Blue Mussel Feeding
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MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 192: 181-193.2000 Published January 31 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Influence of a selective feeding behaviour by the blue mussel Mytilus trossulus on the assimilation of lo9cdfrom environmentally relevant seston matrices Zainal ~rifinll~,Leah I. ende ell-~oung'" '~ept.of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Ave., Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada 'R & D Centre for Oceanology, LIPI, Poka, Ambon 97233, Indonesia ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the influence of a selective feeding strategy on the assimilation efficiency of lo9Cd (Io9Cd-AE)by the blue mussel Mytilus trossulus. Two comple- mentary experiments which used 5 seston matrices of different seston quality (SQ) were implemented: (1)algae labeled with Io9Cd was mixed with unlabeled silt, and (2) labeled silt was mixed with unla- beled algae. Io9Cd-A~was determined by a dual-tracer ratio (109~d/241~m)method (DTR) and based on the ingestion rate of '09Cd by the mussel (IRM) (total amount of Io9Cd ingested over the 4 h feeding period). As a result of the non-conservative behavior of u'~m,the DTR underestimated mussel lo9Cd- AEs as compared to the IRM. Therefore only IRM-determined 'O@C~-AEwas considered further. When only algae was spiked, jdgcd-A~swere proportional to diet quality (DQ), (r = 0.98; p < 0.05) with max- imum 'OgCd-AE occurring at the mussel's filter-feeding 'optimum' and where maximum carbon assim- ilation rates have been observed. However, for the spiked-silt exposures, IWcd-A~was independent of DQ, with maximum values of -85 % occurring in all diets except for silt alone. lo9Cd-AEfor the silt-only exposure was 36 %, suggesting that digestive processes which occur in diets of both algae and silt were not operating as effectively in the silt-only expos~res.~~~Cd-AEcorrelated with Io9Cdin mussel tissue (r = 0.63; p c 0.05), with the radiotracer assimilated from the silt-labeled matrices corresponding to the greatest amounts of Io9Cdactivity within the mussel. These results suggest an active and passive assim- ilation of '09Cd from the algae and silt components of seston respectively. Active Iogcd-A~will be pro- portional to DQ with maximum assimilation possibly occurring at the mussel's filter-feeding optimum. Passive 'OgCd-AE will be dependent on amounts of metal associated with the inorganic component of seston, with digestive processes that are activated in the presence of algae concurrently desorbing inorganic cadmium. Although both components of the diet will be important for determining amounts of Cd that can be potentially assimilated from seston by filter-feeding organisms, the contribution from the inorganic component of seston will likely overwhelm that from the organic fraction. Therefore, pre- dictive models of metal accumulation by seston-ingesting organisms need to consider the role of both seston components in contributing to amounts of metal ultimately assimilated by the organism. KEY WORDS: Mytilus trossu1us . Io9Cd-AE. Inorganic seston . Organic seston INTRODUCTION are efficient accumulators of trace metals and thus are highly sensitive to changes in environmental metal Filter-feeding bivalves are extremely important eco- concentrations. As a result, they have been employ- nomically, primarily as a human food resource, but also ed worldwide in biomonitoring programmes such as ecologically, as they occupy an important link between 'Mussel Watch' as indicators of changes in aquatic primary producers and higher trophic levels. They also metal levels in response to human activities. Given this importance, much research has focused on assessing 'Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] factors which influence metal accumulation by these O Inter-Research 2000 Resale of full article not perm~tted Mar Ecol Prog Ser 192: 181-193, 2000 invertebrates. One important endpoint of this research specific components of the seston in a quantity/quality has been the development of predictive models of dependent manner has not been taken into account, metal accumulation by filter-feeding invertebrates so then predictive models of metal contaminant uptake that effective measures to reduce metal contamination based only on 1 component of the diet, such as organic in our environment can be taken (e.g. Luoma et al. content, may potentially underestimate the amount of 1992, Thomann et al. 1995). metal the mussel is actually ingesting. To date, an adaption of the steady-state bioaccumu- Therefore, the objective of this study was to deter- lation model of Thomann (1981) has been a primary mine the influence of a selective feeding strategy that model employed to predict metal uptake and accumu- either excludes (complete sorting) or includes (minimal lation by invertebrates (e.g. Thomann et al. 1995). A sorting) the inorganic components of seston on the major advance in the application of this model to envi- assimilation of '09Cd by the blue mussel. To meet this ronmental problems was the study of Luoina et al. objective we exposed mussels to environmentally rele- (1992), who applied the use of laboratory derived vant seston matrices (a mixture of silt and algae) that assimilation efficiency (AE) to account for physiologi- we had previously shown to either be completely cal processes that might influence the amounts of ingested with no sorting occurring (low quantity/qual- metal accumulated by the organism from a single food ity diets) or seston which had evoked a selective sort- source such as algae. Given the now recognized ing process such that only organic matter was ingested importance of incorporating AE into predictive models (complete sorting) (Arifin & Bendell-Young 1997).TWO of metal accumulation, over the last 5 yr a number of sets of experiments with the various seston matrices studies have reported AEs for several metals, most were implemented: (1) algae labeled with 'OgCd was notably cadmium, silver, cobalt and chromium, by mixed with unlabeled silt, and (2) labeled silt was invertebrates, from a variety of substrates, including mixed with unlabeled algae. The resulting '''C~-AE algae (Borchardt 1983, Harvey & Luoma 1985. Zang et from the various matrices were then related to diet al. 1990, Absil et al. 1994, Wang et al. 1995) organically quallty. Ultimately, results from our study will help to coated silica beads (Decho & Luoma 1994),and natural identify the role of a selective feeding strategy which sediment (Gagnon & Fisher 1997). either excludes all inorganic matter from the diet or An obvious and important aspect of the incorpora- includes both organlc and inorganic matter in the d~et tion of AE into predictive models of metal accumula- in the accumulation of metal by sediment-ingesting tion is obtaining values that are representative of the organisms. This information in turn will be used to help diet that is actually consumed by the seston-ingesting in the development of more accurate models for the organism under na.tura1 conditions. Herein lies the dif- prediction of metal accumulation by filter-feeding ficulty in the application of laboratory-derived AEs organisms. from a single food source, such as algae, for use in pre- dictive models of metal accumulation. In the environ- ment, filter-feeding organisms are exposed to a high- MATERIALS AND METHODS ly dynamic, complex food source which constantly changes in terms of quality (amount of organic relative Field collection of mussels. Mussels Mytilus trossu- to inorganic matter) and quantity (mg I-') (e.g. Fengly lus were collected from the intertidal area along the et al. 1992). In response to this dynamic food environ- coast of Howe Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Mus- ment, many filter-feeding organisms have developed a sels (44.9 _+ 2.08 mm in shell length, 0.18 k 0.01 g dry highly selective feeding strategy that, depending on weight) were acclimatized to experimental conditions seston quality and quantity, allows for the selection of (temperature 13 + l0C,salinity = 28 ppt) for 2 wk prior organic over inorganic particles (under conditions of to use in each experiment (Bayne et al. 1976). During high quantity/quality seston) or both organic and inor- the acclimatlon period, nlussels were fed the diatom ganic particles (under conditions of low quality/quan- algae Thalassiosira pseudonana daily, and the seawa- tity seston) for ingestion (Bayne et al. 1993, Arifin & ter was changed on a regular basis. Prior to the feeding Bendell-Young 1997, Ward et al. 1997). Depending on experiments, mussels were separated from their basal mussel feeding behavior, when seston is of high qual- attachment to one another, brushed clean and kept for ;+S- 3-A 7k7~--.,l,9-+ -.-.+>l +o-o~-;n--++ -~c-e*:>+-A ;+h u"ul'..urrr, ..Lbru. L"r.Lu.l*,r,ulrrd ud.,"c.urLu .rlrrl ;ii. A,, u,.,. zpgroxiix~:z!y 15 =in undci diy This pracedure only the organic fraction of seston will be ingested and ensured that only live mussels were used in the exper- dvdilable for uptake. In contrast. when the mussels are iment as those mussels that were not viable did not exposed to low quantity/quality seston, metal contam- respond to being submerged in seawater following the inants associated with both inorganic and organic 15 min exposure period. components of seston may be ingested ant1 assimilated Seston composition. Five seston (suspended particu- by the mussel. If this ability of the mussel to choose late matter) matrices were selected based on our previ- Arifin & Bendell-Young: Influence of selective feeding on 'OgCd assimilation 183 ous studies (Arifin & Bendell-Young 1997), which indi- air - seawater cated that, depending on the quality and quantity of the seston, the mussel had the ability to select either just organic particles or both inorganic and organic particles for ingestion. Our previous studies showed that the sorting efficiency (i.e. the ability of the mussel to select organic over inorganic food particles from a diet comprised of both inorganic and organic food par- ticles) of the blue mussel varied from -18 to 0% when exposed to the range between low seston quality (SQ) (-20%) and high SQ (60 to ?Ox), 14th a maximum sorting efficiency occurring at mid-SQ (40%).