Introduction of 8085

Instructor Prem Prakash Singh ECC, Allahabad 8085 microprocessor

 The 8085 is an 8-bit (8 data lines) general purpose microprocessor that can address 64K Byte of memory.

 8085 microprocessor operates at a frequency of 3 MHz. Block diagram of Intel 8085 microprocessor The various functional blocks of 8085 are as follows: • Registers • Arithmetic logic unit • Address buffer • Incrementer/decrementer address latch • Interrupt control • Serial I/O control • Timing and control circuitry • Instructions decoder and machine cycle encoder. Pin configuration of Intel 8085 microprocessor Pin configuration of Intel 8085 microprocessor

• Intel 8085 microprocessor has 40 pins. • Its operating frequency is 3 MHz. • Input power is 5 Volt. • The pins on the chip can be grouped into 6 groups:

• Address . • Data Bus. • Control and Status Signals. • Power supply and frequency. • Externally Initiated Signals. • Serial I/O ports. Clock Pins (Frequency control signals)

8085 MPU has 3 pins • That control or present the clock signal. • X1 and X2 pins determine the clock frequency. • CLK OUT is a TTL square-wave output clock. The CLOCK OUT is one-half the crystal frequency. • The CLK signal is used for synchronizing external devices. The data and address bus of 8085 microprocessor

• The data bus is bidirectional in nature and width of data bus of 8085 microprossor is 1 byte (8 bit). • The address bus is unidirectional in nature and width of address bus of 8085 microprossor is 2 byte (16 bit). 0i9 • The address bus has 8 signal lines A8 – A15 which are unidirectional. • The other 8 address bits are multiplexed with the 8 data bits. • The bits AD0 – AD7 are bi-directional and serve as A0 – A7 and at the same time D0 – D7 • During the execution of the instruction, these lines carry the address bits during the early part, then during the late parts of the execution, they carry the 8 data bits. • In order to separate the address from the data, we can use a latch to save the value before the function of the bits changes. Control and status signal

There are 5 main control and status signals.

• RD: Read • WR: Write • IO/M: This signal specifies whether the operation is a memory operation or an I/O operation.

• S1 and S0: Status signals ALU of Intel 8085 microprocessor

Acumulator: It is a 8-bit register which is used to perform arithmetical and logical operation. It stores the output of any operation. It also works as registers for i/o accesses.

Temporary Register: It is a 8-bit register which is used to hold the data temporary on which the is computing operation. It is also called as operand register because it provides operands to ALU. This temporary register is not accessible by the programmer. Pin configuration of Intel 8085 microprocessor

Registers: These are general purposes registers. Microprocessor consists 6 general purpose registers of 8-bit each named as B,,D,E,H and L. Generally theses registers are not used for storing the data permanently. It carries the 8-bits data. These are used only during the execution of the instructions. These registers can also be used to carry the 16 bits data by making the pair of 2 registers. The valid register pairs available are BC,DE HL. We can not use other pairs except BC, DE and HL. These registers are programmed by user. Registers hold temporary data.

Instruction register (IR)– holds the currently executing instruction.

Instruction Decoder (ID)- decodes the instruction. Once decoded, the instruction controls the remainder of the MPU, memory and IO through the timing and control block. Interrupt Signals of Intel 8085 microprocessor

• INTR • INTA • RST 7.5 • RST 6.5 • RST 5.5 • TRAP

• INTR : Interrupt request,

• INTA : Interrupt acknowledge, used to acknowledge the interrupts

• RST : Restart interrupts, used to transfer the program control to specific memory locations. Interrupt Signals • 8085 μp has several interrupt signals as shown in the following table.

14 Reset signals

• Reset In : An active low input signal, will be set to 0.

• Reset Out : An output reset signal to reset external devices. Direct memory access

• DMA is an I/O technique where external I/O device requests the use of the MPU buses • Allows external I/O devices to gain high speed access to the memory.


• If HOLD = 1, microproces will place it address, data and control pins at their high impedance.