By USMR Air Woes on in River
first With The News! For Value • Shop The Ados Keep Astride AH The Activities Of The Town With Tour The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Serrtow In The Area Are Our Adrerttaers! Patronize Them! hV0L. XXXIV-NO. 15 C.'AHTKHET, N. J., FftlDAY, JULY 29, 1955 PMQE EIGHT CENTS 14 Awards Increase Shown This Year Air Woes WINGS In Building Construction OF Are Made; CARTERET—Building construction In the borough durum thp On first six months of this yenr Increased by $383,936, as compared with the same period last year, according to figures made public LIFE By USMR today by Building Inspector Paul Mucha. In River At the end of June this vear. permits wrre Issued for work to Uy Julian Pollak cost 1786,790, as compnred - with $502,854 during the first six Carteret Plant Staff months of 1954. Rahway Files [Main! with lapancs beetles have in- The permits by month; Honored for Extended 1955 1954 State; Borough Swks Lloli carteret and house- Service with Company January H57.T90 )9S.4S0 Correction Li(1r,s rrport that they afe February 48.000 33,510 bine )iravy dama£e to rose CARTERET — Fourteen em March 102,000 104,915 CARTERET — Mayor Jam's ployees of the U. S. Metals Re- April , 214.000 47,314 O. Egolf, of Rahway, reported L11(,s on which they ds- L- iravps, buds and flow- flnlnj,' Company won service but- May .. 179.000 153,055 Wednesday night that the condi- ton awards this month. Three June 86.000 48,550 tion of the Rahway River, caused Gardeners sav that we were awarded buttons for twenty- by the backing up of raw srw- s]atrd for about four flvr years service; eight, for age from Carteret.
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