(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,779,144 B2 Kelly Et Al
US00877914.4B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,779,144 B2 Kelly et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 15, 2014 (54) BICYCLOHETEROARYL COMPOUNDSAS (56) References Cited P2X7 MODULATORS AND USES THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Michael G. Kelly, Thousand Oaks, CA (US); John Kincaid, San Mateo, CA 5,095,103 A 3, 1992 Hoechstetter (US); Yunfeng Fang, Foster City, CA 5,484.926 A 1/1996 Dressman et al. 5,670.517 A 9/1997 Choy et al. (US); Jianhua He, legal representative, 6,110,934. A * 8/2000 Harling et al. ................ 514,307 Foster City, CA (US); Yeyu Cao, Foster 7,402,596 B2 7/2008 Kelly et al. City, CA (US); Carl Kaub, San Mateo, CA (US); Sumithra Gowlugari, San FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Mateo, CA (US) DE 39 42 893 A1 6, 1991 (73) Assignee: Evotec (US) Inc., South San Francisco, JP 2006220522 8, 2006 CA (US) WO WO94/17066 8, 1994 WO WO94,27969 12/1994 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WO95/09843 4f1995 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WOO3,068743 8, 2003 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1644 days. WO WOO3,080579 10, 2003 WO WO 2004/106305 12, 2004 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis WO 2005.009968 2, 2005 claimer. WO WO 2005/087767 9, 2005 WO WO 2005/087768 9, 2005 Appl. No.: 11/722,514 WO WO 2005,105814 11, 2005 (21) WO WO 2005.115986 12/2005 WO WO 2006/005.941 1, 2006 (22) PCT Fled: Mar.
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