Heracles and Philo of Alexandria: the Son of Zeus Between Torah and Philosophy, Empire and Stage
Chapter 8 Heracles and Philo of Alexandria: The Son of Zeus between Torah and Philosophy, Empire and Stage Courtney J. P. Friesen With few competitors, Heracles was one of the most popular and widely re- vered heroes of Greco-Roman antiquity. Though occupying a marginal place in the Homeric epics, he developed in complex directions within archaic Greek poetry, and in Classical Athens became a favorite protagonist among play- wrights, both of tragedy and comedy. From a famed monster-killer, to the trou- bled murderer of his own children, to the comic buffoon of prolific appetites, Heracles remained fixed in the imagination of ancient Greeks and Romans. Moreover, the son of Zeus was claimed as an ancestor for notable statesmen connected to both Alexandria and Rome (including Philip and Alexander of Macedon, the Ptolemies, and Mark Antony), and he was honored at cultic sites around the Mediterranean, including at the heart of the Roman Empire itself on the Ara Maxima. Jews living around the Greek and Roman world will inevitably have encoun- tered the mythologies and cults of Heracles in various forms. For instance, some Jewish writers, reflecting on this hero in light of their own traditions, made attempts to integrate him within the context of biblical genealogies.1 In addition, a natural correlation existed between Samson and Heracles, and al- ready in antiquity their extraordinary physical might was seen as comparable (Eusebius, PE 10.9.7; Augustine, Civ. 18.19).2 Recently, René Bloch has provided a useful survey of references to Heracles in the writings of Josephus in conjunc- tion with the Jewish historian’s wider engagement with Greek mythology.3 In 1 Cleomedus Malchus has Heracles marry the granddaughter of Abraham (Josephus, AJ 1.240–41); and according to unspecified sources, Heracles was the father of Melchizedek (Epiphanius, Pan.
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