Isi&^ a Packet of Cigarettes, and Broke Into a Sunburst of Hill-Billy and It Was There That Profanity
16 Colliers for August 25, 1934 chase was made, and they probably would have done both only the snow Lefty s Left was up to their whiskers, the purchase having been announced in December. He is supposed to have cost young By Bill Cunningham owner Yawkey a cool $125,000 and to command a salary bank presidents don't get in these times, but that was some thing for Yawkey to discuss with his advisers if any. The Murphys, the Last year it was worth $125,- Kellys, the Cabots, Saltonstalls and 000. This year it's not worth Cohens merely skied their skimmers to much. It won't work. No the cold Back Bay moon and itched a body knows whether it will mighty itch for the good old summer ever work again. And a thou- time. But the great Robert Moses, as I say, sand fans plus a great pitcher was warming up on the rail. Jack Ons- are broken-hearted because w was doing the receiving. Some of a small twist in a tiny mus Okie or substitute might do for the cle in Lefty Grove's left arm hers, but here was the star. He rated least a coach as his back-stopper. Long—he's six feet three inches tall lean—you can see his ribs under the 'M NOT superstitious—well, not .ower, for all his 180 pounds, and very, anyhow—but any time I come ked saddle brown by the Sarasota to see you, don't start playing that n, he eased them out gradually for I Ravel's Bolero unless you want to me fifteen minutes and then he began see a strong man come down with tha cut loose.
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