.. - 01 OtUon Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of lowa City Established In 1863-Five CeDts A Copy AssOCiated Press Leased Wire And Wirepboto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Augu t 12, 1959 Cuban Forces Nab 3 ~OOO I Accuse'J Qf Revolt Talk Little Rock Una asy HAVANA 1.4'1 - Around 3,000 per· Ading Sgt. Stanley F . Wesson of Many, however, must do a lot of ary movement, includlng Hernan. SOIlS were reported Tuesday night Worcester, Mass., a guard at the talking. dez ,Teliaheche, were in session in as rounded up in the Castro reo U.S. Embassy here. said Raul gave One Is ex-Sen. Arturo Hernan. a house near Havana when the lime's harsh military drive against him this figure along with apologies del Teilaheche, named by the news. bearded Prime Minister stalked In. alleged counter·revolutionary plot· for his detention. paper La Calle as the man chosen With the aid of lieutenants who ters. There was speculation the first by the conspirators to replace had pretended to go along with On Int~gration Eve Remnants of the anti·Caslro reo major conspiracy against the Cas· President Osvaldo Dorlicas i( their the plotters. Castro helped to herd belUoo apparently were stili being tro Government had not been en- pial succeeded. He is a follower the group out of the house to army stamped out In the hinterlands and tirely cleaned up. of Carlos Prio Socarras, the for. headquarters at Camp Ubertad. more arrests were reported there. This was touched olf by criti· mer Cuban prf;s ident ou ted by One of the lieutenants who han· Havana was quiet. cism in a Government-oriented Fulgencio Batista in 1952. died a cloak and dagller role was Segregationists The latest arrests included 15 newspaper, Revolucion, of another Castro was reported by Jay Mal. Maj. WillIam Morgan, an Ameri· ex·army men at Nuevitas. a port newspaper, La Calle, for giving lin , Havana correspondent oC the can who served with Castro's guer· 350 miles east of Havana on the some details of the plot Monday. Miami Daily News, to have played rillas. Mallin said the Dominican DOrIh shore of Camaguey Prov- Revolucion said some details giv· a dramatic personal role in smash. Republic's consul gave Morgan $52,· Still Seeking inee. en by La Calle were true and some ing the piaL 000 for use in the counter·revolu· Authorities said the plotters ad· false, but the exposition of the con· lion and that weapons were sent mitted they were involved in a spiracy at this time would give According to this account top by Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, ceneral nationwide conspiracy help to counter-revolutionaries. leaders of the counter·revolution· Ihe Dominican dictator. AWay Out against Castro. Another (actor bearing on this They were carrying ]2 shotguns, speculation was that telephone com· Faubus: Takes Federal 3 revolvers and 3 hand grenades munications to Las Villas Provo Force To Open Schools when arrested, officials said. More ince, in mid·Cuba, were still arrests are expected. blacked out. Employment Sets LITTLE ROCK, Ark. 1.4'1 - Un· The report oC 3,000 arrested was Until the figure oC 3,000 was easiness settled over Little Rock attributed to Maj. Raul Castro, given by Raul Castro, the total Tuesday night on the eve of tho the Prime Minister's younger broth· number oC those arrested had been reopening o( its Cour public high er and chief of Cuba's armed (ore· placed at 1,500. Unofficial sources New Record High schools to token integration. es, by a U.S. Marine who had been expressed the belief that most of Di~hard segregationists s t I II detained by the Cuban government them would be freed aCter police WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - More Americans had jobs In July than in sought desperately Cor a way out. lor 48 hours. sorted them out. any previous month. There were 67.6 million employed. They had even declared a boycott The Government's monthly job survey showed 252,000 more em· oC Main Street merchallts. played than in June, which al so was a record. There ar about 2.4 Gov. Orval E. Faubus finally spoke up, too. million more jobs than a year ago. End Of 'A 'Road In Sight "If the Little Rock situation is ' Unemployment declined by 238,000 from June to 3.7 million in settled and if the schools are inte­ July. This Is a decline of 1.5 mil· grated, it will be under the com· lion Cram July 1958. pulsion of federal bayonets," he For 644 Graduates Tonight Seymour WolCbein , deputy assist· said. ant secrelary of labor for manpow· Record Iowa Faubus had been strangely Tonight 644 SUI students will reach the end o[ a road. These stu· er, said in releasing the new data quiet. He had been expected to ts, receiVing bachelor's or advanced degrees, now will be travel. Tuesday that they showed a furth· • call a special legislative session, In new directions : to jobs, to vacation spots, or perhaps back 10 er and continuing improvement in but didn't. But segregationists stlll ~001 to begin work toward another degree. lhe over·ail employment picture. Corn Harvest rallled around him. They planned Summer Commencement exercises wUI begin at 7:30 p.m. in the The seasonally adjusted ratio of to gather on the capitol lawn to­ workers idle, but seeking jobs, to day to ask him to "do something." ~eldhouse. Degrees will be con· the rest of the work force rose Seen For '59 Speaking before a farmers un· I,mld by SUI President Vi.rgll M· I New In July to 5.1 per cent from 4.9 , l ion meeling, Faubus gave no hint H~r. He will also deliver the Budget In June. The long·term un employ- DES MOINES (.fI - A record Rumors of any attjlllt he mIght ttie to trll\idollal charge to graduates. ' ed - those idle ]5 weeks or longer Iowa corn crop oC more than 750 Pastor Faubus Arrest halt de eg egation of the s ools. Th~ ("j:ommencement address, - dropped by 110,000 In July to million bushel was forecast by the The R.v. Wesl.y Prud.n, LI"I. Rock sagr.,ationlll I.ad.r, scratch•• hi. h.ad before r.plyin, to • '" School BoarQ buttone down ~ del~ ' for ntegrating six Ne· "This II: the....Djy," will be given Approved By 820,000. This is less thau half the Agriculture Departm nt Tue day. lIutltion at a news confer.nc. Tuesday at which he char"ed the Federal Governm.nt pl.nl to arr.st figure a year ago. This production, if realized, groes in'l'&rlwo or the schools under bJ J. w.. "rvis.ker, president of Gov. Orval E. Faubu. today to pr.v.nt him from Int.rfering with the schedul.d int.. ration of Little a state pupil placement law, al· One sidelight to the new report would exceed by 76 million bushels wilier -Deoorab. Rock'. High schools. Th. R.v. Mr. Purden Slid hI got the information from an anonymous t.l.ph.... ready challenged by the National ~g"Q . ) 11 ' 16 that unemployment among Ne- the an·time record crop 677 School Board or eall wtlld1 he thovlht c.me from an out·of·~ .. ftJW.,. ...r.--AP Wirephoto. AS$ociation Cor ~ .Advancement ~ YUvaske ~ds rA4Jla8ter of the· gro workers is It per cent, or million bushels in 1948. ology of Colored People. de,f~~ ltIo'tr-i1u'1ceto~..rh~ · The $2.1 million 1959-60 Iowa City more than double the 4.5 rate Total corn production for Iowa Twice Faubus has stopped inte­ ologie~I ,~minary ili1d 'ii' ~\)~ community school district budget among white workers. this year was e timated as bf Aug. gration In Little R9Ck . In the fall di¥iliti~ degree ~ frlH1\ ,Augus was approvcli TUesday night by the The July. employment Increase 1 at 753.8 million bushels. Senate Rackets Group Starts . Funeral F~r 1957 \le,used' 'Ole ~8J.:lonal Guard .f.oIlege, Sioux. Fallll, ~.~ He ~~} board of education following a pub. came despIte . a more than sea· The Iowa Crop and Livestock tempararlly to ttirn' PIIAk, nine Ne· held his present .position alnce' • . lic hearing. There ~ere no objec· sonal decline In farm employment Reporting Service aid this is 11 grOelrlS.l Central Hiili SchOOl. Last Degrees lo be- awarded include: tions to the proposed budget. attributed to bad c~op '."eat~er in per cent greater than the 1948 to. year ~ clQaeli the schools under a doctor of phl1osophy ~ J 50; master's OC the total budget $1,807,215 will many areas - primarIly m the tal and compares with the second Probe Of Auto Workers Union Paul Sayre quickly ena<1U/d, state law recently degrees, 244: liberal arts, 179; 'nurs· be raised by taxes. The remainder South. highest crop of record, 671.8 mil. declared unconstitutional by a fed· ing, 89; business administration, 42; will come from tuition and state The factory work week declined lion bushels grown in 1952, and last WASHINGTON (.4'1 - The Sen· vice president, had a financial in· Be eral court. engineering, 17; law, 18 ; and pharo sources. An estimated increase of slightly to an average 40 .4 hours. year's total 669 milllon which was ate rackets committee Tuesday vestment. To Friday The governor implied federal macy, 5. Degree candidates repre­ seven mills in the tax levy will be This is still more than an hour the third largest crop.
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