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河口海岸学国家重点实验室(华东师范大学)所有, 未经许可不得转载和翻印。 河口海岸学国家重点实验室 ( 华东师范大学 ) State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (East China Normal University) 版权归河口海岸学国家重点实验室(华东师范大学)所有, 未经许可不得转载和翻印。 河口海岸学国家重点实验室 ( 华东师范大学 ) State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (East China Normal University) ۶ղڅٵ 河口海岸学国家重点实验室 State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (华东师范大学) East China Normal University 地址:上海市中山北路 3663 号 Shanghai200062,China 邮编:200062 Tel:86-21-62232887 电话:021-62232887 Fax:86-21-62546441 传真:021-62546441 Email:[email protected] 网址:http://www.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn Website:http://www.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn 河口海岸学国家重点实验室(华东师范大学) 2011 年度报告 主编:周云轩、张卫国 Editiors in-chief:ZhouYunxuan,ZhangWeiguo 编辑:金灿、江红、李俊红、瞿建国、谈莉、王璐 Editiors:JinCan,JiangHong,LiJunhong,QuJianguo,TanLi,WangLu ဣዩ၀ኧၣᆕᏋ્ǖ ৻ ᆰǖ ޾૴᎜ ᒦਪ৔߈ᏔᏔိ ખࣁနपࡍኧ ୴၈ Ⴁଗ౾ ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ਪଜ਱ዳ௜࢒औ਱ዳዐ௅Ⴥ ዐ௅Ꮛ ᓍ ྀǖ ᅽ਒໿ ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ༹ખࡍኧ ୴၈ ঃᓍྀǖ ೶ኧᶀ ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ૴೶ࡍኧ ୴၈ ᐽ ள ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ખࣁနपࡍኧ ୴၈ ᆕ Ꮛǖ ჰ໪ဍ ᒦਪ৔߈ᏔᏔိ ᒦਪၺޘపኧዐ௅Ꮤલ਱ၺޘዐ௅Ⴥ ዐ௅Ꮛ ઈ࣮ቢ ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ᒦਪపኧᏔ਱ዳዐ௅Ⴥ ዐ௅Ꮛ ༬ࡍ੡ ᒦਪపኧᏔᏔိ ᒦਪపኧᏔ਼ཌ੃ཌણஹᎧ৔߈ዐ௅Ⴥ ዐ௅Ꮛ ණ ᆖ ᒦਪ৔߈ᏔᏔိ ᒦਪણஹపኧዐ௅Ꮤ ዐ௅Ꮛ ௜ ዐ௅Ꮛއᐽ੷ჸ ਪᅉᓾᏎݝݬူ ᒦਪ࢐ᒠࢯ ୗ ໻ ୣᄰᏥၒݝᏇᔐ৔ ୴၈଀঱৔ ޾ ం ਪଜ૥߻࢐ಯቧᇦᒦቦ ᔐ৔ ୴၈ ዮᔫဍ ᒦਪ਱ዳࡍኧ ୴၈ ঱ ၑ ฉயࡍኧ ୴၈ ᎝ೂᒦ ખࣁနपࡍኧ ୴၈ ࢷຳቭ ખࣁနपࡍኧ ୴၈ ᒲᏠኛ ખࣁနपࡍኧ ୴၈ ဣዩ၀ഌࡴǖ ᓍ ྀǖᒲᏠኛ ঃᓍྀǖੜ ༴ĂᐽᆦਪĂᑌޟ༴ SKLEC Academic Committee: Advisory Members: Prof. Chen Jiyu, East China Normal University, and Academician of CAE Prof. Dr. Su Jilan, Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, and Academician of CAS Chair: Prof. Dr. Wang Guangqian, Tsinghua University, Academician of CAS Deputy Chairs: Prof. Lin Xueyu, Jilin University, and Academician of CAS Prof. Dr. Zhang Jing, East China Normal University, and Academician of CAS Members: Prof. Tang Qisheng, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS, and Academician of CAE Prof. Hu Dunxin, Institute of Oceanology, CAS, and Academician of CAS Prof. Qin Dahe, Cold and Arid Regions Environmetal and Engineering Research Institute, CAS, and Academician of CAS Prof. Dr. Meng Wei, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Academician of CAS Prof. Zhang Hongtao, Chinese Geological Survey, and counsellor of Ministry of Land and Resources of China Prof. Jiang Qian, former vice minister of Ministry of Transport of China Prof. Dr. Chen Jun, Chief Engineer of National Geomatics Center of China Prof. Yang Zuosheng, Ocean University of China Prof. Dr. Gao Shu, Nanjing University Prof. Dr. Yu Lizhong, East China Normal University Prof. Dr. Ding Pingxing, East China Normal University Prof. Dr. Zhou Yunxuan, East China Normal University CAS – Chinese Academy of Sciences CAE – Chinese Academy of Engineering SOA – State Oceanic Administration of China CAFS – Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences SKLEC Board of Directors: Director: Prof. Dr. Zhou Yunxuan Deputy Directors: Prof. Dr. He Qing, Prof. Dr. Zhang Weiguo, Mr. Zhao Changqing ANNUAL REPORT ฤࣞۨস 2011 ෹ഺ CONTENTS ဣዩ၀଼஑ ࡍူ଑ 02 SKLEC Introduction 03 Headlines పዐளॅਜ਼పዐలᄌ ୣഗᎧ੝ᔫ 05 Research Grants & Program Highlights 10 Academic Exchange & Cooperation ዐ௅஠ᐱ ൙ᆪᓜᓎ 19 Research Highlights 40 List of Peer Reviewed Publications ૝୙ ຳგᎧጥ໭ 46 Awards 47 Facilities & Equipments ݣ๸ዸ ዐ௅ࣩᇏཽ 50 Student Programs 54 Faculty and Staff ဣዩ၀଼஑ SKLEC Introduction ဣዩ၀଼஑ SKLEC Introduction ኧప 30 ࣶฤዐ௅৔ᔫࡼ૥߻࿟ࠎ୐ࡼăဣዩ၀ጞᅘખࣁနपژኧਪଜᒮ࢛ဣዩ၀ဵᏴખࣁနपࡍኧ੡ా਱ژ੡ా਱ ࡍኧLj᎖ 1989 ฤᎅਪଜଐᆕຒᓰ߫୐Lj1995 ฤ 12 Ꮬᄰਭਪଜዩ၃݀ᑵါሶਪดᅪఎहă ĂᓜጓઑݗĂ಑ᒦ༴உ੝ࡼዐ௅ࣩᇏǗ๼۸೫ሌ஠ބளਭऔလࣶฤࡼ୐࿸Ljဣዩ၀ጯ፱ᎌጙᑽஉ৩੝ಯĂࣶኧపୣ ࡼጎᅪకހૺ၀ดހ၂Ꭷॊᇜጥ໭ăဣዩ၀ሚᎌৼࢾཽᏋ 61 ཽLj໚ᒦዐ௅ཽᏋ 47 ཽ ( ୴၈ 26 ཽLjঃ୴၈ 5 ཽLj୚ န 16 ཽǗ௥ᎌ݇ိኧᆡࡼ 45 ཽ )LjଆၣཽᏋ 11 ཽLj਌ಯཽᏋ 3 ཽăܼߌĐఎहĂഗࣅĂೊ੝ĂீᑱđࡼᏥቲ૦ᒜLj ኧప༄ዘഌᎮ࿾ྜྷ஠ቲ።፿૥߻ቶዐ௅Ljጯखᐱ߅ᆐࡔژဣዩ၀ළᓰਪଔኧప༄ዘLjᆍླྀਪଜᒮࡍኊཇLjᏴ੡ా਱ ࠨཽݣࡼ๸ዸ૥࢐ăށዐ௅ၺຳࡼపዐ૥࢐Ꭷ঱ژᆸਪ੡ా਱ܭ The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) was established on the basis of estuarine and coastal research in East China Normal University (ECNU) for more than 30 years. It was set up by the formerly State Planning Commission of China in 1989, and went into operation in December 1995. It is now co-sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) and ECNU. Since 1989, the laboratory has formed a number of multidisciplinary research teams, equipped with advanced instruments both for fi eldwork and laboratory analysis. There are 61 fulltime faculties and staff members in the laboratory, which include 47 research faculties (26 professors, 5 associate professors, and 16 lecturers, among them 45 with Ph.D. degree), 11 technicians and 3 administrative staff. SKLEC carries out a large amount of theoretical and applied research projects to serve the demands of national development, social sustainability, and frontline science on estuaries and coasts. Guided by the philosophy of “Openness, Exchange, Cooperation and Competition”, it has become a high level research and training base for estuarine and coastal studies in China. ANNUAL REPORT ฤࣞۨস 2011 2 ࡍူ଑ Headlines ࡍူ଑ Headlines 2011 ฤ 2 ᏜLjளਪᇗᏔኧᆡᆕᏋ્࢒ 28 ࠨ્ፇ and the Netherlands, respectively, presented ဃਖ਼Ljᆸ၀Đ਱ዳపኧđጙ଀ኧపႂိ࢛૝ຒă the research progress to the vice Minister, to which Mr. Zijlstra gave high appraisal. Audited by the 28th meeting of the Academic ࿍ཌ߲ᓾĂખۦDegrees Committee of the State Council of 2011 ฤ 10 Ꮬ 18 ྇Ljᎅ࿟਱ှ China in February 2011, SKLEC was authorized ࣁနपࡍኧᔐߌ۞Ăቅ࿸ଐኧᏔਜ਼ᆸ၀ঌᐊ޾೰ to offer “Marine Science” master degree, ࿸ଐࡼཝਪ၅ଜጲ੡ాపଆᆐᓍᄌࡼᓜጓప໋ᐱ including physical oceanography, marine ਍ĊĊ࿟਱ޠ୕੡ాపଆ਍ൢ߅ఎ਍ă chemistry, marine geology and marine biology. Yangtze River Estuary Science and Technology 2011 ฤ 5 ᏜLjᆸ၀ྋ૝ᒦખཽ෍ৢਜ਼ਪୣᄰᏥ Museum, which was supported by Baoshan ୕ా࿾ၺੋࡸᒤಯ৔߈୐࿸ሌ஠ૹᄏđ District, contracted by ECNU and designed byޠၒݝĐ ྋᎺ߂੓Lj޾૴᎜Ꮤိྋ૝Đޠ୕ా࿾ၺੋࡸᒤ SKLEC and School of Design, ECNU, opened ಯ৔߈୐࿸஄ཽ߲ᇕđྋᎺ߂੓ă to public on October 18, 2011. It was the first museum with estuarine science and technology In May 2011, SKLEC was honored as the as the theme of professional exhibition in China. Excellent Unit for the Yangtze Estuary Đ࢒လጙஔێDeepwater Channel Regulation Project from 2011 ฤ 10 Ꮬ 18-21 ྇Ljᆸ၀ߌ Ministry of Transport of China, and Academician ᇼ఩ೃบ࿃ࣅೆኧਪଔ્ፇ(INTERCOH XI- ࠨ્ፇࡼᓍገดྏ۞౪บ࿃Ꮵࣅࡼᇕ۾Chen Jiyu was honored as an Outstanding 2011)đă Personnel. ಯਭ߈Ă၀ดૺጎᅪ၂ዩĂၫኧෝቯĂܟஏށಯ ൙ਜ਼࢐ඎዝܤࢀLjୡ࢛ဵᇼ఩ೃบ࿃Ꮵࣅཽ࣪ಢ ฤ 6 Ꮬ 21 ྇Lj୴ᎹݝྀෘᒲᏠኛ୴၈ਜ਼ᅽ 2011 ૚ࣅࡼሰ።ૺ໚ણஹ቉።Lj݀ఎᐱ೫ޠ୕੡ాบ ኧਪଜᒮ࢛ဣዩ၀ᓍژ਒໿Ꮤိॊྀ࡛ܰ੡ా਱ ࿃Ꮵࣅࡼᓜᄌዐᄀă ྀਜ਼ኧၣᆕᏋ્ᓍྀ ( ୴ଆႊ [2011]217 ੓ )ă The 11th International Conference on Cohesive Prof. Zhou Yuanxuan and Prof. Wang Guangqian Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH were appointed as director of SKLEC and XI-2011) was hosted by SKLEC during chair of the Academic Committee of SKLEC, October 18-21, 2011. The main contents of this respectively, by Ministry of Education of China conference are physical process of sediment on June 21, 2011. movement, indoor and fi eld test, mathematical ฤ 9 Ꮬ 3 ྇࿟ᇍLj੗౾୴Ꮉᆪછపኧݝঃ model, boundary layer theory, and geomorphic 2011 Ăਪᇗපၗ Halbe Zijlstra ጙቲषᆰਜ਼ݬ਋೫ evolution. It focuses on impacts of humanޠݝ ᆸ၀ăᒲᏠኛᓍྀ஑࿬೫ဣዩ၀ࡼதౚLjᒦ੗ᐵ activities on fine sediment transport and its ൒ೊටሲ෹ᒦऱᓍߒཽࢷຳቭ୴၈Ă੗ऱᓍߒཽ environmental effect. A special session was Huib de Vriend ୴၈૏ۨ೫ዐ௅৔ᔫ஠ᐱăZijlstra dedicated to fine sediments issues in the ࣪ᒦ੗ሲ෹Ⴥནࡻࡼ߅௓ਜ਼৔ᔫᓨზ৊Ꭴ Yangtze River estuaryޠঃݝ ঱ࣞຶଥă పଆݝਜ਼๏ᒴహێฤ 10 Ꮬ 24-29 ྇Ljᆸ၀ߌ 2011 Led by Halbe Zijlstra, vice Minister of the ମ௜ (ESA) Ᏼ࣪࢐਋ހഌᎮఎᐱࡼࡍቯపଆ੝ᔫሲ ۂLjক๸ኵۂMinistry of Education, Culture and Science of ෹Đചଐચđऔ໐਱ዳጁঢ঱଀๸ኵ the Netherlands, a delegation visited SKLEC ጲĐጁঢపଆᏴ਱ዳపኧਜ਼ପހഌᎮࡼ።፿đᆐᓍ on September 3, 2011. Prof. Zhou Yunxuan ᄌLjᇹᄻ୚၈೫ ERS ᆦቩĂEnviSat ᆦቩĂTPM introduced the recent developments of SKLEC. ਜ਼ᓾᏎᆦቩၫ௣ࠀಯࢀሤਈྟୈĂऱजᎧ።፿ă Prof. Ding Pingxing and Prof. Huib de Vriend The ESA-MOST Dragon 2 programme the Chinese and Dutch PI of Programme “Advanced Training Course in Ocean Remote Strategic Scientific Alliances between China Sensing” was organized by SKLEC during 24- ANNUAL REPORT ฤࣞۨস 3 2011 ࡍူ଑ Headlines 29 October, 2011. It was supported by the Jing, and Wei Taoyuan, received the Shanghai Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Natural Science Award (Grade I) (No: 20112008) of China and the European Space Agency from the Shanghai Municipal Government on (ESA). The theme of the training class was the November 23, 2011. The awarded research was application of remote sensing technology in entitled “Evolution of Yangtze River Basin and marine science and monitoring. Estuary Delta’s Geomorphological Environment: Response to the Global Warming and Human 2011 ฤ 11 Ꮬ 18 ྇Ljᆐଝ౐ᅎ஠ޠ୕ాᇹᄻପ Activities. ਜ਼ᔏ੝ዐ௅Ljൢဣ࿟਱ှᆕĂှᑶঀݚၞLjጞހ ᅘખࣁနपࡍኧ߅ೂࡼĐޠ୕ాᔏ੝ዐ௅ᒦቦđ 2011 ฤLjᆐ೫ᄋ঱ဣዩ၀ࡼ਌ಯ቉ถĂᓾᏎಽ፿ ௟ቲ୺๞ጥါăᔏ੝ዐ௅ᒦቦࡼ৔ᔫ૦৩हᏴ੡ ቉ൈLjଝ༓ᅍࣩறခLjተ߅୷ᆮࢾࡼዐ௅ऱሶLj ኧਪଜᒮ࢛ဣዩ၀Ljೊ੝Ă቏ࢯှၺᇗ௜ ளਭ୴၈્ፇᄀ൙ĂᑯཇཝᄏపዐཽᏋࡼፀ୅Ljژ਱ా ୕ాੋࡸ ဣዩ၀஠ቲ೫ᔝᒅ૦৩ࢯᑳLjᆍླྀဣዩ၀ྯࡍዐޠှ਱ዳ௜ )Ăှણۣ௜ĂୣᄰᏥၒݝ ) ਌ಯ௜Ă࿟਱కހ࿸ଐዐ௅ᏔĂ࿟਱ှ࢐ᒠࢯއ ௅ऱሶLj࿸ೂĐၺ࿃ࣅೆኧਜ਼৔߈።፿đĂĐࣅ ዐ௅ᏔĂᒦୣ࿟਱ੋࡸకފ࿸ଐዐ௅Ꮤᎌሢ৛ႊĂ ೆ࢐ඎᎧ޽૩đĂĐ޽૩ણஹዝܤđĂĐછኧ਱ ዳኧᎧညᇕ࢐ཆછኧđĂĐၺણஹđĂĐဘ࢐ညზđ ޠపኧዐ௅ᒦቦࢀ࡝ᆡLjৢᄴఎᐱژ࿟਱੡ా਱ ୕ాᔏ੝ዐ௅৔ᔫă ਜ਼ĐጁঢᎧ࢐ಯቧᇦđ7 ৈዐ௅ᅍࣩă In order to accelerate system monitoring and SKLEC set up seven research centers in 2011, comprehensive study on the Yangtze River they are Center for Center for Hydro-Sediment estuary and implement the deploy of Shanghai Dynamics and Coastal Engineering, Center for Committee of Chinese Communist Party and Morphodynamics and Sedimentation, Center Shanghai Municipal Government, the unveiling for Paleoenvironment Changes, Center for ceremony of “Comprehensive Research Chemical Oceanography and Biogeochemistry, Center of The Yangtze Estuary”, which is Center for Aqua Environment, Center for affi liated to East China Normal University, was Coastal Wetland Ecosystems, and Center for held at SKLEC on 18 December, 2011. The Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Systems. comprehensive study on the Yangtze River The aims are to improve the management and estuary will be jointly carried out by SKLEC, resources using effi ciency, strengthen the team Shanghai Water Authority (Shanghai Municipal spirit and form a stable research direction for Oceanic Bureau), Shanghai Environmental each team.
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