No Word Received of a T U Ntic Flyer Rescuers Find 250
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Htrfi'r. TsT*) ITirliliB r ai"-:1 ■ v i t - ; T- 4&. \ “ - NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIKI L'LATIOX for the iminth of February, 1928 5,108 State Library V^^Member of ihe Aiiilit Hurean of CirvalntiuiiK PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL, X U L , NO. 140. Classifled Advertising on I’age 12. FLOOD DEATH TOLL • NO WORD RECEIVED FIRST PICTURE OF BROKEN ST. FRANCIS DAM RESCUERS FIND 250 OF A T U NTIC FLYER , <'5 BODIES IN CANYON o "s O' ' , ' , s '.s,' X, S. V«. S..,. * . * Several Hundred Sdll Listed as Missing and Bodies May Op to Noon 33 Hours Had 'U P H A M K E P T NV>^*S\ a « j g j u j y j PKQIU Never Be Found— Property Damage Estimated at Should Have Reached | UIC PI CD If C $12,000,000— Not Known What Caused Dam to Newfoundland at 8 a. m. n l 5 LL l K I\ 5 Burst— Rescuers Work All Throng the Night— Pes tilence Feared— Bodies Slowly Being Identified To- \n\icf deepened wiili every Secretary to G. 0, P. Treas- passins hour today as the black- and-gold British monoplane. “ En- ; urer Says His Chief Never <$> rlcavour.” hearing Captain Walter Los Angeles, Calif., March 14.— take up the work where It was left Hinchclifl'e and another person, be- I Told Him About Sinclair off last night. And according to ieved to he tlip Hon. Elsie Mack ay. While hundreds of grief-stricken general belief the total of death daughter of Lord Inchcape. failed and hysterical relatives stormed and desolation will surely rise as :o put in an appearance anywhere Bonds. crude morgues in half a dozen rescue work is pushed forward. ilong the .Vtlantic seaboard— from towns in the Santa Clara valley to “ How did it happen?” “ And who, if anyone, is to 'vow York to Newfoundland. day seeking loved ones, the death blame?” The hriahtly-naintrd monoplane Washington, March 14.— The toll in the San Francisquito canyon 'ook off at 8:40 a. ni.. yesterday late Fred W. Upham, Republican Today the state’s . ohief engineer '3:40 a. m.. New Yoric time) from dam disaster mounted to 500 esti and his chief deputy, who have ar he Cranwell .\irdnme some 75 national treasurer kept his hand mated dead and $12,000,000 prop rived on the scene from Sacramen iiiles north of London in a pro ling of Harry F. Sinclair's Liberty erty loss. to, are to begin an Investigation I -i.~ at the scene of the wrecked dam. tected tran.s-AUantic flight, a Bonds a secret from even his own "W e already know of some 250 loca1;ed 45 miles to the north and ern crossing: of the ocean which dead in various sections of the val-1 confidential employes, A. U. Leon- \ !• west of Los Angeles. never has been accomplished and A, ley,” said Under-Sheriff Eugene I ard, former secretary to Upham. The answer as to the cause of which has brought disaster and Biscailuz, in charge of the New hall-' '■“V. , the catastrophe was a bit plainer death to all tho.'^e who previously I testified today at the Senate's in- Saugus sector, "and we expect to today. First Avhisperings of earth had made the attempt. find that many more when we start ! quiry into tlie Continental Trading quake or dynamite collapsed un .‘ J.*? Hours Klaiised. digging In the mud and silt. All we Company's “ slush fund." der official inquiry. It appears that •\t 12:45 this afternoon. New did yesterijay was to pick up bodies seepage of water through the earth York time, tliirty-thrce liour.s had Leonard said he thonglit James which were In sight along the riv and under and around the west elapsed since the take off and no A. Patten, Chicago Avheat king,;Avas er bank.” wing of the structure so weaken conclusive information of the making a ?25,000 gift to the Re Hour by hour a new horror at ed the foundations that the col plane's whereabouts had been re publican Party Avhen in fact Upham tending the disaster was revealed lapse came when it faced the great ceived for hours. It was last seen had given Patten .$25,000 of the as relief work got under way and est test it had ever undergone. for a certainty earl.v yesterday, less Sinclair lionds in exchange for the Here is an air picture of the ruins of the great St. Farncis Dam near Newhall. California, after it burst and sent a torrent down the tranquil drastic sanitary measures were en Chief Engineer 'William Mul- than 200 miles off the Irish coast. contribution. Santa Clara Riv^^ Valley: Breaking cf the dam. caused by a cloudburst, released 38.000 acres of impounded Avaten Death and destruction forced to halt possible pestilence. holland of the Bureau of Power An unconfirmed report from St. Leonard testified tliat no records rode the crest of the flood. Of the dam. only the concrete monolith slioAvn in the center of the photo was left. The picture was taken by a Beacon Fires and Light was outspoken in the .lohn’s Newfoundland today said of the Liberty Bonds Avere ever NEA Service photographer from an airplane and telephoted to New York from Los Angeles. ..All during the night beacon opinion that' a “ maJor ground several persons claimed to have kept. He also declared that all of like fires glowed through the movement,” something like a heard the motor of a plane at Upham’s personal correcpondence drizzle of rain that fell In the val COLLEGE DEBATORS ground slip of. water-soaked earth, Brigus. 27 miles west of .that city. and all records of contributions to ley as dead' work animals and ON TRAINING TABLE. not an earthquake, had caused the Anxious eyes scanned the skies the Republican Party, except a !north end youth wreckage was burned. Meehan Made Millions collapse of the dam. from the coast of Newfoundland Gov. C. C. Young, who arrived card index file, were destroved In The 60-foot wall of water rush Avhere it Avas thought the plane 1924. Cambridge, Mass., March 14. at Santa Paula late yesterday ex ing doAvn the 'Santa Clara river might reach this morning, if the — Harvard’s debaters today pected to remain there today to ad Coiiiniittee .Ad.journs FEARS THRASHING valley Inundated and partially ob leadAvinds that prevail on a west were placed at a training table. vise and assist in relief work. After hearing Leonard, tlie In Manipulating Stock literated portions Of the towns of erly flight, Avere not more pro They will eat all meals together “As great as was the calamity, Senate committee adjourned to Cast^jfp yJrn.. Illmore; Santa Paula nounced than anticipated. But no as do Harvard’s athletic teams. there was one merciful note,” said meet at 10:30 o’clock tomorrow and Saticoy, with varying loss of where Avas the big ship sighted. morning in the Federal building, .Thin-Ls^iq . preparation for the Under-Sheriff Biscailuz. "Death MeanwlilIe.-f^t^ur^8S Fj.eld-, Long New York, March" 1 4 '— 'liYaUf'Ciittem-'lA^^erinbr^ and the Fisher annual debating clash with Says'fle Will Return To came swift and sure. Almost every life In each community. •Chicagt). The committee has sub Early today the total number, of Island, prtpS5SlP)is,Ayac<e made to poenaed 3 9 witnesses for the Chica street, Avhere fortunes have been brothers. Princeton and Yale. body in the valley was in bed short receive the flyers. The plane, a made and lost in the twinkling of The speculative gyrations in ly after midnight when the wave of bodies actually recovered from the go hearing. night— Seen By Pals in flooded area stood definitely at Stinnon-Detroiter, carried approxi an eye, today watched Avith undis Radio, have inflwenced the rest of water released as 925 feet of the mately 450 gallons of gasoline While Leonard was on the stand, 225. Senator Thomas J. Walsh, Demo guised interest every move oif Mic the Stock Market tremendously ' i 1,000-foot concrete dam gave way. which Avould give it a cruising time "I t will never be known exactly Just what the actual toll of life crat of Montana, revealed that the hael J. Meehan, familiarly knoAvn the last week or more and has pre of about forty hours, according to cipitated the biggest and broadest COURT IS INFORMED Last Few Days. what happened at and below the has been in the disaster authorities committee had been informed that as “ Mike,” who, almost single-hand would only conJecture. best estimates. ed, has engineered the sensational markets in the history of the ex dam. It took our men all day on Fear Disaster. Upham once protested against the horseback to reach the dam— and .Many Missing. Teapot Dome reserve being leased rise of Radio common which has changes. Fear of a Avhipping because he Not until late today will tlie shot up that stock 61-% points 4n - " • A Quiet Man HOW WINE IS MADE there were no survivors.” Hundreds are still missing, prob Lopeful watchers relinquish the to Sinclair. Leonard knew nothing spent or lost a dollar given to him Bodies of victims were being as ably swept to their death, their about his protest. four days of trading. Me&han, quiet, little man with a idea that the perilous trip Avill be by his mother to buy a peck of po sembled at various cities, towns bodies buried in.