STEJETS,66 2-- 3 Cent Or 3 Actual Value
VOLUME 1G. MEWTOWN, CONN., EEIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1893. EIGHT PAGES. NUMBER 31 Stewart, Mrs A. M. Hughes, H. L. Mast, E E. HARTWELL & COMPANY, 33. H Newtown Affaire. Price, II. Frank Moore. Litchfield: Ell G. C. ' - Leading Dealers in All Grades of ' Snyder, Spencer, W. Mrs E. A. Master Marsh. Marsh, LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE, MATTEES OF BUSIHESS. e Westport- - E. A. Andrews. Fashionable Ready-Mad- and Men's Xxoods. - - Clothing Furnishing nuiuuuroRT, - - - . CONN New Milford : Dr C. Stewart and wife. i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i WALLACE'S ii Our Glove QCAS3APACG LAKE HOUSE Newtown : Arthur J. Xettleton, Eliza Department AND PLEASURE GKOUNDS. of our industries and the of the circulation of we for the bal- Has beth Scodder, Fannie C. Scudder, Susie Owing to the stagnation tightness monies, will, a and varieil assortment of lushion-abl- e large Lames' Gloves in all tho This old and popular resort needs no ance of our great aale, consolidate our immense stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods into the following order: Htylos and colorings. J. Scuddcr. Tlie two introduction to the but to speelalUes this season are the silk at $1 a a general public, Bethel : Annie D. Kyle, Mrs George F. Our $11-0- 0 choice $ "Kayser" pair, $ 9.00, $10.00, Suits, your glove with patent fringed tips, guaranteed not to cut or wear out strangers would say there are no better Mrs R. W. - 14.00 choice 10 00. at the through Banks, J. Johnston, J. Shep- Our 12.00, 13.50, Suits, your finger ends; and tho "Chamois," a popnlar morning and driving accommonations hi the state for those Miss Bessie M.
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