e ,. . P .. rtly cloudy through tonivht with sc...... showers and tfIun· .rstonns mottIy in west and ~ ow• ·an nortt. ..." inc! over stm to­ .0 t nigN. T urni", cool... In nortft. S.m"l TM Stat. Unl".,.rity of l~ IJftd 1M p,opl4 of I0tD4 Cu, west tonight. High... to '5.

Herald Tribune News Service Features Wednesday, August 3, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa Bel glans• ·To Leave Congo NixQn Says Kennedy Bought Cuba Quiet U.N.. Labor Vote with Pc/atform On Fidel's This LOS ANGELES IA'I - Vice Presi­ tinl number of working men have I hour - is very loyal indeed to Replacement LEOPOLD VILLE, Congo IA'I - end of a bitter dispute between the dent Richard M. Nixon charged backed RepUblican candidates. our cause." Belgium agrE'ed with great reo new Congo government and Bel· Tuesday that Sen. John F. Ken­ "Labor has never had it so good The Vice President's wife, Pa­ luctance to give up its la t linger· gium over the future of the c;opper l!'D'",,". reprellntativ. YriII nedy, his Democratic opponent for ing hold on the Congo and Ute rich Katanga province. Political discuss with you • as they have had it in the last tricia, was greeted by a bome­ High Officials the presidency, bought labor's sup­ eight years," Nixon contended. coming crowd of nearly 5,000 in U. N. announced Tuesday night its leaders there had attempted to de· of plans which may bt port with the Democratic plaUorm. Are Unavailable to your Individual present "They have bad it infinitely bet­ Reno, Nev., earlier in the day. troops would move Saturday inlo tach the province from the new needs. Sea him now Sh";n "limine. II .cript which h. hal writt.n for "He paid the price he had to ter than they had it during the Nixon lett Washington early in For Comment the rich, secessionist Katango nation to preserve its riches. A.;' Vlnc~~t' Province. ca n profit by low.; _ In ....ri .. of recording. to 1M m .. de by RCA Victor. The serle. pay to get that support in the plat­ Truman administration." the day after rebuking his Demo­ Hammarskjold, through intense form," Nixon told a news confer­ cratic opponent and warning the HA VANA IA'I - Secrecy deep­ That meant U. N. forces would negotiations with the Congolese pI.c.. .paci ..1 .mph... ls upon the .tructure of music. Nillon aald he would "ttick to ened Tuesday over Fidel, Castro's be in occupotion of al\ the turbu· ence. "I will not pay that price." the high ro .. d," ... .. reporter Democrats against heavy spend­ and Belgians, succeeded in resolv­ -D .. ily Iowan Photo by C.. rolyn Gothchlilk Nixon discu~sed a variety oC sub­ condition ond the identity of the lent Congo in lieu of the last de· ing the problem apparently to the phresed it In 0 question, bV .. rgu· ing measures. jects with newsmen after arriving man who will the government parting Belgian forces. satisfaction of both sides. ing I"uel r .. th.r then porlOn .. U· in his absence. U. N. Secretary General Dag In Los Angeles at the end of the till during th. c .. mpolgn. The secretary-general di closed first day on his whirlwind cam­ Lost reports said the ailing Hammarskjold's announcement of that U.N. trouble shooter Dr. Authorls Subiects Vary He again accu ed Kennedy o{ a .. paign tour to the West Coast and prime mini tcr wa resting at his what may amount t 0 complele Ralph Bunche will go to Katanga DENT MUTUAL Hawaii. personal attack in the Democratic Polaris Shot suburban CoJimar home. Semioffi­ peaceful military domination carne Friday to prepare for the entry 01 Insurance Company He linked Kennedy and the Dem­ nominee's acceptance speech last cial quarters scoffed at a report quickly after the Belgian govern­ U.N. soldiers. The withdrawal 01 of Philadelphia From Politics to Music ocratic platform with labor lead· month. that he would address Saturday's ment in Brussels lold with tinges Belgian forces in the province Is ers when a reporter asked if the Nixon did this in replying to a Furthers Sub clo ing session of the leftist Latin­ of bitterness of its reluctant capit­ expected to follow immediately. "WrIting is my whole bag of papers. He was editor of the Uni­ Republicans had any special plllns question as to whethE'r he consid· American Youth Congress here. ulation under U. N. pressure. It ex· tricks." said Vincent Sheean. versity of Chicago paper, The to woo the labor vote_ The plat· ered as personal afronts the re­ The Communist parly newspa­ presseq both hope and skepticism marks of Kennedy, particularly over the eventuol outcome. "That's all I've ever done. I read Daily Maroon, and was a corr\ls­ form adopted by the Democrats at Missile Work per Hoy said the announcement of pondent for the now defunct Chi­ their nationaL convention last Monday, alleging that Nixon help­ the addre. s was made by Castro_ Katonga wos the l:Jst of the Con­ Visas OK/ed 011 all those book-cover flaps that cago Herald. He is still working month won the end.orsement of ed frame the Administration's farm CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. IA'I - But no other Havana morning go to yield to the 19th Century this author was a cow puncher in in radio and is beginning to make mllst labor chiefs. policy and then deserted Secretary The Navy fired a Polaris from an newspa pers carried the report. Belgian conquerors and the last Argentina or that author was a recordings. "w. ""d .. pr.. ldent who dOlI of Agriculture Ezra Tart Ben on. underground tube Tuesday ni ght In view of the orders by Cas­ to stay with the Belgians alter in­ not owe his .1.ctTon to the c.. p­ Nixon said he drew lhis line be­ in its continuing program to make lro's phy icians that he take a dependence. For Power1s boat captain, but I just write." "But all of it turns into books," tween campaign styles: It was the richest prize of all he said. "What I've seen at both t .. inl of indultry or the I.. d.rl of the submarine missile operational complete mental and physical Sheean, author and newspaper lobor," Nixon ... id. A candidate is discussing the is· by October. rest, il was considered unlikely he and the seces ionist government, correspondent. who lectured at SUI conventions might find its way into sues when he gets into matters refusing to share its wealth with a book two or three years from He referred to settlement of the Project otficials reported the would leave his sickbed to speak Relatives Tuesday night on "The Struggle steel strike last winter, in which sucll as labOr policies, and any Polaris achieved ail test objec­ at the Congress. the poor and more primitive Con· now. I've no ' idea of such a book, both he and Secretary or Labor candidate should be ready tor go, had effected a sort of post-in­ for Supremacy in Asia," told duro but those things pop out." tives in scooting more than 1,000 Newsmen seeking official con­ WASlIINGTON IA'I- The parents James P. Mitchell had a part. "hard-hatting discussion on both miles down the Caribbean Range. dependence alliance with Belgium. and wife of Francis Gary Powers ing an Interview about his "one· firmation ot the Hoy reporl found The Katanga government said it Sheean's family, his wife and Nixon cited this as an instance sides." Main goals were to check the mis­ that even third and fourth-ranked can go to the Soviet Union befor!.' sided" career. Then he shattered two daughters, are in New York in which the "power and prestige It would be straying to a person­ wanted Belgian troops to stay, this illusion as he went on to tell sile's inertial guidance system and secretaries at the prime minister's the U2 pilot's spy trial but prob­ City. One daughter is in England of the office of president can be al type or campaign, he said, arming and (using of a si mulated and no U.N. forces to move in. of the diversity of his interests. oWce were unavailable for com­ The electriC announcement from ably Will not see him until after a for the summer working in Walea used for the public at large." "where you question motives and warhead. ment. Soviet court d cides his fate. The 60 year old writer estimates Summer stock productions. The Nixon said labor union leaders personal honesty, as did Sen. Ken· Hammarskjold that his troops The launching followed the 500- Even less credence was attached would start taking over Saturday, The Soviet embassy here an­ that he has published about 26~ other daughter ' is a beginning in the past have supported the nedy in his acceptance speech." nounced Tuesday that visas have books equally divided between fico mile firing of a Hound Dog mis­ 10 the latest of a flood of rumors replacing the Belgians, came io writer in New York. Democratic tickets but a subs Lan- "i did nol reply in kind, nor will sile from a B-52G jet bombe .. and been approved for Ida F'ord Pow­ tion and non-fiction. The variety I during the campaign," Nixon thal Castro had left secretly for the late uneasy hours of the tense a last- econd malfunction that pre· lor ers, the flier's ailing mother, and of subjects can be seen in two of said. Geneva treatment of his \lI­ Congo night. vented an Atlas from taking off on ness, o(ficially described as a The annoyncement marked the lor Mrs. Barbara Powers, hIs 24- his latest titles, "Nehru; The Ask.d if h. were lurpri.ed th .. t an Intended 7,OOO-mile flight. The Sheean: Struggle in Asia K.nnedy end former Presid.nt lung infection. year-old wife. Years in Power," and "Orpheus Atlas engines were cut off seconds The father, Oliver Powers who at Eighty," a biography of the Herry S. Trumon app.. rently had after ignition and the big rocket 2 Board Members was granted a visa some weeks Iile of Giuseppe Verdi. m.. d. th.ir PUC" Nixon "id remained locked on its pad. One·' of Ideas, Not. Military no, "I would expect th .. t." ago, said at Norton, Va., that his He claims no talent for fiction A gigantic puff oC compressed Jazz Show Up party will plan to arrive in Mos- and says this conviction is sup, Truman had questioned Ken­ for Re-election the world, but Nehrn keep him air ejected the Polaris from U. Two m('ffibets of- the Iowa City cow the day before the trials be­ ported by the critics' reception 01 IV HILIN FERGUSON nedy's -presidential qualification and his enlour.age in India. Des­ before the Democratic convention. subterranean sheller. Its first-stage Turns Riot Community School District Board gins on Aug. 17 - which will be his books. My studies of contempo' St..., Writer engine roared 10 lire 70 feet above cribing the Dalai Lama as bril­ But Kennedy said Tuesday, after WINDSOR, Oot. IA'I - A jazz uf Education have indicated they' the young prisoner's 3151 birthday. rary history have been the best caJling the former president, that ground and propelled the stubby show erupted early Tuesday into wiU seek re-elcclion in the regular Under Tuesday's SOviet rullng, received, he ' said. The struggle for supremacy in Asia is a struggle for the domina­ liant, but une~posed to the oul­ all was weJl between them. rocket toward a target zone north­ a wild melee of knives, bottles and school election September 12. a doctor, lawyer and family friend The Verdi book is not the only tion of minds. side world, Sheean quoted him as Arriving in Los Angeles from east of Puerto Rico. nying chairs that injured scores, They are Dr. Eugene F. Van may accompany the Powers. But maniFestation of Sheean's interest Vincent Sheean, author and saying, "The Communist regime is Washington and later Reno, Nev., The Polaris launching was the several seriously. Seven persons Epps, SUI professor and head of - the father said Tuesday - only In music. He is currently working evil and will disappear. And at the Republican presidential can­ ninth in four weeks ' and the 27th were arrested. the Department of Radiology, and the parents and wife may see the newspaper <;orrespondent, ex· that time, Tibet will have a Cuture on a series of 13 forty minute pressed his 'belief that the Asian didate scanned a disappointing this year, underscoring the Navy's Police had unconfirmed reports Donald A. Graham. treasurer df a prisoner and lhen only after lhe scripts to be recorded by RCA struggle does not involve a mili­ and exist again." welcoming crowd of only 2.000 and drive to meet the operational dead­ that the violence was a planned local dry cleaning firm, whose trial. Victor. He will do the comentarie3 tary struggle, as he spoke last At this moment, the newsman commented, "Anyone who can take line. The first nuclear:powered Po­ rumble between two Negro gangs three-year lerms expire. A third The embassy announcement said for an album of 13 records deal­ night in the final summer lecture. said, the border question is held in the time to drive down the busy laris submarines are slated to go from Detroit, Mich. They said member, James A. Curtis, SUI nothing about lhree attorneys who ing with aspects of music such as Sheean dElfined Asia as those states abeyance_ "But, don't let that fool freeway at this ~our - the rush to sea late this year as deadly de· most of the audience - totaling professor and head of the Depart- are seeking 10 represent Powers structure, form, composition and bordering India. "And," he said, you. The differences between China terrents of war. about 5,000 - were Negroes Irom ment of Speech Palhology and Au- at the trial. The father aid he will Dial 5745 the composer and society. Along "the struggle involves a r ace and India are so great they can The firing followed four Polaris the border city. Only a lew whites diology, plans to retire (rom the not insist on having American with his voice on the records will against time with two nations­ never be resolved. India is re­ launchings from the atomic sub­ altended. board when his lhreQ.year term counsel there because "I don't be orchestral examples oC the China and India-having opposite inforcing along her northern bor­ Rites Set marine George Washington . Three Several civilians were hospital­ ends in Septemb r. want to do anything that would forms of music he is discussing_ views but striving for the same der as quickly as possible." Shee­ oC them were completely success­ ized, four with stab wounds. The Any school district resident make it WOrse on him . II Even in this job Sheean profess­ end." an expects repercussions of the Memorllli service. for W.. lter ful, carrying the missile over the most critically injured was Willie Qualified to hold public o(fice may The elder Powers, Who lived in Byrd, 22, o{ Detroit, knifed near es no talent in music. "I'm just military build-up near the end of F, Loehwl"" ...n of the Gr .. du­ toughest hurdle in its development CiJe nomination papers to be a Pound, Va., but operates a shoe "One cannot say exactly what is August or in early September. program. the heart. He was found uncon­ a listener," he said, "I've had no Asia and what it is nol," Sheean candidate for the board. Papers iJ'ep8ir shop in nearby Norton, ote CoIlltla, will be held .. t 2 scious in the back seat oC a car training." continued. "The boundaries are Basically, Sheean stressed, the The Navy is satislied with the are available at the district office said he'd prefer an American trial Indian government is based on p.m. today in the ch.. pol of feasibility of the Polaris-subma­ a block from the arena. here, and must be filed not later and American lawyers "but in Another facet of Sheean's career not precise as they were in gram­ Six of 15 injured policemen were mar school geography_ They now 'freedom and independence. They 8eckm.-n'. Funerol Home, 507 rine system and now is concentra­ than 10 days prior to the election. Russia you do as the Russian do." has been his political writing. In ting on building missile reliability. taken to a hospital for treatment. addition to writing on foreign coun· possess political connotations." have framed a constitution based E.... Collltle. Robert Mlch ..al­ A minimum of 10 signatures of He added he dislikes travel "but on those or England and America. No more submarine launchings Three had ~uls and 'bruises. one qualified voters is needed on the I have got to get over there and tries, India in particular, where he Sheean pointed out Toynbee's di­ ..n, dlrtctor of the School of R,· are scheduled for two months. has traveled extensively he went vision of China and Asia into two "Nehru could easily tie a dictator had a sl!\shed. wrist. nomination petitions. do what r can. II lI,ion, will 1M In cNr... The Air Force fired the Hound Officials said there was no cpn­ to Los Angeles for the Democratic different worlds. "There are mixed if he warned, But. I have seen him --~------~- defer to Parliament in the demo­ The fomlly h... requested thot Dog missile earlier in the day. neelion between the ja,z show and co,\vention and came to Iowa City areas," he said, "but two distinct An announcement said the Hound land masses. What we really face cr.9tic traditlon countless times. 110 flow.rs. 1M sent. emancipation day celebrations 10 South from the GOP convention In Chi· Dog "impacted in an ocean area here which atlract~ thousands­ cago. At the convention he did is the conflict of ideas in the two Nehru believ~s in democracy," he De .. n L"hwing, who eIIed In continued, "and he has yielded with extreme accuracy." The test mostly Negroes-Jrom the United Dubuque St. abort commentaries (or radio. worlds." MondoV _mint he. time and time again on issues II.., was called one of the mosl success­ States and parts of Canada. The df Under contract to Westinghouse Sheean, friend Indian Prime When he differed with the people been .. t SUI for 35 ye..,.... nd ful to date. This was the first time celebrations are in honor of the Broadcasting Co., Sheean will do Minister Nehru, said that India , .. even when he did not believe h.. d ...." dNn of the Gr .. du .. t. the Air Force revealed a range for abolition of slavery in the British campaign coveraae this fall. "I recognizes its own right to defense, In something." the 51-foot air-to-ground missile. Empire_ may be in Alaska with Nixon one as well as they recognize the Colle.. tlnce August 3, "50. day and Hawaii with Kennedy the rights of others. "But," he added, The terrible dilemma of democ­ His .oth w... IIttrlbuted to Dext," he said. "by their very nature, they are racy is that capital is needed, he .. rt f.llure. against violence." The foreign cor­ Sheean said. In communism, capi­ Sandwiched into his schedule is tal investment is not needed; sig­ a series of lecture dates in Octo· respondent quoted Ghandi as say­ ing, "When house is attacked. you natures and military obligations ber. The lecture at SUI was a are enough. The feeling in the air "loner" he said; the (irst since may defend the house." ~fficers Re-elected I ·"Followina Ghandi's principle of in China, he said. is' that you can n Christmas and the only one until o n I y achieve great leaps ana DES MOINES IA'I - Verne R. October. social justice, the Indians bave kept his central ideas and corne as bounds to progress through Com- Martin of Newton was re-elected Sheean's career began on news- close to renunciation of war as any munistic slavery. . chairman and Mrs. Irene Laverty , country possibly could," he said. India is out to prove, willy-nilly, qf .indianola, was eJected vice "Nevertheless, there have arisen that it can be done on the demo- chairman of the Republican State SUI J-School active fears of the Chinese world. cratic theory . . . and all the other Central Committee at its meeting The basis of this fear," he said, Asian states are watching for the I Tuesday following the state judi· ~ames Bassett "is the Chinese idea that all parts outcome, Sheean concluded. cial convention_ of the Sino world are tributary to To Post Here the central Chinese government. Anybody with high cheekbones and Edward P. Bassett, Longview, mongoloid features is subject to Wash., newspaperman, will join the Chinese government." the SUI School of Journalism In The RepUblic of India has made September, where he will be In very determined efforts to be charge of hiah school journl1lism friendly with Peiping, the foreign relatlolls and serve as executive correspondent pointed out. "They aecretary of the Iowa High ~hool exchanced the Five Principles of Press Association. Co-existence, although there were Bassett is assIstant to the editor bound to have been questions in and editorial writer on the Long­ the backs 01 their minds about the view, Wash. Dally News. He form· border Issue. The struggle over erly was with the Louisville, Ky. Tibet is pot new but has been go­ Courler.Journal, the Falmouth, ing on for IlOO years. II Maas. Enterprise and the Ander· According to Sheean, Tibet was lOll, Ind., Herald. occupied by the Chinese Commun­ ists in 19.'10, when they occupied Basaett haa taught at Lower the 'whole territory. This caused Columbia Junior College in Long­ great consternation in India, he , view. said, especially when the Chinese . 8assett received a A.B. degree started building road. for tanks. from Washington and Lee Univer­ Men~ionina the Dalai Lama, Bud­ Tal(ing A Break sity in history an~ pollticalsclence. dhist .plrltual leader and temporal The ca.f t.kel e .., ....Ie while Dee II I.... rvl..... Ity loit Irwin of He attended the UnIversity of Vir· leader 01 Tibet who ha. political Try It Again, Boys linla Iilw school and received an asylum In India,. Sheean said that WSUI for .... redle It... lon's Seturdey memilltl allow "Cue." The In- Director Andrew DN, G, ' II Inten' upon .... action .rl", • r ...... 1 M.A. In journalism and Near East Nehru Is keeping him on Ice to ap. Whllt H.rry L...... , G, Council Ilufft, loft, encI Vince G.. llenll, terview o.er, Dee wid 10 Hck to work, ..tt ...... p1 .. y rMdy for of .... "Burnt FI_.r Bed" which ....n...... Unlnr,lty The.... Itudles from the Univerllty of pe~ tile .

r *Ifl~'DOlry Iowan New Offers Interpreting Red Actions -.:;' Comm P~------... I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, "60 4 From Reds n. Dally lowan " written and edlled by &tudenu and & governed by a board of fivB Itudcnt trustee. elected b? 01$7 1M ~ body and four faculty trwtee.t appointed by the president of the University. The Dally Iowan' Khrushchev ':Making Har" ~ polley, .hel'efore• .. not an erpre.tsion 01 SUI administration policy or opinion, in any particular. Goal of $77.967.35 has Every Day appearances quite comfort.bIJ By EDWARD CRANKSHAW a moment when, Cor reasons hav­ U-2 incident! Is his own brain lor this year's Cornrnunit~ as HTNS - lAad01l ob.uver Suvlce ing nothing to do with Africa or child, or whether it is being forced and presenting himselI the Clmpaign By J. M. ROBERTS bringer of peace and prosperity. Associated Press N.ws Analyst "I simply do not unt'lerstand Latin America, he was publicly on him by truculent colleagues. through Oct. 7. He has suddenly stopped doing The Communists are oHering what your purpose is today," said quarrelling with President Eisen­ As so often in these arguments, cil M. Hancher is bower. the real point is missed. this. IL was a role he enjoyed aM somet.hing almost every day in lhe British Prime Minister Mac· fund drive. Since tbe quarrel was on, a It is impossible lo tell whether believed in. The inference i.! that their attempt to hold attention in millan to the Soviet Premier he gave way under pressure. The goal of this, the the cold war. quarrel largely of his own seek· or not thcre is a ,faction struggle. Meanwhile he seizes the op­ bined fund-raising It's like a bunch of children Khrushchev in his very cool and ing, be may very well have con­ There may be or there may not. Community Givers reasonable letter. But, even so, sidered that no harm could come portunity of proving to all aJd who, having found something to There was certainly one in the Coralville and Unive laugh and scream about, don't if Macmillan had been able to let by throwing other items into the sundry, above all to the Cbinese want to stop, and so become himself go he might have phrased pot and, in so doing, establishing spring oC 1958, which Khrushchev and those who think like them, hysterical. it different : "I understand your a precedent which could come In turned to account with his ViCtory that he can be as tough as any. Catcb a spy. Propose a world­ purpose all right, or I think ( useCul later on. We should not be over the "anti - party group." body when toughness seems to wide summit conference with dis­ do, but why, pray, do you have to too deeply disturbed by the bare­ There may be another one now, be called for . With American armament at the top of the agen­ carryon like a madman?" faced cynicism of the threatened though, if so, it is quite impos­ policies in flux and with the RD.!' Congo intervention. Bare·raced sible to see who is fighting whom: sian people really angry about da, after walking out at Geneva Ever since it was decided in being spied on he has chosen when th, Allies were preparing -cynicism in diplomacy is an old On the face of it, the hi gh com­ a Moscow that a 1960 summit meet­ Russian custom. good moment for this. to oHer a new plan. Propose a ing could lead to no good, could mand in the Kremlin is now (c) 1900 New York Herald TrlbUlll, nuclear-free zone in Asia aftcr not, that is to say, produce hard But this is neither here nor grouped solidly around Khrush· Inc. having gotten nowhere with a nu· results commensurate with the there. lIe has served notice that chev. But if there is no faction clear-Cree zone' for Europe. Stal· magnitude of the occasion (there the Soviet Union regards neither fight there are certainly t:onflicts in's "Stockholm Appeal" {or are people in the Soviet Union, Africa nor Latin America as ex­ of interest and views which Khru· Russia Again shchev has to take into ~c count. Four SUI College peace on Soviet terms having too, who demand deeds and not clusively Western interests; He Cailed, launch a new one, begin­ words from the other side and It is possible, as any democra· Charges u.s. graduale students, 1II\:,IUU'lIlI ning with an antiatomie congress expect high·level meetings to pro­ would say we have no more busi­ tic leader knows , for a number from India and in Tokyo. vide definitive "solutions" of this ness there than RussIa. The easy of colleagues to disagree several- MOSCOW 00 - The Soviet UniOll been awarded That's the Communist picture. or thatJ, it was clearly in the im­ days oC Stalin's view oC the world Iy with individual policies and repeated Tuesday its charges that fellowships Always snappish, but always mediate interests of Khrushchev neatly divided into spheres oC in­ yet not gang up on one point of a U.S. RB-47 reconaissance plane ales bave ' been ,nll·"r.iPli magnanimous, with the Chinese to make a llttle hay on the side C1uence have gpne, perhaps for­ difference. On the face of it, one was on a spy mission when it was ships for the 1960~1 ever. would say that a great many of year. Reds willing to renounce nuclear pending the installation of a new shot down in the Barents Sea July weapons when they don't have President in America. Il would But why was the quarrel start­ Khrusbchev's colleagues, backed The Smith, Kline, them, to give their conventional not be too far fetched, it seems ed in the first place? Here we by tbe Chinese, ganged up to op­ 1. Foundation award will force greater weight in Asia. AL­ to me, to characterize his present move ir>to pure speculation. There pose hi s idea of going to the sum­ A Soviet note rejected agaill the A. Babcock, G, Bolton, ways magnanimous, perfectly activilies as jumping Corward to is a heated argument goi ng on mit without proper preparation U.S. demands for an impartial in· a Procter and (Western statesmen were not the willing to let Francis Gary Pow­ retreat the better. at the moment between Western vestigalion and described the Research "'h'"h ...... specialists in Soviet aHairs as to only on es unprepared ) and with lWarded to Anil ~"~l'a(lIa, ers' family attend his trial after What are his immediate in­ American proposal as a "maneu· pretrial threats to kill him. terests? In the first place, given whether or not Khrushchev is no prospect of any hard agree· 'l&y, India. Both are Can't sit in the same room the Soviet Union's reactionary battling wilh a powerful faction ment about anything that would ver designed to distract aUentiml ,ard Ph .D. degrees. with President Eisenhower and and old-fashioned conception of which is trying to expediate his not involve a Russian retreat. from the inadmissable charllcler oVthur Rich, G, two others when there's propa­ power politics, the chance to down{alL But it is not certain. of American military aviation." bas beell named ganda to be made outside, but demonstrate, at least in prinCiple, The point behind the argument, It is equally possible that some tj1e Union Carbide rh"rn;; ..1 oC Khrushchev'S domestic policies The note made no mention o[ can sit with Eisenhower and 80 her global interests is not one to o{ course, is whether the policy, )!any Fellowship olhers when there's a difCerent be missed. If the Cuban afrair if it can be called a policy, which were running into trouble and Washington's request Cor the reo Chin, G, Taiwan, kind of propaganda to be made and the Congo affair ha:d occurred Khrushchev has been pursuing that, to sort these out, he need- turn of the lwo surviving crew· j)een awarded a Johnson and besides the American elec­ a year ago, Khrushchev would since the middle of May (it may ed a little international ten sion . men of the plane althoug h it was son grant, tion is approaching. almosl cerlainly have taken a dif­ even have begun with the Baku • It comes to >the same lhing. Khru- billed as an answer to the U.S. [ A brother-sister In some ways the Reds seem ferent line. But both blew up at speech on April 2.4, before the shchev was coaslng along to all demand ot July 18. 1eatured among the scholarship to be afraid they have carried winners, Charles Mason, .. n.,nrn," ~ .. the tough line too far. The Ameri­ 'Sometimes! Feel Like Running Away, Too, can threat to answer their in­ 4ent aid. sults with a stepped up military Janis L. Glattly, A3, But I Don't Know Where To Go' program may have got ten Psychiatric Researchers Seek Way has been awarded an velopment Fund ~h,nl~r l across. Moscow doesn't want to I . . go too far. So now they're mixing ber brother, Roscoe Drummond Reports - ...... M, a Noyes Scllolclrsllip~ in some cold water with the hot. bas the edge on the Going back to the peace and co­ To Teach Kids About Social Climate' $240 scholarships. existence offensive. ~elve other students In some ways they seem to be By BILL KRAHLING I I ducted in Iqwa City, Tipton, and The SUI program aims at One girl exposed to the pro­ receive Noyes Kennedy's Apologyi Statement trying to con ruse the free world, Staff Writer Cedar Rapids schools. reaching the last two levels in­ ~ram, according to Ojemaqn, available hy income still threatening war on the one The teachers participating in stead of the first two levels, felt ca me to her teacher wilh a verne Noyes estate for hand and talking of peace on the Ralph H. Ojemann, director of supervising the program in the to be too commonly held by chil­ written account of a girl who rcct blood descendants Was Not Sign of Appeasement other, trying to ride two horses, the Preventive Psychiatry Re­ classroom are trained al special dren in school today. was not getting along with olher War I veterans. not quite ready to give up bellig­ search Program, has the strong workshops, such as the one Has there been any specific ex­ boys and girls. She asked if the They are: Ellen F. WASHINGTON - The purpose were two conditions {or continu­ lhat since Mr. K. also imposed erence while already shifting }:onviction that young persons which brought 45 teachers to the teacher would read it to the class Catherine J. Rir·hA,·tI ••,n back to t.he softer line which has amples of benefit? Ojemann o{ this column is to try to get at ing. One, that we apoligize. I the punishment condition, nothing need to be taught as much about SUI campus this past June. thinks so. and see what they would suggest. of Iowa City; would h a v e satisfied Khrush· bee n Soviet Premier Nikita their social environment a they the exact facts as to what &en. think that that might have been Materials are then provided There was a boy about ready The teacher soon found out the Cedar Rapids; D01rotlll'" possible to do; and that, second, chev, not even an apology. Thus Khrushchev'S main one. arc taught about their physical to run away from home be­ A3, Clinton ; Judith A. John F. Kennedy said or did not The free world is clear enough for , use which includes reading, story was about lhe girl herself. we try those responsible for the K:-ennedy could argue that he environment. workbook exercises, projects, cause his father drank a lot She was unhappy in a new group, Elberon; Richard F. say about apologizing or express· flight. " never brought Corward the idea about it all. It is under attack of £ecause of this belief, Oje­ and the boy didn't want to be Manchester; Gary G. one sort or another all the time, and similar items. but instead of brooding or fight· ing regret to Khrushchev over Does this statement make it of apology as a practical course mann, has devf!loped a pr,ogram saddled with respon5ibilities of ing with them she thought of an- Maquoketa; David N. the U2 flights. oC action. whether the .talk be sweet or, tha has ela'bJed.;B tlke {-tIC' Provisipn. of ')'h1t.rlals hit, Montezuma: Graham fair to can fend that Sen. Kennedy upon a key problem. There thi family.' But ' ai ' 'th. boy ." Blher apprb'ach'.' Snc liad liC'gU\\'lo And quite apart Crom whether There is another point at which mean, and expects to remain so, lead in this area of study. AI , Rembr andt; H,,,,hA,,lI wanted Eisenhower to apologize having figured out nothing much isn't anything available - un­ I.arned to look for explanations learn to assist in her own devcl~ Kennedy used this phrase or Kennedy's discussion of this mat­ "We want to know what degree he found hi5 father had lost his opment. A4. Wapello; Edgar L. for the flights? . to do about stopping it. of insight and appreciation of til Olemann and his staff writ. that, what is the Vice President Nixon an d, be­ ter - the day after Nixon and business, when the boy was Washington; and Dawn the forces in human behaviur it. The program has attracted ardson, Al, substance of the fore he became Kennedy's run­ Dewey brought it up at t.he Chi­ "Look at an example," Oje­ young, and started drinking aft­ considerabl. attention as 01 .. con trove r s y ? ning mate, Sen. Lyndon Johnson can be developed in children at er that. Full $240 Carr ~hnl,.. -.l cago convention-seemed to me various chronol,pgical, intellec­ mann said in explaining the work mann has been a~d to pr.. been awarded What is it really thought that it did . Johnson ask­ Letters- of the program. "In the civics "He saw his father as a sick pare articles for professionll all about? It is ed .many of his pre-convention to flow around but not come to tual, and emotional levels," Oje­ Mary L. Maher, grips with the real issue.- mann said. text, it discusses sarety in driv­ man and was ready to think lournals and appear at varloul Harriet Janeen Ca well to assemble audiences if they wanted to have ing. And it makes a rule - don't about ways of meeting the situ­ the evidence be­ Thus at his Hyannis Port press Helping underwrite the cost meetings to explaine the pre­ wein; Lloyd E. a President "who would. apolo- Responsible drive fast. ation rather than running away." gram. cause the candi. gize to Khrushchev? " - conference the Democratic nomi­ of the program have been four well City; Donald annual $70,000 grants by the "But we should ask why peo­ Assisting Ojemann is Bill The University of Maryland, Sioux City; Joyce L. dates are al­ But Kennedy calls this . an un· nee emphasized t hat he had Snider, research assi$tant in ready in a maze thought it would have been well W. T. Grant Foundation. ple drive fast in the first place; University of Toronto, and the and Vernon S. Page, fair description of his view. He To Society? The premise behind the studies why youngsters want to speed." Child Welfare, and Rolf Muus, State Mental Health Society of Spencer; and Marybeth o f conflicting put it this way in an exchange for 'the President to have "ex­ Goucher College, Md., who is argument and it pressed his regrets" to Khrush­ Is simple; children are capable As Ojemann phrases it, "We Delaware have launched similar chert, A4, Waterloo. with other Senators on the Sen. To the Editor: here for the summer. is obvious that chev over the timing o{ the U2 Do photographers have ales­ of learning why people do as need to be more concerned with studies. Duane D. Beenken, ate Door last May 23 : . flights. But the {act is, as al\ they do. the dynamic approach to human Ojemann said that the Idea {or Ojemann reports that he usual· and Richard P. Glovka, this is going to be a disputed "What I said was that if ponsibility to society? The photo matter in a hotly contested cam­ who were at the summit well of a small girl diving head-first Results have verified that behavior which explains why such a program dates back to Iy receives several letters a day , wood, Colo., haVe paign. Khrushchev had proposed the knew, the Soviet Premier was knowledge o{ human behavior something is done rather than 1930 when he was working wilh inquiring about information on Carr Scholarships of first condition alone - the- apolo. from a height of about Cour feet To make sense out of this con· not demanding "regrets" just into 18 inches of water in Satur­ has helped reduce feelings of the surface approach that mere­ parents and discovered they had the program. The Carr Scholarship gy - ... if he had merely asked over the timing of the flights; he anxiety in children, makes them ly states it is done." much to unlearn. Thus, while SUI draws notice established in 1900" by troversy, it is necessary to fit in that the United States express day's (July 30) issue of The Daily mind the demand which Khrush­ was demanding an apology {rom Iowan was taken by photographer less dictatorial in their dealings There are four levels oC und c. r­ • With the assistance of funds {or its work in the satellite prob­ ment gift of $50,000 regret (instead of demanding the President Cor having permit­ with others, and enable them to standing for a child : no aware­ from the National Institute o[ ing of the wide expanses o[ A. Whitney Carr of chev made upon the United states punishment for the fliers) that Joe Tabak. The cutline accom­ at Paris. He demanded that the ted the whole {our-year sequence panying tbe picture contains in­ better handle daily situations re­ ness as to causes, alternatives, Mental Health of the National outer space, it is also making in­ Six students, in might have been a reasonable of the U2 fights. The suggested quiring some thought for solu­ effects; development of stero· Institutes of Health, Pub I i c roads into the study of the con· Glattly, will President apologize for ever per· term, and would have indicated formation which seems to indi­ mitting any of the U2 flights and "regrets" ovcr the timing would cate tbal Tabak knew diving at tion . types; reco,ghition of a few ob­ Health Scrvice, the program was fin es of the human mind - as velopment Fund a willingness on his part to pro· nanced ~y a grant from that the fliers be punished. have meant absolutely nothing in that spot to be dangerous. How­ There are two phases to the servablj:! faelors; and realization actually {ormulated at SUI in they aHect the person and bis ceed." light or what was really happen­ ever, the cutline also says: program, which has been con- of complex causation. 1950. relations with others. organized in 1955 to This blew the summit to pieces After looking at all the evi­ 'ing at Paris. , means by which SUI before it ever began. But there "There' is no one present to warn dence, I offer these conclusions: Some partisans have suggested friends could financially were some here at home who I-Mr. Kennedy is, in part, the them (the children) of the dan· that Sen. Kennedy has herein gers of diving into the shallow Ulliversity. wondered if Eisenhower could victim ()/' his own imllrecise These recipients are: shown signs of appeasement. water." Was Tabak there, o~ not· have pacified Mr. K. in some statements. He said that if There is no substance or truth Good Listening- Pistorious, A3, way so that the meeting could Khrushchev had asked only for wasn't he? in such statements. At most they John Walt. B_.r., G J. Rebec, Al, Cedar have gone on, ·Kennedy was one an apology, "that that might Univ'ersity Bulletin Board aid D. Twaddle, Al, show that Kennedy needs to t.hink For.st VI.w Trallor Court IJ.~, •• 11 ...... __ .. reo ...... _,...... of these. and he made this state­ have been possible to do." That through a little more fully what (Editor', Note: Mr. T.b.... '.Y' Sheryl J. Hood, A3, ment to a group oC high school certainly sounded as though he the I'lrl bad been warned Dot to .... Itl C •••••I ...... O•• 'or, It, •••••f ."... ,. " ••," ••"11 ...... 'I~ Today On WSUI Clirice M. Stanley, P2, he wants to say. • ... Ito .,,., ••• ...... It,...... • tn••• • r ...... -. students in Oregon in May: were recommending an apology. dive by • woman .. he was pre ... and Sharon L. Schwarz, (c) 1900 Ncw York Herald Tribune, eni, b.t ahe lloaUnaed to do •• '."0 ...... r...a,...... _ are .... 011,'''1. f...... - "He (Khrushchev) said there But later he said tbat he' meant Inc. .I.n, ... llb .Ib.r cblldren. II. fell TONIGHT'S RECITAL, located the point where his developing City. Ibal .Inc. lb. ,Irl dl' nol pay .ny IlDUCII.TIONII.L P LAC E MIIJ'iT: croquet, hOI'8Q.hocs, quoits. darts, in the wrong hall by this column inlerest in Asia and the Middle A p~ir of students, , \ .UenUon to tile woman, , he woald ' Studcnts registered In the Educat'lon­ ping pong. badminton, basketbell, .11. refu•• I. UII.n 10 .1 .... ) al Placemenl OWe. who are stU: bandbaU, etc. yesterday. will be heard from the East took OV()f, Sheean has de­ field, A2, Bedford, and • seeking po.IUons should send chang ~ MAIN LOUNGE of the IOWA vote<\ himself almost exclusively Kelley, AS, Villa Park, 01 address to that oWee belore leav­ PLA YNlGHTS for summer ..oslo n Earth Satellites as Navigation Aids Ing the campus. This may be done by MEMORIAL UNION tonight at in recent years to the production receive tuition and fees , students, racully and thelr epoUBell , post.c;ard or by le.vlnl a memoran­ will be held in the Field House of works oC non,ficlion. Most re­ dum at the offlce. 8 p.m. on WSUI and KSUl-FM. ships of $240 and $260, res By TOM LAMBERT could provide accurale, good and revolutions would provide a near­ every Tucsdoy and Friday 1rom 1:30 There, that's more like it. The cent of these: "Nehru: The Years from the general student . I' TribaDe N.,,. OF .. ICIAL DAILY IULLITIN to 8:30 p.m. AdmJsaton will W bJl B... 11"91 .. bad weather beacons and navi­ ideal navigation system, he said. LICENSED PRACTICAL NUILSES .taU or Bummer .e"'on J.D. card. Faculty String Quartet, composed in Power." fund . gation aids for men plotting Chestnov said the use of radio­ ASSOCIATION will hold • buslncss only. Activities will Include IWlm· MOSCOW - A Soviet space en· of members of the faculty or the SPORTS AT MIDWEEK today All scholarships are a • ship and aircraft courses, the equipped satellites as navigation meeting Wedl]esday, AUI. 3, at 1:30 min II, balketball. pin. ponl, bad­ thll!\iast has just come up with p.m. In WesHawn. minton, paddle ball and bandbell. Department of Music at sm, is will have a bona fide sports fig­ Ute basis of scholastic what to him and most of the pub­ enthusiast explained. beacons would eliminate naviga· University the performing group. ure on hand. He is Bud Grant, ment and financial aced, Writing recen tly in "Soviet tors' dependence on olher celes­ OLD CII..PITOL OOIN OLUB will LUTHERAN 8TUDENT A8800lA­ lic 'here is a brand new idea: A hold lis monthly meeUnl Wednes­ TION summer dlscuuloa will W LAST NIGHT'S LECTURE by coach of the Canadian Footban Old Gold Fund Scholar rad(o.equipped earth satellite or Fleet," propaganda journal of tial bodies as beacons. Such Calendar day, AUI. 3, al 1:30 p.m. In Conler­ held eacb Sunday at 5 p.m. .t the author·journalist Vincent Sheean League Champions, the Winnipeg especially set aside for the Soviet Navy, an engineer. F. space travelers as the moon and enee Room One o( the Union. A Chrlstu. House. 121 1:. Church St. .tudents not qualifying system of such satellites to be dlscu ..lon 0 f American colonial "Uo From Ablurdll¥" la the dJa. was recorded Cor use at a later Blue Bombers. A one-time object used as "cosmic beacons" by Chestnov, said one such sat!!llile stars sometimes are blacked out coms will be followed by a col:\ cu.. lon theme. from otber existing s Wednesday, Aut, :I auction. Guests are Invited. date (possihly not until October). of hysterical hostility Crom Iowa ship .and aircraft navigators. would be helpful to navigators by bad weather and then are un­ In addition, an interview conduct­ basketball fans, Grant seems to funds. IN TEa • VARSITY OHRISTIAN If' such a satellite 'or system of hut that a system of foul' would usable as navigation aids, ,he 8 p.m. - Faculty String Quart· PII. D. GERMAN aEADING Ell:­ FELLOWSHIP meets every Tuesday ed prior to hi s public appearance have leveled orf considerably to satellites could be fired into cir­ be better. went on. AllIIN ATION will be given Thur.­ at 8 p.rn. In the Recreation Area tet Concert - Main Lounge 01 day, August " (rom 3 to 5 p.m. In has been schedul ed [or next Satur­ the point where he's downright Conference Room In the U n10D. 1 Powerline Kil cular or. near-circular earth or­ Four satellites coul\Sing around He neglected to say the United Union. 105 Schaeffer Hen. Intereated per­ day's CUE, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Al­ lovable. rr you doubt that state­ blbl and the time period of each the world at an altitude of 22,- Stales launched a radio--equipped, eon. should fellster In lot Schaef­ fer. IOWA IIEMOUAL.,UNION Summer ready an established novelist at ment, turn on SAM at 12:45 p.rn. of their revolutions around the 375 miles . and at speeds equal­ 265·pound satellite April 13 this Thunday I AUf. 4 Beaslon t!0uno: Sunday tIlrou,h Survey Crewr ThUl'lday. 7 a.m. to 10:30 p,m.; Fri­ STEREO'S LAST FLING for the earth calclilated 'precisely, they ing the velocity of the earth's year as a navigation aid. 8 p.m. - University Theatre CANDIDATES fOa AUGUST DI· day and SatUl'day, , • .m. 10 11\14. summer session occuts tonight at NEWTON III - Gen • ProdUction, "The Burnt Flower OREES: Commencement announce­ nllht. --~------ments have arrived. Orders may be Recreation A .... : Monday tbrou.b WIDNESDAY, AUGUST ., 1M 7 p.m. when wsm and KSUI-F'}I POrt, 18, of Marshalltown DAILY IOWAN IDrrOalAL STArr Is not [)OIIIIbl., but everr aHort wtIJ Bed" by Ugo Betti. picked up at the Alumni House, Thursday, 8 a.m. to 10 :15 p.m .; FrI· combine Cacilities for an hour ~ Editor ...... Ray Burdick be made to correct erran with the 130 N. Madleon Street (acrou the 8:00 Mornlni Chapel with an Iowa Highway Cc ",. Muml. day .nd S.tw-d.y, , a.m. to mid· 8:15 New. AUDIT BualAU MaJUlvnl Ed. Geor.. H. WUllam. Jr. next Iuue. .treet from the UnIon). nlllht; Sundey, I p.m. to 10:30 p.m. bin aural sOllnd. Featured work survey crew on Interstat4 1.'.1 Ne_ Edllon ••...• Ron Weber and Friday, Aug. 5 8:30 Classroom II or 00) d Feather Room: MLnd., ' :15 Mornhlg MusiC will be th1lt from which the war' II, was electrocuted Tue CDoC11LATlON. Marcia Bolton 8 p.m. - University Theatre UNIVERSITY COOPEaATIVE BA· tbroulth Thursd.,., I •. m. to 10:11 JI'.dltorl.1 AlI8iatan.t . . •. .. .. Jim Sed. IIEIIBla .f til. AI,OOlATED .all. BY-SITTING LEAGUE wiU be in 8:30 BookShelf time "V ilor Victory" symbol p.m.; FrideJl, 8 a.m. to 11:48 p.m.; \ , the Skunk River brid&e CIt,. Ed ltor ...... Dorothy CoUln The Associated PreA I. entitled ex­ Production, "The Burnt Flower the eIIa ...e of Mn. luter Abbas 8 :~ Newa SallUlday. 8 I.m. to 11:45 p.m.l lun­ 10:00 Music was drawn: the Symphony No.5 way 6 about seven mile Itt . • I Sports Editor •••.• , lohn Hanrahan clusively to the u .. for repubUc.tIon Bed" by Ugo Betti. from July 26 to AUi. 8. Call 1991 day. 12 noon to 10:15 p.m, Cblef PbotOirapher •. Dennll ReMer of aU the local new. printed In thI. for a sitter. Call Mrs. Warnock al II :45 Religious New. Reporter by Beethoven. here. ""ubJlihed dAily I except Sund.)'· and Caleterla: M""day throUlh Thll.... ll:158 News Captlule newlpaper u well .. all AP new. 8-2866 for infonnaUon about memo day, (bre.kI.. !) 7 •.m. to 11 • . m., Mood.)' .hd 1... 1 hoUday. by Stu­ dispatch••. Satvrday, AUf. , bershlp In the lealue. 1~:00 Rhythm Ramble. LAMENTABLE IT MAY Bpj, Witnesses saId the y dent .P\lbUcaUo~. . Inc., Communlca. (lunch) 11 :30 •. m. to 1 p.m., (din. 12:30 New. DAILY IOWAN ADVllaTOINO ITAPr 8 p.m. - Unlversity Theatre ner) I p.m. 10 8:'5 p.m.; Saturday, but this is the last week of fun· ~illi a lUoot pole wll tiona Center, Itw. City, low.. En. Bumn",. Mana,,,r and DAILY IOWAN IUPlaVlIOU raoM THI DAILr IOWAN: Studen.. 12:4S Sports .t Midweek tered' • lecond- (II" matter at the Production, "The Burnt Flower (lunch only) 11:30 • . m. 10 1 p.m.: 1:.00 MOIUy MUlie , schedule broadcasting at WSUI strip down one side whi Advertlll1n. Director .... Mel Ad81111 may have The Dally Iowan malled Sunday, (clInDer on\J') 11:10 I .m. to -' office .t loiv. City under the Advertilln, Mana,et' . •. Phlllp Ware ICHOOL or lOUIUlAUIIi rACULTY Bed" by Ugo Betti. to Iny Iddresa In the United St.ate. 2:55 Handel- Man and Mu.lq , (and the last of anything at aD ently came in contact wit Act at Con..- of March 2, J81I. 1:30 p.m. 3:~ New • CIa.Wed Manallr . Fr.nk Brownell Publl!Jber ...... John M. Harrlooft for Itle vaeaUon periOd AUI. 11 to from KSUI-FMJ until late SeP­ volt power line. He was .&.ast. Cia •• M,r. • M.r"'.... te Follett Editorial ... . •• Arthur M. Sandenon Sept. 22. Special subacrlptlon rate 4:00 Tea Tlme DIAL; 41f1 troth noon \<> mldnllbt 10 Promotion Mana.er . . lames Wlnlor Advertl!llnl ...... 1:. John Kotlman, WldnHday, Aut. 11 Is '1.50 for the .Ix-week periOd. IUIIMEa MAIUNO ADDali1 ... 4:58 News Captlule tember. It Is, moreover, the Jut ltantly. Circulation " •• • ,.. WUbur PeterlOn Delta 811rna PI, profeaton.1 buainlll 5:00 Preview NPOrt n..... Ittriia. women'. pa•• II p.m. - Close of summer Sel­ Brln. or mall your order and ad­ of this column for the sa~ per· Itemsl and ...ao;ntements to The .AILY IOWAN macULATION dr... to 201 Communications Center. traternlty, to Rurat Route I, Box , .. 5:15 Sportl Time ------DaUy ·low.n. ~tt>TI8I bff""," _ ia CircUlation Mana,er .... Robert Bell lion classes. No phone orden, please. All corrapond.nce durin. II1mmar 5:30 Newl iod of time. Since the WSUI IlfO' RHODESIA I.IKS I the OIImmunloaUacu Canter. TBUIITEE8, BOA.aD or ITUDBn vacation mud w malled 10 thIa ad. 5 ~ 45 Polltlc.1 Backl!'Ound PUBLIOATIONI!I, INO. 7:30 p.m. - University Com­ ),AIIILY NIGHTI!I for II1mmer _ tires •• 8:00 Evenln. Concert gram calls for "sil'n-ofC' at 2:15 SALISBURY, Southern DIAL 41'llf, you do not receive your mencement - Field House. 1:00 AM-FM Siereo Conce" p.m. for the next seven weeks, It IaI - secl Dally Iowan by ' :30 I.m. The Dall,. Waller B.rbee, A4: Dr: Gears. !:alt­ lion .tudent., .tall, faculty, and An inter·racial on. Collelre of Den!I.".: lane QU. their famJllel wlU be held eaob LIBItABT BOUUI Mond.,·FrI. ,:00 "acuitY Sll'ln. Quartet Iowan ~lrculatlon oItke In the Com­ ' :00 TrIo would be dlCCicult to fill thIs space Of more thaD 2,_ men cbrl.t, AI: Paw E. Haaenoon, 1>3; Thul'llllly, A",. 11 Wedneed~¥ from 1:11 tel:ll p.l1I. 4.y, , :!to .,m.-J a.m.; Batutda1, , .. munlcatlona Center II oP"n p-om • Judith lone., A'; Prof. Hul(b XellO, In 'he Field Ho,,". Chlldren mull . :45 News Final and unrewardlni to try. Howeyer, organized with hopes of • . m. to I p.lII. Mond.y throu'lh rrl­ I .m.-S p.m.; ByncIey, 1:30 p.m.-I . '\1'.: 10:00 SfGN 011" day .nd from. to 10 a.m. Sliturda)', Deparlment 01 Political Science; Prol~ Opening of Independeqt Study W 1If'~l1II!IInled by their parents .. , Detlk lI«vJ~: Jl[onda,-Th~"'" • the next three columns wll\ ex· peaCe in this self.govern .Leslle O. Moeller, ScIlO01 ot Journal­ Unit Cor law and graduate stu­ .11 times. Adml•• lon will be by .tau •. m ,-IO p.m.; Frldly," ' .m .• 5 P.m.1 KSUI (FM) ,1.1 m~ • plaIn what sort pf radlo wUlll1l .... ; !Ian D. lleblndler, 0\41 .roI. .. ' or .ummer ....Ion "'0...... 4111)/. "Wrdar, ....,·S p.a\, ~ ___, • 7:110. tille ~u'Jj) ... ' ,her, bloody race rlotlnli A. V \II D7u,' ColIap of Sclucatloll. dents, Aollv!lI.. will 1nc1ud, 1W1InmIn., _·11 _II 1IiDdat, • p ...... p... 10;00 SIGN 01:1 _ •__ J.J. the interim. ,.. ", ..k. ' . __. _ '-" - - - - ... _- . --- , , , ( , , , fMlIWLTIDWAJt.o.1 ... CIfy, ...... ", _I. ,...... , , __ __ _ . , Community Givers Set-Goal Med Staffers GaR lIa~ers Nominate ' ~ :?:.s:. a~ quite comrortabIJ i. ling himself as !be for~~ this year m~~~,~:9.~9.m~~_'t~~.ty~:~~~~A~''s Community Givers 407 set 'lor last year. 500; School Children'S Aid Fund. ~.' ~;;his~~:~Dr ••BrynjuU Strandberg, Dani sh ",~~~~tion Tuesday I~;:renominated !by ~16th:~~~~: Judicial District since 1941.t~~'~'~rl City, Republican nominee ~,,~ ,r(or ruoo,U.S. ·i~~~:·WOUISIN'S, INC. ' of peace and prosperity. Campaign scheduled for Sept. 26 Two University-connected per· $1,100; American Homefinding As· doctor and one of the leaders acclamation Cbief Justice Rob- Evan L. Hultman of Waterloo, senator, told the convention that ...... ,,, .... --: ...... , .... suddenly stopped doing through Oct. 7. SUI President Vir· sons are among the eight who will sociation. $500; and the Iowa Asso· among European physiCians en· ert L. Larson of Iowa City and Black Hawk County attorney and if elected he would work to simpli· MARION, IOWA a role he enjoyed and iii M. Hancher is chairman of the lead divisions of the drive. They ciation for Mental Health, $500. couraging cultural exchange in Justice Henry K. Peteroon of Republican candidate for attorney (y tax and other compUcated laws. ~~~~~~~~~~~~!! in. The Inference is that fUDd drive. are Arlyn C. Marks, director of Allocations to the agencies tolal various fields of medical science. Council Bluffs as candidates (or general. delivered the keynote ad. Other speakers included Atty. way under pressure. '!'he goal of this, the third com· University Personnel Service. who ~ , 837.48 of the proposed goal. Ad· spoke before orthopedic and reha· the Iowa Supreme Court in the dress at the copvention. sounding Gen. Norman Erbe of Boone, Re. he seizes the opo bined fund·raising campaign of wlU serve as Iowa City residential ministrative expenses of the or· bilitation staff members Monday Nov. 8 election. a plea for legistative reapportion. publican candidate for governor. Want Ads Get Result of proving to all aod Community Givers in Iowa City, chairman. and John R. Winnie, as· ganization total $8,129.87. durlnf( a visit at SUI. District Judge Bruce M. Snell a to the Chinese Coralville and University Heights. sociate professor in the TV Center. As a representative of the Dan. 11 who will be chairman Df the Coral· 65. of Ida Grove was selected as who think like tbem, e ish Department of Health and con· th GOP' thi d d'd I d f t be as tough as any· ville area. t e s r can I a e, e ea . Other divisional leaders are: . sultant for the World Health Or··109 D'I St flC. t J U dge. C Ed WID. ..moore .. toughness seems to Charles S. Galiher, Iowa City pro· Con demna Ion ganization