CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 28, Together with the Right to Enforce the Same Under the Terms of the DISTRICT of ~ST " VIRGINIA
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. / 754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 28, together with the right to enforce the same under the terms of the DISTRICT OF ~ST " VIRGINIA. armistice signed November 11, 1918, or any extensions or modifications thereof- B. White. :\1r. McKELLAR. Read on. l\fEMllER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. Mr. ·wiLLIAMS. I urn going to read on. John R. Mitchell, of St. Paul, Minn., to be a member of the Or otherwise- Federal Reserve Board for a term of 10 years. Mr. McKELLAR. Read on just a little further. SUBVEYOR OF CUSTOMS. Mr. WILLIAMS (reading): Thomas W. Whittle, of New York, N. Y., to be surveyor of Or which under the treaty of Versailles have been stipulated for its benefit or for the benefit of its nationals, with the same force and customs in customs collection district No. 10. <>iiect as if said treaty of Versailles had been ratified by the United APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. States of America. Frederick J. H. Kracke, of Brooklyn, N.Y., to be appraiser o:( The Senator from Tennessee is right. I had not myself read merchandise in customs collection district No. 10. the provision carefully. It is much more absurd than I thought it possibly could be. The idea of claiming rights under a· pro PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Yision of a treaty which we have affirmatively refused to enter Sttrgeon to be senior surgeon. into is one of the most absurd things you could possibly imagine. George B. Young, March 12, 1920. I thought it referred merely to the armistice and subsequent Passed assistant sw·geons to be surgeons from August 29, 1920. modifications and changes in the terms of the armistice, aild not, of course, under the treaty, to which we are not parties. Paul Preble. · Carlisle P. Knight. That language might have been used when the Senator from Randolph 1\f. Warren F. Draper. Pronsylvania [l\lr. KNox] originally introduced the resolution, Joseph R. Ridlon. George Parcher. while the question of the treaty was still pending, but evidently Charles 1\f. Fauntleroy. Louis Schwartz. be must have overlooked the changed conditions that occurred Hermon E. Hasseltine. Robert H. Heterick. afterwards. It can not have any sense in it now that we James P. Leake. Charles L. Williams. have affirmatively refused to have anything to do with the treaty Lawrence Kolb. Grover A.. Kempf. of Versailles. David C. Turnipseed. Louis R. Thompson. lli. LODGE. 1\lr. President, I do not know whether there is Assistant surgeons to be passed assistant surgeons. any other Senator who desires to speak this afternoon. I am Clifford R. Eskey, August 19, 1920. very anxious to secure a "Vote on the joint resolution as soon as William D. Heaton, July 15, 1920. possible: I have talked with the Senator from .Alabama [Mr. Robert R. Ivey, July 20, 1920. UNDERWOOD], and I hope we shall be able to reach a vote on John D. Reichard, May 12, 1920. Saturday. If there is no one who desires to speak further now, James F. Worley, September 25, 1918. I shall move an executive session. · Edwin 0. Woods, September 6, 1920. Mr. UNDERWOOD. I will state that, of course, I did not Walter T. Harrison, October 26, 1920. ba"Ve an opportunity to consult all the gentlemen on this side Charles Armstrong, October 27, 1920. of the Chamber, but the other day when we were not prepared Rolla E. Dyer, October 31, 1920. to go ahead with the resolution, and I did not wish to delay it Justin K. Fuller, October 27, 1920. by any unusual tactics, I stated to the Senator from Massa Robert W. Hart, January 30, 1921. chusetts that if he would let it go over I would endeavor to Doctors to be cusistant surgeons. secure a final vote on Saturday. I hope that Senators on this side of the Chamber will be agreeable to that proposal and help Lynn A. Fullerton, October 4, 1920. Marion R. King, October 4, 1920. to carry it out. In the meantime we can let the resolution run Lester C. Scully, October 4, 1920. o"Ver until Saturday, with information to absentees that on Floyd C. Turner, September 30, 1920. Saturday we shall vote, if that course is agreeable. Fortunat A. Troie, from date of oath. Mr. LODGE. We can send out notice to that effect. Of Ralph D. Lille, fl·om date of oath. course I shall call up the resolution whenever Senators desire Thomas S. Love, from date of oath. to debate it. 1\fr. UNDERWOOD. That will be satisfactory. I think probably several Senators will _wish to debate it to-morrow, and we might gain a little more time by taking a recess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. LODGE. To take a recess untilll o'clock to-morrow? Mr. UNDERWOOD. Twelve o'clock I think will be better. THURSDAY, April ~8, 19~L Mr. LODGE. Very well. in the meantime, if no one desires to speak further-- . The House met at 12 ~'clock noon. Mr. HITCHCOCK. It is the intention to take a recess until The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. !A, offered 12 o'clock to-morrow with the joint resolution proding? the following prayer: Mr. LODGE. Of course, it will be kept pending. Almighty God, we -come to Thy mercy, we look to -Thy love, Mr. HITCHCOCK. I will state to the Senator that I am not we call upon Thy compassion ; therefore we are not consumed. prepared to speak to-day, but I wi11 speak to-morrow. .M q,y the 1.vords of our n ouths and the meditations of Mr. LODGE. I wish to give all the time Senators may desire. ouv We have a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Relations to hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lo1·d, ou?" strength and o1tv morrow, with a hearing regarding the Chinese treaty, but that Redeemer. Amen. will not interfere in any way if we meet at 12. · · The J om·nal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and aP Mr. HITCHCOCK. I understand that it will be agreeable to proved. meet at 12. EXTENSION OF REMARKS. EXECLnTVE SESSION. Mr. KINDRED. J.1.1r. Speaker, in view of the widespread pub Mr. LODGE. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid lic interest in providing immediately better hospital facilities Cl'ation of executive business. and care for the ex-service men who are suffering with insanity The motion was agr~ed to, and the Senate proceeded to the and nervous disorders, I, as a medical expert in these diseases, consideration of executive business. After 10 minutes spent ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks in the REconn on in exe~utive session the doors were reopened. the subject. RECESS. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New York asks unani mous consent to extend his remarks in the REcoBD. I~ there Mr. LODGE. I move that the Senate take a recess until objection? [After a pause.] .The Chair hears none. noon to-morrow. The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 20 minutes CHANGE OF BEFERENCE OF H. R. 3116. p. m.) the Senate took a recess until to-morrow, Friday, April Mr. SINNOTT. :Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con ent to 29, 1921, at 12 o'clock mHidian. have the bill (H. R. 3116} validating the homestead enb.-y of Mike Campbell for certain public land in Alaska transferred CONFIRMATIONS. from the Committee on the Territories to the Committee on the Public Lands. I have conferred with the chairman of the Com Executi1:e n01ninations confinned by tlle Senate AprH 28, 1921. mittee on the Territories, and it is agreeable to him. COLLECTORS OF INTERNAL REVENUE. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Oregon asks unani DISTRICT OF COLOllADO. mC?US GQnsel).t for the change of reference indicated. Is there -Frank W. Howbert. objection? 1921. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 755 Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. :Mr. Speaker, may I ask . the with the _provisions of the China trade act, 1921, and regulations made if it it thereunder. The Commissioner of lntemal Revenue, with the approval gentleman is agreed that properly belongs to his com· of the Secretary or the Treasury, shall make all regulations necessary mittee? for the determination of such exemption and of the liability of share Mr. SINNOTT. Yes. It was before the Committee on the holders or members to taxation in respect to dividends paid by such corporation.' . Public Lands last session. "(b) Section 1 of the revenue act of 1918 is amended by adding at The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The the end thereof a new paragraph to read as follows : Chair bears none. " 'A corporation organized under the China trade act, 1921, shall for the purposes of this act be considered a domestic corporation.' EXTENSIO:Y OF REMARKS. " (c) Sections 232, 233, and 234 ot the revenue act of 1918 are amended by inserting in each of such sections, after the words ' corpo Mr. DYER. l\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to extend ration subject to the tax imposed by section 230,' the words ' or organ- my remarks on the bill H. R. 4810, which we had under consid ized under the China trade act, 1021.' . eration yesterday, the China trade bill. "(d) Section 240 of the revenue act of 1918 is amended by adtling at the end thereof a new subdivision to read as follows : The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri asks unani "'(d) A corporation organized under the China trade act, 1921, shall . mous consent to extend his remarks in the RECORD on the bill not be deemed to be affiliated with any other corporation within the which was under considei·ation yesterday.