RADY ROLDAN-FIGUEROA, M.Div., Th.D. Assistant Professor of Historical Studies Department of Religion College of Arts and Sciences Baylor University
[email protected] List of Publications Book Projects (Under Contract) ¾ Rady Roldan-Figueroa, The Ascetic Spirituality of John of Avila (1499-1569) (Leiden: Brill, 2009) ¾ Rady Roldan-Figueroa and Doug Weaver, assoc. eds., Early English Baptist Texts, 11 vols. (Macon: Mercer University Press, ) ¾ Hanserd Knollys, Collected Works of Hanserd Knollys (1599?-1691), ed. Rady Roldan-Figueroa, in Early English Baptist Texts, ed. Rady Roldan-Figueroa and Doug Weaver (Macon: Mercer University Press, ) PUBLISHED ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS *Refereed Journals: ¾ *“ ‘Espirituación’: Juan de Ávila’s Doctrine of Union with the Holy Spirit,” Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 2-3 (2005): 65-96. ¾ *“La relación de 1625 por Francisco Crespo sobre los mártires de Japón: Introducción, edición y comentarios,” Encuentros en Catay 20 (2006). [Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan] ¾ *“Filius Perditionis: The Propagandistic use of a Biblical Motif in Spanish Evangelical Biblical Translations of the Sixteenth Century.” Sixteenth Century Journal 4 (2006): 1027-1055. ¾ *“ ‘Justified Without the Works of the Law’: Casiodoro de Reina on Romans 3:28,” in The Formation of Clerical and Confessional Identities in Early Modern Europe, ed., Wim Janse and Barbara Pitkin, Dutch Review of Church History 85 (2005): 205-224. Proceedings (Refereed): ¾ “Reina’s Vision of the Reformed Ministry: A Reconstruction from the Fringes of the 1569 Spanish Translation of the Bible,” in Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800, ed., M. Lamberigts and A. A. den Hollander, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 198 (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2006).