.. - 01 OtUon Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of lowa City

Established In 1863-Five CeDts A Copy AssOCiated Press Leased Wire And Wirepboto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Augu t 12, 1959 Cuban Forces Nab 3 ~OOO I Accuse'J Qf Revolt Talk Little Rock Una asy HAVANA 1.4'1 - Around 3,000 per· Ading Sgt. Stanley F . Wesson of Many, however, must do a lot of ary movement, includlng Hernan. SOIlS were reported Tuesday night Worcester, Mass., a guard at the talking. dez ,Teliaheche, were in session in as rounded up in the Castro reo U.S. Embassy here. said Raul gave One Is ex-Sen. Arturo Hernan. a house near Havana when the lime's harsh military drive against him this figure along with apologies del Teilaheche, named by the news. bearded Prime Minister stalked In. alleged counter·revolutionary plot· for his detention. paper La Calle as the man chosen With the aid of lieutenants who ters. There was speculation the first by the conspirators to replace had pretended to go along with On Int~gration Eve Remnants of the anti·Caslro reo major conspiracy against the Cas· President Osvaldo Dorlicas i( their the plotters. Castro helped to herd belUoo apparently were stili being tro Government had not been en- pial succeeded. He is a follower the group out of the house to army stamped out In the hinterlands and tirely cleaned up. of Carlos Prio Socarras, the for. headquarters at Camp Ubertad. more arrests were reported there. This was touched olf by criti· mer Cuban prf;s ident ou ted by One of the lieutenants who han· Havana was quiet. cism in a Government-oriented Fulgencio Batista in 1952. died a cloak and dagller role was Segregationists The latest arrests included 15 newspaper, Revolucion, of another Castro was reported by Jay Mal. Maj. WillIam Morgan, an Ameri· ex·army men at Nuevitas. a port newspaper, La Calle, for giving lin , Havana correspondent oC the can who served with Castro's guer· 350 miles east of Havana on the some details of the plot Monday. Miami Daily News, to have played rillas. Mallin said the Dominican DOrIh shore of Camaguey Prov- Revolucion said some details giv· a dramatic personal role in smash. Republic's consul gave Morgan $52,· Still Seeking inee. en by La Calle were true and some ing the piaL 000 for use in the counter·revolu· Authorities said the plotters ad· false, but the exposition of the con· lion and that weapons were sent mitted they were involved in a spiracy at this time would give According to this account top by Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, ceneral nationwide conspiracy help to counter-revolutionaries. leaders of the counter·revolution· Ihe Dominican dictator. AWay Out against Castro. Another (actor bearing on this They were carrying ]2 shotguns, speculation was that telephone com· Faubus: Takes Federal 3 revolvers and 3 hand grenades munications to Las Villas Provo Force To Open Schools when arrested, officials said. More ince, in mid·Cuba, were still arrests are expected. blacked out. Employment Sets LITTLE ROCK, Ark. 1.4'1 - Un· The report oC 3,000 arrested was Until the figure oC 3,000 was easiness settled over Little Rock attributed to Maj. Raul Castro, given by Raul Castro, the total Tuesday night on the eve of tho the Prime Minister's younger broth· number oC those arrested had been reopening o( its Cour public high er and chief of Cuba's armed (ore· placed at 1,500. Unofficial sources New Record High schools to token integration. es, by a U.S. Marine who had been expressed the belief that most of Di~hard segregationists s t I II detained by the Cuban government them would be freed aCter police WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - More Americans had jobs In July than in sought desperately Cor a way out. lor 48 hours. sorted them out. any previous month. There were 67.6 million employed. They had even declared a boycott The Government's monthly job survey showed 252,000 more em· oC Main Street merchallts. played than in June, which al so was a record. There ar about 2.4 Gov. Orval E. Faubus finally spoke up, too. million more jobs than a year ago. End Of 'A 'Road In Sight "If the Little Rock situation is ' Unemployment declined by 238,000 from June to 3.7 million in settled and if the schools are inte­ July. This Is a decline of 1.5 mil· grated, it will be under the com· lion Cram July 1958. pulsion of federal bayonets," he For 644 Graduates Tonight Seymour WolCbein , deputy assist· said. ant secrelary of labor for manpow· Record Iowa Faubus had been strangely Tonight 644 SUI students will reach the end o[ a road. These stu· er, said in releasing the new data quiet. He had been expected to ts, receiVing bachelor's or advanced degrees, now will be travel. Tuesday that they showed a furth· • call a special legislative session, In new directions : to jobs, to vacation spots, or perhaps back 10 er and continuing improvement in but didn't. But segregationists stlll ~001 to begin work toward another degree. lhe over·ail employment picture. Corn Harvest rallled around him. They planned Summer Commencement exercises wUI begin at 7:30 p.m. in the The seasonally adjusted ratio of to gather on the capitol lawn to­ workers idle, but seeking jobs, to day to ask him to "do something." ~eldhouse. Degrees will be con· the rest of the work force rose Seen For '59 Speaking before a farmers un· I,mld by SUI President Vi.rgll M· I New In July to 5.1 per cent from 4.9 , l ion meeling, Faubus gave no hint H~r. He will also deliver the Budget In June. The long·term un employ- DES MOINES (.fI - A record Rumors of any attjlllt he mIght ttie to trll\idollal charge to graduates. ' ed - those idle ]5 weeks or longer Iowa corn crop oC more than 750 Pastor Faubus Arrest halt de eg egation of the s ools. Th~ ("j:ommencement address, - dropped by 110,000 In July to million bushel was forecast by the The R.v. Wesl.y Prud.n, LI"I. Rock sagr.,ationlll I.ad.r, scratch•• hi. h.ad before r.plyin, to • '" School BoarQ buttone down ~ del~ ' for ntegrating six Ne· "This II: the....Djy," will be given Approved By 820,000. This is less thau half the Agriculture Departm nt Tue day. lIutltion at a news confer.nc. Tuesday at which he char"ed the Federal Governm.nt pl.nl to arr.st figure a year ago. This production, if realized, groes in'l'&rlwo or the schools under bJ J. w.. "rvis.ker, president of Gov. Orval E. Faubu. today to pr.v.nt him from Int.rfering with the schedul.d int.. ration of Little a state pupil placement law, al· One sidelight to the new report would exceed by 76 million bushels wilier -Deoorab. Rock'. High schools. Th. R.v. Mr. Purden Slid hI got the information from an anonymous t.l.ph.... ready challenged by the National ~g"Q . ) 11 ' 16 that unemployment among Ne- the an·time record crop 677 School Board or eall wtlld1 he thovlht c.me from an out·of·~ .. ftJW.,. ...r.--AP Wirephoto. AS$ociation Cor ~ .Advancement ~ YUvaske ~ds rA4Jla8ter of the· gro workers is It per cent, or million bushels in 1948. ology of Colored People. de,f~~ ltIo'tr-i1u'1ceto~..rh~ · The $2.1 million 1959-60 Iowa City more than the 4.5 rate Total corn production for Iowa Twice Faubus has stopped inte­ ologie~I ,~minary ili1d 'ii' ~\)~ community school district budget among white workers. this year was e timated as bf Aug. gration In Little R9Ck . In the fall di¥iliti~ degree ~ frlH1\ ,Augus was approvcli TUesday night by the The July. employment Increase 1 at 753.8 million bushels. Senate Rackets Group Starts . Funeral F~r 1957 \le,used' 'Ole ~8J.:lonal Guard .f.oIlege, Sioux. Fallll, ~.~ He ~~} board of education following a pub. came despIte . a more than sea· The Iowa Crop and Livestock tempararlly to ttirn' PIIAk, nine Ne· held his present .position alnce' • . lic hearing. There ~ere no objec· sonal decline In farm employment Reporting Service aid this is 11 grOelrlS.l Central Hiili SchOOl. Last Degrees lo be- awarded include: tions to the proposed budget. attributed to bad c~op '."eat~er in per cent greater than the 1948 to. year ~ clQaeli the schools under a doctor of phl1osophy ~ J 50; master's OC the total budget $1,807,215 will many areas - primarIly m the tal and compares with the second Probe Of Auto Workers Union Paul Sayre quickly ena<1U/d, state law recently degrees, 244: liberal arts, 179; 'nurs· be raised by taxes. The remainder South. highest crop of record, 671.8 mil. declared unconstitutional by a fed· ing, 89; business administration, 42; will come from tuition and state The factory work week declined lion bushels grown in 1952, and last WASHINGTON (.4'1 - The Sen· vice president, had a financial in· Be eral court. engineering, 17; law, 18 ; and pharo sources. An estimated increase of slightly to an average 40 .4 hours. year's total 669 milllon which was ate rackets committee Tuesday vestment. To Friday The governor implied federal macy, 5. Degree candidates repre­ seven mills in the tax levy will be This is still more than an hour the third largest crop. lurned down Walter Reuther's de- 2. A biller row in ]949 and 1950 Funeral services will be held 10 rorce was behind the integration sent 86 Iowa counties, 31 states, required to meet the expenditures longer than a year ago. The estimated yield per acre _ ~an~s that it. admit the. public to in the Toledo area wh ich exploded a.m. Friday for Paul Sayre, SUI and referred to reports of troop the District of Columbia, and eight for the coming year. This includes The July survey was taken in 55 bushels-is based on an all.time Its investigations of hI S United . f .I h professor of law. Services will be movements in the Pine Bluffs area, other countries. three ml'lls needed to cover debt . t th t' id tlt 'k Auto Workers Union, (UAW J. IOta a rash 0 libel ano 01 er dam· JUS as e na IOnw e sees rl e high of 12 million acres expected conducted by the Rev. John G. 60 miles southeast of Little Rock. Chaplain for the exercises will services increased by the present got under way. Few of the 500,000 f h h id Tn the secrecy of its police. age suits. It involved some dissi­ Craig, pastor of the First Congre· At Pine BlufC, Col. R. W. Dodds, construction program. Previous strikers are counted as unem· or arvest, t e government sa , guarded hearing room, the com. dent UAW members who opposed be James Spalking, SUI assistant gational Church, at Beckman's commanding officer oC the Pine · t f th '11 I' ployed because they technl·c.ally stl'll but is well below Jast year's ree' 'tt th t t d 11 ' It G ' I' Al f Bluff Arsena~ said 110 Army reo proCessor of religion. William D. es tIma es 0 e ml evy merease ord 65.5 bushels. ml ee en s ar e ca 109 w nes- 0 ser s po Icies. so some ac. Funeral Home. Coder, coordinator of conCerences ran as high as nine mills. have jobs. ]£ they actively seek ses for questioning. lory owners who fought the UAW's servists are holding a two·week new work, they are counted among The Reporting Service said the I I d f( ·th J h D D I f Sayre died Monday arternoon in training course there but it had and Institutes, will be master of • D..L S wecney, SUI pro fessor of 1 59 li ' t d . Id ha been teo WI 0 n . a e 0 ""nsion fund demands became in- ceremonies. ' the unemployed. 9 an clpa e Yle s R d B k N J f lib t "'~ University Hospital. where he had no connection with the Little Rock accounting, commended the board's equaled or exceeded In only three e an, .., or qu zz ng a ou volved. been taken Saturday. His death situation. The University Symphony will finance Cbmmittee and said ~e commissions his management con· was attributed to a heart ailment budget was "conservative, thoug . other years of record. begiMin".. suiting firm reportedly paid to at S. The h an dl'10 g of UAW " FI ow er Police Chief Gene Smith has provide music under the direction in 1866. aggravated by a diabeUc condition. luI and well planned." least one UAW official. Dale runs funds" - which Reulher tesll£ied been charged with the job of keep· of WUllam Gower, associate profes· Iowan St ud en t Ing order around the schools. He sor of music. James Curtis, finance committee The 1948-57 ten·year a~erage the George Elliott Co., Inc., New last year are raJsed to finance the Sayre joined the SUI College of d Law faculty in 1930. He received Is not new to the task. He was at WSUI will broadcast the cere· member, said the budget was as Subscriptions En corn production (or Iowa s 566 York, which conducts lime and campaigns of incumbent union of­ million bushels with a yield of motion studies for plants seeking his law degree (rom the University Central High School In 1957 when monies at 7:25 p.m. Orville Hitch· conservative as possible and fur· Dally I_an student subscrlp- 53.3 bushels. more effiCiency from their em. ficials seeking re-election, and are of Chicago in 1920 and an S.J .D. mob violence flared there after cock, professor of speech, will serve ther cuts would have endangered I sed to b fl Faubus was forced by a federal tlons and Iowa City carri.r Mr· Conditions of the com crop ployes. rare Y u uy any owers. degree from Harvard in 1925. as Darrator. See page 2 for com· the district's educational program. .as court to remove his Guardsmen. plete list of graduates. vic ••nd today. of Aug. 1 varied from good to The investigation was launched From 1925 to 1928 Sayre was a Chief Smith refused to say wheth­ In other business the board ap· Students can ,..e,lv, eopi" for excellent in all but the northwest, at the demand of the committee's professor of law at Indiana Uni· er he had heard any rumors or pos· proved a change order in work the 5lx·wftk Interim ...rlod by southwest and ~uth central parti four Republican members, a clr· Federal Probe versity. BeCore coming to SUI he sible trouble at the schools but to be done at Central Junior High 5ubscrlblng at The Dally I_an of the state, the Reporting Service cumstance cited by Reuther who was a research fellow and lecturer Everett Tucker Jr., president of which will permit installation or office, 201 Communlcatlon5 C.n. said. called them unprincipled. The Re. Out-Of·State Gas Of Toll Colledions at Harvard. the School Board, said he expecti!d a chamber to mix fresh air and t.r. Th, prieR il $1.50, which In· "Development continues to be publican members had handled all Founder of the National Council the inte&ration to come peacefully. Purchases Net heated air, from the heating plant, clud.. tha ,Iant University Edl. Cavorable in all areas of the state the preliminary investil!ative work, Begins Tuesday on Family Relations in 1937, Sayre ''The people of Little Rock." for distribution throughout the tlon to be mailtclAu,. 22. using their own staff aides. was president of the organization Tucker said, "are not particularly 111. 1.4'1 Firms Tax Bills buiJdlng. Cost of the wotk will be Thosa who have ....n .ubscrlb- except in the southern one·Wrd The UAW usually supports Dem· SPRINGFIELD, - .A for two years. happy with the circumstances oC $225. ing through the man will continue wher~, tihe crop got tOfdf to a slow ocrats in election campaigns. federal grand jury probe opened He served as reporter on suc­ the reopening, but they are con· DES MOINES 1.4'1 - Checking The board also approved the in· to rec.ive their pa... rs, and.... start, twas repor e . The Republicans, through their Tuesday into the shortage of toll cession to property at the Inter· cerned over the reputation Little motor fuel tax reports to find out stallation o£ a second fire hydrant ltv.,., to University Offic.. will The Agriculture Department counsel Robert Manuel, have an· national Congress on Comparative Rock may have achieved in the last Specifically where truck drivers at the new Southeast Junior High. be the same 81 usual. Tuesday also made its first pro- nounced the inquiry will deal funds collected at the Centennial Law at The Hague in 1937. That two years. The hydrant will be located at the Th... subscrlblnt for the sI,,· duction estimate of the year for among other things with: Bridge spanning the Mississippi same year he was SUI's delegate The schools, opening nearly a purchased £~l has resulted In bill· south end of the building near the week ...rlod will recelv. copies Jowa soybeans. It called for 81 1. The purchase by a Toledo, River between Rock Island, Ill., to the International Conference on month earlier than originally plan· ing out-of-state firms for an addi· heating plant and will reduce the of Th. Daily I_an 'rom Au,. million bushels, about 22 per cent Ohio, UAW local of land owned by Higher Education held in Paris. ned, will have classes only a half· tiona) $9,489 in Iowa taxes, the fire Insurance rates on the build· 13 to S.pt. 24 by mail. smaller than the record crop of the Wm·O·Land Sportsmen's Club and Davenport. Syre was known to SUI students, day until September. Hall High in ltate treasurer's office said Tues· ing, BuCord W. Garner, district Copi •• wll/ al .. be availa"I. 78 million bushels harvested last in Michigan in which Richard T. The jury, consisting of 13 men raculty members, friends and fashionable Pulaski Heights will be cia superintendent said on the I_a City nawslt.ncls. year. Gosser, now a UAW international and nine women, will have a day youngsters for his annual program the first to integrate. Three Negro AUy. the claims involved fuel pur. Insta IIation wlU' be. mad e b y wa· off today while U.S. District At· of Christmas readings which he girls are to report there for classes ter company personnel at a cost H F B" P rt" FO h A torney Harlington Wood Jr. and his first presented in 1949. at 9:30 a.m. chased at filling stations in Mis· to the district of approximately ouse aces 1- a Isan Ig t S- staff study evidence. They will reo sourl near the Iowa border, but $3,894 . sume activity Thursday and are· actually used in Iowa, Carl Krause Continuing its study o£ needed . port presumably will be given No Agreement director of the motor vehicle fuel office space lor the school admiDi· L bet I V t N then. Weather In Sight As Steel lax division o£ the treasurer's of· stration, the board approved a a or on ro 0 e ears Seven FBI agents plus two un· resolution to ofCer $22,500 for the identified witnesses testified Tues· lice, said. C.S.A. Hall. day. In addition, a movie projec. Talks Continue The check of motor fuel purchase Garner gave the board a tenta· WASmNGTON (.fI - The House ' with observers from labor and in· Introduced by Rep. John F. Shel· tor and screen and a blackboard Forecast NEW YORK "" - Steel strike reports was started last week, tive plan oC future administrative waded Into a bare·knuckle [jght dustry groups. ley, (D-CalifJ. were taken into the jury'S inner negotiations dragged through an· Krause said. One Kansas firm is space needs which pointed out the Tuesday over labor control legis. For months, the pressure has Halleck made clear to newsmen sanctum, but their purposes were Clear other fruitless day Tuesday. The being billed for an additional $1,· cost difference between purchase . .. . been buUding toward this climax he dldn·t mean physical threats not disclosed. Skies, walkout of 500,000 United Steel· 161 in fuel taxes for the past two and remodeling of the hall and new latlon WIth the Issue very much In - toward what shapes up as the but "political recriminations, de- workers will be 8 month old Fri· 1Ws, he said. construction. A new buUdlng would doubt. most bitter floor struggle over la· feat at the polls" and things like Estimates or the amount miss- Wormer day. Thus far, out-of.state companies cost an estimated $112,000, not in. Immediately, a bloc of Repub- bor matters since the Taft·Hartley that. ing from the toll fund range from Josepb F. Finnegan, chief fed· • '100,000 to $750,000. The exact £Ig. he ve actually remitted ,1,173 to the cludlng a site, while the hall possi· lit'Ans and southern Democrats Law was enacted 12 years ago . Meanwhile, rival forces maneuv "lS8 Vote eral mediator, rejoined the peace trenurer's office in settlement of bly can be purchased and reo wentv on the offensive for a bill Before the House met. Republi- ered back of the scenes for every ure may never be determined. FrQnch talks after a day's absence in the claims. modeled for about $80,000. supported by President Elsenhow. can congressional leaders went to possible vote when the acid test All 13 regular toll takers on the Washington. But union President the White House and told Elsen· comes. After jenera! discussion, bridge were suspended and police Set For Sept. 29 David J. McDonald stayed away Iowa'. tax on gasoline and LP Earlier this summer the board er. hower the bill he wanls will win the t" ted t be' II' II vo mg IS ex pee 0 gm are now co ectlDg to s. A special election Sept. 29 will for the second day In a row. PI is six cent. a gallon. The tax olfered to pay $21,000 Cor the hal I, Northern Democrats counterat· out. It calls for strl'cter cont-1- ha I t tada I.. 11 Th b t he f[ . d b th ked be 1 f . 1 bUI ,- per ps a e y. FBI agents were called into the give Iowa City residents the op- McDonald demanded Monday II Ieven cents a ga on. e tax u t 0 er was reJeCte Y e tac in ha (0 a rlVa on unions than the two other __ I.e dI'''' the It ct f the Re portunity to vote on granting 25- the right negotiate directly with file!. The state law provides no organization which is asking $25,. backed by the AFL-CIO and other posals in contention. ",v~!1'" a a o. • case May 25 and moved into a to "'otor hi I b I f I d 1 bo publican-southern Democratic f.ac· Davenport hotel at the foot of the year gas and electric franchises to top steel officials rather than ... ve c e may r ng more 000. segments 0 organ ze a r. All three versions a.... modeled tlo R Hard W Sm th ci& the Iowa·Illinols Gas and Electric their desilnated bargaining team . •lo._.... all I t h t' Its Th . f' L<> n was ep.. ow .' I, bri e where they made an elee- kg °inlth not e stahe In e appomtment 0 SIX new third Coree - led by Speaker after an anti-corporatioD bill paa· ID-Va.>. He saId the tronic count of the bridge's traffic. fuel-Ian"" l t A Elsenbowe~· Company. The firm has been OJ)- The union struck July 14 in a s w out pay ne t e s ate teachers and an additional school Sam RaybUrn, (D·Tex.>, - ap· ed by the Senate last April. But endorsed blll would satisfy pubhc erating in Iowa City without a demand for a 15-eents·an·hour tax on the exceu. nurse were also approved. Mrs. pealed for an end to emotion and they differ In the strlngeocr of demand {or an end of racketeer. state's Attorney Bernard ~oran franchise since 1954. wage increase. Before the strike 'nIe state, bowever, juues per. Katherine Elkins will be the third for passage of a bili ' fashioned by their proVisions. ing and other labor union abuses of Rock Island County said toll The City CouDcil has approved the Steelworkers drew an average IIIItI to large motor fuel users to flurse employed by the district. tbe House Labor Committee, a GOP House Leader Charles M. spotlighted by the Senate rackets takers periodically embezzled funds the proposed franchise ordinances of $3.11. travel Iowa highways without pay. The new teachers are Mrs. Elma bill described as a mlddie-oC.the- Halleck of Indiana aceusecf' agents committee, headed by Sen. John and cut orf the electronic device and Ws week set the date for the The IlIdustry demanded a wage inlthe tax on the spot. The com· J. Balter, Mrs. Carol Brett, Mrs. road compromise. of Teamsters Union President L. McClellan, (D·Ark'>. That bill which records the number of vehi· special election. A majority of the freeze In a new contract. It ..Id pulea then remit tbe tax for tile ,Judith Kemper" MIl. Jeanette The air crackled with tension. James R. Hoffa of using "all sorts was Introduced by Reps. Phil M. c1es, so the number of vehicles and cltlzenl voting must approve the 'this would prevent a Jlrlce In­ IIIIGWIt of fuel their truckl UM 111 Madson, Mr •. Rutb Sandrock and Moslrnembers were In their seats of threats" In aD effort to wiD Landrum, (D·Ga.), and RoberLP. amount of mODey would corres· franchises before the ordiJwlcea crease and thul serve to check Jowl, Mrs, Janette H8D80D. aDd the ,aUerles were packed p8818,e lor the labor-backett bill Griffin, (ft-Web'). pond. ~ lake effect. .&II)' .further. iDfIatlaa.. I a SUI To Graduate 644 Tonight Bug For 'Bugs' Increasing Herbert Unmachl. Dubuque, Robert carol Jean Kirkwood. S~ Jo..,ph. Bachelor of Science ,ROckl0rd. Ill: Dlane'Mary Bloodhart, GRADUATE COLLEGE Mo. Rober! Gene Kirlt",_, Lamon!. •• 10" a Cit • Barba... Ann Bloom, Spen- AI~ Van Houten. Ealle Grove, Don­ In Mechanical Engineering cer. Lola Mae Boland Klemme: Carol Doctor of Philosophy ald '-- Van HuIznt, Oslulloo... Evert Richard "nelre.... Knock, Parkersbufl. As More Appear At SUI Charlel Walt."feld!, Madison. WIs; James Edwin Knox. Jr. Des Moines. Jarecl Samuel Hills, Mounl Pleasant; Ann Boone, MWlCatlne. Barbara Brown ~rce Eva... Arblouch. RoclI I.sI.and !:phrlam l'-\ erell Waller, StoUlC City; Donald Leroy Koch, Maneh er, ned­ O... id Charles :Maim, Burltftllon. David Bowlcll W.terloo. Neta Marie Bowman. m .. Sunarclan P AroslUtr. Bombloy. In­ lack Raymond Walton. New PJ'ovlll erick Rol' K~ppln'~ MUlCatln~. Mar­ Francis Ryan. CUnton, Roy Albert Set- SteriUll. III • Mary Lou Brecher, Storm By JUDY KLEMESRUD visor for lhe SUI PhYSical Plant, mer students are four Triumphs, dia; Wilham Cha~ Belnl. Jr. ~ Soulh A",ane. Je.ry DHne SI:rI"IJ- La Sanet lIIedlne Bryan. CbarlM u... dence. CbIorles Kay Waiennan, Tori garet 011n& l(olkH', Watffioo, OINr S'a" Writer '''because tudents who attended two Jaguars, two Ausbn-HealYI K_n. Pa • Roben David Bak.r. Mor­ Dodlre. Sanls Uendenon Wei ... Counclt Korte Rock Hill. Mo. C.... r1.. Joseph fellow. Keokuk; Jimmy Hoyt Wltllama. City, Sharon Lee CadweU. Yankton, Um Gro,e. m. Leons BrinI<~y BIImett. BluUs. Mary Rlia Welsh. WlIlIamsburl: Krau , Slater. Robert Stall ley Kuba. Davenport, S Dak: Jane Chervenf Tr.~r. Judtth Almost 75 per cent of th 4,762 SUI durlOg the faJi and sprmg se­ and one Porsche American sports Lexlncton. KY., Lloyd CrlttHId n loft" IllI'I WhI_, Sr, Amoa. Ben Cedar .Rap.ds. HIram Jo Dh r->nard. BUSINESS ADMlN1STUTJON Kortman Cloeter. Charter Oak: Estella Bartholomew. Io"a City. Guald An­ Giboon WhJltlnlton, Rlyeralde. cam; Hoi teln; Uoyd Lesley Unln.er, Iowa Jean Cook Waterloo, Wilma Willtams students enroJled In the SUI Surn- mester dId not have to re-regl ter car e nthu lasts claun two T.Iumder. thony Bedler San 01 10. Calli • Roben Nina Merl. WlUtllesey, Olluiloo . City. tlchael Alexundeor Loean. Water­ Bachelor of CruU, MuoeuUne, Sara Cunnln,ham mer SessIOn have cars in iowa City theIr cars .. bIrds and two Corvettes r->nard Bore Des loin... Lois Anne Helena Marl'Uerl" WIlcox, Bloomlleld. loo. ThomJI' EUlen Lollan. Del Moine', Business AdmInistration Mount Vernon Mary Anne Curtis, Bricn. Shaker HeIchl OlUo: John Mallie M. WUlIams, Eut Moline. III, Robert Lawson Lov.U. Scottsblulf. !!dear Leon Alexander. Mount Ster.. Davenport. Frances Anne Dlvu. Xnox- this summer. Parker Said the number of small, Leadmg the parade of American. Edward Lindsay Carter. Dunedln. New Richard Way,.. Wood. Albia : Joe Tom­ Neb: Marlery Alice Lubboek. Cectar 11n,: 'Thomas John Andenon, Boone; ville If you are one of them, you have forel n nd ports ears al SUI IS budt small cars IS the Rambler Zeaw.el. Arthur Ru_1I CU ter Omaha, mie Wrlaht, WeslvlJle, Okla, Keith Rapid.. Harlan Curlll Lynn, Clinton. Walter Edw rd 8abcock Corwllh Barbara Sutten Dob'" Kelloll: Con· Neb; Khallel Malunuel Dlab. Fort Au Un Wymore. Cedar HapIIia, Elale Scoll lacKen~I .. , Park Rldle. 111: t • • .tance Jane' Dodge. Ames Sherry probably come across what many growmg I'err year, but IS small· American owned by 22 SUI stu­ DoeI,.e: Jelln Ruth EddY. RJd,.ewood. ArleDe Zook, Wellman. Raymond Carroll Afncrander. Shenan­ J mes Jullnn Bane, Iowa City, John Hemphill Filby. Oskaloosa. Terry Ann N J; P In Paul E,· rwtne. LMchburl, doah. Jennettyd Farr, Canyon, T.x.; Wazd LeRoY Ak ....., Oak Park, m, Lennador Schlllet .. r Mark Ames Leta ConoUlntine Loul. Chlpoluls Cedar We.tmlllJlter, Md. Kathertne Harriett G d F_, Waahlnlton. Pa • James Gordon Andrew., Iowa City, R Icharelt M rkham. Cedar Ropld •. RaplclS. Oary Wayne Corde., Fort Fowler, Easl St Loull, Ill, Judith fool so many students who thmk ned tudents "They don teem also small·car minded " A large RIchard Jamea Feletano Seblostopol, Mark Alan Bembenek, 110n Mountain, Dod,e. ~rae Thoma Davldson, Del Frank. EI PalO, Tu, Lorraine Ltvlna­ John Warren McBride. ~r , Rock Moines: H.rbert Alan Davll, low. .ton Green, Monmouth, 111, Suzanne they have Co~nd an empty parking to be as Interested tD the foreign porllon of t he sports ana foreign Calif. Verle ))<,nnl Flood. Iowa Clly. Mich. M.... ret Elaine Brasher, Hunt­ Raplda, John Emm It McClellan. Iowa CIt)', LaVern Marvin Decklever, .0 ...., campbell HambUn, lndlana lis Ind, space. Jobs," he Said Georle or,..n GIbson. Detroit. Mich.: t1nI'ton. Ulah: D.vld Nethermark car- Cll}. Harold Lee 1cConnen, low. City; Va 111M Henry Evans. MUlCaUne, Rlch- Marilyn Jones Harring lbav nport· Jobs seen around the campus are JPM Charles GUllam, Bould r. Colo. 8On, low. Clly; Sallsh Kumar Dha­ tartlyn Lee {cKIm, Clinton, Paul ard Melvin Forrester. Walerloo. Donald Pltrlel. Oaddla Her,ert MtdcU Amana' " Bug" is the name gIVen to any The German-made Volkswagen {aculty-owned," he said. " but we Helmuth tartln Gllow, Ced.rbUrl, wan, Iowa City. Arshad Farooq Pr.... Emerson McRIIl. Albion; Paul Richard Leroy Gab,,1 Keokuk. Wavem Lero), carolyn Louise Hennan, Boon~, wandi small car, whether II be sports seems to be the most popular wtth WI.. RIchard 0 ar GJnd raen. PIY­ lhaw.r City, W Paklltan: Donald Mettler. Knoxville, Garner. New Sharon. Rhoda Burr Olb- Clark Hlrl Iowa City Dorl. Becht.1 a don't know how many because fac· moulh. WI ; Laurel LlPyd HuIDl, Charlel 1"0 ... Sioux City. John Owen Carol Lee SUent,.,. MoeU r. Sioux car , .forelgn model or a small SUI foreIgn car fans. Nmeteen of La\l\am. KanL . Fun«1 De,.en Horo­ Frohlilrer, lndl.napolla, Ind: Sayto City: VI,.lnl Ann Mohr. Iowa City; 100. Keokuk. ManhlU 1ra Gonsky, HOLlJer, Eureka. 1\1. J';dlth Reed HOW: ulty members are not reqwred to Chlcalo, Ill, RUlsell Bryan Cray, Jr , ard Boone 1!:Ilau Karen l ....cson Ame rlcan· made car. It IS so named them are regIstered thIS summer witz. Iowa City: Clair Walter Jennetl, Prakash Gar" AlIra, India, G orKe EJeanor Ruth Lockwood Moore, Lan Ini, Mn on City. Alln Gron. Washington, Joliet. lit:' JacqUeline Soan JOhnson: turn In speCIal regIstratIon forms .. Sac City: John Patrick Kelt). Sllour­ Ward Gt.onn, Iowa City; WlIl.t.om Mich. Jo Anne Moore, Ottumwa. J( D.C, David Arthur Guemmer Per- Omaha Neb Nancy Kay Johnston because the dnver of the average· .1 He sald that he counted 17 foreign n.y, Sidney X nau., Iowa City; Char­ Chari... Golton, Winchester, Ky; Anll William Mopper, Sioux City: James ryyllle, Mo. Carlton Lee HaJl Shell... Daven';"rt· J anet Ruth Klindt EarlY' s ized car has a deSire to squash Other foreign car~ re~lstered JO- KundanlaJ Kapadl.. Bombay. India, FranclJ Morr 10110 a City, Rob<>rt Glenn spor ts cars In the faculty parlnng lotte LaVern .. Lambert, Evansvllle Ind : bur,: Glel' Ed,.r H.mmond. Det Sue Tucker Knlsht, Humboillt, Mary Ule smaller car when he finds that clude three Morfls·l\1lt1ors, two R charel John Landbo,.. OUlre; Irene PaUIcla Karle, Orchard Park, osena, BurUnlton, Lawrence WJl­ Moines, Ann Koester, Rock !aland, III .; Bonnie lot behInd lhe Law Budding ODe Lloyd Don Lelunkuhl. Belvidere, NY., William EClwazd LandI. Luana. lI.m Mueller, ForI Wayne, Ind , PelJrY Ed,ar Frank Hansell. Leon. Oeorle J eanne Lane. Aurora. ILl. Anita Jean an "empty parking space" 1S not English Fords, two Vauxhalls. two Neb ' Allee Juanlt. Lewis, Andrew., Jobn Henry Looft, Fenton. carol Louise Jean Munro, Betlenelort. Norman Leroy William Harrtaon, F.I,.fleld William Uestmnn. Mahomet, QI ,Sidney SchJlchl empty Renault , one Goliath, one Lloyd, day last sprmg T x , John T. Lofl, WlnneballO, Minn. Meyerowitz, Brooklyn, NY , Franklin Muse, 0.,. Moln", Isabel Lois Myer, Wayne Henlch, Fort Dodle, Alan Louis, Pilot Mound Shirley Shinall "The Umverslty may set aside o..orlr" Leo Marx, Sioux City. Clifford Luckenbill Monllomery. Galeaburl. Sheldon: Lol. Ann Nel$on. Red Oak; McDowell HUlbe.. Conrad. Orland Maxey, Bloominl'lon, 111; Elaine Me­ Seventy.four of these "bugs" one Meteor and one Borgward. Lurton Mitch II, Sr, Ouumwa: Robert Dl: Cew da SUva Munl~, Sao Paulo. Lols LorraJne Nlewohner, Waverly. parkmg lots for small cars '" tbe Gene JoUrles. 054l1e, Larry Leon Kenzie. Weftern SprlIlSI, Ill, Joan were r egistered by SUI students The Britlsh·made M.G ranks Lyl.. 10rrl •. Iowa Clly, Thomu Henry Brull: Loralnne Eslher NoIUn,. WaterlOO: Keirn. Ch.rter Oak: James Donald Louise McMillan. Roseville, lit : Norm~ future If there are enough to war· Olbrlcht. Dubuque, Ronald Xelth M nln Edwin Na.a, Atlantic, Arthur Aile Ayako Okuhama, Wailuku, Maul, Xelly. Cedar Ropldl, Rlcbard Joseph Mu",," McNay Iowa Cit I' carole for tbe summer sessIOn. "There hIghest with SUI sports car fans. Pennel' Windsor, Canoda. Murvln Sherman Nunn, Jr, Iowa City, Foo HawaU. P.lrlcla Anne Pa11lOns, [OWS Lemek. Sioux City, Dale Kenton Lewl•. Starrett McWilliams Xansal City, Mo , rant such action," Parker saId. He may be more than thIS," said SIX are reglsteled Henry P rry, Iowa City; Irwin Pe.... ky. Pan, Taipei, China. Whitney Rowell City, Martlyn Claire Peetz, Clinton. Iowa Falla. V.me DeKter Lockard, Barb.ra Jeal) Medberry ElIln, EII&­ added the small cars can gel into low. Cit , Hor c. J Rei be,., 1<.", POW,". Iowa City. Ho",a Frank Saw­ Bruce Hurry Pete... Gilmore City. Readlyn. Stuart Lee Meulpold.r. Pella. betll Morllar. Michel. Marlon. Bruce M Parker, securJly s uper- Other sports cars owned by sum· Oardens NY, Marprela Rempe), low. yer. Preaque 111o, Maine. Alan Her­ MeJvU\ WIlli m Pitzen, Orch.rd; PhJl­ Ivan Lorraine MuJlenllC Grundy Center, Nancy Jean Mueller La Harpe III light places where cars should not Up Scott Platter, Council BluCf., James City, 10rton Rieber, low. CItY; Ed­ ben Schultz. Lon, Beach, NY; Nelson Kenneth Karl Muller. Farme ..bur,: Lee l ane GIbson Nassif. Wilmette. m .' Jud­ be parked, and thal many coll~ es ward J.meo Rlaln" lo""a CUT, Leiter Lulz de Sousa Pinto, CurlUbIo, Brazlt; EstI1us Price, Jowa 1'.111; Thoma. Yost Murphy, Yort Madtaon, Donald Ith Ann Nicholson, New Hartford. Gale Sh~11. cite, Mo,; Roben cart Stiefel. Camden, N J ; Frederick Purdon, Waterloo. JOM Kay Nelson, Kanawha. Nick P Nlchol- J ean Norman. Waterloo. Roberto MUIln and uDlverslttes have r emedied F., Robert Quirk, La"ler, Beverly Jean M...... t Lovp StolcheU, Toronto. Mahadeo Pr.... d Verma, Mech.nlcs­ no. Astorl •. NY.: JOM BenJ.mln NoU, Orne, Iowa City, Sonya Lou Parrott, thiS by uSlDg speCial lots Canada, Allan William Sturlea. Rlver­ vlUe, Donald Ray Witherell. Cedar !blston, Ames; Warne Franklin Ram­ Indianapolll, In.d. Nlchol81 J Rmes Waterloo, Catherine Edna Peterson, Ilde, Allan Ray WaJrOer, Davenport: Rapids. Olive Chou...,hen Wu, Kaoh.l­ aey. Cedar Rapids, Skaldrlte Val .... Paulus Rockford. Robert Leonard Pear- Aurelta, Sharon Kaye Reemuma, Dav­ Why the Increase 10 sludenl-own. Ranne. Des Moines, John Dennis Ras­ Sam ... AUJrU>tuI Waters South Bend, u~. Chin.; BeD-Chle Yen, 101pel, son, Monona. John Sherman Peppe.... en port Janet Carol Rose Dubuque ed sports cars? "They are more Ind, Willi m Chnrle~ Wolt, Jr., Iowa China, Cion Ylok Huy Younl, Manila mussen, Iowa Clly, Nancy Lee Rober­ Exira: Henry K Rempe. Leighton: Mary Kathryn Rose, C~nton , Ill: City, Rrl EUiene Worthington, Char­ P hJlippln •• son, Iowa City, Simon Orvllle Robert., James Robert Shanklin Cedar Rapid., Shirley Ann Rothert. CarthRKe. XU, fun to drive," saId Jim Davis, At, Jottesvllle, V , Mast.r of Fine Arts Davenporl, J Gole Shirk Cedar Falls Alon J ames Carolyn Henlh Schmidt, Burlllllton, Paul Leon Rohlf, Slockton, lletty Fay Skelley, Monticello, Larry DenniS Jonyce Ka~ Schneider, Lowden, Joyce GreenVille, III D aVIS, an M.G Master of Arts Roberl Fr,mels Baltlel. 8ronx, NY. Ro.emeyer. MIllOn City: Carl WIlliam Smith D... Moine.. Carlton AllreeS KPrlyn Schneider Lowden Patsy Xay owner, said he especla Uy likes the Marte Loulae Ca pe. Foreai HlIJa, N.Y : Rowe, Wellman; D nnll Charles Rus­ Soelberl, Jr, Sioux City; Robert Schroeder. Dunde~ . Mary J'o8nne Scott, C ell Saul Abramovlu. Stocklon. Wade Stanley Cltne, Sacra menlo, calit • sell. Falrcteld, John Zolnt , Jacl: ATloWnll"r. Wesl hoffer, Downer. Grove, III I Bette Roaer Barry Selm. BeUendorf. Marlene Une. Huberl Loren Wood, Martln. - Itne. Ill. Georgia Lee Summers, Cedar Plymouth because the Thunderbird llranth. Chrl. W.!II8m AUISl>UfJler, Block Pesetsky, low. City, Saul Ro­ Ellen Sen, Sumner, Ann Elizabeth bur" Rapids, Carol EmJly Tanlen O.. tan, used too much gasohne !tender""n. Nev , Marilyn Luan Barber, 'enthal, WalhlnJrton, D C.: Conrad Smith Durant, Barry Norton Smith, NURSING Gloria Jean Thomas. Des Moines; MI,.y Cedar R pldl, Bill Lawrence Beard. Harold ROD. Iowa City, 30hn Marqui. Hampden Hlahlanels, Me, Janlce Marie Iowa City serVice stallon owners WKI Covina. Calif, F.dward M Brt Lester Charles BI,aU., CrelCo, Donald Wrlghl. Iowa City, Joyce Aileen Younll, saId I:te PI eferred the American CoIUnl. Phoenix, Arl., Barney Jay LaVerne Biller, Waterloo, Joseph Wil­ St. Louis, Mo, 1f there were loud and Violent oPPOSitIOn Lo it, the CapItal Cltizeus Conrath, Ewlnlr, Mo; Margoret Helen liam Blrtcher TIUln Violet Beat.rlee CounCIl would gam m notoriety and would attract support to Itself Little car becau e Jt JS nol as compll' Cro_lI, Ced.r Rapldl. Carol Lee Joan Boecker, Burl Inllton, Robert Vielebeck Bachelor of Fine Arts CummlnJlI, Roseville. Mleh; Phillip Bonn.rd, New York, NY, Robert Robert Donald Jobnson, Elmhurst, Rock IS not now a diVIded CIty, most of the cItizens havmg agreed to cated "W serVICE!' a lot of foreign Dnnlrl Cummins" City. Mervyn William Borbeck, Davenport, Ronold Ill, cars," he' Said,' "but there are sliD Jp,,.,,., John Boshart, MUlCatlne, William Had- Umited integration But while the CapItal CItizens Council IS a small ffi1- 1I8Y 'Dauenb.ugh, ",KeoKuk: ~Itubflh Bachelor of Music a lot oC ,l\\d\:len thmgs about Itbem Ro no adequate way V. , Roaert Charlel Oanske, Stralford. Jerry D'Andr a, BOlton, Pa, Dorothy, Ottumwa, Myron LeRoy En- ultImately caused Car more suffer­ For Interim John Nleholn. Golubowlch, Iowa City, Jam. Casey Olivia, Greenville, ll\ , Ileld, Anita, Leonard MIchael Flander, ing to the people m volved than It Judy Cleveland, A2, Waverly, thm that when tilelr neIghbor's of enforcmg a car ban " The stu· Edmond FranJ< Goodwin Cryllal Lake, Kae Leah Rohrer Davis. Rhodes, S Iowa City. Richard Paul Frantz, Alta, In order to counteract the dull came home one evenmg to ftnd phone rings or alarm clock goes dent help buy the city's parkIng III , Ele.nor OBan Creen, Newton, Eve­ Allan Doro.ln, Mar.haUlown; Frank PhJl Gro.. , W.. hlngton, DC, James did them good Moderate but firm lyn Palma G,.,,,nawald Morley. RIch­ Rlc .... rd Dotaeth, CI.rence; John Joseph Ro,er Hoolman. Davenport. lames Ro­ enforcem ent of the law seems to lives which may be lead by ap- her entIre room m the new dor- off, they thmk It's m their room lots, too," he Said "The meter ard Lelah Or ne, Neop, Ill : Alta DllIlan, Cedar Fall" WJJltnm Charles bert Maggert, Alton, Michael Geor,e proximately 350 SUI students be- mltory covered WIth spider webs Pat Hasselqulst, A2, jokingly spaces are empty durmg the sum· May Cunn Fort Madison; Kenndh Elle .., Des Moines. Evelyn Jean Marks, Bettendorf. DanIel Quinn Mar­ have worked well in Little Rock, tween Aug. and Sept 21, several On a closer look she discoverea saId that the gil across [rom her mer but are makmg EUlene Hndwllrer, Alva, Okla, Erlcson, Hawarden, Theodore Foster tin, Davenport, Herbert Michael Mul­ and the clllzens are not now gOtDg 13 1 rnone~ dunn~ GrpCi! Viola Kelchum Harden, Mus­ Fay, Jr, Iowa City, SUBan Brown ItnllC. Moltno., III, WilHam Hay•• UniverSity facilities WII! remam that IIlstead of SPIder w e bs her doesn't give her any trouble, the school year when the students cntlne. Ruy Grnnt Harper, West Llberly: Fisher, Marion, Mary EJJznbcth Flood, Napier, Fort Madison, Ceor,e Lloyd to succumb to hate tactics Jo pb Leo Harrll, Donaldson, La; Cedar RapidS . Roberla Jean Foster, Norman, Jr , Keokuk , Philip Tyler open on a limIted baSIS. room was enclosed by 1800 yards nOIse wIse She said her neighbor are back," he added Marthn Elizabeth Hempstead, Cedar Sioux Clly, Robert Dean French, Gutn- Sounders, Mo..,n City: Leo Don Snow, There IS no SimplE! answer to the The UniverSity Library will be of white thread aM that the spIder must not be very popular since The policeman, one of the 20 em· Raplda, .lImes Gordon Hervey, Wash­ ric Cenlu, Richard Ramsey Fry. Min- Iowa City, Robert Wendel Walton, Rock segr egation problem, because It is nlilton. Richard AUan , He.ler, HISh­ neapolis Mlnn; Marvin Dennis Galln_lllland, III , available to the 250 graduate stu- near tbe basLO was Just a play she never gets any phone calls ployed by the University to see land Park, l\J. Olen Close HeaselUne, sky, Des Moines, Floyd D.an Ganoe, PHARMACY mixed up With a complex of eco· dents enrolled Ill.the four-week one put there by her friends as and doesn't even leave the room that automobile regulations are Chlc.go, 1Il, Ida M.. Allce Hetzler, lelfenon; Vernon Alberl Glacle, Bur- • nomic and political problems. The \luscaUne: John ManhaJl Hickman, IIn,ton, Charlea Frederick C1enn, Per- Bachelor of SCience Independent Study Session and to part of a friendly feud "All 1 know about her," Pat obeyed saId that people favorIng Cedar Rnpld , Barbara Behn"," Rills, ry, Grellory Clarence Goblirsch. Dow In Pharmacy NAACP program for thiS year, the 40 Juniors m the SUI College Other reSidents who were thnll- laughed, "IS thnt her name (on a car 'ban would be relieved to Oel .... ln Leslie Areh.r Iloll.nd Am ... , (''1ty, Marabalt Oary Goldberl, SIou.x Cormed at their flCtieth anOlversary Joyce Ellen Hood, Tulare, CallI, JOM City; Carter Oene Good mJIn. New Robert Jam.s Connelly. DuhuQue, of Nursmg remaming In Iowa CIty ed over the new curtams ID the ir the door) is "PIpe Space." know thal the number of motor Sharon, Robert Frederick Gr.ves, Paul David DeWilde. Rock IIland, lJI, conventIon ID New York, IS entire­ Michael Hoover. Elkader, noaer La­ Clinton, Janel Kay Halerman. Cedar WJUlAm Lawrence Fleming Newlon, durmg the Intenm penod Approxl- rooms w e re dlsappomted when No ordmary dormItory would be bikes and bicycles on the SUI cam· Verne Horn, Now Provldcnce, Dorl. ly n g ht \0 ItS determlDatlOn to en­ Ann Horton, ConwBY. Ark. Kenneth Rapids, Charles Henry Hal.ey, Jr, Hobert Clare Kelly, Anita, Ja~05lau mately 40 "stragglers" attendmg they opened them only to reveal complete Without the reSident who pus is mcreasmg _ even faster WIlliam Huber. Mutreatlne: Mary Fur­ Westhampton. NY , John William Wolodymyr Zaplltny, Iowa City, franchise every qualIfied voter Jor a blank wall starmg them 10 takes "short cuts" WIthout know- , Harbison, Keosauqua, Donald Ray ENGINEERING speCial institutes Will remam for the face. ing the mam pathways to t he mam than tne number of {o relgn cars nish Huber, Tipton; Harry Dunham the 1960 elechons On the other Jock,aon, E anston, ru, Harrll, Iowa FaIIl, Bruce Allen Jiar- Bachelor of Sci.nc. part of the interIm perIod Then there 1s always the new lobby. The coed had preVIOusly and sports car s. Vlrllna Jennln,s, Cleveland Bel,hla, nlon, BolUe Creek. Emmet Vincent • . hand, firm, moderate Government Oblo. Chari WIIUam Joachim, Clar­ Haugh, Ayrshire ; Slewarl Albert Hay- In Engineering The Library WIll be open Monday Burge reSident who claims that noted that there were side lounges r------~~ lock, Maquokela, Lesler Eugene Xane, Fairfield, actIOn may hell' out much more ence. Edward Alfred Jochumsen, Cornl­ through Friday from 7'30 a .m to her clothes are mIssing from the on both ends of the maIO hallway vtue, Roberl Olto Johann, Sigourney, Marlin Lee HeIlI, Brltt, Page Hamor Bachelor of Scitlflc. lhan an attempt to enforce the law I Henry, Iowa City, Sharon H anson • • 5 p.m. Saturday hours will be from laundry room. Then suddenly they In Burge. What she didn't know Frances Bredbere Johruon. Moline, lU : HewJlt, Wlnlersel. Joyce Elaine Rill In Chemical Englneenng down to its last iota. ~ Thoma. Arthur JOhnson, Dubuque: 7:30 a m . to noon The serv.ce appear agam Finally, afte r much was that only one of the Side John WIlliam Kappmeyer, Maynard, Holstein , V ,1une HIli. WltliarnsburJr, Merlyn James Shoger, Nora Springs, -l..... Lolli Catherine KJiaarl. Ol$lan, Marlon Roberl Roaenau Hinrichs, Iowa CIty, Bachelor of Science desks at the Library Will open at confUSion, she dIScovers t hat lounges led to a dead end and that • (]~, I Edward K1ootwyk, BloomJngton, 1nd. Ferne NyhUl Rlrt, Iowa City Nancy ., 8 a.m. and WIll close at 5 p m. on there are two taundry rooms in the other one had a back hall· Arvllia Ann Xobunuu. Manly: JO Ann Kay Hof, Morenlo, Jane Elise HOfrlch- In CI\'II Engineering T.ttourus Koontz, A.c.ron, Joe RLlAeJl ter, Iowa City: Marjorie Holley, Ot- Maurice Francl. Burr. Clayton, Don- weekdays and noon on Saturdays the dorm' way. lumwa , Claudia Jan Horlck, Iowa ClIy, aId Jame Cannev Cedar Hoplds, Rlch­ Crowley/s Lambert, Dike, MUdred Ruthuford The reserve desk WIll be closed on SlmUardy, anolher girl told how Early one mormng she d eCided At .10 JDIocJdM Lane. Clem.on, S C: Wayne Eugene Dale 5, Hulf. Wawrloo, Darran Noel ard Lee Doone, Newton, Vernon Dean La"",n, Story City. Robert Dale Leahy, HUlIIInI, Iowa City, Jo.n Edetle Hum- Finch, Ccdar Rapid.. WIIUam Roy Saturdays SUl's 10 departmental she was watchmg a te leviSIOn to lake a "short cut," end ed up Dell!son : Samuel David Leonard, Al­ mel, Dallas, Tex., WIU lam Kerby lIum- Nichol... Jamalca Jamea Laurence hbrarles WIll remain open, but show With her roommate She m the back hallway of one of the W8U I -JOWA CIT}! 91 •• ,. buquerque, N Mex, Earl Richard Lin­ mer, De. MOines: WillIam Clair Hurley, Wells, Guthrie Centrnlnll Music Henry Felix McCnrthy. MarteUe, Robert Joho.tone, Boone, Sharon burg, Londo Olngerlch, J r, Kalona. Accidental oUer its aIr-conditioned comfort a,s the former viewers Instead as the maIO lobby Itself I What a \} 30 BookShelf Harold Glen McCI.llan, Marlon, Fletcher Jones, Keokuk, DenniJI Ed- CID! enee Henry Hendersont Des Moine•. 1000 New. Mary Loul,. McClenahan. SlgoumOJ'. ward Jordan. Iowa Clly: Paul Hupert EdwnrCl ELlgene Kupka, Phoenix, Artz , to the "slay-overs" from 8 a m. to tHere were new VIewers, a dlffer- way lo start a day 10 05 Music Eugene F McGivern MarengO, Patricia Kafer, UIUeport, Don Eldon Kalh, Danlel Joseph Peddicord, Solon, Sohn NEW HAVEN, Conn. IA'I - Jo- noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m ent program on the set and war t Alas' Summer school's over and II 45 Religious News c Ann MeTaraney, Greenwood, Ind . Nor­ Macedonia, Mlu, ColO: Ethel Todd Rollo, LIlb­ Corrigan said a tOXIcological re- I. Miller, director of Student Iowan $560, three months, $32S Is not possible, but every ..Uort wID bock. Tex. ..rnest Monroe Ra,.. WI,\­ -me- 'Dally be made to correel errora with .... field , Geollle Harold Ron. Marion, CANDmAnll PO. DEGaEES IN VETE.ANS: E.eh PL 550 veteran port showed Crowley had taken Health. Dr. Miller saId Student nexl isSue Sohn Lawrence Ruevc Jr . lowl C.t)' , AUG.: Commencement announce­ must slcn a V A. Form ItII6A to cov. approximately Beven barbiturate Ji,ealth hours would be (rom 9 a m . M/MBEK DA[LY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF Ldio), John Salem. S'oux C,h. Sumllto menU have arrived Orden m8)' be er his attendance Crom AUI I to Alii AUD. RtJItIlAU .. Edlto, .. Ted Rasmu ..... n ------12 A fonn will be available In the MIlM'BllJl. of the A880CIATED paUl Sasanuma, lolc,yo, ""pall. .Rebecca plclled up al the Alumni tiouse, cap ules, each of 11,\ grains. He to noon and (rom 1 p m to 4 pm, Of Newt Edllor Kay K re~ti The AMOClall!d Press Is entitled II' Poste.r Schellenger, D."cuporl, acroaa "- lIle Union "" ...mcnt hallway of Un!verolly HRII said the report also found evidence Mooday through FrIday. A skcll> CmCULATlONI! City Editor Marlene Jorgensen elusively to th e use for republlCitlal CIf~'Cfi Edgar Stticrnh.fuVlll, Ipwa on Wed . Aug 12 or at the Veterans Sports Edltor • Don Forsythe OIl', Emmet Kelly Schlapkobl, Waob­ Service recepUon d ...k on weekdays Crowley had taken eight ten staff consisting 0( one doctor, of all the local new! printed In '\ UUCAnOXAL FLACEM.NT: Those to ton Chic! Photographer, JoAnne MO()l'e newspaper .. woll III all Ill' Diwa IJlglon. Richard LeRoy Schmllt. Walb­ on or after Aile 13. Office bour ••re Published dally ""cept Sunda~ and 50eleW Editor • Mary Jansa Ington, Philip Josepn Schreiner. Lot .... llItered In tile Educational Place­ 830 am 10 noon and 1 pm to 430 drinks of an alcoholic beverage one nurse and one secretary will MonClllY .nd lela! bollilaya by Stu­ dispatches ArlJIeJa. CllJII .. Dorwd Paw Schroeclu. ment 0ftIee who .... atIJl _kin, pm. at time. available. will be Junlt- polI~ lend chaD&e of adclreu the be Service doni• Publtc;tUons, Inc.. Communlca­ Coal V..uey, JJ1; Merron Suren SeroD, to DAILY IOWAN ADVJ:JlTIlIING lITAJ'!' DAILY IOWAN IlUPE&VIRO.. noll the offke beto", leavtn,. the cal'l\PUS tiona Center, Iowa City, Iowa En­ J olJel 1lI: Arden Ellsworth /lleben.. Last June 22 a three-judge court eel to oflu:e treatment ooly, he tanG al ....,.,1'14 el ... matter at the SCHOOL OF JOUII.NALlllM 'ACtlIoft Ellrader, Ireue Neutchwander ::'Ia),­ Tbl8 DIal' lie dane b7 -"'-rei or by Bus M,., '" Adv Director . .. PubUsher John M Hanlillll leavine a meDlDran4um the PI ....- OFFICIAL DAILY aULLlTl1I in Tokyo found him innocent, aftet- said. The lnflrmary WlU close to­ post oUlce at Iowa City, under the Mel Adams maker, Redwood Fall Minn. ~ral. .t act of Conlress of March 2, 18'!9 Ad verU.lnl . Jam.. Clayton EdItorial .... Arthur M. Band."" dine IIIle Smith, 0 .,. Molncl: Nancy ment Office. a sensational trial, of slaying T. day, Dr. Miller added Advertising John Xo~t_ n ... WILL lie _tlcmal _­ Classified Ady Mgr Larry Henn~y Clrcul.tlon Wilbur Pelol!n. Lu Smith, HarnoonvUle, Mo. Roben A D . Jones Jr., 45, his wife's Radio station WSUI will operate DIll 41" PromoUon Manager W~IWI Barbce Warren SOnncm8j1. Dixon. III Pbyll& miDI al lIle Women'. Gym from • 10 from noon to mldnlllht to Jones Sprlngen. Iowa Cit;, Rolle,.. 5:1. pm daUy brother and hiS bU8IDcss associatc. on a shortened schedule, broad- report news Items. wOlllell' ~ poge TaU'STEB S, BOARD OF STtJDGi Staley Crlnnell, Donald ~ Slcrnlu. ~nlvarsity twm" for announcements to ,. he DAILY IOWAN CIROULATION PU BLlCATIOl'IIi The prosccutip~ chargtd that casUng from 8 DOl. to 2:15 P IlJ [);Oily Iowan I Edltorlltl oabs we lie. tort Dodlle, William ,,"'I<:y Stop.. ~y .oual Mooda7-rrt4a)': Clrculallon Man.gor ~,. Robert Bell pel, 1focbelle. 01 Paul M_halI Lm..:i laturdal' 1:». II pm; Crowley killed JOII~ jn a drunken 1,here will be no broad~~ on In (ho Communh:atlons Cen"'r. Watter Barbee, A3 , 'Dr CltoIII ':.It .• Ea. ton Col'-lIe of DenU.try, St.r.thman. Wa h1n,lon. MarilYnn Lad (1ID.,da7 I:. p.III.-' a.m. BaM,.. Calendar · brflwl.in theU' boLeI,room in l'okyo. ~bor Day. ·fiept. 7. Dial 4191 If you do not receive your i! litrolunan, CbIorlton; ",trick WJUt.m ~ 1If.adq. Tb~,' ':10 8J1baorJl>\ion ra\es - b¥ carrier tn Gllcbrht, Aa: Paul E. Ha&e ..... n. ... - I) Iowa dty, 2S cenla weekly or ,10 per Daily Iowan by 7:30 a m The Dally Jucllth Jon.. , AJ, Prof. flu", Struve. Iowa City, Ralph ~ p.m;, hid.,. latunlQr: I a.m.. 4:10 where' they we~~ on a bjJsln~ ~U SU1 adl1'1inlstraUve offices Slurgel, DavenpOrt, Shei la Ann SuJ­ _.111; ,- .:10 p.m.; ItlDda7: •••• year, In adv8Acei six rnolllh., Iowan cit .ttlation omee In CommUni­ ))<'perbnent of Political Bclence .... W.... y. August 12 viSIt. The clele/UlC said JOlles liP. wjJI rcmlllD open from 8 a m to .IS 50, U!.ree rnonths, $3 00 II)' mall In cation. Cenler Is ojJen fro," 8 am Leslie G Moeller, Sehool of JO~ Uvan. Bo~n, 019' • ..10.; '.l;1li .... 10 5 p.m, Monday throUII\ FrJda), SISter lIJary Carla Take" Oltumwa' 7:30 P.m. - Uruverslty Com­ parenU)' was Ju~ed by jnjuriee suf· D09n lind (rom} ,p.m. to 5 ,II m 'Iowa, .. per year .•Ix ,nollths, tfj, 10m, Sara D Schindler. AI; Pr'DI ... Duen C. Thayer. Marlon, Frederick WU­ ft.&'I' wrntI .. •• n.IA.... will Uaree lIIonlha, ~. aU otbe. maU sub- . nll nOlT) 8 to [0 • til. on Saturday, A. Van Dl'lce, CoU". at I