The Oxford Democ t.


J<>N «s. c. " two or three AMONG THE A GREAT ΕΟβ FARM. (he law, he Mid. "Wbat'oo jroa in- roui hi· cigar and took ^ FARMERS. Those of our who haw heart draw· nt his tbe while find on Smith A Msohmist, people tend to do with me?" It, eyee "'*■·» T·· PLOW.** Van Dreser lecture ο· ροο'""! the man'· faoe. ■>Ol'TH PAS1S. MAIMS. Henry "Lodge .you in the police atation till young keeping M * business, have * Ma^iurw of f«KT*l «*chln«ry. Me*m en It i* decided whether yon can gel oat Ralph «roiled. wor^· 'Γ001 *s\t look mixtion of hi· experiences for the lasl " fines "l;: v&achlamrj on Hendricka ho Mid. "go ahead." fc-nrw*. **· -111 11· ou*lr u •even he bail, replied "Well," U. ** t*P*. year». telling why ■» " morning »*t μτμΝ·* m t™mîÙ£tJÎh to ■ f · ■··' "It'a all a Joke, he "It suddenly occurred to yon," con- Γ.·;^ΐΓβΊ *rtCniler%J Rll,lor O*fo«'i Uemorr from dairying with » herd of pure«henjwl Hoi w*ru>ni Ralph laughed. ,ûUë*. pump· νί Ml kl».*·. prMM, (v»«, pW ta to Miaa tinned Hendricka, "that the «and waa «*c.. Mttlv ft»l nr •tela cattle, to to •aid, ruing Haatinga "Julia, km», IbItw. tr*?·. proepiiy poultry heepinc, *ir*ro ·»>: wiuer to·· le or· 1er exum ® home with dater. "I the of jour feet, and pslre.1 alpin* of carrying this year ByWiLLN.IlABBEN. \ go promiae you taking impression ft- White on honor to be home Hate to the Yon climbed THE WINTER'S TOOLS. hundred Leghorn hen», especially OF. my tonight yon «prang «wing. l> P. Sàum author to ha to » Β- Holt. C«a«i I ever told a falsehood?" one of the tow the bcmg RoUlMakes the food more delicious and wholesome C 4 ni· %r* Stl11 yon rope* U,t*T? where the •rnon cLve. το cu/λαΧ. " Holtteio*. Mr. V»n Miaa She which it waa faatened and then drew •JL af away JW "No. aaH Haatinga eo^M i^iwo oo.tjgwjfoe*» HOLT & BARNB8, eM*f*Uy put Dreser had off Lhe "T71C. LAND Of THt C/fANai* tUN1'* *»<*»*«· and paid beaTy rtarted toward but S tau wood drew the «wing op after 700. After thia 70a ·* » *·Μ«ΙΙ·η M Law, b*ri] Q him, IIIMM)· 1 f«#rr t th» WJU on his farm at mortf^ethe time "ALno5T peJ^5VADItD." r*frT spring on»· may see »0 a*snrtmeni placed her to the door, where Montcaatle atood unfastened the rope and crammed it of tent a whom be Mirrt COiMPCSSOR»* " Koa*»i, Mai* κ II» purchase. He boy \ "A hm^"i Blucà. 0t bo*ted·* wooc V e CTC. to calm Miaa Benton. "Com· into the hollow of the tree. BOAT SONO. of bis statement·. I only had brought up, to Cornell I 1° s. CTC CTC X trying tbe accuracy "cEs'drJT- S**· "*w Ν aa I do then?" aaked take the andjilTeraUy when the ιβ9ΐ uy WILL ttytBCN along," be mid "It la no doubt he "What did Ralph realized tint he was writing â great wo®·, akids «here wood been u« Ponltry Course, " When «r» beat*!. yoo »nd I, KKRH S S ΡAtà, h^.5ilkS.lnitfUl0fr has 3py/^jc.HT Benton will oome on later. "I «wear, have aa man7 be had young man returned he was so Interest- ,ο·**0" aaya coolly. 70a Swarto* «illowe ktaerd the »fl < — account-the greatest t aa a water I wonder if eves | | thia<· p^uli" ed and enthusiastic »boat bu.lDe·» Miaa covered her face with eyea beetle. Vu it Τ Τη, '!«*« last t* h He seemed with the very et (Lth*r<**» Haatinga " Julyt Inspired Attorney· Law* £ ÏSÎ?.^ the·· .real as it il took the con what I next did. that Mr. V*a Dreaer caught^ the spirit ongbter deacendeu till her banda and drew back irreaolntely, yon Id tell Innermost of the and oîrt?^L",î0rk· lo eun »od r*i < the tboagbta Hrrmu maim·, built a moderate sl*ed who bad oonaiderable Little l.'udleta flaked aky, all «no they building, form of a letter "B" and then melted bot at a from abe joined the Lampkin, had order hie touch trivialrnur^r Incident KlitrrC Pvk °*' M,nto*· obrinkiofl CHAPTER XV aign Ralph Ju»t to make it bluer beam. every a ! Utot I Htnlek. and White l/eghorn stock The next formed the let- other* and went ont of the bouae. The with criminals, decided ad- irLkir. and to dec** got'somepure residence «ai a three storied aw^y. spark experience When « boated, you and I. came out with distinctness and co- racking generally goiu« Kola'· " to start with. waa with thla m I see ! ter "E, and the letter· of fire con- front door closed. that thia the oooleat cul- WOODBfBY. AIL, M-D, Vcasionally. minj(|«| and twethe booM· It was old it ν led in miringly herence that made the cause and metb- ThU wa· seven ago, very appear- One· «*ιιη the lilica " 0f out see years tinued to form and fall till tbe word a rirf" he had ever met He al »hy ,niP«««uenu bo was "Did yon want policeman, prit glanoed business ha» grown to be the specialty ance and the only building in tb· Blow. Ah. did IlKjr lilnr «Mal *1 of the crime perfectly plain. ^|OEATU> rh^U* "*«"· '»r„h "Benton" had been eounded Kola'a voioe from the balL the and waa aatoniahed to aee a Physicien A Surgeon, of the farm. and Holsteln cow. are now block whicb stood back from the street spelled. adept Vu It r Yea, 'twaa lut July! "Finit be described the scene wltn ^ "^'"Τ oat with a be ia here." brood on hia faoe. MAIN·. kept more as an aid In sk m It bad a in frout a The I art letter went bright "If ao, grin and detail that would bar· «ΟΓΤΗ PARIS. hev" furnishing garden protected by from the accuracy 1 wu!d p'»w a view of wait oat "Yoa crawled ont on a Far you day* drafted by; milk for chicken feed, than cream for massive iron fence 30 feet in flaah, Riving Lampkin vngne "He may there," replied long bough Ικ-en for one who bad aot « β.·* ao<: rMl: c« ..ur Onme furniture, desk, sitting adept, policeman been from a stock, wagons, i« three hundred and feet He's behind with the party. on, " «trated, muni have stick, sixty " a scream. It was take Mr. Benton into the back room tool· ana other farm machinery under Alice Benton stifled HIS DEATH th»* bea arm of " wound i· 'Ut,i r. jobsb s au*. Afleen feet wide. The back wallotj* ju»t doctor. Hendricks caught the while the through 10 ι|* v*iue our her father. He aat He leaned until I order a cab. 1 ot farms, front a UtUe his him down what writing. could have been made one οΓ Il ■rtL clear· one · head, and the ta friend and drew con- only by rhe trtteMe with moat of us i· not forward and dipped hia pen in tbe ink- The policeman came forward and warrant. Dentiste, »o that the rain will run off from neemed to be a dark ball As tin·y ;; ;; those long, ftne bla.lwl stiletto· of Ital- rut>oa *UMV our u>o,,· 11 u higher. stand. Tbe saw the movement ducted to the am all room at the MAINS. the Iron roof. beard tbe mass- spectators Ralph f the fact that ÛORWiT, l*ckof«ι *? W> .. moved along Lampkin ian make. Furthermore, •Γ·ί gumption. can almost any the 1and of hia hand over the paper and heard end of the balL Kola approached, and A itory ef a Nawipapar ]<* MaXB *. A trench wa. dug for waUs, ive door close with a little of es- waa driven home "*h·™ puff > tbla peculiar weapon «2-Cïî with and cement, the of hia He turned bis at a from the detect- < Reporter. ι » Ailed In »tone«. gravel as from scratching ppn. Lampkin, aignal for the Wed*.pl,rln plow· and machines. If we caping air, and then, «11 sound with a Arm hand after the vlctlnr bad U. PARA. thus securing a good foundation for the j bead, looked at them and then rose de- ive, came forward. '»■ » not, at an ex- tbf outside was instantly been «tunned by a blow on the h» ad ^LHKRT •ills. Tbln, A»t stones liberately, laid hia left hand on hia "Oome back there with me," Hen- SÏT/S' * '· f*w dollars we can pat up a knew that tbe doom and windows had and délibérât· Licensed Auctioneer, over the Aoor, and them. Mid to the doctor. "I want to "It was lu the north iom· year* ago," Indicated premeditated shed which will receive all of the·* arti- ground breast and pointed steadily at dricka PARIS, MAINS. cement been while tbe of »>ΓΤΗ with Portland «tnent and swd-one purposely padded. no the remarket! the editor. "We had a murder, theory robbery "* ·■"·« aaved for one vesr Hia lips moved, but sound passed talk to the fellow. By way, Kola, city Τ>πη· Moifarmte. MU Dr. heard Hendricks the fact that th· :t P*rt of the former to three of the Lnnpkin sliding man on wan a was disproved by • ill far more than meet the «mall loss ol through them. Then Dr. Lampkin beard you did yoor part welL The cold chilla the paper who «Imply Thta gave a hard, smooth floor that the hi·» fingers along the wall for about 30 man's valuable, bad been untouched. toteivet on aome one for breath and a ran and down back like mice in crank on he waa more t. SMITH, IM MMy iaveeuxl. took (rasping np my homicide*, and rats. ahich are very troublesome there, frvL Then they paused. Hendricks " The only reliable theory, therefore, Y And then, the educational value ol heavy weight fall to tbe floor. Instant- a revolving trap than a mere reporter, for be bad de- could not work throug hold of tbe knob of a door and opened waa that tbe motive of tbe murderer at Lew. thus caring for on·'· tooUi· by no mean* the room was dark. "Did it anaweryour That'a Attorney half tons of cement were required, Withw un it end when bad ly purpoee? tective talent of the highest order. He we are eocndlMwly, they wus revepge. MA DCS The hoys with our low A cried Benton's the chief the NOBWAY, here in Maine, priced it into its light! Ralph thing," replied adept care much the common ou our own farms and the ÏÏ pawed through closed softly didn't for "A more of a raw» H m «λ* C«C«rttawtiv»UflBU>. MAINS. thev will be very either to "Mr Allen haa fainted," replied "They are alwaya anxioua under- be hare the hiatory all y*rds, apt and and the roof must not recognise us man papered clapboarded, disguise. They was anawcred the his but be to seek the life of tbe unknown *row up thinking it 1· all right or else Ralph. "Ho not well and did not stand psychical thing*," "I don't think I ehall run any rteks." murderers at finger*' euds, L. w»s boarded, and covered with as the two '«i codgers they saw at Ai tun. at first, V MILLBTT, Will be so that will papered want to come here don't "It waa Mr. Allen and Mr. In out the moat These lu-emed pun»oeely vague they diegusted they iron »tud· and rafter· a ere anyway. Why adept the dreaa rait had worn that even- delighted ferreting MuuCacturrr of Flctur· Pr»n..··. roofing. The Kiugsley's—I mean in case a light 700 and «ant to the farm altogether. Trim turn on tbe Montcaatle who moat to com- crimes that came within but gathered In «trengtb certainty t> Socth Pams. «jult •IX inch.·» aide, and wer, *nd yon lights?" objected and on it were of tow mysterious rpuerre T. l>*r»)T, should be struck. I don't know Kola's tag, fragmenta that be muat bav. tool· all under cover attract " some one touch hia To the Mr. Hendricka, our In case the until I concluded barnyard·, (w»»rded on to the Inside, and the si* Lampkin felt ing. tell truth, from the awing." province. every except the passer bv. The shiftless m«n pa·· plan exactly. P* ma ahould were acme foundation for tbem. Start- inch space was «tuffed with soft hav, elbow and the warm breath of tho de- the arreat aatounded I it would be bard for me one I am telling about—and there good • Hendricks and to feel "I prerame ug * «ell kept farm will b« inspired to con- stooped began with be aoon to well rammed down. The stuffing tective on bis ear think"— worn a many crimes in that town—be ing hypotheaea. began «nd do l!kewi»r.·' about on the floor. "Here we are!" he to prove that aome one elae bad good "g" All »Uvh things and a* He described bow tinued from the walls, up overhead, "Remain where you are," "Don't think juat yet" interrupted Mid the traced out the murderer before the de- State tbem facts. Dr. H. S. Ml, V. in up the «um total of exclaimed "Take off that whispered my rait of clotbea that night," s„ making never SHupi, Mart PR) Mr. Van Dreaer «id, "water had presently. with a and be led the dead man. a once tru*ted friend, b-ACi o# Su·» V«ertMη ag ^»«nthuman Farmer. Hendricks. "Blast his ugly picture!" Hendricka, laugh, man. "Did find ont where I tective* even dreamed of hi* Identity. beppine*·.—Maine vet froxen In it." beard and put on this cambrio domino young 70η " the room the rear. home of another, how K "Give us a light, I say!"cried Ralph them back to little in "I have since thought the secret of had entered the and Is divided Into It will be cooler bad been in the city that evening?" Dentist, machinery AT dairy conference. The building pens,each , and deceit he had stolen Veterinary Surgeon ι engrily. clnb then to the Caai- hla success was that be put bluiaelf by subtle wlh'S flfteen feet hack ha·itwc Dr as well as he " "To 7onr flrat, In no square, pen Lampkin obeyed an Horses, Carrie, Stop «nd Dacs. line of farm work ht· there been See. Mr. A1 len ia CHAPTER XVL in the the murderer the love of hla wife; then followed twelve window· In front. \ en- oould in the darkness. he—jour waking. no with Van Alaton." mentally place of tiiore strides in advanced methods lighted of that < '«f* u rapid on said tbe reasoned It out from motives rath- and tbe breaking up tllatlon Is at the Where in thunder aie we?" he asked adept They found Ralph and the policeman aaid Ralph. "How on- and elopement BIaL*· HorBL STABLB Norway, •od practice· than In dairying. Ten given "Exactly" J. are In each of these flf W liking?" sneered Benton. "Do you the rear. It wm er from the of the ouce happy home. All onlera ρ roe pel y w Fifty birds put w'QC^*» ^ as took off his and handed in the aniall library in oomfortable to know that one baa be4n than 'clews' ordinary Mail*. years ago the farm separator was placed be false beard of truthth •ttwtolto. teen feet and there, think that's the way he retires?" a low to be "He told With the bitterness •»o exhibition for the tiret time in our square pens, kept it to bis friend. nsnally lighted only by burning gaa traced like that! And suspected detective. " th· without out of doors, fr°™ The darkneas was lifted over center seldom method In h< w the scoundrel bad deaerted Stat#. are in constant gotng the room has for slightly which awung the tabla of rach a crime! I don't fanc7 it at all, There is much Γο-day, many \o "In Kola arranged vember rtrst until the gro«d Is dry How it was done conld not the chain bia me when In a erring woman and left her to periah use upon our farms. The details the Have tbe Lnmpkin Ralph aat on a divan, of Hendricka I am not a lawyer by any murder,' be once said to Pop dairy when are all let out to- manifestation. you got bad the spring, they tell Montritntle and could be between bia kneea aa mood. "Moat alone; bow the Idea of revenge i»f dairv work have been brought out on? Can find the Ralph handcuff* hanging meana, but I am not rarh a fool to rarely communicative Η>>·<* ω ! lot oa HVch SnrktoM *11 gether, there being no yard fences for rig you eyeholes?" be of tbe bus- Lo- and and advanced seen standing and Alleu The built leaned could me with that men would commit It In about the tilled tbe mind wronged u,. D M ι»· ·» · reeklenc* perfected, thought "I'm all and a deal supporting tall, heavily policeman believe you hang ivcuptoU bj right great " h*·» its mnrk on hand " un*een be bad <**■>· «-«la the rlller· Hikwo^mII*·· every tween them in the chain of circumatanoea. some under the same circum- band; how. blmaelf *<* ·*** eokl Eleven hundred benf all more comfortable, the doctor. doorway. way •at·*»] rutx»«, ·»« ΙΛΙΑ ι·*», The course of the Maine dairvman has ^Thlnk°of*t Γ replied do. r is said movement of the n- ·τ»- open," Kola. m Hendricke entered. are heir to a fortune left stance*. It Is when a murderer followed every m,trr «4 mag*. tuu-lwoo.1 fl.x>r». "H·· running together In one flock, and then "Sit down here,"said Hendricka. "I Ralph laughed "Too large only wttli f>eeu and to-day the "The U iter all out into the frenh month* and I, ».-«·. m·!··! with furwar· Ή»Μ· lar*·. constantly upward, back Into their own You'd go "I can't at thia treatment went on Hendricka about It as do the tended victim for carefully going have outtbia for you. You " complain by your father," goes systematically, '*)»*·· *1»ι (>leat7 of rârr1«|* tw· Hoi»*· highlit degree of Intelligence guide· the picked place be bad de- to but dolt, air. he aa to the a abort while be- a murder becomes plotted hi* destruction; bow < W .1er night, roost; they but can Hendricka." aaid, "and, of Indlu. that » Ό fl -·· !·*· repair ««ppll·»! by haud. and brings out Urn-class products can witness not only the show, impreasively. "Only thugs · oeaaleU» IB- least most of them do. Mcntrastle and Allen wi re groping are not to haul the doomed man to the town and Rork4«-.l Aqwiwt towptay. ν see I hear some- cab, I'm glad you going fore abe beard the report of the revolver, coyed *° *** The year jest past has full kept pace tbe spectators. Sb I truly mysterious.' in whfc-h win W e**y*tl P®r are to t " the Sud- where tbe murder waa That the«e quarter» adapted toward tho door, Jed by adept me off in the black maria Aa it ia open to the of HI· once him he did not be- to tbe very *i»t *ith iu predecessors, and advance· ha\> thing It was a key in the door. according testimony "I asked why h·· health of the bird· U »hown by th- fact who bad not moved, ruined and how be bad ι «1 Mil tht» prupertr ·* » tmtA ϊ·Αΐχ*1η been steadv and constant. feet slid- denly Ralph, at both enda, one woald be liable to ait she overheard your father aay come a detective. committed, UiaI beard Hendricks' Haatinga, regular *» «hall f»rnj M that not a case of ha· occurred in Lampkin " •·<Γ» Α ρ Π 1*. I occupy ·Τ the roup bis voice: a draft. are no of the clews a of ^n.yedletter· In The exhibit of machinery at Au- on the thick as be in to aome one: 'Ton child "Ί was ls»rn and bred a Journalist.' only couple dsx _ .Incelt was built. ing carpet glided on the hou»e. "I don't intend to leave till I kuow dead Anal- A for Ml· thiw <*h*r h >u»e· thai are rentfl gusta State Dairy conference I>ecem- Hendricka amiled, but did not from thia forth. I aball dia- Is too to the of the man-ami In order to secure an eve· away in the darkness Then the roar of reply. mine day be said, 'and the habit strong pocket* f>er Γ will several arti- «ff yiem means. b and b, include what this infernal business I turned to the own and made hi* own the secret saf· h HBMBT ,h- ve.r around, to All the con ract ths the sounded the house, He policeman. you tomorrow.' Yon your break.' ly escape, cle· never before which will be city through " HueΑβο·!. Me. »hown, •av, Moutcastle, give me a match I" a of beer and wait on own heart alone. U based on a continuous and he knew tbe front door was open. "Go get glaaa father bad recently quarreled. "That was literally true In bis case. la hia of much Interest to all. 'Curse the dan-devil!" ex- tal· half the stock Is and*«PPlT; half ^out>ear "Come in. You hare to fear," young the he Mid. cried riaing in ex- I not have to tell this "Aa I read thl* remarkable It is that a hot air engine for pullet· nothing atoop." "Stop!" Ralph, Otherwise might expected claimed Hendricks. still near to Lamp- to fumble in the not that I the conviction forced Itaelf up- PRUBATK aoTH'K». sounded the accent of the Ralph began pocket citement. "&be did teatify man /. through runninc churns and other strange adept. " separator*, " doctor him take rg ta either of the eetatea To have the old hens through " kin. and the heard of hia waiatcoat and a on me that thl* was tbe abaolute trutk Το aii ;«r«un» 'nie «fil farm machinery will be one of th»»se laying You are perfectly safe here. prodnoed quarter did not hear her. "One morning the body of a fine »r»!n«f*er nawl the before the commence, from bis which rat- " an fall, pullet· something pocket of a dollar. 'She asserted Hendricka If the writer himself had committed ( ο b*M *1 Parla, tu a»«l fur the rhis machine i· built upon entirely Jove!" drawled Montcastle did, firml7. man wai found In an ml Al a Ρτ-.Uat· art are to In the "By looking alley of No» tbev forced moult early " tled like of metal. "I'll pay him could not have described It .-'i' «'»f >γ»1 aa the frl Ttfliy new is nolseles· In us to into a bouse as pieoe* "I My, Hendricka," he Mid, riaing turned to Lampkin. the el«>ctrlc work» In the the deed, he dIm bun principle, operation, for work Do you expect go " Ralph Joining light !» Ut· rear of oar Lor! <>ae Lh<!er to b* special Kola. Λ(η ai au, wan ιοο wwww. did moat anawered It? (•rx^Pit. by «uAlnc » ropy of house In and giving them just food swered tbe "It is not far me to "I certainly," algned It to Jone*. as we will call hi m committed * 1· Ute O* those who are using Bibcock milk test- July, adept devil 'the " t>u' Ν It*··! three Wtr»< IUHII llre'T them alive. On this nail "Who tbe ia master?'" m be op the Mr Hendricka bar "We were alone In the room. at SouUl enough to keep orge. "Tbe revelation is only for you. policeman grinned picked the doctor. quoted he did not show up at the ?·>ρ1 Ivtiu· m. a w«ii«|i«r puhU«Wl ers or running other light machinery. "This " Although at a starvation ration, and sneered Ralph. thing touches my coin and toncbed hie hat to the young Jones H· Pari·. Id «a! t* ttefcl m «ai l l'aria. rxpecUd are well reduced In " own and I am to look seat on the Proiiat· pretty not family, going man. who bad resumed bia was Hla eye· A 1 «Ai. at 'of Ut· «mount of the usual machinery you by—but I need tell you that " at work on It, aa It wait as mya- writing rapidly, fiercely. , th!r Tueeday of l"ec., D- dairy when are let out. and fed into it. [vo km. ooranuift) ready tfceceoa il weeks, they •boul1^ divan. Hendricks aat down and drum- were but b· seemed to be c oeà la i.te foreaova. aad ba board will be sbowB and that much improve^ "Of course we will go, now we terloua a case as even be could de»Ire. fixed, looking on food which " bo a Stan- m cauar. la this generously "Don't fool," cautioned med on the table with bia tbe acroa· i>I men» will be manifest class. have gone so far as tbia, spoke op finger·. "The victim was Identified as a trav- through and beyond paper nitrogen and ash, and the resultLrich-J Is, th*t wood. "The ladies are and * H. TIBRKTTs. late of Pryeburjr. here, they and Kola stood near the door. Qalek Wltte*. at faacl- HARI.KS food the birds Stanwi«d "I am not afraid. Are you. Lampkin eler who had arrived, and so far which bis pen flew something l will aa·'. for pr\>t>ai· thereof IN on this stimulating bégln had juet ίιιιι petition PROGRESS FARMING have ulrrudy euough" "I say, Hendricka, all joke· aaide," "It waa nimply an exhibition of nenre terrible. When be finished. It MaiUe C ΓΚ>1*«*, lite exerutrll to thrive, throw off their feathers, an Benton?" •a known he had no friend* or ac- nating. ;-*«rnlr by of the age is "F« r sake, come on, dear!" im- on the old banker laa^L The progreaaive spirit voice. "I—1 my raid "are y detective·—yon and quick wit" said vas with a start, as If from a itrulo grow new ones. In this way the moult- "No," replied Ralph's Ralph, quaintance* In the town. It was not a waking felt oo the of tbe American MiKs "We don't know name* that are household waa bla with a « et Part·. «*·- maj »rity two be- plored Hustings fellow* with who dining at clnb at the last 1.17/ir KlBKRT^ON at· season is over nearly mooths was only thinking that tbe ladies"— caee of for all hi* and trance. 1 glanced pag·. tbaraef farm*. and tbe ui «nifestations of this are fng wo robbery, money ■-ea·» wit a»i ι··**!»· for proHate nature was where are, and"·— aa it were—are ever number of friemla. "No one but the fore it would be. If allow«*i "There will be s word·, you badly on There where was final confirmation of my Ρ kU>l«etau&. the em- in tbe hrtier condition· and »ur- light presently," valuable» were left hi» body. P">«reu»l by >»»wr|a -vident are commanded what waa to take Its cour*e, and the birds U> said Kola, still in bis monotone. "Moutcastle," Ralph, mistaken?" paying teller knew happen- fears. •ruior therein aanse·! r«uridine* of m*nv farm »nd in placid wa» a alight contusion on the back of when most bens are in the 'tike the Indie* out. I am going to when we aa far at the time, and what have " v Parla. de as to beat ing eggs "But must decide now what you "Seldom get along ing mlgbt 'Good heavens, Jonea, 1· this troer MtKIHA L HcKIII, ate of tbe seeking of information you " the head and a small, needlelike hole moult. look into this. It'a all a trick to work aa answered the de- a waa a com- ( for there»f ... I bare with you, been turned into raaae·!. art. aol protia·· methods of farm tn%n «ciment. Karrn-r· Λ are going to da Every minute lessens tragedy It was I manag»*d to say. IM CIKUtvr I HIS U& f«mo through the man'» heart. espe- preaealr· b» Hrnry H ΜγΚμβ. μΐ*Ι1 μΐυιχννκ on enr imugmatiaus by that infernal tective. "At rate, you are an agree- hla wit ·· are awakeniug chances of a " any edy by quick word of a* I be re- r.aninl themselves everywhere and horses, whose your getting strong psychic that such a crime could 'Every It Uve. by tbe fact that cattle " Henuricks. a cially strange to the fact thai there arc not only bad n>«i>latinn able priaoner. You make it pleaaure "During the noon hour one day an if .atr of (ta- been low In a thor- plied firmly, faintly. h I AlVtK. Mltoht. bas checked by feeding, " have been committed public MELVIN and even better growth Lan heard the metallio fill " ·*at of llvrva methods, but also good "Come "We are pkiu clicking instead of a task. 1 may aay you old man the paying teller the war- "»*!. peCUon for Ute appoint when on generous rations commence ou, asid Ralph. approached while there was absolutely "Then you hare written » Ε methods of and that put " in the detective's hand and saw him oughfare, « W*!leaa a tiiiatrator pmailal by tnd best farming, of us. tbe bill ideally." and a check for fl.OOO.OUO. own I said. ro thrive and shed their hair simulta- rvady D -jxxw presented no to the murderer or hi* motive. rant for your arrest.' arrer «t a., belra. of these meth- forward. He bad no clew t* tbey have knowledge that Mr. the weak glide suddenly Tbe Are of Ralph's wit aeemed to die With It was a badly written letter to neously. It Is tbe tame pian "1 thiuk, perhaps"— began these dltlicultle* were such "Hie head dropped on hla deak. but ai* Porter. te.wuw«l; and a· farmer· tbein. thev «jouer reached than another "But only IV·. KY Κ EM S«>N, of ods practice of in this state, has door in- Ralph out Hia face grew serious. the effect that If tbe Immediate pay- aliowaaDor by U*y Milbridge voioe of Allen, bat tbe clotting on his be *ald not a word. ïbb amxi·! |>n«*ttoil for take their in agricultural circle·. was There wm aa wonld ordinarily put Jone* position It is clicking touud heard. "There ia no une further with waa » < alBerto* a>lisl»letralrtx. for several years. simply it The next minute going ment of tbe check not forthcoming him Kealeoa. The fact Μ slao made more and more practiced terrupted Lampkin so I did not doubt that he 'Jones.' wild I. finally shaking an of common sense to buii- » struggle, a rattling of a chain, and he. "Tell me what mettle, of Oitonl. V- arc the application beard tbem tbe room be «ru thia," raid frankly tbe teller would bave hla head blown arouae an ELLEN C HERIU< k, Me th α our beat farmer· entering " a account of the af- by tbe shoulder to him to tor aiiDWaoee •-mpbatic an oath Benton's me. would have good rraar·] ana. arcoaat prearote»l ae to (MM. in and tbe tbem aeata angry escaped lips. evidence you have against off. Ile waa nothing but a crank, but mutt «oil·, adept giving somewhat sur- understanding of my meaning, 'enough t»eo A H ileoe. a>tnil<'i*trator per«i«tent questioner· Mr. Van Dreser's egg yield !· "What do mean?" he tnrn- caae fair. I was therefore *f tertiliiUion a· to the yearly be under yon cried, Hendricks took a cigar from bia he bad come armed for buslncaa, and If (heir culture and ; aud testi- "Now perfectly quiet 8peak In at>out to bang you i* in type. In an bour the • ate of Wood well toward» two hundred, " on when he came sneaking MAR! EM A ANDREWS, to in up ibg Hendricks and raising hia hand- He it tart to prlaed for al- iDiMt crop·* be no circumstances, said tbe im- pocket paaaed Ralph, tbe wit of tbe paying teller bad failed on In an- ere will be tbe streets. the one* beat loudly cuffed wriata threateningly. to and the evening «w»D.*b) Prank K. A u irawa, a>lnJnta«rat»r. their localities, Then be raised bia Toice and then Lampkin adept Ra\ph him for an Instant there might bave special ods of housing and treatment, when ap- pressively was. He looked worn and other bour tbe police will be after you. to their market Nciiitiea. and to "You are under arreat for the murder waa tbe one to and be be- assignment ate of Part*, -le >dapt**tl asked; only accept, been a Rut tbe teller ; Win. M 6AMMOR. to 1/egborn bens. tragedy. paying denied that he was 111. so (Jo; make tbe moat of your start fur alU'Wanee by ooes demanded such a market: piled of father," said Hendricks. He when be tried to haggard, but »anx>uat preeente-1 the by chickens are raised "Is tbe master bere?" your came amuaed again took up the check, glanced at It most The entirely away coolly lie went -It was aa I said the city J ante· * W ri*bt administrator m to the to secure tbe whistled and a was turned and waa I gave him the murder Job. predicted." also place· from the and are tbe utmost "lie bat awaits an awaken- shrilly, light get a match from bia pocket and then banded It back with the re- Ju aal ! Court. and a· bens, given aleepa, editor after a pau*e. "Before daylight ADlMS«tjt Ε HERKIlK. ijtaof reliable stock, grain. seeds etc., " on behind a screen in tbe rear. I ta out without a word. sounded a solemn voice in prevented by tbe handcuff·. mark that tbe crank bad to A irw οορτ— A Krat of them from tbe tim·» liberty. ing, deep, neglected a detective called on me to ascertain PARK. Re«1*er, to the treatment tbe houses and on beama the room "I did not see him again that even- ALBERT D The land all about tbe distance. partially lighted long "You may aa well unchain me," he In an Inatant the reach the farm until ready for sale. put a stamp upon It the source of that I they the netr-hv is In alteraate not to break It ing. About midnight I began to won- story. almply information of such range plowed "Tell bim tbe people holding tbe •aid. "I promise away. crank waa full of apologies at bla over- Those seeking and *eed«d to some that will der 1 bad not heard from him, but pointed to Jones' name on tbe book, —TICK. and strip* grain eternal of death are in tbe andienoe would be for me to try to down to a It why • -ha racier may make experiments feed nigu folly sight and departed get stamp. and went after htm." notice that ba baa clean the ground and supply green " and on the possibility of they Tbe «u archer hereby cleaa make mistakes, but when the ques- chamber in accordance with his desire. the man at the door, you three but a moment to tbe only speculated of the eaiair may the Iβ this a dense took notify police, "Did catch blmT" asked tbe •wo tu y appoint»! a»l inlalatrator for bird*. way wbo are something having happened to him, for they tioner is intelligent such «tumbling "Oh, Mise Benton, your boata of bidden demon*, and the crank waa where there ia is maintained in brother"—began " put fail other t late of Ct of wct>sa di«cluse tbe poultry popuUtlon dark lantern. the Idea that be could possibly eagerly. MK*H* RE N. block* in the way where under bat tbe leaned forward and in- tbe genii of tbe master'a' no of bis tbe pay- an·! *t*aa health and productiveness, adept " danger demanding found him in hi* room with a lb· of «**fonl, Wreaae·!. Is wroug that aboli run never occurred to me. Finally, after "They County bavin* fact that there something order of everything would her. "I don't think I any riaka, ment of more cbecka at ix-eda** ttte Law tirette. AU peraoaa and tbe old things terrupted any 11,000,000 hla heart."—St. Loul· Ireraatl are must he made ritfht, and (he whys a match and an hour had gone by, I telephoned to Stiletto through "tv )tt. I··» J«tHN Ρ 'ia worth two on the aa tbe Ger- Tkt Ruilut. In the case aud that Jones had not llf·· seen on the en- soft, mellow sound like one of tbe low- roof.' PIG GROW. can be lying grass " MAKE THE pigs two men out to It wax a newly 'opened furnishing these condi- er notes a mane it An in Uusaia says that been there. Sending a start It will the sunshine. I'nder of flute. pat Englishman Give young pigs good joying I set to work to •tore, and one window was resplendent .«•TICK. a full stomach, a soft sward ia the master's He ia nodded "we may dislike Russia an we will and bunt him tip, myself ha interest to do so. A young tions, grass "It signal. Ralph aottrw thai i be t»> " and cravat* of Tv »u'>*r1!wr herahr g\*m your he does not cire for "The that must but there Is do make a of the murder from the with neektle* glorious of Ute once been -tunted will uever tnd the sun's ray·, awake, said Kola Then only thing pussies me," perhaps denying atory ^ .*o aim'nt»«rator th .1 has impressively. announced luiy appolnle·! fig near of his fellows. "ia arrest It ia men women of Russia are Juat then Jone* brilliancy. Confidently they *«talr of no matter bow good the companionship the boose was as as a tomb. A be said, my incongru- that the and afternoon papers. «holly outgrow it, quiet article removed J UN « STEVENS ateoflaatoa. ani- is content without crowding. Don't ous. am atone that the The men are and came In. His was unsteady and In Kilt letter*. "Any rbe subs» c.u"e may be. Any He train on the elevated road near I tbe spoils good lookers." "tall step r, of o\tonl. leceawl. aa«l itrea quest beat passed when Hmltb- county bave care to waste any animal keeping mosaic. not to be in but it built" The "women, his face flushed. He had evidently from the window*." 80 Uracta AU 0at1a« grown for meat should It rambled in a fsroff way, as if it I ought it, well especially valialataf Cantoa. of the farmer to continue The affable salesman was In com- RKH\R1> M lOLLISTER. is neves<*ary to the animal the advantage flutelike note sounded and then "I should dialike that," anawered the Scotch combined with the wit and hadn't written It tfc··»· 1. a»l (twa of feed keep a· again, ■ae Cvuatr of tutor*, them as long possible. " baataf and the mast all come from artificially felL heard Hendricka, "but I my bnmor of the Irish." to work on It at once,' 1 accord. "Certainly It la striking." '•0D*ta aa thr law MrwCa AU |Mirwaa alive, prod: know profound silence Lampkin presume pride *WeU, get plete are tbe the s habits and under frman-t» the fatale of «al·! tacraaeit extra feed that makes gain Study pig MontcatUe and could be seen must suffer—that if are the "I ao. Tou needn't It axa^aat aa-1 the little some one heavily, but could Ralph ia, you uid rather thought pot «am tor «attr«aeat Ute A animal wilt gate condition· and A llrn. •erieaa 1 u> aiaAe pay· in flesh. young surround- not make ont who it waa He felt a Handing rupportinç wrong man. CtBflsilt "Then he me say- back." a., la·l«!.iel of salt par day for hi· owner. Tbe pig grayish light appear ceiling. for the reporta In the evening papera, Ml·· fat. an«l one-fourth pound losing money before bim Far a moment be •iealre.1 to tirwal ih· aaiae tor is something of a ear his owner and till it waa like a seemed kin, wboee eye be oaught "I know It that's all. Good to sale pay her best. This lose· many dollars for grew lighter exactly jroa can "fake" a better atory than they day." a-1 la-tehae.1 iherrto are cor to- r»ns. r^u«Ma>l is doubtless a of some kind. the on a dark speechless Miss Hastings leaned that on the of the murder yon M Then that salesman "au-