first With The News! For Value • Shop The Ados Keep Astride AH The Activities Of The Town With Tour The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Serrtow In The Area Are Our Adrerttaers! Patronize Them! hV0L. XXXIV-NO. 15 C.'AHTKHET, N. J., FftlDAY, JULY 29, 1955 PMQE EIGHT CENTS 14 Awards Increase Shown This Year Air Woes WINGS In Building Construction OF Are Made; CARTERET—Building construction In the borough durum thp On first six months of this yenr Increased by $383,936, as compared with the same period last year, according to figures made public LIFE By USMR today by Building Inspector Paul Mucha. In River At the end of June this vear. permits wrre Issued for work to Uy Julian Pollak cost 1786,790, as compnred - with $502,854 during the first six Carteret Plant Staff months of 1954. Rahway Files [Main! with lapancs beetles have in- The permits by month; Honored for Extended 1955 1954 State; Borough Swks Lloli carteret and house- Service with Company January H57.T90 )9S.4S0 Correction Li(1r,s rrport that they afe February 48.000 33,510 bine )iravy dama£e to rose CARTERET — Fourteen em March 102,000 104,915 CARTERET — Mayor Jam's ployees of the U. S. Metals Re- April , 214.000 47,314 O. Egolf, of Rahway, reported L11(,s on which they ds- L- iravps, buds and flow- flnlnj,' Company won service but- May .. 179.000 153,055 Wednesday night that the condi- ton awards this month. Three June 86.000 48,550 tion of the Rahway River, caused Gardeners sav that we were awarded buttons for twenty- by the backing up of raw srw- s]atrd for about four flvr years service; eight, for age from Carteret. has been laid rr ws of Japanese bee- twenty years; two for ten years before representatives of the Stale ' prrtrnuble. They maintain iind one, for five years. Carteret First Aid Squad Board of Health. poa test degree of activ- Twenty-five year awards were The action was taken, he s;»iti. during the warm, sunny presented to. Albert Tpmorl, 83 Wins Race in Turnpike because no answers have been ro- Washington Ave., Carteret, 'Silver ceived from Carteret officials m ivs CARTERET — This borough's « * • * Refinery; Diamantlno Perelra, 71 at 6:45 o'clock, where » baby boy response to Rahway complaints. Larch Street, Carteret, Casting First Aid Squad Ambulance made s delivered seven minutes late Mayor Egolf said that he and I Summer has always been Department; and John Podsobln- a speedy trip to Elizabeth via the at 6:52. other representatives of Rahwnv.i Ijlpri as the idea! time to =;ki, 93 Sharot Street, Carteret, New jDrsejfcjTurnplke to Elizabeth The boy, Mrs. Farrante's fourth governing body had conferred Sax and enjoy a good book Foundry. the other n^t with an expectant child, weighed nine pounds, three with state officials, "who ap- lf] the Carteret library re- Twenty-year pins were given mother. ounces peared reluctant to do anything." Jrts that it has one of the to Manuel Perez, 55 Holly Street, Andrew Hila, the driver and his Mr. Hila said he, drove at 70 They promised to write a letter, Carteret, S tViye s Department; aide, Albert Nudge, "sweated It to 80 miles-per-hour on the Turn- he said. collections of volumes on NEW K. OF C. I.KADKRS—Carey Council. 1280, Knights of I'olumlms, h:is set Aucust 8 as the date Iv subject one may desire. Louis Stratton, T7 Edwin Street, out" during the nine-mile run pike in an effort to arrive at the Carteret borough officials sa.d when the newly elected officers will be installed. Shown from left tii rljrlil, front row, are Walter Carteret, Yard Department; Mi- but they arrived at Elizabeth hospital on time. Dr. Mnurine they received letters of complaints fnrteret woman is fond Ginda. Nicholas DelVacchlo, Rev, Victor GrahrUn, OSM, Chief (icurRe SherUlaii, grand knight; chael Lompey, 569 Garden Ave- General Hospital with seven Chodosh, the Farrante family 'rom Rahway and on one occasion nading cook books, we Peter Panek, Anthony Halaski, Paul Colton; back row, Stephen Torok, Frank (io.vrna, Frank Doli- nue, Woodbridge, Tank House, minutes tp spare. physician, already was at the held a conference on the raw Sin. because they hold nieh, Frank Nadolski, Joseph Tuchols!:!, John C.oyena and Joseph Telcposky and to Prank Chlsmadia, 73 Pu^ Mrs. William Farrante wa! hospital. sewage complaint. It was pointed Usury of information for laskl Avenue, Carteret; Stephen picked up by the ambulance The father did not learn of his out to the Rahway delegation Inirmakcrs. Mezey, 6 Maple Avenue, Carteret; shortly after 6:30 o'clock at her new son until later In the eve- that the borough Is not ln^ po- « * * « Jose G. Gago, 68 Atlantic Street, home, 272 Randolph Street with ning He took his children to the sition to proceed with any chXji^vs Daniels, Wife, Back From Israel Visit, Carteret; Stephen Nagy, 569 Gor- her sister, Mrs. Stefanle Mitchell. shore for a day's outing. The until the peadlng suit over the |ln the summer, youngsters den Avenue, Woodbridge, and Jo- Mrs. Fnrrante was taken into the mother is the former Miss Mary sewage plant structure Is conclud- em to f;et into all kinds o praise Pioneer Spirit of the Populace seph Ondrejcak, 208 Grove Street, emergency room at the hospital Sitarz, this borough. ed. Woodbridge, all of the Mechani- Borough Clerk George Brechkii inplications. For Instance CARTERET—The pioneer spirit along the cofcstal plain, went | New York, also was on a visit to arm pets stuck In tin cal Department. said that Rahway complained th U Is at work In full swing in Israel, through the Negeb, a triangular- Israel. Gustav Mllak, 73 Essex St., Willow Tree Camp was empty- i»ing opening of a shaped semi-desert region, which The trip was made by plane. The Keen Contests Teachers Inspect according to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carteret, Yard Department and ing raw sewarge into the Rahway extends from the south of Beer- Daniels left New York on a KLM Ittai pipe An adventurous Daniels, 18 Locust Street, who have Oscar Nesbit, New York City, River. Afterward* the property which has tentatively sheba to an apex at the head of plane with stops at Gander, Glas- owners were warned to mak the Just returned from a month's the Gulf of Elath. Casting Department were award- At Playgrounds Westvaco Plant gow, Holland and Germany. necessary corrections. •ij^led through a grating visit tbere. "Marvels have been aecomplish- ed ten-year buttons. They were highly impressed by 1 ira'culniisly grows too large "It has been our ambition in ed In such a short time," said Mr. the modern buildings, modern Charles A. Gering. 1127 Jeffer- CARTERET — Recreation Di- CARTERET — The local plant I be withdrawn. A decettfu: life to makei a viit to the Jewish Daniels. "But a great deal more is stores and modern machinery be- son Avenue, Rahway, Personnel rector Daniel Semenza, announces of Wrstvaco Mineral Products Di- tk generally attached to homeland," said Mr .Daniels, "and to be done. There is a shortage of ing used to develop the country. Department, was presented with the following contest held during vision^ Food Machinery - and Firm is Retiring . Itluooin door, obstinatel we are happy that we have housing for the constantly arriv- The shops in the large cities are a five-year button. the week at the various play- Chemical Corporation, played host grounds, sponsored by the Recrea- fuses to open from the In achieved that ambition." ing new colonists. It is a great in- somewhat comparable to the fine All presentations were made to a group of school teachers. The spiration to watch the pioneer to the recipients by their depart- A bubble gum contest was held teachers were part of a group at- for the youngsters wh< Mr. Daniels said that the people shops of New York. 3 Employees Today in Israel are very proud people. spirit of the people. America has Mr. Daniels, building contractor, ment heads. at the Grant Avenue Playground tending the New Jersey Workshop ea.-ily locked it. And fin They have built a healthy, pros- been a great help and the Israelis retired from active work several with the following girls entering on Economic Education offered CARTBRET — Three employers the 8-10 age group. Jean Yap- |v crawling into a catc perous land out of a desert and appreciate it." years ago because of illness. He by the school pt education of of the U. S. Metals Refining they have outstripped the world In Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were sur- csinsky, Aiiine Szymborski, Chris- Rutgers University. There were 10 sir, ami not being able t( has held various offices in the Company will retire today. Mr. basing their democratic Institu- prised shortly after their arrival in Two Carteret Men tine Smollen, Patricia Kerchef- visitors in the group. They were Freeman H. Dyke, vice-president illt Congregation of Brotherhood of tions on social Justice. Tel Aviv. In the same hotel they sky, Georgene Slotwinski, Patricia [reeted by Mr. Thomas Jackson, arid general manager of the com- They have visited not only the met Rabbi Sltkln, who for 25 years Loving • Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Lose Driving Right Pukash, Eleanor Teleposky, Nancy plant manager and Ed Guldldas, pany will preside at a special <y do» days are with us large cities of Israel such as Tel served the synagogues in Carteret Daniels celebrated their golden Weber, Lorraine Hudak and Pa- Personnel manager.
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