ardlcen: He said that all the offending is shown. ard Donovan, It was pointed out lort tempers and long ap- HOW TO KEEP COOL: Here are some of Carteret's youngsters who find m» trouble in keeping Rodney Stewart, Arthur McMaho: that additional hydrants were cool during this sultry, sizzling weather. Scene shows some of the hoys fishing in the lake at the jtitfs for liquid refresh- and Ronald Luckey took part wit needed in the West Carteret sec- Municipal Park, while others are ready f^r a dip In the cool waters. Rodney Stewart being declared the tion and Chrome. Firemen have irnts. such as ice cream, winner. In the group for ages 11- Collect $1,547 Kasher and Riedel p id dunks, beer, butter- Flection Drive Rolls in 3 Albert Kocanlk, Michael Me- areas, he said. lilk. chocolate drinks, St. Elias' Feast Carteret B.&L. Mahon, John Czubato, Leslie An ordinance was approved on On the Heat Wave Trinity, Paul DelVacchlo, Andrew In Cancer Drive Now Pharmacists first reading providing for a grade id cuts and- fixlngfe for MCMahon, Thomas, Kublcka and on Pine Street from Carteret Ave- lads. Set for Sunday CARTERET—There was a with- Pays 4% Dividend Sherman Umanskl entered with CARTERET—This borough con-, CARTERET — The State Board nue to Coolldge Avenue, also to • • » * ering heat [n the Council Cham- Albert Kocanlk winning. rlbuted more in this year's f Pharmacy has granted cer- change and establish the grade in' dancer Fund Drive than any time CARTERET — Rev. C. S. Ros- bers last night, but this dld,not CARTERET — Carteret Build- Parkview Contest ficates of registration as phar- Linden Street from Carteret Ave- f vou are a hay fever suf- previous drives. kovics, pastor of St. Ellas' Greek stop.the start of Carteret's elec- ing and Loan Association held A pie eating contest was held at macists to two Carteret residents, nue to Hermann Avenue and for rrr and vou've been hav- This was revealed today by Mrs. i Catholic Church, announced that tion campaign. its 54th Annual Meeting on June the Parkview Playground with the hey are Thomas B. Kasher, 5 curb's on both sides of Post Boule- Charles Lee, general chairman, touch of the sniffles he parish will observe its patron The issue? Guess—the sewage 13, 1955. It is the oldest Building following gtrls entered In the 8-10 lermann Avenue and Charles F. vard and Linden Streets. who said the final tally shows the unn» Hie past few days, iatnt day. Sunday. August 1. plant. Loan Association in the Borough age group: Susan Razlmovlch, tiedel, 53 Heald Street. St. Demetrius' Ukrainian Ortho- spokesman was Clarence collected as $1,547.56. This layhe it's because the rag- Bishop Nicholas T. Elko, D.D., The of Carteret—Organized in 1901— Sherry Jones, Kathleen Powers, dox Church was granted a license McGlllis. He read some state- urn Includes $177.35 collected by Mr. Kasher Is employed by the fed is blooming now. 'ittsburgh, Pa., Byzantine Cath- and has always paid its maturi- Margie Acz, Christine Comba and to conduct raffles. ments made in previous campaigns ohn Mitro from the employes at Madison Hill Pharmacy, Rahway. olic Rite Diocese, will be the cele- ties and dividens in full when Virginia Toth with Kathleen Pow- Mayor Frank I. Bareford named trom now until the middle by the Republicans and also parts ,h"e U. S. Metals Refining, Com- He graduated from Rutgers Col- brant of a High Mass outdoors, due. Its assets are close to $450,- ers winning the prize. Marion George Slsko as a member of the [September there will be of testimony given In the sewage pany and $25 donated by the union ege of Pharmacy. He Is married weather permitting. He will be as- 000.00 and owns its own building Sloan, Roberta Sloan, Barbara Local Assistance Board to fill thr iK and sniffling plant suit, of the USMR. ,0 the former Jackelyn Folen-j vacancy created by the resignation sisted by Father C. S. Roskovics. at 560 Roosevelt Avenue, where Penning ton, Linda Williams, Joan Iherever ragweed is al- Mayor Frank I. Bareford Koluska, Caroline Zebrowskl, Irene Mrs. Thomas H. Abker, Park- aum, Perth Amboy. He Is the of George Chamra. The Mass will be held at It A. M the Association has its, office. view,' was co-chairman of the ion of Mrs. Rose Kasher and the thought that the oration could be Carter, Elizabeth Cullan and Building Inspector Paul Mucha Iwrd tn grow. According Later In the afternoon the parish The Association has carried' on drive. Her husband and Mrs. Jo- better aired through newspapers Dolores Berghout entered the 11- ate Morris Kasher. reported that he had Issued per- Health Inspector Mi- will hold its annual picnic on the through two great wars and in- seph R. Barch were treasurers or at political rallies. 13 age group with Caroline Zeb- Mr. Riedel is employed at Ko- mits for work costing $82,960 l;\st ne 1 Yaraheski, the rag- church grounds with Father Ros- tervening period of depression The campaign was mapp'ed out by Short sleeves and no coats was row&kl winning. The following boys check's Pharmacy in this bor- month, kovics us honorary chairman, as- properity and peace. The Asso- Gordon Roberts and Mr. Abker. ed situation is getting the fashion in the Council Cham- entered the 8-10 age group: Brian ough. He graduated from Carteret Solomon Novit applied for a sisted by John Kurtz, Michael ciation has helped more than Mrs. Lee expressed her apprecia- fetter in Carteret, but bers. Sctportmsch, Lawrence Carpen- High School and served in the transfer of his liquor license to Ko|>cl, Edward Lozak and Mrs. 1,500 people In the borough and tion to all the volunteers who made s still plenty of the Zebrowski, Ronald Navy for two years. He received himself "and his wife, It was re- john Medwlck, Sr. • nearby vicinity to' purchase and ter, Peter this excellent showing. Some o: ferred" to'the police committee. around for super- on Page *> his B. S. degree in pharmacy at Chairmen of the various com- obtain their own homes. the leaders in the drive were Mr Fordham University School of hwtive persons to smell. McOillls, Edwin S. Quln, Jr., Sam- mittees are: Nicholas' Yavorsky, New 3-cent Stamp In the past year of June, 19B4, Pharmacy. He is married to the uel Kaplan, Or. Seymour Mausner Joseph Bucsok, Michael Dimeter, to June, 1955, the Carteret Build- former Ann Sovany, Perth Am- Corbetts Start Lone Star Club Thomas Milik, Mra. May Burns Vasil BaloRa, Alex Fazekas, An- ing Loan Association earned for boy. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arc vim going to Join the On Sale at P.O. John Hutnlck, Thomas Coughlin any who are spending drew Galvae'h. Jr., John Kunak, its members dividents of 4% on Charles Riedel, Longfellow Street. Michael Gullrk, John E. Ladanye. installment shares. Dividends are Mrs. Harry Freeman, Miss Jean $200,000 Suit CARTERET — A new 3-cent At Picnic Sunday Lee. Mrs. Dorothy Hutton. M/s |inr summer itching and John Kavchiik. John Rakovic, paid on income share' certifi stamp commemorating "Atoms for Kay Taylor and Mrs. Gordon eat inn nlisters because Steve Sakacs, Frank Lozak, catcs at the rate of 3% p« CARTERET — Final arrange- CARTERBT — Myra Carolyn Peace" is now on sale at the Car- Roberts. Fazekas in Training lev didn't show proper Charles Sersun, Steve Wasilek and annum. ments have b*een completed for Corbett, 13, by her guardian ad Ellas zareva. tefet Post Office, according to an the annual picnic sponsored by Also Mrs. Thomas McWaters Test Held in Germany lttem, Archibald L. Corbett. and sped for poison ivy, pol- More than 3,500 shares are held Mrs. Percy Galbralth, Mrs, B. W Also, John Kavchak, Mrs. announcement by Postmaster Les- the Lone Star Social and Athletic the latter individually, 137 Em- k. or poison sumac? by members of the Association. Harrington, "Mrs. Thomas Milik AUGSBURG. Germany - Pvt. Charles Jacobs, Mis. George Ska- ter Sabo, Club to be held Sunday, Augus erson Avenue yesterday sued John ealih Inspector Michael These accounts mature when a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slca, Mrs. Julia Charles Fazekas Jr., whose wife lango, Sr., Mrs. Charles S'troln, Printed in blue, the stamp mea- 14, at Stupar's Orove In Wesl J. and Josephine Murranwi of share reaches the value of $2001)0. Hila and Robert Walsh. ieski savs that most Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Adams, Mr. sures .84 by 1.44 Inches. Carteret. lives at Longfellow Street, 2537 N. Wood Avenue, Llndnn, in The accumulation of regular sav- Carteret, N. J., recently took part ppoitant in avoiding and Mrs. Charles Ferenchtak, Mr. The central design, arranged Chairmen of the aSalr are John Superior Court, Elizabeth, for ings and attractive compounded In battalion training tests in leu "bite is your ability and Mrs. Andrew Galvach, Sr.. horizontally. Is composed of two Abatemarco, assisted by Anthony Republicans to Meet $200,000. ividends combine to hasten the southern Germany. nrn«nize these plants. Mr. and Mrs. George Hila, Mrs. spheres showing each side of the Russo. Tonight at Falcom The Superior Court action w;i:-s Nicholas Yavorsky. Mr. and Mrs. atlas encircled with the orbital maturity of shares in this insti- Fazekas, a machine gunner In docketed today with County Clerk Rive no warning, ,ution. Thrift accounts are avail- Deputy Chief Charles Makwin Steve Demeter, Mrs. John Hila, emblem, which has become sym- ski will be In charge of entertain CARTERET — Candidate the 5th Infantry Division's 11th Henry G, Nulton by Edward Colin, live at 13 McKmley Avenue, Car- for the father. Among the num- ent More attention is be- John Yavorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Nations December 8, 1953: in 5. 10, 15 or 20 years as desired chaelf Bohanek. is expected to attend. teret. erous Injuries listed is ii fracture ivm to bringing ba- George Popivlch, Mr. and Mrs. to find the way by which the by the applicant. These payments of the spine. to the world In good Geza Garai, Mrs. Alex Fazekas, . Inventiveness ^ man shall . . . can be made in almost the 'same Mrs. Irene Toth, Mrs. Anipa Gav- be consecrated to his life." manner and in some cases in the i and then keeping ron, John Milyo, Michael LaRusso, same amount as rents now paid, Gas, Oil, Air and Public Relations All ;11 State Unit Lauds that wav. Carteret Mrs. Julia Sabo, Misses. Anna, Home owners can obtain loans IVIl|s are told how'.to Helen and Elifca-beth Kunak. Miss Legion Post Names n order to modernize their homes In a Day's Work, Clifford Cutter Says youngsters a Elsie Popovjch, Mrs. Anna Sersun, or to add to their present struc- Eastern Sta^ Here Mrs. Mary Zaleski, Mrs. Dolores Two New Officers of health. ,U1'CS. Herllla, Vasil Postak, Andrew Some Patrons Enjoying, CARTERET—Carteret Chapter Teleposky, Richard Lozak, Miss CARTERET — At its meeting, At the Association's annual No. 239 of the Order of Eastern Carteret Post, American, Legion, meeting, the following officers A Chat, Others Ask for '''i'l'ii't at one time Theresa Galvach, Misses Irene and Star shared In a tribute extended Eleanore Rakovic, Mrs. George elected Joseph Stek vice-corn* and directors were re-elected: by the Children's Home Society of ducted horse races. Miiskarinec and John Gulick. mander and W. V. Larson as ad president, Isidor ,Mausner; vice- Service and Run 111 New Jersey In recognition of the the Memorial Mu- jutant. president, John y. Harrington; lasting contribution made by New l;i1 CARTER$T — A gas station •'l Building iwas dedi- Named as delegates and alter- treasurer, Dorothea Huber; sec- owner or his attendant are jn the Jersey O, E. S. Chapters to the Ilid n 1925 the horse 3 Borough Residents nates, to the State convention in retary, Anna Brown; attorney, twin? of things, keeping in touch Society's work in behalf of homo- Elmer E. Brown ..Director^: Frank held at'Lelbig's Wildwood were: Thomas Jake- with what lc new and what people less and unwanted children.. At Summer Session way.JThaddeus'Wyretowlcz, Fran- Andres, Isidor Brown, Andrew re doing, declares Clifford "Chip- In a letter sent to Mrs. Margaret And, so thit people cis Tomczuk, Steve Stek, James Chamra, Dorothea Huber, Johni) Conwaj|, Secretary ot Chapter No. mki CARTERET — Three Carteret py" Cutter, who has spent the past not keeip their Yacula, Clifford Cutter and Wal- J. -Harrington, Isidor Mausner,' ,'Uteen years serving motorists en 239) Mrs, Jeanne Ott, financial ml resident are among the twenty- too much on the ter Wadlak/ Joseph Sahulcik, Herbert Sulli- route to fun, tragedy and excite- secretary of the Society wrike: "I nine Middlesex County persons rse van and George Ytironka. ment. am happy to advise you thtft the i an aeroplane flew who are taking courses in the (1 NAMED TO BOARU 'There is an unllmtled amount O. E. S. endowment fund M the track as an exfri- Rutgers School of Education dur- CARTERET—Mr's.jAnn McLeod • of stuff you can learn if you lis- Children's Hprne Society ofj New Won ing the six-week Summer Session a member of the Carteret Board Calvury tiuptists List ten to the customers," AJr. Cutter Jersey has grown to $1,157:30, • • • at the State University. of Education, has been selected as advises. Tills means the total of rouuibu-' Di a member of the Board of Trus- Services, Activities it-yourseir projects They are: Miss Mary Mudrak, Patrons who stop at the Amoco tions made by O. E. S. Chapters, 1(1 107 Sharot Street, kindergarten tees of the Cartftiet School Adult includliM Carteret Chapter No. '"uli am ti CARTERET—Rev. Josepr^ Ma- Service Station, at Brady's Corner, n arnonn vacation teacher in Woodbridge; Chester Education. , 'U9, lias reached the point whern tus, pastor of the Calvary Baptist w^lch Mr. Cutter operates, have [suits of Carteret resi- Wielgolinski, 31 Elrnwood Avenue, The first meeting of the group the iiiinual income from tins fiinrt Ws hurcli, lists the following activi- mi opportunity to deal with a man ' ranging from ga- industrial arts teacher at High will be held Tuesday evening, wfio believes in studying each per- provides a goodly share of wlint August 9/at 7 P. M., in the Car- ties: Sunday School at 10 A. M. it Lusts to prepare a homeless child " "no-room additions School here.and Mips Iris Saeder, is in full session throughout the son to see hqw b«st to get along ill||(1 teret High School. for ;i new \\tfi with new parents 'louses. Exchans;- 218 Washington Avenue. whole summer. Classes "for all with him or tar. (1 who will love und cherish it tu '"', ifiht-hour dav for axes. Worship Service at 11 A. M. Most customers are in a Jhurry 11(l| to get somewhere so they i wfent their very own. '" i lonner such.ef- The pastor's sermon toplo will be: "The Directors of our Society. Ml:ll This Face of Jesus." The* Com- quick service and are on their way ." ly inspire, many Time to Be Kind to Dogs; again. Other, however, like to talk this service. a while, particularly the home- hammers, town customers, according to Mr. The 'Dog Days' Are Here Sunday afternoon the church as a'Whole-is ise-wHaHy 4«vU«4< to Carteret Reservist constant access to shade and Mr. Cutter knows many people. grounds in CARTERET — Dog days, ac- family picnic at the Pastor's |l;i| fresh water and owners should Before entering tile service sta- Stationed at Camp Dix cording to Webstor's dictionary., Grove in Colonia. The'Ladies' Aid e time long after refrain from playing with them tion business, he was a member of "Luni to their regu- were "reckoned in ancient times will' be on hand to serve home- CARTERET - Cnpt. Anthony from the heliacal rising of the or taking them or) long walks the Borough Council for six yearn J. Ross. 33 Laurel Street, mem- made doughnuts, refreshments and he also aervedJus a member of dog star- iBIrusi." Modern dogs during the heat of the day. ber of Northern Jersey's (1201st and watermelon. If the weather the Board of Education for three * • • In Carteret, however, do then' - Dogs should not be left - In Area (USARi, is undcr- la not permissible the affair wll years, A veteran of World War I, 'illn closed automobiles parked in two wgeks annual field "•m ••reckoning" from rising ther- be held in the church recreation he has been very active in Lumlon the stin. the job" trailing at Kott Dix, stress don'ts mometers. hall. affairs, while his wife is active in Dogs suffering from Heat luruest military installation m don't ac- The SPCA lias forwarded to he Legion Auxiliary. f us an annual plea to dog own- prostration—indicated by foam- Northeastern America. , of candy or LUTHERAN SERVICES The service station operation is ers U) help keep their pets cool ing at the mouth, convulsion or During their two weeks at Du, , ,J""« from strancers; running fits—should be removed CARTERET — Services at the a highly competitive business, he 11 during the sultry weuther. We •Hid. and overhead must be kept eudum this Saturday, the Hi;ser •"•'•'•pt rides to school lo shady areas. Cold pucka ap- Ziou Lutheran Church this com- are told that the old belle! that down in order to maintain any vlils Will Join their Regular u plied to their hands and paws ing Sunday, August 7, will be as mtPlT dogs go mad during "dog days margin of profit. Of lute, the price Aimy cimrUenwits ut ijer.soniii'l follows: Gt-nimn service 8:30 A buildinRB with wan wrong. Dogs get warm, Just will help revivfi them. Never im- war has hit almost every service SERVHJET Photo shows Clifford <'ultt-r a. 1 vine e