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TÖRTÉNELEM ÉS TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYOK XXX. ÉVFOLYAM 4. SZÁM Perspectives EDITOR OF THE THEMATIC ISSUE: PÁSZKA, IMRE – MMXVIII TÉL – TÖRTÉNELEM ÉS TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYOK Fõszerkesztõ KISS GÁBOR FERENC Szerkesztõbizottság SZEGFÛ LÁSZLÓ (elnök), JANCSÁK CSABA, KISS GÁBOR FERENC, MARJANUCZ LÁSZLÓ, NAGY TAMÁS, NÓTÁRI TAMÁS, PÁSZKA IMRE, RÁCZ LAJOS Tanácsadó testület ANDAHÁZI SZEGHY VIKTOR, BANGÓ JENÕ, CSABA LÁSZLÓ, GARDA DEZSÕ, GEBEI SÁNDOR, JOHN GOODWIN, PAPP SÁNDOR, SZAKÁLY SÁNDOR, SZELÉNYI IVÁN, UTASI ÁGNES, VERES VALÉR Szerkesztõk HALMÁGYI MIKLÓS, KOVÁCS ATTILA, MIKLÓS PÉTER, NAGY GÁBOR DÁNIEL, PLUGOR RÉKA, SZÕTS ZOLTÁN OSZKÁR Munkatársak DÁVID BENJÁMIN, FLOUTIER JEREMY, GATTI BEÁTA, GAUSZ ILDIKÓ, LENGYEL ÁDÁM, SÁNTA TAMÁS, SZABÓ SÁNDOR Számunk az EIKKA Alapítvány, a Dél-magyarországi Pedagógiai Alapítvány, a Magyar Történelmi Társulat Csongrád Megyei és Szegedi Csoportja, a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Polgáraiért Alapítvány, az SZTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar, az SZTE Juhász Gyula Pedagógusképzõ Kar, az SZTE Alkalmazott Társadalomismereti és Kisebbségpolitikai Intézet, az SZTE Történettudományi Intézet, az SZTE JGYPK HÖK és a SZEPA Alapítvány támogatásával készült. A Belvedere Meridionale online elérhetõ itt: A lap tanulmányokat, interjúkat, ismertetéseket és kritikákat közöl a történelem és a társadalomtudományok körébõl. A közlésre benyújtott cikk még nem publikált és más folyóiratnál elbírálás alatt nem lévõ, eredeti írásmû lehet. A benyújtott és a lap jellegének megfelelõ írásokat két, a szerzõ számára ismeretlen szakmai lektor bírálja el. A két lektor véleményének figyelembevételével a szerkesztõség döntést hoz a megjelentetésrõl, melyet a szerzõvel közöl. A folyóirat megjelenik évente négy alkalommal: tavasszal, nyáron, õsszel és télen. A szerkesztõség címe: 6725 Szeged, Hattyas sor 10. Tel.: +36/62-546-252 E-mail: [email protected] Kiadja a Belvedere Meridionale Kft. Technikai szerkesztõ: Veres Ildikó, COMPUTHERIUM Kft. Címlapon a fotó: Fortepan / Fortepan (Nem jelzett eredet) ISSN 1419-0222 (print) ISSN 2064-5929 (online, pdf) Contents STUDIES LOSONCZ, ALPÁR Karl Polanyi in the context of “non-death” of neoliberalism DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.1 .............................................................................................................. 5 VERES, VALÉR Identity and social determinants of perceiving ethnic discrimination of Hungarians from Romania DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.2 ............................................................................................................ 19 HOUTKAMP, CHRISTOPHER – MARÁCZ, LÁSZLÓ Are traditional minority languages a bench marking for the rights of migrant languages in the European Union? DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.3 ............................................................................................................ 40 NAGY, TERÉZIA At the Southeastern End of Schengen. Accepting Refugees in Hungary in 2015’s refugees’ wave DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.4 ............................................................................................................ 61 RACZ, ATTILA The effects of Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) border security deployment on the civilian population’s subjective sense of security DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.5 ............................................................................................................ 83 PÁSZKA, IMRE ÁGOSTON Maritime Piracy as an International Crime in the 21st Century DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.6 ............................................................................................................ 96 BALOGH, PÉTER Cooperation in conflict. Investigating the patterns and outcomes of coalitions in the field of organized violence DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.7 .......................................................................................................... 108 BOROS, LAJOS Growth coalitions and the control of public space DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.8 .......................................................................................................... 124 4 Studies 2018. 4. DOBÁK, JUDIT The Mental Map of a Rural (workers’) Housing Estate in Hungary. An Urban Anthropology Research DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.9 .......................................................................................................... 141 LAKI, ILDIKÓ Agglomeration Issues in respect of Budapest DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.10 ........................................................................................................ 160 VINCZE, ANIKÓ Exploring the Effect of Different Modes of ICT Use on School Performance Including Social Background DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.11 ........................................................................................................ 181 KÓSA, ISTVÁN – ZSIGMOND, CSILLA DALMA – AMBRUS, ZOLTÁN – BÁLINT, BLANKA – IONESCU, MANUELA MANON The Impact of Brand, Sex, Moment and Distance of Estimation on the Speed Perception of Vehicles DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.12 ........................................................................................................ 191 WORKSHOP SZÉCSI, GÁBOR – MÁK, KORNÉL Publicity, Communication and Community in the Information Age DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.13 ........................................................................................................ 203 REVIEW BALOG, IVÁN Escape to Football DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.14 ........................................................................................................ 211 BALOGH, PÉTER Patterns of integration. A new model of social stratification DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.15 ........................................................................................................ 216 RÁCZ, ATTILA Demographic picture of Hungarians in Transylvania. Review DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.16 ........................................................................................................ 222 KÓSA, MAJA The Value Structure of Students of Teacher Education DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.17 ........................................................................................................ 225 LOSONCZ, ALPÁR PHD1 [email protected] full professor (University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) Karl Polanyi in the context of “non-death” of neoliberalism ABSTRACT Karl Polanyi’s works have been widely thematized regarding the transition in Central and Eastern Europe. The transition was viewed as the “second great transformation”. Polanyi’s works undoubtedly have numerous followers and it is owing to them that his works have started to be critically interpreted. We are here considering the possibility of reconceptualization of the works after the crisis of neoliberalism. The paper consists of three parts, each focusing on the selected points of Polanyi’s work. In the first part, the goal was to confront Polanyi’s thought with the consequences of neoliberalism; this part is explicitly involved in political- economic reflection. The second part focuses on the discussion about the meaning of embeddedness, and the third part shows the relevance of some reflexions with respect to the money. The second and third part make a dialogue between political economy and economic sociology, economic anthropology, and economic theory. KEYWORDS Polanyi, neoliberalism, embeddedness, money, political-economic reflexivity DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.1 Cikkre való hivatkozás / How to cite this article: Losoncz, Alpár (2018): Karl Polanyi in the context of “non-death” of neoliberalism. Belvedere Meridionale vol. 30. no. 4. 5–18. pp. ISSN 1419-0222 (print) ISSN 2064-5929 (online, pdf) (Creative Commons) Nevezd meg! – Így add tovább! 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) (Creative Commons) Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) 1 The article is written under the auspices of the project 179052 supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Government of the Republic of Serbia. 6 Studies 2018. 4. 1. CONFRONTING WITH THE STRANGE DYNAMIC OF NEOLIBERALISM Over the last decades, there have been such extensive interpretations of neoliberalism that even a Handbook for neoliberalism (SPRINGER –BIRCH –MACLEAVY 2016) was written. However, a consensus on the explanation of neoliberalism has not been achieved. Some explicitly deny the phenomenon, and others present it as metanarration. The 2008 crisis generated an idea that neoliberalism has reached its end, that it has become exhausted, and that we are in a constellation of post-neoliberalism; today, the main issue for discussion is that neoliberalism is persistently and stubbornly being reproduced (CROUCH 2011). We, on the other hand, are neither interested in arguing about the divergence in opinion on neoliberalism, nor discussing about the reasons of existence of neoliberalism. 1.1. Can Polanyi help us understand neoliberalism? As we all know, Polanyi implied that the market system in XIX century did not develop spontaneously; instead, it was an organized, strategic endeavor of the state. We could say that Polanyi offers a radically different causal order: he criticizes the idea that non-intentional market genesis can provide explanation for the economy dynamics; in his opinion, the concept of market must rely on external elements set by the state. In modern language of social sciences, it is obviously a certain kind of ambivalent structure. We can also easily claim that liberal naturalization of the market, the