/ / FRroAY, MARCH 26, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-FOTJR A'verage Daily Net Press Ran Eiiantng For The Week l^ ed The Weather M an d i 26, 1911 Clear and cold tonight; low There will be an open house itles to offer bounties on faxes, upper teens and 20s. Tomorrow rattlesnakes, copperheads, wea- iimtrf|patpr lEupntnn Bprali A bout Tow n for J<^n and Virginia Childers 15,765 fair; high In the 40s. No chance cf 51 Starkweather St., at their sles, woodchucks, porcupines, Court Cases 8 out of 10 homes of precipitation throughout. The Grade 7 Youth Instruc­ home Sunday from 2 to 6 to wild German hares and wild Manche»ter^A City of ViUiage Charm tion Class of Zion Evangelical celebrate their 25th wedding ScsmsLjotJUuL Belgian hares. CIRCUIT COURT 12 Lutheran Church will meet to­ anniversary. The anim als had been cl6-lMrt iMii course Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Indians from Maine. m onth. appointment ai State Police Lt. minimum wage law to public East Pakistan Center Congregationai Church. employes and to employes of McQuald contended the inci­ The course is designed to help The VFW and ite AuxlUary Cleveland B. Fussenlch of Litch­ state Rep.' Genovesl, plus mriAAiMrt educational and charitable in­ dent, the alleged theft of a men and women become more will have a family dinner for several of his fellow members coat from Caldor, ,was lacking To Vote on Calley field to be the new state police stitutions. aware of and respond to the members and guests tonl^t of the legislature’s committee in criminal Intent. A store de­ commissloiier was a surprise CHlifc tH A tn By HARRY F. ROSENTHAL needs of others. For further in­ from 6 to 9 at the Post Home, King argued that the require­ on Insurance, are In Boston to­ tective testified he saw Mc- to Capited newsmen would be iY M O N H M M A N Associated Preaa Writer formation contact Mrs. Carl 603 E . C enter St. ment would place an unneces­ day. They are meeting with Toll of Dead Quaid put a store coat on, cut the understatement of the year. Gunderson of 115 O lcott D r. or sary hardship on those organiza­ the Massachusetts Insurance the tags off, and leave without Not once was his name men­ FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) — A fter 11 days o f deliber- the Hartford Hospital Chaplain­ Mrs. Stanley Bates, super­ tions that couldn't afford It. Commission and are being paying. tioned yesterday during the He cited churches as an ex­ briefed on the effects of the d w e ir A m * ations, the ju ry tryingr Lt. William L. Calley Jr. on cy- visor, and Mrs. Marshall Finley Another trial resulted in a charges of-mass murder at and Mrs. Frank Maher, staff hours preceding Gov. MesMU’s am ple. state’s no-fault insurance reg- guilty finding against Christo­ odvoiiloffu t My Lai may be ready to 4 p.m. news conference. In fact, vote today. In the military, Boy Scout Troop 632 wiil con­ nurses of the Manchester Pub­ pher Gada, 23, of Oakdale, on a VamMMlWHHMM that could mean a verdict In Thousands no one In the Capitol remembers WlHl ITM M is near. duct a fertilizer sale at St. lic Health Nursing Association, State Welfare Commissioner charge of speeding. He was 't S w M h r . By MYRON L. BELKIND recently attended a conference his name being mentioned In When Gov. Meskill, at his room , enckusd powfa, M t f e y . '« After putting in their longest Additionally, on the mass Bartholomew's school tomor­ Henry White will be the guest fin ed $25, w ith $5 rem itted. y igjrtjgi • Associated Press Writer row. Lawn fertilizer, and of dependent nursing functions the several weeks preceding the morning press conference yes­ aay VMS Out aeidi day of straight-through deliber- murder charges, the jurors can speaker Tuesday, at the weekly With a previous speeding con­ fertilizer with weed killer, will at the Park Flaza Hotel In New news conference. terday, reiterated his stand viction on his record, Gada Pf i m S oM B DBMONRKATIOK i aUons Friday — nearly eight find that fewer civlUans died NEW DELHI (AP)—United News of India reported Republican Dutch-treat lunch­ hours — the jury arrived be offered. For free delivery H aven. Lt. Fussenlch has been active­ against liberalizing Connecti­ faces automatic suspension of V tf iMl than were charged by the gov­ ly involved in an investigation eon. It will be at the Shoreham cut’s abortion laws, he made promptly at 8:16 this mmoiing. thousands dead in fierce fighting in East Pakistan to­ contact Alexander Chenard of his driving privilege. PI w m : ernment. And, Anally, on the of toll collectors and toll re­ Motor Hotel, Hartford. it plain that he would veto such Unlike a civilian murder jury count involving the child, they day and said West Pakistan-dominated army units 259 Scott Dr. or William Kelly The executive committee of Charges of intoxication, and were battling civilians in Dacca, the provincial capi'tal. o f 399 P ark er St. the Ladles Guild of the Assump­ ceipts, ordered several weeks a bill if It came to his desk. reckless use of the highway by where a verdict requires agree­ can reduce the finding to as­ One radio newscaster was F O «A irfrS tion will meet Mraiday at 8:16 ago by the governor. a pedestrian, against Bhice A. ATlAimC ment from all members. Gal­ sault with intent to kill. The agency also reported that ^ 2 Animals, such as lynx, bob­ not convinced. "How about the Grade 7 and 8 Methodist In the school library. Cordner, 36, of 16 Laurel St. ' BUDGET FAYMBNT PLAN ley's six-member court-martial If a guilty verdict is reached, Lt. Gen. Tlkka Khan, chief mar- their safety would not be guar- cats and foxes, were given a argument," he asked the gov­ Youth will meet tonight at 7:30 we^e nolled. Cordner was HBAT panel needs the concurrence of the jury must again retire to de­ Ual law administrator of Elast anteed If they resisted. new lease on lUe yesterday by ernor, "that women should have at the church. The Rev. Carl Saunders of At the request of State Rep. struck by a car Feb. 12 as he only four to convict him of any termine the sentence. For pre­ Pakistan, died of Injuries re- The earlier broadcast claimed a bill signed Into law by Gov. complete control of their own South United Methodist Church Robert King of Tidland, a roll walked on Main St. He was of four murder counts. Should meditated murder the choice Is ceived when supporters of the that the Pakistani air force was M esklll. b o d ie s?” will conduct a service Sunday call vote on a bill In the House treated at Manchester Memo­ FOfiJUmr BROTHERS, INCl three of Galley’s six jurors vote between 'life in prison and province’s poliUcal leader, dropping bombs on "liberation The measure eliminates the The governor shot back, "If acquittal, he would be fotmd in- at 8:16 a.m. on radio station was stopped yesterday at the rial Hospital. death. Unpremeditated murder Sheik M u j 1 b u r Rahman, fightera’’ and the army was ua- a woman had complete control FUBL OIL • BURNER OAUS *,8BRV1C9I noncent. WINF. The program Is sponsor­ last moment and the bill was state’s (5 bounties on bobcats Also nolled was a charge of Is punishable by a term of up to stormed his residence in Dacca, ing tanks. over her body, she wouldn't get Any reballoting would need ed by the Manchester Council reassigned to t consideratlMi and lynx and repeals a provl- non-support against Willard 319 Bwpd Stwrot • MflEchoitor, C—. life in |»1son. For manslaugh­ WtK tight censorship, there Monitors In India quoted pregnant in the first place." the agreement of four jurors, of Churches and the Clergy As­ again on Tuesday. slon that permitted municipal- ter, CaUey could be s^itenced to was no conArmaUon on any of Sheik Mujib as saying he was in FOR Jones, 24, of Coventry. making extenalve voting unllke- sociation of Manchester, 10 years on each of four counts. the reports. ecu]ati(Hi "was that they cision on a death sentoice could A dvance O n The government radio In West both sides in toe bloody civil n eed ed the ch a rg e sh eet to f8 was raging throughout the On each the four specifica- not to return its findings. The BAN DON, Laos (AP) — Gov­ 24diour curfew Imposed In Dac- province for toe second straight Uons there are four possible Fourth Annual trial judge said there will be no On North Viet Supply Routes ernment soldiers retreated to oa Friday had been lifted for ‘*^y- verdicts: premeditated murder, nine hours. The Indian news agency said court session requiring his pres­ toe outsUrtB of Luang Prabang unpremedieated murder, volun­ ence and that of stenographers By GEORGE E8PER tions spotted four mUes north­ from a 10-mile section of High­ Sheik Mujib said In another “ persons were killed ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE tary manslaughter and acquit­ Associated Press Writer west of Glo Linh, toe eastern way 4, the route banking (Phnom today as Communist forces con­ broadcaat that he offered Pakl- “i and that the streets tal. Sponsored by Women’s Society of CErlstlan Service (fltoe Page laght) end of toe 40-mile-l(»:g DMZ. Penh and toe seaport of Kom- tinued their advance on toe roy­ stanl trtx^s safe conduct out of were strewn with SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Fifteen North Vietnamese pon g Son. al L aotian cap ital 180 m iles toe eastern region If they laid *’°***®® civilians, north of Vientiane. THURS., APRIL 1 — 1 P.M. - 10 P.M. B52 bombers stepped up troops were killed and nine Lt. Col. Am Rong said toat 13 down their arms but warned (Bee Page B3glit) bunkers ware destroyed, toe Communist troops were re­ IVI their attacks on North 14 trucks In a convoy were ported as close as four miles to FRI.. APRIL2— 1 P.M .- 9P.M. Vietnamese supply routes command said. destroyed in an enemy ambush to e city . U.S. fmd South Vietnamese last Thunday im the highway Mattson Jury To Begin today as American artil­ Government artillery shelled forces trying to puU out of Khe southwest of toe capKal. Earlier lery bombarded enemy Communist-controlled bills Sanh and Ham Nghi were bom­ he had reported only three UNITEO METNODIST CHURCH troop positions along the north of toe city and T28 bomb­ In Pennsylvania Deliberations on Penalty barded by North Vietnamese a,r- trucks were knocked out. ers atta^ed enemy poetUons in souliiem edge of the de­ tUlery. Abojut 40 rounds ROUTE 44A BOLTON. CONN. Am Rng said toat In some in­ an effort to halt toe advance. By UNDA DEUTSCH One attoniey said Manson or- militarized zone. slammed into Khe Sanh, toe stances trucks were set sAre by U.S.-advised guerrilla 'units, Rescue Workers in. Bid DONATION $1.00 WITH THIS AD, 75c Aaaoclated PrcM W riter. fleivd ths woman to klU Miss Bt the south, VTet Gong tem r- UB. forward base for helicopter allied warplanes called in to withdrawing to toe capital, said Tate, a young actress, and six ists struck on toe outskirts of operatians Into Laos, and sever­ bomb and strafe the abwdoned FREE PARKINO SNACK BAR • DOOR PRIZES LOB ANGELE8 (AP) — Ju- they were forced to abandon A other persons on two nights in rora in the Sharon Tate murder Saigon and Da Nang. A grenade al Americana were reported convoy to prevent munitions To Save Trapped Miners August 1969. Execution would hurled into a government ofAce Ban Doncho when Communist trial, after hearing dramatic de­ killed and wounded. from falling into enemy hands. make toe women virtual "hu­ building killed three civilians troops occupied Phou Louang By GARY MIBOOEB fense pleas for mercy, were or­ Viet Cong terrorists tossed a U.S. military sources estimat­ "We’ll be using two oil rig man sacrlAces,’’ he said. Man- and wounded 10 others. Mountain overlooking their posi­ Associated Press Writer drills,” said Robert Tabor, mine dered by toe judge to begin de- grenade into a govei^nment of- ed that only 8 per cent of toe son’s lawyer read for 16 minutes MUltery sources said that the tions. safety program manager for libera$lans today on whether Ace In a village eight mUes North Vietnamese war mate­ CARMICHAEL, Pa. (AP) — frbm toe Bible. B02s, used for tactical support north of Saigon, killing three ci­ Ban Doncho, four miles north WesUnghouse. "O ne trf the rigs Charles Mhson and three wom­ rials sent southward through of Luang Prabang’s airport, Experimental rescue equipment “Deato never had a more vig­ to South VletnameM troops dur­ vilians and wounding 10 others. can sink a 28-lnch diameter Spring Isn't Quite Here Yet Kathy. en codefendants should be sen­ Laos this year had reached was toe forwardmost poettion waa rushed Into service today in orous and bloodthirsty advo­ ing their campaign in Laos, are South Vietnamese headquarters shaft, big enough to haul a man tenced to life imprisonment or South Vietnam and Cambodia, occupied by government forces an attempt to reach two miners But Our Produce Varie^ Sure Is! cate" than prosecutor Vincent shifting their attacks back to sa id . up In.” FRESH: AqMuragns, Leeks, Shalots, Peas, Com, Biooooil, death. compared to 30 per cent a year in their recent sweep againaf tr^ped deep inside the buinlng BugUosl, said Paul FUzgrerald, toe mountain passes in toe La­ ago. The trapped miners were Oanllllower, Green Beans, Green Squash, White Sweet Pota­ The judge’s inatructlons to the Terrorists also destroyed 10 Patoet Lao and North Viet­ Nemaccriln shaft of toe Buckeye chief defense counsel. otian panhandle. CofU Co. . / Identified as Richard Randolph, toes, Cherry Tomatoes, Spinach, Egg Plant, CSilnese, Swoy Jury caihe Friday after four de­ houses and kidnaped six civil­ They credited the intensive namese units. He said BugUosl referred to M eanw hile, U .S. 176 m m guns 63, and Charles Gibson, 61, both Cabbage, Red Onions, Tnmlpo, Belgium Endive, Artlohokea, fense attorneys pleaded for toe ians In attacks eight miles U.S. bombing campaign with Laotian ofAcers in Lang Pra­ The fate of the two men was toe defendants as monsters and and 8-lnch howitzers shelled of Nemacolin. Escanrie, Endive and Pannlpa. lives of toe defendants, stress­ northwest and 16 miles south of slowing the supply movements. bang said their trocqis had suf­ not known. They were beUeved IMPORTED: Seedless, Blue Grapes, Cantaloupes, Spanish animals, "trying desperately to North Vietnamese txt>ops re- to have been about 600 feet A compressor reportedly ing their youth, sayli^ they Da Nang, headquarters an­ The sources said their esti­ fered some casualties but no Ag- Mdons, Peaches, Plums, Watemielons, Strawberries, Man­ make them inhuman because he cenUy deployed further south in nounced. apart and 340 feet underground caught fire and set the shaft were mentally lU and labeling mate was based on sensor de­ ur«s were available. ablaze about 1 p.m. Friday. goes, Navel Oranges, Grapefruit, Jaffa Oranges, C ocon^ knew It would be easier for you th e DMZ. In Oambodla, military spokes­ when toe Are In toe shaft broke and Temple Oranges. . . . Also, Orchard Fresh Macs, Con- the deato poialty iidiumane. vices, visual and (riiotographlc The Patoet Lao announced Eighteen other miners escaped, to kiU them if you beUeved they The U.S. Command said toat men said government troops out Friday afternoon. One lands, Baldwins, Russets, Red and Golden Delldoos Apples. One attoniey gave a detailed reconnaissance and on reports earlier this week that toey do but heat, gas suid the danger of weren’t human.’’ a forward air controller direct­ have launched a major drive source said toe men could live WEEKEND SPECIALS description of how the three explosions forced rescue crews wtmien would be executed at Fitzgerald, 33, representing ed artillery onto enemy posi­ aimed at driving enemy forces (See Page BigM) (Bee Page Two) two or three days If toey found BUT ONE OR A DOZEN OF OUR SPECIALS! away from toe mine entrance. San Quenton Prison’s gas cham­ Miss Krenwinkei, described toe an air pocket. octagonal green execution Twenty-four trucks laden with Joseph KUmek, an official of McIn t o s h a p p l e s ...... le qt. basket R tJ R O ber should they be sentenced to Youngstown Sheet and Tube TEMPLE OHANGES...... 6 for 4INft death. chamber anijl toe ofAclal fare­ $1.4 million worth of experimen­ w e ll: tal drilling and sound detection Co., parent firm of Buckeye, GREEN SQUASH...... lb. 3 3 « On Jan. 26 the juiy ccmvlcted * The warden enters toe ceU, equipment were. escorted by po­ said workers have a pretty good Manson, 86-year-old leader cf a Idea whera toe trapped meh GREEN BEANS ...... • lb. 3 S « leans over and shakes their lic e 230 mUes from Charteston, id|^e-8tyle clan, and three are. Thp-flrst objective is to find — visit Our Imported Basket Display — hands and says, ‘Goodbye, Pa­ Toll Collectors Help Selves W.Va,, where Westing^ouse women followers of murder and out If'they are sOlve. We Ctarry The Handieste Evening Herald tricia. Goodbye, Susan. Good­ Electric Corp. had been running coniq>tracy. Since toMi jurors Seismic devices, m icn^ones, COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS We're as up-in-arnris as you ara about avar-rising costs— and we're determined to do something bye, LesUe.’ ’’ tests on new rescue methods. have been hearing testimony to -oxygen and a television esunera He tedd bow the women would Drilling and getUoglcal "THE KING ^ about it! Our prices for fine fabrics have always been low— and now, with mini-fab, they re help them decide between deato could be low ers down the Arst be led to their chairs, a heart­ clallsts were being Aov^ 'ln in toe gas chamber and life Im­ small boles drilled. According to lower than ever! Whether you buy a costly imported double-knit or an inexpensive printed beat detector strapped to each To $100,000 Yeariy: MeskiU from Midland, Tex., apd' Boul­ prisonment as toe p«ialty. of torir chests. der, Colo. WesUnghouse, the sound detec- The wmnen defendants are Upn devices can differentiate cotton, you can be sure that our mini-fab® pricing policy will save you more money than ever! "Through It, toe wild racing By DON MEIKLE tests, but most have refused,' missioner George J. Conkllng or The Nemacolin' mine is in Patricia Krenwinkei, 28, Leslie between natural rock slides and and convulsive dying of their Associated Press Writer toe governor said. Meskill said to his DemocraAc predecessor Greene County near the West PERO Van Houten, 21, and Suan At­ 276 OAKLAN D S T „ M AN CH ESTER — 64S-6SM some personnel "have taken tests as governor, John N. Dempsey. Virginia line. kins, 22. HARTFORD (AP) — It w as (Bee Page TUrtecn) (See Page Hillteea) but he said he could not tell If Conkllng didn’t know about just too easy for toll collectors newsmen what toe results wei«. toe per justlAed In being "Infuriated” at Mulcahy. The oommlssioner was venson, branded the reports Aon, Nixon also will reinstate a moderate gain. Board Chairman George J. nooney," Meskill said at a news his disclosures. held over for one month past Come See Our Stylish and Casual Spring Collection a y a r d “absolutely and totally inaccu­ the Davls-Bactm Act, toe Unemployment insurance Reed eoid Friday toe poesibUlty conference. "Tbis same hdl col­ "I share toelr rage,” he said, March 1, the day he intended to sources say. rate and said, "Any report toat ”at a slovenly system and toe claims, equipmeni orders, in­ It’s So Lovely... of parole on both sentences lector has also been IdenUAed retire, ai the request of Meskill That law, setting union-scale he will or will not be paroled is squalid handling of toelr dustrial materials prices, stock wxMild be d iscu ssed a t toe by bemk personnel as a person so that he could continue to wage standarda cn federal con­ premature and based on uni­ a ffa irs .” prices and toe labor-price cost Wednesday sessian. who has picked up quarter press toe probe. strucUon projects, was suspend­ formed Information.’’ raUo Improved In February, toe At toat sesaicn, Reed con- w ra p p ers.” MesklU said the stealing was Also werking on toe Investlga- ed by the President last'month However, otom* sources said department said. Armed, Hoffa will be represent­ Yet, deqdte Ads evidence, no allowed and encouraged by "ne­ Aon has been Lt. Cleveland B. in a move to contred toe indus­ Friday toe pressure to release Three other major Indicahaa ed by attorneys Morris Shenker warrants have yet been issued glect and toe total abdication Fueasenlch, whom Meskill swore try’s wage-price spiral. PttgtifnA\lUs the 68-year-old union leader has and Rufus King. Other sources for the arrest of any toll ccdlec- of responstbiUty by highly-placed —toe average work week, new In Friday as toe new state po- PuUic mMnbers of toe Con­ H ayseed CADDir^ nCDADTMCKI been building for months. As tors, toe governor admitted. The toll system officials.’’ orders for durable goods and said toe Justice Department FABRIC DEPARTMENT I STORES Uce commissioner, effeoAve strucUon Industry CoUecUve housing permits—declined. early as last Januaiy one would have no representatives M>eculaAon among newsmen was Asked how' high up the ”ab- A p ril 1. Bargaining Commission recom­ Nixon suspended the (Davls- source reported, "Unless some­ there. Te department has nev­ that MesklU want«xl to put toe dlcaAon of responsibility” went, MANCHESTER WAUJNGFORD ORANGE NEW BRITAIN MesklU said there are many mended Friday that Nixon set Bacon law after turning down thing happens to dampen this er taken a public stand on a heat on somebody in hopes that Meskill said: “All toe way to 434 Oakland Street Colony Shopping Plaza 549 Boston Post Rd. Newbrita Plaza honest and efficient pe<^e work­ wage criteria and establish recommendations from his ad­ East Main Street thing, Hoffa is going to get out, he might open up to the state to e top ." (Exit 94 off 1-86) Route 5— 1177 N. Colony Rd. HsMa. peutde. ing in the toU coUecUon system, craft-by-craft review boards to visers to clamp a wage-price Casuals take over toe union, take over p o lice . B ut h e back ed o ff a UtUe w hen oversee wage movements and a WIU BTlsmi, ch ie f c f the de- 967 MAIN STREET IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER STORE HOURS STORE HOURS STORE HOURS and he did luA mean to imply freeze on toe Industry. He said the penslen fund and be right IhvesAgntoni have tried to get asked whether he was referring wage stabUizaAon board for en­ Open Thurs. till 6 P.M. s Use Your Master Charge Card Mon. thru Sal. 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sat. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. back where he vraa before." (Bee Page BigM) all employes to take Ue-detector to former TransportaAon Com­ (B m Page (Ten) forcement acAon. (Bee Page Five)

i. Y


P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 New England today's FU N N Y Coventry Actress THEATER TIME Risiog Costs tMOVIERAnNQB Sheinwold on Bridge V ig n ettes High School Band Visits News for Senior Citizens SCHEDULE FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPIE OVEBBIDDINO PAYS IF By JAMES F. DONfMnnE Works Hurt Theater YOU PLAY WELL NORTH By W ALLY FORTIN SATURDAY YS# oi Ms nMHft It tt IfiltHt Associated Press Writer Jersey Town This Weekend D m E c ro R ttmt Mv wNiessr w! By ALFRED SHEINWOUI ♦ Q 9 2 Burnside;—"Love Story’’ 7:16- In Ireland Msvto tef vlttrinf bt Hitlf cMMhsi. <3) Q 1098 BOSTON (A P )—The People^a The Coventry IQgfa School during tiie day, w ill take place HeUo everybody! Sure hope pir^rd Poet and John Derby In For Peace 9:16 p.m. 0 K92 Oarage in Brattelboro, Vt., is Bunii la In Pompten Lakes, N. J. Tolland High School at 7 :80 Cinema I: —"Wutherlng "Please say a word or two you enjoyed a nice week, and charge. The lucky winners I Ml. M tt MNIinfO A Q 10 7 By OENE HANDSAKER HelghU’ ’ 1:30-3:30-6 30-7 ;30-9:30. By ANDREW ’TORCHIA about overbidding,’’ a Chicago defeated to the principle that this weekend as part of an ex- P’™’,, ^ ^ ... that things went well for you. were; Jennie Fogarty, 603; Assocaited Press Writer WEST EAST . . Tolland was selected as the Aaaoclsted PreM Writer reader requests. "My partner all men — and women — are change program of concerts. gj^^ u,g ^gg^ng as the most Cinema I I : — “ The Owl and 4 K8763 Our planned trip to New York Di7.irinDT -a- urr t a the Phissycat” 1:60-3:60-6:60- ♦ 5 created mechanics. , , ^ . ... , derson, 674; Louise Meyerfaoff, BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. DUBLIN (AP) — Ireland’s MX MU amutth) will always bid a grand slam 9 72 643 The band members wUl spend central part o i the 36th Senator- 8 slowing down a bit, and we Grant, 671; M ary (a P) — “ I love my country, but 7:60-9:50. theaters, squeezed by rising PmnW GuMaiin SsHoM when cmly a small slam can be 0 86 O 753 The garage lets in anybody the entire weekend In Pompton lal District (’Tolland County). State; —"Wutherlng Heights" sUll need 16 more people In oi- ThraU, 671; Katherine Prey, j ,^^1 it got off the track. This is costs, are turning to the govem- made. ’This is fa ir enough, be­ A A K 16 4^ 985432 with a car problem, gives him Lakes staying in homes of local Party der to complete one bus. It’s 666; Paul A. Schuets, 663; Elva . w ...... j .. 1:16-3 ^O-0:25-7 ;30-9:26. cause she bids a small slam if woridng space, tools, lots of free band members. This arrange- '^® Scoots ^ent blrth- U.A. Theater:—"Cold’Turkey" ">ent for help while they wait SOUTH going to be a real enjoyable Poet. 662; John Gaily, 660; Vic MtralCIIB only a.game can be made. Is 4 A J 10 4 advice fnxn volunteer profes­ ment will also be used when the party was a big success, 2:30-6:00-7:30-10:00. another great Irish bard to there any cure for this desease? sional mechanics and a 40 per with about 200 local scouts from idar 17 iWiina accnpMri (? AKJ5 nM s ta New Jersey group comes to Ume, and you’ll be missing out n h k. a h Manchester Drive-In:—"Blood c®n>e along. Ptnut tr Adult SMrilai South dealer. cent discount on all material. all age levels celebrating 601 ’ ^ Frey, 663. Dimna Reed speaking; Acadc Amateur theater is thriving 0 A Q J 10 4 A. I. $*ew4 Coventry Aiirll 1. on fun, and prizes, as w ell as North-South vulnerable. And, the motorist does his wm W«itkk, I. I, Next week’s menu wlU be: my Award-wirming actress and and L a ce"; 7:30 M d 10:60; with a series of re„onregional a i lesu-festi- 4 None The Coventry part of the ex- y® ^ of sroutlng. getting away for a few days. Opening lead — King of own repairs. by Better hurry up and decide to Monday, egg and olive sand- form er star for elgftt years of "Wedding Night” 9 ^ inflaUon U onti-hing up South Wert North Eart e im k, NIA, he. change will be held, In concert ^ wlch,ich. chicken noodle soun.soup, her own television series. Out- East Hartford ^ ^ e - I n : - , NO OM IMOC* 17 AOMHIII Clubs. The founders of the grunge, form, on April 2, featuring two B «««ile ’Troop » » » the I come along, so we can fill that (Alt Halt nor wnr i 0 1 ♦ 1 N T Pass Juliet Lowe International! sliced peaches, and cookies, side of her home life, she says, "Great White "My partner jumped to seven Pass from a conunune in neartiy Put­ concert bands, the CHS Stage first bus. on Broadway. MCMtlltMtM) 2 (? 3 0 Pasa tUmf'% FUNNY vW MT $1-00 hr Friendship Fund, collected near­ Wednesday Hot-Meal, meat loaf, serving the cause of peace now "Move” 7:30. hearts on the accompanying Pass 4 0 ■ ney, Vt., believe anybody can Mdi •riaiMl ’’iminr’' mm. Sm 4 Band, and a combined bond of Friday’s kitchen social was Few companies are doing 3 4 Pass whipped potatoes mushroom is "everything” to her. ’The re- East Windsor Drive-In: — hand, and went down one when 7 C? AH Pass learn to fix his car. They think H: TWw’t FUNNY, 1200 Wnl TWi4 180 students from both schools. ly 12 2 . held upstairs in the main hall, much better than breaking St., CImInf, Ohh 44111. A candlelight ceremony, songs, gravy, green beans with bacon wards? ‘"The greatest of my “Diary of a Mad Housewife” the spade finesse lost. Then she the American motorists hss Concert-goers will n otice because of the men working even. Most actors are out of dances and a camping film were I bits, bread and butter, and life ." 9:10; "Ten Them W illie Boy is the Ume. complained because I didn’t ... been conned into thinking he ~ ______something new next week, nota­ in the Kitchen. We had a nice all on the schedule ot evening] birthday cake. Beautiful, looking i dozen Here” 7:30. have the kina o i spades for my dummy's nine to enter the oum* can’t by a money-hungry “Bs- bly the new uniforms being turnout, and all enjoyed the Thursday, grilled ham and years younger than 60, which Meadows Drive-In:- "Blood ______free bid of one notnimp. How ruff dummy’s last taMlshment.’’ duced to four resident events. camps worn by the female band mem­ According to Mrs. Richard | J!ik°cheese, beef and rice soup, and she turned in January,^ Miss and^ ^ Lace” ^9-00; “ Wedding galiTBrendan Smith, liearded dl- *011 a prince and an orphan girl "Was my bidding reasonable? yo>ir lart trump. "Once you own a car you’re and 1 2 day camps, bers. to thank George Vallone for Lead a diamond to dummy’s V. J . ... J Ingraham, publicity chairman. frosted cake. Reed to cochairman of a Bever­ Night” 7:00 and 10:30. recUir of the profesional DubUn «n a mysUcal forest, but 8 m ^ W ^t about my partner’s?" stuck," said the founders in a Camper Spaces Due to ttgit budgeto, the girls home with the handling this program for us. ly Hilis-based organizaUon Theater Festival, as it ended its «ald it could be one of the moot I we nothing wrong with the Friday, turkey salsid sand­ newspaper article announcing However, available camper suggested they make their own wron^ coat__ however, ___ and___ she | Friday afternoon we were wich, cream of vegetable soup, called Another -Mother ' for 8 UNDAY 13th season. "Ticket prices did Importantimportant plays of the’70the ’70o.b. bidding. Aggressive, k..*but .that’sko*- youy®**, w ait to see ^**°^ if both oppo-*^*?*^ the opening of the garage. spaces at the remaining camps uniforms and a two-piece pant- any m ^ r whose I able to have our crewel em­ butterscotch pudding, suid a Peace. . ^ not keen oece. lor fear of antag- CreaUvc artists can live in no crime. The word about over- follow suit. When they do, 4 :00-7 (»-8:00. ,f.free of Income tax. bidding U that it pays if you dummy’s ttree rem a ^ "People, especially women, are have increased from 6,600 to suit pattern w®® selected with daughter has a "brown, wocly I broidery class, and although beverage, Started in 1967 by a woman told that it Is too difficult to 16,000 during the past six years, the help of Music Director CSari g the furnace had to be turned screenwriter friend of hers, it a n e in a ___ I : —“Wutterixy best^^at In a Dublin Three Irish writers have come know how to play the cards trumps, diMarding the three leam how to fix cars, so they Facilities at the Lebanon Girl Sallna. ______off during the day, everyone Heights" 1:30-3:30-6 ■30-7:30-9:30. * uuoun r ,—low spfules„ from your own hers” should contact Mrs. In- 2 "•6 “ “ ’ ------theaiter sUll coete around $2.60, heme from abroad in recent really well. Underbidding is a H 3 . 8SM claims a wm'ldwlde member- hand. You then take the rest of have to spend a lot of money on Scout Camp have also been in- A daric green wool knit fabric g^^eham. managed to learn a few more By the way, here’s something ship of 225,000 mostly In the . .,, about a third of the Broadway months-ConstanUne IFltzgib- loser’s game. repairs or special tools. But we creased to accommod^ thoM was purchased in bulk quantity, Historical Society will I 1:60-3:60-6:60- ton bon, J. P. Donleavy and Hugh Even though the king of tricks th® «®® tricks to crewel embroidery. of interest and importance to Utilted Stat^. It claims it is don’t believe this. We believe who attended Nljqie-Wauke In and sewing machines have been ^get March 80 at 8 at toe so- 7:60-9:60. Some theaters have closed Leonard. spades is In unfavorable |)oel- ®P®<*®" **>® diamonds, you seniors. ’Ih e State ’Trans- growing by 20,000 a month. By- that anyone can learn to fix the past. buzzing ever since. clety house on South St. Setback Winners State: —“Wuthering Heights’’ down, including the 1,000-seat ' Actors don’t get the same tax tlon. South can make seven Dally Qoealloa portatlon Committee is going laws say the organization is their cars and share tools,’’ the Accmdlng to Mrs. Wrtton P. The new outfits serve double­ John Regan of Andover will I hi the evening some 28 per­ 1 :16-3 -20-6:26-7:30-9;26. Limerick City Theater. ' break and many average $100 a hearts against the club opening Partner opens with one iieart, to be talking about the poeslbtl- nonpculisan and "dedicated to article said. Parker, Chairman of the Com- duty, since the giris are find­ speak on rtd-time methods of j U.A. Theater:—"Cold ’Turkey” Waterford’s 2(X)-year old month. lead. I f you haven’t worked it “ **♦ P*»y® ' Jumpa to sons attended the setback Ities of requiring all people 66 the principle that war is obso- Tlie garage’s volunteer me- nilttee for the Sale of Nlp^- ing them comfortable for school construction of tin-ware and will toumament, under the direction years of age older who lete." 2:30-6:00-7:00-9:16. Theater Roval is losing money; Actor WilUam-Hlnsley leaving out, tkke a few extra seconds *wo spades. You hold: Spades, wear as well as/for the band...... Hearts, Q-16-6-8; Dia­ chanlo-teachers support them- Wauke, the CouncU hopes "toe give a demonstration if time j of M olly McCarthy and EYank bave a drivers license to take Miss Reed say Another. Moth- Manchester Drive-In:—“Blood ^ city gift for repairs has kept It Australia, said: "It is be- to think about the correct play Q-*-*S selves with other jobs. And a lo- purchaser ^ use toe prope^ Tax Hearing nd Lace” 7:00 and 10:30; "Wed- coming impossible to make a before you read m i. mondamonds, K-9-2; Clubs, Q-16-T. permits. Anderstm, iriio are filling in for an eye test and a written exam- er to r Peace has learned that open. cal auto suiply dealer provides *** ® 3vay which ^wlU preserve Its ’The General Assembly Joint Regan was slated to speak at I 7 vacaUonlng Pete. The foUowlng inaUon every year in order to South Vietnam is about to grant H*8 « t The seating capacity, of Dub- living.” Normal Breaks What do you sayf Committee on Finance will hrtd Drive-In: — ports o t th« 40 per cent dis- beauty, last month’s meeting, but had to were the ' lucky winners; Wl- keep their Ucense. offriioro drilling rights to Amer- .. lln’s theaters has fallen to about ------You need only normal breaks Answer: Bid three hearts, In this respect, they have con- a public hearing on all tax pro- postpone at the last minute due Hope” 7:30; count brod Messier, 144; Clifford The house bill is 8390, and lean companies. It wants public , White 3,600 from 9,700 some 30 years . .. to bring the grand slam home. This is not considered a jump _____ tacted toe ConneoUcut Forest poeals in ’Tolland County on to illness. Hammond, 122; CharUe Tucker, the meeting wUl bo conducted hearings by the Senate Foreign “Move ’ 9:16. ago. But the Dublin FesUval, A n D th C r W yC th Ruff the king of clubs, lead the response, but sim ply a bid Edward W. Winslow, 90 when and Park Association seeking April 1. The speaker is well-known In 119; MoUie McCarthy, 118; John hi Room 418, in the Capital Relations Committee on irtieth- East Windsor Drlve-Inj— one of the world’s top theater ~ jack ~of hearts to uunmijrdummy’s d made under pressure. he died in 1966, was a station information as to organizations This hearing, which would Coventry and is a sh<^ instnic- “Diary of a Mad Housewife Persm, 117; Mina Reuther, 117; Building, on Friday, April 2. er the U.S. government is com- events, is healthy. Some 36,000 \V OI* k S O H o t £ t l H I l queen, ru ff another club, and Oopyrig^t ivn agent in Taunton, Mass., for 89 who might be interested in toe normally be held in Hartford tor at toe high school. 7:30; “ TeU Them W illie Boy Thomas Murphy, 116, and Now if you’re in favor of this mltted to protecting oil compa- is persons visited nine theaters . A lead the four of diamonds to General Features Oorp. years and smart enough to re- p r o p e r t y . ------Here” 9:06. during the two week festival to CHADDS FORD, Pa. (AP) — Gladys Seelert, 116. bill, then you haven’t much ny investments cognize a good buy when he saw School Menu The names are drawn from toe Monday we had 79 players for time, but you should write a Secretary of State William P. Meadows Drive-In:— "Blood see 16 producUons—12 hits and james B. Wyeth, a son of con- Columbia 0 *AA* **WAHf1lnfP ■ m^aaoa aniil one. He began his career as sta- The menu at toe elementary electors lists. Persons irtiose I our kitchen social game, and nrte to the Transportation Cbm- Rogers said recenUy, however, and Lace” 9:00; "Wedding three misses, Smith said. temporary American artist An- Uon m a ^ r In 1601 and, over toe schools next week wUl be: Houses were 86 per cent full. names were on last year’s list | again Georginia Vince mittee Room 418 Capitol Build- that possiUe offshore oil depoe- Night” 7:(X). years, began quietly buying up Monday: Meat loaf, mashed Student Given will not be called this year. and TVimmy O’N eill worked to­ Ing, Capital Ave., Hartford. Its in the Vietnam area have The festival for the first time Wyeth, is designing a ^ - WOW WHAT SBlYICe stock in a company called IBM, potato, spinach, chocolate pud- P n ^ r t y ’Transfers gether in making it a very en­ Some of our members sug- “a^Iutely ^ effect on « U.S. Covenlry was held In March, when large cial Christinas stamp for the 10 MIN. SERVICE ON ALL CALLS When he died he owned 12,797 ding. Research Grant joyable morning. numbers of Ameridans visit Ire- U.S. Post Office Depaurtment. Property transfers for Febru- T ______- policy" In Indochina. In — FASTEST IN TOWN — DON’T BEUEVE shares of IBM valued at $6.8 Tuesday: Ravioli, greai T « 8 ®Bted that I make out a short ^ land for St. Patrick’s day. The 24-yeer-oid artist, a mem- of M r and included Morbm Stiimel- US — THEN TRY US. million. beans, carrot-raisin salad, maca- Bruce Hyer, son Carthy, Peter Frey Legion Honors A highlight was the reopening ber of the Citizen’s Shunp Advl- ■ man and Joseph Vinick to PJCl He had an additional $700,000 . „ Mrs. Walter Hyer, Lake Rood, corporation, Brendi ’Trail; Rv- Derby handled the At the same time Asst. Secre­ after 17 months of the 406-seat sory Committee—which advised BIG GIANT GRINDERS ptaocMe these forms, just in other stocks, bonds and sav- Wednesday: Hamburg on roU, has tournament, and the following . j , ^ _ Two Firemen Gate TTieater by the acting- the post office department cn We Make Our Own Pizza Dough been given a state grant tog and Doris Butler to Kerry tary of State David Abehire said togs accounte to eight banks. fr®"®“ “ 1*®^ vegetables. winners out of the 68 partic: ^ ^ “ *® ®“ ®® the Vietnam govenunent has Green - Chobot - Richardson producing team of Hilton Eld- stamp design until it was re- FOR THE BEST GRINDERS AND PIZZAS by toe Connecticut Research and Kathleen Butler; Columbia ipants were; Oliver Amerlcan LeglMi Post 62 recent, wards and Michael Mac- placed by a nonprofit govern- His wife, Lena, adw died re- _ ... meat CouncU through toe research Sarah Bret^hnelder to Roberts, “ P' , . , , not issued a call for bids on off- IN -TOWN CALL centiy and left the $7 mlUlon Thursday: PI«® with Lucille Crawford, Grace ^® >^®^ved a poetcard from riiore exploration rights and ly made awards to two local Llammolr. The Gate got a g;ov- ment corporation, refused Frt- department o< Central Connectl- and Patricia Brett, I CALL fortuM to her daughter, was ««*®®’ «*«®Iat® Pine St.; Helen Keefe to Alanj Windsor,------, —667; , Victor------Ctarlsten------travelers, and as of Jg ^ ukely to receive volunteer firemen for service enunent grant of $156,(XK) for day to edhunent in detail on the sauce cake cut State College. son, 667; Andy Noske, 664; Els- ® v ® «^ ® ^ any. abovenVMSA andnwtji beyond the callAnil n#of 4Improvements »V4*\«WVirA«Y^ AVlfa Onfland an0*1 annual0*1VH1o1 Hoolfmdesign fbfof lllohis ata.mnstamp. 643-0031 akked how Edward amassed his and Blanche Eaton, Rt. 87. good spirits, PIZZA - RAY'S holdings on a station master's Frida}): Grilled cheese sand­ The grant provides funds for ther Anderson, 646; Beatrice and having a A drive in 1968, when Miss duty. subsidy of about $84,000, second "I’m concentrating on strong 130 SPRUCE ST. Court o f Honor grand time. wich, com chowder, pickles, a study ot the TraUl’s Flycatch­ Mader, 631; -Bessie Ooate, 630; Reed joined the Another Moth- Honored were Albert Meyers only to the ^$228,(X)0 j^celved forms," he explained, "because pay, Boy Scout TYoop 62 held a Schedule "Y ou do what is smart,” she fruit cocktail. er, a bird sometimes called John Derby, 629; Ann P ern s, eris group, raised $21,000 In jr. and Dennis Roche who last yearly by the NatiMial Company I realize that this will have to be Alder Flycatcher. Court o f Honor this week, ad­ Monday, 10 a.m. to said. “He had a lot of Invest­ Nursery CUsa 627; Oussie Sandford, 627; Bess isompalgn contributions for con- year pulled young Robert Clapp the Abbey ’Hieater. reduced to postage stamp size." Hyer, who carries a double vancing three scouts and pre- Hioonan, 625; Jennie Fogarty, kitchen social, one can of can- ments." The Hebrcn Cooperative Nurs­ gressmen ' who had voted from live electric wires after an Subsidies now total about Wyeth said he has not yet sub­ ery, Inc. is now accepting regis- major to his senior year at »®ntlng merit badges to otoers. 624; Mabel Wilson, 623, ned goods needed; noon to 1 ■VININOS AT ■VININOt AT ------— ...... — William O’Brien was given “ against war appropriatlMis. accident In the village. $360,000. mitted the design to the postal 7 i » A 9-.n P.M. 7i» A fill PAI. States which offer motorlste, tration for next faU for nuiS» CX3SC, English and biology, wUl WP f^ “ Floyd Post, 620. p.m., lunch is served; ^ SAT. A SUNDAYS SAT. A SUNDAYS JDss Reed, the vrlfe ot produc- ® chUdren who wUl be The department wUl also awlmmtog, rowing, piwieering, A action. Right now you can real- P-m., Fun-Day. F mimmiam willing to donate one cal) Mrs. OiOAHOMA CITY (AP) — A I For the men, Max Schubert be right in the middle of tldngs, the part of " a constituent” in ing After Optimism’’ was a Fes- HOViaAl Iw m llPIrtw Hebron Manchester Evening Herald Kenneth KelUher. barking St. Bernard and a bowl­ won the h i^ triple of 492. ’Ihe trying to turn our country the drama of Irish politics in tlyal hit. Some criiUcs had reser- C 1770 Amarlcan Intfnttonal PldMW. Inc. Hebron correspondent Anne Commimists Tax Collection ing boxer have brought retired I high single of 193 and the high around, making democracy tum-of-the-century Bkwklyn. vatiM is about this tragicomedy Emt, Telephone 288-l6n. Town Notified Mrs, Ermtola Lowman, tax average of 173.7 went to A1 La- He is a senior at UConn. of a prostitute and a pimp who Dirt. Court Judge A. P. Van I w ot*?’ ’ M eter back into the courtroom-1 Plant. Advance On Of Camp Sale collector, says the tax bills are Wednesday we had our first in the mall today with toe add­ Van Meter will tqipear in Fiah Bites Housewife Darit Sesenon ed . pain of what she says is court April 1 In an attempt to j meal from our new stove, and Town officials and governing Premier Asking EFFINGHAM , Dl. (A P ) — DAYTON, Ohio (A P ) — A ses- close to a 12 per cent jump obtain H court order to silence | it wasn’t only delicious but a Laos Capital boards have necelved arord from real pleasure to have such nice Pat, a pet piranha, bit the hand THEATRE EAST BRING THIS COUPON sion of the Ctolo Society Of (Individual) over last year. toe two dogs owned by neigfa- equipment to cook with. (OowMimed from Page One) Smoke Ad Bans that fed it, sending Mrs. Wilbur toe OoBoectlcut Trails Council pixjfesrtooal Ehigineers meeting ’There were 1,814 bills sent for bors. He obtained a temporary I In the afternoon, at our Fun- Hall to a hospital. ENDS TUESDAY of O lri Scouta, Inc. that Camp here was delayed because the a total of $i962,316.86. Last order earUer against Mr. and| not intend to seize King Savang VDCTOEUA, B.C. (A P ) — Brlt- Day, we were pleasantly enter- •My fish bit my finger,” she Nltme-Wauke on East St la now light on toe speaker’s podliun year’s bills totaled 1,676 for a Mrs. Webb Bleasley, owners ofl tainU by the members of the Vatthana’s capital as long as iA Columbia Premier W.A.C. g^ld as she ente: /=/?££ would not work. crtlectitm amounting to $677,404. toe St. Bernard, and Mr. and| officially Young Manchester’s Women’s ‘*»e govenunent of Premier Sou- ” ®'"' ..7 . u DICKVAN DYKE \ available for pui^ As . ---- hundreds- ^ of .. engineers— .------Juror Urt Mrs. Doug Thrash, owners Club. They presented a one-act vanna Phoumas in Vientiane m®nt has introduced legislation h ^u gald the/«lght-lnch, chase or lease with,, option to ______^ Friday,,, a_____ few______mem A list ot 180 names have been toe boxer. play" "Diet Begins Tomorrow,” maintains some semblance of banning all advertising of tobac- fiesh-eaUng fish wRn a protrud- COLDTURKEY" i 2 32-O X . BOTTLES OF COKE purchase: $2W,0^’ bers ot the group tried to solve seirt by toe jury committee to The ex-judge said toe two! and ' everyMie really enjoy^ neutrality. products and liquor In the lower jaw edged with razor- it L ort M ay the C ( ^ u problem. One finaUy d id ^ e ThUand County Supertoir Court, dogs have disturbed toe peace I the show very much. ------province Sept. 1. sharp teeth was purchased at a WITH PURCHASE OF A BUCKET OB BARBEL OF COLOR DiDeiu": to sell toe camp ^ c n found that the Ujiit was not Ninety persons wUl be (wlected and quiet with their barking and I The seniors would like to per- HONG KONG (AP) — De- Beers and wine aUo come un- p^t 2^4 years ago. MARYLAND FRIED CHICKEN lart sununer had *’®*“ plugged In. as jurors for toe coming year, howling, summer day camp for Hebron ^ sonally thank Jackie Nichols, posed Cambodian head of state d®r the proposed ban, intro- g|,g explained that a grandson (IP OC United Ai’tists Ju n e Brines, Kathy Burkett, Prince Norodom Sihanouk mes- duced Friday. Since liquor ad- visiting her home had dropped a Girt Scouta and Scouts from Judy BugnacU, Joyce Bedlak, saged his g;ratitude today to verUslng already Is ti^tly re- jj^j. soap in the fish’s tank, ENTE21 ACADEMY ~ NO LIMIT surroundlnis towns. AWABDS SWEEP- Last summer M was uaed as a 2 and Judy Bycholskl for taking Vietnamese Communists for strlcted, the brunt of the new qijjg piraniut nipped the third STAKES • DETAH£ day eamp by the New Haven the time to give us a real treat, their “extremely strong sup- ban will fall on cigarette- manu- gjigg]- iig]- right hand as she AVAILABLE AT COUPON GOOD MARCH 28 THRU APRIL 3 After the show, the group port” In Cambodian fighting. facturers. Broadcasting' outlets retrieved the soap, BOK OFETCE. Youth Chri^man AaaoclaUan. The camp includes 100 acres was treated to a few colored ’Ihe statement, Issued from in B^tish Columbia already are “Row I have five stitches, five NEXT: slides of a trip the members Peking where Sihanouk has a prohlbi^ from carry^ com- gij(^ two bottles of medi­ of imrfcind and hilly woodland Shady Glen's "U IT L B BfUBDEBS'’ N took back in 1969, to the Sterl- govenunent In exile, was the merclals for liquor, beer and cine and must go back for treat- starring with a three acre pond, a beaver Ing Gardens. It was fun re- closest the former Cambodian wine. ment,” she said. "Pat no iMiger . itie «MASH” Bondi dam, a brook, a sizeable pine DON’T MISS IT !! nursery and firings In toe up- viewing the slides, and memo- leader has come to admitting The outlawing of advertising jg pet.” Always Tender, HtLc/Soo 5*f ries. the North Vietnamese and Viet wlU apply to all media. The to- + _____ Cofig are carrying the bnmt of bacoo ban also prohibits any 7h>- ^Never Greasy! Constructed on tbs site by the Easter Special Slck Report the battle against the govern- Uces or price lists sent by mall Girl Scout Council are a large 7 During the afternoon we ment of Premier Lon Nol. as well as distribution of clrcu- FBI. - SAT. - SUN. C ALL A H E A D 643-8115 Gr«€n1^c|j^n lodge with an insUtutional kitch­ I^ANCHESTe 2 EXCITING en, a three room cottage, three heard that George SchroU, Otto Lon Nol led the mUitary laxa and porters. C> i W'/. - /r>/ OB ENJOY YOUE DINNEE Ice Cream ... staff cabins, a garage boat SHADY Angermann, Elvaline Pentland coup that toppled Sihanouk a Asked whether the provincial RILS 6 6 4U • BOl ION NOTCH 1st RUN HITS IN OUE ATTEACnVE house, six smaller buUdtoga, and Nora Coupe are patienU at year ago. govenunent would enforce the DINING AEEA Manchester Memorial Hospital, Neither Sihanouk nor the ban on newiipapers and periodi- five camper units each with five OLEN*S and an old friend Bertha Payne Communists have ever admitted dais entering British Columbia or six tent platforms, a dining You’ll say there’s a trick Is in the Rockville General Hos- directly that North Vietnamese from outside the province, Ben- AFTER SHOCK ASK ABOUT OUE dielter, outdoor toilet facUitias of m ^ c in this festive pital. or Viet Cong units are fighting nett said: "As far as we can le- and piped Yrater. combination of luscious FUND RAISING PROGRAM The afternoon ended with two in Cambodia. gaily do it.’’ Deeislon Made fruits, coconut, cherries E tnlcWle Tapnp//(« m e decision to aell toe camp sets of square dancers dancing, ______and pineapple. It’s made while others enjoyed card play- was made upon the recommen­ ing, or just watching the ac­ b l o o d dations of the Council’s leng espedally for you at tivities. Range Camp Planning Commit­ Erater time! ’Thursday we had 48 playing tee, Finance Committee and IS pinochle with Molly McCarthy, Camping Services Oommit^e. -ft n iae commlttes took into con­ QUALITY..I M trryfanef sideration the Increastog costs of maintenance, toe need to 6L0RIA8RAHAME 9 OLOR BV WOVWlM financially subsidise the camp released by AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PIC i URES j f i l program and toe evaluation of lEttmttQ il^raUk Mil camping service* and facul­ Sh a d i^'jk n , (Orwu^ StoA sA , ties in toe area. FRIED CHICKEN FHED OnCKIN I Over toe past several years, Every toving cxxjple should see TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS toe Mfnincti h as been consoli­ ManclMiUr, Conn. Kt. 6 a 44A^-Open DoUy and Sun.; Poriuide Branch M on. toru Sot. Tdapliaae 643-2711 this film before it’s too late 311 GREEN ROAD, MANCHESTER dating its fSiClUtles. They orig­ (John and Bemlce Bleg) Becood CSsiS Pojtoge Paid »» inally operated six resident llancbester. Cam. (OKW) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — 11 A M. - 9 P.M. campa and 22 day camps. As of SUBSCSIPTION^BATBS BURNSIDE _ w EddiNq NiqkT last summer, this had been re- Paysble in Advance ___ ■- tilR'.'-a ••■•C f - a HiFTFCRD one Yew ...... FRIDAY & SATURDAY — 11 A.M. - 10 PJI. TREE PtF.l'ISC E28 -1333 C O L O R .r MOVIELAB AH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL.tUASi Three ____ One Month TT MANGHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, IK^NCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE F IV E Tolland County Superior Court Military Aid Report Stings p a g e : f o u r MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MAl«>CHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 Firm That Defended Sober U.S. Officials in Indonesia the community no worse off than the Connecticut Enters Companion Case By FRANK N. HAWKINS JR. ministers the military aid pro- community has been all sdong. Political JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Sra™ mlg^it have to be in- The Oovemor’s decisiveness, In Hart­ U;S. officials here have been creased. It now has 10 officers lEttEtting If^raUi Yankee ’Ihe same New Haven law for Woodward and introduced stung by a congressional report enlisted men. PDBUagBP BY THB ___ ford, and in New Haven, comes .after firm which defended student ac- motions Including one to dis- claiming increased American y®", 166 Indonesians re- h e r a l d PIUNTINO OO., INC. 18 BtanU Street many months of attempted reasonable­ Parade B iy A .H .O . tlvtot James Sober, last fall, quaUfy AsaUtant States Attorney mUitary aid Is threatening the celved training in the United Menoheeter. Coen. ■i 1.. . j Donald B. Caldwell as prose- “ successful low-profUe” policy States, 66 were trained in OMna- THOMAS r . raROUSON ness on the part of the state, trying to wien he was tried on charges ^ WALTER R. FERatrSMt By DAVID S. BRODER . cu toff in Indonesia other countries and PuUUnra __ find new locations where a modem jail Tbe Issue of conflict of In­ Btemming from the takeover the »rhe motion, \riilch was denied. Ambassador Francis J. Gal- BXwnaed Octoher 1. 1881______The Washington Post terest in the Connecticut Gen­ University ot Connecticut ad- was argued on the basis that Americans in Indonesia. Hie of­ facility would be welcome, had failed. braith, vriio heads the 226-man FuMUted Every Blreoliw^ BMept & g 6aya WASjimOTON — On the ISth eral Assemldy Is hscamlng a ministration building has now Caldwell, who was public de- ficial says the figures will be and HoUdaya. SUered at Ibe FoM OfllM M In a way which the citizens of any more serious matter today than U.S.Embassy staff, was one of Mandieater, Ooon., «ka Seoood Oaaa MaU of April In ’71, the 196th anni­ taken over the defense of a fender at the time, spoke in be- toe ^^Wtocls with community understand, because It Is Matter______versary of Paul Revere’s ride, ever before in the state’s his­ companion case. half for a reduction in bond for policy and still supports it, an P°®8»>ly ® Increase. tory, not only because people SUBSCRTPnON RATES the way they would themselves react that latter-day harbinger, Al­ Mark L. Woodward, 22, of Wil- the other three young men official said. lard K. Lowensteln, will saddle are becoming more brazen llmantic, was one of three charged with Woodward. They One T ear ...... HB.00 If the prc^MBltion were being made to The U.S. congressional report, Six MoBtha ...... U.W up his trusty rhetoric and shout about defying any leglshittve UCoun students arrested with had not yet obtained counsel. on American military assist­ Chorus Entered Three Montha ...... 9.7S them, each pitqioaed Invasion of some a warning he hopes will be code of ethics, but because Sober a year ago. He was ached- Since some of them could be One Month ...... A36 ___ ance in east and Southeast Asia, new town has been met with unwelding heard In Richard Nixon’s White there Is less room for the oper­ uled to aland trial, early tills called aa witnesses in thla case was published for the House In Competition iraim m OF ~~ House that 23 million new ation of checks and balances month on charges of brealking Atty. BroUes sogued that Cald- ’THE ASSOCIATED FREBB protest. subcommittee on National Secu­ The Aaaooated Freaa la exeloahrely en- voters are coming. against such violations, and and entering with violence into well would be in the position of The Silk City Chorus r Monday — 1 pm . Vnday. has deliberately been kept to ,y from members of the Silk A vast amount of litigation In the platform, afid invitations have the legislature to work and vote Grudbetg and Clifford appeared charges yesterday. T ot Tueaday — 1 pm. Saturday. the minimum. City Chorus. The four will be For Wedneaday — 1 pnL Mkmday. United States results fnun attempts to gone to such other antlwau: Re- for the legitimate righto and ‘ Now the United States has judged against 12 other quartets For Thuraday — 1 p.m. Tueaday establish fault In auto accidents for the privileges of the bonks; be was For m day — 1 pm. Wedneaday. IHiUlcans as Rep. Paul N. increased its MAP—MUltary As- jn the novice quartet competi- CUaelfled deadline 4:SD pm . day be­ purpose of settling liability insurance Tolland (Pets) McCloekey of California not expected to pretend to be stetance Program—by more uon. - fore ptriiHcatlon 4:80 p m . M d a y for dispassionate where such Inter­ Saturday and Monday puhlleatlon. cla lm a and former Senator Charles Uian 300 per cent in one year; It The 40-m^ber Silk City Senator Hart of Michigan has esti­ ests were concerned, or to dis­ Ooodell of New York, both of has emphasized equipment, in- Chorus is directed by Vincent Saturday, M arch 27 mated that auto accident litigation ac­ whom have woiked with Lowen- qualify himseU. Town’s Budget Schedule eluding weapons, over training; zito of Hartford. Frank P. Ven- counted for one fourth of the total in­ steln In planning the project. But the banker or farmer or (Herald photo by Bucetviclus and it wlU undoubtedly be re- delta, 40 Englewood Dr., is come of the United States legal profes­ Sen Birch Bayh cf Indiana is lawyer or insurance man who Set for Public Hearings A Sherry-Coffee for Benefit of ACS quired to Increase the numbers president, 7 Cutting Up Freedom sion in 196». It should thus be no suiv the first of the Democratic went to the Legislature to serve of U.S. mlUtary personnel in prise that many lawyers are opposed to presidential hcqiefuls to accept hto fellow banker* or farmers, Hie budget presentation sched- variety show of the year "It’s A that country.’ It is never given to mortala to undo the principle of “no-fault” automobUe Lowensteln’s invitation, but the etc., could always be sure to Preparing for a Sherry-CJoffee to benefit the Man- Boulder Rd., is the first in a series of coffees to ule has been announced by the Small, SmaU World” tonight at The U.S. Increase in miUtauy the past and try it over. Hie neemst insurance, which will get much discus­ list of big name Democrats in find one check on hto operation. Chester Unit of the American Cancer Society are be held in Manchester next month. Guests at the aid followed President Suharto’s Board of CTnance. 8 In the Middle School auditori­ MANEV sion from Congress and the pubUc over Providence Is expected to grow. Every other special economic Mrs. Herbert Snyder of 47 Highwood Dr., left, and Sherry-Coffee who will sponsor a coffee will re­ visit to the United States last thing we have to that kind of a choice um. SAVING SPECIAL the next few monttu. iRepublican help has been en­ or professional Interest in tiie For the first time this year, Mrs. Norman Comollo of 71 dJonstance Dr. The ceive a special hostess gift. Those wishing more May. President Nixon after­ is the perpetual invitation to commit 10% DISCOUNT A no-fault UU sponsored by Senators listed on the grounds that this state would also be represent­ information about conducting a coffee for the Can­ wards announced a boost from the public is invited to sit In jjjgjj school dance band playing event, which will be held Wednesday from 10:30 AT the same kind of mistake over and over, Hart and Magnuson and Representatives Is a bipartisan registration ed in the membership of the a.m. to noon at the home of Mrs. Sidney Ellis, 123 cer Society may contact Mrs. Comollo. $6 bllUon a y ea r to $18 biUlon In Moan, Dingell and Carney will be one campaign, aimed mainly at en­ House, and an these special In­ on the budget presentaticHi as “Sunday Morning” and takes - arms aid. PARKADE CLEANERS udiich is something we usuaHy manage Manchester Parkade poostblUty. The American Insurance As­ rolling the 23 million young peo­ terests would Join in the busl- they are made by the heads of the audience through the enter- Reliable sources sAy the aid to do. quartermaster; and Richard It. But it changed course just sociation, the American Mutual Insur­ ple who have become eligible neaa of watching and policing the town’s various boards and tainment world from a jazz bal- p before the legislotlcm pas covers automatic M-16 rifles, ance Alliance and the National As­ to v ote sin ce 1968. one another. The only code of commisslons. A limited period let solo to the “American BOY SCOUT Lombardo, troop scribe. Stabilization other small arms -and some So no one Is able to take the people sociation of Independent Insurers wUl be But It Is, quite explicitly, the ethics strictly enforced, and ot time will be allotted to per- Heritage Junk Band.” Comic In- Winter Camporee patches saying It no longer objected to weaooos for the standby controls if Congress ^ “ of India and Pakistan bcu:k to the mo­ trying to push their ownn versions of the start of a ”dump-Nlxon” move, perhaps the only code of ethics mlt members of the public to terludes will be provided by the Notes and News were presented to members of OPEN ALL DAY the troop for participating In Plan Set wanted to pass them. ment when the efforts of Oandhi had Idea through state legislatures. Presi­ aimed at mobilizing opposition reaUy needed, was the stem ask the offlcials questions re- production’s four emcees, ______for Indonesia’s womout navy SUNDAY the Blackledge Winter Cam- dent Nixon supports the state-level ^ to him and his pedicles in both and sleepless way the various gardlng the budgets submitted. Tickets are ' available at the and spare parts for the Indone- succeeded in winning the gift ot fre e ­ T roop ISS p oree, and se rv ice stars w ere proach. the Republican presidential pri­ special intoreato maintained It Is hed by the finance door only, beginning at 7 p.m. By Nixon Pot No Rainbow sUmrir force. Norriiway Pharmacy dom from tired, imperial Britain and ______Tixx^ 133 of the Second Con- awarded to Jay Murphy, ^flc- A major argument made by lawyers maries and the genend elec­ armed watch on one another. hocml members, that the new Boys Basketball When you raise the amount 8M N. Main, Manebestor give them the chance to say, this time: and their professional societies against tion. Look at a present day Con­ ,practice______will______enable the towns- Todays whedule of play for gregational Church celebrated ^ (CkMitiimed fro m P a g e O ne) HOLiiirWOOD (AP) — The of aid, it Is tough to do It wtth- Next to Top Nothh LowMistein is nothing If not people to become better inform- members of the Boys Basket- Scout Mxmth with a family pot- Mark Hamer, Don Ritchie, “Make us take our freedom together, “no-fault” insurance is that it would necticut Legislature and you Seventh Day Adventist Church o»>t the same number of pecqrle contravene the principle cf "tort liabil­ optimistic about the prospects. discover that, sdiereas the ed regarding the various budg- bail League pits the Tolland luck and Court of Honor. Steve Ross, Jim Fotter, John he abhors controls, of Hollywood, In the heart of the the official conceded. R obert within one s^ of boundaries.’’ ity,” whldi holds that anyone who “We may end up with, an elec­ number of special economic eta, before the holding of public Bank against Lipman Chorches Carl Gustafson, representing John Haftwr, No freeze la involved in the hippie district, scheduled a ser- He admitted it was possible causes damages while committing an il­ tion In which Barry Goldwater and prafeaaiaaal Intoreato In hearings on the overall budget at 1 p.m. followed by Clinton the Blacklpdge Dtetrict, present- Kaminsky PMUp Hjarn^ Blake recommendation, but Its mon entitled, "There is no rain- the number of members of the ¥ f AH s Nor Is any one able to render au­ legal act Is subject to a civil claim for looks like a popular hero com­ the state has increased many during the latter portion of Press vs. Krechko Brothers, at ed the troop charter to Art Dus- LUUcn^, Todd EIinoi«, Rlchara ^ would be a touvher how at the end of pot.” defense liaison group, which ad- Aacts thoritative judgment on such a ques­ redress. While not usually regarded as pared to what Richard Nixon times over, the room in the April 2. sault, neighborhood oommteslon- Lombardo, Ira Friedman, Ml- ^ ^ tougner r- tion as this: “Has the freedom of In­ an ancient principle, tort UaUIity.is well can get at the polls,” he said House has been decreased and Tlie first finance board meet- Sport Mart takes on Nation- ®*‘: Jam®® Jorine, Institutional **®*®*^ Plante an ■ ^ established in law. the other day, “and I don’t narrowed down, first by the ac­ tag to hear the budgets will be widV Insurance at 8, folkwed representative and W illiam and Gary Compasso. suspension o^is ra i>inAiirnfvi rwfphv S ecretary o f L ab or Jam es have been?’’ sist that the citisen should have the right would necessarily even be a dtotrlbution of the - smaller for the regSstrars of voters, surance and Wanata have the p“ y race cL ilon te Ctote JoluT- Hodgson said he envteages the to sue when he has been damaged by candidate.” number of seats on the cne- assessors, board of tax re- day off. someone’s misdeed. But the argument If that sounds farfetched, It man-one-vote standard. This re- ThrAll Star team wiU prac- Davis and John Sylvester, pre- »<>"■ government using its buying M One can list some of the inlces that view, tax collector and Tolland begins to weaken when they instst that should be remembered that seated the following boys with The foUowing boys received policies to enforce the proposed have been paid for freedom on the apporUonment has dwindled the Volunteer Fire Department will tice from 4 until 6 p.m. insurance laws should encourage this they laughed at Lowensteln four awards • Glen Cooke and Charles blue ribbons for first and executive order—ordering from variety in the House member- be presented. Junior Women a , , „ „ .Mlnhael Kero- second place In each ^ ck :^ n areas ot the Industry which fed- division plan. practice and set It up as a principal way years ago when he first sketch­ Photographed by Reginald Ftnto ■Up, and altered the standing The finance board will meet The Tolland Junior Women’s ^ cSiris Johnson and John War- the guidelines, to attempt to recover losses from an au- ed his plans for the “dump- of traditional blocs to such again wi Wednesday at 7:30 In Club Conservation Committee P ^ J'AW, y Morris Egan in on the con There was, first, at the very moment tomotrile accident. Johnson” drive. Since he lost Installation Of Rt. Rev. J. Warren Hutchens As Episcopal Bishop Of Ckmnecticut an extent that the farmers, for of freedom, an uncontrolled blood bedh All states have so-called “ financial re- his Long Island house seat to a Instance, can now caucus In a et proposals of the Planning and kevics home on Tory Rd. sponslbUlty” laws, which require motor­ Republican gerrymander last -u Cloney and Jay Corbitt, first t*weatentag government Inter- between Hindus and Moslems as they telephone booth. But the side- Zoning Commission, Zoning The Tolland Junior’s ExecU' ists to be financUdly able to meet cer­ November, Lowensteln has bills of Connecticut, when they Board of Appeals, Industrial tlve board wUl meet April 6 divided the subcontinent between India programs or face defeat—and tain liabilities In case of an accident. been teaching at Yale and Har­ his kind of liberal causes have can register over that number, had representation, used to Develi^ment Commission and 8 p.m. at the Lasher home on Chester Walter, ^vancem^ ^d WetelM, vard and touring the country this Is obviously of Interest to chairman, presented the life jjichael Early tW® year, he said wages A and Pakistan. Such laws, once regarded by some aa a never been brighter. “For the the bigger the coalition for send more than farmers to the town clerk. Fine Hill Rd. Riegle, McCloekey and Qoodell. bonanza for insurance companies, bring on his usual frantic schedule, first time since the depths of change.” That view Is chal­ Hartford. The old "unwieldy” Thursday’s Finance Board Uons______dub Notes aw ard to R ob ert C asavant and Qj^f£ngy_ and p rices in the Industry had And they think it Can help Hiere' was, later on, the divided, rival strong {measure on motorists to carry organising for the spring offen­ the depression,” he says, “we lenged by some i>oUtlcal ob­ House of Representatiyes was meeting agenda te not yet final The ThUMd^Uons’ dtab will ">®rlt badges to Peter Lewis, Rasmussen and PtilUlp reached a crisis level and called nominate whichever of the diplomacy of India and Pakistan, wMb liability insurance. Three states, New sive. are In a position to aissemble servers, who believe that young that way not only beoauae of rco^Zg to ^ e e ' Boa^S conduct a fertilizer sale as a P ^ . and Jay Corbitt, wood- ^u^al^rTc^d awai^Tor “V*"* ca rv in g . Quality Candy York, North Carolina and Massachu­ Mainly, he has been preach­ a majority coalition for basic voters will divide between the Democratic aspirants establish­ its numbers, but bscauas of the Chairnian Howard- ...... Wolfanger, fund— ------raising project. denner and assistant denner. a v^untary plan within 30 days. nations which should have had common Scoutmaister William VonDeck setts, qieclflcally require insurance. ing against the prevailing “ cyn­ changes, not only In foreign parties and between conserva­ es the best credentials as an presence of a richly varied as­ but te expected to include the Membera of the oiganteaUon Other boys who received 7®" ^ Interests and princTpIes trying to play Advocates of such laws contend that icism about whether elections policy, but in distribution of in­ tive and liberal cemdldates very effective vote-getter In the pri­ sortment of talents and Intor- conservation commission, civil will conduct a door-to-door awards were: John Warrington rlallze, toe Prealdent suspended mean anything.” Lowensteln mutual friends against each other. they protect innocent victims of 'careless come and resoi'rces at home.” much as- their parents do. maries, rather than let the esto which guaranteed that the Uon, library, board of recrea- sales campaign through April anH Chris Johnson, gold arrow; ^® DavtoBacon law, a for EASTER drivers and promote a sense of rMponsl- says the mood he finds, particu­ He cites the strong support in It is the critical assumption victory be lost In needless In­ House coi^ turn ornery at any Uon and buUdtag Inspector. 16. Rrices of the fertilizer afe Sylvester, Md Brace Warrington; gold and gold clearing the way for Paym^t of larly on the campuses. Is one rt There was, again, the actual outbreak blUty am ong motorists. In mrgulng public opinion polls for an early in Lowensteln’s whole strategy, ternecine W8urfare. moment on any iasue. and buUdtag inspector. $6.43 and $3.60 per bag. DeUv- ^y*®®; ®"® ye^, Mlchart Gal- ^Ima, nonunion wages on federal against the no-fiuilt principle, a spokes­ "dislUuslonment and resent­ end to the war; the espousal by but If the operation beginning In Lowensteln Insists he has no The new, modem Connecticut The finance board will dls- cries are promised In time for bear badge; and Charles bulldta^j^bs. of violence betwem Pakistan and India, AFL-CIO unions representing SOUD CHOCOLATE man for an American Bar Association ment” with the Nixon Adminis­ virtually all the leading Demo­ Providence works, he and his favorite for the Democratic House has less buUt-in diver­ cuss the Board of Education uae this Spring. Davte. three yew; ^ter Lowte, badge. over the question of which one should three million construction work­ Bunnies • Crosees - Ducks study committee eloquently maintained tration, but of "little enthusi­ cratic presidential hopefuls of Republican partners see wide­ nomination and la opposed to no sity, and less capacity to pro­ asm for any of the visible can­ ers reportedly agreed privately MMk Chocolate and White rule left-over parts of the old British that “It is important to continue to hold “the views of the Kennedy-Mc- spread effects. one except Sen. Henry Jacksim tect itself against the opera­ didates” against the President. to go along with the new plan so colonial unit. persons legally responsible for thrir own Oarthy heresy of 1908; “ and the They think It can affect Mr. of Washington, a supporter of tions of the special pressure The final round of budget held for the Tolland“*HIgh ^M lei*Suter"^ Students Lose Bid Lowensteln’s fear is that radi­ long as It Includes restoring the acts, that the tort law is making a use­ opposition to Mr. Nixon by Nixon’s policies In the next 18 administration policy In Viet­ groups which have grown pro­ presentations will be aired on school basketbaU team at ^ pifty-mller awards were nre- MOREHEAD Kv cals will exploit "the vacuum April 8 at 7:30 In the Town Hall valle’s in Hartford on March ®^“ y mller awards were pre MOREHEAD, Ky. (A P ) — Davte-Bacon provtetons. And now there has developed the kind ful contribution to society by reinfmrclng Republicans “far more numer­ months, by making visible the nam. He Is scornful of the portionately bigger, rather than the moral values which underlie the al­ and frustration” to mcblllze the sented to Robert Casavant and Some 76 Morehead State Uni- If Nixon signs the order, he EASTBt BASKETS of discord the actual division of Pakistan ous and prestigious than the opposition to his current course fourth party Idea—saying It smaUer, aa the else of the at \riiich time the probate court, 31 most Instinctive feeling that persons campuses for a new round of board of finance and superta- Peter Lewis by William Von verslty students have lost a bid ^jrlll be moving toward the type fHled with our own quality candy Democrats who were willing to o f action. makes “utterly no sense to talk H o^ haa been contracted. A sslstants in to tw o sep arate p ie ce s, sepcuuted fay guilty of wrongful conduct should be marches and demonstrations — tMident of highways budgets AsslsUng mothers at the Tol- expedition l®^®r. The to register to vote In a city local of wage-price review board rec- be Involved In the anti-John­ They think It can help save of that when we’re at a point 'The old-faahloned system in a thousand miles and differing from one held accountable.. . . ” a development which In Lowen­ wlll be presented. Also on the ig-j Generative Nurserv ^ earned last sum- optlwi election April 20 on the ommended by Arthur F. Burns, son movement at the same point the campuses and the country where we’re clearly Inheriting sdUch the legislator openly and Well, persons guilty of wrongful con­ steln’s view, can only help Mr. agenda te the Selectmen’s budg- school n4xt week are- Mondav “■ ®“ °® ^P ®®>® alcoholic beverages. chairman of the Federal Re- another in every heritage except that from the alternative dangers of the Democratic party. frankly represented and voted - FOIL WRAPPED duct already are held accountable by mxon by dividing public opin­ four years ago.” ^ Including among other items Richard Wetherell Mra’ *“ “’® "H*® ®t»«lea‘® w®"t to the coun- serve Board. Most of all, Lowensteln bases swltched-off apathy or another "We can turn this country for hto own special interest - - • • • - - weuiereii, mra. Adirondack Mountains ty courthouse but the country Burns, however, says such a of the Moslem religion, made almost In­ the penal code. And if mandatory or ion, not on the wisdom of his the dump, constables, and pub- Raymond DeBlois, Mrs. Arnold ot round of destructive demonstra­ around, through the electoral group to no longer as safe as CHOCOLATE ev ita b le. nearly mandatory insurance is to pay own poUcies, but on the tactics. his optimism on the possibility 11c health nursing association Kusmto. New York State. Registration and Puigatlim board diould apply to all indus- process. In the next 18 mwiths,” it used to be. We are going to Mhvies were shown of the 1970 Board upheld a challenge by tries, but without enforcement BUNNIES in all sizea and colon the civil claim It is hard to see how this of his most extreme critics. of mobilizing a substantial por­ tions. accounts. Wednesday, Mrs. A lvan They think It can help en­ he says, and If that sounds like hear more on the code of eth­ This is from one point of view a par­ stimulates a sense of respcnslbility. As On the other hand. If the tion of those 23 million potential OES Officers Bacon, Mra Michael Simmons, ^«>®>- troop enc^pm ent st Rowan (^ t y Atty James Clay powers. courage a Republican Insur­ bold talk. It Is well to remem­ ics issue, simply because, if we ticular situation gone wrong, in a an inhibition to careless' driving. It is young people’s distrust of poli­ new voters under the age of 26. Mr, and Mra. Robert Silver of Robert Luckey. Camp Cherokee at Lake of to their right to register. Nixon has authority to take gency against Mr. Nixon In next ber who Is speaking and what can't force the legislators we further doubtful that fear of financial tics can be overcome, Lowen­ “If only five million of them Virginia Lane, have been in- prlday, Mrs. Thomas Schroe- teles and ... 1971 .. . camp brochures To qualify. Clay said, a stu- the suiUon through standby See Our 75 Lb, Solid White Bunny particular religious and ethnic and geo­ the record shows. have Into some public embar­ loss could ever rank above a poor sec-o. steln Is convinced that the pros­ vote,” he says, “Nixon will get year’s primaries—^wlth a view stalled as matron a^J^tPcm of John Foley, and '^®™ dent must plan to make More- wage-and-price-control legisla- to forcing him to modify his rassment, they are likely to graphical situation. Its particulars may ond to fear of death or Injury. pects for electoral victory for half of them. But the more we Hope CSiapter No. TO. OES. Mrs. werner Kunzll. Special thanks were extended head his permanent home, have tion approved by Congress re- ride their special interest pow­ to the evening program com- his car registered In Rowan centiy. never be repeated. The most aerious flaw In the present Silver’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Television EASTER MIXES er to tyranny. At the moment, mittee: Marcel Casavant, com- County, and not be receiving fi- The administration had said system, however. Is that it doesn’t pro­ Harold Roc^lle s^ - gp^wnle Tro<^ 6122 wUl ap- hotter segB, Current Quotes rather than seeming to seek to ed as Installing officers. The mlttee chairman; Mrs. Hansen nancial support from his par- in the past it didn’t want that But the general principle which tect the motorist in any real sense. Sen­ . J 1.. XU-. pear y Victor Dupuy, scoutmaster; UNIQUE EASTER CANDIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY still have been faced, as all national has little relationttilp to the justice of of the situation than his critics. their claims. For this Und of prospect, Why, he could pull out 100,000 pi®. ^ Mrs. Shirley Randazzo speak and Jame Murphy, David allegiances are faced today. With the the motorist pay* an already large and Variety Show jjjj 3,^^ ^ui Hlers, Victor Dupuy H, and troops in the middle of one of JOl »CIf Q ^ f» ultimate necessity for developing one nqridly Increasing insurance premium. our speeches.”— Sen. Hubert H. A Thonsht for Today The Tolland High School sen- gp^ng,” during a recent club Mark Hafner, senior patrol And as such caStm crowd court calen­ lor class will present It’s second meeting. Mra. Randazzo te co- leaders; the scouts were pre­ higher and more Important allegiance Humphrey, D-Mlnn., In an Inter­ Sponsored by the Manchester dars, delaying justice in other matters, owner of the Omnibus I craft sented with the foUowtag —to the human race, end to a wortd view . Council of Churches BE SURE . . . BUSS haa been serving the Home there is a ftirther economic and social “Once people are accustmned and gift shop In Vemon. awards: Owner for 89 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ cittzenahip. cost. CAR and TRUCK Bulletin Board Victor Dupuy II and David to the Britiah-French Concorde WHh Fewest Hem* SPECTION of your home by a Termlfo Cotitrol Ex­ The no-fault schemes, which would The Tolland Twlriers and Hlers, life rank; Gary Corn- pert, supervised by the finest technical staff, phone and the Soviet Turpolev TU144 One of the biggest complainto RENTALS simply insure the motorist against his Drum Corps will hold a paper passo, Todd Elmore, Blake Ul- our nearest local office; Buperaonlcs, i^ ch are smaller in Ilfs to that we h aven ’ t I'.v ill. own losses up to a certain level without fast drive Saturday from 9 a.m. un- llcrop, Roger Plante and Rich- and not so fast as the Americas time. ’Hiat Idea to alao one of l>^^ W I 1 K MON I'll Where To Put Jails attempting to fix Uame for the accident, 01 2 p.m. Donations may be ard Lombardo, first class; An- project, the Americans will feel our biggest hang-ups. The Lord l.'illi; 1 1 nil l.' M'iliU would eliminate much waste, or so It la left at the Leonard Corner drew Fisher, Leo Maguire and impelled to build their own gives- us time when our heart \in M ik. ..r Modi I The best system to follow for locating hoped. In the Hart-Magmiaon idan, h»t Firehouse tomorrow. Steven Plante, second class. Munson' SST.” —Jedm W.r : T a y lor, Brit­ to dedicated to serving and 649-9240 new state jails, Oovemor Heakill bas UabUlty would still corns into play for The Junior Girl Scout Troops Boys who received merit ish editor of the annual reto- helping others. Pm y this great Manchester Motors ROUTE 6, BOLTON major losaes. will h(dd a father-daughter ban­ badges were: Ira Friedman, now obviously decided, is to place the ence work Jane’s AU me prayer and think about the It’a unfortunate that federal leverages Lease, Inc. quet Sunday at 6:80 at the Tol­ art; Victor Dupuy n, sa fety, new facility In the same town or city World’s Aircraft. time God to giving you:- BLISS TERMTE CONTROL CORP. may have to be used against many ■\lfinlnT Miitl K\ilfr land High School cafeteria. and personal fitness; Jay Mur- where the old faculty to be r«triaced states to force acceptance. State legis­ Grant, O Lord, that this day S\ Itay and Mark Hafner, citizen- OlV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 Chinese Coins I may follow faithfully ■ hi the has been located. latures ot special interest groups. Un­ .,1; w I I ( I N i n : ' 1 • Manchestor Evening Herald ship in the community. less they do become re^Mnslve, the The early makers of coins In steps of Him who, with fewest M \V( ill " I 1:1;—Cl I'll 1 ToUaad correspondent Bette Warrant officer positions were The Oldest & . Largest in Conn. That way the state has at least some hours, finished^ ’Hiy dtvlnest real reactions to genuine public dis­ China shaped each coin to show Qnatrale, tel. 876-2846. awarded to John Hafner, troop power of persuasion. It can, if the com­ satisfactions may have to come from what could be bought with It. work, even Jesus Christ our either above or below them. In the case For example, coins shaped like Lord. Amen. munity balks, leave the old facility stiU Rev. Wlnthrop Nelson, of auto Insurance reform, it seems like­ the human body were called In use, or try to repair and modernize Center Ccngregational ly t o com e fro m above. — WA1X> "dress money” and were used It where it stands. In any case. It leaves STREET JOURNAL. to buy clothl^. Church

\ / PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 Heralding Homes MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE SEVEN Many A Home of A Home of Many Moods Business Bodies (0«mtiinied from PSge Six) spout into a drinking fountain, thus TonMtig at the traditional colonial-type eUminatlng the need for a water glass. hom e of the Robert Thullns on Bruce Rd. and framed to hang in the dining room. A large "T” In tile appears on the- wall UTTLE CHANGE vice chairman. He succeeds SUNDAY CLOSINGS from the outside, it could be anyone's ■A pewter tankard, belonging to Mrs. over the tub. When 'i^ed what would The rate of claims for un­ Robert A. Giola of Giola Land­ The executive committee of guess as to the Interlw furnishings as ThuUn’a grandmother, often holds a bou­ hai^n if the house were ever sold to employment compensation re­ scaping and Contracting. the Mtmehester Chamber of most any style decor would be appropri­ quet of bright colored flowera. new owners, Mrs. Thulin laughingly re- mained about stationary both Elected vice chairman for the Commerce Retail Division has ate. Hie Thulins have combined their Mrs. Hudln has transformed their Uv- pUed that "then the "T"’ could stand for in Manchester and throughout com in g year was Leanellng around of gold, is fUled with evidences of her to Sunday closings." The Manchester claims total The Contractors Division Mr. Thulin, who has a skilled knowl­ the fireplace to lend elegance, and with Interest in art. She works in vsirious The action was announced by rose by 16 from the week be­ meets every other month on Division Chairman Harold E. edge of carpenter tools, did most of the green as the main color, — pde for the media, — yam, plastic, pen and felt. fore, to 2,782, an Increase of 0.6 the third Tuesday. The next work on a den added to the rear of the walls end bright for the fringed velvet- She has also done sculptoring. Gaboury following the March p e r cent. session will be May 18 at 7 p.m, house off the kitchen. This room will Uke carpet, she has chosen a deUcate A comer bedroom decorated in red, m eeting. At the statewide level, the at Willie’s Steak House. This preserve a little of the history of the green and gold print brocade sofa —red bed coverlet, red curtains with Gaboury said his group is co­ weekly total was reported as will be the final spring meeting, North End of town as the rough boards covering and gold iq>lud8tery for a pair ball fringe, and red and green rug is operating with other retail divi­ 103,572, a decrease of 88 or 0.1 with the sessions resuming In used for some of the wall pcutellng came . of matching chairs for c(^or accents. just right for Susan who is ten. The cos­ sions In the state and with the per cent from the preceding Septem ber. from that area during its redevelopment Dark green drapes frame the windows. tumes of her foreign doll collection make Connecticut Merchants Associ­ week when the unemployment ation to support suffer state period. Mrs. Thulin displays her "green gay color accents against the white walls rate stood at 10 per cent. For IN OOIX.EGE POST Other North End scrap materials sal­ thumb’’ with three very luxuriant foUage as they sit on a hanging shelf. leglslaUon. the same week a year ago, the Chester Mozzer of Woodland vaged were old bricks which form the plants which add life to the living room, Robert, six, shares his large room A bill now before the House rate was 3.8 per cent, the Labor Hills, Calif., formerly of Man­ fir^lace, and an old chestnut beam with —a thick OiHstmas cactus dripping with with Jonathan who is just nine months of RepresentaUves (Bill 5715) Department said. chester, an associate professor adz marks which has become the fire- bloasoms, a large gardenia plant and a old. would make businesses In vio- of vocational arts at Pierce Col­ plEu:e m antel. Swedish Ivy which nearly completely Among some of the more Interesting laUon of the law subject to first DIVISION CHAIRMAN lege, has been named coordi­ A rich, warm shade of red was well covers a commode beside the fireplace. features In the home are the frequent offense fines of $100; second Allen F. Behnke (Bantly Oil nator of cooperative education. chosm for the floor covering and also The foyer and stairway are carpeted use of colored glass drapery beads hung offense, 3250; third offense, Co.) has been elected chairman In his new poet, Mozzer will for one wall. Rlth predomlnatriy red In a gold color vdiich Ues In with the over cloth curtains, grooved doors with $500. For a fourth offense, the of the Manchester Chamber of advise students who want to figured full length draw dn^res over yeUcw color siecenfs in the dining room black Iron hardware, and an intercom establishment would be declar­ Commerce Oil Fuel Institute couple their educatim with part- window walls at opposite ends of the and the green and gold colors used in the system which can be used for communi­ ed a public nuisance and for the coming year. time jobs related to their major the room whldi lets the outdoors in living room. cation or music. forcibly closed, on Simdays. He replaces Matthew M. field of study. 2 during the day, becomes a cozy, cloister­ Upstairs, the master 'bedroom was en­ Hie Thulins are both from a small The present law provides Morlarty Jr., who served two Mozzer began teaching at ed area when colorful drapes are drawn larged when it was extended over town In Minnesota, but feel that Man­ fin es o f $50, $100, and $200, re- [u cce ss lv e term s, 1969-71. Pierce, a technical school. In after dark. the den. A hurge room, there’s room to chester has become their home. The specUvely, and the same clos­ Elected vice chairmaiftb was 1962, and before that spent 16 The black leather colonial sectional spare even/with a king-size bed and a family are active members at South ing penalty for a fourth offense. years in Industry as a research sofa, originally in die living room, was massive bi^reau. Mr. ThuUn did most United Methodist CSiurch. Exempt from the proposed and development machinist. He brought into the den. Two five-gallon the carpehter woric which features one Mrs. Thulin is a nurse end works bill would be fire and police received his teaching creden­ painted milk cans are not only ornamen­ paneled VaU painted a blue-green. The part time In the emergency room at departments, hospitals, re­ tials from UCLA and la a form­ tal but serviceable. Mrs. Ihulin made other thrte walls are papered in a mot- Manchester Memcnial Hospital. She has ligious organizations, and oth­ er president of the Los Angeles them usealUe as extra seats by podding Ued blu»green pattern. studied yoga for three years and says ers operating for reasons of Industrial Education Associa­ the lids with some foam rubber and cov ‘"nie^ are mine and that’s his,’’ said she really finds It very relaxing to stand necessity or mercy. tion. 7 ering with left-over material from the Bfrs. '^ulin aa she pointed to the large on her head. Mozzer grew up and attended drapes. | built-in' closet with several sliding doors Mr. Thulin looks forward to sailing in BANK DIRECTORS public schools here. He is the The Illuminated fish tank on a red which ' was hers, and then to a single summer and skiing in winter. He has Charles B. Shepard and Jean brother of 'William F. Mozzer of pcdnted table makes for interesting con­ door closet belonging to her husband. recently taken up scuba diving. He la E. Shepard m , both of South 25 Doane St. versation. It’s shared with a neighbor. A green and 'v^te tiled bath off the employed In the project engineering de­ Windsor, were elected dlriectora A fter flftxNit a y e a r w ith on e fa m ily , it is bedroom features lavatory fixtures partment at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft of the South Windsor Bank and OFFHTE MANAGER moved to the neighbor’s home, — the whl^ convenienUy convert the water Division, United Aircraft Corporation. Completes Course Clifford B. Duff of Manches­ reason 'being that although both families ford area to complete the course. ter has been promoted from enjoy having fish, neither one wants the Del Reynolds Jr., a salesman credit manager to

\ V " c MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE NINE h a g 6 M G irr MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 Largest Religious Festival Jobless Pay Hospital Phone Drug Center It Costs Most Patients Less Area Churches H a u si an United OongwgaUooal Church First Oongregattonal Church RockvUle United Bfethodist Churches The telephone number for The Drug Advisory Obiter, United Church of Christ Set by Stars Over India For Strikers Manchester Memorial Hoepi* Hebron Ohnr^ South United Methotdst Church Concordia Lutheran Church 8b Bridget Chnroh 81 RusseU S t, Js observing Ttaland Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey, Jr., 143 Grove fib 40 Pitkin St. Rev. John J. Delsney, Pastor Frank A. Stone tal was changed a few the following schedule: Rev Donald G. MUler, ALLAHABAD, India (AP) — pots of water fnom toe Ganges Main 8b at Hartford Rd. Frank A. Stone, 67, of 142 months ago, but too late to To Be Hospitalized in Town Pastor Rev. \VUlard E. Conklin, Rev. Joeeph E. Bourret, Rev. Harry McBrlen kOnlster Minister The best way to tasuw a place distribute among their R«v. J. Maidey Shaw, D. D., Chestnut St., husband of Mrs. Is D ebated be listed correctly In the new O n P U C Monday through Friday, friends and wlatlvea. Pastor Pastor Rev. Neil F. Fitzgerald 8:80 s.m . to 0 pjn . 9:80 a.m., WorsUp Service. ta ,ta .»X ta , » Htata. ™ Mary Teggart Stone, died this HARTlPOftD (AP) — The phone hooks. The hospital 9:80 and 11 a.m., WorsUp Rev. Cart W. Saunders, morning at Manchester Memo- battle lines were cleariy defined number 'a 646-1232. By SOL B. qOHEN A tetophone backtqt ser­ The Rev. Mr. Kelsey wUl 9:80 a.m., Church School, beUef, Is to come to this nwdh- y sipped Just befow Associate Pastor 9 and 10:30 a.m., Hedy Com­ Saturday, u Masses at 6 and (Herald Reporter) Service and Church School. preach on “Unreserved Qlv- Nursery through adults, rial Hospital. as management and labor met vice is available Monday I ka O the number of sutures Inventor- space fm: use aa a m^rde^ce era Indian city and bathe ta toe death,’ 'wUl halp the soul reach Rev. Gary S. OomeU, munion, Church School and 7:80 p.m. ill school audltatlum. cost of $56.14 for a non- ^ different kinds to sh«^, elimination of 2,600 pui^ 11 a.m.. High School Class. tag." Nursery prorided. io:46 a.m., Worriilp Sendee. Aiisoctate Pastor Nursery. Sunday, Masses at 7:80, 9, Mr. Stone was bom Dec. 13, at the Hall of the House Friday RepuUlcan State Chairman through Saturday from 6 7 ^ 8:80 p.m. Pilgrim Fel­ saewd Ganges river. heaven. 1903 in Liondon, England, and for a public hearing before the p.m. to 8 a.m. maternity patient has been „ nhnM. orders annually, and 10:46 a.m.. Church School Nursery through Grade 4. Wednesday, 7:89 p.m.. Holy and 10-.80 a.m., ta church; aqd Manchester Howard Hausman was ai^ioint- lo w s ^ . and Covenant Study Group for —______The holy dip, however, can be Millions more—toew aw an 10:30 and noon In school audi­ lived In Hartford before coming General Assembly’s Committee ed by Gov. Thomas MeskUl yes­ For drug advisory infor­ reported as close to $20 a in regard to group purchasing others, Kenney said, done only once ta every six estimated 460 miUlon Hindus In 9 and 10:46 a.m., Worship for Communion, to Manchester 36 years ago. He on Labor and Industrial Rela- day less than for other contracts through the C«A, Ken- A speed order systm a ^ a '______Trinity Evangelical Lutheran' the whole church. Sermon: torium. Hospital Notes terday to the State PubUc Utili­ mation, caU: 64T-9823. 8b Francis of Assisi years or so—when toe stars are India—who cannot afford a trip Center Congregational Church retired last December as a car- tlons on a proposal to extend ties Commission (FVC), thus Hartford area hospitals. ney said, "We in Manchester mlle surglc^ »yftom Ctmrch considered In a perfect position to Allahabad take a bath ta a “The Joy cf Jesus." The Rev. 678 EUltagton Rd. OUend Congregational Church (Missouri Synod) United Ctnrch of Christ 8b James’ Chnreh penter at the Benedict Esnos unemployment benefits to T lSm N O HODBS setting the stage for a personal The figures were cited have participated in the«» and Souto Windsor Hebron to aUow the world’s largest wU- river or pond hear their home Construction Oo. in East Hart- strikers. h v D r PVnnklin M FnAtn have been able to realise a num- of the duty of mrdering stow- 86 Prospect Sb, RockviUe U Center Sb Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, Intermediate Care Semi- takeover by MeskUl of the GOP Rev. John C. day, ' Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey Jr., glous festival to take jdace. and ray an «tra prayer asking through Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, ford. He was a member of Labor maintained employers private, mon-2 p.m., 4 pmi- state leadership. * * ^ ber of savings. We are now par- room suites have also resulted Rev. Bruce Rudolf Pastor stote health commissioner, Ucipnting in group purchasing in cost savings, he added, Pastor Pastor _____ ^ Adult discussion class Minister Rev. Joseph E. 'Vujs South United Methodist Church as well as employes help to de- g p.m.; private rooma. It ajn. The governor said he has a Rev. Ehigene M. KUbride, Rev. Wtatorop Nelson Jr., andorwi Ooits Men's m..>.Club. velop strikes but that usually g p jn ., and 4 p.m.-8 p-m. "personal choice” as successor at a hearing oh hospital fm. anesthesia gases, ox)rgen, However, he said, hospitals 1, « . 8 and 10:io a.m.. Worship ® ®®” * ®®“ ' to Susannah Wesley HalL Man’s Rev. Thomas Barry costs yesterday at Hart- cratches, sutures, paper sup- have virtually no coatn^ over Aaslstant Pastor 11 a.m.. Worship Service. The >®®“ ®* humanity—hundreds ^ould be unfair to use 4 p.m..g p.m. However, Hausman’s succes- evening after a domestic dls- reported by an official of the In addition a systems contract ance rates. Covenant Study Group for Unitarian Fellowship over, chanting prayew asking A major fear Is that cholew ^ hour In toe Re- Connecticut Hospital Assoclaticn entered into with a local surgi- He said malpractice Insurance and 11 a.m. tor of toe Oonnectlcut Prison 10:30 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. The Holmes Funeral Home, an employer-supported unem- intensive Care and Ooranaiy sor is no secret In RepubUcan turbance. Court date April 12. adults. Academy Junior High God to grant them eternal life ta —so provalrat In Indla^mlvht m» h for the bongwga- Aaaoclatfon, guest speaker. that hospital expenaea per day “ J supply dealer has allowed costs, determined by national Main Sb, Glastonbury 400 Main St., Is In charge of ar- ployment compensation fund to <}are: Immediate family only, circles. It Is almost certain that _ Ssered Heart Church heaven instead of a wbirto on break out in epidemic form. Ev- Bwakfast at 7:80 ta Woodruff Church of the Aaaomptioo rangements, which are Incom- subsidise strikes and that such anytiine, limited to five mlnntes. « wUl be State Rep. J. Brian james Daly, 61, of no certain have risen by 144 per cent In several savinga: Among them a underwriting procedures, have Sb George’s Bpisoopal Ohnrch earth. eryono who goes to toe festival Senior wigh Len- “ 10 reduction of Invaitory by $24,- risen more than 800 per cent Rb 80, Vernon Hall. Adams St. and Thompson Rd. plete. action would lengthen wot* Maternity: IhOieni, U aan.- Gaffney of New Britain. Gaff- address, charged with resisting Connecticut over the past Rb 44A, Bfriton 10:80 a.m.. Service, Nursery 890 ellmlmtUon of 414 items from over Uie last four years. Rev. ‘Ralph Kelley, PastOT* Altahabad ("aty of God") Is must have a cholera ahob ^ Study. “Jesco Christ — 8u- 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Morning Rev. Edward 8. Pepin, Pastor stoppages. ' , 8 : 8 8 Rev. Robert W. Ihloff, Vicar and School. the site of toe festival because' It PoUce have to keep a close star." Worship. The Rev. Mr. Simp­ J12:46uBSW p js-sss-y pan., and Min~ ^eaaae-wp.m.-8 ““ wy governor's«« .a closeM a. 1. po- Carrest U 8 C O « CUI\8and Intoxication,assi yester- Rev. Bkiward Konopka Rev. Robert J. Burbemk Miss Jennie LaLange DiuingDuring the 1969 legislative p.m.: oOiers, S pan.-4 p.m., and UUcal advisOT’, a^ has been afternoon at 1 Main St. At the same time, the cost Assistant Pastor Is toe hoUest spot on earth for watch 00 overontoustastlc Mn- j p.m.. Senior High Metbod- son preaching. Topic: An Of­ per paUent in the state of $89.14 Miss Jennie LaLange, 88, for- session the House passed a bill 6:80 p.m.-8 p-m. date March 20. 8 a.m., H(riy Communion. Messiah Evangdlcal Lnflieran Htadus and the ideal place for du holymen who sometimes Youth Fellowship, fering that Costs Nothing.” Saturday, Masses at 6:00 and merly o f Manchester, died yes- that would have extended unem- Age Umlta: 16 In maternity, Meakill r i^ e to ld ^ ------Is lower than In any of the sur­ Saturday Maas, 6 p.m. Trial liturgy I. Church them to wash away their sina. come armed With spears, 7;so ,p.m „ Paasian Sunday 10:16 a.m.. Coffee S h of^ , rounding states of New York, 7:80 p.m. terday at a Rockville convales- pfoyment benefits to strikers. 12 In other areas, no limit In Inclu^ ^n^tn^ta. Richard L. Cox, 24, of 44 Ash- Weiss Budget Allows Sunday kbsses, 7, 8, 9:16, 10:16 a.m.. Holy Communion. (Wisconsin Synod) Hew, according to Hindu swords, lances and daggew. On i^enten' Sendee cf Music pre- Woodruff HaU. Sunday, Masses at 7:80, 0, 2 cent home. The measure lost by a few 27w~OTTrii^' Gaffney, 88, land St., charged with failure Rhode Island and Maaachu- 10:80 and 11:46 a.m. Trial Liturgy I. Passion Play, 396 Bucktand Rd., Wapptag mythology, is adiew nectar feU raw occasions, tempew flaw g^nted by toe Chancel Choir. 10:80 a.m., Youth-Adult Sem­ Miss LaLange was bom votes In the Senate. ien-oervi«>t.. 10:30 and 11:46 a.m. _____ terms as New Britain GOiP to obey__ a stc^ sign, last night aetts. Nursery and Church School. Rev. Kart R. Gurgel, Pastor from a pitcher during a tug of and toeae weiqMns aw used be------inar, Fedenitioh Room. 11:16 a.m.,Coffee and Conver­ March 6. 1883 In Manchester. xhe bUl before the Leglalature Doe to constroction. parking at Hilliard St. and New State Participants in the discussion Sb Beraai’d’ s Church war ta toe heavens between toe tween vrorrtag facUons of holy- calvary Chorch 6:80 p.m.. Youth Fellowship, There are no known mirvlvora. this year would allow payment . ed with Republican mayoral « 7 " at the State Health Department For Higher Salaries sation. Federation Room. Sb Bartholomew’s Chnreh RockvUle 10 a.m., Worship Service. gods and toe devils. men. (AsaembUes of God) Rev. Itotilp Hussey, Pastor Funeral services wlU be Mon- c beneflto______to — personpersons s«_ strike victories In that city In the last da^rU 12. officea Included representatives Rev. George F.X. RelUy, Wednesday, 7 p.m.. Holy 11 a.m.. Worship Service. The festival derives its name The biggest problem for toe 647 E. Middle Tpke. day at 10 a.m. at the Whlte-Glb- longer than seven weeks. ___from______six Greater Hartford hoe-_ The 1971-72 town budget recommended by Town Pastor Communion. —"Kumbh (Pitcher) Mela (Fes- poUce, however, is controUtag Zion Evangelical Lutheran Rev. Edward M. LaRose Rev. K. L. Gustafson, Aaslstant Pastor ^ ,P™eral Home, 68 Eta St., Leonard Kerahner, exeouUve ,, entoiSTaxcept^ chairman several months L e o u e t a ^ ^ ^ ^ n e of Hart- them Edward M. Manager Robert Weiss allows for a possible seven per Rev. William Schneider 7:80 p.m.. Lenten Discussion Sb John’s Episcopal Omreh tlval)’’—from this tacldenb toe millions of pilgrims. Pastor Chnreh ^ k v llle . The Rev. tabert H. vice president of the ConnecUcut nr lArmi- ford^chaiwed with evadina re- Kenney, administrator at Man- cept increase in pay for members of tpe Municipal Rev. Anthony MltcheU Program on “Drugs.” Rb 80, 'Venum Tbday, toe qxit whew toe They stUl wcaU toe stampede _____ (Missouri Synod) Saturday, Mara att p.m. Wellner, rector of St. John’s gtate Labor OouncU, A F IX ao, ' Rev. Robert H. Wellner, nectar feU from heaven la that occurred during toe 1964 iq :00 a.m.. Service of Wor- Cooper and Ifigh Sts. 6 spOTialMUty, last night in con- ctaator Memorial, who could Employes Group and Local 991 of the AFL-Cp. In- Sunday, Masses at 7:80, 9, Episco^ Chur^ in gold the employe and the em Dl*w* W kln ««ly P«rt ot necUOTi with a collision on W. account specifically for the ------creases for firemen and poUce- Saturday Mass, 7 p.m. Second Congregational Church Rector marked by toe confluence of festival, when 1,000 persons gUp gnd BlMe preariitag. Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, Pastor 7 10:16 and 11:30 a.m. El“Sm^tonf“'‘“' « SrSLSrSte -tate chalrm^p post. Fu^ ™ WUhi;; cost figures here. men totaling nine per cent are Sunday Masses, 7, 9:16, 10:80 United Church of Christ ------three rivew. Only two—toe wew trampled to death during a 15.45 Sunday School, 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. Nurs­ Instniot voo where to ------Q.oeo Highway, between a car However, In prepared re- included as part of a two-year ind 10:46 a.m. Rt. 44A, Coventry 8 a.m.. Holy Cfommunlon. Ganges and the Jumna—ar« 'via- wiiglous procesrion. classes for all ages, and Nuw- "^‘er^rnTcaUlng hours. ticn fund. Kerahner said unem­ none wffl Instnict you wnere ^ ^ haadqua^r. aw ex- register^ In her name and ® - a marks, Kenney liS lci^sev- D eath ToU pact with both unions agreed Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, 10 a.m.. Family Service and ible. The third, according to Many of their wlatlves did not gjy facility. ery ta Parish House. Oommunity Baptist Ohureh 10:30 a.m., Sunday School ployment payments are a factor pected to reanain m the car driven by James J. O'RelUy era! areas which affect coeta. on last year. , Sb Matthew’ s Chnreh Minister Chuivh School. Hindu legend, is the Saraswatl, yeep, however, because they 7 p.m.. Evening Worship and An American Baptist Church Kerwin A. ElUott and Youth FOTrum. 666 E. Center St. in contract bargaining and the Pattente Today: 266 of L^wia (Chip) Andrews, of S3 Hartland 6 t. PoUce are un- Among these, he cited reduc- C lim bs In Incremental pay Increases Tolland Tuesday, 7:80 p.m.. Holy which flows^ under the earth and believed God had summoned the gospel meeting. Hymnstag, ROCKVILIjE — Kerwln A. price of____ the imoduct_ on _ the__ mar- has been administrative assls- as to the driver ot her Car. tlocs in the number of In-pa- are also Included for town de- Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor 10 a.m., Sei^ce of Worship communion. Joins toe otoer two rivers hew. victims to heaven and had freed music and Bible message. 10:10 to 11:30 a.m.. Grade 6 ■ Rev. Walter H. Loomis, Elliott, 80, of 62 W. Franklin Jet reflects payments by em- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: tant to Hausman. Andrews, who court date April 5. tiento through gwater use of and Church School. Holy Those who come to Allahabad them from toe dreaded cycle of ----- and 8 Youth Instruction. kOnlster Wednesday, 9:80 a.m.. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Len­ Park, former RockvUlo select- pfoyers Into the fund Martin R. AnleUo, 87 BUyeu resides In Bloomfield, was Mes------patient clinics and emer- East Pakistan says in his budget mes­ Sunday VlgU on Saturday at 11 a.m.. Coffee Hour. Communion, often take back to their viUages death and wMnh on earth. Trinity Oooveaaht Church man and town clerk, died last Meanwhile, the president of Rd.; Mrs. Unda Boardman, WU’s campaign manager In Ms ^ written warning for failuw gency room treatments. sage that the seven per cent in- 11:80 a.m., Pastor’s Ctass. ten Worship. 9:16 a.m., Dlscipleslilp Ctass (Continued twm. Page One) 7 p.m. 802 Hackmatack St. for adults, ta the Sanctuary. night at Rockville Hospital. Raybeatoe-Manhattan, Inc., In WUlmantlc; Gall J. Buckley, inr governor. to drive left was issued early cwmeiit is "consUtent with fed- Sunday Masses, 8:80, 10:80, 4 p.m.. Youth CouncU. Rev. Norman E. Swensen, Mr. Sb PetMT’s Episcopal CAnrch North United Methodiat Gfanrdi Church School for all ages, Sun­ VBridgepOTt, William S. Simpson, Enfield; Mrs. Unda P. Buakey, Hausman has been GOT state yesterday morning to Clarence A Radio Pakistan broadcast eral statistics on Uvlng costs.’’ and 11:45 a.m. Sand ItiU Rd., South Windsor (Jiancel Clhoir Pastor man ___ claimed toe West Paklstan-dom- The Board of Diractora cm Bolton OongiegaUonsl Church 300 Parker St. day School for Nursery through claimed, however, that the coti- 284 Keeney St; Wilson C. Car- chairman ^ e early J- ^ cLmt c ^ moat of Rev. James A. BirdsaU, WORLD ALMANAC Rev. Etarie R. Custer, Grade 2 continuing during toe trwt bargaining argument is not roU, ? West St., Andover; Mrs. he succored A. l^arie Ptawy after toe car he was driving factors toL deter- h»*e? “ ^ny wim g a l^ the up- Mar^ » Uaitarisa Meeting House Bolton Center Rd. Offers Annual 9:80 a.m., Sunday School Rev. J. Stanton Cbnover, Vicar FACTS Pastor service. he wtlred. He was bora Jan. valid. S tap^ said 1 ^ than W ^rtellne Douglas. 49 Elwood of Brookfield. When he was Mt a telephone pote on Chest- »?® wn P**" hand In its battle against tracts with both the MEG (town '60 Bloomfield Ave., Hartford wlto classes for all ages three ------10:80 a.m., Worship Service. named state chairman, Haus- nut St. near Church St. mine toe rise of a paaeMs Ita Pakistani loyalista and office workew) and Local 991 Rev. Nathaniel D. Lauriat Minister through adult, plus an Infant- 29. 1891 in RockvlUe, son of P«>- 8 and 10 a.m.. Family Serv­ Lenten Program 9 and 10:30 a.m., WMrsUp Guest pwacher. The Rev. Ebw- J f^ M and Harriet Bilson Connecticut eUglble for Also, Frank J. Fasadna, 169 man beat out Ms one compet------^ militiamen. R isald martial law (blue collar workew). ice. Baby-sitttag (Movlded. nursery. Bervlce. Sermon: The Good ace Taylor. T ^ c: "Moving Itor, Manchester and Glaaton- A written warning for follow- autooriOea In Dacca lifted for a The MEG contract would i 6:80 a.m.. Worship Service, 10:16 a.m.. Church School. The Chancel Choir of toe Souto 10:60 a.m., klornlng Worship EBlott, and had Uved In toe unemploymet* compensation aw Blwh S t; Mw. Rootry Foss, 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service. Samaritan — ’71 Style.” Adelor Forward Wlto Chrisb’ ’ A nura- bury insuranceman Oeoige T. tag too cloeriy was issued yes- « pwscribed for ,j^.i,our period from 7 *um. lo- have provided five per cent pay Nursery and Wowhip Church United Methodist Chuwh, un­ wlto toe Rev. Mr. Swensen area most of Ms life. unlon-OTganlzed. ass Summit S t; Mw. CarM F. LaBonne. The choice never terday afternoon to Theresa A. treatment. These aw deter- ^ today toe 24-hour cur- taewases jrtus increased bene- Sermon: "'Wbat Aw We Get­ Sb kfnry’ s Chnreh J. Turgecn Jr. lay preacher, ery is provided ta the Chti- He was a member of Union Jotaing industries like United Gardner, 16 Rose Ume, An- School. ____ Rt. 81, Coventry preaching on “Received-living wtil be the guest speaker. dwn’s Building. vote. LaBonne with- Pelletier of Glastonbury, a^r mtaed by toe physician. ^ imposed on toe East Pakl- fits. The Local 991 pact Would ting Out Of Life?” der toe direction of Jack B. Oracles.” A Nursery for pw- CongwgaUonal Chuwh, its Alwwft Corp., Olln Corp., dover; Susan M. Gates, 12 Over- tn it 9 a.m.. Church School. Nurs- Noon, Building Fund Oam- a coUlrion on HUlstown Rd. But treatment of cases by Friday. have provided a seven per cent Vernon Assembly of God 7 p.m Pilgrim Fellowship. Kw. Grove, director of music, wlU ■chool chlldwn Is available. Men’s aub, toe Koocuiasko Anaconda-American Brass Corp. look Dr.; Raymond N. Gradual, J**®* n J ■ « - - 48.Mm I.. m.m4-1mm4 * • Lenten Study Group. Rev. Richard F. Roughan, ery, and Grades 3 through 8. palgn Luncheon, fcdlowed by near Redwood Rd. between means other than ta-patlent ' — Sported fwm 104 W. Mata St., RockviUe pwsent its annual Passion tom- Wednesday, 7 p.m., Lenten aub. Maple Grave, RockvUle ^d ^ Electito Boat DlvlsJon 58 Jan Dr.. Hebron; Patricia ta e x o S ^ t a wto her car and one driven by Louis caw can help to wudee toe _ . _When toe directors wjected Assistant Pastor 10:80 a.m.. Church School. vlaltation. Lodge of Elks, and Damon « General Dynamics ^ oriffta, 69 High St. ^ ta to BotUceUo o f 64 RusseU St. wu ~ id Rev. Earl K. Pettlboae, day Lenten Service tomorrow Service. The Rev. kir. Swens^ Kindergarten and 4 p.m., 'Vesper Hour. The patient’s bUl, he said. ^ »rmw hud ‘ *‘® P «4x*ed ccntracta, Mayor kUnister United Methodist Chnreh will preach on " Letters Lodge. Knighte of Pythias. spokesmen for ^ew of Oon- ^ p Harding, 829 “ S lS ^ ------‘Moat hospitals ta toe coun- Angartala that toe army h^ jameaJames Farr said. said, "Mv "My own own Saturday klhw, 7:80 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. In toe sanctuary of Grades 1 and 2. Rev. Mr. Taylor, speaker. Rb 44A,-Bolton Damascus." 4:30 p.m., J u i^ r High Youth He la survived by two daugh- nectlcut news m«^a. ______Vomca Ave., RockvlUe; Mm. “ Legiaiatuw. COMPLAINTS try,’’ - J , ___ said______Kenney,, , ’’have------wit- occupied, toe head^^ew .. of feeling wis that —aU the—------Increases Rev. 'David M. Campbell Sunday ktasses, 7:30, 9:80 and the churcH. 4:80 to 7:80 p.m., Methodist 9:46 a.m., Sunday School 10:46 a.m. The Rev. Dr. J. klanley Shaw, Youth Fellowship will spenaor Fellowship, FeUowahlp Hall. tew. Mw. Dorothy Werkhoven A number of other 1^® “ d Marie E. Hebenstwlt; 46 OUs „ ,? S r o S S i“ er aL S ^ ^ At an undetermined ttae, nessed a major taewase ta pa- the East Pakis^ Rifles, toe gijj^^l total five per cent" Minister Fimannel Lutheran CSmrch of Ellington and Mw. iMawus smMl c o m ^ e a a r^ e d at toe ^u^m^ g, ^ craUc ^ m l^ e r Itor^ A. someOTie broke six basement tients who come to toe emer- pwvtactal mlUOa, In GomUia Roth poUce and fiwmbn wlU classes for all ages. pastor of toe chuwh, will ex­ a pancake supper. Senior H i^ Youth Fellowship, 11 a.m.. Worship Service. tend toe pastor’s greeting and The Christ of the Andes, Church and Chestiuit Sts. 8 p.m., kOddl-llnks will meet In toe Youth Building, Klbbe of Indianapolis, Ind.; and h e ^ that U Comecflcut gt; EUen Johnson. 706 w L ^ ^ ^ nSor’ windows at Waddell School. gency room. In toe post, a district after a prolonged getfigy- a five per cent raise on July 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. First Congregational Church Rev. C. Henry Anderson, four grandcMldwn. wMch offew toe highest and «.y___ r j Souto Windsor- mot Hartfora ^yor. ------number of attempts wew made In anotoer wport from toe 1 and a four j>er cent increase 5:46 p.m., Christ’s Ambasra- United Chuwh of Christ benedlctlMi. a bronze statue m olded at toe parsonage. dora youth group. Church School. Nursery Pastor The Burke Funeral Home. 78 lon^st unemployment oove^ A LowtaT^i SLT h L " t o L ^ l S ^ Last night wfaUe It was park- to stem this tide to no avaU. eastern Indian state of Asom, Ml Jan. 1. through Grade 2. Sermon: “ A Main Sb, Coventry The choir will pwsent “A from cannon, is on the Full Gospel Christian 7 p.m., Evangelistic service. Bruce J. Bvenson, Intern Second Congrogntional Oharoh prospect St Is ta charge of In toe naUon, wew to^tend g^^ Herman Levi, 89 ^ ed at Friendly toe Cream on “Baslctdly, we have accepted It said that according to hlf^y For department .beads, Weiss Time For Initiative.’’ Grade 6 Rev. James W. McBride, Contemporary Psalm," com­ Argentine-Chilean border at Fellowship Gospel Interdenomi­ M arrangements, wMch a w ta- coverage It would force buriness to expiw June so. Mata St., the side mliror on a toe fact that the emergency wllable wports from across toe recommending toe foUowing Minister posed by Paul Fetler and dedi­ an altitude of 12,572 feet. United Church of Christ national Orange Hall. Sb Maurice Church, Bolton to present an Ecology Haiqien- 9 and 10:46 a.m „ Olvtae Wor­ complete. out of toe state, especially ta MeskUl appointed Hausman car was broken. room is no longer only for Pakistani border, at least 180 pay raises. tag. cated to toe memory of ICartta The World Almanac notes 386 N. kCain Sb Rev. Philip P. Saunders. Pastor _____ light of toe current Also, Mw. Dorotoy E. Molde, to toe Interim term to June 80, Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Pastor ship. Sermon by the Rev. Eu­ Rev. Felix M. Davis, ------emergOTicies. Rather, we have persons wew klUed early today -He is not wcommendtag any 9:46 a.m.. Church School. Luther King Jr. Soloists for toe that the monument sym­ gene Brodeen, pwsldent of the Mw. Armlnta B. Morgan slump. Lownls Rd., Bolton; Mw. Sarah and to a six-year term foUow- Last nlj^t, a car peuked on become an metenaian of toe bi a clash between toe army increase for himself. His jmes- 11 a.m., Nuwery. Worship the pwsentatlOTi will be Kay bolizes peace between Minister 10:80 a.m .. Adult Bible Study Saturday Maas, 6 p.m. Jehovah’ s Witnesses New England Synod. Lutheran Mw. Armtata Bwmer Morgan New York and Rhode Island 89G^ Bluefleld Dr.; ing then. The announcement Downey Dr. was stolen. doctor’s OTCfice, a dlspenaaiy, and East Paklstania in toe city ent annual salary of $28,000 la Kingdom Hall Service. Donnestad, sigirano, and Robert ^eentina and Chile. A tab- and open discussion. Sunday of 1007 Tolland Tpke., widow of aw toe only two states extend- Elaine H. Sadler, Lakeside vras at a 3 p.m. pwss confer- Sunday Masses, 7:30, 0:16 and Chuwh of America. 10 a.m.. kCbralng Worship. Scluxd. an off-houw cUnlc, a dumping gf comiUa. what he is requesting. For aa- Rt. 80, Rockville 5 p.m. Junior Pilgrim Fel- Gordon, baritone. PewusSlqn- l e t bears the words: 8:86 and 10:40 a.m.. Church Walter A. Morgan, died yeeter- ing unemployment compensation Bolton; Jta. Helen A. ence. 11 a.m. “ Sooner shall these moun­ 8'-» Nursery through Church School 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic serv­ statlon for drunka, etcetera, agency said fighting slatant manager he la asking lowahlp. Ists will be Oariton Burke, through Grade 8. Nursery tor 4 Sermon by toe Rev. cUiy Eit a. Manchester con* to strikers. SchUdge, 433 Gardner St., Mrs. Hausman, a 61-year-61d New plus an emergency room." broke out when local resldenta for an taewase cf $1,466 brtag- tains crum ble into dust ice. RockviUe fib Bfnrgant Blnry Chnreh 9 a.m., PubUc talk "Restora­ 7 p.m. Senior Pilgrim Fel- Deborah Benson and WUllam Infants. Mr. Davis. His Topic: ‘Watch valeacent home. A wpresentative of toe Inter- MUdwd K. Schwartz, Broad Britain lawyer, served as Re- In terms of total emergency ,,y piem en and mem- tag that solsj^ from $18^ to tion of all Things of Which God lowataip. than Argentines and Chile­ Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Len­ Mw. Morgan was bora ta national Union of Electrical Brook; Charles T. Smith, . 388 publican legislative conunlsslon- Wapptag Reid. and Pray.’ room patients, MMH has seen a gf Pakistan Rl- $16,142; and he Is wcommend- Rev. Thomay or^N ell. Pastor fpoke,’’ by S. Belflow, Watch------The offertory will Include ans break the peace sworn ten Service. The Rev. RusseU Church of Jesus Christ of A Hospital Notes VTrgtaia and Uved ta Suffield workew, AFLCIO, said that Pleasant VaUey Rd., Souto er and as state unemjdoyment 76 per cent increase ta the past raided toe mlUtary armory tag an taewase ta the salary tower Society wprosentative. gecond Coagiegationnl Chnixdi "Laudes Creaturarum” from at the feet of Christ the Camp, chiqilaln at the State Latter-day Soinla (Mtamon) Rev. Joseph Schick Sb John’s Polish National HUlstown Rd. and Woodside Sb befow coming to Manchester benefits do not affect toe dura- Windsor. security dlwctor befow he be- Visiting hoow aw 12:80 to 8 five yeaw, he sfdd—fwm 18,899 ^ mUea southeast of for an admlniatwtive assistant 10 a.m.. Study of toe Watch- United Church ot Christ "Concento dl Vocl" Part H by R edeem er.” Prison ta Somers wUl preach. Also, Christopher P. Smith, came GOP state chairman. He p,m. hi aU areas except ma- In 1966 to 38,846 ta 1970. Dacca. ' of $18, bringing toe annual fig- OathoUc C hui^ Paul E. Niittall, Bishop four years ago. tlcn of a strike. H^ said no tower, Feb. 16 issue, "Endur­ Carl Orff. This Is sung to Copyright O 1(70, Surrivow aw 6 sons, Edward strikes against General Electric 124 Woodland Dr., Souto Wind- has been receiving a $6,000 state tenilty wbew they aw 2 to 4 Out-patient services, both t a ______uw to $10,483. Thla position Is Saturday, Masses at 6 and 7 Rb 44A, Coventry Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, ing Trials That Test Our Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, medieval Latin Influenced by Newspaper Enterprise Aeen. UniteriaB UntvenaUst Soelety Pastor MOTTgan and Samuel Morgan, plants ta Rhode Island c(mttaued sor; J. Andrew Strom, Broad pension because of his prior and 6:86 to 8 p-m. terms of clinics for those un- presently vacant. p.m. Faith." 9 a.m.. Priesthood. Director of PubUc W oi*»—Up Sunday, Masses at 8:80, 10 kflnlster early Spanish and Italian 466 Mata Sb 10:80 a.m., Sunday School. boto of Manchester, George after toe nationwide settlement Bnx*; Mw. Velma J. White- state service. His salary as GOP ------able to pay, and for private pa- 'T'UJMf H m iaaokH Rev. Arnold F. Westwood Morgan of Hartford, Jordon and only three of the dozen ex- ley, \nndsorvUle. state chairman has been wport- Admitted Mawh 24; Dorotoy zlents wferred for laboratory M. 1UE78 Ai.«xaBc»v/zao $1,811 from $18,109 to $19,420. and 11:80 a.m. Idioms. Maaaes, 8:30 and 10:30 a,m. Classes for all ages. Avery Sb 10 a.m.. Worship Service. The “Song of Easter," ar- kitalater 6 p.m., Sacwment Service. Morgan and Donald Morgan, tended strikes ta other states ’ ed at $26,000. Ho said he wlU urt»n, Burke Rd., RockvUle; tests, X-wys, and so forth, Town aerk—Up $1,866 from Christian Reformed Church both of Suffield, and Walter occurred ta New Ywk. BIRTTO ' YESTERDAY: A „p jjg gtate pension when Susan Bushey, Somew; Mary have also taken a corwspond- iTJ-ttU » t.MZ«5xaa ranged by Roy Rtagwaid, will gynod President Gospel Hall $14,982 to $18,289. 661 Aveiy St. 10:80 a m .. Service. The Rev. Morgan Jr. of Waahtapton, “ Labor organizations do not go «*»tor to Mr. and Mw. Ken- la seated ta toe PUC post. Rotoe, RFD No. 8, RockvlUe; tag Jump, Kenney pointed out Vernon United Methodist be narrated by W. J. Godfwy J • rt 1 415 Center St. Hundreds of dcSlaw worth of PbUce . Chief—Up $1,492 fra n South Windsor Mr. Westwood will speak on United Pentecostal Chiveh D.C.; daughtew, Mrs. PhyUls „n strike «> they can obt^ n®*** Swartz, 1238 Hartford ^he salary range for a PUC Theodow Scheltlta, Somew; For examjJe, private wfer- vmiisuisi ■ Church Gourley and is based upon Vigits Emanuel 187 Woodbrtdge Sb and waU «> $lo.«07, Rev. James A. Bonnema, vented from making use ot it Nursery. Capt. and Mw. Lawwnce J. ice. day at 1 p.m. at toe Third Stag em pl^ ta wlaUon to L Abs^^ W Loug“^ o' Greenwich, a Re- Lauwl St., RockvUta P»<«d S. Thatcher of East yUle Beatrice McCuUough modem Unitarian Unlversal- Church of Rockville tomorrow. "Happiness Is Living The 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Rev. George W. Smith, Pastor Friends may call at toe Connecticut. Route 74 RockvUle Miurton whew effective administration been left open. to(M ^ Youth Fellowship. Richardson and Doris Bchwl- Ruth R. Brotoew, Bald mil Hampton, a Demoewt. 1st Society — an atmosphere Rev. Richard E. Bertram, Pastor Brodeen, a native of CtarlsUan Life." Classes for all ages. > Nicholson B^ineral Home, Rt. Franklin, Grove St, RockvlUe can help reduce coeta Is In stand- Among toe l ^ s stolra were ber. sranoB. Meet- 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Rd., Tolland; Daniel M. Bois- “ Karin McCue, Mlaple St, Rock- ardlzaUon of procedures and a color TV. a sterra, a to®»t«r, $»« to ta which the creativity prfes- Pastor Prince of Peace Lutheran p.m.._ Worship. Sermon: 10:46 a.m.. Holiness 169, Suffield, tomorrow from 7 mit ta everyone can be re­ Also, Deborah Benson, Marj­ Burlington, Iowa, Is a graduate Classes for all ages. vert, 112 Charter Oak St.; vUle: Bertha Payne. Hartford through group puwhastag, Ken- several sports coats, shirts and Araeramv^p $987 from $12,- Chnreh of toe Augustana Seminary, ’n./nangar Of Immorality In tag. Nursery p^ded. kto 8 p.m. leased. Unitarlanlsm at Its 10:80 a m .. The Service. ory Ely, Miriam Kellsey, Sue 6:16 p.m., Oiien air service 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service, Laura A. Koufmann, 53 Oxford Tpke., Vernon; Ella Ritter, "®y “ td. pants, and four framed pictures 6W to $18,6W, best Is a community ta adilch Rt. 81 and North River Rd. Levltb OeUa Lincoln, Jeri Lyons, Rock Island, HI. and was or­ The Church.” U .S . B 5 2s S t; Debra A. Doyle, East Hart­ Galley Jury Recreation Director—Up $987 Coventry and indoor pwyer meeting. Nuwery provided. River St., RockviUe; Mabel "For example, ta our hoq>ltal, from the waU. we find condltiana favorable Ruth fitaum, Mary Stewart dained ta 1964. He otgantaed 7 p.m.. Salvation meeti^. 7 p.m.. Evening Service. ford; Mw. Jean M. Ckelueniak, from $13,618 to $18,660. to Ty>»u«ing our potential and Our Savior Lnlheran Chnreh Rev. W. H. Wllkens, Pastor toe St. James Lutheran cengw- gt. Mary’s Bpiseapol Chnrdi Pitney, Hammond St, Rock- mghway Superintendent—Up 239 Graham Road and Jo Ann ’Ihulln. altos. Church and Park Sts, Spelling Traps Step Up WUUmantlc. M ay B e Set vlUe; Effle Horhorouny, Lud- encouraging our fellows to Also, John C. Beggs, Etarie gotion ta Barrington, R. I., $668 from $8,781 to $9,444. realize theirs. Join us this South WlndsOT Rev. GcOTge F. Nostrand, Also, Mark»uua V.V. Oolboto,.^uoui, 14X* _ — J. wig Rd., RockvUle;RockvlUe; Harry 10:15 a.ih.. Worship Service. Bidwell, Ronald Erickson, W. where be served for six years. Pot Smugglers South Windsor Water and Sewer Supei^ten- Sunday. You aw welcome Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor 9 a.m., Sunday School. Rector Attacks Lauwl PI.; Mw. manche A, 1 ^ 1 o It a V 0 .t A Maslchuk, Reed Rd., Rock- within the Unitarian Circle. J. Godfrey Gourley, Glenn HU last parish was First Luth- Rev. Russell Allen Slrols, 46 School St; Mw. M. V viUe; Rebecca Nash, Windsor-'Windsor- dent—Up $3,684 from $11,466 to Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Lenten Rabbara, Richard Relnohl, Rob- eran Church of Lynn, klass., SOUTHAMPTON, England (Continued from Page One) Evangeline Lathe, 612 E. Mid­ $14,000. This pooltian Is preqent- 8:80 and 10:46 a.m., Worship Rev. Ronald Haldeman (Oonttnoed from Page One) vlUe; Cheryl Kenton, HlUside Service. Holy Communion at toe ert Richardson and Rodman whew he began his work ta _____ (AP) — Thwe South African dle Ipke.; Mrs. Pearl Roy, 585 Dr., Ellington; Helen AUen, Spring Highway Qeanup ly vacant. Weiss told toe Bteurd drag smugglers started JaU Rround units operating ta g^ . i^jq^dgor; Mrs. 10:46 service on toe first Stewarb tenors. 1«M and stayed his el^ ^ oommunlon. ____ Windsor Locks; Kathy Sunder- of Dlrectow on Feb. 2 that he Wesleyan Un'ted Methodist Also, Albert Donnestad, Fred Uon to toe prekWen^ of ^ ^ Youth Service, "I am and other court personnel. intends to censoUdate the 'Wa­ Sunday of each month, cmd at terms today because Chmgh Goal, Robert Gordon, synod last J ^ . This Is bis f l w Human: Why dim’t you love they -This does not mean that we CaUey’s(JaUey’s presence had liot Bancroft Rd.. RockvlUe. To Begin with East Side ter and Sewer Department u d toe 8:80 service on toe third couldn’t ^ . dPstravMi 99 nor xont n/J®™ G. Olode, _ Mcodow ______Biook o ______Admitted March 26: Joyce _ THE Crystal Lake Rfi., EUiiigton risen Alan Lyons, WlUlam. Reid, visit . .. to ™Emaimel - .... ^since taU Qiurch School, CSrlb 11 destroyed 92 per cent of the ene- ^ BUtagton; Mrs. Elizabeth been requlwd at court since Colchester; Rlchwd place them under toe Depart- Sunday. Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor Thev Bhlnned marihiana Into ">y’« war materials,’’ said one *'!'* 1 ^ Peaden, Colchester; Richard South Windsor PubUc Ion riiow Monday at 8:16 pjn. ^ raT*!*. 9:80 a.m., Sunday School and Robert fiandall, Alan Snelgrove instaUaUcn Into titis ^position, caasB, Nursery caw . BIBLE and Robert ThuUn, basses. He now resides ta Needham, 9:46 a.m., Sunday Morning BritainS ^ ^ T L ^ l^ -d e s - Bouwe. "Whether It was used up ^ wSL I^artm T^ !>®gta at toe Community HaU, Old ^ Adult Bible Claas. 9:46 a.m., Sunday School sicated cocOTiut. Wednesday, 7:16 p.m.. Lenten ------— Mass. Ootfee House. ,d coconut." ta^Tstf^w^? to Sh IcSr^st “» ^ Si^r ^Sto^SaL^o SPEAKS (Masses for all ages. 9:46 a.m.. High School Ootfee A shaip-eyed customs man stUl ^ ot: ^ tow, or whether It ^ew Bolton Rd.; Mw. Dow K*®™ Monday according to ^rtag and Summer fazhlona wlU be wsponalble to the Dlwc- Serrice. 11 a.m., Worriilp Service. aa 1 <»• O 1- • a Btaianuel and CSiapel cHoln wlU sing at both serv- Break. checkedted t o dictionary and was d e s ^ ^ , I don t know. Job^ WetoerofieW;W eto««^: Walter ^ ^ e to w t^ aT a supt. L«U» J. JesM. from toe Bee Hive (SulUvan ^ ^ PubU^Works. He said Nursery. Baha i ISUDieCl But w e' think we destroyed a _ , ~ Tn«i , Ices, and ta one selection will 11XL a«in.ya.m.. MorningXTElMtlAAlB Prayer with found it should have been "de­ Burkhardt, 49 Wadsworth St.; ox i - . . . .— x The program wUl Avenue) ^ be foab^ and ^ portion would by 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. 1 2 considerable portion.” * « . - s A.___m*411 4%a. a1 Ayl Wes nXeMi UMiyeA • siccated,’’ meaning dried. • H V be^ ta"to ^ ride of town WlU be modeled by Mw. Bruce ” y'bet^n $10 $mw Eugene SPHUTUAUBT CHURCH 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. Of hlinday r llm bo accompanied by MUa Usa misbianary address. The souwes said that U.S. made a ^ b e r ot ler, VaUey View Lo.. Vernon; nrogrera to toe west Bprgman. 96 Nutmi* La.. East Larson, flutist, and Craig 4 p.m.. Second COffice of Customs agents wew waiting M®ta St.: Ghmd. Prtday OF GOD’S UBEED bombers had destroyed about __ , _ ^ ay—for a supply of SaUy OueUette, Beech Rd., Tol- . . jegiti ggid R octo ta Hartford; Mw. Stanley Cohen, Ubrarinn iin ziiiao Brewer YMGA CHAPEL The Baha’i conununity of Bushey, trumpeter. strucUon, (Confirmation when 26-year-old Malcolm Har­ 9,000 North Vietnam^ supply Germain G. Roy, ris arrived at toe \riiarf to pick colored pencils, a clear-plastic land;UMJ H.y Harry Waterman,wy,yy._w«. West S « D«v. SouO WW- Wldcspirsd conftislan re- 876 Chestmit Street Manchester will show a film, struction). trucks along toe Ho OU JOnh Prison Official Wednesday, 7 a.m., Htay up toe shipment. Through Har­ Also. Mw. Helen H, ™®P ’ Suffield; Carrie Su^, Brown ^ Z ^ lle otoer roads. »»: Mw. Henry Edelberg, of ^ i^imua-Up gntdtag the ktagdom of Cfod Sprindldd. Mass. "It’s Just toe Beginning,” to­ ris agents traced to partnew, traU network since last October, r ijionteterises Christendom. SUNDAY, 8:88 P-BL morrow at 7:80 p.m. at toe home Vernon Communion. He said toe recently ended „™ wool.ul.d tul ll» jad*. >«il wad Dr.. Hoctami.! MU.1 Bnhm. »»11> WW**! •»! Mr.- »*»- revtvalttmb a e c h o e s tor of ti>e Connocticut Prison ha’i staxidarda of religion and d .. ddd p,..d.d :S d T ^ -;;;;„;:r.-;-s;d ''„. resldenta to rake sa^ ley Sigal of 9l’Mark Drive. $604 from $11,888 to $13,488. Unequivocal, literal passages T o Bigger Store tor, fit. John’s Church. Veiiion, Many today are trying drugs as a means to find 7 Sunday Etaenings 9:80-10:16 Association, will be the guest racial unity as well as the innocent. pected." cott St.: Mw. Douglas Heirier ^ aw then tourtuously wrested will preach. Harris was Jailed for three and son. 6 HiUcrest Dr.. Rock- to see dm- Discharged March U: Dora- « Chairman of the event is Wbifaw Dlrector-Up $820 to avoid direct confUot with Dial 1380 - WDiF Radio qwaker tor toe 21st annual broo^r The Goodwill Industries wtall reality and fulfillment. years, Ritch-Bateson and Ker- vlUe; Mw. Carmine Torrisl and ^ oeuberations. toy Angelo, AUen Dr., Vernon; the roaiL Other debris, wiUlam Olater of 21 wii«i from $10,966 to $11,776. the lurid dogmas already ktanebpster _____ Aldo ScuaseU, Somew; Sblriey sticks, stonra, cans and otoer yrr^. Richard Rltten- Data Processing Programmer CHRIST IS THE ANSWER men’s conununlon breakfast of ^ ini<*TO^to*publc of Baha’i. outlet will move Into new head- Church of the Nssswne V bet for tour. daughter. East Hartford. formed. But they are being cruelly disappointed. 'Wheelock, Dobson Ave., Ver- Items should be wmovM . band of 93 Scott Dr., is pubUc- —Up $W7 from $8,281 to $8,918. Phone 649-8466 the Center Congregational >x>hew will be fireside meetings quarters at 67 West Sb, Thurs- 386 Main St. Odds Favor non; Ruth HelensU, Max* Dr., Awaa to be serviced un^r ^hnirmpTi Senior atlzens Director—Up David was promised a seed CALVARY CHURCH Church tomorrow In Woodruff held nightly through April 4 at ^ ^ ribbon cutting cere- Rev. WUllam A. ’Taylor, In the Christian Science Sunday School, young Police Official for his toorone, Acts 2:29, 80, WELCOMES YOU! _.6 Oamraa'a home. Pastor Souto Windsor; Antoony Woro- the program ta their respective .jjjg purpose of ORT is to $7*6 tmm $9,787 to $10,488. which Isaiah related to the HaU. kir. and ktrs. Pasca’s home. mony to be conducted at 8:30 people find true fulfillment through a new and Sheriffs Tank These meetings aw «q>en to the Freedom Sees Hope In neckl. Broad Brook; Alex order Include toe foUowtag; 1) raise funds for toe buUdtag and DlrectOT of Qeneral Service# y — lah, 9:7. Daniel, ta Inter- The communion service is at PcfM oal Notices Gwara, Evergreen Rd., Ver- High Farms, Avery Heights, maintenance of schpols for de- (Puwhastag Agent)—Up $710 a.m. 6 a.m., Ebrayer Service. deeper understanding o f God and their pwttag the dream cf Nebuch- 7 and toe breakfast is at 7:80. pubUc. ^ . Just Vanishes non; Wilma Dube, Vernon Gmr- Spencer Heights Woodland Aews prived cliUdwn overseas. from $9,282 to $9,962. ndnetiar, imomised God’s For mow Information contact Alvin Gagnon, Etaecutive Di­ 9:80 a.m.. Church School for Wiretap Bill kIr. Petty Is a graduate of everyone. Bagi^pew ta fuU relationship to Him. In Memoriam For Hoff a dens, RockviUe; Ethel Chaffee, P*®* Knob; 2) Oak Ridge Ttobacco VaUey Region Reglstraw of Votow (2)—Up iriniriVim In the days of toe Mr. and kfrs. Pasca. rector of Springfield Goodarlll In lovliu: memory of Frances E. LIBERTY, Mb. (AP) — The fourth ktaiplom from Baby­ Springfield (Mass.) CoUege, and dreM. They learn o f the joyous spiritual reality that is (Continued______from Page______One)_ _ ^ HARTFORD (AP)—State Po- Stafford Springs; Vivlaa Han- Estates, Gray Farms, and includes women from East $6|000. lon, tile Reman Empiw, Dan. Andover Newton Theological Industries said today that the 10:46 a.m.. Morning Wonhlp. /^ e lo , wtio passed way Iforch 27. County sheriff’s depart- Wayne H. Bishop said Coventry; Mw. Linda Orchard Heights; 8) VaUey Hartford, Manchester, Vernon, Treasuwr — Up $360 from 2:44. John declared this king­ TRUTH Seminary. He has taken courses Rummage Sale Rush expanded sales service wUl per- igessaga by the pastor, already their God-givf n right to know and partment s organized crime dl- ment once owned a troop car- kiii Stwtton and daughter, Uncrin View Farms, Birch HIU Estates gnd Souto Windsor. $6,000 to $6,280. dom to be "at band," klatt. mit toe training of additional j p.m,, Elventag Service. We you now. our hearte are vision, said to ^ would be noth- rter-tank. also known as a half- t ^ toe wlwtapptag b II BUtagton; tin . Helen and Saginaw St.; OommentatM’ of toe affair Health Dlrcctoi-^The som« in couseltag and guidance at experience. 8:1, 3 — os did Jesus and Biot hecris Columbia______University, Teacher’s___ PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — handlcMq>ed persons ta toe sw a igessage by toe pastor. A. time goe. by. we miw you tag umisual about nta h a v i^ a befow toe State Senate would ucCaU and daughter, Oakland *) Graham Estates, West- ^ be Mw. Sidney Wyde of 811 at $4,600. bis d ls d i^ s , kfatb 10:7. more. CoUege. In 1964 he'accepted a There was one known casualty of retail sales techniques a n d ------We’d be glad to welcome your teen-ager to our Your loving amlle, your _genUe face. . repwsentaUve at toe bearing. ’ noooay ^ knows wnai ..minfowe "wlnfowe toe toe Insulation’’ insulation’’ big big Rd., Rd., Souto Souto Wlndsw; Windsw; Mw Mw. Mary Mary ridge, Graham ridge, Graham Par*. Par*. Undale Llndale nevew Rd. Hevew and the Rd. pubUc and the la pubUc ~ ‘ la The laat three poritlona aw Jesus iSataly said some then p^ieitiri as case work agent for when an estimated shop- operations under OoodwUl’s fed- Flrst Chnreh of Chrisb "M we oppose a parole, we gen- became of It. U vtag^Sl see It arrive SUNDAY 10,000 No one can fill your vacant place time gamblew and drug dealew Moroney and daughter, Regan Bark, Paradlae lAne and Abby invited to attend. Tlcketa may part Ume. eraUy-sponsored ’Training Serv­ BelsnWst Sunday School this week. eraUy write toe board a memo- Purchased wlto power, kfark 9:1. Thta WDBC 1866 ke 7:86 A.M. the Connecticut Prison Assocla- pew, mostly women, stormed Sadly Hlued. ^vem m ent have fwm arwst and proeecu- Rd., RockvlUe. Rd. Elxt.|^^ 6) ^ Souto VUndaor be purctaaaed at the door. ------power was to accompany the tton and bM been executive dl- Civic Audlhalum for wbat was ices Pnqiecb 447 N. Mata Sb Huabemd. children and randum," he said. Asked If any surplus at least 10 yeaw ajo, timi. Heights, MkskeU Rd. tnd IHU- Alrinan Raymond' Murphy, WYBBf 846 ke 7:16 AJM. grandchildren. Pope Receives Lodge Spirit 3:3-8, who came rector of the association since bUled as the worid's largest The outlet has b«iBn located on memorandum had been submit- toe tank has not been listed on The pwsent piece of legisla- top Estates; 6) RoUtag Park, 3^ ^ Raymond P. Mur- WGNX U66 ke 6:16 A-kL 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sun- Man Sentenced VATICAN CITY (AF) — Pope ten days after Jesus ascend 1968. rummage sale. Prospect Sb, RockvlUe for sev- FIRST CHURCH OF In Memoriam ted in this case. WUson said, toe annual inventory, said Sher- Uon would not enable toe state Famham Estates and McGwto „Aa BiUnwton Rd Is ed. Acts 3:1-4. Ikte Week's Chrlstisn kir. Petty has worked to de- An 84-year-old woman was eral years. The new locatlcn wUI day School, and Nursery, In loving memory of our son, "We don’t ever comment on iff Mark McOuw, He last w- poUce to make a significant Im- In Abortion Try Estates; 7) Ordway Dr.; and _ tto^_ Combat ^ Ute Any doctrine which makes Setenee Program velop volunteer .sponsors for feUed by the rush of bargain almost double both toe mer- "ReaUty” U the subject of toe ‘ **®®® Udngs.’ * membew it was parked ta an al- pact^_____ on______the mulUmlUlon ______drilar WATERBURY (AP)—Patrick 8) Nortovlew Dr.. Parkviewlew Group ^of An^rson anrianmn U S. Special envoy to toe ______cliandlse taventmy and wtaU lesson-sermon. "nie Golden CMUSr SCIENTIST Asked If his department bad ley behind toe JaU. the Mngdoro’s establishment "God b eWdtag So Usten" {wlaon inmates and parolees, seekew and clerks had to form organized crime operation ta MenUlo, 42, of Bridgeport was Dr., Burnham Aews, and Guam. He Is a 1969 grad- Vatican, In a private audience This group has grown‘from 28 a ring around her to keep her sales area, Gagnon said. He em- Text: Psalms 87:8. ** TSJ..U...... 1x8 BanfAn/iAH In QllV\ttn4/\1* rVkllV^ lkAt*A DlAaaawaS TYbIIaw tma^a*AA U8lt ^ Of SOUtfa today. ypt futuw and/or ’this- 447 N. BIAIN ST., BIANGHESTEB, CONN. *^*®hUi*f ® *'®*'^**® °“® been In any communication at “1 want to find toe tank,’’ Cwmectlcut, he said. Bishop said sentenced ta Superior Court hew measant VaUey Estates. worldly’ is to be wjected, to 70 m «i and works with toe from being trampled. The worn- phaaUied that every cent re- The Christian Science Read Memories are keepsakes no one can all with the Parole Bocod WU- says Edward J. Bauman, pros- toe bill was too watered down. Friday after being convicted Fashion Show The Pope and Lodge met for First Church ot C h rist School. more than half an hour. The John 18:86. SCUINTIST State Prison at Somew, the an was taken to a hospital with celved from toe sale of the r«- tag Room, open to toe pubUc BeaStifoi memories are all we have ®°n ‘‘W«U. ^® always Slip- Idtag Judge Of toe county court. The measuw would provide Mawh 17 of attempting to pro- The Tobacco VaUey Region Cheshlw Reformatory and the an injured arm and a cut over condiUoned mercbandlM at the except on hoUdays, U located CHURCH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL left. ply them with documents they “I don’t know wdiat we can use state poUce with 83 wiretaps a duce an abortlOTi. of Women’s American ORT Vatican wleaaed no otoer de­ 447 N. Mata 8b , Mnnehester Manchester Evenliig Herald tails. R w«s Lodge’s turd visit Hartford Courts. her eye. outlet is used to pay toe wages at 749 ktata St. The hours aw l l ; ( » A.M. fcrtget* ®““ *nlght ask for, Uke copies of le- It for, but It would kind ^ make year wlto toe permission of a He was handed a 2-8 year sen- (Organisation for RehabUlta- , CHURCH OF CHRIST The ia Proceeds from the sale went of about 826 handicapped cUrats 11 a.m., to 4 p.m. Monday Lndoll and Vefnan Streets CHURCH SERVICES AND gal acUons taken In any given Ufe more interesting. I’ve never panel of three Superior Court tence but wmained fwe under Uon through Training) wUl hold n®®® Windsor ooiresponaem to the (Pope rince his ^)point- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. to aU Interested mea to toe Boys RepuWic. employed by GoodwUl. through Saturday. Sf^er aJid Dad. case.’’ searched for a tank befow.’’ Judges. $36,0(X> bond pending ^peal. a dessert card party and fash- **aibsr» Varrick, Tel. 644-8874. ment last June. A o n e si 648-1817, 646-S476 \' MAl^CliEStER EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, MARpH 27, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN


is also needed In this regard. Tolland County Hark S. P erry, 17, of Somers D eity USINESS SERVICES l^IRECTORY received a suspended indefinite -By CLAY R. POLLAN- Superior Court reformatory sentence and two V ery R eal ARin UBRA years probation on a charge of W HAM. 21 M four Dail/ AetMty Guido S in . 22 r i 'f According to Iho Sfor*. OCT. 22* arson Involving a bam in Som- ^AM M . It To develop message for Sundoy, One man was sentenced and ers. To Children \ 2- 4-22-iOl ViM5-39-424f' Sy43M-T7 read words corresponding to numbers 73-74-75 H I G H G R A D E a companion case transferred A Somers inmate, James Me- o f your Zodioc birth sign. SCORPIO GAMPINB JOHN'S By OBOBGE W. 0(»NEIX. TAURUS 31 Emotionally 61 By to Hartford County Superior f • received a 12 to IB 1 Aspects ocr. 23] ^ year sentence for a second at- AP BeUglon Writer AML 20 2 Earned 32 Be 62 Alert EQUIPMENT BARBER SHOP PRINTING Court in connection with an ex- p^^. ( HAY 20 3 Shine 33 Day 63 Being NOV. V 807 GBEEN ROAD NEW YORK (AP) — Ask a ^12-23-33-^ 4 Inconne 34 Disturbing 64 Something 1- 3- 6 -17^ Tents, Dots, Sleeping Bags, Job and Commercial tensive series of area breaks. on_ The sentence will be serv- 5 Fine 35 Keep 65 Friends Air Mattresses, Stoves, MANOHESTEB chUd who God is, and you’re apt 66 Plon 18-20-55 FUNERAL HOME Printing WlUiam C. Droban, 27, of ed ccmcurrently with a 12 to IS 6 Brightly 36 Upset Lanterns Sat. 8 AJM. to 6 PJd. to get some odd answers, such GIMIKI 7 Period 37 Greenlight 67 To SAGITTARIUS Prompt and Efficient Bast Hartford, and Philip year sentence he is now serving 38 Or 68 Firm DaUy 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. as: "He gives parties." "A ^H AY21 8 Expect Printing ot AU Kinds Johnson, 22, of Kelly Rd., Ver- and will add about two year to 9 Success 39 Or 69 Troffic FARR'S (Oloised all day W ed.) ghost.” "A mUUcmalre.” "A ma­ ’^t;jUNe 20 irovement 70 Don't Wm. J. Lennon, Director 101s 401^1 “The EveryUilng Store!” ~Adnlto $2.60 Weekdays non, pleaded guilty last month; it. gician." "The smsutest person 1^16-21-31-34 11 Little 41 Y. 71 New 41-44-48-61] Drohan to 12 counts of break- Elects Trial 12 Accident- 42 Forgotten 72 Answer Camp • Bike - Sport Community Press in the world.” "M e." 73 Flome 2 MAIN STBBirr Children (under 16) $2.28 Ing and entering with criminal Reginald J. Bosse, 31, of 13 For 43 Give CArRKORN 142 E. CENTER ST. These were some of the re- CANCIR 14 You 44 Accomplish 74 M ay at Depot Square ' AU Betlred Men $2.60 254 Broad St., Rear Intent and one count of lar- Windsor Ave., Rockville plead- jiAJUNt 21 15 You 45 Or 75 Appeor DEC- 22 ponses received by a Daytona 76 To 649-7196 Open Daily to 9:00 P.M. Telephone 643-5727 ceny, and Johnson to 16 coimts ed innocent yesterday, in Supe- 16 Avoid 46 For JAH. it . Sot. AU Holrcnto $2.76 Beach, Fla,, couple, Edward ^JULY 22 47 If 77 Best J . FABB — 643-7111 of breaking and entering with rior Court to charges of attempt 17 Upon il4-24Jl-57j' and Elizabeth Fox, in interview­ 8-11-33^8 18 Your 48 More 78 Give criminal Intent and one count to commit incest, indecent as- 49 Sympathy 79 Are 72-76-78 ing children, 6 to 7 years old, l>>49-^79-82| 19 OldtInPM! of larceny. Additional counts of sault and risk of injury to a 20 Good 5 0 A 80 Even CUSTOM MADE about their religious concepts. UO 21 Anything 51 An ei Delay larceny were noUed by the state child. He elected trial by Jury B2 Fickle DICK’S "Above all else, the one thing § 22 Shows 52 Action LUCA’S CANVAS AWNINGS in both cases. 12 and the case was con- ^ A U ® . 22 23 Prone 53 Your S3 Is MANGHESTCR Testerday the charges against tinned for -assignmfnt. we learned was that to most 24 Hove 54 Try 84 Decisions Self-Service SH E U . children, God, though mysU- M5-27-37-46 25 Friend 55 Fortune 85 And Laundromat Johnson were tranferred to David W. Kolesinm, 19, of 68 yS2-7(X1-84 26 Courtship 56 tr>dicoted 86 Keep MEMORIAL CO. fylng, is very real and very im­ 87 Marriage PISCIS K Also Beweaviiig, SERVICE Hartford County and Drohan Grand Ave., RockviUe pleaded VIRGO 27 Hove 57 tmportont Custom Mode portant," they say. 28 Don't 58 To 88 Abondoned H I. It Opposite Bast Cemetery 668 OENTEB STREET pleaded guUty to four additional innocent to two counts of sale of yAUO. 23 59 In 89 Determined Saits, Fsnts and 29 Proposals HAM, 20' 1 counts of breaking and enter- cannabis type drug and one They report the varying, often AUff. 22 30 Cooperation 60Tryir>g 90Colm Coots touching or fuimy remarks of 9-10d6d9i Quality Mofflorlak MECHANIC ON DUTY ing in Tolland County in connec- count of possession of controUed 2-36-471 ^Good ®Advetse tlon with breaks into Moser »• His case was continued the youngsters in a new book is­ 6064-71 1 o TsUwing AT ALL HOURS Farms Dairy and EUlngton assignment for trial by Jury. sued by Doubleday called ■ e Dry Gleaning Over SO Years’ Experience ■ e Laundry Servtoe Stortere, fieoerotois, "Christ is God's Middle Name" 2 Sportsland, Smltty’s Cltgo in Kevin P. Porter, 17, of 30 Da- Oarlmreton, 1 lie-178 aprnce St. Call 649.5807 Se£ u s F O B : ToUand and the A*M Automo- vis Ave., RockviUe pleaded —a line* taken from a comment Domeette - Foreign Con ■ Manonestor Dutch Boy at Johnson’s 0 Aluminum BoD Up Ove Center in Somers. subsUtute InformaUon by a little girl. A. AIMETTL Prop. Gifts for All Occasions S4S-7008 Here are a few excerpts of Soviet Communist Party 1 Drive-In Forking Awnings Drohan also pleaded guUty ch a r^ two co^ts of poes^- Harrison SL, Msnrihestor Most everyone has heard of Dutch Boy. yesterday to seven other breaks can^ht^ty)^ drugs He questiims. and the chUdren’s an­ , Bray’s Jewelry Stare, 787 known watches. Mr. Bray car- the famous 'Dutch Boy Paint, Also, there la a wonderful e Door Canopies in Hartford County, into Man- was charged with havli« th ^ sw ers: jMain St., has been serving the rles Longine, Bulova, Wtttnauer ,|,ut if you have not as yet xised line of quality paints, varnishes o Storm Doors Opens Congress Tuesday e Combination Windows Chester and Southington busl- cigarettes in the . Linda; "He’s a king. He looks iipeopte of Mlanchester and vi- and CaraveBe WatdMs, any one jt yqj, have a real treat In store and enamels In this same fa- MANOHESTER presence of an undercover like a h ii^e." How does he look By WILLIAM L. BYAN Soviet leaders are getting (dd. O strin sky cinity for a great many years; of which would make a wonder- jqj. yqq_ Thg jj. A. Johnson mous Dutch Boy line. The Mancheetor Awning Oe. He was sentenced to two to occarion and 10 Bird trainer Francis Abella works with parrots at his Sherman Oaks, Calif., like a hippie? "He has whisk­ AP Special porrespondent Younger ones about to rise to STEVENSON’S In fact, it to one of Mjanches-piv gift. Not only that, but you pgint Oo., 728 Main St. Is head- shelves are fully stocked with 195 WEST CENTER ST. four years, in prison concur­ cigarettes on another. The home. Abella holds Francis Tio. (Photo by William Murphy, Los Angeles ers." What else? "He wears places of authority seem to have DEALER IN WASTE tor’s oideet jewelry atores. know you are purdietoiig a quarters for this fine paint, and p, complete line of Dutch Boy Tdephone 64B-S$il 7 charges are now misdemean­ S n afoD jcL rent, on each of 20 counts and dresses.” Like your mother’s? Soviet Communist party con- jggg enthusiasm for rigid dog- Francis B. Bray ■was the orig- j wahJi that wlU ^ve jrou beauty,^ fyou euo most welcome to stop paints, varnishes and eneunela, EstabUshed 1 9 » ors. A presentence report was Times) MATERIALS one year consecutive on each ”No. My mother wears minis, gpresses often have been mile- ma. They will be watching with ESSO Inal owner o f the store and in | accuracy and de$>endabUKy. , jjj gjj^ ggg (jue display they aU colors to suit your fancy emd ordered and the case continued edgewise. Mrs. Abella says the stone events. The 24th Congress, lively Interest at the new Oon- 1950 WUUam Bray Joined him, y®®** Bray’s boo doM You wUl find any member everyone especially Mended to CHOICE VARIETY of four counts, making the sen­ to April 22. 405 MAIN ST. tence to be served two to eight IRON and on April 1, 1968 WUUam [expert watch -repairing, of the staff most wUUng to do its Job perfectly and give G A Upholstery Found Competent parrots s^Umes tal^ to cw^ don’t know.” Does Tue^y. ™ay have a years in prison. TEL. 649-5533 Pray becamie the owner of (he ‘many peo^ depend tym answer questions about the dlf- you lasting value. If you want Qualify P and Iw l Sho9 Wayne MainviUe, 20, of 90S Answer-Back Parrot versing with each other, like dull and undramatic look, but ^ Brezhnev, today’s b e -upholstebing The nimber of breaks ^ Manchester pleaded SCRAP METAL ' store. Bray for Ms One servioe. Ail fgrent kinds of Dutch Boy Paint to do the work yourself, get this: nouts who went to the moon.” some aspects suggest the possi- general secretary, is 64 and not •Tuno-Ups TTils is a meat complete store work is guaranteed, ^of course, goia here, Seafood termed "fantasUc” by Asst. . John: “Hello, Shirley, how your painting equipment here. e MODERN FUBNITIIBB innocent to more than 60 counts How do they know? "They saw bllity of a delayed-action wal- in' the beat of health. As party and PAPER and you wilt,And Mr. Bray al- of us taxi to forget thati jj you are a novice at paiitt- if this is the time you plan to and ANTIQUES State’s Atty. Donald B. Cialdwell, of breaking and entering with are you ?’ ’ • Engtna Cloanlng 43 OAK STREET while Drohan’s counapl. Special him.” Then why didn’t they lop. chief he wresUes at home with 181 PARKER ST. ways wHadiig to help you In any regular cleaning o f..watches to 1 ask someone in the Johnson (jo over your entire house or e Store Stools and Bootta criminal intent and larceny. Be- Challenge for Ripley Shirley; "Hello John.” TEL. 64S-0M7 • Custom Furniture PubUc Defender WUUam E. take idctures of him? "They This congress may prove to rising intellectual dissent, dlffl- TeL eiS-6TS5 or 64841819 •Gonofol Ropoirs way poastble. For that vary sper a imiet to preserve Iheni and paint Oo. to advise you which ju«t a room or two, stop in at „ j ... 1. ...__ _ «... fore he was put to plea two doc- John: “Wally, do the train. dld.” Has anyone seen the pic- be erne that the current leaders cultles with national minorities Slipcovers and Drapectos m n . stre^ Umt toere tors testified that they had ex- By DAVE LARSEN A bella: ‘If you take three Wally: "Choo-choo-choo.” • Stamps rial girt, you 'Widi And tine quai-. kind of paint to beto for you to the Johnson Paint Co. and lot vlolence to any other i^raon ■’ tures? “ Yes.” Who? "The Pres- of the Soviet party might wish ^nd troubles in the economy. He ity here for your In-i “»«• There Is a paint for every D,Ach Boy do the Job the right Made to Order amined him to determine The Iroa Angeles Times from four, how much Is left?” John: "That’s good.” Oompleto Seleetton ef Shirley: "O ne.” Ident.” Why no one else? "It’s they had foregone. This is not to face up to a problem of beifore having tt cleaned, niel purpose, one designed to stand i^ o lv e d , and Omt ^ whether or not he was capable „ It just about takes an earth apection. You can buy with as­ cost to a modeirato one, an(l tt M aterials crimes committed by Drohan , v~. SHERMAN OAKS, CaUf.— Abella: Can you bark like a Follow secret informaticHi.’’ because the Congress Itself Is much heavy industry, the up and give you the kind of Johnson Paint Oo. is also Reuben Plen’s surance, and you know you are wUI mean "your watch wDi last FREE ESTIMATES were committed to support an Dnhertv "niere was the Ume, believe It d og?” Pete; "He’s against the likely or able to do much on its muscle of state power, should wear that you have always hop- headquarters tor California Ing last devil. ..they fight" all the own,' but rather ^ t the ve^ ^ n de7 Its lopSded ’ priorit? getting a fine diamond “ y^\ longer. Lower Level ot tor. Porkode addiction to heroin. ^ ^ ^ i^ is^ ^ d c«^ud^ Shirley: “Woof. Woof.” IJ n itu l H uiti^CUiA purchase It at. Bray e. ' BeshHes watch repairing, ed to get. Paints, the amazing latex paint Texaco Sfafion e«8-e3M rots refused to talk for three „ ^^re? "In people.’’ Do convocaUon of this assembly ^ responding to puWlc Is there a particular room In qgp pg gppugd to the out- He told the court that Drohan 8 ^ thoui* he had been around another A bella: “How about a cat?” I Lookihg tor a fraternal ihig? offers expert repairs on Mon. A T oes. Ad, Sot. M Shirley: "M eow .” days. they ever fight In you P ete? draws attention to m atters the rtemiiiiHa tor more goods and your house that gets all Unds side of the house while It to sUU 381 Main Stiaot ao... From time to time, Abeua i*8 birds entertain at h ^ l- ^an feel It.” ■ A SorvIcG M i if they do not stock Just what ^jjg^ „gg^ wspolrs to toto Phoiw 643-9149 TCv taut ac- bccause of a mental dla- toonlst being skeptical. Just ^*^**®‘ Brezhnev, 67-year-old Pre- EIAST HARTFORD you want,«they wfll toe happy to jgj^g Bray’s Jawciry Dutch Boy weather, no waiting for the Airiilstle, can sing reveille, and tals and he Is giving thought to B illy: "CHouds.” What kind of ^ mler Alexei N. Kosygin and oth- Bnamel. This pamt had been woodwork to get completely ta^i^^comiMl ieft that order, he actuEdly suffered no could not bring himself tocan be- do the musical scale — for- returning professionally to show clouds? "The big ones like cas- been a rubber stamp for the get X for you. 9tote for expert repair oervlce. Hydramatlo Trsasmlastoa GLASS ______~ era of the Politburo may look ■ Slncorlty ■ 289.6333 Choosing wedding gifts or gifts' pgj-tigpg you have an old Cash- especially formulated to bring dry, no worrying over weather Bepolrlng taM-juiaa of threats mental illness which would In Ueve Francis Abella’s story.ward and backward. business. ties.” They’re God? "Not the leaders since the Bolsheviks e For Auto mndahlelda tar etory w as that he secure in their positions, but Power and Hand Tools tor spec^ oocaalons can be joned ring whose setting does a lovely, lasting anieal to areas conditions. Just apidy Callfor- Before leaving the house, an clouds themselves.” What su-e? nailed down their authority in H Where Personal Fnlnttof and Decorating aifunit amiiy understandings or asslstings In had a parrot who could carry they must keep their eyes on somewhat of a chore, but you pq^ enhance the beauty of toe thot get a lot of hsilrd usage, nia Latex House Paint—It dries A n Work Ouaraotoed o For Store Fronts and interviewer asked Abella one i»nie faces.” The faces In the 1918. With the establishment of Consideration T ools n . i i ______the hooe hla defense. on a conversation with him. younger men coming up in the wlU find A very fine selection of: ypu can have tide re- It resists wear, liquids, mois- to a hard finish in Just 80 mln- Texaco Lobrlootlon Servioe aU sizes of windows too young to train final question: clouds? "Yes.” Each one you a dictatorship of the proletariat, B Is A Tradition j U Garden and land Tools ture and dirt as no other enam- utes! We Give jtd f Green Stomps th^*Drohan mlghTtaneflt slg- Found Innocent After giving a demonstr^lon, '■' “Do you think anybody will ggg jg <3od? "Yes.” That makes debate went out of style. The central committee. Bedqr. Household, F srty gttbi at Bray'a Seth Thomaa pjounted tor a small sum and e For Table Tops There Is no indication of a ckxAs maioe a very welcome g^joy weattog X again. el you have ever-used. Special Bugs, gnats and flies are no !u«e.wHy In teraways at Sem- week In Tolland County Abella found Ripley’s hand on There are two other parrote In believe this story?" a lot of Gods doesn’t It? "No, congress has not been a forum H 400 Mew 5trool H and Banquet Supples ers by^ rivln g drug treatment Superior Court Alcott G. lAxms- his throat. Invalid Nseds - gift, and you might -be intereet- gp i^ watch bands are oar-* -alkyd resins give Satin Eggshell great problem when using CaU- OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. the house, John Tlo H (who A squawk rang out from a ifg the same God. He Just but a platform for launching ed ■in looking at their fine dls- ,ggj jj^^g these wa-tch hands a tough film that absolutely will * fornia PaliXs tor the paint driea SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON if ^ a program Is Instituted, bury of RL 196, Storrs was ..now make him do It,” the gress, but the leaders seemed talks, but only to the other back room: “No way.” makes different faces.” new programs, justifying old piay of otoiting on -cryataL Mr. g^g deslgaed to make your not dull, no matter how many so fast there Is little chance of and »ie« by having an operation found innocent by a jury of 12 cartoonist directed. “We’ll see If TOURAINE birds) and Francis Tio (vdio Is —------Joan: “He’s m e.’ You’ re Bray will -be happy to gift vmap watch kwk oven more beauti-, times you scrub X! Think of. their sticking In the point. With J. a : w h it e perfomvMl to correct a badly de- charges of possession with you'jc a ventriloquist.” decided on in ad- is a year overdue beyond the too young for training). God? "Sort of. . .I’m like him.” have been your aetection for you, end youi «| ,j g|0p ^ g^y] toio differ-Ihow wonderful this would be; the old type paint, this was a M formed left lumd injured In an Intent to sell carmabis-type Abella asked questions. The statutory date. The leader^, oi Y O U R GLASS CO.. INC. Shirley, of course. Is not cap- Like Him? ‘T mean I was bom vance. will find many and varied gifts ent atvlea. ' paint It and then wash It, Ume | real problem, and many times PAINTS industrial accident. drugs and possession of cack home and, in his lonelto^a's, employee of the dupUcattog of- worit.” He ever do bad longer had need of a dictator- ™e®3>8 at each peuty congress. e Party Goods, Magazines Norwich State Hospital for treat­ Does NOTOR SALES form ance. _F „r. ^ad acquired two other parrots, began talking to the P a^ an d fleeo at the Municipal ,______Building,uu,, things? a- “No.’ 'What TTiioi. iLuuuv about mak- proletariat and was Yhere was a saving clause tor e Groceries, (told Cuts ment. Another’s case was trans- NORTH HAVEN (AP)—For- DON WILLIS but he had devoted most of his training It to give res~»<’“ “ DirVetOT^, " i f a ^ e t L. NeTl- a 'e ? " ‘^ t - r n r t “ >® '>'^y communism. For top toadere, exem p^ them If ■K PK B T a u t o b o d y and e Fruits—Vegetables Background for SST Defeat Hot i^ark arcing to vlrtoally ferred to Hartford County. mer Transportation Oommlaslon------1------• »i-----— all this he was mercilessly de- they had special abilities. attention to Jd, a secretary with the d o ycxir parents go to UA BROAD STREET s m s services. It to convenlenUy lo- tlons and profession^ wrolces ^ «ce p ^ theTuowlng un- In ^ ch Americans bothbene- terday on a breakiiig and enter­ lector. health department. church? “Nope.” You’ve heard cated ^ 176 Spruce SL, Jurt on mens, womens and chUdrons the fitted and were penalized by ing charge. WESTOWlf ______Omikllng said during his ten- Ne Gompleti(ipletion in Jungle Delinquent Loan Connonlttoe — haven’t you? "Sure.” ALL DAY PHARMACY For Ladles and Gentlemen around the comer from Oak St. same brotherly commune, when their devotion to technology. The youth was ordered to Sedrick Straughan, re^ a^ ..g^me of the Specializing In Alterations — Cleaning seroe taro months a one-year ure as transportation commla- —almost next to the* Nathan In today s Infl^onary ®cca» (gqt that some are Technology has been wor- iRST FAAS combed the Jungled foothills and alstant Are c^f, and Robert ^ids say? Ito»t End Geometry B ^tolra jail sentence, the balance sloner from Oct. 1, l9lB9r>-until Hale School. S ^ ^ t ^ speaking terms: shlped in America. For inany Press Writer valleys north of the site looking Bnke Servtoe tmd suspended and probation of two cariy this, year, he received , "Goddam n It." 'What else? Shock AbMibeis . The business Is divided Into ki^ttot Lucas prices ecolo^ who fears that years men In the street seldom for isolated villagers and wood- The C r^ t Union w m fo r ^ -a o o d a m n you Why? SUNDAY MATICHESTER three sections; (1) Poly-Cnecm taUoring work are most fair. My ^ questioned or faUed to take • Eznert W i^ RepoMag years ordered. Judge Barber some allegatims of dishonesty NGUM, Laos (AP) — cutters to move them out of in 1961 wiui 184 members. —-The ,,q,hy July uuijr the uic organizationorgamzauon hasnaa grownBrown to 296ioo ,>100 *olV nf fin d ’ All Medicinal Services AvaSable 121 SPRUCE ST. 619-2184 over ten years experience. ‘"‘J”’ — — *—*- •----- ■— i the two months be served at “We investigated complaints, No Obllgotloa and (8) TaUor Shop. The con­ being distorted, with many gy buUt America. Technological ■ landlocked kingdom of Laos will members since. Shares of the what does he say? venient hours are 7 a.m. to 10 Should you 'wish your dry clean- the Jail in Brooklyn rather than and that’s about all we did,” he d^p in the Jungles Is on sched- ijg large lake. Some credit union show an increase of My father. 455 HARtFORO RD. JOHN TBOMZA, Manager Free Parking known consequences and more know-how was considered pecu- CUSTOM ft STOCR p.m. seven days a week, for lug (triiich to done next door in Hartford. said In response to a question^ ule and nearing completion. ^ the flooded valleys w ill be 23 $214,306.63. Loans have In- “Goodamn It.” What else? to be feared. Marly American. Wateher the Laundromat In the laiindrom at) pressed. Barr Comers, Another recommendation that about his probes into the act)v- The $30-mllUdamn you.” When does he —The city dweUer, who can- There was an erosion oi that 781 IMn ML, creasied from $68,660 in 1961 to Luca’s features the finest In Mr.' Addabbo wUI do that for under^d how so many beUef In Uie 1960s, a period In FbotiaMB-Sni Noz* $0 O olior time be served by a youthful of- ities of toll collectors. ,' harness the Ngum River, a trib- yoir will store seven billion cu- say that? “When he’s mad at $1,638,812.23. equipment; Maytag Washers,“ you at a sUght charge. mUUons can be spent on making which Uie Gross NatlMial Prod- fender at Brooklyn was honored Asked If he had ever dlscov- utary of the Mekong, and gener- t,|c meters of water from the my mother.” What does she do? — — ONLY ^50 DA'iY S LEFT Bot A Painting Problem? We’ll Hel|i! Hoyt Dryers and RCA Whlri- Or better yet, he wUl do your ^ (ggter airplane when the na- uct doubled In terms of current by the Judge when he sentenced ered "significant pilferage'’ by ate power for Laos and Thai- Ngum River and the annual "C ries.” 2 entire dry cleaning and prm - cannot afford to provide dollars, transforming the Uves Leslie Dorman, 21, of Rt. 190, toll collectors, he replied, "No lond.It was planned and execut- monsoons. Service stiU means something to ua—and Mrvice pool Cleaners. As busy as V ern on ing. Don’t worry If you get a proper housing for its citizens. of mUU sus- accomplish Uttle in human $1,000 fine and two years In Principal Heirs bum the midnight oil, BETIIBS your dtopooal. or problems, please feel free prison. Dorman had no prior place around Long Cheng. ugees. The population^ MVlenU- pgjgg_ vemon police were call- but the government denied ex- worrying with tax figures. L u ca 's T ailor Shop has a taU- to caU M r. Addabbo at 648-7767. pects that some sort of a tide to terms. S dealer. sweeping over the natton and, And so, in recent years the record. NEW YOR K(AP) — The two Project manager Teruo Yoehi- “ e hM grown to 1®.^ ^rom Palmer was arrested, port licenses. He said the busl- W hy not let BLOCK fig­ Suspended Term sons of former Gov Thomas E matsu, working for a Japanese seme 20,000 In ccdonlal da^. tanker was towed from the ness went to Western European though he doesn’t understand It, need for national prioriUes has Nell Rudy of Wlnthrop, Mass, ^wey ^toe^JoT ^ci: company, has^n with It all 10 J^aaese enters and gq^^t^es. ure your return quickly, realizes he must ride it or be become self-evident to mllUons received a suspended four to aries of his will, which disposes years. He says that the project '” *® tanker would have re- The cattle deal could involve dependably and insure swamped. ot people. And what better sym- five year prison sentence with of an estate valued at more site has never been attacked al- tfa*“lng to Laotians m ^ or q^j^^ j.OOO gaUons for a All- $100 mlUlon and 200,000 head of you of maximum benefits? I EXPERT REPAIRS ON FOREIGN GARS| There are many other opi- boUzed technology or provided probation for two years on a $1 million. though fighting has taken place them hired from nearby vuiages cattle, Eaton said. Drop in todayl .^ou'll be UP nlcms and attitudes lump^ to- the opportunity to exert those charge of possession of nar­ The will, filed for probate In nearby. In 1969 some of the con- with no consteucU^ c^J^^®®' glad we got together. UNITED SPORTS CAR REPAIR, 1st. gether in the catchaU antitech­ prioriUes than to shelve the HAMBURGERSv I ^ ■ M..CK ItTI nology arniment, but it should SST? cotics. Surrogate’s Court Friday pro- tractors’ heavy equipment was Seven Laotians who 1^ ® '^ * "^ A . A ^ A 'A H = 5 ^ :S ;- ■ ■ r~B0A1001Tn ^ _____ We don’t charge for Rt. 83, Vernon, Conn. Robert B. Paradis. 26, of ,vides~for_ Thomas_ E Dewey'jr. *‘Fed_J on. allym1i.» Kbea onam the supen^ry at(9\AvnHcu\mr Brafrata^ ^B ■ We guarantee occarate preparetioa ef-every tax retnm. the Atmosphere’ Phone 646-4485 be clear that they hardly consti­ This Is the SST’s mtofortime, Soniersville received concurrent and John Martin Dewey to Yoshimatsu believes that an ^® P™)®®* studying m If we make any errors that cost yen any penalty tute one group at all. and more importantly, the mis­ jail sentences ot one year each share equally In Dewey's farm appeal by Secretary^General U CO’^^’da with grants from e Interej^ we_wjlj_po;_thet penolly or Intereet. eiieiTniiifjiji^uiiiiGCS ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES Tliere may. In fact, be no one fortune for thousands oi work­ PLAZA DEPT. STORE substantial and powerful anti­ ers'. And stlU the SST Issue may on counts of conspiracy to com- at Pawling, N.Y. Tant, pointing out the peaceful Canadian government, MST HAtirOdO-WmOSOII l0CllS*N0«*ICMI0Wtt mlt forgery and obtaining Amulf C. Muller, described as and humanitarian mission of the Within a few years the power (W« Have A Mo4lo« To PtoOM) ICASTROL OILS ★ FOREIGN CAR PARTS] technology group In the country not be resolved. America might M fir tiM pMn aiclMS... MeBinM's money by false pretenses. He “niy friend” , received $20,000. Japanese and Laotian dam station will be run exclusively H. oomiw-ie TPKD. (Next to PoMdar MhL) H t R at all, at least one capable of feel it has has harnessed ram- OPEN WED.. THDB8., nU . till » J m . VW PACER PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT swaying public opinion to its pant technology but has it pre^ 46 VTEST CENTER STREET also received a suspended two Smaller bequests went to builders, can be credited for the Laotians, Yoshimatsu hopes, AMERIW S LARGEST TAX SERVKE WITH OVER 5000 OfFKES to four year prison sentence on friends, employes and charita- peace at the dam site. The United States is among “ Next to Vittner’s Garden Center” own ends on such a major issue, erly resolved the issue of the su- SILVER LANE EXTENSION MANOHEBTEB SHOFPINO PABKAAE . one aUe to turn enthusiasm to personic transport. a charge of failure to appear in ble institutions. Dewey’s law 'Ventiane workers for the U.8. nine nations that contributed (Bear Leiwer Level) court with two years probation firm was given permission to International development office funds to finance the project, and Picture Frames FOB Monday tlirn Friday 9:M o.m . to SiSS p.m . to commence after the Jail use his name for another 10 say the Japanese engineers and has also contributed to a fund teturday and Sundsiy 9:W o.m. to S:00 p.m. term. Special Public Defender years. their well marked vehicles en- gathered by the Mekong Com- • PHOTOS C09 ■»■ --- iUULJSJAA Leo B. Flaherty Jr. noted that The former governor and Joy special consideration from mittee for the first stages of an CERTIFICATBS FROM r n m iv this case stands out as one of two-time preridentlal candidate the Pathet Lao and their North ambitious development pro- ^N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY i — addlctlon to alcohol instead of died in OForida on March 16 at 'Vietnamese allies In the area, gram for the whole lower Me- '■'drugs but that desperate help 68. Laotian troops recently kong Basin, MAkcHISTPER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971^ PAaB TWELVE OUK BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY MANCHESTER BWENING HERALD. MANCtlESTER, .CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN THATC UUCT IT. FAR FWOM TH E NOISE FA R FW 3M HOW YA R X B P FDR SHOE­ f a t h e r —My Auwtr to PravioM Paxil* a n p n u i s a n c e o f t h e LACES/SAFETY l b t k ’ b u s o u t , C»MPETmON WlU_ r iT V i SHAVING CREAMl ANOTHER HOUR ANP THE BE OUT CCOUTIMG.' This and That Stocks Slip AIR'LL. HAVE S O MUCH SOOT t v s a l r e a d y AAAPE Expert on Learning Problems WE C A N T BREATHE/ BSfilDfifi, ABRANCBMBNTS FR3B WEVE COTTA DOUBLE OUR CECRST TRAINING / DOWN O ver W eek; ECAPWORtC TO m e e t THE WHAT A p r r y t h a t ACBOSS COMPETITION FOP. rrs THE SAME TIME 1 French health I Feminine THE SSNIOfR AC y o u R cu n A R . reeort appellation Speaks Here on New Findings WVARATHON.' UECEON/ 5 Atadiitance 2 Falaegod T rad e Slow 9 Chum (ilang) 3 UB. coin ***■ uncle couldn't'ride a bicycle red stockings, across the baby’s NEW 'FORK (AP) — The An authority on early 12 Notion 4Alleviatad detectilHl and . identifica- secluded hlmseU, and Ung of sight. 13 Chest rattle 5 Circle part stock market the post week 14 Freudian term 6 Ribbed silk wobbled to its pooceet etaowing tion* 1of.S1 .Slearning disabilities-1 -!• wtien lie was taken to «a iiui.little- with readiiur T ® difficulties.* Dr. ^ a? 15 Nongregarioua fabric i-i>ir-3i - J l n s i = i in a month as trading volume m children J^ursday dis- traveled street away from his Scholl said in exploding a theory / h S ^ 17 River (Sp.) 7Kirghiz 2 2 Conmian 40 Feign sagged. 18 Change mountain closed recent findings, con- nelghboihood, Dr. SchoU said, held for many years. This type viper 43 Desolate All of the major averages 19 Connecting range 45 Grow mature, firmed some that teachers he mastered the skiU in 10 of eye she described as one 24 Greek war showed declines for the week. link 8 Kind of race god as fruit that stops to examine and re- 21 Clock lace The setback spread broadly have followed for years, 9 Sweats 25 Hawaiian bird 46 Gunlock catch and punctured the “ bul> A girl, equally bright, began examine a word, or that back- BY LANK LEONARD 23 One of the 10 Exchange 26 Special 47Saaweed through the UsL MICKEY FINN Carolines to fail in school because her tracks on a line. Two extensive premium consideration 48 Discharged, as The downturn that got under hies” of others that no I'VE ALREADY WHAT ABOUT MINERVA'S SON I donT know, 24 Collection of I I Fiih-eating 28 Sidetrack an obligation penmanship was bad and she research projects uncovered as IF WE KNOW I quotes w ay on F rid ay of the previous longer are valid. WHERE THEYARE ■a ss ig n ed m en — WILL HE RISK HIS L IF E - HALLIGANi I diving bird 30 Tidy 50Hottmtot „ u knew it. Tests disclosed a co- many dyslectics in thoee with AND TESTIFY BEFORE THE JUST DON'T 27 Poems 16 Songbird 31 Shoemaker's dialect week continued through the first Early detecUen and coUecOon ordlnaUon problem, but when "laxy eyes” as in those wiUiout, THERE ARE THREE THUGS WHO I'O LIKE THEM I FOR THE JOB] KNOW' J TO BE TAILED- l-W H A T NEXT, SENATE COMMITTEE? 29 Ancient 20 Certain foot gadgets 51 Shred three sessions of this past week. of Informatian 1s an imperative, she was put on a typewriter, she said. What is important. Dr. MIGHT HAVE DONE THE JOB Hebrew 52 Italian city . FOR HAWKS.' FLACK CANNEN, TO SEE IF ONE PHIL?. in prosody 33 Command Wall Street analysts said the Dr. SchoU stressed. *‘A new- her academic work rose to SchoU added, is “ what the brain JOHN BUTCHOFF, AND LIPF/ OF THEM LEAVES weight 35 Whole 55 Century (ah.) decline was mainly a market 32 Narrated (pC) bom infant’s vision can bo ^®*® had once been. As an does with the impulses brought readjustment after the Miarp again r " r ~ r ~ r “ 1” r ~ r 1 IT TT bv movins a brisht red “ *‘*®> commented, to It.” price runup since mid-Novem- : THIMKIM6 , M A 3 M * 34SemiUc object to front^ it,” aim said. A graduate of West Virginia u ber. language 15" 1} "For hearing, it should be done Pf«luate from high school with- University who received her 36 Dinner course II 17 They also said the erosion was when the halqr is drowsy be- I®®™*"* t® type.” m d from the University of 37 0pen,aaa 18" in part the result of profit tak­ cause it wlU not always react at TTiere is more to vision than Maryland, Dr. SchoU served her letter l i " HU u 38 Plant ovule ing and concern over the econo­ other times. A behavior prob- acuity. Dr. SchoU observed, Internship and residency at OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 39 Rave my's slower than anticipated re­ lem can t«B treated forever. We pointing out that some brain PltUburgh (Pa.) Children’s Hos- 41 Streets (ah.) l _L. covery from the recession. must look for the primary lesions obliterate the field of pltal. She took pediatric train- n 42 Modem u ft On Wednesday the Dow Jmies cause.” vision on hotos, and scholarship and other prizes starts at 8 o’clock. i(Herald 1.06 at 99.96. Camera and Photo Shop at 629 working on the state level with from merchants. photo by Buceivtclus) and integrate at the same rate,” k ill’s announcement that he is Am ong 1,810 Iraues traded on **Aln St. interrupted them long she who is chosen to r e p r e s e n t------she stated. B id to Save appointing GOP State Chair­ WHAT A f Offer ' ri^ATif WOTriWG 1 THE OTALL #IWtl|H9A,^TJtfc»EA9sti the Big Board during the week, ®nough to deliver copies of their Manchester. Many of the testing aids that man Howard Hausman to the AftJOT? / fbPH!MtD/5gr 1,049 declined and 604 advanced! plKitos Uke those that appeared Tonight, one o f ten entrants Dr. SchoU demonstrated wene PUC (Public UtlllUes Commis­ U » g r ABOUT sion) and his disclosure that 18077814 New 1971 highs outdistanced '^® Herald Wednesday. will be crowned as Miss Man- simple toys that might be found Trapped Pair until (/AST wegKy imesstHeffeNT Happenings for Teens possibly hundreds of thou.sands — •- - new lows by 265 to 67. Scun, as he is more . af- cheater by Jflss Marie Salazar, in any household having young WAS fiJC MAP£H (Oenttimed from P age Oae) SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL Big Board volume *hUi post /®cUo»ately known, has been the reigning queen. She will al- children. One was a pounding of dollars a year have been OF LASt YBAP-KA stolen at toll stations on the HA-HA-HA-. week slumped to 77,928,460 ------Saturday, March 27 shop open to senior high and block having vari-colored pegs maiunade sounds. Connecticut Turnpike. ( s r r n shares from 91,343,680 the pre­ dude attractive new books from Drug Advisory Center, 647- collegians. . .free. If the men are foimd alive, the Coventry Meskill explained that he will vious week. The exchange re­ many publishers in aU popular 9222. USe this hot Une from 6 Friday, April 2 “You can learn a great deal hi-iii win expiameo mat ne wni ported on Wednesday that its price ranges, aU fine books to . . ^ ^ ^ . Drug Advisory Center, 81 aboutxmt a ohiis in a couple of wlU enable workers be out of the state an Thursday, to lower an elevator device to when the new police commis- trading volume for tMe year Litter Cleanup road or ^ve as gifts. P “®‘P- ® Russell St., 847-9222, open 8:30 minutes with this,” she said. had totaled one bUUon shares. AU reading interests wiU be alwairs a friend to answer, a.m.-6 p.m., phone manned 6 When he rieaches for the ham­ 11ft them out, sioner assumes his post, and This was 39 trading sessions Day Scheduled represented, including classics. East Side Rec, West Side Rec, p.m.-3 a.m. mer that you hand him, she Tom Flynn, one of the 20 men h® wanted to perform the eartlw than that market was fiction, biographies, adventure open 1-5 p.m. East Side, West Side, Cbm- noted, he shows his dominant in the shaft when the flro broke By Town Unit munlty T Recroation Centers, hand. His later actions disclose reached last year. stbries, science, nature, crafts, Community T, open 1-6 p.m. out, said there was no exloaion ^ . Among the 20 most-active Big mystery and' reference bodes. . . . Teen Center, 8-11 p.m. . . . open ^10 p m color perception, coordination, day on a week s vacation in the Board issues, U advanced, and ^1* Coventry residents are be- Art Ezblbit ^1.50 at the door gets you in to South Windsor High School, 8 and even personality traiU, such out, said t^ere was no explosion v irg in Islands. Gov. and Mrs. BY FRANK BAGINSKI 9 declined. ing urged to participate in the Janet Anderson of Coventry, dance, rap, playing ping pong p.m., SWHS students present as aggressiveness oc insistence ^ * ® coming through the MeskUl, along with State Oomp- PLA IN JANE k Biggest gainer of the past annual Rid Utter Day, sched- wUl demonstrate her skUls in or pool. "Bells Are Ringing." 'Hekets at upon perfiection. troller and Mrs. Nathan Agostl- the door. Dr. M ary SchoU, an associate "W e came out with seif res- nelli, will be the guests, next OANE« WHY MUCT yoUTJ«olW WHO THROWS f . l TAKE wsek was Bausch A Lomb, uied fo r M ay 1 under the aus- bnUh and Janies taldlaw , also MHS, BaUey Auditorium, 8 whlch soared lS$i to 80. tt had Saturday, April 3 in pediatrics at Massachusetts cuers. It was so hot in there that Saturday at Flano’s Restaurant 'yloU(^SEl-F ^ NVEN?! ^ CAREFUL AIM\ pices of the Beautificatiem Oom- of Coventry, wUl exhibit leaf p.m. Manchester Jaycees pres­ jumped 18)4 the previous week , . shape wood designs at the St. ents "Miss Manchester Scholar­ Drug Advisory Center, 647- General Hospital and an assia- ***® iHastlc used for sealing in Bolton, at a GOP dinner, OtCAL after reedving govenunent ap- mtttee, with John Druge in Joseph College Club of Hart­ ship Pageant.” . . .tickets $2. 9222, phone manned 6 p.m.- tant professor of pediatrics at I*®*®® was melting,” Blynn said, sponsored by Republicans of 3 a.m. Harvard Medical School, Ulus- adding he thought there was Bolton, Coventry and Andover. proval of the company’s new charge. ford Arts and Crafts Fair on South Windsor High School, 8 Blast Side Rec, open 10 a.m.- trated a number of techniques "*'® way lor the trapped men to q ^v T. Clark Hull will be contact lens. in iAitv*’ei supplyoitnniv of oxygen, sYnnreran ^ ^ • na M i«. tm «w. ssh».er- In previous years. Rid Utter of the 318th Tactical Airlift North— UWted Methodist Hulcahy revealed yesterday Chaplin, off Rt. 6 . . .Riding ap­ in-service training session at to have saved the lives of some hie grades are good, he has no oauta and no r y Rand, up )4 to 86%, and Day has been handled by other wing at Forbes AFB, Kan. that church 300 Parker St., 4:80- that he will work part time as A l*n parel fashion show for the bene­ Waddell Schoed. of the men. M ttmtL ipWU polios record!" Amertcan TMeptione, off % to local groups, mainly the 4-H has earned the USAF Outstand- 7 .3 0 p m pancake supper spon- a consultant for the Adley Bhc- fit of the mndharn-Tolland 4-H "If I leave you with nothing «%• Town Committee. ing Unit Award. His wife. Rose- g^red by’sSor MYF. . .tickets press trucking company of East Horse Camp . . .Manchester- else," Dr. SchoU said at the end The five most-active Ameri- , The BC, in order to compUe anne is the daughter of Mr. and - Hartford. He also will be a di­ ties are modeling . . .tickets at of her hour’s talk, "It is that the BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY can Stock Ebcchange issues this a R id U tter p am iM et for the j^rs. Gilford White, Coventry. Twin Oaks Riding Stables, Chevalier Held ^ rector of the firm. MR. ABERNATHY past week wne: State Dept, of Agriculture and ______the door. more subtle the difficulty, the Bell St., Glastonbury, 9 a.m., Adley Elpress is headed by O. BY DICK CAVALLl Gulf A Western warrants, up Natural Resources, has gather- Bennet Junior High School, 10 greater is the likelihood that it In H ospital Room iV e COOKED ONE ORDER OF *D 0 6 Horse Show in Indoor ring . . . Clayton Gengras, the unsuccess­ WINTHROP 1% to 10% on volume o f 894,400; ed notes and outlines from all a.m .-8 p.m., car wash for a dol- will not be detected and that it HIG FAADRITE YUMAAIE9 K E B A B " admittance charged. . .Man- ful 1968 GOP candidate for gov­ WHAT ARB'»OU CK(X. National General warrants new, previous Rid Utter committees. lar, also a bake sale. will lead to an emotional over- PARIS (AP) — Maurice Chev- COMING UP! r KNEW IT/WELL, I BARNABAS COaiKIS ISN'T Negotiations chesterltes exhibiting. ernor. FEEDING THE (XXS /lAEALl “L A S S ie I £MALU off % to 6%: BTB Corp., up % It is this final pamphlet as sub­ South Windsor High School, 8 la y ." In the course of her ad- Uer had been looking forward to CONT WANTTOfiee IT... i THE ONU/ONE WHO HAS A Monday, March 29 Mulcahy said yesterday that FOR OiNNSi? WATTA MINUTE... COAAE to 8%; Asamera OU, up 2 to mitted to the state that is being p.m., SWHS students present dress, she brought out that the _____ ------^------•' ----- WHAT/MJMBABB HOME.' I likevaaapire GHOUL FRIEND. Drug Advisory Center, 81 Bells Are Ringing." Tickets at latter grows out of the primary K®“ ^ ®“‘ ®* “*® nospltai today, continue to live in Lyme 20%, and Tesoro Petroleum, iq> used to coordinate this year's Canceled By VOU-PAKINGME MOVIES' cause. hut the doctors decided to keep and that he will assume his 3% to 82. effort. Russell St., 04/7-9222, open 8:30 the door. T O l r "It wUl be interesting to see a.m.-5 p.m. . . .phone also man- ______As an example, she cited a him another week. new post after he and his wife if our plan works,” said Druge, Airline Pilots ned from 6 p.m.-3 a.m. Karen reminds MHSers Don- very intelligent boy who was The 83-year-old actor-singer’s take a short vacation. who wrote the pamphlet. Ekust Side, West Side, Com- key basketbcdl tickets for April joshed by playmates because secretary said the doctors pre------I UTICA, N.Y. (AP) — The Air- Jurors Told An advisory committee of key munlty Y Recreation Centers, 7 at $1.25 each are still on sale he couldn’t learn to ride a hi- ferred that he spend his con- The remains of a duckbill di- people has b^n formed but voi- line Pilots Association and Mo- open 6-10 p.m. In front of the cafeteria . . .also cycle even though neurological valescence In the hospital rath- nosaur recently uncovered in unteers are needed to drive hawk Airlines canceled baek-to- BucUey Schoed, open 6-0:80 MHS pins are available at the tests revealed nothing wrong er than at his suburban home. Oalltornla show the creature with his sense of balance. He CSievalier suffered a minor stood some 28 feet, about as tall To Deliberate P>'®-P»“ “ ed work negotiations scheduled for P ... school store. roadside routes. “ *WaddeU School, roUer skat------blamed it on heredity because heart attack two weeks ago. os a two-story bouse. Residents can do their Indi- Saturday and turned the issu Your correspondents are Kar- BY ROY CRANE On Penalty vidual port, said Druge, by over to an arbitrator, a idiot Pathfinders Club, Norman en Gilmore, 649-0276; Jim Dono- BUZZ SAWYER oa S-iO cleaning up winter debris from spokesamn said BYiday. st., Alateens, 7:80-0:80 p.m. van, 049-3716; Joanne Roto, 649- (Ceotiaoed from Page One) lis te n , SYLVA DEAR, SAWYER, m L MR. BOBBY FIRST, AAR. HE ENGAGED /WY FIRM, TROUBLE around their immediate home Earlier, the union and the car- open to any and all teens with 1742; as are Candy and BYan YOU'VE GOT RIGHTS. W«AT YOU'VE LEARNED SNOW, SENIOR, SHOOTERS, INC., TO SET HER OUT. hearts will be heard . he and roadside. The BC would rler submitted to the same ar- a, relative with a drinking prOb- (Mrs. BYank J.) Conway, 649- of the Parkade .. OF THE LOOSE AND TO BREAKUP DONT YOU ANSWER ABOUT MISS GARD PIDNT LIKE CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE said. "Their bodies sag against like rid Utter pickup to be a bitrator the outstanding Issues jem. 6060, 267 Hackmatack St. ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE AND DREWS. AA\SS GARD. BOBBY'S ROMANCE WITH HER. the straps across their chests, year-round project on the part in their contract dispute under m h S Pool, Brookfield St., TAIKINGTD A lawyer. THB MARINE VIPA EAIPTHE LETiS FACE |•^EA^y...LOOKf There U a drool of saUva from of each resident. a settlement formula agreed to Women’s Swim Night, 6:30-9:80 S lOAT HAS’ VANKEP OUT THE CKUI9EK'^ UKE $LOAT REALLY HAE UE WHAT.' TRANSCEIVER'^ RAPID-TELEPHONE their mouths. *niey are now oflt- "Rid Utter Day has become earlier by Mohawk and its strik- p.m ®PG1KIBUT0R KOTOK...ANP THAT’^ NOT ALL.. trapped ON MAPtMNE KEY 1 New London Man AY FATHER OUT. T O O - BUT WAG THE o n ly ciaUy dead.” the town's annual spring clean- ing pilots. / ' DiOTHAT? WE MIGHT’VE COMMUNICATIOIV Bennett Junior High cafeteria, WITH THBAMIN-. Speaking In a choked voice, ing,” said Druge, “but roadside Unenthuslastic about Friday’s lunch. Doughnut.sale. Handed 30-Year < 7 . 6 LAMP! y the attorney concluded: "An trash never seems to end and t^ika in Washington, the ALPA I Tnesday, March-SO NATURAL HEALTH eye has been exacted lor an should be picked up by anyone spokesman claimed Mohawk Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus­ Term in Murder eye, a tooth tor a tooth. Yet If whenever possible." presented a back - to - work sell St., 647-0222, open 8:80 a.m.- we beUeve that Christ is in ev- Druge is in the process of proposal “noticeably worse’’ 6 p.m., phene also manned from ARLJNOTON, Va. (AP) — FOOD SHOPPE ery man, this has been a day of contacting aU local eervlce offer. 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. Ehigene L. Oomeem, 20, was sen- I crucifixion as well as of retribu- groups, but those wishing to He said the carrier wanted the East Mde, West Side, Com- tenced w—>., Friday to 30 years inw — tion. In the warped and lonely voluntwr who have nrt b^n assign pUote on temper- munlty Y Recreation centers, prison in the slaying of Richard -O p e n Sunday- persona of PatricU Krenwlnkel, ^ o ry duty virlUiout pay guarantees open 6-10 p.m. L. Mattingly, a 68-year-61d Dis- Susan Atkins and LesUe Van ®ei« Fowler, ^ cnairman. ^ „p to 46 days South United M e th o d is t trict of OolumbU official in Jan- Houten, the son of man has been . _ Lmrary when the airline resumes ser- church. Downstairs Lounge, uary 1970. All Day____ BY V. T. HAMLIN crucified again.” The Booth - Dlmock Ubrary ^ Mohawk did after sdiool hours until 4 p ^ -/ALLEY OOP HU. hg. TM. Ma. II The sentence, imposed by Jurors were attentive, and, not want to abide by aeniotlty - d o Your Own Thing” Judge Charies S. Russell of Ar- YDU SENT ) I'M PROMOTING \ WELL •VOUR RR Sr DUTYOL BE ANYSPBOAU \OU BETTB7 FIND) ...I THINK during Fitzgerald’s description oesenpaon vice, for aU thoee who cannot rules and duty reetrictloiis whUe open to junior hl’s. TsiMcn OF INSECmCIDES FORME, ! VtXnO-nTRANK IT O ^ K lE E T EVERY ABLE-BODIED REASON,>OUR JUSTTEU.'EM GUZ AN* LET 1M I THIS WHOLE Uflgl^ County Circuit Court, HIGHNESS? THEYVEBEBt KNOWWHAins /BUSINESS IS a wo.^ alternate juw dSds PH®t® were losing retrained. Emanuel Lutheran CSnircta, had been set by tbe jury. IN Y O ^ FOOD? SIR? y OFSENE^, y y o u MAN IN MOO OUT HERE STEVE CANTON BY BOLTON CANIFF forward and held her hands home-house demands, slckneM private mediator David PRIVATE.' SIR! ON TH* DOUBLE.' DRAFTED/ GOING ON, ABOUT TGET. WI2ER/ A. OUIA HAND/ over her face. The three defend- ®r lack of a car. TTioee eo af- Hcheduled to besin con- Church St.,' 7:80-10 nno.n" p.m. fn oiiPANDA rejected a .. request ' WHEN I MAPe V^ I POT IN TWICE MEANWHILE. ME NEITHERr -I P rr EVER ants, pale and thin in drab blue f®cted should call the librarian ^*® “ 8“ ®*“^^ mwtiiys . . open to aU teens Richard C. Shadyac, de TIRED OF -ABDinVES AND THE BOMB.../ AS/MUCH EXPLOSIVE and adulU interested In learn- atUmiey, to suspend 10 FBiBaEBVATrVBS IN YOUB FDODT AS THE DIRECTIONS HAPPENED ID pri.^n'^forms, sat quiet and tor this special service. "Td “ ...... MEirWOKDBE somber—a change from their A brochure has been maUed ^ ing about drug abuse. years of the sentence. The judge BOOKS BY . . . AlApyUNCEIt. usual chatty, laughing demean- ®nt seeking 1971 memberships Mxanmment are Wednesday^ Bfarea tl been aware of • HERB TEAS • CHEESE SCHINDLER. M.D. TAKER.' or. Maason, exiled from court to the library. No one U re- Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus- stated reasons for lessening lor bad behavior, wasn’t „ qulred------to . »pay . for usli« _ the U- to^^ ^v®n J J t^ .u 1 »«_* ®®l^ ®P*® the sentence: A tragic chlld- > RAW SUGAR GAYLORD HAUSER brary, but the tax-deductible in reviewing the latest round 5 p.m. . . . phone also manned essentially clean • WHEAT present. . .*___ a.i_ __t«t w.aa n/ fal/ta fKaf a*t/la/1 itiA m—__ a _ a ^ ' * membership wlU help buy ®f talcs that ended Friday, the from 6 p.m .-8 a.m record before the slaying,” and •NATURAL • SUNFLOWER YO G A BOOK books. ALPA ^kesman said the pUots East Side, West Side, Com- the fact that "he, like the other YEAST Jail Nuptials Any individual or organiza- had submitted two package pro- munlty Y Recreation Centers, three involved, had his mind SEEDS ADELE DAVIS tk » who would Uke to borrow poaals for ending the dispute. „pmi g.1 0 p.m. 3-a? com pletdy unhinged by the use • NATURAL ST. JOSEPH, Ho. (AP) — film s through the Booth- But both, he said, were rejected M HS Fool, Brookfield St., 6:80. of drugs at the time of the • LECITHIN LINDA CLARK -L ______Wedding bells are scheduled Dimock’s new rental film col- by the company. 9:30 p.m. F am ily Swim Night. crim e.” VITAMINS GRANULES BY COKER and PENN next week at the Buchanan lectUm is welcome to do so. The He claimed that Mohawk had im s . Rm . A22, 8:30 p.m. Comeau, wboee parents are LELORD KORDEL LANCELOT ■ ' V County jail here. films include documentaries, submitted a proposal for a gen- <=D*w»/tew MOC Choir rehearsal. from N ew London, Conn., and HERE'S AW/HONES' ^ / HOUR 'Die prospective bridegroom is children’s fare and films cn era! settlement to the National MHS, Rm . A26, 6:80-8 p.m. who testified at the trial he had DIABETICS ATHLETES CARLTON FREDRICKS, PhD WHOPO X FOR THE SIX WEEK J ^IN&TRUCTOR William Ledlnski, a Jail trusty drugs, ecology and sports. Mediation Bocuid, but had re- MOC presents Instrumental come to the Washington area SEE A E O U r NOTICEI NOTICE! "eHAPe-UP" y i IG RIGHT awaiting trial on a burglary Book Fair fused'to let the board release it Collegium. from Springfield, Mass., said he —. COURSE. T— V INGlOe/ A KEFUNtP? • HIGH And Many More in Our charge. His intended bride is The Capt. Nathan Hale Scluxd to the pilot group, *Buckley School, roller skat- plans to appeal the sentence and • NO SUGAR will spMiaor a studmt book fair ------PROTEIN BY WeU Stocked Library to aUda Johnson, serving a ing. asked for a new court-appointed BY ROUSON from March 80 through April 1. JEELUblti HOFFMAN LITTLE SPORTS tence tor possession of stolen Waddell School, p.m. during the Sport Fisheries and Wildlife tron. Sheriff H. C. (Sonny) Myers in the school Ubrary. Arctic National WUdUfe Range ® P “ ’ P**®"® said be pointed out to the couide The school invites aU students, in Alaska. The range, in the ® P "*''*Oi^ tow n s Hint th e'ja ll has no bridal suite parents and visitors to attend northeast corner of Alaska, is ' ****’ * ’ *®*™®*’ °*‘®‘*’®®*" school- PARICADE HEALTH FOOD SHOPPE and they wUl return to Indlvl- the fair, which wlU encourage the nation’s largest wildlife munlty Y Recreation centers, house his department has been e HD W NIA using for 20 years. dual cells after the ceremony. student interest in reading and refuge, with 9.9 million acres, open 6-10 p.m. He wants the town to buUd a . . . IN UCCETT PHARMACY The sheriff said as a wed­ in buUding home libraries. AU It contains soeidc, wUdeniess, Waddell School, en 0-9.3C fo r new station. ding cake: "That might he up profits wUl go toward Ubrary wildlife and eccdogical valuee p.m. "It’s a potential fire trap" he to tile groom, he is the jail Improvement. not found anywhere ejse In the MCC, Hartford Rd. Campus, says of the old one. cook.” The book fair display wlU in- United States. 10 p.m.-midnight, Music Work PAGfe FOURTEEN MANCHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE FIFTEEN Lakers’ Rookie Fills West’s Shoes, San Diego’s Phoebus Gets Willies, Paces Club in Second Playoff Win Giants’ Duo Tags Long Homers 8.4 points during Uie regular who injured a rib and played Archie Clark topped the 76ers NEW YORK (AP) — Conference semifinals. __ Louis 5-0, Cincinnati downed turned WlUi a bang, collecting Mike Epstein smacked a California bunched five sln- The BalUmore Bullets evened season. "Since these are my only 11 minutes in Baltimore’s with 26. * NEW YORK (AP) Jim McMillian has sur­ first game 126-112 defeat by “For us to beat Baltimore, Ti_ • 4. Boston 10-6, Washington nipped three hlU in New York’s ricto- single, double and homer and glcs for four runs in the first their Eastern Conference semi­ first playoffs I klnda surprised The San Francisco Giants Kansas- city 6-5, Hourion de- ry over Minnesota. Jones drove '’ rew three walks as Wariilng- inning and whipped Oakland, myself Uie way I shot.” Philadelphia, turned the tables we have to be stggressive on prised himself and most finals with Philadelphia at 1-1 gave Tom Phoebus a case feated Mtmtreal 8-4. The Chi- in three runs and rookie -nm ton defeated Kansas (Jlty. The Tony Conigllaro, Jim Spencer by whipping the 76ers 119-107 in As in the first game Wednes­ on the 76ers for the Bullets. He both ends of the court,” said everyone else by the effi­ coach Jack Ramsay of the f Wll-flo Q wiAo. cago Cubs walloped Milwaukee Foil’s homer accounted for the Senators rallied for the winning and Jim Fregosl had RBI-hlts the other scheduled NBA play­ day, the Lakers came from be­ scored 24 points and took con­ Ot tne w illie s a wme- California took Oakland 4- other two. runs on consecuUve singles by in the raUy. cient way he has stepped trol of the game from the start. 76ers. “ We have to outhustle off game. hind to win. They were down spread ailment Iieculiar to 2, Cleveland edged the Tokyo Rick Relchardt ripped two Ed Stroud, Paul Casanova and Rookie J(*n Lowensteln into the shoes of the in­ McMillian scored 26 points in 76-72 starting the last quarter, Wes Unseld, who hsts a bad them Sind we didn’t do it.” jured Jerry West for the smkle, grabbed 18 rebounds and ’The Lakers, Bulls, Bullets National League pitchers. Orions 7-6, Detroit topped singles and a homer in leading Tom Ragland in the 11th inning cracked four hits and Cleveland the Ijakers’ 100-99 squeaker but pulled it out in the last four Phopbus was a cq u it^ by San Philadelphia 10-9 and the New the White Sox past St. Ix>uis. after KC had gone ahead in the game from behind with three Los Angeles Lakers in the minutes as Gail Goodrich threw scored 13 points. Gus Johnson, Sind 76ers are idle today await­ Baltimore Rich in Pitching Department over Chicago Wednesday and tmrtoi- th» onnillUnns dur- IMego over the winter from York Yankees shacked BalU- Lee Richard and Jay Johnstone top half of the runs in the seventh to defeat in 10 of his total 29 points. Vet­ sdso hampered by injuries, ing the third game of their National Basketball Asso­ added 24 (Friday for a two MIAMI, Fla. —Glancing ine the season We won 11 and Baltimore so he can be excused more 3-2. 55°'^® apiece for ^Montr^al ^committed ^er^ yjg Tokyo Orions. Roy Foster’s game total of 60. Not only that, eran Wilt Chamberlain got 26 played rugged defense and con­ series Sunday. Tonight the New ciation playoffs. York Knlcks, the NBA chsun- at the center fold pages for not knowing about the Will- Given the early cushion pro- Chicago. rors and Houston scored five gjjjgig drove in the Indians' go* The 6-foot-6 rookie from Co­ but he did a grreat defensive Job points and grabbed 20 tributed eight points. lost 12 games last year. pions, try to msike it two of the Baltimore Press «T thnt Vvp lost «± least ^*8. vlded by San Francisco’s Will- Slugging Jerfumy Bench rilled unearned runs to defeat the „ „ lumbia a^raln was Uie key as on Chet Walker of the Bulls. rebounds. Kevin Lou^ery, with 27 ^ know that I ve iMt M leM rookie Chris Spier nick- ics, pitchers Steve Stone and a pair of two-run homers, key- Expos. Joe Morgans two-run cracked 15 hits in- points, and Jack Marin, with straight over AUsinta and Mil­ Guide, Manager Earl Wea­ Uie leakers beat the Chlcagro “Maybe I underestimated Bob Love topped the Bulls ed Phoebus lor a first inning Roy Bryant combined for a ing anclnnatl’s victory over double capped a tie breakl^ c l^ ^ a h o ^ ^ tor 24, combined fcr 61 to do the waukee opens its) semifinal ver noted,. “I’ve got 12 ^^^ Bulls 106-96 Friday night for a myself,” said the former Ivy with 34 points. ^ ^ Single Friday, Willie Mays and two-hitter against San Diego, Beston. Bench connected in the four-run Astro raUy in the TinT^NorthruD and downed main scoring for the Bullets. series against San Frsincisco. 2-0 lead in the best-of-7 Western League star who averaged only Earl “The Pearl” Monroe, pitchers who are winners. "The— moat important ‘part . ..of Willie M ccovery utggea long stone worsea six mnmgsinnlmra unu.Sid uve-ruuflve-run third uuiu innlniruumijs andmm then uicn eighth inning. J‘ ohiioHoiniiio »" _ N o ^ ru willies p M d Montanez We’ll take 10 home with us. sprii^ home runs, igniting the GlanU' surrendered both Padre hits, again in the fourth for the Johnny ^Uson Immmered a PhU^^h^ M t^ ^ Two may be traded.’’ ^uad rea^. We 11 to ready ^ ^ victory over the Padres. one a two-run homer by Dave Reds. The Red Sox got a scare homer and a double as the North Carolina Won Earlier Tilt That, in a nutsheU, sums up April 7 in Washington,, . . „ a conll- Els^wereElariiwere Inin exhibitionexhlblUon base- Campbell,Campbell. when Carl Yastrzemskl suf- Cubs pummeled Milwaukee, made it cloee for the PWI the tremendous, extraordinary dent manager reiatea. You can Friday, the New York Leon Jones, missing from the fered a pulled hamstring Lew Krausse and John Gelnar Curt Blefary’s seven#h inning pitching wealth that the defend­ bet on that. Mets downed Minnesota 6-3, the Mets’ lineup for a week to- muscle. But Yaz is expected e'><'h surrendered six runs and hc^mer broke a tie w d eased ing American League and 4 « • (Chicago White Sox blanSed St. cause of a sprained back, re- back in a day or two. 13 Wta______the Yankees past Baltimore. Tech’s Impossible Mission World 'Champions have as the Brooks Big Man season fast approaches. The big man on the O’s Is WhUe the other 11 American Brooks Robinson. He’s the field Camp Outlook: Giants League clubs, and a dozen more leader as well as the peer of In the National League are ih all third basemen, past and Stopping Tar Heels Attack need of more mound strength, present. He’s the only man on the Birds have pitching talent the squad that the club would Inexperienced Speier to spare. have trouble replacing. NEW_ YORK (AP) ___ __ Coast Conference team ever in Georgia Tech guard Jim • • • *' ™ ~r , ^ -ui the NTT finals, barged by Mas- ’Thome admits the ’Tar Heels How has the other Robinson, Georgia lech S imposSlDle gachusetts. Providence and will be hard to contsdn, smd Weaver Agreed Frank, reacted to the many Could Solve Problem mission troops try to brake Duke en route to the title could even have a mental edge “I agree ^th all you guys,” stories circulated about the pos­ Weaver said. “ We are the club DAVE McNALLY sibility of his moving on to tne INOrrn carouna Georgia Tech, an underdog in “They might be better off PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — A youngster of 20 with to beat. We have a lot of talent greener pastures? just one year’s professional baseball experience could pede today in the 34th Na- ^li three previous games, sur- psychologically because they out there,” he added, pointing "Maybe it’s affected his hlt- tional Invitation Basket- prised LaSalle, Michigan and beat U S so badly earlier this to his charges on the playing Merv Rettenmund and Terry jjg.g ^gyer been a good be the answer to the San Francisco Giants’ perennial ball Tournament. St. Bonaventure. season,” said ’Thome, he’s field. Crowley would to regular out- in the spring, but he’s infield dilemma. “ We can’t let them control “ I told my team that there one of the reasons the Yellow iBaltimore boasted three 20 or “ elders on most «>^er clubs. hitting great this spring,” And another young aspirant the boards,” says Rich Yunkus, are only two places to be at Jackets find themselves in the totter game winning pitchers Grich is a top inflelder who manager said of his $100,- could boster the pitching staff. Georgia Tech’s top marksman, this time of year—in the NCAA Big One. last year in Mike Cuellar (24), break into the all-star qoo, plus, outfielder. Except for these two, short­ (AP photo) ‘or they’ll run us out with their or in the NTT,” said Georgia Last time they met. North Dave McNaUy (24) and Jim ^ ^ Powell Is hitting less stop cairis Speier and right- UP TIGHT— Chicago Bulls’ Jerry Sloan appears to be dwarfed by Lakers’ fast break.” Tech Coach Whack Hyder. Carolina ran by Georgia Tech Palmer (20) hut the feUow who , There s a lot of pride in be- haU his weight (260), but handed pitcher Steve Stone, the Happy Hairston, Wilt Chamberlain and Jim McMillian. Sloan is ft-6 compared North Carolina’s offense isn’t “Well, we’re in the rig^t 87-88. has been the moat Impressive f Weaver Isn’t worried. “You Giants lineup with much the Yunkus will be playing with a to giant Chamberlain and 6-7 Hairston. Action came in NBA playoff game. the only thing the underdog place.” this spring has been Pat Dob- ‘ “,® ft ® same array that finished third Yellow Jackets have to hand- Hyder’s heady, pre-game op- pained left wrist, the one that ami. Sood feeling for the ball club to j,Rtjng about two weeks into in the National League West a struck him during spring train- cuff. ’There’s also a hlgh-pres- Umism could turn to bitterness controls the 27-point average, “ioobsan looks great,” Weaver ^8^-” the season. He always does.” yeiir sure, man-to-man press that before today is out, if Bill He hurt it in Wednesday night’s offered. ”1 look for him to to “The Robinson trade talks They have power with first “ g Perry enjoyed his beait season three other clubs couldn’t Chamberlain, Dave Chadwick game against Michigran. a 20-game winner. Last year Outlook Changed were not rumors. But none de- baseman Willie McCJovey, out­ Robbv with a 23-d3 season and veteran handle in the previous rounds and Lee Dedmon have their Both teams only appeared he won 14 with San Diego. He How important is it to win in veloped into anything serious,” fielders Willie Mays, Freshman Hoop Club of this classic at Madison way. They’re three super front- once before in NTT play—last , j reliever Don McMahwi had his should to able to pick up at Florida? Weaver said. “All were only In Square Garden. liners who make the Tar Heels’ year, when they dropped out in b®8t of 14 seasons to the majors least six more wins with a de- “My first year as manager the talking stages. We were The Tar Heels, first Atlantic mn-for-your-life offense go. the early rounds. catcher Dick Dietz. with a 9-6 record and 19 saves. fense behind him like we have, of the club It was mlg^ity Im- not offered anything concrete However, never have the ^^^e plus totter hitting support than portant,” Weaver said, “We for Frank. We’re not going to Franciscans been satisfied with pitching aid, so Fox closely Court Cases Legally Dead he received with the Padres.” won 19 games and lost at lakes, ponds The Braves asked U.S. Dist. lion dmage suit against Seattle. SATURDAY asainst thair team ■■ Tha speaker wa. Angle Doa- ‘ League game Friday. ball to the outlet man quicker should be strong next season. 1972, including g(uards Bud and streams will receiveCourt their Judge Warren J. Fergu- "Tus the NBA action does Final Standings More Swim Marks Bettered 1:00 (3) N.I.T. Basketball Chemoff snapped a tie by man staff vrith four men assign- the staff, the Giants are hurting At least until Jim Hart re- than anyone I’ve seen . . . and Wildcat coach Jack Kraft Stallworth, Aubrey Nash and full pre-season allotment of son in Los Angeles, the man not affect our suits,” said a L. 2:00 (30) NGAA Basketball w. beating goalie Merlin Jenner on the National League staff o game. Donatelll Will for pitchers. The pain may be covers from his shoulder oper- a forward who is the son of a gets back his backcourt duo of Bob Klvisto. brook, brown and rainbow trout who ruled that Haywood could Denver spokesman, Johnson Jumpers 9 2:30 (8) Sports Challenge 6 a 35-foot angle shot which went captsdn one of the four-man eased by Stone, a graduate of ation, Alan Gallagher wlU be by Opening Day, Saturday, play with Seattle, lor per- Haywood left the University Del Trotters 3:00 (8) 900 Crooked Miles 8 7 in under Jenner’s outstretched Donatelll, a little man as for gj.g^g Kent State University, who the third baseman, April 17, at 6:(X> a-m. mission to draft Haywood. of Detroit in his junior year Seader Shooters 8 7 3:30 (8) FTo Bowlers Tour Robert Gibbs, attorney lor and played last season with glove. In NCAA Championship as modern-day umpires go at "How many fans ever watch pitched for Fresno in 1969 and Prank Johnson is the moat “Illegal pre-season fishing Dobkin Dunkers 7 8 4:00 (3) (JoK Classic the Braves, said he wanted to Denver, winning ABA Rookie of The defeat dropped Spring- VO) (3) (JoU joined the National league y^e teamwOTk of the umpires AmariUo and Phoenix last year, versatile of the Giants. He can continues to be our biggest Dlgan Dribblers 7 8 Director knew 11 such a draft would vlolr Uie Year honors. He had con- field into a third-place tie in the (8) Wide World Sports 8taff in 1960. He’s been a ^^en they have to move around With the latter in the Pacific play the outfield, third or first. NCAA Executive problem,” stated Hampton. Ostro - Sonlcs 6 9 1.4 seconds off his own Ameri- with a :67.2 clocking to Bruce’s And uie major offenders' are ate Judge Ferguson’s earlier tract differences with the Rock- hot Eastern Division race. All of AMES, Iowa (AP) can mark of 3:69.6 set last year :67.7 and ran his victory streak Phoenix “160“ Auto Race regular working Grapefruit make sure all bases are cov- Coast League, he posted a 6-3 He’ll probably stick around for youngsters. Some kids fUto for rulings in the case. Judge Fer- ets this season and jumped The final game of the season the Kings rivals picked up a Three more American r^ - wreck the NCAA meet to four straight in head-to-head (18) Hockey mghlights League games dally not too far g^gy „„ certain plays?,” Dona- record with a 1.71 earned-run his utility value. found the Dunkers drubbing the trout before the season opens guson, however, said he could leagues to Seattle, playing in 33 point each as Providence tied ords tumbled Friday in the 4 ;0S.6 he set in the aft- meetings, 6-30 (IS) This Week in NBA from his St. Petersburg home, ^guj ggjted. Not many would be average. Pox goes Into his first fuu Dribblers, 39-33. Big Tom “ Teamwork Is the key to the answer. With a good fast ball, sUder, season as the Giants manager W on’t Fight Pro Drafting because they really aren't not approve or deny the request games. Rochester and Quebec tied second day of the 48th an-, emoon preliminaries. Job goes for his seco^ Leone’s 23 points told the story SUNDAY good umpiring,” he told me as "There are many times during curve and two change-ups, taking a long look at the short- aware of the law. Others are until Haywood actually is ------Montreal. nual National C!ollegiate Thursday night Hall set an straight double In the 200-yard as he and his teammates Tom­ 12 :(K) (30) Bowlers’ TV Club ^g chatted before a St. Louis a game when you may be block- StMie impressed Manager Char- stop-second base combination, HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) ‘ ‘We have no rule to keep a athlete. With one or two ex- more knowledgeable, but flrii drafted. Mcmtreal leads the division Athletic Association swim-American record of 1:62.2 in backstroke Saturday m y Sulick, Peter Slaiby and 1:30 (3) NHL: Maple Leafs eardtoal exhibition game at Al ed out on a pitch, or a play, and Ue Fox during the spring games, his pitching and the bench — Walter Byers executive stuAUh/,i,a4, tho iruic Judge Ferguson transcends the V^aelle IM, Dot Man- TOKYO — Koichi Wajlma, eral ruling that labeled uncon­ more than the pro situation, he prices go down and they go added, goals by a rookie. breaststroke record -holder ’ . „ g both held by team took a 239 to 166 lead over the Air Cor^ during World Md every guy ">l»es one. didn’t let the nros off without a back to the reserve clause ’* * *u #i u V ki Haywood Issue and enters into Moquin 175-187-529, 156>^, Japan, knockdd out A1 Bob Whitlock gave Cleveland Thomas Bruce falling to win ’ r.-..*,Southern------(3al into Saturday’s stitutional the NCAA’s rule pro­ dldn t let the pros off without a back to the r e s e r^ clau^^ „ ! fish is a serious problem question of “ if the NBA can ^ Pabst 467, Jennie Leggltt Fuentes, 155%, Philippines, 1. Job. ToDefend War n and was a prisloner of ^8.ve to ™ ^® ® ^ ^ ^ Jammed with Players lew verbal blasts. a 3-1 lead early in the second his event from arch-rival Brian Job prevailed events. ♦h fnr 1K months A ®8“8 and often times you hibiting a player from contin­ Jl.!. time nece<»^ly spent 486, Dee Lilllcrop 467, Doris TURIN, Italy — (Jarlo 'Duran, In the finals, “The pros say they are sign- era! judge who rules against by Conservation Officers to pericxl. Springfield’s Ed Hoeks- Job ot Stanford. uing his college athletic career Snow 480, Pauline Donohue 479. 158, Italy, outpointed Luis Vi- native of Heiiwood, Pa., he »>■« MIAMI (AP) — Lee Trevino surveyed the crowded ing these players to help the the NCAA’s eligibility rule also bold down this activity, even tra got the next two goals to set What was not new was In­ Town Title after signing a pro contract. In announcing the end to the ------nales, 154, Puerto Rico; Duran started calling pitches to 1946 ^ e r ^ * ^ r ^ t t e r was^ouT^or Held atop the standings in the rich National Airlines The ruling already has re­ colleges,” Byers said. “I say it would take a look at the pros’ j^^ore serious is the character the stage for Chemoff's winner. diana’s dominance of the field NBA’s court case against Hay- MOUNTAIN DEW — Glnette retains European champion­ Defending 10-pln champions “*® Pioneer League. safe. You don’t get a second sulted in the signing of colle- is an economic armlock on the draft and reserve clause. damage suffered by youngsters for a second day. Despite losing Open Golf Tournament and singled out Gary Player wood Friday, NBA Commls- Glrardln 187-621, Debbie Stence ship. 26 points because of the dis­ GRAPEFRUIT George Moquin, Dick (3ote and y®“” later he arrived ra toe unless you have to re- as the man to beat for the $40,000 first prize. g i a t e basketball’s leading who come to feel that some sloner Walter Kennedy said, 190-421, Pat Jackson 176, Terry SAO PAULO, Brazil — Eder Bow ling scorer this season, sophomore laws can be bent, and the qualification, the Hooslers had Gert Barlle will defend their "aajor lea^e TCen^During the you hate “If toe wind keeps blowing, — Kentucky Opens Slim Edge “ All litigation now pending in Cardile 176-483, Edna Tuttle 176, Joffre, Brazil, knocked out Jer­ EARLY BIRDS—Joan Colby a 74-polnt lead over Southern titles as the lOto annual town two decades Itonatelll nas ^ takes a big man that little man to black is toe holes, two-putttog two of them Johnny Neumann of Mississippi attitude which sportsmen reference to the Haywexjd- Dawn Spears 179-480, Joy Wiley ry Stokes, Louisville, Ky., 2, 134, Beverly Pohlmann 131, League Cal. tournament gets under way worked in four All^ar Games reverse himself if he’s con- one you’ve get to watch,’’ Tre- birds. He’s now six under by the M em i^is pros for an es­ develop towrard all juvenile Seattle SuperSonics case in the 467, Betty Camire 469. featherweights. Vivian Bayer 343. By EARL YOST timated $2 millicm. fishermen after observing a The most remarkable new Thursdav Anril 1 at 9-16 D.m. ®® many World Series. v toced that he’s given toe wrong vino said Friday after joining y,e tournament on toe par Over Third Place New York record wsis Southern Cal’s blis­ ^ ' “There are two openings on jegigipp_ the group ot six tied for first (ivgg. “I don’t propose to fight it at few of them fishing illegally.” By EARL YOST “ The most Important thing In the opening qualifying rounds J.. : tering 6:39.05 victory In the our (National League) staff at “Baseball would be a pretty place going into today’s third "They're toe key holes,” he all,” Byers said Friday. “I’ve By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cool off the Squires, who led al' “ Each year we appeal to all ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — about the Pirates,’’ Steve Blass at the Parkade Lanes. slam-bang 800-yard freestyle toe moment. Two of the men jf didn’t have any round to the $200,0(X) event. “They’re designed so you had proposals that we go down The Kentucky Colonels vlr- most all the way. A fuse blew Connecticut residents, but I . 1. Spending a month vacationing said, “ is the fact that we found tually clinched second place in in Virginia’s Hampton Roads esi>ecially to parents, for their relay, time 8»c^sliced more ^ P u,e Dick Car- out last year that we could win. who worked as regulars last umpires,” DonateUi said as he Trevino, toe defending cham- take a chance on reaching to Congress and fight this year didn’t have their contracts |g(t to don working gear for toe plon and last year’s leading them two or can lay up and thing, but we’re not aibwt to do the American Basketball Asso- Coliseum with sbe minutes left cooperatitm. The interest of than eight seconds off the old have been getting We have more depth this year, to renewed and are here trying day’s game. money winner, cut through toe pj^^y you can make three that. I don’t think we ought to elation’s East Division Friday and the game was finished in youngsters in sport fishing U.S. recori. , . ., their golf game into top form and experience, and we should fjgbt night while the Indiana Pacers diminished light. should be encouraged, but they “That is five str^ght ric- opening of the Manches- win,” the Nutmegger added. again to make it. In all, there Truer words were never blustery winds with a toree-un- gj. gjjj jt’s just how you want to are 12 men fighting for the two spoken. der-par 69 for 136, eight under pj^^y them.” “We’ve made a lot of million- grabbed a one-game lead in the George Lehmann’s 31 points rimuld also’ be taught by word tones for us (S ja n ^ d ) to thU ------Jobs.” There are few cheers for toe par on toe 6,970 yard Country jjj,g ^ round as I’m ca­ alres in pro football and basket- west. and Bob Verga’s 29 sparked and deed to obey the lavra. And relay,” beamed the Indian Club of Miami course. paWe of playing, from tee to ball and we will be here later The Colonels tripped third- Carolina over Memphis. Jimmy the law says: ‘Walt until Open- Jim McConlca, who swam the ------baseman, has shed 46 pounds Each league carries a full 24- men to blue. He was tied at that figure gregn,” said Player, who didn't l e a d ^ leg Keeping a close tab on the Joining the Cardinals two to make more,” Byers said. “If pJace New York 122-115 and Jones had 30 and Steve Jones ing Day, 6:00 a.m., Saturday, with Player, toe little South At- ^ green and didn’t make a "Three ot us are at our Chicago White Sox at Sarasota, years ago. Itie former catcher they (pros) want to hurt us by opened a 3%-game bulge over 26 for the Proa. April 17! . . rican who won last week’s hogey, but failed on two putts signing our players, that’s their the Nets with the season rapid- lit 200 yards and is n ^ ^ visiting teams, looks great at 200 pounds and reason why ^e /hould^vto ^ ^ ^ ball totter Yaz Strains Muscle, Greater Jacksonville Open, four feet. "'But you can’t business.” ty drawing to an end. The Nets Australian Bruce (Jrampton, afford to miss those shorties.” Byers said if a player under wiped out a 14-point deficit be- this evrait, added McConlca ^bester. FoUowtog attendance than ever. Free-Wheeling Blues referring to teammates Kim ^ medical convention In Fort ------veteran Texan Charles Ck)ody, j^gf gne stroke back of the financial hardship felt it in his tore Les Hunter’s rebound bas- young Jerry Heard and rookie leading'six at 137 was slim Aus- ^ tt Tom McBreen and Frank Lauderdale with Dr. Johlr Prig- Homeward - bound alter Out of RSox Lineup best interest to sign a pro eon- tcet put the Colonels ahead for Hubert Green. tralian Bruce Devlin, who had tract, he could see the tempta- good with five minutes left, *^®®*‘*’ ^ . nnno of Manchester, Dr. Robert ^atchinir baseball for five TAMPA, Fla. (AP)—The Boston Red Sox have lost The six-man log-jam repre- gg tion. “ You start putting enough Rick Barry of the Nets Down Golden Seals Alter Indiana’s freshmM Keeney has moved over to « Florida la Jeff Koelsch zeroes on those contracts and scored 42 points while Dan Is- standout John ^ ® ”f JV^® Sarasota to rest a week before Manchester. The whlte-halr- the services of Carl Yastrzemski for several days due toe t<^ i^®®^on the pro tour twsthis you can’t turn them down.” sel, Cincy Pwell ^ d Jlni Lb OAKLAND (A P )—The St. Louis Blues go tO Los about five y ^ to *®| heading home. ^s booster took to all 17 to a strained hamstring muscle in his right leg. year. Bowling Yastrzemski Injured toe leg ------COUNTRYY C L U B -^ lc Abratls Byers s^d the entire derice gon eac r e Angeles today to play the Kings after a free-wheeling miss Player had a sec® ^f^^ox got home r ^ ^ e n toe ,;^;^®;® Larry Cazxa 14^, Dan Mor- ' have also smashed Stanford’s ^hen minor leagues flourished. book. No one loeing to Virginia 130-112. Else- Friday night, the Buffalo Sator- ifomia counters were turned in Z X T r " rhen‘1;: h.^", ™ t toll^^ w^r^^t a more difficult direction ^ d ^ ® J « “ ^gf®^®“ '“ • OPEN where, the Carolina Cougars es got two goals 18 secemds by Joe Hardy, Gerry Bhman old mark of 6 :47.2 set last year The colleges today serve as although GEORGE MOQUIN and bettered the Hooslers’ new breeding grounds for both pro nerformed weU at first r^ L i^ o'^ k m rS n z to sec to offset a poor pitching per- tttek^ up to 30 mUes per J ^ r CharUe Whelan 36L______shaded Memphis 120-118. apart lor a come-lrom-behlnd 3- and Tony Featherstone. The tourney is open to Man- •-"'® l^rmaTce by X te^M ^^ tortoe“kitomoon startere. with In the Buffalo Cliff-hanger, meet and NCAA record of football and P™ b^ketbaU ^ PUBLIC Indlana go^ its triumph over 1 victory over the Vancouver Chester residents only, with u n j i . Nagy, being considered for Heard taking a 70 and Cramp- Canuck goalie George Gardner, 6:48.8 set to toe afternoon pre- teams and turn out hundreds of .gg^ jjjg gotfleid. Dallas when Gene Moore of the Canucks at Buffalo. handicap based on 70 per cent „ the fourth spot to the Rad Sox ton a 68 to toe l^ e r gusts, who blocked 41 Sabre tallies, Urns. outstanding fdayers each year. |______Chaps was called for a disputed Other games tonight pit Det- of 200 scratch. Maximum handl- . nil starting pitching rotation, gave “Player is toe da^erous one, 1971 COMETS GOLF goaltending riolaticm, batting rt>it against Montreal, New was nursing a 10 lead when But then came toe announce- Unless minor league clubs are ment that Indiana had been dls- fully subsidized by parent ma- cap is 40 pins per game. Entry ’ t i„ o-nmn “P ®*ebt runs and nine hits to if the winds keep. He a ^w ays by Mercury away Don Sldle’s layup with York at Boston and Phlla- Phil Goyette got past him mid­ qualifled because Ktosella had jor league clubs it’s difficult to Ellington Opens fee is $4 Md must be in no ®° ^ 8tayed to toe game. innings including two two- dangerous.” said Trevino, who flve seconds left in the over- delphla at Chicago, way through the third period to Tallwood jumped into toe pool to con- operate to black ink, thus many laL th^ ^ursday '^ben I ran to second to toe ^ ^ his remarks before time. Roger Brown led the Pa- St. Louis took the lead early tie it up. Only 18 seconds later (rom S2217. gratulate Hall before toe other have folded, Course Today Q ua JferttoT and semUtoal “ fth l^ to g it got tight. I pulled Haticnal League’s Crampton rolled to a « cers vrith” 34 points as the losers Friday night with goals by Gar- (Jerry Meehan sank another to m atchZ wUl be toe best two *®be any chances? ygXuable player. birdie putt on toe final hole to saw their lead over Denver in ry Unger and Jim Roberts and put the Sabres In front. Gil Per- teams to toe heat had f'n MORIARTY Country Club ished—a violation of the rules. "When we break camp to go The EUtogton Ridge Ctountry eames. The finals "It feels like a cramp more Bob Bolin and Ken Tatum join toe leaders, the battle for the last playoff kept it throughout. Bob Unger reault shot the leng(th of the toe wind keeps Rt. 85, Hebron Hall’s 3:68.2 victory to toe backick to Detroit, I plan to call a u b wUl open its full ^ h o le s than anything else.” each gave up a run in relief. "O f course, if spot in the West trimmed to and Roberts scored again in the rink into an empty Canuck meet all our pitchers and ask them today, according to club pro Qualifiers will draw Trainer Buddy LeRoux ap- “i wish we’d get sc^me consist- blowing—and I hope It does— BROTHERS 1 mile from one game. ly In pereon to _ uttens, 8 to chooae M inutes to new R oute 1-84. Caplt MOUTH WXl PUT YOUR. TOOT WIREHAIR terrier, female, 4 cabinet, 6 chain, extenalon te- BUILDINO 28x86, with oiflee CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS MALE, over 21, must have months old, AKC, purebred, zone lot with aU rtty utlUtlM, cxiVEUITRY - Up off Daley TREE SERVICE (Soucler)— AMP PIDGIN (M IT.'MPANcmiER, driver’s license. Sadary to bte, formica top, $80. 649-1126 ^ m-u^^turing. AJI. to 4:30 PJL dog of superior quality. 64»- AGENCY near ^tade ^ Eto. ^ ^ 8 Trees cut building lots clear­ ENGLKN' compare with experience, for small business, furniture re- 7034. ______homea, multiple dwelltaga, no Smith, Jarvis Realty Co., Re- $11,900. T.J. Crockett, ed, trees topped. Got a tree m ovin g EU id storage business. upholatertag, plumbing, elec­ I OURS- - O R TH »»RS? ------— fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As- altora, 643-1121. R ea ltor, 643-1677. (XH*Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. pr^Iem! Well worth phone Apply Admiral Moving and trical, woodworking, sign call, 743-8303. Musical Instruments S3 aociatea, me., sis^m . palnt^ shop, etc. Central. 4:M PJH. DAT BEFOKB PVBUOATIOII 8u :ra g e G o., 493 C hapel R d ., Articles For Side 45 PRESCOTT, Ari*. 2 acres for 843-0648. iqiproximsitely 100x600, rural. Deadbne for tetnrdoy and BloMdaj to 4:N p.nt. Frida; MANCHESTER Tree Service — South W indsor, 628-4421. WALMUT Cable Nelson spinet, MANCHESTER — Brownstone mal dining room, family room, finest country U'vtag. $1,996, NEED Urea? 40 per cent dis­ Apartments. Large two-bed- C all 643-7287 o r 647-1641. Specialising in tree removal, 2 yean old, like new both ta MAIN BTREEiT Office qpace, porches, 2-car garage, $80,-600. low terma Mrs. Anne Young, count. Premium, first line, sound and condition. Asking room duplex apartment. Am­ pruning, shrubs, lota cleared. 100 p e r cen t loca tion n ea r BEIAUTIFUL Finest Hills sec­ G lenarm Land C o., 2238 N o. PLEASE READ YOUR AD wide ovals, prowlers, tnick ple closets, baths, heat, hot CX>LONIAL-8 rooms, 1% hatha, Fully insured. Call 849-0433. ROUTE SALESMAN $826. Call evmlngs, 647-1009. banks, air-conditioned, auto­ tion, high, dry, sewer and wa­ 7th S t., P hoenix, A riz. 86006. tins. Orie’s Discount Station, water, carpeting, appUances modem eabin kitchen, stove and Otoulfied or **W«at Ado" are takca over the p h O M M > matic fire sprinkler. Apply ter, 120’ frontage, 811,700. FIRST 461 W est C en ter S t , 648-6883. and parking. Alr-condltionen refrigerator ataya, formal din- VERNON — Spring cleaning Gonveotonce. The adverttoer obonld road Ma ad SPRING .clean-up, landscaping Established route, good sal­ Marlow’s, SB7 Main St. Peterman, Broker, 649-9404. DAT IT APPBAB8 and BKPORT EBIUHUS la ttoao tor «w and gardening, all types. Also APARTMEOrr size grand piano and garages, optional. Imme- ______tag room, 8 bedrooma, TV room, done ta this 6-room Ranch. SOXfiP’S on, th e ru g that to, so next Insertion. The Herald to respooaiWe for only ONB la- light trucking. Free estimates. ary plus fringe benefits. Ebc- ta g o o d crndltlnn. 64S-07S8. dlato and May 1st occupancy, n i o e two-room front office. large hobby room and office. MANCHESTESR — 100x160’ Kitchen with range, disposal, clean tbe spot with Blue correct or omitted laoertton for any adveritooBiMt aad tkea CaU 040-7460. perience not necessary, will A dults $216. Call 646-1769 or $29,000. treed lot. Nice area. $6,600. Uvtag room includes carpeting, Lustn. Rent electric ahampoo- "LE I4EL80N Spinet piano, Reasonable rent. Inquire Du- only to tbe extent of a "make good" laoerttna B m n aMcIi train. Only reliable man 872-9600. baldo (Music C en ter, 186 W est Coventry 6 acres, tremendous 8 bedrooms, finished famUy er 81. Olcott Variety Stan. EbcceUent condition. Asking EAST CENTER ST. Large 10- do not lessen the ralae of the adTerttoameat will not he UGHr trucking, odd jobs, also vaUey view, $10,900. Hayes room, garage. Aluminum corrected by "m ake good" laoerttna wtih good driving record $000. CaU eren tag s, 847-1009. ’IHREE -' room. apartment, kfiddle ’Tpke. Call 6498206 room Colonial may be used for moving large appliances. weekdays after S p.m., Satur­ Agency, 848-0181. storms and screens. Nice yard READ about General Electric third floor, stove, refrigerator, home or offices, large lot with Burning barrels delivered, $4. 8-2 /1 need apply. with view. Rowe A Rowe, 876- air-condltionlng In April Popu­ hot 'water, parking, 'working ______days 9 to 6 p.m. possibility of acquiring more (HoekriHa, «sH Free) 644-1770. o 8167. lar Science, then call us for a AuHquas 56 couple. A'vaUable A {^ 1st. Se- up TO 720 sq. ft. availaMe. Lo- land. free BTU survey. Consumer MANCHESTER OBA-RO-LANE Antiques and curity, $96. monthly. 649-3840. cated Ellington Rd., South Lots For 5ale 73 VERNON-Mancheoter line — 8- 643-2711 87S-3136 Service, Inc., 668-6070, 649-8826. 8-UNIT Apartment bouse plus Windsor. WUl alter for tenant. room Garrison Colonial, aet ERN 2 famUy borne, huUt AA zone lot, half acre plus, 2741 o c 649-6888. holes, Blnpen repalnd. Win- g^M WATSON Plumbing and RESTAURANT — Ideally locat- FEMALES — days or evenings dairy store, 3 evenings w e^ y, j^ujj ijio redevelcqiment, facto- Woutod - Ta Buy 58 baths, waU-to-wall carpeting, © 1*71 W HIA, l«c, ta 1962. EbcceptioaaUy clean, ga­ Liskewaod Circle area. rite RANCH — 7 ROOMS — FW Your daw shades made to measun ed doing a thriving busiuess. plus 7 hours every Sunday. JUNK cars removed, any condi- Heating, Bathroom remodel­ for coimter work and busing. ry being demolished, 300 used two air-cenditioners, private ------rage, handy to downtown shop- utlUtles, CaU Mr. Zimmer, $24,500 aU stoe Venetian blinds. Keys Id ea l eneigetlc couple. Ttb- 649-8m7. A fte r 6, 643-9707. Informsdan Uon. $8. C an 876-2436. ing and repairs. EYoe esti­ toe Apply In person, Benanxa Sir- ______fluorescent Ught fixtures, 4’, 2 WAIfllOD — antique furniture, basement. Washer and dryer , , ______— ‘ ptag, e tc. $86,000. J. D. Real Estate Asaoclatea. UnbeUevable! ’Ihree bed­ made while you wait. Tape mendous income producer. pewter, oU paintings or "Before we begin— How do you stand on the 55T?" m ates, OaU 649-8808. loin Pit, 287 West Middle p(;uMBE2RS — Elxperlenced, bulbs, $4. each and up. SeU glMjm, hookup. G.E. ^ppUancea sad nOHSOS rOT ROIIT 65 8434129. rooms, recreaticHi room, THE HERALD will not 1966 OTO, ex cellen t condition, recorden for rent. Marlow’s, T.J. Crockett, Realtors, 648- other antique Items. Any quan­ ROCKLEDGEl—Dynamic 9-ro o m ______fireplaice, elbow room lot, ’Tpke., M an ch ester. y ,p ^)^ages, ben efits. A lte r 6 any amount, ideal for garages, gas heat. Charles Leq>erance, dlsdnse the identity o( one owner. CaU after 6 p.m., 867 Main St, 64»«22l. GRANT’S Plumbing Service — 1677. tity. liie Harriaon’s, 648-8709, THREE-BEDROOM Raadi for Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2H TOLLAND — 8 building lots, handy location, exceUent factories,' worieshops, ware- 649-7620. any adverttoer using box 649-9614. FTee erilmates, plus quaUty p .m . caU 646"4523. 186 Oakland Street. __ rent References required. baths, large famUy room, ca- $6,600 total. Tolland, acre lot, condition, loaded with ex­ letters. Readers answer­ hcxises and greenhcxises, re­ CUSTOM made dnqMries, slip woik. 648-6341. __ $200. per month. PhUbrick y 2 thedral celling Uvtag and dining $6,000. Vernon, Ugh ocenlc tras, young neighborhood, ing blind box ads who lubrication men for greas- cessed ceUings and show NORTHWOOD Apartments Housos For 5ole 72 Hoosos For 5olt covers and reupholaterlng.______KIT ATT^F'^ HOUSEHOLD late — Antiques, Agency, Realtors, 046-4200. room, modern kitchen. A ver- acre, $6,900. Other land Hayea deaire to protect thrir 1969 H URST SC R a m b ler, B est SHELL DEALERSHIP ^ trailers with rooms. Ebctra bulbs, 3 for $1. One and two-bodroom apart­ negotiable occupancy. Worth Budget terms. Establtohed In — ^------bric-a-brac, locks, frames, ------aaUIe home in an exceUent lo- Agency, 648-0181. your inspection. CaU Mr. Identity can follow *hto o ffe r. CaU 649-9796. 1946. Days, 634-0164, evenings, M illliery , mobUe unit, to work in the Also motors, elevatora, wood ments, central alr-conditlan- m ziZIIZZIZZI MANGHBSTER U not far from A L L S H I E ^ (^aosware. We buy estates. MANCHESTER — Rockledge caUoq. 2-car garage. Lewis, 6494306. p roced u re: NOW AVAILABLE Hartford area. Experience steel framed skids, fans and tag, carpeting, balcony, car- ^ Town tfaki 7-room Raaeh. Four bed­ 1967 BONNEVILLE, convert- "**''*’*”•______MlOSlinOWin^Dressmakiiig 19 IfiUoge Peddler, AucUoneer, ports, plus other luxury fea- Custmn Colonial, 4 bedrooms, necessary. AU fringe benefits. blowers. Also many other fix­ rooms, two baths, garage. JUST OFF PORTER ST.—4- Resort Praperty Enclose your reply to EbcceUent cqiportunlties 420 Lake S t, Bolton, 849-8247. tures. BYom $226. J. D. Real fOT ROIIff 66 'form al dining, first-floor fam­ the box In an envuope — Ible, power steering, power q d d JOBS — MlsceUaneoua re- cnSTIOM tailored ladles’ dress-IN MANCHESTER CaU for appointment, 688-2233. tures. We buy or seU aU types Very laxg* lot FuU price $19,- bedroom Dutch Colonial with an • • B W • • brakes, automatic, transmis­ Uy room, overslsed garage, For 5cde 74 BARROWS and WALLACE Co. address to the dasstfled pairs, clean-up, carpentry alteratlans and • Non-rotating shifts between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. of fixtures ahd equipment. WANTED — We buy and seU. ______Etetate Aasoclatea, 6484129. ROC3CV1LL.E — Ttaree-rocHn 900. CoU The Mitten Agency, assumable mortgage, form al ______sion, steel-belted radial tires, fireplace, aU buUt-tas. $38,000. Manchester Parkade Manager, Manchester work, concrete work, roofs and costume Jewelry in your stone EARN |15,000-$80,000. • 8 Paid hoUdays Gremmo & Sons, Sales 819 E. Want old furniture to'reftalsh. hot water, Rcaltora. 6484880. Meyer Realtors, 848-0009. Uvtag and dining rooms, eat-in a MSTON Lake — Waterfront A-1 condition. $1,600. CaU 649- WANTED — fuU and part-time LARGE, four-room apartment, ^»rtm ent heat, M anchester 649-6306 Evening Herald, togeOtor light trucUng. OaU 6464496. preference. 649.1188. • Paid vaemUons Middle T’pke., Manchester, 649- Also china, glaaa, what have stove, refrigerator. $130. Cen- kitchen, large family room. year ’round Ranch. Aluminum with a memo listing the 1128 o r 643-9271. attendants. Apply Hess Statlcm close to shopping. Large back- L o v riy 8- 9963. you. CharRb-Lane Antiques, '^ ior;;^ S :r"• p:S .^ e tml locatla^. No ^ te. Adult. MANCHESTER — Custom buUt a. "torms, screens. Boat vERNON companies you do NOT SPRING CLEAN-UPS — Yards Ambitious man desired now • Overtime over 40 hours or Manchester. • bedroom Colonial, custom built 1964 PONTIAC B<«nevlU e au­ 872-8279. or two chUdren accepted. $160 only. Security deposit requlr- RalMd Ranch. 'Two flreplacea, P*®'’ >*«*«*»• RELAX ENJOY — want to see your letter. cleaned. Also attics, cellars, |^0y|ng — 8 hour days a l u m i n u m sheets used as by and for the present owners. tomatic, power steering, pow­ for brand new 3-bay ranch ed. OaU 643-9878. two garages, gorgeous private !®^^***i*?^ Estate, 648-9883. Tour letter will be do- garages, trash removed. Free _ . Wi o t i w m 9 0 • Paid insurance „ PRESSMAN and collator oper­ printing plates, .009 thick, 2Sx monthly. Available AprU 1st. Chotee residential section. lot BxOCUtiV© 900 lot* IdBXJfG COipGtGCl . $28,900 er brakes, air-conditioning, estimates. B284670 anytime. irUCKlUg - O lO nige style service statlcm now stroyed if the adverttoer tM • Accumulative sick days ators needed to manufacture 86’’, 26 cents each olr 6 for $1. C a ll 843-6082. lAist be seen to be apprerist- Helen D Cole Realtor 648- «»“ . “ Od* LAKE HAYWARD— 2-bedroom Like new, 7-room Raised to one you’ve menttonad. new transm ission. CaU 648- under construction at Route business forms. Ebcperienced 64S-37U. Rooms WiriMut loord 59 ’ ’ era eat-ln kitchen with buUt-liia. cottage, raised cellar, 2% lote. Ranch on dead end street. If not It win be handled LIGHT tnicMiig, cellar and MANC^IOTBSR -- ^Bvepr- • Top wages ^H^RON — Newer 2-hedroom RockvlUe ed. T. J. Crockett, Realton, 8760. 83/80 in Manchester, Conn. or trainees may apply. Plant 043-1677. ‘______4 bedrooms, Inviting paneled waterfront, fuUy furnished, ’Two baths, 2-car garage, in the UBual m anner. attics cleaned, odd Jobe, lawns, light trucking and package de- TAPE RECORDER; THE THQMF80N Houaa -C ot­ iqMtftment, chUdren welcome, EbcceUent opportunity for ag­ AU promotions are made is moving to Manchester in ROA ROCKLE3DGE — 4 bedrooms! family room with fireplace. A 2 boats, $18,000. WUl accept sundeck, H acre of shade. 1968 C H E VELLE , MaUbu, 6 trees cut and removed. CaU Uveiy. Refrigerators, washers portable typewriter. tage 8L, centraUy loeated, carpeting, appUances, best, and stove moving, specialty. within the organixatidn as July. Apply at 74 Granby St., Royal CAREN APTS. MANCHESTER Industrial sotM ’Two fUU baths. Ftreplaced Uv- beauUfuUy decorated home, $10,000 mortgage. 643-8877. Carpeting, a list of extras cylinder, standard diift, 2-door 643-6000. gressive tyi>e Individual who Bek offer. CaU 643-7479 after large ideasanUy furatebed hot water, paridng. Immedi­ FOldiiig chairs for rent, 649- they arrive. Blcximfield or caU 242-2225. Ex- S-famUy house, exceUent busi­ ing room. Large treed lot. buUt ta 1970. as long as your arm. Handy hardtop, deluxe. Ebccellent desires to be his own boss. 6 p .m . ro o m s, parktag. CaU 649-2888 ate occupancy. $180 monthly. ceUent wages and benefits. An ness oppertuidty- High trstfic Kitchen with buUt-ina. Roc HARTFORD - Cane 8 location, young neighbor­ Lost end Found condltimi. CaU 646-8824. CONTENTS of houses or estates 0783. for ovaniiglit and pamuuwnt 6464882, 649-2871. 3H , *yk room ^>artmente. equal opportunity employer. count, good condition. CsU room. Aluminum atorma and “ A h S T a i m i hood, exceUoit condition. bought, no lots too smaU. At­ FOR Sale — Large dog house, guest rates. Available now. Including aq>- TOXniD The best plac« to 1969 CSUfiVEtUl — four4oor Meadows now. $StJW0. Hsyas Agency, screens. Low 80’s. Keith Real *«»«•’ Mr. Lewis, 640-6900. tics and cellars cleaned. CaU SHELL OFFERS n ever u sed, reason ab le. 876- DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ pUances, waU-to-waU carpet­ chooae home decoratiana and hardtop sedan. Power steer­ Pointing - Popering 21 8 4 8 4 m . ‘ Estate, (M-4126, 849-1922. room, rec room. $28,900. flog Salt 75 228-3330 o r 644-2887 a fte r 6. 4170. LARGE ROOM, gentleman, ment, waU - to • waU esuepet- ing, beat, hot water, swim­ gifts is Your Gift GaUeiy at ing, radio. Very clean. Low • EbcceUent high volume po­ private entrance, free park- tag throughout, complete ap­ a a B & W • • WASHING machine repairs, CONTRACTTOR — Interior, ex­ Convalescent Help WonffMl - m ing p ool, stora g e and park-^ MANCHESTER — Pitkin St. $27,900 7-ROOM RAISED , Tamarria TOILAND — New 6H room ^ ^ Watkins, 985 Mhin St Tour mUeage. Phone 649-3881. ten tial tag, near center. 649-6886 or pliances, vanlte both. Central­ W e NEED LISTINGS R*nch. Cathedral ceiltag BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ROA Whirlpool, Kenmore, terior painting, paper luuiging. 37 tag. Ftom $160. CaU Su- Stately 11-room Colonial, ta home town friendly worid of Mole or Fomole 647-1146. ly located. $176 monthly. R. D. 'Thinkinj^rf ^ ‘^roosT^i^o. Manchester Parkade 1969 PfUNTTAC C atalina, Ebccel- Maytag. Reasonable rates. 643- Discount on waUpaper. CaU Boots & Accessories 44 perlntendant, 876-1666, 278- one of Manchester premier lo­ gifts. Telephone, 8484171. • EbcceUent paid training Center AFFUCATTONS being accept­ ^— r ; — ; — ------Z------MurVxsk, 648-2898. ilW your propertyT" ClA rooms, garage. ’Treed tot. Manchester 649-8806 lent condition. ’Two-door hard­ 4913, 647-1719. Oscar Hebert, 646-8048. NIOB3LY furnitiied room, stove, ______8160, 242-6668. cations. Must be seen to be rage, large lot, tree ed for restaurant - counter aESUCSrS Marine Service, au- $26,900. Hayes Agency, 646- HARTFORD — Large~7' top, vinyl roof, power • Financial assistance refrigerator and linens provld- UNUSUAL one-bedroom du- apprerioted. T.J. Crockett, Assumable morigai TODAYl PAINTTNO and decorating, pa­ C ontact M rs. P ost, 646-2321 work. B\iU and part-time poei- thorised Bvlnrude outboard o u t. EGUND —Siamese cat, female, equipped. CaU 649-1117. riex. FUU-prlvato basement Realtor, 848-1677. Ins Agency, 6494824. room Raised Ranch, wall-to- p e r hanging. E\iUy insured. • Insurance and retirement An equal opportunity employer. motor sales and service. Also ed. 801 Main St, 849-8808. Uons available. Call 649-6547. Heat appUinces included. $190 ROCKVILID- A c tiv e 8%- COVENTRY — Bbc-room-cver wall carpeting. Recreation w earin g co lto r. CaU 643-0616. Building Contracting 14 cau 64s-2804, George n . exm TWO FAMILT — 44, immacu­ plan boating accessories. 1082 ’Tol­ ROOK in private home, central per mSShTpaul W. Dougan, « » » ^>ortment. Stove, r ^ - room, fireplace, aluminum rid­ late taalde and out Stove, re­ tile Cope. FuU died dormer. LOST — White, slx-mohth old 1967 AUSTIN HEALETY Sprite, ^ , l.AirrjUininB — Csrnenter ARE YOU ambitious? Elarn ex- SEWING machine operators. land Tpke. Buckland, Conn. location, board optional. erator, heat and parktag. ing, garage. $30,960. Hutchins fu ll o r pcut-tlm e. OaU 643-2264 Realtor, 649-4686. PARK STREET frigerator and fireplace in . BuUt-lns, IH baths, large angora Utten, vicinity Dart- good condition, 643-8701 after 4. ‘ IF YOU ARE TTIB MAN— tra money, fuU or part-time, 648-3383. References, 648-8740. Adults. No pete. Security- M9- PHILBRICK A gi^ y, 840-6324. contractor. Additions, remod­ B. H. MAGOWAN JR. A Sons, or apply In person. Oobar Co., each apartment Separata fur- rooms, waUc-out mouth Rd. and South Ehrms. Interior and exterim* painting, become a Koscot beauty ad- PIDASANT 3-room apartment 4824. eling and repairs. Call any­ FOR MORE INFORMA- 77 HllUard St., Manchester. Ten-room home with more nacos, Mid 20’s. Wolvartan Mid 20’s. Hayea Agency, COVENTRY — 7-room Cape. 643-2826. peqier hanging. Thirty years 'visor. Free training by quali­ ROOM for rent, kitchen privi­ first floor, ideal for elderly 1966 VOLKSWAGEIN, 118, 4- tim e fo r free estim a te. 876- ■nON C A L L OOLLECTT, 19’ CABIN cruiser, motor and ROCKVILLE — Five rooms, than one acre of land, good Agency Raalton, e49-2>lS. o m . Aluminum riding. Beach privl- experience, four generations. fied Instructors. Call Rothman leges, laundry faculties, paric- cou^e. CoU 8494641 for ap­ AGENCY LOST—Taken from Health Spa, speed. Sharp, $896. 649-8290. 1642. WEEK DAYS 1-828-9401 MR. trailer, $1,000. CaU 649-2541. heat, hot water, atove. Grown condition throughout Love­ teges. Only $1,800 down. Pasek Free estimates, fuUy insured. Distributors, 646-5061, Mon­ tag. Ladles only. 647-0868. pointm ent. TOILAND — Three - year w om an’s b eig e LcsMlon F og children accept^ Security re­ ly shade trees, B-ione. $28,900 BUYS ’IHIS 4-4, 2-tam- Realtors, 389-7476, 742-8248. 1966 CHE!VROLE?r, B ela lre 4- LEON CIESZYNSKI buUder — PALU M BO, NIGUTTS AND day, Wednesday Friday, 26 H. P. JOHNSON outboa^, Uy, buUt In 1962. Fireplace In young, Raised Ranch, rix coat. CaU 649-1778. 643-7361. STAFF NEW deluxe 2-bedroom duplex. quired. CaU after 7 p.m., 876- Quick occupancy. Shown by REALTORS door, sedan, V4, automatic new homes custom buUt, re­ WEEK ENDS 1-686-8160 MR. 9:80 - 8 p.m. excellent condition. 14’ boat o w n e r* s apartment very rooms, two full baths, fire­ BOUTON — Big house , big AvailaMe AprU 1st heat ap- 6887. appointment only. transmission, power steering, modeling, additions, rec J, P. LEWIS A SON, custom and trailer. $460. CaU 646-4477. dean. Wotverten Agency, 849- place on upper level, finished value, 4-bedroom Colonial. LOST — Diamond ring In or JARVIS. Apartmeata - Flofs- pUarices, carpeting, air^condl- factory alr-condltlcnilng, very rooms, garages, Utchens re­ decorating, Interior and ex­ PHYSICAL GLASTCNBURY — 6 - roqm fomUy romn, office and laun­ near the vicinity of Stop A Tontmaiits 63 tiontag included, $220 per CHARLES LESPERANCE 2818. Large wooded lot. Quiet street. Shop. R ew ard. CaU 649-1317. clean , $796. 649-6290. modeled, bath tUe, cement terior, peqieriiangliig, fuUy In- O r w rlte - ELL O IL OO., CLERKS apartment, first floor, space 646-4200 dry, half-bath, lower level. Ga­ R a y H oloom be, R ea ltors, 644- Bured. For free estimates caU month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ work. Stepe, dormers. Resi­ Household Goods 51 THREE ROOM Apartment, heated, stove, refrigerator, rage, Intercom, extras. Must 1286. LOST — Savings Passbook No. dential or commercial. Call 649-9668. If no answer 848-8863. 477 CONNECTICUT BLVD., THERAPIST tor, 649-4030. 649*7620 Opportunity In our accounts Ranch style, stove, refrigera- ______parking, one chUd, no dogs. see. $84,400. R ow e A R ow e, 876- 038-0-01911-7 Hartford National 1961 OORVAIR, $176. CaU 649- 649-4291. MOVING — SeUtag odd tables, EAST HARTFORD, CONN. payable department for a tor, peuktag. Available April MAIN ST . SVi nice rooms, sec- AvaUable immediately- Refer­ You’re Invited » t,9oo 2-b b d r o o m r a n c h . 8187. Bank and Trust Co., Manches- 7638, between 6-7 p.m. To start end of May, be­ chairs, some antiques, RCA Wanted - Real Estate 77 CaU clerk with good figure apti­ 1st $116. 848-2878. ond floor. Heat hot water, ences, $116. 688-9007. large lot large diada tree, as- ter Green Office. Apjdlcation DORMERS, garages, porches, PAINTING and papering, ginning of June for small TV, etc. 649-4094. sums morigaga, $11847 par WlLXJNG’TON — Near the 1963 R A M B LE R , wagem, 6 tude. Must be able to use 87’ RANCH — Fireplace, panel­ AID CASH for your property Made for Payment. rec rooms, room additions, John, 64S-8048. department in expanding 300 DUPLEX SMi rooms, heat, hot H EBRON - AvaUable AprU month. HiitohiiM Aganey Real- Parkway, large Raised Ranch cylinder standard qhift, either comptometer or cal­ RESFRIGERATOR 13 CU ft., ©a. 006-OoBo. ing, beamed ceUtag. country Tomorrow,, Sunday 2-5 p.m. within 24 hours. Avoid red kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, bed general hospital. Var­ water, cqqiUanceB, carpeting, 1st redecorated 6-room heated ton, 849004. with aluminum riding, rec running condition. $100. or best NAME your own price, paint- Private litstnicfions 32 culator. Accounts payable good condition, exceUent for kltriien, stove, trees. $33,600. t ^ , inatent service. Hayes siding, general repairs. Qual­ ied and challengtag case alr-conditloned, private patio, apartment, stove. Security Hutchlna Agency, Realton, room, flnplace, over an acre ■offer. CaU 648-0146. tag, papertianging, removal. ------experience would be helpful. cotta ge o r n ew lyw eds, $30. 466 MAIN ST. first-floor, 8 Brand new homea In Man­ Agency, 646-0181. ity workmanship. Financing load, new department 'with­ parktag. Business couple. 649- posit reqrired. CaU 1-228-9800. IMMACULATE 6-room Cotonlal treed lot. Tbp buy at only Announcemoiils Prompt service, fuUy insured. 649-1843. rooms, heated. $130. Security- chester proper with delight­ avallaide. Economy BuUders, Instructions — CaU in a year. Student affiUa- with most modern kitchen, $36,900. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, SELLING your home or acre- GTO—^1967 convertible, 4-speed, Satisfaction guaranteed. Call ’TESNNIS Good wages and working 6760. One or two adults. No stove or ful rural aetttags. Pick your r r s closet cleaning time again. In c., 6J3-6169, 872-0647 ev e­ 289-8447, Gloria Darling. tlon from University of TWO FAMILT — Sd, nleely fireplace, poeribte fourth bed­ T rila n d o ffic e , 876h8270. a g e ? F1»r prom p t frien d ly serv­ power steering, power brakes, J erry K enney 047-9664. conditions with convenient refrigerator. 646-2436. home or your tot for sum­ Remember Hospital Penny nings. Oonn. He^> teach in-service DELUXE one-bedroom apart- cared for, convenleht tocaticn, room. ’Tnily a must be aeen ____ ice, caU Louis Dlmock Real­ posi-tractton. Clean. $1,200. free pcurklng and above NINE-PIEXHE mafaogony dining mer deUvery. We invite Saver with clean salable cloth­ educational courses. 11111100 ment, waU - to - waU carpet- DELUXE______2-bedroom Tlnm- . modernized, 2 - car garage, home. Wol'verton Ageney, ROCaCVUXE — 8-room C^>e, ty , R ealtors, 649-9838. 647-4086, evenings, 289-0111. CARPENTRY and remodeUng, average benefits. A|q>ly: room set. Call 649-2182. four bedrooms and bath up, ing and housewares. DeUver reimbursement plan, lib­ tag throughout, comiriete ap­ house, m baths, fuU-prlvate FOT 5ON 7 U » A $80,900. Wotverten Agency comparison for rise, quality Realton, 649-2818. rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, ^ HelpWonled-Female 35 and location. large kitchen, dining room, Uv- OUT OF town buyer wants 3- to sh(q>, 615 M ain S t„ M anches­ 1966 R A M B LE R C la ssic, 660, eral fringe benefits, salary SINGER touch and sew with pliances, vanity hath. Central­ basement, heat and appliances Realton, 949-2818. additions and garages. CaU ^ TWO-FAMILY Ing room and den down. Oa­ bedroom ranch up to $26,000. ter or caU 649-3297. Remember station wagon, 6 cylinder, auto­ me. EMimates given. 649-7863. SEXJRE7TARY preferably with FIRST NATIONAL competitive . Contact per­ cabinet. Monograms, hems, ly located. $176 monthly. R.D. included. $286 per month. Paul ’Tom Oortatt, 048-0066. BUSINESS ZONE IV EIGHT-ROOM Colonial, family NUTMEG HOMES has a rage. Large lot for children. CaU Paul W. Dougan Realtor, aU donations tax deductible. matic transmission. As is. legal experience, shorthand re­ sonnel Departinent. embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ lOirdock, 648-2692. W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. Large 6-8, 2-famUy ta excel­ STORES, INC. room, thlok waU-waU carpet­ well-earned reputation tor $19,900. R ow e ft R ow e, 876-3167. 040-4686. $396. 648-6290. AIL TYPBSS of stone snd con- RICHAIffi E. M ^TIN. FuU quired. Write to P.O. Box 161, lent ccnditlon. Guaranteed. Extra large tot and excel­ lent condition. Separate fur­ professioiial painting service, NEWER one-bedroom apart­ ing, 2-car garage, beautiful quaUty ci conotrucUon and Crete work. AU work guaran­ Vernon, Conn. 06066 or caU 647- FliU price now $66 or 7 month­ lent large building. naces, fireplace, 8-car ga­ PLYMOUTH Roadrunner, Park & Oakland Avenues MANCHESTER m ents a v a ila b le now . $166-$180 wooded sen tot, $89,900. exceUence of design. Do 1969 teed. Out of season rates. CaU Interior-exterior. FYee esti­ ly payments of $8. 622-0476, rage. Only $80,000. Penonob 1016. per month Including heat and Furnished Hutchins Agenby- 8499SS4. come visit us. 383, 4-speed, msg wheels, a fter 5, 648-1870 o r 644-2975. mates, fuUy Insured. 849-4411, East Hartford, Conn. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL d ea ler. INVESTMENT Today’s Pet stereo plu s t a ^ s , CaU 646-6691 cqifrilances. Paul W. Dougan, Apartm ents 63-A Shirtwaister INCOME TAXES prepared In 649-9286. PILGRIM MTfJft needs experi­ 71 Haynes St., Manchester PROPERTY NINE-ROOM custom buUt Oar- Office on Richmond Drive, a fte r 6. HALLMARK BuUdtag Co. For — CLEIAN, USED refrigerators, Realtor, 649-4686. convoilence of your home. ______enced cashiers and sales- ______with three offices and four rloon Ootonlal 3400 sq. feet, 4- which runs west oft Vernon ranges, automatic wadiers PASEK CaU RusseU Burnett for ap­ home improvement, additions, g , ____K iiU lilfi*. women. Interviews are now SECRETARY — general office. 646-1222 Ext. 443 474 MAIN ST., Three rooms, COMFORTABLY funddied 8 4-room apartments. Includes bedrooms, office, 3% baths, St. Look for signs. rec rooms, garages, roofing, rioor nniw iing 24 with guarantees. See them a t pointment, 848-6888. igeg CHEWROLBT, as is. Call being held between 6 and 6 immediate openings. Must be h eated . $126. S ecu rity- On® ®r rooms and shower, also Includ­ ranges, refrigeraton and dou ble garage, carpeting. R E A LTO R S—M lfi gutters. Free estimates, AU B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 FLOOR SANDING, and refto- p.m., Monday through Eldday. high school graduate, some ------= = : : ------two adults. 648-2426, 9-6 p.m. in g aU utU ltles, pa rk in g, 272 garbage dlapoeala, ExceUent Hayea Agency, 649dlti. 726 B urnside A v e., E . H. INCOME TAX preparation. Call ® P "*-> w ork guaranteed. 646-2527. ex p erl- Main St Call 6484171. Ishlng (specializing In older Pilgrim MUIs, Oakland St., typing and shorthand required. TVLEH’YPE^ opei^or, M ata S t revenue, near Main St. 280-7476, 648-4678, 742-6248 Dan Mosler, 649-8329 or 247- enced, would involve other AVAILABLE AprU 1st, four------_ MANCHESTER, 8-room Cape, BELFIORE AGENCY floors). Inside painting, paper- Manchester. ExceUent benefits, congenial REFRIGESIATOR — apart­ Profeostonal office building 3115. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ diversified responsibUiUes, room ^>artment. AjqiUances, *THREE-ROOM apartmeiti^ fur- flnplace, oU hot water heat, SeUtag your jMoperty* Ask tag, cetUhgs, etc. No Job too c^ce. Apply Mr. Centinl, Coca ment sised, like new, $76. 80" on Main St, 14 offices, park­ about our a{^>ralsal and Trucks - Tioclors modeling specialist. Additians, QUALIFTEX) bockkeeper to Ilnurs 8:15 - 6. Please contact heat, parktag, central location. nished, private bath and en­ near acboM, hue and ahopping. Realtors 647-1418 rec rooms, dormers, porches, small. John Verfallle, 649-6750. Cola BotUtag 0>., 461 Mafii St, gas stove, $85. Aluminum ing for 22 can, central air- evaluation program. work in small office. EbcceUent WestinEhouae Electric Corp., $170 monthly. Security requir­ tran ce, utU lties, n o pete. 226 Char-B on A g en cy , 94S4M8S. INCOME TAXES prepared, by 1966 FORD half-ton pick-up, 8’ cabinets, formica, buUt-lns, ' East Hartford, doors, 82x80, 88x80, $10. each. condlturning. fringe benefits. Good starting M a jo r ^Appliance S ales, 130 ed. 649040. O ia rte r O ak, 648-8868. Marvin Baker. Call 643-0267. body, fleet side, good condi- bathrooms, Mtehens, 6fo4446. gQ|n|g _ 848-3466 evenings or 648-1443. FIVE-ROOIC bouse wltb new pay. Immediate opening. A p­ Prestige Park Rd. East Hart­ . ™ ^ 403 K E E N E Y ST. — B eautiful ------— Uon. 6 Plank Lane, Olaaton- ply Mr. Centtai, Ctoca Cola MULTIPLE DWELLINGS bathroom, panelad ludl. itod ford, Conn., Mrs. Greer, 628- BRAND new 10 cuMc foot re- ctoUB iqillt L^vel. W aU-tow^ location, 8 rtwms, 2 unfinished. Mtchen, garage, near Main St. RIDB needed from MdDonalds j,ury, 688-7181. NEWTON H. a a m k SONS- Stocks - Mortgages 27 B ottling C o., 461 M ain St., CLERK-TYPIST ROCKLEDGE Four-family apartment, 8 carpet, good location , Hutchins Manchester to Bloomfield, exit Remodeling, repairing, addl- 4791. An equal opportunity em- frigerafam. $140 only at B. D. $82,000. CaU 6489680. Stast Hartford, Oonn. rooms each, staves, refriger­ Ageney, Realton, 6499134. Undor Twanty- Bnithwalto, 91 North. Woridng hours 7- 1964 MICHIGAN 76A payloader, tions, rec rooms, porches and MOR’TGAGES — 1st and 2nd., ployer. Pearl Appliance, 049 Main St., PRESIDENTIAL "TOWN HOUSE" ators, near Main St. Good 142 HOLUSnER ^ — 7-room ______Raaltor, 649-4688. 4:30. 649-0640 after 6. good rubber, good running roofliig. No Job t«> smaU. CaU mortgages— interim financing woman for cmslifer! ------;— Manchester. VILLAGE APT5. APARTMENTS HANCHESTESt — To settle es­ Interesting position in small SALKSMEN — swimming ______Incom e. Odcnlal, 6 minute walk to an m a NCKESTBIR — North Elm ------r—r condition. Side curtains, gaso- 6494144. — expedient and confidently evening work, some atter- tate, 7-room olderPofonlaL Ex­ A department for qualified pools, recreational products. WHIRLPOOL wariier and diy- MANCHESTER A t corn er o f N o. 662 M iddle For more details call . . ■ oohoolo, good ccndiann taslde St Near center, beautiful 2- INCOME t a x e s prepared In ___ engine,______fully______automatic. ______service. J. D. Real Elstate Aoolv In nerson. State Tunqilke East ft Ferguson ceUent condlttCnT IH baths, EbcceUent spare time or sec­ er, $60. each. 30’’ electric and out, $27,900. CaU owner € " l . SMOCKED your home by appointment. Q^y hours. $6,760. 644- CARPENTRY—concrete steps, assoc. 048-6129. m b 'Mata St Mhn- typist with experience in ^1 and 2-bedroom ^[>art-^ Road. New luxurious, 2-bed­ large lot. Garage. $38,600. famltef 59-1 rooms. Mainte­ rc> 4 CaU H. H. Wlson, 6494606. ^ floors, hatchways, remodeling Theatre, 746 Mata Bt., Man- ond Income. CaU 849-6962. stove, $36. 649-2486. after 6 6494497. nance-free vinyl aiding. Extra Chester. statistical clerical wmk. m ente. O n bu s lin e. Aiq>U- room Tbwn House. baths; CHARLES LESPERANCE Hayes Agency, 6489181. porches, garages, closets, cell- MORTGAGE>S, locms, first, sec- ______p .m . lot $82,000.' Charleo Shlmkus ances, carpeting, heat and, Central air conditioning; pa­ 649-7620 HANCHBBraR — Tliree-lMd- MiA!N needed, Btrong, single, attics finished, rec ond, third. AU kinds. Realty 3 q q iq c b b 3PB R , GRBBIN RD.—Four bedrooms, C o., 249-1896, 031-3086, 631-3991. ______J . ■■ n 1 ' ' —» ------' ------...... - p s . w , rv H. rur-m .rx.j filU - ChaZgO, ^hot water. For appoint-' tio; 2-car garage; laundry room Rateed Ranch. Large mature, for gardening, siiOTei- FORD F-500, van body, low rooms, formica, ceramic, 0th- statewide. Credit rating unnec- granted for rapidly expanding Company offers good wages room; AU electric Heat and Situations Wonted - ment or further taforma- 7-room C3^>e, flreiU ace, w a ll- wsehen and dining area with 031-1944. Ing and smaU repair Jow in mUeage, $1,200. 043-97S1. er related work. No Job too essary. Reasonable. Confiden- j^taU firm. This position is and working conditions, free Deluxe G.E. apiUlancea. MANCHEffTER — Six-famUy to-waU carpeting, family ytlon, caU anytime. buUt-ins, plus fonnal dining u jp i/yy Rd. — BuildOr’a his spare time. Yearly stipu------^------gmaU. Dan Moran, BuUder. tlal, quick arrangements. Al-Al­ ^ career-minded individual parking and above aver­ Female 3B Adidte-immediate occupancy unit centinUy located. Excel­ room, new electric range, lated fee. Write Box ‘‘DD’’, 1969 FORD Ranger % ton pick- Evenings, 649-8880. ------tor a career mmaea moivtauai FOn SALE $260.00. Open Saturday ft lent income producer. Price room, two-fuU bathe, fintehod Janus. Oontemporary Red- vin Lundy A gen cy, 827-7971, who wants to grow with our age benefits. Apply; dishwaaher and disposal, en- Manchester Herald. up. ExceUent condition. 110 EUCFERIENCED babysitter 646-2623 Sunday 1:00-6:00 p.m. or caU fomlly room, two-car garage. wood. Three bedrooma (space 963 M ain St., H artford. E ve­ company. CaU accounting de­ has been reduced for quick clooed* rear porch, two-car Main Street, ’TalcottvUle, 649- GENEiRAL carpentry and re- wiU care for your children OR LEASE 64S-7186 fo r ap pttotm en t. sale. T.J. Ctaockett, Realtor, Nice lot Exceptional value at 2 addlttonal). 2'A bathe, family nings, 233-6879. partment. Pilgrim Mills, 646- d a ys or evenings. Can 647-1877. K = s / garage, ameslte drive. Excel­ $60 REWARD paid to the first 4gjg modeUng. Do It right — priced FIRST NATIONAL 64S-1577. $81,600. J.D. Real Estate As- room, carpeting, dritesai aU 1000. Modem buUdtag, 17,000 lent condition. Austin A. Bociatea. 646-1992. reliaUe Information leading to ------—;— right. CaU 649-7681. square feet, air-condition­ appUances. Heavily wooded ■iS- the proper contact of Ann Wig- 1966 CHElVROLEiT, % ton pick- STORES, INC. TWO professional buildings on Chambers, Realtm:, MLS, 848- Situotiofis Wanted - ed, ample parking. Suit­ 2826. MANOHEBTHH — $28,900, Foi^ lot. Reduced to $64^00. Peter more, the manna wheat grass up. able for many uses. WUl East Center Street enough ______A. Thonw, 6499aBL tras. 6464070. Dormers, room additions, ga­ experience necessanr, go^ 4 Oakland Avenues M ole ter St area, 7-room Colonial, advocate, B oston, M ass. 649- salary, we train you. Apply ------39 sub-divide. For further ta- MANCHESTER land tor another. L s^ into ^aTifHiBBTBR — onehaU 9168. rages, porches, roofing and 8-bedrooma, walking distance JCANCBESTER — Immaculate 1068 M ata St., M anchester, 10- EUCPEUUEUICED P u rchasing formatlcm, call this. Bclflore Agency, 847-1418. ^ large rooms, good con- siding. Compare prices. Add- East Hartford, Conn. t o everything. Helen D. Goto, 7-nxw O^ie. Three bedrooms, New 3-Bay 12 and 1-4 p.m., Monday and production ccmtrol sales rep­ diUen, new roof, nice yard, Motoreycles-Bicyeles 11 A-Level Dormer Corp. 289- Realtor, 6489066. kitchen, carpeted Uvtag room ’Tuesday, March 29 and 30. resentative, quaUty control — 6 4 9 ^ unlqua opportunite-now. Autamabilet For Sale 4 0449. anH dining room, 34 shed 1969 HONDA, CB860, E x c e U e n t______Sunoco ‘Station SPRING is Just around the cor­ material and certification con­ Brokers Protected South Farms Housos For 5alt 72 $14,900. Hayes Agency, 948- m ANCKESTBSI 7-rocm C o­ HOUSESCEEPEIR — part-time, dorm er. 134 baths. la rg e NEED CAR? CredU very bod? condition. 649-8786 i^ r 4 p.m. ------^------ner. Meet those additional ex­ trol. Job shop background. (081. lonial, 8 bedrooms, encloaod 2.7 ACRES, beanttfol view, ______famUy room with bar. One-car Bankrupt, repossession T Hon­ references required. Call 649- penses seUing Avon products. References. Call 643-7891. heated aunporch, formal dln- est Douglas accepts lowest ------Roofing - Siding 16 For Lease 6440 after 6 p.m. A wonderful time to start your OPEN SUNDAY— 1-5 room custom Ranch, S baths, yyHO has a house under $(!0.000? j^ ^ ^ L taT goor ce n ^ lo ca - garage. $27,600. Merritt 2890 down, smallest payments, any­ RUPP mini-bike, model Conti- — ------Agency, 646-1180. 1373 BEELINE Fashions is looking own business. CaU 289-4922. A^’ SL Helen D cote, R ea ltor. where. Not smaU loan finance nental electra, fuUy equipped. BTOWEUL Home Improvement OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT l^vsey. Hntwinis Agency, jazge Uvtag room------with fire­ 10W -24U CaU 649-6894. Co. Expert taatsUation of alu- 9489688. company plan. Douglas Mo­ (Ready about April 15th) cr 5 ladies to become stylists. Roalton, 6499H4. place, 2-car garage. Also as- XAMCHB8IKR — Large im------mlnum si ding, gutters and _ Tni-vl**^ 7-room Ranch. Firs­ Butterflies are the motif tors, 346 M ain. F o r interview ca ll 633-2L18. sumable conventional mort- $23,000 — 4-BEUXiOO(M Ooloiiial One of the most popular trim.. Roofing Installation and Help Wonted Mule 36 Due to rising coete to labor and materiala In the construc­ of styles is the classic for this Spring and Sum­ Route 195 & Baxter Rd., tion Industry, effective 4-1:71 we are forced to raise our g a g e at 734 p e r cent. K eith t s ISOorflreptece.'iood con- mer; and what could be 1969 CH EVROLET Sport van, 6 Bufineu Services 13 repairs. 6494496. 876-«l09. SESCRHITARY fo r s p ibJI o ffic o n*JTTrF?.TnfiTTTjr^ rLrmitijiji shirtwaister that can be Tolland In Manchester. Typing, dicta- position open PAYROLL CLERK prices on homes to be bult by $1,000. , . , .. NEW LISTING Real Estate, •46-4128, 649-U82. dttion. Double garage,garage. Mg dtehwaaher. walMo-wsU car- more attractive for room ayinng, uicia- dependable person, mom- gating, large fomUy room, two- made with or without C L E ^G - interior -both p 4 s Roofing - Roofing an^ tlon and light bookkeeping ex­ TWe Increase is necessary In order to maintain the quaUty 1 treed lot. Helen D. Cole, Real­ sleeves. No. 1373 with , decorfktioh than a' hand­ ger, exceUent condition. Phone ings (H- afternoons. Delivery $20,900 — 8-BBSDROOM Ranch, beat and much more. some pillow of a butter­ residential and commercial. repairs done realistically. Free perience. 37^-hour week. Call Local firm needs payroll clerk. Will train. Some In our homes. tor, 6489806. PBOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes 876-1668. and stock woric. Ideal for col­ 7 and 4-room 2-family. 2-car country kitchen, immaculate _____ Wolverton Ageney, Realtors, fly in softly smocked Satisfactory work guaranteed. estimates. Manchester. 619- • PAID TRAINING 646-3800 for Interview. CHOOSE FROM RANCHES, GAPES, OOLDNIALS, 1034 to 2434 (bust 33- lege student. Phone 643-0266 condition, large treed lot, sidit MAMUHEffiVK OU T — Sfat- 649-281$. 47). Size 1234, 36 bust gingham. No. 2890 has For friendly free estimates, 1516, C oventry 742-8888. bookkeeping, typing essential, 5-days, 40-hour r a i s e d RANCHES. garage. New roof. Separate 1970 PLYM OUTH D uster. B ig 6 rail fence, peUio. Assumable room Oofonlal. 1% baths, dou- . . . 334 yards of 45-inch. tracing and full smoking caU Suburban Floor Mainten­ EXCELLENT POTEN- PART-’TIME office clerk, typ­ for appointment. furnaces. Oonvwilent loca­ and flnishing directions. standard, cm flcwr. Radio, week, excellent benefits. Must have own trans­ AH with diffenent variation. Save by buying one of our mortgage. Hutchins Agency, bte garage. Partial buatasaa SDC-RO09C Cape. Fireplace, Patterns availabls only heater, extra wheels and tires. a n ce, 649-9229. • TIAL tag and telephcne work, ’Hies- ___ ~ — r— m od els or look over our prints to build the HOME your tion. $39,900. walk-out basement. Formal H4 Is salat far sackaeh aat- ROOFING and gutter work d^-Friday 34 p.m. S i^ a y WINDOW cleaner - Must be 649-6834. sooe. Excellent potential, Of- in sizes shovnt. twa t s I am riac. 872-9726. fomUy requires. dining room. Only $24,900. ’TWO YOUNG married men wlU done reasonably. Call 649-0360. INVEST- experienced for part-time or portation. Please state experience and desired — ------ficea. ete. 822.900. Hayes SEND TS4 Is niat ftr sack ssl' Cabot, MODERATE 9-5. Bezztal Bros. Elimituro Paoek Realtors, 289-7476, 648- ttra ts IscIsEt firtt-ciau u se A vs. 1968 O U > S M (»IL E 88, 4-door do small repair Jobs and paint­ fuU-tlmp w ork. CaU 649-5834. M. H. PALMER MANCHESTER vlctalty - AgeiirT. 949-11«7 ----- T O B K . MENT Store, Manchester Green. salary. PRESENT PRICES START AT SS1.M O . Starter home? We have homea ^ hardh^, vinyl top, air- ing, also cellar cleaning and _ . . 1887. light trucking. (JaU 646-2092, KOOIlng OnO AVAIL- DIRECTnONS: Main St. south on R t 88, to South M ^ and Realtor-MLS fixsn $18,600 and up. CaU to- MANCHESTER — 8-room Gar- Mat HasM. M na ZIP condltionlng, power brakes and FINANCING nX. 19998. CODE aaitb la 646-2047. Manchester Country Qub, take first left p ^ club house day. 8489980. Mitten Realty- risen Colonial. Reduced for , » » . pow er steering. 649-3263, after Chimneys 16-A ABLE PREVENT FIRE! onto Fern St. and left amln onto Dartmouth Rd. to first 648-6821 649-0688 RealtMS. quick sale, 4 bedrooma, douUe LOIS rCR a S S 73 Mat Sww, MWeis ritt HP The Spring ft Summer 4. W A IT II1 5 5 COMt, Itfis Nsa S ir aaS U s . STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, Write fo Box K, right, entrance to South Flumo. ------— ------— garage, treed lot. Only $88,900. .. j , , s s m * ’71 ALBUM is 65f, includes RfXJFTNG — Specializing re­ FULLpTIME H ave your The Spring and Summer postage and handling. 1970 COUGAR — tw o-door hard­ fireplaces, flagstone terraces. pairing roofs of aU kinds, new Fbr details call daily, Mr. ------MANCHESTER - DiqUox. U Hayea Agency. 6469181. bulldtag ’71 Basic FASHION Book is Cox, 568-3400. Evenings and EXTRA lot, suitable for two- rooms. BeauUfuUy paneled, ------100x218. $1.00, includes postage EMLV MIEEICAN...Yattanrsar'i top coupe. Bucket seats, con­ All concrete repairs, both in­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys W. T. GRANT CO. chimney cleaned! Manchester Evening Herald famUy. plus exteUiM 69 with waU-wall carpet, cabineted Ut- SIX-ROOM ateriar hams, very year rouiidhome ce s e t up a iatliat far ta S^ i Eaetrl Pattara weekends, Mr. Spllecki, r n h a r d e . MEimrrT a s e n c y and handling. Nacas; Elractlaat far 12. a io t- sole, power steeitag, power side and outside railings, land­ cleaned and repaired. SO years 2

will be held at the Federation Moyer, Timothy S. Harley, Pianists Open Room Tuesday at 7:80 p.m. Sheri Appelsteln, Diana L. About Town When Mrs. Pearl’s vocal stu­ Prell, Karen A. Howard, Carla | M. Volkert and Nancy E. Wil­ DRIVEWAYS Recital Series dents will be presented. The Illing' Junior lOgh School The first In a series of mtd- Thoee who participated last' son. , Residenfial Specialists p ro meeting Monday night In The Baby Has evening were Lynne E. Bono, season recitals (dven by the "We arc no proud o’ our work as you arecf yo^^Jtome.” the school auditorium is open to piano pupils of the Wemer Stu­ Ingrid L. Kmmlns, Pamela the public. A business meeting 19-TON ROLLER OOBCPACTION s MACHWB S P B E ^ dio, Mrs. Karen W. Pearl and C.M. LeBlanc, Stephen J. Har­ I have over g,! vears' experience In Residential Paving at 7:30 will precede a talk at 8 Kenneth Woods, Instructors, ley, Andra S. Grasls, Elizabeth FREE Quoiations by Mr. Rayco — No Estimator or Salesmea, 'by Dr. John Brownstone, Man­ Been Named was held last night In the Fed­ J. Schendel, Kathleen Halloran, chester psychiatrist, on "Let's eration Room of the Center Katherine A. Nielson, Denise 10% DISCOUNT Phone Wethersfield 529-7416 CkUC4lMt understand Bach Other." Congregational Church. A var­ M. Savlno, Janice A. Wagner, AT Debra Turgeon, Robert G. PARKADE CLEANERS ied progrram of 21 numbers was Manchester Parkade RAYCO PAVING CO. Nicholas Timreck, son of Tim presented. Stoker, Beth M. Dlmock, Chris­ Tlm reck of 286 Parker Sk.. has Chasse, Robert Jay, son of Milford and Mildred Gamer The next recital In the series tine A. Gankoskle, Marina J. been named to the first term Chasse, 129 Summer St., Manchester. He was bom March 21 dean’s list at the university of at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matenud grandparents Hartford College of Basic are Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gamer, Long HiU Rd., Andover. His Studies. pfftAmal grandmother is Mrs. Bva Chasse, Madawaska, Maine. He has two brothers, James, 7, and John, 6; and a sister, Jo- St. Bliiabeth’s Mothers Circle Ann, 3H- •I * m *' • will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bruno Finnegan, Allison Blarie, daughter of William and Bvelyn LIVING Ladyga, 39 liorton Rd. Mosucha 'Finnegan, 66 Clinton St., Manchester. She was bom March 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mosucha, Prince Friendship Circle of the Sal­ George, Va. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Josephine Fin­ vation Army will not have Its negan, 87 North St., Manchester. She has a brother, Billy, 4. regular meeting Monday night • * » « ’ »i ROOMS EASTER but will attend a Missionary Burr, Jennifer Rae, daughter of John and Judith San­ Rally at 7:30 p.m. at the Hart­ born Burr, 836 Center Rd., Apt. 18C, Vernon. She was bom ford Citadel. March 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal DISCOUNT grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sanborn Sr,, Daley All members of Girl Scout Rd., Coventry. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Alyce Burr, GET THE Troop 1 will meet at the Hart­ 73 Cottage S t, Manchester. ford National Bank and Trust Co. on Main St. tomorrow to FURNITURE Wldmer, Eric William, son of Randolidi and Pauline conduct a cau: wash from 10 a.m . Spence Wldmer, 369 Summit St, Manchester. He was bom to 3 p.m. in the parking lot. March 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Scouts should come ready to grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spence, Arlington, AXE! work. Mass. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph m REH OUSE Wldmer, New Hyde Park, N. Y. « «i «i « * Lt. Col. Qulxar Masih of West Pakistan, field secretary for MoOonnell, Kelli Jean, daughter of Gary and Nancy Wil­ the Salvation Army, wlU speak son McConnell, Twin Hills Dr., Coventry. She was bom March SAVE tomorrow at the 7 p.m. services 14 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ FURNITURE hereI ents are Mr. and Mrs. George F. RTlson, Twin Hills Dr., Cov­ FREE REVOLUTION at the Manchester Citadel. The entry. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Lind­ colcHiel is touring the eastern say, 61 Bratton Rd., Manchester. Her maternal great-grand­ part of the United Statl)b. DlM tiit Firiilirt WarthtMi it MW U iitr Ntw MaaagtMif tad la bria|iig ta tha baylag gabNo allblt VETO parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeown, 160 Center St., •rta aaa^ataly aaw aMrebaadlalag aaaMgt wUeb it dailgatd ta aaya yaa aaaay. Dlioaaat Faraltara Manchester. She has a brother, Devin, 4; and a sister, Doreen, i Warthtaaa It aHtriag tba lawait prieat pattibla aad aaaaaragaa ytar aaaparltaa wHb albpr atarta alM > Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tlm- 7. BEER brell Jr. of 10 Indian Rd. wUI lag ta. ba tba lawatt prioad. Taa aaa flaw avar IM rata graapiagt. Wa attar alt taraitara atyUagi. ladgat serve as host and hosteaa to­ BoMaon, Patricia Eileen, daughter of Ross and Nancy AND larat ta tit ytar paakatbaak aaa ba arraagtd. Mtrahaadiaa piaktd-ap at morrow from 2 to 6 p.m. at the McKnemey Robison, 218 Ralph Rd., Manchester. She was bom ■dditiaaal dtllart. REMEMIER— NEW HANAIEMENT-NEW HOURS t NEW MEROHANDISINO OONOEPT Lutz Junior Museum. The mu- March 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal CHAMPAGNE —MAT WE IE OF SERVlOE TO Y0U1 Stap la Taday. seunT is open to the public grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Royal McKnemey, New Brit­ every day except Monday. ain. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Robison, Silver Springs, Fla. She has a brother, Itichael, 1; The couples bowHng group of and a sister, Laurie, 2H- the Manchester Newcomers •I * * • * ' Club wlU m eet tonight at 7:30 Rivers, Rachel Cecilia, daughter of Donald and Loretta at Silver Lanes, Bast Hartford. Rivers ot 68 Prospect St, Rockville. She was bom March 6 at OPEN TODAY SUNDAY Rockville General Hospital. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. The Loyalty Day committee Bnroy Rivers, Coventry. She has two sisters, Patricia, 18, and of the VFW and its Auxiliaiy Diane, 7; and a brother, Donald, 10. 10 A.M. 'TIL MIDNIGHT will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the Post Home. Mortimer, Joseph, son of S. Sgt Warner G. and Janet Allen Mortimer, 713 Dart Hill Rd., Rockville. He was bom COLONIAL Nathan O. AgosttneUl, state March 3 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ comptroller and former mayor mother la Mrs. Virginia Allen, New Britain.- Ifis paternal grand­ LIVINQ of Manchester, wiU speak on father is Warner A. Mortimer, 713 Dart Hill Rd., Rockville. He "Housing," at the Church of the has a sister, Usa; and a brother, Jerry. ROOM Assumption Lenten series to­ » « 41 I* * morrow at 8 p.m. in the church Morgan, Jennifer Lynn, daiq^ter of Thomas and Bar­ Made in Ntw England'- hah. The program is open to bara Marvin Morgan, Crystal Lake Rd., Tolland. She was bom the public and refrettrments March 6 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Choica of will be served. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln K. Marvin, New Rochelle, Dacofator Fabricc N. Y. Her- paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Eucfly *1 ihewn The Junior High Group of Morgan, Pleasantville, N. Y. She has a sister, Virginia; and a SOFA S CHARI Second Congregational Church brother, Thomas. 2 Piece will meet Monday at 3 p.m. 4 I* ,4, 4. • Taka SolUvan, Stephanie Ann, daughter of Robert and Judith French Provincial WHb The Confirmation Class of Julian Sullivan, RFD 2, Tory Tolland. She bom Marct) EncMy At Shawa Friat M40 South UnKed Methodtat Church 4 at Rockville General Hospital. Her materma* grandparents MVIND ROOM SET Dtlhrartd PrItR lioo will meet Monday from 2:45 to are Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Julian, Stafford Springs. Reg. Price $369 6 p.m. at the church. * 4 4 « * Neil, Wendy Midielle, daughter of Robert and Dorothy Sofa & Chair Take With The Rev. Walter H. Loonols, Ruebin Neil, West St., RBDl, Bolton. She was bom March 3 Tuftad Back fth[D a at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Pric6 ^ illl pastor of Community Baptist Choice of bacorater Chtuch, will conduct a service Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruebin,. 62 Lenox St., Manchester. Her pa­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nell, 79 N. Fabrics DalivarM Priea $205 11 til In Ull tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Green Main St., Manchester. She has a brother, Robert, 8H- 1 Lodge. He wlU be assisted by 4' « 4. 4 Lawrence Steeves. 39" Idopla Sriadle 9 Pe. Oeloaial IMckey, BIsrk Wayne, son of Thomas and Pamela Steer 7 Pe. MtdlfenraHtaR The Junior Choir of Commu­ Dickey, 42 Elm St, Rockville. He was bom Feb. 28 at Rock­ BUNK BED UYIN6 ROOM nity Baptist Church will re­ ville Gmeral Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and BEDROOM SETS hearse tomorrow at 4:46 p.m. Mrs. Mertland Steer, High Manor Park, Rockville. COMPLETE WITH SUITE at the church. REVERSIBLE BUNKEHES Complete wHli a e^ a a a ^ ^ tablet, lamp,, S I S a ^ B The proof counselor for the Tolland County Superior Court foam cuthient, ^ BwW—m Plotorlal Church Directories C . » C . cheie* ef deco- B 9 * 4 * Reg.. $419 will be In the Robbins Room of rater fabric,. Center Congregational Church Reid, Convicted Slayer Monday and Tuesday frmn 8 to 7 Pe. Spaaish Spaclal Group of Custom Bulit 9 p.m. Arraigned in Escape 7 Pe. Madera UVINO ROOM LIVING ROOM & The Youth Choir of Gomnui- Benjamin Reid who was twice go to the electric chair on Dec. BEDROOM SETS BEDROOM SET nlty Baptitt C2uirch wlU re- gp^red from the electric chair 1*. and a reprieve was SET J hearse tomorrow at 6:46 p.m. ^ E u ttly tt shown Amarican tf Maitinrrilla, Link I Cempleta with S 'f i d h C ' at the church. Taylor, Kreehler A ■analt. “ three hours before he was 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM by NATIONAL Camplal* wHn bedding. ▼ I U a | degree murder 12 years ago, scheduled to die, his sent«ice Itbln A Umpt. was arraigned in ’Tolland Ooun- was commuted to life Imprison- All foam, lifatimw eontfrucRorit ekeiea of fabrics- Rag. Vil. $525 N O W $465 Reg. V*I, $3I9 ^ MISW! — E IE C m fO ty Superior Court TlHirsday on ment SOFA a CHAIR R4 9 . $350 Dtlivtrid Pr!c4 Taka With PHea NATURAL HEALTH a chaig;e of escape from a commutation was grant- . . Board of Pardons fol- Amarican of Rag. $895 FOOD SHOPPE penol institution. lowing a lengthy hearing held Reid, formerly of Hartford, at the old state prison In Weth- *175 16 5 BEDROOM SETS MartimviDa. Complata- .IT T n was convicted in the hammer ersfield. The hearing explored slaying of Mrs. Florence Me- Reid’s background and his up- PARKADE Cluney, 43 also of Hartford, bringing as a negro In a ghetto Reid was 18 years old at the neighborhood and also revealed SOFA BED UCKUOKT PBkMMAOT time. He wait through a series Reid’s low mental cc^Micity. of last minute reprieves before 'In Tolland County Superior Opens to s e e his sentence was commuted to Court bond was set at $10,000 Sleep 2 . life imprisenment. and -Reid’s case was continued Reid escaped, last April. ^prU 13. as he requested NOTICE whUe on work detaU outside the counsel, state prison In Somers. He was ^?® ®®‘ to STUDIO GOUGH PUBLIC HEARING recaptured two days later at a *" “'® ®^®"‘ BOARD OF DIRECTORS bus terminal in Springfield, “ Paro*®- TENTA’ITVE BUDGETS Mam. and had be^ held in the ONLY OF GENERAL MANAGER Hamden County Jail until he April 6, 1971 was returned to Connecticut, Campers Honor 8 KM) p.m . ’Thursday. WADDELL SCaHOOL Reid was first scheduled to Native of Town Sleep On Water? AUDITORIUM Exactly ai shewn HIDE-A-BED 163 Broad Street Roberts D. Burr cf Tarrytown, ENSENADA COLLECTION by Come and Try the Original Notice la hereby given that N.Y., a Manchester native, re­ ONLY in accordance with the provi- HI-LITE 4-pc. SECTIONAL siona of Chapter V of the Town NOTICE cently was honored for his Choice of Decorator Fabrics Charter, . as amended, the leadership in camping, at the Rag. Price $750 Board ot Directors of the ’Town PUBUC HEARING Region n American Camping Ditaaiat Faraltara Warahaiia Oarritt Oaly W ATER BED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Convention in Atlantic City. He of Manchester will bold a pub­ Fa e ta t Iraads Taa Kaaw aad Tratt Anything You Can Do On a Startieg At lic hearing on the tentative TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Is past president of Region n Take With budgets cl the General Mana­ CONNECTICUT which encompasses New York, a Am trictn of MtrKntvilU a ■«u4(t a Hew* Dead Bed. You Can Do On This ger for said ’Town of Manches­ PROPOSED ORDINANCE New Jersey, Eastern Pennsyl­ Price a Link Teyler # Kro-hler a Drex-I a 6eld lend $COOO ter tor the fiscal year begin­ Notice Is hereby given that vania, Delaware, Maryland and 330 • Werld Sleep a Preilig* a RCA Bed Better. ning July 1, 1971 as published the Board c< D irectors, ’Town the District of Columbia. Dalivarad Price $350 or to be published by the Gen- o< Manchester, Connecticut, Burr is the former director Orthepadto oral manager in Hie Manches- '•'111 M d a Public Hearing in of a camp curated by the The NEW Maftraaaer ter Evenin'^ Herald. H>® Hearing Room at the Mu- Westchester County (N.Y.) laxtpriag: Said hearing wUl be held in nlclpal BuUding, 41 Center HARTFORD (Miita, •4'Vy. YMCA, Camp Sloene, in Lake­ SALE STARTS TODAY LOOK Ovaraiilao^ the Auditorium cC^tbe Waddell Street, Manchester, Connecti- ville. Upcui bis retirem ent in X ira Mimw DISCOUNT , ^3sniumhHEr Twl« or f vH Bchool, 163 Broad Street on cut, Tuesday, April 6, 1971, at December 1988 alter he suffer­ liiaa Itdlw In* •M q.wt a I SUNDAY AT ID A.M,— Siia. Rat. Monday, AprU 6 , 1971 at 8 B:00 p.m., to consider and act ed a disabling stroke, a new •aw 109.91 at- o’clock In the evening, at which cn the following: building at the camp was named RUN CONTINUOUSLY Dot Mfk* bearing any elector or taxpay- Hue Exemptions • Refunds $39 the Roberts D. Burr Program Tail* waa er may have an opportunity to A cy of the proposed OnU- FURNITURE MANcimTER T IL 12 MIDNIGHT Pfic* , Center. 175 PINE STREET be heard. Vor and by order of nance may be seen in the ’Town A 1926 graduate of Manches­ S3S the Board of Directors of the Clerk’s office during business ter High School, Burr’s first OaaaeSiia Town of Manchester, Connect!- hours. ■ camping trip was with a Boy Sat cut. Dated at Manchester, Con­ m R CiiousE Thousands af Unadvarllsad 0*1. Price Scout Troop of South Methodist Donald D. WelU, necticut, this 2ted day of SIM Church at Camp Woodstock. For WEHONOn OFEN SUNDAY II A.M . 'W 0 F.M. . oiHsiiani Spedali — See Oftr 200 Board of Dliectors March 1971. Tat* wnn several years he was codirec­ OPEN DAILY 0-0, CLOSED SATURDAYS ] > ^ i i A Prtc* Secretary Donald D. Wells, tor of Camp Vagabond which Room Qraupiags \ $95 Manchester, Conn. Secretary w r u e o n r t u a mmua 1 Ye* Mnt See held one-week day camps in TMi T* Dated at Manchester, Con­ Board of Directors eigth Hartford County commun­ H necticut, this twenty-third day Manchester, Conn. ities, including Highland Park. of February 1971.

^ ■ I t’-'W ' V

'■ :V . ..J l J .'A' .'J N ^ A 13d V S OHDIW ! TOd

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 PAGE THREE PA6B TWO MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971 M ansfield TUESDAY JO PROGRAM Educational MONDAY JO PROGRAM Under Quiz SATURDAY JQ PROGRAM ’Taei , March 88 (2848) The Doctors (G) 8:88 (8-8-2848) Weather — Speito War. Gleim Ford. George Senate JdaJority L ead er 1:88 (8) Vb Graham Shaw (C) (8-48) Dattag Gams (0> sad Newe (O) Mandag, Manh 28 7:88 (8) Muvto , . (8) M Doaglas Shaw (C) 8:88 (8) Beverly HDIbBlles (O) (18) Caadld Gamers TV "McHale’a Navy" ’64. Misad­ Hamilton, Inger Stevens. (C) mke Mansfield (D.-Mcnt.) (48) Somelhfaid Speelal NBA mchllshto (8) MBs Douilui Show <0> ventures of Oopt McHale a ^ 8:88 (1) Deris Day Shew (C) Pioneer Valley Indoor Tennis GUy (0 ) 8:86 (48) Salat (O) •:M (S) WMUher — S pate sad Kay Starr will be the guest on ‘IHeet I (S> BFD Ne. S (C) W E D H , Channel 2 4 ) (22) At Hoaue W th KiHy <0) men of PT 78 as they ^ to 18:98 (8) Carol Barnett Shew (C) Center presents latest In ten­ OsBsial Hospital (G) 8:88 (8) Newe with Walter Groa- 12:1 Mewa 18:88 (8) Maanlx <0> outwlt— Commander- Blngnam-— the PreBs” Sunday. Ute (G) (8> Meter Maaae (0) Dennis Ooteau prepares arti­ Joe Gueata: Paul Lynde and Na­ nis fashions; F. Louisa shows 8:88 (8)^ ~Boager er Stattoa Sto (G) vayac* to Itettom •( Sea 18:88 (18) AUred Hltehcock ficial flower arrangemoite and ton. Ernest Borgnlne. unique Items for the bath­ (2848) Bright Fremlss (G) (8) News with J.K. Smttti aad (22.M) Chlldrea'a Theatre <0> (H) Wud Ktefdem H a n r Beaseaer (G) Ehcploiation ot s u b lw of "Trail ot the Kooee" (48) News — Weathsr And Suaday, March 28 kxu In Sewing.’’ (8) Troth er Coaseqaeacee (C) ducer and regular panelist of presents Geraldine I^MUildlng. 4:88 (8) FamUy Affair (88) T bIm af WeUs Fanto U:88 (84-18-884848) News — "Meet the Press” will be the Maritime Exchanse Student (8848) Somerset (G) (2848) NBG Newe (G) perts In field, anawer quea- •:W (l> Newa Becer Madd Weather aad ^oito (C) m od erator. tiona on narcotica from droup <8> Death Tallejr Dapa <0> A Spsrjs (C) 1:88 (8) As the WosM Taras (C) In Sewing.” 4:88 (8) Aady Oilfftth (G> ’"The Reluctant Debutante" <2Md^ NBC Newa <0) (48) Movie (C> "They” Coi-mella Otis Sldimer, 7:18 (2848) From A Bird’s ^ ere 11:85 (8) Movie (88) Tales of Wells Fsrgo (8) David Frost Shaw h Wlae- (88) Jse Oaragtola’s n e tn o rr “DynamUe Jim” ’66. Gold The panel of newsmen will («p) CaadleplB Bewtlad <0> (4 tr ib O’elaek Hiph "Monkey On M y Back’’ Gam s '■ IC) View JC) (48) AH My ChOdrea (0) (28) Mike Doaglas Shew (G> UUed ElngUsh buslneesman m A n . Premiere. New comedy series, student to Union Is side- 1:88 (8) As the World Tfaras (C> (88) Mr. Ed 7:88 (8) Here'a lacy (C) 11:28 (8) Movies _ . . Meaheea (0) 4:88 Spurts TTs (O) filmed in England, about ad­ traoced when deUveiy prob­ (88) Jse O a r a ^ Ia ’s Memory (48) Kllatotoaes < 0 American raised stepdaughter (8) Hardy Boya (0) <18> Merle "Beimy Goodman Story" 86. NCAA Ice Hockey Champion­ 2:88 I « v e Is a Maay Bpleade^ lems arise. Namely, everyone "TTie K ey" William Holdcat. Film biography of Beimy ’nilag ventures of two airline stew­ Game <0) 6:88 (5) Ferry Mruea successfully In London aeo- 1 (8) N.I.T. BaahetbaU (O) ships. ardesses. MlUtcent la trying to steal iL Someone (848) Let’s Make a Deal (0) son.” Rex Harrison, Sandra Sophia Loren. (Joodman one of greatest mur 8:38 Cuntempoiaty Msole B Days sf Oar Lives (C) finally succeeds and Uves hap- (18) w ild Hmd West (C) (8d8) Anerleaa Baadatead (21) Newa — Weather aad Miciimo of "big band" era, (8-48) Newlywed Game (O) plays British stesraidess HllUe 2:88 (8) Love to a Maay Spleadored (88) Addams FsmUy Dee, John Saxon. (C) (22) W reaUlu <0> 7:88 Brslltfan (C) Grover and Patto Finley ap­ pUy ever after In Paris. Lula (8) ’Trath er Geoeeqaeacee (G) Speito (C> Steve Allen, Donna Reed and I (8) OoMlag UgM W HNB^ Freaeato (0) ..“Is Atheism the Religion of pears as American stemOTem Mvila. Fernando Sancho, Oscar To Travel 6:25 (48) Weitther Watch (G) (18) What’s My LtoeT (G) (8) Trath er Cenaeqaeaeea Harry James. , the FTtturer’ (22-18) The Doctors (C) Maria Pla Ck>nte. (C) (W M ) Days of Gar Lives (O) 2:t » (22d8> NCAA BaaketbaU T a ^ (88) Baah Toward Fraedam "Billy the KM Vs.” Dnacula” . (8-48) Dottag Game (C| Maggie Ralston. "The Diffipilt (848) Newlywed Game (O 8:88 (88) OnUgaa’s totoad (G> (22-8848) News — Weather * 8:88 Kukla, Frau A OUle (C) Passenger" Hlllle gets into 11:88 (8848) Tonight Show Johan (48) VniiaFs My LlaeT (G) Sporto (G> aameat . "Tne Non-Violent Creed" Chuoc Courtney. John Caira- 8:88 Wsrid We Live la (O I (8) B eveiiy HUIbillles (C) Corson (C) Abroad on TV 2:88 (8) Ooldtag Light (0) Played In Houatoo Aatrodome. dine, Melinda Plowman. (1M8) Aaether Wsrid — ^ trouble srhen she attempts to 7:88 (2 i^ > Jolla (G) 7:25 (48) Newa <0) "Survival in the Sea” take revenge on a very troi^ (848) DIek Cavett Show (C) (8-M) Mod Bqsad 1:88 (848-48) News — Prayer luid Hie Oscar Awards program, dame at approx. 4 p.m. NYT. Gueata are Charlie Callaa, the I (8) Baagcr-Slatlsa (C) Ooote). 8:88 (2848) Seotlaad Yard (G) Guests are tjnanie i;muos, me Bariiara Stanwyck, Barry 18:88 Fanfaro (8-48) Let’s Make a Deal (C> Sign Gff (C) to be colorcast live 1:16 (S) News — Prayer sad Sign News special on famed British miSSUck tA e o e k (C> (8-48) Gas life to Live (C) (18) I ( t o (O) Television Network April IS, police unit. DetecUvee and clnl, Jonathan Wntera, Caaa owner of small team hotel ticoal fairy tale set to music of 8:18 (8848) Bewaa and Martto’s GR SporU C hanem (C) Elliot, and Phyllla DUler. works with gang of rustlers Prokofiev and danced b.v Na- I (1) FsniHy Affair (C) will be transmitted to tele­ nigh officials discuss Intricate Gueata Include Johnny Bench, (2248) Ssmerset (C) Laugb-Ia B (C> woiklngs of London Metropoli­ Pete Roae A Bobby Tolan of (8-48) laarreaee Welk (C> until Pinkerton detective ^ tioiukl Ballet of Canada. Guest: W.F. Buckley Jr. vision outlets In Canada, South 8:88 (8) My Three Sens (C) rives on scene to correct (848) Dark Shadows (C) tan Fouce — which la Scotland Cincinnati Reda. I (8) Aisdy OrUfUh Shew (O) (8-M )Nesriysred Game thievery. 8:88 (8) This to Your Life (C) (8) Merle aastgned to Jet-ddhter comr C (88) Mr. M "Mias Sadie ’Thompson’’ Jose Asia under arrangements made British A American police sys­ mand, turns "character’’ Into Loren. Russian emw:ee aboard train from Parla to Ferrer, Rita Hayworth. countess attempts to det from Frankfurt. War la Bead Baclad 5:28 (48) WstoOer Watch (C> First haU o f *'The B l« C o ^ said that, to date, IS locals Lynda Day and Koz Garas. (8) Movie ^ outside the continental United Contemporary drama of black (8-48) F ro Bewlera T a a r ^ (48) W k ^ s M y LtooT ^ (C) mons, Carroll Baker. Charlton lawman’s career which is en­ James Stewart, June AHjw m . sure Just who bad guys are. Exploration of role of teacher Heston Burl Ives. James States plan either live or de­ . iSl Frank Lovejoy. Barry Sulli­ Aboard are such people as in drug education and drug 8:88 (84-22-48) Weather — 8 p < ^ dangered when hb town is en­ (8) CBS Oelf ’Tearaaraeat (C> sad News (C) McKay arrives from Balti­ gulfed by racial tension. (C) van. Ball player recall^ to Merle Oberon, (3harles ^ r - abuse prevention contkiues. more to marry pampered layed telecasts of the event, Team of A1 Gelberper and duty becomes commander of 7:88 Pnblio Hearing (18) Candid Camera (18) Movie Dave Stockton meets team vln, Paul Lukas, Robert Ry­ daughter prominent ranch originating at the Los Angeles "Cover Girl" RHa Hayworth, SAC plane. Neglected shoulder an and Rcbeit Coote. No fault Insurance (Live) (18) Te Tril the Trato <0) of Miller Barber and Dan 6:86 (48) Salat < 0 owner and soon becomes in­ Music Center. Gene Kelly. Injury drums lilmout of Air 12:48 (48) News — JPrayer A S lg t Black Journal (C) volved In lotiff-siandlnF f e ^ Force and active baseball car Connootient Newsromn 6:88 <8) Nows srllk Walter Crosj- Live telecasts will be car­ 8:88 (8) aansmoke (O) (18) joaraey to Adreatare nadian Broadcasting Corpora- (8' OoK Toaraameat (C) (18) Creepy Createreo "Bormle Scotland" (18) Dick Vaa Dyke Drama of war and vei^eance 18:88 (8) 68 Hinntee (C) (8-48) Wide World to "It Came From Beneath the 1:88 (48) News A Sign OH tC) Tnooday, March 38 (2248) NBC News (C) during final stages o f Civil ti(Hi); M exico (Telesistema Mex- (8-48) Marens Welby, M.D. Phoenix "160” Indlanap (18) F ro Hockey Hldklldhte 8:88 (S )'^ {^ Tyl«f *»««> I The Deaf (SUxen . munda, in Spanish); Brazil 11:25 (8) Movie I Miui Against His Eavlroiunent "West 11" Young m an, em o­ I Book Beat (O) B (Diarlos lEmissoras Associates, tional leper feel!ng agd believ­ ’"The Antagonists’’ by E. K. In Portuguese); Australia ing in nothing, cllngi only to Gano. (Amalgamated Television Net­ familiar coffee bars, pubs, and SUNDAY PROGRAM 8:88 Course of Our ’Times (C) jaxs clubs of Lendon. One day JO "Hitler Over Europe" w o rk ). he comes close enough to 9:88 The Advocates <0) death to want to Uve again. "Should Propoeed Defense Delayed-basls telecasts are Diana Dors, Alfred Lynch, Fabten" \ to be presented in: Great Brit­ Eric Portman. Sunday, March 28 (88) Couaeoticat Cloae-up (C) Budget Be Approved T" ^ 2:88 (M 8) NBA BaaketbaU (C) 5:88 (S) Persy Masoa 18:88 Couneetteut Newsroom 11:88 (2848) Tonight Show Johnny 6:88 (88) Agrlcaltere em Parade 6:88 (18) Voyage to B o t ^ of ^ a ain (via the IMUsh Broadcast­ Carson (C> Philadelphia 76ers vs. Bullets (82) This to Your Life 7:88 (8) Faith lor ’T o^.. <®> (88) DeMolay Amrlversary (C) Virgin Islands; Colombia; Ven­ (8-48) DIek Cnvett Show (G> (88) Blag Around the Worid Gueata: Albert Speer, .outhOT Wednetday, March 81 1:08 (8-8848) News — Prayer and 7:56 (8) Sign On aad Prayer (C) 2:38 (88) News Spotlight (C> of "Inside ’Third Reich’’ : K p l 8:88 (38) GoHea Years ChrUtophers (C) Hess, former speech writer (or I World We Live U (G) B 1:15 (SI News — Prayer aad S in "TYarmportatlon In Retire­ Barry (Joldwater, others. H ong Koag; South Korea. (88) Three Stoogu ment” and "Executive Ca­ "Survival In the Sea" BIG SOUND FROM A SMALL PACKAGE. Sylvania’s Mini- Diahann’s special show April 5 on (Channel 30. Off (G) 8:16 (8) Adveatsres of Oumby (C) 8:88 (8) CBS News — Boger Mudd I They Went That’A Way (C> Hie transmission to Brazil (8.48) Sacred H o ^ (C) reers In RetlremeiU.” Modular reproduces ybur records with excellent clarity and full, (C) 4:88 (8) Natteaal Alrilaes Open (C> (22-88) NBC News (C) Protestant - Catholic Movie Browu" (O) ' ™ A finest sound available today. 32 watts peak music power. ian broadcaster at the Los An­ (8) bpInloBated Man Awards to motion pictures re­ (8) Pearl Bailey Show (C) I French Chef (C) (22) Cant. Scarlet (C) Fastrotepplng Ike A ’lina ’Tu^ "Plxza Vaiisdlona" geles Music Center. WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM leased in 1970 are announced Protective, tinted dust cover included. This stereo is sure to (88) Vaderdog (C) ner Revue, George KM>y mak­ I Great Americaa Dream Ma- Tills is the first time that (48) FaHk (or Today George Plimpton discusses and actor-raconteur Douglas I Connecticut Newsroom (8) Virginia Graham Shew (G) (I) Andy Griffith Show (U ) Movie (8) Actiou 78’s African Wildlife Leadership FVdrbanks Jr. and Pearlie teleca st ot an Oscar Awards (8) Mike Dooglae Show (G) (8) David Frost Show (G) "Salome" Stewart Granger, (22) Puttonis for U viag 8:88 (8) Medical Ceator (G> 10:88 (8)- -Lamp p Vato My Feet (C) Seven Policemen" PM satellite transmission wtU be "Illustrated Anatomy of Csm- 6:8 (8) F e n r Masoa (8-48) Jehany Cash Show (C) DIalo___ Jofue . „ (C) (22) News — Weather A Spoito 8:88 Film pua H um or": David Habey of (18) Wild WUd West (C> Guests Include Homer Ic Jeth­ (22) Chalfco of SalyaUou (C) (88) m id Ktegdom ^ „ (O) Documented: the aK>rehension seen by Australian viewers Leverett O aftsm en Center (88) AddamsI Family ro, Merle Trav's A "Country (88) Let Vs Celebrate (O) "Summer of the Badger of pcuuMis of bad checks. startin g a t 4 p .m ., A p ril 16, demonstrates pottery tech­ (48) OUllgaa’s Island (C) Cousltu" and Norman Blake, (48) Oovernmeat______Bte*T (C) (48) It ’Takes A Thief (C> 8:88 Small Buslaess Maaagement niques r Jeanette Adams ana­ 6:25 (48) W e ^ e r Watoh- (2448) Kraft Masio Hall (C> .’"fhe’ Conscience of Govern- 7:88 (8) Vatained WosM (0> "Plaimlng (or the Fhiture” their time. lyzes Kitty's handwriting; and 6:88 (88) am igna’s Island (G> ' "A Salute to the Oscars" with "m ent” "G aselles" 7:88 Freaeh Chef B (C) Arrangements for transmis­ "Fashions In Sewing." (48) B lu r s My LiaeT (0 ) Michele Lee, Frank Gorshin 10:88 (8) Look Vp and I ^ o (C) (2t38) Worid of DUuoy (O "Plxsa Variations" ^ (88) ’Tales of WeUs Fargo 6:8 (8-8-2240) Weather — Sports and Stiller A Meara, Hostess: (8) CaUaaooga Cato (C) Omcluslon of "Klfhutoped" R 7:88 Contomponury_ Music sions to additional countries in (48) AU Bly ChUdren (G) aad News (CU Bette Davis. (80) Suciillco of the Mass 8:M (A48) Tho FJBX (840) Yooag Lawyers (C> 11:00 (8) Camera T h w (22-88) Days of Onr U ves (G) Harry Bennoner (C) 11:25 (8) Movie lliSO (8) On the Agenda . 18:88 Conaectlent Newsroom (22-88) The Doctors (G> 7:8 (8) BThat In the Worid (C) young man and hb father Tarpon Springs, Fla. and Gulf (Juests: Paul Lynde, Bobby 277 BROAD STREET — PHONE 649-1124 (8-48) Dattag Game (G) "South Africa" fala^ accused of murder, of Mexico to obeerve way of Goldsboro and IflUy Gritty CHICKEN (8) Beverly HUIbUlles (G) (8) Trath or Gonoeqsenoes (C) their identities become known. life of sponge fishermen. Dirt Band. Friday, April 2 (2848) Another World — Bay (18) inutt’ o My LtoeT (C) Gunfight with rusUera lead to (22) National Hockey L e a n e (8-48) 28th Annual T m FM Brown in 6 minitee Gllv 8:88 Kukla, Frau A OUle (O) (848) Oeaeral Hospital (G) Muroiiy, Wanda Hendrix, Burl 12:00 (8) BUhop’s InstaUation (C) (18) Kathryn Kuhlmau 8 k m 8:88 Insight B The woaM^s "O m eet ea tu r (8) Boager Stattoa (G) 7:88 ^ ir i l e a At Law Ives; (C) Installation of RL Rev. J. W. (2288) Boaousa 7:S88oult ^ ITDOES Pick Dp 10 Mtamtea Later 8:18 (8) AH to the Family ^ panlee In northeast Is su b je ^ 11:88 (8-M288-I8) Nowo — Wouttar "Reddick" Main emphasis will be on Its and Sporto (C) 18:M Masteiptece Theater B (C) work In bringing theatre to 11:26 (8) Movie "N ot Without Honor" high schools and Jinlor high Nancy Sinatra stars in "M iracle In the Rain 66. A a a INSTANT DECra DRIVE-IN schools all over Greater Hart­ Ed Sullivan special Lonely young woman meets 4 M OJBNTHSB 8T^-6tt-S0N ford area. __ soldier and (alls In love. When EARNINGS (22) Where Do Y ou Go From due April 4 on Chan­ he Is shipped out, she cIliigB to s A V I M G S HEreT hope that one day he wnl re-f, ■V Round-Uble diacusalon For Parties, from day of depuMt, ELECTRONICS An all-star British cast ap­ Ralph Richardsem and Bmlyn Schwelnberg, C.P.. Pas^tot Harris and Curt Gowdy, host, (5) Movie 4 ttmea yearly. pears In "David Copperfield,” Monastery, West Springfield, fish (or cutthroat trout on trout ’"The Servant" ’63. Dirk Bo- Banquets, -irmtnfM eraA V fA fe* LABORATORIES the two-hour drama special Williams. Also in the cast are and Rev. R. Whitney, Asso­ ' float trip In Wyoming. gairte, Sarah Miles. Indolent, '■AWeSl8TtB»88I.Bg8t PIWAWIAt IWTITI-T.ABJ ciate Director, Oruncll o 4:88 (22) As S e h ^ Match Wits wealthy, weak, young man baaed on diarlea iDlcken’s clas­ ClXisack’ s daughter Sinead and Churches, Spriitgfleld. Granby Junlor^enior High I hires ungentle "gentleman s R oce^ions 1007 MAIN ST.. aiANOHKSTBB 8 ROUTE SI, OOVENTRT sic which will have an encore Sir Michael’s son Corln. (88) Bowters’ TV Clab (C) School challenger. I gentleman" who proceeda to 277 BROAD 18) BoU^^Deiby OBAiBS • U m ar \ BEST TAPES wide acclaim vdieh oiigiinally 1:88 (8) F ace the Natteu (C> (88) TTHNB-TV Fieseato (C) (8) Speaklag fur tke Cansnm- ilf them expertly. presented. year-ofld Copperfield, who (8) Eighth Day (C) IM) Muvto ^ , e r py events (22-88) Meet the Frees CARS ally) : Richard Attenborough Guest Is Senate M ajority Lead­ ATLANTIC FUEL OH. ^RCNTAL WILSON C^yril C usack, D am e E dith In his life and the pe^ e who er teike Hansflrid. helped shape them come to Ufe (48) Csuversattews IFIBi. ■. ElldtRICAL,CO. Eivans, Pamela Franklin, Susan t:$8 (8) Natloaal Hsekey League L T. WOOD CO. Hampshire, Wendy HUler, Ron as he thinks about )ils past and ’Toronto vi. Detroit TV-BadIo Salea and Sarvlea tries to decide shout his future. (8-48) Issues aad Aunrers SI MwniitJ, 81., MANOBBSIEB—n X ,. Mt-lUS NEW or USED Moody, Sir Lmirence (Mivier, (28) Mavis , „ ^ "Fbantom Empire with Gene S4-BB. BUKNKIt SEWIOB—m X . MMNt UB CIBMICB I Autry and Fimikle Darro. Tl w ta SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1971MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., bi PAGE FOUR sc On Cover H Morning Cl THURSDAY JU PROGRAM n w (18) WUd WUd West (0 ) ful drama concerns man who Tknrsday, April 1 concocts daring plan to ellnnd- TV ^ U ' (S IVlrslnlm GraJuun Show loves. (Monday — Friday) (22) At Home With Kitty (G> ; (40) Weather Watch (C) 81 Bill Stockdale narrates his (8-40) Make Boom lor Grand­ (30) GUllgan’ s Island (C) d a d ^ films of recent tour of Italy: (40) Wha?s My LinoT (C) (8-40) Dan Angnst (C> Ellen Yard discusses "Idea yi Book of Trims” : Robbie Amyx 5:65 (3) Ski Beport (C) (22-80) Adam-12 __ (C) MORNING PBOGBAIItS 6:00 (3-8-22-40) Weather — Sports (22-30) Dean Martin Show (C) 6:60 (8) Sign On and Prayer a and members of her class con­ Guests: Ernest Borgnlne. Peg^ tinue their series of Yoga exer­ and News 6:30 (8) Nows with Walter Cron- 6:15 (8) duction of ’ "The Boys In the 6:30 (3) Yonr Community (C> l:Se (S> As the World Tams (C) klte Band.” Consnltatlan (C) (SO) Joe Garsfiola’s Memory (8) News with H.K. Smith and (30) Harry Beasoner (C> 10:30 (8) American ^ r t s n u m (C) 6:46 (8) A New Day (C> Game (18) Dick Van Dyke "A Quest for Survival" 7:00 (3) (22-30) NBC News . (18) Hartford Talk-In (C) ( 8) Mr. Goober (3) Love Is a Many'Spleadored (22-30) T o d » Show m . Thing ILl) 7:00 (3) To Borne With Love (C) (40) Polha! (C) (8) Truth or Consequences (C> 8 :i (3) Capt. K an n roo (C) (z£M> Days of Onr Lives (C) (3-8-18-22-30-40) News (40) Strum ’N Dmmmers (C) (h-tO) Newlywed Game (18) What’ s My Line? ^ (C) “ Weather and Sports (C) (22JOA0) News — Weather • (3) Hap Richards Shew (C) I (3) (3) .Movie (8) Conn-Tact (C) (22-30) The Doctors Snorts escape from prison camp. 9:16 (8) Yogi Bear Show (C) James Robertson Justice, Les­ 9:30 (3) Lncy Show (C) General Hospital Guests are Tim Conway. San- lie PhilUps, Stanley Baxtw. (3) Hanger otsiion dvly _ Dimcan______and Johnny Brown. (30) News (C) ------(C) "The Great Sioux Uprising” (40) Tlmmle and Lassie (22-30) Bright From lss (C) IS) Jim Nabors Hour ’63. Jeff Chandler,-Lyle Belt (b-40> (C) Guest: Glen Campbell. 10:60 (3) Movie (C) ger. Faith Domerque. (C) (8) Peytonlyton PISPlace (3) Family Affair (8-40) Bewitched (22d0) Tonight Show t o h m "Edge of Night,” a "must” (C) (22-30) oomersei (18) Movie „ U:30 (22-30) Dinah’s Place "Lady In Question Glenn Carson for daytime televlaloii viewers (40) Leave It to Beaver (8-40) Dark Shadows (8-40) Dick Cavett Show (C) celebrates Ite ifith anniversary (22-30) Coneentratlon (C) (8) David Frost Show (22-30) Ironside (8-30-40) Nows — Prayer and (22) Mike Douglas Show 9:00 (3) Movie Friday on CSiannel 3 (CBS). On (40) Jack LaLanne Show "Brainstorm" ’66- Jeff Hunter, Sign Off 11:00 (22-30) Sale of the Ceatniy (C) (30) Mr. Ed (8) News — Prayer and our cover today are cast mem­ (8) That Glri (C) (40) Flintstones (C) Anne Francis. Dana Andrews and Vlveca Llndfots. Suspense- Off % bers of this long-playing show. (40) Galloping Gourmet 5:00 (3) Perry Mason 11:30 (8) Love of Life (C) They are: (8) Action Newa c) (22-30) Hollywood Sqnareo 1. Walter Greaza, sole remain­ (40) That Girl fu ; ing original cast member, who 12:00 (3) Twelve O’clock Beport (8) Hike Dougina (C) FRIDAY JU PROGRAM plays Winston Grlmsley. (22-30) Jeopardy (C) (40) Bewitched (C) (22-30) Name of the Game (C) 2. Ann Flood as Nancy Karr. Friday, ApiU 2 5:30 (80) GUllgan’s Island ------12:25 (3) Newa (C) (40) What’s My Line? (C) 9:« I (3) Movie 12:30 (3) (C) 1:00 (3) Virginia Grpham Show (C) “ O’Hara, United States Trea­ 3. B*iian Sharon as Nancy’s (8) MUe Douglas Show (C) 6:00 (S*-22-40) Weather -7 sury" Thrilltag drama of ’Trear (22-30) The Who, What or (22) At Home With Kitty (C) and— -■ News (C) sury Dept’s determined efforts sister. Cookie Christopher. Where Game (C) S.il Maurlzio shows cake deco­ (18) Candid Camem to crack daring ring of drug (40) A World Apart (C) rating techniques; Jay Berger (30) To Tell the Tmth (C) smugglers. David Janssen. 4. Alan Feinstein as Dr. 12:55 (2240) News (C) discusses new books; and 6:05 (40) Saint (C) Luia*Wood. Gary Croeby. (C) James Fields.. "Fashions In Sewing." 6:30 (3) News with Walter Cron- (8-40) W George fJW A *® MPllmptqn aaaaa»swwan (C) aw r Werner Klemperer, Colimel (80) Tales of Wells Fargo kite (C) "Plim pton! Did You Hear the 5. Alberta Grant as Dr. Field’s Klink of “Hogan’s Heroes” on (40) (C) (8) News wilk H.K. Smith One A bout. . . 7 CJomedy w e- (C) the CBS Television Network, is 1:30 (8) As the World Tam s (C) and Harry Beasoner clal. Eleven top comediaiis romantic interest, liz Hllyer. (80) Joe Garaglola’s Memory (18) Dick Van Dyke show George how to do It the son of symidionic conductor Game v jC) (22-30) NBC News (C) Steve Allen ns mentor atrf 6. Dcmald May as lawyer Otto- Klemperer. (8-40) Let’s Make a Deal (C) 7:00 (3) Golden Voyage (C) guide with Woody Allen, Mil­ "New Jordan’*^ . ton Berle. Jack Carter, Dl^ Adam Drake. — 2:6 (3) Love Is a Many Splendored (8) Trnlh or Conseqnences (C) (H.vett, Phyllis Dlller, David .(C) Eileen Fulton’s portrayal of (18)qB O / What’ W I 600* sm Myasa^ L u e?r » (C) ' IPrye, Budi& Hackett Bob 7. Burt Douglas as CooMo’s ^ ) Days of Onr Lives (C) (22-3040) News — Weather A Hope, Phil Mvers and Jona- Lisa Hughes on "As the World (840) Newlywed Game (C) husband, Ron Christopher. SpOLlorts — (C) than Winters. ’Turns” 1^ •or 'U) Lewis, Marge and Gower The series unfedds against a (40) Flintstones (C) Champion. (C) r e m i n g t o n c h a i n s a w s (3) Perry Mason 8:30 (3) Andy Griffith Oiow (C) background of crime detection 5:00 (846) Partridge Family (C) 11:80 (22-30) Tonight Show Johnny (18) Wild Wild West (C) Carson