Legislative Council Assembly 1906
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY 7 DECEMBER 1906 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2114 Supply. [ASSEMBLY.] Supplernentar.~; Loan Estimates. FRIDAY, 7 DEOE}!BER, 1906. The SPEAKER (Hon. Sir A. S. Cowley, Herbert) took the chair at h"'lf·past 3 o'clock. PAPER. The following paper, laid on the table, was ordered to be printed :-Correspondence relative to payment of income tax by judges of the Supreme Court. SUPPLEMENTARY LOAN ESTIMATES, 1906-7. The SPEAKER announced the receipt of a message from His Excellency the Governor, for· warding the Supplementary Loan Estimates, 1906 7. On the motion of the TREASURER (Hon. vV. Kidston, Rockhampton), the paper was ordered to be printed and referred to Committee of Supply. Supply. [7 DECEMBER.] Dalby-Cattle Creelc Railwa,y. 2115 SUPPLE:\IE~TARY ESTIMATES, 1005-fi. DALBY TO CATTLE CREEK RAILWAY DISTRICT BILL. 'fhe SPEAKER also annount'ed the receipt of a messag-e from His ~Excellenc:v the Governor, SECOND READING, "forwarding the Supplementary EstimHtes, 1905-6. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS (Hon. On the motion of the THEASURER, the D. F. Denham, Oxley) : This is a small Bill for paper was ordered to be printed and referred to the purpose of applying the provisions of the Committee of Supply. Railways Act of 1906, with the exception of one section-that is, section No. 4-to the Dalby to Bell Rail way, which was constructed some year agr>, and opened to traffic in the month of QUESTIONS. April, 190n. The whole of the provisions of XANAXGO LEASE, BuRNETr DrsTmcr. the 1906 Act apply, as I have said, with the exception of section 4 That section is an :Mr .•TONES (Burnett) asked the Secretary for important one, innsn1uch as it provides that a Public Lands- copy of the map and deecription of the benefited 'Vhether or not applic11tion has been made by the area must be deposited with each loc,,l authority lessee or lessees for the extension of the Nanango lease concerned.
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