



14.1 - the division of ’s history into smaller units of time - made up of , periods, and (sometimes) epochs

1. - Pre- Time: 4600 MYA – 544 MYA (not divided into any periods)

2. - : 544 MYA – 248 MYA (7 periods in the Paleozoic Era)

3. - Era: 248 MYA – 66 MYA (3 periods in the Mesozoic Era)  Period  Period  Period

4. - Era: 66 MYA – present day (2 periods in the Cenozoic Era)  Period - 5 epochs  Period - 2 epochs

PLACE THESE EVENTS IN THE CORRECT ORDER FROM 1 (FIRST) TO 13 (LAST). ALSO INDICATE THE ERAS IN WHICH THEY TOOK PLACE. REFER TO PAGE 393 IN THE TEXTBOOK. a. first evolved ______b. the Jurassic Period began ______c. early bacteria (first life) are present ______d. the Himalaya Mountains formed ______e. first appeared ______f. first evolved ______g. first evolved ______h. first evolved ______i. first evolved ______j. the 1st mass took place ______k. the 2nd mass extinction took place (dinos) ______l. broke up ______m. present day ______



14.2 Pre-Cambrian Time - 4600 MYA – 544 MYA - very limited record for 3 reasons: 1. rocks are deeply buried in the Earth (principal of superposition) 2. rocks and are highly affected by heat and pressure 3. rocks are highly eroded - early life: 1. Cyanobacteria (one of the first organisms) first appeared 3500 MYA. 2. Invertebrate animals (without a backbone) appeared late in Pre-Cambrian Time. 3. PROOF: fossil imprints of jellyfish and marine worms 4. BUT… ONE PROBLEM: these were soft-bodied organisms (no hard parts) so very few fossils actually formed - early atmosphere: 1. There was no !!!! 2. Oxygen didn’t appear until plants evolved and started doing . 3. There was virtually no ozone layer for UV protection (ozone is made of oxygen)

14.2 Paleozoic Era - “ERA OF ANCIENT LIFE” - 544 MYA – 248 MYA - transition from the Pre-Cambrian Time to the Paleozoic Era: 1. The Paleozoic Era began with the of organisms with hard body parts. 2. There are lots of fossils from organisms that lived in the Paleozoic Era. 3. Most life forms were marine because most of the Earth was covered with water. - geologic events: 1. The formed. The Eurasian and African plates both collided with the . 2. During the Paleozoic Era, the shallow seas that completely covered began to dry up. - ancient life: 1. Plants evolved from marine plants into land plants. 2. Fish were a dominant form of life in the early Paleozoic Era. 3. As the shallow seas dried up, the fish evolved into amphibians and reptiles. 4. Amphibians evolved. Amphibians can live on land and breathe air, but must return to the water in order to lay their eggs. 5. Amphibians were a dominant form of life in the middle Paleozoic Era. 6. Reptiles evolved. Reptiles can live and reproduce on land. They produce an amniotic egg, which they lay on land, not in the water. 7. Reptiles were a dominant form of life in the late Paleozoic Era (Mesozoic). - end of the Paleozoic Era: 1. The collided to form Pangaea. 2. There were many mass (a time when a lot of plants and animals died). There were 4 main causes of the mass extinctions: - the shallow seas were drying up - were forming - mountains were built - was changing



14.3 The Mesozoic Era - “ERA OF MIDDLE LIFE” - “” - 248 MYA – 66 MYA - 3 periods of the Mesozoic Era: Triassic Period, Jurassic Period, Cretaceous Period 1. Triassic: breakup of Pangaea, small , first 2. Jurassic: breakup of Pangaea continues, larger dinosaurs, first birds 3. Cretaceous: breakup of Pangaea continues, larger dinosaurs, first angiosperms - breakup of Pangaea: 1. Pangaea formed at the end of the Paleozoic Era. 2. Pangaea began to break up at the beginning of the Mesozoic Era. 3. As continents moved into different areas, the environment changed. 4. The environments had different and less water. - reptiles: 1. Reptiles have hard scales to prevent them from drying out in the drier climates. 2. Reptiles lay an amniotic egg, which does not have to be placed in the water. - dinosaurs: 1. Dinosaurs were reptiles that came in a variety of sizes. 2. Dinosaurs had a range of diets. Some were (meat-eaters) and some were (-eaters). - birds 1. Dinosaurs (reptiles) evolved into birds. 2. Birds have wings and , which they use to . 3. was the link between dinosaurs and birds. - It had teeth and claws, which are traits. - It had wings and feathers, which are traits. - mammals 1. Mammals evolved throughout the Mesozoic Era, but did not become dominant until the Cenozoic Era. 2. Mammals are (have a backbone) with 4 main traits: - They can regulate their own body temperature (warm-blooded). - They have body . - The females produce milk and nurse their young. - The females have a live birth (babies do not hatch from eggs). - 1. Gymnosperms are called naked seed plants. 2. Gymnosperms are plants that do not produce fruit or . 3. They are the simpler form of plants. - angiosperms 1. Angiosperms are called flowering plants. 2. Angiosperms are plants that produce fruit and/or flowers. 3. They are the more complex form plants. - end of the Mesozoic Era 1. Hypothesis? 2. Alternate Hypothesis?


14.3 The Extinction of Dinosaurs 1. Meteorite Hypothesis: - Meteor collided with Earth. - Dust and debris were then released into the atmosphere. - The sun was blocked out. - Plants died from a lack of photosynthesis. - Plant-eating dinosaurs had no food and died. - Meat-eating dinosaurs had no food and died. PROOF: - evidence of an impact from 65 million ago - the crater contains a lot of (often found in meteors) - data from rocks indicate a temperature drop at this time 2. Alternate Hypothesis: - Dinosaurs went extinct through environmental changes. - This is an example of natural selection (Charles Darwin’s theory) - Dinosaurs could not survive the colder temperatures. PROOF: - iridium-rich sediments could have come from volcanic activity - volcanic activity could have put dust and debris in the air

14.3 The Cenozoic Era - “ERA OF RECENT LIFE” - “AGE OF MAMMALS” - 66 MYA – present day - 2 periods of the Cenozoic Era: Tertiary Period, Quaternary Period - geologic events: 1. The Mountains formed when the African and Eurasian plates collided. (TERTIARY) 2. The Himalaya Mountains formed when the Indian and Eurasian plates collided. (TERTIARY) 3. The Grand Canyon formed as the Colorado River cut through the . (QUATERNARY) 4. There was a major in North America. (QUATERNARY) - biological events: 1. Mammals continued to evolve and become dominant. Some mammals, like and dolphins, even moved back into the water. (TERTIARY) 2. Some mammals, like kangaroos, became isolated on certain continents due to the breakup of Pangaea. (TERTIARY) 2. Angiosperms (the flowering plants) continued to evolve and become dominant. (TERTIARY) 3. Early -like ancestors (cave-men) evolved about 5 MYA (QUATERNARY) 4. ( sapiens) evolved about 0.5 MYA (500,000 years ago) (QUATERNARY) 5. Humans became dominant about 0.01 MYA (10,000 years ago) (QUATERNARY) Name ______Date ______Period ______



The$ goal$ of$ this$ assignment$ is$ to$ create$ a$ geologic$ timeline$ representing$ many$ of$ the$ important$biological$events$in$Earth’s$history.$ $ DIRECTIONS: $ 1.$ Each$student$should$obtain$a$ruler,$3$crayons,$a$pen/pencil,$and$a$50”$strip$of$paper.$ $ 2.$ Draw$a$solid$line$about$1$inch$from$the$edge$of$the$strip$of$paper.$ $ From$the$line,$measure$6$inches$and$draw$a$second$solid$line.$ $ In$between$the$1st$and$2nd$lines,$draw$$marks$every$inch$in$the$center$of$the$strip.$ $ From$the$second$line,$measure$10$inches$and$draw$a$third$solid$line.$ In$between$the$2nd$and$3rd$lines,$draw$tick$marks$every$inch$in$the$center$of$the$strip.$ $ From$the$third$line,$measure$10$inches$and$draw$a$fourth$solid$line.$ In$between$the$3rd$and$4th$lines,$draw$tick$marks$every$inch$in$the$center$of$the$strip.$ $ From$the$fourth$line,$measure$10$inches$and$draw$a$fifth$solid$line.$ In$between$the$4th$and$5th$lines,$draw$tick$marks$every$inch$in$the$center$of$the$strip.$ $ From$the$fifth$line,$measure$10$inches$and$draw$a$sixth$solid$line.$ In$between$the$5th$and$6th$lines,$draw$tick$marks$every$inch$in$the$center$of$the$strip.$ $ 3.$ Measure$11.7$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$and$draw$a$dotted$line.$ Measure$19.0$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$and$draw$a$dotted$line.$ Measure$23.7$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$and$draw$a$dotted$line.$ $ 4.$ Place$a$star$in$the$center$of$the$strip$at$the$following$locations:$ $ $ O$$on$the$first$solid$line$ $ O$$halfway$in$between$the$first$and$second$solid$lines$ $ O$$on$the$fifth$solid$line$ $ O$$9.4$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$ $ O$$13.1$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$ $ O$$14.7$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$ $ O$$19.6$cm$to$the$right$of$the$fifth$solid$line$ $ O$$on$the$second$dotted$line$ $ O$$0.1$cm$to$the$left$of$the$sixth$solid$line$ $ 5.$ Label$the$bottom$of$the$solid$lines$as$follows$(in$order$from$left$to$right):$ $ O$$4600$MYA,$4000$MYA,$3000$MYA,$2000$MYA,$1000$MYA,$present$day$ $ 6.$ Label$the$bottom$of$the$dotted$line$as$follows$(in$order$from$left$to$right):$ $ $ O$$544$MYA,$245$MYA,$66$MYA$ $ 7.$ Label$the$$in$between$the$dotted$lines$(in$order$from$left$to$right):$ $ $ O$$PALEOZOIC$ERA,$MESOZOIC$ERA,$CENOZOIC$ERA$ $ 8.$ Turn$the$timeline$so$that$the$dotted$lines$are$horizontal$and$closest$to$the$students.$$$ $ O$$Just$above$the$2nd$dotted$line$(245$MYA),$write$“PANGAEA$&$MASS$EXTINCTION”.$ O$$Just$above$the$3rd$dotted$line$(66$MYA),$write$“MASS$EXTINCTION”.$ $ 9.$ Label$the$stars$as$follows$(in$order$from$left$to$right):$ $ $ O$$Earth$Forms$ $ O$$Oldest$Known$Fossils$(Bacteria)$ $ O$$1st$ManyOCelled$Organisms$ $ O$$1st$ManyOCelled$Animals$()$ $ O$$1st$Plants$on$Land$ $ O$$1st$Amphibians$ $ O$$1st$Mammals$ $ O$$Dinosaurs$Extinct$ $ O$$1st$Human$Ancestors$ $ 10.$ Use$the$crayons$to$lightly$color$the$Paleozoic,$Mesozoic,$and$Cenozoic$Eras$in$three$ different$colors.$ $ 11.$ Fold$the$timeline$over$three$times$and$punch$holes$in$it.$$The$geologic$timeline$can$ now$safely$be$store$in$the$student’s$binder.$ $ $ $

$ CHAPTER(14:( GEOLOGIC(EVENTS(VS.(BIOLOGICAL(EVENTS( ( EARTH’S HISTORY ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( GEOLOGIC'EVENTS( ( ( ( ( ( BIOLOGICAL'EVENTS( ( ( 555555(“CAUSE”(5555555( ( ( ( ( ( 5555555(“EFFECT”(5555555( ( EX.(1:(( The(shallow(seas(dry(up.(( ( ( ( ( a.( Fish(evolve(into(amphibians( ( ( (Paleozoic(Era)( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( and(then(into(reptiles.( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( b.( Plants(evolve(from(marine(( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( plants(to(land(plants.( ( EX.(2:(( The(meteor(collides(with(Earth.( ( ( ( a.( Plants(die(from(a(lack(of(sunshine.( ( ( (end(of(the(Mesozoic(Era)( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( b.( The(dinosaurs(go(extinct.( ( ( EX.(3:(( Pangaea(breaks(up.( ( ( ( ( ( a.( (birds(are(found(on(all( ( ( (Mesozoic(Era)( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( southern(continents(except(for( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( .( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( b.( Kangaroos(are(only(found(in(( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( .( Teaching Geologic Time Scale Chapter 1 Transparency 14 Millions of years ago Quaternary 0.008 Period Epoch 1.8 Epoch 5.3 Himalaya rise Epoch 23.8 Tertiary

Cenozoic Era Period Epoch 33.7 Epoch 55.5 Epoch 65 Mass extinction Cretaceous Period First flowering plants 145 Jurassic Period First birds 213 Triassic Period Pangaea breaks apart Mesozoic Era 248 Mass extinction Period 286 Period First reptiles 325 Period 360 Period First amphibians 410 Period First land plants Paleozoic Era 440 Period First fish 505 Cambrian Period First trilobites 544 Eon 2,500

Copyright Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Archaean Eon First life

Time 3,800 Eon 4,500 Origin of Earth

Geologic Time Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ae ae Class Date Name 1 1 Teaching Transparency Activity Precambrian Paleozoic Era Mesozoic Era Cenozoic Era Time Quaternary Pennsylvanian Period Mississippian Period Tertiary Cretaceous Period Period Ordovician Period Period Cambrian Period Devonian Period Proterozoic Eon Permian Period Jurassic Period Silurian Period Triassic Period Archaean Eon Hadean Eon Pleistocene Paleocene Oligocene Holocene Miocene Pliocene Eocene Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch Geologic Time Scale Time Geologic Millions ofyearsago 4,500 3,800 2,500 55.5 33.7 23.8 0.008 65 5.3 1.8 544 505 440 410 360 325 286 248 213 145 First life First trilobites First fish First landplants First amphibians First reptiles Pangaea breaksapart First birds First floweringplants Mass extinction Himalaya rise Mass extinction Origin ofEarth Geologic Time Geologic 45

Transparency Activities Name Date Class

Teaching Transparency Activity (continued)

1. Arrange the following terms in order of the length of time they represent. Place the longest time interval first: period, era, epoch.

2. Why is the fossil record from Precambrian time so sparse?

3. About how many years separate the beginning of the Devonian Period from the beginning of the Pennsylvanian Period? Which period is more recent?

4. During what era and period did the first amphibians appear?

5. Would researchers be amazed to find a 400-million--old fossil of a fish? Why or why not?

6. Would researchers think it unusual to find a bird fossil that dated back to the Permian Period? Why or why not? Transparency Activities Transparency Copyright Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

46 Geologic Time

Name ______Date ______Period ______


The purpose of this activity is for students to illustrate the “Meteorite Hypothesis”, which is the leading theory that explains the extinction of the dinosaurs.


- A very large meteor collided with Earth. - Dust and debris were then released into the atmosphere. - The sun was blocked out. - Plants died from a lack of photosynthesis. - Plant-eating dinosaurs had no food and died. - Meat-eating dinosaurs had no food and died.


- There is evidence of an impact (crater) near the town of Chicxulub, Mexico. - The crater impact is 110 miles wide (diameter) and 6 miles deep. - The crater was not detected until the 1970s because it was covered with .6 miles of sediment. - The crater contains a lot of iridium, which is an element often found in meteors. - The crater was formed 65-66 MYA (based on relative and absolute dating methods). - The data from a chemical analysis of rocks indicate a temperature drop at this time.


- Dinosaurs evolved from earlier reptiles approximately 230 MYA. - Tyrannosaurus Rex means “tyrant king” in Latin. - Tyrannosaurus Rex evolved 67 MYA. - All dinosaurs went extinct 65-66 MYA.


A lot of people consider T-Rex to be the king of all the dinosaurs. Based on the dates listed above, do you agree or disagree? Explain your reasoning.


Create a one-page colorful drawing that illustrates either the SUMMARY or the PROOF of the Meteorite Hypothesis. Although you do not need to do any research, you are allowed to do so if you feel it will enhance your illustration. This assignment will count as a homework grade.

Name Date Class 2 Reinforcement Early Earth History Directions: List the events and types of organisms below in the order in which they happened or appeared on Earth. The oldest one is Number 1. amphibians complex organisms cyanobacteria fish invertebrates organisms with hard parts shielding of Earth from ultraviolet rays Pangaea reptiles oxygen is major atmospheric gas 1. Meeting Individual Needs Individual Meeting 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 11. Which of the events in your list above occurred in the Precambrian time? Which occurred in the Paleozoic Era?

12. Why is so little known about the Precambrian time?

13. Where did most life-forms of the Paleozoic Era live?

14. What might have caused the mass extinctions at the end of the Paleozoic Era? Copyright Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

26 Geologic Time Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ae ae Class Date I Column column. left-hand the in provided space the in Directions: Name Directions: 19. 18. 17. Some dinosaurs may have ______their young. their havemay______dinosaurs Some animals. ______-blooded of those resemble dinosaurs of The have______. animals cold-blooded of bones The 3 3 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. .w i n g e d a n i m a l r e s e m b l i n g b o t h d i n o s a u r s a n d b i r d s Complete the following statements. following the Complete term correct the of letter the Write II. Column in terms the with I Column in descriptions the Match dinosaur thought to nurture hatchlings nurture to thought dinosaur dinosaur fast-moving Pangaea of part southern Pangaea of part northern Mesozoicthe Era in period oldest Mesozoicthe Era in recentperiod most life” “middle of era Paleozoicthe Era in appeared first which plants seed animals with pouches with animals livemarsupials most where increaseto plants floweringallowed that change climate Era Cenozoic the in recentperiod most era recent most plants flowering Triassicthe in appearedPeriod first animals; milk-producing Reinforcement Earth History Earth Recent and Middle m. Column II Column n. h. d. p. b. q. o. k. g. a. e. c. f. i. j. l. angiosperms gymnosperms Cretaceous Australia mammals Gondwanaland Archaeopteryx cooling tyran Cenozoic Triassic Quaternary Mesozoic Geologic Time Geologic nosaurs 27

Meeting Individual Needs

Name ______Date ______Period ______


1. GEOLOGICALLY SPEAKING… “Are you important?” Fully explain your answer to that question by using concepts or terms from this chapter.

2. What 2 gases were not originally in the atmosphere? Know the function or significance of each.

3. Know reasons why there were so few fossils in the Pre-Cambrian Time. Fully explain your answers.

4. Know which animals evolved first: land animals or aquatic animals. Explain why.

5. What caused the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic Era? Fully explain the meteorite hypothesis.

6. What caused the mass extinction at the end of the Paleozoic Era? Fully explain how the water receding to become dry land helped reptiles evolve.

7. Know specific traits of these organisms:

- dinosaurs - mammals - reptiles - Archaeopteryx - birds - gymnosperms - amphibians - angiosperms

8. Draw a geologic time line. Know the 4 main times/eras. Know the beginning and ending dates of each.

9. Know 2 ways that humans cause extinctions. Explain! Know 2 ways that humans can prevent extinctions. Explain!

10. Identify the era (Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, or Cenozoic) for many different events that we have studied. (If Mesozoic, you need to specify Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous. If Cenozoic, you need to specify Tertiary or Quaternary.)

EX: Himalaya Mountains formed. ______EX: Angiosperms were dominant. ______EX: “Era of Ancient Life” ______