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The Oxford Democ t. 49. VOLUME 67. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1900. NUMBER J<>N «s. c. " two or three AMONG THE A GREAT ΕΟβ FARM. (he law, he Mid. "Wbat'oo jroa in- roui hi· cigar and took ^ FARMERS. Those of our who haw heart draw· nt his tbe while find on Smith A Msohmist, people tend to do with me?" It, eyee "'*■·» T·· PLOW.** Van Dreser lecture ο· ροο'""! the man'· faoe. ■>Ol'TH PAS1S. MAIMS. Henry "Lodge .you in the police atation till young keeping M * business, have * Ma^iurw of f«KT*l «*chln«ry. Me*m en It i* decided whether yon can gel oat Ralph «roiled. wor^· 'Γ001 *s\t look mixtion of hi· experiences for the lasl " fines "l;: v&achlamrj on Hendricka ho Mid. "go ahead." fc-nrw*. **· -111 11· ou*lr u •even he bail, replied "Well," U. ** t*P*. year». telling why ■» " morning »*t μτμΝ·* m t™mîÙ£tJÎh to ■ f · ■··' "It'a all a Joke, he "It suddenly occurred to yon," con- Γ.·;^ΐΓβΊ *rtCniler%J Rll,lor O*fo«'i Uemorr from dairying with » herd of pure«henjwl Hoi w*ru>ni Ralph laughed. ,ûUë*. pump· νί Ml kl».*·. prMM, (v»«, pW ta to Miaa tinned Hendricka, "that the «and waa «*c.. Mttlv ft»l nr •tela cattle, to to •aid, ruing Haatinga "Julia, km», IbItw. tr*?·. proepiiy poultry heepinc, *ir*ro ·»>: wiuer to·· le or· 1er exum ® home with dater. "I the of jour feet, and pslre.1 alpin* of carrying this year ByWiLLN.IlABBEN. \ go promiae you taking impression ft- White on honor to be home Hate to the Yon climbed THE WINTER'S TOOLS. hundred Leghorn hen», especially OF. my tonight yon «prang «wing. l> P. Sàum author to ha to » Β- Holt. C«a«i I ever told a falsehood?" one of the tow the bcmg RoUlMakes the food more delicious and wholesome C 4 ni· %r* Stl11 yon rope* U,t*T? where the •rnon cLve. το cu/λαΧ. " Holtteio*. Mr. V»n Miaa She which it waa faatened and then drew •JL af away JW "No. aaH Haatinga eo^M i^iwo oo.tjgwjfoe*» HOLT & BARNB8, eM*f*Uy put Dreser had off Lhe "T71C. LAND Of THt C/fAN<SM4 >ai* tUN1'* *»<*»*«· and paid beaTy rtarted toward but S tau wood drew the «wing op after 700. After thia 70a ·* » *·Μ«ΙΙ·η M Law, b*ri] Q him, IIIMM)· 1 f«#rr t th» WJU on his farm at mortf^ethe time "ALno5T peJ^5VADItD." r*frT spring on»· may see »0 a*snrtmeni placed her to the door, where Montcaatle atood unfastened the rope and crammed it of tent a whom be Mirrt COiMPCSSOR»* " Koa*»i, Mai* κ II» purchase. He boy \ "A hm^"i Blucà. 0t bo*ted·* wooc V e CTC. to calm Miaa Benton. "Com· into the hollow of the tree. BOAT SONO. of bis statement·. I only had brought up, to Cornell I 1° s. CTC CTC X trying tbe accuracy "cEs'drJT- S**· "*w Ν aa I do then?" aaked take the andjilTeraUy when the ιβ9ΐ uy WILL ttytBCN along," be mid "It la no doubt he "What did Ralph realized tint he was writing â great wo®·, akids «here wood been u« Ponltry Course, " When «r» beat*!. yoo »nd I, KKRH S S ΡAtà, h^.5ilkS.lnitfUl0fr has 3py/^jc.HT Benton will oome on later. "I «wear, have aa man7 be had young man returned he was so Interest- ,ο·**0" aaya coolly. 70a Swarto* «illowe ktaerd the »fl < — account-the greatest t aa a water I wonder if eves | | thia<· p^uli" ed and enthusiastic »boat bu.lDe·» Miaa covered her face with eyea beetle. Vu it Τ Τη, '!«*« last t* h He seemed with the very et (Lth*r<**» Haatinga " Julyt Inspired Attorney· Law* £ ÏSÎ?.^ the·· .real as it il took the con what I next did. that Mr. V*a Dreaer caught^ the spirit ongbter deacendeu till her banda and drew back irreaolntely, yon Id tell Innermost of the and oîrt?^L",î0rk· lo eun »od r*i < the tboagbta Hrrmu maim·, built a moderate sl*ed who bad oonaiderable Little l.'udleta flaked aky, all «no they building, form of a letter "B" and then melted bot at a from abe joined the Lampkin, had order hie touch trivialrnur^r Incident KlitrrC Pvk °*' M,nto*· obrinkiofl CHAPTER XV aign Ralph Ju»t to make it bluer beam. every a ! Utot I Htnlek. and White l/eghorn stock The next formed the let- other* and went ont of the bouae. The with criminals, decided ad- irLkir. and to dec** got'somepure residence «ai a three storied aw^y. spark experience When « boated, you and I. came out with distinctness and co- racking generally goiu« Kola'· " to start with. waa with thla m I see ! ter "E, and the letter· of fire con- front door closed. that thia the oooleat cul- WOODBfBY. AIL, M-D, Vcasionally. minj(|«| and thetwe booM· It was old it ν led in miringly herence that made the cause and metb- ThU wa· seven ago, very appear- One· «*ιιη the lilica " 0f out see years tinued to form and fall till tbe word a rirf" he had ever met He al »hy ,niP«««uenu bo was "Did yon want policeman, prit glanoed business ha» grown to be the specialty ance and the only building in tb· Blow. Ah. did IlKjr lilnr «Mal *1 of the crime perfectly plain. ^|OEATU> rh^U* "*«"· '»r„h "Benton" had been eounded Kola'a voioe from the balL the and waa aatoniahed to aee a Physicien A Surgeon, of the farm. and Holsteln cow. are now block whicb stood back from the street spelled. adept Vu It r Yea, 'twaa lut July! "Finit be described the scene wltn ^ "^'"Τ oat with a be ia here." brood on hia faoe. MAIN·. kept more as an aid In sk m It bad a in frout a The I art letter went bright "If ao, grin and detail that would bar· «ΟΓΤΗ PARIS. hev" furnishing garden protected by from the accuracy 1 wu!d p'»w a view of wait oat "Yoa crawled ont on a Far you day* drafted by; milk for chicken feed, than cream for massive iron fence 30 feet in flaah, Riving Lampkin vngne "He may there," replied long bough Ικ-en for one who bad aot « β.·* ao<: rMl<fcMMW. 14 High "«τ*-*. t,!ίl,l"r,** height Wlatry hoi ira without a gleam— impossible ««<"*· reprint room Benton the detective. "I don't think Mr. Bin- till it bent down to tbe roof of the butter making. a aide went the large and the party ian w« and L It The selection of tbe iniMg 7κ?Τthe ,«»m to "^U*Jthem from thl· eoure Hendricks unlocked gate, " " boated, you studied closely. The Investment, in building·, ma about 30 feet in front at him. Tbe next ton ia going to give aa trouble. wood «bed, anawered Hendricks. "Thia >:<BKK A passer, ~Λ .τ«Γ tMrer» to tbe door and rapped with the old .pot wa. explained by tbe fact that th· w.oldTJr and stock now amounU to about was dark. It I'll take it all I next went from it to tbe Ton were m*l then. Tour «y· Ο •J»~ We Of tb< chlnery fashioned knocker. had no- instant tbe room totally "No; right, promiae reached, yon V store·»"· u<l louutikm M U*. «««plain Lampkin mocked auprrnM, bright electric light streaming through eight thousand dollar·. a of the thence to tbe roof Cayly my bope l°r4,,Urpriie'c** w' for farm were remained «ο for two or three minntea. Mid Ralph, with dry laugh. roof wellhouaa, hiih P*T umImoc now de- ticed from tbe garden tbat there yon," Waa It Τ Wi, 't»aa laat July! the window* of the engine boua· mad· MAINS. m κ The of the farm are RI nr«'Rl» PALLS, energy note sounded and "I couldn't a oat with tbeae thing· of tbe voanda, thenoe into you room machinery, and it really i· a heavy taj no lights in any of the windows, and Then the flute again, fight It for the to — < οΙΙ·<*1ο· rtvpertment. voted to feed for bird», ■ti l f lor· Do Impoeaible pasaerby A "0 us to the*o but w< growing a of ahead on. I «ay, Hendricka, of a through an open window." you. you atfht T. Pirtor perch*»* thin*», eo we. when the door on ita large square light appeared enough thing the Thus. while Μ<η( D BU)··, Bfclph formerly it produced feed forthe opened creaking Sweetheart, make It true—try dreae. into ebadowa. Impen- feel nevertheless content to |«t the», aa if it were half a ia a Take 'em off. aaid Ralph calmly. manure la a the absolute darkness within was of them. It looked glorioua Huftlciency. "Pretty good!" and tbe aasaaaln. The poultry great hinge* " While we're boatlnr, you I, etrable darlcneaa L. valuable piece· of rot anc sat a You are But baa it occurred to Hendricka, BUCK. workmanship the and an mile from where the spectator* I know it'a all joke. trying yon, low ma— thia I of fertiliser for farm, additional surprise. " lay you July tli»» rattle and roar of the 60 the time tc now. «one one bare done all ^ «P^nd of oat·, ^«Jar* we it to take the form of the to get even for my obetinacy juat that else might —êamuel Mint urn Peck in Harper"· Baxar.