J 7" KEEPING . IPACE WW II 11 PORTING EVENTS! jSEigjatKinaiHiinirsns!! EDITED BY WAGNER SiiifiDiaraiigraipnnnaiiniiaiinfiB

GIANTS BEATEN IN COMING SERIES WILL SURELY UP AND DOWN FACTS ABOUT GIANTS AND WHITE SOX LOCAL ELKS GET PLAYERS BASEBALL TWO GAMES BY SPORT STREET IN ANNUAL CLASSIC TIE WITN BRONX BE BIGGEST FINANCIAL PLUM MAITY'S PLAYERS CICOTTE TO PITCH THREE. NEW YORK " IN BENEFIT GAME The expect Eddie Name .AGE RESIDENCE the veteran to win of New York arid Parks Makes It Certain Cicotte, hurler, G. Ij. McCarty 28 Catawissa, Pa. 1 Capacity Chicago at least three the W. A. Cincinnati, Oct The Giants lost Be games against Rariden 29 Bedford, Ind. The local Elks' baseball pjayers both .garnet of yesterday's double Records Will Broken. Giants. They figure he will pitch the Geo. W. Gibson . . 37 London; Ont. ' clashed with the Bronx Elks at New-fiel- d header .to- - the Reds, dropping the first contest and the day of idleness John Onsiow ." 29 Mt. Pleasant, O. park yesterday for the benefit first gime by 9 to 6, and being blank- while the clubs are back to Chas. Tesreau 28 New York, N. Y. of the Soldiers' Tobacco fund. The New York, Oct 1 The the of which they are mem- traveling, W. IX ed by Walter Kuether In the second, biggest leagues ' New York will give him a chance to Perrltt 26 Shreveport, La. game was called in the fifth inning 4 to Qj'' In the game, financial bonus of the baseball year bers. In York. Fred Anderson '. 30 N. C when the rain to fall. At openirig Matty's these sums are not to be con- twirl the opener New Then Statesville, began that Omen jcame from behind In the eighth is to be distributed soon in the form That he can probably come back in the Albert Demaree 32 Chicago, III. time the score was 2 to 2. The Bridge- inning1, sidered lightly, even in the present J. C. Benton 27 and slugged Slim Sallee for six of a division of the gate receipts of fifth or sixth game, if there is one. Clinton, N. C. port Antlers had collected a strong runs. ''The Giants faced the offerings days of extraordinary financial opera- Cicotte is a bear for work and Man- F. M. Schupp 25 Louisville, team for the occasion. the World's Series games of 1917. tions, be realized when it is Ky. Ray Keating, of Rube Bressler, Pete Schneider, and may ' ' ager Rowland says his star never has H. F. Sallee ...... i 32 Higginsport. O. a member of the local lodge who has - stated the of the 13 Fred JToney in Mils game,- hitting When the New York National and that receipts any bad days. Walter Holke 25 St-- Louis, Mo. Just finished a good season with To- hard. Chicago players re- series played since 1903 have aggre- C. L. Herzog 32 ledo of Lr ikjer and Schneider of amount The winning' of the pennant has ....' Ridgeley, Md. the American assciation, pitch- Anderson started the first ceive their share of the money, paid gated $2,874,224, this huge been a who Arthur Fletcher : 32 111. ed and Jack an .Eastern "Tf the have received $1,180,823, vindication for Rowland, Collinsville, Egan, league game In the box for the Giants and in the form of admission charges by players was considered a joke by many Chi- Henry Zlrnmerman si New York, N, Y. backstop, was behind the bat. "Em" one-ru- who club owners and the v had a n lead to work on as his the thousands of spectators will the $1,411,156, cago fans and writers. Rowland is Geo. J. Burns 27 New York, N. ,Y. Donnelly made several good catches will be able National Commission $282,242. The - teammates nicked Bressler for a tally attend the contests, they well liked, by his players and' has Benny Kauff ., 28 Middleport, O. for Bridgeport. 'round. Smith doubled to deposit to the credit of their bank rules governing the series specify that Davis Robertson 27 Paul 'In the opening each club name in advance ot brought this good feeling about' by Norfolk, Va, Krichell, manager of the to left,-an- went to third on Murray's accounts sums larger than the yearly shall of the men. He John B. Lobert .' 35 Pa. Eastern was" of of who will the the men who are eligible to diplomatic handling Philadelphia, Bridgeport league club, out. Smith, and Thorpe tried a dou- income many the fans pay is a boy for the J. W..Wllbjoit 26 Santa Cal backstop for the Bronx boys and Gin-gra- s, i These play--: great patting players Barbara, v ble steal, and the play was made for witness the play. participate in the games. on the back and them to- work J. L. Smith 22 Pittsburgh, Pa, another Bridgeport did second The will not be the only ers each receive one share of the win- getting Jas. C. player, Thorpe. The Indian reached players cer- in harmony. This method in com- Thorpe 31 Oklahoma City, Okla. the twirling. Both twirlers did well. safely, and Smith scored. The Reds ones to profit, however, for the club ning or losing percentage with bination with the tactics A. W. Balrd 22 La. The locals made a run in the fourth for aggressive Shreveport, '' came right back and knotted the owners and the National Commission tain arrangements groundkeepers, instilled Kid Gleason, the veteran" J. J. Murray . 32 N. Y. when Keating singled and trip- also come in for a of the mascots and others connected with by Ehnira, Egan count in their half of the first, inning percentage coach, has given the, White Sox th . CHICAGO led. Donnelly got around to third in . which are to ex- the teams in a minor capacity. on a base on balls to Groh and error receipts, expected proper mixture to down the enemy. ' NAME ' . the fifth after he singled, stole second Hoik and infield hits ceed a quarter of a million dollars Some idea of the sums that fall to AGE RESIDENCE and took on error. a by by ,. 381 ' third an Then ' . of the share of 'who engage in Clarence Rowland .. and Mitchell. ( , this season. Under the rules the players Connie Lewis will Chicago, HI. delayed steal was worked Don- take his troupe of Win. Gleason . and The Reds' took the lead In the sec- latter body, which have governed the the World's Series mayj be gained trained bowlers to New .Haven tomor- 52 Phi la. Pa. nelly scored while Butler was, ' 1905 division a of the records of pre- Edw. V. Cicotte 83 being ond Inning. Griffith beat a slow World's Series since the from glance row to the Algonquin Alley Detroit, Mich. retired between first' and second, amourit night play Urban - 29 - which - Rariden fielded, raced is made in the following manner: The ceding struggles. The largest team. This is as Faber ...... Cascade,"Ia, There was about 2,000 and roller, 10 to of the Boston a league game and Albert EL Rnssell 28 present ail the way to third when the catcher National Commission receives per went the members, no Park City team has in ...... Indianapolis, Ind. a large sum was realized for the fund.. who and won the appeared Dave Danforth. 27 . the ; ball first base, cent, of the receipts of each and every Americans played New .... Granger, Tex. The score: I ; : peged wildly' past Haven in the past five years the 1 game series from the New York Olaude Williams' ... 24 ' "' and scored , on an infield blow by game played' by the contending clubs; eight fans in that are to Springfield, Mo. BRONX the 90- - cent.' of the first Nationals in 1912. That year each city preparing Joseph Benz. . ; . i ...... 31 HI. remaining per pledge the Jewels on their ' '. Chicago, ' ' of the Red Sox re- family Melvil . . i ab. r. lb. po. a. e. is divided a basis regular member Wolfgang 27 Albany, N. Y. - The Giant youngsters forged ahead four games upon team. Tony the Bootblack will lay 3b 3 1 0 1 two-thir- of ceived $4,024. The next James Scott 32 . Kasner, ; 0 fifth. Anderson walked and of to the players the highest . Lander, Wyo. - - in the a sentimental wager on Bridgeport. cf . . 2 0 1 0 doubled to "An- - clubs and one-thir- d to the amount was $3,910, also captured by Ray S. Schalk...... 25 Litchfield, III. Seymour, Toung right, putting contesting of season m.v Krichell, c,- 8 0 0 5 on boosted a sac club owners. With the of th the Boston Americans last Byrd Ijynn 26 UnionvUle, daraon third. Smith playing The of lost i !v 8 0 0 1 cease to as a result of their defeat of the University Pittsburgh Jenkins 26 ' Hartman, ,2b ,,,2.01 3 0 rifice fly to. Neale, scoring .Anderson fourth game the players share most of its football stars this and Joseph Hanford, Col. 3 ' 0 - year . . . Quinn, lb, 1 0 ' . two clubs in- Brooklyn Nationals. The - smallest Arnold Gandil 28 0.6 and putting Young on third, and in the receipts and the had hard work winning the opening Muscative, la; McLoughlin, ss 2 0 1 scored when' also hit volved divide the receipts equally, sum received since 1903 by the indi- Robt. Hasbrook 24 New Orleans, La. ' Toung Murray of a team game of the season last Saturday by Theodore . 22 Gregory, If, v rl 0 0 01210 '0 . Commission has vidual members winning Jonxdaja New Orleans. La. . a sacrifice fly to .Neale. v after the National West 14 to 9. It is ....j." 1 0 0 0 0 0 ' was the New York Na beating Virginia Edw. T. Collins 30 Fisher, rf, , taken its 10 cent. The $1,142, "by ; Lansdowne, Pa. , .' They increased their lead in the per players' said that West "Virginia has two of the c Gingras, p, 2 1 1 0 in the series the Phil- Chas. A. . 23 ', ; seventh. McCarty doubled to left and share of the World's Series funds are tionals against best backfleld men in the country in Hisberg ...... "".... San Fran. Cat 13 i - of 60 Americans in 1905. The Geo. Weaver 26 I1L Bailee, who, had , replaced. Anderosn apportioned upon a basis per adelphia and eleven held Chicago, Totals 19 2 8 1 40 Nationals hold the minimum Rodgers King. .This Fred McMnllin ....'...... ,. 26 Los 414 j In the . hit to Schneider,, and cent, to the winner and per cent, Chicago 7. 7 ...:...... Angeles," Cal. Two sixth, Dartmouth to a to tie last season. .'w out when was called. ' when the Robert . . . game ; McCarty was nailed at third. Toung to the loser, while the two clubs as losers' record with $439, It looks as if Brown will Byrne ...'..'.. 32 St. Louis, Mo. doubled to are to contribute Chicago White Sox won the title in Incidentally Joe Jackson '.. SO Greenville, S" C. BRIDGEPORT Bled to Griffith, but Smith corporations required have another great team as the Provi . ab.' a e. to out of six in 1906. Oscar Feisch .26 . r. lb. po. Sallee on amount of four games . Wis. ' centre, third. a certain their portions State - (left .putting dence boys beat Rhode Island John Collins ..'."....- .r. ... . 32 ' Butler, lb, 0 1 double , to left scored both 27 0 on an increase of Pittsfield, Mass. - : Murray's ' by to Saturday, . '. 2b. .80112 0 0 0 3 0 ; Lei bold . Kllnger, - Harry 25 Mich. , . : j men. nine points over last year's score. ; Detroit, O'Dell, 3b ? ' 2 0 0 1 0 0 " -- Edward Murphy ...... 26 Pa.' The Reds' whittled away one run of YANKS WIN FROM Chic Swanson, a former, meirfber, of Dnnmore, ' 2 1 1 1 1 i'th'e Giants'-lea- LEONARD SEEKING Keating, p, .0 in the seventh, when the Annex football eleven of New Ha? Egan, c, 2 0 1 4 0 0 t to . took second Griffith singled; left, ven, will enter Bbston' college and play If :';.'. ; 2 0 1 0 n" Read, ' Shean's out, and crossed the plate v - Brick- - 2 0 0 0--101 0 ' RING DODGERS IN GAME on the football team, Charley- American Officer Who Mendelsohn, ss, . ' for TWO MORE ' HERZOG FAILS TO ' ' when Chase, batting, Wingo, ley, the old Harvard star, is a coach Stc Donnelly, rf, . 2 1, i 3' . 0'. , doubled tb ieft.'i Th eighth, was the Boston and is said hesecured Swan-so- n 'Gets French Cross J'.-- 0" O it "" War Scanlon, cf, Griflttitfti 00 , big Inning' double; a single TO RETAIN FOR THE SOLDIERS a free scholarship. The fact that (by Shean, a base on balls to Chase, TITLES Swanson Is a .professional doesn't ap- REPORT AND JOHN Totals , , 19 2 6 15 5 ;2 f - to t--- 2 Xopfs single,; a pass Groh, a single parently count In Boston. The Bronx -- 0 0 0 0 McKechnie, Smith's sacrifice' fly,...... ' 0 0 0 1 2T ' by 1 as an en Bridgeport ...... 1 . New York, Oct. er 'and Neale's single netted six runs and Benny Leonard, the world's light- Purely The New Haven ; Journal-Couri- M'GRAW IS SORE Two base Krichell. Three .' " hit,; base game. v tertainment the between the Don-nell- clinched the weight champion. Is looking around to game' says,: "Now they're handing out the hit, Egan, McLoughlin, Krichell, y, , Ruether 'was in good' form' in the .at Fort off an extra title or two. Benneh Yankees and the Dodgers Information that Eddie Cicotte's shine ' Klinger. Sacrifice hit, Seymour. I second game, 'and. held the Giants to grab Cincinnati, Oct., 1- - Herzog 4. ' had but ball is nonsense. So was Steve Brodie's Captain Left on bases,. Bronx 6, ' five which he well scatter-- is longing glances at the welter Hamilton yesterday Its merits, failed to show Bridgeport blows, kept j casting off the Brooklyn Bridge but he up, although ordered First base on errors, Bronx 2 r Bridge . - is doubtful whether the soldier boys hop ; . - ed. He was' in trouble in only one and' middleweight crowns and;Jelieves it it." to report here to take', part- in the O. Base on 1. ' didn't lose anything by , port balls, off Gingras inning,' the eighth,, in',", v which the he has a chance of grabbing both. now training at the fort learned any series. Secretary Foster says Herzog Struck out, by Gingras 2, by. Keating Giants loaded bases itta. two out, r has not been so J - the There is persistent talk of Leonard thing . from watching the major' Harry Weaver, the New Haven pit located, possibly he Wild pitches; Keating. Umpire 'on singles by Schupp andiBaird and 'Jack Britton in a' ten-rou- In.: was a the Chicago Cubs, was did , not get President Hempstead's Quinn. i'-'- ' rV .''.' W,.' "' , "t V.. n meeting leaguers action. It pretty cher bought by much-talke- C U OK K III WJT.Y L t.HJ . , WV v 13S The d ... . u" ... . "; . ' i'.Ui bout." providing Jack only weighs field all beaten by the Braves last Saturday. telegrams to;report. 4 score as ended the with 8 m. of sort of exhibition in thr .Man- - of- - is "expected to be in. TWENTY-FIV- Murray inning ' at p. the night the His1 madei fc.ihit Jwlthi player Phila E :. pounds hit- work has " BRIDGEPORT ( the 'unusually hard, a fly to Magee. scrap. Danny Morgan, who manages throughV'but Mitchell, and he is sure delphia"" to play in the Phillies series Al Demaree and di- ting was a redeeming feature, and though, MEN REJECTED AFTER irerdle Schupp Britton is loud in his declarations that or more who of a thorough tryout next season. ' Tuesday and Wednesday. vided the box work, for the Giants. 139 9 o'clock Brit-ton'- the 5,000 spectators It is not that he will be ' making at is.ust on lines improbable EXAMINATIONS ATAYER ? Demaree pitched the first five ln-- ! dish. joined the soldiers' the foul barred from in the .World's ' satisfied. The playing I and two runs. to to the were undoubtedly ROVERS START SOCCER Series. He will be if he fails ' V.--- . ' binge yielded To force Britton get weight 11 8, was surely f Twt"Jjr e was nicked for ar un almost a. Yankees won, to but that to ,in Twenty-fiv- Bridgeport men, passed Schupp t1 000 forfeit will have to be posted, sides had SEASON WITH VICTORY report Philadelphia. Manager upon his entrance into - only incidental, for both McGraw left for the EastJ by local exemption boards'.; as fit for- (immediately otherwise no fireworks.- If the match more of a crack suddenly j the box in the sixth. Leonard will dis- thought getting good His was the national army have been, rejected comes to a head then at the ball than of itself. ' Saturday night. departure at and have returned victory The Rovers started the State league veiled in He is to Camp Devens, ' cover how he stands with the welter, secrecy. reported r Seven home runs went in some over1-thei- That decision is 'firmly entrenched In kiting soccen season In the Rover manner by have gone to New York to attend to to" this city, dejected to Britton and every direction during the game. Four beating the. Manchester team at Sea personal business matters.. It Is situation and ,others happy at being 'M'GRAty STATES the stockade belonging were made the Yankees and three 6 . Ted Lewis, who now hplds the title. by side park yesterday by to 1. The thought here that he is on a still hunt being with their families. Leonard can Britton de by the Brooklyns. Ordinarily the locals got off to a good start and at for his absent It is estimated today that more than If conquer one captain. - will business with Lew hits, with possibly exception, the end of the first half led by ,4 100 will be returned to Bridgeport PLAYERS WILL GO cisively he tak been two bases . is for a battle for the crown. As far would have good for to 4. Ellam, Cassidy and Logan PITTSFIELD FANS PLAN from the increment of the first draft, crown is concern at most, but there is no fence inclos- starred forthe Rovers1, i ; their places being taken from time to as the middleweight the Fort Hamilton baseball field, TO HONOR J. COLLINS time men on the local ed. Billy Gibson, manager of Leonard ing by other high WTO LIBERTY LOAN Mike Gibbons. and once a ball sails past a fielder or CHICAGO board's lists.. is after, a match with over his head he as well OF CHAMPIONS All Gibbons has to do ,1s to weigh 150 might just Officially discharged t Camp turn his back to the sphere and for- Pittsfield Devens are these Bridgeport men: Jo- x pounds. Then along the line of pos down 6f Mass., Olt. 11 Plans are 1 i it, for the ball rolls Talk . B. Chicago, Oct. John. 3. McGraw lr. were iinuuaw ur get merrily Sports under way for a which will seph Casserly, Harry Lalner, Law was Loan. sibilities, jueanora hill In the direction of New banquet rence E. Hy- -: i hit a homer for the Liberty clever to defeat Gibbons, ne general be tendered to John Colins of , 41 Scanlon, Walter Doolan, V , enough York In all the Yankees clouted Brig. Gen. George B. Duncan f to "When the first Liberty Loan was would go after Al MCoy, the holder of bay. WOULDN'T THAT BE GREAT? Springside avenue upon his return to man, B. Krevitezy, Robert D. Meade, '. came ' 19 safe hits and the Dodgers 14, the gether with Maj. Campoeli was issued all my ball players to the the sentre. Knowing the limit ot lie this city following the of King) John J. Gleason,' James F. Powell, ( once subscribed , most conspicuous hitsmlths being La completion tne lirst American officer .to receive W. Charles M. scratch at and for Coy's ability Leonard would rule fa If all the world could go to sleep, the world's .series. the Robert Joyner, Carter, !. bonds," McGraw said in. a statement mar, Pipp and Henryx for the French war cross for his work as Carl A. . Gustafson, Hector A. Holmes, vorite in uch a battle. Zack and his Let's say a week or so, Ooliins is a member of the outfield observation officer in to Charles H, Schweppe, director of Yankees and Wheat to find the of the American forward artillery Joseph L. Shorter, Polser J, Cronager, Sev-- Mack the Brook- And then wake up good Chicago League club, posts in the recent i Liberty Loan Publicity for the I brother. Wheat, for world we used to 1917 Verdun offensive. John M .Nought. Samuel H. Croll, GYMNASIUM CLASSES accounted Old know; pennant winners in that league. A piece of Vic- - tenth Federal. Reserve District. lyns. The Wheats alone were no His is shrapnel struck his, steel Harry J. Mullen, Frederick Craw, doubles When there guns, position right field. Collins and hat while hei was Con- ' "Now all the World's Series money v y. m: C. A. TO OPEN for three and three singles And there were no Huns, Leibold at his post. tor Holssey, Henry L. W. Burritt, at - have alternated in the field ,' l and. the New York trio for seven gressional action is is going into the Liberty Loan and THIS WEEK FOR SEASON And a man could make a date. this season, Collins used necessary before Aron Karchmer, .Patrick J. Reilly ! - a double and a Frank being mostly he can the - more, too. of the Giants singles, triple. left-hand- ed accept decoration of the I Everyone Or loaf or sing, against Collins l Hampszym Davagainhr, Henry will to second Baker's in two runs - . French government. .... P. Menard. put his shoulders the ' brought Or do any old thing has made his home in this Franklin and Arthur , Loan with as much enthnsi-- Todav marks the opening of the in .the first inning and Ruel, the re- city for Liberty the bases with Gee! Wouldn't that be great. sceveral years. He has been with the asm as he didMn the first campaign.' gymnasium classes of the Young cruit catcher, cleared club for nine seasons. ANNOUNCE PROMOTIONS THOMAS W; RUSSELL I we will be better Men's Christian association. It is the a four-bas- e drive in the third. That Chicago ' If anything, de-vel- But all world to fighters on the can't go ' sleep, In the coming world's series Collins FOR HOME . ADMINISTRATOR" .in this bir world's series than we aim of the physical department to gave the Yankees a safe lead for the Make mind" to GUARDSMEN FOOD bodies that are rest of the up your that; stands an excellent chance cf playing Shope to be in our own World's Series sound physical game. So you'd better take your gun in hand in the of the as the FOR CONNECTICUT J of tne strain oi me the entire majority games in .Chicago and New York." .,v capable standing John Miljus pitched game And grab a khaki hat; New York Nationals are with Lucien F. Burpee, president of the . nt may the and was hit hard : ' strong present generation. Getting for Dodgers, to do left-hand- ed For there's work and will military emergency board, has issued . Oct." 1 Fuel adminis- - a seem a prabiem to the average citizen, and often. The Yankees used three For me and for you. pitchers proba- Washington, '.GIANTS CAPTURED FIRST but with ' the aid of the physical ae, bly send the southpaws against the. orders announcing the following pro- trators for the New England states two pitchers, George Mogridge, King And the Hun is at our gate; White Sox. motions have been named Dr. H. A. Gar- PENNANT BACK IN 1888 nartment, eruipped with gymna Brady and Bill Plercy, and also made So off we'll go in the Connecticut Home by courts .. federal fuel administrator. siums, hand 4aH and swimming three substitutions in the field after To the foe. Guard: t field,, the IN JIM O'ROURKE'S DAY is one con-tnu-al fight will be invited to confer with , pool, keeping in shape the third inning. Jack Coombs was Oh Boy, won't that be great! First Military District They round r of pleasure rather than on first base for the Dodgers, and Eugene C.Heacox, of Unionville, toJ Dr. Garfield here tomorrow to discuss twenty-nin- e the much expected grind. De second Unionville com- prices and distribution in helr It was Just years ago. played as though he had been been is for post-se- a Results of Yesterday's Games. lieutenant, iln 1888, the well known Business Men Monday and Thurs accustomed to other Everybody looking pany, vice Morrissey, resigned. states. They are: October, that any position. son games. The managers had bet Cincinnati 9, New York S (first.) Thomas W. Russell, , New York Giants, contenders in this day. Third District Connecticut, ter install steam heat in the bleach Cincinnati 4, New York 0 Military , worra. a won nrst Business Men Tuesday and unaay, (second.) Sergeant Benjamin F. . Brewster, Hartford;-Maine- J. H. Hamlen, Port- years aeries, 6--7. YOUNG RECTOR WILLING ers. 11, St. Liuts 2 - (National League and follow '., Philadelphia (1st.) Company, Third Regiment, to be seer land; ..Massachusetts, James J. Star- pennant,' Sat- St. Louis 6 na-rie- a ! Seniors and TO BOX DEFOE HERE Philadelphia 10, (2nd.) XNew , Tuesday, Thursday ond lieutenant, vice row, sOSton; nampsmre, jed up that victory by copping thej The the Boston 9, Chicago 2. Smith, promoted. r punting ymnoao of Tne wonan cnam urday, mpst popular song among Fourth Military District' M. Floyd, Manchester; Rhode Island, ; - now ; -, .A"' . Si vi" ' .; (Morning Class Tuesday and Friday, baseball managers just is that First D. R. Holmes, Providence Ver- pionship. 10:30-11:3- who Lieutenant Walter George 0. Fred De Lome, manages Young little entitled: "Wait nf the Clubs. Daskam, M.. i New York wis a late fol pathetic ditty ' Standing Stamford to be mont, H .J .Jones,- Montpelier. comparatively and Wed- Rector of New York, sends the and see what we do next - Won. Lost. P.G nrst company, cap- corner in professional "baseball. While Employed Boys Monday year." tain, vice Fearhake, resigned. , James J. Storrow is named New 7:30. lowing; New York... 95 85 .683 . the National League 'W launched in nesday, 'From all accounts, received in New First Lieutenant Conrad B. Moller, England fuel administrator and those 1S7 6, before a High School Tuesday and Friday. Faint heart never won a pen- Philadelphia ...... 86 62 .581 New states will be under his di- many '.years passed 4:30-5:4- 5. De Foe made a big- hit in league Canaan company, to be general : A Div. B. Div. York, Billy nant. of Chi St. Louis 82 70. .539 captain. was granted to Gotham. The That's why Comlskey . rection,' the state administrators (franchise ' School . and Bridgeport by decisively .ibeating Har vice rearaate, resigned. ' (big town broke into modern profes- - Grammar Wednesday 12 Now cago White Sox doesn't regret the Cincinnati 78" 76 , .506 Second the New fuel com- -, 9:30-1- 1; ry Nelson in their round fight. Lieutenant Thomas F. forming England sional basebal) in 18 SI, with a club Saturday, to down to facts looks like De fact that he Invested $100,000 in base Chicago :.. 74 80 .481 Burke. First Stamford to mittee, with Mr. Storrow as chairman. cir-- A special class will ibe held for the get it Boston 78 company, be the Eastern association. This 1 ' would be one to (be matched ball players. ...69 .469 vice The state administrators are to jln leaders' corps on Monday evenings. Foe the - 68 78 first lieutenant, Daskam, pro " 'cult, however, was no relation of Jim with the (New Jersey- Brooklyn .460 moted. recommend administrators for each of name. In The gymnasiums are reserved for bas- Young 'Rector, 50 103 .327 - JO'Rourke's league that ketball on and eve- champion, who as everyone knows, Legalized boxing In New York State Pittsburgh Second Lieutenant Charles E. Fair city and town and these will recom- lSlf the National ." league dropped Wednesday Friday has Ibeen on (MdAtUiffe's door will go down' for the count on Nov. New mend local and .win be - from Classes in boxing, banging ty. Canaan company, to be first prices (Trop and Worcester, and' put clubs nings a return whom the 15, but the are be Games Today. with coal wrestling, and fencing are held Tues- for match, and promoters already in lieutenant, vice Burke, promoted. charged distributing iln New York and Philadelphia. The an1 Burnum avenue has ducked ginning to cook up all sorts of Boston Pittsburgh. local dealers. una season the New York day, Thursday Saturday evenings champ Sergeant Lional F. Rinehart, First through Metropol from 8:30 to 9:30. An, orchestra and time and again, to avoid the licking schemes to save the game from be- Stamford company, to be second lieu- ntana Joined the American Association, . be- glee club Is being organized. If you he knows would be his. coming entirely dead. Plans are AMERICAN LEAGUE tenant, vice Burke, BKIDGKPORTERS GET V" and captured the pennant, but were Rector has met De Foe on three ing made to revive the "club mem- promoted. defeated for world's Prov- play, get in and enjoy the fun. The Sergeant Floyd C. Noble, New Ca- ARMY COMMISSIONS the flag by alieysi have been in tip- in New York and Brooklyn, bership" scheme, which was in vogue naan to idence. bowling put and were even before the law went Results of Yesterday's Games. company, be second lieuten- top shape during the summer and are things pretty every existing Frawley Cleveland 2,' 1. ant, vice Fairty, promoted. Official notification has been ed Five years were required to build afternoon and time, notwithstanding the fact that into effect six years. The idea of Washington the Giants into a pennant opened every evening De over is No other games scheduled. The officers promoted Are memhers by four Bridgeport men that up winning until 11 o'clock. Foe claims wins the Jerseyite, the fight promoters that they can of the Fourth Provisional been commissions team. . William Swing, commonly due to the fact that the man who han-dle- dl continue to give boxing exhibitions, so regiment, they have given called "Bock." was the McGraw of Standing of tue Clubs. under command of Col. Clifford Wil- with, the United States army... xne De Foe managed the Clermont long as do not sell tickets to the - INDIANAPOLIS TAKES they son cities om- . r his day who led the Giants to victory. Rink in Brooklyn, and ha)d- the advan- public. The great danger under this Won. Lost. P.G of Bridgeport, but locatedat f men. all Bridgeport practicing SS POST-SEASO- . 100 63 towns in Fairfield outside J. 62 In the it world's series the Giants N SERIES IN tage of sending out the press wires. arrangement has been that it permits Chicago .654 and county physicians are Charles Leverty. were the St. Louis club. Boston 88 60 .595 of and not Strat- James street, made a Clifton "pitted against CLASH TORONTO My proposition Is that Rector will of too many fake bouts, and the pub- ...... Bridgeport including captain, pwhlch tot the fourth consecutive, year WITH meet De Foe over the 12 or 18 round lic, been before, will Cleveland 88 66 .571 ford and Fairfield companies, mem- C. Taylor, 461 State street lieutenant: having stung of 820 had won the American association route, the longer the better, and guar- be quick to discourage any . "phony" Detroit ... 78 75 .510 bers of the Fourth Regiment Charles P. Haller. West avenue, were six un- J. 235 flag." Ten games played, and Indianapolis, OcK 1. Indianapolis, antee to defeat him before an ring exhibitions. Washington 71 78 .477 Bridgeport, lieutenant and Charles Nichols, of them went to Swing's men, while of American biased set of press representatives, New York 68 81 .456 Norman street, lieutenant. Browns won four. This champion the Association, such as not MASONIC NOTES Comlskey'a by its victory yesterday over Bridgeport boasts of, and PLAN TO KEEP SUPPLY St. Louis ...... 57 97 .370 la the same Comlskey who this year International cham like the methods employed here in Philadelphia ..... 64 96 .360 To prevent a repetition ef , last to beat the Giants in the world's Toronto, league New York such as etc. OF LABOR AT SHIP YARDS A Communication of St. which a hope won the post-seas- inter-leagu- e telephoning, Stated Thursday's blase, destroyed .series with his Chicago White Sox. pion, Now let Hollis forward Games Scheduled No. 9, will be held at & fire guaitdi has been or--" series. The Sammy step 1. For Today. John's Lodge, barracks, $24,362.10 to see victory gave Indianapolis Bridge-porte- rs Boston, Oct. New ship The fane paid the five and accept this den, and let England Chicago in New York. Masonio Temple, Wednesday evening, ganized at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, four of the played here and officials - ten gamee, or a dally average of $2,- - games Judge for themselves . yard held a conference here St. Louis in Boston, Oct. 8, at 7; SO o'clock, the E. A, de- N. J, .'436.21. which would be considered in Toronto. The score: today to discuss the of main- R.H.E. problem Detroit in Philadelphia, gree will be conferred. small pickings nowadays. The class in the ot taining an adequate supply of labor at Convicted ef to obstruct :; mighty 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 10 1 largest history Cleveland in Washington, conspiring Toronto the Pay Corps, 117 men. was gradu- ship yards. The establishment of vo- CORTEB O, plumb-n- g the selective draft law, Daniel 5 9 1 ROCKWELL, CCbn. FLORAL BOUQUETS Ind'apolls 20000102 ated from' the Naval Pay Officers' cational schools to train ship builders FLORAL BOUQUETS and Heating. Jobbing a nell, a ' San . Francisco lawyer, was, 1 Falken-ber- g, specialty, ' ' AND DESIGNS. Batteries Gould and School The men was one of matters . seven Impriaoa-mea- ' Kelly; in Washington. rank the under AND DESIGNS, 8051 Main and Hillside avenue. sentenced to years t, -- Dawson-and Gpsset,-Schang- . 1 KECK A SON. as ensigns. . john uses sear. I rphone 32- -t B 10 tf . y,