I e ,. P .. rtly cloudy through tonivht with sc.......... showers and tfIun· .rstonns mottIy in west and ~ ow• ·an nortt. ..." inc! over stm to­ .0 t nigN. T urni", cool... In nortft. S.m"l TM Stat. Unl".,.rity of l~ IJftd 1M p,opl4 of I0tD4 Cu, west tonight. High... to '5. Herald Tribune News Service Features Wednesday, August 3, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa Bel glans• ·To Leave Congo NixQn Says Kennedy Bought Cuba Quiet U.N.. Labor Vote with Pc/atform On Fidel's This LOS ANGELES IA'I - Vice Presi­ tinl number of working men have I hour - is very loyal indeed to Replacement LEOPOLD VILLE, Congo IA'I - end of a bitter dispute between the dent Richard M. Nixon charged backed RepUblican candidates. our cause." Belgium agrE'ed with great reo new Congo government and Bel· Tuesday that Sen. John F. Ken­ "Labor has never had it so good The Vice President's wife, Pa­ luctance to give up its la t linger· gium over the future of the c;opper l!'D'",,". reprellntativ. YriII nedy, his Democratic opponent for ing hold on the Congo and Ute rich Katanga province. Political discuss with you • as they have had it in the last tricia, was greeted by a bome­ High Officials the presidency, bought labor's sup­ eight years," Nixon contended. coming crowd of nearly 5,000 in U. N. announced Tuesday night its leaders there had attempted to de· of plans which may bt port with the Democratic plaUorm. Are Unavailable to your Individual present "They have bad it infinitely bet­ Reno, Nev., earlier in the day. troops would move Saturday inlo tach the province from the new needs. Sea him now Sh";n "limine. II .cript which h. hal writt.n for "He paid the price he had to ter than they had it during the Nixon lett Washington early in For Comment the rich, secessionist Katango nation to preserve its riches. A.;' Vlnc~~t' Province. ca n profit by low.; _ In ....ri .. of recording. to 1M m .. de by RCA Victor. The serle. pay to get that support in the plat­ Truman administration." the day after rebuking his Demo­ Hammarskjold, through intense form," Nixon told a news confer­ cratic opponent and warning the HA VANA IA'I - Secrecy deep­ That meant U. N. forces would negotiations with the Congolese pI.c.. .paci ..1 .mph... ls upon the .tructure of music. Nillon aald he would "ttick to ened Tuesday over Fidel, Castro's be in occupotion of al\ the turbu· ence. "I will not pay that price." the high ro .. d," ... .. reporter Democrats against heavy spend­ and Belgians, succeeded in resolv­ -D .. ily Iowan Photo by C.. rolyn Gothchlilk Nixon discu~sed a variety oC sub­ condition ond the identity of the lent Congo in lieu of the last de· ing the problem apparently to the phresed it In 0 question, bV .. rgu· ing measures. jects with newsmen after arriving man who will run the government parting Belgian forces. satisfaction of both sides. ing I"uel r .. th.r then porlOn .. U· in his absence. U. N. Secretary General Dag In Los Angeles at the end of the till during th. c .. mpolgn. The secretary-general di closed first day on his whirlwind cam­ Lost reports said the ailing Hammarskjold's announcement of that U.N. trouble shooter Dr. Authorls Subiects Vary He again accu ed Kennedy o{ a .. paign tour to the West Coast and prime mini tcr wa resting at his what may amount t 0 complele Ralph Bunche will go to Katanga DENT MUTUAL Hawaii. personal attack in the Democratic Polaris Shot suburban CoJimar home. Semioffi­ peaceful military domination carne Friday to prepare for the entry 01 Insurance Company He linked Kennedy and the Dem­ nominee's acceptance speech last cial quarters scoffed at a report quickly after the Belgian govern­ U.N. soldiers. The withdrawal 01 of Philadelphia From Politics to Music ocratic platform with labor lead· month. that he would address Saturday's ment in Brussels lold with tinges Belgian forces in the province Is ers when a reporter asked if the Nixon did this in replying to a Furthers Sub clo ing session of the leftist Latin­ of bitterness of its reluctant capit­ expected to follow immediately. "WrIting is my whole bag of papers. He was editor of the Uni­ Republicans had any special plllns question as to whethE'r he consid· American Youth Congress here. ulation under U. N. pressure. It ex· tricks." said Vincent Sheean. versity of Chicago paper, The to woo the labor vote_ The plat· ered as personal afronts the re­ The Communist parly newspa­ presseq both hope and skepticism marks of Kennedy, particularly over the eventuol outcome. "That's all I've ever done. I read Daily Maroon, and was a corr\ls­ form adopted by the Democrats at Missile Work per Hoy said the announcement of pondent for the now defunct Chi­ their nationaL convention last Monday, alleging that Nixon help­ the addre. s was made by Castro_ Katonga wos the l:Jst of the Con­ Visas OK/ed 011 all those book-cover flaps that cago Herald. He is still working month won the end.orsement of ed frame the Administration's farm CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. IA'I - But no other Havana morning go to yield to the 19th Century this author was a cow puncher in in radio and is beginning to make mllst labor chiefs. policy and then deserted Secretary The Navy fired a Polaris from an newspa pers carried the report. Belgian conquerors and the last Argentina or that author was a recordings. "w. ""d .. pr.. ldent who dOlI of Agriculture Ezra Tart Ben on. underground tube Tuesday ni ght In view of the orders by Cas­ to stay with the Belgians alter in­ not owe his .1.ctTon to the c.. p­ Nixon said he drew lhis line be­ in its continuing program to make lro's phy icians that he take a dependence. For Power1s boat captain, but I just write." "But all of it turns into books," tween campaign styles: It was the richest prize of all he said. "What I've seen at both t .. inl of indultry or the I.. d.rl of the submarine missile operational complete mental and physical Sheean, author and newspaper lobor," Nixon ... id. A candidate is discussing the is· by October. rest, il was considered unlikely he and the seces ionist government, correspondent. who lectured at SUI conventions might find its way into sues when he gets into matters refusing to share its wealth with a book two or three years from He referred to settlement of the Project otficials reported the would leave his sickbed to speak Relatives Tuesday night on "The Struggle steel strike last winter, in which sucll as labOr policies, and any Polaris achieved ail test objec­ at the Congress. the poor and more primitive Con· now. I've no ' idea of such a book, both he and Secretary or Labor candidate should be ready tor go, had effected a sort of post-in­ for Supremacy in Asia," told duro but those things pop out." tives in scooting more than 1,000 Newsmen seeking official con­ WASlIINGTON IA'I- The parents James P. Mitchell had a part. "hard-hatting discussion on both miles down the Caribbean Range. dependence alliance with Belgium. and wife of Francis Gary Powers ing an Interview about his "one· firmation ot the Hoy reporl found The Katanga government said it Sheean's family, his wife and Nixon cited this as an instance sides." Main goals were to check the mis­ that even third and fourth-ranked can go to the Soviet Union befor!.' sided" career. Then he shattered two daughters, are in New York in which the "power and prestige It would be straying to a person­ wanted Belgian troops to stay, this illusion as he went on to tell sile's inertial guidance system and secretaries at the prime minister's the U2 pilot's spy trial but prob­ City. One daughter is in England of the office of president can be al type or campaign, he said, arming and (using of a si mulated and no U.N. forces to move in. of the diversity of his interests. oWce were unavailable for com­ The electriC announcement from ably Will not see him until after a for the summer working in Walea used for the public at large." "where you question motives and warhead. ment. Soviet court d cides his fate. The 60 year old writer estimates Summer stock productions. The Nixon said labor union leaders personal honesty, as did Sen. Ken· Hammarskjold that his troops The launching followed the 500- Even less credence was attached would start taking over Saturday, The Soviet embassy here an­ that he has published about 26~ other daughter ' is a beginning in the past have supported the nedy in his acceptance speech." nounced Tuesday that visas have books equally divided between fico mile firing of a Hound Dog mis­ 10 the latest of a flood of rumors replacing the Belgians, came io writer in New York. Democratic tickets but a subs Lan- "i did nol reply in kind, nor will sile from a B-52G jet bombe .. and been approved for Ida F'ord Pow­ tion and non-fiction. The variety I during the campaign," Nixon thal Castro had left secretly for the late uneasy hours of the tense a last- econd malfunction that pre· lor ers, the flier's ailing mother, and of subjects can be seen in two of said.
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