Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1960-08-03
I e ,. P .. rtly cloudy through tonivht with sc.......... showers and tfIun· .rstonns mottIy in west and ~ ow• ·an nortt. ..." inc! over stm to .0 t nigN. T urni", cool... In nortft. S.m"l TM Stat. Unl".,.rity of l~ IJftd 1M p,opl4 of I0tD4 Cu, west tonight. High... to '5. Herald Tribune News Service Features Wednesday, August 3, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa Bel glans• ·To Leave Congo NixQn Says Kennedy Bought Cuba Quiet U.N.. Labor Vote with Pc/atform On Fidel's This LOS ANGELES IA'I - Vice Presi tinl number of working men have I hour - is very loyal indeed to Replacement LEOPOLD VILLE, Congo IA'I - end of a bitter dispute between the dent Richard M. Nixon charged backed RepUblican candidates. our cause." Belgium agrE'ed with great reo new Congo government and Bel· Tuesday that Sen. John F. Ken "Labor has never had it so good The Vice President's wife, Pa luctance to give up its la t linger· gium over the future of the c;opper l!'D'",,". reprellntativ. YriII nedy, his Democratic opponent for ing hold on the Congo and Ute rich Katanga province. Political discuss with you • as they have had it in the last tricia, was greeted by a bome High Officials the presidency, bought labor's sup eight years," Nixon contended. coming crowd of nearly 5,000 in U. N. announced Tuesday night its leaders there had attempted to de· of plans which may bt port with the Democratic plaUorm. Are Unavailable to your Individual present "They have bad it infinitely bet Reno, Nev., earlier in the day.
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