East : Assembly and Breakup Geological Society Special Publications Society Book Editors R. J. PANKHURST (CHIEF EDITOR) P. DOYLE E J. GREGORY J. S. GRIFFITHS A. J. HARTLEY R. E. HOLDSWORTH A. C. MORTON N. S. ROBINS M. S. STOKER J. P. TURNER

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It is recommended that reference to all or part of this book should be made in one of the following ways:

YOSHIDA, M., WINDLEY, B. F. & DASGUPTA, S. (eds) 2003. Proterozoic East Gondwana: SupercontinentAssembly and Breakup. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 206.

BRAUN, I.. & KRIEGSMAN,L. M. 2003. Proterozoic crustal of southernmost and Sri Lanka In: YOSHIDA, M., WINDLEY, B. E & DASGUPTA, S. (eds) Proterozoic East Gondwana: Supercontinent Assembly and Breakup. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 206, 169-202. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 206

Proterozoic East Gondwana: Supercontinent Assembly and Breakup


M. YOSHIDA Gondwana Institute for and Environment, Japan Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka

B. E WINDLEY University of Leicester, UK

S. DASGUPTA Jadavpur University, India

2003 Published by The Geological Society London THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

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Printed by Alden Press, Oxford, UK. Contents

Preface vii Tectonic of and Gondwana: continental growth, supercontinent assembly and breakup CONDIE, K. C. , superplumes and continental growth: the 1 record WINDLEY, B. F. Continental growth in the Proterozoic: a global perspective 23 PISAREVSKY, S. A., WINGATE, M. T. D., POWELL, C. McA., JOHNSON, S. • EVANS, D. A.D. 35 Models of Rodinia assembly and fragmentation YOSHIDA, M., JACOBS, J., SANTOSH, M. & RAJESH, H. M. Role of Pan-African events in the 57 Circum-East Orogen of East Gondwana: a critical overview and Gonflwanaland WINGATE, M. T. D. & EVANS, D. A. D. Palaeomagnetic constraints on the Proterozoic tectonic 77 evolution of Australia FITZSIMONS, I. C. W. Proterozoic provinces of southem and southwestem Australia, and 93 their correlation with South within the Gondwanaland ensemble DASGUPTA, S. & SENGUPTA, P. Indo-Antarctic Correlation: a perspective from the Eastern 131 Belt, India DOBMEIER, C. J. ~: RAITH,M. M. Crustal architecture and evolution of the Belt and 145 adjacent of India BRAUN, I. ~; KRIEGSMAN,L. M. Proterozoic crustal evolution of southemmost India and Sri Lanka 169 Antarctica and its role in the Gonwanaland assembly HARLEY, S. L. Archaean- crustal development of : metamorphic 203 characteristcs and tectonic implications ZHAO, V,. LIU, X. H., LIU, X. C. & SONG, B. Pan-African events in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica and 231 their implications for East Gondwana BAUER, W., THOMAS, R. J. & JACOBS, J. Proterozoic-Cambrian history of Dronning Maud 247 in the context of Gondwana assembly JACOBS, J., KmFMD, R., FANNING, C. M., BAUER, W. & COLOMBO, F. Extensional collapse of the 271 late Neoproterozoic-Early East African-Antarctic Orogen in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica The East African Oragen JOHNSON, P. R. & WOLDEHA~MANO% B. Development of the Arabian-Nubian : perspectives 289 on and deformation in the northern East African Orogen and the assembly of Gondwana KtJsI,zY, T. M. & MAa'SAH, M. I. Neoproterozoic dextral faulting on the Najd Fault System, Saudi 327 Arabia, preceded sinistral faulting and escape tectonics related to closure of the Mozambique Ocean COLLINS, A. S., JOHNSON, S. FITZSIMONS, I. C. Wo, POWELL, C. McA., HULSCHER, B., ABELLO, 363 J. & RAZAKAMANANA,T. Neoproterozoic deformation in central : a structural section through part of the East African Orogen FERNANDEZ, A. & SCI-IREURS, G. Tectonic evolution of the Proterozoic Itremo Group 381 metasediments in central Madagascar GRANTHAM, G. H., MABOKO, M. & EGLINGTON, B. M. A review of the evolution of the 401 and implications for the amalgamation and dispersal of Rodinia and Gondwana HANSON, R. E.: Proterozoic geochronology and tectonic evolution of southern 427 Preface

Supercontinent assembly and breakup has been an and four regional. The general papers address global important topic since Wagener's discovery of issues on crustal-mantle processes in Proterozoic to in the early twentieth century and has been Early Palaeozoic times. The regional papers include recognized as an important process of the Wilson comprehensive time-space-event diagrams to help Cycle since the late 1960s. The separate proposals of provide a general overview of Late Proterozoic- a Rodinia supercontinent by Early Palaeozoic geology of the regions concerned. Dalziel (1991) and Hofmann (1991) concentrated the attention of many geoscientists on this topic. The UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-288 project 'Assem- Tectonics of Rodinia and Gondwana: bly of Gondwanaland' (1990-1996) focused on the subject of Rodinia to Gondwanaland, and was fol- continental growth, supercontinent lowed by IGCP-368 'Proterozoic Events in East assembly and breakup Gondwana' (1995-2001) and by IGCP-440 'Rodinia Assembly and Breakup' (1999-2003). At Among four papers under this topic, two papers are the 31st IGC in Rio de Janeiro in October 2000, concerned with continental growth and IGCP-368 organized a general session entitled activity. Condie discusses the role of superplumes in 'Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana' to which relation to the rate of crust formation, and concludes many contributions came from both IGCP-368 and that a superplume event was absent during the assem- IGCP-440. This session provided the impetus in col- bly and breakup of supercontinents during Neopro- lating the present volume. terozoic time. The author suggests a possibility that East Gondwana was traditionally thought to have the absence of the superplume activity might reflect formed as a major part of Rodinia during the incomplete breakup of a Palaeoproterozoic supercon- Mesoproterozoic Grenvillian--Circum-EastAntarctic tinent, which was followed by the formation of (Yoshida 1995; Unrug 1997) and survived Rodinia. Windley presents three tectonic environ- until the Middle-Late when Pangaea ments for the growth of , namely accre- broke up. An ice-covered Antarctica is the key com- tionary orogens, in which juvenile material is added ponent of this long-lived subsupercontinent. West to pre-existing continental blocks, collisional Gondwana, on the other hand, assembled during the orogens, and in supercontinents. In addition to Neoproterozoic and collided with pre-existing East , mantle plume tectonics is emphasized Gondwana at this time. as a major contributor to the growth of the continents. However, the accumulation of Pan-African In the following two papers, one stresses the new ages, mostly from Antarctica since the early 1990s, model for Gondwanaland assembly, whereas the coupled with an increase in the number of reliable second points out some shortcomings. Pisarevsky et palaeomagnetic data from various parts of the globe, al. synthesized recent palaeomagnetic and geological has resulted in a re-evaluation of the above classical data, and produced a thoroughly new model of model, creating a radical new model. According to Rodinia assembly and breakup, which they propose this new model, East Gondwana did not exist during as a working hypothesis for future work. One of their the Neoproterozoic - along with West Gondwana it important proposals divides East Gondwana into was assembled during the Pan-African Orogeny and, three dispersed blocks. Their model was encouraged accordingly, the whole of Gondwanaland was amal- by the radical proposal of Fitzsimons (2000) that gamated at this time (e.g. Meert & Powell 2001; the Late Mesoproterozoic terrains fringing East Powell et al. 2001). Both models still command Antarctica could be composed of three different strong support and further data are required to con- blocks separated by two Pan-African orogenic belts. strain their future viability, although the new model Yoshida et al. present a balanced overview of the is becoming increasingly popular. Grenvillian-Circum-EastAntarctic Orogen and of the The present volume assembles papers on Pan-African Orogen surrounding East Antarctica. Grenvillian-Circum-East Antarctic and Pan-African They conclude that present data are insufficient to events in various parts of East Gondwana (Fig. 1), and replace the classical model with the new one, and that presents a comprehensive review of related areas and both models require further examination and con- topics. Although all papers give balanced reviews straints. They specifically point out the importance of related to their topics, some stand more or less on the careful examination of geochronological data in both classical model, while others support the new model. geological and palaeomagnetic studies, special atten- This reflects the present debate on this subject. tion being given to the lower temperature resetting of The volume deals with five topics - one general U-Pb zircon as well as Sm-Nd garnet ages. : --,-o ~ ~,'~, ~ "~

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Australia and Gondwanaland assembly of Gondwanaland. Harley presents an exhaustive, updated review of history of different This section includes two papers, one with a palaeo- crustal provinces within the . magnetic theme and one with a geotectonic theme. He concludes that these provinces have records of Wingate & Evans have assembled reliable palaeo- different isotopic events and were amalgamated magnetic data that overlap palaeopoles from 1.7 to during the Pan-African Orogeny characterized by 1.8Ga and 1.5 to 1.6Ga. They conclude that the high- to very-high-grade . This ques- North and West Australian have occupied tions the concept of an older model of a continuous their present relative positions since at least Grenvillian province (e.g. Yoshida 1995) that sup- c. 1.7 Ga, and that they have been joined to the South ported the SWEAT hypothesis (Moores 1991). Zhao Australian since at least c. 1.5 Ga, although et al. promote an accretionary model and amalgama- further data are required to examine the width of the tion of different blocks during the Pan-African oceans between the continental blocks. Fitzsimous Orogeny to explain the evolution of the Prydz Bay gives a comprehensive review of Proterozoic south- of East Antarctica, discarding the traditional ern and and of their correlations model of polyorogenic history (Harley & Fitzsimons with Antarctica. The Australia- Antarctic sector in 1995). This paper has major implications for the new East Gondwana is divided into the Archaean- models of configuration of Rodinia and East Palaeoproterozoic Mawson Craton, the Meso- Gondwana, and strongly supports Fitzsimons' proterozoic Albany-Fraser Orogen, and the (2000) suggestion mentioned above. Bauer et al. Pan-African Pinjarra Orogen. The last orogen deal with the Proterozoic-Cambrian history of both includes Late Mesoproterozoic allochthonous the central and western Dronning Maud Land, and blocks, which divide East Gondwana into Australo- present evidence of Mesoproterozoic accretionary Antarctic and Indo-Antarctic domains. The Pinjarra history of the orogens to the Archaean craton. They Orogen extends further south into ice-covered, also emphasize the strong Pan-African metamor- inland Antarctica. This paper will surely encourage phism and tectonism in these sectors, leading to the geoscientists to improve the new model of development of the East Antarctic Orogen (Jacobs et Gondwanaland assembly during Pan-African time. al. 1999) as a continuation of the East African Orogen (Stern 1994), resulting in the assembly of Gondwanaland. within the Gondwanaland Jacobs et al. characterize a 530-510 Ma Late Pan- ensemble African extensional event in the central Dronning Maud Land through interpretation of structural, All three papers in this section provide geochronolog- petrological and isotopic data, and compare this with ical and petrological constraints on high-grade rocks similar events in Madagascar and the Arabian- occurring in India and Sri Lanka and explore different Nubian Shield, indicating that this event is a reflec- models of correlation within the framework of tion of Pan-African collisional tectonics. Rodinia. Dasgupta & Sengupta review the tectonothermal history of the Eastern Ghats Belt in the light of recently published isotopic data that estab- The East African Orogen lished different geochronologic provinces in this belt, and discuss its significance in the context of Indo- The papers in this section include two on the Antarctic correlation. Dobmeier & Raith present a Arabian-Nubian Shield, two on Madagascar and new provocative idea of subdivision of the crustal two on eastern and southern Africa. architecture of the Eastern Ghats Belt in eastern and Johnson and Woldehaimanot produce the most southern India, and consider low-grade schist belts detailed synthesis yet of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, bordering the high-grade mobile belt as integral parts which forms the between East and West of evolution of this . Braun & Kriegsman Gondwana at the northern end of the East African present an updated review of the high-grade Orogen. started at 870Ma in the of southern india and Sri Lanka, which provides Mozambique Ocean, with arc-arc convergence and stronger support for correlation of these terranes with terrane suturing at 780Ma marking the start of ocean the Lutzow-Holm Bay area of East Antarctica. closure and Gondwana assembly. Terrane amalga- mation continued until 600Ma, resulting in juxta- position of East and West Gondwana, with final Antarctica and its role in the assembly of Gondwana being achieved by 550Ma. Gondwanaland assembly Kusky & Matsah report that dextral offset up to 10km on one of the major faults belonging to This section includes four papers that highlight the the Najd Fault System has a maximum age of importance of the Pan-African orogeny in the 625_4.2Ma, which provides the earliest age for the x PREFACE collision of East and West Gondwana. These dextral The following reviewers kindly shared their valuable time movements later switched to sinistral, when accreted in reviewing manuscripts submitted to the volume, and in terranes caught between the two continents were so doing immensely improved its value: A. Bhattacharya, transported towards an oceanic margin to the north. W. Bauer, P. Betts, J. Chiarenzelli, A. S. Collins, K. C. Condie, R. Cox, P. Dirks, I. C. W. Fitzsimons, G. These results provide important constraints on the Grantham, S. L. Harley, B. Hensen, J. Jacobs, B-M. Jahn, terminal history of the Mozambique Ocean. S. Johnson, N. Kelly, A. Krrner, T.M. Kusky, M. W. The two papers on Madagascar are concerned McElhinny, S. Maruyama, A. Nrdrlec, Y. Ohta, W. Preiss, with the central part of that island. Collins et al. give M. Raith, T. D. Raub, U. Ring, M. Santosh, P. Sengupta, S. a detailed structural section across the upper crustal Sengupta, K. Shiraishi, R. J. Stem, B. C. Storey, T. H. metasedimentary Itremo Group and eastwards Torsvik, P. Treloar and M. Whitehouse. through the underlying high-grade gneissic mid- crustal Antananarivo Block. They consider that Gondwana accretion in this part of the East African References Orogen occurred between 720 and 570Ma. After contractional deformation the orogen collapsed, DALZIEL, I. W. D. 1991. Pacific margins of and producing an extensional shear zone between the East Antarctica-Australia as a conjugate pair: evi- Itremo Group and the underlying gneissic block. dence and implications for an Eocambrian superconti- nent. Geology, 19, 598-601. Fernandez & Sehreurs present a structural-based FITZSIMONS, I. C. W. 2000. Grenville age basement study of the tectonic evolution of the metasedimen- provinces in East Antarctica: evidence for three sepa- tary Itremo Group. This paper is highly controversial rate collisional orogens. Geology, 28, 879-882. in comparison with the results of several other HARLEY, S. L. & FITZSIMONS, I. C. W. 1995. High-grade research groups studying this part of central metamorphism and deformation in the Prydz Bay Madagascar. region, East Antarctica: terrains, events and regional Grantham et al. summarize and review the evo- correlations. In: YOSnIDA, M. & SANTOSH, M. (eds) lution of the Mozambique and its Indiana and Antarctica during the . extensions in Antarctica, Sri Lanka, India and Geological Society of India, Memoir, 34, 73-100. HOFFMAN, P. 1991. Did the breakup out of Laurentia turn Mozambique. They conclude that amalgamation of Gondwana inside out? Science, 252, 1409-1412. East and West Gondwana between 600 and 460Ma JACOBS, J., HANSEN,B. T., HENJES-KUNST,E, ETAL. 1999. occurred in a -scale transpressional setting New age constraints on the Proterozoic/Lower during closure of the Mozambique Ocean. Palaeozoic evolution of Heimefrontfjella, East Hanson presents a detailed synthesis of the Antarctica, and its bearing on Rodinia/Gondwana cor- Proterozoic orogenic belts on the present eastern, relation. Terra Antarctica, 6, 377-389. western and northern margins of southern Africa south MEERT, J. G. & POWELL, C.McA. 2001. Assembly and of the . He concludes that Rodinia was assem- break-up of Rodinia: introduction to the special bled at 1.0Ga and broke-up at 920-700Ma, with volume. In: POWELL, C.McA. & MEERT, J. (eds) Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia. Precambrian rifting and within-plate magmatism into crustal blocks Research, Special Issue, 110, 1-8. that amalgamated into Gondwana at 570-510Ma, MOORES, E. M. 1991. Southwest US-East Antarctica along with formation of the collisional Mozambique (SEWEAT) connection: a hypothesis. Geology, 19, and Kaoko-Gariep-Saldania orogenic belts. The 425-428. Damara-Lufilian-Zambezi Orogen developed largely POWELL, C.McA., PISAREVSKY,S. & WINGATE, M. T. D. by closure of linked, narrow ocean basins. 2001. New shape for Rodinia. Gondwana Research, In closing this introduction, we recall with heart- 4, 736--737. felt gratitude the late Raphael Unrug, co-leader of STERN, R. J. 1994. Arc assembly and IGCP-288 and 440, and Chris McA Powell, secre- in the Neoproterozoic east African Orogen: implica- tions for the consolidation of Gondwanaland. Annual tary of IGCP-368 and co-leader of IGCP-440. The Review of and Planetary Science, 22, 319-351. successful activities of IGCP-368 and IGCP-440, UNRUG, R. 1997. Rodinia to Gondwana; the geodynamic which are reflected in the present volume, owe a map of Gondwana supercontinent assembly. GSA great deal to their valuable collaboration and encour- Today, 7, 1-6. agement. Powell initially joined the co-editors of the YOSHIDA,M. 1995. Assembly of East Gondwana during the present volume, and contributed much in formulat- Mesoproterozoic and its rejuvenation during the Pan- ing ideas on its make-up. The six of fruitful African period. In: YOSHIDA,M. & SANTOSH,M. (eds) activity of IGCP-368 were funded by UNESCO and India and Antarctica during the Precambrian. IUGS, as well as by several Grants-in-Aid for Geological Society of India, Memoir, 34, 25--45. Scientific Research of the Japan Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, to which we Masaru Yoshida express our thanks. Brian E Windley Somnath Dasgupta