Stewart, Mrs A. M. Hughes, H. L. Mast, E E. HARTWELL & COMPANY, 33. H Newtown Affaire. Price, II. Frank Moore. Litchfield: Ell G. C. ' - Leading Dealers in All Grades of ' Snyder, Spencer, W. Mrs E. A. Master Marsh. Marsh, LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE, MATTEES OF BUSIHESS. e Westport- - E. A. Andrews. Fashionable Ready-Mad- and Men's Xxoods. - - Clothing Furnishing nuiuuuroRT, - - - . . CONN New Milford : Dr C. Stewart and wife. i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i WALLACE'S ii Our Glove QCAS3APACG LAKE HOUSE Newtown : Arthur J. Xettleton, Eliza Department AND PLEASURE GKOUNDS. of our industries and the of the circulation of we for the bal- Has beth Scodder, Fannie C. Scudder, Susie Owing to the stagnation tightness monies, will, a and varieil assortment of lushion-abl- e large Lames' Gloves in all tho This old and popular resort needs no ance of our great aale, consolidate our immense stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods into the following order: Htylos and colorings. J. Scuddcr. Tlie two introduction to the but to speelalUes this season are the silk at $1 a a general public, Bethel : Annie D. Kyle, Mrs George F. Our $11-0- 0 choice $ "Kayser" pair, $ 9.00, $10.00, Suits, your glove with patent fringed tips, guaranteed not to cut or wear out strangers would say there are no better Mrs R. W. - 14.00 choice 10 00. at the through Banks, J. Johnston, J. Shep- Our 12.00, 13.50, Suits, your finger ends; and tho "Chamois," a popnlar morning and driving accommonations hi the state for those Miss Bessie M. 17-0- 1 ard, Shepard, Dibble. Ou- - 15.00, 16 50, Suits, your choice 12.50. glove at per pair. wishing a days' outing. The steamer, Or. 8.00, 19.00, 20.00 your choice sail and row boats are in first-cla- ss Suits, Cloak and Suit Department- - order, 25 00 choice 16.50. new boats been added. HAITERTOWS. 22.00, 24.00, Suits, your We carry thd best assortment of Wash Silk many having' Waists, Surahs and India The are in fine with Our line of Boys' Suits from 96c upwards, worth double the price. Silks; the styles are correct and workmanship unsurpassed. grounds condition, Kton Suits and Fancy Vests tsom 5 to $25 a suit iu black and blue. plenty of table-roo- m for large parties. of Men's and to unreasonable marked down A STORY WITH A MORAL. An endless variety Boys' Pants select from, at prices. Single Skirts to be worn with waists from 42 to $10. There are also bowling alleys, art gal - and other Men's Furnishing Goods in like manner- Upholstery Department lery, many attractions, includ One night, last week, two Danburians ing good fishing. Meals at all hours and ,Y'e soil Hammocks, Window Screens, Piazza Sereens, etc. passed through this place. They had We are Forced to make this Great Sale a Sacrifice: special orders at short notice. Ice cold been to Bridgeport and were en route for ice cream. Because we are determined to close out this stock. temperance drinks and The home. Just as they crossed the lower First best of attention is For Second Because, when we transfer our business, we desire to open with an entire new line of goods. guaranteed. par- bridge, their nag hesitated and stopped. of of we want to if can it and want in our ticulars, address George W. Wallace, The two men remonstrated at this kind Third Because the scarcity money encourage you, you spare anything Conn. line. We feel in making this sacrifice you will appreciate it in the future- - B. Proprietor, Middltbury, of thing but were met with an unan W. HALL & COMPANY. swerable and logical argument on the shall in this sale 300 dozen Men's made Half worth 15c a sale rjrice 10c, three As an afternoon to the We also place superior Hos, pair, pill, strengthen part of the horse, in the shape of several - 25c- assist and correct well-directe- for stomach, digestion, d kicks on the dash bilious are vigorous any tendencies, Ayer's pills board. He was rapidly clearing him- considered the best. Being sugar-coate- d, self from the when some men are as as wagon ap- they agreeable any confection, on the scene, the If and be taken the most delicate. peared pacified horse, LYON & may by patched up the harness and set the men LEADING CLOTHIERS AND GRUMMAN, on their One of them was FURNISHERS, Are you money you can ill way rejoicing. aragons! spending unable to to HAYING TOOLS, afford for tobacco, morphine, or drink? "rejoice" though, owing some trouble seemed to af- WIARD SULKY HAY Stop it. Uiirs chloride of tablets, strange that & Ct RAKE, We claim our SHOES to be full of fect hi3 head. We have seen others man Cor. Main Streets, sola Dy an will cure you in Liberty Danfrnry, DEERIKG MOWERS, druggists, ifest the same when return merit, made with all the best selling three to five days. symptoms ing from the city, but we do not know WHEEL HOES, Ytlii-l-rt- ni i 1 C i. 1 J-- - 1 4? cn.mMuuoa, wiai, oanaiacuuii to an doff-da- v the scientific name of the give 1 the seasoD. the drain affection. The ICE CREAM Durin,C ' 1 FREEZERS, concerned- - I of nervous and vital energy may be other man was comparatively "well bal GENERAL RfiP-i- counteracted the use of sarsa-- anced." Just before they reached G. W. HARDWARE nnw to rmr ,uwi r, A by Ayer's W I the horse had another and BICYCLES. Darilla. In nurifvini? the blood, it acts Turney's, "turn," , your only regret will be that you did as a superb corrective and tonic, and and clearing himself from the wagon, jEBIrrYXingrla-zn.- Conn. enables the system to malaria and departed up the road, and, at this writ now 383 MAIN 19 not start earlier. defy Try tho STEEET and CANNON STEEET, other climate influences ing, had forgotten to return. When the IE! BPJDGEPOET, CONN. 100 pair of Patent Oxfords at $1.49; man with the head trouble awoke next BUCKEYE MOWEB former price $2, 2.25 and 2.50. We would call especial attention to the morning, he found himself sitting in his LETTER new and the announcement in another column of wagon in the middle of the road and DR WARNES, Dentist, 420 Main BRIDGEPORT. A line of Oxfords Men's St., big 92c; George C. Stahl of Toledo, O., regard both horse and traveling companion mi- was INSERTS TEETH WITHOUT PLATES AND Russet Calf Oxfords $2.79, former ing investments. nus, as also several dollars which horse also the New York he had in bis when he left Bridge- We have the Yankee rake, that always pleases; WITHOUT EXTRACTING. price $3 50. A large line of all kinds pocket All the latest in summer reading at L. port the night before. He had been rob- Champion. of summer goods at cost- - D. Plumb's news stand, Postoflice Arcade his The Also teeth on all kinds of plates- - Fine filling a ed, undoubtedly by companion. Bridgeport, Ct. moral of the above is short and sweet : specialty and warranted. All made painl- operations "Don't get drunk." DID YOU EVER - ess- Consultation free. 12 years experience- The middle of the summer season has come in know such a commotion among the banks? and with it the reduction price HE GOT OFF THE BOAD. Hanks private, corporate and national all of all the ladies' oxfords, which must I I I I I I seem to be in trouble and lailure after failure I I I I I ! -- BALDWIN & So much cf live stock as has II M II M follow each other in succession. Some be cleaned out that we may have room stealing are asrapid as larendouL Oil causes one banks however, solid the everlasting LEWIS B. SILUMAK, Works, for the fall eoods which will come as taken place lately, naturally hills and are conducted with such sagacious Proprietor, foresight that thev pass through financial Manufacturer, Producer and Wholesale Dea er in Lubricating and Illuminating the summer is over. The reduction has to grow reminiscent if he knows person- troubles as smoothly as a ship rides an oiled children's of cases. A noted REFRIGERATORS sea, or the hired gin a banana peel down the STANDISH affected all lines of ladies' and ally any parallel cellar stairs. Naught short ot an earthquake OII18 low shoes, and now you can strike stockman of this place told your corres- i i i and i i i can shake them, Hawley ville is a small PETEOLEUM ANIMALCHU3A.S3S,AND VEGETABLE i i i i i PE0DUCTS, OILS, an some -i burgh and we have but one bank, but it is just bargains in this class of footwear. The pondent incident that happened this kind of a bank. Jt is known in business S68 to 372 Water Street, - - BRIDGEPORT, CONN which illustrates the ease as Tirst S. Bank of - 402 MAIN prices have been cut apparently regard- years ago, AND circles the A.N.I) Hawley- STEEET, sometimes ille. Tins bank is one of t he oldest institu F. W. ORANGE H. C. LliMMOS . less of cost at P. H. 278 Main with which a thief escapes When Columbus MARSH, MERWIN, the Fales', tions in the land. landed se- - with his A man stole a of he was, and when Barkhamsted was settled BRIDGEPORT SAFE DEPOSIT AND Rtrppf.. RridP'enort. and vou can still booty. yoke n STORAGE VAULTS. he was all the more. The aborigine child-e- lect from a assortment. Call and oxen from Lyndson Beardsley of Step- of Columbus' time played mumble Safe Deposit Boxes Marsll. Banking and Brokerage, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. large in her front yard, yet she was not opened for rented at reasonable rates, v Mervin"& Choice Investments, see them. ney, and as he was unacquainted with CREAM FREEZERS active business until the building of the New Private Rooms Mortgages on Bridgeport. the he came Hatter-tow- n ICE England railroad. The credit of this railroad for examining papers. Ijemiiioii, Real Estate, country through was then A. 1, and the builders made tremen- - Steel Vaults, 305 Main St., Interest Allowed GAVE HIM A WATERMELON. instead of going toward Bridge- lous dralts upon this bank and they were hon Time Iock, Bridgeport, on AT ored for a long time without a single deposit Watchman. Co'hn. Deposits. port, as he desired. Farm an Peck, then being made, uueer out irue. xms was not no official connect heard a noise in the night good business policy for the bank and it low- It is safe to say that living here, ered her standing in the eyes of the general & ed has and getting up to learn the cause, saw 12 - BURR KNAPP, Bankers and with the treasury department public, (some teet.) During these depres- Brokers, him with the oxen. Some time 9 lng times some 01 ner most vaiuaoie front Main - - - - Great gained more popularity than Treasurer passing age was allowed to pass into other hands and 363 Street, Bridgeport, Conn, Array later be heard and up- isaker s iurniture warerooms now cast D. X. Morgan. something again, large BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES AND on lo ! was the man a black shadow across a portion of her front, DEBENTURES, He is a gentleman of the highest finan looking out, there :HCol2L, and ot late the Gospel tent of the"Union Evan- 5, 51-2- , G, 7, 7 and 8 cent. to Sander - Paying per Deposits received subject draft and interest OF business and is as passing the house again. He had got gelical Faith Cure," Fourfold Gospel Ohrist- aid on same, securities and sold on commission. Bills of Cir-ula- cial and qualifications, an Alliance nas oeen pitcnea rignt in irontot boughtOrders available in Foreign Exchange. off his road and around to the her frontest front and the most astoundintr Drafts and Bank Money all parts ot Europe. successful as a social entertainer as he is again got miracles have been performed within a cables as the custodian of Uncle Sam's cash. point whence he came once more. Final length of her terraced foundations. New uni- he on the road and went to England's drafts, as I said before, were heavy, c&3 All of his visitors are treated with ly got right but the biggest draft, for a small one, ever iF220.ojs& of his hand Bridgeport and sold the oxen there. of - AT form courtesy, and the clasp We are having a SPECIAL SALE made on her, and one that came near burst- Staples Oo., is three miles from so it ng the bank, was made when the walls ol to and as he greets a colored laborer is jast as Stepney here, Baker's furniture building were put on. It Deposits received snbiect check interest allowed on all balances of $500or more must have been or was contract work and there was a sub eon- - INSURANCE Fire, Marine, Plate Glass, and guarantee leading American and English earnest as when he makes the acquaint nearly quite daylight ractor were companies. REAL, ESTATE Bought, sold or exchanged on commission. SAFE DEPOSIT when he there and there many workmen VATLTS Of the latest approved construction. Private rooms for customers connected ance of the president of a national bank. passed through going and artisans to share the respon- therewith. and dividends collected. TltOSTEES'OR ADMINISTRATORS We are HMD & JONES. but no one seemed to notice sibility. Baker was in Colorado at Coupons care Mr Morgan likes to preserve the re down, any LACE CURTAINS. the time and he could not look after the de- prepared to take the charge and ot estates and property generally. straw was a JAMES STAPLES. P. L. UOLZER. F. T. STAPLES: membrance of his visitors, and for that thing wrong. tails. Making bricks without 109 State Cor. - - - - - CONN comparatively easy task to making mor- St., Court, BRIDGEPORT, 423 MAIN purpose keeps always on his table a large tar without lime or cement, but it has been STREET, Last about 10 o'clock. Tho designs are beautiful and the proved to the world that the latter can be done BRIDGEPORT. book, in which his callers register their Saturday night For proof see the natched and mortarless & two young men with a fine on How PEINDLE MOKKIS, DAYS names. The treasurer also takes a great appearing spots Baker's ceilings. the workmen FOR THE NEXT 60 Men's Cheviot Shirts in plaids and stripes. horse and dashed here finished the job and escaped injury from fall doc eacn. interest in the people under him and Ire carriage, through usua1, are ceilings is wnat no leiiow can tell, we AND great assortment at a breakneck and a3 RIGHT. areing desirous of the know who UNDERTAKERS visits the various branches of his at pace continually urg PRICES letting public & quently to la the man is who can make bricks without EMBALMERS, JAMES SEXTON SON., Extraordinary Glove Bargains. A few days ago he had oc ing their horse faster speed. It the straw," and should have doDe it in the courts department. of those who heard them that long ago but unfortunately property titles 373 of kid to be sold at casion to visit the big vaults in which the opinion nave been ior a sea Are prepared to do anything pairs gloves had stolen the team somewhere son niceiy Whenarrangedwe see a coming CONN. is counted. About a score they of disaster. patch ol plas BRIDGEPORT; 59c a being were tering tall on a fine piece of furniture we feel in their line at shortest notice, pair. of laborers are in han north of here and getting out of tne wno is too worth duskv employed ike nian sain "Hanging good Undressed kid finish Jersey Glove, of what might prove a dangerous section & for him ; he ought to be kicked to death by a A share of Will sell out their entire stock of 38c per pair, at 25c per pair. dling the money, and just at the time QTJINN scon, jackass and I'd like to do it." II we can find public patronage as expeditiously as possible. out who is responsible for the present condi Mr Morgan's visit they were eating their tion of our walls (and we think we can) and if solicited. 100 Dozen Corsets, which consisted for the most part Behn of had his DAN BURY, CONN. we ever eaten tnat man, anu it we can identi- MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES Popular lunch, Peter Dodgingtown 161 MAIN STREET, fy him, and if he undertakes to crawl W. H. PRINDLE. L. C. MORRIS. Fine well worth 75c each, at of lucious watermelons. horse stoleD, last but it was found a knot and if he stuck through fitting, made, week, hole, gets when about Calls answered if left W, B- - Prindle's L. said Mr half way through, and it we have our slippers at House; At cost. The reason tor this sacrifice sale 50c each. Well, boys," Morgan, jocose in the Guinea woods, a short distance on, and it the minister is not looking, we'll C. Morris's House, Telephone at Leonard's Hotel is the change the railroad will make in Bridge ly "you eem to be well supplied." below here, tied to a tree only a short just warm that man till he can't sit down, for port, their present Continued offer ot our best 50c Unlaundered THIS SPACE BELONGS TO two moons, witnout making his feet sore. going through yard Shirts, all linen bosoms, wristband and collar think I'll have to take a trip with you distance from the road. The thief prob- Have vou ever had patches of plastering fall band at 39c each. some nlffht when vou eo on your water intended to wait until and all over your house and keep doing it? No! JOHN CULLINAN, new stock of extra at 25c. ably night w e Suspenders, en men, my aear iriena, yonr cnrtstian Alargesmall purchase of Men's Unbleaehed 2 melon raid." then escape under cover of the darkness. has never been fully tested. You are 21 2oc We UoHe, about dozen of them, regular vai The darkies and the treasurer Business not ripe for the kingdom yet. sometimes ue, to be run oft at 12 c per pair. grinned E. C. has manufactured an The Hew College in jest, but never on this subject of poor Kmbaimcr. J. W. JOHNSON, out re Northrop speak w e ana our Undertaker, We call particular attention to a lot of went upstairs to figure the gold wails, often get real angry abuse 12 l-- enlarging and copying apparatus to ap PRINCIPAL. best friends when we think of it. Why Call 121, white APRONS to be sold at halt prloe, serve, lie more about BRIDGEPORT. J. F. GRIFFIN, only Telephone BRIDGEPORT, each, gooa size ana wen maqe. thought nothing to his camera. He has copied a cab- the other day a poor widow woman with a it at noon, as juicy ply blind cow with a large family ana one horn 288 Main street, Conn till yesterday,. when, , full size, taken a broken off, looked at a pile of plastering on Bridgeport, REAL ESTATE as ever t sou ux inet, by regular photog the floor and then at the and ventured a watermelon tenipLeu with such success that it is ceiling, him with the com rapher good to inquire sympathetically if lightning had INSUEANCE, LOANS. Ham was sent upvio to tell the struck our building. Well now you don't HURD & JONES. of the in the vault, impossible reproduced photo- Charles M. Cole know now near we came to knocking that pliments "boys" graph from the original. joor woman down t he cellar stairs and telling WILMOT M.D. Mr Morgan enjoyed the fruit hugely, lertomind her own business; but then we IIAWLEY, EDWAKDS M.SMIT1I, ran & are ripening last and we grow mild every PHYSICIAJS" AND STJKGEOTT. and went downstairs to thank his do George Mayer's horse away, last Co., - dav- We can even now wish this man a & REYNOLDS, Office and Residence Newtown Street-Telephon- e nors. week. It ran to Stepney Depot, seven Cor- - long lite and a carbuncle every year, and if he Fairfield Ave., Water St should Happen to ripen anu oe plucked nrst, Connection. "Who sent me that melon?" he asked miles below here, before it waa stopped. you may see us making an annual pilgrimage U Conn every Thanksgiving morning to place forget NDERTAKERS, One of the men told him that "Mr Har Bichard Patchen moved here from Bridgeport, me-not- s mortar on NO. STATJU and fresh his grave. 98 STREET, D.P. EICHAEDS0N, M.'J) R. H. BEERS & Co. rison" had sent it?" . ', . last week. In our sane moments we feel deeply grate BRIDGEPORT, CONN. TELEPHONE 291. Waterburyt ful to a generous public for their sympathy Physician and Surgeon. "And which is Mr Harrison?" again - - out-of-to- and patronage. They come long distances GEORGE B. HAWLEY, 11 Chapel Street OSce and Sandv Hook. the Henry is visiting anu from all directions to furniture ot us. CHARLES E. - 407 Clinton Avenue; Residence, asked the treasurer as he surveyed B.Penny buy WILMOT, connection. relatives. They know that we are located away out here JOHN B. REYNOLDS, - - 198 Fairfield Avenue Te'ep'iona score of faces. The owner of that In a howling wilderness, with tall grass all dusky around us and an immense stock ot Iurniture CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., BARGAINS name, an intelligent looking colored Paul and Willie Harrington of Dan-bur- y on our hands, and they know we have been and unfortunate with our and feel Physician Surgeon, man, was pointed out to him." are spending their vacation at Hen- ceilings they 343 State sorry for us and they put their hands away MARBLE AND GRANITE St., Bridgeport. ; "Well," said Mr Morgan, with great ry Morgan's. ' down deep ra tneir pockets ana tnev ouv iid Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. Of a erally and they drop a tear now and then ; not good humor, "I am about to establish so as WORKS. fice hours from 10 a. m. to 13 m, 2 to 4 p. m. HAMMOCKS. many, however, when they buy in -t . i- I have never done it before Mr and Mrs Gibson of some other place. Heads in Marble or Granite precedent Hotchkissville, The tells ns we are all poor sin Jiomiments, Stones feel now as if can conscien- preacher Write fo? and DAVENPORT & O'HARA, and Conn We are a varie but I really I were the guest, the first of the week, of ners and that this Is a wicked, wicked world designs prices.. Attorneys showing large Wash- but we begin to think there must be a whole sellors at Law. State street, Bridgeport. Mex tiously hurrah for Harrison." their sister, Miss Grace Hawley. lot of Come see us. tvl of braid edge improved - good in it, after all. and M. inton News. . Ml Don'tlook in) nor say anything about our W. STE7ENS, ican Hammocks at 75 cents each ceilinsrs and we will try ami use vou well and William the invite you Into our reading room while wait NORWALK. Also Palmer Patent Hammocks Emmerson, genial travel- ing tor trains. AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. ing salesman of P. W. Bates, the monu- ZDr 3. UTocLd., with valance, in full and quarter BANBURY'S RELIABLE CLOTHIERS Veterinary Surgeon, ment man of Xorwalk, was in town last A. Gr. BAKER, NEW MILF0RD, - CONN, color, which are strictly last Among the Connecticut peoplexregis- - week Friday, and called at The Bee S3 L. N. New Furniture 'Warerooms, Opposite Union Telephone, Jennings'. from $1.50 to $3.50. tered at the .World's fair are the follow office. He stopped with Landlord Tay- Hart Begun a General B. dyes, Depot, Hawlewille. Conn. Floyd Bouton, ing: lor at the Hook, Friday night. This UNDERTAKER & EMBALM ER. Bridgeport: William Seeley, Charles stone yard has an "excellent reputation CLEARING OUT SALE GEORGETOWN, CONN. G. Sanford, J. A. Kusling, A. M.'Engle-- for turning out good work. Special attention given to or, THE ALBANY DENTISTS, A. Smith, Mrs I. H.Butler, ' hard, Harry Of their entire stock of. JOHN H. ders. SPECIAL SALE OF G. E. E. Andrews REID, 388 MAIN STREET, H. Sanford, Lawrence, Conductor Garrison of the Shepaug Telephone Ca.ll 35. Annie L. W. B. Osborn and 30pp. Cannon St., Bridgeport Andrews, road, was in Bridgeport on Friday at- Hattie S. Tur- 118 FAIRFIELDJeweler,AVE.,BRIDGEPORT. PAINLESS OUTING SHIETS. wife, M. Louise Prindle, tending the parade ot the O. IT. A. M. All the novelties in the - ner, T. I. Ferguson and wife, Katherine In his the mid-da-y latest jewel- DENTISTRY - absence, passenger 2-- S Mrs H. A. W. H Rus- STEJETS,66 2-- 3 cent or 3 actual value. line at lowest One lot Ol Men Outing Engelhart. Smith, was over Master At per ry prices. presided by Baggage BREW & SCANL0N, AT MODERATE ShirtS. all verv neat Stripes and sell, H. Goldwater, Howard M. Osborn, Sullivan. A. W. 0RSELMAN. ' PRICES. J.!.-1!,- eiaa anA D.M. Read and wife, Arthur John Vagg, Goods Sandy Hook, Ct. UXO.UG 1U u rnloriJ&"-- " and Attractive at Big Bargains. UNDERTAKERS, Mary , McCord, E. S. Marsh, Robert S. If you are contemplating purchasing Stylish - Manufacturer and dealer in for Harness, Saddles, finish like any 75 cent shirt, W. S. A. a to M. Steinert & Sons Bridles, Collars. Blankets, eta. Embalmers and General Managers of Hicks, Henry Hicks, Strong piano write Co., 50 cents. C. Whitter and 359 or 777 Funerals- - and wife, John Muth, J. Main street, Bridgeport, Chap- wife, George C. Beers, Homer Youngs, el street, New Haven, Ct. They will LEVY A FULL LINE OF CASKETS, ROBES Mrs F. K. Marsh, Violet S. Marsh, Mabel mail yon free, beautifully Illustrated BK0THERS, ' Castries ZETaTble, AND FUNERAL R. Marsh, Clifford W. Marsh, F. W. catalogues of Steinway & Song, Ernest UNDERTAKER, Marsh, Dennis andjwife, Mrs Gabler & Bros., pianos. have con- Workmanship-Reasonab- le Prices H. Haggerty They Reliable Clothiers, Eesidence, King St. All orders left with Mr 6, Nathaniel Wheeler, William B. Wheeler, stantly on hand a large assortment ot WARE ROOMS: Near Mill, ' B. Tucker, EaBton.will reoeive attention. Grist -. -. prompt PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER, .- E. M. Blight. second hand pianos of every prominent Offlco in SANDY HOOK, 22 Main street, birmingham.Conn ' : Effie M. both In and - Toquet Block, Work of Excellence in all branch Danbury J. Hull, Jackson, maker, uprights square!, in 211 MAIN STREET, DANE I RY, COM. Superior W. I es Mrs can secure a WESTPORT, CONN, J- - BREW- - P- - J- - SCANLON- - of Photography, . &C0, Amelia H. Hoyt, M.E. Eddy, J. which you always bargain. or two growers were protected to a limited week with her friend, Misa Elosia A. Sel- - leave word at Tun Bee office, or com- and bis owner him down THE NEWTOWN BEE with Mrs Moses of Highest of all in Leavenirfg Power Latest U. S. Gov't speed, sending 6 v tout by Insurance, but the lot is essentially municate Hull Step- Report the home stretch, plying the whip in- ail- - Mrs Monks of New York is with her ney. But'Chiefdid not raise his complete onn, whore the crop was well cessantly. Jt9S. It, . one Friday, August 4, - Mrs V. Schwartz. n nose an "inch, and finished the half Bridgeport, vuueed and utioounlernd the lull fury ot- the sister, William G. Coley, wife and daughter, frrv ex-ma- il mile in 1.13.. Such trotting wan never atonn. In some the irrowtti William GruuiQuiu, the carrier, and Mrs V. E. Abbott of Bridge- This store has had a busy Sales Instances ruined hia Btae-- from Easton to Jennie, before si en on Conelia and "Oxford July. tn drive park "than month of has been mowed and cleared off In the hope twice a week, on Tuesday and port, ate spending their vacation with Chief" weJI deserves the reputation h. larger any previous Bridgeport Two other heats were trot- - run Lisa ki b y that new sprouts trom the roots' will yet afford Saturday, commencing August 8 and their father, George S. Coley. has gained. 1893. It's the natural result- people a. tn. ted, Hungerford giving his opponent most pmtlnl crop as there Is a good while yet be leaving Easton Center at ine Mrs will buy where they can get the Is 1(5 cents. Jane Wayland has a new picket several rods handicap, hut with the fore frosts. Hut whatever fare one now for their money. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. probable salvage is Mrs John fence in front of her house. same results. Every is impa- a Mrs Ann Ferrv caring for for the this fall, at Prices have been low, very low. may thus be gained the misfortune is heavy Adams, who is on the sick list. tiently waiting fair, Charles L. Smalley and daughter, it is reported that the owners of "Sar- Hothiog- has been offered, the standard one, even tor those best able to bear It. Those preaeut at the Congregational Powder are anxious to match him unworthy Miss to a well were much im Lottie, expect take earned gent" very of quality hu been high in BT'ry lot advertised. At.U-SO- F. SMITH," EDITOR. church. Sunday morning, a against "Oxford Chief," and In order to with the sermon by vacation for week, visiting relatives The came policy will be continued through Au- It's the same old story over again, the big pressed preached - give them the opportunity, Hungerford ARTHUR J. SMITH, BlffllNKSS MA NAG Ell. Mr irom tne cexc, lAtue 10 :io near his old home in Reynoldsville. ABSOLUTELY free-for- - fish gobbles up the little one. Slam has ac Key Ayer PURE will enter "Oxford Chief,' in the gust. - Thomas and son are at present The will he however, all. I hen it will be or shut ceded to the French demands.but It is going to Cassidy shop kept open, put up up! There are bargains in almost aU kinds ofshoe. Mrs Candee. I boarding with Jason under the euleicnt management of visited her niece, Mrs T. V. umrjlre. Mitchell : lime of 1 hour ami re- be a difficult matter to render gome ol those Treadwell, 45 A fair stock of the Wisner women's shoes yet Monday. Kobert Galloway moved the 'NTnfr.hnn Davis, who h hppn with Mr on Friday. minutes. ROXBURY. demands intelligible. France demands that household of Mr Ellis and family Neither Minor of the Woodbury nine mains- $1 50 A YEAR, 4c. A COPY. goods Smalley for the past six months. or Meramble Slam of Antiara and Cam from to Edward Hill's tenant Miss Jessie Kellogg is some of the Washington team - I'll tell yon of other goof things from time to recognlze"the rights Bridgeport spending gave a man Dase on PAINTER HILL. on eastern bank of the Me. house. Mr and Mrs Davton Andrews and time with her friend in Miss balls last Saturday. time. There'll be more bargains. Where a mak- bodia the lolt or Stamford, Miss Hattie Leavenworth is Mrs Baldwin Beach spauds a few days are stavin? a few davs at the Estelle spending er wants cash for a lot of good shoes he'll it. kong river as far north as the 53rd parallel.' pi.iidren Alphonse. LITCHFIELD'S BADLY a week in get with friends in ,- WHIPPED. Hartford. and have no Bridgeport. n,, hftmfi at whp-u-- if his price is low. Shun can safely promiso this, yet Mrs Elvelyn Davis recently entertained The Washineton ball Diavers fairly Mrs Seymour Brown and daughter CONH.. FRIDAY AUGUST intention of the visited friends in last week. IEWTQWH. 4,1893 yielding disputed territory! SOUTHPORT. During last week Wednesday's show her cousin, Darius Ferguson, and wife 'pulverized" the Litchfield team in the Waterbury, which Siamese for some game on the 28th at Litch- - and of New rfa-ve- n, lias been centuries, er, lightning struct .Lyman J3earasiey s and daughter of Rcway toD,and Mrs Has-- Washington. John Tracy daughter JOHN G. HOWLAND. held a title which never has been neia is Degmning to think that "Wash- are guests of his brother, Edward. by house, a a corner of ford of Salem, NY Y. AI30 another cou- : nOltSE STEALING. damaging window, ington" can play ball. Here is the score Miss Lizzie of is 405 Main St. disputed until France disputed it. There Is thp veranria. and then nassinfr throne-- sin, Theodore and wife of MTCHFIEl.P. Brophy Waterbury ...... Davis, Ridge her aunt, Mrs ooui lor more trouble over this demand, for Sunday morning, a horse and buggy, f. t field. K 1H PO visiting Tracy. . m T i n ra i u - met or rii! i.1 A' w McNeill, 2b, 0 1 Mrs Jane Clarke of New Milford and England is concerned iu the answer to the property ximoM.y not striking any human being Peacock, cf, 0 0 1 0 Mrs Woodruff and son were luckily Willie Davis an Ice 1 1 Charles at are the Anna'meso It gave cream party, Blackburn, c, 6 0 question, what rights? u,, Karl, rf , 3b, 1 2 2 1 G. S. Clarke', Monday. Mrs S. is able to use her 20 in of St Thomas Perry getting Saturday to about of his 3 2 G is almost an impossibility for the second his horse front church, evening, Harrlgan, lb, 9 Miss Martha Aldis of Torrington, was a a man arm a little, after being laid up for a young friends from Easton and Harney, as, 0 0 1 3 sanctum sanctorum. Again, farewell! French demand to bo with and within few minutes strange Bridge 1 2 0 1 a of Mrs over Sunday. literally complied month. She it on the Sherry, p, n, guest Teeple K. in evacu untied the horse and jumped into the sprained badly port. Itrower, p, 0 0 0 0 G. S. Clarke's foreman, was taken se- and the forts this disputed territory ti hum 0 u . drove off. The team was Fourth of night. way, If, 0 0 ill, last but under the Editorial Ink ated within a month. Accordingly Slam must buggy and July Doughty, 3b, 0 0 1 0 riously Thursday, Drops. seen in and and then BEDDING. skillful treatment of Dr Karman and an NEW PRESTON. accept the consequences of the inevitable lie Southport Westport Mr and Mrs Charles Banks and baby 7 21 11 efficient nurse he is able to resume his all trace of it was lost. It is Tqtals, lay In performing tills difficult task. The in supposed girl of Bridgeport are home for the sum LIGHTNING KILLING CATTLE. WASHINGTON. labors. DEATH OE MRS MYROJT SlILLAKD. SOME TIMELY ADVICE to be the work of tramps. mer. R Bl PO A K demnity which Franco demands is to be paid During the showers of last Wednesday jc. Van Ingen, lb, 3 1 10 I 0 Farmers are topping tobacco. News reached the relatives here. Sun 1; ranir Lee had two steers Santord, ss, 3 2 1 3 0 flew over day last, of the death of Mrs Mil- - and probably the revenues of two of the rich struck by 1 a The Newtown Bee the hill, Myron The In SCHOOL MATTERS. Charles L. Hubbell has returned from M. W. Church, 2b, 3 3 3 tne other hot day a woman a neighbor lightning. T. Ryan also lost a fat 2 a 3 2 0 headed for Judea. iara mgnt previous, at ner home near est provinces of S:am will ,be pledged to se a in N Farnham, c, Friday evening, ing town drank a ot cold lemonade The school board held a two week's visit Otsego county., cow from the same cause. M. Van lngen, p, 4 4 2 3 0 Cornwall Bridge. Her funeral was at- quantity cure its The end is evident. Slam meeting, 2 1 on payment. time Y.. and reports plenty of rain and a J. Brinsmade, 3b, 2 0 0 AT THE FALLS. tended Monday afternoon, represent- through the day to keep down her thirst, and Tuesday afternoon, at which certif BUSINESS Brown, If, 3 2 i 0 0 ed her Mrs will cease to be an independent power, and BOOMING HERE. 4 0 u by relatives here by C. E. flnlnhed to who good hay crop. Sanchez, cf, 0 0 We are sorry to learn that Carriage E-- with a liberal quantity of milk at icates were sent those passed the 2 2 0 and Miss Abbie , the last named by and by its territory will be shared by Eng Mr Miss of Brookfield Notwithstanding the general depres !., Brinsmade, rf, 0 0 Painter Charles Sherman has fully de being night. Her stomach rebelled. Ureat distress recent examination. The calendar was and Pincknev sion in the button busi cided leave as soon as can witu ner during ner nines, and Ji. 11. land and France. Such a move may be "di visited their Miss us manufacturing, Totals, 2G 16 21 13 2 to the Falls he ueernan or followed. A was called but he fall as follows : have cousin, may ness or is booming and find a nd comfortable house Lakeside. Iter aee was 53 physician plomaey," but in "plain United States,' arranged borne. uavisczuo., they Washington, 8 1 5 8 0 0 426 pleasant years, and slid was the I and have all can do to their or - 0 2 2 0 2 6 He will be missed his only surviving e to save her. She died. Fall term begins, September 4, been they supply Litchfield, 0 0 greatly by many sister or r.. is. ana vnanes looks like a great big grab and a wretchoi Miss Lillian Lewis has engaged ders. Earned runs. Litchfield 3. Washine-tr- 8: friends. May good luck attend his foot k. lieeman of The seat of Is not in stomach. ends December 22, vacation one week. on Brow-er3- Lakeside. thirst the steal. to teach the village school. bases balls off Van Ingen 4, Sherry 2, ; Has in defined Winter school 2, A. J. Sherwood took a jolly load of bases on hit by pitched balls, Washing- steps. the throat, in the "laucos," as term, begins January Mrs Welch and are in New ton 4, Litchfield 1 ; one daughter' colored folks to the beach on Tuesday passed balls, Litchfield 4, Messrs Pierce and Gilbert will soon Dea Humphrey has found a sure pro in the back part ot the mouth near the 1894. and ends April 7; vacation x ork. 11 Mumgion 1; wuu pitcnes, v an lugren 2, finish new are cess for larynx The Williams house on Couch Hill 1, Brower 2. the factory t.hy building keeping early fruit for his own Yet It Is true In whole week. Miss Abbie Paul of is Sherry Union Sand and thirst exists the system Fairfield County News Bridgeport guest full to overflowing of summer boarders for the Paper Emory consumption, namely, to a hive of and water Is distributed to the Summer term begins April 17 and ends of flantord Johnson. and the male of the use a A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. Wheel Co., at the Falls. Dees under tne tree he wishes to retain system througl portion family the therefrom. One the stomach. a would not June 22. Miss Emily Seeley has returned from tent for Selectman Kilborn has been apples trespass on Perhaps physician on large lodging purposes. superin- the part of tru is was made Woodmont the Sound. Mrs of Mount tending the job of in the stone . young inn generally use these words. In drinking eagerly and NICHOLS. The vacation at Christmas Sarah Seeder Vernon putting KENT HOLLOW. Bumi-idll- one week and school will As Rev Mr Merwin has gone to the who recently purchased the Morgan abutments and new bridge near the rapidly, as one is apt to do when thirst rages consequently World's fair on his it is ex Depot. The stone cauie from Koxburv. Mrs Harvey Birdseye of East Bridge- III.KSSKD Willi MUSICAL TALENT. one week earlier in June. vacation, place from W. H. Piatt, is having the is the water passes quickly by the seat ot thirst end, pected that Rev Mr Gilbert will fill the house modernized the old Mason Bartraui of Blackville superin-- Uev Mr Alcott will hold service and port visiting from Saturday to Satur- most by removing tended stone - in school on at Daniel S. and finds a lodgement in the stomach where it A agreeable surprise awaited the vacant pulpit tor next babbath. fashioned chimney and remodeling the the work and he was assist- preach the house Sunday day Beardsley's. on divine service in Metho CONG REG ATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. ed Dy JNeison Kichmond A next at 4 o clock. II. Warner is not so much in attendants the interior. W. S. Uassett does tne carpen and others. of LitchSeld, III., is visit- needed, especially large dist church, last Sunday morning. A liev W. H. Holman is spending his ter work. temporary bridge has been built just a ing, this week, at Herman Hoffman's. quantities so suddenly thrown in, and, 11 very full chorus rendered excellent music un- in Mass. little way from the old one. It will be a vacation Hull, HUNTINGTON- - Lawyer Howard Taylor was in tow WATERTOWN. eold Ice water, may be a positive Injury. Tli der the directorship of Mr Wileman of S. C. E. was held in big improvement when completed. with Miss Lizzie Wileman as The Y. P. meeting one day, last week, to see about taking WOOEBTJRY. stomach In that case sustains a shock to a de- Bridgeport, the church out an William 11. Barnum Both Mr and Miss Wileman parlors, Wednesday evening HUNTINGTON OUGHT TO BE LIVELY. appeal for A GOOD SHOP. Cards are out for the of Mis: Has not In cases organist. Kev Mr of whose children were committed to the marriage llie Methodist Episcopal Sunday gree. the reader, frequent have, for some years, given valuable ser- Shelton Birmingham, preach II. W. Minnie Williams to Alanson Atwood school will hold ed in the church, last Sun The new road to Shelton is now com county home. . Woodruff, wagon manufacturer, their annual picnic at noticed that in drinking leod wuter the thirst vice here in these capacities, and with Congregational to has had a season repairing wagons, both of Watertown, to take plsce at the Richardson's grove, Lake For some un- day. pleted and with two stages running J. Teets and wife of New York are buy home of her 2 o Au Quastapaug, li not much quenched until large quantltU recognized appreciation. and a road to bheiton lie has tnrnud out a considerable new parents, at clock, uexi vteanosaay. reason, however, Nichols has Bridgeport good boarding with S. S. Osborne. work. of Mr gust 9. Miss Williams is the sister are taken? (.'old drink, so much colder than explained MARKET NOTES. ought to become a lively Everything that goes out The Woodbury ball team will go to seen but little of either for some mouths Huntington Benjamin Bassett is visiting his sister Woodruffs shop is in first class condi- Gilbert Williams of the works, at Watertown t'i general temperature of the internal or and to the decline of musi- is in place. Fall?. afternoon, and past, greatly The schooner, Mary Elizabeth, Mrs Jennie Gilbert. tion. Itoxbury next will sec- g ins, chills, in a sense, the stomach amlothi cal interest and Circum- re- Wednesday they play the performance. Port Jenerson, li. I., and when she four-hors- e Miss Eliza Morgan is a few ond A 'bus load of jolly young spending NEW POSTMASTER game with Washington at Washing- organs. This continued impairs digestion stances have conspired to place our best turns will go in the market trade. Capt days with her aunt, Mrs W. S. Bassett AT THE DEPOT. ton. musicians either upon the sick list or re- will people came up from Bridgeport, last MARBLEDALE- - Cool your thirst; hold water In Hubbs have charge. Monday night the postoffice at the Eben Wheeler is in a yourinouth.or tired roll, and the chorus, lacking a com- week and them was moved from & critical condition. The George sailed Friday evening enjoyed Depot Seeley Bryan's Ni-lli- gargle li, and discharge it, cooling the pulse has done itself less schooner, Edwin, BRIDGEPORT. na ware Miss Ixckwo-- U petent leader, credit, for New York, Wednesday, with about selves linely as the guests of Miss May ra store to one or the large snow EXCITEMElfT EXTRAORDINARY. visiting at the same time; then drink as freely as nee until a most wretched lizzie on the 23d, u0 of windows of K. J. Watts' boot and shoe fricnd3 in Ansonia. awoke its members a of barrels sets. Morgan at Bonnibrook. ovor-ireely- . to realization the ntore. Mr Watts had Mr : News in is A essary but not Then youv thirst Court-lan- d having experience Editor Marbledale very large number of people from here ludicrous Then with charac- The schooner. White Rock, has arrived John Nichols of Walnut Tree Hill, is The picnic of Christ church, in oflice were will be and no harm Is done. Tlii extremity. with a load of conl for C. & the under Cleveland's former scarce, as scarce as hens' teeth. Much at Quassapaug lake, Friday after assuaged, teristic Yankee snap they set themselves Jennings painting his house. street, which was held at Parlor administration, when hi3 father, Adam noon and Is than to to to reclaim their be- Son. no doubt, could be written about the evening. easier, better, safer, cheaper gu..le work zealously Mr Marshall, who lives at the Gorham Rock, last week, was --well attended Watts, was postmaster, is not a new Miss Stock well of X. is In laurels. did the French blockade of or the row in Syracuse, Y., large quantities of exciting drinks. This is draggled Nobly Bridge- place, is buildiDg a new barn. cars of and old hand, and will no doubt give satisfaction. Siam, friends in town. friends rehearsals were ar- L. A. Curtis and E. B. Curtis and wife Eight young people, Commons visiting trenching on the physician's province, an port respond, Mrs Nichols Wakelee suffers with a a the House of or base ball Mrs is on the sick ranged and with excellent results. It is arrived home, from an of a threw thoir cares away, and enjoyed The are the addresses of Young list. may not be well put; hut ask any Saturday night, badly sprained foot, the result fall. following games. No doubt, too, the columns of physician expected that the musical standard of extended tour in their delightful time, at this popular resort. letters uncalled for at the Depot oflice : Remember the gospel temperance the seat ot thirst Is In the If not ra the which has been naptha launch, S. P. Buckingham came home, last The Bee might teem with Solomon's in Town afternoon stomach; village, frequently In all sailed over 1000 from N. where Owing to the resignation of the Rev B. Mrs Charles Mahusten, J. Albin An meeting hall, Sunday ther In the mouth ami notwlthstandln complimented, will be maintained here- "Titania." they Saturday, Lakewood, Y., derson. wisdom and advice to the coming Con- at 4 o'clock. tlirout, Wileman as on the St Lawrence and he has been for treatment his son, E. Warner, it will be the last one he the whole demands water. after. Miss has officiated miles, Hudson, by G. S. was in last week. gress which meets on August 7. Advice Dr Rodger has had a telephone placed system organist in one of the prominent Park the in which Dr F. S. Buckingnam. Mr Buckingham would be present with the school as its Bryan town, in his oflice. Yet are men in the canals, they passed through Next Monday beinir the first Mondav as to what ought to be done with the there who get red face, City churches for several years and with 130 locks. and suffers with heart trouble. superintendent and rector. Assistant A band of were Into a a un honors until delicate health They report enjoyable in the month, the selectmen meet to silver purchasing clause, and as to what gypsies encamped at and perspiration, and into very gratifying . David Edwards of Bridgeport has Green had a as Middle first of the week. forced her to retire. time. some his Superintendent busy day draw town orders. action should be taken with to Quarter,the part comfortable state cooling been spending time with aged of respect an- generally, taking S. usual, attending to the details the One of the best stands in the black The colored people will hold their In it. Miss Hattie who has been sick father, Capt J. Edwards. the tariff, whether speedy or tardy leg- drinks, sometimes a fluid with a "stick" AN ACTIVE ENDKA VOlt SOCIEIV, Jessup, smith line is the establishment of C. S. nual picnic at Quassapaug lake, next is Mrs Laborie has a young from day. islation should be the aim or the men Nonsense. Uon't over-muc- fluid of for sometime, gradually growing nephew which Wednesday. take any An entertainment of substantial and with her. Cole, from its location, draws a weaker. The doctors do not have any Bridgeport boarding STEVENSON. Mr Cole and his assis- who are to assemble, and talk and fight Chester Fowler is in New Ha-e-n. kind Into the stomach tills hot weather. Kx interesting character (for the mind and Mrs Watson and children have visited large patronage. visiting so hope of her tant, Mr Castle, shoe a great many and fillibuster for the sacred cause of citing drink adds fuel to the fire. Pure, body), is being framed, raised and com- recovery. Miss Jane Mills. a ' of board of was S. Sherwood is visiting friends in Eas- norses, and have good line of work in the But those prolific Miss Ruth Sloan of U visit- water Is best. pleted by the social and music commit- A meeting the health Mr and Mrs Lewis who the iron wood line. country. topics Waterbury tees the Endeavor to held but too late to be Thompson, ton. and are ruled of the items of a ing friends in town. over-much- , (f Christian society yesterday, report moved out country And don't cat especially hot ed issue of have recently into the Beers' Mrs Albert of is be given late in August. The society is for this the tjee. in Well's work in Bridge- Hawley Naugatuck correspondent. He, or she, are expect- food. The does not need place Hollow, sister. - stimulating system especially strong socially, its active mem- A concert will be given in Washington to and fro visiting her WARREN- ed to confine their view to the MIN0RT0WN. it this hot weather. Kat fruit and bers six churches and em the Philhar port driving daily. Miss Annie Johnson of New Haven is scribbling vegetables, representing hall, evening, by Theode Hubbell has boarders from t of local such as the loss of umbrel- In bracing many Congregationalists and monic ouartet, assisted bv Miss at John French's ; also.Miss Jennie THE NEW POSTOFFICE. news, it in good condition, and take them mode Agnes New York and New Jersey, making 16 Spring of barns and houses Will Walker of Waterbury i at Mrs R. Episcopalians as well as Methodists Bayles. of Ansonia. new is las, the painting ate quantities, uo moderate on Ice cream re- in the family. The postofiice fitted up with B. Judson's. The object of the entertainraent is the Simon Banks has moved into his new Miss Carrie Baldwin of New Haven is new and of all sorts and sizes, the length of cu- even. This advice is free. of the society's depleted trea- Mr Gayhart's family drove up fi'om boxes, conveniently arranged, plenishing house. m two davs. all en at C. E. Bradley's. presents a pleasant, quiet, and neat ap- cumbers, and the size of eggs which Mis Mary Goodm.in is visiting her sury and the of a stated sum of Jersey city They letter-bo- x raising The hearing on the Coley will was a dinner at the sea last Will French of White Hills has been at pearance. The street in some one's hens have laid accidentally, sister at Thomaston. The lovers of the luscious huckleberry will money promised to Five Points mission, joyed shore, of office conven- New to swell the held at Norwich, yesterday. It was ad his uncle's, William O. French's. front the proves a great the latest new bonnet which Mrs Gossip be sorry to hear that owing to the d York, help funds for mitted to and Charles Meeker Saturday. ience to the The are not of an extra the benefit of the fresh-ai- r children probate Mrs George Hardy has visited her Mrs Charles Booth is on the sick list- public. has, the latest freak of some mother-in-la- potatoes quali- weather the eron will be a small one In th in season it was decided en qualified, as executor. David home ty in this The farmers are dig- Early the to father, Laborie. Mr Seagrist's children are at the WARREN'S PROMISING SONS. the building of a fence which has vicinity. vicinity. The berries as well as the crop ar tertain for two weeks in our village A large party went to Milford, Mon The Laborie familes and D. stead ging them quite rapidly for market, the ana a shore dinner Birdsey Mrs Martha is been in ruins for a generation, the pur- very small. several of these needy little waifs. But day night, enjoyed Hubbell had a shore dinner at Stratford, Knapp visiting friends average price being about 1 per bushel. movement opposi-ton- , is in Her son, of Los chase of a horse or 1 brand new cow, the awakened much Mrs F. Disbrow not able to be out last week. ; ASPETTJCK- - Washington. Edwin, a vij-i- t Kuropo'a misfortune in a light hay crop w and places were found for only four yet. She has been sick about two weeks Miss visited Angelos,Cal., paid flying recently. etc. But it is not always possible to get Mias Clara Minor has been spending a them- Fanny Labor'e has her He with his brother, of Grand b America's good fortune. The children, many persons avowing Josiah Hawkins and family have re of Behtel John Lodell has Rold his on Nor Elbridge, hold of such startling news, unless a j few days in Southbury the week. sbortjige selves to donate money to this uncle, Jlill Judd, place Island, Neb., are pushing young busi- past the In Swit willing turned from the world's fair. A from made at the ton Hill to and has person be a fort of hay crop England, France, Spain, worthy project who were unwilling to party Shelton merry Bridgeport parties ness men, that Warren may well, be omnipresent busy Mr and Mrs Chauncey Atwood attend- erland and Holland an homes. was at formal- E. Baker and daughter have returned home of E. J. Buckingham, last Thurs- moved in with Frank Banks of Lvon's of their We have body. Aud to be that is not always has created unprece open their It last from Plains. proud birthright. ed the entertainment given by George dented demand for A bark ly decided by the society to send the Chicago. day evening. many others of their equal who have conducive to the maintenance of a American hay. Mr Grumman and have return Miss is with her make a Wallace at GjuassHpaug. We are glad means promised, instead of sending for family Tucker traded one of his Mary Jennings grand gone out to home iu other lands. good name. So, Mr Editor, your corres- sailed from Ilaltimore the other day for France the children. A will be ed from the South and will make South Stephen parents, Mr and Mrs William Wakeman. Still Mr found we still had that Mr At wood is able to be out special collation horse?, last week, with Charles Green you, Editor, will have to you this again. with the greatest cargo ot hay ever shipped taken in the G.JO next port their home for the present. a J. Gruman has his barn covered and it enterprising ones left that are pondent disappoint meeting, Sunday for mule. seemingly week in to the com- Mrs Hotihstiesces fcf is at trom this country. night. The young people are hoping to Miss Jelliff and Miss Itich entertain will be ready for its tenant, the mail car content to work and improve the old regard tragedy and Bridgeport raise 10 in this way. friends from Mount Vernon, N. Y. rier's team. farm. edy of human life in this place for the J. H. Galpin's. Money Invested tn a bank is as safe Mr Hughes from Bridgeport will soon SHERMAN. C. M. Abbott has a vei'7 sick horse and Prof B. E. Carter of Harvard is past seven days. Perhaps, to give you Mrs savings A STEP TOWARDS KETTEK KOADS. college E. I. Goodsell spent Sunday with a can on and move his family over and will be with C. probably it will die. his vacation at his father's, Dea a little encouragement and to you anything be this earth, people & spending keep her mother in Roxbury. is the maca O. Jelliff Co. E. Carter's. , becom- who withdraw their deposits in such times as Bridgeport city extending Daniel B. Mallory and .Ms Thomas t. from having the blues aud from dam road the entire distance to the Samuel Rice has left C O. Jelliff & Co., of New was Calvin has had an abundance these are foolish. It Is to note the Quinn are on the sick list. Agustine Sackett York ing despondent over the seeming dull- Harvey gratifying Trumbull line on Nichols highway. The and will go to Stamford. here with his family over the Sabbath. of so that his friends condition of our which is act is and it is In Litchfield ness and lethargy of your correspondent, berries, many prosperous bank, highly appreciated, hoped Birdsey Peck has returned to Stepney Charles Ingersoll has received notice County Mrs John Angevine is her sis- it to assist him in the w that our town will soon funds visiting it may be well for me to state that at thought necessary thriving under the hie management ofTreas- appropriate Depot, and will not return until busi- on estate of ter in New Mrs Lawrence Can-fiel- d. for the work at least to from the administrator the Milford, this while am gathering. Whether the assistance paid urer Northrop. The statement printed In last carrying good ness starts up again. Rockville to be moment, I penning you the Green In Nichols. John Barnum of present these few serious or not, the berries were picked and the week's Bkk, was indeed a strong one. lty Mrs Parsons spent Sunday with her at the distrubution of the estate which WASHINGTON. David Strong seems on the road to re- thoughts "concerning son, E. P. Parsons. : life is uncertain and his the of news in this vicini- gathers had all they could possibly take withdrawing deposits at the present time, all Iiufus Owen has lost a fine horse from is to take on 15, Mr covery yet great great scarcity J. A. Wakeman and have re place August Inger- age and feebleness renders re-- hens are like care of. Is 1 , ltMl. He was bitten a family perfect ty, my cackling everything Interest lost trout April hydrophobia. by rabid turned from their annual vacation and soll being one of the heirs. Mr Barnum very doubtful. dog some weeks ago. A DRAMATIC TREAT IN STORE. covery in my back yard. It may seem rather Mrs James McGee is at Iter father's, D. Joe is once more on duty at L. F. Sher left an estate valued at 10,000. but the character S- - - . Father Fox is to be commended for Ids wood 8. i Poauas-se- trifling news, imagine Mansfield's. . in of The club will give a dra NEW MILFORD. effort to foster the among The roads the south part the of my communication if the hens were temperance spirit - matic entertain meut in the hall on Wash There i3 a little EASTON. town are in a condition. Some in the front making-'- fearful din quite petty thieving the boys and young men ol the town. He STEPNEY. frightful Au SOME yard, of them Nel- ington Green on Saturday evening, HORSE RACING. under the window near which I am going on here. Articles are" watched proposes to organize two societies among the BIRDSEY BEERS. being nearly impassable. 12. to be right son Richmond has the road as gust The drama presented, Our popular merchant, Hubert Thom- off these lines. How pretty closely by owner. Some one young men of Ills parish. There is too little Beers was born in repaired is a farcical in scratching very: be evidence Birdsey Easton, Ct., TEMPERANCE INTERESTS. far as his land runs. It would be well 'The Ulster," comedy as, "is the owner of a horse that has much more solemn in tone would these may caught and enough ob" temsrance work nowadays, generally speak' August 20, 1S10, and died in the home of three acts written the author of "The tained to send them to Wrethersfield for a his 82 D. will meet af-- for the farmers in this to follow by shown some speedy qualities of late, so words of mine be ! a sad fare- lug, and a local movement like this in ques birth, July 25, 1893, aged years and Company Saturday vicinity is Farewell, where 11 months. In 1829, he was 3 his Senator," and exceptionally good much so that when last week he trotted Mr news becomes vacation, they can be taught that tion In all our October, ternoon at o'clock. example. well, Editor, till plen- may result great good. If I'here 18 Considerable - command married to the now much bereaved wid are characters. a mile in 2.34, his enthusiastic admirers tiful Eat and well and take the ment,"Thou shalt not steal" young men could grow up with ow and a union 63 The annual of A barn five or six tons of in is we again. sleep temperance enjoyed happy for meeting Stepney containing time preparation being given and at once decided tha't he was the fastest of exercise and will drive off mast be observed. what a it would be years. Their union was Diessed with Woman's Christian Union on the Carrie farm was con- fewl in who at-- plenty you principles, great blessing Temperance hay Rogers warranted assuring those horse in this section and laid their plans the which news must inevi- One of Roderick At wood's men to eight children, of whom four survive, will be held 3 sumed afternoon. dumps dry cat the coming generations. Tur-ne- Wednesday, the 9th, at p. by fire, Thursday teud that are not to go away a race him Mrs Wade or Long 11111, Mrs Chanty y they likely for between and ''Oxford tably tend to produce in you as you sit himself severely on the nmwiug machine, in. A full attendance of the members 50 ' of Mrs Curtis of Monroe and Mr and Mrs Louis Whitehead dissatisfied. The tickets will be 35, Chief." Aftw of the local horsemen . Here's New Easton, spent enthroned in majestic serenity in your last Saturday. a bit ofnews from York state that Ransom Beers of Long Hill. The de is desirable. Persons who hold temper- Mrs Whitehead's and 75 cents, on sale at the postoffice. had an idea that the latter a Bkk Sunday visiting mother, although confirms position taken The regard- ceased met with a severe accident some ance and intend re 1-- by offering envelopes Mrs George Hoyt. There is no doubt but what all the re horse made a record of 2.22 and last leg state prison convicts. The experiment of 14 years ago that dislocated his right them will do' so before and strained the sciatic nerve to an turning please served seats will be sold early and that fall, because he made it on a one-mi- le using convicts of the state prison at Clinton, thigh the annual Mrs Charles Woodiu and baby and incurable condition. . Still he continued meeting. all may have an equal chance, sale of track, that on the wonderful Conetia park N. Y., as road makers Is said to good re Miss Grace Wheeler of Danbury have 23 give his work at the bench, cobbling, until seats will begin at noon, Thursday, Au one-hal- f mile track, he could hot make sults. The men work well and have made no three since which he haa need IMPROVEMENTS AT THE BAPTIST been visiting at Dr Wheeler's, return years ago, gust 10. Positively no front seats on the three minutes. Accordingly they ar- trouble, and the cost of guarding them is not ed the faithful attendance of his dear CHURCH. ing home on Saturday. stove reserved. companion almost constantly, being most pipe ranged to have Oxford Chief's" owner . great enough to make their labor unprofit Lewis Rommers, assisted by Messrs What Is or the time btui uncomplain bring him down, Saturday morning, A helpless, Nichols and has com just able. s we said before, no say we again, put he endured all as soldier of Sherman, Lyon, - liASKBALL NEWS. ing, "a good menced worm on LYON'S PLAIN- to drive with "Red Dan.'? Saturday the convicts In our at work on the the and "as him who is in- the Baptist church, prisons cross," seeing it in white, l'his church was Last afternoon the Washing being stormy the drive did not material- "l'ls the to solve visible." The funeral services were con painting Saturday public roads, quickest way ducted at Lee's on built after the same plan throughout as Miss Vesta T. Fanton and Mrs Phcbe ton ball nine the Wood ize. Monday morning Mr Hungerford chapel Thursday, July the Methodist and both white Depot played the road problem. 27, bv Rev Samuel Gurney of the Lous painted A. Fanton spent Tuesday in Bridgeport. nine on the Woodbury ball grounds drtve down with ""Oxford Chief" and Hill with blinds of green. To persons pass bury Methodist church, assisted by the ' the was not called at the his appearance on Bank street was the In the Forum the critics of newspa and his remains were borne to ing through the village it suggests Chris Mr and Mrs Charles C. Salmon and Although game August pastor, tian and Drotnernood. time advertised, the crowd of the signal for a general stampede to the pers are attended to In a refreshing stylo by the Baptist cemetery for Interment. The unity daughter, Ethel,1 recently visited at the largest bearers were Messrs E. Almon season were to witness the park. Pliuy Squire rushed out of the Editor Miller of the New York Times. He Seeley, Mr and Mrs Ernest acid residence of Dr Frank Gorham at Valley present game rench, U.Der oouid and Bennett Seeley Staples daugh- The are a fine team, but New England house, all excitement, finds tnat the castlgators ot the newspaper ter of Shelton have visited at C. B. Forge. Washington's Wrheeler's. thev showed the need of practice. The hailiid Hungerford, and inquired if he have set up standards that are either Mr and Mrs Hobart French and son Mrs Fred Stebel and son of South Nor- Castoria Is Dr. Samuel iPitclier's for Infants pnss, -- Mrs Stone and two children of ' Misses Hattie and Fields of Shel home team made a very poor showing In was going over. - He replied he would if prescription wrong or unreasonable, and a newspaper Bethel, Julia walk has visited her Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Wilbur French of Hunting-tow- n, ton are guests of Mrs Herbert parents, the first and second innings, making all they wanted to. Then word was sent to and. Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor to them would be a Wright. also have entertained managed please ghastly Mrs E. McCarty and daughter of Mr and Mrs Dayton Andrews of Souh Philip Gerhardt; the errors in those innings, but after that E. O. Marsh to come up and drive "Red other Narcotic substance. It is a Itarmless substitute failure. Taking the world as K Is, which is Stepney, J nomas Perkins of Hattertown are at Wheeler's Dr TaDner and brother of New York and one started for the and Miss Emma of ington visiting Bradley they played the best ball they have this Dan" every park. for Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. the editors have to take It, he declares McCarty Bridgeport, Mr Mrs Dan-bur- Paregoric, way all visited Mr and mra Levi Sun and Charles Fowler of City. season. The following is the score: Not until that minute did Hungerford of a devoted trench, have visited at Postmaster - It is Pleasant. K Its guarantee is years' use by that the implication newspaper day. Purdy's Mr and Mrs McChesnev, who WOODBURY : realize that the boys were in for blood, thirty entirely to exalted themes Is commercially finest Uncle Amos Birch is visiting over in ' AB BII K A FO K not his Millions of, Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea Levi French has the piece of po have been visiting her father, Josiah 3 a 0 11 0 but although he had speeded whereas the now are on ooucneasi, in JNew xorK Cnrtiss, lb, 6 Impossible, newspapers tatoes and corn planted Charles F Williams, have returned to Norwalk. Minor, p, 5 0 2 9 1 0 horse at all this season,' he is not the the Mother's Friend; is in Miss Lila Moore is at the World's fair. 5 0 0 . 2 10 0 as good as ttie age and the world In which Gilbert's land, there town. Tomlinson, e, man to back so he borrowed some Hertiappy descriptions of this wonder Mrs Eunice and Miss Alice , Maikliam.Sb, 4 0 0 0 down, And we he's about Miss Eda Sargent of Farmington and "If- f- Merwin, Kobert-s- 4 0 0 12 0 Castoria. they are published. guess fill avhiht finfllli, !lnJ " rf, and and booted Castoria. Miss Hattie of Monroe 4 1 0 00.00 0 boots scalpers as a rule lead the pub- - E. Taylor spent Merwin. to'tOTMthl attended the neral of Stephen Strong, It, right. The newspapers last with Miss Elosia A. Sel-- Holmes, 2b, 4 2 2 2 2 1 Chief thebest he could, and soon ap- "Castortaisso well to children that Caatori cures Oolic, Constipation, Wednesday of such an French on at Easton - 3 1 2 0 0 2 "up adapted and undertakaking, and Sunday Muck, ss,- : llo In exposing wrongdoing championing leclt. vt-n- though I ' the track. It was decided : I recoisunend as to Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Q n AotArrorKirion Via oro fv fV. Leach, cf, 4 0 1 0 1 1 peared upon it superior any prescription Eructation, one-ha- lf mile heats M. D Kills dfr Justice. Harry Cantield, shipping clerk at on to'witness for Mra Mary S' Fanton and Mlss Eleanor to drive only and known to me." H. A. Abchkr, Wbnna, gives sleep, and fmoiotea Tuesday, himself the 39 7 ' 14 27 4 j a few times horses 111 So. N. Y. IjOOtner's corset factory, Bridgeport, and of this monarch of fairs. II. Adams spent Sunday at the former's, Totals, after scoring the Oxford St., Brooklyn, greatness WASHINGTON: : were sent and in about 10 sec- -t Without medication. know Miss Alice L. Canfleld of Long Hill are W. away just injurious Farmers of this Ilousatonio valley Mra II. W. Adams of Bridgeport, who brother's, T. Bradley's AB K onds the admirers of "Red Dan," who spending their vacatjon with their moth 7 " use of Castoria ' is so universal and with their brethren in has been at the home of Mrs David Os- Longtail, c, 5 I 3 j on real-- The how to sympathize Mrs II. E. Canfleld. 1 had bet their cigars, etc., him, i or, The hour of morning service in Em Meramble, p, 1 0 its merits bo well known that it seems a work - several have were so born for the past two weeks, has return 12 0 ized that had "bit off more than "For years I recommended East Hurttord, whose tobacco crops M. Rowland and Mr Roswell of manuel first Sun Logan, lb. 0 they of to endorse it. Few are the ' Capt ed to the city. church,commencingthe Reed, 2b, 4 2 9 0 j could chew," for almost as soon as supererogation your Castoria,1 and shall always conJ..a ta cleaned out hail In the recent storm with Mr Kow 1 . 0 they families who do not Castoria badly by Bridgeport spent Sunday Miss la will be at 10,45 and in Oilell, 3b, 4 2 i were "Red Dan" was off his intelligent keep do so as it has invariably produced Ettie and Carrie Hull have visit day August, 1 0 they away benO tasted the same modlcluo in former land's daughter, Mrs I). W. Edwards. ed in Newtown at Mrs 1. W'yant, cf, 4 0 and staid off most of the time. In within easy reach." resutta," They've John Warner's. the at 7.45. S 0 0 4 feet - llAH-TOf- , D-- .. one evening J. Wyant, ss, i CAKL08 D. , Edwin F. Pabdkk, JL D the Connecticut During Wednesday's shower of the 4 1 0 0 mean time "Oxford Chief! made the years. Later Investigations, Mra Moses Hull and Mrs Zalmon Pur- Noble, It, the - 125th Street Ave New trees in front of D. W. 1 0 1 New York City. , and 7th York City. no of maple Edwards', visited at Rev Mr Cyrus Sherwood Bradley of Southport, Richmond, rf, 4 0 first quarter In 34, then discovering that Farmer finds, make change worthy was blown down. dy have Gilbert's at was of . . other horse "out of be In done to the bandy Hook. secretary "The Sons of the Revolu Totals, 36 7 10 24 the sight," Tax CcaxurB Compaht, 77 Uutoat Stwbb, Kkw You Crrr mention the reported damage Mr Mrs Guckert chil 0 the home stretch was and Joseph and A ladies' black cloth was on tion,". called on L.' R. and Rev Washington, 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 3 jogged along until tobacco crop by hall. It Is figured at $100,000 dren of have visited at E. V, cape lost Hoyt Wooclbury, 0 4 1 4 9 then the many admirers of "Ox Bridgeport the road somewhere 10 4 00 reached, the outside of Schwartz's. between Cold Earned runs, wooflbury loft on bases. ford Chief" had an to witness in East Ifartlord alone, injury and Newtown, last Woodbury 1, Waaliington 4j struck out, by opportunity One Miss Hattie is a spring Friday Minor 9, Meramble two base Minor bis remarkable qualities of endurance that town being relatively unimportant. E. Taylor spending Anyone this cape will please M"s Hyatt Gregory of Silver Mine, by 7; hits, Trov, William McGulre.James Donovan, John of Hawleyville. Mr and Mrs Gregory NEWTOWN, CONN. BEE Mcvarrny, i nomas Keane. Towels, Mia John Campbell. and the grandparents have the deep CouuterpHiie, Mrs Bernard Casey. sympathy of all in this a miction. THE I'UIDAT, AUGUST 4, 18;JS- - Napkins, Mr and Mra Martin Keane. KlaukWs, Mrs John Blake and family. Kuif, .lames Carinody and Patrick Urilllii. REGISTERED AT DICK'S. CIRCULATION: Itutc. liertha Houlihan. THE D. M. BEAD Run, Patrick COPELAND COMPMY, s Keane.John MoNierney.Thom G. Mattison and wife, New finest known to the trade for the manufacture of JANUARY V . Joseph Is the material Ladies' Fine t.1882. 610 as Keane. York; N. M. Beach, F. W. Russell, Jr LAST WEEK, 8400 Rus, Miss Mangle Taltv. """'Shoes. has placed on sale Bug, Harry and Delia Keane Bridgeport; J. H. Knapp and wife, Kuk, Mr and Mrs George A. Mitchell houth .Norwalk ; F. A. Tenne, JNew - Huif, Joseph M. Cox. O. L. G. C. Boston Kiig. Mr and Mrs William York; Bird, Brewer, BRO'S. CO. Kirby. . . BBIDG BPORT. Affairs. About Town. lluir, Mrs Miehael Illake and lauillv. i K. iiartweil, J. lu. White, r A. nine, (Superb silver caster with cut glass service, M. II. Grilling, A. 8. Watson, Danbury; -- SALE OF., Mr and Mrs John Clark. JM. Sliver knives and Thomas C Hatch apd wile, Bridgewater, MATTERS OF BUSINESS. forks, McCarthy S. Willett, Bridgeport. One Thousand Pairs ami mmuy. nilver spoons, Miss Mueirle Griffin. Satin tidy and tumblers, Representative M. Tystrz: For tho next 30 days Montlgnanl, the r . Collins and wlte. D0DGINGT0WN. TPn"7"IE3ILDS5S Ht 105 IState - Chenille table cover, Mr and Mrs James goods photo artist street, Bridge- Mcl.ratli. Peter Bchan had his horse taken out Of these Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Button Shoes at the low of $2. will make at Imlf price They are -- port, photographs Chenille table cover, Misses Man' J. and of the lot, Tuesday night. The sheriff made in all and are worth $3 a all clean, fresh shoes not A.ISTX) Taken With of Salt Water price In order to reduce his stock. Julia Kiran. found it In Monroe, styles pair Plenty Tortoise shell handle knives and Mrs Thursday. odds and ends of defunct shoe factories- - We are splendid opportunity to get good photo Nellie Koran. forks, Misses Susie, Lizzie and Fannie Scud- - the still A little sun and a on Oxford Ties and Low Shoes from romp the sand, the graph. Oxydix.ed silver dressing case, Miss Katie der, expect to leave the World's fair the slaughtering 49c up. CARPETS. is the best for summer nicnianon. Jtttth, and go to Michigan. They will al following prescription V lame cioin ami napkins, Miss Maggie so THE LIBRARY FAIR. i.yncn. visit the western part of York State good health we can write: Cups, saucers and plates, Mr and Mrs Ml- - and expect to get home about August 10. cliael Mccarty. . S. Hcuiider tninks of to Chica- A Brilliant Sucoeer Charm Clothes frank and Kil going At 10 Cents: Pretty Booths and bride. wrintjor, Maggie go about the middle of October. Sale Attendants. Notea - ing of the Event- Antique oak center table. Michael Jordan R. T. Crane, wife and son were the Clearing Huckabuck Towels, with every thread linen center Thomas and Mr Sun- pare Cherry table, .Lynch guests of and Mrs G. Crane, last not little napkin sized affairs. Bed borders- - No less Tlie of the fair luiniiy. - luanagtrs library I'arlor mp, Kdward and Annie Troy. day. the dozen. scored u success on in koso lar. Mrs Maggie Lum. Mrs L. A. Barnum took the 7.15 train, by Tuesday night, . rat-ric- Patrick and for ex- 1-- their HangingBrew. lamp, f Bradley Tuesday morning, Pennsylvania, 2 fair, quite beyond their expecta- pecting to stay two weeks. At 12 Cents The In Itaniiiet lamp, Misses Josio and Bertha tion. rain storm the after Mr and Mrs C. last S. eaily Aiiannon. Hamlin started, - huSSZS&. G-OOD- noon cleared away, and the sun shone Antique oak table, Mr and Mrs John Don-Ion- Saturday, for Brooklield to make a visit. Large size, good quality Huckaback . Towels, F. L. White bleached- - clean finish-borders- Close forth once before it Hank behind I'liiMli A. Beardsley and wife, and Smooth, wove, fancy again arm rocker, Brew Seanlon. others were at S. over the western oy to the I'lush arm rocker, Stacia and Daniel Keane, Smith's, Sunday size 19x38. hill, bringing rretty willow rocker, Misses Magtfio and Mrs L. Durant spent several days with managers of the fair. The gross re untie lirew and llnorge Brew. her mother in Picture, trained, Mr and Mrs T. Costelio, Danbury. At 19 Cents -1. Lockwood was celpts of the fair were U2, leaving a I'icliire, trained, Misses Susie F. and Katie E. II. of Torrington the 3G7MAIN STREET, IllUDGEKffiT. SILKS. nut of $110. The old Town hall a. uarron. guest of LI. D. Shepard, recently. All linen Huckabuck Towels, a prodt 1'anel picture and easel, MtsBes Stolla and Mrs E. C. Bevans is ill. Miss C. Hemstitched, very blushed In iNeiiie quite Choico Chinese Silks 49c ; 73o excellent Towel for - Size fairly its gay nttlre, It Kilbride. B. Comstock has been staying with cheap at the money- 20 to 40. Picture, "Tho old song," Misses Maggie and Black Surah S'Jo, well worth 65c. looked handsome, 'l'he booths were ar Mamie Crottv Marlm her. and Crotlv. Colored Surahs 29c, 75c. All at ranged on eitner side, one oootn was Picture, '"Twlxt love and duty," Patrick E. C. Bevau's mother died. Tuesday. 60c, At 25 Cents Keane, John McMorney, Thomas . Keane. August 1, i)8. half value. decked with bunting and tiny flags, 1'alr pictures, framed. Miss Annie Keatinir. aged All the better of silks In black Turkish Bath kind is so Picture, (rumeit, Jotin and Michael J. Keane. Mrs O. .1. Ferry was the guest of Mrs grades Big Towel, just tie that another in pink with sweet pea as floral P. F. and fancy at lowest prices. . for water and so to skin- - Picture, trained, Madigan and Thomas wiuiam Ferry. - thirsty soft the 24x52 big. trimmings. .Still another was decorated Ul ew. Mrs 1. vv. Mrs G. Crane Artificial Teeth Without Plates- - Andrews and Athlete's Towel, and every fibre flax. One Picture. "Art wins heart." Henrv A. In Artificial Teeth Willi Set on rough, pure with ferns, which were quite general in leiio. visited tier daughter, Mrs F. E. Piatt, Plates. teeth rubber $5. Best rub does the business. It's full of 20x38- - Picture. "Her first iewels." John. Miehael Redding on the 13th. B;t $8 and $10, warranted lor three years. There is no better invigoration. the decoration. Chinese lanterns and and Miss made, no matter how much you pay. Johanna Koran. Miss Lottie Senior will teach the Stony and Modern In all its branches. VELVETS. bunting helped to complete the decora- Picture, framed, Michael and John Finnell. Hill not Hill. Filling Dentistry At 20 Cents Pair pictures, "The proposal" and "Forgiv school, Strong Your fare allowed on $10 worth of work. 205 Main St, CONN. tions about the hall. The fair was en," Thomas Keatinir. A.Betts of Stony Hill was the guest of DANBURY, Black and colored Velvets $1, 1.25, iiihi-i-Iii- Pure Silk Towels, 18x46. Soft to opened at 8 o'clock with the "That Picture. "The ibiv niter the. - , " Trl...... air and Mrs F. last 1.50. Much less than usual thetouch,smooth, farce, J . Hcaulan. Andrews, Sunday. price. softens the skin is was a Miss Susie Andrews of Taunton visited THE MERIDEN DAILY JOURNAL Illuminated Velvets 79c; worth $1.25. spongy, and agreeable to the most Ilascal lat," which given lively Picture, "The favorite swain," T. J. Corbett. - Picture. t Miss Nellie Nash of also has decided to accept the plans of the sensitive- The cast was as follows : "The last dance." Mn Dodgingtown, presentation. Lynch and family. Miss Jennie Ferry. lat MuNoKjrm'ty, a liamly stirvant, Picture, trained, Miss Josio Ilaugh. DRESS GOODS. M. Clark. Easel and picture. "Full oi mischief." Mrs At 25 Cents Harris O. I'. I. Illls World's Columbian Tourist Company, on hall and tamilv. Black and navy Storm Serges 50c, 75c Major I'tilTJueket, pay, Kasel and nicture. Mrs, I.. n'Oonnell imd P0ST0FFICE GUIDE. most investigated the plans of all others. The Journal has with Double Huck Towels, bleached, and makes W 111 N. Having thoroughly arranged and $1. grass it Northrop. family. Call or send for information- - nan Mr and Mrs Frank MAILS CLOSE. as to send a party of six to the World's Fair. Colored Cashmeres 25c, 50c, 75c. a good deal of difference whether a towel is Ctiarlu MvingKfon, poor but ambitious, S rack, Kirby. grass Arthur.;. Smith. gold piece, Patrick McMahon, Jr. OOINO SOOTH : Whip Cords, regular 75c goods, clos bleached or whitened by chemicals- - Size 22x42-- niuue to I'utl'Juukot ami lit love 8.38 a. m. WOOD & ing at 50c. immaculate Damask Laura, 9.45 WARNER, WOLFE, Beautiful, Towels,nice enough Mitts TO a. m. Cheviots for Outing Suits 75c; would with Charles, Mamie Blackmail. ORGANIZE TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES-Fathe- r for the chamber." fringes-Border- s 4.65 p. m. Agents For Connecticut, be at $1. "guest Heavy knotted Nuney, her umld, in love with Pat, 6. p. m. cheap 12 c "self" or colored. illss llattle Northtop. Fox announced his numose at GOING NORTH : Sateens Irom up. The of tho fair feel St Hose, last Sunday, of organizing two 10.30 a. m. Sanford Building, Bridgeport, Conn. Ginghams froin 8c up. managers deeply 4.55 r temperance societies, one for bovs be p.m. Challies 6c; lor.-ne- price 12 indebted to Mrs Wesley Hayes, who con- tween nine and FOB. SANDY HOOK 9.45 a. TT1. 15, to be called cadets KKUISTEKBD MAIL CLOSES. so is a tributed and assisted in the ar- and the of SOUTH. who acceptably supplied the Congre Bridgeport, which sufficient guaran- liberally other young men. A meeting two weeks will tee of its LINENS. of the fair and in the work of will be held at St Patrick's hall a week 9.30 a. 111. gational church, ago, superior quality. THE. D.M. BEAD rangement NORTH. on The Elsonboss brothers are Full ot COMPANY, from Sunday, after the 8 o'clock mass. 10.15 a. n.. preach again bunday. cutting lines all staple domestic and the evening. Mrs L'latt, who was the large quantities of grass. ' table linens Reduced 4.30 p. m. Miss at prices. prime mover in the fair, deserves great Money order department open ail day. Ophelia Thornhill will teach the credit. Baker contributed a ACCIDENT TO MR CARROLL, Office hours from 7.30 a. m. to 7.45 p. m. WILL BRING ON 80ME COMPLAINT. Center district school the coming season. Fancy Goods. VanlJiper MAILS ARRIVE. Tbe Boortram has been bridal of cake, which was drawn Miss lohn who is At this season of the people should property pur- Laces, Ribbons and lull by Carroll, employed bv FROM THE SOUTH. year chased by a man named Allen Smith Embroidery, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. .V ISetts & be careful of their rooms. and stock. Annie Sanford. line quilt was drawn Terrlll, Co., hits his hand done 7.50 a. m. very sleeping and has already taken possession. complete 1 1 a. is nut Mrs Knowlton and an elaborate sofa up in a sling. He dreamed the other m. rroper ventilation good, tney Noble Foster of Staten Island has vis- by he was a arose 5.45 p. in. should be careful as to as the Hosiery and Underwear. night catching horse and FltOM (5 covering ited his brother and at pillow by Will Nichols. from his bed Til NORTH. are and before sister, the "Old and put his hand through a 10.20 a. m. evenings warm, morning Homestead." Shirt Waists. an absolutely safe investment. Please llalGe, dressed 25a2ic ; live fowls Hal3c, dress- Among those who presided ut the va- window. 1 he wound bled profusely. It 5.45 p. m. t gets very cool. Borne ot our mends Felix McGinnis note the letter from Col Pres- ed lSa22c; calves alive Cat; d w llalic; From Hook, 11a. m. cold in and it is li- is enlarging his barn following lambs alive 7aSc, d w I3al5e ; alive 4i5c. rious booths were the following: required the nttention of a physician, Sandy have taken that way an addition built on. Children's ton, for the who d w Sal sheep find to able to on some by having special agent company, lie; hay baled $18a30 per ton, loose flower table, Missus lluhhull, Southworth who take several stitches. bring complaint. Arthur Gates, wife and two children is in tne iast again in their interest : l!ta22; straw baled IHai'i, loose tlTalp; pota- anil Startling news item in Newtown cor of X. 29. toes aoca fl per lmshel; squash 50c per dozen; Warner. Mrs Zalmon Peck and her niece, Mrs Danbury have been entertained by t'tica. Y.. Julv ISO. ; in News. C. : cabbages 4a5c each cauliflower lualSc each; Fancy table, Missos Klssaiu, and Huffman from Mrs respondence Danbury Weekly Mrs Lucy James Johnson. Dear Sir beets 25c dozen I5c AN EXPENSIVE ROOSTER. Norwich, visited " Thompson. I have been per bunches; radishes do; I.lnslcy. Isaac Beers and Rev H. L. Frederick Foster and peas dried 1.75; beans marrow ., me- Wheeler's sister, Caroline, spending a few weeks in Central New York $2.25:13-30- (Jake Mrs Mrs V. S. Five men have returnrd from their we a amount ot our dium J2.15a2.25, pea ; honey ; table, Wesley Hayes, young from Bethel came family, last week Thursday. carriage drive Hot Weather Comforts. where had placed large beeswax ; common 1 ; Tunic Natitonl ami War- Mr and Mrs Chamberlain and New Haven securities, and I find a uniform srood feeline 25&c apples ba sugar tMatt, Misses Mary over to Taunton district, last week, Jjent daughter to visiting relatives. light maple lie, dark 10c, syrup 75a0c per gal- of Mrs Cannon and Master Mrs Pavillion- - and satisfaction, without any exception in ner. on a racket, and they got it. Araonar Jersey City, Rachel Dennis of l'oughkeepsie, Lawn all their investments with U9. In fact it is lon. fancy table, M laws Taylor, Judson, (Jlover other amusements, they plucked the Miss Sarah Beers, accompanied bv Moore and Mr and Mrs John Cannon of N. Y., .'is visiting her nephew, Albert pleasant to see such good feeline with all in and liners. feathers out of one of Briscoe's fine Miss Florence Warner and Master Ho- - New Haven are at Dr R. N. Betts. Churc h on Whisconier Hill. Co. our transactions with them. All our interest Isaac The Gopeland Brother's POISTEES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS- - Mrs Charles H. Mr bart with William Beers of has been paid promptly, and when deben- Candy table, Northrop, roosters. Briscoe straightway called Warner, tures have become due have been paid ou Misses llattle and Kdlth I'eek- - the Newtown officers into who left the latter, for the time. In the I we New lot of Wallace's best Northrop the case, place II. II, Smith's old home in the ' general crash think stand candies, goods Street, - BRIDGEPORT. in at E. V. Sale of cream and cake, MlssttN Abbiu I'eck called on the aforesaid men in an World s tair on Ihursday, isoffe-e- d GREENFIELD HILL- as we always have, firm, and can do all we made, just Hawley's,also extiafine young Augusts. now owned by C. F. Beardsley, have promised, and that nothing is safer than bon bona, chocolate and assorted candies in Uuorgln l'eek. oflleial and were 2 capacity they brought for rent. THE BIG SHOWER. our debentures. I hope to be your way soon. and pound boxes. Main of lemonade, Miss May IVek. oerore Justice with As f L. Preston. Cavanaugh, charged Mrs Huffman left Zalmon Peck's on the present newsy and popular ever, yours truly. Home-mad- e and sugar waters in small box- chicken Bather than have the A terrible thunder shower visiled this grew ot stealing. Thursday to visit her brother, Fred on Danbury News, died suddenly in Albany, es, also fine line fancy cakes and crackers, matter aired too much, the justice sus- Wheeler ol Monroe. place the 26th, doing a great deal of week. He became well known Liliie Lewis started on Tuesday for a fresh every week at E. F. Hawley's. MISS JiciUHON-M- tt KEATING- - and settled i'or Fairfield Chat. to fruit and shade Thursday visit to the World's fair. pended judgement they County damage trees, large through a contest for a seat in the New Look at the beautiful line of presents E. F. 8!) each, making a grand total of trees being completely ruined. Some York last winter a Clarence Burr has a fine new carriage. I Uawley is giving with a pound of black or B. Clifton Fail-chil- wife were lifted out of legislature years ago. mixed tea at au cents. A social affair was marri- for fooling with that rooster. and spent the ground by the He was a of at his" "s i3 notable the last with his uncle in FAIRFIELD- - roots. One corner of Mrs Lewis Burr's member the Senate E. G. Beardsley house ready for age of Mis Mary McMahon, daughter of Sunday Danbury. death. He was 79 years old. He edited the Try a can of that clam chowder, it's deli- house was struck by lightning. Very - plasterers. cious, at E. F. Mr and Mrs Michael McMahon of the AT THE GRAND CENTRAL. and owned for years the Duchess Demo- Hawley's. - AN ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT. little damage was done the building but nnnf- in (yViboflno in T T onnrif oil HiQ & McGran have at their store the Glen, to James T. Keating, rod of Mrand Harry Fnirchild was home, last Sun- Miss who an trn Taylor Mrs of Gas St F. C. Hull, Mr and Mrs W. Zunder, Josie, was standing in life as an a man of con- - best line ol carpet sweepers in town ; call and John Keating street, at lay. The tableau, "Vivants," at the Town open received a shock which she active editor, NeW HaVd! COlintV. see them. l!oe church, Tuesday, 1, at 11 fieginald E. Zunder, B. 11., Leopold A . on out door, August Elsie and A. Marcus hall, August 1, drew the largest still feels the effect of. Solid oak bedroom suits, all new stock, at a. in., Father Fox otliuiating. There was C, Fannie Spier, and most fashionable audience its - & and Paul Wiel wife. New Ha Miss Grace Judson and Jerome Judson A citv official was caught in a market- Taylor McGran's. a nuptial mass. The groom was attired wife, and walls have held for a time. It A number of young people from here room OXFORD. In ven W. N. ; T. T. are a; Niantic for a weeks' sojourn. long man's daak selecting toothsome Pillar Extension Tables in oak and ash at the conventional black. The bride Adams, Newark, J. was packed. The entertainment well attended the boat race at Cedar Point. A MeOran's. lans-ilown- chickens, in which he got imprisoned, Taylor looked in a dress of cream :!, Header, New Haven ; F. It. Kimberly, was fine. Mrs S. K. Blair Mrs A. W. Mills r) SCHOOL MATTERS. charming F. M. deserves the patronage, for it and (himself an was one of the oc The best line ot and rockers trimmed with cream velvet and Danbury; Dugan, Meridon; J. one the of the Stur-ge- s fancy easy just Any desiring report Mrs Harrall and Mrs Clucas, who man- of Clinton, N. Y., also Mrs W. E. currences out ot the last weeK. the school on arrived at Taylor & McGran's. She wore riidrnead, F. C. Burroughs, S. P. Ferris', State board of can have it suc- of ordinary, At meeting Tuesday passementerie. pearl W. M. agriculture by aged it, deserve great credit for the Westport, spent the day at their It is fair to sav it was an honest transac of A fine line of settees and veranda chairs beads, from tlie World's fair, Courter and wife, F. J. Courter, on the tow n clerk. cess Mrs O. - evening, the report the comm.tteen at brought wife and B. B. Meeker and calling attained and to J. Wright, cousin's, recently. tion and the shutting in accidental. a site tor a new school house was ac- Taylor & McGran's white kid slippers, white hut, trimmed daughter, who arranged the most ar- Mr and Mrs Seeley Bibbins of Easton on officeholder same. and cream colored ; C. Pratt and "pictures" One the all the cepted and a committee was appointed Beautiful line of oictures and easels at Tav- - with white silk ribbon daughter, Bridgeport J. and too much have visited their lor & McGran's She wore a of white roses wire, Thomas The ladies' prayer meeting will be tistically perfectly, praise daughter. to buy a piece of land northeast of A. Sandy Hook store. tips. bouquet Hrookheld; Gallagher, held next at with Mrs Wheel- cannot be given. The successful posing A company or ou or more spent a very vv. was and carried a white feather tan. Miss Patrick McGivney, Danbury; S. Mailer, Tuesday 3, time Mr the 28th. Lewis' house. A committee Special bargains in choice sardines for a few New Mrs R. M. er. showed the result of patient practicing enjoyable at Coose's, LONG HILL. also te be at aD ad days only.10 cents a box.three.for 23 cents, al- Mary McCarthy, a cousin of the bride, York; C Tousey, Mrs was in appointed present so 15 a E. A. F. and each participant took their part The evening spent music, singing, to be held 12, best soused mackerel cents can,at F. was bridesmaid. Her dress was of stone Uawley, Long Hill, J. Murphy, tlie in-- i of nice journed meeting August Hawley's. Nev Milford. well, especially little tots. The dancing and recitations. Plenty REMEMBER THIS MEETING. to hear the of a committee on blue landowne and she wore a corsage Rev E. H. Dutcher from Bridgeport, a termission was most occupied refreshments were also served and all report of white carnations and curried of agreeably The annual of the Long Hill plans and estimates of the cost of a DOGS Every owner or keeper of a dog who bouquet former pastor the Methodist church, by Mrs Wallace Merwin Puckley, who expressed themselves as delighted with meeting some were neglected to register the same, and a blue fan. I'atrick J. THE with his are old will be held school house, ladies out, feather Bradley NORTH CENTER LADIES. family, visiting friends sweetly rendered "My Lady's Bower" their evening's pleasure. Viliagelmprovementsociety and it was to see them who fails to comply with the requirements ot of the I). M. Head Co., Bridgeport, was in Sandy Hook. and was obliged to to an encore. Miss Nettie and mother oil in the hall, Tuesday evening, August s, encouraging sight the law concerning the registering of Dorson the beat man. After the the respond Coppernoll at 7.3U o'ciock. unicers voting, as they now have the right to do or before the 20th day ot August, 18U3, will be ceremony, The ladies of the North Center Social A surprise not down on the bills, was Brooklyn are boarding at Mrs Arthur commencing at all school We think that liable to be prosecuted for violating the Gen- bridal to the home of the will be elected lor the year ana meetings. lK-- party repaired club met with Mrs John Judson, Wed Mrs J. R. Smith and from the calling out from the audience of Merwin's. ensuing as when at home is so eral Statutes of Connecticut of where a was held in the daughter such other business will be done may mothers, teaching 1 bride, reception nesday afternoon. All agreed it one of are a week in Eric Bushnell, who obligingly sang a Mr and Mrs Hanford Lyon of Rock for on the minds of the BURR HAWLEV 200 friends and relatives Bridgeport spending Sandy re be before the Frank impressive good Wm. B. evening. Fully the pleasantest of their gatherings this Hook. drinking song, and in response to an House, were at H. B. Burr's, Sunday. brought meeting. well be allowed extend to FERRIS, Selectmen. of the contracting parties were present season. The Mrs Smith and "Kock me in the cradle of the Mrs Banks or uuurora, ana W. Hadiey, Secretary. children, may A. Lt. uinit, fantastic toe singing by George their influence beyond their home and and they tripped the light Miss Grace Judson was enjoyed Deep." After the close of the program son, George, ot Clinton have been visit- in A black and white shawl on greatly - EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS. have a word to say as to what LOST plaid until 6 o'clock the following morning. all and Treasurer C. II. Northrop reports an the audience was loth to leave. As a ing relatives here. puplic road to Taunton Lake. Finder will by present, heartily applauded. - our school and school houses shall be. Bliss' orchestra rendered delightful mus- attendance as it numbered increase of deposits at the Newtown sav- result of the two entertainments' the A company of JO at Mr E. G. Beardsley is repairing and re- please leave it at the store of ft. II. Beers & ic occasion. Vocal music also the Increases, gathered Co., and receive a suitable reward for the more than any previous meeting. There ings bank during the month of July, charitable fund has "received a good Coose's, Sunday afternoon, to listen to modeling his house, making a great im John Perry has returned home from added to the Interest and pleasure of all. would have been other familiar faces 1893, which speaks well for the institu start. another of the Sabbath both in appearance ana con the West. PLAXTS For sale; Inquire ot C. bride's suit was made of explanation provement CELERY Main Street, .Newtown, The traveling present, but Parlot Rock offered greater! tion, considering the quiet times at the school lesson.' All who attended felt venience, a large auuinoii naa uccu Miss Katie Andrews was home over Conn. cream Henrietta cloth and la very pretty. for those who otherwise local factories. AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. more than and considered it a great built on the east side with a large bay will make home attractions, paid Sunday. T710R SALE The happy couple their would have honored us with their pres Kev Dr S. a privilege. All are made welcome. window. A veranda will add greatly to Mr Merwin of Milford is with Sine cows, five due to calve In South Norwalk.. The groom is well - (j. Burroughs preached will be cover visiting A this:tall, one pair stags, bull. ence. We wish for the circle many A of 18 a most powerful sermon, last Sunday, to a Something over $200 was realized the tront. when the whole E. N. Tucker. two heifers, one yearling. JOllX known to our readers. lie U a deserv- and we party gentlemen enjoyed from the lair and festival. . ed with a slate roof. George Curtis and of the Y. P. S. C. GBJFFIS, Monroe, Conn. conductor on the New pleasant meetings predict that clam bake. at. Lakeside, last Friday. very large congregation at the Congre The members E. edly popular these bright spots will in the future be Daniel the church, for his A company of gentlemen from Burr's Edward Cornmng are doing the work. will hold a picnic at Lake Quassapaug New Haven and Hartford railroad, g Camp superintended bake, gational taking topic, v York, pleasi-- reminiscences to look back up and the clams were said to be No. 1. "Why should I believe the Bible." At street drove to Cotnpo, and from there the first of next week. All are cordial-l- denial, whole souled and of recognized on. went out black fishing on Mrs Samuel Beardsley lost two cows, invited. Is a with all on the close of tbe service he received cor Monday. week. AT HALF PRICE. ability, he favorite the dial from of his former S. B. Waksman very kindly offered his killed by lightning, last auga- - road. We Join their many friends In The ladies of the greetings many which were tuct SO ARRIVALS AT MRS NICHOLS'. energetic Congrega parishohers, all of whom expressed a boat and services, accepted, NEVE to For the next days I will wishing them a full measure of the good tional church, bought their and all came home with their week wed- Huntington, firmer, belief than ever. delighted as as The wind, last Friday, damaged make thing of life and a long and happy carpets and furniture for tbe new church days pleasure. Whooping cougn is raging uiuvu the roads in some places, easily taking ded life. Among the guests from out of Among the late arrivals at Mrs Addie of Howard & who Miss of Deerfield has ever. JNew cases are coming ou. on Barber, Birmingham, 1 Dan was Clara Bradley off the material which was put there town were Miss Mamie Oehebe, John Mc Nichols' are the following: Mr and Mrs fitted them out with the neatest patterns lie game, last Saturday, been Miss Bessie Archibald. Frank Richard and wile are nappy the road makersT;last PHOTOGRAPHS visiting S'SS! by Mahon of South Norwalk, John u viand William C. Russell, Russel, Ger ladies prevented by the. storm, but weather of over a new comer to their house, a boy. spring. Harry and latest styles. The speak high will be next Mrs Mills and daughter Bridgeport nave a of CiiloHgo, John Brown, Misses Nellie trude Russell, Miss flattie Russell, allot ly of the treatment they received at this permitting played Saturday have spent a few days at Mrs Hopkins'. Clarence Radelifte and wife For half price in order to re- Annie Annie and Bessie Prof Ladd's wie and afternoon. is SOUTH BRITAIN". Foran, Keating, Bridgeport; store. school - The Sunday picnic appointed on.- duce stock. see us. and Mamie of New of Beard-sley- 's ou tuts my Call and McNamara Crotry Bridge daughter of Haven; Walter Nich Eric Bushnell, the noted basso Dr for next if at Mrs unaries Jennings is - Tuesday, pleasant, - port. Astor Weaver, James Moore, Miss ols, Wilton. Paxton's church in New York city, is list. PERSONAL CHAT. Good work E. T. Hook finished his last Park. from Ohio guaranteed. Sadie McCarthy, Thomas Bradley, Mich haying, the guest of Mr Harper, thi week. The church is closed for repairs. Mrs Bradlev Thorn of Glen Brook is E. L. Mitchell and family ael Miss Katie Crow Mrs week. A force from the Rubber shop visitinsr in this Dlace. ' " are at his father's, Dea 2. W. McNamara, and ADVERTISED LETTERS. DrWhittlesey, secretary of the Con ... - , visiting Orman of Danbury, Mr and Mrs turned out to. help him. Barney Keat- There will be a lawn narty ac iu.rs,r Mitchell's. F.M.M0NTIGNANI, Joseph an gregational Ministerial Relief Fund will PHOTO William Halpln of Bethel. Misses Delia ing, Palestine, being experienced his cause at the WESTPORT- - Hurd's. Tuesday evening, the 8th. If Mrs E. Bradley is with her niece, Mrs AETIST.105 State street, Bridgeport Katie Brew The following letters remain unclaim teamster, was to nanale the present Congregational of Conn. Take elevator. Foran, Maggie and of Haw. : appointed next stormy, it will be the next evening. James Lindslev Woodbury. were ed in the Newtown postoflice, August 1 oxen, but before the day was over, a church Sunday morning. WAR AT COMPO POINT. Mrs Downes last weeK leyvtlle. Tlie presents all, without VV. N. a Curtiss spent valuable, and were also 1'. Haines, V. S. lively scene occurred. The oxen went Born, in Newark, J., son, Lyman Tlie strife between David Bradley and Ed with her sister. Miss A. J. Mitchell exception, they Mrs C. L, Buckingham. the road with the men in the Irving, to Dr and Mrs Alfred Irving ward Olmstead at Coram) Point, has taken a very beautiful. The list of presents. up wagon new turn. On June 27, Olmstead erected a pa BETHEL. Miss Purdv from Philadelphia is spend Misses Joseph Davison. The men, however, the oxen, Thayer, rlrst grandchild of Mr and Mrs on of which the title is in some time with her Miss Ada given below, suggests the great popular Miss Annie knowing Theodore vilion, the beach, ing friend, ity of Mr and Mrs Keating among their Gibney, jumped out, but Barney and" the twin Turney. Bradley's name; Mr Bradley Immediately WOLF PITS. Averui. were as A. W. Haynes. boys stuck to the as she reeled over Julia B. has gone to Lake II conHiilted attorneys Seymour and Knapp, and Mr and Mrs Eh B. have return HARD TIMES friends. They follows: D. E. Smith. ship Turney K. J,ivinsrston wens, oi isriaBeporx, anu uuuor Mrs Seeber, the lady of Mount Vernon, Seeley the ledge of rocks, when Barney Anally N, J., for a months' sojourn. t.hnfr ail vine the nuildine was torn down, on ed to their home id Bridgeport. Antique oak bedroom suite.Marttn Wentch, William L. succeeded in with a Moses N. Y., who bought the Morgan larm, Martin John M. J. Spalding. stopping them pitch- Mr and Mrs Theodore have July 3. The same afternoon, Wilson, W. Miss Helen Morrison of New 1 ork Is Corbett, Carroll, Lynch, B. Turney lH.Tner-in-ia- hoarding at H. Platt'S. Mun-son'- M.J. Blake. Frank MoUran. Luther Todd. fork. r.tiH oi wuuseau.aiiu a uukjc, her vacation at Mrs A. D. s. Miss Mamie Gehnbe. Turner. been to Newark, N. visiting their neared and erected the building in a short Charles Jtirotnercon nas repaneu u spending Silver pickle castor, Perry J., tim on the same time. Sevmour. Knapp and the work. - Hllver sugar shell, Miss Maggie Soanlon. children. The hnnsfi. his son Hiram doing Unit doi.-- silver tea knives. John Hotian. Miss Carrie Skidmore of is Well were jmmediately consulted; Mrs Susan Sherman has entertainea Mr Hine and family from JNew i ork LOW PRICES A Mr Mrs Bridgeport Miss Sarah B. of New Ha- town records Searched, and plana arranged nttipje oak Bible stand, and Cnaiies E. M. Botsford thinks he has a 'ilyer'' at William in the Loveridge tor fiitnro action. morniner. about her son and from Danbury. are again boarders at Dea lioycs. visiting Botsford's, Thursday family JK.?s nas so recoverea J. ven is her Mrs Theodore 6 Wells and Sheriff left Ida rerKma iar Raw tllk T.-- in bis newly acquired horse, Rosalind. Street. visiting aunt, o'clock,, Deputy Pike, rocker, Cavanaugh. Southpoi-t- and drove rapidly to Sangatuck, as to be able to be moved and is with Plush arm rocker, Oeorge F. Taylor Last at the course be Turney. was for and I'lu.li rni-ki-- Patrick J. Bradlev. Saturday night where Bradley waiting them, GREEN'S FARMS. friends in village. some of the fast horses of New of Con- Miss Emma Wakeman expects to start, soon two double horse teams, a pair of oxen, Two plush rockers.Mlchael Kllbride.l'atrick passed Don't forget that the ladies the and a number of men were wending Drs Crane and Gay witn their iamuies ETJLINGr. J. KHiiey , jonn n. n uimni wniun. is church one of their ex- Thursday, for the fair, her sister accom- large are - were at H. M. Plush rocker. Joseohiieiio,and Klla Keating. town and says that now he not afraid gregational give as as their way towards the beach, headed by the Mr Soovsmith and family spend- from Waterbury guests Mr Mrs Hurlbntt cellent t suppers, this (Friday) ev- panying her far St Cathcrins, Can., lawyer and sheriff." The sheriff knocked on several weeks at the World's fair. last week. I'lush rocker, and Charles of any of them except the pacing stal- where she will with the door .of Olmstead's hut, and in a way injr Caufield's, and ening. remain triends. JS OI JNew xora. is vusiuiu uio Burton H. Canneld last tnrally.. Michael McNamara and fam Fleet. Misses Nellie Alice Sherwood which immediately brought tbe sleeper, who Mr OSter spent bunday i'lush rocker, lion, Bulkley, in snort or-ir- BeDiamin and Jonn his father's. and Mable Beers also leaw in a few bad been left in enarge, to tne door hrothers. Messrs at Py. days and the sheriff entered the building. Vnat-pr-. moved We have a few Ladies' SMrt Waists Mrs John S- - Arthur Hamlin has his family Pair satin photograph holders, h of coun Druggist C. Bull passed Sunday at and all start from Canada for the fair. Short work was made of the building. It was The regular meeting Newtown - Rev E. A. War field has Deen Yisitmg into C. T. Downes' tenement bouse. I'alr and half dozen silver tea Kent. D. taken down and carted oft, and dumped by the left and are them out at great- plllow.shams N. is W be ev F. Hotchkiss has returned from the road-sid- e a minutes 6 o'clock. This in where he John Fleming cut his foot Quite badly dosing MM Maifirie Kilbride cil, P. U., held, Tuesday tew past friends Trumbull, formerly - saucers and tea John Keat White City. havinerneen aecomnlished.Attornev Wells tel nrpftctied. - '' with a scy the, last Monday. - Cups, plate,Mrs enlng, the 8th. Every member.is re Mr3 Tucker, Miss Englert and Mr Or- - to Knapp, in Bridgeport, ly reduced prices. ing. The storm, Wednesday afternoon, was egraphed Attorney B, Beachside hotel is now well filled with Miss Maria Bradley is visiting irienaa framed, Harrlgan and fam to be present as important busi gelman enjoyed a shore dinner at who secured an injunction from Judge F. fair pictures, I. quested Bridge very severe. Many trees at Oak Lawn Hall forbidding Olinsteaa,- - his servants or guests, about every room being occupied. in Brooklyn. ny. is on vveanesuay. . or TSd New P Mrs Orman Crow, ness to be discussed. port were blown down. A large tree at Wil agents from trespassing npon, erecting ward Sloan and family of F. K. ord irom wooaoury nas Deen leture. framed, any structure, tent or building upon at her fine l for him. Mlssen Katie and Mamie crow. liam Griffin's blew across mak placing - York are visiting Mrs Rapallo getting his father's hay I 'l.nn-tiylniu- l. M Is Maurif U) CftlTOOdV. thtreet, tne lana m aispuue, oi tne ueacn ajacent iumc- Mr Mrs M. S. Oris x eu-eln- on nui. E. A. Piatt is his SUMMER iifiiMh Mr and Mrs M. Jf. Houlihan, John Warner has been under the and passed Satur ing it impossible to pass. Those who to. The writ was given to uepuiy anenn residence Turkey visiting daughter, UNDERWEAE. Cut sota, and at New witnessed the said it seemed to who tust cauarht the 6 :48 a. in. train, arriv- ' Miss Lizzie has purchased a Mrs W. A. Fenn in Shelton, and Mrs F. Carl ami Mini Nellie Kelley. w:ather for the few day Sunday Haven and storm, a Dingee past days. - inar Saustatuek-- few minutes before 7:30 Pair pillows, Mrs Michael Kilbride. North Haven. move up and down like a wave, first in Ann new hcv.'e. D. Bradley in Milford. I ..! Mra Kilbride. n'1'.lock..Iust before Sheriff Fenelon arrived Ladies Jersey Vests 15c, 25c, 35c .,,n,ii Patrick striking the tops of tress and then the on scene wno raw Mrs ShattXsk. and family, who have The same item records the birth and Down mom enow shoe and uni'iue Mrs Charles B. Peck and two child the oi action, uimsieaa Mrs S. pillow,M 1hi woods. been awav over night, arrived and immedi been a month in Greens Farms, death of a daughter to Mr and E. and 50c. puril,tmv. llelttk Koran. ren from is a Hobart Curtis, George Taylor, I. P. soon spending I toa-kettl- Les- Minneapolis, Minn., guest hastened to Westport, and returned on Ntoklo Mr and Mr William James M. Blackman and - to an entrance ately leave for Vermont Thursday. Piatt. ter. at Mr and Mrs K. Iv. Morgan's. Mrs Blackman, Burglars attempted gain Willi Wilson- - ja. large lorce oi men were Miss Bessie Tavlor reports a most en- - Miss is Miss Ada Aver Men's and Fine Summer mifc is "well-know- n t. to leave for Ban at the house of Albert by break- them, to the heach. rheriff Fenelon Purdy visiting Balbriggan lUieitrtoitiM irlana roirtumerv set and Peck the wife of a attor Wesley ayes expect Turney's - .. to-da- on Olm- to the World's fair. She . MliMeH y, a a of The were Rerved the inlnnotion Wilson and iovable trip ill. plinth pin cushion, Mary and Maggie ney of that place. tam, for fishing trip. t ing pane glass. family Htnnd. who the Merino Shirts and from 25c Callahnn. awakened, and the made their informed their retainers what anfint. two weeks there sight seeing The Misses Hubbard from Ohio are (Drawers Dozen knives John burglars situation was, and advised them to return of Wash- - their Misses and each silver and forks, escape. home. Sheriff Fenelon remained on the Mr and Mrs Albert Belvea visiting cousins, Abby to It,.own. Mrs E. W. Dunning and son, Charles. Mrs J. B. Fairchild is all trouble. In the incton. D; C. have arrived at their sum Susie Mitchell. 75c Pair silver table spoons. Mids Ll'.zle J. Gal quite seriously The Petersons are moving into their ground day, fearing laithei'. are guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs ill. afternoon, Wilson hired a pieoe of ground mer cottasre. where Mr Relyea intends Henry Sanford and grandson spent MIhs are New- new house. of near Bradley's place, and put up week A. Mlvnr table Hpoons, Annie Curtln. Courter, who summering in liiaSquires,nmlriinor. Further develonements are spending a portion of his vacation Monday of this at i.. Jt'latt's TuliU eh,111. Mrs ThotnaM Lillla. at First Selectman Glover's. W. E. Mitchell entertained friends over Tubhs cloth anil A town, Mrs Edward of Hook awaited with interest. napklnn, Warner, Taylor Taylor Sandy M r Bradley does not object to people going Sunday. Better goods for the price and lower Ciirtm. has been sick, this week, with a severe on hi3 but when claim a MONROE. Table Rtoth, M r Thomas Keane. An to New property, they - prior Miss May Welch is spending a few Mrx excursion York over the bilious but is now on the i then he will assert his rights. . ever before offered Ttil cloth, Mrand Herman Lung. New York and New will be attack, gain. BR00KFIELD. iglit, days with Mrs A. A. Bennett. - prices than at TlI,1m hHi. Mr ThoinuM Keane. England , on 10. GOOD INVESTMENTS. Table eloth and napklnn, Hint Mary Jordan run August Tickets from Sandy ' DANBURY. NnrikiiiH. AMtor Weaver. Hook will be 91.13, Newtown Rev O. O. Wright has been visiting at Upon the lot of Harvey Roe in Central Tfc is very Dleasine in these perilous and MrsJolm Keat $1.10, has been assure Counterpane tablecloth, tiawieyvtne yi.uu; reeKSKni, i ., tnis weeK. cemetery, placed," this week, MVST BK GETT1KG RICH. financial times to be able to those Our Market one oi the handsomest .monu- i3 interested in the and JLoan as Reports. Counterpane and pillow Mr and Mrs granite The News building receiving another Building R. H. BEERS II Oit.llM. him, ments we have seen in It of stand un--1 WO Mil, k at the home of his 85 William and of many days. story, adding much to its appearance sociation Dakota, that they THE WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Count nruauu ami towela, Mrs Patrick Me Died, parents, Longman family is cottage in design, but somewhat dif and more room. shaken amid the general crash. They K M mui'M.. I'arK avenue, uriugeport, au, Clin Brooklyn are at Landlord Taylor's at the furnishing At cream July - ferent thap the of this are their Bridgeport Butter, choice print Mohu-l- bed and chair, I.imn child of M. general makeup meeting obligations promptly. 23a25c lounge , Wo-- S., only Oakley and Carrie hook. , hument. OF OSBORNE. ery per pound, choice creamery tubs M. Kelli-v- John 1 style of Tbe material used DEATH EDITOR None need have any fear for their sol 1 Kilbride, sjlioehiiti, John three -- 2la33c, choice dairy 20a22o, fair to SalHe, ur. M Put-j.v-il Gregory, aged months; only is from xfie JNiantic . of no good &C0. u'hau! celebrated Edward B. founder the and ; i),r ,t:l,,.w Tlerney, of A. B. and E. P. Fancher quarries. Osborne, vency. With good management common 16al"c ; cheese factory Oaloc, sage He Michael McMahon, Martin grandchild P.ev Otis W. Barker of New Haven, It was furnished by Charles J.Hughes of Danbury Times (1837) out of which demand paper out, their securities are eggs fresh near by SilaSSe ; live chickens spring or find in him ! Here is heroic blend is a very good of in vere BEE. topped and expects to be able to cut be pels, to be accepted without question, courage system morality, antiquity ; under it China has be- NEWTOWN, CONN,, ed with child-lik- e the most it is in no to fore September 1. He ia always one of are they unworthy of serious credence? gentleness; ktngly respects way superior come frozen into stolid indifference. In the-t- with the others. I wish time l rat and lias now the tlnest piece he Was, Christ born In Bethlehem? Was ne bearing of the monarch, united many that permit- India they are bound with caste. The - of a menial a ted a of Its merits with F BID AT. AUGUST J. 1803. ever raised, bo reports the sergeant. by nationality a Jew? Was his- mother humility servant; lofty comparison those followers of Islam were servile slaves. consciousness of Joined to a of other . It we could set it In and Edward Jackson named Mary? Did power, lowly religions. Christianity is the only religion that has Kalph Seymour condescension of life ; a uniform serious contrast with the of Bron-so- n system Confucius, taught the equality of the race. It has have taken the grass on the Able 1114 SPEND MOST OF HIS l.It'K a or or CIRCULATION. ness, (not one recorded laugh), and yet Buddha, Mahomet, its superiority stricken the shackles from mankind and 1 m 5cfo farm. continual fulness of is sublime. would be rnade manifest. at Nazareth, and afterward puDiiciy joy that instantly The produced a race of freemen. The only JANUARY 010 Several families from the Burrltt dis How of Is he ! When others characters the world has ever 1. 18S3 teach, as Is said of Him? Was he con- full repose purest solution is that trict held a and match at are he is calm. No of of Christian LAST WEEK 3400 picnic Ashing victed and crucified under Pilate, the fearful, power produced,outside influences, the Housatonlc, More fun earth ever disturbed the of his have not but JESUS CHRIST IS A MIRACLE Saturday. procurator of Judea? These questions are serenity only practiced themselves, than flsh. soul . Like the uns in their the into 19th all legitimate, and we may press them ; tranquil lake, wept by teachings permitted practice projected the century. The Plot Thickens. News. the storms or unbeaten by the winds, of vices strongly forbidden by Christ! How wonderful has been the effect of Litchfield but Is it not that among all the i The on! County singular men ever saw in his nature reflected ana eonaemnea common Christ on crowds increase! The boom is And it has evidently which infidelity has assumed, the deep anity Dy trie the world's moral and religious phases of how the of the LANESVILLE. life of the one supreme fact of the Image Heaven. And spir judgment Christian world. On life? I have indeed hinted at this in come to The amaze Christ, self-deni- stay. people; they al He the other was astounding bargains iie the has never been seriously it of possessed him. hand, Christ not only pure many places of the discussion already. BETHLEHEM. Scriptures, counted no sacrifice too or cost too in his life and of the I shall not retrace the to Mrs McMuhon is denied?) great possessed highest ground speak draw them here with irresistible force and cause them to go A. H. entertaining dear. His devotion to knew character the world has ever but of the friends. Were the Bible's claim to Inspiration humanity seen, particularly transforming power and the book solely as no bounds. In gentleness and in love, in he taught a religion as pure as himself, of the Gospel, as witnessed in individual away delighted; proclaiming on the highways and byways the been Ignored, regarded in In In ideal lives A (JMANfiK OATUEIUNG. Fred D. Marsh has doing carpen- of would still have a faith and hope, patience and high In its and most beneficent in and Been in the tremendous uplift human authority, it semi-annu- ter work for Arthur Knowles. his- - mercy, he ministered unto the tempted Its results. In its to the of the world's civilization. But I cannot magnitude of the values we are giving in this al On Wednesdny, July 20, Bethlehem riffht to be heard upon matters of adaptation great set and sorrowful, the outcast and heavy race, in meeting its moral needs, iu lift turn from this part of the subject with Kranaro, No 121, entertained Excelsior Winifred Hatch is very ill with fever. tory. But if its testimony be aside, clearanee sale of ours. Cost or consequence cut no figure in this wit- laden, the poor and the oppressed, that ing up and sanctifying and saving,ChriS' out calling your attention to the inher l'omona consisting of the following sub is we are not left without abundart Ella Hamlin of Brookfleld with out of ent of Christ to and sub - 1 he lift them their poverty tianity proclaims iteelf born of God. It power conquer effort to be done- There ordinate granges : Mad liver of Water- - ness. We need not refer to Origen, Jus might mighty unload; the thing has got to is friends in this place. and shame and sin, into the life Is well to remember that due hostile thought and opposing moral Beacon of Naugatuck tin Martyr, Ambrose and the early fath whereby bury, Valley become sons of God, inspir- ities and One of the but one way to do it cut the heart out of all over the Pleanant of Oxford Mrs Armanda Camp Is ill, but her ers, whose testimony might be consider they might IT IS THE ONLY RELIGION religions. greatest prices, Valley Woodbury, them with a new and miracles of time is the marvellous Newtown and friends hope to see her around soon ed colored by their interest ; but we can ing hope making spread store; that we've done. Washington, Watertown, sons of God. Looked at from ev which universally meets the wants of of the first three cen Bethlehem. About 100 were again. turn to disinterested witnesses and even them Christianity during patrons of how and the race. In other words, it is the turies. It without social We don't want odd in At the a class to the very enemies of Christ and the per ery point view, complete per only began prestige any suits our stock. We don't want present. morning session, Albert Knowles, who has been very ill, was his nature. In and in one which is not affected by, climate, or or civil or favor. had of two were Initiated In the tlfth secutors of His church, and find ample fect youth power, priestly It degree Is recovering. in iu in hemmed in by boundaries to commend it but its own truth old stock on our counters, next spring, to show to our customers, noon of a bountiful din evidence to establish the fact of Christ's manhood; private and public; geographical nothing At all partook or limited by class or race distinctions fulness and the and loin Dr Todd of New Milford, also Dr F. birth and life and character. obscurity and iu popularity ; under oppo unique personality and we won't have, from our sales so far this we er served on the basket plan with general No other has ever been a re character of its Not was judging week, E. King, were in this place, Friday. of the Jews, Book sition and in the glow of success, missionary founder. only onadc, colVee, bananas, and watermelon Josephus (Antiquity ligion. It is a fact it is left it without the are our : there striking that favor of the world, but it making Furnishing Eepartment particulary interesting and a pleasant hour was passed in social Kev H. S. Still made several calls here 18, Chapter 3, Page 3) says "Now, HE WAS EVER. THE SAME. alone to of to I: the disciples the Nazarene found arrayed itself the institu chat the At the after the week. was about this time Jesus, a wise man, against is warm weather- - among patrons. during in cross sea and land and conquer the re tions of and the of the tl noon session the "That the it be lawful to call him a man, for he was The negative and the positive graces, society powers question Albert Smith and wife have visited re motest isles for their Lord. Buddhism state. Christ was not crucified as farmer bears more than his share of the a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of all their purity and power, shone only his bother, Charles Smith. as the sun in the heavens. has gone to China and Japan, but not as a criminal, but his followers were hunt- was discussed pro find con such men as receive the truth with pleas splendent taxes," here is a character which must a missionary religion. It went by em! ed from place to place and their lives put Master Ileman . Averlll of Fred W. Knowles and family of Klver ure. He drew over to him both many of Now, Worthy in some so- gration, or, rather, it was imported by In jeopardy. were beaten and im- New l'reston took the lead for the af- district were in our place, Sunday. the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. ;ile be accounted for way. No They can it aside. How shall we the Emperor of China (27 A. D.) and prisoned ; they hid in dens and caves of firmative. Postmaster T. Day- - was Christ. And when Pilate, at the phistry put Henry G. L. Hamlin and wife of Bethel spent was him fostered until it ; were of the men estimate it? This picture of a perfect man by gained the mountains they stoned and ton of Watertown opened the negative. at L. Hamlin's. suggestion principal amongst foothold. Mohammedanism is sawn Monday George had condemned him to the cross is as undeniably hung before the gaze of the only asunder and perished by the sword They were followed by Brothers O. W. us, otner nas over and the flame. Charles Crosby and his sister, Mabel, those loved him at the first did not a Christian world, as that Raphael's system wnicn stepped They had Percy of Bethlehem, Hotchklss of Mad that race of N. are their m the V atican at and national boundaries and has NO OK Klver, C. M. Flower of Bethlehem and Wassalc, Y., visiting forsake him; for he appeared unto them Transfiguration hangs HOPE EARTHLY REWARD, Mr and Mrs C. Smith. Rome. There it the ad subjugated foreign populations. And several others took and the argu- grandparents, alive again the third day, as the divine is, challenging or part miration of the believer and un yet it did not extend its sway by winning 01 iieaveniy gain, except the peace, ments were very interesting. The propheis had foretold these and ten tliouS' world, and contentment offered believer, friend and foe, Christian and in the heart, but by conquering with the by their Leader. decided that the afllrmativo side and other wonderful re judges tilings concerning sword. lslainism has by force But they flocked to his standard and en-- J O-eorg- were Miss Delia Baldwin of Bea- him. And fidel, and the universal verdict is, it is the IE. z right. erected its altars and built its temples dured everything for His sake. In 50 3STotli.rn.a,gle Son. con Miss Benedict of Pleasant The Horse. consummation and of perfection, Valley, THE TKIllE OF CI1 HIST1 ANS, Its devotees are slaves rather than free years ne naa not oniy overrun .Palestine Water-tow- n unapproached and unapproachable. Valley and Arther S. Kilton of men. 15 and and Syria, but had invaded Rome. It Suppose, for the sake of inquiry, we Mahomet preached years gave recitations that were heartily so mimed from him. are not extinct to 00 was in would be instructive to read from Fertul- - GOOD DRIVERS. assume for the moment that Christ did had only followers. It then applauded. Brothers Sherman Cogs- this the born of he lian and Iraeneus and others of the con ! day." not possess this character ; in what po impatience despair that well and Bert Smith of Washington gave a Koniun historian of re- of the In Tacitus, high sition are we left? Remember, it was not grasped the sword and quests unscepteted King. legs t it, , va5- -i us some very line vocal music. Sister WltlTTKN KOH TUB UKK. lived in than 300 His pute, who the first century of the denied at the time. Wouldn't it have years filled all j.ji Sis- Julia Averlll presided at the organ, Christiau era, speaking of the burning of LED THE WAV TO CONQUEST. lauds and a Christian emperor sat upon ter read a been? Neither the Jews, who hated Him, ('lark very interesting essay a horse track sick. Rome, by Nero, says: "To suppress this nor while the throne of the great and once haughty ( visit- Mauy gets the Romans, who despised Him, ever But, other systems are hedged on" ur duty as patrons." Several rumor, therefore, Nero caused others to empire. A' d that hold which Christ ob- Grass is Nature's uttered a syllable in contradiction of the about by insurmountable obstacles; are or were present from Litchfield, Morris great remedy. be accused, on whom he inflicted exquis- tained on tin; world has never beeu re- and Beacon Brother Peck of Gospel narrative. Could such a book and confined by the very nature of things to granges. Variety in training is demanded. ite torments, who were hated by the peo- such a or or to laxed. The apparent o3 of power was Beacon had a dish washer on ex- character be invented and palmed race, class, clime; are unable grange ple UI11 Were vulgarly denom- . not a retrograde movement. The spirit- of Noelle Vara- wears 10 2 ounce shoes. off up n the credulity of the people, with- discover the ascending Way and lead the hibition that attracted the attention inated This name ,de-riv- ual has the same Christian. they out calling forth a word of race to the summit of its achievement, passed through stages the ladies. Nerve force is needed in a from iu single protest? as the world. campaign. Christ their leader, who, Beside, that which is recorded of Christ comes forth ch'thed with di- physical The glacial was to as Chrisrianity was not a a for- the light- the horse iu in flesh. the reign of Tiberius put death is vine in its epoch backward, but During shower, Wednesday, Keep training good power, "xuking glory, defy- ward W. a criminal, while Pontius Pilate was pro- re- step. Through all successive chan- ning struck the wood house of James cause to and NOT CHARACTERISTIC OK THE AGE. ing natural or artificial barriers and Sandy roads horses hitch curator." ges God has been preparing the race for Klyun. hit. joicing to help all men in their search Sentoniua, whoso life entended into the It is not in keeping with the color and a higher civilization and a grander life, l.uther Scott is at his father's I.. for peace and for God. U conies alike Oapt Victor Wilkes' an? born second century, speaking of Claudius tone of the spirit ami thought of the lie is King of king? and Lord of the V. lie has been at youngsters to the ignorant and the learned, the poor Scott's, Wnterbury trotters. Cicsar, says : "He banished the Jews from times in which he lived. Neither Roman whole earth. The nations wait for His for several months a machine and the rich, slaves and kings, old and perfecting Home who were continually raUing dis- superstition nor Jewish were law and the isles shall be jewels in His to wood motion Keep valuable horses away from poor corruption young, of all colors, nationalities and dry pulp by centrifugal turbances, Christ being their leader." In capable of such a per- crown. or a suc- tracks. producing unique climes; everywhere the same glorious force. If the machine proves his life of Nero, he says: "The Chris- In this rapid and imperfect survey I cess It will wood sonality. and beneficent results follow. Enter 425 Main CONN. revolutionize the pulp Tip top road horses aie far from being tians were a sort of men of a this account ofthe life of Christ have not made the question a personal Street, BRIDGEPORT, ma- punished, Again, What do you think of Christ in his in business. Mr Scott is a first class a new and was either written or bad one, or sought to the theme to the Side Boards Irom 10 up. Solid Oak let Pillar Extension Tallies 8 .VI, Solid Oak High drug. magical religion." by good by ftuence on the world ? Keeping in mind apply r.iick Dining Cliaira 1.25. chinist, having worked in several of the of the I en- Breach of faith with horsemen means Pliny, the younger, in his well known men. If by good men, it must be true. effect an problems present day. have machine in Boston, Water-bur- y, the fact that every must have Goods Delivered In Newtown Free Of - leading shops letter to the emperor Tropin, has a long If not true, this would prove the writers deavored merely to call your minds away Charge- New Haven and several Western disgrace. adequate cause, let us approach the his- communication bail, which is a contradiction of the pre- from other things and fix them upon the Vi'e manufiuitnre all our own T)4T?T AT QTTTTQ and lor style and comfort they Bom and raised on a he torical facts which center around 'his can't lie surpassed. I'rices 1 OUllO I ways reasonable. shops. farm, Dishonest associations should be mise. unique character and of 1(10 now in .AllljUIiCome see CONCKUNING 01 lil.STl and seek for them an ex personality Itiiby Carriages stock. and the grant! display from f4JM to f&5. thought there was something better for allowed to die. THE AKS, man, adequate The Ileywood. The Gciulron. Tile lines ol' the land. If, on the other hand, it were written Who measure influ- OUR GREAT LEADER. him to do than hoe corn and potatoes planation. can the. What would a trotting meeting be how by bad men, we have the strange anom- ence which he has exerted and still ex and milk the cows for 12 to 15 hours and they should deal with them, and I have desired to magnify that life and AT NOTHNAGLES. AT N0THNAGLES. without the refei-- aly of bad men inventing and imposing on And if can bo u and we think he found it. Stick- pacer. incidentally to Christ as their lead- perts the race? it esti make sweeter still the name which is day a lie upon the people, and then dying 423, 425 and 427 Main St., Conn. to the farm Is all If like It, Blue Sign is said to be a pacer of the er whom they worshipped. mated or measured, who can account above nams in Heaven and Bridgeport, ing right you willingly in its behalf, which is the very every earth. but our likes and dislikes are different. 2.00 variety. It is important to notice that the writ- for it 011 natural principles. If a word has been said to highth of absurdity. enlarge the But we do not blame our ings of the early skeptics and infidels, How has Jesus affected the thought of and in- farmer boys Breeding and the power to train in "The man who could create such a vision, strengthen the faith, and for some of the farms where it Is the commentary of Basilides, the reviews the world? Enter to then leaving speed go together. character, amid such surroundings, a spire greater things, my ohject all woik and no play. of Marcion and the works of Tiberius, has beeu accomplished. A 2.00 will be the mark of character which has held under its magic THE WORLDS' GREAT LIRRARIES. prediction Celsus, Porphyry, Julian, Ilierocles and It is appropriate before closing to turn Have 'You or WLore '1)3. spell the whole Christian world, must 500 pacers or trotters at the close of the never a is all fi Symrachus, against Christians, have the of Christ him- Take passing glance (for that for a moment to the immediate occasion Which you want to Invest, where it will be sale, at per cent, pavblc mi ain inlly ? KENT. call in the matters of re- possessed powers II so write at once lo Dill'erent horses require different question fact a you can do) of the thousands and tens of of our coming together We are corded in the self, genius immeasurably superior to treatment, for what is food to one may Gospels. other in " thousands of volumes which have direct here to dedicate to his name and wor- n Qiri Rcm No. 1, Chamber of Commerc?, of the third refers to any history." be poison to another. Celsus, centuiy, or indirect reference to him, and let me ship this finished sanctuary, which out GtVitSHi? KKl'KNT AlililV AI.S AT KKNT INN. the of Luke and Remember what Rosseau says, to sup- oAftW Ohio, Gospels Matthew, John, that some one it would ask, "What other great character has of your hearts you give to Him. Toledo, It is folly to expect a horse with no and makes a al- pose originated And he will loan it on Toledo real estate. llobert 1). Bolce, David Merdes, by name, nearly hundred be to a set the world to thinking and writing a wonder than the o, William W. breeding to become successful sire, lusions to or from the New suppose greater Leads to REFKKKXCES First National Bank ot Toledo. )., Second National Hank ol Ton-d- O., Ooorge Schwartz, Bruce, quotations about himself, as has Jesus." Friends Coughing Consumption. -- even if he Is a fast horse himself. hero himself. lion T. 1". Brown, Toledo, Hon tieorffa W. Mitchell, south liritnin. Conn, C. New York City ; W. S. Price, Brewster, N. Testament, lie mentions the birth of and enemies alike him this Newtown, Conn , and (., if desired. Tichte, the German skeptic and athe- pay unequal Kemp's Balsam the at many others, V". ; G. S. Adams, Robert J. Pitt field Uobert who drove Dan Wilkes Christ, the slaughter of the infants by ed Take the most illustrious slops cough Orr, Toole, ist, homage. once. Mass. ; O. K. Lowell, Boston, Mass. ; P. II. in a recent race at New Britain, Conn., Herod, the flight into Egypt and the re- names in history Alexander, Ca3sar,Na- - I'AVS JESUS Til E HIGHEST COMPLIMENT Feeny, Dover Plains, N. Y. ; Charles IC. is 82 years old. turn. He recounts the leading events of poleon, Washington, Shakespeare, Ba Cceley, P. Willis Holley.New York City ; his life, mentions many miracles by one man or can an- Newton ; men iu the church or in The trotter and pacer are in some sec- genius pay con, 1 n, er kind ; Eggle-sto- name, and believes that when in J.T. Ulder, Hudson, N. Y. 8. Christ, other, him the pro-pound- the in letters, or science, or art, tions of the country almost equally pop- making original state; pHa l'oughkepsie, N. Y. ; E. S. Wade, I'gypl learned of the magicians the art of his own system of philoso- and what do we find? At the most there ular for road use. The earning capacity te;ay cures! Sole W. W. Bronson, New Haven, Ct. ; F. E. of performing them. He also "Jesus did more are a few score of books written con Manufacturers of of lias of late years been so large- phy. says, n Buckley, Wlnsted ;Charles Kala- pacers The Emperor Julian, of the fourth cen than all other in and not so much for 1 Garvey, ly increased that to breed them is now philosophers bringing cerning them, that, Mich. ; S. S. N. not refers to but Into in ; mazoo, Buckley, Amenta, tury, only Christ, speaks Heavenly morality the hearts and the men themselves as the times which T much more remunerative. of FITZ-K01- Y.; George 11. Miller, Albany, N. Y. ; many of his miracles, such as. homes of men." Again, "Till the end of they lived. They are taken only as cen THE 7 William Bussell, Auburn, N. Y.;L. S. time all the sensible will bow low before ters, and history is grouped about them Mason, Newtown; E. C. Bogart, Bridge- THE HEALING OK. THE LAME this Jesus of Nazareth, and all will hum- to make it luminous. But not so port. Huntington. bly acknowledge the exceeding glory of with Jesus Christ. The volumes written and the blind, and the walking on the this great phenomenon." Again, "His concerning Him are almost countless. PATENT R0XBURY. sea. followers are nations and generations." And who is he? A Jewish youth, who Ilierocles, of the fifth century, at Al- Paul Richter calls Jesu3 "the purest of lived 1800 years ago ; born of obscure a I A III NAWAV. admits Christ raised son a m A SERMON exandria, that from the mighty and the mightiest of the parents ; born in poverty ; the of Mi the dead DUMPING WAGON. Burton Bradley, while enroute for certain persons and healed pure, who with his pierced hands raised carpenter, despised even by his own home from Naugatuck, on many who were sick. empires from their foundations, turned brethren; a youth who grew up in ig- Saturday, be We are the sole and exclusive under letters of the wherft he had been with a load of pota- These quotations might extended at the stream of history from its old chan- norance so far as the schools were con- manufacturers, patent, Preached at the Dedication of the New Congre- became bewildered and while length, bringing the witnesses down to nels and still continues to rule and who lived in then United No. dated 7, 1893, issued to Robert Fita-ro-y, toes, get- Church Sev A. F. guide cerned; obscurity, States, 491343, February gational at Huntington by the and the in- m ting his bearings right, by some mishap, present century, confining the ages." The comparison Rosseau taught for three years and finally died for which two broad as follows: Pierce of Danbury, Ct. to those who are in- v Dumping Wagon, contains claims, his pair of horses ran away, overturning testimony at least stitutes between Christ and Socrates is as a criminal dies, i.v ..X H different to the claims of r 1. so the wagon and breaking It somewhat. Christianity, if almost too well known to justify repeti- The vehicle is built to carry very heavy leads ani is constructed not CONDEMNED AND CRUCIFIED. r M be loaded auk load with Mr Bradley escaped with only slight positively antagonistic. The quota- tion. What a difference between the that it may easily the dumped but slight exercise of tions thus far made are from the enemies son of son Ma- - bruises and cuts on his head. The horses " What think ye ol Christ?" Matt. 22 :4i. Sophroniscus and the of Take these volumes from the libraries power- of the church. But ! Socrates dies with surround- VICTOniA TT. .TOTTNSON". were not much Injured. He had a barrel The day this question was asked by why goon multiply- ry honor, and examine them. Many were written New Bedford, Mess. 2. The body is carried low and is pivoted so far forward as to 1 man who can seri- relatively of flour la the wagon that was thrown Christ was perhaps the most notable of ing testimony Any ed by his disciples, listening to the most him. Open the covers and on i?Ai3 rxsx: throw a larsre portion of the weisrht on the front axle, the adjustment of the the of against hope ously deny leading facts Christ's tender words the easiest death that one O out and landed all safe and right. all hlsjninlstry, especially Jif measured the title page you will discover a date. Phrriio Monil fotonr.ri body upon its pivotal point being so arranged that a large load be dump-UlilUiii- birth and well have his to die. dies 3 l9 may by the number and variety, the scope and life, may sanity could wish Jesus in pain, What does that mean? The Grecians ritthdl t'aUliillJg ed by a boy and the body returned to place- - called Into The infi- uni- WEI. US UETTINO LOW. power, of the discourses which he deliv-e- d. question. foremost dishonored, mocked, the object of reckon their time by olympiads. Rome, We are sole manufacturers and have the exclusive The best del of this who ridicules " People Say it is a Miracle ! " 1 right. wagon It was spoken on, Tuesday, that generation, the versal cursing the most horrible death from the founding of the city. No oth- jf on the market-- ' The rain of Saturday was welcome Christian church and believes memorable day of the Passion week, the whole which one could fear. At the receipt of er name in the center of dates. History 1 VICTORY FOR DANA'S!! here, as we are badly in need of rata for of an dares (followed by the day of silence and 'ob- system religion imposition, says that the founding of cities, or na- 13 Bead this Won!rful Stntcmpnt, m Sc all crops and also for the traveling pub- not the THE CUP OP POISON. h sent us by Church & Hamlin, Pharma-5- f HALL but itself crowded full of action deny spotless character and or the recurrence of events indi- 2cistB, Cor. Williams and Pleasant Sta., :r- - - lic, as roads are and scurity,) tions, l New . 15 Housatonic Avenue - - BRIBGEFCET, COKN-- very dry dirty. matchless life of Jesus of Nazareth. Do ar Bedford, Mass.: 3 ' and life. Coming in from he Socrates blesses him who could not the civil life of people are alone Dana Sarsapabii.i-- a Co.: low Bethany, give cating feints : ' Streams are very and unless rains know what the B3g Pkar I have had 'hrnntc nnl drew the lesson from the withered fig-tre- e, you Itosseau, great it to him without tears ; sufficient to mark the or the for many yars, mid have been ft great come we will have Jesus, while boundary sufferer.Ontarrh had soon, many dry wells, French infidel of the last said : IIrv five IkhvUlu who as and preached to his disciples upon century suffering the sharpest pains, prays for flight of time. But this man, who nev- HU have told mo my disenaewat so bud they could they are getting quite low. "It would Hiiofe hell My throat waa ao bad I could fgjii Mackintoshes, Waterproofs and Rubber Goods the power of faith. hi3 most bitter enemies. If Socrates er studied in the schools of philosophy; only the softest food for aix months. Myy leatS3 nose was swollen out ot shape. Ioou!di Rubber Boots and Garden and a line Nearly every one has finished haying When challenged in the temple as to lived and died like a Jesus who had only a few fishermen for his not drink two wallows of water at a time without sM Shoes, Hose, large of Rubber philosopher, Maits being forced through my noatrila. My throat BE MORE IXCICEDIIiLE I rE Goods of tbe and have had good weather most of the bis authority for driving out the money lived and and died like a. God." Napo- this'man, who never wrote a wea eaten away so badly that one Physician thought n every description at disciples I muit have a surgica.1 operation. I had given up time. The crop was secured in good changers upon the preceding day, he an- leon said, "Everything in Christ aston- poem, or instituted a law, or organized small hopes of recovery, but through the influence of a of men to "iricate P friends 1 began using 3BLnl3"l302. tbem for number t such a me. ; His or a or wrote a shape., swered by asking concerning the ishes spirit overawes me and a church, built temple, R. 139 store book, than that it should contain the ac- A.BridgeportLACEY, Proprietor. Fairfield avenue, BRIDGEPORT, CCNN Jackson & Whitney had the misfortune baptism of John, and confounded the his will confounds me. His ideas and book, has the whole world dating its count of a real life. No Jewish I to lose the road horse of chief priests who sought to entrap biro. writers sentiments, the truths which he announ events from him --Truly this is wonder- they purchased assumed .none 1 SAItSAPARILLA Then came the with the .the tone, expressed the ces, his manner of are not ful. How has Christ interwov- Fand with the flrt bottle teimn to Improve.!? Latool Ira Booth ; was the cause. disputation convincing, strangely have taken three bottles and trsn overfeeding atsure you of the has such QI linjii-ovei- t, 757"or UPelXit has another from Dealer Gideon lierod la ns and the tribute money, the morality Gospel. It explained either by human observation en his teachings with the world's pro- Sjaro wonderfully physicallyIif lei's Trxxio.l3L. Whitney marks of such inimitable ?and mentally. My throat Is oil healed, Sadducees and the resurrection and the striking truth, or the nature of His and in every field of and en- can eat any hard tibetance and El A full size, flat covered with heavy dock, fonr slats on and two around White of South Britain. things. birth, gress discovery ffjlpeople who know me say it ia a miracle top trunk, top slats all tits social law- marks, 'that the writer of such books with" a Respectfully yours. m-- iron bound and strongly made, 28 inch 30 inch fl, 33 inch S6.50. 34 iack 7, future state, learned scribe or the history of his life; the profundity of terprise. Did you ever sit down VICTORIA H. body, $5, JOHNSON. 13 - HO Miss Mamie Brown is a few would be a wonder than their 78 ineh 97.50. For sale spending yer, and the question of the greatest greater his doctrine, which grapples the mighti- map of the world in one hand and a uni- No. Merrlmac St., New Bedford, Moss. by with her old and hero." Dana Co.. days neighbors friends, commandment. est difficulties and which is of those difT versal history in the other, and study the jg SarsaparUla Belfast, Main. Q the Misses Camps of Koxbury, Falls. We can claim as true that confidently Acuities the most admirable;.: solution ; two together? If you will, you cannot which the Gospels assert of Jesus Christ. Andrew Minor of Wallingfordhas been THESE TIIREE CLASSES his gospel, "his apparition, his empire; fall to be impressed with the conjunction Ave. Middle father-in-la- All laws of historical evidence confirm 42 Fairfield and 78 St., BRIDGEPORT, CONN a guest of his Ambrose II. his march across the ages and the realms-everyth- ing of certain great facts. Read your histo- In turn assaulted him with all the the narrative. That which Headquarters for , Wllsey. Ills wife and children have been logic Scripture is for me a prodigy, a mys- ry and then trace on the map those cen ' and and at their com- would subvert would overturn his- iitii ooia sua oxiuc here several weeks. They are to return cunning, ability it, all insoluble, which me into a ters of progress and of power, where What is the Use xtitraesn, acta, jeamer j mamgs. mand, and were met and de- and all literature. tery plunges to their home, this week. severally tory destroy The pro- reverie from which .cannot ; a of vhen 25 cents own fol- I escape suffering, feated on their ground. Then cess of reasoning that denies to the Chris- THE WHEELS OK INDUSTRY will buv bottls to- mystery which is there before my eyes ; a J.WILKINSON, William Merwln has a fine piece of lowed no less than seven or eight notable tian church its leader, would not set great a mystery which I can neither deny or Y.M. C. A. bacco, although very early. By discourses, including the terrible arraign- equally well blot out and Chaldea, are busiest; where commerce plows the BUILDING, And It has Egypt explain. Superficial minds see a constant cultivating hoeing ment of the scribes and the Greece and Rome into a de seas ; where art furnishes adornments ------pharisees, turn myth, resemblance between Christ and the Re Bridgeport, Coon grown beyond everyone's expectation. parables of the hiring of laborers for the stroy the Dark and Middle and and wealth provides its comforts; where Ages, founders of empires and. the god 3 of oth- KILLING""' Sole agent for C0LUMBIAS and oih was called Fri- vineyard, the vineyard let to the hus- strip us of up to the 19th cen is elevated and social and reli- Dr Pons by telephone, everything er That resemblance does not society er high grade Bicycles- - class re- a resident of bandman, the marriage feast and the wed- religions. Where are first day last, to attend lady tury. exist. I know men and I tell you gious rights recognized. pairing in all branches. ac- the wise and foolish vir- What do think of as If not who met with a ding garment, you Christ a man? these centers? Where, indeed, SS3-W0- RK Southbury runaway that Mi Ic Oil. GUARANTEED.-- of the talents and of the That Is, what is in centers and lands where in ?: cident near the house of Hugh Fee's in gins, judgement your estimate of his just those .yyMWjg-aiai- j im.m on the JESUS CHRIST IS NOT A MAN." man Brldgewater, close to the Itoxbury line. scene, the discourse widow's two character? If you accept the Gospel nar the story and life of this wondeful "It Works like a Charm" was Mr Fee's. The doc- mites, the incident of the visiting Greeks rative, (and there is no it, so Thus I to the of have been told? Queen Victoria, when She carried into avoiding bring you testimony Chol- tor hastened to the place as soon as could who were presented to Him, the final far, at least, as it relates to the disposi sage and philosopher, of various lands visited by the king of Madagascar, for Sore Throat, Cramps, THE W. F. SW0KDS LUMBER COMPANY, Mount Olives and Huud the lady severely bruised and journey to the of and the tion and life of Christ,) you hay here and times. It is one voice ; and it speaks showed His Majesty the royal jewels,etc. era Morbus, Rheumatism, Neu- discourse the destruction of the He wanted to know the secret of Eng- cut, but not dangerously. upon the praise of Him who is the glory of the ralgia, and Pains of all kinds. 23rlaLnox5oirt,Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu temple and of the end of the world. A MATCHLESS CHARACTER Father and the of His land's greatness and the queen, placing ban moved Into his new express image per- MICHIGAN Allen Wllsey What do you think of Christ as an his- son. in his hands a copy of the Bible, said, SOLD EVERYWHERE. PINE LUMBER, SIDING, SHINGLES, EPTJ home, thus leaving the tenement of Le-and- er - Timber, Lathi Sash, Doors & Blinds, Carvings, Zlantlex i II torical fact? Are his birth and life and the like of which the world has never be What do vou think of Christ as the I "This is the secret of England's great- KouMuts, Blakeman vacant. Domestic Animals need etc. North Carolina Yellow Hza E--rJ death and the principal incidents sur- fore nor since seen. founder of a new ha3 beenlness." Wood, Trim, Iimher religion? It HARVELL'S CONDITION POWDERS. musAT wvmmuBwo nwnror. ", Comrade Nicholson 'has his tobacco rounding them as recorded Jn the Con- - What a combination of qualities do wo claimed at times that while Christianity The teaching of Confucius was to re, r .... S , . . ID BLOC3-E111- id. n3. ieoa-Bi3s- ' S. 183IMain - - D CONNr 183 Main street, - DANBURY, CONN street, ANBURY, CROCKERY, LAMPS, . FURNITURE, CARPETS, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Glassware, Cutlery, Wood, Tin, ETC. , Iron, Granite and Plated ware. CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, .Bee. Offices, Schools, Churches and Assortment. Low Prices. own Houses,; Lodges Large The furaishod throughout.


KT ,T cfcj The Traveler's Guide. Affairs About Towd. bis stock. Give him a call when you In Fairfield kidney .trouble and spinal disease. He You .SWOnTII STARH, visit Bridgeport. County. was sick and confined to his bed for six If Would KnowThe was in the at Dan-Imr- y The Mammoth Shoe Dealers, NEW VOIUT, NEW HAVEN AND UARTFOKD months. He hospital s Value -- of u ti i i to buy CTTm?C! f No old stylus. UAILKOAO. POSTMASTER J. J. N0ETHEOP. STRATFORD' for three months. Mr Godfrey Money. Kveryti lliiglit and clean stock. 19 leaves -- UliHKSlllUB DIVISION. THE WHITE CITT. was 43 years and days old. He Tbey are alwayi up tbe timet. Try thorn and you will be pleased. It is now Postmaster John North- ' J. a Miss Flora Johnson of May 14, 1803. A BARN BUHNEl. wife, formerly r rop. Mr Northrop received his commis The 3J-7- NEW" HAVEN 9.42 a. in , 4.28 Ill fFROM OUB COBRKSI'ONPENT. Monroe,and one son six years old. North, p. SPKOIAt a Mc-- . G 33vnliL St., 3VElirorc3.. South, 11 a ni., 8.0ft p. in. sion few weeks ago, but the final for A small barn 'belonging to John funeral was the 23d, at No 811 KLTON North, 10.10 a. m., 4.fl p. m. South, malities of held, Sunday, 10.85 a. m., 7.30 p. in. . exchanging the office from Gahey, the blacksmith, was discovered the house. 'The interment wo in the EL 8TKVKNHON North, 10.21 a. in., 6.03 Mr Wheeler's to Mr Northrop's control to be on fire, about 10 o'clock, Wednes- Bethel Wm. Hoiitli, 10.2.1 a. in., 7.2.5 p. in. p.in. MIDWAY PLAISANCK. cemetery. MONROE 0.20 a. fB.09 were not gone with till and in a few minutes 13 Franklin Colley, CONN North, nr., p. in. through Monday day morning, very Block, BRIDGEPORT, South, t a. in., t7.19 p. m. Here this one mile Mr for the was Hook & ' BOTSFORD North, 7.22, 10J19 a. in., 12.20, B.04, along street, long night. Northrop receipted entirely destroyed. The 6.14,7.08 p.m. Sunday,8.10 a. in. South, 10.11 and COO feet wide, are what is oflicially various properties of the government Ladder Co. put in an but BETHEL. INVESTMENT....SECURITIES. a. 7.11 in. appearance, in., p. isolated Here" are 41 turned over to him Mr Mr too to be of Bonds and NEWTOWN North, 7.33, 10.47 a. 111., 12.3.5, B.12, called exhibits. by Wheeler. late any service. Just at of New Stooki, Debentures, , ft.22, 7.10 "in. 8.18 a. William F. Sherman York p. Sunday, in. South, different exhibits under ethnology, and Northrop has already made himself fam-il- ar that time of day the members of the X WASHINGTON AND OREGON COUNTY AND CITY 7.14 , 8.64, 10.02,11.34 a. m., 4.8.1, 0.30, 7 p.m. City paid a brief visit to his father's STATE, WARRANT8, Sunday. the reader will And the meaning of the with the details of the work. company are scattered in all directions V VII.LE 7.4.1, 10.56 a. home at last week. PAYING 7 AND 8 PER CENT. North, in., word on. and it takes sometime to to- Depot place, 12.66, 6.21, 6.30, 7.24 p. in. Sunday, 8.27 a. m. further get them S South, 7.00. 8.4, 0.54, 11.25 a. ni., 4.24, 0.15, 6.53 It was our to witness a pa after an alarm is There Mi s Jane Fairchild and Miss Anna XD-T- We Rave Cut Prioei For p. m. Sunday, 5.57 p. in. privilege ME BROWN ENTERTAINS. gether, given. 13 BROOK FIELD JUNCTION North, 7.54. 11.10 rade of the different nationalities on an 7 was nothing in the barn excepting a May Fairchild have returned from a vis- a. in., 1.20, 6.40, 5.45, 7.38 p. m. Sunday, 8.36 out at of it with friends in a. in. South, 0.57, 8.37, S.45, 11.15 a. III., 4.13, afternoon. They turned jn gala Frank Brown gave an enjoyable' straw small lot hay. The origin of the fire Bridgeport. nn mm 6 55, 6.44 p. in. Sunday 5.43 p. m. to the thousands upon ride last The route ia a The loss was about $100, Gold rra B ROOK F I k L D 7.6i), 11.15 1.32, tire, presenting party, Friday night. mystery. Mrs M. F. Mr and Mrs North, a. m., Wheeler, gir 6.60, 7 88 p. m. Sunday, 8 41. South, 0.52,8-32- , thousands of visitors a pageant, a pan taken was over Mile Hill and around the on which there is no insurance. Charles two Mrs Saying 6.31 6.37 Decker and children, II a. in., 6.80, p. in. Sunday, p.m. orama of the characteristics of the peo- lake. Mrs Eaton LANKSV ILLE and STILL RIVER North, 8.06 chaperoned the party, Lucinda Johnson, and Mrs Lavinia Ridge a. m. South,5.10 p. m. Sunday ,5.26 p m. All of old world. A which was . Miss THE TOWN TO HAVE A LIBRARY. ple the keleidoscopic composed of Bessie have been spending a few days at the S LTL IS. other trains, including Sunday train north, Miss Ladies' Russet Oxfords 8.47 a. in,, stop when llagged only. mingling of colors amazing and dazzling. Kissam, Eaton, Miss Grace Judson, is the house and sea shore. . NEW AI1LFORD North, 8.15, 11.27 a.m., 2.15, In It reported that lof 8.56 Arrayed in their best,even if instances Miss May Taylor, Miss Hattie Of different shades $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2. 6.66, 6.10, p. tn. SuDday, a. m. South, Taylor, on Main street, occupied by Judge Herschel Beers of has been 6.40, 8.20, 9.25, 10.48 a. in., 33, 6.10, 6.22 p. 111. the raiment was scanty, the midway peo Messrs Brown, Piggott, Tuttle, Judson Torrington 5.20. Robert Russell, has been bought by his Sunday, ple treated the visitors to a most won and Hawley. spending his vacation with cousin, Ladies' Dongola Oxfords BOTSFOKl) TO UKIlxiKPOKT. Birdsey Blakeman of New York, who Mrs A. A. Lane. BOTSFORD North, 7.22, a. m., 12.20, 5.04 derful, striking, and brilliant spectacle. USTearing H?he End. 7 intends to erect a handsome libra- Some of the finest made $1, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 6.14, 08 p. in. Sunday, 8.10 a. m. South, 7.22 column of was public 9.02, 11.43 a. m., 4.42, 7.13 p. m. Sunday, 6.26 The of the parade races, A JOLLY STRAW RIDE. Mrs Samantha French of Bridgeport etc- - ry building on it, and present it to the 1.65, 1.75, p. in. over a mile and made up of men been a recent Miss Delia STEPNEY North, 7.14, 10.24 a. m., 12.05, 4.55 long, town. Mr Blakeman is a descendant of has guest of 6.50 p. m. Sunday. 8 a. m South, 7.81, 9.10, and woman afoot, camels, gaily decked Curtis. 1 John J. Schermerhora treated a a line of who have been Children's Russet and Oxfords 1.52 a. in., 4.55, 7.23 p. m. Sunday, 6.38 p. in. wild Bedouins from Arabia's jolly long ancestors, Dongola LONU III LL North, 7.08, 10.18, 11.49 a. m., 4.48, horsemen, crowd to a straw in the town since it3 The nearer the end, the greater the determin - ride, Friday evening, prominent early etc- 6.54 p. m. p. m. 7.30, rein- I 45c, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 85c, Sunday, South, deserts, carriages, rolling chairs, - atlon to sell, sell The 11.67 a. in., 6, 7.28 p. in. Sunday 6.43 of last week. Mr and Mrs John J. settlement. MONROE- sell, bigger the in. deer and dog slcdgns. From the fur cut, the bigger the crowd; the more The are made to move the and no doubt tht will K. 11-- a.-m- Mr and Mrs W. C. John- prices goods y answtr UM BULL 7. 02, 10.12, Schermerhorn, chan-- 1 North, of the the - tempting the offers the more their - 4.42, 0.48 p. m. Sunday, 7.47 a. in. .South, garments Laplander's leading son, Misses Alice Hattie ANTICS OP THE LIGHTNING.' - EAST VILLAGE. cea purpose- ss Schermerhorn, ot Bales. Profits have been 7.41 a. in., 12.02, .00, 7 .33 p. m. Sunday, f0.50 column, to the sea-gra- thoroughly ven p. m. Northrop, Lillie Fairman, Lettie Stod The lightning struck several places Morrow is hurled Into the abyss ot the 11.15 costumes of the Snmom was Mrs Orrin of Middlebury BRIDUEl'ORT North, fi.50, 10, a. m., 4.30, tilated dard, Mamie Blackmail Messrs L. M. around the shower forgotten past, mindful 6.35 p. m. Sunday, a. m. Arrive, 7.53, u contrast that marked the town, during heavy visiting her mother, Celestia Curtiss. of the fact 9.30 a. 12.15, 5.20, 7.45 ill. 7.05 presented Harris F. F. Johnson An in only that H. in., p. Sunday Johnson, Clark, last week. elm front of Lewis the time la limit, Vaafog, p. m. till along the line. Laplander", Stone of has been the display and Will Northrop were among the par Curtis' residence was visited for the sec- Mrs Bridgeport in- - I. DANU1IKV J11VI8ION. laud of ed which - children of the the midnight sun, - of Mrs HTciin. DAN liURY Arrive 7.15, 6.55, 10.55 a. ra., 2.10, ty- ond time. It followed the wires into the guest her granddaughter, O.I. we can un- 278 street, ZBridegreport. 0.55 p. in. Sunday, 10-2- a.m. Leave 5.60, blinked their eyes in the effulgence of a Blackman. , hardware store out tele- load Nearly OpDOsite Y. M. C. A. 0.35, 7.33, 9 a. m 1, 6.10, 7, 9.30 p. ni. Sunday, summer's sun. and burned the 8.05 a. 111., 5.05 p. ill. midday A FIRM THAT DOES FINE WORK. The Housatonic club house was son Mr Mrs BETHEL North, 6.48, 7.03, 10.49 a. ra., 12.21, Now the Bedouins franti phone. Born, July 19, a to and 48,9.42 m. lead, riding also-stru- ck stun- This Stock B. Conn-- , 2.01, 5.07, 5.49, 0.20,6 p. Suinluy.10.17 and the man in charge John Big of the J. STILLSON, New Preston, a. m., 8.20 p. in. South, 5.56, 9.12 a. m., 1.07, cally to and fro along the line, giving Bcgman. 7.00 8.12 5.12 The firm of Charles M. Cole & Co., the ned, and the blacksmith at the Dnaler in p. m. Sunday, a. m., p. m. exhibitions of shop Crofut has moved in the Alonzo Best of Goods. RKDDINO North. 7.01 a. m., 12.13, 1.54, fi.41 supeib horsemanship, and decorators of had some of its windows George Dry iron-tippe- painters Bridgeport, gravel pit Choioi Beef, Mutton. Lard, Pork. Veal. Hams, Ba p.m. Sunday, 10.11 a. in., 8.13 South, armed with d bamboo 9.19 7.12 p.m. 8.18 long have some contracts on their No Nichpls place. ton, Corned Beef, Poultry. Game, Etc AH 6.02, a. in., 1.14, p. ill. Sunday, - large hands knocked out. very serious damage WW a. m , 5.18 p. m. lances, robed in long white cloaks, tur- the FrulU or the Soaaon- - at the present time. They are now at in any case. SHEl'AUG RAILROAD. baned and cowled, and mounted upon May 21, 1893. work on the interior of the Hyperion BR00KFIELD. BETHEL Leave 7.10, 10.5S a. ni., 5.12 p. m. horsea of pure Arabian breed. They when Mrs John R. Lattin and Mrs Elmer S. M- - - theatre at New Haven and they J- Leavenworth, Roxbury Station, Sunday 8.12 a. in. Arrive 10 a. in., 4.30, 5.55 made a most Francis B. Barlow has the foundation UP TO DATE p.m. Sunday 0.15 p. m. picturesque appearance. have finished, it will have been trans Beardsley are both on the sick list. STYLES. HAWLEYV1LLE North, 11.09 a. m., 5.31 p.m Then came the Dahomians, black, as laid for a new barn. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 8.35 9.45 formed into a of as far as Sunday, a. in. Leave for Bethel a. place beauty D. C. Wood has a Lowest rrieni. Give Us a Call. in., 4.18. 5.40 p. m. 6 p. in. night, bedizened with tawdry finery and decorations are Down large potato which Sunday,.21 the concerned. Dr George Williams and sister of Hart SHEl'AUG North, til a. m., t5.43 p. m. armed with huge clubs, bows and ar- he dug the other day. It looks much Sunday, a.m. South, f9.30 a.m.,t4.03 p. in New Jersey they have the contract for " ford have been visiting Mrs Eliza G. in. Sunday, 5.36 p. in. rows. Warriors and Amazons chanted like a human hand. f 11.211 outside and inside work on the Princeton Peck. ROXBURY FALLS North, a.m., a wierd came Our Policy Never To Carry Over Goods p.m. Sunday, 8.67 a.m. South, f9.22 a.m., t3.55 wild refrain, and through inn and in are at Miss Nellie L. H her Boots and Shoes. BEF0RE YOU commence m. Bridgeport they work Casey visiting KnxMlit ChII haying it p. in. Sunday, t5.20 p. Midway Plaisance with an Miss Julia Mer win is spending a few Assures Tou This. Mtin'n llliirlii'VH; I.mllox' I'.liu'k ROX BURY North, 11.37 a. m., 5.59 p. m. San. undulating, refinishing the interior woodwork of the aunt, Mrs E. R. Stahl of Naugatuck. ml Tnn torilx hi all ntylxH: lloyo', MIhmih may interest you to know we carry a day, 9.10 a. in. South, 9.1.1 a. m., 3.46 p. in. serpentine motion that made their col weeks in Gloucester, Mass. ami Chtl.rH Tun Hhoim In fill hI.ch. Thu llnc'Ht 5.15 m. Bridgeport high school. This firm have ot In lit Sunday, p. umn look as were a ser B. Holmes began digging the cellar linn Hiitmtixr Shorn rvor thm vicinity complete assortment of for the JUDD'S BRIDliE til-4- a. t6.05 if it large black a Rev Mr of New the lowont livliiK repairs North, m., p. well earned reputation for excellent for his new on Main Mon- Gorton York supplied piiutiM. m. Sunday, t!.17 a. m. South, a. m., pent crawling over the ground.' house street, f3.40 p. m. Sunday, f5.03 p. ui. workmanship as many of the churches the pulpit in the Congregational church, R- - came most day. J. WATTS, - Washington Depot. BUCKEYE MOWER. WASHINGTON North, 11.54 a. m., 6.17 p. in. Then the Chinese, the gor and in this of the last You can stare off your taxes, Sunday, 9.37 a. m. South, SM a. in., 3.28 p. public buildings part Sunday. 4.51 geous contingent in the column, costum- Osborn is a on Go to church p little late. We will furnish repairs for all kinds m. Suiiiluv, p. ni. country testif v. Edgar building cottage Brookfield NEW I'RESTON North, 11.58 a. m., 6.21 p. m ed in rare and brilliant silks, ablaze with Johnson brook for Lewis Eurle. Children's service at the Put off a hundred other things. of mowers at short notice. If are Sunday, H.43 a. in. South, 8.61 a. in., 8.24 p.m. mission will be on But INSURANCE. you 4.38 and the Chinese actors and held Sunday evening, bargains wont wait. Sunday. p. m. gold silver, Martin and lioad-- : in want of a Sun- - Superintendent Edgar Osborn, after being laid up for 13. LIFE- - ACCIDENT-KJTSen- ROMFORD North, fl2.07 a.m., To 40 August FIHE. .; actresses. add to the display, day, a. tn. soutu, T8-- a.m., master Garrison of the Shepaug road, six weeks with of the 4.26 ta.lop.m. paralysis nerves, - Figures in an advertisement settle nothing me a postal and I will be pleased to call Sunday, 1). m. Chinamen carried the dragon of China, oil" A party of young paople from Dan- Walter A. Wood MORRIS North, H2.12, p. m. Sun. stopped the morning passenger south is able to be around It Is the quality, the periectness,the width. d, again. Mower, an open-mouthe- monster 100 feet were Miss day, 10.02 a. m. Sout.li, t8J7 a.m., t3.10 p. m scaly on Saturday, at Costello's crossing, be bury guests of Mattie Griffen the that must be considered. EJ, We can make that will sur Sumlay. 4.18 p. m. which in motion S. R. Buuce. has raised up the west on them were the prices they kept during e, These are times to test the J. W. BRASI BANTAM North, 12.22, 6.45 p. in. Sunday, long, tween the Housatonic river and Hawley-vill- Thursday. Among good Depot, Conn- - Call and be convinced.' iu.zu a. m. 8.28 a. in., 8.02 p. m. sun-da- the entire parade. Then came four end of his house, extending the gable Misses Sunderland, Bates, Sherman, Cor- - store. Take a lew items and Washington prise you. 4.07 souin, to inspect now be a. m. wooden-shoed,ga- y improvements with those else- tl'2-22- French in dress into the main cham compare LAKE North, , p. in. Sunday. girls, made at that A trestle 108 roof,making roomy bett and Philip Sunderland. - and-wit- ing point. wherethat's fair. A. K F. A. HULL & CO., T10.24H. m. souui, T8.23 a. m., t p. m. sun- great. Norman caps on their bers above and adding greatly to the FAiRCHlLl), day, 3.56 p. m. feet long will be done away with, and and Bell Booster, after General Inauranoe And Seal Estate LI 12.30, 6.51 followed of his which calls for Harry visiting Agent, 181 MAIN ST-- , TCHF1ELD rrlve p. m. Sun heads, portraying peasant life, stone abutments and an iron appearance house, 01 FAIRFIELD AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. day, 10.30 a. m. South, 8.20 a. in., 2.55 us. girder more new Mrs relatives here for several days, have re 3.50 m. pt by a village band of fiddlers, whose 40 furniture. Bunce feels Warner Buildinir, Boom 8- - Sunday, p. bridge feet long will be substituted. turned to their home. DANBURY, - - CONN YORK & R. music was and of her handsome new nickel fin- city NEW NEW ENGLAND" R. bright cheery. Turkey Lathrop & Shea, contractors, will at proud M arch 12. 1893 and its dependencies were out in full ish cook stove. Mrs has returned from COIMJULIN HA WLEYVILLE East 8.05, 12.02, 7.13 p. in. tend to the mason work. Polly Brigg3 liltOS., TVTOT1C- K- West 9 a. in, 3, 6.45 n. m. force and ?he crescent and star of the M. her visit with relatives in New Milford. Only a Short Time More of This i'l Good Pasturairo can bo had N EW TOWN East 8.10,17.18 p. HI. WeBt f8.53 Mrs J. Gilbert of Cincinnati, a ltril(reiort. on Stock a. Ottoman was in DEALERS IN FINE COLD WALL Hunt's Farm (tor. m, 12.53, fti.40p. in. empire conspicuous of Lewis Curtis, is at The sad has been received Sale. PAPERS, Lanpheur's Farm) tor SANDY HOOK East 8.17 a. m., 12.13, 7.24 W. H. Hubbell returned, last Friday, daughter visiting intelligence Big OIL FRESCO DECORA. mnrly p.n many places along the line. Then the TINTS, BORDERS, horHS or cattle at low rates,. West 8.48 a. in, 2.48, 6.35 p. m. from a visit at Wells Bridge, N. Y. her old home. here of the death of Mrs William Wash TIONS. WINDOW SHADES. FIXTURES. ETC Inquire ot SOUTH BURY East 8 .32 a. ni., 12.29,7.40 p. m. people from the streets of Cairo, afoot 8.32 ; 2.3.1. 0.17 who moved from this to.Wa- - KKWIN A. KURD. West a. m p. in. and moitnted on camels and John Holmes has an addition to his burn, place ATEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK Newtown, Monroe, Conn. t Trains stop when signaled only. donkeys tertown.last She leaves a father I Incoi-iiomic- was of a son. spring. A! Conn. insa. headed their part of the procession with Frank E. Howes of Bridgeport family young C. N OUT II- - and husband and little boy FIIII.OCI.AIIKK,, Pwxliltint; II. swift-foote- d the over of Postmaster mother, w i SAFE INVESTMENT. a Turkish and runners guest Sunday ROP, Treamirfir mitus a. in. lo 8)1. in. flag, Rev Mr Pardee and wife were the besides a large circle of relatives and Momlnvs. 7 to 9 p, M v men in John J. To Whom It a Conckun On the Cth and guarded the banner, while rusty Northrop. guests of Rev Mr Cornwall and wife, on friends to mourn her loss. Her was 7th ol .lune Jamcx McDonald visited the home chain armor were near to defend age olllceot the Building and Loan A8Hou.iat.ion ot antique Friday last, and gave a reception to their 2J The have the sincere THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY: at o. D., ot were What is to become of the silver dol years. family - Dakota, Aberdeen, lor the purpose Algerians there and marched under numerous friends in town. Will be opon tortlrawlng Books every Tuos- miiklntf a examination of lta affairs. eon-m- of their friends and w thorough niotu inSuoq OAtni Jnmo oiuos muA & 402 Main sympathy neighbors oay i io o p in ani 7 to m me t veninn ; suiur which lie found In mont condition. the crescent and the tricolor of France, lars? Baldwin Standish, V satisfactory in this their affliction. day Iroin I p ui to tn th evening. The following Is a statement ot the financial and the beauties of the street, advise you to put 25 of them in The Eagle Athletic club will hold a here, deep condition ot the company at the close ot bus dancing Algerian on : See tennis tournament Labor & iness, J uiy J J, IH'M village followed in rolling chairs, while shoes aud get a World's fair atlas. day. Mr and Mrs Charles Briggs spent tb 762 768 Chapel St., Summer ASSETS, . Reading. ftHltunS; tHtt.OOO: .moJL the veiled and unveiled inmates of the their advertisement for prices. Maple drum crops for Pequon-noc- k day away from home, last Saturday. We on lutuMt anil Loans bonds office build l.uofi s.iopjo u; puss pub played kenp constantly hand the ing and lot .,U,fS(X); real estate H:l,i")7:)..'u; vil liln-ar- harem and theater of the Turkish Council, O. U. A. M., at their pa- beat paper cover novols. TUomo desiring fixtures and t4,4(i 82; taxes and puiui ui sjrrj ansa "Aoi eaoj.td 9tj uauji Frederick Foster, accompanied by his NEW HAVEN, CONN. 0,!fi0.11 ; rode in The in on reading matter should keep this In mind. liisiirunce premiums advanced stock 'uoenos oiij ut a'ijiio saois stq jqSnoq ott lage barouches. beauty Miss M. A. Bradley, who recently rade Bridgeport, Friday. sister, Miss Caroline, took a carriage! In other building and loan associations ,: ; show "was in the Castle school in the Purchase aeerued Interest ii,HS0.1(t; dues delinquent parade. Blarney taught district, Miss Nela Thompson has accepted a drive to New Haven, last week Friday Ther Post OiBce Newa Room. fjs.Mui; advanced on loans approved f ; had several lads and lassies present, led has .been engaged to teach funds on hand and In bank J,01 7.'27:.,.total Southbury, position as teacher in the model school, morning. Word was received they ar G. W. l.OU.SJO.OG. by the and as agile as the school at Middle Gate district. FAIRCHILD, Conn- - pipes at South Manchester. - f rived safely. 11 P. 0. Arcade, Bridgeport, LtAIIIMTIES. an and as tireless as an electric Installment stock 404,5ta.7: prepaid stock JO BOBSBIO A"ll8f pUB antelope, JEWELER & SILYEBSMITH 245,.'MK); Of five J. W. "Beach lost a valuable horse Eliud Taylor has visited hn,i2.uu; stock debentures Sundry 'iBSng ino fan, for he jigged every part the P. H. Skidmore and daughter, Mrs accounts :)7,fi.ril.ft; premiums unearned 2f7, inq piuoqs nojt marched and with last week, while at work on Skidmore his mother and brother here. ALL GRADES OP AT 178.0.1; undivided profits 10,!tt&.2; total 1, miles the procession Beard, returned on Monday from a visit 044,H'JUJDi. (ins Aiouot out doubt he is still. hill. I jigging at their old home at Bethlehem. Miss Mary E. Camp is staying with GREATLY Statu op Sooth Dakota, . UOOS - REDUCED PRICES. i HI1- I1U pUIS JIUJOU'BAP'B ArjP8?8 out county oi Drown. The Persians, too, turned and fur Some of the boys gained entrance to William Parker's family. After '24, (J. F. Kaston. secretarv of the Ttnlldinar 8JB 8JHI1S U08U38 SPU '80l08d JO S?9S'8a: lion of our own at September and Loan Association of Dakota, being flrst nished a novel contingent. The the one last week, importation Coal ONLY vworn, ami Friends in Newtown received a posLal graded school, night I shall be at the yard miiy deposes says that tne torego banner of the Shah, was carried proudly - STONY HILL- - less than New York prices. nig is a true and correct statement ot the n- - card from A. E. Coles, this week, writ and hoisted the advertising sign of Ilau- 3MC0NDAY and SATURDAY nanclul condition of said association at the and this detachment closed with a score son's ice cream to the of close ot 1.1, 1893. ten on top of the Eiffel tower, at Paris. parlors, top SILVER'AND PLATED WARE Of Each Week. business, July OOO'OOQ'S of Persian naked to the waist. E. B. and F. A. Weed have recently C. F. EASTON. Secretarv. gladiators This tower is over 1000 feet high. " the flag pole. The school board are DE Subscribed ond sworn to before me this O.IBMBlOCi: UlOJf p9SJUlOJ(I 9JTI 9Ai Next the Samoans Came along. Stal a stick. sold some fine working cattle to parties CLOCKS, FANCY G00DS,Etc. C. Scirxford.- - 14th day of July, 1893. A.9.REED,Notary Pub after them with sharp lic, mown ivouiuy, oouiu nanuia. wart men, yellow skinned and muscular from York state. ... fSKAI.l C. Stahl and son, who have In and all at ss George Blackman lost a num and in sea-gra- knee I. Henry quite great variety goods Correct. Attest: S.K JUMPER, ) inooqiiUAV airy, garments, visited at William Fairchild's in Taunton, H.C.BEARD. v -- short and chest presented a BUCKLEN'S AESICA SALVE. the lowest'possible prices. TO Seven per cent Debentures Issuedr.i.ahv the high, they started for their home in Toledo, O., on her of young fruit trees, by the tornado, THE BEST PLACE GET W urn zwos fine -- The men miuuinit ana l.oa Association oi iniKota.iui. im physical appearance. of last week. wlU spend which visited his locality, last week The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE ly secured and guaranteen. 2000 ot mortga danced a war dancer while marching Friday They sores, ulcers, sait rneum, iever sores, ujiwi 357 MAM IS BT ges deposited with the trustee to protect each a week at Old Orchard, en route. Miss Wolf has returned from a chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin STREET, Vimni invested. along, and fierce wielding of Iheir clubs, lengthy oviiMtinn iiiiii nosi ivt'iv cures uiica ui n. Mm, " visit to the wild and west It is to perfect NEAR JOHN BUCKINGHAM & c. had somethins to do in keeping back voolly required. guaranteed give 23o ST., BREWER, James I ' or money refunded. Trice I johnson,General flnnnnntinnt.- - James Blackman of Brookfield, and Atrnntfop the box. For sale by E. F. Hawley. MiLt Hat UXilTv kt vl from encroaching upon moving pro of West were Arthur Burritt has begun operations JK2iJS113 HAMILTON'S 90 Middle St., Bridgeport. black wall of ex Leroy Blackman Redding on Both are of cession, the humanity on Charles on John Peck Wheeler's' new house, iroprlUra nopractical printera of in town on Monday and called vrai ypam' wxpiru ami rivo tunir per noil SALE One good Work Horse; also will tending along the entire length the upper Main street. . aouai attoiuion u) an 1110 worn. J? exchange for cows one pair of Plaisance Swiss were L. Jackson. PHAEMAGY!! Oxen. CHARLES SAN FORD, Bidge, Midway guards Charles K. is at home for conn. IieJdlng and the At Stagg there Tyrolese girls. length Hayes caught a large bass in L ALLEN MEEKERharmaceutist. rear of the is and Wesley the procession reached, Taunton lake, last week. - rRKSCIUPTIOXS A SPECIALTY. Ths BEST tho CHEAPEST closes on- - David Coe and of New York Berlin Co. USE the open space rapidly by the family oorner State and Main Sta- - Bridgeport, Ct Iron Bridge on Main street Hook surging mass of visitors, f With this ladies' cir are visiting his mother and Iron . The popular neighborhood Sandy Bridares, view at short range one can say I have Steel and Iron Buildings, cle of the North End, gave Miss Ann Mrs Ross Ransom of Sandusky, O. Special Prices Roofs- - a visit brief to Ireland,' Eng- - and Iron paid though an -- Informal visit, who has been at Mrs Charles H. Silli- Switzer Blackman, surprise ON - land, Germany, Italy, Austria, last week Thursday, .which proved to be man's, has gone to West Cornwall, Ct. - - - Conn. EASY and QUICK land, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Nubia, William Glahn, East Berlin, one of the most enjoyable gatherings yet was a Prop'r. Dahomey, India, China, Japan, Austra Mrs Euele's new house raised held. s Home Made Bread, Delicious Cakes, lia, Samoa, the Hawaiian Islands, Lap' few-day- since.. - .. Planet, Jr., Oenuine Pies. Hot Rolls for Break P. W. withSoapBanner Hirh-tii- t PuWeriMxlMakingLy (Prooowi Ptnt-- and BATES, )i ii.i nut. wLMt.n iinum m niiiitius KoaD m rue ibuioub. land the South Pole. Such a spec' Mrs Morgan, wife of United States We. were visited by a very severe IHIoes fast Caterer for all Festive Occa w. whoa with one o&u ol Banner Lye to Morse OF U4UUUHOX tacle has never been furnished before Treasurer Morgan, and son and Mr. and shower, Wednesday afternoon, which sions- - in Newtown (Delivery wagon the human eye on this continent. No, Mrs Chatfield of Huntington, were did lots of good, as the ground was & Cultivators and PURE HARD SOAP BT THE Center vicinity every Monday, N0K CONN., not in the world, and all for 50 cents . in of Mr and Mrs Edward The struck WALK, housMleter unaitratanaB tna value ol time, ana Banner guests Morgan, gettiDg very dry. lightning and Hook as- - 1. also -- Wednesday Friday; Sandy Has the largest and finest ,w saves it aa tliouandB can textify. F muember that the White City and a large margin to last week - ; ' in several places, but as far as heard rest o week en bob ot Banner Lye will produce ZO galloon ot the Thursday. Plumb Hardware Co., during the the sortment of finished Monuments take in a score of other things. Well from, did no very serious damage BEST SOFT SOAP. am 452 Main Gen Miles "I every - St., and Headstones of any establish Ti Is int the article needed in every hoamhold, ft wilt might say, giving A horseman living in New Co.; are re It Cures Colds,Coujjlis.Sore Throat,Cronp.Influen- ian Panit. Floors. Mftrble. mta.i destroy and drive iwaf hour to the Columbian prominent The Housatonic Oster a.WhooDin Coueh. Bronchitiaand Asthma. A ; dittinfeot Rinks. Ckisets and Waste-pipe- Ask spare exposition BRIDGEPORT, - - CONN- - V'jrtnin near the Monroe tne so in a . and ment in the State. or for Hanner and insist on fiet- - town, lme,. says ported to have found water salt, certain cure for Consumption in firsp stages, vivir rvtw druggist Lye as I regard it the opportunity of a life u as once. Hur it. ' Once uet'u always wanted. Machinists, Platen roads have become so bad in Monroe, well have driven on the a inrs reliaf ra fcdvanoed staves, at SUNSET COTTAGE, DEALER IN EVERYTHING IN Ph. ittrrntilira Pliimtmm. Va.ifit.Am n.nd DairTmen iiiid time." Rev A. Gardner, Warren, Ct they recently Too will see tne excellent effect after taking the riitmier Lve exactly what they reauira. end that it is far where he travels that he could Rait to Bold - FRED. E. Now for tor particulars. STONE accurate ana au mostly, meadows, that they propose first dose. by dealer everywhere, l.arg-- SILLIMAN, open guests; apply THE LINE. atuiennr to fntasa, for description con- ' SO Good location. Good table, AddrdSs Mrs M. Oiorous careraiiy prapsna ana easily xoiiowea reciptw not afford to keep way .js in repair ; evaporate it for salt. bottles oents and $1.00. Afent for the Lockwood & Ers.ni Piahos. It. BUCKINGHAM, Newtown Coun. Send for Illustrated I'aiiipulct lCt.K. A PROSPEROUS BUSINESS. he has sold his horse. Prompt attention given to tuning and repairing-Teache- r THE PENN CHEMICAL WORKS, sequently The crop of early potatoes is feeling of tho violin. tVtw mta JUtnium paper, j.'xiA,i4AiJurxxAf the dry weather and the late crop has ADVERTISING EASTOH COM. W. W: WALKER & SOiN, : skill In these times of general dullness and Of interest to ladies American been damaged badly, from the same FINE IflTERIOB DECOKATUKa. in business, it is to and has a substi- " We hare lust received the' largest stock ot depression gratifying enterprise produced cause...... Wall ever In tills find one who is not affected them. tute for French called Vici kid, su-- RATES. Arttstio Papers shown city. by kjd, - vv. kmin Hit, crades ot White Lead. Tint It, Georee W. Fairchild, wife, and bod hif I This must be on account of the low and iorlnr tn thn Frpnnh. na ia emi&llv as ed Leail, Oils. Varnish, Glass, Brushes, etc. It Berkshire Hills will be to vour advantug to call ou us when which at North' fine and silky, but holds its color and have been visiting the want In our H i X Of a Superior Finish popular prices prevail you anything line, art aid music store,31 John street, better, and is acknowledged to be K. Wilson and Ar Mads at rop's shape George family expect 8-- 1-- 500 Main Street Bridgeport, Conn. Column 4 Col. 4 Col. PRINTING B lackman's New Bridgeport. lie seems to be always the best leather for ladies' and girls' to next week, for a visit to Colum - Studio, start, TEAK, $100 S80 S60 ' S4S 0 AT THE "TXlIt HALHi one H horse tarm wauron, one 242 Main St., Ct. and no wonder, when one can shoes known to the trade. C. H Ben and the World's fair. C luirse one road cart, one Banbury, busy, buy bus, O., 36 88 84 top carriage, top one-ha- lf on M0S. 48 A I mo iiiauuIiui. goods for the prices charged nett of Bridsreoort has nlaced sale 80,. BEE OFFICE oltppM mowing TVfra Robert Curtis has returned from - SO 4 TI'ttNKT J.cmtf mil. he is 20 1000 of these fine shoes in all SM0S. 40 S3 24 IS r Ladies' and Din- - elsewhere. Just now,, selling pairs tt Gent's 50-ce- her visit 18 . IS 10 . 8 Give Us CalL Birmingham of sheet music for 25 nt stvles and widtfcs. Bv at his Chicago. MOBTH.80 a msr Booms copies cents, "V looking His readers of F.dward Bennett lost a valuable cow WEEK. 10 8 5 4 t CHARLES JONAS, J. IX. Jefferson, Proprietor. ' Moals at all folios for tho same price. new advertisement the The Board or week. In dress- She had 4 In. Sin. Sin. Inch.' MERCHANT TAILOR, hour. by day store is headquarters for pictures and Bee will see how far $2 will go last Wednesday. recently 316 Main CONN when birth to twin calves. TEAS, S30 $88 $18 $10 $5 St., BIRMINGHAM, frames. Take your pictures there ing their feet prettily. given - Church St., Newtown, Conn. M0S. 18 15 10 ii T. J. Insurance - you reach the city and you can have machine operators, hnUi experi- C0BBETT, Agent- '' Sewing foi ffii ' hnr.TT" 'TT'- Mer-wlnsvil- 8 10 7 4 .S bands and to learn. Work all New York Lite and Hartford Life An. them to take home at night, i ou can F. B. Hubbell passed Sunday at DANBURY. HQS. ,18 enced girls the Vlwisnre 1n and 1 time. Also buttonhole rnkker to l&ke work noli SAt.Ki CHEAP TlooVnway nu It y. own of a class- 1 MOKTS. 6 5 4 8 Anion. - K trivn! M. JULIA HOIS. by John J. buy boobs, toys, dolls, etc., at your the guest college horn to rtir. WAKNlUl, Represented Northrop 59 le.awwd G. Juril, Coim. Box 74, Sandy Hook, Conn. for:Newtown and.vicinity, roes, as he is closing out that part of mate, Charles J udd. , EUB. Godfrey died on, July 21, of lvrrx 9 I F. HAEJL3T, Long EUU, Cona. 4 center for a summer school, or an insti- killed by lightening during the shower THE NEAVTOWN BEE " ! Bible To the of 25, : . tute for study. gratify July mm . wishes of those who desire to remain MOTTO: Is ar- WESTP0RT. , longer on the ground, a committee 'lt' what you save . find ... PUBLISHED BY ranging for a four days' assembly fol- People .Not wlmt vou earn." KiiV MK WAYNE KESIGNH. That is not wise to THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. lowing the camp meeting, which shall it experiment Rev Mr received a to , consist of lectures and convention work, Wayne has call with cheap compounds purporting And this is the time of year that this New -- and Britian and at the morning service to be blood purifiers, but which truth is most illustrated- - under the of the scholarly real-medicin- al stikingly ALLISON P. SMITH, EDITOR. leadership at Christ last tendered have no value. To elder, Rev Crandall church, Sunday, SMITH. ltUSISKSS MANAGER. energetic presiding his 1. make use of any other than the old August, while our great Summer AUTIU'lt.l. Is of resignation to take effect October J. North. There proinWe spiritual standard AYER'S Sarsaparilla the Hales are m progress, every depart- and intellectual progress not hitherto at J. D. Pickles and Miss Clara Pickles Superior Blood-pirrifi- er is simply ment feels the effects of the $1 50 A 4c. A COPY. 1893. YEAR, tained. of Manchester are guests of Mr and Mrs to invite loss of time, money, and August 1, Robert W. Post. health. If you are afflicted with Reductions in Prices. FfilPAY AUGUST 1803 LATE ARRIVALS AT ELMSHADE. HEWTOWN, CONN., 4, Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, The Thomas Buck and Joseph Marvin left, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Sores, change in style every season of . Mr and Mrs S. J. Pinkney, Miss Jen Saturday, for a short visit at the World's Tumors, or any other blood disease, ' almost every marketable article, lor- ' J nie and Miss Lizzie Pinkney, Edward fair. be assured that ces the merchant to sell each season's "We Were Unfortunate - McWllliams, Frederick White and Mrs . - Maud is visit- goods. C. A. all of Miss Silliman cf Easton Peck, Brooklyn. Miss Nellie Elwood. It to Use If the demand is enough we ing Pays and AYER'S Sarsaparilla, AYER'S get a reasonable price, hut if over- AN R SOCIAL Miss Minniei Decker of Stamford is AYER'S Sarsaparilla can only. stocked, ... to have our stock of Cloth- visiting Mrs Jarvis Renondc. always be, depended upon. It does Enough A social for the benefit of the Metho not is the sam'e in The Four" vary. It always The Goods Must Be Affairs About Town. dist church in Sandy Honk will be given "Big specialty company quality, quantity, and effect. It is ing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Trunks on the parsonage grounds, Wednesday are booked for the Toquetfr opera house, superior in combination, proportion, Slaughtered. 0, from 5 to 10 o'clock, next Monday' evening. appearance, and In all that goes to CELEBRATING HIS 90TH r IKiHBAY. evening, August It is widely known that this house sllliili the weather being favorable; otherwise Miss Josie Isbell of is a build up the system weakened partially destroyed by fire,' Monday fefi I - Brooklyn guest and searches out has achieved a wonderful success and Few thete are who are to on the first fair evening. Musical enter Misses pain. It permitted of the Carrie and Annio Bradley. all impurities in the blood and ex- that celebrate their OOth but among tainment will be provided and refresh- at 1:15 which will neces- S . ar birthday, Miss Carrie Sniffen is a guest of friends pels them by the natural channels. morning, o'clock, J ,j ill the number is James M. Matson, of Cold ments, including cake and Icecream, will in N. Y. s who on lasfr 29 be served. The patronage of the public Brooklyn, Square Dealing Spring, Saturday, July And methods in' merchan sitate our closed the insur- celebrated the OOth of his Is cordially solicited. Miss Amelia Phalen of Stamford is AVER'S improved being until anniversary has retained for us tre confi- birth, by a birthday party. Mr Matson visiting Mrs Charles W. Sherwood. dising was In BERKSHIRE. dence of this community. ance have born Coventry, Shenango county, Herbert Williams, and companies adjusted our loss. Harry Wayne Dr. 3. C. & Co., Lowell, Mass. X. came In 1848 to Can"-keen- TreparedSarsaparillaby Ayer We do not to be misunderstood. Y., but to Newtown 's wish A dull wave has struck Berkshire, Herbert Nash are camping out at Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, 5. make himself a home. He has always Our money may not go. farther than We all employes of B. Curtis & Son being Island. cure will no doubt be open the latter lived at Cold Spring and on the home- v Curesothers,will you others, but your money goes farther part cut down to three days work a week. is vis- stead that ho at present occupies. On Miss Myrtle Foulds of Nor walk here than elsewhere. If you have not was at Mrs Homer Beers. of this we Saturday afternoon the relatives and A ladies' prayer meeting held iting station is bv the neonle bev purchased your Summer Outfit yet, by week; think Friday. home of Beers. Another one patronized friends gathered from far .and near to do the Helen Mrs James Perry of Huntington is vis ond and all means take advantage of our Se Is of this week. expectation, highly appreciated him honor. Among those present were appointed for Friday iting her daughter, Mrs Charles Fable, as the to to duced Prices on every .article of wear quickest way get Birming - Mr and Mrs Ira Wildman, Miss Clara Rev-M- Mil-for-d need- HOWARD Sanford and wif 2 of New Miss Marie of N. ham or New Haven. you Master Jesse Wildman, Mrs Wright Brooklyn, Y., Wildman, visited at S. Curtis', last week. is a of Mrs Judson - Sarah E. Nichols, Thomas O'Donnell, guest Wright. Ernest Staples and famiiy are In town. Underwear. ; Mrs Henry Curtis entertained a party Charles Bouton of Saugatuck, while & Mr and Mrs John B. Peck, Eli Coger Miss Davis is visiting May Wales. All sizes, Qualities and makes- - The from Edwin Matson from of family friends, last week. delivering meat at the residence of E. S. Newtown, was Miss Allen of Stratford is with Mrs finest assorted line of a brother whom Mr Mrs David Nichols of visit- Wheeler, Monday, quite badly bit Wellsborough, Pa., Brooklyn ten a to Mr Wheeler Van HOSIERY Matson had not seen for 10 years, Mrs ed Mrs J. C. last week. by dog belonging Duyne. BARBER, Hawley, The animal has been killed. Edwin Matson, Mr and Mrs Willett II. Mr Phillips' sister and children are Ever shown. Challies, LawnB, Per The House Furnishers, Mills from Bridgeport, Sanford Bartram Mrs Blakeman and daughter from boarding with Mrs Ida Hubbell. cales, Muslins and all the . and Miss Jennie Wildman. The after Bridgeport have arrived at Sunset cot- Miss Caroline Sherman ha3 been taken CONN. a re MONROE. Fabrics BIRMINGHAM, noon was passed in sociability and tage. to the Bridgeport hospital for treatment Summer of reminiscences. IM July 14, 18i8. counting Interesting In the market now on sale at Clear il C Miss Sadie has Miss Lena Hubbell is William At o'clock,all gathered about a bounti- Chambers visited visiting ing Prices- - to of the birth- friends in CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. R. Ferris. Cambrio and Seersucker fully spread table partake Albany. Stock Mr Matson was liberally Dr John G. Stevens and Rev Our Entire Summer Tea Gowns and day supper. daughter, Wrappers. remembered with many useful and pret- Rev O. O. Wright conducted services On account of the absence of the pas- William Lathrop and Misses Lily and Must be sold, and if superior values, af- We are making a special display of these goods ty gifts. For a man of 1)0, Mr Matson at the Berkshire church, last Sunday tor the Congregational church at the Minnie Lewis started, Tuesday morning choice-- patterns and marketable goods m this week. No lady can afford to spend the bears his years remarkably well, and ternoon. Center will be closed for two 'Sundays. for the World's fair. at low prices will do it, we are sure to Id Services will be resumed at. the usual - time making a cambrio wrapper when The Bee joins with other friends Miss Ella Hall New Y'ork has visit win- and Eli Judson of Bethel has been hours on 20. of uoh pretty styles can be bought all wishing him continued health happi- helping August ed Elma B. Stevens. we such a ness. Eli Beer3 with his Mr Beers The Hammocks have had made and finished complete for haying. The lawn which was given at demand for this season are of and his men gathered and housed Burton pajly Word has been received here of the worthy $1,125, 3.25,2.75, 3.2S. Dr Stevens by the ladies of the Congre- notice, if want one, for That realize the fact that REV ROBERT BOOTH AT TRIKITY. Sherman's hay at Walker's Farm. death of Samuel J. Beardsley. your you they you imperfectly ETON SUITS-- We have only a few suits left. gational church on Wednesday, July 25, are the most comfortable in use. $1.25, They are all wool navy blue latest style A on serges, C. Booth of New York was more successful in every respect valuable horse, pasturing Hurd's 1.48,1.98,2.75-- . . fitted are worse than none at aU. We and skirts- - We shall no more this Rev Robert Mrs L. C. Gilbert and Lilli- glasses jackets buy daughter, than it promised to be when the tempest stock farm, died, Tuesday, from the ef season. We want to close out these this week. preached at Trinity, last Sunday, from an, are at Niagara Falls and will visit Return Railroad Ticket given to all Your them. broke upon the town on the afternoon fects of pulling at the halter, breaking have an we price buys the text, 1st Teter 5 :7, " all your relatives in Canada. ' of worth of expert optician with us and guaran- Our enormous of Waists of the The blood vessel in the head. purchasers $10 goods. SHIET WAISTS sale care upon him, for he careth for you." day appointed. arrange All delivered free to Peck & this season attests the splondid variety and pop- ments wtfich had already been made parcels ular which has made so The speaker dwelt upon the significance Prof C. S. Piatt and son, are Lightning struck an apple tree, last station office to await tee a fit or you back. prices this department Arthur, were sadly interfered with. One tent Bishop's parcel get your money much of among our lady friends, who have of the word care, not only in Its comfort- at South Adams for a vacation week, for Solon B. Wales, splitting it spoken trip. which had been erected was blown lit- your convenience. thus unconsciously been a constant advertising ing meaning to imply watching over, into kindling wood. , medium for us. In addition to our un- all to pieces. But those who had already for, protecting, when its sug- Miss Susie from erally limited we have several new which providing Chambers returned the matter in went to as Miss Lila Warner is gnest of her aunt We vaaiety styles are to us, whether we are charge work EWEN ssr pay particular attention to repairing will be shown this week for the first nota- gestions pleasing her to N. Y., last week. !Mrs John Lake. , time, trip albany, soon as the elements permitted, repair ble among which is a fine grade of White Lawn the objects of such care or the exercis- full and cascade more of the ing damage done and perfecting such Mrs HarVev Warner and Mrs Charles of all kinds. Waists with round collar front ers of it; but particularly If the party who owns the broken-dow- n -- fine $1-2- arrangements as were then The Smith are in Newtown of Swiss embroidery, price each, real word care, meaning anxiety, and carry- near the Rubber possible. visiting friends MINTYRE value $2. wagon upper tableaux were as The ing with it pain and distress. of given arranged. mingled don't take care it the town had better was excellent fire EAST VILLAGE. In this latter sense the uses it in "posing and the red apostle before there ia an accident, as it is turn- under hand of Solon the text. Anxious troubled the B. Wales, J. W. in New CO.. C. thoughts, ed bottom side up accross the road half out in Waterbury spent Sunday & W. & HOWARD and the mind, brought sharp relief the figure? Haven. BARRY CO.; distracting disturbing the time. of which is so common and expression the actors. The sing- nowadays among Miss Brook- W. W. Bliss is working in Trumbull Goods the vast of In this ing by Mary F. Hawley of Dry Importers, majority people busy Mrs Hattie Husbands from New York and of York JEWELERS AND & world. This we are to cast upon God, lyn, by Prof Hardy New Miss Hattie Fancher has leturned to , is visiting J. II. Warner. was excellent. William 837 & 839 CHAPEL ST , not however so as to shirk responsibili- Prof Sherman her home in Black Kock. of the New York conservatory of music ty, or to neglect duty, but while being Miss Libbie is in A of five from are Chambers visiting was On the con- party Bridgeport NEW HAVEN, CONN. 254 Main CONM. very attentive to our personal faithful- accompanist. whole, a of weeks in Street, DANBURY, ilXUL.lUJL.JLl Waterbury, having returned with her the difficulties under spending couple Bradley U, to tor and upon sidering which ness, rely help guidance cousins, George and Mabel Camp. those who had the matter in Nichols' place on BarnHill. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Conn. God, and to leave the result of such charge Birmingham, labored, the whole affair was suc- Miss Lucp Bristol of Ansonia is guest faithfulness and trust to him. Men of Ilurland Sanford and of - highly In New Haven County. Great Britain, "are to the effect that the factory daring the few days Mint down. 11 lady Bridge- cessful. The shower which came of Albert Stevens. sjr Krc cut furoH purcluiHes amount to the world who love not God and are in- up and surroundings are as beauti- a or over. yort spent Sunday at Fred Chambers'. the interfered with the country Coal costs $G.75 per ton delivered. different to this religion may not have during evening ful as of yore. They have had a delight- enjoyment of those present and diminish- Mrs Thomas Garnet such humble trust which may make is HILL- - ful trip thus far, visiting old scenes and has engaged rooms Miss Grace Peck spending a few GREENFIELD - 1 1 T A TK. I It lit, ed greatly the from the supper. S0UTHBURY- with Mrs Wallace intr to ill, hnnm liv them free from anxious care, but Christ- in West receipts noting various changes that have taken Thomas for Ihe month f the or wmk; Inquire of A MCE days at the shore Haven. But no one the trouble which - of II ntdayAlon.o Conn. ian such blessed privi- regretted place in the past 20 years.- After a trip August. ALL, Luke's, Uawloyvllle, people may enjoy the shower caused more than did the DEERFIEI.D. BALK Dim ImihIim'SS if will make use of their 11. to the center of Scotland and the High- Miss Flora IM)H CIIKAI' wagon lege they only Rev C. Booth, who has been spend ladies. The bad weather was to blame Lombra of Meriden is the JAMK3WKBU, lulngltisa, The truth up- Mi&s Cora A. Bradley has visited her A lands will wend tbeir way back to 1 l'iur rightful possession. great the month at returned they ot Mrs R. Randall Davidson. il il ll ujjti in. ing Elmshade, has for all that was and the Bessie Archibald of Greenfield guest on which this privilege rests is that to New York. unpleasant only cousin, the country of their adoption. is did , Mr Mrs H. A. a Several "God careth for This is a differ- wonder that it not make the entire Hill. and Matthews gave Hungarians have withdrawn you." a failure. The ladies are lawn last in hon their from the bank ent word from the other. It means that thing surely E. B. Nichols and wife and Mr party, Friday evening, T. P. Ferry & Son are connecting the deposits savings and. to be that proved so Judge or of their Clifford. sent it to the old . . God Is concerned for us, is interested in Fairfield News. congratulated they and Mrs Frank of N. Y grandson, Quite Stillson house .with the water main, put- country. County to the effect of the Clark Cohoes, number were from this and THIS PLACE us, that we are of value and importance superior dampening have visited the former's father: V good present ting in a much larger pipe than was Fred Gaylord's residence and Col W. storm. . adjoining towns. The Columbian cornet - in His Bight. This is ample warrant for formerly used. B. Wooster's are undergoing repairs, Mrs Clark Nichols and daughter and band was Invited and several selections "casting our care upon Him.'? The word BRIDGEPORT. MORE ABOUT THAT LAWN PARTS'. vhile the families are away in ihe moun- Mrs Charles Nichols, daughter and were played by it, during the evening, to new casting Is significant. It implies in the The lawn in the at the The west approach the bridge tains. of- party evening cousin, have visited in Cross Highway Music for dancing was kindly rendered been the week. original, "casting once for all." We house of Dr G. Stevens was a has greatly improved past Constable Porter has removed his BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. J. very by J. J. Hinman with violin, accompan town in for a dis- ten go to God with our cares and troub some were The have put curbing family to Vermont where in the future pleasant affair, though plans ied by Mrs Steele on the piano. The par tance" 75 on les to leave them with him, Fire was discovered in the cloth- - of feet .both sides. They he will live. intending large disarranged by the shower. Many tab . EASTON- r" broke about 11 o'clock. we them We do & ty up at will also pave and put in a cross walk. Choice but bring away again. ing store of Meigs Co., at the corner leaux were given. One was the "World's Rev Mr Pitblado Confectionery not cast them Him once for all. Main preached in the upon of and Bank streets, Bridgeport, at Fair," the young ladies of the society Misses Methodist last to our sins as well as to Emily and Eva Robinson are Officer is improve- church, Sunday, fetter This will apply fi.n early hour, Monday morning, and and it IS Ryan making great grouped together; "fair" was; COMPETITION LIVELY. guests of Mrs W. W. Olms tea,!. ; on street two wetks absence. other burdens. We need to leave thm damaged the stock t nd fixtures to the this ever noted for ments his Bridge house,raising place being pretty us- - & all with to have done witn then is the. life of is an Dr has a it a The first floor will be Of all kinds- Made by Wallace God, extent of $18,000. girls. Among the guests were Miss May "Competition trade" Cooley recently purchased up story. once for all. The context seems new Rochester : ed for stores. completely, The fire was of short duration, and al Hawley of Brooklyn, Miss Ella Hall of old saying, buch to be the case bicycle. Co., New York, and B. H. Douglass, Implies also the necessity of our entire though some clothing was burned, the New W. Sherman and Mr with onr public conveyance. The regn A. Smith is in the York, friend, George working pa A to Mr Mis William submission to God and our sobriety and was smoke and lar mail stage and the ex mail fares have daughter and -, greatest damage by Hardy, also both of New Yoak. The per mill at Southford. Sa.t-uj:a.GL37- in our lives. Thus been to 50c was born on 22. New Haven, comprising the finest and watchfulness daily water. singing by Mi&s May Hawley and Mr reduced 35c, formerly to Murphy July ' - Truman Wheeler had a valuable bird trusting God and casting our cares upon About 1 o'clock Officer Blansfield and was fine. Mr Bridgeport. Hardy very Sherman and on candies made, Him, we have the same duties to perform George a dog killed the railroad, last week. J. H. Steinman and family are occupy- purest fresh every Peabodyj special night "others gave the audience instrumental DEATH LE GRAND but we do them in a different spirit. We man of Main street stood OP FRENCH. Miss Mabel Warner is an aunt ing a cottage at Mer win's point. stores, talking music which . was highly appreciated. visiting to our door-wa-y Le in Miss week. Extra fine Bon Bons, Chocolate eliminate anxiety, and that adds in the and a few moments One thing in particular we noticed In re- Grand French died at the home of Bayonne, N. J., and Edith War ner is with in W. T. Mercer and wife are at the usefulness and happiness, resulting fin later they separated. Officer Blansfield gard to the tableaux that was admirable. his brother, Lewis French, Sunday friends Naugatuck. . one-ha- lf In rest and street World's fair. . and Mixed Candies in pound ally- abiding peace. walked along Bank and when he The drop curtain was i held up long morning. W.B.GKEEiYS, reached the rear" of the clothing store he for one to have a ' SOUTH BRITAIN. enough" every good full MR BOWLES' FAREWELL. J. A. Bristol has a fine new meat wag- boxes. saw flames issuing up from a stairway instead of a as is Main view, glimpse, usual. Miss Hattie Booth has been on built by Pope & Ten Broek. Street, HA1TEET0WB. which leads to the basement. He quick- A fine supper with delicious ice creara, Eev Mr Bowles preached his farewell visiting line of Cakes and sounded an alarm from Box 13 and sermon at Christ church, last with Miss Lottie Curtis. ; i- - - Also fine Fancy ly was provided. Sunday. William Martin of Beaver street has Birmingham, Conn., the was soon on the scene Mrs Perkins of the is department Purchase spend- closed his and made a AUK & Wa- and to the flames. Admit- A REFRESHING SHOWER. ; CENTER STREET. ' the week Mrs Adams. grocery voluntary Crackers, Holmes Coutt's Sugar Mrs Crandall left home, Saturday, for began fight ing with to R. H. Tucker. in tance was by a Mr Mrs William assignment a visit with relatives Goshen. gained breaking heavy At noon on Wednesday week the wind and Wakeman and Mr French lost a young and valuable fers and Home Made assorted plate-glas- s window, and in a few mo- was so mow- M. A. Wakeman and have vis- Bargain Days Wafers; Mrs of Newtown has vis- blowing furiously that the daughter horse after a few hour's sickness. J. B. Quillinan has been unable to at- Polly Taylor ments several lines of hose were playing machines could not cut the ited Mrs Charles Sutton of Weston. ited Mrs A. Booth. ing grass - tend to his duties as clerk of the town Flannels. her friend, on Che flames. fire seemed ; Rev O. Munson a of Outing flavors, fresh every week. The to be properly, and-th- e ground was strewn J. spent part the Coley Abbott has a very sick horse. week in ' court on account of sickness, for the past One lot ' Ralph Benedict's two children, wbo mainly among a pile of boxes, but soon with brauces of blown and sev- New Haven. Outing FUnnels, pink, blue trees, off, few ; and all 14 1 s have been sick with are spread about the cellar and crept up the Miss Jessie Kellogg has gone to Stam- days. good colora.worth 2c forSl-3- c Yours . very dysentery, eral apple trees torn up. About i.30, Mrs Sommers has for a visit to a respectfully, was Mrs gone yard. improving. ' stairway. It about to begin its with a heavy clap of thunder the rain ford with her friend, Alphonse., friends in Newtown, West Haven and July 23, a daughter was born to Mr destructive work in the . Mrs William Fischer is on the sick list ypuths' depart- came down in torrents mixed with hail- Mrs Daniel of New naven. and Mrs John Schrapanski. ment when the firemen arrived. Murray Springfield,L.I., Manufacturers' Samples and tmder the care of Dr Hill. Before stones. The storm, though "violent, did is a few weeks with her father, E. F. fire was spending " The exodus of people to famous water- Children' Laea Cmpa and Bonaeu, " the extinguished, it had burned . SOUTHFORD. ' not last long, clearing off in an hour or Thomas Foster. Hawley. Louie Booth is with relatives some has been and still con- 40c visiting of the clothing, but the efficient two. The damage done to hay was as ing places great Worth irc, anil Srtc, your choice lor In Berkshire. of men Archie Abbott of Hurlbut street spent tinues every train. This would not work the saved thefront part of nothing to the good done to the other Isaac Wentsch, our tax collector,' was by 2jc tne store. The was in- Sunday with his grandmother. indicate that the times are hard here, al Rev Mr Harrington and three children heat, however, crops. Before the shower squash and at the postoflice in this place, last Mon- tense and cracked all the in the though the merchants claim that money of Danbury have been spending several glass cucumber vines were wilted flat, every- day, to collect the taxes laid on the list Elegant White Bed Spreads-- store and some of the windows. Thomas Cassidy and young son expect is tight and are devising every reas--" at . The dyiDg for want of rain. The of 1892. they $2.25,4.75, S.25 days Henry Morgan's thing light- to board with Horace Wheeler while at tr onable scheme to induce the and tSS. A few spreads basement was stocked with winter public ; goods ning struck a beautiful elm tree on the White son Sun- toj for single beds, worth' $1. now 7c. A will Alfred Stillson has visited his sister, wo. k on the dam. A. T. and spent last with that extra dollar that has been dozen or so -0ll" and trunks and traveling bags, the prin- 50 part soiled by Ae IT -J-- !- premfses of Albert Wheeler not rods In " handling and with A. I Sue Mrs P.. B. Sherwood, in Easton. day, Purdy Stepney. laid . each. - cipal part of which will be useless. Mr from the house, it in twain. ' Miss Ayer of West Stratford, spent by. - splitting the was with her Rev Edward Mrs Warren "Stone and Willie Smith - v Meigs, senior member of firm, days brother, Phelps & Bartholomew.clock manufac- - . . ' In , in and consulted at the Misses last . SECOST TRINITY GUILD'S ANNUAL SALE. town, Monday, with HE KILLED THE SNAKE. Ayer, Seeley. spent Sunday, Danbury. turere, are slack but they have to keep "Ces r Manager F. D. Bell. To a reporter he Mrs John New visit- the at work to furnish On all Gent's Cambric So many snake stories are going the Miss Maud Silliman visits Miss Elwood Osborn of Haven machinery power Pereales aad Guild's annual sale will be held stated that the loss would reach about - for the on the floor. - J Outing Flannel Shirts. ' Trinity rounds of the papers, we might as well of Westport, this week. ed her parents, last week. people upper at the evening, $18,000. The firm carry $40,000 of stock, ..T.7."..feCENT rectory, Thursday Aug give one from Monroe, and, not Edward wife Miss Laura Bristol went from Edson E. Nathan Curtis is home from Wil- : have an of The although Hall and of Bridgeport, : ust 10, beginning at 7 o'clock. Fancy and insurance $30,000. so Hosiery Bargain. i: I I I I I I I I l sensational it is for a fact to Del., for his vacation. He is in I I I I TO M Ice cream and cake will for is to the extent of quite given have visited Easton friends. Mallory's Naugatuck, last week. mington, III III work, ba building damaged an When W. Wheel- the 30 dozen Gent's Mixed Hose is in- by eye witness. F. employ of the Hotchkiss Beef Co.,. good lSo sale. All are welcome. $1,500. This loss also covered by Rev Alexander Hamilton of Lyons Charles Norton has been sick with the . . er's Swedes were on a load of - but does not to back to W qucJUytl3c,xtor25e. IlPostal Oard surance. The cause of the fire is un- pitching is to become rector of mumps the past week. - expect go Drop a on Plains, Christ during if the will him I I I I I I I I f I I hay they thought snake went with company give a I I I I TO II DULL AT THE RUBBER. known. The last person in the store vChurch, his labors TIMES a fork full, but could not find it. One of commencing here, Mrs C. P. Cook of Naugatuck spent last position in New Another Bargain. . was a bookkeeper, who stepped in about next 6. England. the men rode & mile on of the Sunday, August Sunday with her mother in Kettletown. Ladles' Waists H.W. WOODRUFF, On account of the dull times all 2.30 In the afternoon. top load, P. E. Burdette is working Seymour mde of India Uwn, when Rev a white and colored T9e. and, it off, the snake on Edward visit A. B. Hendrix of New visited the.Co-opera-tl- ve at I - - the the Rubber compa- The firm's misfortune be the pitching Ayer anticipates Haven in the interest of embroidery, Washington Depot,- Conn- through country will a capitalists main on half being uncovered made a dart for the side from classmate.fro(n New Haven, this his Kettletown Brook'farm again, last Bank of New York. Con To on ny has put its factory time, ptiblic's good fortune, for the damaged - Building get prices of the mow, but was struck the Swede week. . No- - 1, three goods will be offered at hard by Sunday. , siderable stock has been taken and loans Bargain 3. commencing August working pan prices. with the fork with such force his and and down three days, and The insurance loss wa3 on that asked for early fall building. One lot Ladies' Waists, black and blse Wagons Carriages days closing adjusted ANSONIA-- : Mr Wood-ra- ff snakeship flew clear into the barnyard; AU Fret. "only, cascade a Of all kinds. Remember, also, that the Dutch closes night AVednesday. ' front, good dollar waist, factory the Swede the same time made a tre- Richard Wellington, clerk lor W. A. 72c. does repairing at bed rook prioes. a month. at who have used Dr New Discov only for Those King's A BOLD RGBBElty. Fellows & Co., has taken a week off mendous jump landing on the ground as ery know its value and those who have not f LONG HILL. soon as the snake and killed it. It was a have now the to It, tree. CaU Thieves entered the residence of Wil- driving through the country with his PLA1SVILLE CAMP MEETING. opportunity try - About 100 Volumes . large red adder, a nice companion for a on the advertised druggist and get a trial bot-ti- e liam Chegwiddea on Prospect street, as family. - y Send to H. Of these books are left Come -- free. your name and address Into quick' ( M. ..i.'ht wu m tr. I The circulars for the annual camp Born, 20 son to Mr and Mrs mile ride and the jump from the load in he had stepped the next door for a p. B. Woostcr is working on the foun if want a 25c 5o". art. Y"T, July E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample you book for nf lb... and I M mat tMtuir tfuit I would ftfcl Uk are issued. the barn out into was some- few and took from a coat dation for the new school in dwitaa Ut at Plainville The Frank Packard. the yard, New Life as well moments, $20 building' 11 - 1,0110 mnd h wW I wm. I m both tufT""" proud meeting box rf Dr King's PiUa, free, Bespectin v, pul Mtfftvrm from Is of tit. etr-r- t HdDnwitnd vmr tr..tmnt to sli usual services 21, and close thing it is thought, quite a leap. . as a ol Guide to Health and Household pocket and escaped, There no clue. lower Ansonia. W 111 .11 il U taciuud tor begin August Mrs Charles Is under Dr copy otMitlf. MW iaqutrM. lump ply." on of the same week. For sev Jenning3 Instructor, tree. All of which ia guaranteed PATIENTS TREATEO BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Saturday : Martin Barnes the Hill's care. . cost At E. from Mr and Mrs William keeps machinery ia . tmm witt mm tauuiilwni or tad Sart it has been the desire of Marshall Beach has had two car loads to do you good and you nothing. Reports WillitiMr.9 raw. to ummy, eral years past, order in & Vjcga.lifmvmtun MUh , Mrs" had two cows of coal come to Monroe station. Tha P. Hawley' drag store. BalSows, who are travelling' thronh running Phelps Ear&ol:ew's p. t. o. r. tir.:x r::::::i rx tz iiy the cottagers to have Plainville become Mary Beardsley Kinnev's store in New Milford, comes hope there will be a well filled bouse. on the corner of Cornell and Canal streets ters including not only the residents, but nOMPANY. for the some of as FOSTER,BESSE & the distance of eight miles on his bicycle Arthur Mansfield of Brookfield passed Derby gas company. the summer guests well. The - proceeds are to be devoted to charitable David Monroe and wife of Danbury Sunday at H. B. Bostwick's. S. V. B. Hubbard aud wife have re- purposes. Sale. were the of Mr and Mrs V. B. turned from Litchfield and his health Is Inly guests much Hatch, last week. ' SOUTHVILLE. improved. The unequal struggle between the ; AT - W. J. Miller, of the Greens Farms and Fairfield ball nines I. D. Dayton of Hill Top intends to go Mrs Charles Roswell has had a severe president Derby Silver Co., started, on his resulted in failure for, the Fairflelders. to the World's fair, so it ia reported. attack of nervous prostration. Pr King Wednesday, fall visitation to their many customers. The storm of wind and did :: :: Miss with her needle of New Milford and Dr Williams, were lightning THE BOSTON ST0EE. Jenny Anderson, He will vlBlt the principal cities of the much serious in this V. B.' Hatch's. called in consultation. At the present damage vicinity, & Goods and im and thread, is at work at United States. but the rain was refresh Storey Soy having cleared out a great many linei of Dry from manufactorer! she is a little more comfortable. ng. porters at less than the cost to manufacture. : Charles Tect returned to Hartford,last We mention few of the we are Customers will find in- Applicants for pensions under the. act AH friends, are invited to visit Elm a many bargain offering. special bargain to of as clerk in Miss Laura Minor is for an in all Goods moBth - week, his place business, staying of se- department. Ton can boy a very large amount of Orr for vary little money this v.i -s June 27, 1890, stand no chance to and its inmates. x- definite time with Mrs Laura Welton. cottage It any person the Boston store. f a large boot and shoe store. cure them under this administration. would like to lend a hand he or she is by visiting , " Miss Agnes Roswell has been appoint- Several have already been rejected who invited to come down any Sunday after- KENT. ed secretary of the Union Sunday school proved their disabilities, some of them noon and hold school. who help Sunday JERSEY UNDEKWEAE. here in place ol Mrs E. W. Smith, tracing their troubles back to the war. Come at any hour and stay as long as WHERE IS OUR PUBLIC 811 KIT? resigned. you please. Exercises close in the after- One lot Ladies' Jersey Testa 8c each. ... One lot Ladies' Jersey Vesta lOe each. " The under the care noon, some flower, to at- Episcopal cemetery Mr and Mrs Horace Allen and children Bring bright 100 dozen Extra Tests at 12 c usual I STEPNEY. Quality price 20c of looks neat and trim. O tract - " We" Are Attention Fred Barton spent two or three days at her father's, the children to you. 45 dozen Fancy Colors 19c. , . Drawing would that some would down 60 dozen assorted styles Vests 29c. reduced from S8a. one; chop J. M. last week. ' . do- Jersey TO what U moat emphatically the bent offer that we have ever yet hail the pleasure of Ford's, MR JOHNSON RESIGNS. The safe in the postofilce is again the trees and cut the blackberry - ubmlttlnK lu You are looking for a purchase that won't regret macleand cherry Wile and and Brown anil ing duty, the hole bored in the door by print. having bushes In the one beyond it! Dr wife, Pr Rev Mr Johnsonof the church out of which you will Kt ft return proportionate to your Investment. That ia your side of just wife of through here on Baptist the burglars having been plugged. This the transaction. Ours Is to you the chance anil this Is what we are when Danbury passed has been to his "Jsastorate H0SIEEY. give exactly doing a Rev B. M. with the a while at W . obliged resign is only the fifth time it has been bored. we offer our Blue Middlesex Suits for 10. Nobody can blame you for being anxious to get Wright exchanged Monday, stopping to ill health. owing His resignation Ladies' Fast Black Hose 10c, 12 1 2c. 18c, 25e pair-Ta- n rich return for a That, and nothing less than that, Is what you will seenro if Gaylordsville clergyman, last Sunday Smith's while Dr Brown made a pro E. W. Clucas is now seen on the poor outlay. takes effect on September 1, but he will daily Hose for Ladies' and Children at 25c, 85c and 50c pauv you don't lose this opportunity. Mr Wright and his family are fessional call on Nellie May, who is sick streets morning. probably hot 'occupy the pulpit here with a new turrout including a 30 dozen Tan Richelieu Ribbed Lisle Thread Hose 35c, worth 50c. at Lake were on .v a few with friends at her father's. their way team 100 dozen Initial Silk Handkerchiefs 15c worth 26c. . . spending days They again. He is now in the care of a phys- of trotters. V ; each, One pair-Jerse- BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Waramaug. to meet a pleasure party at Leroy let Gauntlet Gloves reduced to 15e y ician and must give up active work for The Rubber started Mitts Never before suoh an assortment at such low prices. Neat looking and serviceable suits factory up again, at 12, 15. 19, 28, 38 and 60c pair. Mi98 is a while at least. He been faithful Fans in abundance A of . .) .1.ft0. and suits at 4, 4.60, 5, 5.50, 6, 6.S0. Mary Ilopson improving, has Monday. great from le to 50c fine selected stock Feather Fans. for i.80, and Very nobby stylish it will be a time before she Miss Bessie of is and Men's and young men's suits fl.50, 8.50, 10, 12, 13, 14, IS, 18, 18, 20, 22 to SBJiO, everyone a bar though long Andrews Bridgeport fearless in his labors here, preach- gain at from $1 to (4 more. regains her full health. a guest of her aunt, Mrs David Barnum. ing the gospel with an eye single to the HTJNTINQTON. with starched collar and cuffs mo, $1.25, $1.39 and 1.50. Negligee Shirts, Workmen are the furnace glory of his Master, with fearlessness of PARASOLS. An Immense stock of Straw Hats 25o, 50o, 75c, 1, 1.25, 1 .50. repairing was fresh- LITCHFIELD. spirit and with his heart in his work. WHITE HILLS. An elegant as well as the , dam, that badly injured by the ware closing out oui 'stock of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas at marked down prices. 48c, 90c It is he is now to re- - Also finer ets, last spring. regretted that obliged Misses Jennie and Carrie Curtis $1,1.25,1.60,2,2.50- qualities all reduced. F his to a and to Assortment of Neckwear in the LITCHFIELD FULL-O- BOARDERS. bring pastorate close, lay turned from their cottage at' Madison, Largest City. George Watson Rtill continues very. down his work by reason of failure of sick. His The town is well filled with boarders Saturday. "W"jSS: DH,BSS GOODS. son, Robert, private secretary Gine-hu- house are health, and it is the desire of his many 28 pieces Dress Ginghams at 6e. reduced from 10c SO nieces fine Scotch alnra to the Scribners in New York was and the boarding keepers busy .Willard Beard will supply the pulpit sold l-- . CO!, City, friends that, he may be restored, ; and at 25o, for 12 yard, just half price. 40 pieces fine Scotch Lawn, good patterns, full widti BESSE & to him. Mr Wiman and happy. Ichabod. here Service ' will ; be usual now marked down to FOSTER, here, Sunday, visit again be permitted to labor in the cause during August. price 10e; 6c is for him. A of the held at 11 o'clock. All are welcome. Combination Clothiers, caring delegation Last week was a week of many funer he loves so well. It is expected that We have made a reduced price on all Drees goods. Hot Jacquard goods 19c, from 25c 28 also came fine Goods " Bridgeport Knight Templars als, for Litchfield. Thompkins Mc- there will be preaching next Sunday by Mrs George Botsford Is very ill at this pieces Diagonal and Figured Dress reduced to 25c ' 317 Main Street, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. to see him, one last week. " Bargains will be found in all departments. day Laughlin, professor at Yale, was buried a clergyman from New Jersey who will writing, Tuesday morning. . W. II . is a little on on v y, come as a candidate. Rev Kirk better. Thursday, uavia Uinsign Harry Hubbell is staying at Walter x cSc Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. W. J. Hale on Saturday and Mrs S t o e3T Mrs Jessup and daughters are spending Charles L. Hubbell Hubbell's, this week. Brace on Sunday. has returned from 342 Main street, Boy,'BRIDGEPORT. a few with Mrs Haxtun. Rev Mr CONN. BEE daughter, Mrs II. E. Benedict of Litch- days his visit at his sister's in central New Mrs Warren Hubbell spent a few days NEWTOWN, was in of An- Mead & have field. Jessup formerly charge St The contractors, Taf t, York. He reports plenty of rain and at th-- seashore, last week. drew's church, Kent. ' commenced work on E. B. Van Winkle's ' The students are now in camp and ex- good crops there. Mrs Albert Anderson is be beautif aland distant. A large new boro, 111., the other day. A car loaded new house, : improving. barn will soon be pect a jolly time. The Episcopal Sunday school are talk Mr and Mrs H. W. Edwards spent She is still with her sister, Mrs W. W. erected, and the old with wheat got away and ran down a about a next in The summer come and and - one and the which have a The road machine will soon be ing picnic, week, George visitors go Sunday in Brookfield'withB.T. Jackson. Wheeler. unsightly sheds, steep grade colliding with freight train moving woods. in abundance are carted and so stood on the of the was FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. Hopson's trunks up long edge road, that coming. Oae brakeman was again. down the west hill. Misses Lillie Hull and Minnie Edwards will be razed from the killed and some others were A nice shower, wet down the WESTON. present places. Injured. Campers are having a fine time at the Tuesday, are spending a week with relatives in dust finely, but notwithstanding our fre- West Haven. . The Milburn Wagon Co., In Ohio have lake. Mrs Eliza of Ridgefield has been WILTON. quent showers the ground is very dry and BANTAM. ' Hoyt shut down for six months,throwlng 1,500 CIRCULATION: The Methodist school has of Mrs Harriet God- New potatoes are quite plenty. Crops potato hills austy at the bottom. Sunday the guest her sister, men out of employment. The men re- JANUARY 610 of all kinds are well. 'Mr Sluvther and wife, who have been voted to picnic with the Eastern Metho frey. UCRLBUTT STREET. fused to 1.1882, looking is filled accept a reduction of wages In LAST 3400 The Elmore house well with at Mrs Grossman's, have return- dist school at Parlor Rock at WEEK, visiting Sunday e, the hard hence the shut and Landlord Wildman takes A large elm tree in front of John A. Quintard and family of Tough-keepsi- times, down. BRIDQEWATER. guests ed to Hudson taking Mrs Crossman with some future day. great pleasure in making them them. Fitch's house was blown down by the N. Y., are visiting his sister Mrs There has been considerable excite- Miss Lila Moore is at the World's fair. high wind of last Wednesday. H. Gilbert. ment throughout the state at the rumor Iii Litchfield County. VACATION AT ST MARK'S. Nathaniel B. Prinde, wife and child, ' Postmaster Gregory entertains friends Henry Monroe has excepted a that a large portion of the school fond - to a position St Mark's Is to be closed for two Sun- NEW PRESTON- have returned. Uirmingham after from New Haven. with .Charles had been lost the of a months' vacation in this Gorpple and will take by disappearance BETHLEHEM. days in August while the rector takes place. FAIRFIELD. of man named Gunn. School Fond Com- Mr at struck and set fire to an charge his thrashing machine, next his vacation. Gallup,teacher Upson's seminary, Mrs and Maude, vis Lightning week. missioner Olney went to Lima, Ohio, to Flynn daughter, CAUGHT IN THE ACT. out-buildi- on TUB CHANGE goes this week to his relatives and friends the premises of Mrs A. ANOTHEH ACCOUNT OF A ited friends in Ilotchkissville, last week. investigate and reports that the loss BIO SNAKE. in this and other states for a months' entered the store of W. S. E. on of last week. Rev Mr Hooker of St Wil- MEKTINO. Burglars E. Turney, Wednesday Matthew's, will be bat very small. While one last Lewis We had a rain, Saturday, which laid Mr Pickett ton, preached to a very large audience in Mountain Pomona Grange hajing day week, stay. Pickett, Thursday morning. Miss Minnie Williams has been camp- County a black of un- the dust, and did a great amount of good. heard the alarm about 2 o'clock and he the school house of this last Sun- A man named Sholes near Norwich their in the Town Northrop discovered snake James II. Reed of Christian street is ing for a week at Compo with a party of place, held quarterly meeting size succeeded in It did not effect the streams, which are then rose and dressed and armed himself struck an intoxicated person near his on and the exercises usual and despatching this and twice Bethel friends. day evening. hall Wednesday the was found to measure six supplying village vicinity very low. and went to the store. was dark and home with his fist, and as a result ot the were there reptile. It each week as well as possible for him It Chauncey Brown has bought a new quite largely attended, being and one half in and no stretch- for a few moments he could see or hear Miss May Hamilton has returned from blow, the man fell and soon died. The from feet length with seasonable at very mod horse. lie will be placed on the mail many present nearly every grange vegetables When he was around" a two week's visit in Georgetown. examination of the dead man by the doc- In the The forenoon was ing. erate nothing. walking route between thi3 place, Weston and organization. prices. In Fairfield the he saw a man outside tors showed that he died of hemorrhage-o- f In a closed session over County. building just Mr and Mrs W. B. Smith have moved Norwalk. occupied presided Mrs Dora Sanford and Miss May were Edson Cable and family have come the window in the room. At the brain. That man ought to keep Master n. O. Averlll of postofilce to their new home in Cannons. by Worthy guests of friends in Washington, last back from Ansonia with their household the same time the watcher discovered his fists in his pockets which is good ad- After this a bountiful col- week. John Chase's cat killed a black Washington. goods to reside in this village or near SHELTON. Mr Pickett and stepped quickly away, so large vice for some of the rest of ns. lation was served. In the afternoon the in the future. Mr Cable snake, last week, of which John is ex- General News. Miss Nellie Beers is visiting her aunt vicinity prefers that it is probable that the shot which I uaruora s cniei or netsion was an . ono and ponce, jauez opcu Worthy in C. WoodwardI the of the country instead of the was fired at him him. He tremely proud. l of Watertown had Woodbury, Mrs A. quiet injured gave Woodbridge, was chosen as warden for Lecturer Chittenden bustle of the manufacturing town and THE NEW SAVINGS BANK. a and an accom- an the Illchard IJandall from Shelton was a frightened yell, - STRATFIELD. the state's prison at WethersfieldV The prepared interesting program, to secure as much work the the recent an act of of window lian-dal- hopes among At Legislature plice jumped;out the and ran, warden draws a of a house main feature of which was a debate up- recent of his John l. IN THE STATE AND THE WIDE FIELD salary $2400, guest brother, farmers here as he did with the factories w&a for a bank too. this time Beveral of the on the "Resolved that the passed savings By neigh- A FINE RESIDENCE. and various other perquisites. question pre there. here. On last the corporators bors arrived on the ground, but no trace sent burden of taxation is the Tuesday The large and fine residence now being are still at the negro unequal Mr and Mrs Burr Mallett visited met at the Town clerk's office and elect- of the burglar could be found. The bur- They killing result of weak and lnettlclunt tax laws." erected near the church for C. V. S. business down South. Last Saturday, friends in Stratford, last week. R0XBTJRY. ed other corporators and officers. The glar had opened a window with a chisel East Hartford met with a loss It was ably dlsscussed by Messrs Averill Brothwell is nearing completion. Stand- quite at. Memphis they hung a negro without are W. J. Miller, Ber- taken from the carpenter shop of E. H. storm 19. some sec- and Flower of Mr and Mrs C. H. Sanford and Miss MISS BOOTH BECOMES MRS BOOTH. corporators Henry ing as it does upon high ground, shelter- by the of July In trial and then burned hla and of Washington Percy W. L. A. R. Smith. With a brace and some fine steel body, yet D. It. ITotchklss of Susie are at their town residence. ry, Clark, J. Tomlinson, ed by the high hill it will make one of tions of the town there was a severe hail we claim to be a civilized nation. Jtethlehem, Prospect Frank Booth took a trip to Naugatuck, T. N. F. G. G. drills had bored the find T. of Watertown. Tlie Smith, Newcomb, Perry, they nearly through the most delightful and desired homes in storm that almost destroyed the tobacco II. Dayton Glad to see Mrs Jay Frost's house last week. .' On his return he informed A. H. N. door of the safe before was and Shelton, J. Barton, Henry being frightened the vicinity. A large hall runs through crop. The loss is estimated at 100,000. debate quite Interesting lively. open again. Mrs btarr has also re his friends that be had been united in E. L. S. T. Palmer; Had succeeded a few The decided the of Beardsley, Staples, away. they only the center of the house, from which on of officers Judges that weight turned. to his cousin, Miss Grace Booth, The officers elected are r Wat- would have been as At the trial the of the battle Guaranteed Cure. was on the alllrmative. The marriage President, stamps found, money either side are large, well lighted and the argument Mrs Samuel Ilurlburt and son from daughter of Canfield Booth of Nauga- son J . Miller ; vice John H. is not left there over It is ship, Victoria, testimony brought entitled "The Old Ox Team," president. night. thought ventilated rooms. Although outside the out that Admiral was the cause We authorize our advertised to song by New Ilaveu are with her Miss tuck. - He and his bride have the good Barlow ; secretary and treasurer,.!. Tom that the cracksmen are the same as enter Tryon dragglst the was well re- sister, city limits it is well fitted up with all of the loss of the vessel. himself sell Dr King's New discovery for consump- Washington quartet Flora Keeler. wishes of all. linson ; directors. F. G. H. N. ed the office October 17. It is unfortun He, asVere also several declamations. Perry, modern improvements, hot and cold wa- his that the wreck wa3 tion, cougba and colds, upon tliis condition: ceived, A. R. Smith, T.H.Newcomb, ate indeed that could not be captur- saidjbefore death, If yon are afflicted with a cough, cold or any Miss Bessie Randall has been the DOWN GOES THE BRIDGE. Beardsley, they ter, steam heat, making' ic a modern home. all his fault. Wesley L. Clarke, Henry Berry, G. A. ed, and a long Imprisonment. lung, throat or chest trouble and will use this FltlKN 1LY NENUIHOUS. guest for two weeks of Mr and Mrs A. given as it a fair trial and On Monday evening the old wooden Shelton. After the meeting several de A report from the journal of agricul- remedy directed, giving W. IJandall of " James Ward, the builder, has the con experience no benefit, you may return the On the of Jarrea Bridgeport, near the mill went down. Fortu- were made. AT THE FRESH AIR HOME. ture at St Louis states that the world's Friday, neighbors bridge posits tract for remodeling the house of G. Fred bottle and have your money relunded. We wto has been feeble Mrs D Wheeler entertains Miss business was over for the day and ( wheat is 100,000,000 bushels short not make this offer did we not know-tha- t "Wheeler, quite wight nately A merry set of children were here, Bennett. A large tower is being erected crop could from an accident, repaired to his farm Martha DeForest from New Haven. no teams were about. When the new Rev L. M. Kenestjon went to Birming this year. It advises the farmers to hold Dr King's Xew Discovery could be relied last week. They weri from the Wilson on the corner, which will be carried far on. never Trial bottles free to him a lift at The clatter iron bridge was put up one span of the ham, Wednesday, and married a couple on to their rntil the goes up, It disappoints. give haying. Mrs Burton Canfield and Miss Sadie Industrial school, and many of them above the main roof. When completed crops price at E. F. store sices 50o three machines made old wooden bridge was left to save ex- for Rev C. W. Park, who is absent, and Hawley's drug Large of mowing merry Mallett were In attendance at the ice from poor homes, but dressed nicely. the view from the highest windows will There was a curious accident at Jones-- and tl-- music for the hud when It has been very unsafe for a on Thursday, he left for his gentleman (he cream parlor, Saturday evening, and re- pense. morning could "sing beautifully when un down he had the satisfaction time. we shall have an home at West Andover, N. H., where he They went port a uusy time. Mrs E. 11. Wooster long Perhaps One visitor brought the out on what to be entire iron now. will the month of requested. lady cf looking appeared and Mrs W. W. Welton are in charge, bridge spend August. children some beautiful flowers, which barren but which In the , w fields, morning evening-- the 3d. MISS GREEN MR BUCKINGHAM. There was a hearing in the probate were distributed among them. The b the harvest." All Saturday n.iuuuuLiutnj "'seemed white unto court, on Wednesday last, on petition of inexs aay one iiitie uuu a wiilcu njwuuiJt.!uijjiji In Miss Sadie Is home until Miss Laura Green of this and Ar gin WE GTJ1KAHTEE A CUBE who participated this scheme depart- Kyle place Dillon & Douglass of New Haven to DtUCIIDCD Mr Wheeler's "God bless thur were married nCmC.IVIDl.lf &"d Invito the most ed with you." Buckingham atSt bring Insolvency proceedings against the she a friend to keep for her, D careful investigation as to our responsibil- Mr and Mrs Charles Roland and Mr John's church in requested ity and the merits of our Tablets. Episcopal Washington late firm of Paddock & Bmtly. An ad while she was swinging in the hammock. U .M Fred Candee Is For Mrs oh. 23. After the LL' n quite poorly. and Sidney Dibble from Danbury Sunday evening, July so" journment was had until next week Mon When such a poor flower is "prized, is I READ -- OUR she has been a sufferer from were returned for a few -- I tuay years at the Roland homestead, Sunday. ceremony they days - '. it not to the children a I TESTIMONIALS Double Chloride of Gold Tablets fever and rheumatism and now his Andrew day. ;:;. pleasant give a nay Mr and Mrs James Stewart and visit with father, Bucking wholesome We who live rwill pomnlptnlvdestrovthe desire for TOBACCO In from 3to5 days. Perfectly harm Is daugtv T. H. Newcomb and wife returned pleasure. less ; cause no sickness, and may be in a of tea or coffee without tne Knowl dropsy apprehended. ham of Church Hill. nowers. Know wno given cap a ter from Sherman were Sunday guests home, last from a visit to among green neius and 9 edge of the patient, will voluntarily stop smoicingur onewing in icw unya. Miss Huel of New Haven has Wednesday, of waifs of recently of Daniel Canfield and Miss Sullivan C. W. and W. C. Mower have Massachusetts and also to the World's little of the longings these DRUNKENNESS an! MORPHINE HABIT been a of Miss Dora A. Bloss. Hodge few guest from Washington of Mrs George been to Lake for a few fair. C the city who will remember these the the nse of our SPECIAL, FORMULA GOLDyelX'S?tvrCURB TABLETS. Waramaug days patient, by - FEW Mrs P. M. Crane is on a visit to her days as a bright spot in their life. May Dnring treatment patients are allowed the free nse of .Liquor or Jttor- Mrs Charles Buckingham of Northville Milton Moshier and family have gone them with new and the sister In Mass. , God bless hope, We send and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall Testimo Springfield, Two new monuments were up in ' .: particulars . pat has been visiting her parents, Mr and to Maine for a few weeks. contributors to their welfare. DO grlHa to place suuerers lrorii any ut ii&uius in vi.imuui.iutt-- returned to the center cemetery, last week, in the "" llou Wltll persons wno nave uetn cureu tujvy tut; uwvi um a Miss Edith Judsou has Mrs Leroy Warner. fiest-clas- s from of late R. B. Wheeler and John L. Farnham and Thomas McLar- - HILL'S TABLETS are for sale by all persons after several visit at family plot the A FROM MR BETTS I iSouthlngton days Two in one week, is have a small store build WORD flruggista it $ .OO per package. who have been her Wilbur Judson's. Her Lewis MinorT marriages it ney purchased If your druggistdoesnotkeep them, enclose ns f,QO father's, stronarlv hinted that the third will take or (jnaries a. uean, and nave open Mr Betts savs the trade papers state and we will eeud you, by return mail, a package ot our cured by the use of next destination Is Cottage City,Martha's The fine weather out ing Tablets. brought good place soon. ed an undertakyag establishment. the farmers of Delaware expect to gath Write your name and nddress plainly, ana state "Vineyard. Prentiss, a brother of Miss congregations in both churches, Sunday amount whether Tunic ts are for Tobacco, Morphine or W. with her er a larare Quantity of peaches, Habit. IlilTs TaMcts: Hdlth Judsou, recently caught his tand morning. Mr Doan preached from the Mrs B. Seward has been Next Monday evening the Y. P. S. C. liquor m. ing to about 4,000,000 baskets. Think DO NOT EE DECEIVED into purchasing in a cog of his father's mowing machine, out parents at Bull's Bridge for a few days. ot tne metnodist cnurcn win bold a of tuo various nostrums mat are Dcmg Tbi Ohio Co.: words "For ye shall go with joy. be a sudden demand for any ? Chiici1 have been sociable Rev .W. P. ing (here may onerea ior pr.ie. ask lor xxxoxu-c- dear Sir: using tout but escaped without serious Injury. and be led forth with peace." Mr Smith and Arbuckle will and taKe no oilier. cure for tobacco habit, and found it would some fruit jars, as there was two years ago, TABLETS do what you claim for it. I ten ceuta give account of his visit to the i.i-- t K if" er Mrs Emerson of California is from John 10:14; subject "The good MILTON. hp. to now. while are Manufactured only by a the RtrnntFA.it chewin nitobacco a dav. Hayes World's fair. advises buy they and from one to five clears: or I would smoke visiting her Invalid mother and other Shepherd. . THE tmm tpn to lortvnifHwoi' tobneco. Hare chewed O. E. Gillette, the Winsted stone cut cheaper.: imntrtl for twentv five rears, and two nackagea friends in this vicinity. JameS Stuart and of Sherman A. P. Mallory has brought suit Of cured so I have nodi-sir- e forifc. family is here to a handsome monu- against ST THOMAS' CHURCH. OHIO" CHEMICAL CO, your Tablets ine were Can field's over ter, put up the town. He was awarded M it Bradley of New Haven, the past guests at D. II. Sun damages, N. T. ment for James Blake. 61, 63 & 6S Opera Block, Dobbs Feubt, mtataA ft . tr rA t a f V a t William day. by a committee, made, he claimed, by There is now $13,000 in the treasury Thk Ohio Chemical Co. : Gentlemen: Some Umc mro I awtt Dr C. I. Tage of Naugatuck. visited his down a street, which the select of St Thomas church, as a nucleus to the OHIO. v i no nrnwv. ,,t TsthlKta tor Tilh.'Uico H:ih't-- 1 received Carpenter. Mrs Carpenter's nephew, j Andrew drives a new horse, an cutting LIMA, thon. all ltiioiiL?h 1 u boiii a hvvan.iiccrauucliwer. Youngs friends here, the latter part of last week men have not As are for the erection of the new build did the work in less than tbreedMva .Ism cured. wife ana cnua, aiso air ana jaira jirusu Iron of of paid. they acting fund, PARTICULARS they MATIlt W Jvtli O. Box 5-- gray, purchased Pliny Squires We hear he is into a advice of is Coleman is to Truly yonrs, I. 4 all ot New Haven, have recently been New Milford. that getting good under the counsel it suppos ing. Father endeavoring ...... PlTTFBCltGW A Mrs Brush 1 practice in Naugatuck. He has many ed nave reasons ror tneir re-- obtain $10,000 in pledges of $100 each by FREE. : Ohio Chemical Co.: Gasrri-EiiKNsI- t gives me pleasure to upeck a at the same place. tney good . M V Bon WHS Rt rOIlSTiV iitiaH'I.Xl to 1 ile USe OI 'guests Misses Lena and Maud Allen of friends here who will be with Ifu to 100 and has nMi.. vnn.T,ftl.ts. the youngest daughter of William Car- Bridge gratified sal pay the claim. persons, many pledges liauor. and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. He wiaa beary and are at Edward Allen's. his success. - constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but three days ne qunuriuains. port There was a attendance at the promised- anil will not tonch liauor of any kind I have waited foar month before writing penter. good 1 ours - In to know core was permanent. Fred Gillette of Boston is at his fath Rev Mr Harrison, with wife and at the you. order the MKS-truly.- HELEN MORRISON. Dr Brodio Paterson of New Haven has daugh prayer meeting Congregational THIEVES ON THE KOAD. er's. ter, start August 1, for Chicago, to .be church on which was CHICKEN CiscnritATi, Ohio. been a gueat of Charles Bloss. Thursday evening, w a ease. recently two and three weeks who lives on the The Ohio Chemical Co : Gentlkmk : Your Tablets have performed miracle in my Miss Lois Peck, accompanied by a lady absent between led by F. A. Wales., Theodore Sherwood, t n.nn.hn. hvrodermicallv. for seven years, and have been cured by the nse of Mrs James B. Ames and two children 125 and without effort on my . W. L. LOItuAl. will be at TSridffenortC3 road (Blackv Kock). lost two of your Tablets, any part. Mrs friend, has been visiting her parents. They joined Danb'ary by Tne"scnooi Held is ' ' packages , (Mi Friday visited her daughter, Charles Harrison. meeting recently chickens, a few nights ago. Chicken Address au urders to in Charles Sanford and of said to have been illegal, because a copy George Leavenworth, Koxbury. famdy Bridge thieves have made themselves numerous i RESPONSIBLE ! The baseball game between Litchfield of the was not left with the fAGENTS WANTED! THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., Beveral port are occupying their summer resi warning Mill Hill. had better be on Mrs Ellata Vose, after spending oft 25. on They ' Hi. S3 and 63 Ooera Block. LIUA. OHIO. dence here. and Milton nines came July The clerk, as the law requires. . :tin ntuaa manllm mil IWUWr.1 weeks In this vicinity, on Monday return- Litchfield won a score of '19 to their guard or they will have something bovs by Three small children the ed home to Waterbury. Rev L. F. Burgess and son, Owen, re 13. died, past besides broiled chicken to tickle their from a two week's visit week. uuuv of Guilford has turned, Monday, palates. Miss Seward recently In New Mrs Peter Akamann was very sick, last of Miss Jennie L. Scott. Jersey. The South End prayer meeting Frii AT ST PAUL'S. - ' been a guest week, but ia nowrecovering. was attended. was , . Frank Sturdevant and lady of Danbury evening, largely It Skldmore and of Guild-ha- s Mr Jones officiated and Phllo II. daughter a James returned from a visit led by Mrs George W. Checsman of Bir Itev preached ' visited relatives are spending short time at his father's, the .A-- Newtown has recently Ell Sturdevant's. in northern New York. mingham. to a large congregation from text, "V7"la.n. OcOl t In this His is a stlcketh closer In. aSaxnfotirsr, and acquaintances place. At the annual of the Wilcox 'There friend that of has meeting 18-2- a cordial Miss Sadie from New Haven Is Harry Howard, Jr.? Bridgeport 4. Even old friends give him reception Kyle Co-- than a brother," Proverbs returned to his work in that and his & Howe , the old officers were re time. spending her vacation here. city prayer was held at 5 o'clock, when a every brother, Will, has come here for a rest, elected. ing of has Mr ana Mrs Walter Gibson and son few faithful ones met together. Miss Daisy Wilson Washington a of the directors of the a few with her spent at F. J. At meeting been spending days Sunday Hawley's. MERRYALL. Shelton The 2Gth annual reunion of the Con hL-Il- Marchi Clark.' savings bank,Tuesday afternoon, Sr grandmother, J. Thomson Is in very feeble heakh, it was voted to commence business on necticut will be held at Savin 257 Mrs Horace Merwin of calvary STEHBT; has been laid up for Bridgeport 28, the of busi 10. Henry Zlcgler roe uan iveeier piace is Demg Mrs C. Monday, August place Rock, Wednesday, August Among And examine their stock and prices ol or so. Visiting at T. Merwin's.; ness entitled to attend a e;k The house Is being neatly painted, being at the town clerk's office. those in this vicinity Miss Lavlnia of Teunion are the venerable Maj which improves it very much. Eealey Brooklyn A oi tne directors of tne cem the spending !the summer at II. B. Bost meeting John B. Morehouse of Fairfield and Har WltoOW. SHADES, OIL CLOTHS been etery association was held, last FURNITURE, CARPETS, WEST MORRIS. Ernest 'Morse has canvassing wick's. Friday, ry Flint. through this town for the 'Cottage and Dr G. A. Shelton was elected a di CROCKERY, The rain of was . much rector in the of D. W. de to the of the DRAPERY, CURTAINS, LAIIPS, are Physician." Saturday very place Plumb, Owing Tavages beetle,the The farmers nearly through needed by the crops, although the farm ceased. Tlie committee' at a elm trees about the green are nearly The Is batter than appointed RANGES AND HOUSE FUR- hay crop NEW PRESTON HILL.- - era that were unlucky enough to have recent meeting,, namely, D.S.Brinsmade leafless, and what leaves remain look as STOVES, hay down did not appreciate it much and J. Tomlinson, were directed to go on if scorched. . GOODS. boarders hav arrived in our Mr M&llory of Hartford was a recent out the of the associa NISHING City Eev Mr Wright from Kent will and lay grounds A entertainment was at the to fresh air. guest at Hill Top at John Mitchell's. preach pleasant given j.'laee. Just spct get at the chapel, Sunday, August 6. Mr tion. the casino, on Fairfield beach, July 29. who is ' -' delivered freo to NeT7tov;ii and lira Dwlght Bunnell Is visiting her Clifford Hatch, employed in w rigm aoes not visit us oxten ana we A large brick building Is being erected It was given by local talent, the charac- Freight paid or goods vicinity. we in a visit to the en route for the World's fair at Chicago.-Fortunately- "" NEWTOWN, 'CONN. BEE senior warden for many vears. "The On the route took Our Store's a Comfortable Place to be in M. G. KEANE'S memory of the just is blessed.1" proposed location of the new reservoir in Mr and Mrs Stlllson have ' the same hills. It struck us very pleas several relatives and friends In the above MONUMENTAL WORKS, Summer Coods MOKE AllOUf CO I. NEWTON. antly, and as being very feasible. It Is mentioned city who have extended to Honsatonic Avenne, Bridgeport. a to como Col John IS. 82 last liv ure as mountain water can be, clear and them cordial invitation West FIRE INSURANCE Newton, April, now. a continu- in East street and who has been re cool. The drought is very severe for visit, especially during the Old Eeliable Companies. Lowest Bataa. raiDAr. august 4,! isas. ing ance IN SPLENDID VARIETY well for one of his arose Mr Sherman says that. the water is as low of the fair. W. A. LEONARD, Conn markably age, a blizzard Newtown, now as he has ever known and yet we Because perpetual rages amongst our profits; stand at Zero- - aa usual on Sunday morning, assisting it, they always AT was sufficient water es his son Walter in "doing the chores,'' udged that there Smith's; Restaurant, to fill a six or inch pipe. CIRCULATION: said to him as the milk wagon wag ready caping eight MORRIS. 43 BRIDGEPORT. The Is sufficient to water John street, to start, "I do not feel very well this height carry REGULAR M2AXS. UNUABT 1.1883, 610 over the of the tower, and OXFORD FULL A. H. LAST 3400 you will have to go with the top creamery TIES TOreak fiut. aim. Dinner. 30c. Sunner. 15c. DAVIS'S, WEEK, morning; SOo. Table He went in Mr Cowles tower in the 'Ville. We hope A " Hot meals at all hours ot the dav. milk." and lav down on the SHINING MARK. bo Kid, tient's, $3.60; Ladies, $3. Open trom 6 the water company will go ahead in their a. in. in. . BRIDGEPORT. lounge, saying he felt badly across the I wop. 429 Main St., The were saddened to hear MRS T-.------. best, and that he was troubled for ndcrtak'mg with "celerity and dis community Ladies' Kid Oxfords, EST 75c; were $1.00. SMITH, Proprietor. - - of the decease of E. Mc breath. In a short time he ceased- to patch." Prof Tompkins Ladies' Kid laughlin of Yale. He was the son Oxfords, $1.00; were 1.25. n H. HORTHROP. Agent For the Oldest In Litchfield County. breathe. He was a native of this only Jt Strongest and Mont Reliable Fire Insur We have many spe place, Misses lyatherine M. Woodruff,' Fannie of Itev D. D. T. who was Ladies' Kid ance in : been born in the house in which McLaughlin, Oxfords, were 1.50. (jompanles Connecticut, viz Han lord havlog Curtiss and Daisy Curtisshave return of the church here for several "1,25; Fire, of Hartlord. Phoenix, of Hartford. he died. When a man he pastor Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Connecticut, of Hartford. Orient, ot Hart cialties which our young belong ed from their four weeks' visit to the Mc- 1.50; were 2.00. ford. Middlesex of Middletown. neigh WASHINGTON. years. In his early boyhood, Prof , Mutual, - ed to the cavalry, of which he became tv esrcnester, oi new x oric. World's fair and the West. Like every abundant of the Ladies' Kid Oxfords, . were colonel. Laughlin gave promise 2.00; 2.50. He'represented the town in the body else who has returned from a visit rare made life bors do not have, and WOODEUFFVILLK. ' scholarship which has bis Ladies' Kid Oxfords, 2.50, were 3.00. Legislature of 1809, beside holding other to the fair, they pronounce everything such a marvellous success. Our oitieea in town He was sym- Sense aflairs. a life beyond and beyond description out from full hearts toward Common and P.L. Tip Opera Toe. to entire sat member of praise pathy goes study give ' The year 1023. A fropheny of Glories to long St John's .church and They were on another part of the grounds his so of The Still A Favorite. had been of parents, suddenly deprived Come Historical Sketch No 1. superintendent their Sunday and happily did not witness the terrible stafl' of their school for 52 also a member of declining years. isfaction to our custom years and slaughter of the fireman. The other fire, the choir for a of Scene: Town of Washington. great number years. the destruction of the hotel, they wit His wife died a few years since ers. We make to meas- Locality: New I'reaton Station.1" ago. nessed at a distance. ARRIVALS. KID BUTTON SHOES. Dato: V.m. which time he has lived in the family July 4, We had a very call, last week, Mr Mrs New llise of a with his son Walter. They together have pleasant and Aston of Britain are ure in the Subject: growlDg village. from Kev Mr former pastor A. anything a l'ulman car on the carried on a prosperous business in farm Powellson, at Edgar Alvord's. Ladies' Kid Button. 86c; were $1.00 Alighting from of the old First church. He a very on of ing. He was honest, upright, and en-- gave ' Shepaug road, the morning July 4, account of his in Willis Savage of Hartford is a guest at Ladies' Kid Button, $1.25; were 1.50 ' clothing: line at a small oyed the fullest confidence and respect Interesting experiences 192.1, a. representative of The Bkk found the extreme West. Dea S. A. Whittlesey's. Ladies' Kid 1.75; were 2.00 Wood-ruflVIIl- octo- Button, himself at the of e. of all who knew him. Two of the thriving village Mrs of -- advance over the genarians alive last are gone, Julia Farnham and daughter . Ladies' Kid were 2.50 regu To the person and stranger, spring Suflleld are at Dea Farnham's. n Button, 2.00; who has been absent from town since leaving only two, Dea Baldwin and Wil- Ladies' Kid were 3.00 liam O'Dell. Col Newton's was NEW PRESTON. Button, 2.50; lar made 1SIKI, a little explanation may be neces funeral ready price. sary. The Shepaug valley has "forged attended Monday at 2.30 p. m., by a large concourse of citizens and v CHRISTIAN STREET. R0XBURY. ahead" with the rest of the world friends, Ilev ' Messrs Griswold A. H. AVhat was formerly known as New PreS' and Alcott officiating Crops are looking finely on this street The Deering Mower. DAVIS; ton Station Is now Woodruirville, a vil Some of the farmers have finished hay MEN'S GOODS. lace of 1000 Inhabitants. Here are lo A TIMELY TALK ON 11ARGAINS. ing and others will do so the coming SAD ACCIDENT TO MRS MINISKI. ST. week. Years only add to its excellence All 429 MAIN BRIDGEPORT cated a large carriage manufacturing K. W our new is J. atts, postmaster, A serious accident happened to Iflxs At lower pricesi QUALITY considered than any other store in the eity. to be establishment, a wholesale furniture still on deck with in the shoe Miss Bessie Taylor, with her grand who lives in the that experience teaches valuable a Ba- bargains Miniski, Henry Nichols establishment (perhaps branch of line. He has ladies' Oxford ties from $1 mother, Mrs A. M. Whittlesey, returned near the Fri and all that wealth can a place, Shepaug river, last GUESS COUPON TO CHICAGO improvements ker's), knitting industry (that years upward and common sense and patent tip last week. They had a very pjeasant afternoon. While on her home in of day way bny help to make these the best mow ago contemplated locating Uoxbury), shoes from $1.25 to $3. And he can trip, having visited many places inter New " up from Milford going down the steep Given with $1 - and the car shops of tho Shcpaog rail est in Boston, New Haven every purchase. vABSOLUTELYPURE suit the men. too, with Congress and Providence, hill near Hugh Fee sin the lower ers made. KV road. A branch of the Shepaug has and Haven. part Bluchertans and blacks in all widths and East of a nut came off" from the been built from New Preston Station, beg Bridgewater, The Deering Reapers and Binders 1 I.A .WILL NOT INJURE sizes. He has children's and misses' liev Horace Judd and of Hunt front her out. She struck 1laWIal WoodrulTvllle, to New Preston, family axle, throwing mowers in and THE MOST DELUXE pardon, shoes in all and to suit L. been at on her head and was some dis n. equal the superiority and the last season 20,000 grades prices ington, I., have visiting her dragged h: FABRICS during people If want a don't tance and received a severe wound ayres, all are the best C. three that were carried to the lake. The everyone. you hat, for father's, I. Crofut's. scalp implements village get that Mr Watts carries all the latest beside the bruises..- - She was taken in to VaiiiAqi F" has a half doen stores, (no saloons farmers can get to assist them in har styles. Hugh Fee's and Dr Pons telephoned for, 7 BISHOP BLOCK, BRIDGEPORT. thank God!), three churches and a large AT THE VILLAGE CHURCH. Presents who found that more than one-ha- lf of vest. GIVEN FOR TradeMarksI public school. There is a considerable The from the Har. following clipping Public was held at the the was torn and from do between Woodruffville and lem Chronicle will interest those worship Village scalp separated The Myers Hay Tools away with ISOLD rivalry Valley church last at the bones, 29 stitches to BYALL ERDCERSw 5cts.acake which latter place, with the mentioned parlors, Sunday morning necessitating much Washington Depot, acquainted parties 10.45. Kev Mr Evans also at bring the parts into natural We heavy, disagreeable work; they however, numbers 2000 souls. Station "At the Methodist preached shape. parsonage, Pawling- the church on New Preston Hill in the are informed that she is work - .Atreut Ilavnes, now a few years older N. Yr., 1893. Kev B. C. War recovering rap perfectly- July 9, by afternoon. Public services for the at A Handsome 3-4 Life S ize WHEN IN OUR CITY to be still over the She- Miss Helen of N day idly present writing. Vi Carts,Lum-- sure, presides ren, Ilayues Pawling, closed with a of the Y. P. S. C agons,Carriages,Road station. Your and II. of meeting We invito the public to call on us at our to r pang correspondent Y., Alpheus English Washing E. at the church at 7 m. ber Wagons and Harness of all kinds, would the as he ton, Conn." parlors p. CRAYON PORTRAIT 107 State street, Bridgeport, where we shall cos scracely recognize place Arthur of New Haven is .'. .". FREE! inne to the stock of It '.W a of Hawley and Windmills, Bakes, carry largest saw years ago. Not plot THE TOBACCO CROl. Hurl-bur- w Pumps Hay Among the visitors in town we notice spending his vacation with Everett t. erive ot our customers a ' e. remains unoccupied in We nronose to each handsome portrait of anvone thev mav a of House Furnishing Goods, ground, scarcely Mr and Mrs Bixby of Bridgewater, Mass Most of the tobacco in this lonr.. To tlds nnil we have made a contract with a leacUns portrait house to furnixli iih witl two kinds, and large variety the Two roads pas9 vicinity their celebrated pictures. To those who have seen these portraits no word is necesnarv: Including Bric-a-bra- Silverware. Earthen valley ground. at her father's, A. M. Smith's ; Miss Sar will be this week the to and those who have not we invite to the samples at our store. We will not confine tools in stock- - across the river to the where a clipped at top Mrs Thomas Bronsou entertains a inspectbut a farming always ware Glassware. Tinware, Woodeawara, in tact hillside, ah E. Judd of Cheshire at Mrs the weeds this offer to one picture in each family, give portrait each time the requirements are been Kinney's prevent from, growing higher niece from Long Island ; also a niece complied with. We iurther assure you that if the portrait is not satisfactory, yon need not Write for information Ar everything pertaining to the Crockery and House half dozen pretty residences have H are ot regarding Mrs ranees J. Ueaeh of New Haven at and the farmers will watch for but accept it until it is. The portraits crayon and India ink and a very tine grade. The Furnishing business. Hoping the public may built. Oh! what the years hail, from Meriden. same picture costs, when ordered ot an ageut or picture house, $10 to $18. Call at the store changes Henry T. Ilickox's. hope, O! so that it will not lor lull tesian Wells. give us a part of their patronage, we remain, Parish. earnestly, Mrs Jatne's particulars. bring. come till their is sheltered Wakeley of Woodbury Myron Kinney and family of Water- - crop properly Respectfully, and in and called upon some of her Roxbury bury are spending their vacation at his hung buildings ready waiting in A CHAT WITH MANAOKK (j'lIAHA, ! friends, last Monday. Furnitura, Carpets, Rugs. Undertaking all its branches, GHAS. E. BUSTED & Mrs M. for the same SON, mother's, J. Black's. E. ouccessors v m. a. The model Washington dairy of the Kev Austin Jsham filled the of - - - II Sipperley, aterung oi uc. Miss WILL THAT RAILROAD COME? pulpit Kcho Farm Co., of Litchfield, is at pres Maggie Weaver of Merwinsville the Methodist church, last Rev ewa.3.y HooK, Conn. 107 STATE STREET. who has been a of Hon C. P. and Frank S. Brow Sunday. ent sending oil' to New York daily abou guest her brother Lyman J. Nelson is visiting friends in Danbury. Children Cry for Pitcher's IfiOO of milk. A Vincent Weaver and at A. G. Baker's attended the meeting at New Milford on Castor. BRIDGEPORT, quarts representative Miss Clark of Ilamden is at SIPPERLEY'S MILLS, of Buk interviewed the man-age- returned home on last. Friday of last week of the stockholders visiting mill owned H. Tin: popular Saturday Rev W. D. paper by J. Roberts to ... . - . and directors of the electric railroad Humphrey's. Fairfield News. be of this creamery, the other day iiussin T.v.iue woicotc can County discontinued indefinitely. im oiisewtown which is by believed will run to AVESTP0RT, Manley O'Hara. Your scribe was vassed New and many The Methodist society held a very Farmers C0M.E witii abundance Washington, Preston, this from New Milford have nearly finished harvest- laugh ...... se formed the has place before this ice cream - that present dry spell Marblvdale, last week, in the interest of pleasant party at the hall, last FAIRFIELD- a of in of ing good crop hay the best pos- - n use Plumb & caused a falling oil' hi the sup date next year. Wednesday It was well attend Winton's 4 naturally the Connecticut Temperance Union evening. siDie condition. we her im of milk. too, Mr O'Hara im ed and much all very sick, but gladly report ply Then, While in enjoyed by were 7- Washington she was a guest of S. H. Clark of Marbledale has been The little children of Mr Ilewitt Manufnctared at Conn. formed us, that most farmers so arrange proving. j- Bridgeport, Mrs H. W. Woodruff. of Some person ran ' their dairies to have the Increase in the chosen executor the last will and testa out driving, recently. TRUMBULL. Walter is hav ll!iIU!llliJllJLlllla3ill ment of Watson into and injured it. Beardsley quite poorly, milk in the full, when the Carpenter George Nobles has been Cogswell, deceased, in their carriage badly a of diseases. supply begin A NEW ing complication to advance. The making inprovements on the Frisbie place of Mrs Cogswell, who was by the AT THE FALLS. A was received by a friend STREET. price begins price paid will telegranj Mrs F. W. has 10 New York MECHANICS' AND FAR3IEES the first half of was a half cen place, owned by Courtland D. Cole. designated, but declined. the death of Mrs Boice of Warren Plumb and Burr Beach Hawley for July Mrs John who announcing have boarders and more next week. than a Mr O'Hara Painters Hull and Williams, has been a of Mrs James taken contracts to a expect SAVINGS BANK, higher paid year ago. Paul N. Gage, the harness maker, who Tyrrell completed sick the is Brooklyn, daughter open street from very past two' weeks, slowly a husband and Plumb Mrs Lucinda Johnson has visited her CITY BASK BUILDISS, WALL ST.. gays very little trouble is experienced came here from Waterbury in the spring, their work on the exterior of E. Rowland. She has left Brothers' store to Tait's mill. BP0ET with milk The as la well residence at recovering. one a cf two weeks Work the in Bethel and Deposits, U.402,114-- . spoiling. milk, has worked up a good trade. He has an Hayes' Lakeside, last Satu three children, baby upon upper half began last daughters Danbury. and... Interest Surplus. 45J.7S.iS. known, is shipped in bottles. The hot excellent assortment of harnesses and day. The silica mill and other small build to mourn her loss. , week.Jt is expected that the street.will Mrs Nettie Curtis and Mrs A. A. Lane ties are in boxes and iced, and ings near it, owned are be opened by In $1,4479277. packed farmers from this and 'adjoining towns Miss Abbic Beeman of Lakeside has by Jay Tyrrell, The colored people of this town enjoy September. have visited friends Bridgeport. of $1 to S1000 In a Deposits receied and Interest go good shape. During the very hot will do well to bim a call. being improved by fresh coat of paint. on credited Cram the first of each im give been with her aunt, Mrs Myron Millard ed a picnic and moonlight supper The friends and relatives of Miss Clara Cornwall of Bridgeport is month, payable weather some of the farmers who ship at Cornwall the two John at the The young Legrand January and July of each year.Ia ecrporated 1 87 D. M. Tompkins of New Preston is do Bridge, during past Tyrrell spent Sunday the beacb.Tueaday evening. rencb in Trumbull the guest of her uncle, John Beach. H. In cans sometimes have the milk spoil Falls with his Mr and the residing attended his D. MOEGAH, President.. work for Mr weeks. parents, and Mrs men furnished a tent and music, L-- S. and so lose it. But no trouble is had ing carpenter Iiylander funeral held from the Easton Baptist Mrs Susie who has been con- CATLIS. Secretary and Treasurer. by his house. Amos Tyrrell. ladies refreshments. Frey, the Kcho Farm Co., as the boxes are all finishing up John Carter of Geneva, O., is at pre cnurch, Sunday, at 1 p. m. Mr French fined to the bed for five weeks with heart these died of half-brot- h -- iced. George B. Calhoun was at his father's sent with his family at bis cottage at Great crowds visit the beach apoplexy. He was a trouble, was able to walk into the next T. last week. ' Lakeside. Dr F. G. Kelley of Conneant, nights, many coming from er of Nelson French Of this place. His for the first time. Lotll, WE RKCOMMENl) THE Sl'ANKINU MACHINE. moonlight room, Monday, O., joined his wife at Charles Carter's N0RTHVILLE- - other towns to enjoy the fine bathing. home was in Easton. There are some in Letters from the company of World': on J Rails, Newels, Balnitters, Etc on band or youths Washington Thursday evening of last week,for a one of our able Mr i - : DANBURY. maile to order at the shortest notice. S. Clinton Tait entertains f iend3 from Brook a possible who need to be and fair visitors received, Saturday night, Morehouse, Convenient of trom or the) Depot, spanked, month's stay. was married for a few any part On stated that they were them young barristers, yesterday lyn days. city by horse cars, tiive us a call. spanked soundly, too! Friday night enjoying BAPTIST CHL'RCU NOTES. Miss Alice selves and had a good time at Mrs F. S. Brown was taken suddenly at Mansfield. Mass., to The storm of Some Danbury physieians who know a 16 near - about 0..'t0 o'clock, as the people were Niagara. The here have been so last week, although quite George St., Main, Bridgeport- and at first thought, alarmingly ill, at people liberal wothsrhoD formprlv a teacher at the was toothsome thing when they see it, with thinking of retiring a crashing noise was C. D. Cole's men are M. Clark in severe, accompanied by no great helping Loomarwick on "evening of their contribution that the repairs on and a great favorite with our Dr Wile, as the chief Fpirir,had yAUUNS, CAKUlAGKb. iSLtlolls Anyone heard. Those who heard it it in Wednesday Academy, aamage by lightning or wind, as in oth. possibly, IT supposed get hay Koxbury. last but her condition has the church will be more extensive than ' a clam thus contemplating purchasing any kind ot was some of the The week, steadly young people. " er places near. A limb from a tree bake the other day, setting Business, Pleasure or Kann Wagon, Buggy or prank boys. at first of. Mr Osborne - large will do well to call on us and low-e- at ; Myron Smith, who has been sick, is out improved since. Heart trouble seems to thought and V- in front their patrons a good example in moder Sleigh get morning light revealed the damage. The two assistants are at of William Wheeler's was twist- irice. Headquarters for Tops, Cushion again. have been the complaint. present painting ed which ation and plenty of it. Backs, etc., etc it. U. BfcKKd A CO.. New postofllce sign suspended from the piazza the off, fortunately did no injury to town. Conn. ceiling. , - nouse of 8. Ford Seeley's piazza had been pull- Miss Millie Tratt is visiting her father Mrs Lucy Jones has at present a few STEPNEY- trie against which it fell. The mercury reached . about the ed down. got more than they bar- in New Milford. guests from the city. Mr Luddington will exchange with 98 In the shade, Wednes They sold the two Mr and Mrs O. B. Burton and highest figure, FOR SALE. for, for with it came the board Rev F. E. Robbins of Norwalk on Au- Edward S. Beardsley daugh day w-e- It could not have been much gained G. Wadsworth, who has been in Maine Theodore Boynton and family are a' ' to H. P. ter visited New last week. overheard. It's a small matter, to be gust 27. cows advertised in The Bee lork, hotter without a taller thermometer. for his health, has returned home much present visiting at B. Griswolds, Jr's. son. ' Miss Fannie BUCKEYE sure,but boy s who will do such work, will Boy Eaton of Ware, Mass., has Showers in the afternoon cooled the MOWERS, Improved. Deen at soon beccme bolder and get beyond the Mrs Charles Pattrill returned from Misa Flora" Brower of Springfield, the parsonage for a few days. atmosphere. Lightning struck the Four foot six inch cut, of law. A sound dose of the Henry Frisbie with his William Marvin's to her home in Meri-de- n, is Miss E.mma : Rev on White's Xoi pale the good spent Sunday Mass., visiting Luddington . BRIDGEPORT. W. F. White and family are at chimney fur factory. E. who is last Friday. spanking machine and steady labor at uncle, Wheeler, very poorly, Mrs W. Brown and who smith cottage, Walnut Grove, Milford, damage soon In daughter, A. L. Blood is of hoeing potatoes and corn, would Woodbury. Sherman Cogswell, Jr., is tastily paint- have been with Mrs Brown's taking advantage ror two weeks. Commander Dickens and wife came to $43.00. cure 'em. staying the dull season at Wheeler & Wilson's Tiger, National, New Royal Mr and Mrs E. Langley nd children, ing and trimming Maj Walter Burnham's left for their home in Danbury, Danbury. ETe it was who chaperoned, parents, " his brother and friends at who have been her Mrs new horse barn with the major's favorite last week. by visiting that is the word), the Duke of and Strait's patent Hakes $23. GUESTS AT A. G. BAKKlt'S. visiting sister, and Mass. NEW FAIBFIELD. (if Spanish Sherman Pond, have returned to their color of rubber paint, light yellow and Lowell Worcester, Veragua and suite around from Wash Among the city people at A. Q. Ba home in dark Mrs Will Kinney and children of Sher- become 0-il"be-rt, New Jersey. green trimmings. ' John who was thrown from ington to Chicago. Dickens will Clxeus. ker's hillside home are Mr and man are at Starr Kinney's. Miss Roley, Sr, " charming visiting STRATFORD. his some two an admiral sure, if he lives long enough. STEPNEY DEPOT - CORN. Mrs Murdock and three children of Mrs Annie Grumman, who has been C. Kuchenbecker of Brooklyn and Mr Hetty also spent Sunday here. wagon weeks ago, injuring ner his was taken to his He is off again cruising in charge of a Brooklyn, Erastus Brown and wife of visiting cousin, has returned to Ecklekamp of Hoboken, N. J., joined spine, last jesting ORONOQUE. on New York and the Misses Kenyon ot Woodbury. Mrs Ecklekamp at Mrs Isaac Brown's, place Thursday last. training ship. over last Sabbath & the The Bait Brooklyn. Willie Pond Is his Mrs E. again. It ia not often that we have the inci J. J. Tread well, F. P. Beardsley and Lee, nawley Ratchford, hatting Proper visiting aunt, LANESVILLE. 2 will in New Miss E. with her maid dents of a cyclone to report, but about others have been'clearing the from firm, burned out recently, remain in secures an abundant catch. With GRANGE FESTIVITIES. Langley Jersey. Mary Hosford, grass Always 20, this locality was treat- the Andrew J. Peek farm in Danbury. They are fitting up in Canal three ot our celebrated Goo Teas or Boarders are from Brooklyn, arrived again at F. J. o'clock, July Newtown pounds was well represented at expected at the Cole cot ed to one of the orthodox sort. for the week. 4! street to resume when orders resume. Baking Powder (45c), we will give a complete Washington soon. - Hosford's, last Saturday evening. genuine, past the Pomona quarterly meeting at Beth tage Gaylord O'Dell and Fred Halberg Thunder, lightning, rain and hail were Hatters hereabouts try to think the look outfit, coslsting 6t 20. Miss Myrtie Perkins of Terry ville was have each lost a horse, The loss falls The shower of Saturday morning done is a little One lebem on Wednesday, July Worthy Fred Frisbie of Woodbury is staying terrible and for about two minutes the better. Extra Finished Brass Mounted Jointed at Brown's over last Sun- ; 111 a good deal of are ' Master Averlll ot Washington presided. at his Mrs L. on II. W, again heavily upon them as they could wind mixed movable and good, although things Bod, cousin's, Itandall's everything now. The American Mechanics turned out One Master Flower of, Bethlehem hill. day. afford to lose them. immovable in pretty dry Extra Gut Hook, Worthy Church v. ; many things apparently very generally on the excursion to One Linen Lino, "J of welcome. : The tobacco is made the address Brother Mr and Mrs C. W. Pickett and two Miss Almira Burr will spend the 9uch Inextricable confusion that it was crop looking fine, and last week. Three Superior Fish Hooks. ; Bridgeport, Friday, , ot Watertown An , WOODBURY. of New tell what wonder would some are it thi3 week. Fegrum responded. young ladies, all Haven, arrived tor In impossible to topping , : was Seymour. Danburians still go to Chicago. THE original poem read by tho worthy at Mrs L. M. Sperry's, Saturday evening. show next. An immense tree was blown Most of the is cut and housed and BELKNAP TEA CO, of Watertown. A BIT OF THEORY. Miss Amanda Camp, after visiting her school hay "Splendid" "immense," sum up what iecturer, Mrs Crittenden A man from canvass- directly across the house, leaving now the oat is on. 488 Main Street. young Danbury brother and sister and their families in crop coming , Bridgeport. An debate followed on the Our Bennett A. took it a wreck..' Through a piece of they all report when they return. The Handsomest Tea Store in the State. Interesting friend, Sherman, ed this the first of the pre- complete That the us out to village, part Washington, returned home, last week timber owned F. E. Blake-ma- n Napoleon B. Wildman has been laid question, "Itesolved, unequal the region of the Scuppo hills, sent in the interests of a chestnut by op of the burden of taxation in week, crayon Thursday. a few feet in width were lev- for a week or 10 days with the rheuma distribution the hottest day last week, to visit the and firm located in the strips B0TSF0KD H. portrait copying "not tism. He is now able to around a lit-tl-e. this state Is due to weak and inefficient "Moraines," left by the glaziers, which Zelos Shove of New Fairfield hrs call- eled through the whole tract where go Horse Shoeiug, Wagon PEmMftSSaw above mentioned : T-- Repairing, Filing city. ".. hy tv.--s si: and Blacksmith! ot tax laws." It was supported in the af- once rested over New England, and the ed upon his old neighbors here. a tree was left standing. J. II. Blakeman X w.i jsitc her Castoria. ng ail kinds. KKWTOWN Mrs David k'.i r. a-- i -. CHU1, sIio cried for Castoria. firmative by Messrs Averlll, Percy and northern of the Far West for untold Mr and Wooster and Mrs counts among his losses a slight damage The are so" nu- BAXKl.su CO. Subscribed part Mrs Clark Smith has entertained her whortleberry pickers MIDDLK6KX. um.rtnt. and In the aeons Frank W. Bolande of after a to woodhouse and knocked from , When she became Hiss, she clunj, to Castoria, . Paid In, f Issues Flower negative by Dayton, of time before changes in tempera Bridgeport, little Mabel chimney merous that there are about two to one 6 per cent Debenture Bonds of lu0.t0, 450 B. of Mad IUver and two week's returned to their granddaughter, Crosby. kitchen a tree and within Wnen she had Children, she gave them Castor's. .WO, 1,W0 and 5,000, wb'ci are atatut P. notchkiss grange ture melted them, and the land became stay, city by falling berry. The pickers are full and plump lawful investment tor by Baacon home on of last week. of with the 11 sized ' iititt Funds In the E. A. Hotchktss ot Valley inhabitable. As the glaciers disappear- Wednesday Ferry nail Park Lane, short' distance full apple trees but the berries are dried i otate. I.. D. SANFORn, Agent, 17 Blsbcp is up. Block, Coru. - grange. It was decided In the affirma- ed, they left larg9 collections of II. D. Hine of New assistance of his hired man, securing and one large pear tree were completely Bridgeport, sand, Milford, with assist Eeuben Wixon was thrown , from a tive. The debate was followed by a poem gravel and boulders of various kinds. ant and hay crop on the estate belonging to tho destroyed, while as many more lost more painters decorators, completed " A BICYCLE OR Miss Baldwin of Beacon shown us late Hiram Manville. or less branches. Some of the mowing machine a few days ago, hurting WATCH, by Valley Those consisted of large fields their work at the church, last largest Can in ox Village trees were torn his hack. Me is improving and able to beearned a grange, a song, "Old team," by of sand on the tips of the hills, and a and next It is confident- Mr and Mrs Levi McKinney of Dan- hickory and other up by Saturday, Sunday off a A be around again. and8ofoilierpremiunis. 6eodstanipforcaialoruaL grange quartet, poem collection of boulders the roots or twisted like reed. . - Washington by huge pure granite ly hoped that the edifice' will be again bury were guests of Mrs R. A. Canfield, ' ft- " - ' JI VJUWfc "The es-a- y, feature was that the .ipwT. Miss Benedict, Newspaper;" at the foot of the hill at Sugar Swamp, opened for public worship. last week Thursday. singular greatest "Our business as Patrons," by Mrs so near Mr Sherman's land. The damage was done in the valley while on MONROE. called, Will Hamlin drives a fine Scientist) American Clark of Pleasant Valley ; song by II. direction of the drift was from Hayes and Frank stepping top of the bill very little effect of the A glacial were in iron and if one doubts his LIGHTNING ON A TEAK. ; Agency for ot Beacon ; music Cogs- to southwest. All the Stoughton of Bethlehem this gray colt, any storm is seen. No person was a compound, Peck Grange by northeast through to him on injured, "S.vurtv vegetable f afternoon.' speed, let them pass the Last afternoon the . ana herbs well and Smith of Washington ; poem by region coursed by the glaciers are found placelast Saturday try though some very narrow escapes from Wednesday during made entirely of roots Watertown A road. . trees and limbs are The heavy shower, while Mr and Mrs Lyman JL r.ai''.ercrl- from the forests of Arthur Skllton of grange. scratches and indentations in the high J. R. Johnson of New Milford was falling reported. has used millions were in attendance and - Beardsley and Miss Wilcox, from Strat Georgin, 5rJ by goodly number rocks, all having this direction, which is called here ofilcially,last week.- , . George Cummings has entertained bis regular Sunday evening prayer meeting of w ;i Ca best results. It all. New will be held for the at the ford were in the sitting room, the light the affair enjoyed by also provedNoy the deposits left by them. Master Harold Judson came on unat brother, Egbert Cummings, of present chapel in until the school ning struck Mr Beardsley 's brick house, CAVEATS. For instance, the granite boulders left Bethel on last to York. Putney dilapidated DEATH OF COL JOHN BRIN9MADE NEWTON. tended"rom Friday house can be or rebuilt. ? completely demolishing one window up "i near Sugar Swamp are dlflerent from repaired DESIQN PATt-STs- visit his grandparents here, Mr and Mrs Fred Knowles, with his family, accom stairs and splitting the southeast corner i. Entered into rest, Sabbath morning, anything this side of Maine and New MrsDeGTawi a from New All maansr of Blood from the OOavaioiiTs E. Hull, for a few weeks. panied by his wife's nephew, Joseph wealthy lady veranda post. Lightning played in near diseases, 30, Col John Brlnsmade Newton, nampchire. . A single pure, light gran is built a summer pestiferous little boil on your nose to July Degenhardt of Poughkeepsie,have called York, having cottage room in the off West bmrera for aso-- txj Jt . Sherman and H. O. Averill ly every house, tearing the worst cases of inherited blood o-- patents 82 years. Mr Newton was a mem- ite boulder, 20 feet long and nearly four Cogswell on Hill. on the river bank near the residence of Srary patent tacwi i Mta brm- - t , aged the of Pomona npontriends Pumpkin paper and otherwise its maikg. taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, us vj bbumo torn at of the In 18C9 and had feet square was found by .the writer in attended county meeting B. G. This is a leaving - a"a ber Legislature on his brother Ryder. charming spot Mr and Mrs Beardsley felt the Catarrh and of the the dense woods ot the hill former grange at Bethlehem Wednesday of George Cumming3 with is shock, been selectman, Justice peace, high and its proven the house - - last week. and son went to Green Pond fishing one popularity by but were not seriously affected.- For- Judge of probate and held other offices in ly belonging to Warren Atwood, which full of guests now being entertained by Mr Mr3 B. Stillson are last week and succeeded in captur- tunately nothing caught fire. no" the gift of the town. He united with the was utilized In the erection of the Fath and J. looking day Mine Host Ryder. to week of 112 of the tribe. Who's the Treatise on F'- -l ! Episcopal church 65 years ago, since be- ers' Monument. These "moraines" are forward expectantly the first ing flnipg V viHi as the dr.te when will be next to be heard from, Dull business has caused work at the Little Miss Nellie Osborn has breu ri ing ono of its warmest supporters and undoubtedly proofs of the glacial period October they