Notes on the Political History Of^^^ Queensland—1859-1917. CHARLES A, BERNAYS, Clerk-Assistant and Scrgeant-At-Arms, Legislative Assembly
18o /,' :• { ^ V. LIBRARY Notes on the Political History of^^^ Queensland—1859-1917. CHARLES A, BERNAYS, Clerk-Assistant and Scrgeant-at-Arms, Legislative Assembly. WHEN asked by the Historical Society to contribute a paper on the Political History of Queensland I already had in view the amplification of an article written by me in August, 1909, for the Jubilee number of the "Queenslander," Owing to the necessity for economising space, there was not much opportunity then of doing justice to a subject which is of interest to a considerable section of the community. It is hoped that this paper may serve the dual purpose of interesting honourable members of the Legislature and forming an historical basis upon which others can build at a later date. The work has been much more laborious and has involved more research than would appear at first sight, and on that account, and because it was undertaken during the Parliamentary session, I feel justified in asking for tolerant criticism. This paper is intended to be, and I hope will be, a dispassionate review of Queensland's chief political events, and of the principal men who have devoted their energies to the government of this part of Australia. I have been too long a servant of Parliament not to recognise the importance of the strictest impartiality. The whole of that vast territory north of Point Danger and formerly attached to New South "Wales, representing an area of 668,497 square miles, or ten times that of England and Wales, was erected into a separate colony under the designation of "Queen.sland" on the 10th December, 1859, and many of you will know that prior to Federation the anniversary of separation was probably our chief public holiday.
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