9Fod|^INQUIKING Swap of Some Sort
24 SPORTS. The evening stab, Washington, d. c„ Wednesday, February h, 1925. SPORTS Spring Barnstorming Exhibitions by Champions Are Barred After This Year RULING WILL NOT AFFECT OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE SCHEDULE, 1925 GRIFFS HOME 16 SUNDAYS, JAUNT OF GRIFFS-GIANTS (Black figures denote Sundays and Holidays, latter la parentheses.) BUT ON ONLY ONE HOLIDAY supplied with holiday engagements at home last year, BOSTON American League Withdraws Offer of SIOO,OOO Best CHICAGO ST. *OOXB DETROIT CLETCLAHD WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA Washington's world champion Nationals will have to be con- tent with season. WELL, one such date this The schedule makers of Monument for Washington—Three Amend- 12, 19, 20, 81, Junels,l6 (17,17),18 anr Ift Ift 21 Anrl4 is ift 17 May 4, fi, 6. 7 .liiiiftft. 6. 7, 8 June 10. 11. 13 June 22 the American League have seen fit to allot to the best of the base ball # 1* CHICAGO '• 2 1 £& ments to World Series Plans Are Adopted. Sports * S&MaV Vie. ts, 17 S&V'zfik world only May 30 as a holiday on which they are to show their wares twice on their own stamping ground, but they have been generous in 87 June 10. 13 sending Saturday and Sunday games to Clark Griffith Stadium. Sixteen ,•> 24, lane 19, 20, 22 Jane 6. 8 11. 12. Anr so u.. s ADr26 27 •>8 28 Anr 22, 23. 23 June 14, 18, 17. 18 Sabbath day engagements—more any club has LOUIS, February 11—Continuing its policy to keep base ball from than other in the league News SlliL*;.’.
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