BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Title Registered In TJ. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1909, by The Sporting Life Publishing Company. Vol. 53 No. 3 Philadelphia, March 27, 1909 Price 5 Cents ELDS! The Chicago White The Biggest Salary Sox Chief Will Ever Paid to Any Visit His Reluct Employe in the ant Team Mana- History of the ger and Offer Him National Game. SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Otto Wittpenn and Sheriff James J. Kelly, OS ANGELES, Cal., March 22. of Hudson county, are in faror of Sunday President Comiskey, of the Chi base balL cago American League Club, has come to the conclusion that "if CINCINNATI©S TEAM. the Mountain won©t come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the Mountain." He has there- Manager Clark Griffith Makes His First fore decided to go to Portland, Ore., where Announcement. his hold-out manager, Fielder Jones, now Special to "Sporting Life." makes his home, to induce that clever player and competent manager to reconsider his Cincinnati, O., March 22. Manager Clark announced retirement and put in one more Griffith, at Atlanta, today made his first season at least as manager and outfielder official announcement concerning the make of the White Sox. As an inducement, Presi up of the Cincinnati team for the coming dent Comiskey is willing to give Jones a season. "Griff" proposes to do away -with salary of $15,000 for next season the big- the "penny-wise-ponnd-foolish-policy" that best sum ever paid any man, not financially has governed past managers and give the interested in a club, in the history of base city of Cincinnati the very best bull clnb ball.
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